Transmuted free porn video

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Transmuted By Mister Double-U "Okay, Einstein. I'm here. What's the big news?" Sam said as he entered the chemistry lab. The place was dusty and dirty and he had a lot better things to do on a Friday night than deal with the local Mad Scientist. "Great! Glad you made it!" Chris replied. Chris was Sam's best friend, but both would admit that he was a little off his rocker. Sam was a rocker; spending every waking hour listening to or playing music on his guitar. Chris spent every night down in the lab, trying to find the answer to the meaning of life. That's what made them such great friends. Chris walked out from behind one of the computer consoles and shook Sam's hand. "You know Jamie." Sam finished as he pointed to a young girl standing against the table, snapping her bubble-gum. "Unfortunately." Sam replied. "Fuck you, asshole!" she responded. Jamie dressed like an 80's punk rocker and had the personality to match. She and Sam have had their run-ins. In fact, they dated for about 6 months. It was Chris that set them up and since they were both still friends with him, they were subjected to each other on occasion. This was one of them. "Can we hurry this up, Chris?" Sam asked. "I've got a heavy date later." "Oh, who is it with tonight?" Jamie said, holding up her hand. "Rosy Palm and her five sisters?" Sam flipped her off. "Knock if off you two." Chris said. "I have something great to show you." He walked over to a curtain at the edge of the room. He pulled it off, revealing two large glass tubes. Each one had a series of wires coming from it connecting to the board next to it. "Ta-Da!" Chris shouted. "Okay, so what is it?" Jamie asked. "It's a Transmuter device." Chris said. "It allows any person to change their appearance." "Maybe she can use it to look like a normal human." Sam said. "You're funny, but looks aren't everything." She replied making a face at him. "Hey, that's an improvement." "All right." Chris said. "Enough. You two fight like children. Anyway, I've been working on this about six months. Anyone want to try it out?" "I think I'll pass." Sam said. "Chicken?" Jamie asked. "You do it then!" "It's perfectly safe." Chris said. "Come on Sam. Please?" Chris looked at him with the innocence of a child with a new toy. He sighed. "Fine! Fine! How does it work?" He walked over to the machine and Chris opened the door. He stepped in. "Well," Chris said. "The devise will take your molecules and break them down to their smallest forms. I can then re-arrange them in any form I want. Sort of like a Star Trek transporter." He smiled. "Ready?" "As ready as I'm ever gonna be." Sam answered. A loud hum reverberated through the machine. Sam covered his ears. A bright light flashed. Chris and Jamie looked and Sam was gone. "It works!!" Chris yelled. "Now, to bring him back." He worked a few knobs and switches. The same hum filled the room and there was another flash of light. When Sam re-appeared, he was a 10 year old boy. "Holy shit!" Jamie said. Chris smiled. "I can't believe it!!" He ran and got a mirror and gave it to Sam. Sam took the mirror and stared at himself. "Say something, Man! How do you feel?" "What... what happened?" Sam answered. "Huh? I feel fine, I think." He checked himself out in the mirror. "Fuck!" "Such language." Jamie said, sarcastically. "Little boys shouldn't talk like that." "Piss off, bitch!" Sam replied. Jamie walked up to the booth and threw open the door. "This is going to hurt you a lot more than it's gonna hurt me." She said, smiling. She pulled Sam out the door and put him over her knee; dropped his pants and started to spank him. "OW!!" he yelled. "Cut it out!! Come on!!" Tears began streaming down his face. "Not until you apologize to me." She replied. She spanked him harder. "Enough, Mel." Chris said, laughing. She stopped. Sam stood up rubbing his rosy ass. "All right, change me back." Sam said stepping back into the booth. "Just one more thing." Chris said and the bright light flashed again. Chris played with a few more knobs and Sam flashed into the other tube. He now looked like Arnold Schwatzenneger. "An improvement, I think." Chris smiled. Sam opened the door and walked to a full size mirror across the room. He flexed his muscles and smiled. "Not bad!" he said. He turned to Jamie. "And now I vill crush you like the bug dat you are." He said in a really bad Austrian accent. She slapped his arm. "Now you're just a well built asshole." She ran to the machine. "My turn!" she yelled closing the door. Chris smiled and shrugged his shoulders. The hum in the tube was deafening and Jamie covered her ears. Then flash and she was gone. Sam smiled deviously. "Let's turn her into something hideous." He said. Chris shook his head. Sam sighed. The light flashed and Jamie appeared looking like a very old woman. "This isn't funny." She yelled, her voice shaking. "Sure it is, granny." Sam replied and gave Chris a high five. Chris smiled. "Sorry, Mel. I couldn't resist. Turnabout is fair play, you know." He played with the buttons again and Jamie vanished. "Here's something I've wanted to try." Jamie re-appeared in the other tube, looking like herself but unable to move. Chris walked up and opened the door. He knocked on Jamie's head. It made a hollow sound. "She's a mannequin." Sam said. Chris nodded, smiling. "I was hoping it would work. Not that I would ever use it, but still... neat, huh?" Chris said. Sam whistled. "One more experiment and I'll change you both back." "Don't rush on my account." Sam said. "I could get used to this." Chris played with the buttons again and the hum filled the room. It was louder than before. From outside the tubes, Sam covered his ears. Chris frantically worked the controls. Smoke came from the tubes. "What's wrong?" Sam yelled. "I don't know." Chris replied. The control panel started to smoke. Sam ran up to the door of the tube. "Don't touch it!" Chris yelled. "It could go off at any moment." "I can't just leave her there." Sam said, throwing open the door. The hum was overpowering and Sam fell to his knees in front of Jamie. He grabbed her legs when the light flashed and they both disappeared. Chris ran to grab a fire extinguisher. He returned and the flash of light blinded him. He fell to the floor as the machine caught fire. He stood up and continued to put the fire out. "Sam??!!" he yelled. "Jamie??!" Chris walked over to the tube and saw a figure lying on the floor. He threw the door open and pulled the body out. It was a beautiful, naked woman. She had fantastic breasts, a goddess body and a huge cock. She coughed and blinked her eyes. "You know, Chris." She said. "One of these days, you're going to kill me with these experiments." "Yeah, sure." He replied. "Are you all right?" He helped her to her feet. She was at least a foot shorter than Chris was; that would make her about 5'6". "I think so. What happened?" "Well, Sam tried to save you when the machine caught on fire." She stopped him. "What do you mean Sam tried to save me?" she asked. "I'm Sam." Chris stopped. "Not anymore you're not." He replied, pointing to the mirror. Sam walked over and gasped. "What have you done to me?" She ran her hands over her naked body. She played with her breasts and her cock began to get erect. "Mmmm." She moaned. Suddenly, she began to wobble a bit and her personality seemed to change. "I'm beautiful." She said, still stroking her cock. Chris walked up to her and spun her towards him. She kept looking at herself. "What is your name?" he asked. "That has got to be the silliest question you've ever asked me, Chris." She replied. He stood there with a vacant look on his face. She sighed. "Jamie?" she finally said. "Well, mostly Jamie." She let go of her penis. "Ugh!" Chris walked over to the table and threw Jamie/Sam a lab coat. "Put this on." She did. Except for the bulge, she looked like the perfect woman. Chris picked up a pad and paper and walked back to her. She was still looking in the mirror, admiring herself. "What's the last thing you remember?" She furled her brow. "I'm not sure." She scratched her blond hair. "I remember not being able to move." "Good. Anything else?" "No. Not really." She pushed her hair away from her face. She basically had Jamie's features; small nose, pouty lips, blond hair. But she had a lot of Sam's features; long legs, high cheekbones, his oriental attributes. The mix was incredible and Chris couldn't help staring. She began to wobble again and Chris rushed over to catch her. "I'm all right, I think." She said. "This is totally weird, dude." She walked over to a chair and sat down. Chris pulled up a chair and sat across from her. "Sam, do you remember talking to me a few moments ago?" Sam thought for a moment. "Vaguely." She replied. "I know the conversation existed, but I can't really remember what it was about." She stopped for a moment. "I remember looking at myself for a long time in the mirror and getting extremely aroused." She stared down at the bulge in her labcoat. Chris moved closer to her. "You have a split personality disorder. When you went through the machine, you and Jamie merged and became this woman." He spun her around to face the mirror. "There are the two distinct personalities in there," He continued, pointing to her head, "and each one is fighting for control. When you feel lightheaded and dizzy, the other personality takes over." "Shit!" she said. "Basically." Chris replied. "Any way to fix this?" Chris looked over to the machine. It was still smoking. "Not for a few days, at least." Sam/Jamie got up. "Where are you going?" Chris asked. "Gotta pee." She replied. "Although, I'm not sure which bathroom to use," she said, embarrassed. Chris laughed. She shrugged and walked out the door. Chris couldn't get over how sexy this girl was. The wiggle in her walk caused him to stir. Just being near her made his blood start to boil. He shook to clear his head and checked out the machine. It looked hopeless. Circuits were fried and wire fused together from the heat. He sighed and sat down. Sam/Jamie returned a few moments later; covered in sweat. "I don't know how women deal with these breasts all the time. I couldn't concentrate on peeing at all." She absentmindedly began rubbing her tits. "In fact, I came once in the bathroom and look." She opened her robe. "Still hard." Chris walked over to her. He touched the penis and it immediately started dripping pre-cum. "Looks like another thing you got was a woman's sexual stamina. I'll bet you're multi-orgasmic." He continued poking and Sam/Jamie started to moan softly. "Let's try an experiment." Chris walked to the desk and put a pair of rubber gloves. He slowly started stroking Sam/Jamie's cock. She moaned softly. It didn't take long before she came all over Chris' hand. She reached up and started playing with her erect nipples. She wobbled again. The change came over her quickly. "Fuck me!! Fuck me, please!!" she yelled. Chris moved his other hand around to her ass and began running his fingers around it. She rolled her hips as he continued. Chris moved his index finger and placed it inside her asshole. She screamed as he continued and clenched her cheeks to hold him inside. "Oh Yes!! Keep doing that!!" she screamed. Her long hair brushing quickly against her shoulders as she shook her head. A moment later, she came all over his hand. Chris let go and she collapsed on the floor, her labcoat falling open as she fell. "Uhhhhh!" She moaned. Her hips bucked and she continued to cum all over her stomach and breasts. When she finally stopped, she wobbled again and opened her eyes. Chris was sitting on a stool writing furious notes, the glove on the table next to him. "I..." she started, trying to catch her breath, "I hope that completes your experiments. I don't think I can do that again." She was Sam again. "Oh shit." She said looking at the cum all over her. "Ugh! Throw me that towel, will ya?" Chris stopped writing long enough to toss the small towel to her. "What are you writing anyway?" she asked. "Just my findings. As I masturbated you, Sam was in control. Once you touched your breasts and played with your nipples," Chris was starting to get erect talking about it. He pulled his jacked together to hide it and cleared his throat. "Jamie took control. She seems to be in control when she gets aroused." She stood up, the erection finally subsiding. "Great. So I just have to stay out of any sexual situations. Piece of cake." She finished, sarcastically. "What am I going to do now? Can't go home this way." Chris looked at her and nodded. Sam's roommate, Andy, Captain of the football team, would be on her in a New York minute. Can't go there. And Jamie's roommate, Kathy, noted lesbian and sexpot would also be on her as soon as she walked in. Besides, Chris thought, neither of them would recognize her as Sam or Jamie anyway. "I guess you can stay with me for a while. Todd's off on one of his pilgrimages to Africa or the Middle East or somewhere. That way, I can at least try to work on fixing the machine." "Deal!" she said, closing the labcoat again. "Let's get out of here." She started walking to the door. Chris grabbed his notebook and hurried after her. Chris' dorm room was a short walk from the lab. Sam could feel the stares as they headed out. She picked up the pace so Chris had to almost run to keep up. She arrived three steps ahead of him as they reached the door. "Hurry up, man!" she yelled. Chris fumbled with the keys and Sam pushed by him as the door opened. She literally pushed Chris up the stairs to the dorm room. Chris opened the door and Sam darted in. She flopped on the bed, relieved. "Thank God! I thought we'd never get here. Did you see all those people staring at me?" she asked. Her coat had fallen slightly open. Chris got a view of her breasts and part of her cock and balls. Chris cleared his throat again. "Yes, I did." He laughed. She closed her coat and sat up. "I think I'd better find you something else to wear." Chris got up and walked out the door. "Whoa! You can't leave me here alone, like this!" she said accenting the change in her body. "Don't worry." Chris replied. "I'll be back in a few moments. I'm just going to run over to Jamie's and get some of her clothes." He smiled. Sam still looked uneasy. Chris left. "Maybe I'll just get some shut eye." She said. She took off her coat, shut out the light and got under the covers. A bright light and the slamming of the door woke her. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. "Well, well." The voice said. "What have we here?" "Oh shit!" she replied. She opened her eyes slowly. Chris' roommate, Todd, was standing in front of the door. "I thought you were supposed to be off on some pilgrimage or something." "Came back early." He walked over to the bed. The covers had fallen, revealing Sam's breasts. She quickly reached down and pulled the covers back up. Todd forced them back down. "Didn't think you were Chris' type. Umm Mmm. Very nice." He reached over and started playing with her nipples. She moved her hand up to stop him but he grabbed it, holding it next to her. She slapped him. "Get the fuck away from me!" she yelled. He slapped her back, hard enough to knock her off the bed. He started removing his clothes. Sam sat there on her knees, rubbing her face. Todd dropped his pants and underwear, revealing his now erect cock. He walked slowly over to her. "Suck it, bitch!" he said. She backed away from him. He reached down and grabbed her long blond hair and pushed her mouth towards his waiting cock. "And if you bite, you're dead!" He pulled out a switchblade knife for emphasis. Sam fought it off as long as she could, but Todd was just too strong for her. She soon found her mouth touching his dick, feeling wetness on his lips. She tried to scream, but soon found that he had entered her. He began pumping furiously in and out of her mouth. He reached down and tweaked her nipples. She wobbled a bit and felt the change again. 'Oh shit. Please no!' Sam thought. She started to suck him harder. She let him pump her mouth and play with her tits. "Damn!" Todd said. "Never had a chick like you before!" His legs started to shake as she continued sucking him. He grabbed her head and held her as he came all in her mouth. There was so much cum it started to drip out of her mouth and on to her tits. Todd shot the last bit of cum and stepped away. He pulled up his pants. "Fuckin' Incredible!!" he said as he walked out the door. She knelt there, the white substance still dripping from her lips. She ran her tongue around as much as it would go, trying to taste every last bit. Unconsciously, she moved her hands to her breasts and played with the erect nipples. She felt her cock stiffen again. She resisted every urge to touch it, to feel the wetness oozing from it. Eventually, it was too much and she began slowly stroking it. She loved the way it felt against her long red nails. The touch was overwhelming and she finally ejaculated all over the floor and the sheets on the bed. The image of Todd's cock was still running through her mind, causing her to keep going. She pulled harder on her cock and the cum kept flowing. A full five minutes later, she collapsed on the floor, thoroughly exhausted. She felt lightheaded and knew she was coming out of it. Sam shook the blond hair out of her eyes. "Oh shit!!" Sam yelled. She thought about the last few moments, of how she knelt there sucking some guy's cock. The thought made Sam bolt upright and head right for the bathroom. She was still throwing up, kneeling naked over the toilet, when Chris finally returned. She turned around, her hair wet from sweat and vomit. "Where the fuck have you been?" she yelled. Chris stared at her. She was crying and completely out of breath. "Are you all right?" he asked. "No!" she yelled and threw up again. "Your Goddamn fucking roommate came home early." Chris' face turned white. "Oh no. What happened?" "He made me suck his cock." She turned and threw up again. "I'm really sorry, Sam." Chris said. "Things took longer than expected. Kathy came home while I was getting the clothes and then I had to explain as best I could where Jamie was." Chris walked over and dropped the bag of clothes on the bed. Sam stood up shakily, her body covered in sweat. She walked over to the sink and splashed some cool water on her face. "What did you tell her?" she finally asked. "Hmm? Oh. I told Kathy that she was in the middle of a very important experiment for me and she asked me to get her a change of clothes." Chris replied. "Not the greatest excuse in the world, but I think she bought it." "Thank heaven for small favors." Sam said. She walked shakily over to the bed and flopped down on her stomach. The covers were still all over the floor; most of them covered in cum. "Let me see if I can find some clean sheets." Chris said. He walked over to the closet, found some clean sheets and laid them on the bed. Sam immediately grabbed them and pulled them up to her neck. Chris laughed. "Good night." He was about to lean over to kiss her forehead, but stopped quickly. "Almost forgot who she is." He said quietly to himself. He got changed, walked over to the other bed and crawled in. Sam rolled over drowsily. "Any ideas on how to fix this?" she asked. "Not yet. I have a few theories. We'll try them tomorrow." Chris said. Sam rolled over and went to sleep. Chris stared at her. She was incredibly beautiful. He could see the outline of her breasts in the dark. She was curled up like a worm in a cocoon so the entire outline of her body was visible in the moonlight. He drifted for a moment and thought of touching those breasts, running his hand all over her naked body, kissing those soft sensuous lips. He began to get aroused just thinking about it. Chris shook his head clear and rolled over. "She's really Sam," he thought. "and I have to find a way to change him back." Sam tossed and turned as she slept. Strange visions darted across her mind. He stood in the middle of a huge field. Sam ran his hands across his naked body; no breasts, short hair. He was himself again. The fog began rolling in as Sam walked. He eventually came across another person coming out of the fog. It was Sam, the female. She walked towards him, her long blond hair blowing in the wind. Sam shuddered. She was also naked. They moved to each other and she wrapped her arms around him. They kissed, passionately. Sam made no attempts to pull away as she moved her tongue in and out of his mouth. He moaned as she placed her hand on his cock. She began to stroke it slowly, getting him hard. She stepped back and pushed Sam's shoulders, dropping him to his knees. In the fog, Sam gropes for the pussy that he hopes is there. He finds instead a large cock. He tries to stand but the force on his shoulders is too strong. One hand moves from his shoulders to the back of his head. The hand pushes the head closer and closer to the now hard cock. Sam screams and she takes the opportunity to shove her cock into Sam's waiting mouth. He tries to turn his head, but again the grip is too strong. Eventually, Sam relaxes. She begins to fuck his mouth; Sam wraps his lips around it and takes in all the sensations. He feels it scraping on the roof of his mouth and hitting the top of his throat. He adds suction as she continues and she moans softly; pumping faster and faster. A moment later, she cums all over his mouth and his face. He can taste the salty substance as it slides down his throat... Sam screams and sits upright in bed. Her body is covered in sweat and she has cum all over the sheets again. She checks out her surrounding and sees Chris sleeping soundly. She grabs a pillow and throws it at him. "Hey!" Chris yelled. "What the hell was that for?" "You had better just find a way to change me back!" she replied and rolls over to try to sleep. *** For the next two days, Chris worked vigorously on changing this woman back into Sam and Jamie. Every experiment failed. He would start by trying to put two animals together, the same way he did with them. That took quite some time. After that, he would work on separating them. All he managed to do was transport them back and forth between chambers. Sam came down to the lab as often as she could. The problem was that all the clothes she wore were too small, so her huge breasts looked even larger. She was very nervous walking around campus. She felt that every pair of eyes were on her. The scent she was throwing off wasn't helping things either. Chris didn't let her stay long. She kept ruining his concentration. "Any luck?" Sam asked. She was sitting on the stool on the other side of the room. She wore a 'Queen Bitch' T-shirt and a pair of tight cutoff jeans. She barely fit into either. "No. Sorry." Chris replied, not even looking at her. He was playing with a few of the wires. "Are you sure you wouldn't just want to stay that way?" Sam laughed. "Don't think so, pal." Chris sighed and continued his work. A moment later the doors at the end of the lab flew open. Chris dropped his screwdriver and stood up. Sam almost fell off the stool. Three large men walked casually into the lab. "See, man." The first one said. "Check her out!" "You weren't lying, Mitch." The second replied. "She's incredible." They moved closer to Sam. Chris jumped up and stood between them. "Excuse me, but you'll have to leave." He said. Mitch snapped his fingers and one of them lifted Chris up and threw him across the room into the equipment. He continued walking towards her, the other two close behind. "So what's a hot chick like you doin' with a dweeb like him?" Mitch continued. "Wouldn't you rather have a real man?" He cupped his balls in his hand. Sam could already see he was hard. So were the others. "I'm really not in the mood." Sam said. She walked backwards until she was against the machines. Mitch moved closer. "I really don't care." He smiled, removing his shirt. Sam looked around. Chris was out cold on the floor. Mitch moved closer to kiss her. She backed away as best as she could, then kneed him in the balls. He fell to his knees with a thud. She ran back towards another door, but one of the other guys grabbed her by the hair. She fell on her back and rubbed her throbbing head. Mitch stood up. "Tommy, hold her arms down." Sam felt the pressure of Tommy's massive arms on his wrists. Sam tried to break free but Tommy pushed harder. Mitch walked around so that Sam could see him. He reached over and ripped the T-shirt off. Sam's huge breasts exploded to life. "Shit!" Lou, the third one said. "She's got the biggest tits I've ever seen." He reached over and began to play with them. He ran his fingers around them and tweaked the nipples. He walked around, took off his pants and underwear and sat on her stomach. He placed both hands on his tits and began fucking them. "Oh man. You should feel how soft and smooth they are." He began moaning as he continued pumping. After a moment, he came all over Sam. She tried to move out of the way, but still managed to get some on her face and in her hair. "Rookie!" Tommy said, shaking his head. "Let's see what she's got down here." Mitch said, grabbing her shorts. He pulled them off and his mouth dropped open. "THERE'S A FUCKING COCK HERE!!" he yelled, jumping away. "No fucking way!" Lou said, climbing off her stomach and pulling up his pants. He turned around and looked. Tommy, still holding Sam's wrists looked too. "Okay! Yes!" Sam yelled. "I have a dick. Now why don't you three get out of here before I call the cops?" "Why don't you shut the fuck up, bitch?" Mitch replied, slapping her hard across the face. Some cum was on his hand. He wiped it off on her stomach. "Better yet. Why don't I shut you up?" He dropped his pants, showing his still hard cock. He sat down and eased it towards her mouth. Sam felt himself wobble again. 'No, not now!!' she thought a little too late. She lifted her head and greedily took Mitch's cock in her mouth. She ran her tongue across the tip and along the shaft. She sucked so hard Mitch thought he was going to rip his dick off. "What about this?" Lou asked distastefully, pointing to Sam's erect cock. "Leave that area to me." Tommy replied. Lou walked over and grabbed Sam's wrists from him. Tommy walked around as Sam continued sucking Mitch and started to play with her cock. He ran his nails up and down and made little circles on the tip. He moved his finger and a long trail ran from there to Sam's cock. Tommy put his finger to his mouth and licked it. "Mmmm." Tommy said. Lou tried to ignore his friend's homosexual escapes and concentrated, instead, on Mitch. He watched as Sam continued sucking him, pausing every few moments to moan and shake. Tommy leaned down and began to run his tongue along Sam's cock. He licked and sucked her balls and played with them as he sucked her. Her body was shaking almost uncontrollably as he continued. Tommy stopped and lifted Sam's legs. He placed the tip of his dick at the entrance to Sam's asshole. Sam stopped sucking Mitch for a moment. "Why don't you let me up and we can REALLY have some fun?" she said, smiling evilly. Mitch smiled back and got off her chest. She got up to her hands and knees and beckoned Mitch to her. He stood in front of her and continued to suck his cock. Tommy placed his finger at the opening of her tight ass. He slowly moved it in and out, spitting on his finger and going faster and faster. Sam was breathing heavily and wiggling her ass around his finger. "Go on and fuck her, Tommy." Mitch said, smiling even wider. Tommy knelt over and rubbed the tip of his cock around her, now wet, asshole. Sam started to scream as Tommy moved farther and farther in. Once he was able to place his entire dick into her, he started bucking and moving in and out more quickly. Sam couldn't take it anymore and leaned up, removing Mitch from her mouth. She reached over and grabbed his dick and started to jerk him off. She could feel how wet he was as she stroked him. Mitch started leaning back and Sam knew he was just about to cum. She leaned down and got a present of sticky cum all over her face and in her hair. She reached back and started doing stroking herself as Tommy continued in her ass. It took only a few minutes before Tommy pulled out and shot his load all over her back and the end of her hair. He then rolled Sam on her back and played with her balls as she came all over Tommy's face and her own stomach. "Damn! She's amazing! Shit!" Tommy said, standing up slowly. Mitch walked back and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head up. "Now, you're not going to tell another living soul what just happened, or I'll come back and cut your balls off." Sam just lay there, exhausted, sitting in a puddle of cum. The three guys put their clothes back on and quickly walked out the door. Sam noticed that the change had past and he was himself again. She tried to stand up, but noticed that she was too weak. She crawled slowly over to Chris. He was still out cold on the floor. She slapped him, trying to wake him. After a few minutes, Chris started to come around. "Thank God!" Sam said. "Are you okay?" Chris rubbed his head. A few drops of blood showed up on his hand. "Not really. Did you get the number of that truck?" Chris looked at Sam. She was still covered in cum and slightly bruised. "How about you?" "I'll survive." She replied. "Let's get you to the nurse's station." Chris nodded. "We need to get you some new clothes first." They grabbed another labcoat for Sam and walked very slowly to the campus infirmary. Chris was admitted for three days. Sam stayed with him the entire time. The nurses and doctors brought them both food and found Sam another set of clothes. "Why don't you get out of here?" Chris asked after the first night. "There's nothing you can do for me here." "I'm just here to make sure you come out of this okay." Sam replied laughing. "You're the only one who can change me back." Sam leaned over and took Chris' hand. Chris smiled. Chris spent his every waking moment working to repair his machine. He tried experiment after experiment. Sam stood by his side the entire time. Some nights she would fall asleep in the large chair in the corner as Chris worked. A week went by. "Sam! Sam, wake up!!" Chris shouted, shaking Sam violently by the shoulder. "What?? What? Is everything okay?" Sam replied. Chris was smiling broadly holding two kittens. "It works! I finally figured it out." Sam quickly sat up. "No shit!" she replied. "No shit." He said back. "I took this cat and separated it into two different cats. Sort of like that 'Trek' episode with the good and evil Kirk." He smiled. Sam stood up taking one of the cats. It purred in his hands. "Well, let's do it!" she said. She walked over one of the chambers. Chris ran to stop her. "Hold on a minute." He said. "I've only tested it once. I don't even know if I can do it again." "I've got to try." Sam replied. "I don' t think I can take this much longer. I'm starting to lose my mind. I keep having these sexual dreams. And I'm always the woman. Please, Chris." She said. A small single tear trickled from her eyes. Chris reached up and wiped it off. "All right." Chris smiled and opened the chamber door. Sam stepped in and closed the door. Chris headed back to the machine and fired it up. The circuits came to life with a loud hum. "Are you ready?" he said into a microphone on the control board. Sam gave a quick thumbs up. Chris played with a few knobs and buttons and the hum got louder. Sam put her hands up to her ears to drown out the sound. There was a flash of light and Sam disappeared. Chris quickly switched a few more knobs and buttons. He started to panic as the danger indicator rose. The hum rose in pitch and shattered one of the chamber doors. "Oh no!" Chris yelled. A small fire started in one of the corners. He managed to put it out. "I just need a few more seconds." He said to no one in particular. The pressure inside the machine caused several of the indicators to crack. He pushed the main button and the hum turned to a squeal. Chris fell to his knees and covered his ears. He could feel a small trickle of blood on his hands. The flash of light appeared again as the machine burst into flames. The other two chamber doors shattered along with all the windows in the lab. The noise became too much for him. He passed out. The next thing Chris saw was a figure peering over him. Chris' eyes were still burred from the smoke and glass. "Sam?" he asked. "Who's Sam?" the man asked. Chris blinked his eyes. Things began to come into focus. The figure above him was definitely not Sam. Tall, glasses, balding. He tried to stand quickly and noticed the throbbing in his head. He reached up and felt the wrapping around his ears. Chris slowly staggered to his feet in time to notice that the lab was completely engulfed in flames. He stood there for a moment then went looking for Sam. He found a figure was wrapped in a blanket, lying on a stretcher, being placed into an ambulance. Chris ran over and just made it into the back before the doors slammed shut. He slowly walked over to touch the figure. "I'm sorry, son." The EMT said. "She's in a state of shock." Chris sat back down, slowly. 'She.' he thought. 'But what state was she in?' He turned to the EMT. "Is she okay?" Chris asked slowly. He turned to Chris, his face a blank expression. He looked Chris over. "She's fine." He said after what seemed an eternity. "She has third degree burns on her body. We'll do everything we can." "I have to see her." Chris continued. "It's very important. This is all my fault." The EMT sat there, keeping his hands on an IV tube connected to the figure's arm. Chris looked expectantly. The EMT nodded and started to pull back the sheet. The first thing Chris saw was long blond hair. His heart started beating a mile a minute. How would this wind up? The blanket was pulled back a bit more. He turned the figure over. She was Sam. The same Sam that went into the machine before the fire. Chris could see her full breasts through the shape of the blanket. "Does that help? Do you know her?" the EMT asked. Chris nodded. "Good." He said. "We'll need someone to give us her vital information at the hospital." He turned towards the driver of the truck. "Step on it, Sam." He said. Chris moved slowly but swiftly towards the lying figure of his best friend. There was one more thing Chris needed to know. He reached over and pulled the blanket off her. His eyes followed the contours of her body; supple breasts, slim waist and a hairless vagina. A Pussy!! Not a cock! Chris was caught up in the moment and began to cry. The EMT caught him and pulled the blanket back up. "Hey!" he yelled as her replaced it. "Let's give her a little privacy, huh?" He pointed to a bench on the other side of the car. Chris sat on it. He was relieved. At least Sam wasn't a freak anymore. The ambulance pulled into the hospital and Sam was taken to a room on the sixth floor. Chris filled out the necessary paperwork, remembering to put female as Sam's new sex. Checking that box made Chris smile just a little. The doctors went to work trying to repair the damage done to Sam. Chris went up to the waiting room. Sam woke up in her room a few hours later. Chris was seated on a small chair next to the bed. "Hi!" Sam said, clearing her throat. "Nice scar. I think it's an improvement." Sam laughed softly. "I wouldn't talk." Chris replied. "You don't look so good yourself." He laughed also. He took her hand. "Seriously, how do you feel?" "Like a truck ran over me. Then backed up and ran over me again. Ow!" Sam replied. Chris squeezed her hand a bit more. "Did it work?" "Not as well as I thought it would." Chris answered. "I think the machine wasn't able to handle a large transmutation. The cat worked, but you caused the machine to explode." He stopped and looked into Sam's eyes. They looked slightly dazed. "It did take care of one 'large' problem though." He smiled and moved Sam's hand under the sheets. She felt her hand graze against her breasts and down her smooth stomach. She sighed slightly. They continued and Sam's face dropped. She hand felt a slit, not a bulge. "The only good thing, I guess, is that you're now a real woman." "It's something I'm going to have to get used to." Sam replied. "It's something that we will have to get used to together." Chris continued, slowly. Sam stared blankly at him. "I want you to be my girlfriend. I've wanted you ever since that first night. What do you say?" Sam looked at him. She shook her blond hair. The silence seemed to last forever. "Why not?" Sam finally answered. "But I have to warn you that I'm a high maintenance woman." Sam laughed again. "I don't think it's anything I can't handle." Chris replied. He leaned in and kissed Sam on the lips. Sam returned the kiss.

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When the dreams became reality Part 2

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My sister part 2

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This is what I have Learned

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BACK IN PATTAYA JULY 2019After my adventures I went back to Pattaya, I always like it there, many gaybars and some nightlife. I had took the bus from the Ekemai bus station in Bangkok to North Pattaya, simple and not expensive. On the net I had find a hotel in South Pattaya, very good price 1100 Bath, The classroom hotel, a gay hotel in boys town, the room is ok all is there, need nothing more, maybe just some nice handsome guy LOL. I put all my things in the cupboard, took shower and went out....

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FamilyStrokes Chanel Grey Right Hand On Cock

Chanel Greys stepbrother does not think they have been spending enough time together as a family, so he suggests that they play a game together to supplement. Chanel enthusiastically agrees, and gets ready for some contortion in a heated game of Twister. But while they are playing, Chanels stepbrother cannot help but notice her hot cunt poking out from under her skirt. When their stepmom has to take a phone call, the two step siblings take advantage of her being distracted to get out all the...

1 year ago
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Total Woman Academy 21

Ushia exited the taxi in front of a major company headquarters. Her heels clicked on the sidewalk as she approached the entrance. Her short skirt revealed her long legs, trim and toned, encased in hose. The doorman wore sunglasses and she couldn’t see his eyes. But Ushia knew his eyes were following her as her breasts jiggled beneath her woman’s business suit. She had worn her most supportive Wonderbra and it was displaying mounds of flesh between the lapels. Her shoulder satchel’s strap...

3 years ago
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My wifes cousin Part 3

Tammy had to wait two weeks until her appointment with the specialist. The three of us had agreed that if Sara and I were going to have sex we would get my wife’s permission. It only took us a week before we first violated the agreement.Tammy had to work that Thursday, something about inventory. Sara and I were alone in the house for the first time since that first weekend.I had just gotten home from work when Sara asked for some help with a box in her bedroom.She had a bathrobe on with the...

Wife Lovers
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Karlys Getaway Final Perfect Holiday in Amsterdam

Michael’s plane landed this morning, and we checked into the Grand Hotel Amrath in Amsterdam this afternoon. I’d like to say we’ve toured Amsterdam already, or at least eaten dinner. We’ve been naked since we got into the hotel room. Michael didn’t even wait for the bellhop to leave. His hand was under my skirt and in my panties while he handed the man his tip. He was good looking. If he’d shown more interest, Michael might have invited him to stay. The moment he left, Michael had me bent over...

Straight Sex
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The Good Old Days

Stepping into the crowded bar, Ash couldn't help but feel nostalgic for times long past. How many times had he and his college buddies frequented the joint? Dozens? Hundreds? In any case, it was their mutual attachment to the place that made it the perfect meetup spot for their little reunion. Still, it was hard to believe how little had changed about the place so many years later. As always the place was packed, Ash relieved that Greg and Ryan had, according to their texts, gotten in...

3 years ago
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TripinChapter 61

"So what the fuck was so important that we had to leave right in the middle of things?" Wilma asked when we were in her car. "Just drive to my place. There was something screwy there. They sent a 14 year old girl for me to teach. You know what I was supposed to teach her don't you?" I asked. "Fourteen are you sure?" Wilma asked. "That's what she said, and she looked fourteen," I replied. "Then why didn't we bring her out?" Wilma asked. "Then what do we do with her, turn her...

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Vom kleinen Kick in die Versklavung

Angefangen hat alles damit, dass ich für ein Event ein Wochenende im nördlichen Teils Deutschlands verbracht habe. Doch erst einmal wer bin "ich" überhaupt. Ich bin Nina 24 Jahre alt, von der Figur her mollig bis etwas dick, mittellange rote Haare, blaue Augen. Da ich mir die Stadt noch ansehen wollte war ich extra schon Freitag Mittag bis Nachmittag angereist. Nachdem ich also im billigen, aber allen ansprüchen gerecht werdenden Hotel eingecheckt hatte, begab ich ich mich auch meine Reise in...

1 year ago
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The Freebie List Comes Back to Haunt Me

We have been together for almost a decade and have always had a great friendship and relationship both inside and outside of the bedroom. Many years ago, we saw the Friends episode where Ross and Rachel had their list of people they could sleep with and not get into trouble. We joked about it for a while but then went back to the show.A few weeks later, we went to the bar and after a few too many drinks, we decided it would be fun to make our own list. After a lot of drunken negotiations, we...

3 years ago
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Captured Two

This story is not intended to cast aspersions on peace loving, gentle transvestites who desire little more than acceptance and some new shoes. This is a nasty, misogynistic story. Fiction of unremitting cruelty and horror. Avoid it if you are sensitive or under eighteen. Synopsis He had been searching for a victim. He wanted a wife, a sex slave. Yes, he sought a victim who might become a wife and love him. Categories Bondage...

1 year ago
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Victorious Corrupting Cat Part 4

Victorious: Corrupting Cat Part 4 by KOP Cat was what some might call an early bird, which was a fun phrase which made the little redhead giggle softly. She quickly quieted herself though because while she had been awake for what felt like hours and hours, because of the whole being an early bird thing, Jade was still very much asleep and Cat remembered the Goth telling her never to wake her up. Ok, so she hadn't exactly remembered it at first. She just kind of got caught up in...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 833

This one is compliments of tony k. The Professor for the Sexual Education class was describing a penis. He decided to ask for a volunteer to come to the board and draw one. A beautiful senior put her hand up. She went to the board and started drawing. She was an accomplished artist. After several minutes, the masterpiece was done – a fully hard 7-inch-long penis. The Professor complimented her and asked her if she would draw one the other way. She said, confused, “What other way?” This...

4 years ago
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Party Tasks

Rene was driving absentmindedly. Her mind raced as she thought of the possibilities. Ed had asked to see her tonight. More importantly, Ed had asked to see her and had told her to dress sexy. It was that that had her mind soaring to places that were everywhere but on the road in front of her. She remembered the last time Ed had made a request. They were going to go to a party and Ed wanted her to wear a dress with a thong underneath. When she arrived at his house, she understood why. Almost...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Josephine Jackson Rub You Right

Josephine Jackson is a masseuse who likes to set the scene for her seductions properly. Candlelight and a massage table are designed to make Renato comfortable. Josephine grabs a pitcher of oil and rubs her slicked hands against Renato’s back. Making sure there’s plenty of oil, she caresses him hard and deep to help him relax. Once Josephine has finished with Renato’s arms and legs, she slides her hands beneath the towel to get to his ass. Climbing onto the table, she digs in...


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