Partying At The Frat House Across The Quad free porn video

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Partying at the Frat House Across the Quad By Bill Hart "C'mon, Steve. Everybody's expecting you to show up," said Charlie. "You just must go tonight. We've all been studying way too hard and far too long for our exams. You, me, and just about everyone else around here are in serious need of a major break of routine. And that's exactly what this frat party tonight is supposed to be all about." "I _am_ not going tonight," replied Steve adamantly. "You know, I could almost understand your not wanting to go if the party were at that strange fraternity on the other side of the campus, where all the weird shit, no one can explain, seems to happen all the time." "I'm not going, Charlie," repeated Steve emphatically. "And that's final." "Are you trying to tell me that you're going to let some little thing keep you away from a party where you'll be able to relax, unwind, and have some fun for once," replied Charlie. "I hope that's not what you're trying to tell me." "Little?" he said in amazement. "If only he were just some _little_ thing, then I might stand a fighting chance. But even though a lot of words, some of them even repeatable in mixed company, can be used to describe Tark Winston, _little_ is just _not_ one of them. And _you_ know it. Hell, if you could stand Tark up next to King Kong, then Kong would look like just another _little_ monkey." "C'mon, Steve. Tark won't do anything to you at the party in front of all those people." "That's not what he told me earlier today. You weren't there when he approached me in the quad and, in front of dozens of witnesses, said 'Tompkins, if you show up at the frat party tonight and I should happen to see you, then I'll break both your arms and both your legs, _before_ I start hurting you.' You may not believe him, but I sure as hell believe him, Charlie. I am _not_ going anywhere near that fraternity tonight." "I really doubt he'd do anything stupid like that. He knows you're afraid of him and he's playing on that fear to get his way. He just doesn't want you going to the frat party tonight." "And I'm _not_ going, Charlie. It's as simple as that," replied Steve. "There are no doubts whatsoever in my mind that he'd do exactly what he told me he'd do. And if you don't believe me, then you should talk to Marty Meadows. He ran afoul of Tark a couple of months ago, and it took two teams of paramedics over an hour and a half to unwind him from the fire hydrant Tark wrapped him around. He is one really mean SOB, Charlie. But if Tark says he's gonna break my arms and legs and _then_ hurt me, if I go to that party tonight, then you better damn well believe I'm not going to that party nor am I going anywhere near where that party is being held. I'm staying right here in our dorm room all night. Even longer, if it should become necessary." "I didn't realize he was that much of an asshole," replied Charlie. "Just what the hell did you do that pissed him off so badly?" "Nothing. I didn't do a damn thing." "You must have done something. Even that brainless Neanderthal couldn't get that pissed off over nothing." "Charlie, I swear I did absolutely nothing to him. I'm not stupid," said Steve. "Apparently, he and his current girlfriend, Mona Lewis, are having some troubles. And someone told him I'd been putting the moves on her." "You didn't," gasped Charlie. "Of course, I didn't. I told you I'm not an idiot," snapped Steve. "Mona's a really nice girl. And maybe, if she wasn't involved with Tark, I could possibly see us getting together and maybe even having a future together. I don't think she should be involved with an asshole like Tark, but interfering in one of _his_ problems only means winding up getting seriously hurt." "But who would tell him something like that?" "I don't know, Charlie," replied Steve. "I really don't know." "But you really should go tonight anyway, you know," said Charlie. "Like everyone else, you need time away from your books and studying. Of late, I think even you'd have to admit, you've been studying too hard. You need to lighten up and put a little fun in your life." "That's true, Charlie. But a _little_ fun is probably all the fun I'd have," replied Steve with a hint of sarcasm. "Once Tark found out I was there, it wouldn't be long before the paramedics would have to be called to collect all the pieces of me in order to try and put me back together again. I've really grown fond of walking and using my arms, Charlie. And I really would like to be able to use them tomorrow, the day after that, and the rest of my life." "Maybe we could find you some sort of disguise," suggested Charlie. "It would have to be one hell of a damn good disguise." "You know, Steve, I just had this great idea," smiled Charlie. "And I think this might just provide you a really good disguise." "Might?" asked Steve. "Just what do you mean 'might?' It's either a damn good disguise or I'll get to discover my pain threshold." "Sorry about that, Steve," replied Charlie. "It's just that I really don't know right now just how good a disguise I can actually devise for you," He opened his briefcase and began fumbling through its contents. "What are you looking for?" asked a very puzzled Steve. "My _book_," replied Charlie. "Your _book_? And what _book_ is that?" asked Steve, even more puzzled. "How can any _book_ of yours help you decide whether or not some disguise is good or not?" "This one just might be able to do just that and maybe then some." Charlie continued searching through his briefcase. "Here it is." He pulled a book out of his briefcase and held it out for Steve to see. "Oh, shit," groaned Steve. "You have got to be kidding me. Right?" Shaking his head, he stared at the predominantly yellow colored book with the black lettered title in Charlie's hand. "Just where the hell did you find something like that, Charlie?" he inquired. "And whatever the hell possessed you to even _buy_ some dumb book with a title as stupid as 'Magic for Dummies?'" "I found it in the bookstore at the mall," replied Charlie. "I went there looking for the new Chalker book, which I was certain was supposed to be out this week, but the people working there said it wouldn't be released for another couple of months. So I looked around and found this." An odd flashback to the events of that day made Charlie smile. "But you wanna know something really strange, Steve. When I went into the bookstore, there was this odd-looking little magic shop right next door. If I hadn't been looking for the new Chalker book, I probably would have skipped the bookstore, but, since I was, I figured I'd be able go in and have a quick look around as soon as I'd finished in the bookstore. How could I have known that the odd little magic shop wouldn't be there when I came out again. I'm not really sure why I bought it, but as I was looking through it in the bookstore I thought it might prove useful sometime. You never can tell about these things." "How can you be dumb enough to buy some moronic book on magic?" reproached Steve. "And especially one with such a stupid title? There's no such thing as magic." "But there must be, Steve," argued Charlie. "Otherwise they wouldn't be selling it in the non-fiction section of the bookstore." Steve shook his head. "But ever since that day I bought it, I've been reading it a lot, especially the chapters on transformations. You know, it's not really all that tough of a subject, except for the strange incantation language that's used throughout the book. It looks really weird and as odd as it looks I'd guess it should sound almost as weird when spoken out loud. I mean, I haven't actually heard the language spoken yet. You just don't want to speak these things aloud unless you really mean them." Steve shook his head again. "Has anyone ever told you that you read too many fantasies?" "Do you really think so? Nobody's ever told me that before," replied Charlie. "But I really believe I've read enough to be able to cast a spell on you that would make you appear to be someone completely different from the person you appear to be right now." "That's not possible," said Steve. "Didn't I just tell you, there's no such thing as magic? Consequently, there's no such thing as a _magic_ spell." "C'mon, let me try it, Steve. Please," he cajoled. "You've got nothing to lose by letting me try to cast a simple spell on you. And if it works you can go to the frat party without having to fear what Tark might do to _you_ because he won't know who _you_ are," he argued. "Please, let me give it a try. Please, Steve." "You might as well go ahead, Charlie," sighed his friend. "I can see you won't be giving me a moment of peace until after I've let you try casting your spell." He smiled at Charlie. "Go ahead, give it a try. I just hope letting you do this will get this foolish nonsense out of your system. On the other hand, I hope you won't be too upset when, after it doesn't work, I bust my gut laughing." "Do you have any preferences for your new appearance?" asked Charlie unfazed by his friend's doubt. "Anything you'd really like?" "As long as I don't look like me, what difference does it make?" replied Steve. "Use your imagination and surprise me," he said in order to humor his friend, thinking his so-called disguise spell wasn't going to work anyway. "Okay. I've written some notes down in the margin while I've been reading. I'll try using some of what I've written, but I hope I get the pronunciation right." "Whatever." "Are you ready, Steve?" "Whenever you are, Charlie." "Okay. Here goes. "Pofi davy, pofi can'p, raw panmh. Di cipofi, m'nitty, orv yaun awr ogi. Weth farg sefky t'nissis ac vonk d'nawr." Strange and peculiar sensations suddenly began pulsing throughout Steve's body. "What the hell..." he mumbled, unexpectedly feeling really weird. And how was it possible that Charlie appeared to have grown several inches taller in just the last few seconds? Why could he feel his hair, which wasn't all _that_ long, brush across his shoulders when he turned his head? Reaching up and grabbing a handful of his hair, he was surprised that it was now somehow both shoulder length and a lot darker in color than its normal dull sandy brown. "Oh, wow," exclaimed Charlie. "My spell really worked." Suddenly, Steve became aware of a peculiar weight on his chest. When his hands absently went to investigate, he gasped. "Holy fucking shit, Charlie," he exclaimed. "Just what the hell did you do to me?" Steve couldn't believe what his hands now held. That strange new weight on his chest had turned out to be two unwanted, but quite fortunately for him, reasonably sized, _female_ breasts. "Just what the hell did that spell of yours do to me?" he asked again. Steve tentatively felt at his new breasts again, hoping they might have disappeared within him noticing in the last few seconds. But he had had no such luck. They were both still hanging there. Then reflexively he shoved his hand down the front of his pants and gasped again with shock. "Where is it?" he mumbled excitedly. "Why can't I find it? It's got to be there." For several minutes he fumbled around in his pants looking for it. "Where the hell is it? Why is it missing?" he wondered aloud. "Missing? Wait a god damn fucking minute." A light seemed to flick on in his mind. "Holy fucking shit, Charlie," he exclaimed. "I'm a girl. What the hell ever possessed you to cast a spell that would change me into a girl?" "You told me to use my imagination and surprise you," replied Charlie. "So I did. And _you_ sure looked surprised. You should have seen _your_ face when you discovered _your_ dick was missing. You know, I think this might prove to be even better than that new Chalker novel I was looking for the day I bought this book," said Charlie. "And you know something, Steve. Even if I must say so myself, you make one damn good looking girl. I'll bet you'd look even better if you weren't still wearing those old clothes of yours that definitely don't fit you very well any more. You wanna know something else, Steve. If anybody looked at you right now, provided, of course, you didn't open your mouth and they didn't know who you really were, then nobody would ever in a million years guess you were really Steve Tompkins." "Change me back this instant, if not even sooner, Charlie Morton," screamed Steve. "I don't want to be a girl." "Why not?" asked Charlie. "If you remain a girl for the rest of the night, then you can go to the frat party with no fear of being recognized _or_ attacked by Tark. He'll treat _you_ the same way everyone else there will treat you. No one will have the slightest idea that the girl they're busily gawking at is actually _male_ and someone totally different than the girl you appear to be. "Tark won't recognize you. And if he doesn't recognize _you_ as being Steve Tompkins, then he certainly won't be out breaking any of your bones or beating the crap out of you. All you need to complete your disguise is a sexy female voice and some feminine clothes to wear. I think this is the most perfect disguise that could ever be devised for you, Steve." "No. I don't think so," objected Steve. "I'm not going anywhere looking like a girl." Without thinking about it, he casually flipped his now long brown hair out of his face. "I am _not_ going to _any_ frat party, or anywhere else for that matter, looking like a girl. And that's final. Change me back right now." "Before I do that, let me try something else first." And before Steve could voice his objection, Charlie spoke another spell. "Baeli ac pofi, di sixy, samnore, orv cipofi. Otteni ac pofi, nican'p. Di sact, sefky, cipereri, orv nibioferg. Baeli orv gond raw cettarg thi can'p yau massiss." Almost instantly and totally unnoticed by Steve, his previously ill- fitting male clothing had visibly altered. Instead of the ragged T- shirt he'd been wearing, he was now wearing a sleeveless halter, which left his midriff bared. His loose and very baggy pants had shriveled up into a short, very tight leather skirt. And he now stood, or rather wobbled gently back and forth, in new shoes with two inch heels that had replaced his old tennis shoes. Steve shivered slightly. "What the hell have you done now?" He clutched at his throat, his cracking voice no longer sounding exactly like his own anymore. He shivered again. "My arms and legs are freezing," he complained, before looking downward towards his feet and discovering why he was now so cold. The clothes he'd been wearing had been replaced with others that he would have never donned on his own. He could see he was now wearing a short skirt that exposed his long, now hairless and very feminine looking legs to the surrounding air. He gasped as he realized the halter-top he found himself wearing not only accentuated his newly obtained breasts, but also revealed a lot more of his transformed-into-a-female body than he could ever feel comfortable allowing others to see. "What the fucking hell were you thinking about when you did this to me, Charlie Morton?" "You said you didn't want to go to the frat party looking like you did," explained Charlie. "Not that anyone could blame you for that, you know. Your _old_ clothes just don't belong on the _new_ you. They looked terrible on your _new_ body. But now, you look totally fantastic, Steve." "I look like a girl on the prowl for guys." His voice cracking once more, before finally settling into a very light and very sexy sounding soprano. "Change me back, Charlie," he demanded. "I don't want to look like this." "First, just let me try out this _other_ spell I've working on." Once again, before Steve had a chance to voice his objections, Charlie spoke, invoking his new spell. "Erta o t'norli coff, dierg vi-imfy osfi-im. Smiokerg arfy, ec orv whir smakir ta. Di viceriv os whot yau oni tafv." As Charlie watched his spell take effect, Steve's eyes immediately glazed over. He just stood there soullessly staring at Charlie, unable to either blink or move. In addition, Charlie knew if he had spoken the spell properly, then it was also highly likely that Steve would be unable of undirected conscious thoughts. Charlie smiled. "Now let's see if this spell works as well as the other spells in that book have so far," he whispered to himself. Charlie watched as the full female breasts of his blank-eyed roommate rose and fell with each new breath he took. Amazing, he thought. "Can you hear me, Steve?" he asked. "Yes," he replied woodenly. "Would you tell me your full name?" "Steven Edward Tompkins." Amazing, thought Charlie again. Let's see if that can be changed. "But that's not really your name," said Charlie. "You know that your real name is actually Shannon Elaine Tompkins. Isn't that true?" "Yes." Charlie repeated his earlier question. "Would you tell me your full name again?" "Shannon Elaine Tompkins." Wow, it really does work, thought Charlie, as he began thinking about having a little harmless fun at his friend's expense. It certainly couldn't harm him to loosen up a little bit and have some fun for once. Besides, even Steve knew he really needed some rest and relaxation or he might end up taking a forced vacation in a little room somewhere with padded walls. Going to the frat party, whether _he_, or _she_, likes it or not, should be the perfect way for him to relax and completely unwind. But first, I need to find out if the suggestions I give him remain active when I bring him out of his trance. "Listen very closely to what I have to say, Shannon." "Yes. I will listen closely." "When you hear the phrase 'Wake up, Shannon,' while under the control of this spell, you will become fully awake and be totally unaware you were previously in a trance-like state," said Charlie. "And when you are awake and hear the phrase 'Go to sleep, Shannon,' you will then immediately re-enter this trance-like state and be under the full control of this spell again. Do you understand, Shannon?" "Yes. I understand." Time for the acid test, thought Charlie. "Wake up, Shannon." Shannon's eyes popped open. After a quick inspection of his body, Shannon was distressed at still having a girl's body. "I thought you were going to change me back. But you didn't do anything at all. Did you, Charlie? Why am I still a girl and not myself again?" "I was gonna to change you back, but then I thought you should have a little more time to fully adjust to your brand new female body before you made your final decision, Shannon." Just as Charlie had hoped, his friend had neither flinched nor objected at being called Shannon. "So have you decided whether or not you're going to the frat party tonight, Shannon?" "No, I'm not going. As I've told you several times before, I'm not going anywhere looking like this. I want you to change me back into my normal self right now." "If I do, will you go to the frat party." "No," he said angrily. "Change me back this instant." "Alright, already. Don't go blowing a gasket," replied Charlie. "But since you're not going to the party, would you sign the back of your ticket?" "What for?" "Something about a door prize, I think. The winner doesn't have to be present to win, so I thought you might as well take a shot at it. You might actually win something." "Okay. Give me the ticket." Charlie handed Shannon one of the tickets and a pen. Shannon quickly scribbled his name on the back of it, then handed it back to Charlie. As he read the handwritten signature on the ticket, Charlie smiled. "Is there something else wrong _now_, Charlie?" asked Shannon very impatiently. "I signed it just like I sign everything else - Shannon E. Tompkins." "No problem at all, Shannon," replied Charlie. "Everything is just fine." But he wondered if Steve had been dotting his _i_'s with the little heart as Shannon had done. "Good," snapped Shannon. "Then you don't have any more excuses for leaving me this way. So change me back to normal - right now." "If that's what you want," answered Charlie, "then I suppose that's what you should get. 'Go to sleep, Shannon.'" While Charlie watched, Shannon's eyes glaze over again. Charlie knew that thinking of him as Steve might prove to be a source of trouble later, so he decided he'd have to think of his friend only as Shannon until after they safely returned from the party. But once again, Shannon stood motionless in a deep trance staring, but seeing nothing, in front of Charlie. "I hope you will eventually realize that I'm doing this in your best interests, Shannon," Charlie told his friend. "You now want to go to the frat party tonight. You enjoy looking exactly the way you look right now. Looking like, even being, a girl does not bother you in the slightest anymore. Since we both know you need to lighten up and have some fun, you will lighten up and have lots of fun at the frat party tonight. You also know that Tark Winston will neither find out who you really are nor bother you tonight. You aren't worried about Tark, at all, because you have no reason to be worried. Do you understand, Shannon?" "Yes, Charlie," Shannon answered with a small smile. "I understand." "Good," sighed Charlie. "I'm really glad we've finally got that straightened out satisfactorily. Now, 'Wake up, Shannon.'" Shannon's eyes opened. As he looked around the room, he soon discovered he was still a girl, but somehow his body being female no longer seemed to either bother him or be all that important. "You know, Charlie, I've given this frat party business a little more thought. And I think I will go this way. There is no way that Tark is ever going to recognize me as me, which means I should be completely safe. And come to think of it, I really think I have been staying inside and studying too hard a lot lately, so I deserve a chance to go out and have a little fun for once." Shannon reached up and felt one of his breasts. "You know Charlie, having breasts like these really isn't all that bad. Just touching them like this feels really good." And then Shannon took his first step since becoming a girl and fell flat on his face. Looking up from floor at Charlie, he said with a pained expression, "Maybe I should rethink my position on that again, before I manage to really hurt myself." "That's utter nonsense, Shannon." But still Charlie knew Shannon had to be able to walk more gracefully and without falling down after every step, or this great disguise just wasn't going to work. "Ac cipofi can'p, arli pofi, goer thot whelh es raw folkerg. Hobi rotunof gnoli orv c'fuevety ac patear. Cipofi oltears oni ari weth yau. Yau oni ari weth cipofi nioltears." Shannon, not wanting to fall again, slowly and very nervously stood up again, before casually strolling gracefully towards the mirror on the wall as if he'd been walking exactly the same way his entire life. Charlie couldn't help feeling very pleased with himself as he watched his friend's very graceful and overtly feminine movements along the way. But at the same time, Charlie hoped his friend hadn't noticed his own increased state of arousal. "Nothing to walking in these after all," smiled Shannon after reaching the mirror. "I can't imagine why I had so much trouble before. But it's really funny though, Charlie. Walking around as a girl doesn't feel that much different than walking around like I normally do as a boy." Shannon smiled at he posed before the mirror. "How do you feel now, Shannon?" "I'm really feeling great," replied Shannon. "I can't explain why, I feel so good. I just do." "You know, Shannon," began Charlie, "I was just wondering if you'd like to be _my_ date tonight. I mean, your being my date tonight might be the easiest way to explain to everyone who you are. If you were my date, especially now that you appear to be such a great looking girl, then that should easily eliminate any embarrassing questions you wouldn't want to answer." Shannon frowned at his friend's suggestion. "You must be kidding, Charlie," he replied. "We can go together, but definitely _not_ as a date. I mean, what would the rest of the guys say if they found out later that _you_ and _I_ had gone to the party together _on_a_date_. You may have given me the body of a sexy looking girl, but _you_ and _I_ still know, even if none of our friends will, that I'm really male." Charlie smiled. "Then I suppose that will also rule out my getting a passionate goodnight kiss when I bring you home tonight, Shannon." "Good thinking, Charlie," he began laughing. "Even though I'll appear to be some hot and sexy girl to everyone else, I'm definitely not gonna stand for _any_ guys trying to kiss me. I'll slug any guy tonight that even comes close to making any moves like that on me." When Shannon and Charlie finally arrived at the fraternity, the party was already in full swing. Shannon, even though he knew he appeared to be and acted as if he were a sexy a girl, was still surprised, not to mention quite disconcerted, how just about every guy at the party, many of whom he'd known for a long time, gazed longingly at him. If only they knew who I really am, thought Shannon. Wouldn't they all be totally embarrassed for the rest of their lives for thinking about _me_ like they are. But still, having all these guys giving him the once over as well as appraising his appearance as if he were for sale made him very uncomfortable. Shannon wondered why all of them kept going over and talking to Charlie. He also wondered what his buddy had done to earn so many congratulatory pats on the back. As far as he knew, Charlie hadn't done anything that should warrant him getting that kind of attention. Fortunately, but just as he and Charlie had expected, Tark Winston was paying him no more attention than any other male in the room was paying him. But having Tark staring at him like all the others made him nervous. And he could also tell that Tark, just like so many of the other guys had been doing ever since he and Charlie had arrived, was undressing him in his mind. Shannon wondered how real girls put up with that kind of shit from guys. And he especially wondered how Mona Lewis could put up with that low-grade moron Tark Winston ogling every girl in the room, while practically ignoring her. But Shannon soon came to the uneasy conclusion that if Tark kept looking at him the way he'd been looking at him since he'd first seen him, then he might be in for a whole lot more trouble from Tark than just having his legs and arms broken and the shit kicked out of him. Just thinking about any potential problem like that, especially with Tark, made Shannon shudder. He almost wished he would have taken Charlie up on his offer to be his date tonight. As Charlie had told him earlier, he now realized, it would have definitely been the better course of action. But that was the trouble with hindsight - it was always a perfect 20-20 in retrospect. While Charlie, at Shannon's encouragement, had been flitting about the room going from single girl to single girl, Shannon had been standing around nervously like the proverbial wallflower. And he certainly wasn't having nearly as much fun as he'd expected to be having by now. Instead of having lots of fun, he always seemed to be fending off some predatory guy, who'd stroll casually up to him as if he were the coolest piece of macho shit the world had ever seen and make some inane small talk, before asking him to dance. Shannon couldn't understand why they'd all stormed away angrily, muttering things he probably didn't want to hear, when he'd told them, "No, thank you. I'd rather not." But he still wished that Charlie would have stayed a little closer. However, that was his fault. Shannon had earlier surmised that his friend wouldn't enjoy having to babysit him or hang out with another one of the guys all night, when there were so many unattached, single, and otherwise available girls around, even if he did also appear to one of them, equally unattached, single, and otherwise available, to all the other guys. Someone tapped him on the shoulder. Oh no, he thought, not again. Turning around, Shannon saw that his new admirer was an old friend of his, Allan Foster. He'd known Allan since they were in grammar school, but, considering that big wolfish grin on his face, he very obviously didn't recognize Shannon as his long time friend Steve. Shit, swore Shannon silently. But I guess it could have been worse. No one who knows me is supposed to recognize me. And from the way he's looking at me, _he_ certainly doesn't know who I really am. "Excuse me, beautiful," said Allan. "But are you here all alone tonight?" "No. I came with a friend," he replied quietly, all the while hoping Allan would just go away. "He's out there in the crowd dancing with someone at moment." "He must be blind. Or maybe, he's just plain stupid," remarked Allan smoothly. "I can't believe anyone would leave a girl as beautiful as you standing here all by yourself in order to go dance with some other girl, who obviously could never be even half as pretty as you." Oh shit, Shannon thought, as he felt his face flush. He didn't want to blush, but apparently, being caught up in such an obviously embarrassing moment, his body wasn't about to give him any choice in the matter. Not only that, he had no ideas how to handle this kind of situation with Allan, as he knew neither what to do nor what to say. Nothing in his whole life had ever prepared _him_ for what to do when one of _male_ friends was trying to pick him up. What can I do about this, he wondered nervously. Shannon smiled. "Thank you," he answered shyly in a way that sounded more coy than shy. "My name's Allan Foster." "Shannon Tompkins," he replied, holding out his hand to shake Allan's. "A very pretty name for a very pretty girl," he smiled, then took Shannon's proffered hand and, after lifting it slowly to his lips, gently kissed her hand. Once again Shannon, completely at a loss for words, didn't know exactly what to do or say. And being embarrassed once more, he uncontrollably blushed bright red again. "Thank you," he replied. "Did you come by yourself?" he asked, and then wanted to kick himself for asking another dumb question that only kept Allan from leaving. "Yeah. But I come to a lot of these frat parties stag," he answered. "It generally works out better for me that way. I'm a psych major. And in my studies, I've learned enough hypnosis to be able to breathe life into any dull party. I've even worked up a little act I occasionally do at frat parties. But this place is really rocking tonight. I don't think anyone will need me to do my act tonight. But that's alright with me... now, that I've met you, I can think of plenty of other things I'd rather be doing." Oh god, thought Shannon, he's coming on to me. And that thought made Shannon even more nervous than he'd been before. He didn't know how to cope with Allan's continually growing interest in him. I need some help, thought Shannon. Maybe I should go find Charlie and ask him for help. But before Shannon could excuse himself to find his friend, Allan asked, "Have _you_ ever been hypnotized before, Shannon?" "No," he replied. "Why do you ask?" "I just have this odd feeling you'd make an excellent subject." answered Allan. "Would you like to find out?" "Well... I don't know," Shannon answered nervously. "It's perfectly safe. You have nothing to worry about." "I probably won't be a very good subject." "But we won't really know if we don't try. Will we?" smiled Allan. "Why don't we give a try and find out?" Shannon suddenly smiled. As far as he was concerned, Allan had just provided him his way out. And he wouldn't have to bother Charlie after all. He'd just let Allan explain what was expected of him as a subject, then simply tell him "No, thank you. I'd rather not," when he finished. After that, he'd just watch Allan storm angrily away muttering things just as every other guy had done when he'd turned down their unwanted advances tonight. It was just too perfect a solution, he thought. "What would I have to do?" inquired Shannon innocently. "It won't hurt, will it?" "Of course not. I could never hurt you." Allan reached into his pocket and pulled out a small crystalline ball on a long silver chain. "All you'd have to do is concentrate on this little ball as I let it swing back and forth." Shannon looked at the ball. "That's all?" "After you were fully concentrating on it, I'd tell you something like 'you are getting sleepy' and then give you some command that would put you into a trance. Something like 'Go to sleep, Shannon,' or some similar phrase. That's all there would be to putting you under. As I said, it shouldn't hurt you at all. Now..." Allan abruptly stopped talking as he stared in stunned amazement at Shannon. Earlier, he'd had that odd premonition or whatever it was that Shannon would make a good hypnotic subject, but even he would have never guessed just how good a subject she would turn out to actually be. Looking at her glazed over expression as she stood entranced before him, Allan realized there couldn't be many people who would be so quickly and easily hypnotized just from hearing the very simple explanation he had given her. "Are you alright, Shannon?" he asked calmly. "Yes," replied Shannon woodenly. "I want you to tell me the truth, Shannon. Do you have a steady boyfriend?" "No." Allan looked at Shannon with surprise. He had suspected that the girl had been putting him on about being here with a _friend_, obviously male, who had left her all alone. Girls always do something like that, he thought, just to get close to me. "But how is that possible?" he muttered. "You are not only absolutely gorgeous, but you're also an incredibly sexy young woman, Shannon." "Yes," replied Shannon with a small smile and a few subtle, almost unnoticeable, shifts in his stance. "What about that guy who brought you here tonight?" inquired Allan. "Oh, you mean Charlie," Shannon replied, sounding more playful than before. "He is just my friend." "But a pretty girl like you _must_ have a boyfriend," stated Allan. "Okay. I _must." "Who is your boyfriend?" "I don't know." "If you don't know who he is, then why did you say you had one?" "You said a pretty girl like me _must_ have a boyfriend," parroted Shannon. "I don't know who he might be, but if you say I _must_ have one, then I _must_ have one." What a load of illogical crap, thought Allan, as he gazed at the entranced Shannon. But on the other hand, he had never had a subject so incredibly receptive before. And, if she was that receptive, then Allan had a sudden idea in need of immediate testing. "I am your boyfriend, Shannon," he told her. "Yes, Allan," came the reply. "Doesn't it bother you that I'm now your boyfriend?" "No, Allan. A pretty girl like me _must_ have a boyfriend. And if you say you're my boyfriend, then you _must_ be my boyfriend." This is unbelievable, thought Allan. "What is your boyfriend's name?" "Allan Mitchell Foster." Allan wondered how she knew his middle name. He was certain he'd never seen her before tonight. He would have definitely remembered meeting a girl like her, if they'd met before tonight. But he couldn't recall telling her his middle name, although, he assumed, he must have, otherwise she couldn't possibly have known what it was. And yet, for the present, there was no reason to press his luck any further with her. As a result, knowing he could put this extremely receptive girl back under at any time he chose, he decided to wake up his _new_ girlfriend and let what was natural, more or less, between a male and his female take its inevitable course. "Shannon." "Yes, Allan." "In a few minutes, I'm going to wake you from your trance. You won't remember that I put you into a trance. Neither will you remember us talking about hypnosis nor your being hypnotized at all. When you wake up, you will feel calm and relaxed and once more be the normal and sexy fun-loving young woman you've always been. You're at this party to have lots of fun. And you want to have lots of fun tonight. You'll do whatever it takes to please your boyfriend, especially if it means you will also have lots of fun. Do you understand what I've told you, Shannon." "Yes, Allan. I understand." "Okay, Shannon. I'm now going to count backwards from three. With each number I speak you will feel more and more sexually aroused until you climax as I reach the number one. At that time you will awaken. Do you understand, Shannon?" "Yes, Allan." "Three." "Two." "One." "Oh my," moaned Shannon, who remained in her trance. What went wrong, thought Allan. "Wake up, Shannon," said Allan hurriedly, concerned that his receptive subject had still not responded this time. Shannon opened her eyes, and then slowly shook her head. For some reason she felt kind of funny - not really a bad or peculiar type of funny - more like she'd just had some really wonderful sex. But she couldn't remember doing it with any guy tonight... or any other night, for that matter. I must have imagined it all, she thought. Because I'm still at the frat party, still dressed, and hornier than hell. Either that or someone slipped some really weird shit into my last drink. Shannon wondered what had happened to her. As her hand sought out, then began stroking her breasts, she felt herself becoming even more aroused. She wondered about the sensitivity of her breasts. Was there something wrong with her? But very quickly, Shannon concluded there could be nothing wrong with _her_. And there was certainly nothing wrong with her having breasts, sensitive or otherwise. After all, _I_ am a girl and all girls have breasts, she thought, although I doubt all girls are fortunate enough to have breasts as incredibly sensitive and sexy as mine. Shannon thought she should go find Charlie. Hopefully she could ask him what had happened to her and he'd know all the answers. She really wanted to know why she had become so hot and horny all of a sudden - not that she was complaining. But as she turned, Shannon saw Allan Foster, _her_ current boyfriend. Screw finding Charlie, she thought, I've better things to do now. "Hi Allan, honey," she smiled, then ran her tongue lightly across her upper lip. "When did you get here, babe?" she cooed, while cuddling up to him as closely as she could without jumping into his clothes with him. She kissed him squarely and most passionately on the lips. Wow, thought Allan. "Are you feeling alright, Shannon?" he asked. His legs felt wobbly. And he also felt a little lightheaded. "Of course, sweetheart. I feel really great, right now," she replied. "I'm also feeling incredibly sexy - even more sexy then I can ever remember feeling before." She blushed slightly. "Not only that, lover of mine, but I'm also feeling awfully horny... for you, babe." She kissed him again. When Shannon finally pulled back from him, Allan's knees had buckled. He'd never been kissed like that before, nor had he ever imagined being kissed like that. It had been almost like having a giant and very powerful vacuum cleaner attached to his lips. "Wow," was the only word Allan could utter. Her eyes riveted on his, Shannon asked, "Why don't you and I go borrow one of the frat's guest _rooms_ for a while?" "You mean, one of the _bed_rooms?" "Of course, I mean one of the bedrooms, silly," she replied with a lustful grin as she ogled him shamelessly. "That is, unless you'd rather do it right here on the floor, lover." She kissed him again and Allan's thoughts swirled incoherently. "I'm sure you know that doing it right here on the floor with _you_ is perfectly okay with me." Allan was nearly ecstatic at Shannon's apparent unquenchable sexual thirst. Her reactions were far better than anything he could have imagined. What was happening now was not only fantastic, it was also totally unlike anything he'd ever experienced in his life. Allan was mentally beside himself with the joy of his anticipated pleasures. He was like some little boy lost somewhere in his very own Fantasyland. But he'd never been able to bend any of his subjects so completely to his suggestions before. According to his professors and all the textbooks he'd read, a level of such total suggestibility wasn't supposed to be possible, unless... Could that be it? Could Shannon actually be a latent, or possibly repressed, horny slut? But who gives a flying rat's ass about any of that academic crap right now, he smiled. I'll have to research it later. But quite soon now, I'll be having my way with this ravishing beauty. This is definitely a far cry more exciting than anything I could have expected to happen at one of this frat's parties. Shannon and Allan kissed. But their kiss was suddenly broken at the sound of a voice that Allan didn't immediately recognize. "And just what are the two of you up to now?" Annoyed at this unexpected and untimely interruption from an unknown source, Allan snapped back, "What's it to you?" "Oh, hi Charlie," squealed Shannon with delight. "What have you been up to?" she asked, winking at him. "As if I didn't know or couldn't guess." She strolled over and planted a kiss firmly on the lips of a very confused and totally surprised Charlie. "I want to thank you for letting me come with you tonight, Charlie. But as you can see, Allan's here now. I'm sure you must remember, Allan Foster. Don't you, Charlie?" she smiled. "He's my boyfriend now. And we're going to run off to one of the bedrooms shortly so we can have lots of fun together." So this is that stupid dolt Charlie that left Shannon all alone, thought Allan. But strangely enough, Allan thought he also looked vaguely familiar. Then suddenly he remembered where he had met him before. His old friend Steve Tompkins had introduced him to his roommate Charlie Morton when he'd visited him a couple of weeks ago. This clueless fool was Steve's roommate. Allan hadn't been impressed then, and he certainly wasn't impressed now. Out of the blue, he suddenly wondered about Shannon's last name also being Tompkins. It hadn't occurred to him earlier, but, given their same last names, might not Shannon Tompkins somehow be related to his old friend Steve. Allan knew Steve didn't have a sister Shannon's age, but she might possibly be a cousin. That was almost credible, since she was, for whatever strange reason she had, here with Steve's roommate. But after a little deliberation with himself, Allan decided that Shannon and Steve having the same last name could be nothing more than pure coincidence. He was positive Steve would have never been able to keep quiet about such a beautiful cousin, if she were actually related to him. Boyfriend? Charlie wondered why Shannon thought he had a boyfriend now, especially one as shallow and self-centered as Allan Foster. And he also couldn't help thinking about the passion behind the kiss his friend had planted on his lips. From what Shannon had told him before leaving their room, he wasn't going to be interested in boys just because he looked like a girl. But if that were the case, why did he kiss me like that, wondered Charlie. "Did you miss me, lover?" said Shannon as she slid her arms around Allan and kissed him. Why is he acting like this, thought Charlie. You'd almost think he was really a girl. Oh, shit, thought Charlie suddenly, as he stared at Allan suspiciously. Clearly, this dimwitted fool must have accidentally spoken the trigger phrases to him. Since Allan obviously considered Shannon female, he had probably worded everything to him as if he were the girl he appeared to be. As a result, Shannon now probably thought of himself as a girl. And if that kiss from the _girl_ he thought he was were any indication, _she_ must think _her_self one very sexy, hot, and horny girl. Charlie wondered whether or not Allan had found out that Shannon was actually Steve. "What did you do to Shannon?" he asked Allan abruptly. Looking like a petulant child with his hand caught in the cookie jar, Allan just as quickly replied, "I didn't do anything to her, Charlie. So if you'll excuse us, we have things to do." "How could you say that to Allan?" Shannon scolded him. "He's _my_ boyfriend, Charlie. He wouldn't do anything to me." He's not going to be your boyfriend much longer, thought Charlie, as he turned toward Shannon. "Go to sleep, Shannon." Both of them watched as her eyes immediately glazed over. "Now, Shannon, just go stand over there and look pretty until after I finish discussing a few minor details with Allan." He turned back to Allan and smiled. "Urodfi ta pabi, yit di odfi ta smiok." As Allan tried walking towards Shannon, he found himself quite impossibly, unable to move a single muscle. Somehow, whatever nonsensical garbage Charlie had spouted at him had somehow frozen him in place. Wondering if he could still speak and having nothing else to lose, he decided to find out. "What did you do to me?" he asked, relieved to at least be able to speak. "I asked _you_ what _you_ did to Shannon first," replied Charlie. "I told you, I didn't do anything to her." "Shannon's very reactions tell me another, as well as a totally different story, Allan. Would you like to change yours?" "I didn't mean her any harm," replied Allan quickly. "She was just standing around watching everyone dancing and looking so lonely. She didn't even have a boyfriend to keep her company," explained Allan. "It was was an unbelievable situation I found both intolerable and unacceptable." "And so, you decided to take it upon yourself to capitalize on her situation?" prompted Charlie. "I sort of accidentally hypnotized her, then kind of suggested to her that she should think of me as her boyfriend," said Allan sheepishly. And then I also sort of told her to feel very sexy and maybe a little horny for me. I still can't believe just how receptive a subject she is." "I _can_ imagine," smiled Charlie, relieved that Allan hadn't actually discovered the secret of whom Shannon really was, not that it really would have mattered, if _he_ had. "But what can _I_ do about you, Allan?" "You can't leave me like this." "Why can't I, Allan?" he grinned. "Haven't you ever wondered how it would feel to be a mannequin or possibly even a large potted plant instead of you?" Charlie could sense Allan's growing fright. "But you don't have to worry about that. I'm not going to hurt you and I'm not going to leave you frozen as you are now." Charlie shook his head, wondering how people like Tark Winston could even live with themselves after threatening someone. He didn't much care for the way that just acting the part of a bully made him feel. "But I just can't let you and Shannon go off somewhere alone together. _You_ might have a lot of fun fucking Shannon silly all night long, but I can almost guarantee you that _he_ won't be very appreciative at being used like that when _he_ wakes up as _him_self in the morning." "_He_? _Him_?" questioned Allan, at the same time pondering Charlie's sanity or apparent lack of the same. "Are you blind, Charlie?" he asked. "Look at _her_, _she_'s a girl." "I'm not blind at all," mused Charlie. "It's just that _he_ only appears to be a girl at the moment. Actually, in order to be more precisely accurate, at _this_ exact moment, _he_ is completely indistinguishable from any other normal coed you might have picked up at this party and decided to make the mother of your children. But on the other hand, _he_ knew who _he_ was, at least for the most part, when _he_ arrived here this evening. Your feeble attempts to meddle in things not your concern have obviously so thoroughly muddled his mind that _he_ now actually thinks he the girl he appears to be. It's bound to take me a while to sort things out with _him_." "You're mad," declared Allan. "_She_ is most definitely a _girl_. Anyone can plainly see that, just by looking at her." "I'm not mad at all, Allan," replied Charlie. "I might be a little put off and angry at the moment, but I'm definitely not mad. But I would imagine you'd like me to cancel out the little spell I've cast that's keeping you from moving about?" Spell, thought Allan. He's not only dumb, he _must_ also be crazy. And he's probably awfully dangerous too. "You're going to let me go?" he asked hopefully. "I might... later on. But certainly not right away," replied Charlie without hesitation. "Maybe after the party is over. There are a few things I think you need to learn first." "What are you talking about?" Charlie smiled. "I guess I'll just have to show you." "Yaur can'p orv porrins di oftiniv. Di cipofi orv m'nitty, di wortiv orv wort. Can yau, pir fust orv can pir, yau fust." Despite everything this madman had told him and all the gibberish he had uttered, Allan was still incapable of any bodily movements. But, even though he could feel nothing, somehow his innate sense of knowing what described himself as himself seemed to be altering. Before now, he'd always believed changing one's intrinsic sense of self was impossible. And yet, he knew something about himself, just what he couldn't tell, had now become different from what it had been before. "What did you do to me now?" he asked, startled at the high-pitched sound of his voice. Charlie only smiled. "Ta off, sobi yau orv pi, ra fargin Offor, dut Iffir di. Yau olt os ec hin and shi olts ec os yau. Os ec Shi, rat Hi, wini Wha, wha hos di'ir off ofarg Yau. Raw arli pani, di lomodfi ac pabipirt." As Charlie finished his new round of meaningless twaddle, Allan was relieved by the return of familiar sensations to his body and the restoration of his body's mobility. But as the returning sensations increasingly strengthened, they became decreasingly familiar. Much of what he was now feeling, he couldn't believe was possible. His once short hair now laid across his shoulders and swished across the middle of his back. And there was a very strange sensation of weight hanging from his chest. "What the hell did you do to me?" he repeated in his new soft and dulcet, very feminine sounding voice. "Not really that much more than you would have done or planned to do for Shannon?" replied Charlie. "Would you please tell me your full name again?" "I don't know why I should tell you anything, asshole. But there's no harm in telling you something you already know. My name is Ellen. Ellen Maria Foster." But as soon as _she_ had told him _her_ full name, Ellen frowned. "But that can't right. My name is _not_ Ellen." She thought for several moments. "My name isn't Ellen," she repeated confidently. "My name is _really_ Ellen. Isn't it?" "Of course, Ellen is your name, _Ellen_," smiled Charlie. "And it will remain Ellen for the time being. But you might also remember being someone else, however, other than me, no one else will remember you as anyone other than you, _Ellen_. For now, just go and enjoy yourself, _Ellen_. Maybe, if you behave yourself and you're a really good girl tonight, I'll restore you to your normal self again later on." As Ellen, obviously confused with being herself, slowly shook her head, Charlie saw another friend of his from the host fraternity, Thomas Mason, approaching from behind Ellen. "Ellen Foster?" exclaimed Thomas in surprise. "I haven't seen you in years. Can that possibly be you?" he asked. As Ellen looked up, Charlie thought she also looked and acted a little surprised, before her new self assumed complete control. "Yes, Tommy Mason, it's really me." She began smiling at him. "Who did you think I was?" Charlie could barely suppress his grin as the new girl's smiling gaze at Tom turned suddenly into a lustful leer. "What do you say to the two of us finding a vacant room, Tommy?" "You mean, right now?" asked Thomas. "Of course, I mean right now, silly," replied Ellen. "Why should we wait until later?" "I really can't think of any reason why we should wait," smiled Thomas giddily, unable to conceal his new good fortune. When they were younger, Thomas had always liked Ellen, but he'd never been able to overcome his shyness to tell her how he felt. And now, like a dream come true, she wanted him. Ellen quickly took his hand, then even more swiftly, led Thomas away in the general direction of the fraternity's guest bedrooms. Charlie smiled mischievously as he watched them scurry across the room. "It certainly looks like the very pretty and overly eager little Ellen will soon be on the receiving end of whatever that horny little bastard Allan had intended on giving Shannon." As he turned back to Shannon, he frowned. "Now, how do I go about fixing up the damage _she_ did to you? However, short of cancelling out all the effects from every spell that has been cast on you, which would simply return you to your old Steve form again, what else _can_ I do about you?" Charlie continued staring at the entranced Shannon, even as he kept thinking about how he should proceed. But whatever he would be doing was dependent on just how much damage Ellen had actually done to Shannon while she'd still been Allan. Not wanting to cancel out all the spells and transform Shannon back into Steve, Charlie decided to try making some selective small changes to find out what would happen. "Do you have a boyfriend, Shannon?" "Of course I do, Charlie." "What's your boyfriend's name?" "Allan Mitchell Foster." Not anymore, thought Charlie. I guess losing a boyfriend is as good a place as any to make that first small change and watch what happens from there. "Shannon. Allan Foster is not your boyfriend." As he watched, Shannon's eyes inexplicably filled with tears. I don't think that should be happening, thought Charlie. But he could tell she - Shannon certainly appeared much more feminine now - seemed far sadder now than she should. "Is there something wrong, Shannon?" "I don't have a boyfriend anymore, Charlie," she pouted. "And a pretty girl like me _must_ have a boyfriend. But _I_ don't have one now. And that makes me very sad." Damn it, swore Charlie to himself. Whatever that dumbshit Allan had done to Shannon had really messed up her mind good. I guess the best course of action for me now is just canceling out all the spells and their effects on her. But that would, however, turn her back into Steve. But before Charlie could take any new action on his decision, Tark Winston with his date Mona Lewis stopped to talk to him. Talking with Tark would never be high on his list of favorite activities, but, on the other hand, whenever Tark wanted to talk with someone, then that someone generally had little choice other than talking with Tark, or risk an extended period of hospitalization. Mona Lewis, as she normally did, looked beautiful, but Charlie was surprised to see the frightened expression on her face as she clutched tightly to Tark's arm. "I haven't seen your buddy Tompkins around at all this evening, Morton," grinned Tark. "But I'm not really surprised. I was fairly certain he was a lot smarter than he looked. But then, no one could really be that dumb." As Tark cracked his knuckles, Mona cringed. "When you see him, you can tell him I really missed him tonight." "Sure thing, Tark," replied Charlie, wondering how someone as nice as Mona Lewis had ever managed to get messed up with a musclebound dimwit like Tark Winston. And even though Steve had earlier denied having any real interest in her, Charlie thought he knew his friend better than that. If the truth could be told, Steve was, and had been for a long time, more than just a little bit interested in Mona Lewis. But with the _huge_ Tark in the picture, he also knew that Steve would never be capable of expressing his true feelings for her. And even if Tark and Mona were now having all the problems everyone was talking about, Steve wasn't about to cross Tark, not that _anyone_ else would ever cross him either. But even Charlie noticed Mona's nearly continuous fearful expression this evening. "That's a good looking bitch you got there, Morton," said Tark, eyeing Shannon up and down. "I really didn't think you had it in you to score with someone so attractive," he sneered, before leading Mona away. That pretty much settles that, thought Charlie. I just can't change Shannon back into Steve now. I'd never get him out the door before Tark saw him. And once Tark saw him, Steve would soon after become, but hopefully only temporarily, a quadriplegic. That is totally unacceptable. There is no way I can allow Steve, once I retransformed him back from Shannon, to take the horrible beating Tark would certainly inflict on him. And it would be all my fault, since he didn't really want to come to this party in the first place. There just has to be something else I can do, Charlie decided. But what can I do? It's really a shame Shannon won't be able to have all the fun and excitement Allan had intended for her. Steve might still deny it, but I know he really needs to unwind. Suddenly Charlie smiled. "But, even if _he_ continues to deny what _he_ needs, why should that stop _her_ from having all that fun," he mumbled, having just had a fantastic inspirational thought. Charlie looked at Shannon. He hoped his friend would eventually understand his rationale behind what he was about to do to _her_. "Shannon," he addressed her, "you want me to be your new boyfriend now. Don't you?" Shannon smiled broadly. "Oh yes, Charlie," she answered. And now for the acid test, thought Charlie. "Tell me the name of your boyfriend." "Charles Everett Morton," replied Shannon, neither sad nor pouting. Charlie sighed. He knew this wasn't the best solution for his friend, but it certainly was a far better solution than letting Steve get the crap kicked out of him. And it would be a lot less painful. And with Shannon thinking of him as her boyfriend now, he'd be able to stay closer to her, which would also enable him to protect her from any new unwanted advances from any other guys on the prowl. Charlie definitely didn't want anyone else repeating Allan's accidental performance. Hell, thought Charlie, I might even get that goodnight kiss from _her_ tonight... before I change her back into Steve, that is. "Wake up, Shannon." Shannon's eyes popped open. As soon as she saw Charlie, she smiled, then cuddled up closely to him, before ardently kissing him, just as she had Allan before. As their kiss and embrace broke, Charlie sighed, his knees wobbly. "All things considered, this might just work out alright after all. I guess I should be thankful that this mess has worked out a lot better than I ever thought it would." But the night was yet young. ***** "All right, girls and boys, gals and guys, sluts and studs," hollered the unknown frat pledge from the makeshift stage. "It's now time for _our_ monthly wet T-shirt contest. "Do we have any volunteers, ladies?" he hollered. "For everyone of you who enters, we have the appropriate change of 'wet T-shirt clothes' for you to slip your beautiful bods into." "Can I enter, Charlie?" asked Shannon with big pleading doe eyes. "Please, Charlie. It looks like a lot of fun. And I really want to have a lot of fun tonight. Please Charlie." "Of course, Shannon. If you really want to enter, then just go ahead and enter," replied Charlie. "But you really don't need to ask for my permission to enter the contest." "Oh, thank you, Charlie," she happily cooed, then gave him a quick little peck on the check. "I hope you enjoy watching me in my wet T- shirt," she said as she bounced off towards the stage, while at the same time wondering why she had never entered one of these really fun- sounding contests before now. Charlie was happy that Shannon was finally beginning to loosen up and have some fun. But, on the other hand, he was a little worried what Steve would think of her uninhibited actions once she became him again. The crowd roared its approval as Shannon stepped onto the stage. And then they roared again with the surprise arrival of another new entrant - Ellen Foster, who approached the stage with an entourage of at least a dozen rowdy guys following closely on her heels. "It looks like she's been a very _busy_ little girl tonight," mused Charlie. "You'd almost think she was born to be female." Charlie looked off in the direction Mona and Tark had gone. While Mona appeared to be near tears, Tark was all smiles. But, watching every other girl in sight, while being totally oblivious to the girl he was with, was typical of Tark. _Why_ do some girls continually put up with shit like that? It would come as no surprise to Charlie if Mona had wanted to enter the contest, only to have Tark tell her no in his typical manner. Along with a dozen or so girls that had also entered the contest, Charlie watched both Shannon and Ellen prance off to wherever they were going to change clothes. But as Shannon disappeared, he saw Tark Winston, virtually dragging Mona Lewis along, once again making their way over towards him. Not again, groaned Charlie. What did I ever do to deserve this? Surprisingly Tark spoke almost civilly to Charlie. "I am surprised you'd let that pretty girl of yours enter a contest like this one, Morton." Oh-oh, thought Charlie, I've got to be careful, since he must be up to something. "She thought it would be fun and wanted to enter. There's nothing wrong with that." "Mona wanted to enter, but I told her 'no fucking way'," replied Tark. "I was not about to let her enter any contest that would have her showing herself off to this bunch of drooling assholes. What Mona's got, only _I_ get to see." "It's only a harmless little contest, Tark," said Charlie. "And it's all just for the fun of it. Shannon likes having fun. And if she's having fun, then I'm also having fun. There is no way I'd try stopping her from entering this contest or having a little harmless fun." "You're both a fool and an idiot," snarled Tark. He roughly grabbed Mona's arm. "Mona here would never want to enter any contest like that _once_ I told her _no_. Would you, Mona?" "Oh no, Tark," she replied quickly. "I could never do that to _you_, Tark," she added, sounding both nervous and frightened. "See. What did I tell you, Morton?" he grinned like the cat who had just swallowed the canary. Charlie was shocked, although he quickly realized he shouldn't be. He had known how Tark intimidated other guys before, but he'd never once dreamed he would terrorize the girls he dated the same way. And, after seeing what had just happened between him and Mona, Charlie had little doubt Tark had actually intimidated Mona to get his way just as he always intimidated anyone, and obviously everyone, to get what he wanted. Clearly Mona was definitely frightened of Tark, which made Charlie wonder what kind of threat Tark had been made against her. Charlie was glad when girls returned from wherever they'd gone to change. With their reappearance, he wouldn't have to continue his unwanted conversation with Tark. Charlie slowly wandered away from them in order to get a much better view of all the girls wearing their newly donned T-shirts and bikini bottoms. Shannon waved when she spotted Charlie. Charlie smiled and waved back. He was amazed at how well Shannon filled out her still dry T-shirt. Not only that, but Charlie was equally astounded how well Ellen Foster filled out hers. The two of them were receiving the lion's share of the attention from the guys in the crowd. And as soon as all of the contestants had been thoroughly doused with water, Shannon and Ellen started receiving even more attention. Charlie, hoping Shannon wouldn't notice his wandering eyes, stared back and forth between her and Ellen. The water had caused their T-shirts to cling tightly to their bodies. And from under the cotton material their erect nipples poked out sensuously. Charlie was very pleased with himself. "I must be one hell of a novice magician to be able to take two guys and magical

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The Frat

The Frat I am standing almost naked with my hands bound together above my head. I am hanging from a heavy metal ring attached to a beam in the ceiling. I am strung up so that I am almost suspended, only touching the floor with my tip toes. There is a penis shaped gag filling my mouth. My ankles are tied so that my legs are spread about five feet apart. The only thing I am wearing are my shoes; black five inch strapped heels that have padlocks locking them to my ankles. My 36D breasts...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach the Nerds Frat House

This tale is very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds, and is set in the Bikini Beach universe. The characters were initially defined in my earlier tale "Bikini Beach: The Nerds - Revenge", and are listed here for reference. This story is copyright by the author, all rights reserved. It may be posted on Fictionmania. Any other free site may post this story with permission of the author. Cast of Characters Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and...

4 years ago
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Tina Shoemaker Frat Whore

“I’m about to finish up here. Who wants the next turn at this nasty whore?!” Tina could hear his far-off voice booming overtop of her choking noises and the crowd that she, as she was suddenly and unshakably aware, was standing around them. While this anonymous frat boy’s cock pistoned in and out of her well-used throat, fuzzy details became more clear. She realized she was still in the frat house that she started the evening off by entering. She realized that her knees were sore as fuck, and...

3 years ago
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Frat Parties Rock

Well, it's been a little over a year since the night I fucked my drunk big sister at her sorority party, and now I'm a student at the same college. Weird, you go from being a BMOC senior in High School, to once again being a lowly freshman. I wanted to party, that's for sure, but being a frosh (and after the way the last party turned out) I figured that my Sister wouldn't invite me to any more sorority parties; and I was partly right: she invited me to a fraternity party instead. "Don't worry,...

4 years ago
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The Frat Party

It was 4:00 on a Friday afternoon and Allison had just returned to her dorm room from soccer practice. She was an 18 year old soccer player who had received a college scholarship to play soccer. She was enjoying her first semester at school when her roommate Jen asked, “I heard there was a big frat party to happen tonight. Why don’t we go, Allison? I heard this fraternity is a legend with their frat parties. It is going to be wild!” “I don’t know, Jen? I got soccer practice again tomorrow. What...

Group Sex
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Scary Stories to Tell The Frat House

The abandoned house was plain creepy. Every time Heather passed it on her way to her dorm room from class it gave her the shivers. She remembered when she was in high school, all the kids would play truth or dare and it seemed that every game the house would be mentioned in a dare; ‘go egg the house,’ ‘go knock on the house door,’ ‘go in the house.’ Of course everyone who got dared to do any of those things chickened out. “Earth to Heather.” Her boyfriend Carl said. “What?” Heather said coming...

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My first frat party1

I had settled into my dorm room and started my classes and started meeting some people and making new friends. One of the guys was in the Sigma Epislon Xi fraternity and lived in the frat house. He told me that they had room for six new members and that the room at the frat house would be bigger, cheaper and more fun. He said that because the dorms were so full, the school would allow students to move into off campus housing. I told him that I might be interested. A couple of days later...

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The Frat Boys

The Frat Boys By Slutty Tammi I was supposed to be staying at school for my chess club practice until 7pm, but it was called off when the chess teacher had to run off, to take care of her daughter after she fell ill. My parents were out of town for the next three days so I tried to call my sister to pick me up. I rang and rang, but the line was engaged. She must be talking to her friends on the phone I thought, so I just had to walk home by myself. I would've just gone to a...

3 years ago
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Aztec SecretsChapter 10 The Frat Party

Soon after, we were at the mall, wearing our Tree rings, shopping. It had become a normal ritual when we experimented with new rings - having to buy a new wardrobe for our ever-changing bodies. On that front, I was pleased these were the last rings to try out. I'd spent a small fortune in women's clothes! As always, we got a lot of stares and glances from men. I thought that since we were so young, black teen-agers, it might diminish the interest of some. But I was wrong - were were ogled...

3 years ago
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Frat Party Slut

I wish I could blame it on the alcohol. Sure I had a handful drinks at the party that night, but by the time my clothes came off I felt completely sober. I don’t know why I did it. It just sort of happened. I just went to the party to get rid off some stress. Between a week of tests, multiple research papers and a messy breakup the week before Valentine’s Day, I need to blow off some steam. Before we went out that night, my roommate told me. “You need to get laid.” I don’t think what...

4 years ago
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A Frat House Party Turns to Gangbangs

(episode 9) Fall semester of my sophomore year I moved into the fraternity house. I found myself very excited about all the fun possibilities of staying in the frat house full time. However, I soon found myself spending the night at my girlfriend Jennifer’s apartment over half of the time. I had discovered that the frat house was always loud and the rowdy activities usually didn’t cease until the early hours of the morning and it was always party central non-stop on weekends. I shared a room...

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Frat House Gang Bang

When we arrived at the Frat house we found a good party under way, with mostly upperclassmen in attendance. It was still a romping party, but without the usual obnoxious behavior of the younger boys. Shauna and I circulated and danced. We drank beer and ate the snacks provided. And we drank beer. And we danced. And we drank beer. Most of the men were good looking and so much cooler than the frosh we had gotten used to. I slow danced with a couple of Junior’s and one Senior. ...

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My Frat Buddy

Kai and I were hanging out in the frat house watching movies. We were the only ones at home as it was Friday night, and all our bro’s had dates. We had both recently broken up with our girlfriends, and did not feel like hitting the bars, so here we were, getting drunk in front of the TV. The movie we were watching was an oldie but a goody, Wild things. We had just reached the Neve Campbell and Denise Richards swimming pool scene, which was hot. We both kind of looked at each other and laughed,...

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A Feminine Family Sequel to Flipping the Frat

A Feminine Family (Sequel to "Flipping the Frat") @2005 by Karen Elizabeth L. May not be distributed or posted on a pay site. It's been some time since I took my revenge on the old officers of the Sigma Tau fraternity. They used my brother Joey's desire to become a member to lead him into doing things so filthy and perverted that no decent person would stomach them. Joey was blind in his drive to join the frat. He had been willing to put up with dressing as a girl, attending...

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Pure Frat Fuckmeat

This is the pure fuckmeat of our story, as she arrived at a "work" place. The red? Well, you can imagine bright blue, pink, jet black, etc, for she had those colors in similar ultra-short styles.Not just for work, she walked all over campus in this type of dress.Outfits like the above? Fairly common on campuses of the late sixties and early seventies.When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are...

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Pure Frat Fuckmeat

This is the meat that was provided on that late summer day...When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are working on their own fantasies. Directly or indirectly, they are paying for the services. And entertaining the boyfriend, fiancee or spouse is not on their list.That is why I could only hear of most encounters, or get the rare extra photo that was given to my wife. I became used to dropping...

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Geeks Frat Reunion

About a month ago I received a letter from a college fraternity brother of mine. I hadn't seen John since graduation three years before and now he was trying to get a group of us together for the first football game of the season. He had settled down in the town where our university was located while most of the rest of our click had moved away. The plan was to go to the game and then to the old frat house afterwards. We'd finish off the night back at John's place.I looked forward to the visit...

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What Happens at a Frat House

“Tay, we need to talk about what happened,” I started nervously. We had both been sitting at our desks doing homework. Well, Tay had been doing homework. I could barely focus with how awkward the situation seemed. “Thank God,” she whispered, sighing and letting her pen fall. “I’ve wanted to say something since it happened but I couldn’t work up the courage.” Her lower lip quivered and her eyes began to well up. I was so confused! “What’s wrong?” I asked, dismayed. I certainly hadn’t...

2 years ago
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What Happens at a Frat House

Introduction: The second of many true college stories… It had been about two weeks since Taylor and I had moved into our dorm and opened the year by having sloppy drunken sex with one another. It had been awkward for a few days as we tried to ignore it, and on our second Thursday on campus I finally worked up the nerve to say something to my beautiful roommate. Tay, we need to talk about what happened, I started nervously. We had both been sitting at our desks doing homework. Well, Tay had...

2 years ago
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Alexa Gets Fucked At the Frat House

Introduction: Alexa gets gang fucked and her ass looses its V-Card. Alexa had come to this particular frat party to get fucked – and getting fucked she was! Fed up with bad dates that went nowhere and relationships where her heart got broken, shed decided that right now all she needed was a good hard fuck. She hadnt even particularly cared who it came from, just someone who wasnt going to leave her with a broken heart at the end of it. It had been awhile since shed last had sex and she intended...

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Alexa Jenna go to a Frat Party

She had a insane sexual appetite. She literally had no control. Since high school she had developed the art of the hand job and now that she was in college, she was becoming a college blow job princess. She had many boyfriends. Many of the guys she went out with on a regular basis. She's done almost everything. She's had guys cum on her face, her tits, her stomach, her back, on her ass, on her pussy, in her mouth, and just about everywhere imaginable. She'd never been in a threesome,...

4 years ago
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Halloween Frat Party Nightmare

Introduction: I am headed to by boyfriends Halloween Frat Party with my roommate. Shes going as a slutty cheerleader, while Im a sexy witch. She seems really eager to go, probably because shes a slut in real life, but Im going just to support by boyfriend since hes setting up this party for his frat. This is a free Halloween Special by EFon. Follow the links at the end to get a free mobile version. tags: public outdoor sex, monster rape, cheating, college party, accidental drug use, strange...

3 years ago
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Frat Boys Next Door

DECEMBER 5, 2006 Sandy and I were drying each other off, after taking a post-sex shower. We'd spent most of the morning swimming and sunbathing naked. We were so lucky to live in a warm weather climate. We spent the afternoon in bed together, pleasing each other in just about every way one women could please another, except we didn't use the dildos today. Sandy was still amazed at my story. "That was fascinating. The things I missed not joining a sorority." "We took some pretty...

4 years ago
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The Boys at the Frat House

Stephanie and I had been living in Houston in a rented apartment when her parents died in an automobile accident. In their will they left Steph their house in a college town that I will not name and we flew back to put the house on the market. Once there we found that the job market was good and that work in both our fields was plentiful and so we decided to keep the house and relocate. The house was located on a street that was known as "fraternity row" since two thirds of the fraternity and...

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The Frat Party

I was a member of a frat in college. We were the party frat and known for some great parties. Fact is we got kicked out of our house! I have always suspected that our frat was the one used to create Animal House. But, of course, Hollywood was much more pg than the real frat. So these were good old style parties with a lot of ladies and just a small amount of drinking (trust me). One of our rooms was a mattress room. It was a special room for parties that went beyond what happened on the dance...

3 years ago
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Her first frat party

When Brittany woke up the next morning, she thought about the night before. Surprisingly, she was not as sore as she thought that she would be after such an anal pounding. Thinking about being dp'ed over and over again by those 6 college guys and then letting them all cum in her ass, she began to masturbate. While she rubbed herself, she thought about the party tonight, and she decided that she was going to let anyone fuck her who wanted to. Now that she had experienced her first dp she wanted...

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Frat House Summer Slut

Lynn was a 17 year old college girl. She was a member of one of the least popular sororities on campus, known for their only average looking girls. Lynn was pretty good looking, however. She was about 5′ 8″, had a pretty face and short brown hair. She had a slim figure, with medium sized hips yet above average sized breasts. She never wore a bra as did most girls during the era. She was dating James, one of the brothers of Gamma Tau fraternity. Throughout the course of dating...

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Kathy and my Frat Brothers

About a month ago I received a letter from a college fraternity brother of mine. I hadn't seen Stan since graduation three years before. Stan was trying to get a group of us together to meet for the first football game of the season. He had settled down in the town where our university was located while most of the rest of our click had moved away. The plan was to go to the game and then to the old frat house afterwards. We'd finish off the night back a Stan's place. I looked forward to the...

2 years ago
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Mom at the Frat Bukkake Party

Bret was home for the weekend from college to celebrate his 21st birthday with his family. They were celebrating a few days early because of his class schedule and his dad's pending business trip beginning Monday. Bret's birthday was actually on the coming Wednesday, so the family planned the usual cake, ice cream and presents for Saturday evening with grandparents and the rest of the family showing up for the milestone birthday. Bret always enjoyed the family gatherings but was a bit...

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Halloween Frat Party Nightmare

tags: public outdoor sex, monster rape, cheating, college party, accidental drug use, strange romance ********************* The decorations on the door were calm enough, but once we got inside they were over the top! Spider webs all over, warped mirrors, plastic skeletons, and only electric candles for light. I knew the campus had strict fire codes, and was actually impressed that this frat house followed them, where most of the others didn't very often on small things like...

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Frat Boy Master

Frat Boy Master I go out to the bars once in awhile. Usually it’s a waste of time but sometimes I get so horny I’m willing to throw away a few hours for the chance at some hot sex. This was one of those nights. I took a shower and checked myself out in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty damn good for 35. 6’2′ and a lean, hard body. A nice thick cock and big, hairy balls. Six pack, long hairy legs. Hell, I was starting to get hard just looking at myself. I turned around to check out my ass....

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Frat Fuckboy

Chase had known what he was getting into from the start. The boys at the frat had been really up-front during rush week. They were looking for a gay boy to serve as the house fuckboy, someone who’d handle all his bros whenever they needed to nut and hadn’t been able to score with one of the school’s coeds. Derek, the rush chairman, had pulled him aside his second night at the house and explained to Chase why they were interested in him and what his position as the house fuckboy entailed. ...

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Frat Boy Master

Frat Boy MasterI go out to the bars once in awhile. Usually it's a waste of time butsometimes I get so horny I'm willing to throw away a few hours for thechance at some hot sex. This was one of those nights. I took a shower andchecked myself out in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty damn good for35. 6'2" and a lean, hard body. A nice thick cock and big, hairy balls.Six pack, long hairy legs. Hell, I was starting to get hard just lookingat myself. I turned around to check out my ass. ...

2 years ago
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Alexa Gets Fucked At the Frat House

The guy on top of her was actually one she knew, his name was Chris and she'd seen him around campus before. A year older than her at 22 he was a little drunk but still very excited to have this gorgeous leggy girl come up to him and start blatantly making out. She'd chosen him because he was cute and rumored to be one hell of a lay, and when they'd gotten up into bed she'd also found that he had a rather sizable dick. Right now all of it was buried in her twat, making her burn with...

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A Curious Event at the Frat House

The sun came through the window and my eyes opened slightly, closing quickly, and I shifted to try and avoid the light. It has been a long night. I still felt drunk, my body ached, and i suddenly remember the girl that I had managed, I don't know how, to work into my bed last night. I rolled over, and two things became clear. First the girl was gone. I was alone in the room, and second, something was very wrong. I practically jumped out of bed. I felt the change before I saw it in the mirror....

3 years ago
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Frat Boy Master

I go out to the bars once in awhile. Usually it’s a waste of time but sometimes I get so horny I’m willing to throw away a few hours for the chance at some hot sex. This was one of those nights. I took a shower and checked myself out in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty damn good for 35. 6’2′ and a lean, hard body. A nice thick cock and big, hairy balls. Six pack, long hairy legs. Hell, I was starting to get hard just looking at myself. I turned around to check out my ass. It’s always been...

2 years ago
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Frat Boy Master

I go out to the bars once in awhile. Usually it's a waste of time butsometimes I get so horny I'm willing to throw away a few hours for thechance at some hot sex. This was one of those nights. I took a shower andchecked myself out in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty damn good for35. 6'2" and a lean, hard body. A nice thick cock and big, hairy balls.Six pack, long hairy legs. Hell, I was starting to get hard just lookingat myself. I turned around to check out my ass. It's always...

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Frat Boy Master

I go out to the bars once in awhile. Usually it's a waste of time butsometimes I get so horny I'm willing to throw away a few hours for thechance at some hot sex. This was one of those nights. I took a shower andchecked myself out in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty damn good for35. 6'2" and a lean, hard body. A nice thick cock and big, hairy balls.Six pack, long hairy legs. Hell, I was starting to get hard just lookingat myself. I turned around to check out my ass. It's always...

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husband and wife end up being gangbanged by frat

my name is jim and this story is one that changed my life forever. I have which you would call a milf for a wife she 34 blond hair 5'6 and a tight body with the tightest ass. But something still is on my mind when we are fucking I cant stop thinking of other men pounding her pussy and filling her up with cum all over her and in her pussy. I want to watch and also suck there cocks while I watch her take cock after cock. while one night this fetish of mines became a reality. my wife and I whre on...

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Cheryls night at the frat party continues

please see the first partSo, I now find myself naked and drunk at a beer pong table in the middle of a party in a fraternity's basement. It's unclear where my clothes are exactly and unless Julie and I get better at beer pong fast; not sure if I'll ever see those clothes again. In the first act of kindness since i got here, Jake, one of our beer pong opponents, yells "frat brothers only!" They relatively quickly usher everybody but the brothers out of the basement. This leaves about 20 guys who...

2 years ago
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Katie Learns the Hard Way About Frat Boys

This was going to be so much fun. My best friend Liz had just gotten her drivers license. She invited me to come spend the night with her and we were going to go out and do something fun. I was 15, and I didn't have my drivers license yet. Liz had this crazy idea to sneak into a party over at the local college. It was a Delta Sigma phi frat party. I told her I didn't think they would let us in, but she said sure they would. She would know she said she had done it before. When we got there...

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The Frat Party

This had been a shit week. Everyone thinks college is all fun and games, but when you're looking at your math grade plummet after a bad test on Tuesday, it kinda takes the wind out of your sales. Even now, on a Friday afternoon, you are sitting at your desk in your room at the frat house, working on an essay. Real “Animal House” of you, huh? But tonight will make everything better; your fraternity has been planning all month for a party that’s happening tonight at the frat house. It should be a...

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Frat Orgy but no Party

My fraternity on campus was known for three things being good looking, being smart, and being big where it matters. Part of our pledge process involve dick related activities designed to be easier for the more well endowed brothers. Plus, we were known as the big dick frat so nobody with small penises rushed after a while. It was so funny, but we kept big dickedness as a qualification for getting in. In return for our exclusivity in the manhood area we had our favorite sororities at our flies...

College Sex
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Submitting as a slut for a frat

When I was 16, I was pretty inexperienced. I'd lost my virginity at 13 but it had been so painful that I didn't try anything again until I was 15 and then it was only a one night stand. It was a week after my 16th birthday that I met Patrick. He was 20 years old and at college. He had taken me out a few times and we had sex in the back of his car, twice. He said that he would like to do it in comfort and invited me back to his Frat house. I had really enjoyed sex with Patrick, he was...

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FraT SluT

When I was 16, I was pretty inexperienced. I'd lost my virginity at 13 but it had been so painful that I didn't try anything again until I was 15 and then it was only a one night stand. It was a week after my 16th birthday that I met Paul. He was 20 years old and at college. He had taken me out a few times and we had sex in the back of his car, twice. He said that he would like to do it in comfort and invited me back to his Frat house. I had really enjoyed sex with Paul, he was considerate,...

1 year ago
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Diane Used by Frat house

Diane sat alone in her office thinking about what she was into. Her boss had unearth her hidden submissive nature recently and started a sordid little affair with her. Affair was being overly dramatic. He fucked her whenever he had the time and she let him. After the first few times he had captured her free will and she would do whatever he told her. She was sheltered in the sexual sense, having only been with one man her entire 37 years. She'd grown restless at her husbands lack of...

Group Sex
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Flaunting It At the Frat Party

Flaunting It At the Frat Party The name is Tolden. James Tolden. There are three things you need to know about me..... One: I am tall. My towering height of 6’9” made me a natural for basketball, and my talent made me a star. Two: I am hung like a Bull Elephant. The same early growth spurts which gave me height, also added copious inches to my manhood, which was well-sized to begin with.Three: I am not above humiliating a lesser man. I’ve done it lots of times. This was the first. I...

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Turned Out or Turned On Part 5 The Frat Party

MollyA few days after my encounter with the college men at the movies, I had been lying in bed thinking how much fun it was.   I had really liked being groped by two strangers with Caleb watching me helpless and confused.   It had been in fucking tense.   What the fuck was I doing?   For one thing, I had been showing Caleb I was not a toy, at least not his toy.   I had also liked being in control of my rather voluptuous body.  It had been satisfying knowing I could get what I wanted no matter...

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The Frat Party

During my freshman year at college I found that the best parties were at the fraternities. There was always plenty to drink and plenty of hot guys. While my roommate Kim and I were at the football games we were often invited to several frat parties. We couldn’t decide which to go to, so we decided that we would hit several. They were all close enough to stumble to. We got four other girls from our dorm floor to go as a group. We all got dressed up, looking hot but not to slutty. I was wearing...

Group Sex
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The frat party

My name is Deborah and I'm a local high school girl that had been invited to a frat party at the local college. I'm 5'4" and weigh 123 pounds. I've got D-cup tits that hardly sag at all. My skin is like coffee that is half milk. I live with my mother and two brothers. I have never known who my father was. This was my first frat party but not my first fuck. My two older brothers have been filling all three of my holes just about any time they feel like it for about a year now. It...

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The Frat Party

It was 4:00 on a Friday afternoon and Allison had just returned to her dorm room from soccer practice. She was an 18 year old soccer player who had received a college scholarship to play soccer. She was enjoying her first semester at school when her roommate Jen asked, “I heard there was a big frat party to happen tonight. Why don’t we go, Allison? I heard this fraternity is a legend with their frat parties. It is going to be wild!” “I don’t know, Jen? I got soccer practice again tomorrow....

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Frat Boys Secret

Author’s Note: All persons in this work of fiction are at least 18 years old. ***** Robert Hogan was the envy of all the young men in his fraternity at the college he attended. He was the top makeout artist, surpassing even those richer and better looking than he. Nobody knew just what his secret was but, at the frat parties that were an important part of college life, he was always able to talk some young, beautiful coed into joining him in his bedroom. Although all his contemporaries...

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Frat Party Slut

The Friday night Amy got dressed, knowing that her parents would go made if they ever saw her dressed like this she felt wicked. Amy decided she’d go all the way with the costume as she knew she might not get a chance again, going to her parent’s bedroom Amy raided the drawer in their closet, her parent’s didn’t know she knew about the secret underwear drawer her mother kept there, selecting a match bra and panty set Amy also stole some stockings and suspenders. Back in her room she stripped...

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