Heaven And Hell III: Angelique: A Hell Maid's Work Is Never Done free porn video

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Just a short note to thank Steve Zink for his editing once again. Trust me, good editors are hard to find, and Steve is one of the best in my opinion. Maggie HEAVEN AND HELL III: Angelique: A (HELL) MAID'S WORK IS NEVER DONE BY MAGGIE FINSON Hello all. My name is Angelique, and as the title of this little story hints at, I'm a Hell Maid. And something more. Actually, my transformation from a mortal soul into who and what I am now resulted from a mix-up of sorts. Because not only am I one of those fierce and widely feared (hopefully) stalwart ladies who defend the borders of Hell, I'm also half Succubus. That came about for reasons that I'll get into later on, and don't blame me for the confusion. A certain troublemaking and delightful little lady named Lorilei is the one you want for that. Although, come to think of it, a lot of folks would like to blame Lorilei for their troubles. I started out as a human male born quite a while ago (by human standards) with the name Ricardo Esteban De La Court. I grew up in Mexico, and had a fairly normal and happy childhood. Except for the odd object floating through or hurled at walls around the house. Papa had some priests in to try and get the demon, or restless spirit doing those things to go away. None of the prayers or excorcisms had any effect, though every priest who visited tried mightily to get satisfactory results. You see, I was the problem. Though I didn't realize it at the time, my potential for using magic was so high it knocked the scales with which most active magic users measured such things so out of kilter they were useless. All I knew until I was in my early teens was that I could see colored and textured lines in the air and on objects around me, and was able to nudge them into doing interesting things. Mentioning this little detail to anyone never occurred to me for quite a while, because I thought everyone could do that. When I did finally mention it to Mama, I was twelve, she paled and shushed me quickly, then cautioned me not to tell anyone else what I had shared with her. At least, not until she could contact some friends of hers to see just how much potential I did have for that kind of thing. Which is how I met Girard St. Thomas, a dour and frightening Englishman spending some time in our country to wait out a scandal of huge proportions in his homeland. You've heard about Girard before. He was the Black Mage that Lorilei killed, and from whom she got most of her potent magic when she did. Girard towered over most of the men I knew, and was gaunt almost to the point of emaciation. But he was a friend of Mama's for some reason, and had agreed to look me over and even test my abilities for her. I quite happily, and innocently, moved objects, shifted colors and shapes of other things, and generally played with the lines I saw everywhere I turned my eyes until the strange Englishman stopped me. "Boy," he growled in his deep, hollow sounding voice as he leaned over me while wiping sweat from his forehead with a silk handkerchief, "you have more talent for using The Power than anyone I've seen in a very long time. Without training, you'll be a menace to anyone around you." So began my apprenticeship (more like slavery) to Girard St. Thomas, the black magician. I spent over twenty years under his tutelage and shadow, leaving my family and friends behind to follow him back to England, where others besides Girard would contribute to my education. Education in both academics and magic. Finally, I became adept enough, and sick enough of Girard's use of my abilities for his own dark purposes, that I was able to break away and begin making a life of my own. Our parting was not amicable, or quiet. In fact, I had to fight my way clear of his dominance with sheer willpower and guts. Not to mention, clever use of my own greatly enhanced abilities. To say that my former mentor had become an enemy following that break would be playing the situation down. We both swore that the other would die the next time our paths crossed, though neither one of us managed to kill the other in numerous clashes we had before Lorilei put an end to the evil bastard permanently. My estrangement from Girard and his darker practices also earned me a number of powerful enemies in the Guild of Mages. Those members allied with my former teacher, and others who practiced the same sorts of black arts, took my far from bloodless leave-taking from my teacher and one time mentor as a declaration of open hostilities toward any who delved into the darker side of magic. Yet, even with my youth and relative inexperience, none of those attempted to move against me openly. I moved on, leaving England behind but taking full degrees from Oxford, and a less well known but equally important school with me. That other, the Hall of Mages, grudgingly accredited me as a full mage once I successfully broke away from Girard, and put me on the official Hall rolls as a Hazard Class Mage. That being the highest rating one with my youth could be given at the time. Demonology was my strength, considering where most of my training had come from, but I began branching into other disciplines quickly. Alchemy, Transformation magic, Necromancy and Healing were a few of the arts I mastered on my own after leaving England. My new home, in the newly born United States of America, was safely removed from my former master, and the reach of those mages who ran the Hall and its school. At least, I thought it was. I quite blithely tapped into the powers of Heaven and Hell to work my magics, so was acquainted with both Demons and Angels by the time I had reached my century mark in years. I would like to think that I had been a far gentler master for those I called up, or down, than Girard had been. At least I didn't imprison those who answered my callings, or bind them to me with nearly unbreakable spiritual chains. Life went on for another century, with my youth spells keeping me young enough to not feel the pangs of age but old enough to command respect from those around me. My ongoing feud with the Hall of Mages, and specifically Girard St. Thomas, had escalated into an almost open war during the last half of the Nineteenth Century, and the first three decades of the Twentieth. I lost track of how many Hall members I either killed or rendered incapable of using magic again, and my few allies had their numbers thinned drastically during that period. Akin to the war between Heaven and Hell, ironically, considering what happened later, our hostilities faded into something of an armed truce from the attrition. Girard and I still glared at one another across the Atlantic, and he threatened while I simply went on with my own business. Then Lorilei came along. I'd always heard that the family of Succubae were powerful in more than seductions, but had no dealings with that breed of demon to know for myself. What that little beauty did to and with Girard made me see the truth in those tales. I know. I visited Girard's gutted and burnt out citadel some weeks following that incident, and the almost absolute devastation I beheld humbled me. A power far greater than I had done this, and freed all the slaves my former master had collected. That those slaves weren't hanging about or bothering the mortal realms probably meant that the Succubus had taken them for her own, or actually sent them all home. That kind of power frightened me badly, and I wasn't the only mage feeling that way just then. Survivors of The Hall of Mages were uncharacteristically quiet even when I was walking their turf, so to speak, in Europe to examine the cataclysmic effects of his death struggle with the Succubus. So I made one of the few mistakes I had committed during my long life. I relaxed and let down my guard. That mistake proved to be fatal. The Hall holds grudges as tightly as it does its wealth, and for as long. They took advantage of my relaxation with an ambush set up in one of my favorite places to meditate. There is a small clearing in a forested area high in the Rocky Mountains just below the tree line. A clearing with signs of many old campfires, carefully built and just as carefully extinguished, but no trails leading to it. Isolated, quiet, and very comfortable, it was a place I had often gone to consider weighty matters or just to be alone for a time. When I arrived there for the last time, my wards appeared intact and undisturbed (they were) and the surrounding forest seemed empty of all but the indigent life it always held (it wasn't). Still, I was uneasy for some reason that I couldn't quite pinpoint. My psychic senses were warning me of nearby danger, but that warning came a little too late. Just as I settled down to consider what I should do about the tingling of unease, a sudden series of psychic shocks rocked my quiet little world. My wards collapsed with a soul rending wrench, and I staggered to my feet with a defensive spell on my lips and a powerful attack spell ready in my mind. There were no less than fourteen adepts surrounding my little getaway, over half of the Hall members left active, and all were pouring magic into my protected circle with every ounce of power they could muster. I cursed myself for not being more thorough in checking the surroundings before I ported in, or heeding my own psychic warnings sooner than I had. That was useless, and I rapidly stopped berating myself for something that had been done and couldn't be changed. My first attack was a fire spell that crisped three of my attackers before they completed their first spells. Good and bad, that. The undirected magic exploded in a wild arching of unrestrained power that further weakened my remaining wards, even as it destroyed another two of my adversaries. But there were still nine of them left, and I was weakening fast. Five spells ravaged my already shrunken and depleted wards at once, shaking them to the point of shattering. I could either bolster them, or try a desperate counter to all of those spells. Unfortunately, I wasn't given time. The other four combined in a single united death spell that penetrated my defenses and struck me at near full force. As I blacked out, at least I had the satisfaction of seeing my own spell go into wild magic, and destroy another four of the bastards. Then the darkness engulfed me. * * * I regained consciousness slowly, groggy and still in shock from the massive death spell that had taken my life. I had no illusions regarding that, I was most definitely dead, but where had my consciousness, my soul, ended up after that? My dulled senses picked up a sickening stench of sulfur, a myriad of moans, screams, and hopeless shrieks mixed with cruel laughter and bellows of Demonic glee. All of which told me where I was. Hell. I could have screamed in horror, terror, or just plain disgust. Instead, I hunkered down to rest and allow my depleted powers to begin replenishing themselves. One look at my hands, (odd that a disembodied soul should still have hands, isn't it?) showed me to be pale and half gone, even as a soul. That would change in time, as my power regenerated, but for the time I was horribly weak and extremely vulnerable to anything around me. I'd also made use of quite a few demons through my life, and though I hadn't been cruel about it, I knew most of those temporary slaves had resented it, but put up with obeying my commands in the sure knowledge that one day I would die and find myself in their power. Well, that had come to pass, and I wasn't all that anxious to begin my sojourn in Hell as a weak, pale caricature of myself. So I shrank back into the deeper shadows of the alcove I seemed to have exclusive use of and hoped my wait would be long enough to at least allow me to appear as something more than a washed out, soiled soul when my time came to be taken. * * * Such a thing was not to be. A rustling of paper at the entrance to the cubicle (hole in the wall?) I occupied alerted me to the presence of a demon that looked more like an old fashioned clerk in some catalogue pickup department. He waggled his overlarge ears (better to hear disparaging comments, I suppose), peered nearsightedly through a pair of pince-nez glasses perched precariously on the end of a rather long, skinny nose, and "Harrumphed!" loudly enough to get anything's attention. Comparing what he saw (me) with some papers on the very mundane looking clipboard he carried like a badge of office, he nodded in satisfaction and cleared his throat again before intoning in a voice that would have been the envy of every petty bureaucrat that ever lived, "Ricardo Esteban Del a Court, it is my duty to inform you that you have been remanded to the precincts of Hell for an undisclosed period in penance for trafficking with demons, practicing black magic, and living well past your allotted span through the use of forbidden magics. "As such," he droned on, as if reciting by rote (he probably was, but I didn't think it wise to point that out at the time), "There is no appeal other than a direct connection with the Heavenly Powers who have thus sentenced you. Do you wish to appeal this decision?" "Uh..." I hesitated as the scrawny creature gave me a halfway expectant look, then questioned, "Just how long before my appeal would be heard?" "Well," he grinned, showing an abundance of crooked, gnarled teeth (with a severe case of halitosis tossed in for laughs) and shrugged, "the appeals list is pretty light just now. I'd imagine you could get in to plead your case in about eight hundred years, give or take fifty." "Eight hundred years," I grimaced, then added sarcastically, "is that all?" "Oh, yes," my demon clerk nodded happily, "our new system is so much faster than the way we used to do things. You'd be held here, of course, until your turn came up." "Of course," I agreed, dryly. "What if I choose to just take my chances down here?" "Then I should tell you that the agent for your new owner is waiting outside to pick up her merchandise." Giving out what could only be taken as a long suffering sigh, he added with some relish, "I don't think she's pleased with all the paperwork and protocol. Terrible, terrible mood she's in. Been threatening all of us with horrible torments of Hell, as if we weren't already suffering those. "Truthfully," he added in a confiding whisper, "I'd opt to take my chances, if I were you. Another eight hundred years of waiting won't do a thing to ease her disposition, I can tell you that." "Lead on," I said, waving to the outside. "If whoever -- whatever -- this creature would be is already in a foul mood, I suppose I'd better get this over with. Another eight centuries will only add to the trouble, once she gets hold of me." "A wise choice," the clerk agreed sagely, before gesturing to the opening in my hidey hole. "Come along then, and meet one of your new mistresses. And get her out of our hair, while you're at it." I followed him out of the holding area to stand behind -- you guessed it -- an old fashioned wooden counter with a bewildering variety of demonic types milling about on the other side. Most of whom looked at me very expectantly until the clerk droned out, "Pickup for Lillith is ready, would the Lady's agent please come claim the package?" The milling throng cast disappointed looks at me, and the clerk (along with numerous growls and curses) then parted as two very large and frightening beings approached the counter. One was a Hell Maid, tall, powerful, armed to the tips of her pointed white teeth, and appearing impatient. Once she stopped a few paces from the counter, something huge placed it's clawed feet (paws?) on her shoulders, reared up on its hind legs while resting a scaled chin on her shoulder, and examined me with menacing yellow eyes. Its forked tongue lolled lazily, and a double pronged tail lashed back and forth with its interest. 'Oh, wonderful,' I thought, 'a Hellhound. With a Hell Maid,' waiting for me, obviously. I lost some more of my soul's coherence just then, trying to manage my trepidation at the sight of the creatures who were there to collect me. What kind of torments would the two of them come up with to amuse themselves while getting me to wherever I was supposed to end up? I really didn't want to think about that too hard. "All right," a smooth, sensuous voice interrupted my daunted thought processes, and another creature saucily walked to the fore. She was voluptuous beyond mere mortal comprehension of the word, and so lovely my heart nearly froze before it melted while I took her in. Delicate appearing leathery wings in varying shades of blue furled then unfurled as a barb tipped tail thrashed with what looked to be a will of its own. At least she gave that member an annoyed glance and slapped lightly at it before turning her large, almond shaped blue eyes in my direction. Small, crimson nailed hands planted themselves on luscious hips, and her head cocked quizzically as she watched me watch her. "What's wrong with you? Never seen a Succubus before?" "No, madam." I tried the polite approach, hoping that would mollify her and in consequence, her vastly amused, but watchful companions. "I never had the honor of dealing with your sisterhood before this." The vision of hellish beauty snorted in weary disbelief, but she accepted what I'd said at face value while lifting one high heeled, delicate hoof and fastidiously shaking something I'd rather not identify off it with a grimace. She then nodded briskly and motioned toward the Hell Maid and Hellhound with a wicked smile. "Well, you have now, bubba, so get your eye full, then get your poor excuse for a behind over here. Just remember that my two friends would really like to play with you before we get to Lillith. So take my advice and behave." "Advice taken," I agreed, hurrying as best my depleted state would allow to do as she commanded. "I'll be good." "Good doesn't enter into it," the Succubus actually laughed, a mesmerizing combination of pure bell like tones and velvety purrs, "considering where we are. I'm Lorilei, Syl, Helga," she gestured gracefully at the Hell Maid, who grinned ferociously while stroking the blade of a large, sharp battle axe slung over her shoulder, then at the Hellhound, who gave me a cheerfully demonic doggie grin but remained silent. "Now, let's get out of here. I've really had enough of these damned bureaucrats for this century. You don't look like much, De La Court, I sure hope you're worth all this trouble." So did I. I sensed a vast reservoir of magical power in her, one that was surging with anger, frustration, and curiosity regarding me. I hoped she would rein that in as far as I was concerned. Happily, she did. Then led us straight back to behind the counter. "Uh, Lorilei," the Hellhound growled very carefully, then turning its awful head in another direction than the one we were heading, "the way out is over there." "There is a portal right over there," she answered, pointing to a dark recess in the huge wall that my cubby hole had been hollowed out of, "and I intend to use it right now." "What if the clerks here won't let you?" the Hellhound persisted, then winced as Lorilei hissed and grinned very evilly. "I hope they try and stop us," she grated out, still proceeding directly to a space well behind the counter and its milling throng of Hell's minions. "I'm ready to give someone something to remember me by around here. A nice big hole in their precious wall where one of those idiot clerks was standing would do a lot to soothe my jangled nerves just now." "Hey, you there!" an officious clerk screeched as he barred our way to the supposed exit with a scowl. "This is for gate personnel and official business only. You'll have to go the other way." "Official business?" Lorilei purred in growing pleasure, as the stubborn target to be insisted on blocking her path. "Shall I tell Lady Lillith that some numb dicked clerk held up delivery on a soul she specifically sent me to collect in all haste? Or should I just blow you to one of the lower slime pits and walk on through? "Of course, you could just let us pass," she grinned wickedly, and I felt the buildup of power in her small frame. Inanely, I wondered how such a petite, delicate frame could contain so much of it without sizzling, crackling, and glowing like radioactive waste on a dark night. Evidently, the clerk noticed too, because his normally bright red complexion went hot pink, and the bluster left him like a sailor leaving Saturday night's love on Sunday morning. "All right, go on then," he grumbled, then straightened and attempted to glare at the diminutive hellion facing him. "But don't think you've heard the end of this!" "If I do hear any more," Lorilei promised sweetly, "I'll be sure to come let you know personally." The clerk blanched, a pretty good trick considering white was not a dominant color in his complexion, and scuttled out of the way. "Okay, let's go," the Succubus said, glancing at the portal. It looked like just another cubbyhole to me; she nodded, ran a small, lovely hand across one of the stones, then gestured for the rest of us to enter the arch. "It's set for Home. Move it, everyone." I shrugged (to myself, anyway) and walked into the arch. Darkness, multi-colored sparks and a feeling of disorientation took me in a maw determined to mix and shake me until my internal organs (if I had any just then) exchanged places with each other, then deposited me in the last kind of place I would have expected to see in Hell. * * * I was staring in open wonderment and no little bemusement at a panorama stretching farther than I could see. What the place looked like was an immense, well tended park in the late stages of spring blossoming. After the sulfurous atmosphere in the receiving/waiting area I had awakened in, the sweet floral scents wafting to me on a soft, warm breeze were heavenly. But I knew I wasn't in Heaven, unless I considered all the lovely, voluptuous ladies milling about and expectantly watching the very portal I had come out of. "Move that skinny butt out of the way!" a strong female contralto bellowed in my ear, completely ruining any fantasies I had been conjuring. That was accompanied by a powerful shove from behind, and I stumbled forward to land in a tangled heap on the green lawn-like grass several yards beyond the portal. The Hell Maid strode past me with a disdainful little sniff and an almost pitying expression on her lovely, if daunting face. The Hellhound loped up, stopped to sniff at me experimentally, then licked at my face before offering another doggish grin and loping off to join the Hell Maid, Syl. A cute(?) little female imp clothed like a little girl skipped up with a wide smile marring the little girl image with its mouthful of wickedly sharp teeth and cheerfully lisped out in a sing-song voice, "Oh, boy, are you in for a BIG thurprise, thweety!" Finally, the Succubus, Lorilei regally stalked to stand beside where I had tumbled with a shake of head that had her lustrous chestnut mane teasing suggestively at more parts of her anatomy than I could have described without going into instant lust. Letting out a long suffering sigh, she gestured for me to get back on my feet and follow her. "Come on, Meat, Lillith is waiting down there, and let me tell you, SHE isn't one you want to have even a little upset with you. Especially not around here." Meat. She called me Meat, capitalized no less; I could tell from her inflections. Did that mean I was to be nothing more than a feedbag for the collected group of Demonesses? Calmer thoughts intruded with the notation to my frantic, fearful ape brain, that Lorilei wouldn't have warned me to hurry so as not to irritate Lillith if I had been brought in as food. It wouldn't have mattered if I angered Satan himself (well, maybe in that case...)if that's all I was meant to be. I jumped to my feet, showing more energy than I had up to that point, and regarded the amused, half surprised look in Lorilei's gorgeous, vertically pupiled eyes. "Well, well, maybe there is more to you than I first thought, little one. Let's get going. You have some people to meet and some things to do before you can get any rest." "Coming, Lady," I replied, with some relief in discovering there had been plans made for me that didn't include becoming food for what I knew could turn out to be a clan of ravenous Succubae. "Let's not keep Lillith waiting." "Mother Lillith, to you," Lorilei responded, then gave me a grin that was far from reassuring, but beat the you know what out of the scowl I'd seen her giving those poor clerks earlier. "And to everyone else here at Home except maybe Mama herself. "Never mind," she shrugged at my questioning expression while we approached the gathered group of female Demons. "You'll find out soon enough." I wasn't sure whether to be glad or worried about that. But the sheer awe I felt as the gathered beauties formed a ring of delectable female flesh around us soon had me forgetting any worries I might have harbored. Belatedly, I realized that I'd let some damned stupid masculine reactions blind me to what was actually going on, and I very reluctantly (really stupid male and masculine reactions) pulled my eyes away from the rainbow of colorful and luscious females surrounding me to find a slightly taller one with fiery red hair, powerful green eyes, and scarlet wings shifting at her shoulders regarding me with no small amusement. "This," Lorilei supplied formally (and needlessly; even if I hadn't dealt with the Succubae as a mage, I had heard of Lillith, and had her described to me), "is Mother Lillith." Turning her lovely gaze toward Lillith, the lesser Succubus gestured at me with one small hand while the other idly held her tail, which seemed determined to insert itself into her exposed sex. "And this, Mother, is what was left of Ricardo Esteban Del a Court." "Hello, Senor Del a Court," Lillith greeted me with a rich feminine tenor that had my nerve endings twitching with barely suppressed lust from my ears all the way to my curling toes. "Welcome to Home. "This place's name," she supplied at my confused look, then returned her attention to Lorilei. "Well, there's much more involved with this one than I expected to get. But you spotted that right away, didn't you, dear daughter?" "Yep," Lorilei nodded, then fixed a predatory look and grin on me that made me shudder while longing to let her have her way with me. "That's why I hustled everyone back here. He's recharging at a pretty good rate." "Yes, he is." Ignoring the lack of honorific from a lesser succubus (which had me rapidly reestimating the status of that messenger, or what I had taken to be a messenger and delivery girl), she continued, "Well, we may as well get this thing started. You do the honors, Lorilei." "Me?!!" The lovely, powerful, creature who had collected me at The Gates of Hell appeared surprised and a bit doubtful. "But I..." "You'll do fine, dear daughter," Lillith assured her, with a fond smile. "Mama and Syl will help with some of the input you'll need to get the results we want. Now, don't argue, this is something that you deserve and can do with your eyes closed." "If you say so." Lorilei shrugged, then nodded while favoring me with a soft, sexy grin that had my heart doing its best to hammer out of my chest and land in her pretty little hand. "Come on, Ricardo. Come to me. You'll enjoy this part, I promise." Something else was working very hard to attract attention too, my manly rod was standing at attention so hard it was painful. Too late, I understood that I had lost caution, volition, and any chance I might have had to bargain my way out of whatever was planned. Let me tell you, a Succubus could stop a charging rhino in its tracks if she really wanted to, and the rhino was male. Every physical part of me (how could I have a physical being in Hell? No matter, I wasn't worried about that little detail just then) strained toward the inviting, sexually charged embrace she offered with a seductive smile. "Come to me, Ricardo," she crooned, making my name into a musical wonder while gently beckoning with hands, eyes, and her very active tail. There was nothing at all gentle about my attraction, I had about as much chance of pulling away from her mesmerizing call as an iron filing has of running away from a magnet. Less, even. Wearing a stupid grin that stretched out my mouth to unreasonable proportions, I quite happily went to her without a thought. Part of me, the cold analytical piece that had made me such a natural at sorcery, was screaming for me to run and hope for the best. The rest of me had no intention at all of running, but also hoped for the best. Getting laid by a Succubus in her home territory was an experience my animal instincts just couldn't resist. "I promise to be the best lay you've ever had," she crooned in triumph as I eagerly embraced her while she was pulling me to lie on top of her lush, softly curved and incredibly inviting body. "This will be a lovemaking that you'll never forget." Brother, was she right! Looking back, I sometimes curse myself for falling into her clutches so easily, but believe me, there was nothing I could have done to prevent it from happening. Not when every fiber of my being tingled with her mingled scent and presence openly inviting me to partake of the wonderful treasure between her wide spread legs. Even now, I still go weak at the knees and find myself breathing a bit hard whenever I call up those memories. Now, I had been no virginal, monkish character in my life, and had experienced sexual play with some of the finest courtesans in history. Not one of those fine ladies could so much as stand in Lorilei's shadow when it came to pleasing a man sexually, though given what my Hellishly gorgeous seductress was and how she fed herself, that should have been no real surprise. Lorilei engulfed me, teased me, played me like a well tuned instrument, and so many other descriptive superlatives that I won't bore you by listing them all. Hell disguised as Heaven, I had heard these creatures described as. Those descriptions were all true, if somewhat lacking the full impact of actually having a succubus give her entire attention to you. My Go...(Oops, Syl has told me not to swear like that anymore, or she would do her level best to beat me into a quivering pulp.) Anyway, you should get the idea by now. Wrapped in her soft arms, legs, tail and wings, I felt her heat filling me with something equally powerful. So powerful, in fact, that I barely noticed what was slipping away from me each time I orgasmed and shot my seed into her ravenous belly. Or what was creeping in to replace what was being taken. I have no idea of how long our sexual gymnastics went on. It could have been eternity, a mere century, or bare moments. No matter, I was in pure, unadulterated ecstasy the entire time. When we finally ran out of energy, (at least, I was drained) our wings pulled back and folded against our shoulders, our tails loosed their loving embrace and we reluctantly pulled apart. Exhausted, I recall wondering, 'Tails? Wings?' in plural, not as a single person's, but was far too spent to have the strength to consider the implications of that. "Sleep well, Sister Angelique," Lorilei fondly smiled down at my still supine form. "You are going to be something to behold when you wake up. I'll be here to help when you do awaken." The last thing I really remember about that time was Lorilei leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on my forehead. Then I floated quite comfortably into warm, soothing darkness while desultorily wondering who exactly Angelique was. * * * My dreams were chaotic and uncomfortable during that sleep. I first saw myself wielding an old fashioned broadsword that was alternately red with flames or blue/white with the sheen of ice against foes that could be nothing less than Angels and their minions. They fell to my sweeping, potent strokes like grass to a lawn mower, and others scattered in fear. I shouted my victory scream, a piercing lovely warbling in a low soprano range, and slowed my breathing so the metal armor I wore wouldn't chafe my heaving breasts through the tough but supple leather I wore under it. In another I was flying. Really flying, using wings that beat strongly with the flex of muscles in my chest, shoulders and back. The sword, named Heaven's Bane, was secured to my back, between the out-thrust of wings and I had no intention or need of using it then. Instead, I glared at the approaching phalanx of flying Angels, and mouthed the words to a spell. A darkly glistening sphere emerged from my outstretched hands to instantly enlarge and engulf the group of Angels who were my mortal enemies. Their beauty died within that terrible sphere, unlike any spell I had ever used or been familiar with as a Human sorcerer. Withered husks rained upon the chaos field of heaving battle below as the hated enemies fell before me. Next I saw myself naked and welcoming a Human male into my heated embrace, and self. I took something from him in our coupling, not enough to really harm, but very satisfying regardless. Sated, I pulled away from his relaxed, slumbering form and watched with interest as his nearly pure soul grew a little gray around the edges, while tinges of azure and silver shot through the darkening parts. I knew that male would be mine forever if I chose to claim him fully, and took familiar satisfaction in the knowledge. "Angelique," a firm, strong, but feminine voice interrupted my uneasy dreams. "It's all right, sweet, don't be afraid of these visions. Rest quietly now." I did. Until awakening to a plethora of unfamiliar sensations crowding my mind for immediate attention. My breasts were a little sore from being lain on while I was asleep, and their nipples tingled with the pain and pleasure of the feeling. Breasts?! Wait a second here! My muddled brain searched for the highly unfamiliar feeling of two large, soft objects attached to my chest, quivering and moving with every small change of position I made. And found them. A low moan escaped my swollen feeling lips as other areas of my vastly altered body began reporting in. My hips were broader, with thighs farther apart than my body memory allowed for. There was nothing at all between them, either. At least, nothing I was personally familiar with possessing. Thick, silvery strands of soft hair obscured my vision as I painfully forced myself to sit up. Stars filled my vision as very abused body parts urgently complained about the motion. I felt as if I had literally been taken apart and rebuilt to very different specifications than the original. Everything ached, on top of feeling out of synch. Mentally uttering a prayer (I know, I know, no more cussing like that, but this is telling my story) I forced myself to look down at my chest. And beheld two huge, gorgeous mounds of creamy flesh tipped with erect azure nipples. "Yep," I told myself quietly, cautiously. "Those are female breasts, all right." My hesitant exploration continued with hands that were both smaller and stronger than mine had been before, running themselves down my slender waist and over the sudden outward curve of lush hips and bottom. "Hips and ass, too," I muttered distractedly, while my hands slowly neared my crotch. I gasped in involuntary and reluctant pleasure as the fingers of one hand parted fleshy lips between my legs, then pushed into a moist, warm recess. I yanked my hand away from something that burned my sense of self as if it had been a white hot coal. "That can't be what I think it is," I whispered, noticing as I did that my voice sounded a great deal different, too. Higher, and lilting with a musical accent that was really very appealing. Hesitantly, I returned to what was between my legs -- with the other hand that time, in case the first had been lying to me. It hadn't. "Well," taking a steadying breath, I considered things, after shifting to release a pair of attachments to my shoulders that pulled painfully while I was sitting on them. And a third part of me that sprang free in joyful abandon and began teasing at my crotch. The latter was a tail, flexible and ending with a barbed tip that was currently manipulating my nether regions with lascivious intent. I slapped it away, wincing as pain shot through my backside, but it left those foreign parts alone after I did. "Hmmm," I muttered in a breathy little sigh, while thinking furiously. "If it has tits, ass, and a warm slit between its legs, it must be a woman." Something in that logic was very disturbing, until my frazzled mind recalled that I had been examining myself. The logic went from merely disturbing to traumatic. "Which must mean that...I...Have...Become...A...Female," my voice reluctantly acknowledged what my brain had already decided. "Oh, no they don't!" Briefly considering my options, I tried some shape changing magic that I had known as a Human. It worked. Sort of. I was different, but still apparently female, and when my concentration faltered I returned to what must have been my default body setting. You know, the one with wings and a tail. Now, I ask you. What would you have done under the circumstances? The last thing I remembered was being male and having the most fantastic sex in my long experience. Then I awaken as a female. Be honest, here. How would you have handled such a thing? Running over several options, I settled on the one that seemed to be the most productive of the weak ideas I had formed. Drawing in a deep breath (that caused my newly inflated chest to heave) I gathered myself for the effort, opened my mouth wide, and screamed bloody murder. Then did it again, and again. And again, until I was getting a sore throat. But kept going, anyway. I'd built up a head of very hysterical steam, and wasn't about to let go of it until I subsided into mute inability to holler any more. * * * My screaming got results. Fast. "Calm down, Sweetheart," a soothing, deep but feminine voice pleaded with me. I didn't, and wasn't going to do so until I had used up all the energy I had. The voice retreated with a near frantic, but half-amused call elsewhere. "Lorilei!" Soon a pair of delicate hands that were much stronger than anything looking like they did should have been gripped my shoulders, and a familiar voice intruded upon my very satisfyingly berserk panic attack. "Calm down, Angelique," Lorilei's voice soothed, while her hands stroked my back and outraged wings. "You're going to wake everything in Hell, and trust me, some of those are far better left sleeping." "Uh, uh, uh..." My scattered train of thought faltered, as did my feminine cries of total, absolute anguish. I glanced at the succubus and flinched. "Get away from me! This is your fault! What have you done to me?" "Tell me what you did to me!" Without thinking, I had reached my feet, and put my smaller hands to the very satisfying use of choking the very life out of her. Then realized she was already dead (probably) just like me, and that I'd likely never get more than an incoherent gurgle out of her with my hands locked around her slim throat and squeezing hard as I could. Just as I was reaching that conclusion and beginning to release my grip, a wall hit me frontally. Hard. The invisible but very solid force threw me several feet, to land on my rump with a soft thud. But my shields had been up and active, I realized. A result of my raising magic to attempt the shape change. Lorilei was warily watching me as that understanding came. "You...you used magic on me!" I accused in a surprised voice. "Yeah, I did, didn't I?" Lorilei actually smiled, then offered me a grin. "But you shouldn't have been able to do that!" "Well, I did," was her simple, oddly pleased answer as I glared at her in stupified amazement. "I was shielded," I protested uselessly, since I was quite obviously on my bottom (which was complaining loudly at the mistreatment) and there because a force wall had been used on me. "I know," she answered half smugly, but with a note of wonder in her voice, before going on. "Besides, how in Hell did you expect me to give you any kind of answer with your hands around my throat? That wasn't the best way to go about asking, you know." "Sorry." "That's okay," she smiled, while rubbing lightly at her shapely neck, "I guess. Have you calmed down enough to talk like a civilized being yet? Or should I zap you again?" "Talk," I assured her, not wishing to feel the force of whatever else she might do to defend herself. I had been right about the innate power in her small frame, and stood gingerly while rubbing at my shapely, but abused bottom with a wince. "I'll be good." "Oh, don't worry about it," Lorilei chuckled, while looking me over. "When I woke up this way, they tell me I just about startled Mama into Full Defense Mode." "Who's Mama?" I questioned. "Me," the deep voice that had awakened me first joined in, though it spoke in my mind. "I'm this whole place, honey. I'm home, succor, love, and taskmistress all rolled into one." "Oh," I rather intelligently responded. "What's Full Defense Mode?" "Never mind that for now, child," Mama replied. "You just pay attention to Lorilei here, and keep in mind that she's one of my favorites around here." "Uh, I will, Mama." My response was a bit sheepish, and I felt the threat, veiled though it was. "Just chalk up my attacking her to post whatever trauma." "That would be Post Transformation Syndrome," Mama chuckled, then was gone. "Wow." I shook my head, then abruptly stopped myself as the motion set up waves of sensations I was still not all that prepared for. So I tried changing the subject. "You wouldn't be the Lorilei who got Girard, would you?" "Yes, that would be me," she responded with a heavy sigh. "Which is where I absorbed all this damned magical power. But we need to talk about you, and what has happened to you right now. Anyone here in Home could tell you that story, and I'd really rather not go into it just now, if you don't mind." "Control problems?" She winced as I asked that, so I nodded and reassured her, "Not to worry, you'll have that power sitting up and begging like a puppy pretty soon. It was a lot to absorb in one sitting; Girard was extremely powerful and very old. You can't expect to master all his old power in a few days, months, or whatever." "Don't I know it!" she grumbled, then gave me a halfway hopeful look. "Think you might be able to help me with that?" "Probably." "Good." With a nod, she waved a hand and a beautiful full length mirror appeared right in front of me. "In the meantime, you may as well get used to seeing yourself as you are and will be for a very long time to come, little sister." "I..." I started, but became speechless at what that mirror showed me. The creature standing there was absolutely the most gorgeous female I had ever seen in my life. Present company and Mother Lillith excepted. "Oh, my..." "Don't say it," Lorilei interrupted. "That name is a no-no around here, and would probably burn that pretty mouth of yours just now. At least it would until you get more used to yourself this way." I didn't answer, mostly because I was unable to. What I was seeing was a succubus with glowing azure eyes set in a doll-like oval face and built to please. Men, anyway. Long, silvery hair very exuberantly tumbled around her slim shoulders, covered both luscious breasts (which weren't nearly so huge as I had first thought, though they were by no stretch of the imagination small, either) and down her straight slender back to happily tickle her firmly rounded (and slightly bruised) bottom. Gem-like azure tinted high heels graced her delicate feet, but closer examination showed them not to be shoes at all, but specialized hooves with a small cleft where a big toe should be divided from the other toes. The spur I had first taken for the heel was part of that hoof. A pair of small, curved horns sparkled with silver highlights on my forehead just below the hairline and in line with the large, almond shaped azure eyes. Leathery wings unfurled and spread for examination once I thought about it. But the leather was very supple and soft in both appearance and feel. The edges were a dark, almost black shade of azure that gradually shaded to pale silver in the center, and a pair of very wicked spurs protruded from the second joints rustling softly above the level of my head. Those would be formidable weapons at need, I noted. As would the inch long, sharply pointed silver colored nails tipping smooth, small hands. Upon close examination of her figure, I found that nothing was really disproportionate about it, just overly voluptuous and quite obviously designed for sex while being slim enough to hint at speed and agility that could be astounding if used. I would have been in instant lust at seeing her. Only one problem held me back from that. She was most definitely me! "Damn! I'm a wet dream incarnate." "I said just about the same thing when I woke up the first time," Lorilei grinned. "But it couldn't have been such a shock to you," I groused, while taking in her unstudied feminine and feline grace of posture and presence. "Having been a woman before." "Me?!! A human woman?" Her laughter pealed out in richly musical amusement for a few moments, before she sobered and gave me a commiserating look. "Believe it or not, Angelique, I was just as determinedly male as you started out. At least I was until a cuckolded husband caught me with his wife and shot both of us to death." "You were a guy?" I questioned incredulously, while watching her ultra feminine gestures in response to my question. "Yep, 'fraid so, little sis," wrinkling her nose and drawing in a breath, the lovely little succubus shrugged in dismissal of a past that couldn't be returned to under any stretch of the imagination. "But all these wonderfully femme gestures and mannerisms just kind of grow on you real quick. You'll see soon enough, trust me on that one." "So, I'm a succubus, too," I mused, while still entranced by the vision in the mirror. That was, no matter what angle I chose to look at her from, me. "Among other things," Lorilei nodded as she agreed -- with that almost guilty provision -- with me. "Other things?" "Well, you see," my companion/tormenter shrugged another time before telling me the rest. "What we needed from you was something unique in Hell, and probably Heaven, too." "I suppose that you'll get around to telling me within the next century or so, won't you?" "Mother Lillith wanted a being with a succubus' alluring qualities," Lorilei continued, completely ignoring my little sally of bitter humor, "still able to use magic, and well versed in the spells she would need to have. Plus," drawing in breath sent a very interesting surge of sympathetic vibrations through her delectable flesh, I idly noted, while also noticing it did nothing whatsoever for my libido, "we needed a strong fighter type who could just as easily handle a sword or other weapon as cast spells." "So," I questioned with a lift of one eyebrow and a half despairing sigh, "what am I, exactly? Please use descriptions of two syllables or less when you explain this to me, I'm still in pretty heavy shock, you know." "About half succubus," she rushed to answer, "and half Hell Maid." "Oh, okay." I wished I hadn't asked, but come to think of it, I was taller and broader shouldered in proportion to my body shape than she was. Flexing an arm revealed smooth, powerful, muscles sheathed in female fat. "So I'm the Amazon from Hell," I muttered in disgust. "Not exactly," Lorilei grimaced. "The Amazon from Hell is coming to take you through some training workouts pretty soon." As if on cue, a voice I recognized as belonging to the Hell Maid, Syl, cheerfully interrupted our conversation. "Ho, there! Lor, is our new girl awake and ready yet?" I privately thought I'd never be ready for that one, but wisely held my forked tongue (which, incidentally, had developed the embarrassing habit of tangling up in my prominent canine fangs) and let out a quiet little groan in anticipation of just what that hulking, female Hellion had in mind for me. * * * Boy, did I ever find that out. I nearly wished I hadn't, but rapidly changed that to wishing I'd never been born so I ended up getting killed and sent to Hell. Weapons training, oh my. Swords, axes, and brawls, oh my. Bruises, scrapes, and aches in every part of my body. At least I was given my own sword. Sort of. Maybe I was given to the sword. "This is for you," Syl said as she solemnly handed me a sheathed sword. It nearly pulled my arms out of their sockets when I accepted it, and weighed what felt like a large, ungainly ton. "Her name is Heaven's Bane," Syl continued, ignoring my difficulty in even holding the thing off the ground. "She was made specifically for you. Get to know her well, and she'll be your best friend." I was privately skeptical of that. Being able to hold the damned thing up, let alone use it, anyway. Heaven's Bane seemed to be skeptical, too. Don't ask how I knew that, but I did. I knew it as clearly as if someone had whispered the fact into my shell-like ear. "Great, thanks." I attempted to heft the long, slender weight while putting on a smile. Much to my shock, the thing rose into the air with my hand still gripping the hilt and stayed there, with me on tip-toe, or more precisely, tip-hoof, trying to hang on without resorting to using my wings. "Get back down here!" I commanded/pleaded with it, while trying to force it -- her -- back down so I could return her to the plain leather scabbard. I glanced toward a highly amused Syl as I was struggling mightily with the recalcitrant thing while gritting out, "If I didn't know better, I'd swear this damned thing was laughing at me." "She is," Syl laughed, as I continued to try bringing the thing down to at least hip level, without much in the way of results. "But don't call her an it, hon. She was made especially and specifically for you, and holds enough of your own essence to be marginally intelligent as it is. You'll hurt her feelings." "Oh, we couldn't have that," I gritted in mock horror, and the sword actually pulled me off the ground for a few seconds. "All right, all right. I believe you, HB, now would you please come down and behave yourself?" I felt a distinct, if reluctant agreement, and Heaven's Bane literally dropped into my lap with what I could have sworn was a girlish giggle of glee. "Wonderful," I muttered, while closely examining the gleaming surface and razor sharp edges of my own personal, and smart aleck, sword. "Now I have my own sword, only I'm going to have to talk nice to it just to do anything but look at it." A warning twinge in my lap caused me to amend part of that last statement. "Okay, okay, HER." Lucifer take me to the deepest slime pit of Hell if that thing didn't start purring while laying across my lap. While I was feeling a strong measure of contentment. "I give up. Hello, Heaven's Bane. Do you mind my calling you HB?" Evidently not. The purring got stronger, and the warmth increased. Sheesh! My training consisted of simple things at first. At least, they were supposed to be simple. I was told to stand and hold my arm straight out from my shoulder, with Heaven's Bane gripped in my hand and supposedly as straight as my arm. Not to mention convincing HB that either adding or subtracting weight from herself was cheating while I was doing it. When the first arm felt like it was about to pull out of the socket, taking my shoulder, part of my rib cage and back with it in abject surrender, I was allowed to switch arms. Until that one felt just as bad as the other. "Damn!" I muttered to myself, while wiping sweat out of my eyes during a too short break. "I thought we didn't sweat or get aches and pains." "This is Hell," Syl, hearing me in spite of my saying that under my breath laughed, good naturedly, "not Heaven, and don't go deluding yourself, kid; Angels sweat and cuss just as much as we do." "That's soooo encouraging," I grunted, as the hand massaging my still numb left arm encountered a muscle with some feeling left in it. "I thought this body was supposed to be ready to go, and all that good stuff?" "It was," Syl agreed, with a ferocious grin that boded ill for my immediate future and sense of physical well being. "But even the finest instrument needs tuning up, off and on." "How wonderful," I sarcastically retorted, "that my weapons teacher is a barracks philosopher, in addition to a sadist." "Time to go over the forms and positions again, Little Sister." She arose gracefully, planted hands on generous hips, and cocked her head to the side expectantly. "I expect you to get at least some of them right this time around. If you don't, it's more straight arm exercises for you." "Oh, all right, all right." My response sounded both glum and a little petulant. I was supposed to be some special hybrid minion of Hell, and here I was being subjected to near constant physical abuse in the guise of training. Painfully getting to my feet (Hooves, actually; have you ever considered practicing swordplay and hand to hand battle techniques in high heels? Take my well tutored and experienced advice, don't.) I grimaced at my teacher. "Go ahead and hurt me again, you grinning torment specialist." "All those hang out in The Pits," Syl equably replied, then laid into me in a blinding flurry of attacks with a long wooden rod she kept handy for such occasions, so quickly I automatically went into the proper defensive form. Just, not quite quickly enough. "Better," Syl said, nodding judiciously while I sorted my own form from the ground I'd been pounded into with a series of soft groans and loud curses that would have horrified a longshoreman. "You didn't get knocked down for a whole three or four seconds that time." "Oh, great. Twice as long as last time," I answered, with a wry and very pained grimace. I considered a sneak attack to get even, then discarded the idea upon thinking of how my bruises would feel if they got bruised. "Yes, Little Sister," Syl replied, then nodded with a grin that told me she had noted my impulse, and my quelling of it. "You're getting the hang of it at last." "Glad to hear it." With a sigh, I took the first movement's starting position, and steeled myself for another beating. "Well, let's get on with this debacle." * * * "Hi!" Lorilei greeted me, with a somewhat frazzled smile. I could tell she had been practicing some of the spell casting techniques I'd been showing her in my free time. "How did it go with Syl this time?" "Am I missing any important parts?" I questioned sourly. "Nope!" The little Succubus shook her head with a knowing grin. "Then, I guess it went okay." "Great." Stretching her wings to their full, glorious length, the beauty at least half responsible for me looking the way I did licked her lips and grinned at me. "Now it's time to have some dinner." "Dinner?" Giving her a blank look, I shrugged. "I thought Mama was taking care of that for me." "WAS, DEAR." Mama's voice filled my brain so quickly I could have sworn I heard something inside rattle. "YOU'RE BIG ENOUGH TO FEED YOURSELF NOW, SWEETHEART. BE GOOD, AND GO WITH LORILEI. SHE'LL SHOW YOU HOW TO DO IT RIGHT." "Does that mean out of here? On Earth? Like this?" I questioned, gesturing at my sweat streaked and dirty body, disheveled hair, and bruised face. "I'm not ready for that yet." "Yes you are," Lorilei responded, with a little giggle. "Just use our auto cleaning and healing function, and you'll be ready for a debutante ball in no time at all." "I always seem to forget that ability," I grimaced, concentrating on being clean and at my best in appearance. In a few seconds, I actually felt better, and smelled more like a flower garden than a sulfur pit with assorted noxious fumes thrown in for grins. I examined myself in the mirror that had obligingly appeared in front of me, and decided that what I saw was as good as it was going to get. Which was actually pretty damned good. (I know, I know. Vanity is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but...WAKE UP out there, where am I, already? Going to Hell isn't exactly something to hold over my head as a threat any longer, is it now?) "Okay," I said, then with a final check of my appearance I grimaced and made a face at the image in the mirror, who quite cheerfully returned the gesture. "I guess if Mama isn't going to feed me, I'd better get to know how we do it for real. Besides, I'm famished." "That's the spirit!" Lorilei flashed me a wide smile, and gestured theatrically into the distance. "Let's go eat!" * * * I savored the light breeze blowing into the alley we had emerged in, and let out a long, blissful sigh. It seemed like forever since I had set foot on Earth, or The Human Realms as both Demons and Angels called it. "Ah...Oh my...what's that awful smell?" "Pollution," Lorilei grinned, then wrinkled her own nose in distaste. "Humanity is every bit as good, no better, at ruining a nice place than we Demons and Devils ever dreamed of doing. Kind of makes you long for the old sulfur pits, doesn't it?" "Almost," I agreed, provisionally, while recalling references I'd heard to The Pits, and the creatures who ran them for the poor souls condemned to their care(?). "But give me a little smog any day over what I've heard about some other places in Hell." "Good choice." Lor nodded with a grin that displayed her cute little fangs. "We really have it pretty good being Succubae, and even Hell Maids are favored creatures of His Satanic Majesty, Lucifer." "Oh, good." My response was less than enthusiastic, which drew a giggle out of my companion. "By the way, is this sex changing stuff mandatory in Hell, or is just a fluke that you, me, and Syl used to be men?" "You noticed that, huh?" Lorilei chuckled, then waved off my retort before it could get a good running start. "Not really, but some of us have been hand picked by Lillith to replace losses." "Losses?" I was interested, and a bit nervous at the mention of losing creatures like us. "When the war was hot," Lorilei sighed, as she began a lecture that she'd probably heard and used many times already, "Succubae were Hell's messengers, magic users, and diplomats. Hell Maids not only patrolled the borders of Hell, they were Lucifer's own elite cadre of battle lieutenants, who personally led some other elite troops from Hell in the battles with Heaven. "As such, both Succubae and Hell Maids tended to be targets for every Angel or any of their allies who ran across us. Both cadres suffered horrible losses in the fighting before both sides ran out of troops," she told me. "Syl lucked out, and actually killed a Hell Maid in hand to hand combat, so Lucifer grabbed his soul before any of Heaven's spawn could, had him transformed to replace the Hell Maid he'd killed, then gave Lillith pretty free rein to pick any new souls she could find that would suit her own clan's needs. "Which takes care of explaining me." Taking a breath, she went on slowly, "You were a special case; Lucifer himself gave Lillith permission to create you." "I suppose I should be honored, then." I didn't feel that way. In fact, I got a very distinct feeling of uneasiness as the idea bounced merrily around inside my transformed head. "But why me?" "You," Lorilei replied, then shrugged while sniffing the air coming in through the mouth of the alley, "could already use magic, had a large store of your own that could be maintained even once you were transformed, and had the temperament to be a fine Hell Maid." "Okay." Turning to try and catch what she was sniffing at so appreciatively, I caught a sweetish, salty tang in the breeze that caused my stomach, or the equivalent of that which I now possessed to grumble with hunger pangs. "I'm a fighter type who can also use magic...what is that, uh...wonderful aroma?" "Ambrosia," my companion sighed happily, then tilted her head and winked at me. "For us, anyway. What you're smelling is the scent of Human males blundering about and just waiting for beings like us to have a snack off their masculine energy." "I think I'm in the mood for more than a snack." My retort seemed a little too eager to my intellect, but my sexual nature found it a bit reticent. I was starved. Almost literally. I knew instinctively that I badly needed to replenish my energy to replace what I had been losing in my training exercises with Syl. "I think a full fledged buffet is more to my liking." "It's out there," she said, waving toward the dim light spilling into our alley with a note of invitation in her voice. "Why don't we go feed ourselves, dear?" I didn't require any more urging. With a nod that still seemed far too eager, considering some of my sensibilities as a Human, I motioned for my smaller companion to lead the way, while licking my full lips in anticipation of quelling the gnawing hunger I felt. I won't dwell on the details of that first feeding. I was sloppy, mostly because I was famished for the kind of energy upon which Succubae thrived. All I will say is that I latched onto my first victim with such a single minded intent that I hadn't realized what was happening to the poor guy until Lorilei found us and interrupted me with a not so light tap to the shoulder. "Huh?" I responded, with a great deal more intelligence than I thought myself capable of at that moment. "I'm not done yet, Lor." "I think you are, sweetie," she giggled, and pointed to where my first real meal as a Succubus was twitching in his induced sleep. Or rather, her induced sleep. "You've siphoned off all that one's masculinity and maleness. Shame, shame." "Uh oh." I felt a pang of regret while looking down at the beautiful young woman who had been a very virile and physically powerful man not an hour earlier. "Did I do that?" "Yep," Lorilei nodded with a sigh. "You drained every bit of the food you wanted, but that didn't leave anything for him...

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Angelique and Francoise chapters 8 and 9

Angelique and Francoise Chapter 8 The New Beginning I lay there staring at the ceiling. The gentle swaying motion of the boat was extremely relaxing coupled with the quiet noise of the small waves hitting the hull of the boat. "What happened?" I asked himself. The copulation had started off straight forwardly. I had lubricated Jaden's penis, not as large as I had expected and then my rear end had been invaded. Luckily because it had been stretched somewhat the pain was not too...

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This story explains how the sexual adventures of Tony and Angelique started. It is the first time they had sex with each other, and right away it becomes clear they share a preference for perverted, fetishistic sex. The time in the story is the early 90s, when shaven cunts were not yet the trend. Angelique would never shave her pussy, when she found out her fuck buddy (and at a later time, husband) loved thickly haired pussies. The character Angelique is based on a real-life woman with the...

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Angelique and the Priest

My name is Angelique Tornetta and my mother is French and my father is Italian and both are hot-blooded. I have inherited my mother’s small bones and slim body and my father’s full mouth and tan skin and my dark hair and eyes from both of them. What I have not inherited—and I’m glad of it—is any hot bloodedness whatsoever. I think I know what that refers to and I’d like to state that at sixteen I’m pure and fully expect to remain so for all eternity. We live in Manhattan My father is the art...

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Angelique Awakens

And I am told I am quite attractive to both sexes. I am 5 ft 2 inches tall, Brunette ,My measurements are. 32.B-22-34 ...I weigh 98 pounds....I am ALWAYS Shaved and I just got my Clit pierced. This is the true story of how I lost my Virginity......I hope you all enjoy my story. With Love. Angelique...xx When I was 13, I was sent to spend the summer holidays with an aunt who had a small farm in Dorset, South England about 30 mins drive from Southampton. My family wanted me out of the...

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The Coming of Angelique

The Coming of Angelique - by: Gayle Abbott When I decide the time is right... It will not be rushed or hurried. I will go to great lengths to pick a place to stay and a place to have dinner. And it will be tremendously exciting for me because I know, without question, that when you wake up in bed next to me the following morning, you will be wearing my collar of possession. I really like the Spring Ranch resort in Colorado. It is such a romantic setting and there is complete...

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A New LIfe with Angelique

Angelique got married to Doug, and my wife and I became good friends with them. They had two boys. As I got to know Angelique more, I liked her increasingly, becoming both a close friend, and sexually attracted to her. Angelique is a “girl next door”. Kind of like comparing, on Gilligan’s Island, Mary Ann to Ginger. Ginger was the siren, the sex symbol. Mary Ann was beautiful, but in a wholesome, conservative way. I always found Mary Ann to be the more attractive of the...

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Sister Angelique and the OutlawChapter 6

Angelique's attempt at reconciliation was not something that she wanted to dwell on for any length of time. The priest proved to be of sound hearing and he was totally shocked at the extent of the lapsed nun's depravity even in a frontier town reputed to be both harsh and mean. Her contrition was truly sincere because she wanted to be fresh and clean again at least on the inside where she held her earlier beliefs. She could always get a hot bath at the Chinese laundry and look as clean as...

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Sister Angelique and the OutlawChapter 2

Sister Angelique was startled from her happy dream of losing her unwanted virginity to a man dressed all in black and wearing two guns on his hips and a huge swollen tool between his legs that promised her the satisfaction she so dreadfully needed despite her vows. It was the sound of the yelling Indians riding so close to the stagecoach that she could almost reach out and touch them. The drummer was slugging down some of his own whiskey and the "Kid" had his long gun out the glass empty...

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Sister Angelique and the OutlawChapter 5

Her experience with the rough man with the scar on his face was exciting enough to make Sister Angelique flustered for the rest of the night. She had a hard time falling asleep remembering the depraved way the man had made use of her tender bottom. It was the sort of physical contact that she had not been exposed to in her sheltered past. Now that she had been exercised in that opening and the previous stretching she had taken from the Kid, Angelique was more inclined to allow some of the...

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Sister Angelique and the OutlawChapter 4

When the sun came up in the morning, they could see the smoke still rising from the remains of the wagon train. The scent of death reached them even though they were quite a distance away hidden in the dense thicket inside the tree-line. The three men were all smiles this morning including the Kid who had made quite an impression on Nana and Baby Girl. She was justifiably guilty from her own conduct the night before and had trouble meeting the eyes of the stagecoach driver and the guard....

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Sister Angelique and the OutlawChapter 3

The penance she had received from the well-intentioned Franciscan was still fresh in her memory and if it did manage to escape her thoughts all she had to do was to sit on the hard wood bench and it was swiftly reminded to her by the discomfort of her well pounded cheeks. She was wise enough to take a pillow from the sleeping quarters to sit on as they resumed their journey. Her destination was not far now and she wondered if the Kid would linger a bit longer with her to see if she was...

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Angelique Vinnie on video

Recording our daily raunchy, nasty, extremely kinky and very perverted fuck session’s in mom's bedroom, that I later sell to several local porn shops to be resold to the general public and we make a fuckin killing from em……. One morning I saw the oddest sight. I guess mom thought I had already left. I was due to play over at my buddy's house that Saturday. In fact, I had left, but remembering I had promised to bring a dirty magazine, I returned, having not gotten far. The door to her...

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Andrew James Wellington III Esq Dead Beat Dad

Andrew James Wellington III, Esq. - Dead Beat Dad By Sirbosk1 ? sirbosk1 2009This story is a fantasy that contains scenes of Femdom, oral sex, rimming, cream pie eating, humiliation, blackmail, CBT, bondage, spanking, body modifications, and other erotic activities involving adults. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor, (i.e., child) please leave now. This story was written at the request of a sub fem friend of mine who’s husband recently walked out, leaving her...

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Sister Angelique and the OutlawChapter 7

The grizzled prospector Nevada headed back down into civilization to report the demise of the Sherman brothers and place the claim into the daughter’s name as the only heir. The eighteen year old Faith was still noticeably shaken by the loss of her father and her uncle at the same time, but she was taking her mind off it by bathing in the river and cooking their food. The Kid was a little uncomfortable being along with such a pretty young girl knowing his own weaknesses when it came to...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete fiction.my self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter VIII

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Chapter VIII is the final chapter of Book III, and hence, the end of "Dani's Story." It is rated X - but a nice 'X.' How else would the saga end? Please be of appropriate age or be gone! Dani's Story Book III - Decisions Chapter VIII - The Ninth and Tenth Days by sissystevie I awoke to a gentle...

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Sister Angelique and the OutlawChapter 8

They came down out of the foothills into the wide valley and Sister Angelique vowed to change her sinful ways and try to do things by the book from that point on. Of course, she was thinking about the good book and all of the begetting and making love to daughters and sisters was put to the side and she concentrated on the Commandments and the difference between right and wrong and turning the other cheek. She took up the mantle of a schoolmarm and started to teach the youngsters in the...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 23 Windy Weather in Scotland

The hot water rolled off Dave's face as he struggled to wake up with a morning shower. He was tired after a restless sleep, wondering if he had crossed the line with his forthright responses regarding Tiger Woods. Would he appear to be just a smart-assed kid who should show more respect or was he considered a real threat to Tiger's dominance of golf? He thought he was being honest with his remarks but he also knew honesty can sometimes be politically incorrect. He finally felt awake enough...

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Michelles Bridesmaid Part III

Part III The bridal shower was on Wednesday, the week of the wedding. Mother had me practicing each day on feminine movements. She said I'd feel more like I was floating on air if I dressed the part. She said she'd notice a really cute dance outfit at Miss Audette's Dancewear store and suggested we take a ride. I'd purchased the yellow tutu from there last week. I was still on my diet, trying to lose 10 pounds before the wedding on Saturday so I was feeling a little weak. Mother...

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Angelique and the Priest

My name is Angelique Tornetta and my mother is French and my father is Italian and both are hot-blooded. I have inherited my mother’s small bones and slim body and my father’s full mouth and tan skin and my dark hair and eyes from both of them. What I have not inherited—and I’m glad of it—is any hot bloodedness whatsoever. I think I know what that refers to and I’d like to state that at sixteen I’m pure and fully expect to remain so for all eternity. We live in Manhattan My father is the art...

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Mandi Does LA Chapter III Part One Friday

Dave begins this true-life story.Mandi was at the point that she needed to spread her carnal wings as quickly as possible, and use this newfound freedom to enjoy as many possible sexual experiences she could. I was encouraging her to do just that, as it totally turned me on when she had sex with someone else. Of course, I had the same freedoms but not near as many opportunities as she had.I had an office in Silicon Valley in California. It was a Tuesday afternoon about a month after the...

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Victoria and the ChastityGuard MK III

Victoria and the Chastity-Guard MK IIII had been observing her, and many others, for quite a while. I first noticed her whilst having a drink at the city bar where she had worked for a time. Although short, she was grossly overweight but with a strangely pretty, even attractive, face. But for the fat she would have been extremely attractive. At twenty four years of age she had not had a date for years, and never had a steady relationship beyond that of a high school friendship with a boy who...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Andrew The Unsuspecting Sissy Part III


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Night Skies Hotel XIII Humanitys Birthright III Twilights Sword

Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it - Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...

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Michelles Erotic Tryst With the Maid at the Mandarin Lark Hotel

If there were a law against being happy, Randy Dalton would have already been convicted and serving his time. You see, three months ago he gladly suffered a life shattering change. He got married. Yeah... , I know... , you're wondering, What's so special about that? Well, if you were to ask Randy that question, you would only confuse him. You see, the guy's happiness centers around his new wife, Michelle—and like the advertisement says on the TV— ... and folks ... that's not all you...

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Hellooo Nurse Andi

After doing a five day stint at the local hospital for severe migraines Andy was due to be released in a day and feeling much better. The hospital food was as unpleasant as was to be expected and the hypochondriac in him couldn’t wait to get the hell out of ground zero for sick people. As the sun began to set Andy’s anxiousness to leave began to increase making sleep a funny joke. He turned off his TV growing tired and frightened of all this talk of Ebola. Soon after his TV was off a pretty...

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Chapter III Part Three The Saturday Night Finale Mandi Does LA

It was a Saturday evening in Los Angeles, the last night after a long and eventful two-day business trip to Los Angeles with my husband Dave. I had accompanied him on this trip so we could spend some fun time together when he wasn’t working. It had definitely been exciting so far and involved several new sexual and exhibitionistic experiences for me.I’m Mandi, and I’m twenty-three. Dave is twenty-five. It had only been a couple of months since we had mutually and enthusiastically agreed to...

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Sandhya Ki Dusri Aur Shelly Ki Pehli Chudai

Dear friends, gar yaad ho to main woh hi chodu hu jisne likhi thi. Aaj main batane ja raha hu kis prakar maine Shelly ki chut ki saltanat mein apna jhanda fairaya. Ye mat bhuliega ki Sandhya meri personal randi thi jo chudne se mujhe inkaar nahi kar sakti thi. Uski zindagi ka sabse bada dukh pichle mahine tak sirf main hi tha. Aapki jaankari ke liye, Sandhya ki umar 40 kareeb, sundar, chuddakad aunty hai. Shelly unki virgin beti hai. Woh bhi sundar hai aur uske average boobs hai. Wheatish...

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Patchwork People IIIToday is Your Birthday

III. Today is your birthday. "So what are you doing tonight anyway?" Grace asked as they closed the Blue Cat for the day. "Please tell me you have something planned. That you aren't just going home and watching reruns of House." "You know I only watch reruns on the Food Channel." "Then tell me you're doing something more special than that." "I really don't think I could bear anything more special than that." "Let me at least take you out to dinner. I promise I won't tell the...

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIIChapter 4 Trysting With the Maids

The following day James traveled to Albany, the state capitol, on business purposes. (His comment to me was that he had need to purchase some politicians, either one Senator or two Congressmen, whichever would prove cheaper!) He planned to spend the night and then return the next day, and for once had traveled without me. These small trips occurred on a monthly basis, and we always spent some time on a small holiday, answerable to nobody and nothing but our own decadent tastes. However, James...

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Chapter III Part Two Saturday Day Mandi Does LA

The long dark tendrils of sleep were slowly but surely being driven away by the gradual invasion of awareness. I finally began to stir. As I lay there with my eyes closed, trying to postpone the inevitable arrival of wakefulness, I gradually became aware of a sense of contentment.I also became aware that I was lying in a bed that did not feel like my own. I forced myself to open my eyes and was immediately struck by the uncomfortable feeling of not knowing where the heck I was. I began looking...

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Day and Knight Volume III

DAY AND KNIGHT VOLUME III Chapter # 1 by Lewis Chappelle Note: this is a very long, multi-volume, story beginning with ?Day and Knight Volume I? published in early March 2007. A LOOK BACK and A LOOK FORWARD? In volume I of this story, two dancers were introduced; Patti Day who was white and Susan Knight who was black. The girls were professional dance partners in point of fact, but were as different as their last names. They were now the featured act at Clairet?s Musical Review...

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A Mothers Helping Hands Part III

A Mother's Helping Hands - Part IIIa reality-based fiction by DizzyDFORWARDI can't thank all my fans and friends enough for the wonderful support, and countless inquiries about Part III... and most of all your understanding and compassion as I dealt with my loss in 2014. Now onto the story. If you haven't read Parts I or II recently, or not at all, I might recommend you do so for continuity's sake. You can link them...

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My So Called Sex Life Part III

Forward by 'Lexi'Hi guys and girls, it me again, Lexi!! First, I have loved all the comments you've been leaving on Parts I and II of my story... thank you all!! Now my love DizzyD had intended on making Part III the finale, but it would have just been too long because Diz has a way of making my sex life read like a beautiful, erotic epic, so their will be a Part IV. For now, here is Part III, and I don't mind telling you all that I masturbated twice while I was proofreading it, and it's my...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter III

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...

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Brother SpyChapter 3 The Mark III PEEPER

Another flash genius struck while I was in the shower the next morning. Paint over the damn light. Simple solutions work best. I also decided to control the power to the camera through my own control panel. I didn't want the girls turning off the radio and ruining my show. I incorporated the change into the Mark III PEEPER. It worked flawlessly. The fixed camera still bothered me. I looked up small servomotors on the Internet. I found a place that sold a two axis movable platform with...

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Ghamandi Maa Ko Randi Banaya 8211 Part III

Ammi ne Kaali Panty pehni thi,uncle ne panty ko utar diya.Panty utarte hi,Main woh scene dekh k hairaan hi reh gaya.Ammi ki Jaangh mein,Jungle hi jungle bharaa tha.Baalo k wajah se,uski Choot dikhai nahi de rahi thi.Fir Uncle ne,Ammi k dono pairo ko failaa k,Apna Mooh Choot mein daal diya,Aur Ammi ki Choot ko Chaatne lage.15-20 min tak chalta raha.Itne mein,Ammi ko Hosh aa raha tha.Main,jaldi se handycam liye,parde k peeche bhaag gaya.Kuch minuto mein, Ammi ne hosh sambhala,aur Vijay uncle ko...

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Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand III Executive Secretar

Hopefully, most of you who have arrived at this story have already read “Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand I and II”, so I won’t belabor the principles behind my Streams of Fuckmeat. I’ll just give a bit of an introduction here, and talk briefly about Thai women before diving in to Fuckmeat Stream Three. Work in international corporate and governmental consulting has placed me in the position to have fucked eight hundred three women, spread out over 46 countries worldwide. In five of those countries...

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Band on the Run Part III

Band on the Run Part III: Why we hate Nano-bliminals! by [email protected] I awoke, head on fire, temples throbbing, wondering where I'd ended up, wondering how much I'd drank and why I kept doing this to myself. I was surprised to find the bed empty. I was used to finding one or two tarts passed out beside me, clothes torn, bite marks on their fleshy bits coincidentally identical to my dental...

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Two Naughty Maids

Janette was enjoying one of her rare days off. She got one day off a month and was today walking through the park with a friend, Angela, also a maid but for another family. Like Janette, Angela was sixty-three-years old. Today, being their day off, they weren’t in their maid’s uniforms but wearing summery sleeveless dresses with very short hems. Both were very happy with their figures, even with their turtlenecks, bat wings, fleshy tummies and thighs, and enjoyed what they believed were envious...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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RENT-A-MAIDS by Throne Ted and Jack were in the back of one of the company vans, perched on little jump seats, held in place by shoulder and lap belts that they couldn't unhook. The ID badges they wore didn't show their real names, but said Teedles and Jacleen. And those IDs weren't pinned to masculine shirts or jackets, but to the tops of maid uniforms. As the vehicle rolled along through a suburban neighborhood the two young men looked at each other in distress. "How much...

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Chandigarh Wali8217ye 8211 Part III

Hello friends, i am back with the new story. Aaj ki kahani Chandigarh Wali’ye. This happened when i and my girlfriend were studying in Chandigarh. We were staying in two different PGs. She in the Girl’s PG and i in the Boys’s PG. Then we were in 3rd year of our relationship. Till then we used to have phone sex and i used to touch her body whenever i got a chance. She was responding pretty well to all my actions. We both are from Indore studying in the same college in Chandigarh. My girlfriend...

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Scarlett and the Yankee CarpetbaggerAct III

As the curtain fell down on Act II, Scarlett was lying on her bed. Her sobs were heart-rending and pitiful. The creamy white cum from both Rufus and Horatio was still leaking from her roughly-used pussy and anus. Her nipples were still sore from their nasty treatment at the hand of the disgraced girl's schoolmaster, Horatio Sherman. She had asked for this special treatment to her titties to drive her into a mind-blowing orgasm. It was just what she needed as her posterior was stretched...

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Hite Report Type III Female Masturbation

Type III means masturbating by thrusting into a pil low or other soft object. Four percent of the women masturbated in this way, plus an additional 1.2 percent who could also Masturbate in other ways. Type III is similar to Type II because it is done on the stomach, in the face down position, but different because no hands are used. It involves thrusting or grinding the pelvis, especially the pubic area, against the bed, some pillows, or a clump of clothing, or perhaps moving one’s body in...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter V

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Barford File 3 The Sandbergs Chapters III and IV

III: A Midsummer Night's Schemes The only downside to being a civilian employee in the 19th Precinct was in the fact that Peter had a day tour on Saturdays as well as during the week. Sunday was his only RDO(Regular Day Off). What was worse was that Spencer Drucker knew that Peter hated having to work on Saturdays, and he was also the only boss on duty on Saturdays, which gave the widely-loathed ICO all the opportunities in the world, during Peter's tour, to push his...

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The Lavender Hill Ladies and the Kenton Manor Maids

THE LAVENDER HILL LADIES AND THE KENTON MANOR MAIDS by enduringshades This is the second Lavender Hill Ladies adventure, the first was the 'The Lavender Hill Ladies Luncheon Club'. For new readers, or as a reminder, I start off with a brief description of each of the Ladies. Otherwise you are welcome to skip to the beginning of the story. THE LADIES The Lavender Hill Ladies started as the Lavender Hill Girls, when four straight crossdressing undergraduates shared a student house...

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