First Place Bride free porn video

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First Place Bride By Lisa Elizabeth in conjunction with Donna Anne Any resemblance of characters or situations to actual people or events is purely coincidental. I would like to thank Janet Stickney for letting Jeff Grant make an appearance in the story. Thanks Janet! ***************************************************************************** This was it! I was the 'big gun' this year. I was going into third grade! Our schools are divided so that all kindergarten through third grade go to one school, then fourth through sixth another. Then Jr. high and high school. This was my year to be the big guy on campus! My name is Donald Allan Jones Jr. Everyone calls me Donnie. I hated being called 'Jr.', it reminded me of the guy on 'Hee Haw' that sold used cars. I prefer Donnie. This was my last chance to win the school Halloween costume contest. We all started planning and talking about it on the first day of school. I took second place last year with this great costume of a 'Star Wars' Ewok. First place was given to Emily Christensen for her portrayal of Glenda the Good Witch. She even had her little brother and sister dress as munchkins! So much for last year, this year 'I' was going to win no matter what! I spent the first two weeks of school trying to come up with something that would be so-o-o good that I couldn't lose. We talked about 'Star Wars', 'Thundercats', G.I.Joe and Zombies. Nothing sounded good enough to me. I was sitting at the kitchen table with my friend, Jeff Grant, one day after school trying to come up with ideas for a costume. We had all kinds of ideas but couldn't come up with a really good one. Jeff suggested I think of a really good 'girl' costume. I thought he was crazy! I'm a guy after all, I wouldn't dress as a princess or something! He was sure that his ideas would place in the contest. Just before dinner he left for home sure that a 'girl' costume was right for him. "Don't rule out being a girl for Halloween, Donnie. I think I could make you a very pretty girl if I say so myself." Mom had been listening to Jeff and I talk at the table while she made dinner. "I don't think so mom. Maybe if I can't think of anything else we'll talk about it. Okay?" I thought that would be the end of the discussion. "I'm just saying, if you don't have a good idea I'd like to help." Mom was smiling as she said it. "Now go put your things away and help me set the table, dinner is almost ready and dad will be home soon." The next two weeks went by and still no really great idea for a Halloween costume. I finally sat down at the kitchen table and called mom in to talk. "I give up mom, I have tried every idea I can think of and none of them are right. What idea did you have for me?" "Hm-m-m. We could do 'Alice in Wonderland,' or 'Cinderella'? Any ideas from you?" "How about 'Wonder Woman, or 'The Bionic Woman'." At least they were action heroines. Mom thought a minute and said, "I think something that covers more and we don't really want you running around in the skimpy outfit of Wonder Woman in the rain. I have an idea, let me call your aunt Betty." I had no idea what mom needed to talk to Aunt Betty about. But she was on the phone in two seconds. "Hi Betty, this is Lois. . . Fine, fine.. tell you why I called. Remember last May when Joanne was that miniature bride for Ellen and Ken's wedding. I know. . . she and Donnie were so cute as the miniature Bride and Groom. Do you still have the dress?. . . Oh great!. . . You have the whole outfit?. . . That's super! Let me take some measurements and I'll call you back. Bye." "What was that all about mom?" I wasn't sure, but I did have an idea of what she was thinking. "Okay. You want my help, go to your room and strip to your underpants. I'll get the tape measure and paper and pencil and we are going to measure you!" Mom was already gathering things so I went to my room and stripped down to just my under wear. Sometimes it's better to go along with mom when she gets this way. She took a lot of measurements and wrote them on the paper. Things like my waist and chest and arms I was used to. She also measured the distance from my waist to the floor and from my shoulders to my waist. "Why all the extra measuring, Mom?" "A girl has to be concerned with where things are on her body. If your dress is too long you trip over it and if the skirt starts too high it doesn't look right when you have it on. Since I think you'll make a pretty girl for Halloween, we have to measure you like we would a girl." She stated, like I knew what she was talking about. "Okay mom. Are you thinking of the dress Joanne wore? "Yes. I think you would make a perfect bride! Since Joanne is about the same size as you I needed the measurements to see if the dress would fit. Now let's go convert these to your 'girl' sizes and then we'll call Aunt Betty and see what size the dress is." We went downstairs and mom got out the 'Sears' catalog and went to the little girls measurement page. She looked on all the charts and wrote some more numbers down on the paper. "Okay, let's call Aunt Betty and see if the outfit will fit!" Mom made the second call and talked with Aunt Betty for awhile. When she hung up she was all smiles. "I just knew this would work. You are the same size as Joanne so the whole outfit will work out just fine. We can pick up the clothes Sunday when we all meet at Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner. I'll have to buy a couple of things but this costume is going to be great, Donnie!" Mom was really excited about this, I was still not so sure. I figured that was the end of things until Sunday. Of course, I was wrong! Mom told me that after dinner we were going shopping for some of the things we needed to complete the costume. Dad came home about then so we sat to have dinner and mom told dad about her idea for the Halloween costume. "This sounds like you could take first place this year Donnie! I need some things from the mall so I'll tag along with you two." Dad seemed to like the idea so I figured it might just work out okay. "You don't mind that I'm dressing as a girl?" I was asking for dad's approval more than anything. "Donnie, Halloween is supposed to be a fun time and costumes are a part of it. I even dressed as a girl a couple of times for Halloween. So to answer your question, no, I don't have a problem with you dressing as a girl for Halloween." Dad smiled after he said this. "My mom told me I was 'cute' too!" Great! It looked like I was going to be a bride for Halloween. Although, thinking about it, if I won the first place trophy, it would all be worth it! We all went out to the car and dad drove us to the mall. As we were going in mom told me I was going with her and that we would meet dad at the food court for ice cream in thirty minutes or so. Our first stop was J. C. Penny's. Mom walked us right into the girls underwear department! I think I was pretty much bright red when she pulled out the paper with the measurements and asked me what type of panty would go best with 'Donna Anne's' dress. "Um..well..I didn't think.. I don't know?". I sputtered like a motorboat. "Let's do it this way. We'll get a package of white for test fitting, then I'll bring Donna Anne in to chose the special panties for her 'big day'". Mom handed me a package of white cotton panties and then led me over to something called a 'camisole'. She looked at her paper and checked the sizes, then handed me three of them. One in white, one pink and one blue. We then went over to the tights. I'm not sure what she was thinking but she put three pairs of tights in my arms too! Two white and one black. I was going to ask if she thought we had enough yet when mom gasped and dragged me over to the 'fancy' area. She picked up a pair of white pantyhose, in little girl size, with a delicate flower pattern woven into the legs just above the ankle area according to the picture. "These will be perfect for that dress!" Mom was beaming like she had just won the lottery or something. We finally went to the checkout counter and I placed everything on the counter and mom paid for it. I carried the bag for her and we went to find dad. We found him at the food court waiting for us. "Only 36 minutes! That's the closest you've ever been to being on time dear! Maybe Donnie should go shopping with you more often." Dad was only teasing but mom put on a big pout anyway. "Just for that YOU get to pay for the ice cream!" Mom was smiling when she told this to dad. After the ice cream we went home and mom told me to take everything into the guest bedroom. This room also doubled as her sewing room. I set the packages on the bed and was just leaving when mom stopped me. "Let's make sure this all fits. If it doesn't I can return it tomorrow." "Okay mom." What else could I say? "I've left a pair of panties on the bed and a camisole and a pair of tights. I'll step out so you can change into the panty and the camisole. They go on just like any other pants and shirt. Call me before you put on the tights. I'll show you how to do it so you don't ruin them." Mom walked out and closed the door behind her. I looked at the items on the bed and thought 'What am I getting into here?' But after considering my options I knew I had to do this if I was going to win the contest! So I stripped off my clothes and slid the panties on. 'Not bad! Kinda like my briefs only no fly!' Then I looked at the camisole, it was silky feeling and different from the cotton panties. I slid it over my head like a T-shirt and it felt slick and cool as it covered my chest. 'I kind of like this!' I thought as I slid my hands over the silky fabric. "Donnie! Are you decent yet?" Mom called. It shook me from admiring the fabric. "Just finished mom, come on in." "What took you so long.? It shouldn't take that long to change." Mom looked at me and smiled. "Nothin', I just had to figure out the front and back. Mom? Are all girls' clothes this soft?" I asked while rubbing my hands over the camisole. I stopped rubbing because mom was smiling at me and I felt embarrassed about how silky the top felt. "Sit here on the bed and I'll teach you how to put on the tights." Mom patted the bed next to her so I did. She picked up the tights and kinda' scrunched them up so the leg part was all shrunk but about three or four inches of tight material stuck out from her fingers. "You put your toe in so that the seam lines up with your toes like this." She took off her shoe and showed me the toes of her stocking. " Now you try it!" I did, and really had to pull my leg up so I could reach past my toes to do it. "Great, now slide the material up your leg to above your knee... Good! Okay scrunch up the other leg and put it on... you're doing very well for your first time!" Mom smiled lovingly at me. I got both legs on and then mom said to stand up and work each leg up until I could pull the top around my waist. I finished that and smiled at mom. The tights felt wonderful when they were sliding up my legs. And the way they felt tight on my legs reminded me they were there all the time. I think I was starting to like the idea of dressing as a girl for Halloween! "Donnie, please walk over to the closet and back so I can see that everything moves on you the right way." mom asked, so I walked across the room and back feeling the tights slide across each other with every step. It felt neat! " This is great! Everything seems to fit just fine. Now you can change back into your own clothes and we'll put these away for now." Mom got up and left the room so I could change. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement! I was having some strange feelings and just starting to like the idea of dressing as a girl when mom called a halt to the fun. I was pretty sad as I removed the clothes and placed them in the drawer with the other items we had bought. That evening I thought a lot about the feel of the material as I watched TV. My dreams all night long were about the soft feeling of girl's clothes and how the tights felt encasing my legs. Life was pretty normal until Friday. "Donnie, I know you are going over to Jeff Grant's after school. I want you home by seven. I picked up some things to help with your costume and I want to try them tonight. You also have an appointment tomorrow at my beauty salon. I told Janice about your costume and she wants to help so that you are perfect." Mom was talking quickly, which she only does when she gets excited. "Okay mom. I think Jeff and I are going to practice some basketball and play video games, so I'll be here at seven." Secretly I hoped she was going to dress me up again. I had thought about it a lot and decided I liked the feel of the clothes. I walked into the house at five minutes to seven. It had been a tough one on one game. Jeff and I are about the same size but boy is he ever fast! I was glad when we stopped and had dinner! Mom told me that I was too dirty and smelly to try things on so I had to take a shower. The only shampoo and soap in there were the ones mom used. "Mom! Where's my shampoo and soap?" "Just use what's there honey." Mom called back to me. So I did and came out of the bathroom wrapped in my towel and headed for my room. "Not your room young lady! Over here so we can see what you will look like as 'Donna Anne'." I was a bit startled to hear mom use the name 'Donna Anne'. Then I remembered that she used that name when we were at the mall. "Why did you call me Donna Anne mom?" It was a question I had to ask. "When I was pregnant with you we had picked out two names. Donald Allan for a boy and Donna Anne for a girl. We didn't know which you would be until you were born. So since you are dressing as a girl it gives me a chance to have 'Donna Anne' for a little while." Mom was smiling about the name so I figured it would be okay to be Donna Anne for a little while. Mom handed me a pair of the white panties and turned around while I pulled them on under the towel. "Okay mom you can turn back now." She turned to the dresser and took out the black pair of tights from the drawer. I put them on the way she had shown me. They felt so neat sliding up my legs! Then she handed me the pink camisole. I put it on and again I tingled as the fabric slid over my body. Mom walked over to the closet and opened the door. I was shocked! There were five or six hangers in there with girls' clothes on them! She took out a pink blouse and a charcoal gray jumper. "Let's try these on you for size, Donna." "Why? I thought I would only be wearing the dress for the contest?" I was scared and confused. I really thought the outfit was cute. I just didn't know how mom would react if I jumped at the chance to dress all the way as 'Donna Anne'. "Well I thought that you could use a little practice as Donna Anne. You know how to be a boy, but you don't know how to be a girl. A little practice will assure you of winning first place! Not only that but Janice needs you in something feminine tomorrow so she can get a feel for the right way to fix you up." Mom looked a little nervous and upset. I said, "Okay mom, if you think it will be alright and I'll win the contest I'll do it." So on went the blouse. I had some trouble with the buttons since they were backwards from my shirts. Then mom helped me get the jumper on over my head and pulled down. She handed me something she called a half slip and said to just step into it and pull it up to my waist. I finished getting dressed and mom reached into the closet and pulled out a pair of black 'Mary Jane's'. I sat on the bed and put them on and buckled the buckles. "Now Donna, sit on the stool and let's do something with your hair." Mom picked up a brush and her curling iron and went to work. It took her a little while to decide how she was going to do things, then she started around the bottom of my hair and finished by curling my bangs under a little. "There! That looks pretty good. Now you can go look in the full length mirror in my room." I got up and walked out of the room and into mom and dad's room. Mom was behind me. When I looked in the mirror on the closet door I was surprised. I looked like the girls in my class! If Emily, Jane, Joan and Linda were here we would all look the same. "Mom. I look just like the other girls in my class!" Mom had a big smile. "I knew you would look perfect Donna. Let's go down stairs and show your father. Now take smaller steps and walk a little bit slower. After all you have on a skirt and don't want it to flip up when you walk. Hold the railing when going up or down the stairs dear. You did that very well." I was nervous about showing dad, but I figured I would have to appear as a girl eventually. I tried to remember everything mom had told me as I walked into the family room. "Hi daddy! What do you think of my new outfit?" I said it as sweetly as I could manage and twirled in front of my dad to show off my jumper and blouse for him. To say he was surprised would be an understatement! More like shock! "Wha.. Who.. Oh.. Donnie?" "No daddy, mommy says my name should be 'Donna Anne' when I'm dressed like this! So do you think I can win the Halloween contest? Do I make a convincing enough girl?" I asked as innocently as I could. "You look very convincing sweetheart. Very convincing. Lois, what is going on?" Dad looked at mom. He was confused. "I wanted to see just what I had to work with for turning Donnie into a bride named Donna. I really think this will work out fine, don't you?" Mom asked. "We are going to the salon tomorrow morning so that Janice can help figure out what to do with hair and makeup. It will be a short visit but I thought if 'Donna Anne' went it would be easier to see how things will look." I had a scared look on my face as I realized what mom had just said. "Mom, I-I-I'm going to go, go ,go out dressed like this?" "Of course dear. As a matter of fact you will wear exactly what you have on now!" Mom had the biggest smile on I had ever seen. "Are you sure? What if I'm recognized? What if everyone laughs at me? What if. . ." "Slow down Donnie... er... I mean Donna." Dad was doing a good sputtering motorboat impression. "Lois are you sure no one will know? I understand his concerns." "We just tell them it's a dry run for Halloween! That's not a lie. You just aren't in the outfit that you will wear for Halloween." mom stated. "Are you sure Mom?" I was about to cry, I was so scared. But I was excited too. A chance to go out as a girl! I was looking at the tops of my shoes when my dad put his arm around me and hugged me. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." Dad had his arm around my shoulders rubbing them gently. "Dad, if it will help me to win the trophy this year I can do this. Okay mom let's start learning how to be 'Donna Anne'." I had settled down when I heard the concern in my fathers voice. It was then that I knew I could BE 'Donna Anne'. Since it was already eight thirty mom said it would be a short set of lessons and then to bed for my beauty sleep. We spent about an hour practicing walking, going up and down stairs, sitting properly and standing properly. I didn't realize you had to be so careful in a dress. Otherwise everybody would be able to see my panties! "Time for bed Donna. Lets go up and we'll let you be Donna Anne until we get back tomorrow, Okay?" "Okay mom. Goodnight daddy! Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!" I gave my dad a hug around his neck and a kiss on the cheek. He looked surprised, I hadn't kissed my father in two or three years. "Can't a daughter kiss her daddy? I asked. "Sure honey, I, I was just shocked, that's all. Good night Donna Anne." Dad smiled as he said it. I followed mom up the stairs and into the guest room. She reached into the dresser and took out a plain white night gown and a pair of white panties. "I'll leave so you can change dear. Make sure you hang up your blouse and jumper and place your underthings on the vanity stool so you can dress in the morning. Call me when you're ready so I can tuck you in." "Okay mom." I started to change and stopped to look in the mirror of the vanity. I really liked the way I looked in these clothes. After admiring myself for a few minutes I hung up the outfit and laid the underwear on the vanity. When I picked up the nightie it felt soft and silky like the camisole. I noticed the panties were made of the same material. I put on the panties and they felt so good! Better than the cotton ones. Then I took the nightgown and slid it over my head and let it float down over my body. It too felt cool and light and silky. I was smiling when I called mom in to tuck me in. I just couldn't seem to wipe that smile off my face. I looked up at mom and she was smiling too. "Good night Donna Anne. We have a lot to do tomorrow so we will be up early. Sleep tight dear." Mom kissed my forehead and turned off the light. I laid there for awhile wondering if all the girls in my class felt this good when they went to bed. I woke up to the alarm clock and found a 'Raggedy Ann' doll snuggled into bed with me. I know I didn't go to sleep with it, but it was there this morning. I got up and placed the doll on the vanity, then went into the bathroom and took a shower, brushed my teeth and tried to brush my hair the way my mother had last night. I just couldn't seem to get it right! I went back into the guest room and got dressed in the black tights, pink blouse and charcoal gray jumper outfit that I had worn last night. Then downstairs for breakfast. Mom was just pouring herself a glass of juice as I walked into the kitchen. "Good morning Donna. Did you sleep well? Would you like some juice with breakfast?" "Morning mom. I slept fine. Yes I'd like some juice please. I think I'll just have a bowl of cereal. Oh! Mom? Could you help me fix my hair after we eat? I can't seem to get it as nice as you did last night." I asked as sweetly as I could manage this early in the morning. "Your hair looks fine dear. We're just going to mess it up and do things to it at the salon. I'll just slip in a headband and it will be fine for the trip to the salon." Mom was trying to be reassuring. "Now we have to hurry, so finish up and rinse your bowl." I finished eating and soon we were on our way out the door. I had a death grip on my mother's hand since this was my first time out of the house as Donna Anne. I hopped into the car and mom made me get back out and get back in like 'a young lady should'. Second time I did it right so mom started the car and we were on our way. I was looking straight ahead and not looking around like I usually did. My hands were tightly clasped in my lap. "Take a deep breath Donna. Blow it out slowly and tell me why you're so scared." Mom was being very reassuring this morning. "Well, mom, I'm afraid someone will see me and laugh at me as a 'boy in a dress'! I don't know if I could go to school Monday if that happened." "I told them at the salon that you were dressing as a girl for Halloween and they suggested you come in as Donna Anne. There won't be any laughing, just a couple of ladies trying to make you the most beautiful bride ever! Actually, I think you are really going to like all the pampering they are going to do!" Mom was almost giddy as she told me this. Soon we arrived and mom parked the car. She reminded me how a young lady exits a car and after trying it three times she was satisfied and we went in for the appointment. I had been in here before, Janice always cuts my hair. So I was used to the sights and smells of the salon. They just seemed so much brighter and stronger today! "Hi Lois! This must be Donna Anne! Hello dear." Janice had a big smile as she greeted us. "Let's go back here and see what we can do for you." We followed her back to the wash sinks and she had me sit. "First we are going to wash and condition your hair so lean back and enjoy! Lois, I picked some styles from that hairdo book. See what you think and when I'm done we'll get Donna's opinion." I leaned back and tried to relax. As soon as Janice started running the warm water through my hair I actually did relax. She used a fruit scented shampoo and massaged it into my scalp, I liked this, Janice had never washed my hair before. I think by the time she rinsed my hair after the second washing I was purring! She squeezed out the extra water and had me sit up as she wrapped a towel around my head. She told me it was to keep the water from dripping on my pretty blouse. Mom and Janice had been talking about the styles in the book while I was lost in having my hair washed. Now Janice led me over to her chair and she and mom laid the book in my lap. So many styles! All of them were gorgeous! I didn't think I could ever look that good. "How do I pick one?" I asked. "Well I looked at the book and tried to pick styles that would go with the shape of your face. Since I know you and cut your hair anyway it was easier to narrow down the choices." Janice explained. "But, all the ones you marked look like they have hair a lot longer than mine! There's no way you could do some of these on me without a wig or something." I had been looking through the book and every style marked was in the 'Long Hair' section. "Don't worry Donna, after we decide on a style and color, Janice will work her magic and you'll be beautiful! Now let's try these three and see how you look!" Mom was excited and took charge like always. "Let's see... hm.m.m.. Okay, I'll be right back!" Janice went into the back of the shop and came back carrying a box. When she opened it there was a pile of hair in it that looked like a mop head. Janice reached in and picked it up, she shook it out and then held it behind my head. "This is the right length. A little change in color and it's perfect! Donna Anne, this is called a fall. What we will do is trim your hair a little, just to even it out, Then we'll treat your hair so the color matches the hair piece. I think it will mostly just even out the color in your hair since a lot of your baby blonde has disappeared already. And since it's for Halloween, coloring your hair will be okay, even for you." "When Janice gets done with you it will be so perfect that you may not want to be your old self anymore." Mom was smiling like a Cheshire cat. "Okay Janice, do whatever you think I need. I really want to win this contest. "I decided that I could put up with all this if it was for the contest. Not only that, I really liked the clothes and all the fussing over me! I no sooner said that and Janice got busy. She checked my hair, then the picture and set to work trimming the 'split ends' off. After she was done, she put some stuff on my hair and told me I had to wait for the dye to work. She took me to another chair and had me sit very still while she marked my ears with a pencil. 'CLICK!' "Ow", 'CLICK' "Ow". I was facing the mirror and saw that she had just pierced BOTH of my ears! "Janice, why did you do that! How can I go to school like this? No other boy has pierced ears in my school!" "Donna, you want to win, right? Well, brides have pierced ears. All you have to do is wear the tiny studs during the day and your hair will cover them. After the contest, just take them out and the holes will heal in about a month. For now you will have to turn them every day and have your mom help you clean them every night to prevent infection." Janet was very good at giving these instructions. "O-okay, I guess. You're sure they won't show? You know Janice, they do look nice with my blouse and jumper." I was thinking how cute my ears were now that they had earrings in them. A timer rang and Janice moved me over to a sink. She poured something on my hair and then rinsed it. After that we moved back to her work station and she started blow drying it. When she was happy with the way it looked she took the fall and reached in under some of my hair and attached it with a built in clip. Then she brushed it all out and turned me toward the mirror. "Viola! This is where we start from! You now have enough hair and in the right color to play with." I looked in the mirror and was shocked! My hair was now a slightly darker color, actually it was just all one color, a sort of 'sandy brown' is what Janice called it. The length went down to the top of my jumper in the front and to between my shoulder blades in the back. It made me look like a totally different person! For the first time, I was Donna Anne Jones. I must have been staring at myself for a long time because Janice shook my shoulder gently and said, "Enough admiring, we have work to do! You can look in the mirror later." Janice turned me back around and called my mother over to see what we could work with. "Oh my goodness! Donna Anne! look...wonderful. The daughter we never had is sitting right here!" Mom was gushing and waving her arms all over the place. "Now Lois, we have to get started or we'll never get a style decided on. I have some veil tiaras in the back. We bought four or five so that we could set up hair for the style that each bride was using. Let me get them so that you can see which one closely resembles the one you're using." Janice went to the back of the shop and returned with a box. Inside were a bunch plastic headbands, most were white, one gold and two were silver. Mom took her wallet from her purse and removed a picture to show Janice. "This is the dress and veil that we're using. Which one do you think will work? If you think a different veil will work better, I think we could buy a new one." "Let's see what hair style looks best first. That's how I do it with my brides. We get the hair right and then pick the veil that works the best!" Janice stated this as if she already had the plan. Mom and I agreed, so she set to work to style my hair the first of three styles. She swept all of it up on top of my head and arranged it so that most of the fall hung to the back. Then she took the longer hair and wrapped it in a vertical roll so it ran up and down the back of my head. Then she secured it with bobbie pins and turned me to face the mirror. It looked sophisticated and it made me look older too. Janice turned me back around and held up a Polaroid camera. "We'll take a picture or two and then do the next style, that way you can take the pictures home and decide which looks the best." She took three picture, one from the front, the side and the back. Then she put the camera down and took my hair down and started on the next style. For this one, she combed my bangs back and pinned them down. Next she pulled the hair from the sides back and pinned it all in a bunch at the middle of the back of my head and used an elastic band to hold it in place. Janice took a large curling iron and started working on the back of my hair with it. It took her about 15 minutes to get the curls the way she wanted. This one looked like a cascade of curls down my back to the top of my shoulder blades. she finished this one off with the gold tiara to cover the pins holding my bangs. This time four pictures were taken, to get all the angles, in case we wanted to duplicate it. I liked this one better than the first one. Janice brushed out the curls and removed the elastic band. She wet my hair to help straighten it and then combed my bangs down and curled them under. She took the hair on the sides of my head and pulled them back to just above my ears. Then she teased the top and down around the sides a little to give me some extra volume. Then the curling iron was used with a small rod to give multiple long ringlets hanging down all around the top, back and sides of my head. When she finished, she showed mom a veil that would go right at the back of my bangs and would pouf up over the back of my head. I looked in the mirror and liked this style too. I looked at mom and Janice and said. "This One looks really cute mom." They took four pictures of this style without the veil and two with the veil in place. Sadly, Janice brushed out my hair, wet it yet again and blow dried it into something more like a girl my age would wear. "There you go Donna, you're all set for the rest of the day. This evening, just have your mom take out the fall before bed and lay it out on your vanity so it will look nice in the morning. That way you can just clip it back in and brush it out!" Janice was all smiles and so was I when I got up to leave the salon. I asked mom what time it was and she said "Eleven thirty. We were only there two and a half hours. Actually that's quite short for all that Janice did! Let's go get something to eat in the food court." We were walking along talking about all the different things we had seen at the salon. Mom noted that tomorrow was Sunday and we would pick up the dress and everything else at grandma and grandpa's. I was getting excited about this! It was really a lot of fun to get to do all these things. My next thought was 'Why do only girls get to have this kind of fun?'. We got to the food area and I was so excited I could hardly eat. All I ate was a hot dog and a small drink. Usually I eat a double cheeseburger, fries and a bucket of soda, but for some reason I just wasn't hungry. On our way back to the car mom spotted a shoe store that had white high heels in the window. "We are going to need them for the costume anyway so let's get a pair now. It will give you a chance to get used to them before the contest!" Mom grabbed my hand and we were in the store before I could protest. A young man came up to us to see if he could help. "What can I do for you ladies today? He smiled. "My daughter is going to be a miniature bride in a wedding. She needs a pair of white heels for her dress. One and a half inches if you have them. I think she's a little young to go much higher." Mom was in her normal 'take charge' mode. "I'm sure we will have what you need. Miss, if you will sit over here and remove your shoes, we'll measure your foot so we get a proper fit. Is this your first pair of heels?" He asked. I looked at mom and she just nodded her head like I was supposed to answer the man. "Yes it is." "No need to be afraid, the current style is a small platform shoe with a wedge heel. I understand it's much easier to walk in than the stiletto heels your mom learned in." He was trying to be reassuring but this was different than with Janice. He really thought I was a girl! "Mom thought if we got them now I could learn to walk comfortably in them before I need them." I was trying to sound like I knew what I was doing, somehow I didn't think it came out that way. "Be right back!" The young man went to the back of the store. I saw his name tag as he got up. His name was James. I sat there nervously while James was in the back getting some shoes to try on. Soon he came back with four boxes. "I brought out three styles. I brought two different sizes in the sandal because we have found that sometimes a half size smaller is needed for it. Let's try them on." The first pair was similar to the shoes I had on. They had a closed rounded toe and a strap across the top of my foot. When I stood up I felt a lot taller! I went for the traditional walk around the store and James was right. They weren't very hard to walk in once you figured out that you were taller. I also found that I had to take somewhat smaller steps. "Those look a little high." mom was concerned about my feet I guess. "They are a half inch platform with a one and one half inch heel in a style vary similar to the 'Mary Jane's' your daughter wore in here." You could tell James went into 'sales' mode. "They are very popular for girls in the eight to eleven age group." "Could I try on a pair of the sandals?" I thought it would help change the topic and get us out of the store sooner. James helped me take off the shoes and then we tried the sandal style heels. The first pair was a little large, I felt like they would fall off my feet with every step I took. So we changed them for the smaller pair and they were much more comfortable to walk in. They had a small strap across the toes and a long pair of straps that came up and wrapped around my ankle. Once buckled I knew they wouldn't fall off. They were very delicate and made my feet look dainty. "Mom, I like these!" I think mom was happy with my choice. "Do you really like them? They do look very nice on you. Do you want to try on the other pair?" Mom was actually asking my opinion on this. Normally she just would say, 'okay we'll take them' but this was different. The third pair was what mom called a 'pump'. It was okay but I really liked the sandals the best. Mothers must have ESP, because before I even finished my walk around the store she said, "We'll take the sandals. They looked the best and will really show off the dress and accessories the best. Don't you agree Donna Anne?" "YES! I really liked them the best. Thank you mommy!" I couldn't believe that I was so excited about buying a pair of high heeled shoes, but I was. "Let's go home. We have some things to do since it's Saturday." Mom was smiling as she paid for the shoes and headed out the door. I turned around and waved bye to James as we left the store. I was very happy and felt like I was walking with a bounce in my step all the way to the car. I even remembered to get in the car as a young lady should. Mom and I chatted about our day out as mother and daughter and I looked at all the pictures Janice took of the hair styles. All too soon we were home. Dad was out raking leaves and waved as we pulled in the driveway. I waved and hopped out of the car and ran up to him with my shoes and the pictures. "Look what we did all day daddy! I really like the last hair style and then we had lunch and then we were walking out and mom found a shoe store and then this guy, James, measured my foot and I can actually walk in heels and we bought a pair of high heeled sandals and then we came home! Hi!" I said this all in one breath. I paused long enough to get a deep breath. "Whoa. Slow down Donna, You told me an awful lot in a short time. Let's go in the house. You can show me all the things you did while I get a drink." Dad was gently guiding me toward the front door while he talked. Mom was humming when we came into the kitchen. We sat at the table drinking ice tea and showed dad the pictures and my shoes. I even put the shoes on and showed him that I could walk in them without falling down. "You did quite a bit today. Got your hair done different too I see" "It's a hairpiece dad, I just have to have mom unclip it and I go back to my regular hair! I think it's neat. Anyway, mom said we had things to do today so I better change and take out the fall." I got up from the table to have mom take out the fall so I could change. "Actually Donna, I was thinking that you would not change and help around the house. After all I didn't get much done while we were out today." Mom was stating she wanted help from Donna Anne today. "Is that okay with you dad?" "Your mother's right. She could use the help. I'm almost done with the leaves and then I'm going to winterize the mower. You could help your mother today, I guess." Dad was nodding his head yes while he talked. That was always a sign that he was agreeing with mom. Well, to make a long boring story short, I helped mom clean, cook and do the laundry. By dinner time we all had clean clothes, clean house and the table set and ready. I helped mom with the dishes after dinner too. The rest of the evening was more 'Donna Anne' lessons. How to sit. How to stand. How to rise properly. Mom even got out a book and had me walk up and down the hall with it on my head! She said this was to 'improve' the way I walked. Later, dad said that was enough practice and to go take a shower and come watch a little TV before bed. Mom came with and I thought she was going to take out the fall so I could shower. When we got to the guest room she took out the night gown and panties and said to change and come to the bathroom, she would show me how to shower and not damage my hair. I put on the night gown and panties and went into the bathroom. Mom took some hair clips and swept my hair on top of my head. Then she took a shower cap and covered my hair. "There, now you won't ruin your hair in the shower, Donna. We'll take care of getting it ready for bed when you're done in here. Just come downstairs and get me." Mom shut the door on her way out. After my shower I redressed and hung up the shower cap. Then went down to find mom. She was watching TV with dad, so I gave dad a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you daddy for letting me practice being Donna Anne. You know how much this contest means to me." "Well I don't mind you doing this. I was surprised that you look so much like a girl though. Are you sure you're going to be okay with this? You were out shopping as a girl and at the salon as a girl, Donnie I love you, but I worry about you." Dad was holding me in his lap and talking directly to me. He doesn't get serious with me often, but this was one of those times. "I don't know why but after I got over being afraid of being laughed at it was a lot of fun! What other nine year old boy gets to do all these things? I know that this has made me think of girls and the things they do differently. Since I'm doing it to win a contest, I don't think it's going to change me very much." I tried to sound confident, after all I didn't want dad to think I wanted to become a girl. Even though the thought had crossed my mind recently. "Mom, you said you'd help me get my hair ready for bed." "Right! Let's go up and take out the fall so you can sleep comfortably tonight." Mom followed me up to 'Donna Anne's 'room and reached under my hair to release the clip and lay the fall out on the dresser. My head felt a lot lighter after the fall was removed! I did notice that I missed feeling the hair move when I turned my head. I crawled into bed and kissed mom good night. She handed me Raggedy Ann and tucked her in next to me. "My little girl." Mom whispered softly as she left the bedroom and closed the door I had the weirdest dream that night! I dreamed that at the salon Janice attached a hairpiece that was five feet long to my head. Then when they would wet my hair between styles it would change colors. I don't know what it meant but it was sure weird. Morning came and mom came in to wake me. "Donnie, we have to get dressed for church and going to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner. After you change, tuck the nightgown and panties under the pillow like you do in your room." So I got up and dressed and combed my hair and brushed my teeth. Then I put Raggedy Ann on the dresser and tucked the nightgown under the pillow. Church was uneventful and when we got to Grandma and Grandpa's we were the first ones to arrive. After greeting everyone I helped set the table and then went to watch TV with dad and grandpa until everyone else arrived. Uncle Bob, Aunt Betty and Joanne showed up at one for dinner. I took the garment bag from Aunt Betty and asked where to hang it. Grandma said to hang it in the bed room that I used when I stayed over. Joanne followed me to make sure I hung it up correctly. "I don't want you to ruin my dress! I want it for my wedding, so I can have a miniature bride like Ellen and Ken did." Joanne was making sure I knew she was not happy about me borrowing the dress. "Joanne, I only intend on wearing it for the contest. I'm not going to play in the mud or anything. I'm sure I can take care of it for that amount of time." I really was trying to put her fears to rest. "Let's go have dinner." Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's is always a large affair. Today was no exception. Everyone left the table full, some a little over full. Joanne and I helped to clean up after dinner, which we always did and then mom got this big silly grin on her face. "I brought along some of the things we need for the costume. Let's go up and see how it fits. That way we will know what has to be done to make it fit perfectly." Mom was so excited that I just couldn't say no. Mom and I went back to the bedroom and she reached into a small suitcase she had brought. She handed me a pair of white panties, a white camisole, a pair of white tights and a white full slip. "I'll step out while you change. Call when you're done and we'll clip in the fall and try on the dress!" Mom was going out the door as she spoke. I took off my clothes, hanging up my shirt and pants, and once naked put on the panties, scrunched up the tights and slid them up my legs, then slipped on the camisole and the slip. Every time I did this the cool silky feeling of the camisole and the slip thrilled me, along with the neat feeling of the tights, I thought I was in heaven. "Okay mom I'm dressed." The room door opened and in walked Mom, Grandma, Aunt Betty and Joanne. "Well we have a lot of curious people today, so let's get started and fix your hair, Donna Anne." Mom pointed to a chair by the dresser. So with six extra pairs of eyes on me I sat in the chair while mom fussed with my hair. "I didn't think he'd look so convincing! It's like looking at Joanne." Grandma was shaking her head. "I know! I couldn't believe how realistic he looked either." Mom replied. Are you almost done? I want to see how the dress fits." Aunt Betty was always the impatient one at family gatherings. "Just a little more brushing. There all set for the dress." Mom finished my hair while I looked in the mirror. She was right, Donna Anne had returned! Joanne went to the closet and took out the dress. She was extremely careful with it. I think she was emphasizing the care for my sake. After all she did tell me to be very careful with it. The dress was beautiful! All white, no surprise, With rows of ruffles and lace. I'm not sure my description will do justice to this wonderful creation, but I will try. The top of the dress was open necked with a modified v-neck front. The sleeves were like a short sleeve shirt in length with a scalloped lace at the end of each sleeve. It had a narrow bodice with what mom called a 'drop waist' style. From there the skirt billowed out and right below where your knees would be there were four lace ruffles. It even had a small train flowing out behind it of netting and lace. The front of the bodice had three embroideries that looked like buttons. The entire dress was made of satin with netting and lace as the accents. It also had a flesh colored piece sewn in around the neck opening and looked like it would come up to my neck like a T-shirt collar or something like that. "Oh!..Oh..It's..It's Beautiful! Oh, Joanne I will take such good care of your dress. Let me try it on." I was so excited I was gushing. "Okay Donna Anne, but calm down and we'll finish up here. Now step into the dress carefully, that's it, now the other leg. Good. Betty, The zipper only comes to the top of the dress. What about this top piece?" Mom was trying to figure something out behind me. Me? I was staring in the mirror, lost in how pretty I looked. "Lois, there are three small hooks for the flesh colored panel. It hooks like a bra. That panel is great. It's made from the same material ice skaters use to make it look like they have on a skimpy outfit. You just set it in place and do up the hooks. It lets the dress look right even though the girls aren't developed yet." Aunt Betty had come over and done up the hooks to show mom how it worked. "Mom used a foundation on my neck so that the top part wasn't noticeable." Joanne added. We looked in the bag and sure enough there was a bottle of liquid foundation, matching powder compact and the veil. The veil was simple. It had a band that came around the front of your head, of lace and then a small band that over top of your head that actually had the netting and lace attached to it. It did look exactly like the dress Ellen wore. "Houston, we have a problem!" Mom was fussing over the front of the dress. "I see the darts, but there's nothing to fill them in, so the top doesn't sit right." Aunt Betty came over to see. "Oh, that's right! We had the same problem. We ended up going out and getting a training bra and a pair of foam 'cheaters'." "M-O-o-O-M! Don't tell them that!!" Joanne was blushing fire engine red while whining. "I don't see why not! Donna Anne is going to need the same thing!" Aunt Betty just didn't see what the problem could be or that Joanne was too embarrassed to let others know her secret. "Well we can take care of that later. Otherwise the dress seems to fit perfectly. It's a good thing they are so close in size. Donna, walk around a little so we can see how the dress flows." Mom had decided we could fix whatever problem there was, so I tried to walk. I seemed to keep stepping on the front of the dress with every step I took. "We forgot the shoes!" Mom reached into the case and brought out my new heeled sandals. She had me sit and slipped them on my feet. Being two inches taller helped a lot and I didn't step on the dress anymore. I walked around the room as mom had taught me. I had to take shorter steps both because of the heels and the length of the dress. After all, I didn't want to step on the dress. "You look wonderful. The way you look, you should have been born a girl." Grandma was smiling as she said this. "I have to admit, you look much better than I expected. Donna Anne, right?" Joanne was questioning the name mom had used. "Mom said that would have been my name if I were born a girl. So she thought it would be an appropriate name for the contest." I made it seem like it was all mom's idea. "Let's go show the men what our little bride looks like!" Mom grabbed my hand and led me out the door to the living room where Dad, Grandpa and Uncle Bob were talking about pro-wrestling. "Viola! The blushing bride! Miss Donna Anne Jones!" Mom made the introduction and used a hand flourish to point to me. That was my cue to enter the room. I made a slow circle around the middle of the room and then stood by Joanne and folded my hands in front of me like she had hers. "If you don't win the contest, those judges are blind! You make a perfect bride." Grandpa was smiling a big smile. "I agree. You look a lot like Joanne. "Uncle Bob was surprised I guess. "I too think you look like a bride." Dad always said the right things. "Enough of the show. We need to go back upstairs and get Donna Anne changed. Don't want to dirty the dress if we don't have to." Mom was headed back to the bedroom. Once we were there mom looked at me and said, "Donna, I brought along another outfit for you as 'Donna Anne'. I thought you might need something else for the costume and that we could go shopping. Now it's your choice. We can go now or you can dress as 'Donna Anne' during the week. so we can go shopping." What a decision to make! Do I stay as 'Donna Anne' now or do I become 'Donna Anne' later! I told mom that as long as I was mostly dressed we should do the shopping now. She went back to her case and pulled out a blue girls tee shirt with a 'peter pan' style collar and cap sleeves. Then went back to the bag and pulled out a short denim skirt with a short half slip. "I'll help you out of the dress and full slip. Then you can get dressed. I only brought your heels so you'll have to wear them. It should be good practice for you though." Mom was chatting along while helping undo the clips and the zipper on the back of the dress. I stepped out of it carefully and while mom hung it up I took off the long full slip and hung it on a hanger. After helping get everything back into the clothing bag I slipped on the tee shirt. Mom said the skirt went on first and then the slip was slid on under it. What did I know? I was still pretty new at this 'girl' stuff. When that was done, mom showed me how to lift my skirt to make sure my tee shirt was tucked in all the way around. Then how to use the mirror to make sure my slip didn't show. When we were all done mom pronounced me ready and out the door we went. "Anyone want to go shopping with us?" Mom asked. "I'll go!" Joanne was up in a second. Grandma said she was tired and wanted to stay home. Aunt Betty decided to come with and 'window shop' a little. Mom told dad we would be back in a little while. Dad handed mom the car keys and told her to be back soon. Then he saw me. "Why is Donnie still dressed as 'Donna Anne'?" "She needs to try on some delicates and it will be a lot easier if she is dressed as a girl." "Honey, are you sure about all this? I'm concerned about the permanent effects of dressing up and being out as a girl on Donnie." Dad was wrinkling his brow when he said this, so I knew he was serious. "I just don't know how things will be after Halloween is all." "It will be fine dad. Honest. Right now it's a lot of fun and for a good reason. I'll be fine after it's all over. "I was trying my best to ease dad's concerns. I knew deep inside though that Halloween would not be the last time I dressed as a girl. "Let's go girls!" Mom was ready to go. She handed me a small purse. The four of us 'girls' headed out the door. Joanne and I sat in back while mom and Aunt Betty chatted in the front seat. "You're doing all this just to win a contest?" Joanne asked. "Yes! I only took second place last year and this is my last chance to win. I told mom I would do anything to win. I even had my ears pierced, see!" I moved my hair from over my ears to show Joanne the tiny gold studs. "You sure are putting a lot of effort into this. What about after the contest? You seem to have some clothes that aren't exactly for a boy! " Joanne was pointing at my outfit. "I don't know. (whispering) I think mom wants me to be her daughter sometimes. I don't know what will happen after Halloween. Don't tell anyone, okay?" I made Joanne 'pinkie swear' not to tell anyone. We talked about Joanne's costume for her school party. She was going as 'Malibu Barbie'. She had a wig and all the clothes already at home. They had bought her a bra and stuffing so she could have the right shape for Barbie. We laughed a little at this and by then we were at a small strip mall. Mom parked in front of a store called 'Helen's Intimates'. "Let's go in and see what we can do to make the top of the dress fit better." Mom said as she was getting out of the car. All four of us went into the store. We were greeted by a nice looking lady about mom's age. "I'm Barbara, how may I help you today?" "My daughter is to be a miniature bride in a wedding. The dress is beautiful but I'm afraid she hasn't started to develop yet. The dress is designed for someone that has a little something up top. Can you help us?" Mom asked. "(giggle) Of course I can. We get these requests on a regular basis. I understand completely. If you will follow me back here to a changing area. Which young lady is it?" Barbara queried. "It's Donna Anne, she is the one that needs the help." I think I blushed bright red. "Don't be embarrassed Donna, a lot of young girls need a little 'help' until they mature. Why don't you step into the changing booth and take off your top. I'll get something to measure you properly and then we'll get you fitted for a bra and pads." Barbara was leading the way to the changing are as she talked. A BRA! ! ! What was I getting into! I didn't think that I would need one of those! I looked at mom but she just nodded her head like I was supposed to just follow along and do as Barbara asked. I was definitely nervous about this. In the changing room I took off my top and waited for Barbara. About a minute later Barbara came in with a tape measure. "I need you to take off the camisole too. Don't be embarrassed, I do this all the time." Barbara tried to be reassuring. I slipped off the camisole and Barbara measured me. "Be right back!" She left and I stood there not knowing what to do now. Soon she came back carrying two boxes. "Let's try this on first. This is your first bra isn't it? It's important that it fits comfortably. Not too tight, not too loose." She took this small bra out of a box and had me slip my arms through the straps. Then she hooked it together in the back and adjusted the straps that went over my shoulders. She opened the other box and took out two small foam pads. "These will give you an 'A' cup. I think that will be just right for your body size." She slipped the pads into the bra. "Put your top back on and we'll go show your mother." With that comment she grabbed the two boxes and left. I put my top back on and went out to show mom. Trying on pants and shirts and having to go show mom is one thing. Having to show your mom your first bra, well let's just say it's an experience that I never thought I would have. "Oh my! It makes you look older, Donna. I think the size will be just right though for the dress." Mom was actually beaming as she talked. "I think you're right Lois, That's an 'A' right? Good, I think that's what the dress maker said would work for the dress." Aunt Betty was agreeing with mom. I guess that meant I got to wear a bra for Halloween. "If you ladies like, she could wear it home. I have the boxes here. Donna, just go back and put on your camisole over the bra and then put your shirt back on." Barbara was telling me I could wear the bra home. "Mom, I'm a little uncomfortable do I have to wear this home?" I wasn't sure how I felt about it. The bra really wasn't that uncomfortable, just different, having something sticking out of your chest. "I think you look just fine Donna. Go put your camisole back on and leave the bra on, you'll get used to it in no time." Mom's tone told me not to argue, so I went back and put the camisole back on. Mom was paying for the items as I came back out of the dressing room. She had a smile for me when I returned and we all headed out the door. "Donna? Don't worry, I went through this for the wedding, remember?" Joanne was trying to calm me down. (whisper) "But you're a girl!" "You look enough like a girl to fool anyone I know!" Joanne stated. "I wouldn't be surprised if you became my girl cousin instead of my boy cousin." "Nah! I'll always be Donnie." I tried to sound sure but in the back of my mind I was thinking she might be right! We made it back to Grandma and Grandpa's and went in. The only person to notice anything was grandma. "My, you look all grown up, Donna Anne." "Thank you Grandma. It still feels strange but I'm getting used to it." I could feel the heat in my cheeks. I went into the bedroom with everyone and had to change clothes and try the wedding dress on again. This time everyone was happy with the way it fit. I guess I stuck out in all the right places now. "Just change back into your top and skirt, Donna. It's getting late and we need to be getting home." Mom said. "Okay mom. I'll be right down. Joanne, would you stay and help me put the dress back into the bag?" I asked. "Sure!" I took off the dress and slip and put my top, skirt and short slip back on. All this changing was making it kind of automatic to dress as a girl. So I was changed and ready to go in no time at all. Joanne and I came into the front room carrying the garment bag, the small suit case and my purse. I gave a hug and a kiss to everybody and waved good-bye as we drove off. "You're all set for the contest now, right?" Dad asked. "I think so. Mom, are we?" "I think you are. We have all the clothes now and your lessons have been going so well that no one thinks you are anything but a girl. I think just some practice walking as a bride and you'll be ready!" Mom was smiling a lot at that last thought. "Then, why are you still dressed as Donna Anne?" Dad asked. "I really didn't think about it dad. Mom said to change quickly, and these clothes were there, so I just put them back on and got ready to come home." I was actually surprised myself by my willingness to be Donna Anne. The rest of the trip was fairly quiet. I was doing a lot of thinking about being 'Donna Anne' and being 'Donald Allan'. The more I thought about it the more confused I became. We arrived home and I helped carry the bag and suitcase into the house and put everything away. Then for the rest of the evening I practiced the slow steady walk that mom said I would need for the contest. At bed time mom took my hair piece out and I changed into my nightgown and panties. I gave dad a kiss and mom went with me to tuck me in. This time I grabbed Raggedy Ann and brought her to bed with me. I really needed someone to listen to me and Raggedy Ann would do just fine for tonight. Mom smiled and gently tucked me in and kissed my forehead. Then she turned out the light and closed the door. I spent the longest time just going over the events that led up to today. I asked Raggedy Ann a lot of questions, but she didn't say a word. I finally decided one thing. Raggedy Ann was a very good listener! "Wake up sleepy! It's morning and time to get ready for school." Mom was smiling at me like she does every morning. "Don't forget to dress as Donnie today. Okay?" I looked down and realized I was still dressed as Donna Anne. I placed Raggedy Ann on the dresser and made the bed. Then went across the hall to 'Donnie's ' room and got my underwear and a robe. I did my teeth, shower and combed my hair. Then I remembered to put the panties and night gown in the hamper. Today mom did laundry so they would be clean for next weekend. Then on to my room to get dressed. I was surprised that I had trouble buttoning my shirt! Somehow all the buttons were backwards! Then I realized that they were correct for 'boys' clothes. I must have gotten used to buttoning Donna Anne's clothes the past weekend. The whole week just seemed to drag by. I think I really missed being 'Donna Anne'. I hung out with Jeff a couple of nights. He tried several times to get me to tell him what my costume was. I wouldn't tell him. He even offered to tell me what his was, but I said 'no' so we dropped the topic. I did play some basketball with him and we did pal around after school, you know, TV, Atari, that sort of thing. Friday finally arrived. After dinner I looked at mom and dad and asked the question that scared me inside. "Mom, Dad, can I be Donna Anne tonight? With only one more week to the contest I thought I would like to practice some more?" I truly wondered what they would say. "Wonderful! I was just going to suggest the same thing." Mom was smiling broadly. "Also you'll have to dress as Donna in morning. We have to go back to the salon and pick out your makeup for the contest." "Donnie, I don't mind as long as you are just practicing. However, if you are dressed as a girl I'll expect you to act like one" Dad said. "Thanks! I'll go change and call you mom so you can fix my hair." I went up to 'Donna's' room and opened the drawer to take out what I needed. I looked at the underwear and thought there was more there than last week. Oh well, probably just my imagination. I picked up my bra and the pads and placed them on the bed, then picked a pair of light blue panties. I thought about tights and decided I needed to pick out the outfit I wanted to wear tonight before I chose the tights.. When I looked in the closet, expecting to find the two outfits from last week, I was shocked! There were three more outfits hanging in there! One was a one piece outfit that looked like what the girls in my class wore to go roller-skating. There was a sailor style dress and a white blouse with a plaid skirt hanging next to it. I looked at everything in there and decided that the sailor style dress would be my choice for tonight. I went back to the drawer and put on a pair of white tights and took out a full slip and laid it on the bed. I put on my bra and placed the foam pads into the cups. Then I put on the slip and let it glide over my body. this dressing as a girl could really feel nice sometimes. I finally took the dress off the hanger and put it on. I did up the buttons in the back and then called mom to help me attach the fall. In les

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Olivias Bride

This is the second story I have written for the folks who use Fictionmania. I would like to express my thanks to the people who run this website. This is a work of fiction that came from the gray matter between my ears. Similarities to anyone living or dead are coincidental. I left it open-ended, so if someone wants to pick up the story and run with it, please feel free. I appreciate all the feedback (positive and negative) that I received from my first story, Ghost Mistress....

1 year ago
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My Brother8217s Bride

Huma presents another hot incest between brother and sister story. I thank you all for your comments on my stories. I had kept myself away from my incestuous love with my own brother Karthik, younger to by three years. Actually our first encounter had been a chance encounter. It had been my birthday and we drank just for fun. Slowly I grew tipsy and aroused sexually. My brother was fascinated by my large boobs and firm ass. To crown the evening, our Cable operator showed a blue film by chance....

3 years ago
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The Back Garden Bride

The Back Garden Bride I was born Nathan, although for as long as I can remember, I have been known as Nat. Apparently when I was very young and learning to talk, I found my name a little too long and difficult to say out loud, so I shortened it as much as I could. Naturally I had it pointed out to me many times during my childhood that Nat was more of a girl's name, but that never bothered me, so the name stuck with me. I was an average kid for the most part, average height, average...

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The Pinch Hit Bride

The Pinch Hit Bride (A Fantasy Of The Delights Of Transvestism) by Deborah Leigh Johnson aka Miss Karen-Anne Brown Hi. My name is Tommy, Tommy Girard. I am fifteen years old, and it is mid way through a Friday morning. At this moment, I am sitting in my sister Janet's room. And, I am torn with guilt, with fear, with a sense of perhaps betraying a loyalty, and, mostly, a sense that I have to do this thing that has been asked of me to do, for my sister. Let me...

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The Widower Bride

The Widower Bride by enduringshades Three months ago Tom gathered his immediate family together and told them of his plans for his wedding anniversary. At first they were not sure they heard correctly, then they were shocked, and then they became very emotional when Tom told them of his ambitious plan and asked for their blessing and support to make it an unforgettable day and to celebrate Jessica's memory. Tom had married his childhood sweetheart Jessica last year. They were...

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The Worlds First Futa Futas Wedding DelightChapter 3 Futarsquos First Sultry Bride

April 17th, 2047 “The reception was absolute torture,” I said while the cameras filmed the interview, streaming it live to the world. I was recounting my life, speaking about attending the wedding of Kurt, my ex-boyfriend, to Rosemary Ramsey. Well, now she was Rosemary Albertson. “I just wanted to fuck the bride so badly, Adelia. It was so hard to think about my promise when I knew she was close to me.” “I bet it was,” Adelia said, the talk show host interviewing me. She had such a naughty...

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The Saddle Bride

This is a story based in the old west of the 1870's. I have tried to be historically accurate in many regards but have chosen to use modern references to feminine undergarments in some places simply for my own pleasure. I hope that you will forgive me for that one indulgence. The story is quite long but I originally wanted it to be much longer. "The Saddle Bride" Chapter One Claudius Hopper, known locally as 'Claude' ambled down the very center of the dusty street. It had...

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Find Bride

Find a bride? Today’s the day my dudes. Today’s the day that TPD is going to settle down. And what better way to do that than to find a bride online! is the perfect site for this. Granted, all the women on this site are Russian and Ukrainian, so if you can get over the thick accent then we’re on our way. Besides, we both know how sexy those eastern European girls are. And they raise them to be good housewives! Just the way it should be. Alright, before I doze off by thinking...

Hookup Sites
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Sororal Twins 8 Picture Perfect Bride

Please read the other parts of this story first! Sororal Twins part 8: Picture perfect I wondered how many more surprises Jenny had in store for me. Amy started on some solo pictures of the bride alone. She took pictures from various different angles and used several different backgrounds. I moved from location to location and position to position as Amy requested. Jenny adjusted my train as I moved around. I really hoped that the pictures turned out. It would be nice to have...

1 year ago
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Proof of the Bride

Mark hated Claire. Despite becoming his aunt after marrying his uncle, he couldn't stand her. Claire was a confident, decisive woman. With long blond hair and a curvaceous figure, she cut an immaculate image beside her new, and rich, husband. She was also, of course, a shameless liar and only a slutty outfit away from being considered a bimbo. Her relationship with her husband, Jeffrey, proved her to be a gold digger, siphoning money from his bank to fuel her and her friends'...

2 years ago
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I Cant Be A Bride

I Can't Be A Bride by Throne The closer I got to my wedding date, the more nervous I became. It seemed almost impossible that I was marrying Talia, a gorgeous blond with the figure of a swimsuit model and the face of an angel. I got so stressed on the day we went to city hall for our license that she gave me a pill to calm me down. It certainly helped my jitters and the whole afternoon passed in a pleasant blur. Her gay brother Mark drove us and was there for every step of the...

2 years ago
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The Bride

Jenna was born in a country where girl babies were raised and sold by the fathers for brides. Jenna's mom had birthed f******n babies and the eight girls were to be sold for brides. Girls were taught to serve the husband. Leo bought Jenna as when she developed she was very sexy looking. She had a slender waist and nice thick ass and great tits. Leo loved sex and had a huge craving all the time for it. He had a nice long thick cock and nice big balls. He was thirty years older than Jenna and...

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The Devils Pact Ghost of Paris Chapter 10 The Bride

Introduction: The ghost takes a bride and her sister on her wedding day! The Devils Pact, The Ghost of Paris by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Ten: The Bride Thursday, September 19th, 2013 Paris, Texas You dirty slut, Happy giggled. The reverends adulterous wife was sprawled on Franny Reynolds bed, her best friend and one of her many lovers. I used to think Happy was a shrewish prude, but after I molested her in the middle of her husbands church service, I...

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Rain Bride

She opened the box. Inside was a long robe of soft cotton, pure white and almost translucent. It was the garment worn by all Rain-Brides for their consummation with Sebak, but this one was made specifically for her. She put it on, savouring how silky it felt on her olive skin. She suppressed a nervous shudder as she tied the woven belt around her waist. Nailah had been elated when the high priest told her she had been chosen: such an honorable position seemed above her status. There were...

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Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Virgin Bride

ForewordHello readers, sorry to delay the storytelling, this is just a short note about why I wrote this story. If you page down to the Prologue now, you won't miss any of the story.The creator of Sherlock Holmes – Arthur Conan Doyle – is possibly the world's most famous author of short stories, and these days erotica is the literary genre now most commonly presented in small, delicious portions; so the marriage of the two was too enticing for me to resist. I own (and treasure) a paperback...

2 years ago
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The Bride

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

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The Brother Bride

My twin sister Julie and I had always been close. Growing up, we shared each other’s deepest secrets. I had always told her I would do anything for her.Julie was a girly-girl, and loved being female. She had said she would be happy if she could wear dresses and heels all the time. Her wardrobe reflected that. She had also known about my urge to wear female clothes since we were young, and being my dear sister, never told anyone else. She told me she could never mock me or embarrass me in front...

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Here Cums The Bride

I have been married to my beautiful and sexy wife Judy for five years now and I love her more now than the day we married. To start this narrative I want to go back to my wedding day five years ago yesterday.That morning I drove out to the old resort hotel, where the wedding was to be held, about two hours early. I had worked at the hotel while I was in college and it's where Judy and I met.As I wandered around the grounds I remembered all the fun I had the three summers I spent working...

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MAU Blushing Bride

MAU: Blushing Bride Synopsis: At a bachelor party, a few friends use an MAU to liven up the party. This leaves the groom in a very strange situation with the upcoming wedding; he and his bride-to-be have to improvise a lot. [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Blushing Bride "Hey! The unlucky victim is here!" Paul called cheerfully as he recognized the guest standing on the porch. "We've all been...

1 year ago
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So many Husbands in life of an Indian Bride

MANY HUSBANDS OF AN INDIAN BRIDE Oh God! its my marriage tomorrow and i am sitting with my friend Karan who is a designer. As per the Indian Customs, the wedding dress of the bride is sent by the bridegroom. What happened was that Karan could not get time to make Raveena, my to be bride, to try out the dress and he was sitting tensed for the dress had to be tried for Raveena has to wear it the next day. I am tensed too and feeling that raveena would kill me if the dress doesent fit...

4 years ago
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Halloween Bride

This is a true story. The incident took place on Halloween in Columbus, Ohio. Nothing has been changed to embellish the story. I hope you enjoy it. Hugs, Kelly Davidson * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Here I was, parked outside a Wal-Mart on this cool, cloudy day Halloween morning trying to gather up the courage to follow a dream. It wasn't the fear of going into the store dressed that was stopping me. I had scoped out the place the night before in regular clothes (skirt...

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You May Hang the Bride

You May Hang the Bride by A. P. DamienChapter 1 Summary: This story includes descriptions of a woman being hanged, while others watch and have an orgy. ?Interactive, consensual. Picture this, if you will: An outdoor wedding. Folding chairs set up, the groom's friends and relatives on one side of the aisle, the bride's on the other. As often happens, about 20% of the guests consider themselves friends of both and choose a side at random, or based on where their other friends are sitting. Most of...

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Sororal Twins 9 Here Comes The Bride

Sororal Twins part 9: Here Comes The Bride Michelle and I exited the ladies room, and we met up with the rest of the group near the front door. Michelle and Miranda had to head back to the dorms to get ready for a Halloween party. Apparently, they weren't going to go as bridesmaids. Jenny and I thanked Amy, and we left. Once again, we were in Jenny's car, headed to the party. "I'm sorry I had to lie to you" Jenny said. "I thought that it would be a wonderful surprise." "Oh,...

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Blackmailed Bride

Lori was a very beautiful young bride as she walked down the aisle toward her soon to be husband. Her white gown helped accentuate her deep blue eyes and long blond hair. Her breast filled her gown to near overflowing. A good bit of her cleavage was spilling over the top of her gown's bodice. The form fitting gown wrapped around her firm body and offered a nice view of the shape of her tight butt. The gown's short train flowed behind her as she walked toward the altar of the church....

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Blackmailed Bride

Lori was a very beautiful young bride as she walked down the aisle toward her soon to be husband. Her white gown helped accentuate her deep blue eyes and long blond hair. Her breast filled her gown to near overflowing. A good bit of her cleavage was spilling over the top of her gown's bodice. The form fitting gown wrapped around her firm body and offered a nice view of the shape of her tight butt. The gown's short train flowed behind her as she walked toward the altar of the church. Lori was...

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An Unwilling Bride

       It was midmorning in late August, but already the weather was positively sweltering, as the men folk would say ?hot as Hell? when they thought that there were no ladies about.  The air in the bride room at the church was heavy and close.  Margaret, the bride, sat passively in the middle of the room while all the women of her family rushed around making final preparations for the upcoming ceremony.  Her Aunt Ruth and Aunt Debbie fanned her frantically in a vain attempt to keep her cool. ...

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Blackmailed Bride

Lori was a very beautiful young bride as she walked down the aisle toward her soon to be husband. Her white gown helped accentuate her deep blue eyes and long blond hair. Her breast filled her gown to near overflowing. A good bit of her cleavage was spilling over the top of her gown's bodice. The form fitting gown wrapped around her firm body and offered a nice view of the shape of her tight butt. The gown's short train flowed behind her as she walked toward the altar of the church. Lori was...

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SuperSister 7 Claire Ross Alias SuperBride

Super-Sister #7: Claire Ross, Alias Super-Bride! By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" From the...

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Interview With a Bride

Interview With a Bride By Cassandra Morgan "Well, Kim, you're certainly pretty enough. But do you think I have room in my family for every sissy in the city?" I folded my hands into my lap. I didn't say anything. I stared at the floor. "No, Mistress," I said. "Just room enough for me." Anita smiled softly. She always had a soft spot for a new sissy. It was a weakness. She liked new. New lips. New attitudes. New flesh. But this one was different. She had come on her own,...

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Father and Mother of a Bride

FATHER AND MOTHER OF A BRIDE by enduringshades A SPECIAL DAY I am sitting in my living room all dressed to the nines. The car is not due for another half hour, but I am very excited and I couldn't wait to get ready. I've been preparing for this special day for six months now. I have been dieting and exercising, learning how to dance and planning and deciding what to wear. I am really pleased with my outfit. Since my twenties, it is one that I often daydreamed about wearing if I...

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Strapon Bride

Regina smiled broadly as she entered the secluded cabin nestled among the tall ponderosa pines. At 24, she had a considerable amount of sexual experience compared to that of the 21 year old man that she married that same morning. Their courtship had lasted nearly eight months, and although they had engaged in sex play, she had not allowed him to have intercourse with her, saying that she would only allow that with a man to whom she was married. Their sex play had consisted of everything but...

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Sold As An American Bride

Sold as an American Bride By Jena Corso Michael and James were having a great time at their business conference in Moscow. After three days they had begun to make the business contacts they felt they needed if they were going to succeed in opening the Russian branch for the firm. On our fourth night they were beginning to adjust to the time difference and enjoying dinner and a few cocktails when Michael received an unexpected phone call. As Michael hung up the phone he stared at...

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The American Bride

The American Bride    In the early days of Michaelmas Term, when the showers of summer have given way to the glorious, cool, sunny days of October, the Thames Valley takes on a mellow autumnal atmosphere.  The grass is still green, the trees still in leaf.  Roses still bloom before the cottages and families still walk along the towpaths, enjoying the fine weather.  The days grow shorter.  The farmers attend to the haying and harvests, and on especially clear days one can see for miles,...

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Here Cums the Bride

I have been married to my beautiful and sexy wife Judy for five years Now and I love her more now than the day we married. To start this narrative I want to go back to my wedding day five years ago yesterday. That morning I drove out to the old resort hotel, where the wedding was to be held, about two hours early. I had worked at the hotel while I was in college and it's where Judy and I met. As I wandered around the grounds I remembered all the fun I had the three summers I spent working...

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MILF of the Bride

I just got home and the light on my answering machine was blinking, usually not a good sign the person could not reach me on my cell. It was Mike and he needed me to fill in for another guy who could not make a wedding this weekend. It was Thursday and I had to leave for Vermont tomorrow after work if I wanted to make it. I had know Mike since 6Th grade and we both used each other for emergency situation, especially if it was to get laid or his date or mine needed a buddy to go on a double...

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The Christmas Bride

Shelly stood before the mirror viewing her bridal gown of white satin, intricately trimmed within tiny mother of pearls in addition to white lace. In less then one hour she would be Mrs. Austin Weston her sweet heart and one true love from high school. Her blue eyes sparkled with anticipation, her lips lined in the softest pink lipstick, while her cheeks showed just a hint of blush, her dark chocolate brown hair cascading in delicate curls down her back, Meg, her maid of honor placed a diamond...

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Instant Bride

Instant Bride By Miriam Grey I had been looking forward to this weekend. I hadn't had a chance to relax in months and I'd planned to do nothing for two glorious days. Of course, it didn't work quite the way it was supposed to do, but nothing ever does, does it? Firstly, I was intending to sleep until Saturday afternoon at the earliest but the insistent ring of the doorbell ruined that. Glancing across I saw the time emblazoned in red on my alarm clock. Shit, who calls at seven...

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Dancing with the Bride

(c) 2005 by Penelope Street The darkness of the Wheeling Tunnel swallowed our sedan. In that instant, my chest felt as hollow as the mountain through which we drove. The light at the end of this particular tunnel looked far from inviting. That glare ahead, I knew, was Ohio. Sure, we still had a couple more hours of driving to go, but this was the final border. I looked to the driver’s seat and Lynn, my lover. Her eyes were forward, as they had been throughout the whole of West Virginia....

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Sara becomes The Bride

crossdresser – transsexual – sissy – bride – slut – wedding night – lingerie – oral – stockings – analBecoming Sara has been the most amazing experience I have ever had in my life. Between the clothes and living as her all the time, to becoming the thing men fantasize, it has been an amazing transition.While I had some good friends, girls like myself that I met at one of the trans bars in town, I did lack male friends. I was never a sociable person, very much an introvert but since I have...

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Karishma A One Night Bride

Hi everyone, this is Karishma again. Now I am here with a new sexperience which took place on Jan 1, 2017. Coming to the story. It was 31st Night, I went to a party with my friends and enjoyed a lot over there. While I was returning back, It was 3 in the morning and no vehicles were seen on the road. I had left my scooter in a garage for servicing. Due to that, I had to stand in the road asking for a lift. No vehicles came. I was losing my hope and began to walk slowly towards the beach. It was...

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Gambors Bride

Gambor's Bride. This tale is pure Sci Fi and for the fun of it. Peace Belle. Theodore to escape death in a raid is found in a dress. He is made into Fiona and a bride. My Name is Fiona. When I was born, my name was Theodore. My tale starts when I was about 12. It was then the forces of King Bodkin stormed my village. I was making the evening meal when it happened. Since I had a small frame and I wanted to live, I hid in my sister's room. My sister left six years prior and my...

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Young Bride

It's true that my marriage is somewhat different than most. I have been dominating my young spouse for several years now, since before we were married. One of my female friends introduced me to her younger brother, Lonnie, who was only twenty years old at the time. I was thirty two. I liked him immediately - perhaps you could say I saw potential. Lonnie was living with his sister, Kay, while he was attending the local college. She asked him if he would like to go out on a date with...

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Slut Bride

My fantasy begins on my wedding day: I am 23, dressed in a virginal white wedding gown & veil, getting married to a wonderful man. "Tom" is a miner, and he has invited virtually every friend he has ever known! The wedding reception is held in a huge dining hall that Tom managed to rent "for a good price." It looks pretty run-down and seedy, but we are both so happy that it doesn't matter. Unfortunately, none of my friends and family could make it, so it is just me, Tom and about 200...

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A Day as a Bride

A Day as a Bride The following is a true story but some names have been changed. My name is Shari Williams and this is my story of a once in a lifetime dream come true for me. I was visiting a nearby town on business, and as luck would have it there was a bridal shop across the street from my hotel. After knocking off work early one day I decided to stop by and look around. When I walked in I was greeted by Candice and her mother Helen. They run the shop together. They said feel...

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My Brother The Bride

MY BROTHER THE BRIDE by BobH (c) 2009 I am the word. I've always loved my twin brother, Michael - he's my brother, after all - but there was a time when I didn't like him very much. That time is not now, I'm glad to say. No, now he's perfect. Mikey's getting married today and I'm here offering sisterly support as he gets ready for the big event. He's nervous of course, but looking at him I can't help but feel proud of him and of how he's grown into such a beautiful person over...

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The Cats Bride

For my 8th birthday, my parents brought me to see a play about a cat who wore boots and was a hero to many people. I adored the play, and when we returned home, I reenacted it as often as possible with the cat my parents gave me. I used him like a doll, dressing him up, and pretending he was an invincible force of justice. A strange thing happened, one day, I looked around and realized that there were hundreds of cats watching me. I blushed and curtseyed. Imagine, a simple girl like me...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 6 Chapter 5 The Changelings Bride

Book Six: Heart's Longing Chapter Five: The Changeling's Bride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xandra – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds “My husband,” I whispered into Chaun's ears as I lay draped over his body, my naked breasts rubbing into his ebony skin, his cock hard inside me, his seed swirling through my once untouched depths. “Husband?” he asked. “Of course” I giggled. “My love. My husband.” It was so wonderful to say...

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Here Cums The Bride

I stood in front of the mirror appraising myself in my bridal gown, making sure everything was properly fit and put on. Was I forgetting anything? Veil, check Bouquet, check, Garter, check, Makeup, not too much, check. It was all perfect, beautiful and I was ready to make my vows to the man I loved. The wedding was a small event, only family and our closest friends were invited. Eric and I didn’t want, or have the money, to spend on anything larger. We didn’t want to cater to any guests we...

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Male Order Bride

Male Order Bride It was a hot night. He was sitting in the back yard in his bathing suit by the pool, relaxing with a cool rum. His folks were on holidays for a month in Europe so he was home alone on summer vacation. His neighbor, a 45 year old Latin woman came by. He always thought she was hot. She was tall, very slim, had remarkable blue eyes and long black hair that went down to her waist. She was wearing a short black leather mini skirt that left little to the imagination. It...

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The Prince Bride

The Prince Bride By Missy Crystal Chapter 1. Prince Charles Once upon a time, in a far off kingdom, the castle was buzzing like a beehive with preparations for a grand celebration. All of the nobility from far and wide soon would be arriving to attend the christening of King Henry's and Queen Charlotte's first born son and heir to the throne, Prince Charles. The royal pair had been trying for many years to conceive a child and, having finally secured the royal succession, no...

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Here Cums The Bride

I stood in front of the mirror appraising myself in my bridal gown, making sure everything was properly fit and put on. Was I forgetting anything? Veil; check Bouquet; check, Garter; check, Makeup, not too much; check. It was all perfect, beautiful and I was ready to make my vows to the man I loved. The wedding was a small event, only family and our closest friends were invited. Eric and I didn’t want, or have the money, to spend on anything larger. We didn’t want to cater to any guests we...

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The Devils Bride

Authors Note: This is my first attempt at writing anything. Constructive criticism is welcome, but please be gentle ;) The Devil's Bride - Sophie Elizabeth The day was finally here. Stood at the front of the church, watching my soon to be wife walking towards me on her father's arm, with her three bridesmaids behind her and she looked amazing. In an ivory, strapless, princess cut wedding dress and her hair in delicate, cascading curls, with a beautiful yet subtle...

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Advice for the Bride

Copyright© 2002 October 4, 1894 My Dear Abigail, I have dispatched you this note by hired messenger, lest it fall into the hands of Mr. Anthony Comstock and his zealous minions in the Postal Service. I assume that by now you have seen Ruthie's article in the Fall issue of the "Hamilton Foundation Journal." Guidance and advice for the young bride, indeed. "Morally upright matrons are always attentive to clever and inventive methods of thwarting and discouraging the amorous...

2 years ago
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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 17 Here Comes the Bride

Picture this if you will. A church sanctuary decorated in yellow and white (the school colors) flowers of various species and arrangements tastefully arranged down the aisle and across the altar. Standing at the altar were the minister, best man (Alex) and me. Lined up in the vestibule of the church were 16 of the most beautiful cheerleaders in their yellow and white uniforms ready to march down the aisle. The pews were filled with all our invited guests, some of which I recognized. There...

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Sea FenciblesChapter 18 The Willing Bride

Three days later, several events happened that furthered Anson's wedding plans. Firstly, Mr. Carling had his first day with neither pain nor laudanum. To be sure, the stomach wound still hurt, but it was tolerable to the point that he did not need pain relief. Under these conditions, Colonel Maynard was able to interview Carling and ask him for permission to woo Mrs. Thorpe, a permission that was instantly granted. Another consequence of this development was that Mrs. Thorpe would be willing...

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Mail Order Bride

Permission granted for copies for personal noncommercial use. No other grants or permissions allowed to archive elsewhere. MALE ORDER BRIDE by nanomage I was cruising through the web when my attention was caught by an interesting link at the bottom of the page at freebie titty site. MAIL ORDER BRIDES. Amazing, I thought, A nineteenth century idea, in a twenty-first century medium. Clicking on the site, I was rewarded with a page full of full of lovely ladies from all...

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