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Ben's Girls By Gwengirl My wife and I lived in a quiet suburb, in a modest but nice home. We both worked normal 9-5 jobs, and had a fairly happy life together. I keep writing in the past tense because everything has changed. Jill and I are still together, but not in a traditional relationship... I was an aspiring actor, I was good and I knew it. The only trouble was I couldn't seem to get that message across to any agents. Without an agent in that business you're nowhere. I had tried different coaches to try and unlock my potential. Some wanted to protect me from myself by only letting me work on simple roles, others wanted to play Svengali and control my every move, nobody seemed to really want to work with me for the love of the art form. That is until I met Ben Green. Ben Green had been a very successful Broadway singer for many years. By successful, I meant he was never without work. He had a steady following, but never became a household name. I started working with Ben about 11 months ago. He was the best coach I had ever worked with. He had the singular ability to unlock parts of me that I didn't know existed, while maintaining an atmosphere of support and creativity. I had never considered myself anything other than heterosexual, but the sessions with Ben were so intense and he was so brilliant, that I began to think of him more and more. I was actually sad when a session ended, yet so uplifted that when I left I practically floated home. Try as I might I couldn't stop thinking about this brilliant man. I was madly in love with my wife Jill, but whenever she was out of my sight all I could think of was Ben. I felt so good about the progress that I was making by working with him, that any happy feeling I had, I associated with him. Jill would see my usually sunny demeanour go absolutely radiant after working with Ben. She would ask me about the coaching session and be extremely supportive of my progress. Jill knew how miserable I was in my day job. I was working full time in a middle management position with a company that manufactured men's coats. Like most of that industry, my company was slowly fading into oblivion, as more and more retail stores bought cheap quality imported garments (to save a buck, and screw the customers). It was bad enough to have to be working in a profession that you barely could tolerate when business was good, but it was torture to go to work in the condition this company was in. Daily, I would receive calls from vendors wanting to know when their bills were going to be paid. I was working like a madman after work trying to get my acting career going. I figured that it was a race to see what would occur first. My company going out of business or a big break in my acting career. After working seriously on my acting for almost five years since coming back to it, I was becoming a little despondent... as I had yet to land a paying acting job. I went to graduate school for acting and did lots of small regional theatre work immediately following school, but quit when I couldn't make ends meet. After years of working a "normal" job, I got the itch and started pursuing it again. After working with Ben for a few weeks I began to notice that I couldn't wait to get back to see him the next week. The sessions became intoxicating like drug. The more I went, the more I wanted to go back. At the time I thought that perhaps that I had a small crush on him, as he was so kind and supportive of my efforts. I felt really confused, as heretofore any feelings of attraction I had experienced had all been for women. Despite my growing confusion, I couldn't wait to see Ben every week. My acting continued to get better and my confusion deeper. He never touched me; he never even flirted, yet I grew more confused. Here I was a 32 year old married man, and I couldn't get my acting coach out of my mind. About six months ago I was working with Ben, when he asked if I knew of anyone who would like to audition for a musical. The producer was looking for a female with dance and singing experience for a musical. I asked Ben if he would hear my wife Jill, as she was also a theatre major in school and had kept up with jazz dance as a way of staying in shape. The following week Jill came and took a coaching with Ben. He was very impressed with her and thought that with a few weeks work she could be ready to audition for the producer. I began to see the excitement in Jill upon her return from working with Ben. She was just thrilled to be working on theatre material again. As we now both working with Ben, we grew closer than ever talking about our work, and how he was helping us. At my next coaching lesson, Ben indicated that perhaps I should consider taking a dance class, to help my movement on stage to be more graceful. I told him that I had taken jazz and tap as part of my studies in school, but admitted that I hadn't kept up with them very well over the years. He recommended that I take a ballet class, as it would not only help with my movement, but would really whip me into shape. After all, theatre is a very visually oriented business. That weekend I was sitting on the couch eating some popcorn, while reading a book on method acting, when I broke a tooth. I called to get an appointment with my dentist, only to find out that he had retired. When Jill came home she told me that she had found a new dentist and I would find her virtually painless. Luckily the doctor could see me that afternoon, as my broken tooth had really started to throb. Upon arrival at the dentist's office, signed all of the normal forms and waited in the very nicely decorated lobby to be seen. When the dentist examined my tooth, she indicated that she could build up the broken part of the molar with some new resin enamel, and that I would be as right as rain. She turned up the "elevator music" that was playing in the background before she started working. Shortly after the music was turned up and I must have dosed off. I shortly woke up to my new lady dentist leaning over me as I lay in the chair and I couldn't remember a thing about getting my tooth fixed. She smiled a brilliant smile and announced that I was free to go, but that I should schedule a follow-up visit for next week to check the bond on the repair. When I walked out of her office I felt better than I had in years. I felt like I had awoken from a whole night's sleep, and hadn't a care in the world. I practically skipped to my car. Later that night Jill and I had a romantic dinner and began to talk of the week's events. We later went into our den and shared a bottle of good wine. For the life of me I can't explain why, but I began to tell her of my confusion over Ben. Much to my surprise she was not angry, and simply put it off as infatuation. She told me that she felt totally secure in our relationship, and was not at all worried about me straying. We made love that night like frantic teenagers... if anything my revelation made her more turned on than usual. The following day Jill asked me if I would like to go shopping with her at the local mall. Normally I couldn't think of anything I would like to do less, but for some unexplained reason I said yes, and happily accompanied her. We spent the whole day looking at ladies fashions, as she was looking for a new dress for her audition, and needed to stock up on some "essentials". On the rare occasion that I have gone shopping with Jill, I have vacillated between shear boredom, and embarrassment. Especially when she wanted my opinion on some new "frilly" she was about to purchase from the lingerie department. On this particular foray into shopping, I was having a blast. I was much more attuned to what matched, and what was in fashion. Jill and I shopped for nearly eight hours before stopping for dinner. The time had simply flown. I couldn't remember Jill and I having a better time together. I did think the whole experience odd at the time, but whenever I thought about it a sense of pure serenity flowed into me. Although Jill had been my best friend in the whole world since virtually the time we met, we were to my amazement growing even closer. Over the next few days I would find myself calling her from work, to chat about some inconsequential matter just because I hadn't heard the sound of her voice in an hour. We both continued to study acting with Ben, and he complimented us both on the great progress we were making towards our acting careers. He continually preached that to be truly believable as an actor, you had to be able to pare away all of the external images that you have built of yourself over your lifetime, and be able to share the essence of your soul with the audience. Ben told me that I was getting very close to a big breakthrough, and as always, I left my session very encouraged and uplifted. I was a little concerned as this past session with Ben felt a little like a very painful therapy session that I had gone through in college. Nevertheless, I was so encouraged by Ben's comments that I quickly put it out of my mind. The next week Jill had her big audition, and wore the dress that I had helped her pick out. She looked fabulous and sounded even better. The producer offered her a role in the show immediately. He said that the show would go into workshop in a month, rehearsal in six, and with a little luck on Broadway in a year. The producer indicated that he had a few more important parts to cast, and that he would be in touch the following week. When Jill came home she told me her marvellous news of being hired. I asked her what the name of the show was, and she said that it was as yet, unnamed. When I asked her what the show was about, she really couldn't tell, as they had only had her read a few disjointed passages from throughout the show. She couldn't even tell me who wrote the script, as it was anonymous. The following week I went back to the dentist for my follow-up appointment. The dentist explained that the new resins that she had used were somewhat unstable unless treated a second time with a special ultraviolet light procedure that required me to remain relatively still for thirty minutes. She set up all of the equipment, and turned up the background music, explaining that it helped her concentration. Just as before I fell fast asleep, only to be awoken by my grinning dentist, who said she would see me in six months for a cleaning and polish. Things were going along fine for Jill and me. She was going to be in a big show, and I was really getting in shape with my ballet class. At 5'10" tall I had whipped my self down to 150 lbs. I had never felt better, and even though I had been eating like a bird, I never felt hungry. I had tons of energy, and I slept like a baby. Then something strange occurred... I was out on my lunch hour, and was walking around the neighbourhood near my office and walked past a lady's dress shop. I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to go and look at the lovely dresses and accessories that were on display at the store. I walked in without the slightest hesitation and began to peruse the merchandise. I was amazed at the tremendous sensual feelings of the fabrics the dresses were made of... much nicer than the wool suit I was wearing. I remember thinking that it was so unfair that men were made to wear rough wool suits, while women could wear such a wonderful variety of textures and colours. When a salesperson approached and asked if I needed help, I snapped out of my revelry, turned bright red and walked back to my office wondering if I was having a nervous breakdown. Ben had become much more to me than a drama coach, even though I continued to have disturbing fantasies about him, he had become a friend and confidant. I told him after my last coaching about the incident at the clothing store, and he reassured me that we had been doing work that gets very close to heart of one's psyche and that I had probably been very emotionally exhausted. He went on to explain that the emotional strain of such work often led people to temporarily do things that they thought were strange, but he urged me not to give up on our work, as we were getting very close to a breakthrough. I mentioned the episode at the dress shop to Jill that night at dinner. She thought it was cute, and playfully suggested that I buy myself something. I was repulsed by the idea, and dropped the subject immediately. Two days later I went down to the lobby of my office building to buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks, when my eye caught the latest volume of Elle magazine. Suddenly, as if my hands had a mind of their own, I was fishing around in my pockets for enough money to buy the magazine... I had to have it. I read it cover to cover eight times before the day was over, I had an overwhelming need to know all there was about current women's fashion and cosmetics. I thought I was really over the edge now, and vowed to take a few weeks off from working with Ben. I confided this new episode with Jill at dinner and she said that I was blowing the whole thing out of proportion. She explained that men often like Elle, and Cosmo so they could ogle the beautiful babes that grace the pages. She come over and gave me a big hug, and explained that she thought my new awareness of the feminine half of the population was a sign that I was becoming a more complete and evolved person. She went on to say that she guessed that all of the work I was doing with Ben was really starting to pay off, and that it would be a bad idea to take a break from him. At work over the next few days I found it very hard to concentrate, and once had to go to the men's room, because I had become so angry with a co-worker that I suddenly felt the need to cry... and didn't want anyone to see me. Once in the men's room I sat in a stall and balled my eyes out for a good 15mins. I felt much better afterwards, but couldn't remember breaking down crying like that, except as a child. I did keep my weekly appointment with Ben, and mentioned my recent behaviour. He tried to reassure me that I was doing very important work with him, and that it would be a tragedy to quit. The weekend came and Jill and I had planned to just chill out and spend quality time together. She was soon going to be starting the workshop of her play and wanted to make sure that we spent time together since it would soon be so scarce. She announced that we were to go shopping, as she needed a few new workout outfits. Without thinking twice I happily agreed to go with her. We were gabbing like a couple of magpies all afternoon, just having a great time. We passed an outlet store for Hanes/Bali etc...and she stopped in to get some new underwear. Normally I would have waited out in the mall for her, but this time I skipped right into "forbidden territory" with her. Strangely, instead of feeling panicky or embarrassed I suddenly felt that feeling of serenity pass over me. She asked me what I thought of a pair of printed high cut satiny panties as a joke, and I replied, as if from someone else, that I wanted a pair for me. She chuckled and inquired if there were anything else in this store that I required. As if in a trance I told her that I also needed a garter belt, stockings, and a bra. With that she merrily took me around the store and picked up a number of items... many of each. When we arrived home at the end of the day we had a dozen bags of purchases to bring into the house. As we unpacked the bags I asked Jill, why she had bought so much lingerie, as there appeared to be enough for a small army. She very calmly told me that they were for me. I flipped, I mean... I remember the whole shopping trip, but for the life of me I thought it was some kind of a dream. Jill came up behind me, wrapped her arms around my waist, and cooed in my ear that the though of me in sexy undies had her totally turned on. We stripped down to nothing and made love at a fever pitch for hours, although for the first time she decided that she would be on top. I have to admit that having in her in the dominant position was a lot of fun. The next Monday I was walking around the vicinity of my office building on my lunch hour when I past the dress shop again. Once again, an overwhelming urge compelled me to walk into the store. As if on autopilot I looked around store at the lovely fashions, stopping many times to look at sizes and to touch the fabrics. But unlike the last excursion into this new world, this time I felt perfectly normal and at peace looking through the racks of dresses, tops, and skirts. Actually I felt better than normal, I felt euphoric. My eyes fell upon a navy blue dress with a hem that fell to about mid calf. I held it up to my self and looked in a mirror. The saleslady couldn't remain a bystander any longer; she came up and asked me if I needed any help. Still in a semi-daze, I asked her if she thought the dress were my size, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. I had inexplicably lost weight but for some odd reason my pants had been feeling a little tight in the seat lately. The saleslady was very nice, and offered to take my measurements. Upon measuring me, she announced that I was a size 10, and that the dress would fit me perfectly. She then asked me to follow her to the dressing room area, where she escorted me into a room, and bid me to try the dress on. I closed the door and took off my shoes and suit, and stepped into the dress. As I began buttoning it up, I began to cry tears of joy, as I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I was at least was able to compose myself enough to put my male clothes back on and go to pay for the dress. As soon as I was back on the street with my shopping bag, reality set in...I had just gone into a dress shop, tried on, and purchased a dress, and now I had to go back to my office with a bag from a well known ladies dress shop. No one at work said a thing, as I guess they thought it was a gift for Jill...although I did detect a few sideways glances from some of the secretaries as I walked to my office. Jill returned home from a coaching with Ben, and we sat down to dinner that I had prepared. I didn't really know I could cook, but much to my amazement I had prepared a lovely four-course meal complete with fresh cut flowers and candles on the table. Jill asked what the special occasion was, and I like a total ditz announced that we were celebrating the purchase of my first dress. She poured us each a glass of wine, and raised a toast to "sisterhood". I guess the word sisterhood snapped me back to reality, as I began to shake uncontrollably. Jill came to me and held me. She cooed in my ear, that she only wanted me to be happy, and that she was very excited by my budding femininity. I asked her what she meant by "budding femininity", but she refused to elaborate. She then looked me straight in the eye and said, "Gwendolyn". All of my fears and anxieties vanished; all I felt was an overwhelming sense of euphoria. We had a lovely dinner, and talked about a million different things. We really enjoyed one another's company. After dinner she led me upstairs to our bedroom, and asked me to show her my new dress. I then went and took my navy blue dress out of the bag and held it up. Jill then asked me to really show her by modelling it for her. I then went into my underwear drawer, and noticed for the first time that all of my male underwear was gone; replaced by beautiful lingerie. I picked out a navy satin bra, navy satin panties, a garter belt, stockings and a full slip. I proceeded to put them all on, as if I had been wearing them my whole life. It was at this point that I noticed for the first time that I had something with which to fill out the bra, and that my waist seemed much smaller. Then the euphoria vanished and I fell onto the floor crying, scared that I had lost my mind, and was in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Jill again held me tight and rocked me while caressing my hair, which had seemingly overnight had become very full and silky. Once again, she looked me in the eye and said, "Gwendolyn". I immediately started to feel better, and even noticed that Jill was stroking my silky hair that was cascading gently past my shoulders. Jill told me to be a "Good Girl" and finish getting dressed. Upon hearing "Good Girl" I felt a total desire to please Jill and do exactly as I was told. I finished putting on my beautiful lingerie by gently pulling my full slip over my head. I then put on my dress, and sat down at the makeup table and began applying makeup to my face. Somehow, I knew exactly what to do...After applying a nice layer of foundation; I started to work on my eyebrows, then my eyes, and finally my lips. Lately I noticed that I no longer needed to shave my face, and that my skin felt more sensitive and softer. I tried to think about how I felt about all of this, but when I tried all I could think of was pleasing Jill and looking as lovely as possible. I then put my now long and wavy auburn hair in a ponytail and called for Jill to come in and inspect my progress. While waiting for Jill, I twirled around slowly, luxuriating in the feeling of my dress swishing around my calves. When Jill entered the room the look on her face was the look of a pure lust. I had never seen her look at me that way before, but I knew I liked it. She came to me, pulled me close, and began to kiss me more passionately than I had known possible. I felt that my heart was going to burst from the joy I felt at pleasing Jill. I knew in that moment that I lived for the sole purpose of pleasing Jill. She bid me to remove my dress, slip and panties, but ordered me to leave on my bra, garter belt and stockings. I felt like a tramp, and I loved every minute of it. We made love like sex starved animals. She was on top, and in command. I was in heaven. The next morning as I began to get dressed: Jill asked me to wear a bra, panties, a garter belt, stockings, and a camisole under my suit for work. As the night only concern in life was pleasing Jill. I did as I was told, but had to wear my suit jacket all day, so as not to be detected. Although, it was beginning to be very hard to hide my small, but growing breasts. Jill called me at work asked me to have lunch with her. We met at a local pub that we had frequented on numerous occasions. Over lunch she explained that the work she had been doing with Ben had made her come to some startling discoveries about herself. She went on to tell me that like me, she had been doing some dramatic exercises with Ben, which had made her face some parts of her personality and emotional makeup that were uncomfortable. The discoveries about herself were so contrary to how she had seen herself throughout her entire life that she had become quite disturbed. She had wanted to quit working with Ben, but found that on the rare week that she didn't see him, she felt a physical withdrawal; almost sick. I told her that I had similar feelings when I couldn't keep my weekly appointment with Ben, but had just chalked it up to missing the wonderful work that we always did together. Jill then held my hand, looked deeply into my eyes and asked me to pay close attention to her. She said, "Gwendolyn" and my budding altar ego took over. I batted my eyes at her playfully and answered, "Yes my love?" Jill went on to tell me that she liked the changes that I had been going through and wanted them to progress further. When I asked what she meant by that, she told me that she had become aware of the fact that she really, as a result of her heavy emotionally charged drama work with Ben, was bisexual and really preferred to be with me as a woman. She went on to say that I had never been a great lover as a male, and that that she loved Gwendolyn and wanted only to be with her. Jill told me that the new person that I was becoming was more open, honest and pleasant to be with. I was floored, I knew that Jill was being very supportive of the apparent changes that had occurred in me, but I didn't know that she both approved, and wanted them to go further. I didn't know what to think, so I told her that I needed a little time alone to think things over. I kissed her on the cheek and told her that I would see her at home for dinner, and that we could talk more then. After I paid the bill for lunch, I walked back to my office with my head spinning, trying to grasp all that was going on in my life. As I drove home after work, I was miserable worrying about how I was going to work things out in my head. It was one thing to notice gradual shifts of body and tastes, but quite another to come right out and face the music. Jill wanted me to be her girl, and I wasn't sure if I should stay or run for the hills. The one thing I was sure of, was that the lingerie that I was wearing under my suit felt so damn sexy and comfortable, that I didn't want to give that up, no matter what the outcome. When I arrived home, I found a note that said: "Honey, I will be home at around 8:00pm, Ben called... said he had a cancellation and wanted me to make up for the hour I missed two weeks ago, so I am having a drama coaching until 7:30." I found that to be a little out of the ordinary, but with everything else on my mind, I didn't really give much of a thought. I went upstairs to take my suit off, and noticed the light on our answering machine blinking. When I pushed the playback button I heard the following: "Dear Gwendolyn, my love, do be a 'Good Girl' and get yourself properly dolled up for my return home. Fix us a light dinner, and YOU will be my dessert." I felt euphoria wash over me. I stripped all of my clothes off and started a bath. I slipped into the warm relaxing waters of the tub and began to shave every hair from my body except for a tiny patch above my private parts and the top of my head. I took my time and did a thorough job, as I wanted to please my lover. After finishing in the bath, I slowly patted myself dry with a big fluffy towel, and sensuously spread lilac body lotion all over my freshly shaved body. I then went into the bedroom to pick out my ensemble for the evening. I picked out: a red lace and satin bra with matching panties, a red garter belt, and red stockings and a slinky long red slip. After donning my sexy lingerie, I picked out a long red and black oriental silk dress from Jill's closet; as we were now the same size. It was at this point that I encountered my next shock... apart from the ones I had worn that day all of my male shoes were gone. In their place were dozens of pairs of: pumps, slides, mules, sandals, and other women's shoes. At the time I was so intent on pleasing my lover that I simply picked out a pair of 4 inch heeled strappy sandals that matched my dress perfectly, and put them on. I actually felt comfortable walking in heels and enjoyed the way my rear end gently swayed as I walked into the bathroom to do my makeup and hair. After finishing my makeup, which I did rather dark and seductively for evening, I curled my hair into soft curls that fell easily around my shoulders. When I looked in the mirror, I was shocked and elated at the vision of feminine perfection that looked back at me. I minced downstairs very carefully, as I could not take big steps in this long narrow dress. Once in the kitchen I put on an apron, and fixed a nice Caesar Salad with strips of grilled chicken breast. About the time I finished opening the wine and setting the table, Jill walked in the door. She said the she had a great coaching with Ben, and that she was feeling very good about her acting and about life in general. She gave me a smouldering kiss that took my breath away, and then poured me a glass of wine. She told me that she thought I looked very pretty, and that she really appreciated the effort that I'd made for her. I burst into tears of joy, for all I cared about was pleasing her. After excusing myself and fixing my makeup, we had a lovely dinner together. When dinner was over we cleaned up and went up to the bedroom. Jill ordered me to go into the bathroom and undress, and then come back into the bedroom. When I came back I noticed two things: first, my nipples were erect, and secondly my dick was not. On the bed was a chiffon baby doll nightie, which Jill had just bought for me as a present. She told me to put it on while she went into the bathroom to freshen up. As Jill was in the bathroom I couldn't keep from feeling that I was totally aroused, but my "clitty stick" was not. In fact, my breasts were up to a C-cup, with extremely erect nipples, and my flaccid penis was no longer than 3 inches. My hips were wider, my stomach totally flat, and my face softer and rounder. I didn't understand how, or why, but I was definitely beginning to look and feel like a woman. Jill came out of the bathroom wearing a very sheer negligee that had my heart skipping beats. I may not have mentioned this before, for babbling on about my own predicament, but Jill is one sexy woman. She is 5'9" tall, weighs 120lbs and has straight, full, and long blond hair, a lean yet curvy figure, long legs, blue eyes, full lips, full yet perky C-cup breasts, a dynamite ass, and a face that should be on the cover of Elle magazine. She climbed on the bed with me and began to kiss my neck and ears. Then after ordering me to lie still, she proceeded to loosen my breasts from my nightie, and began to alternate between, gently sucking my nipples to licking around them in a circular pattern. I was so aroused I thought that I would explode, however, downstairs there was no reaction at all. She then told me to take care of her, I was embarrassed that I couldn't respond as a male, but she wasn't concerned. She told me use what I had, so I kissed her breasts just as she had done with mine. Then I gently kissed my way down her torso to her honey pot. I kissed the insides of her thighs while gently kneading her glorious ass. Then I licked on the outer lips of her flower as she wriggled in delight. Just as she really seemed to get turned on, I very lightly sucked on her clitoris as she had a violent orgasm. When she could speak, she looked at me dreamily and said that she had never had an orgasm as good as that before, and wanted to reward me for my efforts. She told me to close my eyes until she returned from the bathroom. When she returned, she was wearing a large strap-on double-ended dildo that had half inside her, and the other half being held in place by a harness. She told me that tonight I was going to become her girl for real. She came up behind me and spread K-Y jelly on my virgin anus. She then told me to get on all fours, as she slowly inserted the monster dong in my tight bud. At first it felt like she was going to rip me apart but soon I relaxed and she penetrated me to the hilt of this device. As she rubbed my now dangling breasts she slowly fucked me with this shlong. I felt wonderfully fulfilled in a way I had never imagined before. Tonight I was her girl, and I loved it. As she came closer to another orgasm, she picked up the tempo of her thrusts. Just as she started to climax she impaled me one last time and collapsed on my back. Even though I was on all fours, my legs turned to jelly and I felt an orgasm that was radiated throughout my entire body washing over me in waves. I looked down and I saw a clear runny liquid dripping out of my limp noodle. I didn't get hard yet my orgasm was the most satisfying and longest lasting I'd ever experienced. We cleaned up and fell asleep in each other's arms. The next day I had a coaching with Ben. I had been wearing baggy sweaters and pants to hide my new curves. It was very warm outside, and not much cooler in Ben's studio. He asked me why I didn't just take off my sweater, as he was hot just watching me. When I did his eyes nearly popped out of his head. He said that he had noticed slight changes in my appearance, but the changes he now saw were not slight. He told me that I looked positively radiant in my newfound beauty. I sat in a chair and asked him if he wanted to kick me out of his studio, as there was no possible way that I could get work as an actor now. He came gave me a big hug and told me not to worry. With looks like mine I should have an even greater chance of finding work now than before, only now as an actress. When he hugged me his masculine body made me drunk with desire. I had to have his cock. I could no more control myself than a cork adrift in the ocean. Desire swept over me and in a matter of seconds, I had his long pole in my mouth and I was sucking it with great delight. The taste of his cum sent a strange feeling through my body. Seconds later I felt really good, and could not think of single problem that I might have had. For that matter, I couldn't think of much of anything. I could only sit there empty headed with a silly grin on my face. It seemed like hours later, I came down from my high and left for home. I was totally guilt ridden, and didn't know what to do or say when I saw Jill. Jill had gone to the dentist to have a routine cleaning. The same dentist that Jill had recommended to me months earlier. When in the chair the dentist turned up the background music as she worked. Jill quickly faded into a deep sleep, and woke up feeling totally refreshed. The dentist told Jill that I was due for a cleaning, so Jill made me an appointment for the following week. As she headed home she kept thinking about how much she loved the beautiful she-male that her husband had become, but that something was missing. When she got home she was resolved to fix the problem. Dinner was on the table and I was dolled up to the nines for my lover. We had a lovely dinner and she told me about her show's rehearsals, and mentioned once again that they still were looking to fill a few more key parts, but had failed to find the right people. We got ready for bed, and made love many times before drifting off into blissful sleep in one another's arms. The next day I was at work when my telephone rang, it was Jill. She announced that, she had received her first check from the show and that she was making more than our old combined incomes. She then said to listen to her carefully, and said, "'Gwendolyn' be a 'Good Girl' and resign immediately from your position... I need you home." With that I typed up a letter of resignation, stating that for health reasons I was immediately leaving my position, and gave it to my boss. When I handed it to him he told me that he had noticed my change in appearance, and hoped I would be happy in my new life. He shook my hand, and had security escort me to the door. I didn't know whether to laugh or life had just take a serious turn into the unknown, but a little voice in the back of my head kept telling me that everything would be alright. I went home fell on the bed and had a good long cry. When the telephone rang I picked it up, and it was Jill. She asked me why I sounded so upset. I told her of how I'd been escorted from the building by the security guard at the boss's request. She agreed that said behaviour was a bit much, but told me not to worry. Once the initial shock wears off you will be much happier, she told me. She then said, she had a surprise that was sure to pick up my spirits. Half of an hour later, she picked me up and drove me to a small shopping centre on the other side of town. She said, "'Gwendolyn' be a 'Good Girl' and come with me to your first experience at a beauty salon." When put it that way, a slow smile crept across my face and I happily pranced into the salon right at her heels. We had the works: manicure, pedicure, full facials with makeovers, hair colour, haircut and style, and she had them pierce my ears. The girls at the shop were really sweet, and kept telling me how pretty I was. My hair became a dark red that was cut in a very alluring and definitely feminine style. It looks like a long pageboy cut, and I just adored it. My ears received five holes each, and Jill had them put a combination of gold hoops and diamond studs that she had hidden in her purse as a surprise. My fingernails were given silk wraps for strength and extension, and were painted a metallic pink shade that I just love. My fingernails were nearly an inch long and my toenails were painted to match my fingernails. The most time consuming and painful event of the day was the reshaping of my eyebrows. The cosmetologist must have pulled out one thousand hairs from each brow, but I had to say the results were spectacular. I now had graceful feminine arched brows that really drew attention to my eyes. The whole event was topped off by a relaxing massage. When we left I felt like a whole new me...a me that I really was starting to like. The next Monday, I had my dentist appointment. I had a small problem... When Jill had made my appointment I could still somewhat pass as a man. That would be impossible now. When I asked Jill what she thought I should do, she told me to not worry, and to be a "Good Girl" and get dressed. All anxiety passed, although I did notice that all of my male clothing was gone. It had all been replaced by dresses, skirts, tops, and leggings. I selected a lovely floral dress that buttons up the front with an empire waist, matching shoes and set about fixing my makeup. I pulled my hair up in a cute ponytail. Jill then told me that the appointment had been made for 'Gwendolyn', and that I should become used to using that as my name as my male name was no longer to be used. She handed me my purse and told me to look in my wallet. Not only was my wallet a lady's wallet, but all of my credit cards and identification had been changed to my new identity, Gwendolyn. Jill had taken care of all that through a service she found, so I wouldn't have a hissy fit at the Department of Motor Vehicles. That's right... somehow even my driver's license and passport now had female checked as the sex and a picture of the new me, with my new name. The 'Good Girl' command was still working, so I sashayed out to the car and drove to see the dentist. Upon my arrival, the dentist told me how much she liked my dress and asked me to come into the examining room. As soon as she started to clean my teeth, she said that she had found a cavity. She turned up the music in the background as she worked, and I gently drifted into a deep sleep. I woke two hours later feeling very refreshed. The dentist told me that she had just finished, and that all I needed to do was make an appointment in another six months for a cleaning. Upon arriving home, I decided that since I was now the woman of the house, I should start cleaning. When I went to the bedroom to change into clothing more suitable to cleaning, I noticed a box on the bed with a tag that said, "For my Gwendolyn... a surprise." I opened the box and in it was a black satin French maid's uniform with a white satin apron, black ruffled panties and a very full petticoat. Inside the outfit was a note from Jill. "Dearest Gwendolyn... here is the uniform that I expect you to wear when keeping house, which by the way, is your new job. If you are a "Good Girl" I will bring you new outfits to wear while cleaning in other colours." Instead of being upset with being ordered around like a maid, I suddenly felt joyful and with a sense of well being, like for the first time in months, I knew what I was supposed to be doing. I put on a black push-up bra, my ruffled black panties, my short maid's dress, my petticoats and my apron. My petticoats pushed the hem of my dress out to almost horizontal, so that my ruffled panties were in plain view if I bent over. As soon as my outfit was completely on, I felt a rush of desire like I had never felt before. I fell onto the bed and started kneading my full breasts. That wasn't enough, as I rooted around in Jill's special drawer and found a large dildo, which I had soon impaled myself with. I was insatiable, I lay exhausted two hours later after six screaming orgasms. It is a good thing I was alone, as I could have gotten myself into some serious trouble. I tried to remember what I was supposed to be doing, but I couldn't think very clearly... all that I could think of was sex, and how to get some. The telephone rang, and it was Jill telling me to be a 'Good Girl' and clean the living room before she came home. I put my panties back on, straightened my dress and proceeded to clean the living room; with all the effort I could muster. When Jill came home she had a silly smile on her face and a dreamy look about her...a look I recognized, but couldn't quite place. She dropped her bag, took one look at me in my French maid's outfit and proceeded to kiss me passionately, while she pawed my breasts and kneaded my butt. We made love right there in the living room like we had to, neither one of us had a bit control. All we could do was ravage each other like nymphomaniacs. We were broken out of our frenzy by the telephone ringing in the kitchen. Jill answered it, and with a very trance-like look on her face announced that we should go upstairs and get dolled up, as Ben was coming over for dinner. Ben had never eaten so much as a donut with either one of us before. Needless to say, my curiosity was intense. Jill and I went upstairs, bathed, dressed in our prettiest finery, did our makeup, hair, and went downstairs and started preparing dinner. Jill couldn't wipe the silly smile and dreamy look off her face the whole time... I know I have seen that look somewhere... Just then, the doorbell rang. Jill ran from the kitchen and answered the door, telling me to stay in the kitchen and finish preparing the meal. I did not mind, as long as I was pleasing her. She was in the living room with Ben, when I heard Ben say something to Jill and she went silent for a while. I got to a good stopping point in the food preparation, so I went into the living room. I stood there in shock as Ben had bent Jill over the sofa, thrown her dress up, pulled her panties down, and was screwing her doggy style. She had a silly grin her face, and was whimpering as he pounded her with his huge cock and his balls slapping up against her backside. I was going to say something, when an overwhelming desire overtook me and wiped my mind blank. Ben said, "'Gwendolyn' get over here and be a 'Bad Girl'". The only thought I could muster was... I need to be fucked and I needed it bad! Ben told me to bend over the sofa right next to Jill, and drop my panties. He withdrew his huge tool from Jill's sopping pussy and used her juices to lube up my opening. He then impaled me on his member. There was no pain, as somehow, I was really relaxed. As he pumped in and out of me, I lost what little ability to reason I had left. Total and complete euphoria overtook my whole being. Pure pleasure washed over me as orgasm after orgasm crashed through my whole being. When he was finished screwing my brains out, he had me clean him up and he looked at us and said, "ladies, be 'Ben's Girls' and 'Freeze'." Neither one of us could move a muscle, but neither of us wanted to, as we sat there with goofy smiles and dreamy looks about our faces. Ben took a cell phone out of his jacket, and placed a call. Five minutes later our dentist walked through our front door. She was wearing a shiny leather skintight mini dress, leather opera gloves, and tight high boots with six-inch heels. She gave Ben a deep kiss on the mouth and sat down between Jill and me, placing a leather gloved hand on each of our closest thighs. Even though neither of us could move, we both started drooling with lust for her and Ben. Ben said, 'Ben's Girls' and 'Listen', and instantly we could focus intently on what he was telling us. He went on to tell us that he was truly unlocking our potentials as actresses. Ben explained that he and our dentist, his sister, were bisexual and loved gender-benders. Our dentist, who we later learned was named Alexandra, told us that when we went to her office for dental work we were hypnotized by the music, which fed us suggestions that were permanently implanted on our psyches. Which was why when we heard certain triggers, like 'Ben's Girls' we were unable to think about anything but Ben and pleasing him. Apparently, Ben had Alexandra make Jill help him transform me, but he later decided to use her too, as they felt we made a very sexy pair. She went on to say that when I had my tooth repaired, and later when I had a tooth filled, she had implanted time released female hormones that had greatly altered my mind and body. She explained, "Gwendolyn, your penis is in a deep sleep induced by "girl juice" (hormones), and it will never wake again. It really doesn't matter because it is too small to be of any use to anyone, but we wanted it there temporarily to accommodate future needs. At this point, you hardly remember what it felt like to be a man, and wouldn't go back if you could". She told me that the more feminine hormones that were released into my body, the more I would crave them, and that I was already addicted them. Ben then took over the conversation again, telling us that there would be further changes to each of us. He then told us that we were to be his and Alexandra's sexual pets and that we had no will to fight anything they wanted to do to us. Mercifully, he had no plans to break Jill and I up or to do anything that we wouldn't eventually come to love. Ben went on to explain that even though we could understand everything he and Alexandra had just said and would remember it, we would not be able in any way, to communicate any of it to anyone else in the world. Ben and Alexandra kissed one another passionately and then told us to enjoy our dinner, as they walked out of our front door. Just before leaving, Ben turned and said, "Be Very Good Girls", and they left. Jill and I were blown away by all that we had just heard, but his last suggestion had left us so incredibly horny, that all we could think about was getting into bed with each other. We raced upstairs and took off everything but our garter belts and stockings. Jill put on the harness and strap-on double-ended dildo and humped my poor asshole until we both collapsed after five orgasms each. When we woke the next morning we were both sore, but in very good spirits. As we talked about what had happened the night before, we both got turned on yet again, but as we were too sore to screw, we gently brought each other over the edge by getting in a sixty-nine position and gently sucking on each other's clitties. We couldn't stop...all we cared about was sex. Jill finally got up, showered and dressed for her rehearsal. She asked me if I would like to come with her to rehearsal, as it would give me a day off from housework. I happily showered, got dressed in a lovely casual skirt, top and flats so I could accompany her. We parked a few blocks away from Jill's rehearsal studio, and walked hand in hand into the rehearsal. Upon our arrival we noticed the director talking to Ben. The director and Ben walked over to Jill and me, and Ben introduced me to him. Ben said, "These are my girls, Jill and Gwendolyn." We just smiled and giggled like a couple of schoolgirls. The director then told us that Ben was the anonymous playwright, and that Ben had suggested auditioning me. He handed me a script and asked me to take it home and study it for a reading next week. Not wanting to disappoint Ben, I smiled and took the script. Jill looked simply elated at the prospect of us working together. I stayed and watched the rehearsal, but couldn't understand the action as most of Jill's interaction was with a substitute reading from a script. When we arrived home, Jill explained that her love interest in the play was not yet cast, so the stagehand read lines with her in rehearsal. After dinner we were watching television, when the telephone rang. I picked it up and heard Ben's voice say, "Ben's girls" and then he instructed me to tell Jill to pick up the phone. I had that dreamy look and goofy smile on my face as I told Jill that the telephone was for her. She had just put the telephone to her ear, when Ben said, "Ben's girl's". He went on to tell her to get me and to pack a bag for two days for each of us. After hanging up the telephone, we marched upstairs and packed our bags. A few minutes later Ben and Alexandra showed up at our door. When we answered the door they greeted us with passionate kisses and told us to get into their car. As soon as we were in the car, Alexandra turned to us and said, "Sleepytime", and we both promptly fell into a deep slumber. When I woke up I noticed that I was sore all over. I could tell that I was in some sort of hospital, and that Jill was in the next bed over. She had sheets covering her, but I could tell that the lower half of her body was bandaged. I, on the other hand, was bandaged all over. Later that day, Alexandra came in and told us that our final changes had taken place, and as she also held medical board certification in plastic surgery, she had supervised all of the work. She told me that I was fully female now, and that my penis had been inverted to form my vaginal walls. Alexandra further explained that I would be able to experience orgasms just as any biological woman would. I was also given breast implants to bring my bust to a D cup, my lips given collagen implants, my voice was surgically raised, my nose was made more petite, my Adam's apple had been shaved. Also just because Alexandra requested eyes were reshaped so that I now looked Asian. It was also explained to me that while I was under, they had a very skilled tattoo artist apply permanent make up to my lips and eyes, so that I would always have a sultry come hither look. My hair was also permanently dyed a deep brown, almost black. She congratulated me, and told me that I was going to be perfection personified when I healed. Jill was strapped to her bed so that she couldn't move. Alexandra explained that the restraint was a safety precaution, so that she would tear any stitches. She explained that since she and Ben loved gender-bending so much; Jill had been given a special gift. From now on Jill was going to be the she-male between us. Alexandra explained that in a very long and complicated surgery, Jill had been given a 12 inch tool that any man would envy, and a big set of balls...all of it fully functional. Jill had also been given the permanent makeup routine, but she was made to look like a French tart who was on the prowl. Alexandra went on to explain that because the surgeries were performed using the very latest procedures that we would be nearly totally healed in 48 hours. In case we were not thrilled with the work, or just needed extra motivation in the future, Alexandra explained that we had been given further "suggestions" while in recovery. True to her word in about 2.5 days we were both up and walking around, and on the third day we were discharged from hospital. Ben and Alexandra took us home and tucked us into bed, as we were both still exhausted from our ordeal. The next morning I turned over and saw Jill's new toy making a tent in the bed sheets. I had to have it, so I crawled under the sheets and woke my honey up to her first blowjob. After about ten minutes of slurping on her beautiful pole she blew a load of spunk down the back of my throat. I knew right then and there that I would be having lots of fun with her new equipment for a long time. She then smiled a sly smile and told me to sit up so that we could be face to face. As we caressed each other's breasts and kissed, she had me sit in her lap, and gently dilated my new honey pot with her huge tool. Surprisingly, I was really wet, and there was no pain...only the most fulfilling wonderful feeling I had ever felt. I really didn't know that it was possible to feel so wonderful. My whole body felt so good that I felt as if I was going to simply melt from pleasure. I started to buck up and down on her tool as we let our breasts rub against one another. Jill rocked under me and started to breathe very heavily. I felt so good that I never wanted it to stop, but when Jill blew a load into my pussy, I experienced the most mind-blowing orgasm I had ever known. I actually passed out, and did not wake up for 25 minutes. When I awoke, Jill was snoozing gently as we were lying on the bed, till wrapped all around each other. We decided that we should get showered and dressed before the whole day passed us by. The telephone rang and Alexandra said, 'Ben's Girls' and 'rehearsal'. We quickly got dressed and raced to the rehearsal studio. When I arrived the director asked me if I was ready to read the part for him. Even though I hadn't even looked at the script, somehow I knew every word of it. I told the director that I was ready whenever he was. My voice was now a very sultry mezzo-soprano, and I felt very sexy and alluring as I did my reading. The director loved my rendition, and I was hired on the spot. He then explained to me that the story cantered around the action in a harem and that Jill and I were going to be playing two harem girls who are lovers. Ben Green, our coach, and the writer of the play was cast as the Sultan and his sister Alexandra was cast as the Sultan's chief wife and head of the harem. When we arrived home we noticed that Ben and Alexandra's car was parked in our driveway. As we walked in the door we noticed the two of them sitting on our sofa. Ben announced that we were going to "rehearse" and Jill and I both became totally enflamed with desire. I was practically dripping with lust and Jill had a woody sticking out of her skirt that made it look as if she were hiding a baseball bat in there. We started to kiss each other when Ben said, "Undress, and then Freeze". In about three seconds flat we were both standing in our underwear whimpering with sexual desire, which for the second would go unfulfilled. While I was left unable to move, Jill was ordered to give Ben a blowjob. She did so with extreme pleasure, and took her time doing so. What I could not see was Alexandra undressing behind me. We had never seen her except fully clothed. I soon felt Alexandra come up behind me and start to fondle my breasts while her lovely orbs rubbed up against my back. I very badly wanted to reciprocate, but I was still frozen still. The next part I couldn't understand, but didn't mind, as I was so horny I would have gotten it on with almost anything. I felt a large erect member sliding around my bum. Apparently, when she and Ben said they were into gender bending, they meant it; she was a drop-dead gorgeous she-male like Jill. Alexandra whispered into my ear to "Unfreeze", and proceeded to take me doggy style over the side of the sofa. Her tool was huge and I was loving every throbbing big-veined inch of it. I was busy enjoying the royal screwing I was getting, when Ben blew a big load down the back of Jill's throat. Ben wanted to rest for a minute so he told Jill to join Alexandra and me. Alexandra spun around and started humping me face to face, while Jill used some of my dripping juices to lube up my ass. Jill then filled my backdoor with her amazing tool, while Alexandra took me with her magnificent dong from the front. I had beautiful tits rubbing against my back and my own hooters while I was totally filled in my back and front doors. It was the most amazing feeling I had ever encountered, the longer it went on the closer I came to losing my mind to pleasure. Just as I didn't think it could get any better, Ben came up behind Jill and started reaming her corn-hole with his huge shlong. There we were a giant sandwich of writhing, throbbing sexual pleasure. Ben came in Jill's backdoor, and that set off a chain reaction of orgasms in: me, Jill and Alexandra. Before I passed out again I counted seven orgasms, each one stronger than the last. We didn't figure it all out at the time, but Jill and I were not being coached or cast in a Broadway play. Ben and his sister were moguls in the porno movie business and we were going to be the stars of his newest project "Harem Heat". The movie went on to become the best selling DVD in the history of pornography. Critics said that it was the most sensual, realistic lovemaking ever filmed. There is, of course, a reason, Jill and I love each other and we love fucking. Ben says that we are not the brightest bulbs in the box, but we don't know what he means. We both had to go to Alexandra for a normal teeth cleaning last month. When we were there she played that lovely background music and we both fell asleep. When we awoke, Alexandra said that we would be much happier now. She said that we would only think happy thoughts and that our IQ's had been lowered so that...I think she said we would be happier...cause, like you know, we wouldn't think too much...anyway, Jill and I smile all of the time. We live with Ben and Alexandra now, as they said it is dangerous for two airheads as dumb as we are to live alone. We share a lovely room that is pretty and pink. We love it. Ben has a pool, and we can swim any time we want...we love Ben. Alexandra comes after work, and helps us play dress up. We love dress up. Today she had us dress as baby girls. I got to wear a little girl's dress with poofy lace all over. It was pink. Jill wore a little girl's dress with ruffled panties. It was blue. Mommy, I mean Alexandra, had us make out while a nice man filmed us. We love it here. Later Mommy says that we can play two brides getting married. We love our life here, and we love being "Ben's girls".

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The Schoolgirls

The Schoolgirls by Jayme Erin Hendricksen How far will a young talented female musician go with her boyfriend to advance her musical career? My name is Gretchen VanAustin. I'm 23, a child of money, spoiled, artistic, intensely creative, devious, bisexual, a talented guitarist, and I yearn to be a rock star. And I'm becoming one, with the help of my group, the "Schoolgirls". And I'm about to tell you who is probably the most responsible for my path to success, and why. His...

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As a part of the Gamma Films family, Girl Sway (or is it Girl’s Way? I am not entirely sure…I’m going to just go with Girls Way because I like it better) is one of the production company’s most popular sites, and one of the most popular all lesbian porn paysite providers on the web. Gamma Films is also known for its other premium paysites, such as 21st Sextury, Fantasy Massage, and Pure Taboo., however, has attained, arguably, the best reputation when it comes to all lesbian...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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Femdom with egirls

// I'd like to use the first chapter as an author's note. Feel free to skip ahead if you don't wanna read this, but I encourage you to at least take a look. First of all, I obviously don't own any of the pictures used, the girl in the cover of this story is @jennalynnmeowri and at the start of the story, all of the girls will be referred to as their Instagram @s Second of all, please do not leave disrespectful comments on any of their photos, and don't take this story too seriously, as it ISN'T...

4 years ago
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The twin dickgirls

Meg and Sarah are twin sisters, both are 18 years old and are seniors in high school. Unlike most women, they have both male and female genitals, a fact that is known to everyone at their school. It's early in the morning and Meg woke up with her cock totally hard. She got up and watched the little of her reflection that you could see in the mirror due to the darkness in the room, seeing the girl with long black hair and big breasts. People close to her said she had her mother's body, but her...

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The Batfamily were the united heroes of Gotham City. Bruce Wayne when he first became the Batman decided he needed help to save Gotham. He brought in Dick Grayson, the first Robin. Eventually Bruce expanded so far, he had four Robins and three Batgirls. ——————- You play as Dick Grayson, the oldest of all the Batfamily and you are assigned to a mission with the three Batgirls

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Pokegirls were created long ago by an evil and perverted scientist called Dr. Sukebe as super-soldiers, sexual partners, and servants. However, when he created these Pokegirls, rebellion broke out, and a war began. During this time, people learned that they could make Pokegirls loyal to one person, and soon, this knowledge spread - the ones who made these Pokegirls loyal to him or her was called a Tamer. Now, these Pokegirls are either used as sex slaves, partners, or both. There are female...

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"Pokegirls are products of nature's power. They are linked inextricably to the world around them. Tamers, pure blooded people at one point in time - now those who by the age of 16 have not undergone 'Threshold' - have the ability to stop these Pokegirls from reverting to a more animalistic or feral state through the use of heavy endorphin release during orgasm. A culture has grown over the years between these Tamers - to see who has the most beautiful, the most skilled and the most powerful...

3 years ago
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Deceiving the Naive Papergirls

Saturday,11:00 am. I was having a shower trying to get rid of a rather nasty hangover when the damn doorbell rang. Loud. Damn near made my head bust. I tried to ignore it but some idiot kept pushing the bell. Shelly, my wife, works Saturdays so I had to answer the damn thing myself. I turned the shower off, grabbed a towel, held it round my waist and stumbled down the stairs, dripping. ?OK, OK. I'm coming.? Every ring set off explosions in my poor head. I opened the door. ?What is it?? A young...

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This story is intended only for readers who are lawfully certified mature, sophisticated, cosmopolitan, and literate. All others fuck off. BiGirls by Vickie Tern i. I sell insurance, industrial, liability, all kinds. I know. But it's a living, if you work at it, and it's a product people need, so they buy it. If they luck out and it turns out they didn't need it they feel cheated. So...

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Manja at Pussygirls

Had gone to Denmark to visit a good friend who moved away from Sweden.For some reason, my horniness steered me to the city of Horsens, south of Aarhus.Come out to the yellow house on Nygade 10th Rang and Manja opened.I had not been with her ??before. But she seemed nice.Manja. She is an adult blonde bimbo, at 35y.o..She is as tall as my 178 cm, but weighs just 63kg distributed on a golden porn star's body.Always with a twinkle in his eyes, full lips that you just wanted to kiss.She has them...

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RepliKate and the BunnyGirls

by Fidget RepliKate impatiently waited for the patrol to walk by, activating her powers as she stepped into the hallway behind them. The classy, dark evening gown that molded itself to her smooth curves vanished suddenly, leaving her ample assets fully nude for an almost-imperceptible instant as she strode down the hall before rough Kevlar materialized around her body, wrapping her in dark blue body armor as a standard-issue visored helmet obscured her elegant features. She adopted the...

2 years ago
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RepliKate and the BunnyGirls

RepliKate impatiently waited for the patrol to walk by, activating her powers as she stepped into the hallway behind them. The classy, dark evening gown that molded itself to her smooth curves vanished suddenly, leaving her ample assets fully nude for an almost-imperceptible instant as she strode down the hall before rough Kevlar materialized around her body, wrapping her in dark blue body armor as a standard-issue visored helmet obscured her elegant features. She adopted the no-nonsense gait...

Mind Control
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Dew and Girlsex

Rosalind held the crotch of her panties lightly, stroking her swollen clitoris with her middle finger. Her cunt itched, slippery juices seeping and dampening her fiery thick cunt hair and her silky panties. She tightened her butt muscles, pushing her cunt against her hand as a shiver climbed her spine, and the tingling wave of lust stirred from her slightly chubby thighs to her ample, shapely breasts. The 38-year old redhead stared lustily through the door of the canvas tent, which fell just a...

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The Devils PactChapter 4 Salesgirls

Thursday, June 6th, 2013 – Mark Glassner – South Hill, WA Mary and I exited the Heavenly Creature's Salon, arm's wrapped around each other's waist. "Where's your car?" Mary asked, peering curiously around the parking lot. "I got rid of that P.O.S.," I told her, leading her to my new, silver Mustang. The original owner decided to be an asshole to me, so I swapped cars with him and sent his wife into an orgy to punish him. "Here's my new ride, Mare." Mary raised her eyebrows at...

3 years ago
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Portrait of the Valkyrie as a Young WomanChapter 6 Of Women Girls and Supergirls

October was nearing its end, and I was starting to slip. My performance at the mill was getting worse. All I could think about was the Finklestein house, that lesbian coven of weightlifting and murder. Every so often I would see Rachel driving past, and she would laugh. But I hadn’t seen Becky since last Saturday when she almost killed me for endorsing the wrong Fraggle. Sherry and Andy were away again and I was back in the garage. I thought about lifting weights, but when I examined the bar...

1 year ago
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Looking for sexy Russian girls? Are you ever tired of the savagery that you see in porn and just want to lay back with some passionate galleries and stroke your wand to those instead. I know that after a long day, there’s nothing better than to unwind with some beautiful babes that are professionally shot on photography sets. Porn is great and all for when you want to let it all out, but for when you’re completely drained there are sites like which will make you feel nice...

Popular Porn Blogs
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Reddit Real Girls, aka r/RealGirls! When we jerk off to porn, we’re jerking off to a substitute for the real thing – as humans, we mostly want sex and food in this life, everything else is second to those two basic animalistic necessities, so it’s imperative that we eat and fuck as much as we can in this life before we die. Now seeing as how we’ve evolved into a never before-comprehended society with incredible technology and socioeconomic factors which people living 1000s of years ago could...

Reddit NSFW List
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At Girl Scanner you will get to see some of the most recent releases and older videos from other known porn sites, and all of them can be downloaded. In fact, all you can do is download their content and not much else, which is why I am honestly a bit confused as to why they decided to name the site aka… what does that even stand for?While that might sound all peachy and shit, it is not all that great. Do not worry, as that is exactly why the fuck I am here, so...

Free Porn Download Sites
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Meh, I'm not looking for "kind girls", but "nude girls"! People tend to get repulsed by all the obscene pornography on the internet. We all know that female nudity may be celebrated in a way that's much more respectful. Matter of fact, seeing all these girls getting stepped on, spit on and fucked roughly has destroyed the way we see girls. Not all women want to get bent over and pounded hard until they can't breathe properly.Rather, most girls really aren't into that, and modern pornography...

Naked Girls Galleries
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I’ll be honest: DSC Girls, aka Delhi Sex Chat, kind of took me by surprise when the link slid into my DMs this morning. It wasn’t the basic premise that got me, as regular visitors will know I myself am a regular on some of the webcam sites around the internet. Hell, I’ve got dozens of similar platforms listed and reviewed in my directory of Live Sex Cam Sites here at ThePornDude. On the other hand, my list of Live Indian Sex Cams is slim compared to some of the other options out there....

Live Indian Sex Cams
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Yeah, baby! Viper Girls! A lot of people have this image of the pornography superfan as a lonely, isolated recluse, holed up in his basement and jerking off to hardcore anal porn 24-7, never interacting with another human soul. That just isn’t true. There are some thriving communities of perverts out there. ViperGirls, for example, gets over 15 million visits a month. See? I interact with a lot of people, even throughout a six-day masturbation binge, during which I never leave the...

Porn Forums
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You sick fucks want to know more about Poo Pee Girls? The internet made it possible for porn to be accessed very easily and ‘enjoyed’ by people from all over the world with relative ease. Many early P2P sharing platforms like Kazaa and Limewire had an astonishing amount of porn on them during the late 90s and early 2000s – so much that it was impossible to tell whether you’re downloading a Linkin Park anime music video, or a low-quality homemade fuck-flick. As the internet expanded more and...

Scat Porn Sites
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Net Video Girls has the kind of name that’s vague enough to almost sound innocent, but we wouldn’t be talking about it if it was. You probably already have some good ideas about what those girls are doing on video, on the net. Make a list of your favorite sex acts and follow along at home as we see how many of your wet dreams are about to be acted out on camera.While they may have a lower profile than premium mega-sites like Brazzers, seems to have carved out their own corner...

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Are you into videos of Girls Rimming? You don’t actually have to answer that, because the fact that you’re reading this tells me all I need to know about your lust for pretty girls who know how to toss a good salad. In a world of increasingly depraved porno, it’s still pretty uncommon to see a girl licking a dude’s asshole in a high-budget movie. If you’re the kind of pervert who seeks out the bum-tonguing scenes on the big paysites, I’ve got a fucking treat for you is...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Holo Girls VR, mother fucker! Take out your goggles, cause I'm about to give you an award-winning site. It's not like you are used to seeing, it's more than that. I mean it! It's awesome, it's amazing, it has hot VR productions, hot pornstars, hot sex, hot everything. Once you have confirmed the fact that you are at an age which allows you to see porn, you can start the journey to the moon and back. I've used this expression because HoloGirlsVR is an alien site. Who the fuck had the idea for...

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Need JAV pics? It’s time to get down with some sexier as fuck JAV girls. You’ve probably seen my extensive list of quality JAV sites. There are a shit-ton of them. They are all great and each one has something different and special that it brings to the table. Some house hordes of uncensored videos while others have heaps of kinky fetish content. Who am I kidding, they all have fetish content. It’s fucking JAV. It’s weird, sexy, and any other dumb adjective you could think of. The site I have...

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Girls With Muscle!? I’m getting mixed feeling here guys. On one hand, I love fit women, I like it when women take care of themselves and their bodies. But on the other hand, when some of them have bigger muscles than me, I don’t really know what to think of that. Welcome to, where you’ll find tons of real images of real women who are packing heat. And by heat, I mean guns. And by guns, I mean their biceps. Holy cow, look at those biceps! I can feel a bit of insecurity coming...

Fetish Porn Sites
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“Wow, girls!” I still say it all the time, even as a depraved porn addict who never stops shaking his dick at the screen. I’m just in awe of hot bitches, I guess, hardwired to appreciate the natural and sometimes enhanced beauty of girls next door and porn sluts alike. That’s probably why I’m entranced within seconds of hitting the landing page at WowGirls. They look like the girls next door, but goddamn, they’re getting into some serious porno sex! calls themselves The Future of...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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Reddit Straight Girls Playing, aka r/StraightGirlsPlaying! Watching straight girls do something that is not-so-straight gets my motor running, and seeing as how you decided to check out a subreddit called r/StraightGirlsPlaying/, I am sure you feel the same way, right? There are many reasons why this subreddit made my dick hard, and they are all pretty obvious. But if you are interested, I shall go over all the basics and whatever the fuck I think is important.Starting with the overall...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit XSmallGirls, aka r/XSmallGirls! I feel like such a pervert just checking out this sub. Yo, fuck that, these petite girls had it coming, and I’m about to be cumming to their nude pics for as long as I want! That’s right, today we’re talking about the /r/xsmallgirls community where small babes reign supreme as opposed to other subs where you usually see busty sluts with huge jugs. Here, as the community eloquently states in the description of /r/xsmallgirls, it’s a place where you can see...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit AmateurGirlsBigCocks, aka r/AmateurGirlsBigCocks! I’m not a fucking photographer or even a cinematographer (but if I get to see hot ass and pussy all day, I may learn how to do both!), but even I know this to be true. There isn’t a better kind of XXX picture or GIF you can snap that’s fucking sexier and will get dudes rock hard faster than a giant cock going inside a tight, wet hole. Take that notion, make the bitch an amateur, and you’ve got an insane, sexual sandwich that would make...

Reddit NSFW List
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Famous Internet Girls Galleries! When you’re browsing the 18+ web for some hardcore pics of nude women in sexual situations, you usually have a choice to make beforehand. You gotta choose whether you’re in the mood for pornstars, camgirls, random Reddit nudes, or celebrity content. This kind of sucks because hotness transcends careers – all hot women are worth fapping to, no matter how famous they are or where their nudes cropped up. That’s why I’m glad that FamousInternetGirlsGalleries exists....

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Reddit GroupOfNudeGirls, aka r/GroupOfNudeGirls! What’s better than seeing a gorgeous girl get naked? Seeing a bunch of hotties get naked together! Well, if you are ready for such dirtiness, you are welcome to browse through a subreddit called r/GroupOfNudeGirls/… I think the name pretty much explains exactly what you could expect from this subreddit, so take your time and browse as much as you fucking want.Hot girls get nude together.So, that is all r/GroupOfNudeGirls/ has to offer, but...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit FitNakedGirls, aka r/FitNakedGirls! What’s your perfect woman? We all have a type, but at the same time, there is a type that everyone can agree is super addictive, such as fit babes. I mean, what is there not to appreciate with girls who are fit and hot? Well, unless you are into something highly specific such as fatties or whatever, I think that you will surely enjoy this subreddit; called r/FitNakedGirls/.Don’t you just love when the name of the subreddit basically explains all that...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit StripGirls, aka r/StripGirls! Welcome to a subreddit dedicated to the hottest babes of, who love to take their clothes off and show you all the goodies. I mean, that is the gist of it, and I am pretty sure that you could have figured that out just by reading the name of the subreddit, aka r/stripgirls/. So, if that sounds like something you’d be interested in, you are in for a treat.I always say that you are in ‘for a treat’ because is a free website. On top of...

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Sexy EGirls

SexyEGirls! Feeling lonely? Has social distancing from the ‘rona interfered with your usual routine of banging local fatties on Tinder? It may be a second choice to the feel of real, flabby flesh on flesh, but have you ever considered getting off to some Sexy Egirls? They generally don’t have the pot bellies and fucked-up teeth of the babes you’re used to, so their sexy bodies and pretty faces might well ruin your appreciation for your hometown sprung up in April 2023,...

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