The Birth Of Clarisse free porn video

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The Birth of Clarisse By Aleisha James I smoothed my gown nervously, my fingers moist inside the white kid glace gloves which covered my forearms, ending two inches above my elbows. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath while making a conscious effort to identify all of the sensations I was experiencing. I began with my feet. By now I was accustomed to the feel of heels. My white satin shoes felt light, and yet also constricting, around the toes. Most of my footwear these days was open-toed, to show off my pretty feet. Today was an exception, but then today was special in so many ways. The slightest motion brought home the delicious feel of my genuine silk stockings against my smooth, hairless legs. They felt so cool, which I needed today, what with all of the stress. My gown hung to the floor, again so unlike my usual attire, which was intended to show off my legs. I could not feel the silk of the gown directly against my lower body, since I was wearing a gorgeous full slip, but the effect of the layers of silk was to make me feel encased in lightness. White was such a virginal color, and while in some ways I did not deserve to wear white on this, my wedding day, in other ways I truly was a virgin. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. I often wore much higher heels than the three inches on these shoes, but I guess having my eyes closed affected my balance. The shift in weight brought into focus the tug of my garters. I doubt that I will ever become desensitized to that feeling; it reminds me more than anything else of the changes in my life. Well, maybe there are other things which bring my new status home to me in even more convincing ways, but the tug of garters as I move counts as the greatest change in the way I feel moment-by-moment. Thinking about those other things brought a familiar warmth to my groin, but I had dressed very carefully, so there was no risk of there being any visible sign of any arousal on my part. I hastily moved on with my mental cataloguing, since I did not want to feel the discomfort which always accompanied a thwarted arousal. I was so used to my chastity belt, and had learned not to think of it, that it's presence really did not signify, unless I became excited. My corset was tighter than usual, since it was so important for me to look as feminine as possible on this, the one day which would most truly affirm my right to feel feminine: my wedding day. I had learned to breath differently now, with small, shallow breaths which made my bosom rise and fall in a manner which I knew drew my husband-to-be's attention to my breasts whenever I displayed any amount of cleavage. Merely thinking of the look in his eyes when he was admiring me made that warmth in my groin increase. Thinking of my breasts made me aware of the now-familiar weight, supported by a pretty, lightly underwired bra, designed to maximize that very cleavage. Months of hormone treatments and, more recently, the surgical implantation of two small saline devices had given me a pair of breasts any natural woman could display with pride. I had long since become accustomed to the feel of the bra straps over my shoulders. I glanced down, a smile on my carmined lips as I saw the swell of my breasts through the lace which descended from the white satin collar around my neck to silk of the body of my gown. My gown was fastened up the back by a row of tiny white pearls, which had taken Andrea several minutes to fasten. I had tried on a backless gown, but was happy that I had chosen this one. That backless gown had been beautiful, but I had been uncomfortable wearing the strapless bra. Besides, the corset came up to high on me to be concealed beneath that gown, and even though I was now pleased with my weight, and figure, I still wanted the reassurance which wearing the corset afforded me. I turned my face upwards, relishing the feel of my long diamond earrings dangling from my reshaped lobes. I felt my lips curve into a smile, enjoying the feel of the lipgloss. The cosmetic surgeries I had undergone had been painful but without them today would not be quite the same. A shake of my head made my hair brush against the back of my gown. I often wore it in a ponytail, but today it had been styled so that it hung on either side of my face, framing my now-delicate features in a manner which had taken my breath away when I was permitted to see my reflection after my makeup had been applied and the hairstylist had pronounced himself satisfied. Even with my eyes closed I was aware of the constant presence of my maid of honor and my two bridesmaids. They had moved to one side to allow me these few minutes of reflection. Andrea, my maid of honor, had become my closest friend, and was in many ways responsible for who I had become and what was to happen in just a few short minutes. That thought swept me back in time, to when my journey began. I had no inkling at the time that anything at all was going to change in my life. I was twenty-three; a recent graduate with an excellent job. The job had required me to move to a city where I knew nobody, at first. But I seemed to hit it off with several of my colleagues. Jeff Bryant was the one with whom I got along best right from the beginning. A few years older than I, he was friendly and outgoing, that latter attribute something I lacked. I had always been somewhat shy, and had worried about making new friends. Jeff invited me over to his house within a week of my starting the job. I bought a bottle of wine, recommended by the store clerk, since I knew nothing about wine. Jeff's house was impressive, and I wondered how he could afford such a place. I had some idea of what he earned because my recruiter had outlined the level of income I could hope to achieve by the time I reached Jeff's seniority. The money was good, but not this good. Jeff greeted me at the front door and ushered me in. His wife, Andrea, was standing in the foyer. I had never met her before, although I had seen and admired the picture which Jeff kept on his desk. She was taller than I had expected, actually taller than my modest five foot eight, although without heels, she was probably my height. Andrea was a willowy blonde, with a slim figure and a wide, generous smile. She greeted me in a soft, sultry voice. I was instantly taken with her. There was something different about her, even though I could not for the life of me think what it might be. Dinner was a pleasurable experience. Both Jeff and Andrea were at pains to make me comfortable and it was not long before the initial stiffness always present on such occasions disappeared. Andrea, in particular, seemed intent on drawing me out, leaning forward to ask me about family and friends, including girlfriends. Several times, it seemed to me, her hand brushed mine in a manner that could not have been entirely accidental. After one such encounter, I glanced at Jeff to see whether he had noticed anything. He was sitting back, with a pleased expression on his face. Just for a second I wondered whether anything kinky was on the menu for the evening. But it turned out to be merely a very pleasant meal. Andrea was an accomplished cook, and both were not only fine storytellers but, more rare, excellent listeners. I was even emboldened to tell one of the few jokes I knew, and their laughter was sincere. Finally it was time for me to drive home. I had been careful not to drink too much, but I suspect that I was close to the legal limit. Lying in bed that evening I found myself with a erection, which I took care of by masturbating. The face that appeared in my mind as I neared orgasm was that of Andrea. A memory of her leaning towards me, gazing directly into my eyes as her hand brushed mine brought me to release instantly. That experience made me avoid Jeff the next morning, apart from what I saw as an obligatory thank you for the evening. Jeff was as friendly as ever, but of course he would have no idea that I had jerked off to the image of his wife! Jeff's job required him to travel to affiliated branches of the company about once a month. He had been gone for two days when I received a call from Andrea. She told me that Jeff had suggested that we have lunch on Saturday. I tried to excuse myself, memories of my reaction to her flashing into my mind, but she insisted. I saw no way of avoiding the lunch without hurting her feelings and maybe disappointing Jeff. Saturday began warm and sunny, but by mid-morning a frontal system had moved in. The temperature dropped and it began to rain. I had to drive carefully as I made my way to Andrea's house, since the roads were slick where the drizzle lay atop the oil which had seeped from the asphalt under the early morning sun. Andrea was dressed casually in a yellow sundress, which revealed her long legs. I could tell that she was wearing no bra, because I could see the nipples of her small but shapely breasts pressing against the fabric of her dress. My arousal was immediate, to the point that it hurt, and I was afraid that she would notice my reaction. If she did, she made no sign. She had prepared an elaborate salad, and uncorked a bottle of Chardonnay. We sat in the eating area off the large, airy kitchen. I felt nervous given my feelings towards my hostess and the absence of her husband. I think she sensed my nervousness, because, after a glass of wine, she opened her purse and extracted an elegant cigarette case. I was surprised because I knew that Jeff was a non-smoker and I had assumed that Andrea was as well. "I didn't know you smoked" I said. The foolishness of the question was obvious before I completed the sentence. "I don't smoke tobacco, my dear" she said, opening the case to reveal a row of neatly rolled joints. "But this I do smoke! And so does Jeff, you know. It's no big deal and we don't smoke during the week, but it really gets the weekends off to a great start!" She reached back into her purse to bring out a small silver lighter. She handed it to me while moistening a joint by rolling it between her lips. She saw my fascinated look and smiled. She placed the joint into her mouth and leaned towards me for a light. I flicked the lighter and held the flame to the tip of the joint. She reached up with one hand to hold mine still as she inhaled. The tip of the joint glowed redly as the fire took hold. She leaned back, still holding my hand. Holding her breath, she passed the joint to me. I had little experience with marijuana, but I did not want to look like a wimp, so I accepted the proffered gift. The grass was sweeter and less harsh than anything I had smoked before so I was able to inhale a lungful before passing the now-much reduced joint back to Andrea. She was by then breathing out a long streamer of aromatic smoke, directing it to her left, away from me. My lack of practice caught up with me as I began to cough. I tried to refuse a second toke, since I was already feeling a little dizzy. She overcome my feeble protestations and soon there was nothing left but a tiny roach. Andrea motioned me to follow her into the living room. She pointed to a comfortable looking sofa and asked me to sit. I did so, expecting her to sit opposite, but she simply told me to wait. She used a remote control sitting on a coffee table in front of the sofa to turn on the stereo. Soft romantic music filled the air. The sound quality was spectacular although the choice of music was not my style. She left the room. I was by then reeling under the impact of the dope, coupled with the large glass of wine, something I rarely drank, let alone so early in the day. The music filled my head, and I closed my eyes. I was in danger of drifting off completely when Andrea returned. I heard her enter the room and looked up. My heart skipped a beat and my mouth gaped open. She was wearing a short satin wrap in a silvery blue over a matching nightgown which maybe came down four inches below her groin. A froth of lace barely covered the lower part of her breasts. Unable to control my reaction I followed her long legs down to where her feet were clad in a pair of shoes such as I'd never seen. White open-toed heels, with thin ankle straps, they must have added six inches to her height. I was thankful that I was sitting down, else she would have towered over me. She had let her hair down, and freshened her makeup. She stood for a moment, watching me looking at her. A slow smile told me that she approved of my stunned reaction. She walked towards me, her hips swaying. I tried to sit up straight, and pressed up against the corner of the couch where I was sitting. I felt like the prey of some invincible predator, and at the same time I was immensely aroused. She knelt on one knee on the couch beside me, her left breast rubbing up against my right arm. I could feel the heat of her body and my nostrils filled with her scent. She leaned over and took my face in her hands before lowering her lips to mine. That kiss was the most sensual I had ever experienced, and only some of that was due to the intoxicating effects of the dope. When we finally broke for air, I managed to ask the question which had sprung into my mind as soon as she had returned to the living room. "What about Jeff?" Her laughter filled the room. "Honey, this is as much his idea as mine. We LIKE you. We both think that you are perfect! Or that you will be" I missed the significance of that last comment, lost in the enormity of the idea that Jeff wanted me to make out with his wife. She kissed me again and I responded fervently, half lifting myself off the couch to grapple with her, wrapping my arms around to hold her tightly. "Whew, baby. Not so fast!" She pulled back. My lust was causing my breath to come in gasps. "Let's go to the bedroom and get you as comfortable as me. Would you like to be as comfortable as me?" I nodded my assent. I would have agreed to anything just then. There was something about Andrea which turned me on more than any other woman had ever done. She led me to a sumptuous, huge master bedroom, dominated by a massive bed. I had seen king-sized beds before, but this must have been emperor sized. She disappeared into a walk-in closet while instructing me to strip completely. I was straightening up from having removed the last of my clothes when she returned. She held her hands behind her back as she walked up to me, now at least six inches taller than me. She bent over to kiss me on the lips. "Will you wear what I have for you? I promise I'll make it worth your while. You do want sex don't you?" "Oh yes, Andrea. Whatever you want!" My penis was bobbing in front of me, rigid with desire. It had brushed against her nightgown when she had kissed me and I had almost come right then. She stepped back and brought her hands before her. A small voice in the back of my brain told me to run. Told me that this was getting too kinky. But lust rose in a tidal wave to overwhelm and bury that voice. I reached out and took the nightgown from her. It was identical to the one that she wore. I pulled it on over my head as she removed her wrap and shoes. Delicate coolness rippled down my torso as I wore my first nightgown. The hem brushed against my penis. I had a moment's trouble adjusting the shoulder straps but then I was dressed. I looked at Andrea. Her eyes were shining brightly. She pointed to my penis and laughed. "We'll have to do something about that thing, won't we?" I nodded, knowing what I wanted to do about it. "But before we tend to it, I have another surprise for you, honey" she said. She turned her back to me and I could see that she was reaching beneath her nightgown. I saw her twist her torso and then pull downwards. She was taking off a pair of panties. They seemed odd somehow, as if there was more to them than the flimsy silk I would have expected such a feminine creature to wear. She stepped out of them quickly and her body prevented me from making out any detail. She seemed to shake herself and then she turned to face me. Oh fuck! I stared like a mouse trapped by a mongoose. I could no more move than if I had been glued to the floor with some super-adhesive. She walked towards me, across the short distance separating us. I felt her hands stroking my back through the silk of my gown. Her lips pressed against mine and despite what was now a shrieking in my mind, I kissed back. My penis had lost none of its rigidity when reality had made itself apparent. With her presence in my arms, with her body pressed against me, and her lips locked with mine, her scent filling my brain, my penis declared that it wanted this creature who so clearly wanted me. Our penises touched, and both of our bodies spasmed. She pulled back and, with her face no more than four inches from mine spoke to me again. "There! There! We were made to be like this! You were made for this! Your body can't lie!" There was nothing I could say. We embraced again, lust pulling me towards her even though a tiny part of me wondered how we could possibly have sex. I learned how over the course of the next hour; the longest, most exhilarating and most terrifying hour in my life so far. She made me lie on the bed, spread-eagled on my back. Then she tied me to the corners of the bed, using restraints and attachments which evidenced that bondage was no stranger in her sex life. Having rendered me captive she proceeded to play with me. I was still high from the marijuana so the sensations evoked when she ran her nails over my body and, worse, followed those ministrations with a feather boa, caused me to writhe in pleasure and pain for minutes at a time, gasping and begging for mercy. Then she sucked my cock, slowly and with infinite care to ensure that I did not orgasm. All the while she was talking to me, making me talk back to her. It took only a few minutes of this for me to scream that I was really a girl, that I wanted to be a girl, that I wanted to be her girl! After I had claimed for the third time to desire to be her girl forever, she stood up. Moving forward, she knelt straddling my chest, her penis in her hand. I had never seen a penis from this angle or this close. She had a small penis, although I was in no position to criticize since mine was not much bigger. It looked to be less than five inches long, and not very wide even though it was very hard, a large vein pulsating along its side while the purpling head bobbed gently before my eyes. "Suck your lover, little girl. Show Andrea how much you love to suck cock" Her low voice was insistent and hypnotic. My lips opened of their own accord, forming a perfect 'O'. I raised my head off the bed as she moved forward. Her cock was warm velvet in my mouth. Sucking seemed instinctive and soon she was moving rhythmically over me as I moved my head back and forth. She began to moan in passion as I sucked harder and harder, trying to emulate the little twists and tongue flicks I had felt her use on me. I thought that she must be close to orgasm, and I knew that I was rapidly approaching the climax myself. It was then that she drew back. My anguish must have shown on my face, saliva dripping from my lips as I stared longingly at her penis. "Honey, we are going to do this right!" she said. She reversed herself, lying down on top of me, her groin in my face while she took my penis in her mouth. Gratefully, I accepted her back into mine and within a few seconds we were spewing cum into each other. The letdown after orgasm left me feeling drained, and I began to feel embarrassment about what we had done. I had just had sex with another man! I had just had sex while wearing women's lingerie and screaming that I wanted to be a girl! Guilt began to fill my mind, while Andrea was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. She had left me still secured to the bed, although with a promise to be right back to release me. She returned smiling. She must somehow have put her panties, and what I later learned was a gaff, back on, since no trace of her male identity remained visible. Looking down at me, her expression sobered. "Oh honey! I know just what you're thinking. It's all that cultural baggage we stick ourselves with. I'm going to untie you, but we have to snuggle. Promise we will snuggle?" I nodded, feeling depression displacing the passion I had experienced moments ago. She untied me and, true to her word, lay down beside me and embraced me. I could still taste her semen in my mouth and desperately needed to rinse, but at the same time the touch of her body and the empathy I felt from her gave me much-needed strength. I clung to her like a drowning man to a floating log. "Honey, it's all right. It's all right. It's all right" She repeated that assurance as I was cradled in her arms. Finally the tears came and I bawled like a baby. "That's good, honey" she said, rocking me back and forth. "Let all that guilt out, baby. Have a good cry" I hadn't wept since I was about ten years old. Boys don't cry. 'Does this mean I'm not a boy' I thought as my tears drew to a close. I sniffled, hiding my head against her breasts. Pulling back, I managed to choke out a few words. "Thank you, Andrea. I'm better now. I want to clean my teeth" I couldn't look at her as I spoke those words. Even talking about cleaning my teeth cost me dearly because it contained an acknowledgment of why I needed to do so: because I had just sucked her cock and she had cum inside my mouth. She acted as if this was of no concern whatsoever; as if it was the most natural thing in the world, which to her it was. She followed me into the bathroom and gave me a brand-new toothbrush. She rubbed my back as I mechanically brushed my teeth, all the time whispering reassurance to me. Moving back into the bedroom, I removed the nightgown and reached for my clothes. Andrea stepped in and, gently but firmly, took my shorts away from me. "Honey, that's wrong. You need to experience the feminine side of your nature today. It's important. If you try to deny what we just had, you will destroy your life. It happened, and it was beautiful and natural. You need to affirm your nature, not to deny it" She looked at me, her head tilted to one side, and one arm on my shoulder. Her tone was low and intense, as if she could convince me by some form of telepathy. Maybe she could, or maybe my psyche had taken too much punishment for me to resist. Whatever the cause, I spent the next half hour having depilatory cream rubbed all over me, apart from my hair and eyebrows, followed by a warm shower during which I watched my body hair spiral down the drain. Next she powdered my body with a rose-scented talc. Then came the clothes. Within a remarkably short time I was fully dressed, and dressed as a young woman. Not the everyday clothes which most women wear, for convenience and comfort, but the clothes of a determinedly feminine young woman. The panties and bra were in matching ivory silk, with lace trim around the waist and thigh openings of the panties. Foam inserts gave shape to the bra. A garter belt and nylons gave me the first exposure to what was to become a familiar delight, although my enthusiasm was restrained at the time. A slip in ivory silk shimmered over my torso. Andrea fussed through her closets, which were huge and crammed with beautiful clothes, before selecting a simple black dress. "No cleavage for now, I think" she smiled. "Not until you decide to grow your breasts!" I acknowledged her smile with a muted one of my own. Part of me wanted to stop this charade and run from the house. Part of me was finding a secret enjoyment in the fun of dressing up. For fun it was. Andrea made it obvious that this was to be a light-hearted romp, just two girls having a good time. Her sparkle was infectious, at least for that secret part of me. Andrea had just one firm rule while this was going on: I was not to peek into any mirror. This was not an easy rule to obey, since she had mirrors everywhere, but I managed to avoid catching anything more than a glimpse. Makeup was next. "Ouch! What are you doing?" I yelped. She had had me sit before a vanity, with my eyes closed. She had applied a liquid cream, I could tell more or less what it was from the feel of it on my skin. This was foundation. Then came a sharp pain from my right eyebrow. "Stay still, silly" she told me. "I'm just shaping your eyebrows. They are a disgrace!" "But people will see! You have to leave them alone" "No I don't. But I won't take out much, and I will show you how to make them look bushier before you go" Unhappy, but unwilling to resist, I sat back while she shaped my brows. It sure felt like she was removing a lot of hairs! She made me sit sideways on the chair while she did my eyes. The worst part was when she applied the mascara. The brush touched my eye and I flinched, while she apologized. My eyes watered because of that and she had to use Q-tips to repair the damage. The last touch was the use of a lip pencil to outline my lips, giving them a broader look than my own natural appearance. Then she filled in the image of my lips with a lipstick. I rubbed my lips together and then closed them on a tissue to remove the excess. I had thought that I was ready to see myself now, but she corrected me. "No young lady would go out without shoes and jewelry. And your hair!" So I suffered silently as she fitted a wig over my scalp. It was strange, having hair around the side of my head and touching my shoulder. She chose a couple of rings for me, cautioning me not to put anything on my ring finger on my left hand. "Not until you are engaged" she laughed. I noticed that she wore a larger diamond engagement ring and a wedding band. 'How did she get those?' I wondered. She couldn't be legally married! At last she pronounced herself satisfied. She made me stand. I closed my eyes in response to her command and gingerly walked, her hand guiding me, across the carpeted bedroom. She told me to stop, and then she told me to open my eyes. I was facing a pretty young woman, her dark brown hair framing her oval face. Her full lips glistened with crimson lipstick, while her eyes appeared huge due to the dramatic eyeshadow. Lush black eyelashes batted at me as she blinked. Her body did not look quite right, but I paid no real attention to any deficiencies. This girl was me! How could I, Steve Constock, look like this? Andrea insisted that I practice acting as a woman. She was a demanding instructor, but was quick to praise any progress I made. We even used a video-camera for my lessons in walking: small steps, placing my feet one in front of the other. She made me walk with a large book balanced on my head, and then up and down stairs, which was really difficult at first. Even sitting was not as easy as it seemed. I had to be reminded to smooth my skirt beneath me as I sat, and to at all costs avoid sitting with my knees apart. There were times that afternoon when I almost rebelled, but she was so patient, so sweet, and besides, I had already gone too far to be able to back out with any shred of dignity. Andrea acted as if what had happened earlier and what we were doing now were just the most natural things in the world. It seemed easier for me to go along with this attitude rather than act out my inner worries. We ordered dinner in, excellent Chinese food accompanied by a dry white from their extensive cellar. Then it was back to my lessons. Andrea was deaf to my muted protests, but thankfully even she had had enough by about nine pm. We smoked another joint and then she invited me to spend the night in her bed. I was too wasted to drive home, and I have to confess that my cock twitched as soon as she made the invitation. I learned how to remove makeup. "Never go to sleep with your makeup on, honey. You'll smear the linen and wreck your skin!" She produced a new nightgown for me to wear, a white babydoll with a cute pink ribbon forming a bow over my bodice. We cuddled for a while, my erection pressing up against her. She teased me by commenting on how pretty I looked and what a surprise it was to find that a pretty girl like me had a big hard penis! But she declined any more sex that night. I do not remember any dreams that night. I do remember coming awake feeling safe and warm. There was an unfamiliar presence next to me; a fragrant soft body clad in silk. I moved against her without conscious thought, feeling my hardness nestle into the crack between her buttocks. "Hmmm! That feels nice!" Andrea pushed back against me for a second before rolling over to face me, a bright smile on her lips. "Honey, I could get used to waking up with you in my bed. Your body knows how to pay a girl a compliment" I blushed. She gave me a quick kiss, just a peck on the lips. "No time to play today, I'm afraid" she said, climbing out of bed. "Jeff's due home around eleven, and I want to be ready for him" My composure vanished. Jeff was coming home! No matter what Andrea had said about how he had encouraged this visit, no man could welcome another man into his wife's bed, even if his wife was really another man. "Don't worry, honey! Jeff wouldn't mind if you were here. But I think you might be more comfortable going home. We'll take it one step at a time, okay?" I nodded thankfully. My male clothes were where we had left then after I had stripped last night. I got dressed hurriedly, without showering. I did clean my teeth, using the same toothbrush which Andrea had given me yesterday. When I came out of the bathroom, Andrea was waiting for me with a small suitcase in hand. She held it out to me. 'What's this?" I asked, although I suspected I knew the answer. "I think your girl-self needs some clothes, and a little makeup. Please accept this as the start of your new wardrobe" I wanted to decline, but as I had discovered already, Andrea was a difficult person to refuse. I placed the suitcase on the passenger seat and drove home. I kept reliving the events of the weekend in my head, over and over. Arousal fought with shame all the way home. Several times I almost stopped the car to throw away the suitcase, but I never got to the point of decision. Arriving home, I put the suitcase into my bedroom closet without yielding to the temptation to open it. My apartment looked small and shabby in contrast to Jeff and Andrea's magnificent home. I spent the balance of the day watching sports on television. Boring, but masculine. Next day was torture. It had been bad enough the day after I had had dinner with Jeff and Andrea. Then the memory of masturbating to Andrea's image had caused me to avoid Jeff. Now I had to deal with having had sex with her! It was not until about ten o'clock that Jeff came to find me. He pulled up a chair and sat down, greeting me warmly. My cheeks were bright red and I could not bring myself to look him in the eye. Jeff glanced around to make sure that no-one was in earshot. "Well, I heard things went really well on the weekend, Steve." I nodded, still avoiding his gaze. "Although calling you Steve seems wrong somehow! The way Andrea tells it, you're a natural little girl!" I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and pushed past him, ignoring his shocked expression. I was close to running as I left the room. The elevator doors were almost closing, but I pushed them open and entered. Down to the lobby and out into the parking lot. I walked to the far corner, through several rows of cars and sport-utes. Standing with my hands on my hips, I hung my head and began to cry. I was lost in self-pity and remorse when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning my head I realized that Jeff had caught up with me. He seemed truly concerned, no laughter on his somber face. "Look Steve, that was really insensitive of me. I'm truly, truly sorry" I wiped away the tears. "I'm sorry too" I mumbled. "Steve, believe me when I tell you that Andrea and I like you. We like you more than you can imagine. We don't want to hurt you. Far from it: we want to help you" I stood silently, able now to look at him. He spoke earnestly. "I love Andrea. Many people would think of us as perverted, but the truth is that we are two people very much in love, who fulfill each other's needs in every way. Not everyone fits into the neat gender categories which conventional society ordains. Some of us are different, even when we don't want to admit that even to ourselves" He paused, his eyes searching my expression as if to gauge my reaction. I remained impassive, listening but not responding. "I thought that maybe you were one of the ones trapped, without knowing it, in other peoples' idea of who and what you were. Andrea agreed as soon as she met you. What happened this weekend was intended to help you realize who you are: who you can be. should be" Every syllable and every nuance of body language spoke of his sincerity. As I listened I felt a great weight lift from my shoulders, a weight which I had not even known was there. I felt my lips form a smile, even while I was aware of the last of my tears drying on my cheeks. "Thank you, Jeff." I said. "I'm okay now.." He reached out to place his hands on my shoulders while lowering his head and looking at me from beneath his brow. "I won't push you. You let us know when you are ready, and we will help you some more" I thanked him again and told him that while I was feeling much better, I thought I would go for a walk before returning to the office. "I understand, Steve" he said. I do not remember how the rest of the day went. I doubt that I earned my salary that day or at all that week. I spent a lot of time reading escapist books or watching television; anything to avoid having to think. Despite that feeling of a weight coming off my shoulders, I was still far from ready to embrace a new self-image. Twice I brought the suitcase out of the closet and twice I put it back with out opening it. Several times, when out in search of a new book to hid behind, I found myself looking at women's magazines, wondering whether I should be buying them, to study fashion, to check out hairstyles and so on. Once I forced myself to move along the newsstand and buy a Swimsuit Issue of some sporting magazine. At home I looked through the magazine, at all the fabulous models baring almost all. But the images which floated in front of my eyes once I put the magazine down were not of any of those beauties but of Andrea. And of me! Jeff was kind enough to stay away from me. He did so to such an extent that a couple of our co-workers asked me whether I had done something to piss him off. I had no answer other than a casual, although forced, dismissal. Telling the truth was not an option! It was three weeks later that Jeff was called away again. And it was that afternoon that I got the call I had half-dreaded and half-longed for. "Hi, honey! Please come to lunch tomorrow. Please. I will be so hurt if you don't" Andrea's voice was music in my ears. An erection rose unbidden and my voice got caught in my throat. There was no way to refuse her request. "Have you been wearing the clothes I gave you?" "No.. I can't seem to make up my mind" I said. "No matter, honey. But please wear something pretty under those ugly boy clothes tomorrow. pretty please?" My tongue did not seem to work right, and the bulge in my crotch was downright painful as I stammered my assent. Next morning I finally opened the suitcase. She had packed the babydoll nightie I had worn the night I slept in her bed. A small plastic bag contained lipstick, eyeliner, a compact and a tube of mascara as well as a jar of liquid foundation. I put the nightie into my underwear drawer and the cosmetics under the sink in the bathroom. The suitcase also contained lingerie which was identical to that which I had worn for Andrea, but it had to be a different set since it was neatly folded and obviously freshly cleaned if not brand new. I was naked when I opened the suitcase, but an idea struck me before I put on any of these pretty clothes. My body hair had grown back over the past three weeks. "This will never do!" I thought to myself. Shaving my arms and legs took a lot longer than I expected. I had to wait a few minutes after I was finished in order for the couple of nicks I had inflicted on myself to stop bleeding. Finally I was ready. I put on the bra first, remembering to fasten it in front of me before turning it around my chest and putting my arms through the straps. Andrea had placed two breastforms in the suitcase but I decided not to use them. I would be dressing outwardly as a man, and it would be difficult to explain why I appeared to have breasts. Even though I was planning to head straight over, I might get pulled over by a cop. Besides, I thought, it would be nice to take her some flowers. Something Andrea had told me last time made me stop putting on the panties next. What if I had to go to the bathroom? I had better put my panties on over my garter belt. The other way looked sexier, more like the image that men formed from reading certain types of magazines, but, as Andrea had said, being a woman was not always what men thought it was. Pulling the nylons up my sheer legs felt wonderful. I sat on the edge of my bed running my hands lightly over my nylon-clad thighs. What a rush! I chuckled to myself as I stepped into my panties. Maybe Jeff and Andrea were right about me! I had trouble bending my penis back between my legs since it had swollen, although well short of an erection. There was definitely a bulge there: most unladylike! I put on my slip, which felt cool and delicious, but then took it off as I realized that it was not suitable beneath blue jeans. I needed a dress or a skirt, but even if I had one, I wasn't about to go out in it. I pulled on a pair of socks over my nylons and then the blue jeans and a sweater, which concealed my bra. On the way over I bought a bouquet of flowers. Standing in line to pay for my purchase gave me a secret thrill. There I was, wearing forbidden clothing, on my way to an erotic, exotic encounter. None of these staid, ordinary people had any idea of what was going on. Andrea greeted me at the door with a hug and a kiss on the lips. I felt her tongue push against my lips for just a moment. She was spectacular in a pale lemon blouse, open to reveal more than a hint of cleavage and a tight short black leather skirt, which looked as if it had been painted on. She wore only a trace of makeup, and her perfume was barely enough to tantalize. I found my heart rate soaring as I followed her into the house. She paused in the kitchen to place the flowers into a vase. "I'll cut and arrange them later, honey. Maybe you can help. But first we have to make you presentable" She took my hand in hers and led me, unprotesting, into the bedroom. My will power seemed to have vanished. I had surrendered to her as soon as she had kissed me. She seemed to know it, telling me to strip while she watched, a quiet, confident smile on her face. She complimented me on having the foresight to shave, although she told me that on the way home I should buy some depilatory to avoid having to shave. "Either cream or waxing, dear. Shaving is too much bother. I wax every month, and use the cream once in a while. I think the cream can cause problems. Some girls are allergic to it, or can develop an allergy. Waxing hurts, but then we girls have to suffer to be beautiful!" I had hoped that we would go to bed right away, but Andrea acted as if sex was the furthest thing from her mind. Instead, I was given a teddy to wear, and then a tight pair of jeans and a tank top to put over my now prominent 'breasts'. The jeans were difficult to get on. The nylons helped, since they were slippery. There was a short slit at the bottom of each leg, otherwise I could never have pulled them over my feet. Andrea introduced me to the confines of a gaff, again an essential for wearing clothes like these jeans. Once I had on the three inch heeled slingbacks, she made me walk up and down. "You are doing great, honey! You walk really well. We need to fill out your bum a bit,, and do something about your waist. But for a beginner, you're doing great" We spent two hours practicing my moves. I learned to develop a wiggle in my walk. "Not too much, dear. You don't want to look like a whore!" I blushed. "Of course, maybe there will be a time when looking like a whore will turn you on" she laughed. There was no good answer to that, so I smiled and kept silent. At long last Andrea announced that we had had enough lessons for today. Now it was time for us to be two girlfriends spending a romantic weekend. We started with a joint. "You know, Steve, you are doing so well, but both Jeff and I understand that you are having to fight so many years of cultural propaganda. You are always going to have doubts until you have crossed completely to the other side" "The other side?" I asked. "The other side of the gender line; the internal dividing line between the feminine and the masculine. You were raised, conditioned, to believe that you are on the masculine side, and now you are beginning to learn that all of that was wrong. You are a feminine being, honey. You belong on my side of the line" I looked at her. Yes, I knew that she was genetically a male. That she still had male plumbing. But Andrea was right about one thing. She definitely lived on the feminine side of the line, and at that moment I felt a tremendous tug, as if some force were pulling me towards her side. "Take a hit" she encouraged. "You need help breaking down those inhibitions, casting aside the bars which have imprisoned you for so long" I inhaled deeply, pleased at my ability to hold the smoke in my lungs without coughing as I had done last time. Andrea put on an album by Diana Kraal and we danced slowly to the quiet music. I could feel my cares spiraling away as we held each other close. This time it was I who took the first step, leaning in and kissing her. She smiled and I leaned my head against her shoulder. We danced, or more accurately clung to each other while moving in time to the music, for maybe fifteen minutes before Andrea loosened her embrace. "Let's go to bed" she said, her eyes shining bright. I nodded, tongue-tied. We undressed each other. I nuzzled her breasts, licking, sucking and nibbling at her nipples until she squealed with pleasure. "Wouldn't you like breasts like these?" she teased. "Then you could have your lover do this to you!" I laughed and knelt to kiss and lick her navel. We were now naked except for our garter belts and nylons. Our gaffs were long gone and her penis was sticking out in front of her as I pressed my face against the smooth, taut skin of her belly. I felt her hands on my head, slowly but firmly pushing me lower. She had shaved her pubic hair so that it formed a small inverted triangle. She must have perfumed her groin, since the scent filled my nostrils as my lips and tongue moved lower. I kissed her skin and then bent my head to one side so that I could lick her balls. Despite the awkwardness of my posture I took each testicle into my mouth and gently suckled them before turning my attention to her shaft. I licked up one side and than the other, pausing over the head to flick my tongue over the slit. She was arching her back, her fingers clenching and unclenching in my hair as she moaned. I looked up at her, feeling the power I held to bring her such pleasure. It struck me that I was enjoying a very feminine type of power at that moment. The thought made my already hard penis twitch and a warmth filled my stomach. Bending once more to my task, I took her into my mouth and slowly moved up and down, being sure to run my tongue around the underside of the head of her penis on each upwards movement. I tasted a salty fluid: pre-come. That was my signal to back off: I remembered how she had brought me time and again to the brink of release when we had first made love. The nearness, the intensity of desire, temporarily frustrated, had caused my excitement to mount to an unprecedented height, making orgasm, when it arrived, truly a climatic experience. I wanted to give Andrea that gift today. And so it was. This time it was Andrea who laid spread-eagled on the bed. She showed me how to fasten the restraints and where she and Jeff kept the toys. I had a wonderful time manipulating her response, bringing her to the brink and then away, despite her increasingly fervent prayers for an ending. But my inexperience showed itself. I had gone down on her for the third time, sucking and licking slowly and sensuously. 'One more second' I thought to myself. 'Then I'll pull back' It was too late! She came in a series of juddering spurts, jism filling my mouth and leaking from my lips. Her hips were bucking furiously and it was all I could do to keep her penis in my mouth. The realization that I had brought her to release triggered my own orgasm, my seed spilling onto her belly. Her wild gyrations ceased and I sat up, my lips closed on a mouthful of her cum. She was smiling up at me, sweat glistening on her body, the covers of the bed in disarray. She looked wonderful, her face flushed and her delightful bosom heaving. I scrambled off the bed and rushed to the bathroom. Last time, when I had given her my first ever blowjob, I had swallowed her cum, but I had had no choice, strapped to the bed. Andrea had taken her mouthful of mine into the bathroom, and that was what I did. I spat it out, rinsed and brushed my teeth, taking my time in the warm comfort of knowing that I had pleased my lover. I used a face cloth to wash my cum off my body, and after rinsing it out, took it back into the bedroom. As I walked back into the bedroom I deliberately swayed my hips in an exaggerated way. "Do I look like a whore now?" I asked. She laughed uproariously. "Oh, sweetie, you can be my whore any time you want" After quickly removing my cum from her skin and returning the face cloth to the bathroom, I climbed onto the bed and laid beside her, moving my hands over her body. She was still tied up, and I felt no rush to release her. I suckled her breasts and kissed the sweat from her belly. Was some of the salty taste a remnant from my own orgasm? Then I straightened out and lay still, our faces inches apart, my eyes gazing deeply into hers. "You feel it, don't you" she said quietly. I knew what she meant. "Yes, Andrea. I think I'm almost across the line" "No, honey. Right now, you are across; all the way. What you felt, what you are feeling now, is the feeling of love from a feminine perspective. You may stray back across the line a few more times, but now that you've come this far, it is only a matter of time before you are here to stay" Tears began to roll down my face, even though inside I was as happy as I had ever been. I kissed her tenderly and rose to my knees to untie the straps. We embraced warmly, this time with no sexual overtones. She was my sister, as well as my lover. The weekend lasted forever and yet it was over too fast. We made ourselves a late lunch, working comfortably together in the kitchen. Andrea was careful to show me the right way to do things, joking that as a young girl I should have paid more attention! "Didn't you mother tell you that the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach?" she asked. "Is that how you captured Jeff's heart?" I said, greatly daring. I was joking as if I were a girl! "It was somewhere down there, but maybe a little lower" she said, winking at me. I had to stop peeling the carrots, I laughed so hard. I do not recall a more carefree time than that golden day. Night found us dressed in our nightgowns, snuggling against each other. Andrea once more refused my advances. "I love you sweetie, but I belong to Jeff. He's my husband, and if I have another orgasm tonight, I won't be as amorous with him tomorrow, and that's not good" We ate breakfast in the morning dressed in negligees, sitting in the kitchen. Breakfast was a half-grapefruit and a cup of coffee. "You're going to have to start eating properly, young lady" she said when I suggested cooking some bacon and eggs instead. I wondered whether I should rush home as I had done that first weekend, but Andrea insisted I stay. "Jeff's been worried about you. It will be good for him to meet you like this. Besides, it's time you got an appropriate name, and Jeff told me that he'd like to be here when you choose it" "A name?" I asked. "Honey, there isn't a Steve in the world who looks as good in a negligee as you do. And you didn't act like a Steve in bed!" Somehow I found myself blushing around Andrea more than I had ever blushed before, and now I was doing it again. "When's he due home?" "In a couple of hours. That'll give us time to work out" We changed into leotards, mine a vivid pink while hers were black with a red stripe along either side. Working out meant using a treadmill and a device to help support our heads while we were doing abdominal crunches. "You're lucky that you're slim, and haven't lost tone in your abdominal muscles" she told me. "A couple of months of this, combined with proper diet and some pills I can get you will work miracles on your body" "I don't know about pills, Andrea. What kind of pills?" She told me that she had for years been taking female hormones. She also told me that she had had some minor cosmetic surgery, but that most of her appearance was natural, aided by the pills. "The original pills really reduced my sexual drive, and abilities" she said. "But I've found a new specialist. The hormones are enough to maintain my figure but with some new medication, I'm almost as sexually potent as I ever was. And while I love being a girl, I still get a lot of enjoyment from my penis. I wouldn't give that up for the world" "I wondered about that" I said. "I've heard about surgery to transform men into women. Have you ever thought about it?" "Jeff and I have discussed it. It some ways it would make life easier, but Jeff likes me the way I am, and, like I say, I get a lot of pleasure from having boy bits! So, no.. the operation's not for me. You'll have to decide whether it is for you, but I suggest you wait until you find a husband. He may have some ideas as well" I turned away, feeling a strange emptiness in my stomach. She had spoken so casually of a husband, as if it were not only normal, but inevitable. I buried myself in the exercises, working up a sweat which stained my leotards dark. After showering, I got dressed in a simple skirt and blouse combination, with a teddy, panties and bra, but no garterbelt or nylons. I wore short white cotton socks and a pair of loafers. I was adjusting the wig which Andrea had suggested I wear, while vowing to let my hair grow so that I didn't need to use a wig all the time in order to look like a girl, when I heard the front door open. "Hi honey. I'm home!" My palms were sweaty and my knees shaky. Andrea was the only person who had ever seen me dressed, and since she was physically like me, that somehow did not count. Now I was to be seen by a man. I knew that he already knew about me, and in fact had been instrumental in my development, but that didn't matter. I was about to be seen as a girl by a man! My anxieties were misplaced, as I must have somehow known. Jeff stood and looked me up and down, before breaking out into a huge smile and coming forward to embrace me. I felt myself melting into him in a way which would have terrified me a month earlier. Within a few minutes I was feeling as relaxed with Jeff as I had been with Andrea, and we were happily going over a girl's name for me. My first idea was Stephanie, but both Andrea and Jeff disapproved. "It's too much like Steve" Jeff explained. "You are not going to be Steve anymore. You are making a fresh start, as your own person. Steve is the label which your parents forced on you in order to make you believe that you were masculine. You need a name to reinforce your true nature" We finally settled on Clarisse. "It's an old-fashioned name, but there's nothing the least masculine about it" Andrea said delightedly. "Okay, then I'm Clarisse!" I said. They both hugged me, and kissed me. Jeff's kiss was a pleasant surprise. He smelt musky in comparison to Andrea, and his lips were dry and firm. Even though he had shaved that morning, I could feel bristles against my face when we kissed. My surprises were not over yet. Andrea announced that she and Jeff felt almost a parental responsibility for Clarisse and they intended to see that she got off to a good start in life. Given that I was still going to live most of the time as Steve, at least for a while, and that I was newly graduated, with lots of bills to pay and relatively little money, they were going to give me a wardrobe! I tried to protest, but Andrea was having none of it. "Clarisse, we're talking every girl's dream here! Unlimited shopping for wonderful clothes. Not just boring everyday clothes, but sexy, pretty, feminine girl clothes!" It occurred to me that it would be difficult to buy a lot of clothes without going out, and I wasn't sure I was ready for that. They reassured me. "These days you can buy anything on the Net. We'll get your measurements and go online. Anything that doesn't fit can be altered: I know a very good and discrete seamstress, who does all my work and who knows all about me. Or we just send it back. We'll deal only with stores I've bought from myself." Hours later, exhausted but happy, we logged off. I had not tried to keep track, but I suspect that Andrea had just spent about five thousand dollars on my new wardrobe! All to be delivered to their home, to avoid suspicion at my building and to reduce any embarrassment I might feel if I had to go pick it up at some courier's office. That was the start of my new life as Clarisse. I began spending all my weekends at Jeff and Andrea's place. My friendship with Jeff was strictly platonic, although I could tell from the pressure of his erection when he hugged me, which was every weekend, that he found me attractive as Clarisse. That helped boost my new self-image. Sex with Andrea remained exciting, even though limited to maybe once a month, when Jeff was away. I was placed on a strict diet and after a visit to Andrea's specialist, I started taking three little pills a day, and before long found that I needed less and less padding, either in my bra or over my buttocks. It was not long before Andrea had me going out with her while I was Clarisse. The first trips were at night, and very short, but I soon gained confidence. Andrea was a never- ending source of surprises. As my comfort level grew, so she stretched my horizons. She introduced me to a speech therapist who helped me learn to speak in a natural feminine manner. I practiced so much that my chief fear was that I would start talking that way at work, without even knowing it. In fact, seeing Jeff at work began to cause me problems, since I reacted to him so naturally as Clarisse. Then she introduced me to her hairdresser, a gay man who knew all about Andrea, and, of course, about me. He had one of the estheticians in the beauty parlor pierce my ears. I suspect that she was in on the secret, since real girls almost always have their ears pierced long before they reach their twenties, but she gave no indication that anything was unusual. All this time I lived as Steve during the week, although Clarisse often came out in the evenings. My weekends were virtually exclusively Clarisse's but while I was getting out, I had no social life outside of Jeff and Andrea. That changed one weekend. "Good morning, Clarisse" It was Andrea phoning on a Friday morning. She had called before I had got out of bed. I had reached for the telephone, noting with approval the way my arm had lost muscle and was now smooth and hairless. "Hi honey. What's up?" "You're still on for dinner tomorrow night?" "Of course. Unless I get a date first" We had begun joking about my lack of a social life. Both Andrea and Jeff had begun dropping hints that they thought it was time for Clarisse to become a little better known. "Well, I've got that covered, darling" I sat up, clutching the sheets around my now pert breasts. "What do you mean. I'm not ready." "Now hush, child. He won't hurt you. He's a wonderful man. I should know. He's my brother" "I didn't know you had a brother. Where's he from?" I was trying to avoid the idea of a date by pursuing this irrelevant line of questioning. "I'll tell you all about him tomorrow. Or maybe I'll let him tell you. Now wear your prettiest dress. I think that little black cocktail dress we bought last month. Have you worn it yet?" It was a divine little dress in black silk, which I had had altered earlier this week after it had been delivered to Andrea's house on Monday. And I had not worn it since I had picked it up from the seamstress. That day was chaotic. We had to make some changes to a customer order at the last minute. Perhaps it was just as well, since it gave me no time to fret. Friday evening was another story. Ordinarily I would have gone, as Clarisse, over to Jeff and Andrea's, as I did perhaps three weeks out of four. But Andrea had kindly but firmly told me not to come. Her brother was visiting, and I was not to meet him until tomorrow night. So I spent a stressful and nervous evening during the course of which I worried obsessively about what I would wear. Sure, the dress was just divine, but was it right for the occasion? Would I look too fat? Would my legs look okay? What shoes should I wear? Which purse should I choose? What about earrings? Men don't understand what we go through getting ready to look good for them. Andrea had arranged my Saturday afternoon for me. I had three hours at the beauty parlor, undergoing a painful waxing, having my hair permed and styled, my fingers and toes manicured and pedicured, my eyebrows shaped and dyed and a full facial, all paid for by my benefactor. She was going all out to make sure I looked good for her brother. I had never felt so pretty, and so feminine, as I dressed for the dinner. I carefully tucked my penis between my legs and secured my gaff. I had earlier showered and dusted myself with a non-scented talc. Now I selected my finest lingerie. Black silk and lace. The bra was lightly underwired to accentuate my cleavage. I no longer needed padding, but the uplift provided by the bra certainly helped, I thought as I looked at my reflection in the full length mirror I had purchased two months ago. My garter belt was in black as well, matching both my bra and my panties. It had small red flowered embroidered in lace above each garter, the tabs dangling down my thighs as I fastened the tiny hooks. My panties were high cut, and fitted snugly. No unsightly bulge was apparent, at most it appeared that my mound of Venus was prominent. No ugly male pubic hair straggled up my belly, I had emulated Andrea's habit of shaving it into an attractive, feminine triangle. The stockings were a delight to put on. Gossamer fabric, smoke-black, with a delicate pattern woven into the silk, they clung to my legs, emphasizing their perfect shape. My legs were my best feature, I thought smugly. I chose a short black slip, with a wide lace trim. A short slit ran along the side. I adjusted the spaghetti straps so that the bodice fit properly over my bra. Then it was time to put on my satin makeup jacket and get down to the serious business of making my face look adorable. It was dinner I was dressing for, so I knew that I could go all out. Yet at the same time, I had learned from Andrea how tempting and how wrong it was for a girl to go overboard. I had to walk a fine line between dramatic and sensual on the one hand and cheap and whorish on the other. Half and hour later I applied the final touch of lipgloss to my lips. Gazing at myself in the mirror I felt as if I had stepped outside of my body, as if I were looking at my reflection from a position just behind me, looking over my shoulder towards the mirror. Where was Steve? Nowhere. "My name is Clarisse. I am the girl I was born to be" I whispered the affirmation out loud. Pursing my lips, I blew myself a kiss and rose from my seat before the vanity. I recalled how a weight had lifted from my shoulders all those months ago when Jeff had followed me into the parking lot. A similar feeling filled me no as I donned my dress. I needed no wig tonight. My hair was my own, thicker than I would have believed possible. The little pills had helped me in so many ways. I checked my jewelry. Diamond earrings dangled from my ears, flashing in the light as I swung my head from side to side to gauge the effect. My new watch, yet another gift from Andrea, graced my left wrist, its slender supple gold bracelet framing its delicate oval face. I wore two rings, although none of course on the ring finger of my left hand. I put on the shoes I had chosen. They had moderate heels, less than three inches although by now I was perfectly at home in far higher heels. Black leather, with black satin inlays and small gold buckles, they were elegant and refined. I had thought of more provocative footwear, but these went so well with the dress. I grabbed my tiny purse, just big enough to hold my keys and identification. I sure hoped that I would not need my identification tonight, since it claimed that I was still Steve. The evening was early, and still warm, but I knew that it might get chilly later, so I chose a warm fur-lined wrap. I looked through the peephole in my door to make sure the coast was clear. Some of my neighbors had surely seen Clarisse before, but I kept very much to myself and if anyone had guessed, I hadn't heard about it. There was someone waiting for the elevator, so I delayed until the car had arrived and departed. Fortunately no-one appeared while I waited for the next one, which was empty all the way to the parking level. The clack of my heels on the concrete as I made my way to my car reassured me of my essence. Yes, I am Clarisse! Jeff answered the door. I could hear the familiar sound of jazz playing in the living room. We embraced briefly and then Jeff stood back. He shook his head admiringly. "Wow, Clarisse. It's a good thing I'm a married man!" I blushed as he helped me with my wrap. "Come on in, and I'll introduce you" Butterflies filled my stomach as I followed him into the living room. Andrea rose to greet me, giving me a brief hug and a peck on the cheek before turning to the man who stood beside her. "Clarisse, I would like you to meet my brother, Phil. Clarisse..Phil" Phil smiled at me and extended his hand. As I put mine out in response, he took hold of it and raised it to his lips, which gently brushed the back of my had as he smiled at me. "Clarisse, I am delighted to meet you. Andrea has told me how delightful you are. She said you were astonishingly beautiful. If anything, she has done you a disservice. You take my breath away!" The butterflies had exploded. My knees were turning to water. I could not take my eyes from his. I felt as if I were falling into an infinite pool. A poll where I could lose myself forever. Blood rushed through my ears and I felt light-headed. This was an incredibly handsome man. I felt myself falling in love already, and realized that until now I had lived only as a shadow of a woman. Here, in front of me, his appreciation of me shining in his eyes, stood the man who could bring Clarisse to her destiny. Well, dear readers, I will not trouble you, for now, with more of my story. Andrea knew what she was doing. P

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OHGirl Bukkake Queen Velvet Gives Birth

Nearly two months passed by as my mom and I remained in LA to shoot more films for Rudy’s company. Mikey stayed the entire time, still renting the condo and alternating nannies. He also hired a couple of local c***d care workers to help with the k**s too. My mom was spending 2 or 3 days a week with my dad and the rest of the week she was with Rudy, shooting videos and having sex at the various parties that he threw. I was still shooting too and had just finished my 8th video in two months. All...

1 year ago
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

1 year ago
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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

3 years ago
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Kelly and a month without birth control

Once again, this one was from Kelly’s journals. By this time, our neighbor Becky already had a daughter by me. Half the time, you would have thought Heather Marie was Kellys baby! I think she had her more then Becky did after she was born! Kelly used to say that she was just giving Becky a break so the two of us could spend some time together and Kelly would take Heather to the mall and show her off! Dear babe, By the time you get home and read this, I will be in Fresno for my training...

3 years ago
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Birth Control

Birth Control? Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My mom put my sister on birth control when she was 14, but after taking them for a while, they made her sick, and she quit taking them. Mom didn't want to hear about "sick" and just kept buying them, but Nancy kept stuffing them away. It was a no win situation for both of them, so I stayed out of it. It was only when I read the back of one of the packages that I realized they contained female hormones! Nancy and I had played...

2 years ago
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Birth Control

Birth Control? Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My mom put my sister on birth control when she was 14, but after taking them for a while, they made her sick, and she quit taking them. Mom didn't want to hear about "sick," and just kept buying them, but Nancy kept stuffing them away. It was a no win situation for both of them, so I stayed out of it. It was only when I read the back of one of the packages that I realized they contained female hormones! Nancy and I had...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

2 years ago
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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Matthews dreamy birthday

Matthew had just graduated from university when he landed his dream job as a systems analyst. His new colleagues were nice, making him really welcome especially his manager Vincent.As the months progressed, they got to know Matthew better as well as he likewise with his colleagues including Vincent.Where his colleagues like to spend their leisure time socialising like going to concerts, football matches etc, they were intrigued as well as more bewildered by his hobby. Matthew like spending his...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 87 A Birth Discoveries Helping a Friend

Mark I made two long trips over the four weeks before Philip Emerson Worthington arrived in this world. On each trip I made a relatively large amount of money since some of what I was selling was from my non-public corporation: two-hundred-and-fifty million dollars is not to be sneezed at. Further, I bought three small companies that I knew I could sell in a year’s time at ten-fold the purchase price, also netting out at more than a quarter of a billion dollars. The absences for travel had...

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The birth of a young whore ndash pt3 ndash tortured deflor

The birth of a young whore – pt3 – tortured deflorationsequel of : mom lay in this straw, 15 yrs old, weak, trembling all over after my uncle destroyed her ass, after he fucked her with his big 8 inch cock ballsdeep in that asshole, that has been virgin when she woke up in the morning, she relaxed. Made plans how to escape these two monsters, my...

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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip Lauries homecoming and Ben Jrs Birth

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip, Lauries homecoming and Ben Jr.s Birth Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 58, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast OH God Ben, I missed you lover Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him,...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

4 years ago
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Births Deaths and Marriages

Births Deaths and Marriages A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Allan Bingley was not the sort of man who you might think of as a criminal. He has a small open and honest looking face on a small non-descript body, slightly flabby. He had very little hair on his head. Alopecia rather than pattern baldness, had robbed him of his hair when he was not yet thirty. His mother assured him that it would grow back. It never did. And now she was dead. He did not need money so much that...

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The New StartChapter 8 Birth

"Tes isn't what?" Tes asked. She walked up and joined the conversation, but hadn't heard what had been said before. Mist looked at Dawn and seeing no indication from her that their discussion should be kept private told Tes of their pregnancy. Tes smiled and then told them that she too was expecting. "How is this possible? We are not even of the same species," Mist asked. "I don't know, but I intend to research and find out," Tes answered, "But in the mean time it looks like the...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip Lauries homecoming and Ben Jrs Birth

Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 5'8, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast “OH God Ben, I missed you lover” Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him, licks the head and looks up at Ben “Master we are not going to leave this room till we go back to Alabama, You are mine now” she sucks BIG FELLA deep getting him hard. Laurie straddles BIG FELLA and...

1 year ago
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Slut in last birth

Hi friends . Nikunj here with one more story.. This story deals with a black magic that show u what was u in last birth. I hope many people r crazy to know what they were in their last birth. On e of them was Ms. Rajul. She was so crazy that she one day brought a book of black magic. The book had a trick of knowing what the people were in last month. One more trick Rajul thought because she had tried many trick from many other books. She was very low of confident abt the book. She brought the...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

3 years ago
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Emperors BodyguardChapter 8 The Birth of Constance

I walked into Albert’s private suite and nodded to Sergeant Harrison before crossing to snatch my cousin off the floor and toss him into the air screaming and laughing. I caught him and handed him back to Molly who grinned at her son squirming in my hands. Albert looked up from some reports he had been reading and grinned, “How did it go?” I smiled, “Like clockwork. You should not have any more trouble from that quadrant.” He nodded and tapped his reader screen, “This is my new headache,...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

1 year ago
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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...

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The birth of a whore ndash pt2 ndash end of close season

The birth of a young whore – pt2 – end of close seasonsequel of : are still in the near of Heidelberg, Germany, back in 1965, this wonderful era, when women knew about their position, when men controlled women's life, with strong mind and hands, when chastisement wasn't reprehensible, when emancipation was unknown, when youngster didn't automatically get mentally disordered when they were taught "ethical" values, and when they...

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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 20 The Birthing Clinic

"How did the rest of your stay there go?" Riku asked, "I read the part you wrote today and that seemed pretty traumatic." We'd arrived back late the previous day. Shelumba told us the Major was rather annoyed as he'd sent a proper car for us but that had perforce to go via the cablecar station and the dirt road to the camp. We'd made an early start and had turned off that road on to the contour track before the car reached us. "The Major wanted to see you before he went away for a...

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