Afternoon Delight With My Sweet Kira free porn video

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 I first met Kira at a book signing for one of my favorite female authors "E.K." She writes
semi historical novels about Vlad Tepes. The signing was held at the downtown Civic Center as there was lots of interest in meeting her and having her signature. The center was buzzing and the line for signing was long, but I joined it anyway. Everyone seemed in a good mood and were festive and friendly. There was a younger woman behind me in line that seemed to bump into me, by accident I assumed, just about everytime the line moved forward.

 I could smell her perfume and the unmistakeable fragrance of wet pussy. I felt her hard nipples in my back several times and thought I detected her leaning in to smell my hair at least twice. 

 After one especially firm and extended "bump," I turned and asked "Miss, am I crowding you?"

What I saw was a young woman about 25 years old, maybe 5'5", long sun-streaked blonde hair,
large C+ cup breasts swinging and swaying provacatively in a short summer sleeveless dress. Tiny
waist and flaring "birthin' hips." Her legs were very toned and she had the face of a guilty angel. She stammer and looked down.

 "No you're not crowding me Miss, I am just a little eager and nervous, I'm sorry." I just smiled and waited for her big blue eyes to meet mine. When she finally looked up, I said, "That's OK, I rather enjoyed it."

She just blushed and looked down once more. I finally made it to the front of the line and found that Elizabeth, the author, had heard of me also.

"Why didn't you just come to the head of the line?" she asked.

I replied, "I was just trying to be polite, why didn't you just wave me up?"

 We both laughed and chatted for five minutes while she inscribed my copy of her latest book. We shook hands and I went over to an empty table, sat down to read what she had written. It took up an entire page, intimate and flattering. I lingered. The main reason I lingered was I wanted a little more of my delicious "bumper" in the line behind me. She took about 20 seconds. I caught her eye, which wasn't hard as she was staring at me the entire time Liz was signing her book. I crooked my finger at her and she came over and stood at my table looking at the floor.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"It's Kira" she stuttered. "And your's Miss....?" she stammered.

"It's Miss Tina, and stop being so nervous" I told her. "Have you had lunch, Kira?" "No, Miss Tina."

"Then come with me." I didn't wait for a yes or no, I just got up and walked out to the curb. She

My convertible was brought around in less than a minute and we sped of to my favorite East Valley cafe. We pulled up, the valet took my keys and we were seated immediately at my favorite table. Kira still seemed a little nervous but not as much as before. I ordered a bottle of chilled wine and took her hand in mine.

 "Look at me," I said. She looked up shyly and I told her, "There is no reason to be afraid, I won't bite you! At least not until later."

This brought a litte nervous laugh from her but she held my gaze with those big beautiful, endlessly
blue eyes. I ordered for the both of us. I had determined almost immediately that Kira is not the type you ask, just tell, and she will follow and love it.

 I used a little joke my hubby uses. I said "I am in the mood for a piece of juicy 'Coochi"!

 He deliberately mispronounces quiche to get a laugh out of the waitstaff. It worked with Kira as I could see her visibly squirm, in a cute way. I explained the joke to her and we both had a little laugh about it. The wine seemed to be relaxing her and our lunch arrived and we dined liesurely. We got to know each other a bit and she told me she was a secretary for a downtown law firm.

 I was getting more stimulated and damp gazing at this lovely, sexy girl just three feet away and she seemed to be enjoying herself. I slipped my sandal off and started to play "footisie" with her under the table. She stiffened a bit but didn't pulled away. I got a little bolder and moved my foot up and began caressing her soft inner thigh. She sucked her breath in and trembled a bit.

I finally made my way to that sweet V at the top, all the while just chatting normally. When I found
the spot I was lusting for, I found the wettest, little puffy nylon covered pussy. My toes were gooey and hot from the first soft caress. Her breathing became shallow and she started to shake. I gave her just a few more sweet toe caresses then withdrew. I didn't want the poor girl to pass out.

 I took a red silk hankerchief from my purse as she watched. I let her see that I was using it to wipe the juices from my own dripping pussy beneath the table, then I wiped her juice from my toes to mix with mine. I brought the silk to my face and inhaled deeply. Then I folded the kerchief neatly and slid it over to her.

"Carry this with you always," I told her. She couldn't speak, just nodded and put it her purse.

As she had taken only a half day off for the book signing, I drove her back to work downtown. I gave her my number and address.

"Kira, not tomorrow, but the day after, I want you to come to my house. I have a special surprise for you." I said.

"But Miss Tina, the buses don't run where you live!" she replied.

"Baby, just call a taxi and don't worry about it. Just make sure you are at my home at 12 o'clock sharp, understand?"

I leaned over and kissed her very lightly on the mouth. She got out of the car and I drove away, 
satisfied with my developing evil plan. I wanted the extra day mainly to fantasize about Kira and let her anticipation build. I used the time to check my "play room". My hubby had one of our upstairs guest suites converted and modified for me.

It has it's own bath, wet-bar and balcony. A walk-in closet contained shelves for my toys and equipment. Pulleys in the ceilings, stainless steel bars, posts with hooks, eyes and rings also graces my perfect playroom.

 I laid out 50 feet of soft nylon rope and a dozen silk scarves. And for play, I laid out nipple clamps, a ball gag, three dildoes, and a clit clamp. The "ball gag" is not a ball at all, but a mold of the head of my hubby's cockhead. It was made in Japan for me. Made of flesh like latex, it is about the size of a small apple. It has a reservoir that holds about two ounces of a special mixture I concocted to taste like hubby's precum. It will dribble one or two drops unless sucked on, then three or four. The latex is a special compound that warms with moisture and it actually swells a little when sucked. The nipple clamps also were made in Japan. The have adjustable springs, soft edges and they vibrate. Little evil grinning smiley faces decorate them and they have cute tassels for pulling and yanking. Two of the dildoes are exact mold replicas of hubby's erect cock. Complete with bulging veins and a movable foreskin, (my hubby is uncut), the were made by the same company. Made of the same heat activated latex, they vibrate and throb and contain a reservoir that contains "cum," same mixture as in the gag. They "cum" when squeezed especially hard by a woman in a violent extended orgasm. They are nine inches long by seven inches around. The third is a purple, "wart covered" smaller dildo. I laid it out because I am not sure my Kira can or even wants to take both of the bigger dildoes. Mr. Purple is eight inches long, five inches around. The last toy is my pride and joy. It is a special "clit clamp". The clamps are two inches long, covered in soft latex. It is designed to fit the length of the clitoral shaft leaving the clit peeking out. It vibrates with a remote control. I can make it hum softly or buzz like an angry hornet, from anywhere in the room.

 Friday arrived and I slept late and started getting ready for Kira about 10.30am. I showered and
 touched up with my little Epilady. Perfume, dark red lipstick, my long dark hair pulled back into a
 French roll. I put on my "Dorothy in OZ" red pumps, jewel encrusted. I wore matching G-string panties, also red crystal encusted, so tiny they barely covered my clit. Topped off by a red silk robe ending about an inch below my ass cheeks.

Bobby, the guard Captain, buzzed the house at 11:58am. I love a girl that is on time! He escorted the taxi with Kira to the front door. Kira exited, I paid the driver and both cab and Bobby went back to work. Kira was a dream come true. Little yellow sundress that looked like she borrowed it from her younger sister. It had spaghetti straps, backless, front cut down to her navel. She obviously wore no bra and the dress ended about three inches below her pussy. Her hair was done in ponytails high on her head, tied with yellow ribbons. I love a blonde in yellow, especially yellow panties, my favorites!

"Hi Sweetheart," I said. 

She replied with a "Hi, Miss Tina".

We went into the great room, which had 14 foot glass walls with a magnifient view of the Superstition Mountains. I had a chilled bottle of rose of cabernet savignon and two glasses on the coffee table. We sat and drank the entire bottle, chatted and got to know each other better.

 I took her hand to give her a tour of the "Ponderosa," as my hubby likes to call it. It is quite large
 for two people. We visited the wine cellar, hubby's office, game room, dining room and kitchen, all the main floor. Then we went upstairs and toured the master bedroom, my office and all the guest suites. 

 We had walked by one room without opening the door and at the end of the tour, Kira asked "What is in that room?"

"That's my playroom, want to see it?" I replied.

"Yes," was all she could barely breathe.

I led her backto the room, opened the door and led her in about 10 feet. She sucked in her breath and just stared at the furnishings.

"Oh, God." was all she could say. 

I think she actually got a little weak in the knees. I have a red velvet "Queen chair" positioned about 10 feet in front of the main bar. I went and sat down, crossed my legs slowly which gave Kira a glimpse of my little red g-string.

"Come here," I commanded.

 She meekly approached and stood looking at her feet just in front of the bar about 10 feet in front of me.

 "Lift that pretty dress and let me see your yellow panties" I ordered. She grasped the skirt and slowly pulled it up. No panties!

"You are a naughty little girl, don't you feel like a little slut without panties?" I asked her.

 She replied, "I always feel like a little slut around you, Miss Tina."

"Are you my little slut, my little fuck toy?" I asked.

 "Yes, Miss Tina, that's all I want to be." she almost moaned.

So it began. Not much dialogue after this for the next three hours.

 I ordered her to disrobe completely. She was naked in a blink, her breasts heaving and legs quirvering, I moved quickly and tied her wrists to the bar with silk scarves, crucifixtion style, her chest resting on the padded bar just above her lovely breasts. I gave her a look that reminded her not to speak.

 She watched as I retrieved my case from the closet. I pulled out the cock-head gag and showed 
it to her, she just gulped.

 "I'm going to take one of my hubby's viagra, it makes a girl's pussy, very, very happy. Do you want one?" I asked.

 "Yes Miss Tina. If old men can take them, why can't we girls have fun too? I know you will make my pussy very, very happy!" she replied.

 I placed a 100mg soft-tab under her tongue and one under mine. They began to melt immediately. Viagra works on a woman almost like a man. It makes extra blood flow to the pussy, making it swell and become extra sensitive. 

 I told her to open her mouth and inserted the cock head gag and fastened it firmly in the back of her head, under her little ponytails. Her little mouth was stretched almost to the maximum. I instructed her not to suck until she became accustomed to the size.

 I then bound her ankles with silk scarves and laced the nylon rope through the loops. Up through the three way pulley and attached a clip to the ring at the back of the gag, I pulled all three ropes up, not too much, lifting her legs up above her back and her head pulled back. Then I went around to the front to attach the nipple clamps. I attached each and asked her if they were too tight. She shook her pretty head no, so I tightened the springs, then asked again. Again she 
 shook her head no, so I tightened some more and gave a little yank on the tassels. Little tears came to her eyes. Just right! I turned on the vibrators and the little evil smiley faces began their work.

 Kira had relaxed so I cranked the ropes up about another six inches. This arched her back up nicely and perched her ass up so sweetly. Her knees were spread about three feet and her ankles about four feet. I walked around to the back to survey my handiwork. Her pussy was feeling the effects of the Viagra and was puffed up a glistening pink, the inner lips were blood red. Her little pussy was dripping juice on the floor one drop per second.

 The view was so enticing, I curled my finger and scooped up some of the dripping nectar and tasted it. Sweet like candy! I went to the front and sat in my chair, I pulled about two feet from Kira's face. I let her see me take out one of the hubby cock dildos, her eyes got really big when I showed it to her. I walked back to her sweet pussy and ass. I started by just lightly rubbing the head from the top of her pretty pussy to the top of the crack of her lovely ass. She quivered and moaned. Finally, I shoved just half the head into her pussy. She clenched so hard, that it went in as far as it would go. I slapped her pretty several times very hard and told her to relax.

I gave her a little time to relax. The poor little girl had been cumming almost from the moment of the insertion of the gag until now, and she was still cumming, constantly. My hubby had brought me a large jar of cream from Thailand. I don't know what is in it but it works like topical viagra. One little dab on your clit or cock and it feels like a thousand tiny hot tongues are trying to eat you up. I slathered the head of the cock with this cream. A few more slaps on her pretty ass convinced sweet Kira to relax. I positioned the head again and forcefully jammed three inches in and held it there. I thought the poor girl was going to explode. I had thought she was cumming before, she was cumming for real now. I slowly but surely worked all but about an inch into her tight clenching pussy. By then I couldn't have pulled it out with both hands, that pussy wanted and loved that cock!

I went around to sit in my chair and showed Kira the two dildoes I had left. I held up the big hubby cock and the purple wart covered model.

"Which one do you want in your ass, Baby? choose!"

Her eyes almost came out of her head. I chose for her. Hubby was too big, so Mr. Purple got the job. I again went to work. I slathered him all over with my special cream. I caressed that cute pink pucker for maybe 30 seconds then steadily rammed the entire length into her pretty ass. I turned both dildoes up to medium high. I am pretty sure she had epileptic seizures. She was cumming for real now, constantly and violently. I went and got my clit clamp. I had been dying to use this on her. I let her settle for just a moment and attached it just right. Her clit was poking out like a hungry baby moray eel. I went to the front and sat in my chair. I slowly sipped two glasses of wine and watched my Kira as she came over and over. 

All this time, on a big screen TV behind my chair, I had girl on girl porn playing. Little clips I like,
mostly "new girl" videos. New girl is set upon by five or six horny girls. Usually new girl is eaten up like a helpless impala by a pride of hungry lions. This is the view Kira had also, she could look 
nowhere else. Just the sound track would make any pussy wet! Her's was streaming!

 I watched Kira's pretty face, her eyes rolling back in her head. She was no longer on this planet, she was somewhere in never-never land. I let her go for quite sometime, then went back and turned the dildoes to low. Coming back to my chair I removed my G-string which was no longer red. It was cream colored, encrusted with my drying pussy juices. I sat down and waited for my sweet Kira to come back to earth.

 Finally coming down, I unclipped her head from the rope and removed the cock gag. Poor thing had sucked it dry! I lifted her sweet head by her cute ponytails and asked her if she was still thirsty?

"Yes, Miss Tina" was her weak answer.

I had hooked my legs over the bar and let her pretty face drop down onto my juicy pussy.

"Drink all you want, Baby," I told her.

I still had my clit remote in my pocket, so I turned it on low to get her going. That's all it took. For a novice, this girl could eat pussy. She licked and sucked me from my belly button to the crack of my ass and all points in between. Didn't miss a spot or a drop. I manipulated the remote in time to her licking and sucking. God, I love that toy!

 Finally after about a dozen big orgasms, I turned it off and lifted my pretty Kira's face. She looked like a glazed pastry and her pretty blue eyes were glazed over.

"Are you hungry Baby?" I asked.

"Yes, Miss Tina."

 The cook had left us enough tasty treats in the kitchen to last us the weekend. And my hubby wouldn't be home from Miami until Tuesday.

We were in for a very sweet, juicy and tasty weekend!

To be's all up to Kira

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Afternoon Delight

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4 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight It was a very hot day today and i was not looking forward to work.All went well for the most part as the day progressed.It was almost quiting time and the boss left earlier that afternoon for a meeting.The rest of the staff was headed home for the night.I was just finishing up work as i had a half hour left before i was able to leave.I needed to cool off so i grabbed a cold bottle of water and poured some down my back and breasts,that helped some. Now my nipples were getting...

4 years ago
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Afternoon Delight Part 2

Several weeks have passed since that afternoon I spent with Michael. But it seems that is all I can think about. Why didn't I get his number? Then again, why didn't he ask for mine?  We said our goodbyes, now just leave it alone, I thought. But I couldn't leave it alone: I wanted to see him again. My pussy craved him. He made me feel so alive, something Kevin hasn't done in years. I felt more like a woman that afternoon than I had in a long time. Yet, I don't know anything about him. So, how...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

I was stuck in the office on a pleasant sunny day in late summer, daydreaming about the afternoon of delight that lay ahead of me, I was meeting up with my lover, Kate, later that day. Kate is a girl I have been friends with now for a number of years, we met through some mutual friends and hit it off straight away. We are both in relationships of one kind or another but we are good together and it’s a little bit of escapism for both of us when we are with each other. Kate and I met...

4 years ago
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Afternoon morning Delight

Afternoon (morning) DelightWritten 1/12/2018You know how it is… You haven’t had sex in a few days. Each night, lying next to your wife is a different kind of torture. Touching her skin accidentally. Caressing the curve of her ass when rolling over. The thrill when she rolls over and gently spoons behind you with her arm across your chest. Or those nights when you are frustrated and angry. Wanting sex, but also not wanting to give her the satisfaction of begging for it in the many ways that can...

2 years ago
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Afternoons Delight

She stood at the folding table in the apartment's laundry room. She saw him across the room, reading a paper, but not really. She could tell from the glances around the paper every now and then that he was checking her out. She smiled to herself. She enjoyed being checked out, especially by an older guy. She stood five feet six inches, and had rich thick brown hair, with some sun bleaching, lightening it. Right now it was up in a pony tail but unpinned would fall to her lovely tan...

3 years ago
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Afternoons Delight

She stood at the folding table in the apartment's laundry room. She saw him across the room, reading a paper, but not really. She could tell from the glances around the paper every now and then that he was checking her out. She smiled to herself. She enjoyed being checked out, especially by an older guy. She stood five feet six inches, and had rich thick brown hair, with some sun bleaching, lightening it. Right now it was up in a pony tail but unpinned would fall to her lovely tan...

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Afternoon Delight Part 3

Afternoon Delight Part 3 By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. This story contains smoking, you are warned! Chapter 9 A New Problem Timothy got home and went up the stairs, feeling like he was climbing the steps up to the gallows and he knew it was his own fault. All he felt like doing was going to bed, he got undressed and did just that. His mind would not let him sleep; thoughts of impending doom were overwhelming. He...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Delight Part 4

Afternoon Delight Part 4 By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. Smoking is part of this story, you are warned! Chapter 12 No Longer a Bedroom Game As they entered the Mall, Timothy did not have a clue as to how far Nancy was going to push him towards femininity, he had hoped that it would remain in the bedroom; however, they were at the Mall. Trying not to get lost in his thoughts, he heard Nancy say, "Tracey would look better...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

Sandy and Bill – so busy, schedules so different – they found it really hard to find time to be together. However, they were dedicated to making sure not to neglect each other and once a week they made time to stop everything else in their lives. Right in the middle of the day, they chose a time each week to turn off all the cares in the world and find time for each other. This week had been especially hard on both of them and they were determined to make Friday afternoon special. From 3...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

Sandy and Bill – so busy, schedules so different – they found it really hard to find time to be together. However, they were dedicated to making sure not to neglect each other and once a week they made time to stop everything else in their lives. Right in the middle of the day, they chose a time each week to turn off all the cares in the world and find time for each other. This week had been especially hard on both of them and they were determined to make Friday afternoon special. From 3...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Afternoon Delights

Looking at my e-mails one morning, I received an intriguing message that caught my attention. "BY SPECIAL INVITATION ONLY" was emphasized. "SexGoddess has requested your presence at a special reading of her new story. " The particulars were given, time and place. I was to let them know by replying online, if I would attend. I had written some fan mail to SexGoddess under the pseudonym HotGuy. Her erotic stories on the site I joined had always managed to make me hard. The location was close to...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 1

To begin with, the name is Neiladri Sinha Jr.; everyone calls me Neil. I am 6'4, bronze skin, jet black hair and black eyes; like any other regular Indian of Bengal ethnicity. Hailing from an aristocratic clan from Bengal, I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. To know my story, one has to understand me by knowing my past. As a child, I traveled across the length and breadth of India since both my parents are high-ranking Government officials. As a result, I have been to places in the...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

My name is Joy and I’ve been married to Kevin for most of our adult lives. Although it’s been an unhappy and sexless marriage for many years, we have never to my knowledge cheated. It’s just something I’ve never thought about, even though we are more like roommates than a married couple.  I'm 5’4" and have long brown hair and brown eyes. I try to stay in shape and healthy with regular workouts and my body, with firm 36D breasts, looks pretty good. Kevin, too, is in decent shape. He is 6'4" and...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Delight With Aunt Pishi

I was now grown up as a man. My sexcapades with the horny bhabhis, school tutors and the cock hungry sluts from school had only increased my appetite for sex. I was raging with hormones, and the workouts I had started after joining college had made me athletic and fit, but it made me very horny; I was ready to fuck any woman. I was back home at Kolkata from my college for my semester break.Being from a typical Bengali family, I was welcomed with a lot of food from my family and lots of booze...

3 years ago
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Threesome With My Beautiful Shruthi Along With Kiran

Hello ISS community, I’m your Nani back with another story. This is the story about how me and my best friend fucked our best friend. Her name is Shruthi of age 21 years with stats 36/28/36 and his name is Kiran of same age. We are the best friends like 3 idiots always hang out together, movies, outings, etc. The incident has happened when we are in our final year of Although we three are the best friends, me and my friend had a great lust on her. She used to be very close to us and she...

2 years ago
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Cherry HuntersChapter 4 Kiran

One afternoon when chachi was about to leave school for home a girl approached her and asked, "Chachi, may I ask you something?" Chachi saw a cute fourteen/fifteen year old girl in school uniform standing shyly before her. The girl was shifting from one leg to the other. She was obviously very nervous. "Sure, my dear," chachi replied, "first tell me your name." "My name is Kiran," she said then staring at the floor added, "It is a personal matter." "That is all right, my...

1 year ago
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The Sweetener

“You know, Ms Perkins, I feel sure these negotiations could be brought to a swift and successful conclusion with the addition of a little sweetener.”Patricia kept a stony face. “A sweetener?” she said.The man on the other side of the table grinned wolfishly. His name was Vasily, and he spoke flawless English, if with an accent. “Yes,” he said, “a sweetener.”Patricia tried to keep perfectly still. She knew very well that if she leaned back her blouse would accentuate the curve of her breasts,...

3 years ago
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raj meera and kiran

I had gone to Bombay to meet my sister in law and there my brother in laws wife meera had also come.I spent about a week at Bombay and as I was coming back to lucknow my sister in law requested me to take meera also along with me as it is not safe for a lone lady to travel in train such a long distance. I agreed to it and told them that only one seat was booked in AC two tier on my name. We thought that we would be able to manage the second seat once we board the train, but the TT refused...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 5 Latina MILFs Futa Delight

Chapter Five: Latina MILF's Futa Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! At the same time, Kayleen Harland was finishing up with the next batch of her miracle substance, her daughter, Jolene, was hurriedly dressing in Mrs. Morales's living room. Jolene pulled her baggy skirt over her big futa-dick, still wet with MILF juices. She left Mrs. Morales swimming in jizz. As she rushed to the front door, she pulled on her top. Kayleen hummed away as...

2 years ago
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MindControl Panties Story 3 Sexy Little Delight

Story Three: Sexy Little Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 The figure entered the outlet store. It was one step above a thrift store, not the sort of place that panties in the style that the figure made were sold. No naughty delights to titillate a young woman's wanton desires. No trendy clothes were sold here, which was exactly why the figure knew these pair panties was needed here. The figure wasn't noticed by any the shoppers. Nondescript, ordinary. On a shelf that sold packets...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

Wrapped only in an oversized bath towel, her body still damp from the shower, Emily Byrnes stared at her reflection in the dressing table’s large mirror. The small clock to her left read eleven forty-five, reminding her that her guest would be arriving in little over an hour. “I still can’t believe I let Sandra talk me into this,” Emily said to herself for perhaps the tenth time. The truth was, the forty-six-year-old really hadn’t needed much convincing, even if she didn’t want to admit that...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Delight

I was sitting at my computer, and my horniness was such that I decided I needed to have some sexual stimulation. One of my friends had given me the names of some of her favourite porn sites. Without too many expectations, I entered the first link in the search bar of my laptop. This led me to a website that featured videos and a series of links listing the varieties of sex acts that were on offer. I clicked on the links and began to look at the categories. The thumbnails of the videos amazed...

4 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

We are in the hotel bedroom, on the bed, relaxing in dressing gowns in each others arms with a full bodied red that is smooth to drink and is loosening my remaining inhibitions. I slide out from your embrace and head to the bathroom, dropping the dressing gown as I go. You get up and follow, your dressing gown joining mine in a heap on the floor. The shower beckons and I set the temperature to a couple of degrees above my rising body heat. I feel your hands reach out and my skin prickles at...

Straight Sex
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SRU Sweets

SRU: Sweets By Gina R "Spells? Yeah right." James (17, male, 5 foot 6) was no believer but he was in a habit of checking out any new store in his local mall, unless it was a girl's shop of course. In fact he could not even remember seeing this shop in construction and tried to think what it replaced. The shop was at the far end of the mall and he didn't come down this way often so maybe that was why he could not remember it. He walked into the shop, which was called 'Spells R...

1 year ago
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Episode 36 8211 DrRoy8217s 8216Treatment8217 For Kiran

Author: XXXAuthor Kiran had her eyes closed. She had come to Dr. Roy to cure her feeling of guilt, she thought it will be difficult to discuss about such stuff with a counselor. But she had never imagined how such a plain visit to the doctor can turn out to be so thrilling. Dr. Roy, made her very comfortable to start with, and then insisted her to narrate what had happened between her and Reddy. He wanted to hear everything in minute details. Kiran tried to be as explicit as possible, and then...

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Daughters Slut Trainign 15 Daughters Incestuos Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Fifteen: Daughter's Incestuous Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah The next day, my ass still hurt from my discipline. I couldn't help but squirm as I sat in the back seat of my husband and Master's car. My rump ached and throbbed. The longer the car ride went, the more my discomfort grew. The ache grew with every moment and I embraced it. I deserved this pain. I had become a...

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Mindcontrol Panties 03 Sexy Little Delight

The figure entered the outlet store. It was one step above a thrift store, not the sort of place that panties in the style that the figure made were sold. No naughty delights to titillate a teenage girl’s budding desires. No trendy clothes were sold here, which was exactly why the figure knew these pair panties was needed here. The figure wasn’t noticed by any the shoppers. Nondescript, ordinary. On a shelf that sold packets of plain, boring panties, so similar to the type worn by the last...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets Chapter 9 Purity Clubs Anal Delight

Chapter Nine: Purity Club's Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Clara had made a list of who she wanted to spread rumors about at her school. In her stuffy bedroom, locked from the world, she felt like a god. Everything she typed out was believed. The terrible human beings at her school would make fake photos, the very best deep fakes technology could create, to make it look like Mrs. Daniels gangbanged her students, that the home ec club was all pregnant by...

4 years ago
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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 5 Mother and Daughters Teasing Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Mother and Daughter's Teasing Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My brother's plan was naughty. Mom drove me. She was part of the plan. She was a busty delight, wearing a low-cut blouse today that showed off her tits that were just as big as mine. I took after her. She hummed as she drove us into downtown Sacramento for our hotel tryst with Mrs. Armstrong. I clutched my new purse on my lap as...

1 year ago
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Futas Wild Passion 06 Futas Wild Virgin Delight

Chapter Six: Futa's Wild Virgin Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I left the college's main office in a daze. I just had sex with my dean. The Black woman had revealed that she was a secret lesbian who enjoyed seducing her female students into having sex with her, finding the ones she thought were secretly gay or bi. When my mom let the college know I had come down with Futanari Syndrome, the college's dean, Ms. Washington,...

3 years ago
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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 5 Latina MILFrsquos Futa Delight

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! At the same time, Kayleen Harland was finishing up with the next batch of her miracle substance, her daughter, Jolene, was hurriedly dressing in Mrs. Morales’s living room. Jolene pulled her baggy skirt over her big futa-dick, still wet with MILF juices. She left Mrs. Morales swimming in jizz. As she rushed to the front door, she pulled on her top. Kayleen hummed away as she watched the solution fade from a blue to a hot pink. It was ready. She...

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MindControl Panties Story 12 Virgin Cherry Delight

Story Twelve: Virgin Cherry Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The music pulsing through the house stirred the figure's ancient soul. Though the music was modern, made with electronics and possessing alien sounds, the beat it created was primal. Something passed down and down and down through the generations of men from dim antiquity. The figure wanted to dance. To revel in the music and to indulge in the hormones permeating the room. The...

2 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 2 Futas First English Delight

Chapter Two: Futa's First English Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 Adelia played the clip. It appeared on a large screen on the side of her studio. The audience grew hushed as the Sky News logo appeared with a reporter, a brown-skinned man with a close-shaved beard and, I supposed, a chiseled chin. “Prime Minister Lockwood had a few bold words to say about the ingratiation of President Becky Woodward today,” he said in that posh, British accent. It gave him more...

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