Love Potion No. 8 free porn video

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The following story is fiction, plain and simple fiction. It is relatively tame, but it deals with arguably adult themes, so no one under age should read it. And, it should be pointed out that none of the characters herein resemble anyone living, dead, or undead, at least as far as I know. Constructive criticism, directed to [email protected], is welcome; flames will earn you a personal spot on the seventh level of hell. This story may NOT be posted to any pay site under penalties outlined for flames above. Love Potion No. 8 By Chilli TNG Copyright (c) 2000 Walter Murgitson was a snob. A wealthy, powerful, cruel, vindictive... and lonely snob. Walter was not what one would call handsome, nor would he ever be described as rugged, strapping, virile, vigorous, or potent. Repugnant was the term most often used to describe Walter, but only when his back was turned. In many ways, Walter seemed to have it all -- wealth, power, prestige. But the wealth came from his family; it had always been there for him, so he took it for granted. The power Walter had came from his wealth, not from any leadership skills or the ability to inspire others; were he to not have a penny to his name, he would be both financially and morally bankrupt. His prestige, such as it was, was achieved more through fear than philanthropy. Walter had spent his life looking out for one person and one person only: himself. All his life, Walter had lacked for none of the things that wealth could provide. He always had the best clothing, the finest, most learned teachers, and the best the world had to offer in gourmet dining. But, for all his wealth, for all the material things he had, Walter lacked the one thing his riches couldn't provide. Love. It has been said that money can't buy love, and Walter was living testament to this truism. His servants barely tolerated him; only their massive paychecks kept them in his service. His employees at work tried their best to keep out of sight as much as possible lest they incur his wrath. Walter was not above paying for an escort to attend one gala or another with him, but he had never done so, feeling that the women available through such services would be far beneath one of his stature. Still, Walter was lonely. No matter how much he told himself that he didn't need anyone else in his life, there always remained a small, nagging voice, telling him that he needed to find his One True Love. As the years passed, this notion of finding his One True Love grew, first from a passing interest, then to a dedication, and finally to an obsession. By the time Walter was wholly committed to what had now become his life's mission, he was so bereft of any social skills that he couldn't even successfully solicit a prostitute. This was unfortunate, for Walter greatly admired the female form in all its myriad variations; the more he struck out, the greater his need became. Desperate now in his quest, Walter began exploring alternate avenues towards obtaining his goal. He spoke with experts in etiquette in an attempt to change his misanthropic nature; none, however, were successful in improving his interpersonal skills, and Walter grew even surlier as a result. He hired chemists to make pheromone-laced cologne; instead of attracting members of the opposite sex, the cologne made them sick to their stomachs. Walter noted, with some regret, that it was simply impossible for him to carry on a meaningful conversation with someone who was projectile vomiting. In a last-ditch attempt, Walter offered an obscenely large sum of money to anyone who could help him find his One True Love. As soon as his offer was announced, he began receiving suggestions from all over the world. Many of them were things that he had already tried and which had failed. Of the new suggestions, most were too outlandish for even Walter to consider. Yet Walter tried to keep an open mind through them all. It was probably the business card that caught Walter's attention as he sorted through the latest pile of suggestions. It was black, with raised gold lettering, and it had the faint smell of burnt popcorn and rotten eggs. The inscription on the card read: +---------------------------------------+ | Madame Ruth | | | | Potions, charms, and fortunes told | | By ancient gypsy with a tooth of gold | | | | 34th Street and Vine Boulevard | | Walk-ins Welcome | +---------------------------------------+ There was no note attached to the card, and Walter nearly threw it away. Twice. But something kept bringing his attention back to the card. He glanced at the address and realized that it was easily within walking distance. "What the hell," he muttered to himself as he put the card in his pocket and headed for the door. The walk to the intersection was uneventful, but, once he arrived, Walter had a very difficult time actually locating the appropriate storefront. After examining each of the buildings at the corner three separate times, Walter was feeling a great deal of aggravation. Just as he was about to turn on his heel and head back to his office, a quick flash of color just at the edge of his vision caught his attention and he turned. There, at the bottom of a dark set of stairs, was a narrow door. The top half of the door was glass and painted thereon was "Madame Ruth." Excitedly, Walter dashed down the stairs and turned the doorknob. The door yielded him entry with a noisy squeak of very rusty hinges. He stepped quickly into the shop, closing the door behind him. The store was quite dingy; cobwebs appeared to be the primary decoration along the shelves lining the exterior walls of the store. A single electric bulb, hanging bare from the ceiling fixture, was the sole illumination in the room. Directly opposite the front door was a curtained opening to what Walter assumed must be the storage room for the little shop. "Not exactly the Ritz," Walter muttered under his breath. "Make ye not fun of th' stoore," rasped a voice from behind Walter, pronouncing the "o" in "store" with an "ooo" sound rather than the long "o" sound Walter was expecting to hear. "A damn foreigner," Walter thought to himself as he stared at the wizened woman walking to him through the shadows. "How I help ye, Waltair Muyrgeetsoon?" "A Slavic accent," Walter thought, "probably Romanian or..." "Czech," finished the woman. She was old beyond old; Walter couldn't remember ever seeing someone as wrinkled, as hunched, as withered as this woman appeared. She moved with deliberate care, placing each foot down before shifting the other. "Um, Madame Ruth? You sent me your card." "Cart? Show me!" Walter produced the card and handed it to Madame Ruth. As it touched her fingers, it seemed to vanish. "Probably a trick of this crappy lighting," Walter thought. "Hand!" Madame Ruth barked. "Ye hand!" Taken aback by Madame Ruth's abrupt behavior, Walter nonetheless extended his right hand for her to grasp. The first thing Walter noticed was just how cold her hands were. That thought was replaced quickly by a thought of concern over just how impossibly tight Madame Ruth was squeezing his hand. Walter panicked and tried to pull his hand away, but Madame Ruth was surprisingly strong for someone her apparent age. She peered at Walter's palm intently while Walter felt as though the blood was being squeezed out of his fingers. "I see," Madame Ruth began after a long, protracted silence, and then finally let go of Walter's hand. "Ye need a love potion." "Yes!" Walter shouted. "That's it! A potion to make me irresistible to my heart's desire." "Is that what ye really want? It will cost ye." "Yes!" Walter shouted again, annoyance clearly evident in his voice. "I don't care what it costs. Just make the damn potion." "Ye must pay first." Walter was growing impatient. "Fine, fine," he said abruptly as he pulled his checkbook from his coat pocket. "Just name the price." Madame Ruth did, and Walter paled. He hesitated, his hands visibly shaking with his indecision. He considered his actions carefully, and then decided to act with his heart for once. "All right," he began, "how do I make this out?" "Ye pay cash," Madame Ruth rasped, her eyes gleaming. Apparently, Walter wasn't the only one in the room afflicted with avarice. "You can't be serious," Walter exclaimed. "I don't carry that kind of cash on me. I'd have to go to a bank and..." "Around corner," Madame Ruth interrupted. "Get cash. Potion is ready when ye return." She cackled as Walter flew out the door and up the stairs to the street, then busied herself with gathering the necessary ingredients for her noxious brew, pouring them into a nearby sink. Walter practically flew into the bank, made out a check to "Cash," then had the singularly satisfying pleasure of watching the teller gulp, not once, but three times, at the size of the withdrawal. He knew he was hurting the bank's cash reserves, but he also knew they would make up for it the next day. And, more to the point, he didn't care what he did to the bank -- his entire focus was on getting that potion. Walking back to Madame Ruth's, Walter was thankful that her shop was so close to the bank; he found the bags rather on the heavy side. He had managed to work up a pretty good sweat by the time he again opened the creaky door and stood before the answer to his prayers. Madame Ruth looked in one of the bags, and then smiled as widely as she could, her golden tooth flashing in the dim light. "Good, good," she said, still smiling. "This cover cost of potion." She handed Walter a small vial containing a purplish-black liquid. "Drink quick," she instructed. "Potion make ye irresistible to thy heart's desire, just as ye request." There was no hesitation on Walter's part this time. In one swift motion, he uncorked the vial, placed it to his lips, and then tipped it back. It was the most disgusting taste he had ever tasted, comparable to nothing he had ever experienced before. As the liquid went down his throat, he began to experience alternating waves of nausea and numbness so debilitating that he could no longer stand; his knees buckled and he collapsed between the aisles. Madame Ruth watched Walter intently, anticipation clearly written on her craggy face. As she watched, a number of blonde hairs began to erupt from the top of Walter's head previously occupied by a receded scalp. More and more hairs appeared, flowing down his head onto the floor, completely obscuring his rather pudgy face. "Kecy," she swore under her breath. She noticed more changes taking place on Walter. First, there was a decidedly noticeable emptiness in his suit, as though he'd lost a great deal of weight from all over his body, other than his rear end, which seemed to be as full as ever. She could see his hands slimming, too, and watched in awe as the nails lengthened, casting a decidedly feminine appearance to Walter's fingers. Gradually, Walter began to regain control of himself. He slowly got to his feet, feeling suddenly awkward and out of balance. His shoes must have come untied, he reasoned, because his feet were slipping around inside them. He turned to look at Madame Ruth, noticing for the first time the long blonde hair in his face. As he brushed it aside, he heard an audible gasp come from the old woman. "What did you do to me?" Walter asked, and then put his hand to his throat in shock. The voice he heard was not, could not have been his. It was too... feminine! As Walter had brushed aside the hair covering his face, Madame Ruth got her first look at what had been hidden underneath all that hair and had gasped in surprise. Walter now had the face of a young, beautiful woman. And, as Madame Ruth quickly observed, Walter had a body just as beautiful to match his new face. "It's lucky he's wearing a double-breasted suit," she thought to herself, using far better English than she had used when talking with Walter, "'cause he's certainly got the breasts for it now." She heard Walter ask her what had been done to him; in response, all she could do was hand him a mirror. And then it was Walter's turn to gasp. "I can't believe it," Walter said as he stared at his reflection. "I'm so beautiful. I've always loved beautiful women, but I never wanted to become one. What went wrong?" "Nothing," Madame Ruth said, her Czech accent suddenly absent. "You got what you asked for -- to be irresistible to your heart's desire. You've never loved anything but yourself. You say you've loved beautiful women, but they've never loved you. Now you are one, and I suspect you're going to love yourself." Walter was still looking at his image in the mirror. "I love you," he said to his -- now her -- image, then kissed the mirror passionately and embraced it as though it were a lover. Try as she might, Madame Ruth could not get Walter to respond to any more questions. It was only when she tried to take the mirror away from the young woman who used to be Walter that she got any response at all -- and that reaction was so violent that she quickly returned the mirror to the young woman who again embraced it and tried to whisper sweet nothings into a reflected ear. Madame Ruth made a phone call and explained the situation to the person on the other end of the phone. "No problem," she heard the man say, "I'll have someone down there in twenty minutes to pick 'her' up. I've got just the place for her where she'll be happy for the rest of her life. But it'll cost ya." "I know, I know," Madame Ruth replied, "half my take. It'll be worth it to get rid of her. She's starting to play with herself now; it's disgusting." "How many mistakes does this make, Ruthie?" the voice asked. "Eight. But I swear, the next one will be perfect. Why, it's gonna be so good, I bet they'll write a song about it!" ~Fin~

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Loves Infatuation Ch 2

My Mistake While I was getting dressed I started to think about what Jay said to Chris. I was to scared to even admit the truth to my self, I really didn’t think that Jay told him. Obviously we didn’t argue, so what the fuck did he tell him I thought. I was completely confused, so I decided that I would try to fool Chris into telling me what Jay said. I sat on Jay’s bed and sighed. ‘I wish you were here,’ I said aloud then walked out of the room On my way down stairs I started devise a...

2 years ago
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Loves Requiem

Warwick Castle, Lancaster Estate England 1815 Kelloch Havisham, Duke of Lancaster, sat on the settee across from his bed and stared at it hard, as he swallowed another mouthful of the rich brandy. There was something wrong with him, he thought. The same dream, over and over again, it wasn’t normal. Not in the least. It wasn’t supposed to happen to him. He was the bloody Duke of Lancaster. Everyone in the Ton trembled when he passed them by, and he was having a bloody reoccurring nightmare. ...

1 year ago
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Loves Infatuation

My name is Sarah Case and I live in lower Manhattan, with three guys, Chris Cline, Jason Reed, and Jay Haze. About 10 months ago we opened a club in Queens called M57. It was a big hit and we started to make a lot of money. So they were all pretty happy, but I was miserable. I bet you are wondering why? Well, Chris has been my best friend since we were in grade school. Chris and Jay were lovers for about 3 years, until they decided that they didn’t want to be intimate anymore and became...

3 years ago
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Loves Song Ch 01

Please do not read if you are under 18 or if reading this story is illegal where you live! This is not a quick sex story, if you are looking for that, you will be disappointed. This is a romance story that will eventually lead to sex. This is my first submission, so please be kind! Comments and constructive criticism are welcome. *********************************************** Chapter 1 JOEL Sometimes I think about the images that will flash back to me when that moment comes that I’m...

1 year ago
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Loves A Funny Thing

My absolute best friend, ever. She was, well, perfect. We’d known each other since we were kids, everyone always said we’d end up married with kids of our own, well, they said that till I came out that is. She was the first person I plucked up the courage to come out to, of course. I remember it as though it were yesterday. I was so nervous. We were sitting together on her bed after school watching a movie, I had been planning to tell her for three week, plucking up the courage, then suddenly...

2 years ago
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Loves Strange Course

Sometimes in life the actions we take set in motion forces that lead us in some unintended directions. It’s like entering a maze, you go in innocently enough, but you never know where or when you’re going to come out. Carrie Kruger walked into one of these mazes once, and eventually came out somewhere where she never expected to be. It all began when she went to a dinner dance her company held every January, it was supposed to help alleviate the post-holiday depression that seems to affect...

3 years ago
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Loves Eventide

Copyright 2014 by robindavisfiction. This story may not be republished or reposted on other websites without written permission. ***** He warmed the lotion in his hands before spreading it gently on her swollen feet and rubbing each cold toe carefully between his fingers until the chill was gone. Gently, but firmly, he massaged each foot before working slowly up her calves and shins, steadily increasing the pressure with each upward stroke. He lightly caressed her cool, smooth skin with each...

4 years ago
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Loves Recovery

Sirens filled my ears with their screams of urgency. Through the wails and horns I could hear voices, harsh, barking voices. I could not discern the words they spoke through the chaos of sound around me. Slowly the sensation of cold began to flood over my body, cold and wet. I felt wet. A sharp pain from my shoulder jerked my body, my head rolled to the side, my ear being crushed against a cold hard surface. I felt the sterile touch of latex gloved hands roll my head back and lift it slowly...

4 years ago
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Loves Temptation

She should have known better than to trust him, he had done nothing but lie to her from day one. Of course she hadn’t been aware of this fact until it was too late. Way too late. John had asked Melissa out on a magical first date and had completely bowled her over. A whirlwind romance that turned into roller coaster ride that had stopped abruptly, leaving shattered dreams and broken promises. He had made so many promises to her, and had seemed to mean each one. She had lived for those promises...

2 years ago
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Lovesick Husband

Kurt is back in town and coming to visit and fuck his wife My wife Gerta had baked chocolate cookies, my favorite, and they were now on a plate on the kitchen table, still nice and hot, their fragrance filling the room. She was sitting there in just a low-cut top that barely contained her huge bust, and shorts that looked ready to burst from the size of her double-wide butt. I had just finished washing all the dishes, which is one of my regular chores, and thought I deserved a reward, so I...

2 years ago
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Lovesick Husband

Kurt is back in town and coming to visit and fuck his wife My wife Gerta had baked chocolate cookies, my favorite, and they were now on a plate on the kitchen table, still nice and hot, their fragrance filling the room. She was sitting there in just a low-cut top that barely contained her huge bust, and shorts that looked ready to burst from the size of her double-wide butt. I had just finished washing all the dishes, which is one of my regular chores, and thought I deserved a reward, so I...

3 years ago
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Lovers First Time

Rhonda felt dizzy, short of breath and incredibly aroused. She clung to her boyfriend Eric as they kissed on his couch. He had her pressed back against the arm rest, one hand on her hip the other on the back of her neck as if afraid she was going to pull away. His tongue was deep in her mouth and Rhonda could hear soft little grunts of pleasure coming from deep in his throat. Eric finally broke their kiss but immediately moved his lips to her neck. Rhonda took advantage of the break and...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Unloved but sucking cock

So here I was on X hamster not feeling great, having a bout of depression, when I find a post from a guy not far from me. He happens to be on line so we start chatting as you do, swap the odd photo, turns out he likes to take photos, is open minded and likes my nylon pics with me in stockings. Asked if the wife is free which she not as working.We swap a few more comments when he asks if I was free and fancied popping round for a coffee.Well to be honest, I kinda wanted some company, the 3 weeks...

2 years ago
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Loves Price

Pale moonlight filtered through the trees, and I sniffed the light breeze that brushed my face. Moss, pollen and the other smells of the forest registered, but I ignored them. I caught the faint traces of something flowery, something that had no business being here. The source was upwind, and I made my way along a low spot in the forest where a small stream ran in the rainy season. This was elven territory, where I was not welcome, so I moved carefully through the trees and brush. I gripped my...

2 years ago
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Loves Labor Found

The Dog Days of August were finally at an end. Dave let out a sigh as he stepped off the jetway. He was finally on the journey home. It felt like he'd spent more time on business trips than in Colorado during the past month. After doing a quick mental calculation, he chuckled and shook his head. He had, and it wasn't even close. It'd been over six weeks since he'd spent three consecutive nights sleeping in his own bed. And the days he'd been home hadn't been all that great either, he...

1 year ago
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Loves Eternal Circle

Copyright© 1996-2003 "There once was a lady named Carter, Fell in love with a virile young Tartar. She stripped off his pants, At his prick quickly glanced, And cried: 'For that I'll be a martyr!'" -author unknown "Love Eternal" Those were the words we spoke to each other on our wedding day. In fact, standing at the head of the church, we had almost a hundred witnesses to those phrases, including the priest who pronounced us married. I can still remember the echo from...

3 years ago
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Loves Big Bang

The windshield wipers on the black SUV swept frantically back and forth, valiantly fighting a losing battle with the ever-thickening snowfall. Jennifer Love Hewitt brought the overmatched vehicle to an abrupt halt in the middle of the road; or at least she thought it was the middle of the road, the blizzard conditions made it nearly impossible to distinguish anything outside the truck. She turned on the interior light and reread her directions for what seemed like the hundredth time. The...

2 years ago
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Loves Strange Course

Sometimes in life the actions we take set in motion forces that lead us in some unintended directions. It's like entering a maze, you go in innocently enough, but you never know where or when you're going to come out. Carrie Kruger walked into one of these mazes once, and eventually came out somewhere where she never expected to be. It all began when she went to a dinner dance her company held every January; it was supposed to help alleviate the post-holiday depression that seems to affect...

1 year ago
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Loves ShepherdChapter 20 Penance

I spent less than twenty minutes on the phone with my dad as we came up with a plan. He was very happy to hear from my mom I was free of the commands Father Xavier had given me, and even more pleased to hear I was interested in going to the Crow Academy, a coed boarding school for teens with the telepathic ability. Troublesome telepathic teens from all over the continent were sent to the Crow Academy to knock off their rough edges and learn self-control, coexistence and humility. Weekly...

1 year ago
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Loves ShepherdChapter 21 Salvation

After spending Friday cleansing seven girls, I had the rest of the weekend off as the rest of the girls weren’t ready. So what did I do with my time? I spent part of Saturday afternoon haggling with my parents about the future of the Hamilton mansion. Like my father, I had formed a sense of resentment towards the south wing out of what I had done there. When my dad suggested tearing down the south wing, I was perfectly okay with it. My mom didn’t like the idea, but she really didn’t have a...

2 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 2

That Jack would actually call her within a week was really surprising to Ariel. He called her three days later and they met at a local coffee shop called Café Z. They sat at a corner table drinking coffee and talking about many topics, the weather, sports, music, current events, and their families. They were there for 3 hours enjoying each other's company when Ariel asked him to come to her house for dinner the next night. He accepted right away, saying, "I'll even bring the wine,...

2 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 3

Ariel went into the kitchen to stir the pasta, which was almost done. She put the wine in the freezer to chill. Jack came into the kitchen and placed the long white box on the table. He walked up behind Ariel and slid his hands around her waist, pulled her close and kissed her neck. Ariel laughed and gently pushed Jack away, saying with a laugh, "Dinner's gonna burn if you continue doing that! Here, make yourself useful and toss the salad." She handed him the salad tongs and he took the...

2 years ago
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Loves ShepherdChapter 22 Shepherds Gift

Making love to an eighteen-year-old, a seventeen-year-old and three fifteen-year-old girls was, for the first time, not a chore for me. Belinda Graves, the junior, was especially fun. My first titty fuck. I thought about having a painting made up for it, but later decided it would be kind of creepy. I was using the RVs again since the south mansion was now closed. Adam and Jessica helped out at the RV, but my mom was pretty much running the show. Jessie was there too, though she wasn’t aware...

3 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 4

Ariel stepped away, took Jack's hand and grabbed the wine bottle. He grabbed the glasses and they went into the kitchen, then Ariel led him up the stairs to her bedroom. She placed the bottle and glasses on the dresser. Then she walked over to her bookshelf and turned on her stereo to some soft rock music. When she turned around, Jack was sitting on the bed smiling at her. She smiled back at him then walked to the bed and sat beside him. He leaned over and kissed her tenderly. Jack...

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