Mirror, Mirror Part 4 - Once A Boy free porn video

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Mirror, Mirror Please note: In the hope of lessening any confusion, I have placed punctuation marks (each character gets their own) at the paragraph that marks a shift in the focus, that is, from the by-play (or not) of one set of characters to another. (Think of the story as a screwball video/DVD, where there there?s a lot going on at once.) 4) Once a Boy By Ron Dow75 = ?Where?s Alice?! Tell her I?m sorry!! Tell her to give me my body back!? the cute and shapely March went through the first floor, looking. He had the blouse shoved up past his now narrower waist as he tried to take off the bra he had on from the front. | His mom picked up the coat she had loaned him from where he dropped it in the middle of the entrance hall. ?March! Stop that, and sit down!? Carol Queens ordered. Holding the coat draped over her shoulders closed with one hand, she caught an elbow as he was about to head upstairs. ?March!! We?re going to get this through your head once and for all!!? - ?Alice said you can have your body back, *if * you listen to us first!? the brunet (with the golden brown tress) Dinah told him. ?I did not!? Ellis yelled from outside. ?Is Alice outside??? the blond March asked from the bottom steps. ?That sounds like Ellis. ?Of course!? he said, turning around, and bounded down them (his C?s in the bra telling him not to, though), ?Alice?s got a weird thing for Ellis!? He had to get around Dinah; and _then _Deana was in his way. ?You want to know the secret?? Dinah said. ?You can be a guy again!? Deana said. ?I, can?? that slowed him enough. ?Anytime you want to,? Dinah said. ?Don?t tell him that!!? Ellis cried. + + + ~ ?He?s too stupid to have that power!!? Inside, now, Ellis struggled on the floor; his wrists were behind his back, held there as Dinah sat on him. ?Keep that piece of mirror on him!? Dinah told the sister holding her own shard in trembling hands as if she were holding up a cross in front of a hungry vampire. ?Think of me!!? Ellis pleaded. ?We *are *thinkin? of you!? Dinah said, shoving his arms up his back further. ?You?re the one who started all of this!? ?I don?t want to be a girl!!? = ?Idiot! It?s me Alice switched bodies with! Why would she want your scrawny little twerp body?!? March sat on the couch, moving one knee back and forth impatiently. He was now in his robe, but he still had on the blouse (and bra). The panties were on the floor near his feet. ?He?s hopeless,? Deana groaned. ?Good!! Then I?m safe from the jerk!? Ellis said. But he still refused to give up the struggle. ?Let him ruin his own life! Those two were made for each other!? | ?March! What do you think you?re doing?? his mom asked, coming out of the kitchen with a cup of strong coffee. ?What??? March looked at what he was doing. He was just sitting on the couch. Okay, he was fidgeting. And why shouldn?t he?! He was inside somebody else!! ?Your hands?!? Mom said, looking at the one on his left thigh. March finally saw that, besides pulling on the bra they hadn?t given him the time to take off, he was rubbing his hand up and down the smooth, soft, well-muscled leg. And even as he looked, he continued to do it. Until, he looked back up at his mom. He stopped, and grinned guiltily. ?I, uh, guess Alice won?t like me messin? with her, uh?.? Then he thought of something: ?Aw, Geez! What?s she doin? with my body!? Is she having fun, and leavin? me out?? ?March!!? his sisters yelled, while Carol Queen drained the cup. ?Jerk,? Ellis said. - ?Let?s get this *over *with?? Dinah said from her seat on her little brother. ?This guy doesn?t want to give up!? ? ? Cause I know what?s comin?!!? Ellis screamed. = ?Well, *I *don?t!? March said, placing his hands well away from his female parts. ?Where?s Alice with my body? What?s the secret to gettin? it back?!? Mom practically collapsed into the recliner. ?I don?t know if it?s not better he keeps thinking Alice is coming back.? ?Alice isn?t coming back?!!? March cried in horror. ?Well, ?Alice??? Dinah said, twisting Ellis?s arms, ?Sooner or later, Alice is comin? back: How?d you like him to get friendly with her?? ?Eww!?. After spendin? all that time alone with the body,? Deana said, truly disgusted. ?OK! OK!!? Ellis cried at the thought. ?I?ll make that jackass understand!!? ?Finally,? Dinah said, able to release her aching hold on the little creep. Ellis was up before his big sister was able to get off of him completely. ?March! Alice is *two *people!? ?Yeah; so?? ?He still won?t get it!? Deana said. ?I get it! Alice has my body! Of course, she?s two people! And *I?m *two people!? What do you have for brains?Jell-O!!?? little brother wanted to attack the woman. ?March: You are Alice. And _*I _* am Alice! We both share the same body.? March looked at Ellis, puzzled. He leaned forward; and looked into his eyes. ?Alice? Are you in Ellis?? ?AAAA!!!? Ellis screamed, backing away in a hurry. And stumbled over Dinah, still on the floor. ?We?ve just managed to make things worse,? Deana announced. ?Alice!? March said, getting up to help her. ?Stay away from me!!? Ellis cried, fumbling in his pants pocket, but, at last, pulling out his piece of the magic mirror from his pants pocket. ?_This _ is why you were interested in Ellis: It was part of some weird witch spell! I *knew *it wasn?t because you actually?? ~ ?Work! Work!!? the ten-year-old Ellis cried in frustration, until, at last, March was so close, he had to look at the mirror shoved up in his face. And his brother was a guy again. Ellis turned the mirror around. Alice was back. ?Run!? the twins cried. The now 5?4? tall woman was up on his feet as quick as any cartoon, shoving the 5?10? March backwards with such force that he fell down into the couch. ?I?m gonna make sure he *never *comes near me again!!? | ?I?m strangely calm,? Carol Queens said, sitting in a quiet daze in the chair. = ?Alice! If you?d just give me a chance?? The banshee?s wail was stopped by the ?YeeOwp! Oomp! Oop! Oog! Ow, Ow! Oof! Oop!? whoosh, wham, bang, crash, crash, tinkle, bump of Ellis?s soft, round body being dented as it bounced off of the walls, ceiling, and furniture. The *destruction *of the living and dining rooms stopped when Ellis, zooming over his very still mother, crashed through the bay window. ?Alice!? the golden haired March cried, rushing over the rubble and glass to the window. - ?Can?t he aim!?? Dinah said, stepping back into the living room. _ ?Mom!!? Deana cried, running over to the woman sitting in her chair, not moving a muscle. = ?Alice, you?re back to being Ellis again!? the somewhat muscular March said, stepping up on the window seat and jumping into the daylight. The robe flew up. Nobody was thinking about what the neighbors might chance to see. - Dinah walked over to where Alice-Ellis had been standing, and picked up the shard of mirror he?d dropped. _ ?Mom! It?s going to be all right!? Deana said, gently pushing on her. ?Alice is a witch: Remember all those _other _messes she made??? = ?You made me you again!? Alice-March said from out in the front lawn. ?I *Wanted *to make you sorry!!? Ellis yelled. - ?The mirror was *facing *him!? Dinah smiled at her native cunning. _ ??Well, he _didn?t _clean the firecracker mark from the drive way. And March?s bed is still ruined from the fire?But he *Did *fix the bathroom door!? honest Deana tried to reassure her mother. ~ ?Leave me alone?Put me down!!? Ellis yelled from outside. ?Alice! I?m not trying to *Do *anything! You got the wrong kind of body, now!? - ?I was right! If a witch does anything too close to a mirror?Boomerang!? Dinah smile became more self-satisfied. _ ?And the soot all over the house!? Deana beamed, happy that she?d came to the disaster that *had *been totally undone. But, ?Oh, you we?re here. Were you, Mom. You, uh, didn?t know about the explosion?? = ?Let Go of me!! I?ll turn you into a _Frog _!! And there are no princesses around to turn you back!!? - Dinah was frowning as she checked her broken piece of the magic, ?Of course, it?s not the best looking jewelry.? ?Can?t you think of *Mom *for a few minutes!?? Deana yelled at her non-identical twin. = ?Everybody knows only princess get turned into frogs, Alice.? March told Ellis, as the woman carried the ten-year-old through the front door in her strong arms; underneath his breasts. ?That?s the _stupidest _thing to say! _I?ll _turn you into a *prince *first, then!!? - ?Help is on the way,? Dinah told her worry-wart sister. ?Hey, Alice; I mean, March: Don?t you think Mom should lighten up?? ?Dinah!!? Deana screamed. = ?Then I?ll be _your _prince: and rescue from this evil spell!? ?Why can?t I Barf when I want to!!? - Dinah came up to the woman coming into the wrecked room, ?I can turn you back, March?But, first, do you think mom should take things more easy? Dinah tackled her annoying sister! ?That?s enough, Dinah!! How can you *Think *about puttin? a spell on Mom!!? Deana yelled, getting a better perch on her on the gypsum-dusted floor, as she grasped her head in her hands. ?I?m doin? her a favor!!? Dinah tried to tell her too good sister. ?Mom?s been stressed out ever since the separation! She needs to relax and lighten up!? March looked down at his weird sisters with his large green eyes, ?I think you all need to relax and lighten up.? ?AAEE!!? Deana screamed, holding her own head now, anticipating what he?d just said to happen. ?I?m already relaxed and light,? Dinah tried to smile, for the same reason. ~ Ellis freed an arm, and hit March across the face, kicking with his feet and legs. ?Do you *Know *what it?s like to have to feel your soft, curvy body from the outside, too?!? He escaped. And fell to the floor, his legs on Dinah, Deana between. ?What am I saying!!?? - Dinah?s hand with the mirror shard was beside him. Ellis was Alice again. _ Deana attacked the older looking woman, Ellis, ?Change me back!! I *WANT *to be stressed out and uptight!!? ?You can?t have mine!? Ellis told her despite the fingers pressed into his long throat. = ?Alice, if we could just sit down and talk, then I know we could?? the teenage boy March tried to pull Deana off of the woman, almost stepping on Dinah. - ?March! Put a lid on it, before Ellis really blows!? Dinah said, trying to wrestle him down by his legs. ?At least wait until he?s undone *this *damage!? = Something pushed March; he fell faster than Dinah could let go; he took Deana with him; and she refused to release Alice-Ellis. | Ellis was up on one of his flared hips, when he found himself being snatched up. ?That?s enough of that,? their mother told them quite calmly. ?I?m going to take a bubble bath, and get dressed. I expect everything to be straightened out by the time I get back,? she announced, almost smiling. Ellis watched her leave. She was humming to herself as she left for her room. = ?Alice?? the larger teenager March was stopped by Dinah jumping top of him, and shoving his shoulders down to the floor. _ ?NOW look what you?ve done with that stupid wish of yours!!? Deana told her, trying to turn around enough from beneath March to get at her evil twin. ?The stupid wish included you, too, Dododome! Why aren?t you acting like?? = ?Get off of me!!? March yelled, using his boy-strength to rise up, taking the younger girl with him. - ?Eee!!? Dinah cried, holding on to keep from falling. - Alice-Ellis stood there, and did nothing but have a sick look on his face. = ?Alice (aHRmm!)? he tried to say with two arms wrapped around his throat?which he was trying to pry off. ?I hhave been a-r jerk. Yyou want-ed to teach me?? _ ?Get off of him!! You?re just gonna to cause more trouble!? Deana cried, on her knees, and pulling with the arms she had wrapped around Dinah. - Losing her grip, Dinah yelled back, ?Let go!! You?re only gonna to make me?? = ??Will you stop it!!? March cried, pulling forward. ~ Ellis tried his best to ignore what was coming. He did not move. As best he could, he did react in any way. He just stood there until? = March was nearly free from the arms around his neck; Deana felt Dinah about to fall, and instinctively let go; Dinah?s momentum combined with March?s pulling; he stumbled forward with his sister on his back, until? _ Deana screamed as she watched the two of them land on top of the witch, sending ?her? to the floor beneath them!! - Alice-Ellis?s subconscious reacted to the disgust he instantly felt: Alice ?s power was unleashed: - Ellis?s conscious became *very *disgusted?Grossed out, in fact! ?Stupid subconscious!!? ?Alice? was laying on top of him, ?her? breasts pressed against his upper stomach, her eyes almost looking straight into his. = ?Alice, you?re Ellis again!? - ?Oh, yuck!? Dinah cried, rolling off of the soft warm body she found her self laying on. She had enough body issues without that butt pressing up into her belly. = ?Get off me,? Ellis managed to get out of his squashed body. ?Oh, yes; right!? March said, getting his knees on the floor and rising up; he took Ellis with him in his slender hands. ?I understand you were trying to teach me a lesson, and I learned it?? - ?What happened? I mean, *how *did it happen?!!? Dinah asked, getting up on her knees as well, and staring. ?You?re the one who?s suppose to be keepin? track of how the magic works!? Deana told her. ?March fell on Ellis.? ?I know that!! But why did he get changed back to Alice without the sun?!? ?Ellis wished Alice on him?? ?Of course!!? Dinah stood up on her knees, grinning. ?Ellis wouldn?t especially wanta be Alice when March was messin? with her! Wishing her on the one who?s pawing her is?.? Deana said it a second before her sister: ?I could be Alice!!? ?No, me, first!!? Dinah yelled, getting one foot under her, ready to? ?March doesn?t think like Ellis, you know!!? --struggle to keep from falling on the wrong Alice! = ?Will everybody leave me alone so I can talk to Alice in peace for once!!? March scream. His subconscious unleashed its wish. On TV, March?s subconscious knew, witches could freeze everybody else! Anyone the witch didn?t want to talk to couldn?t move or talk. They wouldn?t even know it happened to them; when they unfroze, they would continue doing what they had been doing. And that?s what his conscious *wanted *to happen. Only: - Dinah couldn?t maintain her shaky balance. She fell. She landed on the witch March had become. _ Deana hid her eyes behind her hands, expecting to hear an explosion or something. = ?Why can?t everybody just leave us alone so we can talk!!? March screamed in frustration in his soprano voice, as he flipped Dinah off with his narrower shoulders. _ All Deana heard was the sound of a body hitting the floor. ?Oh, no! He? - ?He didn?t do anything??? Dinah said, starting to un-tense from the semi-fetal position she?d landed in next to the broken end-table, now that she, apparently, hadn?t been zapped. = Hoping this was his chance, March talked as quickly as he could to the kid brother he still held in his hands, ?I know I?ve been actin? like a jerk. You are a sister, or something. I know when I get around somebody as really beautiful as you, I can lose it?? _ ?Don?t tell me March didn?t zap you because?you?re a girl?? Deana asked, looking now. - ?I?m your sister, you jerk! You shoulda zapped me!!? Dinah yelled, thrusting herself up off the floor with one hand, while waving a fist. ~ ?Let go of me, you stupid creep!!? Ellis cried. March did, while still explaining: ??I want to be friends: Beautiful women have gotta have beautiful friends, right? I promise I won?t?? ?Let me get up!? Ellis told his big, dumb brother, whose round butt was nearly on his toes as she stood on her knees around his legs. March did. ??Just havin? a chance to be around somebody as beautiful as you is more?n I normally get. So, I wouldn?t want you to?? ?Get up! Stand up!? Ellis told him. As March began to do that, Ellis pulled his legs out from under him. _ ?He didn?t *do *anything, because all he can think about is ?April?,? Deana said. ?March may not be a true pervert, but he was still a boy!? Getting her knees under herself, Dinah was still fuming over what hadn?t happened to her, stared at her big brother with the (what?) size 35/36C?s?, ?He?d better keep his dirty boy-mind on her!? ~ ?Help me up!? Ellis demanded. As March reached his slender hand down, ??You might even get to like me, you know, as a friend?or something. I mean, I?m not that bad a guy, if you?? _ ?Dinah?? Deana asked, a new worry entering her voice. ?Are you beginnin? to think what I am?? ?I don?t want to be Alice, now,? Dinah said. ~ ??All I?m askin? is that you give me a chance! You are goin? to be livin? here?You are going to be livin? with me, and the family, right? You?re not a college student that lives in a?? ?March, shut up, already!!? Ellis told the guy who couldn?t find an end to his annoying rambling. ?Not until you say you forgive me. And could you give me my body back? I like girls, but it?s kind of hard to like girls when you have to feel?? _ ?What happened to the mind control?? Deana asked. ?Doubly gross!!? Dinah cried. ?Only the body still belongs to Ellis!? ?You mean, if we got changed into Alice?? Deana became pale. ?What!!?!? Ellis cried. He did not become pale; he became a sick green. ?You just figured that out!?!? Dinah surprised, and appalled. = ??It?s the outside that I?d like to feel. No, offense, Alice. I mean, I?m not going to feel you. Unless, of course?? ?What is with that _Beyond _*stupid *brother of ours!!?!? Deana yelled. ?He ?s not listenin? to a thing that?s being said!!? ?Boy?s don?t like to listen!? Dinah cried in frustration. ?Especially a guy who refuses to face facts!? Before she got up, she retrieved her mirror shard from the floor nearby. ??You do like guys, don?t you? Unless, maybe; is that why you turned me into a girl? I bet that?s it! You really do like me! You like me so much you gave me your body, so?? ?Stop him! Stop him!!? Deana cried. ?Everything just keeps getting worse and worse with him!!? ?If you can?t make him shut up, then: Make him go away!!? Dinah yelled, as if a danger was about to land on them. ?March: Go up stairs! And stay there! --And don?t touch anything!!? ??But does that mean you like being a guy? I don?t know if I want to do anything with another guy?,? March continued his babbling as he turned, and headed for the stairs. ??and one that looks like a kid? My little brother? They say that I can be twisted. Now that?s?? Putting her shard in her pocket, Dinah went to Ellis, and grabbed him by his shoulders, and shook, ?You know what?s going to happen: Feel the horror! Feel the disgust! Feel his hands on you!! If you can get through to him, do it now: Before it?s too late!!? _ ?You have gone crazy!!? Deana yelled, up on a knee and a foot as she reached out a hand. ?First it?ll be March: Then US!!? ?We?re not Alice!? ?Yet!! And if Ellis can do it, only stupidity?s goin? to keep March from doing it!!? Deana almost stumbled in her hurry to get up, and at her insane sister. (March was just stupid.) Dinah looked over her shoulder, and said to ward her too sane sister off, ?But if we can get to March _ *before *_he learns the trick, he?ll never learn the trick!? ?Okay! That?ll only leave the Pustule to worry about!? Deana was in her face. ?You?ve always gotta stay two worries ahead of time, don?t you?! One thing at a time! First the jerk, *then *the Pustule!? - ?How can I do *anything *with you guys yammering all the time!!? Ellis yelled as he broke out of Dinah?s grip. ?I?ve been trying to mind control you jerks all day!! If you have to be an Alice for me to do it--I wish you two where Alices, too!!? ?No!!? Deana stumbling back, and landing her butt on the couch. ?I am Alice!? Deana heard Dinah say. What?? Dinah said that? Deana peeked. Dinah was *not *Alice. She wasn?t anything but Dinah! ?That was mean!!? ?And that was stupid of the ?smart? sister,? Dinah smiled. ?These things happen all at once: Snap your fingers, fast. Just like they do on TV!? ?You mean?He can?t do it because, huh?March is Alice?? - ? ?He? is right here to hear you!? Ellis told her, finally giving up his attempt to make his wish come true. ?Do you have _any _power, now?? Dinah asked, getting a wicked smiled. ?Dinah, you?re playin? with fire, again!? ?If he?s only a witch when he?s Alice, and he?s not Alice, any more?? she was still smiling. ?I still have Alice!? he told her, only backing up a step. ?And he?s upstairs. Leaving you all alone,? Dinah said, taking that step towards him. ?He can?t be Alice *all *the time!? Ellis backed up again. ?How do we know?? Dinah said, taking *two *steps towards him. Suddenly Ellis was gone, and Alice was back. ?Aw, rats!!? Dinah cried, stomping a foot. ?That?s not what you were suppose to do!? ?You, you were testin? him?? Deana asked. ?Yes!? she said, crossing her arms, and walking to the recliner. ?I wanted to see if he could use magic through Alice when Alice was somebody else!? and she dropped herself over the arm, to sit the wrong way. ?Stop talkin? about me behind my back in front of my face! I?m a witch again! *Now *, I can wish something bad on you!!? ?Go ahead,? Dinah said, her arms crossed. ?What!?!? Deana, across on the couch cried. ?You?re not afraid of me?? Alice said, coming over to threaten her. ?Ask me when I?ve something to be afraid of,? she said, a smile starting to break her frown. ?Fine: I will!!? And Alice?did nothing. But make stupid faces. ?I knew I was more cleaver than the ?boy genius of mischief?,? Dinah said, the frown completely gone now. Even Deana was almost relieved. ?You?ve figured out how his magic works!!? ?Maybe. I just know he can?t do it unless he?s physically or emotionally threatened.? ?You mean??? Deana said, rising to her feet, unable to say the words of hope, and have hope became disappointment. ?Yep. Just leave him alone, and he can?t do anything to you.? ?Thank heavens!? Deana said, the delayed relief flowing through her body; she slumped over, the weight on her leaving. ?But,? Dinah smiled wickedly, again, pulling out her shard of mirror, ?we can do things to him.? ?Not as cleaver, hunh?? Ellis frowned, definitely trying to work himself up to something. ?I can?t do anything to you, hunh?! ?Give me that!!? ?Yeek!!? Dinah cried, caught by the unanticipated tactic. She stretched her arm as far away as she could. Little brother Ellis now had the advantage in height and weight; plus, he was standing while she was sitting. He trapped Dinah?s legs between his, while pinning her left hand down, as he reached for the hand that tried to escape his. ?Deana: Catch!!? Dinah managed to toss the piece of mirror just before Ellis grabbed her darting wrist. ?I don?t want it!!? Deana cried, jumping away from it, letting it fall on the carpet. Ellis let go of Dinah. ?Grab it and run, Dododome!!? ?And let his subconscious feel threatened!?!? Deana said, backing away, until one knee was on the couch. ?That?s what he wants!!? ?Chicken!? ?A live one, I hope.? Ellis reached down (a grimacing at the sway of breasts), and snatched up the shard. He more slowly rose up (pulling down on his shirt). He, then, started towards Deana. ?H, here!? she said, reaching into her pocket, and taking out her shard; it was carefully wrapped in a handkerchief. ?Dododome: How were you going to protect yourself with the magic part covered up?!? ?I didn?t want to cut myself!? ?That?s more important than getting zapped!!?? Ellis reached out his bigger, but slimmer hand. = ?Alice? D, did I embarrass my--? came March?s voice from the bottom of the stairs. ?Aaa!!? Ellis cried as if struck by electricity. ?What took you so long!?? Dinah said, rolling herself out of the recliner. ?I?m not talking to you,? March said, reddening even further. He was no longer in his robe, but a pair of old pants and a tee shirt (?PinkLightning!?). ?Oh, I get it. Ellis forgot about bathroom breaks,? she said, passing in front of Ellis. Ellis snapped out of his fright. ?What!?? March told her, becoming more embarrassed. ?Dinah snatched Deana?s piece of mirror on her way up and over the couch. ?You had to change your clothes because you had an accident!? ?I didn?t have an accident!? March told her indignantly. ?I made it to the bathroom on time.? ?I hope Mom took her bath in the master.? Dinah, turned, and flipped the hankie that hid the good side away. Ellis had just jumped over, himself. ?How can you do that so easily with boobs!?!? ?It helps to be ?Peter Pan?,? the size B said, giving herself another reason not to counter-zap the Pustule. = ?Alice, I don?t know what came over me,? March tried to explain. ?Every time I get near you some?some thing comes over me. I think, I mean, do you think it could--? ?Don?t say it!!? Deana cried. ?If you ever want to love again--!!? Suddenly the big mouth shut up. A couple of syllables too late. ?Bye-bye, Deana,? Dinah said, holding up ?her? mirror-shield in front of her. Ellis, too, thrust ?his? shard in front of him, while squeezing his eyes together, and praying. ?I *just *wanted to say, I think I love you like a big sister!? ?What??? Deana asked, her mouth dropping. ?I didn?t hear what I heard, did I?? Ellis asked, opening one eye. ?He did it?,? Dinah said, *now *starting to be afraid. ?I mean, I never _had _a big sister. I was always the oldest. That?s nice, and all. But to have someone old enough to?? ?Oh, please don?t get wound up again!? Deana begged. ?You?re right,? March said, stopping himself. ?I guess I have been making a fool of myself.? ?Oh, my?god,? Dinah said. ?He?s not a jerk any more.? ?Yeah, but for how long?? Ellis asked. ?Let?s hope it?s only until he sees the light.? ?I guess the best way to get Alice to trust me, is not to do anything more to upset her. If you don?t mind, I?ll just sit in the dinning room and wait.? March said, doing just that. ~ Then, a smile crept over Ellis?s thick lips. ?I *can *do it!? ?No you can?t!!? Deana told him. ?I?m not going to let you mind control me!!? ?*Now *you?re not going to let him! You should have thought of that before he got my mirror!? And even as Dinah said the magic word. ?Yes! The mirrors! It takes *two *mirrors!!? Ellis whooped. ?Uh, unh!? Dinah said, making sure hers was out of his reach. ?It takes two *people *!? ?It does not!? Ellis said, threatening to come towards her: ?They would *still *reflect!? ?But what?s *in *them would be different!? Dinah said, starting to back away. ?Not if I make sure that it?s the same kind of reflection!? ?Care to do an experiment and find out who?s right?!? Dinah challenged. ?No!? Ellis challenged right back, threatening to go after what he wanted. ?Go ahead,? Dinah said, holding up her mirror piece as if in a showdown. ?Make my day.? ?Stupid: All I have to do is take it. I don?t _have _to--? Deana ran away with the mirror in Ellis?s hand halfway before he knew it was gone. ?It doesn?t matter!? he yelled. ?*Any *mirror will do! All I have to do is?.? ?Is what?? Deana said. ?You really don?t know what you did right!? she challenged, coming to a stop near March, sitting at the dining room table, watching(?) ?Yeeah! ? Dinah said. ?If you don?t do it right, you?re gonna have your magic zapped right back at you!? she almost laughed. Now there were *two *mirrors facing him. ?Come on, March,? Deana said, putting her hand under his upper arm. ?Let?s go outside.? ?I don?t want to. I want to be here, with Alice. If I show her I can behave--? ? ?Alice? wants to go outside, too,? Dinah said, staring at Ellis. ?Don?t you, ?Alice??! ? ?Yeah, I guess I do,? Ellis admitted (temporary) defeat. ?It?ll be good to change out of this body.? + + + As soon as the sunlight hit him on the front stoop, he was who he wanted to be: Himself! And March, still in the house, became Alice. ?Well, that?s still the same,? Dinah said, looking as the woman came out to the stoop. ?I?m Alice again,? March said, looking down at the 3? swells out on his chest. ? ?And Alice is Ellis?,? Deana prompted from behind. ?He already _knows _that, Dododome. What we want to know is does he know *why *Alice is Ellis,? Dinah said, making room for them. ?Do you know why?? Deana asked. ?He?d better! I?m getting tired of his stupidity,? Ellis said, crossing his arms over his flat chest. March blinked, and put his hand to his head, ?Oh, I feel like I?m waking up from a bad dream.? ?You _were _a nightmare,? Dinah agreed. ?I hope he doesn?t consider *this *a ?good dream?,? Deana said. ?I thought you girls _liked _being girls,? Ellis taunted. ?I am a girl,? March said more matter-of-factly than anything else. ?Before I, I guess I just couldn?t deal with it.? ?*That *I can understand,? Dinah said. ?The way *he *thinks of girls.? ?Eww!? Deana said. ?No wonder he was in a trauma.? ?Well, deal with it!? Ellis told him. ?We?re *both *stuck with the same boat.? ?Only *his *half is leaky.? ?Don?t go there, Dinah!? Deana warned her evil twin. ?March; you accept you turn into a girl. That means you can?t think of girls the same way, right?? ?I don?t know?,? March said, sounding as if he still hadn?t quite woken up from his ?dream?. ?What about--? ?No, March!? Deana said. ?There appears to be some resistance to his anti-stupidity shot,? Dinah said. ?Ellis?!? ?I don?t care what he thinks about girls: Just as long as he leaves *Me *out of it!? ?Er, ?boy genius?,? Dinah said, putting an arm on the twerp?s now small shoulder. ?Who?s gonna be stuck to clean up the messes ?Alice? creates?after ?Alice? skips?? ?A-ergh!!? Ellis cried, pulling his hair (and bumping Dinah and a boob out of the way). ?I *am *goin? to have to be a genius, aren?t I!? I only know *how *to get into mischief, not out!!? ?Oh, I?d say March?s gonna have the title ?chief trouble-maker? from now on,? Deana said. ?I *hate *competition!? ?If we weren?t gonna be in the fall-out zone, I?d laugh,? Dinah said. ?The Pustule?s gonna get his just desserts thrown back in his face again and again!? ?Why can?t you just say ?poetic justice??? Deana asked. ?Too booky. That?s your style.? ?What are you guys talkin? about?? March asked, still in his fog. ?Definitely still stupid. His deny ability remains.? ?Only redirected. I hope,? Deana agreed. ?We still haven?t established if he thinks Alice is Ellis, or vice versa.? ?Do you want to take that, ?Alice??? Dinah asked. ?No!? Ellis said, backing up, down a step. ?Then I will.? And in her best ?get-the-boys-attention? voice, she said, ?Oh, Ma-arch. What would you say, if I could get Alice to go on a date with you? --When she becomes Alice, again, of course.? ?Only if he?d do it where the guys can see us.? ?He?s hopeless: Utterly--??? Deana stopped. ?He did! He did say ?he?!!? Dinah cried, grinning from ear to ear. ?We?ve won! We?ve won a battle!? ?I did say it, didn?t I,? March said, hearing himself for the first time. ?Wow! That ?un-black magic? works,? Deana said, still not quite believing it was over. ?Ewrr! I?ve *got *to figure out how this works!? Ellis said. ?If only it didn?t mean I could become as stupid as he is!? ?That?s what you?ve got me for, little bro?,? Dinah smiled at him in triumph. ?Meaning? Why would you want to help me to --Oh: Wishes!? (?Wishes?? March asked.) ?Yep! What else is magic for?? ?How do you know that I won?t--? ?What?? she continued to smiled down on him, pretending not to have heard him. ?_Nothing _,? he smiled back up at her, pretending he hadn?t said anything. ?There she goes again; she?s going to get burned for sure,? Deana said. ? Like toast.? ?Is March over there?!? a boy?s call came from the other side of the street. ?Adam!!? March cried. He dashed back inside. And turned back to March!! ?I thought I had this magic figured out!!? Dinah yelled in frustration. Alice just yelled: From the other side of the street. ?Still stupid,? Deana said. ?Definitely.? To be continued? ?Mirror, Mirror?: There was a low time when the only thing I could write was something that would just keep my hand in at writing. I wrote this not knowing where it would take me. Now, I think I know, thanks to Fictionmania.

Same as Mirror, Mirror Part 4 - Once a Boy Videos

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The Making of a Houseboy

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The Houseboy

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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 8

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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 5

“Come on Granny Tsunade, where are we going?” Naruto was becoming annoyed very quickly. He was being led down the street by Tsunade and Shizune blindfolded. “STOP CALLING ME THAT!!! And like I said before, it’s a surprise.” “Easy Lady Tsunade, you know he just calls you that cause you’re a friend to him.” “I know but you know how sensitive I am about my age.” They walked down the street for a few more minutes before coming to a sudden halt casing Naruto to walk...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 7

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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 3

Introduction: This is a story I posted first on Adult Fanfiction.net and I got a huge response. Now Im spreading the love. Enjoy. Authors Note- Just so you guys know, each part to this story is made up of two chapters of my original AFF.net story. WARNING: This chapter contains rape elements. I, in no way shape or form condone the actual action of rape. It is a crime and I DO NOT encourage it. 57 Days Until The Concert Naruto was sitting on the couch watching TV with Hinata while Hanabi and...

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The Mirror1

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Introduceing the Spartan Spitter

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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 6

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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 3

57 Days Until The Concert Naruto was sitting on the couch watching TV with Hinata while Hanabi and Haku were out shopping for new furnishings for his house, when an envelope was slipped under the door. Naruto got up and picked it up, opened it and read aloud. ""Naruto, I know what you have going on at your little "Palace of Lust" and I plan to go straight to Hiyashi about it and he wont take this shit. Unless you bring 1000 ryo to the park at 10:00 I just might let...

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Introduceing the Spartan Spitter

Story: #25 Copyright ©2005 Written: February 06 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughter's disregarded your rules and ran out again, you wish there was some way to spit and process them without spending a fortune, flipping...

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My man Roger and I have had sexual adventures that many people would be envious of: some incredulous of even. Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me and before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. In the afterglow of a recent wonderful sex session (just the two of us) I remarked that of all the sexual combinations we had enjoyed I had never seen Roger suck another man’s cock. “Some of your...

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Escapadinha no Douro Parte 3

Parte 3- Boa! Exclamou o J, que logo se refreou um pouco perante a minha quase indiferença.- Excelente ideia I, concordou o P, e como temos pouca roupa em cima de nós acaba num instante. Risos.- Não sei não…disse eu, tentando reverter a decisão que parecia tomada.- Qual é o problema? De qualquer forma já nos vimos todos nuzinhos hoje à tarde! Argumentou o J.Estava-se mesmo a ver onde eles nos queriam levar, mas perante tanta insistência e concordância, não seria eu a estragar o barato. Tb era...

2 years ago
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7 de octubre 2017ESTEBAN, DAVID, MIGUELDurante el día fui hacer compras para mi casa y fui a vitriniar en un centro comercial, luego en la tarde me puse a ver una película con Denzel Washington y Marc Anthony sobre un secuestro, no pude ver el final ya que me dormí, lastima pero sabía que con la dormida tendría más energía para la noche.Me aliste para salir sola, me entro la idea durante la semana, una ducha y loción corporal para estar deliciosa. Salí bastante sexy para provocar, fui a un...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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GRAN BEL PASTICCIO -parte 1Una serata andata male!?!Dipende dai punti di vista... vediamo un poco. Dal mio punto di vista, beh... si!Appuntamento alle 21.30.Auto lustra e con pieno.Agghindato come un albero di Natale.Arrapato come...Lei mora, occhi verdi, un poco a mandorla, bella al naturale, un seno proporzionato con due capezzoli che dietro al costume erano sempre turgidi, fianchi perfetti, alti e stretti, ginocchia esili ed ossute, caviglie sottili, glutei da bralilera, ballerina ed...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Crude experiences of a femboy

Aelvir was born into a normal family with a young brother and one older brother. Growing up, he began to notice his body wasn't growing quite like the other males. He steadily began to recognize that his arms, legs, hips, and even overall body curvature wasn't at all similar to much of the males he sees, especially even at school. He even noticed that the others even gave him odd looks whenever he was present and/or nearby. It wasn't till highschool that he noticed it even more. First, the...

1 year ago
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"Nick, Donny's here again. Pay the boy, now," ShirleyCummings said. Nick Cummings, 27, was a tall, strongly ruggedbusinessman. His wife was going away for the weekend to visither mother.The newspaper boy, Donny, came up the walkway with a bundleof papers in his hand."Hi, Mr. Cummings!" The boy said cheerily. Nick leaned outof the door and stared dreamily at the young man. Donny woretight 501 Levi's and no shirt. Nick watched as the boy bent overto pick up a coin he'd dropped.Nick's...

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the paperboy


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Tipping The Paperboy

Have you ever wanted to just do something really naughty? Well, I have. My name is Tammy, and I was divorced about 4 months ago. My ex was a scum bag that had no idea of how to treat or please a woman, if you know what I mean. Oh sure, we all want the bad boy when we are dating, but ultimately, they make terrible husbands and lovers. We lasted a whopping 9 months before I caught the bastard cheating on me with a filthy little skank from the grocery store. Well, I say good riddance; she can have...

3 years ago
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Lenfance DAlex Partie 1

Note de l'auteur: vous trouverez dans ce chapitre et dans les suivants, quelques tranches de vie de l'enfance d'Alexandre. Ces petites histoires, qui se d?roulent entre 10 et 15 ans environ, permettront d'accompagner Alexandre dans la d?couverte de sa vraie personnalit?. L'enfance d'Alex - Partie 1 Arriv?e... La nouvelle maison ------------------------ Victor Martis n'?tais pas m?content de quitter cet appartement qui commen?ait ? ?tre trop petit pour eux trois... Il savait qu'Alexandre serait ...

3 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 4

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 4 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 17 - Nouveau look Assise ? son bureau, Jessica se demanda comment Sam serait habill? ce lundi matin, elle trouvait qu'il avait un gout tr?s s?r pour coordonner ses v?tements. Il avait tellement chang? depuis trois semaines qu'elle se demandait si c'?tait bien le m?me ...

4 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 6

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 6 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 23 - Un matin enchant? Sam eut toutes les peines du monde ? ouvrir les yeux et de plus, il avait une affreuse migraine. Il regarda autour de lui mais pas moyen de se rappeler comment il ?tait venu jusqu'? sa chambre. Quel jour d?j?? Ah oui, samedi... il a...

3 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 7

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 7 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 25 - M?tamorphose Comme maintenant tous les matins, Sam se r?veilla dans le lit de son cousin et la nuit avait ?t? encore une fois merveilleuse. Il sourit et l'embrassa pour le r?veiller. "Chris, c'est d?j? lundi, il faut se lever." Chris ouvrit p?niblement les ye...

1 year ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 8

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 8 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 29 - La Nouvelle Fille de l'Agence Le soir venu, Samantha rentra chez elle et attendit impatiemment Kathy. Quand elle arriva, elle trouva Sam si adorable dans son ensemble rose bonbon qu'elle ne put r?sister ? la tentation de la caresser. Comme Chris...

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