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Private Lessons

Adrienne groaned in frustration. The professor walked through the classroom passing out the rest of the tests. The big, red, 52/100 mark glared up at her from the paper on the desk. Another F. With only two more weeks until finals, there was no way that Adrienne would be ready to pass the big exam in her grammar class. Maybe she should just drop it and switch her major, that way she wouldn’t have to take this stupid class. But she wanted to be a journalist so badly. Why did the school have to require so many stupid classes?

She flipped the first page of the test over, scanning over her many errors. Who cared what the predicate nominative was, anyways? Certainly someone could read a newspaper article and learn something new without the reporter knowing which word was the object of the preposition. Apparently the University didn’t see it like that, though, and if Adrienne didn’t make it through this class with a C or higher she wouldn’t be graduating for an extra year. She felt like ripping the test up, and thought she might just do that as soon as class was over. She flipped to the third page and sighed. At the bottom was a scribbled from her teacher.

“See me after class,” it said.

Professor Johnson wasn’t exactly a favorite teacher among the students. He
didn’t have any special tricks to make going to class fun, and this was defiantly the least fun you could have in class, even counting math. Ogling him was the only reason half of the women, and a few of the men, attended
class. Adam Johnson was, for lack of words, hot. His long dark hair was
always pulled into a ponytail at the back of his head, and Adrienne had
heard girls whispering about what it must feel like to run their hands
through it. His face was large, with chiseled features, a handsome nose and
perfect red mouth. When he talked it was impossible not to look at those
lips moving. His shoulders were large. It was hard to make out his chest
from underneath his cotton shirts, but the snug fitting pants the shirts
tucked in to left a good impression of a small waist, tight buttocks, and
muscular legs.
After an interminable lecture on the use and placement of gerunds, during
which Adrienne amused herself by watching his lips move seductively,
Professor Johnson excused the class and began to gather the papers at his
Adrienne put her books inside her backpack, along with the despised test,
and walked up to the front of the room.
“Ah-hem,” she said, standing behind the teacher.
“Ah, Miss Courtalaine,” Professor Johnson smiled warmly while his eyes
roamed up and down Adrienne’s body.
“I’ve noticed that you haven’t been doing very well on your tests. They
aren’t very important in the long run, not worth much of the grade, and I’ll
be dropping the lowest score. I was thinking maybe you could benefit from
some extra study time.”
Adrienne flushed, color rushing to her cheeks as she furiously blinked back
her embarrassment.
“It’s not that I don’t study, sir,” she said curtly, “Sometimes I just find
it so hard to understand what the book is talking about. I don’t know the
difference between subordinating conjunctions and correlative conjunctions.
I think that if I could just sit down with someone and have that person
explain the concepts to me, then I could at least pass the tests. But just
reading about it isn’t doing enough.”
“Well,” said the professor, “Maybe we could work something out. There are
tutors available between noon and two o’clock on Thursdays, do you think
going over to them might help?”
“I have class,” she muttered. “Plus I’m afraid that two sessions aren’t
going to help me too much.”
“Hmm…that does make it a little more difficult…Well, Miss Courtalaine,
maybe we could work something out. Are you free after four o’clock?”
“My last class ends at three thirty.”
“My office hours end at three forty-five, but I could open my services up
to you after that, before my five o’clock class, to help you study, if you
would like.”
Adrienne’s eyes lit up. Spend time alone with this professor? She would
love to!
“That would be wonderful, sir!” she exclaimed. “Thank you so much!”
After flashing him a beaming smile, Adrienne turned and walked out of the
classroom as though floating on a cloud. This was going to be great!!
“Alone with Adam Johnson? Just the two of you? Oh my god Adrienne you are
so lucky!” Adrienne’s friend Carly jumped up and down in her seat with
excitement. “Do you think you two will get it on?”
Adrienne gave Carly a friendly shove from across the table. The dim bar
was filling up rapidly. The club was the closest bar to the university and
it was busy, even for a Saturday night. Groups of students sat around
tables laughing with each other as one person or another told drunken jokes
about blondes walking in to bars with hilarious consequences. Music blared
over the shouting throng of students, and through all of this Adrienne and
Carly strained to hear each other from the opposite sides of a table.
“How can you say such a thing?” she asked. “We’re going to be talking
about, uhgh, grammar. Can you think of anything that’s less of a turn on?”
“You’re going to be alone in that man’s office and thinking about grammar?
Puh-leeze, you’re only human! I bet verbs are the furthest thing from your
mind.” Carly gave a tipsy hiccup.
The two girls giggled.
“We’re going to start meeting Monday,” Adrienne took another long drink of
her long island iced tea. “I feel like I’m going on a first date. Do you
think I should dress up to meet the professor?”
“Oh my god, yes! You should wear that black dress you bought last
weekend.” The dress in question was a tiny, flimsy bit of fabric hanging
off of two spaghetti strings. There was such little fabric to it that it
could hardly be called a dress. When Adrienne had tried it on, she’d had to
pull it down to keep her thighs modestly covered, and had purchased it
exclusively for parties.
“I couldn’t wear that, it’s practically lingerie, for god’s sake!”
Adrienne shook her head uncertainly and watched the ice clink around in her
“Honey, I’m serious. You should really give this guy a go. When else will
you have a chance to show off to a man this hot?” Carly rolled her eyes
back. “He is drop-dead sexy. He teases us all day, for gods sake, why
don’t you give him a little of his own medicine?”
“But he’s the teacher! I doubt he’s driving us crazy on purpose. And what
do you think he would think of me showing up in more leg than skirt? He’d
probably tell me to go home and get dressed.”
“Not if he’s human, girl. I think it’s more likely he’ll invite you over
to his place to get undressed.”
“I don’t want to seduce him, I just want to pass the class.” Adrienne
propped her chin in her hand, elbow resting on the table. “Of course,
nothing says I can’t get learn in that black dress.”
“My opinion is ‘Go For It Girlfriend,’ do what that lust of yours tells you
to do! I promise you, nothing bad could possibly come of it!”
“Maybe he’d ask me out,” mused Adrienne.
“Maybe he’d fuck you!” laughed Carly. “Maybe he’d bend you over that big
desk of his and fuck your brains out, so that you couldn’t study no matter
how hard you tried!”
“I bet that would be some wild ride,” giggled Adrienne, rolling her eyes.
“I can just imagine him pounding in to me, chanting ‘A transitive verb is an
action verb, it requires a direct object to complete it’s meaning into the
Carly burst in to fits of laughter.
“Honesty, Adrienne, if you can joke like that how could you have failed
another one of the tests? Are there any opportunities for make-ups?”
“No, but maybe there’s some extra-credit I could do,” Adrienne joined in
her friends laughter.
“So are you going to do it? Are you going to wear that dress?”
“I don’t know, I really don’t know if I should…I want to, I really, really
want to…maybe a couple more drinks will help me figure it out.”
Carly squealed in delight as someone placed their hands over her eyes and
whispered/shouted “Guess who” in her ear.
Josh Kilgore slid into the booth next to Carly.
“What’re you two k**s up to tonight?” he asked.
“Not much,” answered Adrienne. “Just having a good time.”
“Well, better now, I hope, since I’ve arrived.” Josh smiled at Carly, who
threw her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on the side of his mouth.
“Everything is better with you around, sexy,” shouted Carly. “Come on,
let’s dance.” Josh stood up and pulled Carly out of the seat behind him,
they left Adrienne at the table as they made their way through the crowd to
the busy dance floor.
Adrienne stared in to her cup. Alone with Professor Johnson. This could
be a lot of fun. Maybe she would wear the black nothing of a dress, just to
see how he’d react. Nothing ventured, nothing gained…right?
Yes, she decided as she downed the last of her drink, it would definatly be
something to think about.

All day Monday Adrienne was full of nerves. Butterflies seemed to have
taken flight in her stomach, popping up to the back of her throat every now
and then to remind her to tug down her skirt, or cross her legs higher so
that fellow students wouldn’t be getting a peek at her lacey panties. It
seemed like forever before her last class ended, and she made her way across
the campus to Adam Johnson’s office.
Adrienne peeked cautiously through the door. The room was dark. Shades
were drawn over the windows, dimming the room in to a pleasant dusk. A
large wooden desk stood near one wall with a computer sitting on top of it.
Papers were strewn everywhere, in piles, in folders, in wire baskets. There
were two chairs sitting against the wall opposite the desk, and a large gray
metal filing cabinet stood in the corner.
Professor Johnson was there, leafing through some papers, one of the
cabinet drawers standing open. His eyes shot over to the doorway and took a
double take when he saw her there in the revealing dress. Cleavage seemed
to be pouring out the top of the scooped neckline, the clingy fabric leaving
no part of her body to the imagination. Legs bare, her creamy skin was a
pale contrast to the dark black of the dress and black straps of her high
heeled sandals.
“Miss Courtalaine,” he said. “Please, come in. I thought we could work on
the first section of the book today.”
Adrienne walked slowly in to the room. She shot the professor a warm
smile, one that she hoped he would take as being slightly more than
friendly. Walking over to him, she placed her hand on his desk.
“This is a nice piece,” she said, referring to the furniture.
“Thank you. I bought it at a flea market a while back. I’m glad you like
Adam took a couple steps closer to her.
“Won’t you have a seat?” he motioned to one of the chairs. “Let me find my
book--” He looked around spending more time looking at her legs than the top
of the desk, Adrienne thought. Finally his hand found the book and he
smiled. “Ah, here it is.”
Adrienne sat down in one of the wooden chairs. She crossed her legs and
let her skirt shimmy up her leg, exposing a great deal of her soft thigh.
The professor sat down in the chair next to her, and held out the book.
She didn’t look at it, but looked instead at his bare arm. She liked the
dark hairs, and the way the deep brown freckles looked on his tanned skin.
Looking at his face, she smiled at him again, and he smiled back. His smile
was slightly to the side, almost like a smirk, and it caused Adrienne’s
smile to falter for a moment. Was he smirking at her?
He broke the silence.
“Verbs,” he said. He glanced around the room, his eyes settling on her
legs, then looked up sharply, waking from his daydream. “Verbs are very
Adrienne stopped listening to him but instead watched his face. It was
much like when they were in class, but she had never seen him up this close
before. It was almost as if they were sharing a seat together, with no
space between them. His chair was pushed close to hers, so that she could
see the book he was. He continued his lesson but it all sounded like
gibberish to her, gibberish from the most sensuous mouth she had ever seen.
She watched his lips move, his tongue moving inside his mouth, the tips of
his white teeth poking through.
She realized that he had stopped talking. Had it really been that long?
“It looks like it’s about time for me to get going,” He said, glanced at
his watch. “I’m sorry we didn’t have more time, but, I have to get to my
five o’clock class.”
Adrienne snapped out of her trance and reached for her bag. A pencil
slipped off the book in her lap, landing on the floor next to her foot.
“Allow me,” said the teacher, kneeling down. As he reached for the pencil
his arm lightly brushed against Adrienne’s bare leg. She shivered, a jolt
of electricity shooting up her back.
“Here you are,” he said, holding up the pencil. His eyes followed the bare
leg, crossed inches in front of his face, up to the short skirt. He could
see her black panties peeking from underneath.
Adrienne took the pencil, standing up quickly.
“Thank you, sir. It has been very informative. Shall we say, same time
“I think that that would be an excellent idea, Miss Courtalaine.”
“Please,” she said, slipping the pencil behind her ear, “Call me Adrienne.”
“Very well, Adrienne. I will see you in class tomorrow.”

Adrienne tapped her pencil on her desk impatiently. No matter how hard she
tried, she couldn’t concentrate on the book in front of her. Every time she
looked back at the page, all she could see was Professor Johnson’s hand
brushing up against her leg. Obviously he hadn’t meant to…had he?
She groaned in frustration, threw down her pencil and got out of the chair.
She began to pace her small room, hands clutched in front of her body.
Why couldn’t she get this man out of her mind??
It was dark out, nearly midnight, Adrienne had changed in to her nightgown
long before. It was white, cotton, about knee length and sleeveless. She
looked down at her body, giving it a once over. Yep, everything still
there, arms, legs, breasts. She felt ridiculous. He couldn’t be attracted
to her, could he? Not seriously. She stared at her face in the mirror,
nitpicking every small detail about her soft features. He was her teacher,
she was his student, that sort of thing might happen in stories but not in
real life.
She sighed, smoothing out the skirt of her nightgown. Who knew what any
man was thinking, let alone this drop dead gorgeous, handsome, sexy, smart,
sexy, kind, sexy, but most of all sexy teacher? Maybe a nice, long, hot
bath would help her think things through clearly. She could use some of
those aromatherapy oils she’d been saving for just a day such as this.
Adrienne walked down the hallway to the bathroom, her towel and a book in
her arms. Just the thought of the bath was already relaxing her. The
hallway was dark; her roommates were probably already asleep. She opened
the door to the bathroom slowly, the hinges creaking, and stepped barefoot
on to the cold tile floor. It was smooth, but freezing. Adrienne walked on
tiptoes to the toilet, where she set her towel on the closed lid, and knelt
down next to the tub. She turned the water on and cringed at the gushing
noise it made, breaking the otherwise peaceful silence of the house.
With her hand, Adrienne checked the temperature of the water before plugging
the drain, and then watched impatiently as the water flowed into the tub.
When it had filled a couple of inches of the tub, she stripped off the
nightgown and tossed it in to the corner. She couldn’t help taking a small
peek in the full-length mirror, turning slightly to see her profile.
Not bad, she thought. Her butt didn’t stick out, just gave a hint of
roundness. Small but supple breasts jutted proudly from the top of her
chest. Her legs tapered nicely to shapely feet. Her eyes wandered up to
her pubic hair and she noted that it was just about time for another trim.
Oh well, she could take care of that in the morning. She flipped her hair
back with her hands, twisting it in to a quick, thick braid, which she
wrapped in to a bun. She tied the bun in place with a scrunchie. That
would keep it out of her way while she was bathing.
With a flip of a switch the ceiling fan came on, adding it’s gentle humming
to the noise pollution in the bathroom, and Adrienne stepped in to the tub.
First one foot and then the other, Adrienne lowered herself cautiously in
to the steaming hot water. After an initial stinging of the heat, it felt
great surrounding her skin. The water opened up the pores and soaked all
the places on her body that stress had tensed up today, first while in
classes watching all the male students gawk at her from their seats, then
when she met with Adam Johnson later that afternoon. She rested her head on
the edge of the tub and sighed heavily as the water covered her chest. Her
legs relaxed to the sides, resting on the tub. With one foot she turned off
the flow, and with one hand she grabbed her novel, an old erotic favorite
that was perfect for a late night bath. She opened up to her favorite part
on page 63 and began reading about Regan’s romp with the office janitor and
started to stroke her pubic hair.
With her long index finger she wrapped the hair into curls, stroking it,
swishing it around in the water. Her fingers started to move slowly from
the hair to her inner thighs, rubbing against the smooth skin, lightly
brushing her nether lips opening them in the water. The silky skin of her
labia floated softly, letting water rush in to each tiny fold of the skin,
tickling her insides. The water rippled over the tips of her nipples,
leaving them wet and becoming erect in the air, chilly compared to the hot
water she soaked in. Adrienne began to stroke her clit with her fingernail,
scr****g it lightly, rubbing it a very little bit with the tip of her
finger. It started to throb as Regan’s adventures turned anal, and Adrienne
moved her middle finger down to her puckered asshole, slipping in easily to
the first knuckle.
Adrienne set the book on the side of the tub and reached down between her
legs with her left hand, pushing her middle and index fingers in to her
pussy, slipping the right middle finger in to her ass another notch. With
her left thumb she resumed stroking and rubbing her throbbing clitoris which
was now quite hot to the touch. Her hips thrust slightly, and she moaned
behind her closed lips, shutting her eyes and throwing her head back.
Behind her closed eyes, she saw Adam Johnson standing next to the tub.
“Fuck yourself for me,” he whispered, in her dream. “I want to see you
masturbate for me.”
The moans escaped her hips as her thrusts became slightly more violent.
She checked herself, quieting down in fear that her roommates might hear.
Most likely they wouldn’t be able to hear anything over the fan and through
the walls, but it added a perverse sort of excitement to Adrienne to try to
keep quiet while her passion mounted.
After very little stimulation Adrienne’s clit already felt like it was on
fire, and her whole pussy began to tighten around her fingers, clamping
while she struggled to relax and enjoy it. Her buttocks held tight to the
finger probing them. She tried her best to relax, and slip her entire
middle finger inside the small hole, but it was impossible…she was too far
gone already. Her orgasm exploded, moans erupting from her open lips again,
hips held high by her taut legs that pushed against the side of the bathtub.
Shivers ran from her toes up to her head and down again. She could feel
the spasms around the fingers in both holes, and each additional flick of
her clit sent new waves of electricity through her body.
Gasping, she removed the fingers, washing them off in the water, and lay
back against the tub again, relaxed, glowing in the aftermath of her climax.
She shut her eyes and pictured the professor, smiling. Smiling at her,
stroking her hair. Running his fingertips across her lips, and down her
neck to her breasts, where he lightly pinched the nipple, making her squirm
in reality.
“Same time tomorrow?” her dream man whispered.
“Yes,” she said to the empty room. “Definitely yes.”

“I’m glad you showed up,” Professor Johnson said, smiling at Adrienne who
stood half hidden in the doorway. He glanced appreciatively at her skimpy
Not wanting to show up any less sexy than the day before, Adrienne had
decided on a dark red plaid skirt that stopped slightly above the knees, and
a tight sheer white blouse which left absolutely nothing to the imagination.
It was low cut, scoop necked, allowing the tops of her breasts to make
appearances in her half-cupped white lace bra. A thick black belt held the
outfit together. She had done her hair in pigtails, sort of a schoolgirl
statement, and it excited her to now be thinking such dirty thoughts about a
teacher in this costume. She took the tip of a pigtail now, and twirled it
in her fingers.
“Well, yesterday helped me so much, and I really do need the help,” she
trailed off, looking up at his smiling face.
He walked over to the doorway, ushering her inside and closing the door
behind him. She wondered if he would put the blinds down, giving them more
privacy, but he didn’t. Instead, he turned away from the door and walked
over to the chairs, picking one up and swinging it to face the other, and
patted the seat.
“Why don’t you sit down?” he asked.
Adrienne crossed the room to the chairs, and sat down in the one he
offered. He sat down across from her, so close their knees were almost
touching. She could feel the fabric of his slacks rubbing against her bare
legs, and it sent shivers racing up her spine.
“Shall we begin?” he asked her.
“I don’t know what we ought to cover,” she said. “I seriously just don’t
get any of it.”
“What do you think the hardest thing about this class is, for you?”
“Well…” she started. She wondered what he would say if she told him that
all she could think about during his lectures was him, the teacher. “I
guess trying to recognize which word is what, if you know what I mean. Like
in the last test.”
“Why don’t we pull out that test and take a look at it, huh?” He stood up,
and Adrienne felt herself let go of the great breath of air she had
swallowed when his pants had brushed against her legs.
Adrienne wondered what that fabric would feel like brushing against her
inner thigh. Or her breast.
On impulse, she reached out and touched the pants with her hand as he
walked by her.
She was mortified! Had she actually done that? Did he notice? My, but it
had felt nice.
She twisted around to see what he was doing. Professor Johnson was just
rummaging through his filing cabinet again, seemingly oblivious to the
faux-paux that had just occurred between his student and his pants leg. He
began to turn around and she looked straight forward again, squeezing her
hands in her lap. She didn’t want him to know about the tension that was
building inside of her and gnawing at her insides.
The teacher took his seat again, and handed her a copy of the test.
“Do you understand question one?” he asked her.
“I don’t have to foggiest idea, sir,” she said, blushing.
“Well,” he began, “Let’s start at the beginning then…”
His words filled the small office, but just like the day before Adrienne
found that she was only fascinated by the man, and not the content of the
words coming out of his mouth. To her ears, his rich, deep voice was
proclaiming that he lusted after her. Her imaginary Adam Johnson was
admiring her legs, talking about her lacy bra, and saying that she ought to
bend over the desk while he –
Her thoughts were interrupted.
“You okay?” Professor Johnson repeated.
“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t get much sleep last night,” Adrienne
shook her head quickly, seeing the picture in her head dissolve like a puff
of smoke whisking its way into the sky. “Please go on.”
Professor Johnson lifted his hand and brushed a strand of hair away from
Adrienne’s face. Her mouth dropped open in astonishment for a split second
before she clamped it shut again. Her lips moved as though to say
something, but no words came out, only empty air. Where he had touched her
face in an almost fatherly manner, the skin was aflame, as though his
fingers had been made of fire and wiped their heat on to her skin. Her
loins grew hot as well, and she found herself involuntarily shifting on the
cold seat. But Professor Johnson seemed to be paying no mind, looking
instead back to the test, and saying something about pronouns.
For the duration of the lesson Adrienne’s heart raced. Her mind wished for
another hair to fall out of place, perhaps instigating a replay of that
gentle touch. But, alas, four forty-five rolled around in too short a time,
and Professor Johnson got out of his seat to grab his bag.
“Well, thank you very much for your time, professor,” Adrienne said
smoothly. “You’ve helped me immensely.”
“As always, the pleasure has been mine, Adrienne,” he said, using her name
for the second time. It sounded like dark chocolate rolling from that
tongue. “I hope I’ll be seeing, uhm, more of you tomorrow.”
Was she imagining it or had he glanced at her chest when he said that? She
couldn’t tell, but the butterflies were back fluttering away madly at her
“Of course,” she said, smiling at him before leaving the room and walking
down the hall towards the elevator. Her eyes moved downwards to look at the
breasts poking through the fabric. How was she going to manage this one?

“Of course,” mused Carly, nibbling at her fingernail and looking towards the
ceiling, “You could always go in topless.”
“God, Carly, be serious!” Adrienne laughed out loud before dropping her
head into her arms, which lay folded on the table.
They were back in the bar, unusual for most students late in the afternoon
on a weekday, but pretty standard for Adrienne’s bouncy friend.
“Okay, so he touched your face. Time to get him to move a few feet down!
Maybe it’s time for you to make your big move. Grab his dick, that turns
guys on.”
All Adrienne could do was groan in to the table, shaking her head back and
forth in a very unconvincing argument.
“I’m not going to do that,” mumbled Adrienne to the table.
She sat up again, throwing her weight against the back of the booth.
“Do you think he was coming on to me, or was it just a…well, like, a
paternal thing?” Adrienne looked at the bar longingly. She wanted a drink,
school night or not…
“Well I don’t know, girl. All I know is that you know how to get a man, so
why should this one be any different?”
“I can’t believe this,” Adrienne sighed. “I mean, I know that I set out to
seduce him…that’s what I was thinking…but I don’t think I ever thought that
it might work.”
“Take it to the next level, honey, I say you make a move.”
Carly spotted a couple friends and waved frantically at them.
“Hold on, Adrienne. I’m gonna go say hi,” Carly scooted out of her seat
and ran over to the other girls, squealing and jumping up and down as usual.
Adrienne thought about what Carly had advised. Adrienne really wanted to
make a move on Professor Johnson, but she wasn’t sure. What if he rejected
her? Would she be able to handle the rejection? What if he got angry?
Could she be kicked out of school for coming on to a teacher?
Carly flew back in to her seat and drummed her hands on the table.
“So, what do you think?” Carly said.
“Can they kick me out of school for this?” Adrienne muttered.
“Girl, word gets out that you’re coming on to teachers, I’ll bet you never
have a problem getting in to a class again…as long as the teacher is male,
Adrienne had to smile.
“I’m serious, though, Carly. I mean, what if I come on to him, and he
doesn’t respond at all? Or what if he tells me to get the hell out? I
don’t know if I could handle that.”
“Has anyone ever told you no?” Carly laughed. “I can’t see it happening in
this lifetime, anyway!”
“There’ve been guys who said no…”
“Name one.”
Adrienne’s jaw moved up and down as her lips searched for names. She
couldn’t find any.
“Alright, then, what should I do?” She asked. “What can I do, without
showing up topless, that can top the white blouse I wore today?”
“Maybe we should go shopping!!!” Carly’s hands began beating on the table
again in excitement. “We could go to the mall, check out some of the
stores, I’ll bet they have something that will absolutely boil his blood!!”
“After the last couple outfits I’m afraid I’ll have to show up in my
underwear to get more attention…and I think I’m developing a reputation
among the guys in my classes.” Adrienne didn’t know if that was a good
thing or a bad thing, and she noted so to Carly.
“Well, it’s true, isn’t it? And, I mean, how bad of a reputation could it
be? All you’re doing is giving them woodies during History classes. What
else would they be paying attention to?”
“Alright, let’s go to the mall.”
Adrienne pushed herself out of her seat, giving one last glance to the bar,
and headed for the door. Carly rushed over to her other friends to say some
quick goodbyes, and skipped back over to Adrienne. The two left with linked
elbows, marching towards the bus station with determination in their step.

Adrienne pushed the door open with confidence and walked briskly in to the
Professor Johnson sat at his desk. When the door swung open he looked up,
startled. Adrienne smiled at him, lowering her eyes shyly and batting her
lashes at him.
The teacher crossed his hands in front of him and gave her a burning hot
look that she could feel boring into her core. The familiar ache in her
pussy appeared at once, and she tried to keep her breath steady as she
casually strode over to the desk and sat on the edge.
“I’m ready for my lesson, sir,” she said, dangling her legs.
She had found the perfect outfit yesterday with Carly. She had decided
that it was time to take the upper hand with the professor, and had dressed
for her role. She wore leather pants that molded to her legs and ass like a
second skin, and a scarlet red baby-t shirt, low cut with tiny strings for
sleeves. No bra today, her nipples could be seen, erect, through the thin
fabric. It was short and left her midriff and naval exposed. She had
topped the outfit off with leather boots that tied up the fronts. She
reached up and brushed the hair out of her face, stretching her long body as
she did so, her hand nearly touching the teacher’s chest.
Professor Johnson grinned at her like a Cheshire cat. His eyes didn’t give
away what he was thinking, but she thought that maybe there was some lust in
there. They held eye contact for what seemed like an eternity before he
“Shall we get on with your lesson, then, my dear?”
Adrienne melted at the sound of that voice.
“Yes sir,” she whispered throatily.
This time he stayed behind his desk during the entire hour. Maybe to hide
an erection? Thought Adrienne. It pleased her, anyways.
At the end of the session he got up and reached out his hand to shake hers.
She could feel his hand devouring her smaller one, the soft palms rubbing
together. His fingers brushed over hers in an almost intimate way. He
lifted his other hand to her arm and caressed it softly, running a fingertip
from her bicep to her forearm, hesitating slightly at the inner elbow.
“I can’t wait for tomorrow,” he said. “I think that you’re improving
Adrienne seemed to float through the next days, impatiently watching clocks
for four o’clock to come around, then practically running to the teacher’s
office. The weekend was the worst; Adrienne took about six baths and
masturbated each time to relieve the sexual tension from her body. It was
back, however, as soon as she saw him in class again on Monday. During the
week before finals, things became almost unbearable for her inside his
office. Professor Johnson seemed to be teasing her with his words and his
looks, his brief caresses. His hands became more daring, and Adrienne
invited it with gusto, parting her lips and stifling moans each time his
fingers touched her flesh. At the end of the session Friday, before they
parted again for another long weekend, Professor Johnson ran his hand
through Adrienne’s loose hair, touching her head and running the hand down
her neck all the way to the small of her back. He leaned in close to her
face, until their noses were almost touching. Adrienne’s lips felt swollen
with the desire to kiss him, but instead she did nothing, only standing
there as his green eyes dug in to her golden brown ones.
“I’ll see you at the test on Monday,” he said softly.
She stood still as he released her from his embrace and took a step back
from her. He was still smiling, casually, and began to put his things in to
his bag. Adrienne grabbed her backpack and swung it over one shoulder.
“Thank you, sir. I can’t wait to see you again.” She practically ran out
of the building, not stopping until she was on the street again. Her chest
heaved as she gasped for breath. Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest,
seeming to want to escape from the ribcage and tear right through her.
She turned towards home and began walking steadily, pictures of Professor
Johnson in her head swirling around in circles. His lips, his eyes, his
hands, his body. She wanted him so badly!
She skipped like a schoolgirl most of the way home, happy to be alive,
happy to have the images of her teacher in her mind.

Only five more minutes until class was out. Adrienne chewed on her pencil,
practically gnawing at the wood, hoping for some inspiration to come and
rescue her from what looked like another F. None came.
“Alright, class,” Professor Johnson said, pacing down the aisle. “Time’s
up. I hope you all did well, and have a great spring break. Leave your
tests on my desk in front, and good luck on your other finals.”
Students began to shuffle about, scooting out their chairs and lifting up
their bags, headed for the door.
Adrienne stayed in her seat, searching the page for any hints of how to
pull another answer out before turning it in. She glanced up, surprised to
find that she and the teacher were alone in the room. He sat on a desk a
few rows in front of her seat, arms crossed, looking at her with an
unreadable emotion in his eyes.
“You do okay, Adrienne?”
Adrienne felt her pulse quicken as it always did when he used her name.
“I think I may have failed,” she muttered, giving the paper one last look
before scooting her own chair away from the desk and getting to her feet.
“Oh well, maybe journalism isn’t for me. Maybe I should study something
easier, like physics.”
Professor Johnson chuckled.
“I’ll bet you’ve surprised yourself,” he said. “You probably got the best
grade in the class.”
“Do you grade the finals on a curve?” she asked, smiling.
“Just you wait,” he said. “I’m sure you did just fine.”
“Don’t you have another class to go to?” Adrienne asked, looking at the
“Not today,” he said. “Those students got 50 page papers to turn in
instead of a test.”
“Lucky them,” she muttered.
“You want to come up to my office? We could…talk about the test.”
Adrienne looked at him. His face was unusually intense, his eyes probing
in to hers, almost begging her to come.
She nodded. “I don’t have anywhere else to be.”
“Excellent!” Professor Johnson seemed happy, almost even relieved at
hearing that answer.
The two walked to his office together, chitchatting about their weekends.
“Honestly, sir, I wasted most of my time sitting around not doing much. I
know I should have been studying, but I just couldn’t concentrate.” She
hung her head, a bit ashamed, after all the help he’d given her.
“Oh, really,” Professor Johnson mused. “I’m sorry to hear that. But,
studying doesn’t always help as much as people seem to think it does. As
long as you knew the material, it shouldn’t have been a problem.”
Adrienne felt ashamed. She shouldn’t have told him that.
“Of course, now that the final is over,” he continued, “You don’t really
have to worry about it anymore, do you? At least not until grades are
She nodded in agreement.
“I just wish I felt more confident about my grade.”
They had reached his office. He unlocked the door and held it open for
“Ladies first,” he invited, waving his arm.
She led the way, walking in to the room and taking a seat on a chair. He
walked over, standing a few feet in front of her. He crossed his arms and
leaned against his desk.
“I’m sure glad that the class is over,” sighed Adrienne. “I don’t know if
I could have handled any more of that.”
“I hate teaching grammar,” Professor Johnson admitted. “I dread winter
term, because that always means I’ll be teaching it. For some reason, the
students keep signing up for my class.”
“You know,” admitted Adrienne, “all the girls in the class really think
you’re sexy.”
“Really?” he raised his eyebrows, looking speculatively at her.
She shifted uneasily in her seat.
“Yeah, they do.” Her face was slowly turning red. “All of them.”
“Do you?” he asked.
“Yes, sir, I think you’re probably the most handsome man I’ve ever seen in
my entire life.”
His face twitched, his eyes darted across her body. She shifted again,
wondering what he must think of her for admitting such a thing. Slowly he
stood up, and took a couple steps closer to her, leaning against the wall.
“Not all those girls are half bad, either,” he said teasingly.
Adrienne gave him a half smile, not sure whether she liked that statement
or not.
“Well not all the teachers here are that bad-looking either,” she joked.
He laughed and took a couple more steps closer.
“Who else do the girls talk about?” he asked, scratching his chin.
“Well, Mr. Pope, for one,” she said, “But I think he’s a bit too old for
Professor Johnson laughed, taking a few more steps towards her. Adrienne
looked up and was startled, for he was only inches from her now. He stood
right in front of her as she sat in the chair; his crotch was just below her
face. She could see a bulge there, should she dare to hope that it was sign
of his arousal?
He reached down and touched her hair lightly. She closed her eyes as he
caressed it, rubbing it between his fingers. She heard his breathing, deep,
heavy, matching her own. She sighed as he took away his hand. Adrienne
looked up in to his eyes.
Adrienne placed her hand lightly on his hip, settling softly and rubbing
her thumb in small circular motions, causing friction between the cloth and
his skin. Shaking, her hand moved down slowly. He didn’t protest as her
hand moved towards the crotch, which she took as a sign to go ahead.
Adrienne was quivering, unsure of herself and how she should proceed. Her
hands stopped in front of the bulge, and slowly felt their way through the
fabric until she had him in her hand, through the slacks. Adrienne began
massaging it through his pants, caressing the shaft of his erect cock while
rubbing the underside of his crotch with her other hand. She leaned forward
and nipped playfully at the pants concealing it, rubbing her face on his
He moaned, and reached down to fumble with the fly. His zipper came down
and he was exposed to her for the first time. Adrienne smiled, she felt
like she had been waiting for this moment forever. She moved her lips to
his cock, kissing the large head. She started kissing it softly, rubbing
her lips along the foreskin and down the staff, nuzzling his testicles with
her nose. Her hot mouth moved back up to the head again, and her lips
parted, and she sucked it inside her mouth.
Out of the corner of her eyes, she noted that the windows were all open,
and the window in the door was not covered. What if someone walked by? She
felt herself getting hot at the thought.
Adrienne’s tongue teased his cock, probing the tip with her tongue, nipping
lightly at the very end. She continued this until she heard his moans
growing louder. He thrust his hips towards her face and she took his whole
cock in his mouth. Her tongue ran along the underside, lapping at the skin,
sucking him hard in to the back of her throat.
She could feel his cock growing hotter inside her mouth as she sucked him
harder. Her right hand fastened around the base, stroking it while she
sucked it; her left hand fondled his testicles lightly, probing them and
massaging them in her hand with her soft fingers.
He reached down and held on to her head, directing her in speed and rhythm
by a handful of hair, thrusting his hips in to her face until her nose was
buried in her pubic hair. Adrienne’s hand left the base of his cock and
reached up, under his shirt, to feel his chest.
His skin was on fire, so hot to the touch. It was soft and hard at the
same time, firm but smooth.
Adrienne’s skin was hot as well, her face flushed around his dick, her
nipples burning holes in her shirt. Her breasts yearned to be touched, her
pussy begged for satisfaction as it drenched her panties with fluids.
Her mouth held tight to his cock, lips wrapped around the organ as she felt
it somehow grow bigger still, and his thrusts became more frantic. She
could sense his pending orgasm, and braced for it as his moans grew louder
With a final, violent thrust in to her mouth he came, cum spurting into her
cheeks. The hot fluid shot down her throat, causing her to gag slightly
before gathering control of herself and swallowing it. She did not release
his still hard dick, but kept sucking it, getting every last drop out and
cleaning it off. Finally, after a few gasping breaths, the teacher pulled
himself out of her mouth, and knelt at her feet.
His pants still pooling around his ankles, Professor Johnson began to
unbutton Adrienne’s blouse. Once undone, he gently helped free her arms and
threw it to the side. He undid her bra’s front clasp, exposing her breasts
to him for the first time.
The teacher put his hands under her breasts, cupping them, and flicking her
nipples. It was Adrienne’s turn to moan as he began to tease her hard
little buds, pinching and rubbing them, massaging her whole breast. His
soft lips moved down to the nipple and he started sucking on it lightly.
Adrienne bucked her hips, almost to the breaking point. She needed some
Professor Johnson moved his hand under her skirt and helped her out of her
underwear, tossing them in to the same pile as her blouse. His finger
smeared the wetness around, and through the slick flesh sought her clit.
The little clit was hard and exposed, and Adrienne whimpered as he began to
rub it softly. The teacher moved his middle finger down, and slipped it in
to her sopping cunt. Her muscles instantly clamped around it, and he pushed
the index finger in to join it. Slowly, he began to fuck her with his hand,
while his tongue still moved over one nipple and then the other.
Kissing her breasts, he moved his head down to her legs. He kissed one
knee and then the other, and then licked his way up to her pussy with his
long, wet tongue. He teased the lips of her pussy. Flicking her clit with
his tongue before latching his lips on to it and beginning to suck.
Adrienne’s legs rose and wrapped around his head, pulling him in to her
crotch. He continued sucking as more and more juices poured from her body.
She began to pant, bucking her hips into his hand and mouth. Her body
tensed, muscles tightening everywhere, and an earth shattering orgasm racked
her body. She screamed aloud, grabbing his hair in his hands, holding him
to her contracting pussy. He kept licking as her body finished its throes
of passion. Finally exhausted, she pushed him away.
She stood up from the chair, flushed from her orgasm. He remained kneeling
at her feet.
“Lay down,” she whispered, and he complied, laying on his back on the
office floor.
Adrienne sat on his stomach, facing his feet. He had a great view of her
round ass as she bent over and began to lick his cock again. He quickly
grew erect again, and she slid down his body, mounting his cock easily. Her
thighs moved up and down on him as he thrust his cock into her pussy. She
rode, grunts and moans from both of them filling the room. Adrienne turned
herself around on him, and pulled his hands to her breasts.
As he squeezed her nipples, she ran her hands down his chest, toying with
the hair there, moving up and down frantically the whole time.
“Get up,” he said hoarsely.
She hesitated, but got up off of him. The professor put his hand on her
waist and directed her over to the desk.
“Bend over.” His voice was soft and yet hoarse and rough.
She bent over, her breasts shocked to feel the icy cold tabletop. She felt
him nudging her pussy with his cock, and she thrust her hips back in
welcome. He thrust into her hard, causing her to slam up against the desk.
It hurt her side slightly but she was soon moaning in pleasure, pushing back
to feel the full extent of each thrust.
Adrienne felt his thrusts getting frantic again, and was afraid that he was
going to cum once more and ruin her good time.
“Stop!” she said harshly.
He stopped, uncertainly, panting for breath.
Adrienne used all her strength to turn around, and push him back towards
the chair she’d been sitting in a little while before. He sat down, and she
climbed onto his lap, guiding his cock into her sopping pussy again. He
held onto her hips and pulled her up and down on him while she used all the
strength in her legs to bounce on his dick, arms wrapped around his neck.
Her lips teased his earlobes and she moaned heavily in to his ear.
He started to grunt and she knew he was going to cum again. She was close
herself, and reached down with her right hand to fondle her clit a little
bit more. Seconds later she was screamed as another orgasm clenched her
pussy around his cock, preventing him from pulling out while he came. His
cum spurted inside her, filling her up and then drizzling down the sides,
and making a mess all over their legs and his chair.
They stayed like that for a few moments, her in his arms, him buried deep
inside her. She rested her head against his shoulder and nuzzled his neck.
She shut her eyes, completely satisfied.

A week later Adrienne was in front of her computer, checking her grades.
Her eyes ran down the row of class listings to her grammar class. She held
her breath, and looked – an F. Even though she had known she wasn’t going
to do well, she was surprised.
Adrienne stared at the screen, blinking in confusion. As she stared, the
phone rang. She picked it up.
“You ready for our date? I’m going to be over in just a couple minutes.”
“Yeah, definitely. I was just checking my grades.”
“Oh, yeah, the grades…I hope you didn’t expect…” the voice on the other end
“No!” she snapped. “This is fine with me. I’m all ready to go.”
“Good. I’ll meet you at your place in five minutes or so.”
“Great. Can’t wait to see you, Adam.”

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Nancy returns home early to start Ricks lessons

Nancy ReturnsRick settled into the chair by the pool. He had spent most of the day snooping through Nancy's house, just as she had requested. He had been naked while he did it, again at her request. The majority of his time was spent in her bedroom, specifically on the drawer full of sex toys. Most of them he had seen before, but there were a few he planned to ask her about. At the top of the list was the strap on dildo. Rick thought Nancy would appreciate it how much time he was spending...

3 years ago
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The SmithChapter 3 Lessons

“Come sit next to me.” I sat on the leather couch in the library with my laptop resting on my knees. She did, leaving a gap between us. “Ever hear of a drug called ‘KWQ’?” “Isn’t it that brain drug that can make people into permanent coma patients?” “When used improperly, that is the most likely side effect. Next question. Consider the top 1% of the nation. In that percentage, I include A rank supers and above, CEOs, key researchers, and the most intelligent scientists of our nation, along...

4 years ago
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Busty Young Teacher Gives Private Lessons

Busty Young Teacher Gives Private Lessons By billy69boyLife was good, mused Diane, as she left the fertility clinic and headed to school. She was excited at the prospect of adopting twin 16 month old brothers, even though she was aware that they were going to be a handful. She had to give her husband Terry all the credit, though. After suffering the heartbreak of finding out they couldn't conceive a c***d of their own, it was Terry who suggested they adopt. She didn't mind her frequent...

4 years ago
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Private Tennis Lessons

I did as I was told and threw it on the court as I continued to walk towards her. I asked her if she was always so aggressive, as if I hadn’t seen it coming. Slowly I lowered my mouth down to hers. Pressing my lips against hers kissing her hard. For a second she did not react, then she kissed me back. I placed my other hand behind her head as I began to kiss her hard. She pressed her lips against mine, matching me. When I pushed my tongue against her mouth she opened it. Letting me slide my...

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Private Lessons

"Would you help me over in Reference, please?" Richard looked up from his filing. He swiveled his head, looking for the source of the clear, but tiny voice. "I'm rearranging and I need someone to help move the shelves and lift the boxes of books." He spied Sylvia, standing a little to the side and behind him. Richard nodded "ok" and filed the last two cards. He closed the card file drawer and followed her to the Reference Room. Richard's role in this University Library was a small...

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Lap Lessons

I did not write this story. It was given to me as is below this paragraph.Much respect to the Author... a good story worth sharing.D. This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY,and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not anadult, or reading sex stories upset you, do not read any further. I am NOT the author. I don't have the talent to write thesestories. I can only be ... "TheEditor". Lap Lessons by Paula Cash...

2 years ago
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Jackrsquos Painful Lessons

Jack’s Painful LessonsSusan called me and asked me to stop by her house after work. Susan was a real pain. She was the widow of my dead ex-partner and, as far as I was concerned, a real nut burger, to put it mildly. Jim, my old partner, had been a good friend. I owed him (and his family) I guess.While Susan was ditzy, she was also very beautiful and she had a handsome son, Jack. Jack had been a marriage surprise. Susan thought she was putting on a few pounds when her doctor confirmed her...

3 years ago
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Hotel Lessons

A soft knock on your hotel bedroom door, late at night. ?Who is bothering me this late at night?? you grumble, getting out of bed and walking naked to the door. ?What?!? you yell through the closed door. ?Sorry sir, there is an electrical problem on this floor, we need to check the outlets.? With a tired sigh you open the door and turn away, intending to find your pants. Suddenly a leg snakes out and trips you to the floor! Stunned, you lie there a moment, meanwhile your intruder jumps on your...

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Salvation Ch 26 Painful Lessons

Miss Hilda Ashton sat at her desk reviewing the newcomer's reports, the most recent being that of Emily Ashby. She remembered Emily from the special lesson that she gave her during her interview, a warning if nothing else, but nevertheless an opportunity to enjoy her lovely charms. From Emily's report, Miss Ashton was able to see that she had settled in well and was becoming an able and studious pupil, but secretly she hoped that the child would rebel. Several soundproofed...

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Driving Lessons

Riding the bus home from school, Amanda looked out the rain-streaked window. "It's not raining too hard," she thought to herself, "maybe Mike won't cancel out on me." Mike was Amanda's older brother and the person who would be giving her driving lessons. He was volunteered for the position by their parents and although he was soon to be 19 and getting ready to graduate, he didn't really protest much. Mike and Amanda had learned early to help each other out as their parents had high-pressure...

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Piano Lessons

Monica’s piano students were mostly younger beginners, but she did teach a few very committed and talented high-schoolers and one or two grads. One of her brightest stars, Josh, was about to turn 18, and for some time now, he had shown a boyishly awkward, obvious crush on his gorgeous 31-year-old teacher.She found it, and him, absolutely adorable, and after a time, his attentions even boosted her erotic daydreams. It never got in the way of the lessons, as once they got concentrated on the...

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Lessons Inspired by a movie, a husband tries to paint his wife's nails. He's not very good, so he ends up with a very public lesson in the proper technique. Don't try this at home. That's the disclaimer they give on those extreme stunt shows. Maybe they should have put that in the movies, too. For when I tried to copy a scene in one movie, things just got out of control. My story begins happily. I was in my mid twenties, employed as an advertising copy writer and already...

4 years ago
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Innocent Keerthana Gets Sex Lessons

Raj was looking for a new place to stay. It became hard for him to search for a place as he is a bachelor. His office colleagues suggested a place where a family of the mother (Anjali) and daughter (Keerthana) stays. Keerthana is a 19 years old traditional, orthodox, Brahmin girl, whose father was very strict. He restricted her talking to boys and made her study in an all-girls’ school and even made her quit studies after the 10th. So she had no knowledge of how to behave with boys and was not...

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Dancing Lessons

From our perspective, all our teachers were old, but knowing this was Miss Hanson’s first year at least distinguished her from Miss McGraw who’d taught our parents. I liked Miss Hanson from the first because she knew about everything. How glaciers scooped out lakes, how Amelia Earhart crossed the Atlantic, whatever struck our fancy. We boys were more interested in glaciers; the girls, of course, Miss Earhart. “It’s a big old world, but not too big for not getting back,” as Miss Hanson put...

4 years ago
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Driving Lessons

I had a real problem. My parents promised to buy me a car once I got my license. Sounds easy right? Well, it wasn't. Every time I approached them about taking me for a driving lesson, they were always too busy. This went on for two years until my 18th birthday came and went, and I still wasn't any closer to a set of wheels. Luckily, Grandpa Boyd offered to teach me. Even though he's over 65, he doesn't drive like it, so i figured I'd be in very good hands. But Grandpa ended up teaching...

2 years ago
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BBW Emmy Gets Cocksucking Lessons

This story was told to me by my girlfriend Emmy, it happened a few months after our fun summer together when we were teens, and obviously before we started dating 25 years later.This is how she became the best cocksucker around.Emmy was 15 at the time, a sophomore in high school. She's short, 5'2" tall, and chubby, at 170-180 lbs. She had a pear shaped body, with small, A cup tits, and a big, perfectly round ass.Her best features are her nipples, which are as big as my fingernail, and that big,...

3 years ago
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Anatomy Lessons

Anatomy Lessons By billy69boyI was so engrossed in solving my daily crossword puzzle that I hadn't noticed my young neighbor approaching. "Good morning, Mr. Gaines! You're up early today," the sweet voiced girl called out cheerily. I immediately looked up from my newspaper and instinctively closed my legs so as not to embarrass the girl, or myself, for that matter."Hello Kendra, how are you?" I had forgotten that school was done for the summer, and as in years past, Kendra had come over to...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 68 Lessons

Lissa felt a little nervous sitting in Meg's car as the two of them drove to Sandy's apartment. She had never been to Sandy's place before, but that wasn't the reason. It was only natural for a girl to be a little scared knowing that in a few minutes she would be starting on the road to becoming a lesbian. Meg asked her for the fourth time if she was sure this was what she wanted, and Lissa nodded. She had made up her mind. This wasn't just about seducing Alya, though that was a large...

1 year ago
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Driving lessons

Rachel Doyle stirred drowsily in the fragrant bubble bath as the shrill ring of the alarm clock woke her from her slumber. She had fallen asleep for 20 minutes in the warm scented water and reached drowsily for the bath-tub plug to release the soapy suds and quickly shower. The pretty 24 year old brunette was 6 months into her in-turnship with JP Morgan and was anxious to climb the corporate ladder and join the rat race in the world of investment banking. Thus far she was well on her way, with...

Group Sex
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Love Lessons

It was the summer between my freshman year and sophomore year of college. My parents had run off to Europe for 2 months---without me. I was bored and spent a lot of time reading magazines and texting my best friend Veronica from the comfort of a pool chair. One evening after dinner, I was finishing yet another magazine when a frisbee flew over the fence. Through the slats I could see my next door neighbor's face. His name was Lance, and he had been my neighbor for about 5 years. He and his wife...

First Time
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PrivateerChapter 20

It took me almost ten hours to recover the men from the wrecks and search them. I had to suit up in a pressure suit and enter the each ship using an emergency cable strung between ships. Using a battery pack, I established contact with the men on the bridge through their comm systems and made sure they understood that I could leave them behind if they did anything stupid, and that it would take almost two weeks for help to arrive. They promised to be good. They would have to depressurize the...

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Awesome Ariel in Adam 5 Lesbian Lessons

Awesome Ariel encounters erotic experiments at Professor Peter Poet & Princess Petra Awesome Ariel ends first Friday late, it is Saturday by now, and dawn when she falls asleep.Ariel is in spoons position between Professor Peter Poet and his dear dod Princess Petra.Ariel had nice new erotic experiences last evening and night, as Sex Student of Professor P.Ariel had her 'Intimate Interview', followed by a nice naughty night out, doing 'Dirty Dancing'.Awesome Ariel wakes up, when precious...

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SRU Love Doll Lessons

SRU: The Love Doll's Lessons By Ran Dandel Mike Taggart spent most of his time studying. It's not that he had other things to do, it just that he really didn't have anything else to do. You see, Mike was a member of the Sigma Upsilon Kappa Fraternity. Sigma Upsilon Kappa had the reputation on campus as being the frat where all of the "grinds" lived. Yes, a fraternity of nerds. Mike was no exception. Because he spent all of his time in study, in computer hacking, or surfing the...

2 years ago
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Andreas Dance Lessons

"I don't know honey, isn't that a little...weird for a boy?" said Andy's dad. "No, Sara said there were two guys in her dance class." "Yeah, but still, I don't think he needs anymore feminine tendincies. He's only 10 and look at his hair." His parents were talking about dance classes for him, because he asked. Andy had seen movies with dance parts, and he longed to wear the type of clothes women wore, and this was the only way he could without getting in trouble. "I think it's...

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Samhain Lessons

There was once a shy young woman. She was pretty, but she didn’t know it. She was witty, but she didn’t know it. She was desirable, but she didn’t know it.This young woman was from a noble family. But one so far down the social register they were never invited to the great feasts or balls. This suited our young woman, as that meant she didn’t have to make idle conversation with dull young men while drinking weak wine from golden cups.Her family was an old one and still followed the ways of the...

First Time
3 years ago
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Driving Lessons

Now coming to the day things changed. I was home, my parents left the country for a business trip. I wasnt alone, i had a cook, a housekeeper and a driver. Now i didnt have any friends but i had this online friend who i played games with and he was telling me about how he got into an car accident and wont be able to play for sometime. I felt bad for him but then i had this sudden thought i didnt knew how to drive. It was bugging me alot, i was 18 and didnt knew how to drive, we had all these...

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Uncle HarryChapter 6 Thursday and More Lessons

The next morning I woke up, as usual, before my two lovers – that sounded strange to me, but really, really nice. After starting the coffee I went back in and woke Sandy up with a few strategically placed kisses and nips. Once she was fully awake we went into the shower and had a shower together which, of course, involved each of us washing some 'special' body parts of the other. After we dried off and went out to the kitchen and sat at the kitchen table. I asked Sandy "How we proceed...

4 years ago
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PrivateerChapter 21

"I think I'd like a drink," Councilor Estebahn said. "Anyone care to join me?" Everyone but me said yes. "Max?" "I'm still underage for a couple of weeks, Sir," I told him. "Fuck that. You deserve one." Taylor nodded his agreement. "Then if you have a decent porter, stout, or dark ale, I'll take one of those." He turned off the security, went to the door and asked someone to grab the drinks. He resumed his seat and a few minutes later a man came in with a tray of drinks...

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PrivateerChapter 9

We left the restaurant after a nice dinner. Mari had limited herself to the one glass of wine and then water for the rest of the meal. Anna and Katherine had a few glasses of wine each, just enough to get them to the giggly side of tipsy. We wandered around the lower level for a while in our little diamond formation, working off the meal and stretching our legs before heading back to the hotel. It was early enough that I asked if the girls would mind if I went the gym for a bit and they said...

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PrivateerChapter 12

We got back to the hotel with no problems and found our purchases waiting at the front desk for us. We hauled them up and Katherine insisted on hanging up all my stuff. I don't think she trusted me. I was looking at all the clothes that I now had and realized I was going to need a suitcase or garment bag, something else I had never owned. I grabbed a smaller bottle of water and settled in the seating area, looking out the window at the structures of the middle layer of the station. Sam was...

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PrivateerChapter 7

With a sigh, I dropped both feet onto the floor, stood up and placed my coffee cup on Philippe's desk, turned and greeted the ladies. They were dressed very differently than they had been on the ship. Instead of the coveralls, each wore slacks, silky blouses, and short jackets. No one wears skirts or dresses where the possibility of gravity loss might cause embarrassment. Anna and Katherine's outfits were well tailored and in the casual to formal range of fashion while Mari's were more...

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PrivateerChapter 10

I let Mari use the bathroom first. I walked over to the laundry return mounted in the bedroom wall, pulled out my clothes, folded and put them away. Mari exited a little later, telling me 'Your turn' before walking out and checking to make sure the hotel room was buttoned up. I went into the bathroom, stripped my clothes off before putting just my shorts back on, and did my nightly stuff. I exited the bathroom, tossed my slightly used clothes into the wardrobe, dimmed the lights, and...

3 years ago
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PrivateerChapter 6

I had talked to the captain of the freighter, reminding her to have witness reports of the incident from herself and the bridge crew ready and making sure her report of the pirate incident that started in Denarrus was written. The women were back on the freighter by the time security arrived. We had parted with hugs, kisses, and promises to keep in touch while they were in system. Even Mari gave me a hug, pulling my face into her chest and kissed the top of my head. When she let up a little,...

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