Don't Assume free porn video

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Beware of Assumptions By JRD Sydney Devereaux woke up, his mouth a pasty mess. He opened his eyes and found himself on his butt inside some kind of clear Plexiglas tube. The tube ran from ceiling to floor and was centered in the middle of a metal cube almost thirty feet to a side. The tube came right out of the floor, and, judging by how solid it was when he pressed on it, he guessed it was firmly secured, both top and bottom. He thought to the night before, remembering the celebration he was having. He and a few friends were having a celebratory drink over his patent of his new computer chip design. He remembered being approached by a beautiful blonde and having a drink with her but nothing more. Apparently he had been drugged and was now God knew where. He was only forced to wait a few minutes before a panel in one wall slid open and a beautiful woman stepped in. She said, "Good morning, Mister Devereaux." He looked at her and said, "I know you. You're Sadira Palmer, head of FemTech." "Yes, the person you should have sold your chip design to." "You expected me to give up everything! You not only wanted to buy my chip, you wanted the patent and all the rights to further development of the chip. You expected me to give it all to you, then walk away and pretend I had done nothing at all." "Of course, Mr. Devereaux. For hundreds of years, men have guided the dance of technology and industry, and yet, real advancement has only occurred within the last half century. The question then becomes why, and the answer is simple." "What would that answer be?" "Women, Mr. Devereaux. During World War two, women were forced into the work place to replace men who'd gone off to war. After the war, they weren't willing to just be shunted back into the home. As their presence in the workplace increased, so too did the rate of technological advancement. If mankind is to survive in a world with eight, nine, ten, or even more billion people on it, then women need to stop acting like lap dogs and letting men take the credit for their advancements. I have created a corporation where women can do just that, where they can be free to allow their creative sides to advance mankind to the next level. Here, men are relegated to their proper positions as subordinate lackeys to their female superiors. Soon, I will control the business world, then the rest of the world, and when women control the world, mankind will finally be able to advance to the stars!" Sydney was silent, too stunned to speak. Finally, he said, "You... are a maniacal zealot." "Your opinion of me is irrelevant. All I need to know from you is whether you stole your designs from some industrious woman, or if you happen to be one of those lucky men who dreams up some design and actually makes it work." "Luck?! Luck had nothing to do with it! I worked for years, alone, no women, on MY design. It was MY work, no one else's!" "Clearly you are either lying or deluding yourself. I suspect the latter. Most likely, you either saw something a woman doodled, or overheard a technical idea being discussed by a couple of women, and then your subconscious mind worked out all the detail stuff and made it work. It's too late now to find out what woman deserves the proper credit for your work, but don't worry. Your work will help humanity." "I'll never give you my chip design!" "My dear, once you're finished in this little tube of mine, you will gladly give me your chip design." "What is this thing?" "It's a transformation tube. It picks up a pattern from within your mind, then changes your body to meet the pattern. I'm hoping that one day I'll be able to make partial body changes, or to pick up something from an external mind and change the body within to meet it. For now, the body must be changed into something taken from the mind housed within it." "Why do I suspect that doesn't mean that I'm going to become my idea of a super athlete?" "Well, you could if that was the paradigm that I were to draw from your brain. You see, although I can't control the details, I can pull a pattern based around a specific idea that I can control. If, for example, I used the idea of a super athlete, then, yes, you would become your own idea of a super athlete." "Let me guess. You're not planning ANY kind of athlete?" "Very good, Mr. Devereaux. You are about to become your own idea of a perfect woman." With that, she turned around and headed to the door. Although she expected Sydney to start yelling or begging for release, she was moderately impressed when he remained silent. Sydney was forced to wait for about ten more minutes before he was blinded by a bright light and passed out. ONE MONTH LATER... Sadira returned to the transformation chamber, this time escorted by her assistant, a beautiful, big chested redhead. As soon as she went through close the door, Sadira stopped cold. In the tube, naked and asleep on her knees, was possibly the most beautiful woman either Sadira or her assistant had ever seen. Her hair was the color of sunflowers with a perfect complexion to match it. Her breasts, which were about the size of a pair of basketballs, were full and firm and inspired lusty thoughts within both Sadira and her assistant. It took a few seconds for Sadira to collect herself, after which she shook her head, ridding herself of any thoughts of admiration or desire. "Another huge breasted blond, no doubt blue eyed as well. Let's just hope she's got the intelligence to walk and chew bubble gum at the same time. Prepare yourself and open the tube." Sadira's assistant moved to where she could catch the woman who used to be Sydney in case she fell, then depressed a button on her remote control. The movement had not been necessary, for when the tube rose from the ground, it woke up the woman inside. The blond stood up, languidly stretched, then, with the most childish voice, said, "Hi!" In a tone as condescending as the new girl's had been childish, as though she were talking to a real child, Sadira asked, "Can you tell me your name?" The new girl scrunched up her face in intense concentration. After no short time, she said, "Siddy!" with a proud tone and look, as though she had just solved some really complex problem. Sadira turned to her assistant and said, "No big surprise. We've got another bubblehead blond. You know what to do." Sadira's assistant unzipped her skirt and let it fall, showing that she had been wearing no underwear. Sadira asked Siddy, "Would you like to do something with that?" Siddy hesitated, acting as though she were a little embarrassed. "Could I... kiss it?" "Is that all you want to do?" As though she were admitting something a little bad, she looked down and said a drawn-out, "Nooooo." "What else would you like to do?" "I'd like to... lick it... and maybe suck on it a little. Can I please?" "May I please?" corrected Sadira. Siddy giggled and said, "Okay, but me first!" apparently thinking that Sadira's correction had been a real question. Sadira rolled her eyes. "Okay, Siddy, I'll let you do what you want, but first, you have to get on your hands and knees and crawl over to her." Siddy cheerfully said, "Okay!" and did as she had been told, crawling over to Sadira's assistant. Then Siddy buried her face in the assistant's crotch and voraciously licked and sucked. After a little while, the assistant came, but Siddy continued licking until Sadira said, "That's enough, Siddy." Siddy regretfully pulled back and whined, "Do I have to?" "Yes, you have to." To her assistant, Sadira said, "Move on to stage two." Sadira's assistant pressed another button on her controller. A few minutes later, the door slid open and a big, burly, totally naked man stepped in. Sadira asked, "Siddy, what would you like to do with this man?" Siddy stared at the man for a little while, then just turned to Sadira and shrugged her shoulders. "Don't you want to do anything?" Siddy's face took on a look of overly intense concentration while she thought about the question. Finally, she said, "We could play." "And what kind of games would you like to play?" "We could play Barbie! Have you got any Barbie dolls?" "Sorry, no." Siddy said, "Oh, poo," and pouted just like a little girl. "Is there anything else you'd like to do with him? Maybe play with that?" Sadira asked while pointing at the man's crotch. Siddy blushed. "That's his boy thing," she whispered, as though it was something she shouldn't be talking about. "Yes, do you want to do anything with his boy things?" "That's gross!" Siddy said in childish disgust. Sadira nodded to the man in dismissal. After he left, Sadira turned to the girl used to be a man and said, "Come along, child." "Where we going?" "I and my assistant will be taking you to your room now." "Are there Barbie dolls there?" "No, you just have to wait there until I can arrange for someone to take care of you." "How long will that be?" "About a week." "Gee, that's a long time. Can I get some Barbie dolls before then?" "If you're a very good girl." "Oh, thank you." "Yes, now come along." Sadira turned and started walking from the room. Her assistant walked over to Siddy, took her by hand, and the two meekly followed Sadira. They left the room and went down a large, long hallway, passing by many large guard robots and many doors, until they reached one in specific. Sadira pressed her hand to a panel on the right of the door, and it slid open. Her assistant took Siddy into a small bedroom inside. The bedroom was furnished with a bed, a small couch, a dresser, and a small desk. The assistant said, "This is your room, Siddy." "All mine?" she asked in wonderment. "Yes, dear, all yours." Siddy yelled, "Yay!" and ran over and started jumping on the couch. The assistant was about to say something to stop her, but Sadira made a small noise to get her attention, then nodded her out of the room. After the assistant left the room and Sadira locked the door, the two walked in silence throughout the complex until they reached Sadira's control room. Once there, the assistant asked, "What are you going to do with her?" "I'm not sure. Normally, I'd just do what I have been doing. I'd find a lesbian willing to take control of the new woman and turn the transformee over. Then the new woman could serve as an assistant or, in more extreme cases of intellectual reduction, as an office slut, but this one's mental loss is so extreme. It seems just too unkind to give her over for sex. Perhaps we can find someone to adopt her." "It seems an odd mix. That is clearly the body of an adult, a very well developed adult at that, and yet her mind is so clearly infantile." "It simply shows that Mr. Devereaux expected his dream lover to be someone who would never challenge him mentally. It may even make him a closet pedophile, although I think the body would've been a bit younger if that were the case." "Will we be able to get the chip design from her?" "We'll give her some crayons and paper. Maybe she'll draw it on her own. In advanced cases of intellect reduction, direct questioning never works." "Ma'am, aren't you afraid of doing this to a man who wants a smart woman?" Sadira snorted. "Men are afraid of a woman with brains. You have the highest intellect of all my transformees, and even you are only slightly above average. However, look at all the problems your old male brain saddled you with. You can't say no to sex with anyone, male or female. You're practically an exhibitionist; you didn't even remember to put your skirt back on. You're also utterly docile. So no, I'm not afraid of this mythical man you describe." Sadira's assistant trembled. "Since just talking about sex is driving me to the brink, I can't really argue the point. Ma'am, can we..." Sadira stood up, undid her pants, let them drop, and sat back down. "Go nuts," she said, opening her legs. The assistance immediately went to war in East between Sadira's legs and started licking Sadira's cunt with the same voracious determinism that Siddy had shown on her own cunt earlier. ONE WEEK LATER... Although the loss of Sydney's circuit design was a bit of a set back to her plans, Sadira was generally pleased with how things were going. Sales of her goods were up, and her business was beginning to show a profit. She was looking at the balance sheet her accounting program was making for her when her assistant walked in. She asked, "Any luck getting Siddy to draw that circuit design?" "No. She shows absolutely no interest in drawing anything, with pen, pencil, or crayon." "Too bad. I guess that circuit design will remain locked up inside her, maybe forever. What's the status..." Before Sadira could complete her question, all lights and power suddenly went out. "What the... Where is my backup power?" In the utter black of the unlighted room, all they heard was the sound of moving metal wheels and cables, and before they knew what was happening, both Sadira and her assistant found themselves entangled in cables and swept off their feet. When the lights came back on, the two women found themselves captured by the guard robots that were so plentiful around the base complex. They were being held two feet off the ground, totally encircled by the capture cables that each robot was armed with. Sadira's assistant asked, "What happened?" "Whatever caused that power outage must have disrupted the robot's friend or foe recognition systems, causing them to identify us as intruders." "How do we get free?" Sadira attempted to stretch out her leg and hit the override button with her foot, but the robots had pulled her too far away. "Damn! We need to get that override! Can you..." Just then, the door opened and Siddy walked to the end. Sadira's assistant asked, "How did she get free?" "The power outage must have messed up the doors, too. She may be just what we need, though. Siddy!" When Siddy looked up to her, Sadira said, "I need you to go over to the console and press and hold the big red button." Siddy walked over and sat in the seat that Sadira had just been pulled out. However, instead of pressing the override button, she started typing on the main keyboard. Sadira said, "No, child, press the big red button. Those other buttons aren't for playing with." Siddy said, "I'm not playing with them." The voice was still that of a child, but the words were definitely those of an adult. Sadira and her assistant were slack with surprise, both by Siddy's intelligence and by the computer coming back on. "What the hell?" "You mean why am I not talking like some five year old? Actually, it's quite simple." Siddy's hands literally flew across the keyboard. She stopped speaking to the other women to briefly comment, "There. My program has now reprogrammed every security code in the computer." She turned around to face her once captors and asked, "Now, what questions do you have for me?" Sadira asked, "How are you able to do this? You're too stupid to do this." "You know your problem? You assume too much. For instance, when I came out of your device, it was clear from the way you were talking that you assumed my dream woman had to be some kind of idiot. Truth is, I find stupid women really annoying. I not only prefer smart women, I actually like women I'd date to be smarter than I am. It was simplicity itself to play up to your assumptions and act like the blithering idiot you assumed I was. Truth be told, I think my IQ has gone up by about twenty to thirty points, all thanks to you." "No, it's not possible. Men are afraid of smart women. They know that we're their superiors!" "That is the exact irrationality that I exploited to cause you to lower your guard. You may very well be superior to most men. Women in general may be superior to most men. But your assumptions that all men are, in fact, just savage animals incapable of anything but the most basic thoughts allowed me to take control of this entire complex." Sadira started babbling in denial, clearly having had her entire worldview shaken. Her assistant said, "Siddy..." "Actually, I decided on Cindy. I suppose I could've gone with my old name, Sydney, but this body doesn't actually fit a unisex name like that." "Look at that body! You're going to tell me that you didn't want a bubble head, blond slut?" Cindy said, "Oh, I fully admit that when it comes to the physical parameters of what I was interested in, my tastes were a bit stereotypical, blond, blue eyes, big boobs, but when it comes to intellect, well, like I said, I prefer them really smart. As for being a slut, I never had any urge to pass my girlfriends around, although if they wanted to, I was more than willing to participate in a three way with another girl, but it had to be something she suggested." Sadira's assistant asked, "Cindy, how did you manage to get out of your cell?" "It was actually pretty simple, a bit of work, but simple work. I used the electronic door control keypad. I took it off the wall, rewired it, then used it to enter the computer program that I used to take over this base. Entering the program was the big thing. I had no compiler or processor. I had to do it in base eight, one digit at a time." "Without a computer screen to check your work? That's more than just smart. That's super genius!" "Not exactly. It's just really strong ability to visualize combined with a nearly perfect photographic memory, both of which I have thanks to you and your boss." Sadira started muttering, "No, no, this can't be happening." Cindy looked at Sadira and said, "Considering your current condition, I think you should spend some time alone," then turned back to the keyboard and typed in some commands. The door opened, and the robot holding Sadira rolled through it. Once the robot was gone, Cindy turned to the other and asked, "Now, what's your name?" Sadira struggled to be free of the robot as they rolled down the hall, but the mechanical man had been designed too well. They got to one of the rooms that she was using as a cell, the door opened, she was thrown in, and, before she could even straighten up, the door closed and locked behind her. She tried her override codes, none of them worked. She had no choice but to sit down and wait. A few hours later, the door opened, revealing a guard robot blocking the way. The robot extended its arms towards Sadira, and capture cables shot out to ensnare her. She tried to avoid them, but no human could move fast enough. She was captured and forced to be carried down the hall again. She was brought into the transformation room and held in place while the transformation tube lowered around her. At the last second, the cables released her and shot away at high speed, leaving her trapped inside. She didn't have to wait long before Cindy came into the room and said, "Back to where we met, with a slight reversal of positions." With real fear, Sadira asked, "What are you planning to do with me?" "Simple. I plan on doing to you what you have done all the other men you brought to this base. I plan on turning you into your dream lover." "Oh, God, please no." "What are you worried about? Julie, that's your assistant's name, in case you forgot." "I didn't forget. I just-" "Don't use it, instead referring to her as 'girl' or even just, 'hey, you'. Regardless, she informs me you're a lesbian, so you can't be worried about becoming a guy." "It's just... I DON'T WANT TO BE STUPID!" "So the truth comes out. Sadira Palmer, great advocate and proponent of the idea of the innate superiority of the female intellect, really prefers her female lovers to be stupid and pliable. Well, get ready, Sadira. You're about to be transformed." "Please, no! I'd rather be dead!" Cindy smirked and said, "You should have thought of that before you started all of this," and turned and walked from the room. Sadira was in tears when the transformation light flashed down upon her. ONE MONTH LATER... Sadira felt herself fall over and be caught by a pair of feminine hands. She opened her eyes and looked up to see Cindy. The other woman said, "Welcome back to the land of living. How do you feel?" Sadira stood up. "Strangely similar. I always wondered what the transformation process would be like. I guess you can understand why I would be reticent to have placed myself in a position to have experienced it before." Sadira noticed how she was speaking and said, "I definitely don't seem to have lost any intelligence. Strange, I was certain that my dream lover would have been, as you said, stupid and pliable." "If I had used your program, that's definitely what you would have become, but I fixed the flaws in your program." "With your new chip? No, come to think of it, that's not possible. You didn't have any prototypes on you will when we brought you here, and you didn't have enough time to either build a new one or go get one you had stashed. So how did you fix the system?" "The problem wasn't with your system, at least not its mechanical part. The problem was with the way you attempted to change personalities. Your irrational fear of men caused you to try to change a person without actually accessing anything you deemed too masculine, but even the most feminine woman has some masculine attributes, which left too much of the personality untouched in order to implement selective changes." "So what did you do to me?" "I simply removed those parts of your personality causing your irrational hatred of men. I let your own ideas set your physical form." Sadira looked down. She immediately noticed that her breasts were far larger, easily as large as any of her previous transformees. "Is there a mirror around? I'd like to see what I've become." "We can stop by one of the residence rooms. I converted all of the cells into bedrooms for base workers, so they can sleep over as needed." "I take it the program to convert all the city's male business leaders and technological innovators has been stopped?" "Of course. I didn't see any reason to continue it. Do you?" "Not anymore. Can we go to one of those rooms? I'd really like to get a good look at the new me." "Certainly." Cindy extended one hand towards the door. "Shall we?" The two walked out of the room and towards the bedrooms that had once been cells. Sadira said, "If you don't mind me asking, why didn't you change me? After everything I've done, I certainly couldn't have blamed you." "Truthfully, that level of vindictiveness is no longer possible for me. It took all the willpower I had not to tell you not to worry about it and console you before your transformation." "Not possible? What do you mean?" "Surely it's not that hard to figure out. When it comes to bedroom activities, a guy may want something like this," said Cindy, waving her hands down her body, "but he also wants a woman who is a nice and kind and sweet. Very few men want their girlfriend to be any kind of a bitch." "I can understand that. I suppose in your free time, you also enjoy baking cookies, vacuuming, and giving back rubs?" "In other words, playing the 1950's Suzy homemaker? However did you guess?" Cindy asked playfully. "I'm not sure. Maybe because every guy who's undergone a transformation, no matter how stupid he turned out, was about the same." The two girls giggled. "I suppose in most ways my tastes were a little stereotypical." "Perhaps, but I think you're incredibly beautiful." "That is incredibly self evident. Only the fact you haven't seen yourself keeps that statement from being a stupid observation." "I assume I'll see what you mean when I get a look in a mirror?" Cindy nodded. "So what are you planning to do with me?" "Help you get back into the swing of things, both in terms of dealing with your new body and dealing with what I've changed your business into." "What have you changed my business into and why not just keep running it yourself?" "It's your business. If you decide to keep me on, that's your choice. As to what I've changed your business into, I'm using your device for medical changes, returning burn victims and the like back to their former selves." "I was planning on doing that, but only after I finished my great crusade to save the world from men." "Men aren't so bad. Of course, having been one, I can't really say that I'm unbiased." "I just want to thank-you for not transforming me into some kind of slave to you, not that I wouldn't have deserved it. I was a real ass." "Don't mention it. Well, we're here." Cindy pressed the button beside the door, causing it to slide open. They stepped inside, and Cindy pointed to a full-length mirror mounted on one wall. "There you go, one mirror, ready to go." "Thanks." Sadira stepped up and looked in the mirror. "Holy crap! I look exactly like you, except for these," she said, lifting up her new boobs. "Yeah, just enough bigger so that people will be able to tell us apart." "As if that voice wasn't enough." Cindy rolled her eyes. "Don't remind me. I used to think that a cute little girl voice was something sexy. Now that I've got one, it's a real hassle. I can't even order pizza! The person on the other end keeps asking for my mommy!" Sadira giggled, and Cindy asked, "You think that's funny?" "A little." Cindy smiled. "I suppose I can admit that it's a little funny." "So now what?" "Now I reintroduce you to the girls and guys in the base." "The staff? Who'd you get to run the base?" "Same people you had." "The transformees, the ones that came out with average intelligence? I'm surprised. I thought you'd replace them with men and women better suited to the job. I was too paranoid to hire anybody, male or female, who might challenge me, so I staffed the base with controllable transformees and a few retarded or nearly retarded men to do the heavy stuff." "Yeah, I know. I fixed them. This transformation device of yours, when directed to positive actions, is really a marvelous thing." "So they're still in there?" "Nope. My chip wasn't necessary for small scale changes as you thought, but it did allow for easier, cleaner, safer transmission of energy, allowing for a much quicker transformation. With the same energy, I can now do forty transformations, and each transformation only takes one week." "Amazing." "I know. Tell me something, though. How much of this device that you built is actually stolen technology?" "The basic process and system is mine. After that, it's pretty much all from people I exploited and stole from, usually transforming them after I was finished with them. I'm not proud of that, well, not any more, and I do plan on making it up to them." "Good to hear it, but that will be between you and them. Shall we go?" "What about clothes?" "If you really feel you need them, there should be a lab coat that will fit you in the dresser, but nudity is pretty common in the base now. Even after the obligation to nudity was removed, most girls decided that they preferred to go without clothes?" "How many of the girls went back to being men? I assume you made that an option?" "I did, but none of the girls took me up on it. A few decided to become she-males, but none went back to being full men." "And you say most of them decide to go around in the buff?" "Unless they otherwise have to, yes." "Sounds like fun. Let's go." The two walked out and went to the main control room. Upon entering, Sadira noticed both how similar and how different the control room was. The basic layout of control panels and machinery was still the same, but there were a bunch of little plants, pictures, and other personal paraphernalia that gave the room a whole new, more personal feeling. There was also a bunch more people here. Before, Sadira only allowed one or two other people in the control room with her, even though the room could've been staffed by a half dozen. Now, the room was full staff, bustling with movement. After introductions were made, Julie said, "Miss Cindy, the Chamber of Commerce called and wanted you to call back as soon as possible." "A woman's work is never done. Be right back. You girls talk amongst yourselves and get reacquainted." After Cindy left, the tension in the room was like a palpable thing, and everyone was deathly quiet. Finally, Sadira said, "I want you all to know that I realize how bad I was before, that what I did was wrong, and I intend to do whatever I can to make it up to you and to be the best boss I can." For a few seconds no one said anything. Finally, Julie said, "Do you really mean that? You really willing to do whatever it takes?" "Yes." "Then don't come back. Give this business over to Cindy and go away." Sadira was utterly stunned. Truth was, she was prepared to give up her business, but when Cindy agreed to turn it back over to her, she hadn't considered the possibility of losing it again. Eventually, she found her voice and said, "But... But it's my business." "Cindy is done more with your business in one month then you have in the last two years. Besides, we just don't trust you. Cindy says she's removed all the problems that you had, but even with that, assuming it's true, we prefer Cindy. She's kind and nice, and even with your psychoses removed, I don't think the same could be said of you." Sadira wanted to protest, but she really couldn't. She knew she'd never be as kind as Cindy was, and that would always come between her and her employees. "All right, I'll do it." Julie was stunned. "You will? Just like that?" "Yes. I want to do what's best for everybody, and if that means leaving, then that's what I'll do. I'll go talk with Cindy now. Is she using my old office to do business?" "Yes." "Okay." Sadira turned to leave, but then turned back. "Do you mind if I come back to say goodbye? Or would you rather I didn't? I do feel affection towards you, even if I ruined any chance for any return on that." "I don't suppose a goodbye would hurt." "Thank you." Sadira left room and walked to her old office. She knocked lightly, then went in. Cindy was sitting on the edge of desk, talking on the phone, saying, "Thanks, Jack. Talk to you later," and hung up. Then, to Sadira, she said, "Hi, hun, come on in." After Sadira came into the office, Cindy asked, "You ready to resume your position as head of the company?" "That's what I came to talk to you about. The girls have decided that they don't want me back, that they can't trust me, and without that trust, I can't really serve effectively as the head of the company. So I've come to give the company over to you." "I appreciate the thought, but I can't do that." "You can't afford to be nice to me here. I just don't deserve to get my own business back." "It's not just being nice to you that's the big issue here. It's being too nice in general. Every time I walk into a business meeting, part of me wants to just be ultra-nice and give the other guy whatever he wants. Only constantly thinking of how that would affect the people working here has kept me from giving the entire business away. If I keep trying to do your job, I'm guessing that I'll have a nervous breakdown or sell off the business within the next week." "Then how do we resolve this? I don't want to force the girls to work with someone who they hate." "I think they hate you only because they don't know you yet. Tell you what, I'll stay on as your Chief Operations Officer. That way, if they don't want to, the girls don't have to have a lot of contact with you, but I think that after they get to know you, you'll get plenty of visitors to your office." "Okay, we'll give it a shot, but it's your job to talk the others into this, and if they don't agree, we'll have to think of something else." "I think I can do that. There is one thing more that I want." "What's that?" Cindy stood up, walked over to Sadira, took her in her arms, and kissed her deeply, to which, Sadira was not hesitant to respond. After they finished, Cindy said, "Let's face it. Physically, we are each other's fantasies, otherwise we wouldn't look so much alike, so I want to see where this goes. I want to try a real relationship." "Sounds like a great idea." Sadira then started another kiss, easily twice as passionate as the first.

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I was always told to stay out of trouble. Ever since growing up I always made sure of that. I had just turned 18 a few months before and was walking home from a mates birthday. I was on cloud nine having just arranged a date with a very attractive girl. I couldnt control my emotions as I skipped down the street. I guess if I was thinking better I would have chosen a better way to walk home. But I didnt.I took the mistake of walking through the park, then the council estate. Bridging the two was...

3 years ago
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I had just got my drivers license and was very excited. I went out with my friends to celebrate. But I some how screwed up my braces. I called mom who got me an emergency appointment at the orthodontist. It was late on Friday and I drove mom's car over quickly as they were staying late for me. Plus it was snowing and supposed to get very bad as the evening went on. When I arrived every one was gone except the doctor and his assistant. The orthodontist quickly fixed the painful problem and left...

3 years ago
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Dontrust The review

Dontrust : The Review Finally home from work, another day another $1.25. Tossing the Covid-19 mask onto the desk and getting rid of his jacket, a chance to relax. The last of the days sunlight filtering through the curtains, and once again home alone, to peace and quiet. At least he had been able to skip the need for quarantine, and his job was still safe, for now. However he had been unable to have a social life in months, no pub hopping, no dating, had not even been able to meet...

4 years ago
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Dont Bet With Me

Paul hated Sharon.   She was the bane of his existence in this office, the person who caused him more trouble than the rest of the company combined.   She always thought she was right and was never shy about letting him know.   Whenever she had a problem with his team, she came straight to him and complained.   Then she would pull at him constantly like a mad dog, until the issue was resolved.   Through experience, Paul knew she was wrong a lot more than she was right, but explaining numbers...

2 years ago
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Dont Move

Nora stood in the middle of the living room, tears streaming down her face, her hands behind her head with her fingers laced. She could feel the throbbing of her ass, synchronized with her heartbeat. She wanted to rub the dozen fresh welts that Master had just created on her ass with the delrin cane – anything to either sooth the fire in her ass or the somewhat different fire smoldering just a few inches away from it, but she dared not move her hands. Master stood behind her. She could not see...

2 years ago
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Dont Worry Cupid Has a Plan

Yumi’s Story Yumi felt so guilty. She had to thank her neighbor Wendy for introducing her to the pleasures of a vibrator after her divorce, but wasn’t this wrong? Picturing the chiseled form of young Rob in her mind as she pushed the seven-inch silicone monster into her petite Asian body was just not right. Young Rob was Wendy’s son and Yumi had helped tutor him in math when he was sixteen until he was eighteen. This past summer when he had turned nineteen she had even helped him get his...

3 years ago
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Dont Look

The pain was gone. He couldn’t believe it. It was such a relief not to feel that mind numbing awful agony any longer. Maybe the doctors were all wrong because something seemed to have made him feel better. Christian opened his eyes, smiling, excited to tell Sean that it was going to be a good day. He knew Sean would be sitting by his side. He hadn’t left it in weeks. Not since they had brought him to the hospital the day when he had found out that the latest round of treatments weren’t...

2 years ago
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dont get caught

It was a usual Saturday night in with friends all laughing drinking and generally having a good time, conversation drifted to sexuality and a few of us were sat around discussing the fact that myself and ‘T’ were bi-sexual. As the evening wore on people came and went until eventually it was myself, T and my boyfriend left. T had had too much to drink to drive so she said she would spend the night. My boyfriend was tired so went to bed leaving me n T alone in the living room. Ever since the...

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Dont Tell Mum

‘We’re going, then,’ my mum called up. ‘We’ll be back sometime late this evening.’ ‘OK, bye,’ I replied, then listened for the door to shut. When it did I climbed on the bed and gave Lisa a kiss. ‘What would you like to do now?’ I asked her, searching her blue eyes. ‘Well, we’ve tried so many positions,’ she replied. ‘I’d like you to break my anal virginity.’ ‘OK, if you like.’ I pulled her trousers and knickers off and flung them in a corner, then as I stripped off she took her top and bra...

1 year ago
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Dont Fuck MY Wife

As I exited her bedroom after having fucked Samatha three times to finally render her comatose, the most serene feeling of my life washed over me like a gentle wave in the Caribbean. All that was left was the complete humiliation of that asshole that started me on my quest. Sorry, I was just thinking back on one of the most satisfying experiences of my life, and I know that you have no idea what I’m talking about, so let me give you the background before I relate my tale. At the time this...

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This story should be so very easy to write. After all, I am a professional. I am a free lance contributor to a number of well respected magazines and there are only two main characters to the story. So this should be a piece of cake, right? I will start with myself. As I said, I write for a living, a precarious living at that. At my age of twenty eight I am still in excellent shape due to my four years with the US Army Special Forces. I am somewhat shy around women, especially if the ladies are...

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Dont You Just Love Jelly and Cream

I looked at the state of the kitchen table and sighed. The aftermath of a children’s tea party is never a pretty sight, and this bunch of eight-year olds seem to have thrown as much jelly and ice-cream around as they’d eaten. But they’d had a good time, and now Alan’s parents had taken all ten of them to the cinema to see a film, which may or may not calm them down a bit. Alan and I had stayed behind to clear up – bad as the mess looked, I think we’d got the better side of the deal.

1 year ago
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Dont tease a tease

I knock at your door. The bitter winter wind swirls around me, flowing up between my stocking clad legs. I shiver. Locks of carefully curled hair are tossed in the breeze. The thin red coat I have on to hide my evening attire is doing nothing to keep me warm. My nipples push against silk, the corset restraining them only creates further friction, making me shift my weight trying to ease the tingle between my thighs. You finally open the door looking a little flustered. Apologies roll quick...

3 years ago
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Dont Stop

Thanks to S for inspiration. As I slide the shower door closed behind me I feel the first needle-like jets of hot water brush my back. I turn into the water, closing my eyes and lifting my face up towards the source. Already the steam is building up in the bathroom and I fill my lungs with the warmth. It seems a shame to be washing her scent from my face, I can taste her in my mouth, still smell her delicate musk in my nostrils from where I buried my face in her, drinking her in. It hadn’t been...

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Dont Judge a Book By Its Cover and Other Lessons Learned 2nd in the Golden Series

When a second girl drank my piss I was a little less surprised than I was the first time around. There were a couple of reasons for this apart from the obvious of previously having an old girl friend drink my piss in as act of atonement. The second girl who ended up drinking my piss was actually the third one that I spoken to over the course of a few months who was willing to try. So when it happened I already had a sense that it was just a matter of time and circumstance, but still the build...

2 years ago
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Dont Make Me Spank You

I had a girlfriend who was quite bossy. She expected me to do anything and everything just on command. I told her that we needed to break up. She was really damaged by this. She said no. That she’d do anything for me. I told her she wouldn’t. She’d never do anything for me. She said she would. I asked her if she would submit. She said yes. I told her to strip and get down on her knees. I told her to open her mouth. She opened her mouth and I let my cock in. I let her suck for a while. She...

3 years ago
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dont tell my roommate

I am sick of waiting for this guy to strike again. So i decided to take matters into my own hands. i searched around online for the best spots in town find something to fill this new addiction. The gay bar in near by was fun and all but nothing really happened there. while chatting with a friend i had made there he told me about a place not to far. He agreed to bring me there.The days leading up to this adventur seemed like years. i had forgotten all about Travis. the prospect of my next taste...

4 years ago
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Dont tell my boyfriend

It was my boyfriends 24th and he had a big house party with about 40 or so people, it was getting late and I was bored of his drunk ramblings and decided to go up stairs and lay down for half hour and in case you don’t know me yet my name is Vanity, im white, 22, long reddish hair, average build, 5ft4 and 36d cup size, I decided to dress all up for his birthday with a very low cut vest top on and a tiny mini skirt so I could give him a present he would love, no underwear and slutty sex just how...

3 years ago
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Dont Leave Home With Out em Funny must Read

I was a very happy man. My wonderful girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. There was only one little thing bothering me...It was her beautiful younger sister.My prospective sister-in-law was twenty-two, wore very tight miniskirts, and generally was bra-less. She would regularly bend down when she was near me, and I always got more than a nice view. It had to be deliberate because she never did it when she was near anyone else.One day her 'little'...

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Dont let me tie you up Enslaved by my roomies ex

She came by one day a few months after their divorce while Kevin was away on a business trip. When I opened the door, she looked fabulous, as if she had done a makeover. "Kim! Hi! What brings you up here?" I asked, trying to mask my sudden excitement at seeing her look so good. She was wearing a two-piece sort of business outfit. It was a crushed black-velvet jacket with a short skirt and a white silk blouse with a ruffled collar. It made her look authoritative and sexy at the same time....

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Dont knock me up

Don't knock me up we did our thing This happened when I was very young just 18,  back then you didn’t know a lot about sex, and your body. My brother, three years older than me, talked me in to sucking his cock. He told me that his cock was a lot bigger than mine, that if I would suck his, it would make mine grow bigger. Well I believed him,  for a short time I would suck him off, two to four times a day. It was not long till I started to think,  "my dick would never get as big as his."...

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dont get caught

It was a usual Saturday night in with friends all laughing drinking and generally having a good time, conversation drifted to sexuality and a few of us were sat around discussing the fact that myself and "T" were bi-sexual. As the evening wore on people came and went until eventually it was myself, T and my boyfriend left. T had had too much to drink to drive so she said she would spend the night. My boyfriend was tired so went to bed leaving me n T alone in the living room. Ever since the...

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Dont insult a stripper

"Damn baby!" Matt laughed as slapped the stripper on the ass. "How's it feel to have demean yourself form money?" Candy turned her head in shock, her eyes looking at the smug man in the business suit. "Excuse me?" she asked as she stopped her routine. The men sitting next to Matt looked around awkwardly as Matt puffed out his chest. "I said," he said loudly. "How's it feel to have to demean yourself for money? I bet your mom and dad are real proud." Candy eyed the men sitting...

3 years ago
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Dont mess with timelines

"It works!" Dr. Schultz yelled in excitement. "Can you believe it Barbie!" Dr. Gwen gave her coworker an icy stare. "I told you not to call me that," she said eyeing the system. Dr. Schultz rolled his eyes. "Yes yes, my apologies," he said waving a hand at Dr. Gwen. "But you can understand my slip up, it's not every day one develop a literal time machine!" "One?" Dr. Gwen asked, her nose twitching in anger. "What is her problem?" Dr. Schultz thought irritably as he looked at...

4 years ago
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Dont Mess With Baseball Gang

She lets out a shaky breath and considers her options. She’s too proud to run away, born and raised here as she was. And things have been just shaken enough with Robbie, her boyfriend, that she can’t seriously consider asking him to move in with her. But a solution is needed, fast, because the knot is closing in around her neck. Guess that’s what happens when a concerned citizen makes a – supposedly anonymous – call to the police about some gang members circling around the local bank. Five of...

1 year ago
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Sex in the video store

This is the story of my first sexual experience with another female. I was 27 married for six years. We had a great sex life at first. We had sex several times a week. As time went by our sex life diminished in quality and quantity. My husband Dave began spending more time with the guys than me. He went out with the guys and I got to stay home with our daughter Arielle. One Friday night when Dave was out playing cards with the guys, I put Arielle to sleep and went online. Out of a combination...

2 years ago
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Kathy white trash whore part 1

Kathy opened the front door and walked in taking off her coat and hanging it on the hall stand. She was surprised to see the light on in the living room and even more surprised to see her husband sitting at the computer. “Thought you’d be in bed by now Jeff” “Hiya sweetie, didn’t realise it was this late…. how’s your day been?” One thing Kathy really didn’t like was when he called her sweetie, but she kicked off her shoes, walked over to him putting her hands on his shoulders before...

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My Girlfriends Mom

I have been dating my for 5 months now, she is a really cool girl and I like her alot, but recently I have been paying alot more attention to her mother. She is 37, long hair and slim. I had never really took any notice of ever before until last week when I was staying over and I seen her in her nightgown. She came out of the bathroom wearing it, it went as low as the middle of her thigh and opened up at the top showing off her cleavage. Since I seen her she has been in my head ever since, in...

3 years ago
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Maeghan Wrist C10

----- 10 -- I remained awake a few more hours as the sun rose. It gave me a lot of time to avoid my thoughts and just watch Ean sleep so serenely. Mom walked past the doorway down the hall with only a glance in. Several minutes later, she walked in juggling two sandwiches, a juice box and a glass of water. Trying to hand me the box, I turned her down and reached for the glass of water. “I don’t want any more sugar. I just want to feel bad. I don’t want energy,” I finished talking in...

4 years ago
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Scenes from the Restroom

Scenes from the Restroom By Stephanie Rose Scene 1 Jeffry lifted his right leg out of the soapy water, and began to lather it up. He wanted to use the cream in the pink can on the side of the tub that his big sister Audrey used, but he knew he'd get in trouble. He walked in on her once as she was rubbing it on her legs, and she got mad. "Get out you little creep!" she had yelled at him. "I gotta poop!" he told her. "Daddy's on the other bathroom!" "Fine, just do it quick. And...

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Mirias Anticipation Pt 01

Miria paced the floor nervously, thinking to herself that he had been gone longer than expected. Bastion was usually only gone a day and a half to check the lands and head to town for supplies. Today marked the third day he had been gone, and she was starting to worry. ‘Where is he,’ she thought. Her mind began to race with questions of where could he be, was he hurt, or maybe just tired of being around her. After all, she has been here with him for three years now. Bastion had saved her after...

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The wife and the mistresses she shared with me

I can remember asking Lyndsey, “Is this your way of buttering me up to get to bed another bloke?” I’ve always been the suspicious type, and that seemed like the obvious reason. She looked hurt for a few seconds and then started to smile. “Shit, I hadn’t thought of that,” she said with a laugh, “but no, I just want to get my lips around Sadie’s nipples, and my tongue right up inside her juicy little pussy. You’ve always told me that mine tastes so sweet, and I would have to agree with...

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Girls night out gone wrong

Introduction: A housewife out for a girls night out ends up with alot more than she expected. I saw her sitting at a table in the VIP section with a group of girlfriends. It was obviously girls night out for her and her friends. They were all dressed to the hilt. You could tell they were all high class housewives judging from the clothes they were all wearing and the huge diamond wedding rings they were all sporting. The Club was upscale and on the rich side of town. It was about 10PM and they...

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In bus

As it was a luxury bus we had booked our tickets and all the seats were booked. We were going to Jaipur. The bus was at 10 in night and we headed from Udaipur so it was a night journey. I and my family with family friends, we all were round about 8 of them we had got the seats but one seat was booked on a different seat so I was the one who was sitting alone leaving all my family members in front seat. Round four seats away from me I had a partner who was an old guy sitting beside me. Till then...

2 years ago
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Auntie Mary Part 1

When I woke that Saturday morning, I still ached all over. But it was a good ache, an ache that reminded me of the amazing experience I had had at the rugby club. But it was the phone ringing that got me out of bed–not many people use my landline, most use my mobile (cell phone, to my American readers). My mobile’s by my bed. The ‘real’ phone’s in the living room. Anyway, I jumped out of bed and tried to put on my dressing gown as I dashed through to the living room, but the answer phone had...

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Right Under Your NoseChapter 5

JOHN The next week was pretty routine. Luckily there weren't any real work issues to deal with, just general help-desk stuff and making sure the servers were being backed up correctly. I was simultaneously saddened and relieved I didn't feel more pain from the breakup. I felt a little guilty about that. I wonder what the last 6 months had meant, if anything. But most of the time I was more distracted by the idea of dating. This Friday, I was determined to go to a club and see what...

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Diddly Chapter 2

I watched the traffic without really noticing it. I paid no attention to the whispered conversation going on between the girl on whose lap I was sitting – whose name I still didn’t know – and her friends on the back seat. My mind screamed that what I was doing topped all previous reckless, dangerous adventures by miles. My heart thumped. I jerked when two pairs of hands suddenly grabbed my knees and pulled them wide apart. My legs were encased by strong thighs and the front of my flimsy skirt...

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Through a Glass DimlyChapter 14

I left for the school feeling better about that meeting but became anxious as I came close to the school. I had the windows down and pulled up to park and wait for her. I heard shots fired from where she would be waiting. I reached under the driver's seat and pulled my Glock, chambered a round, and left the car at a run holding the pistol with two hands in the upright position. I went through the door low and heard a round being chambered. I shot twice in that direction aiming to hit...

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Saras Journey Ch 10

Jenifer was working the swing shift so I had the place to myself. One nice thing about Jenifer’s apartment is that her bedroom has a big sliding glass door that goes out onto a deck that overlooks a deep narrow canyon filled with a jungle of vegetation. On a clear day, you could probably see the ocean from there if there wasn’t an apartment complex on the other side of the ravine right in the way. I kicked off my pumps, slid the door open all the way to catch some breeze, and walked out to...

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College Humiliation 8211 Part 6

Thank you guys for your appreciation. Before continuing with the sixth part, let me give a brief background. This story is of a country that was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits a mistake and is punished by the Dean of the college. She had a very humiliating session in the Anatomy class. Then she had a pee compilation punishment. Later she had a blowjob compilation. She is exposed to body shaming, and her nipples are pierced. The story continues with the next part now. The...

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Cockatoo Part 16

Cockatoo Part 16 I live for feedback [email protected] We decided to have a celebration dinner tonight downstairs and Alex disappeared to the restaurant to organise the dinner. Areeya had to go down to Cockatoo to sort out some issues they were having and so I was left to my own devices for a while. We agreed we would all get together at Cockatoo for a drink before dinner. The first thing I did was to email Sam about how the plan had worked out. I had an email back in...

3 years ago
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Galina Konstantinovna got happiness

My story began with the fact that one woman took over my work over me. Her name was Galina Konstantinovna. I jerked off more than once and imagined how she was naked jumping on my dick, shaking her huge tits and begging me to continue to fuck her. And at this moment I paw her lush thighs. And so, I am sitting in the office. I am doing what she told me to. Galina Konstantinovna herself began to drink tea. I was distracted from work and looked at her sitting at the table. The gaze immediately...

1 year ago
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My first REAL sex

It may be the weirdest thing you've ever heard about, but I lost my virginity to a cucumber when I was 16. I was too impatient to wait for a man to break my cherry, so I just did myself. It needed a huge dose of courage, but at last I managed to do a perfect job. Don't think I wasn't scared. I was terrified. What if I hurt myself somehow? But the desperation of being able to reach much further inside was unbearable, so one night I decided to push as hard as I could. And it worked! Well, I...

First Time
2 years ago
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The SlipperChapter 5

In the Spring of Randy's final semester, he and Jeff sat on the balcony of their apartment, watching the girls walk by and talking about their futures. "Have you decided about what you will do when you graduate, Jeff?" "Hell, I don't know. I have interviewed with a number of corporations, and the positions that they have available seem to be cookie cutter entry level management jobs with no authority, no decision making and most importantly, no intellectual challenges." "What about...

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Establishing Dominance

She was born to please and he loved to use her as his personal fucktoy. It really was an excellent match. The anticipation was building inside her as she entered the hotel room. He was always trying to mix things up and keep her on her toes so she had no idea what to expect. The door was ajar when she knocked and was told to enter. He was sitting in the corner of the room beneath a reading lamp, the only light in the room, giving him that mysterious 'silhouette with a voice' look.As she fully...

2 years ago
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Pantyhose at Marks again

After our session with all the guys in pantyhose at Marks house we had to figure out how to get my wife and Marks to agree to joining us. Mark and I went out for a drink one evening to discuss it try to come up with a plan. What we finally settled on was for us both to take our wives out for a drink and to accidentally meet up and introduce them to each other and to take it from there. Plan sorted we left the pub and got in our cars. We drove to the woods where we meet for a quick session in...

3 years ago
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The Satyr Encounter

Introduction: Female Researcher Encounters A Mythological Creature The Satyr Encounter November 2011 The tall statuesque doctoral student had come to the Greek Islands to conduct research for her thesis on mythological creatures. Her research had led her to a small mountainous island where a small temple lay in ruins high up in the mountains. This temple had provided evidence of a crossroads where Greek mythology provided a basis for later Roman mythology. The temple was originally...

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Living With Pornstars

"Now you're eighteen we think that you should live on your own two feet, we would like you to move out, John." Your mum says. You stand there unable to talk, your mum and dad have just told you to fuck off, you have no job and no source of income. That's one of the first things that comes into your mind, you had never been that clever in school although you has been labelled a nerd. You would only just pass exams and papers. You were called a nerd because you looked like one, you were a little...

4 years ago
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I told her you know, like a peeping Tom, or somebody I don't know who's sneaking a look at me while I'm touching myself. "And you get off on that?" still sounding confused. "Well, yeah. You have things that turn you on. Right?" "Yeah. Okay." Still unconvinced. Where do sexual fantasies come from? A lot of places I'm sure, and as far as I'm concerned I don't care where the fuck they come from. They're just my fantasies. Tori thinks too much. But that's just my...

3 years ago
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The MissionChapter 8 Narrow Escape

Allie felt numb; she couldn't believe that she might never hear her best friend Ally again. Charles had been working on Ally's circuits for over 2 hours, he'd almost had to shut part of Cici's circuits off, he'd been begging Charles to save Ally. Charles had been through its systems almost twice, though he'd replaced close to half of the systems major circuits he still had no idea why Ally still wasn't active. From what he'd seen the by-pass had absorbed 90% of the overload so if...

2 years ago
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The shower this is for you Henry84

Epilogue to a short story written for and about me. ---------------------------------------------------------As my lover drove, he reached over to clasp my hand where it rested in my lap causing a soft wave of deep warmth and love to emanate from our joined hands. Our forest lovemaking had brought a sense of peace and unity to us that kept us silently smiling the whole ride home. The light was getting long as we pulled into the drive way and before we left the car and unloaded it his eyes...

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"Hi, uhh... is that John?" "Yep. Who's that?" "Ah, well it's Katherine, well, Kitty. I'm usually called Kitty." "Hi Kitty. Ah, have we met? I don't think I know any Kittys." "Well yeah, we have, but you probably don't remember." "I don't know about that. I'm good at faces and stuff. Where did we meet?" "You remember the party at Jackson's house last weekend?" "Oh, yep. That was a hell of a bash. Were you there?" "Yeah, I was. About ten, you walked out on the...

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USAChapter 29

Yes, we bought the boat. It was, to us, more like a small ship than a large boat. An island trading type ... of the kind used in the South Sea islands, in and around Tahiti. The type of ship that carries small shipments to and fro between small islands; what ever needs carrying and is too heavy for a catamaran but not big enough for a steamer. To get out of Belize City we had to sail south until we came to one of the few access points through the barrier reef. The Barrier Reef is a series...

2 years ago
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Bewitching Legacy Logan Comes Home

Briana lay in bed next to Logan. She looked over at him sleeping soundly and smiled to herself. She had the person she had been watching and loving from a distance for more than two years here next to her. Still, Briana was troubled by a measure of guilt. She had kept to the letter of her Aunt's wishes. Briana had done nothing to affect Logan's free will. Not specifically anyway. Briana had gone to Logan with Astrid's blessings. It's true she had thrown her virgin body at him as if she...

1 year ago
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Amilo and Milo The Beginning

Introduction: This was written by a talented friend of mine Amill and Milo were the best of friends. They always hung out together, went to school together, and well only had one class together. Amill was a very sexy young man who looked smart but really wasnt. Amill had brown creamy skin, with hazel eyes, orange and black glasses, and a muscle tone body that every girl wanted and even dudes. Milo was way different from Amill. Milo had brown creamy skin, with more of dark chocolate eyes, blue...

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