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Hell Week ? by: Cowgyrl The moment of truth had come. It had been one long semester of learning everything there was to know and more about the house and its members, and now, our pledge class was preparing for our initiation week or hell week. We'd all heard the stories of hazing and outright verbal abuse throughout the campus during these rites-of-passage, and it was not sitting well with any of us I suspect. However, nothing could prepare us for what lay in store in the next week. The week started off on Saturday. I guess they wanted to give us time to get settled before having to go to class on Monday. The four of us moved into small room in the basement with our bags. I could feel the nervousness in the room. Ron was the self-proclaimed stud of the group. His brother had been a member of the house as well as their father before. He had played ball in high school, but he didn't make the cut at the university. I think that made him a bit resentful and heightened his aggressiveness. He was tough, and he made sure everyone knew it. Corey was a good contrast to Ron. From all outward appearances, he was a typical redneck. He was tall and lanky but surprisingly smart. He would dress in Levis, a flannel, and work boots, but he was pulling straight A's in his engineering classes. He was quite reserved, but he was sociable. He was the kind of guy you knew worked hard for what he had and deserved that and maybe more. George attempted to hide his ag background. He typically wore polos, rugbies, dockers, and loafers. Why he would join an ag house was beyond me. He was an average student in class but above average on the night scene. He was the one that would try to get into the bars with a fake ID. He had gone as far as to procure an over 21 ID for all four of us, but I never had the nerve to try mine. George was a hit with the ladies. They just seemed to be pulled to him by some magnetism. I never understood it because, frankly, I thought he was a pig, but hey, what was I to know? I was the outsider of the group somewhat. The other three had grown up on traditional farming operations. We had merely had horses. The hardcore ag boys didn't really consider that agriculture, but they invited me to join the house none the less since I was majoring in Agribusiness. You could say I was the shy one of the group with a unique penchant for making lots of girl friends but never finding a girlfriend. I envied George for his ability to get the ladies to want him, but I felt the price of integrity was too great to be his proteg?. Just as we were getting settled, things began. I had hoped that Saturday would be a relaxed day, but that was not to be. "Ok, ladies," came the booming voice of our pledge trainer, Tom Seavers. "Time for you to head to the dining room to take the written test." We followed, and my heart began to pound. I could not believe we were going to have to take a test. I figured I would go blank. I could see that George was sweating it a bit as well. Ron and Corey were both confident though Ron was arrogantly so. The test was as rigorous as a test on a fraternity's every foundation could be, but we made it through, we thought. Our pledge trainer and his assistant took the tests to be graded by the house officers, and we were led to our room to await the next event. When we got to the room, I think we were all very disappointed to find our stuff gone. I don't imagine any of us were surprised by it though. Along the wall were four stacks of neatly folded clothes. Each pile had one of our names on it. "Get dressed, and I'll be back for you," Seavers commanded. So, we each took our respective pile to a different corner of the room and began to get dressed. They had given us a white t-shirt, blue boxers, and grey sweats to wear. What caught us off guard were the names embroidered on the t-shirts. "Man, some joke," Ron said, "What is this? Rhonda?" "They're just trying to mess with us. Calling us girls for the week," George reasoned, "Don't let it bug you. Just go along and everything will be ok." "Well, they better watch it, because I'll kick their asses." We had each been given a feminine version of our names or some thing as close to that as possible. We were now Rhonda, Carrie, Georgia, and Tammy. I could only chuckle at the lack of creativity these guys had in 'naming' us. "Good," we heard Seavers says from the door, "You girls have by now noticed the names on your shirts?" "Yeah, what's..." "You will be known by those names and only those names for the next week. Fail to comply, and you will be punished... Now, it is time to go for your first skull session." The skull session was odd and intimidating. It started off with a skit put on by the previous pledge class. The skit was a parody of our pledge class. Parts were absolutely hilarious, but laughing would get a good grilling from the members in traditional drill sergeant style. The skit was followed up by a chaotic session of questioning. Members would call out to us to signify they wanted to ask us questions. It became difficult keeping focus and remaining calm with several members yelling at us simultaneously. When things would get a bit wired, our big-b's would pull us aside to calm us. Finally, the skull session was over, and Seavers led us along with our big-b's to the formal room. The room was dimly lit by candlelight. There were four ominous looking chalices on the coffee table. "Ladies," Seavers began, "As you know, our house has a strong reputation." We nodded. Everyone knew that the Aggies knew how to treat a lady, and that made being a member very lucrative on the dating scene. "There is a little story to explain that reputation, but first, drink from the chalices to signify your commitment to the brotherhood." We had little choice. So, we drank. The liquid was bubbly and sweet. Almost like a red champagne, if it had existed. It tingled as it flowed down the esophagus. Once in the stomach, it seemed to glow of warmth. I could feel the warmth spreading through my body as the alcohol, or whatever, entered my blood stream. We each shivered at the sensations of this concoction. "Now that you have drank the drink of eternal brotherhood, we will tell you the secret of the fraternity. In the early days of the house, a terrible thing happened to a young woman who was visiting one of the brothers. This terrible thing brought upon the house a curse. This curse threatened to destroy the house and everyone in it, but redemption was close at hand. This girl felt remorse for the fate that befell the Aggie house, and she begged those with the powers to have mercy on the members who were innocent. However, their curse could not be undone. However, in order to appease the lovely woman, the members of the house were offered a way around the curse. Ladies, you have just drank of the fruits of this alternative. Now, you will go to sleep, and in the morning, we will begin the week anew." We all just looked at each other as though this was all insane. Curses and all that hubbub didn't exist. We all knew that. We just figured it was something cryptic to unnerve us even more than we already were. I was startled awake by the sound of a young woman screaming. "What in the hell!?" she yelled, "What in the fuck happened?! They've turned me into a chick!! They've turned us all into chicks!!... Damn..." I looked around the room to see two more girls being stirred awake by the rants of this other woman. I shook my head in disbelief at what I was seeing only to be greeted with long locks of brunette hair hitting me in the face. I then realized what had happened, and that I too must be a young woman now. It would sure explain the odd sensations my body was feeding my brain. "Ah, you ladies are awake I see," Seavers said turning on the lights. "What in the fuck did you assholes do?" the first girl demanded. "This is part of the curse. You need not worry." "Need not worry? You've turned us all into chicks, and..." "We've all been through this. It is part of our secret, and the heart of our reputation." "Let me get this straight," one of the other girls chimed in, "We become girls so that we understand girls better?" "Well, not really." Seavers explained. "You won't be women long enough for that, but you will be women long enough to figure out what physically, and to some extent, what emotionally pleasures a woman." He grinned. "Now, there are some rules to this." "What rules?" the first girl asked disgustedly. "Well, first off. Next Saturday night you will all revert back to your male selves. That is the purpose of the liquid you drank. Secondly, this secret never leaves the house. Thirdly, you are free to explore your womanhood with any member of the house." The other three were disgusted by this idea, and they let the fact be known. "I understand your reluctance at that, but it will greatly enhance your knowledge, but bear in mind not all members will be willing to assist in the learning curve. Lastly, you can not have relations with any male non-member." "So, we could have lezzie sex?" the first girl asked. "Yes, Rhonda. By all means," Seavers answered with a sly grin. The third girl asked a question I had as well. "Something's been bugging me a bit," she said. "What is it, Carrie?" Seavers asked. "Well, George... I mean Georgia and Rhonda are... Well, not all that good looking, but Tammy over there is got to be one of the best looking women I have ever seen. Why is that since I don't reckon there was such disparity before?" I too had noticed that George and Ron had become quite unappealing as women, but Corey was kinda cute. It made me wonder about how I looked, but Corey seemed to think I was a babe. My curiosity was peaked. "Good question, Carrie. It seems that the original curse was set to give some reward to guys that were sensitive to women's needs and desires. The more in touch with his feminine side a guy is; the better looking he, or be that she, will be." "So, the drink we had last night did not do this?" I asked. "Right. That is the reversal potion. It takes one week to take effect. The changes are part of the fraternity's curse, but we have used the potion and curse in tandem to create a distinct advantage for the house." Clever, I thought. You know you have a curse that will take effect upon a certain completion of initiation preparation. You have a reversal potion that will take time to take effect. So, make the best of the interim. When Seavers left the room to prepare our breakfast, I could feel the other guys, I mean gals, staring at me, and I knew it was going to be a rough week. "What?" I said uncomfortably. I had a feeling what they were thinking, and it was not good. "Nothing. It's just... Well, you heard what he said about you," George said. "Yeah. It makes sense since you are always making friends with the girls," Corey added. "What are you guys driving at?" "You're a faggot. Aren't you?" Ron bluntly said. "Dude, he said in touch with his feminine side! So, no, I am not a faggot," I snapped. "I think you are," Ron continued. "Fuck you. You're just jealous that I, at least, have a decent body," I challenged. "Faggot," he said. "Coward," I replied without thinking. Ron sprung to his feet. "I'll kick your ass." "Ladies. It's time to head out. Put these on," Seavers said in the nick of time. We got dressed in the bathrobes we were given, and headed with Seavers to the shower. We were each handed a razor and soap. "I'm not shaving my legs," George blurted. "That's your choice, Georgia, but things will go smoother, pun intended, if you do," Seavers recanted. I kept back a bit from the others as they slipped their bathrobes off. I was not comfortable given the situation. I had always been close to women, but I had never thought that my feminine side would come out this way. Then again, who ever thinks that they'll suddenly find themselves to be a member of the opposite sex? I had to get into the shower as I knew the other guys would soon be done. I slipped my robe off of my shoulders and prepared to get into the shower. It was the first time that I took notice of my body. My breasts were firm and round. They just seemed so odd though hanging off of my chest. They jiggled as I walked, but it was somewhat intriguing to feel them move. I turned to look into the mirror and was amazed at what I saw. I was beautiful young woman. My thick brunette hair cascaded down my shoulders with golden highlights and waves. My eyes were a piercing hazel green. I was tall and well toned. The curves my torso made on its way to my hips and long, shapely legs were sinful. I could only dream of being with a girl like I had become, and yet, there I was that very girl. I could feel my blood beginning to boil with passion for the beauty in that mirror. I could feel my crotch begin to moisten, and I snapped to my senses. I knew I was in for a long week if I could get myself so turned on so easily. I got into the shower and soaked in the sensations of the water on my soft supple skin. The gentle stream served to ease my anxiety. I began to lather up and rinse when I took notice of the razor. I had to make a calculated choice. I knew George would not shave, but would the other guys? Seavers did indicate it would help, but if the others didn't... I decided that I needed to do it. My body demanded it. A woman as beautiful as I would look out of sorts with hairy legs, and I just knew we'd be expected to go out in public. I was last one out of the shower since I was last one in, and the guys gave me hell for it. "Get a grip! I'm just as caught off guard by this as the rest of you," I said in defense. "Whatever," Corey said, "Here are your clothes. Seavers said we need to be up stairs in five." I took the clothes from Corey, and put them on. I was scared to head up stairs in front of the rest of the members. I figured they would have no problems with George and Ron as they were not attractive. Corey might get some cat calls since he was kind of cute, but I would be in for hell. So, as we headed up, I kept to the back of the group. -- As soon as George walked through the door, the cat calls began. The tension was building in me. I couldn't imagine what was to happen when I stepped through that door. The hooting and hollering only increased as Ron and Corey entered the room. I hesitated when I got to the door. "Come on, Tammy," Seavers said as he pushed me through the door. I hung my head as I entered not wanting to make eye contact with any of the guys. My worst fears were far exceeded as the room fell silent when I entered the room. I had to look up to see what the problem was, and I could see every eye in the room fixated on me. My anxiety grew to a point that I began to faint. Fortunately, Seavers was behind me a caught me before I fell. "Just relax, dude," he whispered in my ear. I nodded my response, and I attempted to regain my composure. "Good morning, ladies," John Harney, the house president, began, "By now, Mr. Seavers has explained to you the reasons for your condition. Now, I want you to know that this does not mean we will ease up on you during this week. It does mean however that things will be a bit different. You will attend your classes as usual. All arrangements have been made for you to be 'visiting' the campus for the week. You will be expected to conduct yourselves in a manner which is befitting of young ladies. That will be harder for some of you, but you WILL try. You will head out now with Mr. Seavers to obtain your wardrobes for the week. Tom." "Ok, ladies. Let's go." We followed Seavers out of the room. Once out of the room, I nearly collapsed as the anxiety I was fighting subsided. "What's wrong with you, faggot," Ron said. "Rhonda, you keep that attitude, and you will quickly find out how badly young girls can be treated!" Seavers screamed into his face. I could see Ron attempting to remain defiant. I wanted to see him get put in his place, but I just shrugged it off. "It's ok. We're just all a little on edge since the change," I said. The van ride to the mall was quiet. The guys all just stayed focused on the road ahead, but I was staring out the side window. I couldn't believe this was happening, and I was envious of the other guys. I felt that everything would be much better if I was as unattractive as they were. I felt vulnerable, and I think Seavers knew it. I saw a distinct difference in the outfits each of us bought for our week as women. Ron and George had nothing but jeans and plain tops. Their underwear was cotton, and the shoes were athletic. Corey got a couple of pairs of shorts. He did get a pair of loafers, some satin underwear, and a skirt and blouse for what he said would be a required dinner. He seemed to have an inside scoop the events of the week, but I expected that with his thoroughness. I don't know what possessed me to do this other than shear curiosity. I had always wondered what women's clothes would feel like, but I never tried it. I figured I could do it now, and get away with it, but by doing so, I was digging myself a huge hole. I had only one pant suit in my bags. I had a couple pairs of shorts, and the rest were dresses, blouses, and skirts. All my lingerie came from Victoria's Secret. My shoes were all feminine; heels, sandals, and boots. I managed to spend over $1,000 of the house's money on a wardrobe for one week, but damn it, I was going to look classy during that week. I could see the other guys staring at me as I put my things away. Ron was about to say something when Seavers walked in. "Georgia and Rhonda, here are some additional things for your wardrobes," he said tossing each a bag, "You WILL be required to wear those to dinner on Thursday." George and Ron had a look of utter disgust on their faces when they pulled the dresses and heels out of the bags. I could only laugh to myself at the sight of the two of them being humiliated. "Ok, ladies," Seavers said returning with a stack of photo albums. "Look though these. This will help you relax and realize that we, indeed, have all been through this." We looked through the albums. The one thing that I noticed is that most of the guys were fairly average looking women. In fact, most were about as cute as Corey was. Not one was any uglier than Ron, but only two came close to being as good looking as I was. One of those was a complete surprise to me, and the other, well, I suspected was gay to begin with. I didn't think that would help my case much with the guys. We again were escorted upstairs, and it looked as though another skull session was about to begin. I was downright terrified at what was about to happen. What advantage would the guys take of us? I lagged behind the rest of the guys as we entered the room. Soon, the pulling in several directions began as with the night before, but I was noticing a difference. The guys were much more amicable in their demeanor. I looked around for the other guys in my pledge class only to find that they were not receiving the reprieve I was. I wondered if it was because of my episode earlier. Soon, Doug Simmons and Jerry Brooks pulled me aside. These two were the ones that I noticed in the photo album. "Come with us for a while, Tammy." Doug commanded, and he and Jerry lead me to Jerry's room. "How are you doing?" Jerry asked. "Ok, I guess," I replied. "Well, Doug and I are worried about you. You seemed to be having a breakdown earlier," he continued. "Yeah," Doug added, "You're probably worried about the way you look, right?" I swallowed and replied sheepishly, "Yeah, the guys think I'm gay because of it." "I understand," Doug consoled, "I went through it a little, but fortunately, I didn't have Ron as a pledge brother." "How do you feel, Tom?" Jerry added using my actual name. "I don't know really... Scared, I guess." "Of what specifically?" "Being a girl. Being... Being beautiful... I'm afraid that anything I do will be misread," I replied. "Well, that didn't seem to bother you at the mall," Doug added. I blushed and hung my head in shame for my shopping extravaganza. "Don't feel bad about that," he soothed, "The rest of them will have to wear more girly stuff as well. At least, you'll be high class." "Now, Tom," Jerry added, "Doug and I know, as well as the rest of the guys, that you aren't necessarily gay because of what you look like or what happens this week. We've all been through it and done things that we said we wouldn't do in the first day or two. It is a unique opportunity, and we encourage every pledge to embrace it and take advantage of it." "Yeah, trust me on this," Doug added. "My girlfriend was amazed at the difference in me after my initiation. I can bring her to orgasm without fail. Just imagine what that does to a girl," he grinned. I wasn't sure if I felt any better, but I was beginning to think this could be a very fun week if I approached it the right way. The guys and I got back to the room in which we were staying, and we started to get ready for bed. I looked at how miserable we all were. Tomorrow, we'd be forced to go to class as girls. I had mixed emotions about this. I wanted to seize the opportunity for all it was worth, yet I was afraid of the consequences and what the guys would think of me. The feeling of the satin boxer pyjamas I had was terrifyingly soothing on my soft skin. I laid on my cot soaking it the sensations of my body for the first time. I wanted to explore, but I restrained myself for fear of humiliation. My silky smooth legs felt so cool and soothing against each other. The weight of my breasts on my chest was oddly foreign and yet not all that uncomfortable. The brushing of my nipples against my satin top had caused them to become somewhat hardened. I squeezed my crotch muscles to feel what was there. It was all new and curious. As I lay there with a bit of a smile on my face, I heard a noise. I wasn't sure what it was at first, but it didn't take long for me to figure it out. It seemed that curiosity had finally gotten the better of one of the guys. Soon, the girl let out a peep, and I turned my head to face Corey. He was looking at me with an amused grin that became a giggle. I too lost it and giggled at what had just transpired. I was terribly humored that one of those two pigs had been the first to check out their girly hardware. Which ever one of them it was did not say anything about Corey's and my snickering. I suppose he was too embarrassed. I was the first up on Monday morning as I had an 8:00 class. I was very apprehensive about heading out into the real world with my new form. I looked through the clothes I had purchased for something to wear, and I began to curse myself for not finding more casual stuff and less professional attire. I would stand out like a sore thumb. I decided to wear a grey pant suit with one inch pumps. It was also the first time that I had attempted to apply make-up. At first I managed to look like a slut, and that was not acceptable with my attire or attitude. I tried about three times before I got something that was adequate, light, simple, and natural. I had not realized that our house mother had returned for this morning to help us 'girls' get ready for class. When I walked out of the bathroom, she was standing there. "I can see you don't need any help, sweetie," she said. "Thanks. Took me a few tries. Are you sure I look fine?" I asked still unsure. "You're perfect, my dear. With your natural beauty, it is a shame that you will be a man again." I blushed at her complement. "Thanks, ma'am." "Now, go get your breakfast, and have a great day. Just remember, you are a beautiful woman. Carry yourself with dignity and grace, but be alert of your surroundings." "Yes'm," I acknowledged as I headed up to the dining room. She was right. I would have to be careful with the way I looked, but I was feeling very invigorated by my beauty. I found it easy to stand tall and be confident. I was also amazed at the grace I had in my heels, but then again, my cowboy boots had about the same heel on them. So, I guess it was no biggie. I ate and headed out the door with my bag. The feel of my suit's fabric on my skin was incredible. I was finding myself relishing in feel of being a woman. The wind in my hair was sensuous. The harmony of my skin and the fabrics on it was symphonic. I walked to class with the stride of a super model. For the first time in my life, the feel of eyes watching me did not seem to matter. I walked into class and introduced myself to my professor as I had been instructed. It was amusing to see the effect I had on the guys in the class. It gave me a strong sense of control. It was as though the room was mine to do with as I pleased. I noticed Brett Alexander sitting in his usual spot. He was a member of the house that didn't live at the house. I sat next to him and smiled. "I can't believe I'm going to say this," he whispered, "but you are absolutely gorgeous." "Thanks," I whispered back in a bit of sensual tone. "Dude, watch that. You're making me horny" "Sorry," I said with a wink and a smile. "That's wrong. Just wrong," he retorted. We sat through class as usual. No, that's not right. It was not as usual. I could sense the sexual tension in the room. Every now and then, one by one, I would see the guys turn around to look at me. Most would quickly look away when I looked at them. Sometimes, I'd give a coy grin just to mess with them. I had power, and it was addicting. "Man, am I glad that class is over!" Brett said, "I don't know what you are doing, but you are giving off very strong vibes." "What are you talking about?" I asked a bit confused but amused. "Dude, you are just too feminine. It's scary. I kept thinking about..." he drifted. "About what?" I prodded. "Fucking the shit out of you," he said with a bit of distress. I laughed. "That bothers you because of who I am?" "Duh!" "Don't worry. I'm not offended. Maybe, I'm a bit flattered. Anyhow, you couldn't fuck the shit out of me anyhow. Not with a body like this. I'd be the one fucking the shit out of you," I finished with an evil laugh, "See you later, ok?" "Yeah, later." The rest of the day was pretty much the same. I'd enter the room, talk to the professor or instructor, and then tease the guys that dared to look my way. By the end of the day, my confidence was sky high. I felt as though I was a goddess walking on air. I was getting the attention of men, and it never bothered me. I was relishing it, and maybe, I should have been concerned about that. "How was your day?" I heard the girl ask. "Not bad, really," I said holding back all my enthusiasm, "What about your's, Carrie?" "Weird," she said, " I never realized how differently we treat women." "Yeah, I guess that's the whole point of this little deal." "Yeah. I wonder how those other two are doing." "Man, this sucks!" George said as he came in the door and threw his bag into the corner. "I've been treated like I didn't exist all day!" "It couldn't be that bad?" I said. "I take it you weren't ignored and treated like some second rate citizen?" he said with a hint of resentment. "Well, I will admit I was treated differently. Carrie and I were just discussing that, but ignored was not part of it." "Of corse not! You have a perfect body. Guys were probably throwing themselves at you. I was treated like I had the plague!" "Well, now, maybe, you can begin to appreciate your own attitude towards such girls then," I said. George just sat there speechless. He knew I was right, and it showed on his face. "Women are right!! Men are pigs!" Ron yelled as he entered the room in much the same manner as George. "I couldn't get the time of day! I was treated like some dumb retard or something! This fucking sucks!" "That's the whole point," George meekly said. "Tammy here is right. We've been forced into this to see first hand how we treat women. I for one am beginning to hate myself for it." "Well, guys," I said. "Maybe, now is the time to grab this bull by the horn and do all we can to be better men when it is over and keep the tradition of the Aggies alive." It was easy for me to get pumped up, and I knew I'd have to use my spirit to lift those two from their misery. Corey was on board with me in a flash, and soon, George and Ron came around. "You're right," George said, "Let's do it!" "Yeah, I suppose we have little choice anyhow," Ron said in shame. "So what do we do next?" Corey asked. "I'm not really sure," I replied, "I'm sure the guys with have some event planned for tonight. We'll just go with the flow, relax, and be ourselves. We can't take anything personally, but we have to learn and experience all we can." "Are you suggesting?...," Corey said worriedly. "Yes, but I don't suggest that you have to have sex with a guy. Just explore. I think one of you started that already, no?" I could see Ron blush. "That's what I thought. Imagine what your girlfriends will think next week when you melt them in your hands with your new knowledge and skills. The hard part is over. Now, you know what to expect and how to act. The rest is just absorbing as much as possible until Saturday night at midnight." "Alright. Let's do it!" "Yeah!" "You bet." For the first time since we pledged to the Aggie house, our group had truly come together. I sighed with pleasure at the camaraderie. It was just as the frat bothers wanted it, and my pride was growing. My confidence unwavering. I was the woman. Monday night was a bit more relaxed. Instead of the skull sessions of the last two nights, we started out in the staircase of the house. We girls had to sing our way to the third floor one landing at a time. Make a mistake, and it was back to the bottom. I had made it half way before fouling up, but that was my only error. Once to the top, I was to go have a talk with my big-b. "Come in, Tammy," my big invited. "Have a seat here." "Thank you." "How are you coping?" "Ok, I guess. My day seemed to be quite a bit better than the rest of the guys." "Girls, Tammy. They are girls just like you," he scolded. "Yeah, sorry. My bad." "How different were your days?" "Well," I began. "I never really got a feel for Carrie's day, but she noticed the differences in how she was treated. Rhonda and Georgia were miserable. They were being ignored or treated like lepers." "And what about you? I'm really more concerned with how you are doing." he pried. "Me? Well.. To be honest.. It was amazing. Guys became bumbling idiots when I entered the room. I could make them squirm. They were my play toys." "Interesting," he said, "Actually, Brett mentioned to me that you had him sweating in class. Impressive for a new girl." "Well, I've got a killer body," I slyly smiled. "And a killer attitude. Let me tell you something though. It takes a bit more than a body to do what you are doing. It takes spirit and female instinct the likes of which no guy in this house has had before you." "I'm not sure how to take that," I said. "I'm not sure how I'm delivering it. Just be mindful, and don't let this go to your head.... I've noticed this evening that you ladies are a bit more into a team spirit." "Yes," I said holding back my pride. "Good job, Tammy," he said with a wink, "You've exceeded our expectations." "Huh?" he had confused me with his comment. "We know you pulled them together," he said with a smile. "The room is..." "Bugged, yes, but don't worry. Nothing you say will be held against you... So, you are interested in experiencing some of the pleasures of womanhood?" "Well, the point is to learn how to satisfy a woman, no?" "Yep." "That seems to be the only way then," I said bluntly. "You speak the truth. Almost all of the guys in the house have been given oral sex by a member while in their transformed state. Very few have gone all the way. In fact, I can think of only four right now. Unfortunately, it is not in our 'family' tradition for the big-b to give lessons to his little-b." "Ok," I said trying to sound disappointed. My big was a nice guy, but he was gruff. I couldn't see myself being touched by such a burly type. "So, who would you request?" he asked. I thought for a moment, and it came to me. There was one guy. He was the one for sure. His hair was thick and brown. He was tall and strong, but not bulky. His eyes were a beautiful hazel brown. His body hair was sparse and fine. I felt that feeling while thinking of him. That feeling I had felt the day before when he caught me in my faint spell. "Seavers," I said. My big coughed, "Tom Seavers? Your pledge trainer? Are you sure?" "Yeah. Why?" I asked with concern. "Well, it's just that we suspect he is gay." "That figures all the...," I paused realizing I was talking like many of my girl friends had when they found out a cute guy they had a crush on was gay. "What makes you say that?" Three things. He's definitely one of, if not the, best looking guys in the house. He doesn't have a girlfriend, and he hangs out with Jerry who is a confirmed homosexual." "Jerry? Damn. I'm good," Jerry was the one I suspected of being gay since he was rather flamboyant and very vocal of his thespian skills. "Plus, he's your pledge trainer." "Could you just find out," I said to him with a bit of a seductress' cunning. "Shit, Brett was right. You are bad," he said shifting in discomfort at my feminine wiles. "I'll see, but no promises." With that he left the room. I sat there thinking about what I had just done. I was shocked that I was so easily thinking and behaving like the woman I appeared to be. To make it worse, I was using the knowledge I had as a man against many of these guys, and I was enjoying it. However, what got me the most was my reaction to the thought of Tom Seavers. I was beginning to want to feel his arms around me again, but this time I wanted it to be in passion and not merely to save me from a fall. I was becoming a bit uneasy at my request and took to primping myself to take my mind off of him. Suddenly there was a knock, and the door opened. "Tammy," I heard Tom say, and my heart skipped a beat. "May I come in?" "Yes. By all means," I said standing to greet him. "Oh no. Please remain seated," he insisted. "I hear you have made a request for my presence." "Yes. I have," I said with a bit of shame. "Hold your head up," he commanded and I obeyed. "It is a bit unusual for a pledge to request the pledge trainer to do this part of the training, you know." "I understand. You don't..." "But Tammy, in this case, I would be honored," he said. A smile twitched on my face. "Thank you," I said holding back my excitement. Tonight, he was going to teach me all I ever wanted to know about being a woman and more, I hoped. We made our way to his room. The halls were dark and empty. I could hear a girl moaning in one of the rooms as I walked with Tom to his room at the end of the hall. My stomach was full of butterflies, and I was about to turn and run when we reached his door. He could see the apprehension in my eyes. "Are you sure you are ready for this?" he asked. I nodded. "Ok, come over here and sit." I sat on the bed and watched as he rummaged about his desk. "I have to set a mood when it comes to doing this with any woman," he said. "So, you aren't gay?" I said. "Gay? No. Although, I have experimented some, but I do prefer women, but all the good looking ones are bitches, and the not so good looking ones have serious inferiority complexes. I just haven't found a good one to stay with... Why? Did you think I was gay?" "No, but I wondered why a guy like you didn't have a girl," I said in relief. "Now, you know." He lit some candles and turned out the lights. He put in a CD of classical music. The scent of the candles burning put my apprehension to rest. "Lay back, and relax," he suggested. I did so, and he slowly moved on top of me. My heart was racing. I wanted to touch him, but I was afraid. So, I kept my hands under the pillow my head was resting on as he began his magic. He started out by kissing me tenderly on my neck. I squirmed from the intensity of his touch. He worked up to one of my ears, and I could feel the fire building within me. I found my hands reaching around his waist, but he pinned them down before I could touch him. He kissed the exposed part of my chest and onto my cleavage. My chest heaved full of passion for him. Slowly he worked his way to down my blouse until every button was undone. He pulled the blouse open to expose my white satin and lace bra. The fire was raging hotter, and I felt as though I would pass out from the intense waves of passion coursing though my veins. I knew I wanted him. I was in pain from the pleasure he was giving me. He removed my blouse and unfastened my bra. The release my breasts felt was wonderful. It was as though I had been let out of my shackles. He tenderly suckled my nipples, and the fire continued to build. I was writhing with desire for this man. I was his puppet to do with as he pleased. I felt the gentle tug as he pulled down the zipper on my skirt. I was left wearing nothing but my white lacey panties. He gently ran his hand along my crotch causing me to twitch without control. He returned to my breasts while his hand massaged its way around my pelvis. Soon, he slipped my panties off. I was naked and vulnerable. I wanted him to take me. I wanted him in me. I couldn't think of anything more at that moment. He repositioned himself and began to kiss around my womanhood. With one hand gently paying attention to my breasts, he let the other tease my vaginal lips one finger at a time. I was in pain with pleasure. As his tongue began to torture my womanhood, I grabbed the bed sheets for dear life. Soon, he was working my womanhood with torturous precision, and then, I felt as though I'd died and reached heaven. The first wave was long and shallow. The next was bigger, and the next caused me to gasp. The fourth sent me into a frenzy the likes of which I'd never had been. It was utter bliss. My body was awash with a warm calm that eased the pains of the fire within. Tom looked up at me as I felt a tear fall from my eye. "How was that?" he asked as if he really needed to know. "Unreal," I panted. "Good," he said getting up. "What are you doing?" I asked him. He looked at me confused. "I figured you'd had enough." "I thought you were going to teach me how to satisfy a woman? Don't they want a little something else?" I said coyly. "Sorry. It's just that most..." "Don't most me. I want you to hold me." "Tammy..." He caved at the look in my eyes and climbed back into the bed with me. "You know. This is weird," he said. "What's weird? That I was a guy?" I asked. "And that you will be again... Won't you?" "That's what you said," I replied, "Look, Tom. I figure I would like to experience as much of womanhood as I can during the short time I have. I want you to take me on that journey. Forget, who I was, and think only of who I am." "I don't know if I can..." "Try," I said kissing him on his lips. "Tom, er Tammy, stop!" he said as he pushed me away. "What? I just want to return the favor," I said. "This isn't about me. It is about you. My job is to teach you how to pleasure a woman. Nothing more." "I'm sorry," I said dejected. "I guess I got carried away." "Hey, you. It's ok. Really. Now, it is time for you to head to bed." I headed to the room and found the other three girls already in bed. "Took you a while Tammy. So, did you do it?" Corey asked. "Do it?" "Yeah. You know, take the big salami in the...," Ron added. "No," I said with a bit of disappointment slipping through. "It was just oral." "But you wanted it. Didn't ya?" Ron jabbed. "So what if I did? Tom is good at it. I just got a bit out of control." "Whatever," he said. "Don't worry about them, man. You pulled us together. We all learned shit tonight that will be with us forever, and you gave us the courage to try it," Corey added. "We owe you a lot." "Thanks," I said. "G'night." I laid there on my cot looking at the ceiling and wondering what Tom insinuated by asking me if I would again be a guy. I hadn't thought about it until tonight. Now, my mind was considering the possibilities. A tear rolled down my face as I drifted off to sleep. Our house mother was there again to make sure we were presentable to the world before we left for class. This time, Corey had gotten up about the same time as me. I noticed that Mom Ann was having to do quite a bit for the transformed man, and it made me wonder what she thought of this whole deal. I shrugged it off and finished getting myself ready. I looked at myself in the mirror. Today was different. While I found putting my make-up on a good bit easier, I was taking a lot longer. My mind was on Tom and last night. As I looked at my face in the mirror, I cursed the curse that made me the woman I was. I wished that I had been just as the other guys. Mom Ann finished with Corey and sent him on his way to the dining room. I could feel her stop in the door. I turned around to look at her, and I could see the worry in her eyes. "Are you ok, my dear?" she asked me. I glanced down at the floor. "To be honest, ma'am. I don't know." "You know I've been house mother here for ten years, and every time, I am amazed by the differences in how each young man deals with this week. You, my dear, are special though. You need to listen to your heart. Follow it. It will not do you wrong." "But what if it is leading me down a path with a brick wall at the end?" I asked. "Trust it, and you will be fine," she said giving me a kiss on the cheek before turning to leave. I turned back toward the mirror contemplating what she had just said. I was more confused now than ever before. How could I follow my heart? I would be a man again in four and a half days. I fought back the tears, gathered myself, and headed to join Corey at breakfast. "Are you ok?" Corey asked as I sat across from him. "Why is everyone asking me that?" "Well, yesterday, you were Miss Bubbly. Today, you seem to be in outer space or something. What's eatin' you?" "It's nothing I suppose," I said unconvincingly. "Be that way, but don't wimp out on us now. You've helped us exceed everyone's expectations." I gave him a yeah-right laugh and continued to eat my breakfast. "See you later, Tam," he said getting ready to leave. "Cheer up. It will be over in a few more days." "Thanks," I said knowing that was precisely the problem. "See ya later." The day was not much different than Monday. The guys were looking at me with the same lustful looks, but today, I wasn't relishing it. Actually, I was getting annoyed by it, and everyone asking me if I was ok was getting very aggravating. I headed back to the house and nearly slammed the door when I entered our room. George and Corey were there already. I knew one of them would say something. So, I beat them to the punch. "You were right! This sucks! All day long, guys kept staring at me, drooling and fucking me in their imaginations! Why did I have to fucking look like this! This is shit!" I said. I flopped down on my cot and began to cry for no good reason. My mind was in turmoil. Corey moved in next to me and put his arm around me. I leaned into him and cried even harder on his shoulder. "Dude, pull yourself together," he said. "We need to you to stay strong for us." "Yeah, man," George chimed in. "You're freaking me out over here." "You guys don't understand," I sobbed. "I'm confused. I'm feeling things that I don't know how to handle. I hate this. I hate the way I look. It's just too much." "What's wrong with how you look?" George aksed. "You are absolutely gorgeous." "You don't get it to you?" I scolded through my tears. "That is the exact problem. I have the body of the goddess. Women envy me, and men desire me. It's too much! I'm not used to it." "Yesterday, you were reveling in that very same thing. What changed your mind?" Corey asked. He was right. Yesterday was great, but the way Tom made me feel was too much. I couldn't tell them what was really bothering me. I couldn't tell them that I was dreading going back to being the guy I was a few days ago. I couldn't tell them that I hated the fact that I would not be this beautiful woman I was after Saturday night. "Thanks, Guys," I said pulling away from Corey. "Sorry, you had to see that." "It's ok," Corey said with concern still in his voice. "I guess I just jumped into it too fast." Ron returned and asked what was wrong. We assured him that all was well. The rest of the guys continued to share their day's experiences. It was more of the same, but they were starting to cope. They were beginning to have the revelations we were all supposed to have about a woman's world. I was having revelations that were far beyond the scope of expectation. I was learning what it was like to be a woman heart and soul. Tuesday night brought another skull session preceded by another skit. This time, it was a good bit more light-hearted. Still, we were afraid to react to the humor for fear of reprimand. The skull session was also a little more relaxed. The screaming and shouting was subdued into more of hurried quiz show. I was doing better, but I had not fully come out of my funk. Tom and I hadn't spoken to each other yet that night. It seemed as though he was avoiding me, but I have to admit that I hadn't been looking him in the eye either. I was confused by my feelings. I felt abandoned and hurt, but I knew that is exactly what Tom wanted to avoid. It seemed though as he wasn't himself either. "Tammy," I heard my big call. "Come with me." So, I followed him to his room. "Word has it that you were a little out of it today. You doin' ok?" A few hours ago, I would have been annoyed by this question, but now, I wanted to talk. "Yeah, I guess," I replied. "Are you doing better now?" he continued. I shrugged my shoulder. "It's Seavers isn't it?" "Maybe," I admitted. "I noticed that the two of you seem to avoiding each other. That's not good. Care to tell me about it?" "I don't know." "Did he do something to you last night that you didn't like." I shrugged my shoulder a little. "No. Not really. I guess I just was getting carried away by the moment. He was great. I guess I spooked him a bit, and I... I just don't know what to say to him." "Tom," he said using my male name. "How do you feel about this?" "Honestly, confused. Very confused," I said. My big took my delicate hand in his big hand. "Most guys would think this is wrong, but we've all noticed how you present yourself. You may not realize this, but you're different than any of us including Jerry. While your other pledgemates merely have women's bodies, you have a woman's heart." I looked at him as though he was crazy, but maybe, he was right. "Mom Ann approached me about you today," he continued. "She's worried about you, and frankly, so am I." "Thanks," I said pulling my hand from his grip. "I just need some more time to sort my emotions." I headed to bed that night contemplating what I would do. I wanted to experience more of my womanhood, and I wanted Tom to be the man to do that. I just couldn't figure out how to tell him. I was also worried about my feelings for him. I'd never had any feelings for a man, but since becoming a woman, I have started to have some very odd feelings. Feelings that seem like they have been there all along. I had no idea how I could become a man again, and it might be harder if I gave in to my emotions. Wednesday morning I felt my funk subside a bit. I went into the day with a new enthusiasm. Whatever happened that day, happened, and I was going to enjoy it one way or another. I soon found that my attitude helped me accept the attention I received. That allowed the day to go much quicker and smoother. Once we were all back at the house, Tom came down to the room. He took us to the local western store to get some clothes for the evening's outing. It was ladies night at the Blazing Saddles Saloon. I was amazed at the money the house would spend to clothes us for the week. I found a pair of red Wranglers, a red and black satin cold-shoulder style blouse with an opening in the front which showed some cleavage. I got concho earrings, a black belt, and black ropers to go with the outfit. I talked my big into getting me one of my buckles that I had in the bags I had originally packed. I was amazed at how even jeans could feel somewhat sexy on my silky legs. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I had always admired the outfits the girls I showed with wore, but I couldn't ever remember but one or two that looked as good as I did at that moment. I knew that if I were heading to a horse show I would fare far better now than as a man as I always felt disadvantaged in the show ring because of my manhood. The four of us sat at the table for the longest time. Finally, one of Corey's favorite line dances came on, and he dragged me out on to the floor with him. I was never much of a line dancer, but I have to admit it was better than sitting there. Before Corey and I could make it back to our table, a guy asked me to dance. It was the first time I had been approached by a strange man this way, and I was shocked. I looked at him, and he seemed to be attractive. So, I thought I'd try it. We stepped out on the dance floor and danced to a two-steppin' song. What an experience! Being led was very strange. My partner was a very good dancer, but I kept finding my instinct to lead creeping in. After a few rounds of the floor though, I was in tune with him, and we danced the entire set, including a western swing song. We made small talk and even laughed. I was amazed at how it felt to be the one being shown around the dance floor. To his disappointment, I thanked him and headed back to the table when the slow song began. "Wow!" the guys all said. "Impressive," Corey added. "That was weird," I said. "I had to concentrate to keep from leading." "Tammy, care to dance?" I heard the voice behind me ask. I turned around to see Tom standing behind me, and my heart skipped a beat. "Yeah, sure," I said. We headed to the floor, and he took me in his arms. The warmth rushed through my body, and I felt so secure. "That was a pretty good show you put on with that guy," he said. "Really? I was weird though," I said. "Listen. About yesterday, I'm sorry I was cold." "It's ok. I was out of sorts myself," I replied. "It's just... well, it's just that you are such an attractive woman, and..." "Tom, I'm afraid too," I interjected. "I'm feeling stuff that a guy shouldn't be feeling. I just know one thing. I need this." "I just don't know," he said with genuine concern. "It's all so weird. You will be a guy again, and I just don't think it would be good." "Tom, look at me," I said, "I know this can't go anywhere, and it may make things a bit awkward once I am back to my old self, but I want to experience everything I can as woman while I have the chance. I want you to be the man to do that. I understand if you don't want to, and I'll deal with it, but I only have four days left. I want to live it to the fullest." He sighed, "I still don't know. I'll think about it, but I think it's dangerous. Emotions can get out of hand." "It's all I ask," I finished as I kissed him on the cheek. We headed back to the rest of the group from the house. I sat down with the rest of my pledge class, and I could see Tom talking with my big-b. I looked back at my glass. "Tammy," Corey broke in. "What's up with you and Seavers?" "Nothing," I said. "Why do you ask?" "Well, he is the one that you... You know..." "Yeah. So?" "Well, yesterday, it was like friggin' Alaska between you two. Tonight, you're all cozy-cozy on the dance floor. If I didn't know better, I'd think you guys were dating," he said. I looked at him with a distant look in my eyes. "Oh my God!" he replied, "You want that! You want to be his girlfriend. Don't you?" "Corey, I mean Carrie, shut up. I don't know what I'm wanting." "So, you are a faggot," Ron interjected with triumph. "No! I am not! Damn it!" I yelled with tears in my eyes. "I'm just confused. I some how got thrown deeper into this than the rest of you. My life has been hell for the last two days. Ok?" "Chill, dude," George consoled. "We've all been in hell since this started. Ok? And Rhonda, you lay off Tammy here. She's been our single ray of hope. She's kept us sane. She is not a faggot. She just has her own set of issues to deal with." I loved George at that moment. He had shown a compassion that would not have been possible a few days ago. "You're right. I'm sorry, Tammy," Ron apologized. "I guess I just don't understand. Georgia's right though. You've been our pillar. I'll try to be more sensitive." "Thanks," I replied. Maybe, there was hope for Ron after all. The night continued. Eventually, a few of the members took the other pledges out on the dance floor. I was amused by their clumsiness. As for me, guys kept asking me to dance, and generally, I obliged during the two-step and swing songs, but I turned them down on the slow stuff. I could see Tom sitting at the table though just drinking. It wasn't until the last set of slow songs that he got up again and asked me to dance. I could tell that he was a little drunk. "Tom, how are you doing?" I asked. "Pretty good," he said. "Really, I'm not as drunk as I seem." "Maybe, I should drive you back to the house," I said. "Nah, I'll be..." he stopped with the look I gave him. "Ok. You win. Take my keys." "Thanks," I said. "Do you know what scares me the most?" he asked. "What?" I bemused. "Love. Falling in love and knowing it could never last. You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever been with. I wanted you so bad the other night. I want you right now, but I'm afraid to because you will be gone in a couple of days." "Tom, I'm wrestling with the same thing. I don't know that there is a right answer, but... I never have been one to take a risk, but this is one I am willing to take," I said. "You're so beautiful," he said. "Come on. Let's go home." I supported him as we headed out the door. "You gonna be ok?" my big asked. "Yeah, I have his keys. So, I'll take him home." The drive home was difficult. Tom was all over me. The problem was, as bad as I wanted it, I didn't want it that way. I just didn't feel right to me. I got him into his room and into bed. He pulled me down on top of him and kissed me. I pulled back. "Tom, you're drunk. Get some sleep," I said. "But Tammy..." "Just sleep. We'll talk tomorrow." I kissed him on the forehead and walked out of his door. I leaned against the door jam for a minute to contemplate what I had just done. It scared me to think that I was that much of a woman now. The man I wanted was begging me to take him, and I couldn't because he was drunk out of his wits. I let out a big sigh and a little grin. It was a good thing that I did I thought. Thursday was a smooth day. I was fully in the routine of who I now was. The ogling and constant attention were getting to be common place. I also began to notice that everything about my body was normal. My feminine attire was comfortable and soothing, but I was no longer turned on by the sensations. I moved with feminine grace, but I had to think about it to notice I was actually doing it. Everything about being a woman was natural and right it seemed. I returned to the house that afternoon to find Tom waiting in the formal room for me. "Hi, Tammy," he said. "Got a minute?" "Yeah, sure," I said. "Tonight your big is supposed to take you out to dinner, but I was thinking of asking him if I could take you out instead. Is that ok with you?" "Yeah, sure," I was shocked and excited by his proposal. "Good. I'll check with John then. Either way, be ready around 5:30." "Ok," I said with a smile and headed to the room. The rest of the guys started getting ready for their 'dinner dates'. They were all dressing rather casual, but Mom Ann was helping them to look their best. I don't know if it concerned them that she never helped me one bit or that I was wearing a black satin dress over black and sexy lingerie. I got my make-up on and slipped into a pair of two inch heeled sandals. Mom Ann was impressed. "You are absolutely ravishing, my dear," she said. "Thank you, ma'am," I replied. "You have a good time tonight." She kissed me on the cheek, and we hugged. At this point, I still had no clue if Tom was going to take me out. So, I was relieved when he showed up at the door to our room dressed in khakis and a button down. "Wow!" he said, "You look terrific." "Thank you," I replied, "You don't look bad yourself." "Thanks," he said, "Shall we?" We headed out to the car. He took me out to a local seafood restaurant. We sat there laughing and talking about growing up and our ambitions in life. The evening was perfect, and I was drawn in by him even more. He was funny, intelligent, and respectful. He treated me like a lady, and it made me feel like the center of the universe. After dinner, we headed back to campus. Tom parked the car, and we walked out onto the oval at the center of campus. I felt him take my hand as we walked down the long walk. "You know, Tammy, I'm finding it hard tonight to think of you any other way," he began. "Really?" I queried. "Yeah, I don't know. Maybe, it's because you seem so at ease and natural as a woman. It got me thinking that maybe I should take the chance. I wouldn't be the first to have a fling that lasted only a few days, but with you, it might be worth it." "Tom," I said pulling him to a stop near the center of the walk. We faced each other, and I looked into his eyes. He pulled me close to him, and our lips touched. His warmth engulfed me as the passion of our embrace was unbridled. I could see in his eyes that he was as taken in by me as I was by him. We finished our walk without saying another word. We just soaked in the world around us and the passion between us. We arrived back at the house and retreated to his room without seeing a soul. He closed the door. We stepped into each other's arms and again embraced full of passion. My body was awakening with desire for him, and he was for me. He stepped back and kicked off his shoes, and I did the same. I sat down on the bed as he approached me. He stopped for a second. "Wait." "What?" I asked. "I've got to set the mood," he grinned. I smiled at his ritual as he again lit the candles like the night before. With only the glow of the candle light and the soft melodies of the music, Tom came to me. He laid me down on my back as we embraced once again. We began to run our hand over each other's bodies. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt as he kissed my neck. His chest was beautiful and smooth. I ran my hands over it and up his shoulders to remove his shirt. Once his shirt was off, I rolled him onto his back, and began to kiss him on his neck. I could feel him unzip my dress, and I sat up as he pulled it off of me. He sat up coming face to face with my breasts. He tenderly kissed them as he removed my bra. My passion was building, and I pushed him back onto the bed. Slowly, I kissed him on his chest. I played with his nipples until they were hard and erect, and then, I moved to his abdomen. I could tell that he was overcome with passion. I delicately unbuttoned his slacks and unzipped the zipper to reveal his silk boxers. I pulled his pants down his legs. He was beautiful. Every inch of his body was a perfect male specimen. The hair on his legs was soft and fine. I ran my hands up is legs as I moved back up on him. I kissed his inner thigh making him squirm. I continued to inflict my sensual torture on him until he pulled me up to his face. The feeling of my breasts pressing against his chest as we embraced was electrifying. I could feel his erect manhood pressed against me. I knew there was no turning back. He rolled me onto my back and began to torture my breasts with his tender suckling. I got a fiery chill as he removed my panties leaving me wearing nothing but the shear thigh-highs I had on my legs. To my surprise, he kissed my inner thigh as he began to roll them down my legs. He followed the rolling with delicate kisses down the entire length of my legs. The fire in me was raging hotter than I could have envisioned. We were again face to face, and I could see the desire his eyes. I rolled him onto his back again, and he did not argue. I removed his boxers finally releasing his manhood from its confines. I kissed him around the base of his tower. I was amazed at the life it seemed to posses as it twitched at my touch. It seemed protrude from him with a power of its own, and my passion was heightened by it. I moved back up to his face kissed him deeply. The warmth radiating from his manhood was making my womanhood seep with yearning. I sat up with my hands on his chest. I began to slowly slide my moist womanhood along his length. The feeling of the slight penetration sent bolts of passion careening through my body. Slowly, I moved into position and took his tip inside me. The feel of his manhood filling me was a paradox of pleasure and pain, but I continued to take him deeper and deeper inside of me. I gasped as I felt a sharp pain before pleasure took over, and I took him into me fully. My hips began to move in the motion of a slow gentle lope. Tom was rolling with my rhythm as he massaged my breasts. The passion inside of me was building until the fire consumed me. A tidal wave of release hit me slowly steadily. It felt as though I would explode from the sheer ecstacy. I collapsed onto Tom, and kissed him as he rolled me onto my back. We continued to kiss deeper and deeper as he continued to thrust into me. I found the fire in me coming back just as strong as before. I pulled him in as he continued his rhythm. Soon, he drove deep into me and held himself there. I knew he was reaching his climax. So, I held him tightly to me as he collapsed on top of me. He kissed me tenderly on the lips. "Wow," he gasped, "I've never... Wow." I smiled. "I liked it too." He rolled off of me and onto his back. I rolled onto my stomach and nestled in beside him while I ran my hand over his chest. "Thank you," I said. "No. Thank you," he replied, "You were right about taking the risk." We just laid there like that until we both drifted off to sleep. I had never slept so well until that night. I woke up at 7:15 Friday morning still glowing from the previous night's passion. I cuddled in close to Tom not wanting to leave his side, but I needed to get ready for class. I kissed him on the cheek causing him to stir. I put on his boxers and shirt, grabbed my things, and rushed down stairs to get ready for my 8:00 class. I had twenty minutes to get ready. I hopped into the shower to quickly rinse off. I didn't have time to bother with my make-up. I put on a t- shirt and shorts. Pulled my hair up into a ponytail and h

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Chelle helps her sister lose her black cherry

Chelle had just found herself a new master, even though she had a boyfriend once she met her master Chelle just knew she could not pass up an opportunity to be stretched in every way. Her reality, her lust, her imagination and her sensuality were going to be expanded way beyond what she thought or even dreamed possible. Then there was the actual physical aspect of course underlying all the mental aspects. She would be taken from being an awkward slut to a deft whore who could serve even the...

3 years ago
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Hellen The New Office Girl

Hellen had only been working in my office for a few weeks now but I could sense that with our flirting and sexual innuendo’s it would end up going somewhere very soon.Hellen had join my company after us chatting online and being that she was bored of her job she was more than willing to move to a different part of the country and start a new life.Our conversions in work would always end up about the things that we like sex wise and I got more and more aroused about the things that Hellen wanted...

2 years ago
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Hellen The Office Girl Part 2

Wendy was spending more and more time in the office, and “chatting” as she put it with Hellen or as she had now named her “Hels”, Wendy always made sure that I was out in the factory or in meetings and when I did return to the office the door would be locked or I would walk in and just catch them adjusting their clothes and I knew that the “chatting” had been good. That was when Wendy wasn’t taking Hel’s out for lunches or shopping and returning back to home in the late evenings with a broad...

3 years ago
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Hellen The Office Girl Part 2 Continued

A hour must of passed since I had left the girls on their own I could hear the moans and groans coming from the bedroom and knew that I could not resist in re-joining them , My cock was throbbing and I want to see what Hellen and Wendy had been up too.As I stood in the doorway, Wendy was standing between Hellen’s spread upright legs her long blonde hair sticking to her face and tits and with Hellen moaning every time Wendy moved her body towards her, as I got closer I could see that Wendy had a...

1 year ago
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Rochelle Takes the Bait Club Wives 9

“Fuck me you bastard! Fuck my ass!” Rochelle screamed as I pounded my cock deep into her back door. It had been a few weeks since our adventure at the swingers club and Jennifer and Chrissy were out of town on a cross country adventure race so I decided to take the opportunity to violate my favorite cheating wife. I had been pondering how else to use Rochelle after her bait comment at the club and my mind was filled with possibilities as my cock filled her ass. I eventually blew my cum deep...

1 year ago
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Rochelle Strikes Back Club Wives 4

Apparently Jill did tell Rochelle about our adventure in the car, because Rochelle pulled out some new tricks for her next attempt to one up her friend. I think that Rochelle was getting scared that I was losing interest in her, since I’d been spending the most of my free time fucking Jill. I’d also hooked up with Jennifer a few times and the college girl had a really fun mix of energy and naiveté’. There was a knock on my door late one night, which I had grown accustomed to. It was a pretty...

4 years ago
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Shelley Comes To Stay

Josh is twenty and lives at home with his parents. He is a student, at a local university and commutes in for lectures, so he can save money on accommodation and so on. In this way he will not leave university, several thousand pounds in debt. His room at his parent's house is a spacious double room. He has all the tech and modern conveniences he needs, a nice big double bed and a en suite bathroom, so the only reason he needs to leave his room is the get fed. Josh’s parents, Steve and Bev,...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Michelles Weekend

Michelle's Weekend By Samantha Kimberly Thorne I. Introduction "I'm not sure we should be leaving you, Mark, it's a long way, and a whole week-end seems too much!" was the speech Mark Jackson knew he was going to hear from his mother as the day neared for the party 200 miles away that he hadn't been invited to. ?No kids, even the older ones' had been the general way the invitation had been put, and it suited Mark just fine. "A week-end alone, just what I need, I can do some...

2 years ago
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Shelley Claudia A Fantasy Part One

I was on all fours in Shelley's living room, my legs spread wide, head up, waiting in anticipation. I gasped as I felt the cold lubricant sprayed on my bumhole. "Let me just get you ready, sweetie" said Shelley, rubbing her wet fingers up and down over my twitching tight opening to my tightening ball sac. My cock, which had been relaxing, now twitched and stiffened as Shelly's fingers and palm lightly brushed along the length of it and back to my slit. I felt more lube run down the crack of my...

2 years ago
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Shellys Spell

Shelly's Spell By Mia Pink It all happened so innocently. All I wanted to do was to run my fingers through her silky and satiny panties that called to me. They had always called to me, you see, because I've been a crossdresser all my life. I've been putting on my mother's bras and panties and pantyhose and makeup on since I was a little transgendered boy. I always looked at Mom as she was putting on her makeup and felt a little exquisite pang of jealousy. I would watch how...

2 years ago
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Michelles Booty Call part 3

Continued from ‘The Liquor Store – Hooked’ (part 2). It had been a while since we played with Mike, Michelle’s hung stud. Many different things had been going on. My wife, Michelle had started working with a catering company and our store had started supplying the liquor for special events like weddings. Michelle was constantly traveling between the store and the catering company, improving our business but by the end of the day, she was usually exhausted. On a rare slow night, we decided to...

4 years ago
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Michelles Booty Call part 3

Continued from ‘The Liquor Store - Hooked’ (part 2).It had been a while since we played with Mike, Michelle’s hung stud. Many different things had been going on. My wife, Michelle had started working with a catering company and our store had started supplying the liquor for special events like weddings. Michelle was constantly traveling between the store and the catering company, improving our business but by the end of the day, she was usually exhausted. On a rare slow night, we decided to...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Shelleys Girl

Shelley's Girl By sssydiane My name is Dan, and I was browsing in one of those huge bookstores on my lunch break one Friday when a beautiful young woman approached me and said that she loved my hairstyle and asked me where I get it cut. She was new in town, and was looking for a good salon. I wear my hair in a short bob style, parted to the side and all one length just to the top of my ears, with the sides and nape buzzed short. My hair is blonde and...

3 years ago
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MY ASIAN HIGH SCHOOL WIFE part 2 The first weeke

My wedding night was not what I had imagined it would be. I was now married to an 18-year-old Japanese girl, half my age and still in high school. I had known her less than a month but saved her from her evil stepmum and bad home situation. I picked her up at school, drove her to city hall and after two brief but very intense romantic encounters, I dropped her off for her friend's slumber party, her first one, which she really didn't want to miss. I didn't blame her but it meant I had to...

2 years ago
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Car engine hums, the sound reverberates through her body as they race along...Lana casts a wicked sexy smile at Evan as she holds the wheel, the car races onwards. Evan's left hand reaches over, strokes the smooth thigh exposed below her short skirt. Tender soft rubs as his hand teases and lingers over her soft, silky thighs. Each rub, every soft tender stroke edging upward along her soft smooth skin. Her clit teased by his touch as she licks her lips, her need for his touch growing. His...

Love Stories
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Michelles StoryChapter 3

The week began at a furious pace. Elections happened with Sarge ensuring Rodney saw only what the junta wanted him to see. Rodney was obligated to observe all polling stations and he had to confirm that everything was conducted according to international protocol. Sarge kept him occupied many hours a day in the capital city before they were scheduled to visit some outlying villages. Things were done merely for appearances sake, as the election outcome was really a foregone conclusion. The...

3 years ago
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Hellfire ReIgnited

Shaw was ready to rebuild the Hellfire Club. Tired of what he felt like were repeated failures, he'd had...dealt with the remaining members of the Club and now he wanted to start 100 percent fresh. He'd start small: find a Black Queen, let her settle into her new role and enjoy the power that came with it and then move on from there. He just needed a Black Queen who had the kind of power that he could use to bring the Hellfire Club back to prominence. It wasn't exactly a secret that there were...

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Michelles StoryChapter 2

Michelle's life was in turmoil and she prayed that her husband was okay. Sarge's henchmen had taken Rodney to a hotel and he was ordered to remain there until Sarge sent for him. The officer's orders had sent a shiver of fear down Michelle's spine. "Emu! Take our beautiful guest to my compound. My wife is expecting a guest ... she will take good care of her," Sarge had said over the building's intercom. Michelle couldn't believe her husband would allow such a thing but then she...

4 years ago
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Michelles StoryChapter 6

Sarge had never felt this way about another person, especially a woman. In his world, men were considered superior and women were almost treated like second-class citizens. Suddenly he was smitten, so to speak, by an American goddess. His views and practices were abruptly modified and Sarge considered Susan not only a ravishing woman, but also his equal. He rolled his head to the side and glanced at his sleeping beauty. Her face was etched with a continuous smile, which radiated to everyone...

2 years ago
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Michelles Husband Part 2

Michelle was still obediently bent forward at the waist, her elbows locked behind her arched back. Her bare legs were parted, her g-string around her knees, her pussy dripping wet from the vigorous fingering she'd just received. She tried to calm her breathing and looked lustfully at Dave, her husband. Dave was sat on the sofa, fondling the bulge in his trousers. His cock had grown steadily harder as he'd watched his friend, Andrew, masterfully coax his wife into an extreme state of arousal....

Wife Lovers
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Michelles Final Afternoon of Bittersweet Mayhem

By early Wednesday evening, plans were in place for Friday's final erotic activity. Michelle could see, as soon as Randy came through the cottage door, that he was excited. He was definitely flying on the wings of anticipation. That Wednesday morning, she had encouraged him to attend a special meeting with the other husbands. She knew from talking to Sora, their little Maid, that it was during that meeting her husband and another husband would decide with whom she and Randy would spend their...

3 years ago
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Michelles StoryChapter 4

The limo sped across the barren countryside. Inside, the air-conditioning made it comfortable, but Michelle was far from relaxed. She could feel Sarge's presence on the far side of the backseat and it gave her the most intimidated feeling. All of a sudden his voice startled her out of dreamland. "Rebels capture white woman ... American. Hold her for ransom," Sarge said. "She famous actress ... come to Africa to save the world." Michelle was stunned by Sarge's revelation. "Rebels not...

3 years ago
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Helles Belles

A Tan and Sandy Silence Rent Crisis Roger, my housemate and tenant was, yet again, behind with his rent. This was partly because he had spent most of his income from working at his father’s chicken farm a couple of villages away in the pub near the farm and gambling on the one arm bandit in the rugby club in that village. He had frittering away his money on things that he couldn’t afford such as taking Tracy, his long-term girlfriend, to Ibiza for a holiday with TwentiesAction Holidays. He...

4 years ago
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Michelles StoryChapter 5

Rodney returned from Geneva to the sight of his beautiful wife. Michelle met him at the airport and the couple was quickly taken to a very nice house by one of Sarge's guards. Sarge had informed Rodney that he would reside in the house during the time he worked in the country. The news made Rodney very happy because he assumed his wife would be staying with him in the quaint residence, which was only a short distance from Sarge's home. The couple continued to hug and caress long after...

3 years ago
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Michelles Husband

Andrew thought back to when he first discovered Michelle's kinky side. She was only nineteen at the time, and he was twenty five. They both worked in the same open-plan office for a large Utility Company. Andrew could remember how Michelle used to wear tight-fitting, light-grey trousers that showed off her lovely heart-shaped ass. He longed to catch a glimpse of her strutting past his desk.He was always careful not to let anyone notice that he was eyeing up Michelle as she walked through the...

2 years ago
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Michelles Bridesmaid Part IV

Part IV Later during the day, I entered my room wearing only the leotard and tights, as Michelle had suggested. Mother seemed to like me dressed this way. She said it reminded her of her ballet days. I did feel I was working up a sweat (a glow, as Mother calls it.) I'd been doing all the household chores like cleaning and laundry when I finally got a chance to go back into my room for a break. I noticed Michelle's window open and she was in there! And there was someone with her. I...

2 years ago
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Michelles Bridesmaid Part V

Chapter V - The Rehearsal Dinner Well, it was finally here. It was time for Mother and me to return home so I could prepare for the rehearsal dinner, meet Richard, and probably make a fool of myself. Mother wanted to prepare herself for her date with William. We both had a nice pink glow from our time out in the sun. It was about 2:00 pm when we arrived back at the house. I was still wearing my swimsuit; it is red, by the way, with a nice cover-up top and my sandals. Mother had on a...

2 years ago
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Hell Week

Chapter 1 Stan and I were decompressing from Hell Week. Hell Week is what we junior people call the annual partner's meeting. All the junior partners have to prepare presentations for the senior partners and deliver them during our annual partner meeting. The idea is to come up with some new way to make more money, or save more money, or open a new market. In other words, some way to make the senior partners richer. The best idea(s) get a junior partner that coveted invitation to become a...

2 years ago
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Hellfire Whores

"Do you have a reservation, Madame?" The maitre de asked Jean. "I'm here to meet someone. Emma Frost." "Miss Frost is already at her table. Right this way, please." "Thank you." As she walked Jean noticed more than a few eyes turning her way. With her look she turned heads even when dressed casually, in a green blouse, and tan skirt that stopped about a inch above her knees, and two inch heels. Emma was dressed in a white business suit. The skirt was short so today she was highlighting her...

3 years ago
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Shelly and Angie

It was a year of single dates after David and her 22 birthday that she met Michael, he was a dud as well. It was also after almost a year after her birthday, that Shelly had a proposition thrown at her to try a girl for a change. She went home and talked to her neighbor about the idea. It was crazy to her but she was talking to Kim, so how crazy was it? Kim told her the same thing that she was thinking but both of them weighed the pro's and cons and she looked at the sheet again and again...

2 years ago
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Shelly My Buddyrsquos Daughterhelliphellip Part 2

A few weeks had passes since our initial encounter. Shelly and I had exchanged texts on when we might be able to get together again. Finally the chance came on a weekend that her parents, my buddy and his wife, would be out of town for the long weekend. Shelly messaged me the details and told me to be ready. She also said that she needed a favor and had a surprise for me and that I needed to keep an open mind. That made me very curious, but Shelly assured me that I would enjoy it. So finally on...

2 years ago
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Michelles New Boyfriend Ch 4 Part 7

Michelle called me about six, letting me know they were in Las Vegas on their way to the hotel. She said Shaun's reservations were at the Paris Las Vegas. An hour later she sent me some pictures of their room: big, round oversized bed with a canopy cover and frills everywhere. It had a two person raised spa, set where they could enjoy the outdoor scenery, which included the hotel's Eiffel Tower. Shaun must have spent a fortune on the room! The practical side of me thought that he could probably...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Shelly and JamesChapter 3

In the evening at dinner John showed up. We ate together and as we finished up Shelly invited him to our room. I was a tiny bit surprised, but not against his being with us. I had figured that she would want to spend the time with just me. We got to the room and John produced a bottle of wine. We got some glasses and then sat and talked for a bit. The wine went very fast. I looked at Shelly and John and realized that we were probably going to be in sexual overdrive again tonight. After...

3 years ago
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Shellys Valentine

**Many thanks to Aries77 for a great editing job!** Shelly Landford said goodbye to her best friend, Lisa, and set the phone into its wall-mounted base. Shoving her hands into the back pockets of her jeans, she stepped over to her back door and peered through the small square window. She shook her head. Lisa is crazy for going on a night like this.’ Shelly grimaced with her thoughts. Bar hopping just isn’t worth the risk. That is exactly what she’d explained to Lisa when her friend had tried...

3 years ago
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Me and Shelly had been best friends since we first went to school, and as our parents always said we were inseparable. Throughout our lives, when one of us ended up in some sort of trouble, you could be guaranteed the other was close by. We both lost our virginity on the same night to 2 college guys at a frat party we gate crashed, Shelly was on the bed while the other guy fucked me on the floor. Shelly is a gorgeous looking redhead, she always keeps her hair quite short, she has large breasts,...

1 year ago
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Shelly and Matt Mfteen inc cons rom

Shelly and Matt By SpectreOfHell It was, in Shelly’s opinion, the most boring party she’d ever gone to. There was no one there even close to her age, just adults and little k**s running around making noise. The food was bland and the music was driving her nuts. And it wasn’t like anyone really wanted her around in the first place. The relatives had made all the expected comments about how much she’d grown, about her becoming a “little woman,” and now they ignored her. No one even noticed when...

3 years ago
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Shelly and Matt Mfteen inc cons rom

Shelly and MattBy SpectreOfHellIt was, in Shelly’s opinion, the most boring party she’d ever gone to. There was no one there even close to her age, just adults and little k**s running around making noise. The food was bland and the music was driving her nuts. And it wasn’t like anyone really wanted her around in the first place. The relatives had made all the expected comments about how much she’d grown, about her becoming a “little woman,” and now they ignored her. No one even noticed...

3 years ago
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Shelly and JamesChapter 1

We had been married for eight years. My wife Shelly was just as beautiful, if not more, as the day I first met her. Her long blonde hair almost reaches the small of her back. I help her brush it at times and I am always amazed at how silky soft it is. Her tight, toned, and firm body always turns me on too. Our sex life, while not wild and unusual, was good. We had sex about every day unless one of us was sick. She had many times sucked me until I almost came in her mouth, but usually, if it...

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Shelly My Buddys Daughter

I went by a buddy’s house to borrow a drill. Dave had told me that no one was going to be home, but that the back door was unlocked and to just let myself in. I walked into the house and found the drill on the counter just where Dave had said it would be. I went to use the bathroom and while standing there, I noticed a pair of silky black panties. As I finished up, I could not resist the temptation. I picked up the panties to have a closer look. I noticed they were slightly damp. I put them to...

3 years ago
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Shelly and Danny

This story is an homage to Matt Moreau. Well, kind of. None of the characters in this story are based on any of his. KingBandor kindly gave the story a read, and pointed out a few mistakes that I corrected. “Danny, this isn’t something that needs to affect us. Not in any real or meaningful way. It’s something completely outside of us.” You’re probably wondering why my bride of twelve years just made that statement to me just now. Thirty minutes earlier I had walked out of my office...

4 years ago
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Shelly and JamesChapter 2

I went into the bathroom and took my shower. I was in there for longer than either of them, wanting her to have some time with John alone. I thought that when I came out I would get to see the real passion on her face again. When I got out, they were sitting on the bed dressed. As I got dressed Shelly filled me in on the plan. 'John and I were talking and he came up with an idea. He wants us to go to this little place he found the other night and dance a bit. He said he wants me to act...

2 years ago
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Shelly and JamesChapter 6

Sam led the way to his place, which happened to be in a pretty nice neighborhood. As we all walked up the sidewalk to the front door, it opened. A young woman was standing in the doorway, dressed in only a mini-skirt and very tight halter-top. Sam held out his hand and introduced us. 'Julie, this is James and Shelly. Julie is my permanent slut. As you can see, she is properly dressed as a slut should be. Julie, why don't you show James your assets?' Julie, without a hesitation at all...

2 years ago
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Shellys Trial

For those readers who missed the first installment: First, PAY ATTENTION. I'm working my ass off writing this shit and you're off somewhere getting laid or going to the Spring Auto Show or something. Get your priorities straight. Second, you need a synopsis, which means I have to write the whole fucking story over again and bore the shit out of people who've already read Part 1. Have a little consideration. SYNOPSIS: Shelly was an uptight bitch who was married to an investment banker....

2 years ago
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Michelles New Boyfriend Ch 4 part 5

Saturday evening, Michelle was once again getting ready for her new career path as a stripper. This time, though, she asked me to take her. On the way there, I asked her if she knew what she'd be doing tonight? Anything like last week?"They haven't said anything about it; I'm assuming I'll be dancing and stripping like the other girls this time, though. I think last week was an initiation into their little club.She hadn't dressed in anything particularly provocative, just a short skirt and...

Wife Lovers
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Michelles New Boyfriend Ch 4 part 3

The following Friday we were planning on going to a square dance festival at Wallowa Lake, Oregon with Jim and Joan. We'd be camping at Wallowa Lake State Park so Monday evening Michelle and I started getting our camping equipment ready to go. We were all going in their Toyota Sienna minivan so we'd have room for the camping equipment, clean clothes and square dance outfits. We didn't need to take much food since there's a Safeway in Enterprise, only a few miles away. We had everything pretty...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Michelles Bridesmaid Part III

Part III The bridal shower was on Wednesday, the week of the wedding. Mother had me practicing each day on feminine movements. She said I'd feel more like I was floating on air if I dressed the part. She said she'd notice a really cute dance outfit at Miss Audette's Dancewear store and suggested we take a ride. I'd purchased the yellow tutu from there last week. I was still on my diet, trying to lose 10 pounds before the wedding on Saturday so I was feeling a little weak. Mother...

2 years ago
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Michelles Story Part 25

Michelle's Story - Part 25 Tuesday arrived, and for the children, it was a stay indoors day. It was raining heavily outside and the only one to leave the house that day was John, who had work to go to. "I hope its better than this tomorrow," said Liz, as she looked out of the window. "I really hate this weather." Emma and Michelle were once more playing with their toys, and trying to ignore the sound of the rain peppering the window. Michelle was looking forward to the trip to the...

3 years ago
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ShellyShelly and I had known each other in High School and would see each other here and again afterwards. We partied with the same people and once or twice fooled around, but never really had sex. Lots of making out and petting was the extent of our fun. Years went by and we shared info on social media, but I lived up near Houston and she was down in Corpus Christi so actually meeting up was not possible. I decided to make a trip home and posted to social media and was surprised how many old...

2 years ago
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Birthday Weekender

I really don’t know what possessed me to take this trip. I know it was Josh’s 16th birthday and bringing his younger brother Simon was a given, why on earth did I let them invite 4 of their friends as well. Driving from our home in Hertfordshire UK to our Spanish villa was long enough without having a car load of excited teens. I suppose after the last year when my husband had decided to leave us they both deserved a break, and lets be honest just having your mother to celebrate with, is not...

1 year ago
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That Weeknd

“Sorry sir but we only have a single vacancy”. ‘No this could be happening to me, where would we go at this time?’ I thought. “Emma there’s only one room, and I don’t think we will be able to go anywhere in this night, what should I do?” “Take it we’ll stay together.” “Are you sure you will stay with a boy whole night in a room? Aren’t you scared or something?” “Ya! Ya! Very funny! Now make it quick, I’m chilling out here.” “Ma’am we’ll take it, but won’t there be any problem if we stay...

2 years ago
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Translatet With GoolgeIt was Friday at had passed 1400 and looked forward to a pleasant evening with Randi. When the bell rang the doorbell. It was the record that came with the package. Waited no packages, but the visitors leveled and took the package into. I opened the box and there lay a patch. Walk in shower and wash well. There are several bags in the package, do not pack the up until you have been notified. Randi. I went in the shower, washed and shaved. Took me morning coat and went into...

4 years ago
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One I tweeked

We don't talk at first, seemingly struck dumb by what just happened. But you reach over and hold my hand, and it's the sweetest thing you could have done for me. I kiss it gently, and you reward me with a smile.My mind is filled with possibilities.... We turn on to a dirt road, and you drive quickly, raising a cloud of dust. Past plenty of trees, an open field or two, but no houses. I wonder if you know what you're doing.You do. You stop without warning. Pulling a blanket from the back seat, we...

3 years ago
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Wendy8217s FuckWeekend

From top to bottom, Wendy was sexuality. Her long brown hair, deep brown eyes, luscious red lips, pert breasts, slim waist, tight ass, and long legs all added up to a body that was to die for. And she knew how to use it. Simply walking across a room was all that was usually needed for Wendy to excite the baser desires of every man in it (and, truth be known, not a few women as well). Since the age of fifteen, her unofficial motto had been “A day without an orgasm is a day...

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Shelly and JamesChapter 5

Getting all the stuff together I sat her down in a chair and with a towel under her, I lathered her up and began to shave. As I shaved her tender pussy I noticed that she was very wet. I could tell that my touch and the razors edge was having an effect on her. When I finished shaving her she took a look through a mirror. Her pussy looked so soft, smooth and sexy that I couldn't resist and began to lick all over and around it. I concentrated on her clit and lips. Those soft smooth and wet...

3 years ago
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Michelles Mom Seduces Me repost

Michelle Helps her Mom Seduce Me Michelle and I are sl**ping in her bedroom when her mom comes in to wake us up since it was almost 4pm..Last night we had sex on the subway Michelle got up and went to the bathroom.’So you and Michelle must have had a wild night huh.! You both came home at 7 am.’Her mom says to me.’Why do you ask’ I replied. ‘Because your cock is hard still. I see one of the reasons Michelle loves you r cock is pretty big”She replies as she pulls off the sheet exposing me...

3 years ago
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Michelles Practice Run

Copyright© 2006, Girl Interrupted Michelle looked out at the grey sky, it being one of those days where the rain can't decide whether to hold off, or bucket down, and decides instead to alternate, much to the frustration of people trying to organise things. Being twelve was hard enough, being twelve on a rainy day really sucked. She had tried to plan a trip to the movies for a few mates, and things had fallen through. School holidays, while a relief from the usual boring routine of...

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Shelly and Selena

Shelly and Selena Note: this is based on a chat I did with my friend Selena on IG a few weeks ago based on a manipulated image I produced. It's a straight up sex romp with no apologies. The two models looked amazing on the copied balcony. Built to look like an Italian Villa, it just was a set up for photo shoots like this. The two tall, dark haired women, looked at each other, both feeling more than the feigned affection they'd been putting on for the camera. It wraps, and they...

1 year ago
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Shelly wow what a friend

another..She had a son that lived with her and, I had always heard she was fucking him...I didn't care one way or the other. If she was, that was great, and if she wasn't, hell maybe she should be....It didn't matter to me....I knew someday if she was, she'd tell me.. What we were talking about now concerned putting out the fire, that we'd kindled between each others legs, from all the fuck stories we'd told each other. One such story that really turned me on, that she had told me...

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