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My thanks to Steve Zink for all his help with this story. Virus By Destiny The second gulf war was to be remembered, not for the massive casualties or Britain's first use of nukes but for the Iraq's last act of defiance, the virus. It swept across the globe in a matter of weeks; no one could find a cure. The results of this virus were astounding; any man who contracted it would find his genetic code being rewritten. A lucky man would find himself merely growing a large pair of breasts (typically DD cup), others could find themselves gaining anything from female body shape to full transformation to femininity. The world was never to be the same again. The first infectee was discovered in the city of London. Sam Glassford stumbled in through the front door of his flat and turned on his television set, he didn't really want to listen but he needed some noise while he made coffee to get over his hangover. Sam had had a great night, he'd scored with a stunning Middle Eastern student, funny he thought that she would want to celebrate her side losing a war, still he never understood those Arab feuds. In the background the newsreader started talking about the risk of terrorist retaliation with biological weapons. Sam drank his coffee switched the television off and decided to get some sleep. The office he decided, could wait another day. When Sam awoke it was with an odd fuzzy feeling in his head and a slight tightness in his chest, he dismissed those as a mere legacy of his hangover. He first began to suspect that something was wrong when he had to stretch slightly to reach the top shelf in the bathroom, and when he started to shave Sam noticed that he didn't have as much beard as he should. "I've got to cut down on the booze," he muttered to himself "it's affecting my mind." He noticed his face seemed a little odd, but just ignored his worries. As Sam pulled his trousers on he noticed that not only did his legs seem more defined and slimmer, they were now totally hairless they were also clinging to his bottom. When he pulled his belt tight it was two notches tighter than usual and his shirt seemed awfully tight in the chest but loose at the waist. "What the hell is happening to me?" His voice had now changed from his normal baritone to a more breathy, sultry tone. Sod the office, he thought, I've got to get to a doctor. Sam discovered to his shock that he now needed three pairs of socks to get his shoes to fit his feet, not only that but his trouser legs seemed to bunch up at the ankles he appeared to have lost four inches in height. Sam ran down the stairs to where his car was parked, as he did so he could feel his chest not only strain against the front of his shirt it also seemed to move oddly underneath the fabric. "Oh shitohshitohshit." he swore sounding more and more like a scared woman with every step that he took. He tore open his car door and threw himself behind the wheel and was scared to find that he had to adjust the seat to reach the pedals. As he moved the mirror to compensate for his new viewpoint Sam brushed a long strand of blonde hair from his face. It took a few seconds for him to register what he had just done but when it did he twisted the cars mirror so he could see himself in it. Sam gasped loudly with his new feminine tone as he saw his reflection. Where his hair had once a brown close cut style, it was now shoulder length blonde and below that. Sam stared at the face in the mirror, the face stared back. It was definitely his face but it was a softened, feminine version. Sam felt a twinge of pain in his jaw and at the same time he saw the jawline of the face in the reflection (he still couldn't bring himself to think of it as his face) become less square, more pointed, more feminine. He hurriedly twisted the ignition key and the engine of his mark two Subaru Impreza Turbo roared into life, as he pulled into the road he noticed that his hands seemed very slim and graceful on the wheel. He had to get some help, and Sam knew just where to go. *** As he threaded his way through the unusually light morning traffic Sam went over in his mind what was happening and tried to make sense of it. His foot slipped off the pedal for the second time. "Shit!" Sam swore in his new breathy voice. He was sure he was getting shorter, he brushed his hair out of his face for what seemed like the thousandth time he only hoped Greg could help him. Greg Banks was a doctor that Sam had met during some discrete business dealings with various governments and the two had struck up a good friendship. During the three years they had known each other Greg had seldom passed up a chance to drop hints that he had connections with the military labs. Sam was counting on him making good on those hints. At the same time as Sam was speeding across London Greg was having a disturbing conversation with a General about a set of papers found in the recently deceased Iraqi leader's desk. "Dear God General if that warmonger put those plans into effect then..." Greg looked up sharply at the sound of shouting outside his door. Suddenly his door burst open and a strangely familiar but extremely attractive young woman ran through the door grasping her stomach just as the buttons of her shirt popped off and her large breasts spilled out into view. "Greg!" she gasped in a sexy voice. "Greg you got to help me. It's me Sam, Sam Glassford." "General I'll call you back." Sam slammed his car into the parking space and cried out in pain as a jolt shot up through his groin into his stomach. "Oh God! Greg you've got to be able to help me." Sam all but sobbed as he stumbled up the steps to his friend's office. His clothes were falling off him, the only thing that still seemed tight was his shirt where it stretched across his rapidly growing breasts. Greg's secretary rose out of her chair as Sam walked by her, and tried to stop him going into the office. "Excuse me Miss you can't go in there." "Let me go I've got to see Greg now move out of my way." Sam grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open he had just enough time to register the fact that Greg was on the phone before another shot of pain went through his body and the already strained buttons on his shirt gave way and he collapsed on the floor. Sam woke up on the couch in Greg's office to see his friend taking a sample of blood from his arm. "Okay Miss, I'll grant you that you look a bit like Sam but I find it hard to believe that you're him. However I'm just going to test your blood." Sam watched as Greg put the sample into an air tube delivery system. "We'll have the results back in about an hour. Now why don't you convince me that you're Sam." "Was that one of your connections Greg?" Sam asked as he stood up and almost tripped over his clothes. "Here's some fresh clothes" Greg told him. "Don't worry I had my secretary get you some stuff in the right size. There's a screen behind you. Talk while you dress." Sam picked up the bundle of clothes and went behind the privacy screen. "Well we met in Bristol when you set up that US-Iran chemical deal." Sam shouted over the screen. He looked down at his new body, he was stacked, for a start he now had a massive pair of breasts, DD at least, following his body down he saw that he now had a trim stomach, tight butt and a totally sexy pair of legs. Sam was also shocked to discover he had a perfect set of female genitalia. This was enough to shock him back to reality. "Greg can you help me at all?" "Keep convincing me." "Okay how about the time you were sick all over your date in Stringfellows." Sam looked at the clothes that he'd been given, he knew how to put on the panties, he could even have a go at the pantyhose but how in the name of hell did you put on a bra. "You've stopped talking." Greg's voice came over the screen. "Well, how about the time you got that Australian diplomat out of that Libya deal." Sam managed to get the bra hooked behind his back and shuddered with pleasure as he rubbed his large nipples, there could be some perks to this he thought to himself. "What about when you got the police to escort you up the M1 just so you wouldn't miss the start of that play?" Sam had a bit off trouble getting the blouse done up due to the buttons being on the wrong side "Or there was the time that the you were found with that sheep and the rubber..." "Enough I'm convinced. Are you decent yet?" Sam came out from behind the screen, stumbling on the set of high heels. "Greg where on earth did you get this skirt? It's more like a belt." he complained. Greg had to agree with that but it did manage to show off his friend's legs, which hundreds of catwalk models would die for. He was amazed at the changes that had come over his friend Sam now stood at about 5'4'' instead of his usual 6'2'', his usual short cut brown hair had grown into a shoulder length cascade of blonde hair and he had a lovely pair of breasts (the shape of things to come Greg gloomily thought). When Greg looked at Sam's face at first he saw only a pretty young woman, but when he looked closely he could still see a resemblance to his friend. "Hey! Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer. Greg can you help me find out what's happening?" Greg could see that Sam was on the verge of tears. "I'm not sure that I can." he confessed. "I need to get the results of your test back." "WHAT?!?" Sam shrieked. Damn he thought, blinking back tears, why am I feeling like this. I'm a guy not a woman, only girls breakdown like that. Sam stifled a sob. Just then the fax machine started to spit out paper. "Hey I thought you said it would be an hour for those results." "I lied. This was urgent I had them speed it up" "Urgent?" Sam sobbed. "Very. Okay two bits of bad news one bit of good. The first bit of bad news is, there is no good news. The real news is that you don't need to worry about feeling a freak there's going to be a lot of changes." "What do you mean? What's going on?" Greg sighed, "I suppose you have a right to know. Just before he topped himself that warmonger in Iraq set about 500 agents out into the world to spread a virus that would alter peoples genetic code they were to spread it by releasing it into the air, water or by sexual contact." Sam remembered the Arab exchange student. Greg switched on the television, "The first reports should start coming in soon." He turned to face Sam. "By the way, what are you doing at the weekend?" Sam's jaw dropped open surely Greg wasn't asking what he thought he was asking, was he? "Oh do shut your mouth Sam, pretty as it is, I'm not taking you on a date. You're coming to meet some important people, and I think were going to be busy." Sam shut his mouth blushing at what Greg said. Damn, he couldn't believe that he was blushing like a schoolgirl. Must be hormones, he thought. The virus that had changed him from his usual 6'2'' handsome male form into this 5'4'' walking sex bomb, must still be altering his body somehow. "What's this 'we' business about Greg?" "Oh come on Sam, I know Blondes are meant to be dumb but you're taking it too far. You and I are a good team, I need someone that I can trust." Greg then turned to the television. "Thank God." he said as the reporter talked about a mystery disease that was supposedly stimulating breast growth in men. "They're playing it as an environmental story. You know the old chemicals and fish thing. That should buy us some time before the public panic, only a few days but it might be enough." Greg turned back to his desk and picked up the phone. "It's me" he said, "Listen I'll be there soon, oh and by the way invest in bra shares, Victoria's Secrets that sort of stuff." And turning back to Sam, who was still speculating about the changes to himself and had gone slightly green, said, "Let's go, we'll take my car." Sam followed his friend out of the door still wondering about the extent of his changes. Oh God he thought, will I have periods, could I get pregnant, is this permanent. Sam stumbled a bit trying to walk in the heels he had been given and was distracted by the jiggling of his chest and the swish of the pantyhose on his legs. He found that he needed to hurry just to keep up with his friend easy stride, he could only imagine what he must look like if anyone saw him. With his hips swaying as he walked and his pert bottom he must look like every man's wet dream. When they reached the steps to the car park Sam was forced to hold on to Greg's arm to steady him as they descended so he wouldn't fall. He felt so embarrassed clinging on to Greg's arm like some sort of trembling girl, and silently cursed as he felt an unfamiliar warmth in his groin when his friend grasped his arm. They soon reached Greg's Bentley and slipped inside Sam noticed how sensual the soft suede felt on his newly sensitive skin and how his nipples tingled when he pulled the seatbelt across his large breasts. The car surged forward as Greg floored the accelerator. Sam didn't even blink as the huge vehicle cut across two lanes of traffic, he was more than used to Greg's driving. Greg didn't watch the road in front of him, he watched his mirror as an anonymous brown Ford pulled out and began to follow him, this worried him quite a bit. Sam sat in his seat and watched as the car swerved round the crowded streets of the capital. He couldn't keep himself from letting out a very feminine cry of alarm as Greg pulled off an extremely dangerous series of turns, almost hitting four other vehicles. They eventually arrived at an underground garage under Whitehall. A smartly dressed young man stepped out of the shadows and beckoned to them. "This way Dr Banks, ma'am, they are waiting for you in the green room. There's news." Sam inwardly cringed in embarrassment when he was addressed as ma'am, but had to admit looking like he did he couldn't be called anything else. As they were led down several identical corridors, Sam thought he was beginning to get the hang of walking in heels but hated the way they made his hips sway. What with the sheer pantyhose and miniskirt Greg had supplied he felt half naked. He hated the way the men they passed stopped to stare at him, oh God did I ever behave like that, and what was worse he hated the way that he found himself staring back. Once again he found his face flushing a bright red. But the fact was when he looked at some of them, and Greg, he found that his crotch was becoming moist and he couldn't help thinking what it would be like to have them inside him. They entered the briefing room to find a small group of men, some in suits and a couple in high ranking army uniforms. They all looked serious. "Greg, glad you could make it." The speaker was a bland- looking middle-aged man in a nondescript business suit. He practically screamed don't remember me. "Nearly didn't Norman, there was someone following me, a woman I think. Don't worry I lost her. Anyway what's up? You know Sam by the way don't you." "I do now. Talk about proof positive. We caught one of their agents on a flight to America, we've got some samples of the virus to analyse but only preliminary results so far. The Americans are..." The grey man paused as if picking his words. "'Debriefing' her now. That's not what worries us. She had a name on her, one of the scientists off of your Phoenix Project. You ran that project Greg and you people are our best hope of finding a cure before this goes critical. Have a look at our information see what you make of it," with that he handed Greg a folder full of information. Standing to one side Sam listened attentively to the exchange it was like something from that old TV show the 'X-Files', what was he involved in? Still the news that they had been followed explained Greg's driving, and what was the Phoenix Project? Greg read, with a growing sense of horror, the report. What little he recognised seemed familiar, too familiar. He also felt a rising sense of urgency in this investigation; his chest was starting to feel tight and tender. This one, he told himself, I have to solve soon or my tailor will have a lot of work to do. He also made a mental note to by shares in tailoring companies, no point in missing a business opportunity. Greg finished reading the report and looked at the rest of the group. "I may be able to get some help on this. Book myself and Sam on a flight to Switzerland, there's an old friend I need to lookup." Sam looked up at this news, he still wondered why Greg needed him, but then he decided didn't Holmes always need Watson. Besides, and he hated to admit this, the thought of spending time with Greg was getting very attractive. As they left the door of the complex on the way to the staff car that was waiting for them, Sam felt Greg's arms around his small waist. He had time to think what the hell is he doing, before he was flung to the ground as a gun shot rang out and a bullet missed them by inches. Who was shooting at them? The armed guards of the complex leapt forwards spraying the area where the shots had come from with machine gun fire. Sam lay on the ground breathing heavily, only partly in shock. The other reason for Sam's panting was that Greg had pulled Sam under him to protect Sam from the sniper. As they lay on the ground with Greg's weight on top of his new breasts the hormones in his sensual female body went into overdrive. He was almost disappointed when the guards ran off after the unknown sniper, and Greg pulled him to his feet. Damn, thought Sam, I've got to get a hold of myself. "Are you okay?" Greg's voice broke into his thoughts. "We have to go quickly, that was too close for comfort." "You have no idea." Was the only reply Sam could come up with. The journey to the airport was both uneventful and swift. When they finally arrived there was an escort waiting to take them to the new British Aerospace VTOL jet, which was to take them both to Zurich. After they had taken their seats on the jet Sam was able to relax, after the ambush at the complex he had been expecting an attack at any time. He began to think about the changes that had overtaken him, in less than one day he had transformed from a tall handsome man into a woman with the look of a porn actress, his new body had long blonde hair, DD breasts and legs to die for. On top of all of that his new body had raging hormones and he was having very mixed towards his friend. Damn, he thought, just what the hell is happening to me I'm not a woman I cant be feeling like this. Sam lay back in his seat as the powerful jet smoothly lifted of the ground for the short trip, and almost on the point of tears, prayed that something could be done. As the jet carrying Sam and Greg to Switzerland began it's journey the woman who was once an Iraqi soldier called Abdul smiled nastily. She had just finished her interrogation on one of the guards who had chased her from the roof of the complex. She had not killed him but no one else would gain any information from the shattered husk of a body, his mind had been emptied by powerful hypnotic drugs. Just for good measure he was infected with the most contagious form of the virus she had been sent to spread. She turned away from the living corpse that was her victim and considered her next move. Once she had gone by the name of Abdul, but now she had decided that the name no longer suited her new exotic form, indeed anyone looking at her would never have thought that this stunning Arabian princess was once a man. She had chosen to take the name of the woman who had feminised her; Natasha. It had seemed right that since she had taken Abdul's manhood that her creation should take her name, and later her life. This new Natasha considered her position, she had been sent into the world (along with other agents) to spread the virus upon the world that had left her country a smouldering nuclear wasteland. Like the others she had been given the name of a man that she was to kill, that man was Dr Greg Banks. Now he had fled the country bound for Switzerland. She decided to follow him, after all she had used all the supplies of the virus that she had been given. Yes, she thought, Greg Banks you cannot escape me. Greg examined himself in the mirror of his hotel suite, he was sure that although his chest felt tender his basic body shape remained the same. He decided that if he was infected it wasn't the same strain that had infected Sam. Once he had completed his self-examination he dressed in the suit provided and went to look for his friend. Sam was also checking himself in the mirror. It was really the first time that he had had time to look closely at himself since his change. As he looked at his reflection he still could not believe what he saw. The reflection that stared back at him was that of a beautiful young woman with well developed breasts. Still, he thought to himself, this isn't helping me, at the moment Greg is my only hope and I'd better go and see him. Sam walked across his suite, towards the huge closet, he still couldn't get over how his hips swayed from side-to- side and how sexy it must look. He opened the door of the closet and started to pick out some clothes, all provided courtesy of the British government. First he chose a plain pair of white panties and slid them up his legs, then he looked at the selection of bras available. After some internal debate he settled on sports bra, which would keep his chest from bouncing around, next he pulled a pair of pantyhose on over his smooth legs, he wondered whether his legs would be naturally hairless. He then took a plain T- shirt and finished it off with a respectable trouser suit, he was damned if he was going to were a skirt if could help it. He slipped on a pair of flat sensible boots and walked through the connecting door to Greg's room. Sam looked at the note and photograph that Greg had left him. He was to visit some addresses, show the photograph around and to take care of himself, Greg would meet him at the hotel in a couple of hours. Sam looked the photo, it was of a middle aged man with balding brown hair, utterly unremarkable. He was still fuming as he got into the staff car and ordered the driver to go to the first address on the list. He was even angrier when what he meant to be a firm commanding tone came out as a sweet soprano plea, the drivers reply of "Yes miss." did nothing to help matters. Three hours later Sam was still furious when he returned to the hotel. He felt as though he had wasted the entire evening, all he had done was trail round various electronic and medical labs where no one had recognised the man in the photograph. The fact that everyone insisted on calling him "Miss" or "Girl" had done nothing to ease his temper, and his damn hair always seemed to end up in his face. He opened the door to his room to see the man from the photograph standing there holding a pistol with a silencer. As he stood there staring the man pointed his gun at him and fired. He felt the bullet whizz by his ear and his only thought was; why can't I meet someone nice, or at least someone who can shoot straight? Then his already strained nerves gave way and he fainted. *** Sam gradually came around from his faint with a feeling of acute embarrassment, he could barely bring himself to believe that he had collapsed like a schoolgirl. He looked to see where he was, and recognised his hotel room. Sam could hear shouting from the adjoining suite, it sounded like Greg. He got off of his bed and, still feeling a little light headed, tiptoed over to the door to peer through the crack at what was happening. Greg was holding the man from the photograph up against the wall and shouting in his face. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING FRANZ? Shooting at a friend of mine." The man called Franz squirmed against the wall as he tried to evade Greg's wrath. "H-how was I supposed to know who she was? All I knew was that some strange girl was going around showing my photo and asking who I was..." "SO YOU GRAB A GUN AND FIND THIS ONE HOTEL IN AN ENTIRE CITY FULL OF TOURISTS. I'm not stupid Franz how did you know where we were? Just what were you about to do with that gun when I showed up? Tell me the truth Franz, NOW." "All right Gregory, do you want the truth? Here it is, I knew you were looking for me, and I knew she must be with you. It was you I wanted to kill. YOU DESTROYED MY LIFE YOU BASTARD. YOU ENDED MY CAREER." With that Franz went limp and slumped to the floor. Sam gently opened the door and cleared his throat. Greg turned around and looked at him. Sam blushed as he saw the expression of concern on his friends face. What must Greg be thinking of him? Passing out like some sort of stupid girl. Had this been another step in his rapid descent into femininity, that thought almost brought tears to his eyes. Greg turned to see the distraught look on his friends face, he had trouble believing that the frightened girl he was looking at was really his friend. He also had trouble accepting the events of the past day, everything had happened so fast that he still had no real plan other than to take things as they came. Greg decided to let events keep until the morning, he was sure that he could 'persuade' Franz not to leave. With that decision made he felt much better and with another look at Sam knew it was the right one. "Are you all right Sam?" He asked. Sam only nodded, he was afraid to open his mouth in case he let out a sob. Greg sighed in relief. "Don't go scaring me like that again. I thought that this piece of scum had killed you." With that he kicked the silent Franz in the stomach. "I suppose you want an explanation about who this is." Another nod. "This is an old colleague of mine Dr Franz Shmidtt. We worked together on a project called Phoenix, a failed project..." At this Franz protested. "It was no failure. It fulfilled it's basic purpose." Another kick from Greg silenced him. "As I was saying, a failed project and I can provide half a dozen test subjects who are forever stuck as six-year old girls to back me up. When they closed down the project Franz took it a bit personal and started to make trouble, after that no one would hire him for anything. The reason he's here is that some of the genetic code from the virus is identical to the coding from Franz's part of Project Phoenix. But that is something that can wait until morning." With that Greg produced a pair of handcuffs and locked the defeated Franz to the ornamental window bar. "Go to bed Sam." Greg told him. Sam went back to his room, his head swimming. The man who had turned him into this ultra feminine girl was locked up in the next room. Or was he, everything else in this past day had gone wrong why should this be any different. A wave of tiredness passed through him, perhaps Greg was right he should go to bed. Sam went over to the dresser and began looking through the nightwear provided. From the looks of things whoever had picked the clothes had just been given his new measurements and told to provide stuff. He sifted through the stuff he was never going to wear, there was silk nighties, teddies and all sorts of lacy negligees but no pyjamas. Eventually he found a large cotton T-shirt that he decided he could wear and pulled that on. As he climbed into the bed he mentally reviewed the last day. He thought about the race across London his body changing around him, the looks and leers of the men in the government complex, how his feelings towards the people around him kept changing and the way everybody reacted to him. Sam had never felt so not in control, he was ashamed of the way he was reacting around Greg. The way he kept blushing everytime Greg even looked at him, he was a man not some silly little girl. That was what he kept telling himself, but everytime he went to the toilet that was made a lie. God, he thought to himself, I've even fainted how much more like a silly girl can I get. With that thought he could contain his feelings no longer and started sobbing. For the first time in his life Sam cried himself to sleep. *** Sam awoke the next morning with the vain hope that everything had been just a bad dream, but the locks of blonde hair lying across his face told him otherwise. He wiped his eyes, which were still sticky from his crying the previous night, and stumbled into the bathroom. Once there he felt again the humiliation of sitting down to urinate. After enduring that he washed his face and tried to brush his hair. Long hair, he decided, may look good but was a pain to brush. Sam walked back into the bedroom and tried to put his feelings of the previous night behind him. He put on a fresh pair of panties, bra and a new set of pantyhose, he examined the trouser suit from yesterday and decided it was far too crumpled for him to wear again. Sam looked in the closet but was disappointed to see that there was no others hanging there, there was however a pair of jeans which although a bit tight was better than a skirt or dress. A pale pink T-shirt finished it off, although Sam noted it was a bit tight around his large chest. He briefly flirted with the idea of trying some of the makeup next to the mirror, but chose to hold onto what was left of his masculinity. Sam looked at the still unfamiliar reflection and decided that he was ready to face the world. Sam walked into the room, which separated his and Greg's rooms. Despite the early hour, Greg was already awake and munching on a piece of toast. Sam squinted at him, was his chest getting bigger? The pathetic form of Franz was still handcuffed to the window bar. Greg looked up from the breakfast bar as Sam approached and greeted him. "Good morning Sam. How are you feeling this morning? Well," he continued without giving Sam a chance to answer, "I've got some news for you and it's not good. We have got about one more day left, before the shit officially hits the fan, to get somewhere. London has been in touch, about two thousand cases like yours have surfaced across the globe and God only knows how many others are waiting to happen. Oh and by the way America just got it's first woman President, the press are keeping a lid on it for now but..." Greg let the sentence trail off. "On a cheerier note I've had a long talk with Franz here and, while he denies that he's anything to do with the virus, he has kindly agreed to take us to his workshop to let us look at his papers." Sam looked at the wretched figure of Franz, the black eye and the blood trickling out of his nose left no doubt in Sam's mind about the type of 'talk' Greg had had with him. Greg took the handcuffs off of Franz and forced him to his feet. "Are you coming Sam. We're on the trail what can go wrong now." Sam looked at him and replied. "Lets go and find out." *** As he walked out of the hotel towards the waiting staff car Sam had an uneasy feeling that they were being watched. Sam looked around at the street outside the hotel but could see nothing but tourists. He put the feeling down to nerves; he still had not recovered from the embarrassment of fainting and crying. The transition from strapping young man to stunning woman was neither an easy nor desirable one, and he still felt sensitive about it. Especially when he found himself doing something feminine. When all three of the group was ensconced in the car Greg told the driver to follow Franz's instructions. Greg noticed his friend's worried looking expression as he kept glancing out of the rear window. Again he wondered about the changes that had overcome Sam, did Sam realise just exactly how feminine he had become? Would Sam be able to change back, and more importantly, did Greg want him to? "Sam. Are you all right you seem worried?" Greg asked. "I don't know Greg. I just had this feeling... It's probably just nerves." Sam inwardly cringed as the slight tremor entered his voice. It made him sound like a silly little girl. "You still look tired Sam." Greg told him. "You should get some more sleep, it's going to be a long journey. Franz said his lab was out of town." Greg put his hand on Sam's shoulder. "Maybe you're right. I am tired." With that Sam unconsciously curled his legs under him, rested his head on Greg's arm and fell asleep. *** Natasha watched as the trio marched down the steps of the hotel. One of the men was the man whose death she was to arrange, Dr Greg Banks. The woman she also recognised, that was the transformed body of her first victim. Natasha smiled to herself as she imagined his reaction to finding himself in that body. The smile faded as she realised she knew the second man as well. His photograph had been included in her briefing pack. It was Franz Shmidtt, without whose work the virus would not be possible. As the car carrying her quarry pulled away Natasha revved the engine of her hire car. This time she would not repeat the mistake of being spotted. She would not have to stay too close, she had a fair idea where they were headed. *** Sam moaned slightly and wriggled against his uncomfortable pillow at the sound of voices. Then his memory prodded him, he was in a car and didn't have a pillow. He shot awake and brushed his long blonde hair out of his eyes. What had he been doing, snuggling against Greg's chest like that? He pushed himself away, his face flushing a bright red. Sam also realised he had tucked his legs in under himself, as a woman would. God, he thought, what was he doing. As his anger fought with his shame, Sam found himself blinking back tears. Fortunately, he noted, Greg was to busy arguing with Franz to notice. Sam looked out of the car's thickened glass window. He must have been asleep for quite some time. They were no longer in the city and the bright sunshine had given way to an angry looking thundercloud. They were approaching a derelict looking warehouse. This, Sam decided, was the reason for Greg and Franz arguing. "I told you Gregory, I have not returned here for over a year. Not since you destroyed my career." Franz's voice was bitter. "You destroyed your own career Franz. You should have let it go, but no, you had to start threatening people." As he listened to the argument going back and forth, Sam decided that perhaps, it was a good thing to lose all that testosterone. The car pulled up in front of the warehouse and Sam was grateful to see no other cars in sight. Franz led them inside into the gloom. How, he wondered, were they meant to see anything in the dark? As Greg entered he switched the lights on and was slightly taken aback to see Sam blush. The warehouse was a mess. One of the windows was smashed, benches had been overturned and half burned papers littered the floor. Franz was standing with a stunned expression on his face, gazing at the destruction around him. "My work, my precious work." Franz muttered, then ran towards an interior door. Greg ran after the fleeing Franz, and Sam followed. As Sam left the main room he heard a muffled crack of thunder. *** Franz stood in an office. He was surrounded by more destruction. His mind whirled, who had destroyed his life's work? Whoever it was had been thorough. All of his files had been gone through and burned or stolen. The door to his safe had been ripped off and his biological samples gone. Worst of all his hard gotten supercomputer was smashed. Greg followed Franz through the series of labs, in each one it was the same scene. As Sam followed his heart sank lower and lower. If Greg was right about Franz being their best hope then he was going to be a woman forever. Franz was distraught at the damage done, but there was still one chance. He had always been paranoid and for once it was going to pay off. As Greg came around the corner he saw Franz scrabbling at the corner of the wall, and was just about to challenge him when the whole wall swung loose to reveal an intact isolation lab. Once they were all inside the lab the lab Franz started to pull files off of the shelves and handed them to Sam. "There you go my dear. These are my life's work, my proof that it was not all in vain." Sam fumed at the way Franz addressed him but took the files and handed them to Greg. Greg started to read the files and was shocked by some of the results in them. He was just about to tell Franz what he thought of him when there was another loud crack. At the sound of the crack Sam spun round to see Franz start to dribble blood from his mouth then fall down. As Franz fell to the floor the figure of an exotic Arabian woman holding a gun. It was a figure he knew only too well. Sam clutched at Greg in panic and wished that the woman who was screaming would shut up, then realised it was himself. "You, you..." Was all Sam managed to say. "Ah I see you remember me." Natasha taunted him. "As well you should. You could say that I made you the woman you are today." Then she turned to Greg. "Dr Banks, how nice to finally meet you. Don't shed any tears for that fool on the floor, his work was most useful to us, even if he didn't know it. Give me those files in your hand I can find a use for them." Greg reluctantly gave them over. "You'll never get away with this you know. Our driver is..." "Dead." Natasha finished the sentence. "As you soon will be. The curious thing about isolation labs is they are designed so if the occupants are contaminated, they cannot get out on their own." Natasha laughed as she shut the door and locked it. For the second time in less than 24 hours Sam could contain his emotions no longer and started sobbing uncontrollably. *** As Sam began to get his sobbing under control he began to feel a growing sense of doom. What on earth was he going to do, what were they going to do. Once again he felt the limits of his new female body. Whilst his male mind demanded he think rationally, the hormones rushing round his body made him cling closer to Greg. Sam cringed as Greg, without thinking gave him a reassuring hug. He felt an irrational surge of anger about the sense of comfort it gave him. For his part, Greg felt pretty helpless himself. He had let the answers they desperately needed be stolen from underneath him. He had let an old colleague be killed, although from what he had read in Franz's files he wouldn't grieve much. Plus, underneath the elasticised bandage on his chest, he could feel a large pair of breasts forming. The only thing going for him at the moment was the medieval mindset of his opponent. He absently comforted the distressed Sam, and felt Sam cling closer to him. Greg pulled out his cell phone and dialled the number of his Swiss contact. He gave a very brief description of what had transpired and gave the order to detain their quarry. Some people, he thought, never got with the times. All they had to do was wait for help to arrive. He turned to comfort his friend, but he had to admit the friend he was comforting was a very attractive young woman, not the man he had always known. "It's okay Sam. It's okay help is on the way." Sam turned to look at Greg. "I'm sorry Greg." Was all Sam could manage, his voice still full of tears. "I haven't been much help." Having said that Sam placed his head on Greg's chest, he hated to admit it but he did feel better. He felt even better when Greg placed his coat over the dead body of Franz. Death had never bothered him before but it did now. Greg caught his glance and decided to explain. "Sam don't waste your pity on him. It's his fault we're in this mess. If he hadn't been so desperate to continue his work then he wouldn't have taken funding from any source offering money. The real trouble is he was continuing his work on Project Phoenix and that's what's in the file that was taken. If she's as well trained as the agent we have already captured then she can integrate the viral strands. If that happens then not only will we all be turned into women, but we will all be babes in arms. But don't worry we will stop her." It was almost two hours later when Sam heard someone activating the lock on the door. It had been a confusing two hours for Sam, his emotions were still disturbed on the past events. Spending them in almost total silence had not helped. Neither Greg or Sam had been able to say much, both of them found their feelings awkward. So it was a relief when the door opened and they were able to face their rescuer. Their rescuer turned out to be a tall athletic woman with short black hair called Belinda. As soon as Sam saw her he thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He was also sharply reminded of his transformation when he stood next to her, before he would have been a couple of inches taller than her, but now she towered over him. *** As they returned to the hotel Greg spent most of his time on the phone, barely acknowledging his two companions. His facial expressions varied from depressed to very depressed. Since Greg had opted to drive as well it gave Sam some time to talk to Belinda. She seemed genuinely interested in him and more than a little curious about his predicament. For his part Sam inwardly cursed meeting her in his current circumstances. Great, he thought, I meet the woman of my dreams, but to find her I've got to be turned into a girl, be looking for an insane maniac and end up with very mixed feelings for my best friend. It was when they arrived in the hotel room that Greg outlined his plan. "Okay we are officially in the shit. Our mystery lady has gone to ground, we know she is still in the area but not much else. My guess is that she is going to try and cook up some new viral strains. So Sam I want you and Belinda out on the streets looking for her, she'll be somewhere public and crowded for maximum effect. I'm going to get onto some contacts and try to remember the details of those files." With that Greg left the room leaving Sam and Belinda alone. *** It was the middle of Zurich's busiest shopping centre and for the last few hours all Belinda had done was drag him in and out of shops buying clothes that he was never going to wear. Sam admitted that he didn't have surveillance training but somehow he thought that involved more than this. Also his feet hurt from the high heels Belinda had made him wear on the excuse that he should look like any other shopper. The dress and make up were presumably for the same reason. Eventually Sam challenged her on their behaviour. "Look Sam," she replied, "I like you so I'm going to be brutally honest here. The chance of us spotting anyone is pretty remote, we're basically on an optimism job. Also, and what I'm going to say is really going to sound callous, the chances of you getting back to normal is slim and that wardrobe in the closet is only a loaner. You're going to need a new one and you might as well get it while M.I.7 is picking up the tab." Belinda paused noting Sam's dejected look. "Come on let's go back to the hotel, it's getting dark and we're both tired. We're doing no good here." Sam reluctantly agreed with Belinda's suggestion, he also inwardly agreed with her review of the situation. On the way back to the hotel Belinda did everything she could to lift Sam's spirits, with some success. In fact when they both arrived at the hotel she had Sam giggling, unselfconsciously, like a schoolgirl. When they got to the suite they found a message from Greg saying he was staying at some lab, and if a tailor turned up to give him the envelope on the coffee table. "Well," Belinda said turning to face Sam, "looks like it's just us." And with that she kissed him full on the lips. "I'm sure we can fill the time somehow." *** Sam pulled back as Belinda kissed him, his mind was racing. He could barely believe that she found his current form attractive. His feelings were conflicting, just a couple of days ago he had been a normal young man with not many worries. Now he was a stunning young woman caught up in a race to stop some weird virus. If Belinda had kissed him then, he wouldn't of thought twice. Now he was still trying to come to terms with being a woman, he wasn't sure he could handle becoming a lesbian as well. Another thought struck him, did Belinda know about his recent transformation and should he tell her? Sam saw the waiting expression on Belinda's face and knew he had to tell her something. "Uh, I think there's something you should know about me..." Sam started, he still couldn't get over the sound of his new voice. "You mean about the fact that you were a man? Don't worry." Belinda said gently. "I know all about that. It's actually a bit of a turn on, but I do like you, really." She put her arm around Sam, and seeing his expression said. "If you want to talk about it go ahead." "Well, I just... What I mean is..." Sam tried to find the words to explain and collapsed on to the sofa. "This isn't easy you know. I don't know how I'm feeling one minute I'm fine the next I've got all these new feelings about everything. I want to cry, I've already fainted and I'm getting attracted to Greg." Sam didn't know why he had said all this but it felt good just to tell someone. Belinda sat down on the couch beside the dejected Sam put her arm around him, pulled him in to her and hugged him. Sam didn't know why but it seemed so different from any other hug from a woman. At any rate it seemed to release the floodgate and he found himself telling Belinda all his fears and confusion. Belinda just held, comforted and told him it would be all right. Eventually Sam wiped his eyes and smiled. "You know," he said, "I think I've just had my first girlie chat. But I feel a lot better." "It's really not that strange the way you're feeling. I mean you've basically gone through the same experience as an adolescent girl, only in two days rather than four years. It's no wonder you're feeling confused." Belinda gave him another hug as Sam took this in. Then he kissed Belinda and felt a strange thrill run through his body when she kissed him back. He felt his breasts tingle when Belinda moved forward pressing her breasts against his. Belinda gently pulled Sam to his feet, and kissing him all the time guided him into the bedroom. Once there they gradually undressed each other, exploring each other's bodies as they did so. Time and again Sam thrilled as Belinda's hands reached some new pleasure spot. He hadn't truly realised just how sensitive a woman's body could be, he could feel a strange moistness in his groin. He moaned with pleasure as Belinda ran her hands over his huge breasts and pushed him onto the bed. Gently she kissed his nipples, and Sam thought he was in heaven. That was nothing compared to the feeling he had when Belinda ran her hand down his body and onto his groin. Sam gave an audible cry of pleasure as Belinda squeezed his clitoris. He responded in kind and was gratified to hear Belinda give a similar cry. For what seemed like hours Sam and Belinda made love, eventually bringing themselves to simultaneous orgasm and fell asleep in each other's arms. *** Sam awoke first in the morning and looked at the still sleeping Belinda. He couldn't believe the night before, he had never had sex like that before, it had been phenomenal. He leant over and kissed the sleeping Belinda on her forehead. Then slipped out of the bed, pulled on a dressing gown and walked into the main room of suite. Sam turned on the television and switched on to one of the English channels. He was amazed to hear the main story, everyone was panicking about the virus that was giving men breasts and changing some into women. He mentally shook himself, he had forgotten about the press deadline. He continued watching to see what the world was making of it. The reaction seemed to be one of uncontrolled panic, he was shocked by some of the responses. Apparently Australia had imposed a quarantine on itself and had taken to blowing civilian airliners out of the skies. In America there seemed to be an enormous scandal about the president changing sex. There was talk of impeachment, although it wasn't clear whether that was about who he had slept with to be transformed, or the fact he had been transformed. The Muslim world seemed to be enjoying the panic, which had overcome the west. Sam didn't think their triumph would last for long, none of them had supported Iraq and were probably on the hitlist themselves. One message was universal, that of don't panic everything that could be done was being done. Sam heard the bedroom door creak open and Belinda's footsteps as she crossed the room. She sat down beside him and gave him a kiss. On the television a weeping woman was being interviewed about how she had just changed, Sam could sympathise. "I think she'll find that there is an upside." Belinda said kissing Sam. Sam felt himself giggle and replied. "Oh you got that right. Good morning lover." Then kissed her back. They were both in the act of moving back to the bedroom when they heard the sound of a key in the lock of the room door. Belinda tensed and Sam froze as the door opened, then they relaxed as they saw Greg enter. Greg raised an eyebrow as he took in the sight of Sam and Belinda holding each other. He was privately amazed to see that of the two it was Sam that looked the most feminine. Sam for his part felt his jaw dropping as Greg walked in. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, Greg had developed a set of breasts as big as his. Now he knew why Greg had wanted a tailor, his clothes would need adjustments. Greg followed Sam's gaze. "Don't stare Sam, they're not unusual out there today. The virus seems to have gone critical, it's spreading at a remarkable rate. The good news is that it's just the original three strains, our mystery lady hasn't sprung any surprises on us, yet." He glanced at the television. "I see that the press are taking their usual responsible approach. Anyway, the bad news is that I've just finished at the lab," his tone softened, "I'm sorry Sam but we think it's far too complicated to even begin to understand, much less cure." Sam didn't know how to feel at this news, part of him was distraught at the loss of his manhood. The other part of him, the part he had discovered last night, was overjoyed at the news. He felt Belinda put her arm around him and give him a supportive squeeze. It was at this point that Greg's cell phone rang. During the hushed conversation that ensued Greg's face went through several expressions, he gave some orders then turned of the phone. "Our luck has changed." Greg turned to face them. "Our woman has been positively sighted. You two get dressed. We're going to go and get her and this time we'll have enough backup to make sure the advantage will be ours." *** Sam disappeared back into the bedroom to get dressed. It was a fairly easy choice of clothing; panties, sports bra, pantyhose, jeans and a T-shirt. Sam was still amazed how the sensations as getting dressed as a woman were totally different to that as a man. Sam slipped on a pair of flat shoes, from the previous days shopping, and a leather jacket. Just before leaving the room Sam stole a glance in the mirror at the sexy woman that was there, and was suddenly struck with an impulse to apply a little makeup. Nothing fancy, just a bit of foundation and lipstick, Belinda had demonstrated both yesterday before going shopping. As Sam finished applying the lipstick she looked at herself in the mirror and got up to leave. Sam stopped half way to the door, what had she just thought? She had just thought of herself as a she. Sam paused to think about that, when had she begun to think of herself as a woman? Sam supposed that it had started last night as she talked with Belinda, but it was with Greg's admission that her condition would be permanent, that she had finally abandoned her masculinity. Sam wondered about how easily the transition had been, then realised that it would take time to sink in. Probably years of therapy ahead, she thought. Greg's voice suddenly cut into her ponderings. "Come on Sam. Belinda and I are waiting, and so is our transport." "Yeah, hold your horses Greg I'm just coming." "I don't know Sam," Greg said as Sam emerged from the bedroom, "you're a woman for only three days and already you take ages to get ready." "Watch it Busty." Sam good naturedly replied. She noticed Belinda was wearing the same outfit she'd abandoned on the main room floor last night. She was trying, not very hard, to hide a smirk. Sam's last remark was aimed at the way Greg had suffered from the virus's effect. He had developed a massive pair of female breasts, about DD size. Greg privately thought that it was going to be a very common name quite soon, but held his tongue. Belinda, for her part appraised Sam, she was pleased with the way Sam was reacting. It was a marked difference from last night. Obviously their chat had done some good, Belinda was glad of that as she had just discovered what love at first sight meant. "Let's go." Greg said, and led them out the room. Sam was surprised when Greg led them, not to the carpark, but to the roof. Her surprise about that was nothing compared to the shock she got when she saw what was waiting on the roof. Sitting on the roof was on of the very latest Night Eagle attack helicopters, there were two others hovering just a few metres away. Sam was astounded, she wondered just how Greg had pulled this one off. Sam got into the helicopter followed by Belinda and Greg, she saw that the pilot and gunner were both wearing isolation suits. She was about to say something when Belinda gave her a hug, Sam decided it wasn't important and snuggled up against Belinda. It felt odd to be the one doing the snuggling and Sam knew that she was definitely going to have to get used to being a woman. Greg tapped the pilot on the shoulder and the helicopter took off. *** Natasha stalked around the warehouse that she had made her base of operations. Like Sam she had had to make the adjustment to womanhood in order to spread the virus. Unlike Sam she positively enjoyed the feelings that her new body gave her, of course the fact that her lust for vengeance had totally deranged her helped. She had had great success in blending the very latest of the late Franz Schmidtt's research, with the original virus. Now she had a disease that she could really use as a threat. This new strain would not just be limited towards men, it would infect anyone. The effects of this new virus would turn anyone infected by it, which Natasha planned would be everyone, into a baby girl and hold them at that age forever. She returned to the breeding chamber she had set-up to breed the viral forms. Natasha smiled as she checked them, they were almost ready for release. Natasha had a weather balloon prepared so that all she had to do was load the release chambers up and let it go. The feeling of anticipation was almost as good as the satisfaction she had got after sealing her foes into that room. The feeling of satisfaction became a warmth in her groin. Natasha checked the timer on the chamber, 15 minutes left. Time enough, Natasha decided, to enjoy one of the benefits of femininity and walked to her sleeping corner stroking her crotch. *** The attack helicopters sped across the landscape at a truly terrifying rate. Sam had glanced out of the door at one point and thereafter spent the rest of the journey clinging to Belinda's arm. Eventually they approached a nondescript set of warehouses and the lead helicopter dipped down to land. The other two adopted a circling pattern watching for any signs of life, and ready to blow it off the face of the earth if they saw any. Sam, Greg and Belinda jumped out of the lead helicopter and it took off to join the others. Greg had explained the plan beforehand. They were going to look for the Iraqi agent on the ground and if possible get any information off of her. If there was any sign of trouble the helicopters would blow the place sky high. Sam was not entirely comfortable with this but was willing to take the risk. They split up to investigate the various parts of the buildings. Sam crept along the outside of the main warehouse noting the car hidden in a shed. Someone didn't want to found here that was for certain. She raised her radio to report her discovery, but before she could say anything a distorted cry came over it. It sounded like Greg's voice, then another cry followed. Sam was scared, the second voice was definitely Belinda. In the sky the helicopters changed position lining themselves up for attack. Sam ran into the main warehouse and was brought up short by the sight of her friends lying on the floor in front of the Iraqi woman. Sam pulled her gun out of her holster and aimed at the woman's head. *** As Natasha finished masturbating she heard the sound of approaching helicopters and knew that she had run out of time. She raced back to her makeshift lab, wasting no time on thoughts of how she had been found, and started transferring her samples in to the balloon. Outside the tone of the helicopters changed, it was landing. Natasha grabbed her rifle, this was loaded with nothing more sinister than tranquilliser darts, after all she may want prisoners. She easily spotted the first intruder as he crept into the warehouse. Natasha narrowed her eyes as she recognised her target whom she'd supposedly left for dead. She smiled a thin bitter smile when she saw the effects the virus had on him. She raised the dart gun and fired. Almost immediately she saw the second figure a woman she did not know, slotted another dart into the gun and fired again. She stalked over to the fallen pair and was about to fire a second, fatal, dart when she heard the audible click of a gun being cocked behind her. "Put the gun down or I will kill you." Sam was amazed that her voice stayed steady, given how nervous she felt. "Will you really, I don't think you will." Natasha recognised the voice as that of the girl that she had first transformed. She knew that she had one chance. She threw down the rifle. "I suppose that you want me to surrender now." Sam nodded not trusting herself to speak. "Of course you do. But if you look in the back room you'll find a weather balloon full of a very special present. It should be about ready to be launched, are you ready for a world full of babies. You can arrest me or stop it, your choice." Sam looked over her shoulder then turned back to face her foe. "Damn you." She spat and raced through to the lab. Natasha laughed, and pausing only to aim a kick at the unconscious Greg, ran to the shed where she had stored her car. Amateurs, she thought, they hadn't even disabled her getaway option. As her car roared out of the shed she found herself giggling, even if that silly girl stopped the release she could always make more. She would have her revenge upon the world. A roaring sound filled the air and Natasha started, she had forgotten the helicopters. Natasha looked in her rear mirror, three Night Eagle helicopters were shown in it. It was a sight she would remember for the rest of her life, it was no great feat of recollection. Sam stared at the timer on the balloon, it was set to release the Virus in about two minutes. The sound of an enormous explosion filled the air. Sam was frantic what could she do to stop the timer there was no off switch? She pried the cover off the mechanism, underneath was a mass of wires and electronics. they all seemed to lead to two different wires, one blue, the other yellow. Which was she to pullout? Sam decided that it would be a fifty/fifty chance of getting it right. Closing her eyes she pulled one. When she opened her eyes, she saw the timer had stopped. Sighing with relief she pulled out her radio and informed the helicopters of the situation. The world was safe, now she had to sort out her love life. EPILOGUE The United Nations took possession of the new virus, but despite all research no cure could be found for the original strains. Sam and Belinda eventually got married and, apart from a few fights, lived happily ever after. Greg made a fortune from the shares in Victoria's Secrets and other companies. Therapists were in constant demand, as 90% of the world's men became women. There were hundreds of suicides and breakdowns but eventually the world learned to live with the changes. The lives of every person on the planet changed. But those are other stories! The End?

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Deputy PorterChapter 113

Once we were dressed the Reggie I had previous known return. She never mentioned the events of the morning, and she acted no different from the Reggie who first ran up to me a couple of days before. She seemed to be a true Jekyll and Hyde, but then wasn't I one as well. After I ordered pancakes and sausage with bad coffee, I asked, "So what do you want to do till we hear from Joan?" "This is the smallest town on the tour, I think. The bosses back in New York had an open date, so they...

1 year ago
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2nd Time bingo

My name is Le, I live in an apartment block in New York City, Im 19, negro, and with a "pretty largely" sized cock, about 11 inches, so I was told. Anyway my first time with a woman was about 3 months ago and it was shocking, it was after a night out at a club and well you can say that it shouldnt of been counted as my first time. Anyway I was getting down and depressed about my sex life, so I wasn't really into going out anymore. As I am (as I've been told) a pretty attractive male, I went...

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BadDaddyPOV Liv Revamped Won8217t Get Out Of Step Dads Room

It’s late and Liv Revamped wants to play. Her mom went out for the night leaving her and her step daddy all alone. Liv decides that it is time to make her move. She sneaks into her parents bedroom and strips off her pants. She turns on the tv and waits patiently. In walks her step daddy. He exclaims that she should not be in his room. Further more, she shouldn’t be in her underwear! Liv dosen’t care, she knows what she wants and she is going to get it by any means necessary....

4 years ago
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Enchanted Ella Once upon a time, and long ago My heavily-laden wagon was nearing the edge of the deep, dark woods. Soon, I would break out of the dark forest and enter the bright sunshine surrounding the farmlands outside the netherworld where I lived. A huntsman and woodcutter, was I. Much preferring a life of peaceful solitude, I rarely left my woodlands sanctuary. Yet, a man likes the feel of some coins in his pocket. So, every once in a while I’d take a load of firewood and...

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Chloe Seduces Me

I was just under seventeen years old when the following events took place. I belong to the local Swimming Club, training twice each day, with sixth form at school sandwiched between. I counted myself as being single but regularly had sex with various friends of either sex, it was great to have that type of freedom. For weeks and weeks, Chloe at the Swimming Club had been flirting with me but the relationship had progressed no further than suggestive remarks. We were the same age and both...

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drunk dad 2

By the end of the next week my anger towards my hubby was starting to bubble over, because I knew what he was missing and that he most likely didn’t seem to care. The bastard had not touched me in years and I had a hormonally enraged teenager enraptured with me. Now after two weeks of my son staring at my breasts I guess that I started to emotionally snap a little. I finally said something. As we were walking Mr Drunk up the stairs I said to Ricky “I do have eyes you know” my god he...

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A Divorce For Christmas

This story was written in collaboration with GabrielSweet, my husband, he wrote the group scene, I want to thank him for all his help.The divorce is final today, I just got the papers. Came Special Delivery, still can't figure out what is so special about it. Bob called to see how I was doing, it was Friday night and I was home alone, again. I told him about getting the final divorce papers and he decided there was no way I was staying home tonight.It was four days before Christmas and it would...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Chez Amore

Chez Amore.The name shined in framed cursive lights over the new small restaurant in the Business District of San Francisco. A small walkway of lights led right up to the doorway. Inside had a sleek modern look with round booth tables, low dim lighting and a black, white and red aesthetic. It was a Friday evening around 7:30 pm. Usually, the restaurant would be packed with businessmen and women but thanks to the extreme cold weather this evening, the restaurant was mostly empty.The only people...

Straight Sex
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Mother Fucks Son In The Absence Of Dad

This is 48th story penned under the name of Sultana Sinha (name changed). I am 36 yrs old male from Patna. The story was forwarded by with a request to get it published on ISS. If you like, the story please say, so on my mail or I am Latha. I am telling my sex story with my son. This happened when my husband was working in gulf. We had a big debt because of business failure and husband had to sign a bond to work abroad for 5 years. He left last year and I was alone without sex for almost 1...

3 years ago
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Once and Future LoversChapter 2

August, 2003 Charlotte, North Carolina "Stupid door," Ed Martin said, kicking at it. Despite his proficiency with most things electronic, these damn hotel doors and their keycards always seemed to frustrate him. On the fourth try, the little green light finally came on and Ed swung the door open. Slinging his laptop case onto the desk chair, he pulled his necktie off and tossed it onto the bed. After ten hours on his feet at TechWorld, trying to sell software to businesses not willing to...

2 years ago
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She Took Control

I was at the bar on a Saturday night drinking as usual. I was scoping out the girls and hoping I could find something to spend the night with. I found absolutely nothing. I continued to drink and drink and drink until I blacked out for the most part and can’t really tell u anything after that. When I came to I was in what appeared to be a woman’s room, there was a fish aquarium in the room and it appeared to be early morning outside. I had morning wood and I was wearing some males bikini cut...

4 years ago
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RebelChapter 71 A Milling Operation

I am not sure who brought us information about the Tory miller, but whoever it was, I owe him a debt of sincere gratitude. The lieutenant detailed George and me to go out with an empty wagon and to bring it back filled with flour, no excuses acceptable. So that was what we did, at least what we set out to do, and when we followed the directions and crude map we had been given, we found the mill. It was well-built of local stone and had a overshoot wheel. We could actually hear it groaning...

3 years ago
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Revenge Pissing Part 3

Gabriella was the next to be invited back to the house for there were still a few days to go before Tiffany’s ex returned from his holiday to discover that his house had been covered in piss by the flowing pussy showers of Tiffany and her friends. Of course, Gabriella had thought the whole idea to be an intense wind up until Lizzy, in the front room, had yanked down her work trousers and white panties to reveal the stunning sight of her naked hairless muff to the assembled crowd. Without...

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Minas Children

What we really know: We've always "known" that dogs are descended from wolves, but that's pretty vague. Actually, they are the same species. Dogs and wolves can interbreed. Geneticists consider dogs, Canis Familiaris, to be a subset of the East Asian variety of the globally-present Grey Wolf, Canis Lupis. Oh, there are some appearance differences, and they behave quite a bit differently around humans, but genetically they are the same thing. Okay, some background: All "higher life form"...

1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 10

Ikuno panted as Kal’s tongue lapped hungrily at her clit, Kal tried to adjust himself as his erection was rubbing uncomfortably against his trousers. “No touching,” Ikuno reminded him putting a hand on the back of his head and pressing him into her sex. Kal growled in annoyance and sucked her clit into his mouth swirling his tongue around until Ikuno gasped and her legs began to shake as she came. Ikuno stepped away and let the leather flap fall hiding her pussy from...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 19

More compliments so M. Child... A doctor had sex with one of his female patients and felt guilty all day long. No matter how much he tried to forget about it, he just couldn't. The guilt and sense of betrayal of his patient were overwhelming. But every once in a while he'd hear an internal, reassuring voice in his head that said: "Don't worry about it. You aren't the first medical practitioner to have sex with one of his patients and you won't be the last. And you're single. Just let...

3 years ago
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Hawley BattleChapter 5

“Hawley, I f’n LOVE the taste of your cum. I could drink it all day if you’d let me.” “We’ll have to try that one day when we’re not in school. I love the way you suck my cock. I can’t imagine, that putting my cock in a girl’s pussy would feel any better than you sucking me off.” “I feel the same way when you suck my pussy. If getting fucked by a cock like yours feels any better than getting my come while you’re sucking my pussy, I may need CPR afterwards.” “Do we need to start on your...

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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 9

In late September 1938, high in the Sierra de Montserrat above the town of Tarragona, Gustav Hoss lead his mixed German and Spanish unit along the razor ridge overlooking the Republican outpost. They had trained for weeks for this operation under instructors provided by the Wehrmacht's Alpine Korps. Their mission was to capture the passes through the Montserrat to break the deadlock on the Ebro. The batalion trudged through the snow among the high pine trees dressed in white onepiece suits...

2 years ago
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I Cant Help The Way I Feel

All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over. My mate Liam crashed out on the sofa. I loved it when Liam came round to my flat. I loved him. He was my best mate. He was straight and he was the only straight person I’d come out to. None of my other mates knew I was gay. I didn’t wanna tell ‘em coz they didn’t mean anything to me. Not really. If I never saw any of ‘em ever again it wouldn’t bother me. I wouldn’t miss any of ‘em. But if I never ever saw Liam...

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The Most Beautiful Creature

As a matter of fact,she was able to perform her solo patrol duties and return to the ship that she has been assigned to--which happens to be the USS Philip K. Dick--without any form of problem. But that was before January the 9th,2991,for after Jessica had finished patrolling Sector 245 and started heading back to the ship,she had suddenly noticed a very bright light that had mysteriously appeared behind her from out of nowhere,which had caused Jessica to activate her helmet radio and...

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Wartime Comfort House Diary Day 7 British Saugage

Maple would orally serviced my balls and soft penis to full erection if Cherry was feeding from her large engorged breasts. Miss Yamaha would service my other sensitive zones such as earlobes, toes and sole since she knew my sensitivities best. I would perform my thrusting exercise with either Yuko or Maple since my thin bride's love channel was still very sore. While Yuko lusted for my thick manhood any which way, I usually penetrated Maple from behind because her sad expression from losing...

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Crosswinds Chapter 8

Diana struggled to contain the sick feeling in her chest as she approached the smoldering house. She scanned the perimeter. Dark old trees twisted in the horizon, the closest neighbors were a kilometer away. Their blackened windows suggested that no concerned citizens would intervene.She covered her face during the approach. Black smoke gushed from underneath the door, and the intense warmth singed what little hair protected Diana’s shins. . She swallowed the last bit of self preservation stuck...

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Six Times A DayPart 37 Soak Up the Sun

Alan napped again after lunch. When he woke up around two o'clock, he wanted to do some swimming. Although it was November, it was still a hot, sunny day in Southern California. He went to find Suzanne so he could take her up on her idea of a beach trip, but when he came downstairs, he found Katherine, Susan, and Suzanne all out back by the pool where they were sitting in lounge chairs. He was already wearing his bathing suit in hopes of going on the beach trip, so he went out back to join...

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Frisch aus dem Fernbus

Ann stieg aus dem Bus und blickte ehrfürchtig in die Höhe. Die Wolkenkratzer strebten dem Himmel entgegen wie der Turmbau zu Babel. New York City, die berühmteste Skyline der Welt, war noch erstaunlicher, als sie es sich vorgestellt hatte. Ann war gerade vor der Bustür stehengeblieben und starrte auf die Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt, als sie von den anderen aussteigenden Fahrgästen unsanft aus dem Weg geschoben wurde. Sie ging aus dem Weg und starrte immer noch, während sie ihre Taschen...

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Fucking the Mother in law Wendy again

The Mother in Law...Again?"Shit," I thought to myself as I lay on the couch watching TV. What a crazy last few days it had been. I needed to get some sleep, but my mind was racing, and thinking about what had happened earlier in the night. I had fucked my mother-in-law, Wendy, and it was so damn hot. She was one of the best fucks that I had ever had. Certainly better than Arielle, my wife had been in years, which made me wonder if I could get more of that pussy. As I lay on the couch, I was...

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Marcs Last Week at WorkChapter 7

It was around noon Sunday when Tina finally woke up. Groggily, she pushed the covers away and swung her legs to the floor. She lifted her head and looked around, something was not quite right. Slowly, it came to her, for the last two days, she had been sleeping with her friend-and now lover, Marc. After she had walked in on her husband and their daughter having sex on the bathroom floor, she had run out of the house. Marc had found her crying in her car, and after explaining quite a few new...

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The Upstairs Neighbor

The Upstairs Neighbor I rent a house and live in the bottom half. The top half is a separate apartment. The house is a corner house and the garage is on the side of the house away from the corner. So the upstairs neighbor has to walk from the driveway around the front of the house and then half way down the side to a separate staircase upstairs. The bottom half of the house has a complete windowed alcove off the back door from the kitchen and some steps with screen doors to the front and the...

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Lockdown Daughters Story 2

The following Saturday I went on to the forum when Mum had gone shopping. Dad was in another room whilst Patch sat in the corner of the room. Having apologised to Robertbi I just wanted to get dirty with him because after a week or so of "no sex" I was fucking horny. The chat soon went "downhill" when I told him that during lockdown Patch had occasionally licked my pussy through my knickers. This really turned Robertbi on as he said that he had never chatted to anybody before who was in to...

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DanielleChapter 8

Danielle only intended to stay a night or two at the most but living with Mort made her feel content and safe from the ravages of Rose. Mort was kind and considerate always trying to do things to please her. He let her have his bed and slept on the couch. He allowed her to shower and get ready first even if she took twice the time he did to get ready in the morning. Since they worked at the same place they had to drive both their cars to the office since each had to show properties, go to...

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KineticChapter 33

One and a half years later. Time: Friday, December 31, 2010 11:33 PM Eastern Standard Time Melanie and I and the rest of the house decided to sack out early and not wait up for New Years. I was lying with my wife in my parents' house in Exeter PA. Patricia and her boyfriend Jim are sleeping downstairs. The house became quiet a half hour ago. So much has happened this year. Melanie got her M.D. degree, and is spending a fifth year at Harvard doing genetic research. She's also applied to a...

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2for1 DiscountPart IV

As tired as I was, sleep didn't come easily. As I lay in bed I struggled to come to grips with what had happened earlier. My thoughts took me back to my childhood and developing years. I can't say that I had a normal childhood. It was happy, but far from normal. I was an only child, so seeking attention from my parents wasn't difficult. Being with them was always difficult. My parents were account executives at a major entertainment consulting firm. That sounds glamorous, and to them it may...

4 years ago
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A black stranger fucks my sweeet wife

That afternoon I could get off work early so I thought I could hurry home and surprise Anita by inviting her going a night out. It was a nice day, a bit warm; so I was in a good mood.I pulled into the driveway and barely noticed the car parked alongside my wife’s car. It was just a friend of her I guessed, so I paid it no further attention and headed inside, opening the front door slowly.I gently set my keys down and made my way through the dimly lit house. As I got closer to the bedroom I...

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Bitch in HeatChapter 2

After a month living together, Phoebe begins waking me up in the middle of the night, every single night with her lips or her pussy wrapped around my cock. We both sleep naked since I moved in. I have been getting a lot more erotic dreams at night, which makes my cock hard while I sleep. When Phoebe finds one, she rolls on top of me, impales herself on my cock, and demand to be fucked until she climaxes a minimum of three or four times. After 2 months living together this is happening...

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The Plaything

The human mind is a brilliant thing. It has the power for a human being to retain the knowledge and wisdom of a lifetime over, with the equal capacity to create, nurture and destroy. It was the facilitator for all current realities that we know today, making judgments upon the rights and wrongs that shaped the course of history and beyond. To some, it was the key to salvation. To others, it was a monster to be tamed. To a few, it was a toy to be played with. Somewhere in the world, one such...

Mind Control
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The housewife and the boy part 2

I just stood there looking at the drops of spunk that lay across her, I didnt know what to do next, she clearly did, she lifted her nightie and I was transfixed by the dark triangle of hair that lay across the top of her thighs. ‘ ever seen this before?’ she asked, ‘no’ I stammered ‘ i mean in magazines but not like this, its… amazing’, ‘do you want a closer look?’ she asked and moved around , she opened her legs and beneath the curls I could see two pink pussy lips, ‘can I touch it’ I asked, ‘...

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My fetish for inflatable toy horses

From time to time I get asked what is it all about with the inflatable Rody horses. Fair enough, for it is quite an unusual fetish.How did I get this fetish?Well, I don´t know really. I can tell you that i somehow started many years ago, in kindergarten. We had a number of the lovely inflatables there and I remember the joy of riding them all the time. Even though nothing more happened back then, of course, the memory stuck with me.Over the years I sometimes remembered the times when I saw one...

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Lucky Day at the Casino

Good luck at the CasinoThere's a casino a few hours drive from my home, and I like to go make occassional donations. Recently I went there, and since I had a free nights lodging due to my earlier losses, checked into a room. Once I checked in, I sauntered down and tried my luck at some slots. Fate was smiling on me, and after several very nice jackpots, amazingly won about $1900. I was quite happy, and quickly cashed it in before I frittered it away, so I had a big wad of cash in my wallet -...

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When Piyadasi Fucked His Office Colleague

In 2009, I started working in HCL, Noida. I was more into drugs rather than doing office work which led to my transfer from one section to another. One opportune day, I met Neha. (34-30-36, 5’4). She used to smoke weed with me. I told her about my habit of organizing friendly disco parties. Neha and I decided to go out for night out. I met her in sub-urbs of Delhi to reach Ashoka hotel, Chanakyapuri. The manager told us that F-bar was closed that night. She advised me to go some other...

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The Visit part one

It was an unexpected knock on the door in the middle of summer. I’d separated from my wife two years earlier and hadn’t seen much of her family since, apart from her parents who I still called on regularly. (See the “Just Passing” series of stories ;-) ) I opened the door to see my ex’s sister Donna.“Hi John, I was just passing after visiting Sarah and thought I’d say hi and see how you are keeping,” she saidI invited her in, gave a kiss on the cheek and said what a pleasant surprise it was to...

4 years ago
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AlexisChapter 3

"Ah! My son has returned," Billingsly smiled. "What took you so long?" Alexis' jaw dropped for a moment at the fact she had been with Billingsly's son. Mark didn't look like his father nor have his boisterous nature. Recovering quickly, she stood in the background as the father embraced his son. "We were in the middle of that blizzard so we had to spend the night in a freedman's barn. This is the lady I told you about. She will be my wife if she will have me." He smiled at her as a...

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