The c dren of the Watchers
- 4 years ago
- 54
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"Almost a year."
"In a few weeks.
"Who would have thought--"
"I did, Honey," Jacob interjected. "I hoped. These eleven months together have been wonderful."
My brown eyes locked in on his. "Loving you is awesome." In the depth of our town's forest, I looked at the nearby banyan tree. "That's where we had our first kiss."
"That's why I selected this spot for our picnic." On our patchwork quilt, Jacob unpacked the lunch he had prepared for us. “Who else plans ahead to take a Tuesday off to revel in the beauty of our planet?”
“I never have. Before you.”
“I’m a good influence, Honey.”
“I’m glad today is an unusually warm one in our town. It’s not even spring yet.” I edged off my running shoes and took a gander at the sky. The stretch of blue was filled with white clouds, strategically placed to filter sunshine.
Jacob filled my plate. "Want to get a little warmer?" he inquired with the London lilt that enchanted my eardrums.
I inched closer to his side, wrapped my arms around his torso, and whispered in his ear, "Yes."
He released the food.
We shared a deep kiss, our bodies melding. He squeezed my hips through my yellow shorts.
The roots of the sprawling tree swayed as our passion grew.
I massaged Jacob's strong back under his tongue-in-cheek brownie t-shirt.
In the soil surrounding us, the blades of grass yearned to escape skyward, the pebbles rattled, and the scattered daffodils, daisies, and dandelions glowed deeper with invigorated chlorophyll.
As I retreated from bear hug, the air swirling around us diminished to a stiff breeze.
Jacob tried to catch his breath. A kaleidoscope of butterflies fluttered above us. "Your powers continue to astonish my senses."
"All this flora and fauna really gets to me." I observed the solid tentacles of the banyan return to their previous positions. Then, since I was hungry, I began munching the sandwich on my plate.
Jacob followed suit, speaking between bites. “And vice versa. If only we could harness your force of nature for good."
"Instead of evil?"
A series of crackles sounded from beyond the confines of our arboreal enclave.
"Was that you again?" Jacob wondered aloud.
"No. It came from over there."
He sneaked toward the foliage barrier to investigate. "It's probably a squirrel. What other human beings would be out and about these woods during the middle of a weekday?" Jacob pushed a few leaves aside. "Huh."
I went to discover what had piqued my boyfriend's curiosity.
A few yards away in a clearing down the small hill leading away from our picnic, a foursome of other nature lovers were setting up camp.
"They look familiar." Jacob kept his voice low as we remained cloaked by the shrubbery.
I told him I recognized the quartet as friends of the coworkers of our friend Stella. "My bestie is well connected."
Jacob had seen them around town, occasionally in the grocery store he managed, shopping for peach cobbler. "Sometimes the woman in the pink shirt and the guy in the cargo shorts come in with their kids, who rarely cause any trouble."
"The pink ringer tee, that's Claire, who Stella says is kind-hearted. Cargo shorts and plaid shirt is Claire's husband Scooter," I informed Jacob. "And they're close with Gina, with the fluffy black hair, and her husband Kyle, in the red soccer jersey. They didn’t grow up here, but I think they are around my age."
"Isn't Gina some kind of bigwig at City Hall?"
"Yeah, and I saw Claire interviewed on the local news last month. All of them are government officials, except Kyle, the investment banker turned environmental artiste."
Jacob peered through the wall of vegetation separating us from the slope leading to their intimate glen. "Looks like they're pitching a tent."
I peeked between the leaves as well. "Only one tent?"
"It looks large enough to fit four people. Possibly six."
"They are two couples, though. Wouldn't they each want privacy?"
Jacob shrugged. "Sure?"
"For example, what if Stella and Pan asked us to go camping with them?" I shifted my bottom back to our quilt to consume more of my lunch.
"I see your point. Also, I would still want a six-person shelter for just the two of us. I like my space." Jacob heard something. He squinted at the party of four. "Did you just say that Scooter is married to Claire?"
"That's correct."
"Then why is he gnawing on Gina's neck?"
I reluctantly left my meal behind and clambered next to my boyfriend. Following his view, I saw Scooter standing behind Gina, his palms disappearing inside her orange jogging shorts, right in front of their unperturbed spouses. "I didn't know they were that close."
"Are we watching something we shouldn't?" Jacob whispered.
"Are we?"
Neither of us moved from our crouched stance in our hideout.
"Someone's feeling their oats," Claire said, as she secured the tent pegs in the dirt. She glanced at Gina guiding Scooter to find a place to sit.
"Gina has been eager for this midweek vacation," Kyle replied, checking that the poles were inserted correctly. "And she plans to take advantage of the warm weather."
Claire walked over to the cluster of wooden Adirondack chairs encircling the fire pit. She noticed that in addition to their groping, Scooter and Gina had begun to remove their outer layers of clothing as they shared a seat.
Sinking into her own adjacent chair, Claire expressed her surprise. "You two don't even hold hands when the four of us are in public."
Scooter unbuttoned the green plaid shirt he was wearing over a loose tank top. "Because not everyone is accepting of the arrangement the four of us have."
Claire crossed her arms. "Being poly isn't a crime," she pouted.
"Sometimes it feels that way," Kyle voiced from the rear of the waterproof edifice.
"But today, everyone we know is at work, Claire." Gina wriggled in Scooter's lap. "We're the only people in town who would think of taking a few vacation days in the middle of the week." She shed her blue athletic top and matching knee socks.
“And, I am getting a bit warm.” Scooter eased the straps of Gina’s sport bra off her shoulders.
"I just want to feel this moment," Gina chirped, as she pawed at Scooter's shorn, black coils. "With this sylvan privacy, we can be as public as we want to be, without judgment."
“What if someone sees us?” Claire challenged, though she was warming to the idea as Kyle ambled over. He rested on the arm of Claire's seat. She placed her palm on his knee.
"When we checked in," Kyle recalled, "didn’t the park ranger say we had the only reservation scheduled for the whole week?”
“That’s true,” his wife replied. “And, she said park visitors rarely venture this far into the forest, so we should have this patch of greenery to ourselves.”
“Then if we’re all alone…” Claire mused.
“Doesn’t seem to be anyone around.” Scooter unzipped his cargo shorts.
“Anything goes?” Kyle proposed.
“Unless,” Gina looked at the multicolored structure they had just erected, “Claire would prefer Scooter and I get cozy in the tent?”
“Not a lot of maneuverability for four active people in there,” Claire surmised.
“Not all at the same time.” Kyle walked to the screened patio piled high with supplies.
“It’s good for sleeping,” Scooter said, tossing his weathered tank onto an empty Adirondack.
Claire unbuckled her train conductor striped overalls. She leaned over to kiss her husband’s lips. “I’m not sleepy.”
Behind them, Kyle spread a tarp on a patch of grass. Then he rolled out one of their double sleeping bags on top of the blue plastic. “Bush party.”
Claire stepped out of her pants and joined Kyle on the insulated rectangle. “My bush first.”
Kyle stood in front of Claire. He placed his index finger on the damp spot growing on her cotton panties. “Let’s go crazy.”
Shorts off, Gina and Scooter rotated their chair for a better view. Scooter drew his black boxer briefs to his ankles so he could stroke his plump dick with one hand and pleasure his friend's wife with the other. Gina lowered her sports bra to let her natural brown titties hang free.
Kyle stripped off his red jersey, baring his toned chest. He and Claire sat down on the sleeping bag. “Ouch.” Kyle dug under the tarp. He retrieved the angular stone that had jabbed his rump. “I should have cleared the grass first.”
Claire shucked her panties, exposing her untrimmed mound to the open air. “You’ll remember next time.”
Kyle lay down and dove in nose first. “Will I?” His black tresses mingled with her dark and curlies.
Claire leaned back, balancing on her palms. Her moist haven leaked onto Kyle’s lips as he teased her swelling clit with his nostrils. She widened her brown thighs to give Kyle a better angle. “That’s the way I like it.”
"Oh my gosh," I gasped from our secret perch.
Jacob gave me a nudge.
I glimpsed that my own beau was visibly aroused by the confluence of events. Amused, I made a goofy face at his zipper.
He rolled his eyes. "Not me." He silently showed me that the flower petals closest to my crotch were vibrating.
"Uh oh," I lamented.
"Uh oh," he echoed with a smile.
As Claire was getting her pussy lapped by her friend's husband, Claire's husband was fingering her friend's pussy. Gina still had her panties on, but she pulled them to the side, with her left foot balancing on the arm of the chair. She unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the ground. Her fingers found her dark areolas and gave them a much needed rub, her nipples stiffening as Scooter kept his thumb on her clit.
Mewls of desire reverberated around the secluded glade.
"Gina," Claire called out as Kyle's taste buds went spelunking in her cavern.
"Claire?" Gina had her wet slit grinding on Scooter's skillful fingers while her rump was gyrating on his cock head.
"You remember that position Kyle showed us that he wanted to see us in? Like those two women by the pool?"
Gina moaned with her eyes closed. "Yeah."
"You want to try it?"
Gina nodded. "Oh yeah."
"Then get over here!" Claire yelled.
Kyle retreated from Claire, who had gotten buck naked in a flash.
Gina tore herself away from Scooter's digits, left her panties behind, and sat next to her equally nude pal. "You ready for this?" Gina offered her pinky.
Claire linked her little finger with Gina's and tugged. "Ready as I'll ever be." Then she turned to Kyle. "How do you want us?"
Kyle blinked at them. "I am stunned that this is actually happening."
Claire rubbed his muscular arm. "But it's your fantasy."
"I didn't think it would actually come true."
Gina took charge. She lay back on the sleeping bag with her knees bent, her soles planted, and tits to the sky. Her fingers found her soaked vulva. "I'm licking. Hop on, Claire."
Claire lowered herself onto Gina and crawled up her torso--leaving a juicy trail from Gina’s belly button to her chest--until her tushie hovered over Gina's chin.
"Yesss," Kyle mumbled as he attempted to remove his jeans before he took off his hiking boots. He glanced at Scooter who was grinning at the sight of his wife sitting on another woman's face.
"Can we help?" Scooter asked, as Claire set her knees on either side of Gina's shoulders in a pussy licking doggy style pose.
"You can stroke." Gina adjusted Claire's sweaty thighs on the sides of her head.
"Each other." Claire balanced on her hands, her breasts swaying.
Kyle, who had finally untied his boots, waved Scooter over.
Gina caressed Claire's derriere. "Let us know when you're--"
"We're ready!" The men shouted, seated cross-legged inches away from their wives, cocks in firm grips.
Claire bounced her bum as her clit oscillated on Gina's enthusiastic tongue, while Gina gave her own crevice a proper fingering.
"I've only done this a few times previously," Gina explained to Claire between licks, "so let me know if--"
"It's so good," Claire groaned, her head thrown back, her straight dark hair sweeping across her shoulder blades. Her toes twitched against Gina's upper arms. "Why haven't I done this before?"
"Your pussy tastes scrumdiddlyumptious, Claire." Gina whirled her tongue against her partner's dewy inner walls. "We can do this any time you like."
Scooter and Kyle's grunts increased as Kyle's precum dribbled across Scooter's knuckles. "Dude, you are awesome at jerking my cock," Kyle lauded.
"I've had a lot of personal practice," Scooter panted.
"You know, if you ever want…" Kyle trailed off.
“I do want.” Scooter gave his friend’s shaft an affectionate squeeze. "After they're done, let's give them a show." He pumped into Scooter’s fist.
"I'll need to catch my second wind, but aye-aye, captain."
Claire was getting close, but the overstimulation from the great outdoors was urging the other members of her party to reach their climaxes more quickly. Gina was screaming into Claire's quim while their husbands were spurting thick loads all over each other’s convulsing bodies.
Continuing her grind on Gina’s talented mouth, Claire could see a few feet away from her up the slight incline, the bushes were moving, just a little. She tried to focus on the almost imperceptible undulation of the dense plants, but Claire lost her concentration. She felt Gina's thumbs tapping an insistent rhythm on the hood of her clit.
"Is that a--" Claire couldn't finish the question, because Gina was sucking the lady cum out of her. Claire gripped the sleeping bag, screeching so loud that if anyone in a mile radius hadn't known there was an orgy happening in the forest before, they definitely knew now.
Once Claire regained control of her senses, she slumped to her elbows and rolled to her side. "I love nature."
Kyle pressed his lips against her forehead. "Thanks for making my fantasy come true."
The four partners heaved together in a pile of messy limbs on the sleeping bag, sticky and salty and satisfied.
In the bushes up the hill from the campsite, a twig snapped.
"What was that?" Gina scanned the presumably unoccupied area surrounding them.
"A squirrel?" Scooter suggested, his arm streaked with Kyle's semen.
We darted back to the blanket and lay flat on our tummies.
"Shhh," I mouthed to Jacob with my index finger over my lips.
"You shhh," he mouthed back. “Why didn’t I spot that branch under my shin?”
“Are they taking aim at us? Why are we lying down?”
“I was going to ask you.”
I heard a voice from the valley say, "Let's get dressed inside the tent, in case any snoopers return." That was followed by a cacophony of rustling and giggles, which eventually quieted after what I assumed was a loud zip of the tent door.
I lumbered to a seated position and Jacob followed. "What an unexpected turn of events," I murmured.
"Lunch and a show." He found a wipe for his hands, then he lifted a pie tin from the soft cooler. "Dessert?"
I found two bowls. "Cobbler me."
Jacob heaped generous servings for both of us. “Honestly, I imagined they would get wilder in these surroundings.”
“That fourgy wasn’t rowdy enough for you? What else were you anticipating?”
“We’re in the woods. How about some furry action?”
I growled at him and fashioned my hands into claw shapes. “Roar, I’m a tiger.”
“You mean a cougar," Jacob snickered. "I’m convinced.”
“Have you ever engaged in such activities?”
“Outdoors, or in front of spectators?”
“Either. Or both.”
“Neither.” Jacob gave me my bowl. “Have you? Other than...”
"Not live, and not in a bucolic setting with all these plants, due to…"
Jacob nodded, well aware of my lack of control over my organic abilities. "Would you ever like to?"
"Maybe? Can I think about it over cobbler?"
As we prepared to spoon tiny mounds of peach pastry into each other's pie holes, a shadowy figure bounded at us from the bushes, eliciting an "Eep!" from Jacob.
Standing over our quilt was a jubilant Claire, clad in Kyle's hiking boots, Gina's shorts, and her husband's grass stained tank top, which barely covered Claire's puffy areolas.
Jacob and I stared at this semi-stranger with our jaws agape.
Claire jabbed her finger in our direction. "I knew it!"
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Kiss, kiss Molly’s lipsKiss, kiss Molly’s lips— the VaselinesWe were on a bike ride. Originally, there were four of us — my daughter, her friend Ruth, her friend Molly and me. They were all home from college, energetic young women who had grown up together and were looking to relive some of the sights and activities of their c***dhood.That’s what led us to Gusse Woods, a large forest preserve criss-crossed with bike paths. About 10 years earlier, the four of us had been here on an ill-fated...
Hi to all ISS readers this is varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me, I am varun 24 years old guy from Chennai. All readers can contact me through This is one of the reader’s experiences of losing her virginity. I will be narrating this story in her point of view. My name is Karthika (Name Changed) I am from a very rural part of Tamil Nadu. I was a very reserve girl in the village and I will not talk much with anyone...
Myra was a 25 year old beautiful blonde who was living her dream. A health nut with a great body 5 foot 6 125 pounds small but pert tits that she was proud of. She loved her new town. She worked in the city, but, it was a short drive to the country where she loved to hike in the woods. It was secluded and sometimes she could walk among the trees and never see or hear another soul, maybe pass a deer. There were plenty of hiking and walking trails and she loved to climb the rocks and be alone...
In the spring of 1985, Wesley and his girlfriend Audrey were on a class field trip in Red Fox Woods. They were 15 years old and shared the same birthday. Unlike the rest of their classmates who were bored out of their minds and resented every second they were spending there. Wesley and Audrey loved being surrounded by nature. The two of them had meet at summer camp when they were ten and had been inseparable ever since. They had just started dating and had yet to share their first kiss. Wesley...
I was driving along a country road bordered by a wooded area near to a small village, when I saw a young girl cross the road into the woods walking a small dog. I realised the possibilities of the situation and drove on a couple of hundred yards until I came upon an unmade access road to a field where I could park my car out of sight of any traffic passing on the main road. I left my car and hurriedly walked into the woods back towards the direction where I had seen the girl. I saw her ahead...
The weekend had arrived and with it came some beautiful, sunny weather. Jay and I decided to make the most of it by taking a drive and enjoying a picnic in the National Forest Park that wasn't too far away from us. Whilst I packed the car with a few necessities, Jay disappeared to finish getting dressed. When she re-appeared she looked stunning. Her long blonde hair shone in the sunlight and her lovely blue eyes twinkled with mischief as she stood there in a pair of light blue training shoes,...
OutdoorI've always hated wearing clothes, every chance I got I stripped off everything. I wasn't an exhibitionist, I wouldn't go out in the front yard naked, but many times in the backyard. I'd drive my mother crazy. She'd tell me I'll get arrested for running around nude, and they'd lock me away. There was a large wooded area about a mile for our house. All the k**s would play there. They'd play cowboys and indians, army, robin hood. There was an area where hardly anyone went, and that's the place I...
I read a story on here called "Fucked in the Woods" and it reminded me of my own experiences in those same woods. About three months ago I also stopped off at the cruising / dogging spot just of the M4.I was very horny that night and headed into the wood after parking up. There were several empty cars so I hoped I would get lucky. As I got into the woods an older guy was fucking a younger guy so I stood near buy, got my cock out and started to wank. The young guy bent forward to suck me off for...
I've been into my sis-in-law since the first time I saw her. She's 5'2", dark skin, pert breasts and a beautiful ass. No part of her is too big or small for her body, she's just perfect. Ever since we've met she's been like an older sis to me. As I'm younger than my bro and her, she's often been playful with me and loves to stroke my head or back if we're talking or give me a quick kiss as we part. She doesn't have many weaknesses, no smoking or drugs, but her one weakness is she...
Ruffy was telling her he desperately needed a long walk. The kids were in school, Darren was out of town, and Jennifer sighed. No time to change clothes. Besides, they lived on the heavily wooded outskirts of a deserted farm, and there weren't many neighbors close by. Most were at work. She took a last look at the full length mirror and sighed. She hoped no one would see her! Her breasts were bursting out of a light blue tank top that had shrunk from too many washes, and she had a clingy pair...
The woods were the best place to hunt for women. John liked the dark tangle of vines and trunks that the woods provided. It had to be a wooded area that was dense so as to avoid prying eyes, yet it had to be a simple path so people (especially women) would run/walk on. It needed to be close to a town or city to get some traffic but it also should be just far enough away that not everyone used it all the time. He had found just such a place, after several false hopes, last week. It was perfect...
It's a very nice autumn morning. I'm looking out the window at the changing leaves in the woods across the street. I was thinking about maybe calling my former girlfriend who used to live here. Several months ago we decided to go our separate ways after nearly three years of being together. Shortly after that was when I met Nancy. Looking out my window on this autumn morning, it's actually Nancy that I've been thinking about most.I live in a small town in New England. I inherited some money...
VoyeurJaq has always loved sex outdoors, a short while ago she asked me to arrange some sexy antics in the woods.Jimmy was a young guy who had joined the company that I worked for, although I was much older than Jimmy we became good friends. Jimmy had been to our house on a couple of occasions for drinks and knew my wife Jaq fairly well. While chatting with jimmy at work he let it slip that found Jaq attractive.On arriving home later that day I told Jaq what Jimmy had said. Her reaction was she would...
OutdoorMarian came through my office door late in the day, looking good as always. She looked very cool in her t-shirt, shorts, running shoes and white, calf length socks, witnessing to the positive change in the weather. I swiveled in my desk chair and looked her up and down. ‘Glad you could make it by,’ I said, ‘how may I help you?’ ‘Ah, c’mon Mack. It’s nice outside and I want to take a walk in the woods before supper.’ Her brown eyes peeked at me over her sunglasses and her lips were in a mock...
My name is Carl and I’m seventeen years old. I’m super horny and always masturbating. I was so excited when school ended that summer. My friends and I were going to have the best summer ever. A few of the neighborhood girls entertained me during the summer. We played a lot of truth and dare and seven minutes in heaven. I had my dick sucked a lot and even got to fuck a few of the girls. A few of my guy friends even had a threesome with a few of the girls. We had a very sexy time all summer long....
VoyeurBBC Again!I was at the same gas station a couple of weeks after my encounter with Joseph and his buddy’s, when I saw him pulling in. I waved at him and he waved back and walked over to my pump. We said hi and began talking. He asked me if I enjoyed our last meeting and I said I did very much. Joseph reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone and handed it to me. I asked what it was and he said he had bought a pay per phone for me to get in touch with him when I wanted to, so hubby would not...
when i was 17,i went for a bike ride to some local was a hot summers day so i wore a white muscle top and some short white silky shorts.the ride to the woods was hard and i was hot and thirsty as i arrived at my destination.i got off my bike and pushed it onto the dirt track that was at the start of the woods.i followed the path through the trees and into a i walked the field i came across a small lake that was hidden form view by a natural mound.i put down my bike and sat by...
As you may see from some of my videos and photos, I enjoy getting naked and going for a walk in the woods nearby. Last weekend it was so freaking hot, I went for my customary walk, and went a little farther than usual to the stream that runs through the park. It seemed like a good idea to cool off in the fresh, clear water and I sure was right! What a fabulous feeling! Here I was in the middle of a stream maybe 50' wide, butt ass naked! Instant erection as I submersed myself in the cooling...
“Enough. We are getting close, and this is not how I want to cum. Though I completely support your initiative, little Niki.” He stroked her head as she lay there a moment, before she sat back up, glancing around and realizing they had left the highway again, and were indeed near the dirt road that led to the park. She sat back up, remembering to keep herself observable, and was just looking at the tall pines and other trees that lined the narrow roadway, her mind going back to the previous...
Ann had slept a lot later than she had expected the next morning. As she awoke, the sun was getting high in the sky already. Glancing at the alarm clock she saw it was already 11:00! But then remembering the days events last night, plus the two bottles of wine, she had every right to sleep in. Besides reminiscing about the ordeal she placed upon her little frame, she needed the healing time too. She felt a little stiff as she rose from the warm covers. Glancing over at the full length mirror,...
A Brutal Day in the Woods This story is set in the summer of northeastern Indiana. Carl Jensen is a young man who is about to turn 18 years old. On the outside, Carl looks little different than many other young men in the Midwest. But only a few months earlier, Carl had spent three months in the county jail for child sexual abuse. He had been caught having sexual contact with a pre-teen boy a few months before. Even before this incident, there had been whispers within his church warning...
A beautiful mother in her mid 30s has been divorced from her husband for 6 months. She realized that she has been a workaholic to avoid the pain and also that her 17 year son has been acting different. She has not noticed until a week ago that Brandon has not been dating the last few months. When she asked him about it he said he thought she might need him around more. She cried and hugged him and vowed to spend more time with fact we haven't been camping in years. Let's dust off the...
IncestShe strutted down the catwalk, with an almost feline grace, her curvaceous body undulating to the beat of the music, clad only in a two piece string bikini, that clearly revealed the lush flesh of her legs, thighs, and breast. Walking with quick steps, and a rhythmic swing in her ass, she had an almost hypnotic appeal, and especially to John, whose attention was riveted on her. To him she wasn’t just sexy. She exuded sex in every step. She came closer and closer to him until he was looking...
It was a sultry, hot, August evening in the west side of Chicago. Not many of the run down shanties on that side of town had any air conditioning and the residents had to use any means available to keep cool. That is why Jason decided to take a walk at 10:00 PM at night. At that hour his wife, as usual, had already gone to bed. He had been watching television and was thinking about joining his wife in bed but the heat was getting to him in such a way that he thought that a stroll out into the...
Discussions were had and a week had gone by. Sophie walked quietly through the forest, her school bag lazily thrown over her shoulder. The sunlight cut through the treetops as the clearing slowly became visible through the greenery. She could just make out three shadowy figures in the distance. They stood close together talking quietly, the tallest man smoking a cigarette. She did not hide her presence as she waded through the bracken. She even gave a faint smile as she stepped fearlessly...
Sophie placed her school bag against the soft, green mossy bark of the old oak tree and squatted unflattering in the undergrowth, her grey skirt riding up slightly on her hips. She tried desperately to stifle her breathing only too aware that her heartbeat seemed almost audible in the relative silence of the forest. Sophie licked her glossy pink lips and stared transfixed through the greenery into the clearing. There, not five metres away stood four people, three men and a woman. There was a...
I met Karen at a pasture party. She was shy and quiet, a little sheltered maybe. I could barely get her to look me in the eye the first few times we went out. Brunette and short with hazel eyes and a porcelain complexion, I thought she was a little boring or bored with me honestly, I couldn't tell. I was shy and inexperienced too. I liked her, so I wasn't about to criticize. Still, things were moving slow. We only walked around the parties holding hands. One night I was tired and didn't feel...