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TURKISH DELIGHT by Geneva As we finally crested the last ridge over the hill, and the panorama of the valley unfolded, my father held up his hand to halt our little party in the muddy track. The spring afternoon was hot and humid, and my Uncle Otto, riding beside me, gulped down some water from a flask at his saddle, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and turned to me. "So, Franz, we finally get to your father's new lands!" I nodded. "Yes, and that must be our new home." I pointed to a castle on one of the mounds above the valley floor. The view was pretty, the river winding through the valley, the gray castle above the village, the fields on the valley floor, fresh green with the new crop, the dark wooded hills above, then, far in the distance, the peaks of the Transylvanian Alps. In a minute or so the carriage carrying my mother and my sisters, Anna and Sophia, caught up to us. My father was excitedly pointing to the castle, and I felt pleased and proud for him. My mother was trying to look pleased too, but I could see her heart was really not in it. That was the trouble with the scion of an impoverished noble family, like my father, marrying the daughter of a wealthy merchant. When my parents were married, about thirty years before, my mother was seventeen and my father was almost thirty. My father, although from one of the oldest families in Austria, was not very well off. My mother's father, a Swiss originally, had made a fortune in trade, and, with aspirations of nobility for his descendants, had been glad to marry his daughter to my father. Of course, he had also supplied her with a large dowry that allowed us to live well, back in Vienna. Then, a year ago, the emperor had awarded my father some lands in eastern Hungary for his services in the army. I knew my mother loved my father very much, but she had been used to the excitement of Vienna, the presence of the imperial court, the company of society women like herself, and an exciting life of balls, operas and concerts. Now she was faced with travelling with her family to take up our station in a 'wilderness, filled with barbarians', as she sourly described it. Although it was now the 1770's, and Hungary had been free of the Ottoman Turks for many years, Turkish raiders were still an occasional threat in this isolated eastern region. I proudly looked on these beautiful new lands as an outpost of the expanding Austrian empire and I was confident the peasants would welcome us. My father was now beginning to show his age, but he had been enthusiastic about travelling East to take possession of the lands and live on them, 'As befits our ancient family', he had proudly announced. I was the oldest surviving of their family. Three of my elder siblings had died earlier in a fever epidemic in Vienna. I was now sixteen, but I was full of the confidence of youth that I could help him govern the lands. Fortunately, the emperor, showing a measure of prudence, had sent along six troopers to help us for a few months. Otto was my mother's youngest brother. A bit of a black sheep, Otto had acquired a reputation in Vienna for drinking, gambling and rowdy behaviour. My father only tolerated him because my mother was fond of Otto, but had she known more of his activities, it might have been a different story. Despite his faults, I liked Otto too. He was an amusing and cheerful companion, and occasionally he had smuggled me away with him to savour the distractions of Vienna, under the pretext of art gallery and museum visits. It was Otto who had introduced me to taverns and even the whorehouse in Vienna where I experienced, just before we left on our journey, a 'going-away present', as he had called it. In retrospect, I think Otto had really been more concerned with his own gratification than any initiation of mine. I nudged my horse over to the carriage to speak to my sisters. The younger, Sophia, was looking flushed and excited, but Anna, the elder, my twin, looked pale and ready to faint. I commented on it to my mother. "Anna does not look well. Is she ill?" While my sister gave me a mildly hateful look, my mother shook her head and gave a faint grimace, muttering something about 'time of month'. As she waved me away, I tried to keep from grinning. It made me glad I was a man, and not have these problems. After a short rest we wound our way down onto the plain by the river, and by a gypsy encampment. I noticed a girl, about my age, staring at us insolently from one of their wagons. She was pretty, with her tanned olive skin, dark hair and bright eyes, but I wondered if we would have much problem with these people. We might have to take a firm hand with all that were in our lands, and gypsies had a bad reputation. The road eventually led to a village, set on the plain just below the castle. We passed by an open area covered with rough patchy grass and with what appeared to be a burned part in the centre. Towards one side of this area was what appeared to be a church, the largest building in the village. We stopped by a shabby building bearing the sign of an inn. I looked at it skeptically, but my father painfully dismounted from the saddle and helped my mother and sisters from their carriage. Otto and I followed him in the creaky door. "Yes, sirs, what can I do for you?" A bearded man of about middle height came out to meet us, wiping his hands on his apron. He was heavy-set, but well muscled and fit. He must have recognized that we were not Hungarian, as he had spoken to us in German. Perhaps he had noticed our style of clothing, or heard us talking. My father drew himself up. "I am Count Carl von Steiffen. By the grace of the Emperor, I have come to take possession of these lands. This is my wife, Countess Thereza, my son Franz, and my two daughters, the Lady Anna and the Lady Sophia." As befitted my rank, I nodded curtly to him, while pleased, even smug, expressions passed over my sisters' faces when they heard my father use their new titles. By contrast, a brief look of unpleasant surprise passed over the innkeeper's face, but he bowed deeply. "Welcome to the valley and my humble inn, my lord. My name is Stefan Rakovy." A stoutish woman came and stood behind him. "And this is my wife Elisabeth." My father acknowledged them with a suitably haughty bow. "Now, Stefan, do you know what the situation is at the castle. I mean, is there anyone living there? Also, we have had a long journey and we will need provisions. In fact, my party would welcome a meal as soon as you can provide it. Do you have sufficient supplies for us and our party?" The inn keeper inclined his head again, only a little deeper than my father had. "Certainly my lord, I can feed you, and your party, although with your number it will take some time. I will have to slaughter a pig and some fowl." He said something in Hungarian to his wife and she bustled off to the kitchen. He stroked his beard thoughtfully. "I believe there are now only two people at the castle, George and his wife Elsa. They served the last count, God rest his soul. I do not see them often. I believe the castle needs much repair." I had been told that the last owner of the land, a minor Hungarian noble, had been killed in a skirmish with Ottoman raiders. The innkeeper continued. "If you wish, you or your servants can contact me and I will arrange for supplies for you, your attendants and for the castle. It was my honour to do this for the previous count, but, may I ask, my lord, how you will be arranging payment for this?" I was annoyed, to have my father's authority and credit questioned so soon, and by a peasant like this village innkeeper, but my father ignored the implied insult and answered, "Ferdinand is my chamberlain." He gestured to the exhausted Ferdinand who was mopping his perspiring brow. "He will contact you about payment and starting an account." Just then a smallish man came through the inn house door. By his dark dress he was obviously the parish priest. Before he could speak, the innkeeper spoke to him. "Father, this is the new lord of these lands, Carl von Steiffen, come to take possession of the castle, in the name of our beloved Emperor." There was just a slight touch of sarcasm about his tone. Obviously these Hungarians were not exactly enthusiastic subjects of the Austrian empire. I began to think we might need to be careful of the innkeeper. I got an impression of shrewdness and cunning from him. The priest bowed deeply. "Welcome, my lord. I am Father Michael. I have the honour to be priest of this area and to serve its spiritual needs, and I will be at your service too, for the spiritual well-being of you and your family." Like the innkeeper, I did not trust him. He had smiled at us, but his eyes had a calculating look. It found it hot and stuffy in the inn, and I wandered outside while my father and Ferdinand were discussing arrangements with the innkeeper. Otto was already slaking his thirst with some beer. The six soldiers of our escort had dismounted and were watering their horses at the well. Ignoring some curious villagers standing in front of the inn, I walked between them out onto the waste ground and onto the burned patch. There were still ashes and partially burned pieces of branches lying around a central iron post. Idly I kicked the ashes and some small white pieces came to light. I bent to examine them and a chill went through me when I recognized them as human teeth. Someone had been executed recently, by burning at the stake. I knew we were in a primitive area, but this was barbaric. When I burst in with my discovery my father's face went red, and he immediately confronted the priest. Indeed it was as I had thought. Two months previously, at the instigation of the priest, the villagers had burned an old gypsy woman for supposed witchcraft. I have rarely seen my father so furious. The priest was initially indignant in defending his action. In fact he seemed rather proud of it, but my father berated him sternly, and forbade him to do anything further without the authority of the empire, of which he was now the local representative. During this, I noticed that the innkeeper standing to the back, a grin on his face. He seemed to be enjoying the priest's discomfort. At length the priest bowed and backed out of the door, giving me a hostile glare as he did so. After a subdued meal we finished the journey to the castle, where, once they had recovered from their surprise, we were welcomed by George and Elsa. The had kept their own quarters fairly neat, but the rest of the castle was badly neglected and would give us neither security nor comfort without much work. My father sent my mother and my sisters back to the inn for lodging that night and we made ourselves as comfortable as we could on the stone floor of the castle's great hall. Over the next month we were kept busy with cleaning and repairs. Not that our party did much of the actual work, but through the innkeeper, who was a kind of village headman, two dozen of the local men were conscripted and set to cleaning and repairing the castle. The cleaning and restocking of the armoury we left to the six soldiers of our escort. As we got established, it became obvious that we were in a wasp's nest of conflicting forces. Our family, along with our adherents, represented the authority of the Austrian empire. The priest seemed to think that he should also have a say in the local administration, but it was also obvious that many of the parish gave the church, as represented by the priest, only lip service. The villagers themselves, especially the innkeeper, were restive under Austrian control. Their desire for independence was only kept under control by the continual threat of the Ottoman Turks, and my father would maintain effective control of the area only with a lot of good fortune. Our family attended the village church each Sunday for mass. After the sophistication and style of Vienna, the village church was mean and shabby, and the conduct of the priest in the services was appalling. He seemed to have forgotten much of the Latin and ritual he had ever learned, and badly mangled the rest. I complained to my father, but he insisted we had to attend church regularly to show our position and authority. The priest was coldly polite to us, and took pains in his services to emphasize his religious authority. During this time I began to get more and more worried about my father's health, and the effect of the competing forces on it. I could see he was not well, and seemed to get easily tired. I think it was only that the priest and innkeeper mutually disliked each other, and that we had the emperor's forces with us, that we maintained our position. Despite all this, after three months, we had become reasonably settled. I had started sketching in Vienna, and now I even had time to do a little more, drawing the beautiful landscapes, the castle interiors, some still-lives and some portraits of my friends. I found it a challenge to get the character of Otto's penetrating blue eyes. Eventually we thought we could relax with a feast to celebrate my father's sixtieth birthday. We had all dressed in our best clothes and my sisters were wearing new gowns for the occasion. Anna especially was looking very pleased with herself in an elegant blue silk gown, but occasionally a strained look passed over her face. My eyes were drawn to her lovely narrow waist, her straight posture, and the two globes of her breasts heaving up and down in her low neckline. I laughed to myself. Obviously my mother had laced Anna into a tight new corset. I thought it made her a very pretty young woman, and I caught my mother occasionally looking at her with pride. Sophie, who was only twelve, was now also more narrow waisted, but was looking at Anna in a way that could only be described as envy. I was glad I was a man and not have to wear such garments. Our celebrations were going well, when we were disturbed by the priest and some villagers demanding an audience with my father. He groaned in exasperation, but allowed them into a room off the castle courtyard. Otto and I accompanied him. The villagers were holding a young woman, who I recognized as the gypsy girl who had looked at us so insolently as we first made our way into the village. They were accusing her of witchcraft, of poisoning some of the village children, and a mob of the villagers was screaming for her execution. My father was sceptical, and I certainly did not believe them. Children were dying all the time in villages, even in Vienna. I only had to think of my own family. I watched as my father wearily questioned the girl. Her name was Meera. She had been already badly beaten. Her clothing was torn and one of her breasts was visible through a rent in her dress. Her left eye was closed shut and she was bleeding from her mouth. Painfully she was denying the charges. She seemed to be looking at me intently, and I felt sympathy for her. It seemed to me that she was innocent and that the priest had cynically initiated the whole affair to test my father's authority and enhance his own. He was continually interrupting to proclaim the girl's guilt and my father was becoming very impatient. Haggard with the strain of the last few months, and to give himself some time, my father had the girl locked in one of the castle cells. At least it gave her a respite from the wrath of the mob and the malevolence of the priest. I felt sorry for the girl and later that night I took down some soap and warm water to bathe her wounds. I even brought her a clean blouse, a blanket and a small cupful of brandy. I had noticed earlier that she spoke German and Hungarian surprisingly well, even Roumanian, and I asked her about her language skills. She spoke slowly through her swollen lips."We Romany have to travel much, and we have learned many tongues." I kept thinking of the way the girl had looked at me, and sick at the thought of what might happen to her, two days later I arranged for a bottle of brandy to be found by the guard. When he was well drunk I borrowed his keys and released her. I had no particular affection for gypsies, but I knew she was innocent of the ridiculous charges. She did not say much as I allowed her to slip out through a side door, but she briefly clasped both my hands in hers in gratitude. I went back and re-locked the cell door, then put the keys back with the guard. I went to bed feeling very pleased with myself. I awoke to my mother shaking me. She was in tears. My father's heart had given out during the night. After my initial shock and grief, I realized that I was now the inheritor of our lands, with all its responsibilities. Heavy at heart I rode out with Otto to see the priest, to arrange the funeral. At that point I was too grief-stricken to bother with further conflict with him, and I allowed him to take charge of the funeral arrangements. Several days later my family had to suffer through the linguistic farce of the funeral mass before my father was buried in the small village churchyard. The funeral was only two weeks over when the priest had the gall to come enquiring about the gypsy girl. By this time I was totally tired of this mean-spirited, incompetent man, and I announced that as I was now lord I had released her for lack of evidence. The initial fury in his eyes was replaced too soon by a calculating expression, and he hurried away. Late that night Otto came to see me. He said that he had been out in the village "getting some relaxation, of the female kind", but had heard that the villagers were being stirred up by the priest and innkeeper. Indeed, soon afterwards, we were disturbed by a group of villagers shouting at the castle gate. When I appeared, the shouting increased and I was pelted with stones. Suddenly the hail of stones ceased and the innkeeper advanced to the castle gate. "I am asked by the citizens, and by our blessed priest, to give you our demands, that you submit to the charge of aiding in witchcraft." "Witchcraft? This is ridiculous. I have merely released a girl who was falsely accused." The innkeeper continued. "The good father says you conspired with the witch to have your own father murdered, so that you could take his place. In return you released her." "That is totally false! You surely do not believe this stupid charge?" I asked him. "I do as Father Michael wishes," he replied. I knew he did not really, but this would be a convenient way to get rid of me and the emperor's authority. The innkeeper went on. "We demand that you stand trial on these charges. Your family may leave this land under safe conduct. Even the emperor's soldiers may leave freely. But you must submit to our trial." He bowed sarcastically and left as the hail of stones started again. Trembling, I called my mother and Otto for a conference, but my mother was terrified and almost incoherent. I had Anna take her to her chamber and I outlined the demands of the villagers to Otto and Ferdinand. Otto thought for a minute, then spoke slowly, weighing his words. "Franz, we are in a serious situation. We are better armed than the villagers, but there are many more of them and we will run out of food in two weeks. Unless we can get help we are at grave risk. Also, we have no way of contacting the emperor in time, even if someone could slip past these rebels. We can resist them, but they will eventually win. We can die fighting as soldiers. I am prepared to do that, if that is your wish. Unfortunately your mother and sisters may die as well." I was wrestling my dilemma, when a guard ushered in a cloaked and hooded figure. "This woman came to the gate. She wishes to see you." I was taken aback when the figure threw back the hood and revealed herself as the gypsy girl, Meera. Her face still bore some traces of her beating, but she was mostly recovered. "I need to see you," she said. "Alone." "What are you doing here? The villagers will kill you. How did you even get past them?" She held up her hand. "These matters are of no concern at this moment. The first thing is your survival." She looked at Otto. "Please, I must speak to your master. Alone." I nodded to Otto and Ferdinand. Warily they left and closed the door. The girl looked at me. "My lord, You have put yourself in danger because of me, now I feel I must repay you." "But how did you get in?" I insisted. "I was able to slip past the villagers." She spoke carefully. "They sometimes do not have the skills to see all there is in the dark. Now, my lord, I hear they wish to take their revenge on you for letting me free. I hear that your retinue may go free, but you are to remain." "Yes," I began. My voice broke. "But I will kill myself rather than fall into their hands." "Burning is a terrible death. My grandmother must have suffered terribly. Yes!" she looked at me, tears in her eyes. "It was she they burned several months ago. My lord," she hesitated, "My grandmother was not a ... witch, but she had certain powers and knew spells." She drew out a small book from a pocket in her cloak and handed it carefully to me. "This is nonsense," I said. There are no such things as spells" She shook her head in disagreement. "I copied this from a book of spells that my grandmother possessed. I found it in her belongings. One of the spells may be of use to you now." I opened it up. She had written on only one side of the pages. The words were strange. They were in no language that I knew. "I cannot read it. What does it say?" "These are the sounds you make for the spells. They come from an ancient language." I began to sound one out. She put her hand over my lips. "Care, not now. You must first listen carefully to what I say." I was getting annoyed and impatient, but she caught my arm, and looked at me directly. "Please, my lord. I am sincere. Look at the book. You see the cover?" "Yes, what of it?" It seemed like a type of thin pale leather or hide. "Do you recognise it?" I shook my head. "It is the skin of a man, an executed criminal." I felt nauseous. I knew they had used the skin from executed criminals in the past, but this was the late eighteenth century. "Where did you get this horror?" She shook her head. "We Romany are sometimes used as executioners, but all you need know is that the skin is what gives the spells much of their potency." She opened the book. "You see I have written the words of the spells on one side of each page. I will tell you what each does and you should write this opposite each incantation as you wish. I do this so that you understand them exactly. You will also notice, my lord, I have used a Gothic writing for the spells. It is also supposed to help their potency." Wondering, I went to my desk for a pen and ink, and also using a Gothic script, I started to write the effects of the spells as she explained each to me. I reflected on the irony of this whole mess. It resulted from my dispute with the priest over witchcraft. He had believed in it. I had not. Now I might have to use magic to escape. The first spells seemed to be designed mainly for appearance, to remove warts, to remove smallpox marks, to heal cleft lips, to cure baldness, to remove wrinkles. Then, towards the end, they were more serious, to aid in childbirth, to reduce fever, to cure cattle of illnesses, then, to my shock, how to make a woman into a man, to reverse it, to make a man into a beautiful woman, and to reverse that. "I have given you a number of spells, my lord. You may find them useful at some time." She pointed to the last one. "But this spell. It may help you in your present trouble." "Why does it need to make a man into a 'beautiful' woman?" I asked. "Why would any man want to become a woman?" She looked at me and gave a faintly superior smile. "My lord, you are young, and a man, but a beautiful woman, if she knows how to use her beauty, can acquire much power and influence. Perhaps it could be used for spying. When men are lying in bed with women after making love, they will sometimes let slip all kinds of confidences. Although, if a woman does not know how to use her beauty carefully, she herself can be at much risk." "Franz, are you all right?" I heard asked from outside my chamber door." It was Otto checking on me. "Yes, Otto, I will be with you in several minutes." Her earnest manner was beginning to convince me. "We can use this spell to disguise you as a woman, then you should be able to escape from the castle along with your family. When you have reached safety, you can reverse the spell. But be warned, it is well to recover fully, and wait several days before attempting to change back, as the changes severely weaken you." "Does the spell have any time limit? I mean, do I have to use a reverse spell within a certain time. Or does the spell last for only a certain time, and then I will change back?" "I believe the answer to each of these is 'No', but my grandmother was killed before I had a chance to learn all that she knew. Now, another warning. These spells affect all who hear them, so you must only sound them out when you are completely alone. This spell will make you insensible for over a day, as if you had a severe fever. You recover rapidly, but you have been changed completely into a woman, of your own age." "Will it make me think like a girl, have the emotions of one." I certainly did not want to cry like one. Anna and my mother always seemed to be crying sentimentally about one thing or another. "I do not know. My grandmother never instructed me about that either. Anyway, you will only need to be as a woman for a few days until you change back." "How do I know you are telling the truth about these?" "You do not. But would I have risked my life to get back into the castle otherwise? There is one more thing, my lord, the woman you are changed into will be a girl of your own age. You are, how old?" "I am sixteen." Her hand, surprisingly soft for a peasant girl, stroked my chin. "I see that your chin is slightly downy, but you have not yet grown a proper man's beard, and I expect you will not have much other body hair." She gave a slight smile. "But a girl your age would be much further along the path to adulthood. Thus, if you were to delay in turning back, you would start to grow the body hair appropriate for a girl of sixteen." I flushed at her words, but I understood them. My twin sister Anna had started to grow breasts and get a woman's figure just after she was fourteen, but my own voice had only broken a few months ago, and I was beginning to have some wispy hair on my lower belly. I shrugged. I would have to use the spell for only a few days anyway. "Meera, how will you escape? The rebels will be surrounding the castle. They will recognize you." "I have my grandmother's cloak this time. It hides me well. She did not have it when they took her. Neither did I when they captured me earlier." "Could I not escape with you, using your cloak?" "Alas, my lord. It is only sufficient to cover me." I was thinking desperately. She looked at me impatiently. "Now, my lord, we are delaying too much. Do you wish to try this, or take your chances with the mob?" She was right. I had no alternative. When I explained the plan to my mother, the good Christian that she was, she was horrified at the idea of using magic. Eventually I convinced her, and I called for Otto and Ferdinand to explain the plan to them. I could see the doubt in their eyes, but they were willing to try it, for me to escape. "I will try this spell tonight. I will become insensible, go into a fever, and after a few hours, I will have changed completely into a girl. Then you can take me with you when you leave the castle. I will negotiate with the rebels tonight and say that I will give myself up when you have been gone for a day. I should have awakened when we are on well our journey, then after some more days I will use the reversal spell. When we get to Vienna we can seek the emperor's help to recover our lands and punish these rebels." The next morning I went to the gate and shouted that I wished to speak with the innkeeper. At length he and the priest stood before me. "I will surrender myself to you. But I still demand to be tried by the Emperor." "The emperor has no further authority here," said the innkeeper quietly. "But our offer of safe passage for your family and household is still open. For them only," he added. I pretended to hesitate. "My family will need some time to make ready. They will leave at noon tomorrow, but I need to ensure their safety. Only a full day after that will I surrender to you." "Very well," he said. "But one day only." The rest of the day was filled with frantic activity as we scurried about to get our supplies and the most important of our possessions loaded on some wagons and carriages for the journey. Then, after a cheerless evening meal, I met with the gypsy girl, my mother and Otto. "Mother, I will go alone into my chamber and recite the spell. Meera says that I will soon become insensible, then the changes will start. These should be complete by daybreak, but I will be still insensible. So be sure to dress me as a girl to disguise me. You can use some of a serving maid's clothes." I stroked my chin and upper lip. "I am just beginning to develop a beard, but I will shave it to help my disguise. My hair is too short for a girl, but you can put a it under a head scarf. If the rebels ask about the unconscious girl you will have to say that she is ill, possibly with a plague. That may keep them from examining me too closely. Meera says that she will slip out tonight and make her own escape." I looked at Meera. "If this succeeds, I thank you with all my heart. Before a year is out I hope that we will be back here with reinforcements from the emperor. Then these rebels will suffer for their actions, and I may be able to reward you further." I had in mind a set of new high gallows for the ringleaders. With a thumping heart, I entered my chamber and opened the book. I soaped my face and shaved the wisps on my chin and upper lip, checking carefully in the mirror. I cleaned up slowly, apprehensive at what might follow. "Now, Mother, Otto, you must leave me, be out of hearing while I use the spell." Tears in her eyes, my mother embraced me. Otto looked worried. Meera left with them, giving me an encouraging look. I closed the door firmly and, in a trembling voice, I slowly sounded out the words of the spell. I do not know what I was expecting, but it seemed as if nothing had changed. I opened the door and shrugged to my mother. Nothing seemed to be happening. "It will start in a few minutes, " said Meera quietly. Then imperceptibly, I began to feel cold. I began to shiver slightly, then stronger and stronger until I was shaking, as if with a severe fever. I was vaguely aware of my mother holding me tightly. Then I remember nothing. I awoke slowly, to a rocking and jolting. At first I had only an uncomfortable sensation of movement, dimly registering through my aching body and head. I tried to lift myself, but I fell back with a groan. It dimly registered in my confused mind that my voice sounded different. Almost immediately my mother was at my side, but I could only see her hazily. I tried to speak to her, but my mouth was dry. It felt strange. It even seemed to have changed its shape. I only managed a croak. "Franz, my...son." My mother stroked my hot brow. Her puffy eyes, red from crying, were filled with concern. She held a cup of water to my lips. I seemed to have trouble drinking and much spilled over me. She handed me another cup and, drinking slower, I finished that too. I felt alternatively hot and cold, my back and thigh muscles ached and my body felt stiff. Drifting in and out of consciousness, I hazily wondered why I was not in my bed in the castle. Gradually, as I recovered my senses, I became aware I was lying on a pad in the back of a moving carriage or wagon. Then slowly I began to remember the events of the last several days and with a shock, the plans we had made from the Meera's book of spells, to change me into a girl. The thought jolted me awake. I seemed to be dressed in some unfamiliar garment. I squeezed my eyes several times to try to focus them and looked down. I found I was dressed in a loose linen gown, typical female night attire. Moving my hands hesitatingly, I began to explore my body under the nightgown, curious and afraid as to what I would find. My proportions seemed to have changed somehow. Wondering, I felt two soft yet firm mounds on my chest. I had grown breasts. My mother was watching me and began to cry as I pulled the gown up to my neck, exposing my new body. I was struck with amazement. Immediately in my view were two jutting breasts. Below these, my waist was now narrower, higher somehow, and flaring below to wider hips. I swallowed as I examined my flat belly. It now ended, not in the familiar dangling parts of my manhood, but in a slight mound, and feeling cautiously below that, I felt folds of sensitive skin with a fissure in the centre, the parts of a girl. The spell had worked. I had been changed into a girl. I felt my blushing face. I was not sure, but the skin felt softer. I held up my hands to examine them. They were smaller, more delicate. My veins were much less noticeable. My wrists and arms were smoothly rounded, slimmer, much less muscled, even fragile looking. I was awestruck. True, I had been warned what would happen to me and I knew what the female body looked like. I had even caressed a naked whore before in the brothel I had visited with Otto, and I had studied statues and paintings in the Vienna art galleries, but to be now faced with the physical evidence of the drastic changes on my body was overwhelming. I hoped I had not made a terrible mistake. I tried to lift myself further, but my body still ached too much. My mother held another drink to my lips, of diluted brandy this time, and I must have fallen asleep again. When I next awoke were stopped and I was alone in the back of the wagon. I struggled to stand up. I was now aware of the unpleasant smell of fever, and I still ached all over, but at least now I felt more alert. Hesitatingly I eased up the nightgown again to examine my new body. I now knew what to expect, but even so I was astonished at the extent of the change. The proportions of my body had changed completely to that of a girl. My broad shoulders were much narrower. My angular muscled male torso was now curved and softly rounded, with generous, firm, shapely breasts tipped with pinkish brown nipples and areolas, twice as large as they had been before. Trying to ignore the distraction of the breasts, I saw a neat slim waist below, curving out to wide female hips. My legs were long and smooth with rounded thighs, knees, and calves. I noticed that they still had some of my male hair on them. I had not thought to shave them. My feet and toes were now small and delicate, those of a woman. I stood up unsteadily and ran my hands over my rear . My buttocks too, now had the contours of a woman, full, well-shaped, prominent. I was reminded of the graceful nude statue of a Greek or Roman goddess I had seen in one of the Viennese public buildings, one that had caught my adolescent male attention. Just then my mother climbed back into the wagon. She looked in wonder at me, then she burst into tears again. "Franz," she began. My face flushing, I let the nightgown fall and took her hand in mine. I noticed we were now about the same height. I must have shrunk by about the length of a hand. "Hush mother, " I began. I stopped abruptly. I was now speaking differently, in a higher pitched female voice. I had not expected this. My mother's hand went to her mouth. On the edge of panic I forced myself to continue and to keep my voice even. "It will be only for a few days only, then I will reverse these changes. " I felt drained, exhausted, and I did not look forward to the reverse spell if its effects were as bad. "Now, please hand me a mirror. I have yet to see my face." My mother shook her head. "I think you need to do something else first. But now you will have to sit down, like a girl." She handed me a chamber pot. Blushing, I sat down and relieved myself. This was ridiculous, to have to sit down! Discreetly my mother turned her back on me, but then handed me a cloth and pointed meaningfully to a wash basin. She handed me a small round mirror. "Are you really sure you want to look at yourself?" Taking a deep breath, I took the mirror and studied the reflected face. I gasped in awe. The reflection was that of a pretty young woman. She had the same colouring that I had. She even looked like me, but her features were entirely feminine, softer somehow. Her lovely face had flawless skin, beautiful proportions, arched eyebrows, delicate nose and ears, full lips, and slightly prominent cheeks. Her green eyes, with dark lashes, still sleep encrusted, were definitely those of a girl. The only flaw was that her dark hair was too short for a girl. It hung only to the middle of her long elegant neck. My mother and sisters had hair that hung to their waists when they did not put it up. I thought the girl looked very beautiful, but I was overwhelmed that I was now this creation. I swallowed in dismay, and saw the smooth contours of my throat were no longer broken by the bulge of an Adam's apple. I examined my chin and upper lip. I thought I had shaved carefully, but I still had small traces of facial hair. I rubbed my chin, and found some small flecks of hair in my hand. When I rubbed my chin and lips again with a cloth, the rest of the hair stripped off, leaving me as smooth as a girl. It completed my disguise, but I wondered how long my sparse beard and mustache hair would take to reappear when I had changed back. I forced myself to think on other things. "How did our escape go?" I asked. My mother thought for a moment. "When you went into the fever, your body seemed to start rippling, as if we were viewing you under flowing water. When the ripples had stopped, you were as you are now, but still totally insensible. Before we left the castle we dressed you in one of Anna's nightgowns. We had a little trouble when we left. The rebels seemed to only want you, but they counted and searched our carts, even the one you were in, lying insensible. The disgusting ruffians even lifted up your gown and examined you, but it was obvious that there was no man present. They did not hesitate to seek you out after we left. I saw them break into the castle as we moved away, but no one hindered us further, and we have been on our way for a day now." "What about the gypsy girl?" "She seemed to disappear very soon after after you had become insensible. I wanted to reward her with some gold, but I could not find her." I thought that Meera must have slipped away, just as secretly as she had come to our help. I was elated that we had escaped. My mother offered me more water. I drank it eagerly and even sipped at some thin soup she brought. "Now Franz," she said, in a motherly tone, "I think you would feel better with a wash. You smell of fever and sweat." In some minutes she brought some hot water in a bucket with some soap and a cloth. "Lift your arms, Franz". I did so and She pulled off my sister's nightgown and scrubbed vigorously at my back, arms and legs to remove the stale smell. "Let me do it," I said. I did not like this helpless feeling. Besides, I did not like the sensation of the breasts on my chest bouncing from her vigorous scrubbing on my back. She handed me the cloth. "Careful," she pointed to the nipples. "It is more delicate there, and down there," pointing to between my legs. She was right. These parts were very sensitive, but I consoled myself with the thought that I would be a woman for only a few days. I found I was very weak and I did not object when she offered to wash my greasy hair. After she had wiped me dry, I began to feel fresher. It was wonderful to be clean again. My mother had been combing my hair, when she stood back and looked at me critically. "Actually, Franz, you make a very pretty girl, even prettier than Anna. Oh, don't worry, we won't make you dress as one, or start behaving as one," she said, her eyes twinkling. I was glad to see my mother's spirits beginning to lift, after all our misfortunes, but I certainly did not want to hear that I was a pretty girl. The sooner I was able to use the reverse spell the better. Blushing, I pulled the towel to me. I was now beginning to feel slightly chilled and I felt my skin prickling. Worse, my prominent nipples were growing hard. The sooner I got dressed to hide this female anatomy the better, and I looked around for some clothes. "Mother, where are my clothes?" At that she even had a slight smile. "Your male clothes will not fit you. Try them." She rummaged in a box and handed me my breeches and shirt. I pulled them on quickly, but now they just looked foolish on my new body, my breeches especially, too wide at the waist and too tight elsewhere, barely able to contain the female hips. The shirt hung loosely over me, except where it was pushed out in front by my breasts. Even worse, it showed small peaks from my prominent nipples and I quickly pulled it more loosely at the front to hide them. Indeed, I just looked like a woman dressed in badly fitting men's clothing, like a character from some low theatre production. Trying to muster some bravado, I laughed at her. "Well, I shall only have to put up with ill-fitting clothes for a day or two, then I will use the spell to change back when I am strong enough, Mother. Now, where is the book with the spells, for my reversal, I mean? You are guarding it carefully?" She nodded. "I have it very safe, locked in a box in my own carriage. It is just up front." I rested in the wagon for the remainder of the day. I still felt weak and I thought that the less the others of our party saw of me, with my changes, the better. Most of the male hair on my arms and legs was now also falling out, so that my limbs were more like a girl's. Now, when I changed back, I would have to put up with the smooth limbs and hairless chest of a girl until my body hair grew again. All of that day I was rubbing short hairs from my cheeks as my eyebrows lost hair and formed a girl's slim delicate arches. That evening Otto came into see me. His eyes widened in shock, almost disbelief, when he saw me. "Well, Franz," he said carefully, "you are well disguised indeed. How does it feel?" I was uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me. His eyes seemed to be resting everywhere on my body, but especially on my chest. "Awkward, annoying, embarrassing. I will be glad when I am strong enough to change back." I fastened my shirt higher up on my neck. He spoke slowly, twisting the ends of his mustache. "Perhaps you should not be in too much haste. I do not trust these rebels. They may yet try to capture you. We should put more distance between us before we can feel safe." For an hour more we discussed how we would present our case to the emperor to retrieve my possessions. Obviously we would have to hide the exact circumstances of my escape. I began to get uncomfortable with Otto's eyes staring at my face, and roving over my body. I felt exposed and vulnerable. Then, as he was about to leave, he gave a mischievous grin. "I should say, Franz, that if you do not get your castle back, you could still earn a lot of money. There are many establishments in Vienna that would pay well for a pretty wench like you to work in them. You remember, we visited some of them." Furious, I threw a book at him as he slipped out of the wagon. I started to shout at him, but it came out as a woman's screaming, and I had to keep quiet. As our small caravan continued on its way the next day, I spent the time mostly with my sisters. Despite our misfortunes, their first reaction on seeing me was a fit of giggling. I suffered continual embarrassment. I knew my male clothes just looked ridiculous on me. I was unbalanced in the wide female hips and small feet and usually staggered when I walked. They laughed at my lurching gait. "Now that you are a girl, Franz," they laughed, "we will have to teach you to walk like one, gracefully, not like a drunken lumbering oaf." They were even more amused that I now had to sit on a bucket to relieve myself, and taunted me. "Do you want us to teach you how to wipe yourself now." They dissolved into more giggling. Their teasing was finally starting to annoy me." Be quiet. Stop your insolence, you silly girls. I am now the head of our household," I threatened, "and if you do not behave, I will marry you to some old men when we get back to Vienna." I was only pretending. I loved my sisters, and I only wished for their happiness. "What do you mean, girls? You are now one too." said Anna, sticking her tongue out at me. "Maybe we should hide the spell book from you so you cannot change back, and then we will marry you to an old man, an ugly one too. How would you like to lie in bed with an ugly old man, have him fondle your breasts with his bony old hands and push his hard male part into you. That is, if he is able to. Then you can have his babies." They both howled with laughter. I was speechless at their words. I had always thought my sisters were so innocent. It seemed they knew much more than I had thought. Then I thought of my new female body and I flushed thinking of what they had said. I had absolutely no wish of remaining a girl, and I tried to put out of my mind the thought of an old man using me. The thought of being in bed with an old man, or any man, submitting to him as a woman, my legs parted, was too awful to contemplate. Then there was the possible aftermath. I thought it must be terrible being a woman and having children. I still remembered my mother's swollen figure and then the cries I heard from her chamber when she gave birth to Sophia. I resolved that I would use the reverse spell as soon as I could, perhaps in two days. Anna was not done with her teasing. She gave a mischievous smile. "At the least, with your pretty girl's body, we should put you into a girl's clothes. Maybe a pretty dress, with a corset underneath to give you a nice slim waist. Oh yes! and curl your hair and put pretty ribbons in it, rouge your cheeks and redden your lips." I had had enough. I leaped on Anna and started wrestling with her. She and I were now about the same height and build but I was still weak from the fever and I found I could not now subdue her. In a minute she had gotten the upper hand and was sitting on me, kissing my face, squeezing these vulnerable sensitive breasts and taunting me about my new body. "See Franz, this is what it will be like when an old man forces himself on you, with his slobbery kisses, and groping hands." I tried to tickle her waist to make her stop, but she was too well protected by the rigid bones of her corset. At last she rolled off me and we lay panting and giggling on the wagon floor. I caught myself with a start. What was I doing giggling? That was only for girls. I was really a man. I heard shouting and the wagon came to a sudden stop. In a few moments my mother burst in. "Danger, Franz, Otto has seen some riders in the distance coming our way. He thinks they will overtake us in less than an hour. It may be the rebels." "I will have to hide." I looked round. My mother shook her head. "There is no place to hide here, and anyway, you are now a girl, indeed you are perfectly disguised, except you are wearing male clothing. You should get it off and hide it, and we should put you back into female clothes." She looked up to my sister. "Anna, get Franz some of your clothes." Anna pointed a finger at me and gave a gleeful grin, but in seconds she pulled out one of her gowns from a chest in the wagon. I blushed as my mother stripped off my shirt and breeches and pulled Anna's gown on me. She groaned. "It does not close properly. Your waist is slim, but not enough. Quick, Anna, get Franz one of your corsets and some undergarments." "I can't wear a corset," I shrieked in protest, but she hushed me. "Franz, it will be better if you are properly disguised and anyway, it will only be for a short while." In minutes my mother and sisters had pulled the gown back off and dressed me in my sister's underclothing, a fine linen chemise. Next, ignoring my protests, they pulled a silk corset around my waist. I winced as some of the bones poked into my breasts. "Breathe in," my mother commanded, and she ferociously pulled the laces at the back, even hooking her finger in them and jerking them from top and bottom to further tighten them. It was like a vise closing on me. "Now, some petticoats," said my mother, and from my waist down I was enclosed in masses of fabric. Anna threw her gown back on me, fastened it and beamed. "Yes, it fits now." "I am suffocating," I gasped. I could hardly breathe. "Nonsense" said Anna, "You are the same size as I am, and I wear a corset with no fuss. You are just complaining, like a man does." She made a face at me. I thought she must have had a short memory, when I remembered the pained look on her face at my father's birthday feast. Silk stockings, tied above my knees with pale blue ribbons, and a pair of slippers on my feet completed my disguise. My mother tied my hair with some ribbons in a female style, but covered it with a scarf anyway. "Now Sophia", said my mother," You come to my carriage. Anna, you stay here with Franz. Pretend you two are two girls playing a game with each other." Anna poked her tongue out at me. "You know what they say, Franz. You have to suffer to be beautiful. How pretty and feminine you look now! Why, you are even blushing prettily like a girl. " The reason I was blushing was the feel of her underwear on my legs. It was oddly stimulating. She smiled at me smugly. "Why don't you sit down, daintily?" I glared at her. I knew the game I wanted to play with her, something involving making her suffer for the indignities, but I could hardly walk anyway, and when I tried to sit down, the bones in the corset poked into me. I was forced to sit very straight. As my mother and Sophia left, I looked anxiously backwards through an opening in the wagon's cover. I had to hold myself very carefully from overbalancing, as I could hardly breathe or bend in the rigid corset. My waist felt hard, as if it was enclosed in steel, and I felt faint. Desperately I felt behind me at the corset laces. I groaned. In her hurry, my mother had knotted them, rather than tie them in a bow, and I was sealed into the corset until they released me. I pulled a shawl around my shoulders to hide my heaving bosom. It was as Otto had said. I could see now a group of riders heading in our direction. They would be on us in a few minutes. Curious, I wondered where the villagers had would have obtained the horses, as I did not think that there had been that many horses in the village. Most of the inhabitants had used oxen for their ploughing. I noticed Otto looking back with a puzzled expression. He pulled out a a small telescope and studied the riders for a minute, then galloped up to our wagon. He was shouting. "It is not the rebels. I think it is a group of Turkish brigands. We must flee. There is a town close by. We can get refuge there." At his warning shouts the drivers of our wagons and carriages whipped their horses to a gallop, but our own wagon was heavy and clumsy and we were soon left behind. Anna and I looked at each other in terror and held on desperately as our wagon pitched on the rough road. I could see the riders getting nearer and nearer, but with relief, out of the front of the wagon, I saw the small town in front of us. We were going to make it. Then our wagon tipped as a wheel collapsed. I struggled from underneath the folds of the canvas cover. Anna's legs were caught under a bar and I lifted it to free her. We began to run to another of our wagons. Its driver had seen our plight and slowed for us to catch up. Anna ran easily to it, lifting up her skirts. She must have been used to her corset, but I could hardly breathe. My chest was in agony with the lack of air and then my feet caught in my voluminous petticoats and I tripped on the road. Whooping, the brigands seized me. The last I saw of my party was the carriages and wagons hurtling through the town gate, carrying my mother, my sisters, and my book. I was now alone with the raiders, in a woman's body, and in women's clothing. I saw my faithful Otto galloping to my rescue, but one of the Turks raised his musket and fired. With horror I saw Otto fall back in his saddle and tumble off his mount. I fainted. When I awoke it was to even more severe jolting. I was disoriented, but eventually I realized I was slung, face down across a horse, in front of a rider. My hands were tied behind my back and there seemed to be a rope round my body fastening me to the saddle. A bag was covering over my head. When I struggled I felt a hard blow on my thighs. I supposed I was being told to keep still, even though I did not understand the language. The jolting continued for what seemed like hours. Through its pain, and lack of air in the hood and the tightness of the corset I must have fainted several times and I lost track of time. When I next recovered consciousness I was lying on the ground. The bag over my head had been removed. It was late evening, but the flickering light from a nearby campfire allowed me to see my captors cooking a meal over it with some pots and skewers. I tried to move, but my arms were still tied together behind me, and fastened to a stake in the ground. One of the brigands noticed I was awake and came over to me. He was bearded, and had a swarthy complexion. I did not like the way he was looking at me, but he offered me water from a leather flask. It tasted stale, but I was very thirsty and I drank it. Then he held my face towards the light of the fire and felt my breasts and thighs. With horror I realised he was assessing me as a woman. This damned woman's body was too sensitive. I squirmed and screamed in outrage at this invasion, and I tried to kick him but he only laughed. He shouted something and the others laughed as well. In a minute another man came over with a dish and spooned some kind of cooked grain into my mouth. Despite my ordeal, my apprehension, I was ravenous and I ate it. Soon I became aware I desperately needed to relieve myself, but my arms were tied and I was fastened into the women's clothing. My distress must have shown as the first man mimed to me, squatting down, and untied my arms. For some minutes I suffered agonies as the numbness left my hands, and, losing patience, he lifted my dress and pushed me down. Blushing, trying to bend despite the corset's stiffness, holding the petticoats out of the way, I spread my legs. I had barely wiped myself with some grass when he dragged me back to the stake. This time he snapped a chain on my leg and fastened it to the stake. He threw me a rough blanket and extinguished the fire. I saw the raiders cover themselves with their blankets and settle down except for two guards. The full extent of my predicament was beginning to break on me. It was not only that I had been abducted, but I was now stuck and even more vulnerable in women's clothing in this unfamiliar weak girls' body. I had no chance of reversing the spell unless I had the incantation, and it was in the book, far behind with my mother. I knew I had to try to escape, and I desperately tested the chain on my leg. It rattled and the guards looked at me suspiciously. Eventually sheer exhaustion overcame my distress and I fell into a troubled sleep. The next day we set off again, heading Southeast to the Ottoman territories. I had been placed sideways on the saddle in front of one of the men, with my neck attached to the saddle by a cord. I was still fastened in the tight corset, but at least my upright position was not as uncomfortable as the previous day. If I took rapid shallow breaths I could keep from fainting, but I was uncomfortably aware that because of the style of the corset, and my sister's low-cut gown, my chest, with the unfamiliar breasts, was heaving up and down provocatively in the view of the rider behind me. It became a hot day and in an hour I was almost fainting again, mainly from thirst and lack of air, and the jagged pain of my corset stabbing me on my hips at each step of the horse. I wondered how women were able to tolerate being corsetted. Only the strong arm of the rider behind me kept me upright. His hand was placed at the top of my corset, and occasionally he squeezed my breasts. He seemed to find this amusing, judging by his grinning yellow teeth. His breath was foul but I was too exhausted to object. Towards midday, with shouting and laughing, the brigands met up with another group in a small clearing in a wooded area. I almost collapsed off the horse but instead I was held and lifted down, almost gently. They laid me down in the grass in front of a wagon, but tied the cord on my neck to a stake. I must have lain there an hour, only partly conscious. At last when I was feeling more revived and I looked round, I saw three more girls, of about my age, all tethered by their legs to stakes. They looked at me dully. All were wearing coarse peasant dress, in contrast to my fine gown. I tried to speak to them, but only one, a fair haired girl, understood my German. She had been captured also, three days before, when this group of raiders had swept through the fields in one of the areas populated by German settlers. She was called Gerda. She said that the other two girls were Hungarian or Rumanian. One of the men brought us some water and more of the cooked grain. At least this had some flavouring in it. As we were eating some of their dogs came sniffing around us. I shooed them away, but one showed its teeth and snarled at me. As I was wiping my bowl a shadow fell over me and I looked up to see a tall broad man, obviously the chief of the group, standing before us. In his right hand he was holding a stick, threateningly. He spoke sharply and untied us. The girls shrank, but began removing their clothes. "What does he say?" I asked. I know a little Turkish," she explained. " I think he is saying that we must remove our clothes," said Gerda, "or he will beat us." In a panic I tried to do the same, but I was unfamiliar with the fastenings on the female clothing and fumbled at it. The chief was watching me intently and growing impatient. Then he called to another man who grabbed my arms, while he drew a knife. I cried in terror in the shrill unfamiliar female voice as he put it to my throat, but then he drew it carefully down my chest and waist, cutting the fastenings on my gown and petticoats . They slid to the ground and I was left standing in the corset, and shift. The chief made some comment, and the watchers laughed uproariously. Then he put the knife to my back and I felt the corset laces parted, and it and my other clothes fell to the ground. I saw blood on my shift where the corset bones had been digging into my hips. Even though I was now completely naked, exposed to my captors' gaze, it felt wonderful to be finally free of the corset's iron clasp. Then my body began to hurt as it readjusted and I would have collapsed in pain had I not been held. I remembered that in the Viennese brothel I had watched as Otto helped one of the whores from her tight corset. She had been in mild pain too, until her body adjusted. My distress and gasps of pain had started the other girls crying as well, and the chief glared at me in irritation. After some minutes I was able to hold myself upright. The two men, and the other brigands, were looking at us greedily. I seemed to come in for special attention and I tried to cover myself with my hands. The first man made a comment to the other, who held my arms firmly while the chief casually began squeezing my breasts and nipples. I gasped at how sensitive they were. He carefully inspected my belly and below, examining the small oozing wounds where the corset bones had abraded my skin. He even fingered the sensitive female parts, paying no attention to my frenzied squirming and screaming. He seemed pleased with what he had found. In humiliation and frustration I started crying again. As a man I would have been ashamed to let my captors see my distress, but I now no longer appeared to be able to stop. The chief ignored my tears, but motioned to the other to release me and I fell to the sand in shame. They threw me a peasant blouse and skirt. The material was coarse, dirty, and ragged, but I was glad to cover myself with it. Gerda and the others were crying too. I was angry at the insolence of the brigands. "What were they doing that for?" I asked, when I had recovered enough to speak. Gerda wiped her eyes on her sleeve. "They were assessing us. You especially. They think you will be worth a lot of money." "I hope the ransom is not too much." I said. "My family is noble, but not very rich. Will your family be able to ransom you?" She looked at me sadly. "I do not think that will happen. My parents are only poor farmers and could pay little. We are too valuable to these men. These Turks probably do not intend to ransom us. We will be worth more as slaves." I was devastated. I had not bargained for this. In a panic I tried to explain to Gerda about my noble birth and our lands. She looked at me, puzzled, then held me as I began crying. I heard her muttering. "Poor thing, you are hysterical. It is making you mad." She obviously did not believe my story, but I knew I needed her to tell me what the Turks were saying. I would be even more vulnerable if I did not have her support and help. I forced myself to be calm. "I am sorry. I am not thinking. Please forgive me. Help me." Gerda embraced me. I found her arms comforting and she had a nice female smell. I was attracted to her but I was so exhausted I soon fell asleep. I woke in the middle of the night. It was a clear night and I saw a guard at the other side of the camp. My neck was tied by a cord to a stake. I tested the knots. They were tight, but then, running my hands over the stony ground, I found a sharp rock. Quietly I used it to saw at the cord. Its fibres only parted slowly and it was a while before I was free. Unfortunately the sky was now growing lighter. I waited for the guard to look in another direction then I made a run for the low bushes surrounding the clearing. I was successful at first. I was moving quietly through the trees when I heard shouting from the camp. I began to run, trying to ignore the cuts from the twigs on the forest floor on my bare feet. I now heard a crashing and shouting, then barking behind me. They had their dogs on my trail. I ran as fast as I could, but my gait was awkward from having to hold up the long skirt, and my breasts were bouncing and rubbing in the coarse weave of the peasant blouse. I saw a stream before me, and, hoping to put the dogs off the scent, I waded in it, trying to avoid the sharp rocks. At one point I slid on some weed and I felt a blow to my foot. When I lifted it out of the water I saw I had cut it on a rock. I stumbled for a bit more but I was soon exhausted and I had to lie down on a fallen tree. My side was hurting and I was still gasping when I spied one of the men running to me. I tried to dodge him but he grasped me round the waist and threw me to the ground. I felt my legs and arms tied, then I was slung over his shoulder. One of his hands was up my skirt, squeezing my buttocks and intimate parts. The other men laughed as I was carried back. I was afraid I would be punished, but they all seemed in a good mood. I think they had found the chase fun. When they had my ankle securely chained they even untied my hands and gave me some water to wash my feet and clean the cuts. My nipples were tender and almost bleeding from rubbing against

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Please red Turkish Delight Chapter 1 and TURKISH DELIGHT -THE SEQUAL to fully enjoy this story. Thanks.I lay there awake in our hotel room, it was just getting light and I could see the faint outline of my wife Sarah next to me looking sexy and curvaceous. Some holiday this was turning out to be. As far as I knew, and we had always been pretty honest about our past sexual exploits, she had never experienced a spit roasting but she had loved it last night when Ali, the pool guy, had slipped into...

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TURKISH DELIGHTMy wife Sarah who is 52, blonde, size 14-16 but due to her being 5 feet 8 tall she carries it well, has very long legs, great bum, nice 38D breasts and a great smile. She is also very chatty having worked in customer services for 30 years, were enjoying a holiday in Turkey. Primarily I think due to her personality, looks, and the fact that blonde women are a rarity in Arabic countries, she was getting a lot of helpful attention from the hotel pool staff, which i didn't mind as i...

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My husband woke me up, around 8 clock. and while we were getting ready for dinner Lucien phone me at the hotel, to tell me how much they enjoyed themselves last night, and if we could meet next day, Lucian told me that they needed to rest after the wild night they had with me, he said that they will pick me up next day in the evening, so my husband and I we went for dinner and then for a walk, During our walk on the promenade, I told my husband about the night before, and i asked him if he...

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From Bordeaux, we went to Biarritz, we stayed in a hotel by the seaside, we were very tired, we arrived in the evening and we went to sleep until, the next day, we spend all day on the beach, around 6 o’clock we went to our room to have a shower, and to get ready for dinner, ( As we were going out, my husband told me that I look very exotic, with my short white dress on my brawn skiing, ) we were having dinner and watching people going by from the restaurant terrace, after dinner we went for a...

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Turkish Vacation

My husband and I took a 3 week vacation trip to a small town on the beach close to Dalaman, Turkey , it was our 4th time in this town, we had a nice hotel, right on the beach, on our first night after a nice dinner and a few drinks, we made our way back to the room, it was a 2nd floor, nice balcony, big room, when we got to the room, my husband and I quickly got undressed he took me in to the shower we washed each other, I washed his cock until it was hard as a rock, he pinned me against the...

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Turkish baths

I currently live in a Mexican resort city on the Pacific Coast. In this city there is a Turkos Bano, or Turkish Bath which is a meeting place for gays. It's a great place to go when I'm feeling real horny - which is most of the time. I sun bathe out on my patio in a bikini thong bottom and bra so it gives this white gurl unmistakable tan lines. As soon as other men see my white triangular patch of untanned skin on my ass and my white untanned titties, they know immediately that I'm a sissy...

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PLEASE READ TURKISH DELIGHT CHAPTER 1 FIRST TO FULLY ENJOY THIS STORYSo the morning after Ali has shot his load all over My wife Sarah’s breasts in our room i went down to the pool alone and early, leaving Sarah in bed. I saw Ali pottering about and when he saw me he gave me a cheery smile and said “Good morning Mr Ted. How is Miss Sarah?”I told him she was fine and she would be around later and asked him if he had enjoyed his fun with her. He was all smiles and expressed how much he had. I...

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Turkish Delight part one

Note : This story is completely fictional! My husband walked out on us about 6 months ago and as towards the end it seemed like we were arguing everyday, I can’t say that I was all that upset. I was more upset about the lack of money coming in. He was refusing to pay maintenance for our teenage son and things were a bit tight to say the least. Then a few weeks ago, our useless lawyer finally had some good news, not only was the money going to paid every month from now on but a cheque for the...

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Turkish massage

This is a story that happened a few years a go. I was 22 and my girlfriend, Jenny was 19 at the time, a small, slim, brunette, and a 32 E. We had only been together 2 months and the sex was passionate, so we decided to book a holiday together to Turkey. We arrived in the middle of August and neither of us had felt heat like that before. We checked in early and decided to head straight to the pool. Jenny slipped into her bikini and then put some denim shorts on, she looked incredible, her skin...

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Turkish Delight Part 2

Late in the afternoon we each had a quick swim, then pulled on t-shirts and wandered back down the beach. This time Jack strode ahead up the path to the cabins. Cara said, "You know I like being last, the view is better.""What, oh, no. Sexy girl lusts after my boyfriend's butt," I simpered. She patted me on my butt and said, "Well, you had better go first so I can lust after yours. It may be the only way of getting Jack's off my mind. But I warn you even that may not work"Inwardly I grinned,...

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Turkish Hijab GirlReal Story

I am going to tell you a real story where was be lived in Turkey.In 2009 I had just leaved ex my lover. My life also had nobody. But I had been talking occasonally on telephone to with a hijab girl. Her name was Ayşe and aged 25. I had met approximately two month ago and not leave ex my girlfriend yet. We were not lover.We had started talking more long time after I leaved my ex girlfriend. We had decided coming face to face. I had went to 500 km away seeing her. I have been came to Elazığ. I...

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Turkish Delight pt1

I’d been unemployed for nearly six months. We were making ends meet, just. My wife was working as many hours as possible as a receptionist and I was picking up casual work when possible. Thankfully our son was in the Army and our 17yr.old daughter had moved in with her boyfriend to make things easier for us financially. As there was no answer from my pal’s first floor flat I walked around the corner of the dilapidated block of first floor flats that he lived in looking for somewhere to take a...

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Turkish Delight part two

Note : This story is completely fictional! Another half hour passed and I suggested we both cool off and take a dip in the pool before lunch. Mark sprung up and with a sprint and a dive, he was in. I however am not that brave and it took me a couple of minutes to gingerly make my way down the poolside ladder into the water, which was not as warm as it looked. We both swam a couple of lengths, the comparatively cold water keeping the other holiday makers out meant more room for us, in fact was...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 5 Latina MILFs Futa Delight

Chapter Five: Latina MILF's Futa Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! At the same time, Kayleen Harland was finishing up with the next batch of her miracle substance, her daughter, Jolene, was hurriedly dressing in Mrs. Morales's living room. Jolene pulled her baggy skirt over her big futa-dick, still wet with MILF juices. She left Mrs. Morales swimming in jizz. As she rushed to the front door, she pulled on her top. Kayleen hummed away as...

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MindControl Panties Story 3 Sexy Little Delight

Story Three: Sexy Little Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 The figure entered the outlet store. It was one step above a thrift store, not the sort of place that panties in the style that the figure made were sold. No naughty delights to titillate a young woman's wanton desires. No trendy clothes were sold here, which was exactly why the figure knew these pair panties was needed here. The figure wasn't noticed by any the shoppers. Nondescript, ordinary. On a shelf that sold packets...

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Daughters Slut Trainign 15 Daughters Incestuos Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Fifteen: Daughter's Incestuous Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah The next day, my ass still hurt from my discipline. I couldn't help but squirm as I sat in the back seat of my husband and Master's car. My rump ached and throbbed. The longer the car ride went, the more my discomfort grew. The ache grew with every moment and I embraced it. I deserved this pain. I had become a...

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Mindcontrol Panties 03 Sexy Little Delight

The figure entered the outlet store. It was one step above a thrift store, not the sort of place that panties in the style that the figure made were sold. No naughty delights to titillate a teenage girl’s budding desires. No trendy clothes were sold here, which was exactly why the figure knew these pair panties was needed here. The figure wasn’t noticed by any the shoppers. Nondescript, ordinary. On a shelf that sold packets of plain, boring panties, so similar to the type worn by the last...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets Chapter 9 Purity Clubs Anal Delight

Chapter Nine: Purity Club's Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Clara had made a list of who she wanted to spread rumors about at her school. In her stuffy bedroom, locked from the world, she felt like a god. Everything she typed out was believed. The terrible human beings at her school would make fake photos, the very best deep fakes technology could create, to make it look like Mrs. Daniels gangbanged her students, that the home ec club was all pregnant by...

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 5 Mother and Daughters Teasing Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Mother and Daughter's Teasing Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My brother's plan was naughty. Mom drove me. She was part of the plan. She was a busty delight, wearing a low-cut blouse today that showed off her tits that were just as big as mine. I took after her. She hummed as she drove us into downtown Sacramento for our hotel tryst with Mrs. Armstrong. I clutched my new purse on my lap as...

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Futas Wild Passion 06 Futas Wild Virgin Delight

Chapter Six: Futa's Wild Virgin Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I left the college's main office in a daze. I just had sex with my dean. The Black woman had revealed that she was a secret lesbian who enjoyed seducing her female students into having sex with her, finding the ones she thought were secretly gay or bi. When my mom let the college know I had come down with Futanari Syndrome, the college's dean, Ms. Washington,...

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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 5 Latina MILFrsquos Futa Delight

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! At the same time, Kayleen Harland was finishing up with the next batch of her miracle substance, her daughter, Jolene, was hurriedly dressing in Mrs. Morales’s living room. Jolene pulled her baggy skirt over her big futa-dick, still wet with MILF juices. She left Mrs. Morales swimming in jizz. As she rushed to the front door, she pulled on her top. Kayleen hummed away as she watched the solution fade from a blue to a hot pink. It was ready. She...

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MindControl Panties Story 12 Virgin Cherry Delight

Story Twelve: Virgin Cherry Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The music pulsing through the house stirred the figure's ancient soul. Though the music was modern, made with electronics and possessing alien sounds, the beat it created was primal. Something passed down and down and down through the generations of men from dim antiquity. The figure wanted to dance. To revel in the music and to indulge in the hormones permeating the room. The...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 2 Futas First English Delight

Chapter Two: Futa's First English Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 Adelia played the clip. It appeared on a large screen on the side of her studio. The audience grew hushed as the Sky News logo appeared with a reporter, a brown-skinned man with a close-shaved beard and, I supposed, a chiseled chin. “Prime Minister Lockwood had a few bold words to say about the ingratiation of President Becky Woodward today,” he said in that posh, British accent. It gave him more...

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Futas Wild Passion 08 Futas Mother Daughter Delight

Chapter Eight: Futa's Mother & Daughter Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! “She's my friend!” Pita howled as she faced the sight she'd found in the upstairs bathroom of her house. My friend had her hands on her hips, a look of anger on her face. “I wanted to fuck her while you kept interrupting!” “Well, you can share with your mother,” Mrs. Asis said, squirming on my lap. She was impaled on my futa-dick while I sat on the...

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MindControl Panties Story 4 Nubile Exhibitionist Delight

Story Four: Nubile Exhibitionist Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to shadowmansc for beta reading this! The figure rode the escalator to the third floor of the mall were small, but trendy, clothing store lay. The sort of place that nubile, coed girls preferred to frequent. Just the sort of place the figure wanted to leave its special panties. No one noticed as the figure passed through the security detectors that flanked the store's entrance. Nor did anyone pay...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 1 Futas First Presidential Delight

Chapter One: Futa's First Presidential Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Final segment,” Adelia said, squirming. “Then I am taking you and your beautiful wife to dinner and then back to my place.” She grinned. “How does that sound?” “Like a lovely evening,” I said, glancing at Sharron hovering just off-stage, her hands grasping her pregnant belly. I arched an eyebrow in question. Her blue eyes sparkled as she nodded her head. “Well, the wife agrees,” I said. “It...

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The Triad and the Village of Pregnant Beauties Chapter 1 MotherDaughter Pregnant Delight

Chapter One: Mother/Daughter Pregnant Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Fiona – Shesh, Lesh-Ke Mountains, Kingdom of Haz I took a deep breath, trying to ignore my twin sister's terrible antics in the bar. “Ten guys before a quarter of an hourglass runs out,” she boasted. “I'll make you all explode.” “Las's cum, but you're a wild one,” laughed a rough-faced man with the dusky skin of a Hazian, contrasting against my sister's...

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Futa Naked In School 02 Winning the Futa Vote Chapter 3 Denices Wild Futa Delight

Chapter Three: Denice's Wild Futa Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Denice Jenning's Week, Friday My week had been crazy at Rogers College. I was chosen for the Program because was I was in the running to be my school's homecoming queen. The naughty futa-president, Ms. McTaggart, thought it would cute to have my rival, that slut Umeko Himura, and me go naked for the entire week. That was the point of the Program, to encourage young people to embrace their bodies and sexuality. To...

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The Mind Control Device Chapter 23 MindControlled Daughter Delight

Chapter Twenty-Three: Mind-Controlled Daughter Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! John Preston I couldn't believe I just ordered a mind-control device from the very man I was investigating: Dean Michaels. $10,000... I just spent $10,000 on what had to be a hoax, but my fellow U.S. attorney, Gina Brand, was right. How else to explain what was going on around this man. FBI agents didn't march into a police precinct and come out...

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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 18 Dreamgirl Delight

Chapter Eighteen: Dreamgirl Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Sam Davies Classes were out, and I was curious about this “business” my brother was running. Dreamgirl Delights was the buzz of our college. I was hearing it all over, from girls muttering about the horny boys thinking they could screw video game characters or anime girls, to the boys all talking about how it couldn't be possible, but they had to find out. I knew my...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 02 Futas First Naughty Awakening Chapter 1 Alyessas Hot MILF Delight

Chapter One: Alyessa's Hot MILF Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 November 12nd, 2045 – Alyessa Howards “We're joined today with Alyessa Howards promoting her new book, Accepting Being Futa in a Post Becky World,” Adelia Tash said as I sat beside on the love seat. I had a huge pit in my stomach as I put on what I hoped was a beaming smile. The stage lights were so hot. I was so aware of the cameras focusing on us that were streaming us across the world live. Anyone with internet...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Chapter 3 Virgin Delight

Chapter Three: Virgin Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Journeyman Mage Faoril – Esh-Esh, The Magery of Thosi The market place before the docks on Lake Esh bustled with travelers, locals, and merchants, a vast, busy tide that ebbed and flowed. I walked with Thrak, he crowds paring before my orcish lover like the waves before the knifing prow of a ship. Everyone gave the huge, hulking, ferocious, barbaric Thrak a wide birth, the already pale, Thosian faces growing even whiter as...

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The Worlds First Futa 07 Futas Naughty Hitchhiking Chapter 1 Futas First Innocent Delight

Chapter One: Futa's First Innocent Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 My futa-cock erupted. My girl-jizz fired into Adelia's hungry mouth. My hand dug into her black hair, mussing her perfectly coiffed do as she swallowed my spunk. Every blast sent jolts of rapture zapping into my mind while winds of ecstasy howled out of my pussy. Her fingers plunged into my convulsing cunt, teasing me as my pleasure surged through me. “BECKY!” cheered the studio audience....

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 8 Attaching Delight

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Zanyia I felt the dildo thrusting from me. It now longer was held there but ... but was a part of me. It merged into my clitoris. I groaned as Carsina’s hand stroked up the pussy-slicked shaft while Ava’s palm rubbed at the tip. My cunt clenched, drinking in the delight. “Mistress gave me a cock!” I moaned, my lusts surging through me. “This is awesome!” “I did,” Ava said, her hand letting go of my cock. I stared at her, her skirt still...

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Mommys Hypnotic Discipline Chapter 2 Mommys Hypnotic Delight

Chapter Two: Mommy's Hypnotic Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Anna Miller “Shoot,” I cursed beneath my breath. I hadn't considered my husband would feel guilty for punishing our daughter and fucking the little whore. “Mitch, look at me.” He stood trembling in our kitchen, the cordless phone clutched in his hand. He was naked, a muscular man with short, sandy-blond hair. He looked horrified, his shoulders hunched, his limp cock...

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The Worlds First Futa 07 Futas Naughty Hitchhiking Chapter 2 Futas First Sinful Delight

Chapter Two: Futa's First Sinful Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Did you know there's a convent in the middle of the Nebraska cornfields?” I asked Adelia, the delicious and fun woman interviewing me on my forty-eight birthday. We were talking about my life as the world's first futa while across the world people were watching the broadcast streamed live over the internet. “Really?” Adelia asked, blinking those soft-brown eyes of her. She pursed those delicious...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 4 Twin Sisters Anal Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Twin Sisters' Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn't in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Chapter 8 Oozes Delight

Book Four: Song's Passion Chapter Eight: Ooze's Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Knight-Errant Angela – The Lost Mines of Khragorath, Fallen Kingdom of Modan At an intersection, just as Azken promised, we found the rest post at the start of the mines. It was carved into the side of a natural cavern, a monumental edifice that seemed to sprout naturally from the rougher walls of the unworked stone. Shafts drove off in several...

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Futas Wild PassionChapter 8 Futarsquos Mother Daughter Delight

“She’s my friend!” Pita howled as she faced the sight she’d found in the upstairs bathroom of her house. My friend had her hands on her hips, a look of anger on her face. “I wanted to fuck her while you kept interrupting!” “Well, you can share with your mother,” Mrs. Asis said, squirming on my lap. She was impaled on my futa-dick while I sat on the toilet. I had just fired a load of futa-cum into her twat when Pita had walked in on us. I thought I had ruined my friendship with my friend....

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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 5 Mrs Fatima Cassies Surprising Delight

Chapter Five: Mrs. Fatima & Cassie's Surprising Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Mrs. Fatima Samara Water dripped off my body as I stretched my back, my large, dusky breasts thrusting before me. My toes flexed in the soft sand of the riverbank on the autumn side of the Year's Divide. I smiled as Cassie, my young ally, swam the last few feet and reached the bank, crawling out on her knees. She breathed heavily, her red hair plastered to her face and shoulders, her round, barely...

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Sister Ddelight

I would imagine that in every school you will find that one girl who is known for her big boobs. In my high school, that girl just happened to be my sister. She was eighteen months older than me but because academics weren't her thing, we ended up in the same grade. I never thought about how big they were or when they developed. After all, it was my goofy sister, and she was built like our mom so I guess women with big boobs were the norm at our house. But around seventh grade, my best buddy...

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Futas Wild Passion 03 Futas Wild Latina Delight

Chapter Three: Futa's Wild Latina Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I groaned as my friend, Pita, stroked my new futa-dick. I was shocked that she would just grab it. Her brown skin contrasting with my paler flesh. She worked it up and down, her dark, curly hair swaying about her cute face. Boy, she had a cute face. Beautiful, in fact. She was nineteen, like me. A big smile played on her lips as pleasure rippled down my cock. My...

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An Afternoon of Delight

An Afternoon of Delight by Penny Walloon Nick had let himself in through the back door, which Craig's family almost always left unlocked. Craig was still at college as his classes finished later than Nick's on a Thursday. Nick called out to make sure no-one was in, and headed upstairs to the bedrooms. He knew exactly where to go, Lisa's room. She was off at university so there was no chance of her being home. Her room had been left in quite an untidy state, which made it easier...

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Incestuous Flesh MassagedChapter 5 Mother and Daughterrsquos Teasing Delight

My brother’s plan was naughty. Mom drove me. She was part of the plan. She was a busty delight, wearing a low-cut blouse today that showed off her tits that were just as big as mine. I took after her. She hummed as she drove us into downtown Sacramento for our hotel tryst with Mrs. Armstrong. I clutched my new purse on my lap as I squirmed on the passenger seat. A writhe of excitement and nervousness swept through me. There was a lot riding on this. At the minimum, we had to get Mrs....

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 2 Sisters Teasing Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Sister's Teasing Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Maria Reenburg I woke up with energy the next day, eager for the bet with my brother before I realized I had to wait a week. A week before I could start seducing dad. I just had to give my brother a head start. I was being charitable. After all, I was a cute, sexy nineteen-year-old temptress. When I went to work for my daddy's political office...

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Mindcontrol Panties 04 Nubile Exhibitionist Delight

Story Four: Nubile Exhibitionist Delight Note: Thanks to shadowmansc for beta reading this! The figure rode the escalator to the third floor of the mall where small, but trendy, clothing store lay. The sort of place that nubile, teenage girls preferred to frequent. Just the sort of place the figure wanted to leave its special panties. No one noticed as the figure passed through the security detectors that flanked the store’s entrance. Nor did anyone pay attention as the figure moved through...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Chapter 1MotherinLaw Delight

Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter One: Mother-in-Law Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. King Edward IV – Shesax, The Kingdom of Secare A pleased smile spread across my lips. For once, things moved swiftly upon my command. Word had arrived that not only had Knight-Errant Angela been accused of high crimes by the Doge of Raratha, but so had Acolyte Sophia ev'Tith, servant of Saphique and daughter of the contemptible Duchess of Tith....

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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 15 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah The next day, my ass still hurt from my discipline. I couldn’t help but squirm as I sat in the back seat of my husband and Master’s car. My rump ached and throbbed. The longer the car ride went, the more my discomfort grew. The ache grew with every moment and I embraced it. I deserved this pain. I had become a slut. A whore. A depraved woman who violated her marriage vows. I sold my body to my students. I turned my daughter into a...

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The Triad and the Virgins Passion Chapter 2 Dryad Delight

Chapter Two: Dryad Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Seamus – The Dryad's Grove, The Kingdom of Haz I gripped my sword, the blade burning with the warrior god Gewin's enchantment, as I stepped out into the clearing. I had followed the sounds of moaning. I had thought the moans belonged to my wives, the twin sisters Fiona and Aoifa. I had lost them when the trees came alive and attacked us. I hacked my way through the trees, my sword stained with sap, and instead found the dryad...

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The Hot Pussy Bonus Was a Delight

Em’s whole body was buzzing. At that particular point she was midway through a two-hour massage at a discreet little spa on a Thai island where she was staying on an extended business trip. It was a place a new girlfriend had recommended. It catered only for women. Em had asked for a masseuse this time but she thought she might go back for a masseur later. Being massaged naked by a man was very special, especially if the man was also naked.While she was waiting for her masseuse to come and...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Song of DesireChapter 8 Oozersquos Delight

Knight-Errant Angela – The Lost Mines of Khragorath, Fallen Kingdom of Modan At an intersection, just as Azken promised, we found the rest post at the start of the mines. It was carved into the side of a natural cavern, a monumental edifice that seemed to sprout naturally from the rougher walls of the unworked stone. Shafts drove off in several directions from the cavern. They were not as wide as the tunnels we had walked down, nor as finally carved. “I think rest is a good idea,” Thrak...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Chapter 7 Surrenders Sweet Delights

Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter Seven: Surrender's Sweet Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Sophia – The Mirage Garden Fear stiffened my spine despite the fact a beautiful, dusky-sinned Jinn kissed me hard, her tongue probing my lips. I had never been so scared while a woman kissed me, her naked, lush body pressed against mine. She was so warm and sensual. Her hands stroked me as the steam from the water around my feet rose about us. Strange, heady scents filled the air....

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