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Blister by Alyssa Amene Palin 2001 [email protected] *** It was the long walk up the drive that always posed the first problem; the bullying on the bus home the second. So what to do? To walk slowly, staring at the ground, letting everyone pass me by, and so get a bad seat on the bus? To walk quickly, overtaking all the way, but have to pass all those who hate me? Whom I hate. If I walk steady, I've found they tend to seek me out anyway. When I get to the bus, no matter where I sit, someone will seek me out. Even the first-years are scoring points off me now. So I wait. Five, maybe ten minutes, on the bench behind the science block. Beside the greenhouse, where no one ever goes. And then, when all my peers have trudged up the drive and boarded the bus back to their own particular domestic paradise, I can begin the walk home. It's only five miles. *** My name is Christopher. Christopher Anthony Leach. Chris to his friends, although he doesn't have many. I hover somewhere on the periphery of life, drawing vicariously off others' experiences. I ask a lot of questions, but if I ever want to receive answers I'll have to ask them out loud sometime. *** There's no pavement on this section. I've lost count of the number of times I've nearly been run over; the cars swerve madly, only just missing the nondescript figure they hadn't seen a moment before. Perpetually enclosed in the bushes and the overhang from trees. Today, it's raining, which makes the journey home all the more pleasant. Times like these I really start to wonder just what it is I'm doing; I ought to just get the bus home, and put up with it for the scant half-hour it takes to meander through the local villages. Times like these I can really despise myself. *** Who am I? What am I? And why? *** Nearly home now. There's the turn into my village, and it's time for the great debate. Do I spend another twenty minutes on the path through the woods, coming out at the end of the estate, or do I just go down the main road? Of course, if I do that then I'll have to pass the Bench. The bench outside the shop. It's amazing how such an innocuous item can acquire such a veneer of loathsomeness. It's taken me over an hour to get here from the school; ample time for the dumb Neanderthals to get home, get changed, grab their skateboards - and whatever else they feel they need to appear in public sans ripped uniform - and congregate around the damn thing. I feel certain (although I know this is stupid) that they go there just to torment me, to shout at me, and then go home when I've rounded the corner. Today, like most days, I opt for the path, despite the rain. As I squelch home through the loosening mud I cannot help but reflect on my life. *** The entire purpose of my existence is to make others feel big, or to amuse them, or to brighten up their lives in some minuscule way they'll forget in ten minutes' time and I will remember for years. What do I do? Okay, so I mope, I don't talk to anyone and I constantly look as if I'm on the verge of tears, but why does this offend them? They use any excuse to - and thanks a lot, guys, by the way - make my life just that little bit more miserable than it already is. And they laugh about it with their mates: the short, wimpy bloke with the straggly hair and bad clothes - shit, isn't he funny! *** Damn. My mum's home; her car is on the drive. I sigh, and put the key in the lock. No sooner am I through the door than, "Hi! How was your day?" emanates from the kitchen. "Fine," I reply, trying to sound as if I'm smiling. She asks me if I want a cup of tea. I decline and make my way up the stairs to my room. I set down my bag, unpack the contents and put them away, and grab my dressing gown and the bag I keep behind my chest of drawers, all with the automated feel you get when your mind is on something else. "I'm going to have a bath," I yell down the stairs, and without waiting for an answer, go into the bathroom and lock the door. The very fact that you can lock it makes the bathroom my favourite room in the house. I could be doing anything in here: snorting drugs, dissecting the cat, anything, and so long as I was quiet, no one would know. I go to the toilet, wash my hands, and then start the bath running. I strip, weigh myself (eight and a half stone) and climb into the bath. I let the scorching water blister my feet as I hold them under the hot tap, until the water level rises enough to submerge them. I turn off the taps, lay my head against the side of the bath, and cry. *** Today had been a particularly bad day. I mean much worse than usual. My days normally consist of some teasing, some name-calling, and maybe having my bag nicked or the contents thrown around, all set against the 'background- noise' of self-hatred. Today was worse than that. Much worse. I had been crouched behind the geography hut, reading my book, a safe distance away from everyone else in the entire school, when I was ambushed. It helps to think of it as an ambush (or maybe it doesn't), to think that these people had planned it all. It was much worse to believe the truth, which was that it just happened. Some tenth-years had come up behind the hut to have a smoke away from teachers' eyes, and had spotted me there. Of course, as soon as I noticed them I got up and started to walk somewhere else. Of course, they assumed I was going to tell a teacher. Five of them, one of me. And the added humiliation of walking around school that afternoon, everyone knowing that here was a sixth-former who'd been beaten up by a bunch of people barely into GCSEs, was horrible. I had to walk with a limp, which made me even funnier to look at. *** I reach down beside the bath, groping around for the bag I'd brought in with me. I find it and raise it to my eyes. (somehow, dramatising the situation seems to make it easier; always imagine you're in a film, and the experience becomes less real) I pull out the blade inside - from my dad's box of disposable razors, with the handle removed. With my body naked, visible through the clear water, I can see each and every bruise; each and every one a dark, hideous purple: the mark of a punch of hatred. No, not hatred. That implies a personal stake. I was just there. I cast my eyes to my right arm (I'd made sure to keep it out of the water; wet skin doesn't cut so easily). The old scars and the newer cuts, yet to completely heal; raised welts on the skin. My head spinning, the tears spilling down my cheeks, I cut crossways, clean and methodical, a perfect 90? angle. Again. Again. I lie back and watch the blood mingle with the water. *** And that was my day; a Thursday. Only one more day to go until the weekend, and two days of freedom. *** So who am I? What am I? And why? I'm just getting to grips with these questions myself, but I suppose I have to come clean sometime (Christ, I feel like I'm at an AA meeting). Hi, my name is Chris, and I'm a transsexual (gasps from the back). Nobody understands what a transsexual is, unless they are one or they have prior experience of our kind. We're not exactly well-publicised in the media, except as the obligatory 'joke stories' in certain supposedly upmarket tabloids. I can't describe how it is for every transsexual, but this is how it feels for me. I was born as nothing. As a blank slate, an open canvas upon which the world painted its idea of manliness. I was christened Christopher. I preferred the nothing. I am a girl. I'm seventeen. I am a fraud and my life is a lie. Hell, it's not even mine; I'm living somebody else's life (whoever they are I hope to God they're happier than me). I hate college (school, sixth form, whatever you want to call it - it all just means bullying and humiliation to me; have anxiety, will travel). It crushes me. At least at home I can be some vague shadow of the person I believe myself to be, but I cannot be me at college. All I want to do is go there, stand in the middle of the field and shout, "I am a girl! My name is not Christopher!" and for everyone to go, "so that's what was wrong," and rally round me. Of course, it's not going to happen. I lie awake at night, planning the speech I would make to the masses in assembly. I dream of transition, of surgery, of hormones, of just being me, of life. My life at the moment is hell; my body is a twisted, mangled wreck. I hate it. I get depressed, a lot; in fact, it makes more sense to say that I occasionally feel okay, because my natural state is of self-hatred. I've started carrying a razor round with me now, in the pocket of my coat. It's not like the big fucker I keep in the bag behind my chest of drawers, or the knife I keep in my desk, but a little one, still in the casing. It's enough to cause pain and to draw blood, and it will do for when I just can't wait until I get home. It's impossible to describe how it feels to hate yourself so much. To loathe and despise every inch of your hideous, malformed body; to live every day in a prison constructed from your own flesh and blood. *** Friday: more of the same, really. I don't get beaten up, and I don't get taunted that much. My day finishes at two, so I get home quite early. I go and shut myself in my room, and put on some music (the Manics; natch). I lie there for a bit, on my sofa, thinking. I get a sudden flash of inspiration, and reach for my pad and pen. I've been scratching out this particular poem for a while now; it's not coming very easily. Writing about my self- harm always seems to be much more of an effort than writing about my transsexuality, or my depression. It's difficult to get the words out, and there are special skills involved in the process. For instance: it is vital that you DO NOT read what you have written straight after you have written it. Since writing about it requires me to be depressed in the first place, I've found that if I re-read the thing I get even more depressed and have to do something horrible to myself. Usually cutting, biting or burning; although I've been punching bits until they go numb lately (slightly strange; you'd think I could just walk into the street and say "Hi" to save myself the effort, but it's... different when I do it). The disadvantage is that you walk around with a limp, or you can't use both bits of cutlery, or some such thing. I manage to get another three or four lines down before I break off. Shit, I can feel myself slipping, got to occupy myself. All I can think about is how much I hate myself, my body, my life. I shouldn't have started writing; it's brought all the feelings out again. All I can do is think these days, and when a thought starts going round in my head it's difficult to stop it and it's not fair its not fairitsnotfair I HATE this shell - this useless body that insults my every waking thought - this pathetic diseased hideous covering that when I cut it exposes nothing but the diseased core of myself. I've been poisoned by God (sorry who?) the god who loves us and cares for us and died for us FUCK HIM I dont understand why i'm stuck here why me what did i do what did i say I DONT NEED THIS I DONT NEED ANY OF IT i could have been so normal so liked so wanted so desired lusted after needed drooled over taken away parties pubs crowds i could have been so popular fuckit id be a millionaire by now (a fucking millionaire dyou hear me) if it wasnt for this hateful thing im trapped inside this malaise of the body that surrounds me i cant bear it i cant bear it i cant bear anything parties pubs crowds none of it take it away popularity (how can i be popular im afraid to go out to leave the fucking house to be human be sociable be alive and out there teenager goes missing in own road found lying under a car desperate to stay away from the crowds that terrify him (HER)) her? youre pathetic youre no girl youre a boy and a bloody ugly one at that you cant live your life wishing you were something youll never be (i will be please believe me) bullshit bullcrap horseshit all of its fucking bollocks you know exactly what you are you dont need a doctor to take samples pull blood tap knees to say YES YOU ARE A TRANSSEXUAL you know you know so why haven't you done it you know so do something about it i cant im scared because im so insular so lonely so unsupported and whys that yes why is that because im a transsexual im warped its killed me stone dead no interaction no dealings no moving and shaking so im saying the reason i cant do anything about it is because ITs stopped me from interacting gaining confidence listening learning listening listening to anything other than my own head its not fucking fair i hate my body this stinking tarred shell i want to see it hurt i want to see it cry and i want to see it bleed ha! look at me look at it look at me at me im gonna do it im gonna do it I CANT DO IT i cant do it to myself i hate it hate me hate everything circling cant stop it hate hate hate hatehatehate must make it bleed pay for it pay for everything with pain get its just desserts free myself with the pain the blood the scar the breaking of the skin justifies existence and the little death takes its toll there we go there it is ha! whos laughing now whos broken bent twisted not me i hate this i hate you i hate me i hate my body my mind my spirit my life i love my death i long for the silence i long for the silence the silence take me away ... and when I wake up later on in the night - woken by the light I left on - my sheets are bloodstained and my arm is bleeding again. *** It's difficult to think clearly about my condition. Sometimes I can manage it, but the whole thing often completely overwhelms me. It's just such a massive complication to what would otherwise be a nice, simple, boring life. I suppose it brings a bit of interest and excitement, but not of the sort I'd really like. It's hard, knowing you'll never be normal. Never be happy. I'm going to live my entire life inside this cage, and I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it at all. *** I don't go out Friday night (where would I go?), so I stay in and watch the television. After about an hour I switch it off in anger; I can't stop feeling jealous towards the women on TV. *** I wake up Saturday morning feeling a little better. I check the cuts on my right arm (on the upper arm, from Thursday - I'd cut high up to avoid detection - and on the forearm, from last night - stupid, deep cuts) realising belatedly that last night was not a good idea if I want to keep everyone in the dark about my cutting. I slip on my dressing gown and go to the bathroom to wash the cuts. I vaguely hear the phone ringing. It turns out it's for me. This is by way of being a calendar event anyway. Wondering who the hell it could be I trot down the stairs to where my mum is holding the handset. I take it and say hello. "You fucking gay twat. Do you like knickers?" I'm stunned. I vaguely hear the sound of a few people laughing in the background before the line goes dead. I stand there for a moment, listening to the 'call ended' tone, before hanging up and trudging upstairs. I hear my mum asking who it was but I ignore her and go straight back to bed. *** I get two more calls like that in the evening. There's obviously a party going on; I can hear music and a lot of voices in the background. My parents are out; some sort of dinner party a bunch of people my mum exercises with are throwing. The phone rang again after that, but I just let it ring, watching television, trying not to cry. *** At first I thought: how can they know? But then I realised that they probably don't. I'm just a target. Hah. *** I don't cut myself that night, although I really want to. Unless I'm completely out of it, like I was the yesterday, I only cut for control. I've come to the conclusion that if I cut every time I want to I'll be scarred from tip to toe within a fortnight. I rake some keys up my arm instead, until the skin is scraped away and the blood starts to clot underneath, and then turn out the light. I get no sleep. *** Nothing much happens on a Sunday. I sit around, I read, I try to think sane thoughts. *** I don't know what I did to annoy them - well, I never know THAT - but Monday's been the worst day in a long time. Why? I got attacked again, but this time it was in the fucking form-room! The teacher's up at the front, just like usual, taking the register, and that fucking Jeremy bastard starts throwing things at me. He's got this box of erasers out of a cupboard and is throwing them across the classroom. They're hitting me, very hard, on the head. Of course, his mates think this is highly amusing and join in, so within about ten seconds I'm drowning in this fucking sea of stationary, and they're singing, "Chris is a wanker!" over and over and over a-fucking-gain! Mr Hythe looks up and just tells them to calm down. Doesn't bollock them or anything, just tells them to calm down because he's trying to take the register. So I'm being insulted and attacked, and no-one - no-one out of a class of thirty kids - defends me. I just take it. I just fucking take it. I hate all of this. Everything seems to mount up, after a while. You think you can cope - with being depressed, being bullied, being a fucking tranny - but you can't. In the end, they always win. They wear you down. You can resist - *I* can resist as much as I like, but it doesn't make a scrap of difference. I just want to crawl under a rock and never emerge. *** That night, I don't sleep at all. I just lie there, all night, thinking. I don't cut myself; something tells me it's got a bit beyond that now. *** In the morning I pack my bag in a daze, not really concentrating on what I'm doing. Everything suddenly seems so simple; for the first time in my entire life, I am totally calm. For the first time in months, I don't secrete a razor inside my coat. It'd just be pointless. If the events of the past few days - fuck it! The events of my entire fucking life - have taught me anything, it's that there's no point standing up to Them. They're always bigger than you, always stronger than you, and certainly always more numerous. Entropy. Today, however, I feel curiously strong. What a strange experience. *** Odd: I never noticed there were pigeons in the trees outside. I was always too busy staring at my books. Miss Knowles barks at me to pay attention; I ignore her. I'm far too busy watching the birds outside: they look so peaceful. "Christopher Leach!" Miss Knowles shouts. Again, I ignore her. I've never looked at the trees around the school before. Well, maybe as hiding places, but never as entities in their own- She's apparently marched towards me, because the next thing I know she's banging her fist on my desk. "Chris Leach," she says. "Are you paying attention?" What the hell. "No." I turn at last to look at her, and she looks pleasingly astonished by my response. Nerdy kid does good! She rallies well, though. "Why not?" I can't come up with a good answer to that; at least, not one that won't alarm her. So I just shrug. "Well, are you going to pay attention to the rest of the lesson?" "Probably not," I admit, and I shrug again. Another flabbergasted moment passes, and then she sends me to see the head teacher. I don't bother, and go outside to sit in the shade of the trees instead. *** I get the bus home. I get teased, but I don't listen. *** "You fucking gay twat." I don't want this. "Chris is a wanker! Chris is a wanker!" I don't need this. "Get 'im!" I can't stand this. The punches, the kicks, the name-calling, the abuse, the stealing, the shouting, the screaming. The tears. I don't have to put up with this. *** I stare out of the window for what I know will be the last time. The tears are spent; the recriminations, gone. This is it. For a while I just sit, watching the occasional car drive past, flanking the parked vans at the side of the road. I watch the rain collecting on the branches of the trees, weighing down on the new leaves of springtime and finally dropping to the ground, scattering small clouds of dirt. I see the men outside the hardware shop up the road, arguing over some new item or another. I was never anything like them. I see the young mother walk her child by the railway track, and I have a terrible moment of clarity. I'll never be like her, no matter how hard I might try. Never. My eyes start to mist over, and it feels like the tears are coming back. But no. It's too late for that now. Not taking my eyes off the view from the window, I reach behind me and open up the top drawer of my desk. I remove the blade and hold it up to the light. Considering all it's done to me, it seems surprisingly clean. I look away from the outside world, closing the curtains as I step down off my chair. I arrange myself in the middle of the floor, sitting cross-legged. It occurs to me that I've never seen things in so much detail before. The world looks so beautiful, and so tragic at the same time. Never mind. Slowly, steadily, I pass the blade across each of my wrists, watching the blood well up in the new wounds. I carefully place the knife on the desk, and close my eyes. And then, finally, I lie back on the floor, and quietly fade away. *

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I was in my mid-twenties and was friendly with a couple, Asha and Rajat. They were rich and really enjoyed life. We shared a very open relationship and spoke openly about a lot of things. But I had never intruded between them. Even though I guessed that if I hinted, I could probably share a bed with them. This actually helped keep our friendship stronger I always felt. I was turning 26 and Asha and Rajat invited me home on that day. They said that it was to be a special dinner for me with a...

4 years ago
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When My Mom And Uncle Had Sex

Hi friends this is my first ever blog and pls appreciate it if u like cz anything that I’ll write here is true incident… So…I’m Raj…18 yrs old… My father is an Army officer. Indeed this is the main reason that my mom makes love to other men… As my father is in army…u can sense that they have enjoyed very few times on the bed… My mom is just 36 now and actually a Bengali woman who r told to be the most beautiful in India…and my mom also won the Bengali Beauty award in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,...

3 years ago
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She Just Doesnt Want It Part 3

She Just Doesn’t Want It Part III bad_mike ©2010. All rights reserved. This is the third installment in the series: She Just Doesn’t Want It. If the reader has yet to read the first one, it would be best to take a look at that initial story in order to grasp the context for this latest portion. I awoke and found myself entangled in her arms on this, the morning after. It was sweet. So much had happened the day before, it was almost like a dream. I looked over at the clock and we have been...

3 years ago
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Dangerous Affairs Ch 06

Brian had finally managed to get Lucy calm enough to tell him what was going on. He had gone to the gallery only to be told she wasn’t there. He then, tried calling her at home but no one picked up. He decided to go to her place. He was feeling uneasy, something was wrong. He rang the doorbell, but there was no answer. He then tried knocking. ‘Lucy, it’s Brian.’ He shouted. ‘Brian…’ Lucy opened the door slowly. ‘Jesus!’ Brian pushed the door wide open, stepping in. He put his arms around...

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Victoria and Alex

This story is going to be another about one of my favorite people, Mr. Alex! If you’ve read my stories, then you know who Alex is. Me and Alex were very close in college, he was a lot of fun. We had sex several times a week and we always had a great time. Alex LOVES women!!! Besides me, he was very lucky with the ladies in college. I had many opportunities to witness first hand, several lovely ladies getting very satisfied by Alex. As I’ve mentioned before, Alex is very well endowed and a A+++...

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A Egyptian Fantasy

The uniform consisted of a white hat, green one piece mini skirt with a white mini apron. The skirt was not quite long enough to completely cover a pair of black knickers protruding though which were the white frilled edge straps of a suspender belt. Her stockings were skin coloured and pulled tightly up to about three inches short of the tops of her thighs revealing just a little bare flesh in the adjacent zone between. On the end of her legs were fitted a pair of dark stiletto shoes...

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Laura 6 Laura Makes A New Friend

Laura is an erotic pen pal of mine. In her 40's, she is a self described big beautiful woman. Curly black hair, green eyes, five foot nine, 44 DD Cups and plump belly and ass. She has developed an insatiable sexual curiosity, and is interested in trying out new things.She occasionally sends me e-mails of her latest adventures, which I combine, clean up and turn into a story for her. In exchange she allows me to repost where I wish. She swears all this is true, I have only her word for it...

3 years ago
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The Business Men

The business men"Hey, Jon we are almost done. We have been working at this project for two weeks now. It is time to let loose. So let us all go out tonight and have some fun. You must know some good places to get drinks and meet some fine locals?" I had been working on a project with technicians from Miami to install upgrades and establish the connection to a new fiber optic sea cable to our island telecom company. Mark was the loud one and the party man of them. He was the younger one in his...

1 year ago
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Slutty neighbour vandana

In life people always like to partake in a little bit of risk. Just enough to feel a rush, but not enough to get caught or noticed. Here is a story of a slutty teasing aunty. Vandana was no different. She was a beautiful 27-year-old woman working a relatively unassuming entry-level job at a fortune 500 company. The pay was nice, but her job was boring and provided very little excitement. So to bring a little excitement into her life, Vandana began to dress sexier. First it started off very...

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Immeasurable Pleasure Part 8211 1

I turned around and now I was lying on my back. He was licking my ass all this while and finger fucked me, he applied enough lube in my ass and now he wants to fuck me. ‘steven’ I suddenly remembered his name at last, I was in such an ecstasy from his actions on me that I forgot his name for a second. I met him an hour ago. He came on top of me, he spread my legs in a hurry and placed them on his shoulders. He was panting and his face was covered with sweat because of all the foreplay we did...

Gay Male
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Gaby Part 6 Cosplay

Copyright 2003 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...

1 year ago
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The Goddess Among Us

It was just another day, I was walking through the forest on my way to some assignation on the other side of the river. Nothing unusual, the forest was dark as ever, the clearings were far between, and around each one a few songbirds were doing their morning routines. My staff helped when I had to step over the fallen logs, and kept me from slipping on the moss, and the sack over my shoulder was light… after all, how much does a poet need to travel with? When the people are gathered in the mead...

1 year ago
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The Theft of Jessie Gray

It was hardly the first time the two girls had gone out dancing together. They had, after all, been inseparable ever since the second grade when they first bonded under the thumb of their mutual bully, Deb Connors. From there their friendship had only grown. In fourth grade, they had each earned themselves a month long suspension for a prank their classmates still talked about in hushed tones. In the sixth, Jessie had dragged Lily along with her to volleyball tryouts and the pair had made...

3 years ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 16 The Gathering

What is a rift? The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. A rift is exactly that, a straight line between two points. A link between worlds can always be drawn. The only factors to consider about rifts are their starting point and their ending point. A rift is opened at one point, leading into the void. A second opening is created from inside the void. What is the void? The void is a place that has no location. There is nothing in the void, hence its name. It is emptiness...

2 years ago
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Losing Virginity to a BBC My First Sexual Experience

Whenever some one asks me about a sexual encounter that I remember the most, I have only one story to tell and that's my first experience. Though I have had more sex after that, this one remains as a classical encounter for me and I am pretty sure that I won't forget it till my death. I'm not overrating the story but I still, I repeat, I still remember each and every second of that three hour session, though it's eight years that have past since that encounter. Being born and raised in...

First Time
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The Devils Pact Ghost of ParisChapter 12 Afternoon At the Park

Notes: Credit goes to PeacelovingXXX for the story behind this chapter. Saturday, September 28th, 2013 – Paris, Texas It was a warm, late September day as I strolled down the street towards Daniel Boone Park. A perfect, high-seventies day, with a gentle breeze keeping you cool. The girls were out in skimpy shorts and light tops, and my pecker was at full mast. A couple rollerbladed by; the woman had a long, dark ponytail and shorts so tight she may as well have been naked. I wanted to grab...

2 years ago
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The Bridesmaid

John trudged into his house late on a Friday evening. He had taken the morning off of work to take the GRE for a third time, and then had a long day making up the work he had missed that morning. He was exhausted, but at the same time he was enthusiastic over finally getting good enough scores to get him into grad school. He stopped and grabbed a pizza on his way home because there was no way in hell he was going to cook dinner after such a strenuous, but worthwhile day. He walked into his...

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Music of Change 5 Thrill of the Hunt

Music of Change #5: Thrill Of The Hunt By Valerie Hope "There's a piece missing," Grace Kincaid said, raking a carefully-manicured hand through her fluffy auburn hair. She took a frustrated drag from her cigarette and blew the smoke in a long plume over her head into the slowly billowing cloud above her desk. "I don't see how," Joshua said, running his eyes over the Byzantine chart the detective had constructed out of the spotty evidence they'd gathered. "It looks like...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 9

A baby was giving me smooches while pulling on my nose with one hand and one of my ears with the other. Little Dan was grinning and jabbering at me as if telling me I had to get up. I snuggled with him, causing squeals and giggles, until Brandy snatched him up and told me, "Get up, and go take a shower. We all want to be with you a little while before you leave. It's already six-thirty." I didn't get enough sleep, but I did need to get up and visit with everyone before we left. Tina...

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Bulgbator cam transcript

bulge_bater: rest your hand on your dickbulge_bater: gentlybulge_bater: tap it with your fingersbulge_bater: gently at the tipbulge_bater: always gets me stiffbulge_bater: i want to see it slowly erectbulge_bater: thickeningbulge_bater: lengtheningbulge_bater: moving up your thighbulge_bater: it's startingbulge_bater: your erectionbulge_bater: fondle the tipbulge_bater: gentlybulge_bater: tease your toolbulge_bater: naughty wankerbulge_bater: that's itbulge_bater: gently stroke the...

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The dare

I had been chatting to a woman who wanted to be dared to enhance he sexual needs. It was a very hot day when the day to dare arrived. It was to take place at her house the thoughts of what the dares would be ran through her mind. That and the heat was all ready making her horny with excitement. I wanted to watch her carry them out so to know that she did them. She was sat not far away from the window. Anyone passing could see into the house. She was wearing a vest top and skirt. The first dare...

2 years ago
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My mother in law is having my baby and my wife is

My mother in law is having my baby and my wife is ok with it.I know this sounds bizarre but if I take a minute to explainThe entire situation you will understand my current circumstances.You see my wife’s family are nudist, if you visit her parentsHouse you have to be a part of the family games. That means youHave to be ok walking with watching TV nude, eating dinner nude, or someoneLike her mom or aunt joining you in the shower. When Kay first broughtMe to her parents’ home her mother Wynn...

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Condition Chapter 2

It took Dani a few days to figure out a plan and implement it. She started by wearing the sexiest clothes she had. Dresses with low cut tops and short skirts. Seamed stockings, her highest heels, prettiest lingerie and her most padded push up bras. She took to wearing frilly baby dolls to bed and letting Hank see her as much as possible. He definitely noticed and made a few advances for sex, but Dani had demurely put him off. At most she would let him get close to her and she would...

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Toddler Time

Toddler Time Players: Kevin Marks, as Martin and Mary Beth, the transsexual toddler; Ms. Abby Clifton, teacher, Beginning Theater; Mark Swanson as Brad, the straight toddler; Chuck Turner as Carl, the gay toddler; Madden Madison as Terry, the female to male transsexual toddler. Susan Baker as Barbie, the gay female toddler; Carol Beckett as Christina, the straight feminist toddler girl. Pat and Debbie Carlson, Kevin Mark's aunt and cousin. Rose Clifton, Abby's mother; Terry...

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PrincessCum Rosalyn Sphinx Lets Make A Baby

Rosalyn Sphinx is sitting on the toilet doing a pregnancy test. When it comes back positive, she shares the results with her stepbrother, Logan Long. She’s over the moon about it, but Logan is devastated because the baby is also his. He flashes back to a few weeks earlier when the big event occurred… Rosalyn and her stepbrother Logan Long share a bedroom, so it’s no surprise that they’re both pretty knowledgeable about each other’s business. Logan knows that...

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The Touch Of SilkPart 2

PART 2Jess was ready for her Daddy to drag her into his bedroom and strip her naked, sometimesslowly, other times he’d ripped her clothes off, she had a small bag filled with spare clothes justin case Daddy wanted to be naughty and do that, it turned her on to be stripped naked andtaken like that, he’d suggested she keep some clothes here and they had come in handy onseveral nights, the first time she’d had to drive home holding her dress together as his cumsoaked her thighs and pooled on the...

1 year ago
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Seduced By Mom8217s Friend In Bangalore

Hello friends and I am Maverick 23 male and doing my engineering in Bangalore any comments or feedback or help mail me. I’m here to share with you guys my experience to make you all go high and horny and have a wonderful orgasm and this story happened when I was 22 was in my 6 semester holidays my mom’s college best friend who was in Chennai came to Bangalore to meet my mom. Also as her husband had gone abroad she was feeling very lonely so she came here as a relaxing break. My mom was really...

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More than Cowboys at Cheyenne Frontier Days

It was my first time going to Cheyenne Frontier Days. I wanted to write this as soon as I got home because it was and still so vivid in my mind. We were walking along some vendor booths and enjoying all of the nice people and the weather when all of a sudden an older man riding a road bike pulls up close to the walkway and stopped and got off his bike and started walking through the crowd.Now it might not seem like any big deal so far but I was standing wait for my wife to buy something at the...

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Summer On The Farm Chapter 3

"It's been great", he said and Ronald laughed. "We'll see if you're still saying that tomorrow, city boy", he teased. As Vanessa set her husband's plate of food in front of him, Ronald slapped her ass, causing her to squeal in delight. "I do hope the girls have been helping you settle in", Ronald said. "They've been very helpful", Jeff said. "Good", Ronald replied. "I told them to make sure you're comfortable." His words lacked any tone of innuendo and Jeff wondered if he...

2 years ago
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Joe chapter 10

Introduction: After a night with Bella, Joe realizes his feelings are stronger for Bella than his girlfriend Cynthia. Bella wants her control over Joe to extend to more than just sex. Early Monday morning… I woke up to soft kisses. Bella Was kissing me, I kissed back. It was nice to see her first thing in the morning, hair all a mess and… She was fully dressed. Time to get up she said. I have to go home, she said sadly. My parents will be trying to wake me for school soon. Oh damn, I wish...

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My Wife Fucked By Big Black Cocks 8211 Part 1

Hi, I will be narrating our honeymoon to the Maldives with my lovely wife. After dating for 5 years, we got married. Sex was nothing new for us as we did everything before marriage from foreplay to role-playing to sex slave. Only a very few positions were left which we didn’t try. My wife has a 36-32-36 figure and fair skin. Her big booty was to die for any man. After marriage, we planned to go to the Maldives. On our way inside the flight and while making out under the quilt, I asked her if...

1 year ago
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The Unforgettable Weekend Pt1

The Unforgettable weekend... Pt1 Guess looking back I should have know something was up. About 2 months before this wonderful weekend, happened, when my wife talked me into and attached a chastity device to my cock. She told me that she was planning something wild that she had read about. That it would be a surprise, and that the chastity device was to make sure I was ready for it. In the following weeks, there was about 5 or 6 women that came over for dinner. They all said that...

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PornWorld Alisha Martinika Karolina Geiman Blonde Babe Alisha Martinika Slides On A Strap On To DP Her Housemate Karolina Geiman

Stunning babes Alisha Martinika and Karolina Geiman are getting dressed up in kinky lingerie to surprise their housemate, Martin. They walk down the stairs in high heels and blindfold him before he realises what they are doing. These horny hotties lead him up to the bedroom and after removing his blindfold, they enjoy some steamy lesbian fun. They bring Martin in to share and both girls suck off their lucky housemate before they get pussy and ass fucked! Alisha gets dominant and slips on a...

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An Amazing Day in a North West Gay Sauna

While I love going to sex cinemas and visiting crusing sites my main love is gay saunas. I might be bisexual and yes, I've love a bisexual sauna but gay saunas are the next best thing. Especially when they include lots of guys without any attitude and know what everyone is there for.Last year I visited a sauna in the north east. My work meant I had a good half a day in the area without any worries so I checked to see if there was a gay sauna there. There was. Then I checked the events hoping...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Cousin Sushma

By : Dj4uonly Hello readers my name is DJ I’m from Haridwar, girls please mail me for friendship and hot chat at This is another experience with one of my neighbor we stayed haridwar She is good looking well built body. This girl name is Priya, her dad is our colony president she is my classmate. Her cousin Rahul is my friend. Thru Rahul I got introduced to her. We used to sit together and use work on some of our assignments since she is from Delhi, Her dad and mom use to go often to Delhi....

4 years ago
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Fucking Hot White Married Pussy PT3

It was early, slightly before dawn, and, as was his habit, Garrett Jackson had sat up, stepped out of bed, stretched out briefly to loosen up, padded into the kitchen for the coffee that was waiting for him, and now sat in his living room, looking out over the city vista below. Though the view was entrancing, it barely registered in the handsome former college football star’s consciousness. Garrett’s thoughts were instead turned inward as he reviewed recent events in his progression into the...

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What Next 2 Burning

Chapter Two BURN Alicia, smooth, dark, sophisticated Alicia, was hell bent for revenge. Whatever they say about a woman scorned was definitely true about Alicia. While I duplicated the DVD’s she ranted about posting the various episodes from the DVD’s her husband made of he and my wife Kate to amateur porn sites like RedTube, Spankwire and Hardsextube. She raged on about how we should post them at the rate of one a week on each site until they were all on the internet. After I finished copying...

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caught wanking after night shift

id just finished work and was driving home at about 6.20am after my last nightshift of week about 6.20am, id been horny all night but just worked through on trip home i had a bulge in my pants and couldnt wait to get home so coming upto to my roundabout i took a turn off up a country road(which was covered by trees) instead of my turn off.i stopped near the top which wasnt very far up but my car couldnt be seen. i wound window down to about half way so windows didnt get steamed. It was just...

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The Eternal Summer of Summer Part 1

George was not a romantic in any sense of the word. He'd never been very interested in girls, or relationships, or sex. He was content wasting away in his studies and spending the weekends alone listening to music. Until high school, he never really paid attention to the thought of women. He'd dated once, briefly, but found himself disinterested in continuing it as he felt he wasn't doing much for him. This all changed when he met a girl. He had met her twice prior, but they had not gotten to...

First Time

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