Misjudgement free porn video

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Misjudgment By Zedd I was at the Mall early Saturday trying to decide whether to blow what little allowance I had saved for the music CD or a new set of head phones, and checking out all the babes that frequent its air-conditioned tiled spaces, when I ran into a girl from school I knew. I saw her coming, passing right in front of the music store I had been heading to myself, and didn?t have time to duck and run. I knew she had it in for me, and I could tell she?d seen me already by the big feral grin plastered on her face. I felt like an antelope coming face to face with a hungry lion. ?Tony! Hi!? She called from a few feet away. Her voice was loud enough to carry over to a pair of security guards lounging nearby, also checking out the babes, which only served to make me feel even more uncomfortable because I knew they were checking her out. ?Hi Debbie. What are you doing here?? I asked out of politeness. I didn?t want to engage in an overly long discussion about anything with her. Just cut and run after the how-do?s. That?s how guilty and uncomfortable I was. ?Well, I was going into Federick?s of Hollywood to pick up a new pair of panties, when I saw you!? I could only blush at her honesty. With her recent weight gain over the recent months, and in all the right places, the last thing I wanted was to get an erection envisioning Debbie wearing a pair of sexy panties! I glanced at the tight faded jeans she wore so deliciously, and the simple grey sweatshirt with our school logo stitched onto the upper part of her left breast, and wondered if she were wearing an old pair of sexy panties right then. I gulped before saying anything. On top of everything else, I didn?t want her to see me as a pervert. ?Gee, that?s cool. I guess I?ll be seeing you then?? I was starting to turn away even before finishing my sentence, but Debbie was quicker. ?Not so fast.? She said happily, smiling at some joke I didn?t hear. ?I wanted to give you a present, you know, for not treating me too badly after ?.. you know.? I could only look at her blankly and watch, as she seemed to summon up a little courage before continuing. ?A couple months ago?? She supplied when I tried looking blank. We both knew what she was referring to. ?I remember what you?d said to me, when you were with your friends? Because I was putting too much weight on, you know, up top?? She gestured with her hands in front of her chest, cupping huge imaginary breasts. I could only envision such monsters, as her own breasts were a bit smaller, probably around a D cup if the grape vine was at all accurate. I could faintly hear the snicker of one of the guards behind me, probably having seen Debbie holding her hands in front of her. They were no doubt supplying their own conversation to our encounter, since the present one wasn?t sexy enough. ?Ahh, well, I didn?t know quite what to say when ?.? She quieted me instantly with her finger. ?Not too worry!? She spoke loudly. I could almost tell there was a bit of anger in her voice, too. ?I got over that really fast, and I want you to get over it, too.? I didn?t know what she was talking about so just waited for her to finish. ?I got you this ring as a present, a sort of farewell present you might say.? She snickered when she?d said that, then grabbed my unresisting hand and thrust the ring onto my smallest finger. I only looked at it, thinking how much it might have cost when I realized that she was filthy rich. Actually, her Mom was the rich one; she just benefited from it. ?Well, I ?..? ?Don?t say anything!? She told me none too gently. ?I snuck that out of my Mom?s private office at the house just for you.? I could only look at her, wondering why she?d given me such an expensive ring after they way I treated her. The fact that she?d stolen it from her Mom didn?t matter to me. They were rich beyond belief anyway. I remember talking to her in the hallway while imagining how those big tits of hers would look in a bikini top, trying to impress her, when a bunch of my friends came by. They began taunting her, calling her names like big top, and boobs, buoy babe and Debbie?s dynamic duo. I was ashamed to find myself joining them, afraid of looking like a jerk to my friends, so I too began calling her names. I could see the hurt in her eyes, but I was selfishly concerned with how I looked in front of my own friend?s eyes instead. Debbie ran down the hall, anxious to get away from us, and me, forever. I had felt terrible. I didn?t know how to make it up to her without letting my friends know how much I liked her, so I did nothing and let time go by. The whole time I?ve been in a sort of hell over it. I really like her and wanted to get to know her a whole lot better, and apologize, but thought maybe too much time had gone by. Every time I would get up the nerve to call her up, I would imagine her telling me to go to hell because I took so long, so would let even more time go by. Now it?s been about 3 months and here she was, giving me a ruby ring. Not only that, but one she stole from her Mom, Barbara. I?d actually met her Mom once! One could see where her daughter had gotten her curves. She was pretty, in a corporate sort of way, but what struck me was the sense of ruthlessness that emanated from her. I had gotten the impression she?d do just about anything to be successful. Talking with Debbie later on I found out I wasn?t far off the mark. It seems her Mom, Barbara, had several male friends that had been interested in her, romantically. One by one they?d disappeared, never to be seen again. Of course, each one had been wealthy, some more than others, and each one, so says Debbie, had left everything to her Mom without fail. Talk about suspicious! I didn?t know why her Mom even worked if she was so well off. I didn?t really know what kind of work she did, something about placing young women into specific positions around the country. I?d heard she even worked outside the country, helping place immigrants and stuff. The whole thing sounded very strange to me, but not enough to lose Debbie over. Looking good in front of my friends was though! One of these days, I told myself, I was going to have to grow up! I looked at the ring on my little finger, then at Debbie, wondering if too much time had passed, or not enough. I still liked her, a lot! And the real fact of the matter was I thought she looked fantastic! Her tits were big all right, but I liked them like that. Her waist was small and her ass just right, and she had the cutest face with the most kissable lips I?d ever seen anywhere. I wanted nothing more than to be her boyfriend, if she would have me. I was going to spill out my heart right there and then, only her eyes had this look of wild beast about them, like she?d finally cornered her prey and was just about to devour it. Maybe telling her how I felt could wait a little longer, I thought dejectedly. ?Now don?t you dare take that ring off. Hear?? I could only nod, becoming more puzzled by the second. ?I stole that from Mom because it?s magical.? Magical? I looked at the gold band with the large ruby, doubting very much it being magical, then once again at her, wondering if she were trying to tell me something. Except she was already walking away. Oh, Debbie, if only I had the courage to stand up to my friends. I realized what my problem was after talking to the school counselor. He?d said I was suffering from a low self esteem and that I should confront my friends and tell them exactly how I felt about you. He?d also said that I?d be surprised to find out that probably every one of my friends was feeling the same way. I guess Debbie was a hottie in every one?s book. I turned and walked down the Mall, knowing full well I should have gone the other way and caught up with Debbie. I just couldn?t make my feet turn around. * * * * Debbie walked down the Mall a little ways before turning to see what Tony was doing. She thought she?d lost him, but before too long was able to spot him walking the other way. She giggled to herself, thinking about what was going to happen to poor Tony. Poor, selfish, small-minded, unfeeling Tony, she thought with anger. She was unsure how the ring worked, only that she?d spied on her Mom one evening when a young lady came to see her. The woman was real beautiful and sexy, but still seemed angry with her Mom for some reason. After listening to their conversation, and her Mom?s confession about trapping the once man into the body of a beautiful woman through the magic of the ring, Debbie made plans to borrow it for Tony. She assumed that Tony would merely change into a girl after putting on the ring, not knowing how the magic of the ring worked. She debated on asking her Mom but that would mean her finding out she?d stolen it for the night. No, she would just hang around him for the time he was at the Mall and wait for it to happen. If he left, then she would follow discreetly. * * * * Tony walked down the cool tiled floor of the Mall lost in thought, unaware of the strange sensations creeping through his body. What brought it to his attention was when one of his shoes became so loose it actually fell off his foot in mid stride. Perplexed, Tony picked up his shoe, thinking maybe the laces had come undone, and walked over to a bench to sit down, ignorant of the sudden glow coming from the ruby in the ring. He was about to sit down when his eye caught the ?Lane Bryant? store right in front of him. He immediately walked in, not knowing why, and searched for the nearest sales lady. Finding one near the back of the store, he stopped and looked right at her, feeling confused and embarrassed at the same time. He didn?t know what he was doing here, holding one old tennis shoe in his hand, and looked at the sales lady to see if she knew! The sales lady looked up briefly and was about to ask him if he needed help when, unknowingly to him his ring glowed, causing the lady to pause suddenly before smiling sweetly. He felt himself smile back, though why he didn?t know, and took a moment to look her over. Tall, he thought, almost his height of 5?8?, and a well put together 160 pounds or so, with large breasts and wide full hips. He suspected without having to look that her ass was very full and round, as befitted a woman working in a store catering to the larger female. She also had a pretty face with large expressive eyes and a full mouth that was as sensuous as her smile had been. ?Why, hello.? She purred at him, one hand rested on his shoulder as she smiled broadly. ?I?m so glad I can help you today.? Hooking her arm through his, she guided him between two racks of clothes into the dressing room right off the floor. He was bewildered as to what was going on, and why the lady acted like she knew him. He was also beginning to wonder why he was going along with it! He let her pull him into the private dressing room, barely big enough for one person, let alone two, and sat him down on the small stool inside. She was so close to him, he found it hard to think. He was attempting to ask her a question but found he couldn?t open his mouth, nor could he get up and leave. What was going on here? ?My name is Tabitha.? She smiled again, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a cloth tape measure. ?And I?ll be taking your measurements now, Cindy.? Cindy? Tony was confused. Did this woman call him Cindy? Just then her body moving closer distracted him. Thoughts of who this Cindy was didn?t matter as much. She breathed as she leaned over, her large breasts wobbling forward inside the heavy satin bra she wore underneath her silk blouse. Dutifully, Tony lifted his arms while she wrapped it around his chest, taking the opportunity to smell her perfume as she continually brushed against him. Her head slid against his as she moved closer to see the numbers on the tape behind him, her breasts softly pressing against his chest making him shudder in excitement! In moments she was finished and, flashing a grin, straddled his lap while at the same time entwining her arms about his neck and pulling his head to her breasts. Her fingers practically ran wildly through his hair as he found his face pressed firmly upon soft, jiggling flesh. She grabbed his face between her hands and madly kissed him, her tongue snaking into his mouth to dance with his own. He could feel her hips begin shifting back and forth, rubbing against him wantonly, giving unbelievable sensations to his hard throbbing cock. He could feel how wet she was getting and began to smell her excitement start to permeate the small cubicle they shared. Suddenly, she stood and dragged him upright. Grabbing his zipper she tore it down, ripping the heavy denim in the process, and pulled his pants down to reveal his engorged cock tenting his boxers. Swiftly she fell to her knees, pulling these down in one clean yank, and swallowed his cock within her mouth in one wild thrust of her face. He couldn?t believe what was happening to him! Here he was, wondering what was going on, finding himself inside a ladies clothing store, and being given a supreme blow job by an older saleslady whom he?s never met before! He watched, his body wracked by intense pleasure while the beautiful saleslady bobbed her head up and down like a machine on his cock! He was about to blow his load any second, he could tell, and wanted to warn her! His hands grabbed her head, resting them there, unaware as he started pushing her head down in simultaneous motion. As the feeling grew, telling him his impending explosion was getting stronger, he moved his hands down to her shoulders to try and get her attention. Her hands suddenly grabbed his own and, without taking her mouth from his cock, drew them further down to clasp them to her heavy breasts. He gasped as his hands became full with big, soft tit flesh and felt her hard nipples digging into his palms! That was all he could take as his cock started shooting thick, gooey blasts of cum into her mouth! He could only grasp the large breasts tightly as his orgasm took over his body, preventing him from even seeing normally! He heard and felt her swallow each load as it shot out; her slurping noises sounding loud to his ears. In the back of his mind, he wondered what the people outside were thinking! His body began to relax, his organ attempting to diminish when he felt her mouth begin to suck his cock forcefully! The sensation was so abrupt, so intense, he almost cried out as her lips began brushing against his pelvis, her tongue seemingly wrapping itself around his cock like a snake! There was pleasure and pain, both warping his mind, until he couldn?t take it anymore and passed out. When he awoke, he found her just coming back into the dressing room with an armload of clothing. Woman?s clothing! Did she think he was gonna dress up in woman?s clothes? He was about to protest when she started talking. ?I found these in back.? She said excitedly, pulling out a pair of panties and bra from her stack. ?Somebody returned them but they don?t belong to this store, obviously.? She stated while holding up a bra and panty set that would have been far too small to fit anybody in the store. Without knowing why, he stood and easily stepped out of his clothes. Reaching for the panties first, he drew them up his smooth legs. Since when were his legs smooth? The fit was extraordinary while confusing to him. Why would a pair of ladies panties fit him so well? He wanted to ask this of the saleslady, in addition to asking her out even though she was about ten years older than he was, but instead found himself slipping the straps of the bra over his shoulders! He bent over; settling his breasts inside the cups of the smooth satin then easily reached behind his back and hooked the two eyelets. But he didn?t have breasts! What was going on with him? And what was this lady trying to do to him? Was he hypnotized or something? Why couldn?t he stop what he was doing and just leave? Suddenly, he caught himself in the mirror of the dressing room and froze. There in front of him was a very pretty girl dressed in only a white satin bra and panty, her smallish breasts heaving delightfully. The figure was young but curvy, promising a full womanly figure in a handful of years. Instead of the short nondescript hair he used to have, he was confused when he spied the short bouncy dark curls that moved about his ears. The face was both innocent and beautiful, with full lips and high cheeks underneath big blue eyes that were, at the present, as large as saucers! ?That couldn?t possibly be me!? He at first thought. When she moved at the same time he did, he knew that he was somehow the beautiful girl in the mirror. Again he tried to say something, to scream at her, anything, but all that came out was, ?Oh my.? ?You like?? Tabitha asked, pleased she was able to help in her own way. He turned to her intending to yell something awful, but was surprised when he heard himself say something else. ?Oh yes. I think it?s delightful.? Was that high-pitched girl?s voice coming from him? And why did he think they were delightful? ?Well, you dress in these things here.? She purred, indicating the small pile of clothing she?d brought. She came up to him again, wrapping her arms around his neck to play with the sensitive skin there. ?I?m just glad I could scrounge up something for you.? She purred as she played with his short curls. ?It?s not everyday a girl as petite as you, with such adorable little titties would come in.? She assisted him with the blouse, buttoning up the front in a manner that enabled her to continually touch and fondle his small breasts through the slick material. His nipples were hard and aching, easily apparent to anyone looking! The skirt was rather short, coming to a few inches above the knee, and a tad snug, molding itself sexily around his somewhat larger buttocks and feminine hips. He felt naked with nothing but the four items on his body and wished she?d brought some pants instead of just a skirt and blouse. ?You know if you went next door, I?m sure Nancy would find a pair of killer shoes for you.? But I didn?t want a pair of killer shoes, or any shoes except my own tennis shoes! Why couldn?t I say anything, or stop myself from doing these things, like putting on girl?s clothes? ?Do you think? That would be smashing!? No! It wouldn?t! Suddenly, I found myself walking out of the dressing room and into the Mall, barefoot! I?d left my clothes back there, along with my wallet and driver's license and cash! If I could?ve turned my body around just then, I would?ve seen the saleslady that had given me such a fantastic blow job and dressed me up like this grasping the counter in a sudden bit of dizziness and confusion. I didn?t know it then, but she was just as much a pawn in my transformation as I was the victim! I wanted to turn around and get my own clothes back, but found myself eyeing the shop across from me. Oh NO, I cried as I felt my feet start walking towards it! I wanted to turn and run, to scream, to get somebody to help me, but nothing was happening! In only a moment, I was breezing through the entryway of an alternative shoe store! * * * * Debbie couldn?t believe that the beautiful and sexy young girl that stepped out of the dressing room had been Tony! She had tailed him, noting with interest as he entered the larger women?s shop, and giggled as she watched the exchange between him and the saleslady, obviously seeing the differences in his mannerisms already. She kept her eyes on the dressing room door, fearing she might lose track of him if she turned away for even a second. It took only a moment before the saleslady came out again, a look of determination on her face as she went out to the Mall to the young apparel store next door. Evidently, Debbie surmised the lady went over to buy a complete outfit for poor Tony to wear. Silently laughing, Debbie waited again after watching her reenter the dressing room with an outfit that, in Debbie?s eyes, looked very sexy. It took a long time, and she began to worry there might be another exit from the dressing room than the one in front of her, when suddenly the door opened. The lady stepped out immediately followed by the most beautiful girl Debbie had ever seen in person! She couldn?t believe that was Tony, and almost made a dash for the dressing room just to check that he wasn?t still inside, when she heard parts of the conversation between the two. Looking closer at the face, specifically the eyes, she began to believe in the magic of the ring after all. The pretty teenager who was obsessed with her looks and fashion was Tony! Almost laughing out loud, she began to shadow the petite blonde out into the Mall again, only to watch as she hesitated for a brief moment before starting into the shoe store across the Mall. This, she thought with a sinister laugh, was just what Tony and I needed. * * * * I felt my face smiling as my body paused at the window to admire the red patent 5? heels displayed there, one hand perched sexily on my hip while the fingers of my other hand sensuously played with my plump bottom lip. I giggled then, alarmed I might be losing my mind, then breezed into the shop, right up to a fellow in a somewhat inexpensive suit. As soon as he turned around he started his salesman?s smile, only to be momentarily confused at something, as if his mind had suddenly become mush, preventing him from a single coherent thought. Then, just as quickly as his confusion came, it vanished as he began smiling an entirely different sort of smile at me. One I didn?t like in the least! ?Hello Ginger. I?m so glad I was the one to help you today.? He smiled even more broadly before taking my hand and steered me toward the back. Where was I going, and why was he treating me like that? More importantly, why was I letting him? What was wrong with my mind? Also, who was Ginger? Wasn?t I Cindy a little while ago? No! Wait! That wasn?t right either. My name wasn?t Cindy, it was Tony. And I wasn?t a girl, either! Something was happening to me and I didn?t know how to stop it! As soon as we?d gotten in the back room, he pulled up a chair and sat on it, directing me to stand in front of him, between his legs. I wanted to say ?go to hell,? except I heard myself giggle inanely again before doing exactly what he?d asked. His hands felt my hips gently before travelling around to my ass where he cupped my buttocks, delightfully squeezing them and pulling me against him until his face was pressed to my tummy. I put my hands in his hair, intending to yank bunches of it out, and found instead to be running my fingers through it suggestively as his hands began to build an inner need inside me I didn?t want. His hands squeezing my ass seemed to be doing something to me, making me feel something that I never would have thought possible in the presence of another man! I was getting horny! ?Oh, baby.? He growled at me. ?Do I have a look for you.? He suddenly got up, heading for the door. ?But I need to get a few things first. You stay here.? With that he left, slamming the door behind him. Stay here? No freaking way was I gonna stay here! I was going to leave right now. Except I couldn?t make myself move towards the door. Well what could I do? I looked around the stockroom, seeing no other readily apparent exits, although I knew there would be another one, and decided to sit in the chair to think about what was going on. I was surprised when I felt my soft ass settle into the simple chair, and wondered if I was starting to regain some control over myself. I tried to get up and leave, but still could not. I resigned myself to another kinky episode with a stranger, one I hoped wouldn?t be too gross, and tried to fathom what powers were controlling me. Something was becoming very disturbing to me, besides the fact that I couldn?t control myself, or that I seemed to have transformed into a girl. I was beginning to think about sex a lot. Sex with other people, with strangers, with ?.. that man, and I was beginning to like the idea. But that was wrong! Something was happening to me, making me think these things against my will! It was then I happened to glance down at the ruby ring Debbie had given me. The simple fact that it had also transformed into a girl?s ring immediately made me suspicious. I tried slipping it off my finger but it wouldn?t budge. I made my finger wet, thinking it could slip off easier that way, but it still didn?t come off. Maybe it was magical or something? Did I believe in magic? One look down at myself made me an instant believer. It wasn?t long before he came back, and just like Tabitha, the saleswoman across the Mall, he too had an armload of clothing. Where did he get it all? ?I got a few things for you to wear.? He said excitedly, handing me a pair of panties first. I stood against my will and took the panties from him, taking a moment to appreciate their sexy look, why I?ll never know. They were simple ivory satin, delicately trimmed in lace with a tiny satin bow in front. ?They?re a size 8, a lot bigger than you are now, but that?s what I like.? I could only look at him with a smile as I lifted my skirt and pulled down the pair I had on, letting them fall to my ankles. ?I like really curvy women, big round hips, and an ass that sticks way out behind. OH! And really big tits, too.? he said excitedly. ?Big cock sucker lips, too, so you can really give great head!? He ended with a smile. I immediately realized that standing there without panties on and listening to his description had made me incredibly horny. Even before I knew fully what I was doing, I was kneeling in front of him and unzipping the front of his pants. I reached inside, fishing around for his rapidly lengthening cock, and pulled it out, licking my lips as I did. I wasn?t going to put that thing in my mouth was I? Barely did the thought escape when I wrapped my lips around him and sunk my face down, almost engulfing him entirely in one swoop! He almost cried out passionately when I did, which only served to make me hotter. In no time he blasted a huge load down my throat which I hungrily swallowed down, smacking my lips as I did. On the inside I wanted to be sick. I evidently took my time as I took off the rest of my clothes and sensuously slipped on everything he?d brought me, because I could tell he was rapidly becoming aroused even further by my actions. Hell, these weren?t MY actions! Once finished, he happily led me to a wall-mounted mirror where I could check out how I looked. Reflected back at me was a caricature of a woman, overly blessed with curves you?d never see in real life, until now. The first thing I noticed was how different my hair had become. Now it was long and thick, filled with soft strawberry blonde curls that dramatically flowed around my face to lay sexily against my narrow shoulders and breasts. I wasn?t even aware of it changing in the first place! What ever happened to those delightfully bouncy curls in blonde? I paused as that thought made its way through my brain. Something was wrong again, and I tried to focus on what it was. What was my name again? Cindy? ?How do you like yourself?? He asked, pride pouring forth from his selections that could only have come from his imagination. I shook my head to clear it and tried to give an indifferent remark back. ?Ooooo! I just love it!? I heard myself cry out, my voice nothing but air and bubbles, overflowing with giddiness and under-aged lust! I felt myself bouncing on tiptoes, my huge breasts jiggling madly, my arms straight out to my sides. He smiled in triumph, ecstatic he was able to capture his under-aged, hooker image. I guess that?s what I was supposed to be anyway. A hooker. I mean, who else was going to wear what I had on? On my feet were 5? silver heels that were so sexy they made me horny just looking at them! I wore nude stockings that had a pattern of silver stars that traveled down each side, and made my legs look shiny and sexy. The white satin skirt barely covered the tops of the stockings, and did nothing to hide the white satin panties underneath. He specifically found a pair that covered my whole ass, just so I could feel both fabrics sliding over each other when I walked. I couldn?t help myself, and watched the sexy nymph in the mirror as her hands slid over her miniscule waist, down her hips to slowly disappear behind to her plump ass so she could get off feeling the satin sliding over satin. In the back of my mind I realized that whatever someone wanted out of me, I somehow, against my will, supplied as far as looks, personality and attitude. This guy wanted a street slut of some kind, and that?s what I became. That lady across the Mall wanted a ???! I drew a blank. I was just over there, too. I was Ginger. No, wait! I was Cindy! I looked at the mirror again, trying desperately to figure out who I was and what was going on. The figure in the mirror cocked her head sideways, like a confused dog, her silver dangling earrings tinkling prettily, and made me giggle uncontrollably. Absently, I smoothed out the white satin blouse that seemed to mold itself to my chest. Probably because my titties were so big, I thought, shrugging my shoulders in a goofy, unintelligent manner. This of course only made them bounce attractively. It turned me on so much that I deliberately bounced them again, just to watch the flesh jiggle. I looked down at the creamy expanse of cleavage left bare from the low cut blouse and idly trailed my fingers over the sensitive skin, watching as my large nipples began to engorge. ?Oh my,? I breathed sexily. ?When did my nipples get so big?? ?Ooooooo! What pretty nails I have!? I raved as I marveled at the 2? bright red talons that now tipped each finger. Where did those come from? On the outside I was gushing over myself at how sexy I had become, but on the inside I was crying and screaming! Looking at the mirror, I could clearly see the huge cups of the white satin bra beneath the blouse and wondered where I was going to go from here without being picked up for prostitution. To top it all off, and to make a fashion blunder complete, a delicate silver chain wrapped around my tiny waist several times, both ends swinging freely against one side of my round hip. Actually, peering into the mirror a little closer, I could see a great amount of make-up, which gave my face that overly sexual beauty that only porn stars on the cover of their movies share! I pursed my lips and marveled at the sheer erotic quality of their shape and plumpness. I was a knockout of a babe, and a totally confused and panic stricken individual on the inside! I wondered if I could get myself out of there so began to walk towards the door. Hesitantly, I glanced back only to see the man somehow shaking his head as if he?d just woken up. Hmmm. I walked out into the store itself and kept going, fearful that something else would happen. I was realizing that the way I was walking would attract its own attention, yet couldn?t seem to stop the overstated sway of my hips from side to side, or the way my hands seemed to always have a limp-wristed wave to them. I also noted, and felt with each step, how my huge breasts would bounce and jiggle inside their satin cups, which only seemed to smoothly wave to and fro underneath the sheer satin blouse. I glanced down only to become inwardly depressed to see the smooth slopes of tit quivering like jello at the opening of my blouse. I knew it was mostly the body doing all the foreign movement, yet also knew I could blame some part on the mental changes I seemed to be experiencing, and those damn high heels. How was I walking in them, anyway? And why was I taking such small steps? I thought that?s what?s causing my hips to pump back and forth so much, like some trollop out advertising what she had. When I got out to the Mall?s open air, I turned left, intent on making my way out when I heard a whistle. I cringed inside, somehow knowing something else was coming my way, when instead I was surprised to see Debbie walk up to me! ?Debbie?? I asked, astonished. After a few seconds of her smiling eyes I again became astonished at the sound my voice had made! My small hands with their long red nails gently grazed my throat, fearing the over sexed breath that purred out of me had really been me after all. Debbie only laughed as she took my hand in hers and began to gently ease the ruby ring off my delicate finger. Wide-eyed, I began to realize the reason for my transformation, and as soon as the ring left my finger, a cloying thick fog seemed to disappear from my mind and it all came back to me like a flash! I was Tony! ?YOU!? I screamed, sounding like a bimbo who just lost her credit card. ?You did this to me?? She only began to laugh openly. ?Yup! I did it. You treated me like shit, and so now we?re even.? I was amazed, totally unable to come up with anything to say. Flashes of that stupid encounter came to me, yet I could find nothing in it to justify destroying another person?s life! I knew there was nothing else she could be referring to, and began to believe that maybe this was just a joke. Maybe I was dreaming, or she hypnotized me or something. ?You and your friends think you?re so smart and stuff. You get together and the first person you run into that?s a little bit different, you all trash!? She spat vehemently at me. ?I thought you were different than them, and I thought I might like you, and that you liked me, but NOOOOOo! So from now on, your name is Toni with an i.? I couldn?t believe it. This was all real? I looked at myself, yet couldn?t see past the huge bust. I was still me on the inside, but now I was this other person. Complete with a huge chest and a wide set of hips to accommodate for the huge, round ass I would carry with me. I looked back up to Debbie, hoping she would see that she?d made a mistake. That the person in that hallway at school wasn?t really how I felt about her. How I really felt was totally opposite of that and that I?d made an immature mistake. Except that she wasn?t going to hear that. She was laughing. She was glad of how she destroyed my life, my body, and me. She was saying something of how she looked forward to seeing the new slut in school tomorrow when I first felt the rage began to surface. I grabbed her hand, my long nails digging and scraping painfully into her flesh, and ripped the magic ring from her! Hastily, I crammed it on her finger, peeling skin as I forced it past her knuckle! Once done, I stepped back, my breasts still heaving from the exertion, and thought about how I?d like to see her body changed to where no one would recognize her, her life taken from her, her future changed so dramatically. Let?s see how she likes her life destroyed, I thought with all the force I could muster in my anger. I turned and ran, my heels sounding loud on the tile, my huge breasts bouncing and jiggling madly as I headed for the exit. I knew I didn?t have to fear anymore changes or unwanted behavior from me toward strangers. I knew that however I acted, it was going to be me. And I didn?t want to be anywhere near that stupid ring if it affected her like I hoped it would. I wanted to be as far from her as I could get. * * * * Debbie almost started to cry from the pain, but steeled herself. After all, she?d gotten what she wanted. Didn?t she? Washing the blood from her finger in a nearby fountain, she tried to slip the ring from her sore finger, but the gash made it terribly painful so she decided to wait until she?d gotten home where she could put some medication on it. She started walking down the Mall and thinking about what she?d done to Tony. As much fun as she?d gotten out of changing him, did he truly deserve it? She knew her Mom did that very same thing all the time to several unlucky men whenever they got too close to her. Her Mom said that all men deserve it for the crimes committed against women all over the world. Did Tony?s punishment equal his crime? Had she made a misjudgment? This time Debbie couldn?t stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks because she knew she?d made a dreadful mistake. She took another person?s life and tossed it away, replacing it with a completely shallow one that would have great trouble fitting into society, even if the person on the inside was female, which Tony was not. Her tears became heavier after she pronounced herself guilty of a crime far more terrible than the school-boyish teasing Tony had given her. On top of that, Debbie began to understand her Mother a little better now, realizing how close to evil she truly was. Debbie would have to do something, to change her Mother?s way of thinking if she was to save their relationship. And to save Tony. She was just about to the exit when a tap on her shoulder stopped her short. Turning, she saw a pretty woman in a beautician?s uniform smiling at her. Hesitantly, she smiled back at her, wondering what she wanted. ?Hi! I?m Sandy! I?m so glad I can help you today!? She gushed as her arm snaked around Debbie?s shoulder and guided her into the salon. ?I have so many ideas, I just don?t know where to start!? Debbie started to object when she felt the woman?s other hand softly fondle her heavy breast eliciting a tingle of unwanted excitement to run through her. She wanted to object, and tried, but all that came out was a moan of arousal. What was happening? ?Oh, and by the way, I just love your name! Trixie! Oh, just darling! Let?s see if we can get you to match that, hmmm?? Instantly she knew! As she looked at the ring adorning her finger, she could tell the ruby was glowing brightly, the magic beginning to affect her. But it couldn?t affect another woman, could it? She glanced up, trying to see if there was any way for her to escape the magic or if someone she knew was around. What she saw instead sent a chill through her entire body. Lined up from each storefront was a woman or man smiling sensuously, waiting for their turn at her! Debbie?s eyes became round with fright when she saw the shops in a row next to the salon she was entering, knowing she would visit them all before the day was gone. Groaning, she strutted into the salon, sickened at the sexy way her body was now moving, wincing when she agreed to a total change from her ?mousy? looks into something more slutty looking. As her transformation got under way, and Sandy the saleslady?s hands began to get her hotter and hotter, she couldn?t help but think what kind of changes she might be in for. She didn?t want to come out looking like Tony did, all tits and ass, and stuck that way! As Debbie?s hands crept up without her willing to fondle the beautician?s breasts through her blouse, she inwardly gasped at the sudden ridiculous length of her bright pink nails! Cringing and starting to cry even as she smiled, she knew she was in for a change, and that she?d brought it on herself. She only hoped that when it was all over, she could somehow find Tony and make it up to him. Yes, that?s what she?d do, she thought as her body trembled under Sandy?s hands. She had to find Tony or, smiling, suddenly gasping with desire, maybe it should be Toni. Trixie felt different already, and trembled as Sandy?s hands gripped her hips tightly. She felt as if she were sitting atop a huge cushion, knowing it was just her amazingly soft and jiggly ass that had expanded beneath her. She pulled Sandy?s engorged nipples to her marvelously fattened lips where she started a vaccuum, greedily sucking the woman?s nipples far into her mouth painfully. She wasn?t a lesbian, she cried to herself inside! She didn?t want to suck this woman?s tits, or feel this woman?s fingers invade her pussy, making her squirm delightfully. she wanted Toni?s! Was her name even Trixie? It was something else! Something like ?.? She couldn?t remember right now! What was happening? Oh, oh, mmmmm! Toni! Toni! The End for now

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Caught with Consequences

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HandsOnHardcore Francys Belle Valentina Bianco Hardcore DP Interracial Orgy with Slutty Spanish Real Estate Brokers

Slutty Spanish real estate brokers Francys Belle and Valentina Bianco are doing their best to close a lucrative property deal with some wealthy American clients. When the two potential buyers reveal that they’re slightly hesitant to hand over the amount of cash the company is asking for, Francys and Valentina – being the young, sexy, brunette sluts that they are – decide to put their sex appeal to use in order to persuade the buyers. To get the young Americans thinking with their cocks instead...

3 years ago
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The Big Match

You never forget your first time do you? Good, bad, indifferent, it really doesn’t matter. However long you live you can always transport yourself back to that moment and replay it in your mind. Of course if anyone ever asks you, it was an amazing experience and the earth shook, in reality this isn’t always the case. I’m glad to say my first time really was earth shattering and still now fourteen years later it still ranks up there as one of the best sexual experiences I’ve ever had,...

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Black List II Russian WinterChapter 16

Jimmy Chan runs down the corridor of the American Falls Hydro Plant to where Adam Chou sits placing another bomb and setting the timer. By the time he reaches the spot he is nearly out of breath. “What’s going on?” Chou asks absently. “We’re surrounded,” Chan replies in a huff. “The police just arrived.” “What?” Chou asks incredulously as he stands and glowers at the other man. “Do we have an escape route?” “The whole place is surrounded,” Chan reiterates. “Tell the rest of the men to...

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My first story waking up during the night

I was awakened by a loud clap of thunder. I sleepily looked at the alarm clock on my beside table, it read 3:47. I turned and gazed at my sleeping husband. He looked so peaceful. I smiled, feeling the love I have for him swell inside me. The moonlight shown through our window blinds, casting a glow on Kevin' partially covered nude body. He looked so sexy laying there and I became aroused. I wanted him so badly but I didn’t want to wake him. I gently eased the sheet away from his body until his...

2 years ago
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My first time

I've always had the feeling that I was bisexual.I got so turned on by looking at porn of other girls,so I figured I was bi.I lost my virginity, and I really enjoyed it.So the next time I decided to try it with a girl. Lindsayand I are best friends, and have been since primary school.She was the only person who knew I lost my virginity.Linz wasn't a knockout, but I thought she was gorgeous.Her breasts were round and firm, and I found that theywere good for sucking, too. But I'll get to that...

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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 18

I was pissed off at Vicky and I told her so later that night, when we finally had our talk. "I'm sorry," Vicky said, looking embarrassed by the situation. "I got scared when I saw you that way. I thought that you'd rape me. I thought that you'd get me pregnant. I don't want to be pregnant." "I know that Vicky," I said with a sigh, feeling my anger abate as the girl's words sank into my mind, "but I needed you at that moment. I'm sorry I scared you, but running like that just...

2 years ago
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Enhanced Interrogation

The InterrogationMarie staggered as the guards pushed her into the amphitheater, an old -fashioned lecture hall at the School of Sciences, now taken over by the occupation troops.   She saw a tall, thin Captain, standing by the lectern and, in the curved tiers of seats rising up around the little stage, perhaps 40 or 50 uniformed soldiers, including a few females."This prisoner," announced the captain, using a microphone on the lectern, "is the daughter of an identified insurgent, a terrorist...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Athena Palomino Amber Threeway

We have a real treat in store for you this week as we bring back two of our most popular girls back for a smokin’ threesome you’re going to like. Tall, tan, blonde and with curves that just won’t quit, 20 year old Athena is truly a sex goddess. And since variety is the spice of life, we also have our cute, petite, brunette, 22 year old Amber. Together they make up a dream team of suckable tits and fuckable pussies. And to make this even better, this is Amber’s first time...

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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 5

One night Smiles turned up at Toby's South London club. By this time the faces of many of the regulars were familiar to me, though I seldom spoke to any of them. Smiles, out of his usual haunt, was relieved to see someone he knew. 'So this is where you've been choosing to spend your time — and money, ' he said. Hanging round as usual waiting for Toby, I was glad to see him. 'Toby's choice. This place is his playing field.' 'Playing the field, more like?' He nodded towards my...

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AllGirlMassage Sheena Ryder Ailee Anne Let8217s Get You Warmed Up

A masseuse (Sheena Ryder) is wondering why her next massage client is late. When the client (Ailee Anne) finally arrives, she is soaking wet and miserable. Ailee apologizes for being late, explaining that she got caught in the rain. Sheena is immediately sympathetic and concerned, offering additional treatments to the standard massage to help Ailee warm up. Ailee graciously accepts, stripping out of her wet clothes. After using a towel to dry herself off, Ailee lies down on the massage table....

4 years ago
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Dorm Room Blow Job

One evening my wife was in the library on campus. She saw a guy from her biology class she thought was very cute. She told me he was shy, exceptionally shy. She went to the table where he was studying by himself. She sat down at the table across from him, made eye contact and said hello. He responded politely, but uncomfortably. She saw his eyes move from her eyes to her full tits which were thrusting out from her tight clinging t-shirt.She asked him a few questions about their biology class,...

Oral Sex
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OSL New YorkChapter 4 M John Fitzherbert III

-- SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2006 -- Even though it was well after midnight, the city lights burned as brightly as they had at 9pm. I stared out the driver's-side window of our taxi watching skyscraper after skyscraper anonymously pass by without recognition. I didn't know where I was, had no clue how much longer it would take, and the urban jungle of Manhattan only amplified my feelings of being lost without direction. Twenty minutes ago I knew who I was, knew who I was with, and knew why I was...

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Wife Is Tricked Into Having Sex With My Black Neig

Wife Is Tricked Into Having Sex With My Black NeighborOne of my biggest fantasies was to watch my wife have sex with my neighbor who is black but my wife is a bit prudish and doesn’t believe in having sex outside the marriage. So there I am stuck with a fantasy that will never happen. Until the day I came up with the perfect plan.First let me describe my wife Sandy is 31 years old and only 5 foot 2 but built like a brickhouse. Long blond hair 34 d breasts not the upright kind like fakes but...

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Finding True Love

"I can't believe that I'm in America" I thought to myself as I was exiting the plane from the long and boring trip. The last thing that I had seen before I went to sleep was the crystal clear blue beaches of FIJI. Now I was in America on holiday, and I was hoping to meet up with some friends I had made online. During my trip abroad, there was one special and dear friend who I wanted to meet ever since we started to chat through e-mails, "Here I come Jessi" I thought to myself. As I...

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Peach RosesChapter 7

"Hello there, Welcome to Tay's is there anything I can help you find," Tay heard Jess say to someone. "No, I'm just looking." She heard the man reply, the voice was kind of familiar, she thought as she continued with her books. You'd think that the company would send some each week instead of one shipment a month, but no, they could only do one shipment a month, since the new magazines and new books all came out around the same time, Tay supposed it made sense. As she continued...

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