Chat Room Rendevous free porn video

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The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. This story involves the Batman family as seen on the early to mid-90s Batman, the Animated Series. Batman is Bruce Wayne, Robin is Dick Grayson, a blonde Selina Kyle is Catwoman, James Gordon is Commissioner of Police for Gotham City, and his daughter Barbara is Batgirl. Finally, the butler at Wayne Manor is Alfred Pennyworth. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, that was the editor's note, now for the author's two cents worth. I don't normally write fanfic, but this one was special and done for a special person. It is dedicated to Steve Zink, who has been very selfless with his editing, comments, and other input on more than just this story for me. Thanks Steve. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Chat Room Rendezvous by Maggie Finson Dick Grayson seated himself in the privacy of his bedroom, alone with his computer for company, and let out a long sigh of anticipation. Bruce was out for the evening to attend a charity function for disadvantaged children in the inner city, and Alfred had accompanied him. Which left Dick on his own. Not that the idea bothered him at all; with those two gone, he would be able to delve into his favorite, non-business (superhero and classes) pastime. Dick loved visiting chat rooms on the Internet, especially those involving role playing. Given some of his odd adventures with crossdressing, and his not so secret (to those he was close to) enjoyment of that activity, he tended to frequent rooms where role switching was expected. That was actually kind of tame, in comparison to some of the real-life adventures he had experienced in disguises as any number of different females, but he felt that it was better than nothing at all. Tame, at least, until he had stumbled upon a virtual reality room that functioned without all the fancy, cumbersome gear most VR systems required. Dick keyed in the URL once his system connected to the net. Having this particular site in his favorites list was something he was unaccountably reluctant to do. He then sat back, awaiting the connection to another evening of transformations and experiencing life from the distaff side. Welcome to Transfantasies! Where anyone can be anyone else... even, or especially, a member of the opposite sex... TG role playing at its finest! Warning! This site is beta testing software of an extremely delicate nature. Sponsors are not responsible for damage to visitor's systems, or for any other problems arising from participation in this Beta Test. Please read our agreement and regulations before proceeding. Click the Accept button if you agree to our terms of service. If you don't accept, thank you for visiting us and go elsewhere. Dick moved the cursor to accept, then waited for the website leading into the room he meant to visit to download. As it had the first several times, the swirling colors lulled him into a comfortable sense of well being mixed with eager anticipation for what was to come. * * * * "Hypnotics are functioning," the tech announced, as a view of Grayson through his own computer monitor came up. "Subliminals up and running. We have cortical scan, and recording, systems are go." "Wonderful," a purring, throaty female voice responded. "I'll get into my part of the rig, and then Dick and I will play some more. Only, this time the game is going to last a lot longer than our dear Robin would be prepared to believe." "Ready when you are, Ms. Kyle," the tech, also female, replied with a note of humor in her voice. "Good luck, and have fun." "Oh, I will," Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman, purred as she settled into the comfortable couch and placed the helmet over her head. "I wonder if Robin will, once he discovers what is really going on?" "Everything here is ready, Ms. Kyle." "Just make sure everything goes as planned," Selina commanded, without the need for threats of what would go on if they didn't. "It will, Ms. Kyle." "It better," Selina purred back, as she settled into a more comfortable position. * * * * "Hello, Dick," the lovely young woman he knew only as Circe greeted him in the plush suite of rooms where the game would begin. "Are you ready to play?" "You know it, Circe," he replied with a grin. "Wonderful!" Circe purred, in a hauntingly familiar way, as she turned to adjust a control on the wall panel behind her. "I can guarantee you a most entertaining evening." "Of course, you haven't disappointed me yet," Dick agreed, with a tingle of anticipation, wondering what it would be that evening. So far he'd been a maid at Wayne Manor, an exotic dancer in some sleazy club, and a blushing bride at the altar -- complete with wedding night experience thrown in. Circe, of course, had played the groom. "Very good," Circe replied, again offering him that scintillating smile, then made a languid gesture to his clothing. "You can begin by disrobing." Dick undressed in a flurry of motion, leaving his clothing in a neatly folded pile at his feet. Circe had done likewise, and he admired her nude form, as she very openly did the same with his. "Now," Circe commanded, "step into my transformation booth, so I can alter you for the entertainment we are going to have tonight." Wondering, for about the hundredth time, why a transformation booth was required in VR when a simple wave of her slim hand could have achieved the same thing, Dick complied. Something in his mind, far down and back, tingled in alarm, but the hypnotics still shining from his own monitor screen lulled his physical self into a state of near catatonia. As the door to the chamber closed behind the young man, Selina grinned in triumph. The other times had set him up for what was to come, softened his resistance, implanted suggestions and completely mapped his brain. Unless her carefully selected techs fouled things up, Dick Grayson was going to awaken to a completely different set of circumstances than he had known before joining this particular VR game that evening, along with a comprehensive set of implanted instructions regarding the behavior, actions, and short term goals of the role and identity he would be taking on. "Ready for transfer, Ms. Kyle," a tech's voice purred into her ear. "All right," she answered, drawing in a deep breath and stepping into another chamber identical to the one Dick had entered. "Do it." * * * * His time in the booth seemed to go longer than the previous ones, and Dick was also beginning to feel very strange. He was light headed, and his shape didn't seem to be altering as he had expected. Instead, there was a bright tunnel opening up in front of him. Opening his eyes, he wasn't able to see that, but closing them again brought the tunnel with its swirling colors back into clear focus. Once that happened, his consciousness flowed forward and right out of his body. And was sucked into the tunnel, without even the slightest chance to avoid that. Selina observed the identical tunnel in her chamber, let out a small sigh, then whispered, "This will only be temporary -- for me -- good-bye, Selina Kyle and Catwoman, hello, Dick Grayson and Robin." With that, she allowed her own consciousness to be drawn into the trap she had designed for Dick. * * * * "Ah, good, she's coming around now." A halfway familiar voice intruded on Dick's returning consciousness. "Wake up, sleeping beauty," the voice urged, with a light slap to his cheek for emphasis. "Uhummm," was all the response he was able to manage, with the flood of sensations clamoring for attention in his brain. His previous experiences in VR of this type had been vivid, but there was always some sense of his own body in the background, waiting for him to return to it. That sense was missing, and the sensations of being in a different body, a different sex, were so powerful that he was awash in the newness to the point of being unable to even open his eyes. "She's adapting to her new body," another voice entered the conversation, "her mind isn't entirely in synch with it yet. Give her a few more minutes." 'New body?' Dick fuzzily questioned himself, as the erratic sensations and responses to his mind's commands returned to the still dazed brain that had sent them out. 'Wow! Circe wasn't kidding, this is a really amazing simulation.' "Well, she'd better get in synch pretty quickly," the familiar voice was beginning to sound impatient. "We have a charity function to attend, and I don't want her to miss the chance I'm giving her to snag Bruce Wayne." Sounds stopped being in color, and textures under his hands and across his body stopped giving him tastes of his favorite foods. His vision cleared, and he beheld himself standing mere inches away. That self moved to peer into his eyes and grinned. "Hello, Selina, how are you feeling?" "Ver -- very odd," Dick responded, in a voice that wasn't his. He didn't panic, because the VR experience he was supposedly going through had made him a woman before. What was unnerving was the voice; the one coming out of his mouth was uncomfortably familiar, too. "Why are you calling me Selina?" he questioned. "Because that's your name, idiot," the other Dick Grayson informed him. "Oh, for the game?" "Oh, it's going to be a fine game, Selina, my dear," Dick's doppelganger agreed, with a very nasty little grin. "We're going to that big Gotham-wide charity ball tonight, and you're going to seduce Bruce Wayne." "Huh?" Dick intelligently shot back. "I don't think I want to play that role. Let's try another one, could we?" "Oh, I'm afraid it's far too late for that now, Selina." The new Dick reached out a hand and took his own in a firm grip. "This one is the culmination of all the other games we've played. I wouldn't hear of you backing out of it now." "Circe?" "That's Mr. Grayson, or Dick to you, sweetie," the other informed him. "Now, come along, Ms. Kyle. We have to be going. Fashionably late is one thing, but missing the entire affair is not something I have planned for tonight." "Kyle?" Dick almost choked on the name as he was jumped to his feet, idly noting that he was very much a she in appearance, with a low cut, tightly fitted evening dress of burgundy silk, matching high heels, and softly scented with both a woman's natural musk and a subtle perfume. "Selina...Kyle. Why did you have me take on Catwoman's secret identity?" "All part of the fun, Selina, darling," Dick's escort replied smoothly. "We both know Bruce, or Batman, has a real soft spot, not to mention another very hard one, for you." "But, but, I'm not her, and don't even want to pretend to be, even in VR," Dick firmly responded. "Or seduce Bruce." "Well, I'm afraid your choices are a bit limited here, sweetheart," Circe as Dick crisply informed him. "Now, who am I?" "You're...Dick Grayson." He had meant to say Circe, who he knew with a sinking feeling was also Selina Kyle, or Catwoman. "Very good. Now, tell me your name." "Se...Selina Kyle!" Dick answered in anguish. "But, it isn't! I'm... Selina Kyle." "Yes, you are," the new Dick replied, smiling in satisfaction, while the new Selina Kyle struggled to say she was someone else. "But...I can't be!" "Don't overtax your poor little mind over it, beautiful," holding out his arm with a significant look that held no little command, the new Dick finished. "We have a party to go to. And you'd better make poor Bruce believe that Catwoman has reformed, or you'll be spending a lot of time as that super villainess in the future." Looking up into what was in effect, the eyes of his own body as he laced one slim arm through the other's masculine one and allowed himself to be led out the door of a very feminine bedroom, Dick drew in a shaky breath. "This is some role switch game you came up with tonight. It may be the last one I play with you." "You could always opt out with the emergency release," his escort advised. "I think I will," Dick growled, searching for the small icon in his psyche that would close the program and get him back to reality, not to mention sanity. Selina Kyle, indeed! "Well?" the other questioned, with clear amusement at the scrunched up concentration on Dick's lovely face. "I...I can't find it!" Beginning to panic, he closed his eyes and tried again. "That, Selina, my dear," Dick Grayson's body responded easily, "is because it isn't there. You aren't in Kansas any more, Dorothy. Don't worry your pretty head about it right now," the other advised with a chuckle. "Your newly altered intellect couldn't grasp the intricacies of what I did to get you into that body, and myself into yours. I'm afraid that you are now a total klutz with technical things like electronics and mechanics. But you have been prepared to be a perfect little trophy wife and home maker for your darling Bruce." "This is crazy!" Dick wailed. "I'm not Selina Kyle! I'm not even a woman!" "Oh? Then maybe you could tell me who and what you are, dear." "I'm a...wo...woman," Dick grated out in defeat as he finished. "My name is Selina Kyle, and I'm in love with Bruce Wayne. I also intend to have him marry me." "There," patting the young woman's shivering arm, the new Dick soothed. "That wasn't so hard to admit, now was it?" "I can't believe this," Dick muttered. "I'm even getting wet in the crotch just thinking of Bruce." "As you should," Selina as Dick replied. "He's really quite a hunk, and a great catch for a young woman like yourself." "But I'm not..." "Stop it, Selina." The other stopped in front of a hall mirror, and turned Dick to face it. "Who and what do you see in this mirror?" Dick looked, and wished he hadn't. The young woman standing there with Dick Grayson's hands on her bare shoulders was nothing short of statuesque. Her breasts were nearly too large for her slender frame, and were counterbalanced with a pair of hips and bottom that were equally wide and lush. Her waist was narrow to the point of being a near caricature, and the legs showing through a slit in the long skirt would have made any Las Vegas showgirl jealous. Slim throat wrapped in scintillating diamonds, small firm chin, sensuous mouth, large, soft blue eyes, pert little nose with a slightly defiant uptilt at the end, soft, full cheeks, all topped with heavy blonde hair swept into an intricate mass of coils, braids, and curls. There was no denying what he saw. A very beautiful young woman from the top of her upswept do down to her dainty high heeled feet. A young woman who looked exactly like Selina Kyle. "I see..." Dick closed his eyes for a moment, hoping the image would just go away. It didn't. "I see Selina Kyle dressed to kill, made up for a conquest, and looking ready to sweep some unsuspecting man right off his clumsy feet." "Well, then," the new Dick chuckled as he turned the new Selina to face him. "Let's seal that with a kiss, and get you to the ball, princess." "No...mmph!" Any protests Dick might have made were swallowed in the mouth suddenly fastened to his sultry feminine lips and the tongue that entered his mouth to play with his tongue and the roof of his mouth. Despite any internal protests, Dick found his female body melting into the strong, familiar arms that held him, and returning the kiss with more enthusiasm than he cared for. "Mmmm," the impostor said as he drew back, "maybe I'll just keep you for myself, Selina. You are one hot babe. I might have done that if I didn't have plans for someone else to inhabit this body, after I get you safely married to Bruce." * * * * Their entrance to the charity ball attracted a lot of attention; even among the rich, beautiful, and urbane group, the couple stood out. Bruce Wayne moved through the crowd to greet the new arrivals. "Hello, Dick!" He enthusiastically grasped the impostor's hand, as Dick found him, or herself, unable to reply. "I thought you weren't coming tonight?" "That's what I wanted you to think, Bruce!" Appearing to be Dick Grayson, the impostor slapped Bruce on the shoulder and winked. "I actually had a surprise planned for you tonight, my friend." "So I see." Bruce admired the real Dick for a moment. "Selina. It's very good to see you again. I hope this isn't a business related visit?" "Oh, no, Bruce," Dick found himself purring, while flashing a sunny smile. "I'm going straight, and so wanted to surprise you with that announcement tonight." Bruce's eyes narrowed slightly, then he read the truth in the young woman's eyes and posture. At least the truth that had been placed there. "Then I'll be more than happy to help you celebrate the momentous event. That is, if you aren't with Dick here?" "Oh, no," Dick smiled, while running his small tongue over his full lips. "I just talked Dick here into bringing me so I could spend a little time with you." "On that note," the impostor grinned and winked at the pair, "I think I'll leave you two to catch up. I see Barbara Gordon holding court over by the punch bowl, and think I'll go say hello." Dick wanted to scream out his true identity, as Bruce gently took his elbow and led him into the crowd. But even in his mind, Dick couldn't say his own name when applied to himself. The impostor loomed in his mind as Dick Grayson, while he always came up as Selina Kyle. "Dick's had the hots for Barbara since she first came to Gotham," Bruce chuckled, as the impostor moved to gain the object of his current quest's attention. "Just like I've had for you." "Oh?" Dick questioned archly, with a deliberately sexy little twitch of hip against Bruce. "Really?" "As if you didn't know that already," Bruce chuckled, as he wrapped a possessive arm around Dick's now slim waist. That sent tingles of pleasure through the body the former Robin now inhabited, that the as of yet masculine psyche still trapped within was unable to fight. "Hmm, maybe we could do something to cool that down a little later?" Horrified at his behavior but unable to change it, Dick snuggled into Bruce's arm and gave the man's ear a tiny nibble. "It's going to happen right here if you don't stop that, minx." "In my case," Dick let out a short giggle, "that would be manx." "Whatever." Bruce drew in a breath to slow the urges he was feeling toward the sexy, very desirable package of woman in his arm. "I think we'd better circulate for now, though. I am supposed to be the host." "And now you have a companion to be hostess," Dick found himself saying with a slow, inviting smile. "Just don't smile like that for the guests," Bruce cautioned. "You'll be giving the commissioner a heart attack, not to mention a number of city councilmen. And their wives are going to hate you, anyway." "Let them!" Dick shrugged, with delightful - for Bruce - reactions in his chest area. "They'll get over it. I don't want their men. I want you." "Well, if you're telling the truth about ending your life of crime," Bruce promised, "you've got me." "It's like I never committed a crime in my life, Bruce," Dick answered honestly. "I certainly have no desire to commit any now, except stealing you from the other women who wish they could have you." "I'd really like to believe that, Selina." "Oh, believe it," Dick replied, in a silky feminine purr. "I'm tired of always trying to come up with the perfect crime, and let me tell you, The Riddler, Joker, Penguin, and all those other super villains are rather tedious. And don't even mention Poison Ivy in my presence. That bitch is way over the top these days. I just want to settle down and be a good girl from now on." "That's really great news, Selina." Bruce meant it, and gently hugged the person he thought had been Catwoman as he said so. As the person who had been Catwoman until recently escorted Barbara Gordon to the front doors, with a look of triumph on his handsome face. "Oh, brother," Dick, or Selina as he was being forced to think of himself, muttered to himself as he saw that. Catwoman, or someone similar, would be back in action all too soon, he/she thought wearily. With poor Barbara stuck as Dick Grayson, he suspected. "What?" Bruce questioned, as he watched the younger couple make their exit. "Oh, nothing," the newly minted Selina Kyle sighed in defeat. "I was just thinking of what our future is going to be like." "Blissful," Bruce promised. "You could even become my partner in crime fighting, since I get the impression that Robin is going to be hooked up with Batgirl from now on." "That does seem to be the case, darling," Dick/Selina sighed, as he/she snuggled up to his/her man. Under the stimulation of Bruce's presence, the Dick Grayson in that lovely body was becoming no more than a memory. * * * * Two weddings of note occurred in Gotham that spring. Bruce Wayne had finally succumbed to the feminine wiles of Selina Kyle, now Mrs. Bruce Wayne, while commissioner Gordon's daughter Barbara became Barbara Grayson. Catwoman vanished without a trace, though most people were quite sure she would reappear in time. Selina became part of The Dynamic Duo once again, in the guise of a female Robin with a greatly revamped costume to better display her wonderful figure. Batgirl had pretty much stopped her own crime fighting efforts since shortly before her wedding, but a new and very vexing villainess calling herself Manx had come on the scene, with a partner calling himself Tomcat. At Wayne manor, Selina and Dick often exchanged knowing, and oddly commiserating glances. Barbara would see these exchanges occasionally, and let out a small giggle of pure satisfaction. Bruce, deliriously happy with his new bride, noticed the odd glances and secret humor passed between the other three, but decided to leave well enough alone. Being married to Selina managed to keep him very busy when not taking care of business elsewhere, and he was quite content with that. END

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Chaturbate Ebony

Jungle fever is one of the most serious afflictions of the 21st century. The Internet is both a major contributor and cause of the situation, as well as one of the primary solutions. You’ve probably spanked it to some of the free and premium Black porn sites I’ve got listed on ThePornDude, but have you tried the Ebony cams at Chaturbate? They let you interact with beautiful, naked Nubians instead of just watching their flicks.Chaturbate’s the biggest webcam porn site out there, with thousands...

Live Black Sex Cams
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Chaturbate Performer

Who’s your favorite CB Performer? I know that’s kind of a tricky question when it comes to any adult site, and Chaturbate is the giant of webcam sex sites. Hell, I have a hard enough time choosing my favorite camwhore performing on the platform at any given moment, let alone trying to name an all-time favorite. But, of course, it’s OK to have many, many favorites, as I do. The only time that might become a problem is if they’re all putting on live pussy-diddling and butthole-fingering shows at...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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Chaturbate BDSM

Chaturbate’s BDSM shows don’t always take center stage on the website. After all, most masturbators are looking for something that’s arguably a little more vanilla, like pretty girls flashing their tits, twerking, or diddling themselves for the webcam. Some perverts appreciate something a little bit kinkier, though, so I thought today might be a good day to dive into the cam giant’s live offerings in the world of bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, even sadism and masochism. Where...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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Chaturbate Cosplay

We all know about in general, but you haven’t had the opportunity to explore all the crazy categories and genres the platform offers. Specifically, one genre that caught my attention recently is cosplay cams. I mean, did you know that there are several girls out there with sexy-ass costumes they use to transform themselves into the chicks of your dreams? Well, in a matter of moments, by just putting on a piece of latex or an outfit, a girl can match the appearance of your...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
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Chat Room

I found an anonymous chat room a few months ago. Some chat rooms were about hookups, and I chatted with a few women just for fun. I didn’t meet up with any of them since my sex life with Laura was excellent. Then I found a swingers chat room. I had talked with Laura about swinging. She didn’t like the idea of having sex with random men, but she didn’t drop the discussion right away and seemed somewhat open to the idea. We’d discussed having me watch her with one of my friends, Albert, but...

2 years ago
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(Inspired by a true story) Groomsman Kevin and Jessica had been dating for the last two years and had been engaged for the last six months. They were ready to get married, settle down, and have a family together. However, controversy soon arose as the wedding plans were being formulated. Upon given the list of groomsmen by Kevin, the always curious Jessica did a background check on them all. Nothing too serious, just an online program that looked through their criminal histories,...

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ChatRoom Impersonation

[Attachment(s) from kimberly ott included below] "Chat-Room Impersonation" A Story by Kim Ott The internet is a strange place. When surfing it, participating in it, you can lose your identity, you really can become anyone. The anonymity of a chat-room is liberating, but what would happen if pretending had some sort of consequences? Little did I know, but I was about to find out. About a month ago I found out my kid sister was pregnant. I call her that, but in reality she's...

2 years ago
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Mailroom Slut

Mailroom Slut By kimmie oh It was nearly half past noon. I glanced nervously at the clock. I always got butterflies before he came. I pushed my chair away from the desk, crossed my office, and quietly shut the door. The lock clicked. If I had only listened for that click a week ago I wouldn't be in this predicament. I reached under the desk and slid out the overnight bag I had brought from home. Then I quickly undressed. When I was completely naked, I pulled a tiny...

1 year ago
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The Mailroom

       Deidre Simmons gets a lot of attention in the office. A lot of . . . inappropriate attention. It's not uncommon for her to find a pair of amorous eyes zoned in on her tits or ass, or have a superior whisper something in her ear that would have him out on his ass faster than he could blink. But it doesn't bother her, either. In fact, she welcomes it—revels in it, and will even get a little piqued when someone ignores her.       Her friend, Samantha, chalked it up to the nasty divorce...

Straight Sex
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Chaturbate Squirt

Remember hot and humid summers as a kid? Nobody had a pool in my neighborhood, so if you wanted to cool off with your friends, you had to find a hose. By attaching a sprinkler to it, you could turn the front yard into your own six flags water park. We would burn the day away, running back and forth all afternoon. Good times.Perhaps that’s why we love to be hosed down in pussy juice as adults. It’s nostalgic to a time of our lives we all cherish. Or perhaps we are all godless heathens bent on...

Live Squirt Cams
4 years ago
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chat rooms

Introduction: a fantasy we all think about, and i finally made it come true We start chatting via an internet chat room, out conversations become extremely heated and we both play with ourselves as we chat. Chatting about our sexual fantasies, giving and gaining great pleasure from detailing every sordid detail. After several chats, we know every detail of each others sexual tastes, while holding onto some secrecy with only knowing each others screen names&hellip, both secretly wanting more....

4 years ago
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chat rooms a girlfriends wicked revenge

Introduction: A follow-on from CHAT ROOMS, as a girlfriend finds out her husband has played away…. Its been a week since you played away with a hot girl you met via the internet chat room You get home after a long day at work, you take your coat off and head to the kitchen for a beer. As you open the fridge door, your girlfriend approaches from behind covering your eyes with a blindfold. She ties it tight being a little rough Ive got a bone to pick with you!! she snaps at you. What...

3 years ago
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Rachels Journey Chapter 2 Darkroom days

Rachel had, originally, been wearing leggings with unicorn panties that morning.  As she had been making her breakfast, she couldn’t help but think of that unicorn laughing at her desperate attempts at masturbation, and just couldn’t focus. Smiling unicorn HAD to go!  She ran to her room and yanked open her closet.  Rachel decided on a skirt and a button up white dress shirt.  Her skirt was her absolute favorite thing she owned.  Rachel began to smile, just at the thought of putting it on....

2 years ago
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Friends Choosing A Groomsman

Chandler paced back and forth in the kitchen. He was fretting over Rachel's choice of Ross to be her groomsman in Phoebe's wedding that day. It was a last minute decision, and Chandler was trying to figure out how to get Rachel to change her mind. He stopped in mid-step, as she walked in."Hi," Rachel said, nonchalantly. She was wearing her green floral bathrobe and little socks, obviously in the middle of getting ready for the evening ceremony."Hey, can I talk to you about this groomsman...

2 years ago
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Chat room slut gets real

I’ve been playing online in adult chat rooms since before I got married and here I am 29 and never accepted a meeting invite, if I am honest it was just a way to masturbate and I never had any intention of meeting anyone. My husband knew and knows little of this secret life. Overtime I had developed regular chat buddies who knew my inner most sexual secrets and fantasies, but once they started to get too close and too demanding about meets I would drop them. Reality would destroy my marriage...

1 year ago
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Chaturbate Trans

Want to see chicks with dicks live at Chaturbate Trans? Live cams offer a totally different experience compared to regular, professionally shot porn. All of that shit is fake as fuck, and it’s always the same chicks. You can only watch Ava Adams get fucked so many times before it gets stale. It’s the same with trans videos. Carla Novaes is hot as fuck and all, but even watching her oil that plump ass of hers gets old.I need something new every time I jerk off. Otherwise, what’s the point?...

Live Trans Sex Cams
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Chaturbate Anal

Why even bother watching some camgirl who won’t do anything really hot? It’s the same old story time and time again. You click on some cute-looking camslut only to find that she stares at the camera for hours on end, barely even teasing a nipple, let alone anything worth jerking your dick to. It happens all of the fucking time. I want to find the best babes that actually get fucked, suck cock, and ride dildos. Oh, and I want sluts who aren’t afraid of a little anal. Let me see those butt plugs,...

Live Anal Sex Cams
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Chat Avenue

Let's go to ChatAvenue aka Chat Ave today! Do you remember when chat rooms ruled the online world? Personally, I have spent quite a few hours chatting with girls that I met from chat rooms on AOL Instant Messenger when I was a teenager. Well, at least I thought they were girls. Catfishing was not even a thing yet, nobody knew it was something to even watch out for really, so who the fuck knows. Chances are, though, at least a couple of the “girls” that I spoke with were, in fact, fat dudes...

Sex Chat Sites
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Chat ZoZo

ZoZo Chat, aka Kik Sexting! There are several reasons for you to use a sex chat site, if not for anything, to allow you to get naughty and say anything you want online and give you a chance to release your sexual tensions in the process. Add that to the possibility of hooking up with equally raunchy people, women from all over the world who bring their version of sexy to the site, and the prospects of building more than just friendship. These and many more are some of the reasons you will love...

Sex Chat Sites
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Chat Room Lovers Ch 1

Chapter 1 I met him online, Through a mutual friend in a Christian chat room of all places. Imagine meeting a guy who your sexually interested in, from a chat room of that caliber. Its quite amazing to me still I think. We had talked on the phone, chatted together many long hours. Finally we were to meet. There would be no computer screen between us now. Only the intense fact of being ‘together.’ For someone who has been through the things I have been through, this was a rather difficult...

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Username: freefall Password: ******* As always, I checked out the chat rooms after I logged on. I searched the list: sissy cross-dresser; cross-dresser for m; cross-dresser for f; but all my favorites were full. I even tried them, just to be sure. Access denied. Room is full. I hated when they were full. Also, none of my buddies were online yet. So, I scrolled down the list of rooms, trying to find one to enter. I never really chatted in them anyway. I liked to enter, check out...

4 years ago
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It had only been a couple days since my wild photo session with Bob and his beautiful wife Krystal. It had started out as a glamour photo session (even though I've mostly only done nature stuff as a hobby) and ended up with a three-way. Krystal, shy as I've always known her, really let loose when she had her husband in front of her and me behind, servicing her at both ends, so to speak. Anyway, my phone rang, and I went to answer it. I was surprised to hear her voice on the line since she...

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Chaturbate BBW

Big beautiful women! Sounds contradicting as fuck, doesn’t it? I’ll be honest; I normally stay away from the big girls. My usual lay weighs slightly less than her IQ. I bang skinny chicks, ok? I also have a thing for fit girls who hit the gym. Those kinds of bitches normally spend most of their days making their asses tighter and thicker. That’s my kind of woman. But, I am a porn connoisseur, so I have to scrape every part of the barrel, which means going all the way to the bottom. So I dove...

Live BBW Sex Cams
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locked up roomate

''fuck you ill do the dishes when i want''i said clapping my door to my roomate. that ficker keeps playing vasketball and thinks he can come home and critics meI had to rent m room for only 4 month and god it was going to be a long tie with hi always telling me how to do stuff, that haitian perfect student grade and good at sport was getting on my nerves''you better do it by tomorrow this is your last chance nerd''''yeah yeah whatever''i spent the night playing pc games and i didnt do it, going...

2 years ago
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CHAT MEMORIES:ROD-part 1 Years ago when I chatted on various sites with all kinds of guys, I saved a lot of them as text documents. Once in awhile I grab the flash drive that they are saved on and read them again. Some are pretty exciting, horny too. I can not confirm that the situation is real or accurate in any way. Maybe I've been had! Maybe not. For what it's worth, here's a chat I had with Rod from 2009: Me: Good morning. I've just read your profile and wondered if you wanted to chat?...

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Chat Friend Hot Sex

Hi friends this my first story in this site. I’m Arun 27 and I like sex lot I always use chat site to do sex chat. One fine day when I’m doing a sex chati started a chat with a girl Gayathri and we talked decent at first later on and I started crack sex jokes she enjoyed it. She waits for me in chat site and interest to hear my jokes more when asked joke I said today we are going play a game. I want to tell joke and she want Give Company for my chat she agreed and later the chat on following....

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The Grooms SonChapter 4

Venerable Stables Half the Holiday break was over and I had caught up on my stable work. Jennifer had requested some dressage training with the old horse, so I had my favorite and old Bess saddled and waiting when she got there. We went past the paddock to the open field. She was excited by the amount of horseback riding she had been doing lately. I practiced with her and corrected her where needed. But to try to get her to look stoic while doing well on a horse was hopeless. The girl just...

3 years ago
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Chat room slut gets real Chapter1

When you have been going into chat rooms from earlier than the age you are allowed, you develop a lust for different and more extreme, so by 29 I would admit online to desires for older men, black guys and rough gang bangs and dogs!. Jerry was black, 64 and had a silky tongue for role plays and sex fantasy chats. Over three months I don’t know how many chats we had and he had got me off (and vis versa). I sent him pictures initially of me clothed and then topless holiday shots and finally...

1 year ago
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Chat room love

This is a REAL chat I had with a girl I met on an anonymous chat board. Enjoy... ;)You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!Stranger: wanna fightYou: sureStranger: r u a guy or girlYou: guyYou: I dont bitchfightStranger: ok *pushes u*You: *hands up in classic defence position*Stranger: *giggles and punches u in the nose*You: *mutters ow and kicks you in the balls*Stranger: im a girlYou: well shitYou: lolStranger: *kicks u in the balls and runs to the bedroom and crawls under the...

4 years ago
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The Mailroom Clerk A Tale of Coerced Forced Feminization Pt1

THE MAILROOM CLERK A TAIL OF COERCED FORCED FEMINIZATION PT.1 I am 27 years old at the time this happened. My name is John Allen and I am from Cape May ,New Jersey. Shore boy all the way. I am 5'6" tall and weigh 165. I know, small for a man. But I could do things on a surfboard or jet ski. It wasn't to bad being a little small. And as with many others, I have a fetish for women's items. Everything that makes a woman a woman. I was never gay nor interested in men...

3 years ago
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The Darkroom

Mr. Harrington was my favorite teacher in high school. He was twenty-three and in just his second year of teaching. He was only six years older than me when I was in his English class. He was the most handsome man, with the most incredible sparkling blue eyes, I had ever seen. I still clearly remember how I used to fantasize about running my fingers through his sandy-blonde hair while I sat in his classroom, staring at him for the entire period. In this fantasy I would kiss his lips as my hands...

4 years ago
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Chattel Females

It was the first of July 2006. The paper's headline sent a thrill through my cock. "FEMALE CHATTEL LAW EFFECTIVE TODAY". I had been looking forward to it eagerly. New rules governing females took effect today. In essence they were: Women were chattel and had few rights. A woman belonged to her father, or if married to her FIRST husband. A woman was required to serve her owner in any way he demanded. A father was required to sell his daughter at public auction within two weeks of her...

3 years ago
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Chat Room Se Chut Ke Room Tak

Hiii friends mai damini aj apko apni kahani batane ja rahi hu. Meri age 19 saal hai. Iss umar mr bhi mai ek bhare pure jism ki malik hu. Mera fig 30-26-32 tha aur mai aksar tight jeans aur top pehenti hu. Ye pichle saal ki baat hai. Mujhe 12th pass karne pe bhai ne mobile gift kia. Net to mai pehle hi use karti thi but mob. Se jyda tym uspe online rehne lagi. Boht se friend the jo roj online hote the unme sabse acha friend tha rajesh. Hum roj raat raat tak bat karte. Ek din usne mujhe purpose...

4 years ago
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Here's a chat I had with Rob(in) in 2008:Me: Hi there. What's your dick like?Rob(in): What a novel way to start a chat. I like it.Me: Cool. Do you want to chat?Rob(in): Yes, very much so. But first, I must explain that I am Robin not Rob. I am a 35 year old spinster so we can stop right here if you don't want to chat with me.Me: Well, that is quite a surprise. Your profile was very brief and didn't mention that. However, no problem. I'd be happy to chat with you. Robin: Ok that is wonderful,...

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In the Darkroom

Mellissa was a freshman and was taking the photography class because it was a requirement for her major. Her boyfriend was also in the class and I always saw them smooching in the hall before class and they always walked in with his hand on her ass. I was jealous of her boyfriend. I wanted Mellissa. Mellissa was a little plump but she was not fat. She was about 5’5”, and I would say about a 150 pounds. She had a beautiful round ass. She had long curly red hair, blue eyes, and few...

1 year ago
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Chat Room Lovers Ch 2

(Chat Room Lovers, is a sequence of stories that are meant to be loving, sexual, and most of all, erotic) As she sat down in her chair quietly she thought and contemplated about their last visit together. The tenderness, the kissing, the loving feelings of being together. She smiled at the newly awakened senses in her body as she thought about him, and the things he had done to her. The phone rang and she walked over to answer it. She smiled immediately as she recognized his voice. ‘Hello,...

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Chaturbate Latina

You betas should know that I love fucking Latina babes by now. No, I’m not simping for these whores like you are. There’s a difference. I actually take these babes back to my place and fuck their brains out. That’s a lot different than sitting alone in a dark basement fapping to their fresh OnlyFans releases. But I have a happy middle-ground for you guys this time around. I know most of you bastards are too shy to get out there in the real world and try to talk to a woman anyway. But if there’s...

Live Latina Sex Cams
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Chat Room Matrimony

I had a dream about you last night. An unusual dream to be sure. We were standing in a warm room and were both naked. Your skin looked pale and milky in the most perfect way, and your figure glowed with lithe sensuality. Your breasts were quite large and heavy looking for such a slender woman and your hips were provocatively wide and seductively curved. Your hair looked soft and fine and was brown but with a red undertone. Your legs were long and beautifully shaped, like those of a graceful...

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