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The Club By Morpheus Jarod Parks glanced around nervously, not the least bit happy to be at his new high school for the first time. Everywhere he looked he could see other teenagers, and even a few adults, though none of them were familiar to him in the least. Or at least their names and faces weren't, though he knew their types well enough. The big guys in the letterman's jackets were the jocks, who of course were standing around with the pretty cheerleaders. Over in the corner he could see several of the school nerds, most of which seemed to be ignoring even each other and trying not to be noticed by the usual abundance of bullies. Jarod saw the other typical high school cliques as well. The preppies, the goths, the motor heads as well as a couple more. "Just great," Jarod grumbled to himself, taking one more quick look back at the family car and his Mom who was waving at him while she began to drive off. "Another day, another new school." Being in a new school was nothing new to Jarod. Not in the least. When his Dad had been transferred to the new town because of his job, it had just been the latest in a long line of moves. Jarod's family had moved at least once a year for as long as he could remember, or at least close to it. Sometimes even more. And with each new move, Jarod was faced with a new school and trying to make new friends, knowing that he shouldn't bother to get too comfortable with either since he'd only be leaving again anyway. Jarod frowned as he thought about his latest home. The town that they'd just moved to was a lot smaller than most of the ones that he'd been to before and people tended to at least be familiar with a lot of the people that lived around them. Not at all like a big city where neighbors of years might not even know what the other looked like and he would just slip through the cracks without much notice. He sighed, knowing that this would just make him stand out in school even more than he already would have. "Just the way I wanted to spend my Junior year," Jarod grumbled to himself, "or at least the second half of it." He snorted, already doubting that he'd even start his Senior year at the new school much less graduate from it. That would have been almost unheard of, even if his Dad had promised that they'd be staying there for awhile. After all, Jarod had heard promises like that from his Dad before, and none of them had lasted past the next company transfer. As Jarod turned his attention back to the other students. He was very aware that many of them were watching him, even while pretending that they weren't. He could hear the faint underlying thoughts and the whispers that made their way to his ears. They all said "New Kid." Jarod grimaced though he refused to let any of them see his discomfort. That would be showing a sign of weakness and in the fish pond that was high school any signs of weakness would just draw the sharks and throw them into a feeding frenzy. No, at the moment Jarod knew that his best bet was to pretend that he didn't notice the stares, odd looks and whispers and try not to be noticed. After all, years of always being the new kid had taught him that much. Jarod purposely strolled through the main doors of the school, pulling out the map that he'd been given and trying to figure out where his first class was located. It didn't take Jarod very long to find the classroom, though much to his disgust the class had already started by the time he got there. Jarod winced as he peaked through the window, then taking a deep breath he went inside, bracing himself for the laughter and jokes that he knew were sure to come. As soon as Jarod was inside the classroom, everything went quiet and he could feel everyone's eyes on him. He nervously glanced at the teacher, an attractive brown haired woman who looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties. Ms. Elwin, he remembered her name from the class schedule. She gave him a look of annoyance. "Um...hi," Jarod gulped. "I'm a new student." Jarod could hear several of the students snicker and Ms. Elwin glared at them, making the room quiet down again. "Oh yes," she said quietly, picking up a clipboard from her desk and looking at it for a moment. When she was done she looked at the class. "Class, this is Jarod Parks and he'll be joining our class." She looked back at Jarod, still frowning. "Now please take a seat and I would appreciate it if you weren't late again." Once again several of the students snickered, while others were whispering. Jarod nodded, blushing in embarrassment as he hurried to his seat, hoping that the class would get going again so that they might forget about him. "Now where was I?" Ms. Elwin asked aloud, then before anyone could answer for her she finished, "Oh yes. Tangents." And with that she went back to work demonstrating the math problem on the board, much to Jarod's mixed relief and disgust. Relief that the attention wasn't on him anymore, or at least not too much, and disgust since he hadn't covered that particular area in his last school and he knew that he'd have to work even harder to catch up with the rest of the class. For the rest of the period Jarod was very aware of being the outsider, which wasn't at all surprising or new for him. It was very depressing though. The only thing that made the class worthwhile at all was Ms. Elwin, whom Jarod decided early on was definitely a looker, even if she was kind of old. When the class was finally over, Jarod got up to leave, picking up the math book he'd just been given and trying to remember what was next on his schedule. Then much to his surprise Jarod heard someone cough behind him. Snapping around, Jarod saw that there was an athletic looking boy in a letterman's jacket standing there. Jarod immediately identified the boy as a jock, and from a few comments he'd overheard during class, one of the stars of the school football team, and a Senior to boot. "Hi," the jock said, quickly glancing around. "Name's Sean Tyler." "Um....hi." Jarod held out his hand, "Jarod Parks." "I know," Sean answered with a slight smirk. "The new kid." Jarod forced a grin. "Yeah, that's me." Sean nodded. "I bet it's not easy being new and not knowing anyone around here." Jarod just gave a faint nod, not bothering to give a verbal answer. For a moment Sean looked thoughtful and even slightly nervous, which was a big difference from the confident, almost cocky way he'd seemed earlier. Then Sean ran a hand through his blonde hair and finally continued, "I might be able to help you, but I've got to check with a couple of others first. I'm pretty sure though that you'll be accepted." "Accepted for what?" Jarod asked curiously. "Just a small club," Sean answered with a grin. "I can't tell you more now. Why don't you meet me in front the gym during lunch, and if you're interested I can help you make some friends." Jarod stared at Sean for a moment, half sure that he must be imagining things. His first day and one of the most popular guys at his new school wanted to be friends with him. Then Jarod's cynical side took over, wondering if maybe he was just being set up for some kind of joke. It wouldn't be the first time and he sure wasn't the kind of guy that a jock would normally want to pal around with. "I'll think about it," Jarod finally answered, definitely not sure if he wanted to get involved with this or not, but keeping his options open for the moment. After all, maybe it really was on the up and up. "Sure thing," Sean said, once again looking confident. "Just don't tell anyone," he warned. "Gotta go." And with that Sean turned and strolled out of the classroom, almost seeming to pretend as if Jarod wasn't even there anymore. Jarod watched the ball player leave and then shook his head. "Weird." Then suddenly remembering that he still had another class to catch, Jarod said, "Oh shit!" and ran out of the room, definitely not wanting to be late to his next class as well. -------------------- Over the next several periods Jarod slowly came to a conclusion. His new school sucked just as bad as his old ones. The classes were the usual boring stuff, taught in the usual boring way and with none of the other kids bothering to talk to him except for the occasional "Hi." All the typical cliques were around where they'd only hang around with others inside their own groups. And unfortunately Jarod knew very well that he was part of a group as well. A group of one. The new kids, of which there were no others. Of course none of this surprised Jarod in the least. He'd seen it before and knew that he'd see it again. After all, some things never changed. As history was getting over, Jarod kept glancing up at the clock, seeing that it was almost time for lunch and remembering what Sean had told him earlier. He glanced around the classroom, seeing other football players in the class, but none of them really paid him attention except when they tried to "educate" him on the local hierarchy and just where he stood in it. Jarod shuddered at the memory, even if it hadn't gone very far. And when he'd run into Sean earlier on in another of his classes, Sean showed no sign of interest, ignoring Jarod just like everyone else was. That only made Jarod wonder even more about what was going on. Had Sean be serious earlier? Was it some sort of joke? Jarod didn't know but as the bell rang, signifying the end of class and the beginning of lunch, he knew that he had to find out. When Jarod got to the front of the gym where Sean had said to meet him, he looked around nervously, half expecting some sort of ambush. Fortunately though there was no sign of any trouble and Jarod began to relax though only a little. After five minutes of waiting Jarod glanced down at his watch and frowned. "Damn," he grumbled, almost becoming sure that he'd been the butt of some joke or that Sean had just decided to forget about the whole thing. "I knew I shouldn't have bothered." Just then Sean came strolling into sight, a cocky grin on his face though his eyes darted around warily. "How's it going?" Sean asked quietly as soon as he was next to Jarod. After assuring Sean that he was fine, Jarod watched him cautiously, a little relieved that Sean had shown after all, but wondering what this was all about. "So," Jarod finally breached the subject, "why exactly am I here anyway?" "Follow me," Sean said with an enigmatic smile as he started across the gym. Jarod shrugged and then hurried right behind him, growing even more curious about what was going on. When they got to a door in the back of the gym and went into a large storage room, Jarod started to get even more apprehensive. Whatever Sean wanted it was beginning to get pretty weird. In fact Jarod nearly called an end to it right there and would have turned around if it hadn't been for the burning curiosity about what Sean really wanted. "Right through here," Sean directed, lifting a tarp hanging on the wall to the side and revealing another door behind it. Jarod frowned even more and muttered, "Spooky." In the back of his mind he could just imagine being locked up where no one would find him as some sort of initiation prank, though he gulped at nastier ideas of what might await him. "Chicken shit," Jarod told himself silently, feeling afraid but refusing to admit it. Without another word Jarod went through the new door behind Sean and started up the small dark staircase that was revealed. But even as Jarod went up the slightly lit stairs, he noticed that there wasn't any dust on the hand rail. Obviously these stairs weren't as unused as he would have guessed. When they finally arrived at the top of the stairs Sean stepped through an open door frame and Jarod hesitated only a moment before going through as well. "We're here," Sean announced proudly. Stepping through the door, Jarod's eyes widened as he glanced around, taking everything in at once and realizing that the Sean's last comment probably wasn't directed to him. The room itself was less than half the size of any of the class rooms and was lit from several small and darkened windows as well as several dangling light bulbs. However as small as the room would have been normally, it was made smaller by the fact that it was filled with assorted odds and ends, mostly seeming to be props from various plays. Jarod immediately realized that this was probably an old storage room for the drama classes or something, though he also had a feeling that it hadn't really been used for that purpose in awhile. However what really drew Jarod's attention the most was the fact that he and Sean weren't the only ones in there. Over half a dozen other students were sitting around the room on couches and chairs, all watching Jarod with a slightly predatory gleam in their eyes. "Glad you could make it," one goth girl said almost sarcastically, though she did smile a little nicer. The nice smile didn't exactly go with the rest of the image she portrayed, having black hair with purple highlights, a nose ring and heavy eye shadow, not to mention the odd dark clothes. Jarod gulped, recognizing her from one of his earlier classes though he didn't know her name. Then a skinny looking boy with glasses who appeared to be a nerd said, "Welcome to our club." Jarod looked around nervously, surprised at the variety of other kids in the room. He quickly shot a glance at Sean who was grinning broadly then looked at the others. There seemed to be a representative from almost all the typical major cliques. Sean from the jocks, the nerd and goth girl whom he'd already noticed and others. There was one gorgeous blonde girl that he recognized as a cheerleader though she wasn't wearing a uniform at the moment. Jarod remembered someone else pointing her out to him that morning. There was another girl who had big tits and long reddish blonde hair. From the heavy makeup and the skimpy way she was dressed, especially the mini skirt, Jarod tagged her immediately as a probable slut. Sitting next to each other on the couch was a boy that was dressed in a nice shirt with a tie, and a very attractive girl who was wearing what appeared to be a very expensive looking dress. Both of them looked like they had to be rich. Probably spoiled snobs Jarod decided. That kind usually seemed to be. And finally there was a long haired scruffy looking boy with sloppy loose clothes who sported a goatee and seemed to need a shave as well. That boy was leaning up against the wall, watching the others silently. When Jarod was finished identifying the others in the room, he looked back at Sean and frowned, his curiosity peaked even more than before. What in the world could get people who were so different together, and more importantly, why had Sean brought Jarod up there? "Have a seat," Sean told Jarod, gesturing to an empty space on the couch then he continued, "and then we'll explain what's going on." "You'll explain, you mean," the preppy girl said almost smugly. "You brought him in." Sean nodded agreement, looking slightly embarrassed. Gulping uncomfortably, Jarod sat down and tried not to let them see how nervous he was. Or how curious. It wouldn't pay to show them any signs of weakness, especially not on his first day there. "So what the hell is going on?" Jarod asked, trying to sound confident and take the upper hand to some degree. Sean coughed slightly, looking almost embarrassed. Then a little more confidently he gestured at the boy with the glasses, the nerd. "This here is Eddie Hutchinson" "I'm really pleased to meet you," Eddie said, holding out his hand and grinning in a slightly goofy manner. Jarod didn't let any of his emotions show as he shook the boy's clammy hand. "Mandy Layton." Sean gave a nod towards the cheerleader. Mandy said high and stood up long enough to shake hands with Jarod. As he did so, he gulped at the way she was smiling at him, forcing himself not to look down at her tits. God she looked hot, and best of all, she was being nice to him. He wondered for a brief moment if maybe she had the hots for him though he quickly turned his attention back to Sean. "The girl in the dress is Mercedes Kelly." Sean gestured to her. "Hello," Mercedes said calmly, though in a way that immediately made Jarod wonder if she was always so....snobby. Then Sean went on to introduce the rich looking boy next to Mercedes as Alexander Richmond, the girl dressed like a hooker as Lorna Shaeffer, and the boy with the goatee as Mark Zappowitz. "Just call him Zappy," the goth girl said with an odd looking smirk. The others chuckled slightly and Zappy gave a half bow. "All right," Jarod said, frowning still as he looked the others over. Then deciding that they didn't seem to be any kind of a threat to him, Jarod allowed himself to relax a little bit and smiled. The goth girl smirked, giving Jarod an odd look as she said, "I'm Cindy Newport." Then to Jarod's confusion, she added, "For now." "Now that that's finished," Sean said quietly, "I can tell you about what's going on." Jarod's ears were wide open and he focused all of his attention on what Sean was saying. "All of us..." Sean swept his arm around the room, "and a couple others who couldn't make it form a sort" Sean smiled at Jarod. "A very unusual club you could say." Jarod nodded thoughtfully. "And you want me to join this club?" Sean seemed almost surprised by Jarod's answer. "Yep," he finally answered. "Normally we're pretty strict on our membership as well as...." Sean glanced around at the others. "Secretive," Mercedes supplied. Then she gave Jarod a cold hard stare that made him gulp from the intensity. "We do not want people to know about us. Is that understood?" Then Sean interrupted, "Please don't scare him." Turning back to Jarod he added, "As soon as I'm finished you'll see why we don't want anyone who's not a member to know. Will you please promise not to say anything to anyone about what we tell you?" Jarod nodded agreement skeptically, though he wasn't about to promise anything until he at least knew what the hell was going on. "Go ahead." Obviously noticing the skeptical look on Jarod's face, Sean said, "I know you won't believe what I'm going to tell you at first, but please be patient and listen anyway." Once again Sean paused, coughing for a moment before continuing. "Eddie, bring it out." With that, Eddie moved to the corner and lifted a thick blanket off of a pile of stuff covering a table. As soon as the blanket was pulled away, Jarod gasped in surprise. Sitting on the table was what looked almost like a crystal ball, except that it was glowing with a strange yellowish light. Gulping, Jarod tried to cover up his surprise. "Cool trick." "No trick," Alexander said quietly. Mandy giggled slightly. "That is like, totally awesome." Jarod noticed that the others nodded their agreement. Then Sean continued, "I know how this sounds, but most of us aren't in our real bodies. This thing lets anyone who touches it trade bodies with anyone else touching it." Then with an odd mischievious grin, Sean said, "I was originally Eddie." "Zappy," Cindy said, winking at Jarod. Jarod snorted in disgust. "You really expect me to believe that garbage?" He glared at the people around him, wondering just what kind of sicko's he'd gotten caught up with. Their eyes narrowed at his outburst, though none of them said anything. But Jarod could tell from their expressions that they were amused and annoyed at the same time. "No garbage," Lorna said quietly, standing up and gently straightening out her mini skirt. "It's true. I didn't believe a word of it either when I was brought in six months ago, but now...." She gave Jarod a nice smile. Eddie nodded and said, "We don't really know what it is, and we've definitely tried figuring it out. In fact we are not even certain if it's magic or some sort of advanced science. My personally theory is alien origin." Eddie adjusted his glasses at this point. "Approximately 8 years ago someone found it, though we don't really know where or how. Only that after discovering its abilities he got together with a few friends who were curious about each other's lives, and well they sort of formed the club. Ever since then it's grown, but not by too much. We don't ever get more than a dozen at a time." Jarod stared at Eddie, knowing that the boy must be absolutely insane.... all of them had to be, but something about his eyes seemed to suggest otherwise. Then they went on, describing how they all used the strange sphere to trade places with each other occasionally and see what life was like for other people. "We don't absolutely have to swap or anything," Mandy said cheefully, "but we do have a couple rules. Like swapping for one day a week at least. And..." Mandy looked thoughtful, "Oh yeah. When we trade places we have to act just like the other person and stuff." Jarod shook his head in surprised disbelief. The fact that they all seemed so sincere left him feeling somewhat confused. Sean let out a sigh. "I can tell that you don't believe us." Then Sean grinned, looking almost cocky again. "But we can prove it. Whisper a password to me will you? Don't let anyone else hear." Jarod looked at him skeptically but decided that he might as well play along. After all, even if they were all insane it was certainly interesting. Then with a shrug Jarod carefully whispered the password in Sean's ear. "Now for a volunteer." Without a word several of the others started to stand, though after a moment they all sat back down except for Lorna. She nodded faintly at Sean and then they both went over and stood next to the glowing sphere. "See," Sean said, "all we have to do is touch it." And with that both Sean and Lorna put their hands out and onto the sphere at the same time. The sphere started glowing just a little more and for a faint second later Jarod was shocked to see both the jock and the slut glowing as well. Almost immediately though the glow went away from them though that didn't make Jarod's disbelief grow any weaker. "Wow," he whispered, even more impressed with their trick. It had actually looked as if Sean and that Lorna girl really were glowing. Then, even more to Jarod's surprise, Lorna grinned at Jarod, making his pulse pound faster from the pure sexiness in it, and confidently said, "Lima beans and a liver milkshake." The very words that Jarod had whispered to Sean. For a long moment all Jarod could do was stare at her in disbelief. "It's a trick," he gasped, "it has to be." But now Jarod wasn't quite so sure any more. They all seemed so sincere and confident. And the looks in their eyes.... The predatory gleam had returned. "Now do you believe us?" Lorna asked in a sexy voice. All Jarod could do was stare at her, embarrassed to realize that he had a hard on. He wasn't sure that he believed it, he couldn't. It just wasn't real. It had to be some sort of trick. But somehow Jarod knew that it wasn't. "Yes," Jarod finally whispered, staring down at his feet for a moment, knowing that he was blushing bright enough to replace Rudolph at the front of Santa's sleigh. And God, he couldn't help thinking that this sexy girl had been a guy just moments before. "I think I need to sit down." Several minutes later Jarod finally calmed down and sat up a little straighter from his seat on the couch. He glanced at Sean and then Lorna, or at least their bodies. "So Sean..." Jarod said to the sexy girl in the mini skirt. "Call me Lorna," she said sweetly, crossing her legs and winking suggestively at Jarod. "We always use the names of our current bodies." "What...? How...?" Then taking a deep breath, Jarod asked, "Why me?" "Why not?" Zappy answered from across the room. Sean....Lorna gave him a look of annoyance. "Because..." She paused for a moment thoughtfully, then continued, "Because we've pretty much all known each other for most of our lives. We've all grown up in this town. The reason that we all got into the club in the first place was to experience new things, see things from other peoples points of view. It's fantastic. More fun...more exciting than you could possibly imagine. And one thing that none of us has ever really experienced, is being the new kid." "What?" Jarod gasped, hardly able to believe it. They wanted to be him? Lorna continued. "Yeah, we all wanted to see what it was like to be new to the school and not have anyone know us. That's why we rushed to get you in here today. Normally everyone has to agree to bring in a new member, but I knew that if we didn't hurry then before long it would be pointless anyway." "What do you say?" Mercedes asked, sounding friendlier this time. "This way you can walk around and see what people are like without being treated as the new kid. Everyone will treat you like they've known you for years, and whoever is in your body can help you make new friends." Then Mercedes smiled with a twinkle in her eye. "Besides, haven't you ever been curious about what it's like to be someone else? Well this is your big chance to find out." "Wow," was all that Jarod could say. He gulped, looking around the room at all the expectant faces. Did he really want to try this? To actually become someone else? But then almost in spite of himself, Jarod found his curiosity becoming aroused. What would it be like to be the star football player? Or the popular rich kid in school? Jarod looked at the faces once again, noticing the smiles and the almost predatory looks. Suddenly Lorna said, "It's not permanent unless both parties agree, which rarely happens. You'd always have priority over your own...your original body. No one can make you swap out and if you want back in you just have to say so. Those are the rules." Jarod looked at Lorna again, gulping as he did so. At least that settled some of his worries. Finally he nodded. "All right. What do I have to do? Do I just pick someone to trade with?" "Oh no," Eddie said excitedly. "The first time we always give everyone who wants to be you a chance. We do it as randomly as possible by everyone touching the sphere at once." He smiled, looking even more geeky as he did so. "But afterwards you might trade with someone else if they're willing. Most of the time that's what we do anyway." "We do it for one day," Lorna said seriously, sounding far more serious than her appearance would have led Jarod to expect. It was almost hard to remember that this was really the football player he'd come in with. Then with a nervous gulp Jarod remembered earlier when Sean had claimed to be Eddie. Not seeming to notice Jarod's distraction, Lorna continued, "We'll all get together for another swap tomorrow after school. That's our normal meeting time." Jarod glanced nervously at the glowing sphere, suddenly realizing that if one of the girls got involved then he might be turned into one himself. That thought sent a cold shiver down his spine, but oddly enough excited him as well. But if then Jarod realized another problem as well. "But I don't know anyone here. I wouldn't be able to pass myself off..." "Don't worry man," Zappy said calmly, "it's taken care of." With one final look around the room, Jarod nodded. "All right." As Jarod slowly moved to the glowing ball on the table, he could feel his heart racing in anticipation. In fear as well as excitement. He was faintly surprised to see that ALL of the others in the room had moved around the table as well. A couple of them he'd expected, possibly even one of the girls, but all of them... Jarod gulped, then seeing the others all stretch out their hands, he closed his eyes and thrust his own forward. As soon as Jarod's hand touched the smooth cold sphere, he felt what he could only describe as a static electric shock, and a whole lot of dizziness. For a brief second his thoughts were burning with confusion and haziness, making him loose track of all of his senses at once. And just as suddenly as he'd lost his senses and balance, they returned. Feeling confused and out of balance, Jarod immediately realized that it had worked. He pulled his hand back away from the sphere, fully aware of just how different his body felt. Then Jarod felt a nervous curiosity and looked down to see who he'd become only to let out a loud gasp. Jarod stood where he was, his eyes wide with amazement and disbelief as he stared down at the two....tits that were pushing out from his chest. When he'd touched the sphere he'd known that there was a risk that he might get turned into a girl, but to actually have it happen. The emotions that ran through his mind left Jarod confused and stunned. On one hand he was horrified, thinking that somehow this made him into a freak. He felt like he was cross dressing or something else. But on the other hand he felt...excited. Curious. Even pleased in an odd way. "Wow!" Jarod gasped out, grabbing at his new breasts with both hands as if to confirm that they were indeed real. "I've got tits." "Of course you do." Sean, or at least whoever was in his body, smirked slightly. "You're a girl, and obviously our newest member as well." "Welcome to the Club," said a rather average looking boy with brown hair. A boy that Jarod instantly recognized as the one who looked back from the mirror every morning. Then Lorna asked, "So, how do you like being a girl...Cindy?" She emphasized the name. The name that Jarod realized was now his, along with her body. "I'm Cindy," Jarod, now Cindy said in awe. She looked down at herself again and gulped, seeing the skimpy dark red shirt she was wearing and the way it showed off her belly. There was even a small ring through her belly button with a small black tattoo next to it. She looked down to the tight black pants with the holes in them and the black boots on her feet. A small grin formed on her face as she closely examined her short black pained fingernails and then her chest. She knew intellectually that her breasts weren't really all that big, but since she'd never had any before they seemed sort of huge on her. Finally Cindy realized that the others were all staring at her, some snickering, some grinning and some just looking annoyed. Suddenly feeling a little embarrassed, Cindy looked up at the others and scowled, trying hard to hide what she was feeling. "What are you looking at?" she demanded, earning a few chuckles. "Well," she snapped, "what's so funny?" "Chill dudette," Zappy said, grinning as he scratched at his goatee. "Relax and think about it for a sec. Do you really feel uncomfortable?" Cindy frowned as she glared at Zappy, not sure what he wanted, but deciding to go along with it for the moment. Calmly she thought about how she felt and was somewhat startled to realize that she felt alien, and completely normal in her body, both at the same time. Though a part of her noticed the strangeness of her body another part felt that she was perfectly normal and comfortable. That it was her body and had always been that way. "What?" Cindy started to ask. "Think about your Mom," Mercedes suggested. The former Jarod nodded and did just that. As she thought about what her Mom looked like, she was somewhat startled to find herself with mixed images. The clearest one was the brown haired woman who'd dropped her off at school earlier, while the other one was a black haired tramp who'd run off with her sister's husband several years earlier and hadn't been heard from since. "Shit!" Cindy gasped, her eyes widening in realization. She'd somehow gotten some of the real Cindy's memories. They were faint, but she realized that they were definitely there. All she had to do was focus on them and bam, she knew them. With that new realization Cindy tried searching through her new memories, getting a better clue as to who Cindy was. As to who she now was and would be for the next day and a half. It wasn't quite as easy without something specific to focus on though. "This is unbelievable." "Isn't it?" Alexander said almost smugly. "One of the benefits of the exchange. It lets us understand each other far better than anyone else possibly could. Even some of the personality from our host body carries over though you can override it if you really want. But it's extremely useful for helping us stay in role. Trust me though, it won't be any problem to pass as Cindy once you let yourself BE her." Cindy nodded thoughtfully while Mandy added, "And you'll have to do whatever Cindy would do and all that stuff." Mandy giggled slightly, then added, "But it's really cool and all. You'll probably have a lotta fun." For a moment Cindy just thought about what had just happened and how she was going to have to deal with it. One thing at a time, she reminded herself. It was definitely going to take some getting used to. While Cindy was lost in thought the others started slipping towards the door. Suddenly realizing that they were about to leave, Cindy asked, "Who was Sean earlier?" It was Alexander who raised his hand. "I'm the one who brought you here." Then with that he winked. "Remember though, we can't tell anyone about this. And when we're not alone, we aren't friends out in public and it'll pretty much be every man...or woman for themselves. You can't just walk up and be buddies with most of the rest of us. We all have images to protect." Then with that Alexander left with the others, leaving Cindy there alone. "This is so freaking unbelievable," Cindy said aloud, glancing for a moment at the glowing ball which had already been covered back up and hidden while she'd been lost in thought. She sighed and sat down on the couch for a moment, stretching her legs and thinking about her new body. How normal and odd it felt at once. "Definitely weird," she said, touching her breasts and smiling faintly. After a moment Cindy noticed a full length mirror sitting up against the wall and smiled to see her own reflection. It only took her a moment longer to get up and walk to it, inspecting her reflection even more closely. She could see the black hair with the purple highlights. The eyes with the heavy eye shadow and her dark lips. Curious she reached up and touched her pierced nose and then her ear rings as well. Cindy frowned slightly and then shrugging her shoulders, she reminded herself that she was going to have to pretend to be Cindy. Or more accurately, as Alexander had said, she was going to have to learn to BE Cindy, with everything that entailed. Now if she only knew what that really meant. With a sigh Cindy turned and started towards the stairs, eager to see what being Cindy would be like. -------------------- A short while later Cindy walked into the lunch room, glancing nervously around her and hoping that no one realized just how uncomfortable she was. The thought that someone, anyone would point her out and start laughing, saying "Look, the new guy's dressed as a girl" kept popping into his head and making her shudder. Much to her relief however, no one did any such thing. In fact most people didn't really seem to notice her at all. After several minutes Cindy was almost surprised to see a very familiar face. Her old body was sitting and eating at a table all alone, looking decidedly uncomfortable. She frowned, knowing exactly how whoever was Jarod at the moment felt. After all, she'd gone through it more than enough times in her life. Without really thinking about it Cindy started to walk over towards her old body, knowing that she didn't really want to eat alone either, when much to her surprise "Jarod" looked up and shook his head faintly, warning her away. Cindy winced, remembering the earlier reminder that they all had to stay in character and away from each other. With a sigh Cindy changed direction. Cindy sighed as she moved back away from her real body, nearly shivering at the thought of how strange it was. How unbelievable. "Maybe I'm going insane," she mused to herself, glancing back once more towards the "new kid" who was sitting all alone. Suddenly Cindy came to a fast stop as she ran into someone, barely catching her balance in time to keep from falling. As she snapped her head forward again she immediately saw that the boy she'd collided with was nearly a foot taller than her and athletic looking. "Watch where you're going freak!" the boy snapped with a cruel sneer, looking down at Cindy and nearly making her want to cringe. However as the boy started to turn away, Cindy gulped and snapped back without quite thinking about it, "And I thought Neanderthals were extinct." As soon as the words where out of her mouth Cindy was surprised at herself for saying them. She'd learned a long time early to never antagonize a bully. What had come over her? The boy turned back for a moment to glare at her, but instead of attacking her like Cindy would have expected, he looked uncertain for a moment, then turned around and walked off, shaking his head. "Wow," Cindy thought to herself, amazed at the incident. That guy almost looked half scared that she might do something to him, though Cindy didn't know why. Then a faint smile of understanding began to form at her lips as she glanced down at her black leather jacket. "Of course...." She remembered very well how she'd always been somewhat nervous of goth's herself and what someone that weird might do if angered. The realization that she was now one of those weirdos was somewhat discomforting, or at least the knowledge that everyone else saw her that way. Deciding that maybe she could do without the lunch, Cindy left the school cafeteria, beginning to notice for the first time just how oddly people she passed were looking at her. A number of them ever moved slightly to get out of her way or noticeably avoided looking at her. It was a strange sensation that made her feel once more like the outsider she'd always been, though this time in a different way. Where before she'd always been the new kid, an unknown who was either a potential victim or ignored, now she felt almost like a true pariah. Without consciously thinking about where she was going, Cindy found herself walking out the side door of the school and to the steps behind it. When she got there she was almost surprised to notice that there already other people there, though none of them really gave her a second look. Or perhaps not so surprising, she realized, since everyone sitting there were goths. "Hey Cin," one girl who had dark red hair, but with one side nearly shaved bald, greeted Cindy less than enthusiastically. The others just nodded their heads or ignored her. "Lynn," Cindy answered with a nod to her own head, not sure how she knew the girls name, but knowing it nonetheless. But as Cindy sat down on the steps next to Lynn, faint memories of having been friends with Lynn for years seemed to run through her mind. It was almost confusing, though surprisingly easy for Cindy to assimilate when she relaxed and let them flow instead of trying to grab at them. For the next several minutes Cindy just sat where she was with the others, no one saying anything which suited Cindy just fine. She didn't really feel like talking either. But oddly enough, in spite of their almost seeming to ignore her, Cindy felt oddly comfortable with them. With the freaky goths that she would have completely avoided just an hour earlier. For the first time in a long time she actually felt as if she was accepted by the people around her, as if she belonged. Finally Lynn flicked the cigarette butt that Cindy hadn't even noticed was in her hand, then reached into her pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. She pulled one out and then held the pack to Cindy. "Wanna smoke?" she asked. Cindy didn't even hesitate as her hand pulled one of the smokes from the pack and put it between her lips. It seemed like the most natural thing to do, in spite of the fact that Jarod had only tried smoking once and had hated it. But for Cindy it was normal. She could even remember the first time she and Lynn had ever tried smoking when they were 12 years old. Without another word, Cindy accepted a light from Lynn and took a deep drag from the cigarette before nodding a faint thanks at her friend. When the bell finally rang, signifying that lunch was over and to head for the next class, Cindy grunted along with most of her friends but she got up anyway. She sneered as she tossed her cigarette butt to the ground and left it and then went inside, heading towards her next class. She couldn't exactly recall yet just what her next class was, but Cindy knew without a doubt that she definitely did NOT like it. It didn't take Cindy long before she found her next class, something which was made easier by the inborn knowledge that she possessed. It led her directly to the classroom that she was beginning to dread. As Cindy walked into the classroom, she groaned aloud in disgusted recognition. Recognition not from Cindy's memories, but from Jarod's. It was one of the same classrooms that he'd been in that morning, and the same subject. Ms. Elwin stood in front of her desk, giving every student who walked in a scrutinizing look. Then looking at Cindy, she said, "I hope you plan to pay attention in class today Ms. Newport. After the grade on your quiz yesterday you'll have to do better if you want to pass this class." Then with that Ms. Elwin turned to the next student. "It's going to be a long period," Cindy groaned to herself as she took her seat, sneering appropriately and wondering what the hell she could do to distract herself until class was over. -------------------- Cindy looked around the women's locker room with mixed emotions. On the one hand, Jarod was absolutely thrilled to be inside of, seeing all the half dressed girls getting ready for P.E. class. It was a sight that every boy he knew of dreamt of, but few managed gain. However Cindy also felt somewhat...bored. Somewhat disgusted. Obviously Cindy, the real Cindy she reminded herself, did not like gym class. Not in the least. It was with a strong sense of distaste that Cindy changed into her gym clothes, grimacing as she did so. The only thing that made it worthwhile was the knowledge that she was getting to see a sight that few boys ever did, even if she couldn't appreciate it much at the moment. Sighing, Cindy double checked her gym clothes, the loose black gym shorts and shirt. Though it was the first time that she'd ever worn them, they felt sort of familiar to her. Yet another remnant of the real Cindy, whoever she was now. Cindy almost smiled as she realized that the real Cindy might even be that scrawny geek kid Eddie at the moment. For some reason that seemed rather amusing. As Cindy started walking to the mirror to get a look at herself, to see what she actually looked like again, especially with the new clothes, she couldn't help but wondering just what she looked like while completely naked. When she'd changed just a few minutes earlier she hadn't dared get out of her bra and panties with all the other girls present, but she had definitely been tempted. Just like at the moment she was tempted to climb into one of the bathroom stalls and strip the clothes off of herself. But that impulse wasn't followed, partly because the class was about to start and she didn't want to be late and partly because she didn't want to slip out of character. When Cindy stopped in front of the mirror, she gave herself a quick exam, making sure that the girls around her didn't see her looking too hard. Once she was satisfied, she turned and started towards the locker room exit. Suddenly a girl sitting on one of the benches sneering at Cindy asked, "How do you see with all that raccoon makeup on?" Cindy frowned as she glanced over at the girl. She was a fairly cute blonde who seemed to barely be taller than five feet, but she had tits that were easily three times the size of Cindy's. And though Cindy didn't really recognize the girl, at least not from previously that day, a part of her said that this girl was a cheerleader named Sandra. "I don't know," Cindy responded casually, not even bothering to look at Sandra again as she started to walk away, "but how often do you need to be milked?" Then with that Cindy called out behind her, "Mooo." "Why you...." Sandra gasped furiously, her face turning bright red in embarrassment. But Cindy only sneered, not even bothering to give the top heavy cheerleader another glance before leaving the locker room. Once class actually started, Cindy stood back and tried not to participate in the volleyball game that was started any more than she had to. Normally the game wouldn't have meant anything to her one way or another, except for the fact that there were lots of girls jumping all over. But now she could still get some enjoyment out of the latter if she let her Jarod side slide to the front, but every time that happened she had to push him back down, reminding herself to stay in character. It was the only way to make it through without giving herself away. The only real bright side was the way that Sandra kept glaring at her every chance she got, though the stupid cow didn't have the guts to do anything about it. Cindy just sneered at her, wondering how such a bimbo ever made it that far in school anyway, not that she really cared. When P.E. was finally over, Cindy let out a sigh of relief and quickly changed clothes before going to her next class. That one was at least a little more acceptable to her, though she still couldn't wait to get out of school for the day. She might not be the new kid at the moment, but she decided that she didn't like school any better for being a goth. -------------------- Cindy shifted uncomfortably in her seat, glancing up once more at the clock for the fifth time in less than a minute. "I wish that damn thing would hurry up," she mumbled to herself before giving the teacher her attention again, or at least part of it. Then suddenly a loud ringing shot through the classroom and almost immediately all of the students jumped to their feet and rushed out the door. "Finally," Cindy said in relief, glad that the school day was finally over. It was with a strong sense of relief that Cindy walked out of the classroom, smiling almost unnoticeably as she realized that she'd just spent her first day at her new school and had actually missed out on half of her own classes. She wasn't even sure that she remembered what her own classes were supposed to have been. While Cindy was walking through the hall, lost in thought and wondering exactly where she had to go home to since her own was obviously out of the question, she was startled to suddenly feel someone's hand on her shoulder. "Who...?" Cindy demanded as she snapped around, instinctively clenching her fists and getting ready to lash out. Then she paused, recognizing the face in front of her. "Hi Mandy." "Hi," Mandy said with a smile, then she glanced around nervously. "Come on." She yanked Cindy through the door of en empty classroom. Once the cheerleader had made sure that the room was empty and they were alone, she turned back to Cindy. "Can we like, talk?" "What for?" Cindy asked defensively. She eyed Mandy warily, wondering what was going on. Mandy looked down and blushed a little bit, then almost immediately looked back up and smiled. "I was like wondering if you wanted to swap." Cindy almost gasped. "You mean....?" She gestured at Mandy and then herself. "Uh huh." Mandy nodded excitedly. "I didn't really want to go to cheerleader practice and thought that you might want to go." She giggled, then added, "Haven't you ever wondered what it's like being a cheerleader?" For a moment all Cindy could do was stare at Mandy, and then her rather generous breasts. Mandy's were so much bigger than her own and she couldn't help but wondering just what it would be like to have boobs like those. Cindy blushed slightly, feeling embarrassed. "But I'm a guy," she told herself quietly, though she glanced down and knew that she certainly hadn't been for half the day already. Then as her curiosity began to grow, Cindy nodded. "Sure. Why not?" Mandy's eyes sparkled as she giggled excitedly. "Cool." Then she said, "I'll meet you in THE ROOM in a couple minutes." Then before Cindy could say anything Mandy had already run off. After waiting for half a minute, Cindy went and followed behind. Several minutes later Cindy had climbed the hidden stairs and was once again in the room where her whole life had drastically changed several hours earlier. She nervously looked around the room, half expecting to see some of the others there. But the only one in the hidden room besides herself was Mandy, who was standing over by the table with the sphere uncovered, already having changed into her cheerleader uniform. "You look a little nervous," Mandy said with a grin. "I guess," Cindy admitted, knowing that it wouldn't hurt or anything, but she did feel a little nervous about swapping again. Perhaps, she thought, it was the fact that this time she was going to knowingly swap into a girl, or perhaps it was just the knowledge that she was about to experience something few people ever would. Something magical and mysterious. Something that she couldn't explain. Then as Cindy slowly stepped towards the glowing sphere, she couldn't help but wonder where it had come from. They'd said that the club had been made 8 years ago, but where had the sphere come from before that? What was it really for? Then as Cindy stared deeply into the ball, her heart racing nervously, she glanced at a still smiling Mandy. "Where did it come from?" Cindy asked aloud, though when she saw Mandy look confused, Cindy asked, "What happened to the other club members? Like the guy who found the thing?" "Oh that," Mandy said with a shrug, "they graduated of course. You can't expect people to just stay here forever." Then a thoughtful look came over Mandy's face, and a much quieter voice she said, "At least most of them." "Most?" Cindy asked, feeling a little confused. Mandy nodded again. "Well, maybe you noticed, but we've got mostly seniors and juniors in the Club. When people graduate, we just recruit some new members." She shrugged at that. "But sometimes people don't want to go yet, or want to get out of school early." Once again Mandy paused thoughtfully. "A lot of times people swap for good just before graduation." Mandy stared at Cindy for a moment, biting her lip as she did so. She had a look on her face as if she was trying to decide something, then finally Mandy finished. "I'm not like sure, but I'm pretty sure that one of the first club members is still in the club. I know that a lot of us thing that, but we don't talk about it. I mean, I don't even know who it is. They just like, swap with someone still at school when they should graduate and bam, they don't have to leave the school. Pretty spooky huh?" Cindy just stared at Mandy in disbelief. One of the first club members was still around and they didn't even know who it was. But then she realized that it did make sense. With everyone switching around so much it could get pretty hard to keep track of someone, especially when you could swap without the others being around. "Wow," was all Cindy could think of saying. Mandy just nodded, looking almost serious as she did so. "So," Mandy said with a grin, "are you like ready? I mean, practice starts in just a little bit." Without saying a word Cindy nodded and stuck her hand out to touch the sphere. As soon as Mandy touched it the strange sensations that Cindy had felt earlier returned. She was immediately filled with confusion and dizziness and as soon as they passed enough for her to move again, Cindy looked down and gasped to see that it had worked. She was now Mandy. Jarod, now Mandy reached down and gently touched her new breasts, amazed that they were even bigger and more noticeable than they were when she was Cindy. "Awesome," Mandy said, breaking out into a slight grin. Cindy just grinned back, though it wasn't a completely nice grin. "Thanks," Cindy told Mandy. Then in a slightly sarcastic tone, she said, "Have fun," before laughing and rushing out the door. For a moment Mandy stood there feeling confused, somehow getting the impression that someone had just taken advantage of her. Then she winced as a painful cramp shot through her guts and she bent over for a moment, realizing now just how come the old Mandy had been so eager to trade. She was having her damn period. Mandy grimaced as she clutched her stomach in disbelief while another cramp ran through her. "That bitch!" she growled, furious for letting herself get tricked into taking over the previous Mandy's period. She'd only had it for less than a minute, but she could tell already that she didn't like it in the least. Letting go of her stomach, Mandy glared at the mirror on the wall, staring intently at sexy blonde that looked back. The same blonde who'd been responsible for tricking her mere minutes before. The same sexy cheerleader in the same sexy uniform that still made Jarod horny inside. But in spite of the annoyance she felt, Mandy couldn't really feel too angry. After all, she decided that she probably would have done the same thing too. With a loud sigh Mandy adjusted her shirt and turned away from the mirror, remembering that she now had cheerleader practice to get to. "Just great," she sighed again in her new sexy voice, "just what I need right now." Then with a quick shrug Mandy hid the sphere again and started towards practice, not happy about the situation, but knowing that she didn't really have a choice anymore. Several minutes later Mandy walked onto the practice field, feeling a little bit better, but still not the greatest. She grimaced, wondering how women could stand to go through that every single month. But then again, she guessed that most of them just didn't have the option of tricking someone else into going through it for them. Mandy stopped and looked at the cheerleaders who were lining up and doing their stretches. She watched with more than a little interest, grinning slightly at the thought that in spite of what she looked like she was definitely still Jarod inside. Then with a sigh she glanced down at herself and knew that she'd have to take care of that a little better before giving herself away, and with that she let the Mandy part come up to the surface. For a moment Mandy giggled at how humorous her situation was, then without any further hesitation she started nearly skipping towards where the others were, feeling lighter and more energetic than she'd ever really felt in her life. She giggled again, feeling sort of bubbly inside and joined in with the stretches. "Glad you made it," one girl said with a friendly grin. "You know I wouldn't miss this." Mandy grinned back at the familiar girl, though it took her a moment before she realized who it was. The girl was the same Sandra that she'd argued with earlier before P.E. class. But this time as Mandy looked at her, she no longer felt hostile towards this girl. Not in the least. In fact, Mandy felt sort of close to her. As if they were best friends, which her memories soon confirmed that they were. That fact, that her very personality, her likes and dislikes about people could change so radically so soon was amazing to Mandy, though she quickly tried to put it out of her mind and focus on the business at hand. As practice went on, Mandy threw herself into all the exercises with great enthusiasm, finding that she not only knew how to do all the moves, but that she liked doing them as well. It was surprisingly fun and exciting, even letting Mandy go so far as to ignore the discomfort of her period and laugh while she did the routines. Finally the coach, a tall thin woman that had been yelling and screaming at them during practice, blew her whistle. "All right girls," the coach yelled, "you did pretty good today. You just might make it as cheerleaders after all." Mandy grinned, feeling oddly proud of herself. Of the fact that she was a good cheerleader and knew it. She grinned over at Sandra, who was busy adjusting her sports bra and didn't seem to notice. Then Mandy looked up and noticed that there were several boys on the bleachers watching her and the others. She blushed furiously for a moment, suddenly realizing that they must have been watching the whole practice. At the thought of some of the things that she'd just done, Mandy blushed even more. But what was worse, she wasn't sure whether the thought of all them watching her made her more embarrassed, or more excited. The with a loud sigh Mandy told Sandra, "I guess I'll see ya later." Sandra looked up, apparently finished with her adjustments. Then Sandra broke into a broad grin. "Hey look," she started to say, then almost immediately she snapped, "Oh no, don't look. Roger's coming this way." And then Sandra tried stifling a giggle. "Roger?" Mandy started to say, thinking that the name seemed so familiar to her. Not from her Jarod side though, but from Mandy's. However as soon as she turned around and saw the tall, well muscled boy with brown hair and a football uniform, she recognized him as Roger, her current boyfriend. During that instant of recognition a strange chill shot up her spine. "Hey babe," Roger said with a confident, though not quite cocky grin. Before Mandy could say anything back or even consider what to say, Roger had already grabbed her and was giving her a passionate kiss. Mandy nearly gasped in surprise, but her mouth was too full of Roger's tongue. Then much to her own surprise, Mandy realized that she was kissing Roger back just as passionately. When Roger finally let Mandy go, she gasped for breath, fully aware not only of just how fast her heart was beating, but also at how hard her nipples were. "Wow," she whispered, caught for a moment in a swirl of mixed emotions. Inside Jarod was horrified at what he'd just done and even more so by his obvious enjoyment of it, but at the same time he was rationalizing that he didn't have a choice. That he'd had to for his cover. But the Mandy part didn't bother rationalizing. What she'd done was just what she'd always done with her boyfriend. Roger looked at Mandy in concern, then asked, "Are you all right? You look sort of distracted." Mandy forced a smile, saying, "Oh, I'm fine." Then when Roger gave her a gentle peck on the cheek, she giggled. "Really." "Glad to hear it," Roger said gently, bending over for another kiss and making Mandy giggle slightly again. When they were done this time, Roger asked, "So, we still good for tomorrow night?" For a moment Mandy stared at him in confusion, trying to search her memories for what he meant when it suddenly dawned on her. They had a date. Or at least Roger and whoever was going to be Mandy did. "Of course," Mandy finally said, smiling faintly as she did. "I'm just a little tired is all." Roger looked a little skeptical, but then got a look on his face as if he'd decided that it must be 'that time of the month'. However Roger wisely said nothing about what he'd decided, instead saying, "Well, I've gotta get going. The guys are waiting for me." He gestured in the direction of the school parking lot though Mandy didn't really see what he was pointing to since the parking lot was behind all the bleachers. "I'll see you later honey." And with that Roger gave Mandy another quick kiss before he turned around and started running in the direction of the parking lot. Mandy just stared after him, still feeling a little confused over her own emotions. How much were hers and how much were the real Mandy's? She didn't know, but she was afraid of the answer. Just what if it was her real self, her Jarod self that was enjoying it? She shuddered at that thought, fearing that she might be 'fag'. Then gulping, she reminded herself that at the moment she was a girl so it wouldn't count, though she still couldn't quite get herself to believe that yet, even if kissing him had felt perfectly natural. "Girl," Sandra said from next to Mandy, "that boy is definitely cute. If you don't watch out I just might have to steal him from you." Mandy snapped around and saw the half joking smile on Sandra's face, letting her know that she wasn't really serious. But still, something about her look told Mandy that she might not be joking as much as she seemed, causing a small burst of jealously which Mandy quickly squashed. "Don't touch him," Mandy said only half jokingly, "he's mine." Sandra nodded faintly. Then after a moment Mandy smiled broadly and giggled, "But he is like, definitely cute." Mandy gave Sandra a wink and then added, "I've gotta like, get going. Seeya later." And with that Mandy started walking away with a sexy sway to her walk, humming absently to herself as she did so. -------------------- Mandy smiled cheerfully to herself as she looked at her long painted fingernails, wrapped tightly around the steering wheel of the car that she was driving. Her car. She nearly giggled at that, glad that she'd gotten something along with her current body besides the annoying period. Her own father...Jarod's father had refused to let let him get a car yet. That had always annoyed Jarod, knowing that he had to rely on his parents even more for transportation as well as everything else. But not Mandy. She actually had her own car, and she loved every minute of it. As Mandy turned along the unfamiliar streets, she was amazed at her newfound sense of direction. The same instinct that had led her to find the car keys in her purse and then the car in the parking lot was now directing her along the streets towards where she knew home would be. Mandy's home. Hers for the night. Mandy winced for a moment as another cramp hit her, but didn't take her eyes off the road until she pulled into the driveway of a rather nice looking house. "I'm home," Mandy said with a frown, looking at it in amazement. It wasn't her home and she'd never even met the people inside, but it was where she had to stay for the night. This was Mandy's home, and as much as she liked it or not, she was Mandy for the moment. She sighed then climbed out of the car, making sure to grab her purse and gym bag before going inside. As soon as Mandy stepped through the front door, she glanced around nervously, gulping and taking a deep breath, half afraid that she'd grabbed the wrong house or that someone would immediately recognize her as an impostor. She could feel her heart racing even more than it had been with Roger, but she refused to let it control her. Taking another deep breath, Mandy slowly made her way up the stairs and towards where she instinctively knew her bedroom to be, relaxing only once she was safely inside. Mandy sighed, dropping her bags and then feeling apprehensive, she gulped and slowly started pulling off her clothes, unable to deny her curiosity anymore. Even though a part of her said that her body was perfectly normal, her real self, her Jarod self was bursting with curiosity. Bursting with the need to see the sexy body that she now inhabited naked. Once Mandy was completely naked, she smiled and looked over her body, feeling even more impressed as she did so. "I'm definitely a real hottie," she said to herself then giggled. She couldn't restrain herself, and instead of thoroughly examining her body like she'd planned she started posing instead, even if there wasn't any mirrors that she could see. Or at least not any large enough to be of any use. "Now if only I could get the real Mandy to go out on a date with me." At that Mandy giggled again, realizing however that there wasn't any chance of that. At the moment she knew very well that Mandy only liked jocks, and Jarod certainly wasn't that. "Oh well," Mandy said, stopping her posing and sitting down on the edge of her bed, "at least I'm making some new friends." She smiled faintly and started to look herself over, feeling an odd mixture of pride and arousal at her tight body. Just then a loud banging from outside her room made Mandy jump up off the bed in surprise, horrifie

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No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
1 year ago
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The Gangbang Club! When you have as much sex as I do, you search for ways to pack in more fucking into each sexual experience. I need larger and larger doses the more time goes on. I couldn't even imagine having vanilla sex with only one bitch at this point. If I'm only fucking one bitch, I need that bitch to go buck wild on my cock. This beast demands divine pleasures, so bring your A-game pussy.Increasing Sexual Density (Science Bitch)Of course, the easiest way to pack in more sex is through...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

3 years ago
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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

3 years ago
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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

2 years ago
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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

2 years ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Clothed Femailes 8211 Naked Males it8217s one of the newer swinger fetish club

“Are you sure that this is the right place?” My wife whispered in my ear. “I have checked and it is. We asked for something non- traditional and that we were open minded,” I whispered as a reply. We were escorted in this restaurant by a young well trained man only wearing a small thong around his waist. We reached a small section of the restaurant where two other middle aged couples already had taken their seats. When we got to our table, we saw that there was only a...

3 years ago
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

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The Girls Only Club

The Girls Only Club by Pamela ([email protected]) Chapter 1 At lunchtime recess one day in late spring, Blake casually strolled to a large garden of rose bushes planted on the far side of the school yard. The other eighth grade boys normally never went there since they preferred to hang out near the school building playing ball games or huddling together in noisy groups teasing each other and roughhousing as boys are wont to do. Normally Blake would be with them, but this...

2 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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The Club

This story was especially written for me by Darlene Le Queen and to my knowledge has not been published before and now Darlene has very sadly passed away. It does require serious editing but as its Darlene's thoughts its best to leave alone/ The Club How long would I be in for it this time, I asked myself? We were at The Club where my wife Barbara is an active senior member. Club stands for "Civilized Living under Glamorous feminine Beauty." Its motto is "Better Living...

2 years ago
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The Friday Night Card Club

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

2 years ago
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The Friday Night Card Club

The Friday Night Card Club has been a staple of life at the Westhill Country Club for over seventy years. The criteria for membership are simple. You have to be a member of the country club. You have to be invited to join. You have to be a woman. And, most importantly, you have to be willing to abide by all of the rules of the Card Club.The first rule of Card Club is: NOBODY talks about Card Club.The Friday Night Card Club meets at the old clubhouse located at what is now the back of the golf...

3 years ago
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The Black Breeders Club

Black Breeders Club - a cuckold story if only was true and not fantasy Story about a cuckold wimp husband who has his parents introduce his new wife to a club where their wives are black man fucked and the husbands have to eat the cum from their cunts. It was my dad who first told me about the club. I was 22 at the time, fresh out of college, and had just married my sweetheart of six years, Trish. I fell in love with her the very first time I saw her, and that was of course when she and her...

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The Club

Prologue Codes: m/f, m+/f+, f/m, f+/m+, transgender, chastity belt, latex, bondage, mc, nc, modification, Torture, cbt, lactation, snuff, extreme, watersports, femdom, enema, slavery, ponygirl Story Description There exists in this wide and wonderful world a wide diversity of people. This is a story of a group of men and women who take great delight and sexual pleasure in the ownership, abuse, and humiliation of others. Their organization is known simply as The Club.  The Club is...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

5 years ago
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A white couple decide to join a hardcore interracial club

I’m Tom and my lovely wife Silvie and I have been married for eleven years now. We live in suburban Detroit where I’ve worked for one of the auto manufacturing companies for the past fourteen years. We live in this tiny little house in a suburban city just south of Detroit. It’s predominantly a blue collar neighborhood. It’s a nice town and nothing exciting never really happens here. The local newspaper headlines are usually packed full of stories about the high school...

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Black Stable Club

  I’m Tom and my lovely wife Erin and I have been married for eleven years now. We live in suburban Detroit where I’ve worked for one of the auto manufacturing company’s for the past fourteen years. We live in this tiny little house in a suburban city just south of Detroit. It’s predominantly a blue collar neighborhood. It’s a nice town and nothing exciting never really happens here. The local newspaper headlines are usually packed full of stories about the high school football team. Now the...

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The Black Cock Club

The Black Cock ClubbyTomWard©Chapter One: The Grand TourLucy assured me she'd look after me as we headed down the long driveway of the country house that now served as the black cock club resort. She had started coming here once a week the previous month but this was to be my first visit. As we parked the car and headed up the steps towards the front door there was nothing about the building to give away its unusual purpose. There was, however a completely naked brunette waiting by the...

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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

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The Club

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feedback, critiques and comments are always welcome! Just drop me an email at [email protected]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I had finally found one I liked. After six stores and countless hours, I had finally found one I liked. It was snug and gave me just the right amount of support. The color was amazing too. A bright orangish yellow that really popped. I...

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The Devils Pact SideStory The Naked Jogging Club

Introduction: Mark founds the Naked Jogging Club to make jogging fun. And he has a lot of fun. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Jogging Club Day One, Monday, June 10, 2013: Anastasia Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10. It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would,...

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Allys Club

Oh a missed call from my Doc's office. I wonder what that is about, my next appointment is not for 3 months. So I called them back."Yes Sir, we would like you to come in and get a lab sheet, then we will arrange an appointment to discuss the results.""Is this a follow up to my physical?""Yes you could say that.""OK I will pick up the sheet today. Is tomorrow earlier enough for the lab test?""Yes that would be good. Can we make the consult on the results for 4 pm next Thursday?""Yes that will...

3 years ago
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Axis of Evil 4 The Pink Pussycat Club

The Pink Pussycat Club Adam Keynes had been in his gilded prison for some three weeks now with his two fellow inmates. He had been given a choice of prison or working for the Government. It had not been a difficult decision to choose the latter option, but now that he was here he was expected to work as part of a team and to achieve results. The problem was that he really did not get on with the other members of his team. The nerd Liam Quayles spent most of his time on the computer...

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The Crossdressers Club

The Crossdresser's Club By Tammy Richards CHAPTER 1: THE DISCOVERY It was the Saturday before Christmas. Natalie was in the attic looking for boxes to wrap the last few presents, while John was running last-minute errands. As she dug through a pile of boxes in the corner, she happened to open a large box that had been pushed behind the rest. Imagine her surprise when she discovered that the box was full of women's clothes. There were dresses, lingerie, high heels, even a...

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The Devils Pact SideStory The Naked Jogging Club

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact Side Story: Jogging Club Day One, Monday, June 10, 2013: Anastasia Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10. It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would, for a few days. And then his excuse would crop up. “I didn't get a good night sleep,” Stan would...

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The Social Club

I walked over to my friend Bob’s house on Sunday evening, then knocked on the door.  Bob opened it and invited me in.“Hey, Gary, how’s it going?  Did you find a job yet?” Bob said.“No, not yet.  There’s not much around here,” I said.Bob and I had graduated from high school about a month ago.  It was July and hot as hell outside.  Since we turned eighteen, we’d been looking for work.  I don’t know why we were unable to find anything steady.  Bob and I worked at a carwash for a week but quit....

Gay Male
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Tonya Starts Work At The Club

Desperate timesTonya was a junior in college when she lost her scholarship foolishly. They didn’t kick her out altogether, but the steps they did take took away her ability to pay for school. The student disciplinary committee pulled her scholarships, withdrew all grant money, made getting a student loan impossible and to finish the final hit on her financially, made it impossible to be employed by any business associated with the school. She walked from the administration building in tears....

Oral Sex
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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

2 years ago
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Kitten Club

My name is Frank and my girlfriend is Joanne. I'd never even heard ofthe place, but it was her birthday, so her choice. When I found outwhat went on there, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near it for a verygood reason I'll tell you about in a minute.You wouldn't have even known the club was there. It was down this darkalley, lit by a weak streetlight, and just a green door with "TheKitten Club" above in a faulty old neon light. A couple of bouncerslooked twice at us but let us in.Once we were...

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The Bighorn Hiking Club

My wife Joan and I moved to the Colorado Springs area eight years ago, when I was fifty years old and she was forty-seven. I was transferred there by my high-tech company from the Minneapolis area, and soon became an avid outdoor enthusiast. We had beautiful lakes in Minnesota , but the mountains have a beauty all their own and I started doing a little hiking in the foothills.Because Joan had no interest in outdoor activities, I always went alone. Those were always day hikes and I never...

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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

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A Night at the Club

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

2 years ago
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A Night At The Club

When six college girls room together, certain personality types become apparent. There is always the alpha female– or at least one girl who thinks she needs to be in charge of the rest. Dianne is the one whose name is primary on the lease. Everyone else is a flatmate. In addition, she has everyone’s classes and activities on her calendar. And she keeps adding group activities for all six of us... or at least for the five of them.She is assisted in planning everyone’s life by Shelly, the...

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STARS The Ultimate Strip Club

NOTE TO ALL! This is a re-submission of an older story. The original story CANNOT be edited, therefore, I ask 2 things. READERS AND WRITERS: Please IGNORE the original story and add any new threads to this version. CHYOO ADMINISTRATORS: Please DELETE the original story of the same title! THANK YOU... Retroguy You're an up and coming executive. Under 30 and already being considered for a partnership in a major financial firm. You're already making a 7 figure salary and have everything going for...

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