Naked with the Stars
- 2 years ago
- 38
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The first thing he remembered — after the worst of it was over — were the stars. Looking to the heavens, incandescent bodies glimmered and winked at him from a lush canvas of indigo: bejeweled timekeepers, watchers of the universe, billions of light years away. Oh my God, he thought, his eyes overflowing with the splendor of diamonds and sapphires suspended in space. They’re beautiful.
Nothing but stars, so many of them, infinite and eternal. Dazzling gems spilled upon velvet, blushing flirts, seducing him from celestial thrones. If only he could touch one, feel it in his hand, share in its luminosity. He reached for one in particular, a great and pulsating jewel, just to see if he could. Movement was not difficult, just…awkward. He could feel gravity’s weight but it acted upon him as if from every direction possible: drawing his hand to where he wanted it to go yet still trying to hold it in place. Beautiful, he thought once again, reaching for something he was not yet prepared to touch.
An elusive stillness surrounded him, not real silence but rather a low, rushing pulse: a heartbeat, a sound he imagined the unborn hear within their mother’s womb. It was the sound of sanctuary. He could not recall how he had found his way into such a surreal and tranquil setting and at that moment, he did not care. He believed he had lost consciousness — was quite sure of it in fact — and was now just coming to, lost somewhere between awareness and circumstance.
His efforts to grasp the heavens continued and for one splendid moment he swore he had actually touched the star he sought: not that he had reached it really, but more like it had reached him.
This novel world, this marvelous environment beckoned but for one instant when he afforded himself a single distraction: a different sort of light, one that was artificial and unnatural. The night sky began to flicker in reds and blues and in turning his attention his ears were filled with something other than the satisfying whoosh he found so comforting. Unrecognizable and unpleasant, these intrusive sights and sounds rudely drew his attention even further away from the wondrous ambiance above him and back down to the lonely frozen earth on which he lay.
The ground was icy cold though he was far too numb to recognize it. As reality domesticated his senses the stars above him began to lose their magic and suddenly they were nothing more than the cold distant bodies he would too easily ignore on any other night. The light of his own world filled his bleary eyes and as he focused them downward the shadows yielded and his vision began to clear. He did not like what he saw.
Before him he could barely make out a gapping fissure of twisted metal: torn and fractured beams of steel snarling and lashing out at him like some dreadful monster. Behind this disarray the red and blue lights — the monsters terrible eyes — grew larger and more sinister in rhythmic, orchestrated winks. As the radiance of colored light intensified, so too did that awful noise. Wailing and screaming, jarring his senses further into focus, he slowly recognized the morose cry of approaching emergency vehicles.
Orientation suddenly felt crucial. His eyes darted wildly about, anxiously scanning the remainder of his surroundings. The ground was powdered lightly with a fresh dusting of snow and he seemed to be in some sort of depression. Shallow walls of earth encompassed him and in one paralyzing thought he imagined he might be entombed.
Stricken with terror, unable to obey his brain’s demand to rise and scramble from his supposed grave, he returned his attention to the mangled catastrophe above him and with clearing eyes and mind, he forced himself, for his own sanities sake, to acknowledge that it was not a monster at all but rather a roadside guardrail (or a former one at that) eviscerated violently by something large, but what, he could not tell. Faculties gathering but still awash with fear, he began to identify from above him the droning engines of heavy equipment, voices and shouts and the intermittent squawking of police radios. The lights behind the wounded guardrail were quite intense now casting long menacing shadows into his new and frightening world.
But it was what he could not see, nor remember, that was far more terrifying.
On the highway above him, passed the broken guardrail and beyond his view, emergency personnel had begun arriving upon the most horrific display of carnage any one of them had ever had the misfortune of bearing witness to: nineteen passenger vehicles, six tractor trailers and one petroleum truck, sprawled across the frozen highway in a chaotic mess of metal, rubber, glass and flame. Amid the wreckage lay fifty-three souls: some still living, most already dead.
In the mayhem, not one responder had thought to investigate the shattered guardrail or what lay in the embankment beneath. Down there, a man had begun calling franticly for help from what he now mercifully realized was not a grave at all but simply a shallow trench.
“Help me! Please!” he cried from his lonely ditch, his would be tomb. “Can anybody hear me?” But they could not. How could they, he could barely hear himself.
For the first time since trying to reach for the star, he attempted to move, his body feeling as if it were frozen to the frigid earth. Cautiously, he peeled his body from the icy ground, a snake shedding its dead skin, and pushed himself upward. Crawling from the snowy ditch felt clumsy and odd, like a baby taking its first lumbering steps. To his amazement he felt no pain (he in fact felt nothing at all). Assessing his body he appeared, to himself at least, to be uninjured.
So, this is what shock feels like, he thought, actually welcoming the numbness, all the while fearing that at any moment his faculties would return, racking his body and mind with the intolerable pain presently being overridden by the graciousness of fight or flight.
He glanced up the embankment and through that gaping hole in the guardrail, spilling over with lights and noise. Instinct told him that, despite his better judgment, that was where he must go if he was to free himself of this precarious situation — whatever this situation actually was. With bones of rubber and joints overflowing with glue he began an ungainly yet careful ascension of the steep and rocky gradient, working steadily (and in slow motion) towards the guardrails gnarly wound. Something big sure broke through that all right, he thought. Something big indeed. Something like a…
…a car.
Where is my car? He suddenly considered that he might have been driving before all this happened. Where was I going? That did not seem important but he was almost sure that he had been driving. And singing. Yes, he had been singing as well, out loud to the radio, he was definitely sure of that. Singing real loud, the way you do when you’re all alone in the car and no one is around to make fun except maybe that guy in the car next to you but who cares what he thinks. No one is around to make fun of you except that guy and…
…and who?
Was I alone?
He paused. Something was missing. Someone was missing.
For the first time since this absurd situation had begun he turned to look in the one direction he hadn’t: behind him. Looking behind him was like looking into the past. And why was the past (especially the recent past) something he feared deeply?
He closed his eyes making the 180-degree turn and opened them warily only when facing squarely down the embankment. Resting at the bottom like some dead solider was the traumatized remains of a four-door sedan — his four-door sedan. Barely recognizable, it lay on its side: lifeless, passenger side up, propped against a splintered tree. The windows were little more than a tangled spider web of busted glass, every visible inch of metal was either dented, punctured or ripped clean from the automobiles broken
He held a tremulous hand over a tremulous mouth, agape with shock, wondering by what grace of God had he been spared from such a catastrophe. Surely no one could have walked away from such a disaster, but here he was, living proof. Once more he scrutinized his body. Inexplicably he seemed completely uninjured. His hand returned to his mouth as the sight of the corpse that was once his car flooded his mind with cruel and painful memory.
He had been driving and it was cold. It had rained lightly most of the day but the setting sun had cooled things down considerably, glazing the roadways with a frosty varnish. The steady drizzle had turned to pale flurries that blew lazily from his windshield, his wipers no longer necessary to keep his line of vision clear. He drove cautiously, the radio had warned of black ice.
He was driving because he had to drop something off. Normally he would never think of driving the thruway on a Friday evening (it is Friday, isn’t it?), but he was heading southbound which was nothing compared to the rush hour miseries of the northbound lanes. If he had been driving south than that could only mean one thing: he was going to his mother’s. What other reason is there for diving southbound on a Friday, he thought. Once more the traffic report warned of ice. He switched off the news and tuned to some music. He began to sing.
It was then that he saw the first fireball. Ablaze with fury, it illuminated the twilight sky in a massive orange sphere. The car was swamped with brilliant color and he was nearly blinded by the dazzling glow. A second fireball followed before the first was even extinguished, this one smaller although just as intense and enraged.
He instinctively slammed the brake pedal but his tires refused to grip the icy road. In the dying glow of the second explosion — just as his brain was beginning to comprehend what was actually happening — he witnessed before him a violent chain reaction of cars and trucks smashing into one another like some fair ground amusement gone disastrously awry.
With the final flicker of the second fireball all went black. Blinded, his scorched eyes unable to readjust quick enough, he felt the vehicle persist forward regardless of how fiercely he pumped the failing brakes. He turned the steering wheel hard to the right, choosing to take his chances towards the shoulder rather than follow the terrifying path his car, still full of vicious momentum, was currently taking. His vision began to clear and the last thing he recalled seeing before all would grow dark once again was the metal guardrail growing nearer in his headlights and then quiet blackness as his car smashed through at 60 miles per hour and was tossed airborne.
He heard nothing except the cheerful song still playing on the radio. It suddenly occurred to him, in an amusing sort of way, that he had never stopped singing. His car was in mid air, moments from slamming headfirst and rolling violently down a snowy embankment, in the brutal descent to follow the drivers side door would be ripped clean off its hinges, his unbelted body thrown from the tumbling wreck only to land in a shallow ditch and through it all, he continued to sing.
He always sang when he drove. He had such a terrible voice but the car was his private amphitheatre, a place where he could belt out his favorites without fear of mockery or ridicule. He shared this secret with no one, no one except…
Oh God, this was going to be bad. So very bad, but he had to remember.
Who was the only person in the world he was brave enough to sing in front of? Who had been his private audience that evening? Who loved him so much as to never judge and whom did he love back just as much to be set free from all his fears?
Jenny, he remembered in a moment of sudden horror. The realization was as disturbing as it was painful. Where is Jenny?
The man who could not even remember his own name rushed to what was left of his car in a frenzied descent and began searching frantically for the little girl whose name he could never forget, the little girl he had named himself: his daughter. He moved with great haste but the sensation that he existed in a world of slow motion persisted. He fumbled ineptly through the wreckage feeling weak and ineffective, unable to move even the smallest piece of his cars scattered remains. Within the debris the only thing he found were more missing pieces of agonizing memory.
His wife had reminded him to be careful as they left and he assured her he would. The ground was already slick under their feet as he and Jenny walked vigilantly down their freezing driveway. Jenny was anxious to get to her Grandmas, it was Friday evening and she was spending the weekend there because he and his wife were leaving early Saturday morning for an out of town wedding.
“Sing a song Daddy,” the excited five year old pleaded over the traffic report as they headed southbound towards his mothers, twelve miles down the thruway. “Please…”
How could he refuse her? She was his only child, the light of his life, the one person with whom he truly understood the concept of love. He tuned to a music station and began singing aloud to the first song he came to: Neil Diamond’s “Cracklin’ Rose.”
Jenny giggled and clucked from her child seat, old enough to sit in a booster like a “big girl” but small enough to still use the larger more protective seat, for safety sake. He performed joyfully for his admiring audience of one while watchfully maintaining his attention on the freezing highway.
The fuel truck passed him on the left less than a minute before it all started and he noted between verses of “Cracklin’ Rose” just how inappropriately fast it had been traveling in such icy conditions.
“Jenny!” he screamed, finally finding the small girl secured in her safety harness, still strapped into the back seat of his ruined car. She did not respond. Through the broken glass it was impossible to tell if she was even breathing. He pulled at the handle but the door would not budge. He pounded his fists on the shattered glass, it barely buckled. His body felt so incredibly weak.
“Honey, its daddy!” he shouted through tears and sobs. “Open your eyes Jenny…please!” But she did not.
He turned towards the embankment and up to the break in the guardrail. Lights of every sort now beamed and flashed from behind the gap: emergency strobes, floodlights, the amber shimmer of open flame. “Somebody,” he shouted with all the strength he could. “Please help me!”
He turned back to the vehicle. Like the crazed man he was he clawed at the door madly, beat the glass with all he had and kicked at the demolished quarter panel all to no avail. He cursed and screamed and wailed and when he could finally give no more he collapsed to the ground. With one final and breathless plea he cried, “Oh God, somebody! Please help me!”
Then all went silent.
She appeared at the top of the embankment as if from nowhere at all: a woman, young and fair, dressed in lavender. Though her face should have been shrouded by shadow he could see her clearly as if illuminated by a light of her own making. She navigated the rocky slope with ease and grace and was standing before him as quickly as she had appeared.
Her long hair, adorned with babies’ breath and lace, was a dramatic shade of golden honey. It blew behind her in a breeze that could not be felt and shimmered from a light that could not be seen. Her amber eyes were comforting and serene, they sparkled with white flame: brilliant, like…a star. Her complexion was fine porcelain, delicate features united in simplistic beauty. Her gentle face was timeless, like those immortalized by the greatest of the renaissance artists.
“Will you help me?” he appealed in a whisper of beseech that only she could hear.
She closed her eyes and nodded gracefully. Her entire be
ing radiated benevolence and poise. Placing her hands on the cars battered rear door the woman with hair of gold lifted the handle, it gave way and released with total ease. He watched in amazement as she labored effortlessly doing what he had found to be impossible. She went about her work with a peaceful equanimity as she reached into the vehicle and gently removed the child. Her frail body was flaccid as the woman in lavender carried her from the wreckage in an affectionate embrace and placed her in a small grassy area untouched by snow.
“Oh my God,” he howled at the sight of his daughter’s fragile body. “She’s not breathing.”
The woman did not seem to hear him and maintained her full attention on the child. Though terribly frightened he was able to find some calm in the woman’s tender composure. With loving hands the woman in lavender brushed curly locks of brunette hair from the little one’s cherub face and for the first time he could see how pale his only child actually was. “Oh my God…” he repeated.
Working quickly, the woman whom seemed to appear out of thin air leaned over and softly pressed her rose petal lips against the child’s. With one single kiss he watched in bewilderment as the color of life, a wonderful fleshy pink returned to his little girls body. Jenny coughed weakly but her eyes remained closed. The man fell to his knees wanting to take his young daughter into his trembling arms and feel her soft body in his paternal embrace but the woman turned and stopped him.
“What are you doing?” he protested as the woman in lavender, without effort, lifted him to his feet and turned him towards the embankment. Her eyes remained calm and reassuring. In her touch he could feel a familiar warmth. She turned her attention to the embankment and beyond the guardrail. For the first time she spoke, directing her words along the path of her gaze.
“Help her.”
Her voice was placid yet effective. He did more than hear her words, he saw them, felt them. What began as simply a whisper amplified. He both listened and watched as her voice climbed the embankment as a tangible object and disappeared beyond the guardrail.
Together they waited in watchful silence.
At first it was one, then finally, two: silhouettes of men in uniform, appearing within the break in the guardrail, carving the night with powerful flashlights, their beams scanning the area in a ballet of light before finally focusing in on the small girl in the grassy clearing. They called for a third and began scaling the embankment to rescue the little victim. Their descent was treacherous. Loose stone and soil gave way in bulky chunks hampering their efforts to safely navigate the decline.
Unseen by the rescuers, a woman in lavender with babies’ breath woven into her golden hair guided their way with a silent prayer. All three reached the bottom unharmed. Upon reaching the girl, they began tending to her immediately.
Once more the man sought to move closer to his daughter but again the woman restrained him. “Let them help her.” Her words were soothing and when she took his arm in hers he complied, feeling her console flow into him through their joined bodies.
The child coughed once more, a bit stronger this time, as the emergency workers tended to her. One rescuer barked requests for further assistance into a two-way radio, the others listened with stethoscopes and examined with penlights.
“Daddy!” the little girl suddenly cried in a distressed and unsteady voice. “Where’s my daddy?”
“Oh, Jenny,” reaching out to her, “daddy’s right…” But the woman in lavender only tightened her grip.
“Let them help her,” she restated gently. Again, he complied.
One of the emergency workers ran to the car and began examining the interior with his flashlight. “There’s no one in the vehicle, Sarge!” he shouted from the twisted wreck.
“Check the perimeter!” another hollered back. “There had to be a driver!”
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My instincts were right and I knew what he was going to say when he answered the phone. Weeks earlier, his ex-fiancée had walked in on us while we were just beginning our evening alone on the couch. Ever since that day, I knew she was going to try to get him back. She realized he had moved on with his life and she hated that thought. Maybe she didn’t really want him and the things that split them up in the first place would still be there, but she sure as hell didn’t want him to be happy with...
The year was 1945 and the war had just ended. Captain Robert Blane was returning home from the Western theater of war as a decorated P-41 pilot. His two tours of duty as a fighter pilot just now completed, and he was returning to his hometown of San Francisco, California. His high school sweetheart, and only love, waited there, and after hundreds of love letters anxiously looked forward to seeing him. Ann had been the apple of his eye as long as he could remember. From the freckle-faced girl...
A foggy night in London town. Lady Emmaline Christie is traveling to her first proper society ball in a hackney carriage, accompanied by her chaperone, her Great Aunt Agatha, a sister of her grandmother's. The girl, excited, looks from the carriage to the skies above. Amid the clouds, vast Airships cruise the skies above the city. Welcome to The Age Of Steam.It's 1887, a ballroom party is held in London, where the crew of the first ever manned steam powered space ship will be announced... The...
SteampunkBeing on a daytime soap wasn’t the most glamorous job in the Hollywood, but if you played your hands right it could be one of the most beneficial. Some managed to last for decades which meant work and in the city of angels that was a very good thing to have. It also built up a steady fanbase and if you played your cards right, you might be able to make some decent money off of it too. That being said, I had no desire to stay on the soap my entire life, I had ambitions after all. I started on...
Jodie Sweetin sat in the outside office waiting to see the producer of Dancing With The Stars. The pretty blonde former child actress had been invited to be on the upcoming season of the very popular show and was asked to come in and speak with the producer. She’d been waiting for about 10 minutes when the door opened and out came Mischa Barton. She looked up and couldn’t help but notice the large wet stain on Mischa’s silk blouse. Mischa hurried past her and then the secretary told her she...
The woman sat back in her chair as she set the recorder down, her soft brown eyes scanning the scene in front of her. Her crew moved quickly and efficiently around her like the bees she was so fond of when she lived on Earth. Her home in a small Mexican town south of Cancún seemed so far away now, and she was much happier here among the stars, on the Stormchaser 12 with the first all-female crew to open and traverse through a wormhole. The scanners projected the image of a bright pink planet...
Claire’s phone rang, it was Paul’s wife. “Hi Yvonne.” “Claire, are you at the fair yet?” “Yes, we arrived about five minutes ago.” “Good. We’re stuck in traffic. Some idiot decided to dig up the road today of all days. We’ll be about twenty minutes late by the look of things.” “I’m sure we’ll be able to find something to do while we wait. See you later then.” “OK. Bye Claire.” Yvonne put her phone back in her purse. “She and Becky are already there, Paul.” He was driving, so she’d made...
GID'S REUNION Gideon??Reinicke and his sister Kate had quite a reunion It was a yearly thing at this point, but they always both looked forward to it.! He'd picked her up at the airport, and taken her to lunch, and they'd discussed old times, and Kate's art gallery, and of course Gideon's practice as?the most prominent?allergist in Buttermilk Falls. ? Kate had asked Gid over lunch whether there were any romantic prospects in his life. "You know, I know you must be lonely, Gideon, are you...
THE TUTOR OF BUTTERMILK FALLSONE Alfred Nemirow rubbed his throbbing dick tentatively, and gave Fanchon an imploring look. His wife of?three years was impervious to such looks,but Alf tried anyway. He looked down at the steaming Starbucks cup, and then checked? the mirrors of the Mitsubishi Galant...was anyone looking? ? God knows no one wanted to catch Kissler Systems's head Accounting and Financial Recruiter commiting an act of obscenity right outside the damn office...even if he was with his...
The Debutante Timmy had been suspended from school for the second time. Ever since he had reached puberty he had been in trouble in some way. His mother was at her wits' end. This time she was determined to do something about it. She sent him to his room immediately and poured herself a drink to calm down a bit. What could she do? She did not want him to turn to a life of crime. She loved her son and since her husband's death it had been very difficult. If she had a daughter it might...
OHGirl: I woke up next to my daughter’s former boyfriend, Marvin, his arm wrapped around my waist and his hard cock pressing against my ass. He had come back to the condo after my big bukkake video the night before. He had arranged for me to shoot with 25 new guys, that he had signed up on campus over the last two weeks, and I agreed to do a massive facial scene with them for my 50th birthday party. OHBoy was going to meet our daughter, Velvet, in Cleveland where she was promoting her 4...
My little Arab buttercup, Aisha, had been married to me for over a year now. I found work with a civilian contractor for the military. My technical and computer training in the army gave me the knowledge and experience they needed there in Silicon Valley. We were living about thirty minutes away from my job. Aisha preferred to be called Annie now. She was completely westernized in every way. She always spoke English, and had become fluent. She was so fluent that she had started writing in...
BDSMThe last one had come the night before, at the close of our remarkable evening at Creatrice. She had informed me that we were to visit her grandmother at her home in the country to celebrate the old lady’s birthday. Quite a contrast between a Gothic sex club in inner London to the cottage of a grand old dame in the English countryside. Tamsin had told me very little about her grandmother except that she was called Ariadne and that this was her seventy-fifth birthday. That Ariadne had...
Diverting her attention momentarily from the road, Tamsin smiled at me. I had seen that smile before; it was full of comfort and reassurance. Not that I needed to be reassured but life with Tamsin was full of surprises and it had become increasingly obvious to me that she felt she always needed to prepare me for the next one. The last one had come the night before, at the close of our remarkable evening at Creatrice. She had informed me that we were to visit her grandmother at her home in...
Diverting her attention momentarily from the road, Tamsin smiled at me . I had seen that smile before, it was full of comfort and reassurance. Not that I needed to be reassured but life with Tamsin was full of surprises and it had become increasingly obvious to me that she felt she always needed to prepare me for the next one.The last one had come the night before, at the close of our remarkable evening at Creatrice. She had informed me that we were to visit her grandmother at her home in the...
Diverting her attention momentarily from the road, Tamsin smiled at me . I had seen that smile before; it was full of comfort and reassurance. Not that I needed to be reassured but life with Tamsin was full of surprises and it had become increasingly obvious to me that she felt she always needed to prepare me for the next one.The last one had come the night before, at the close of our remarkable evening at Creatrice. She had informed me that we were to visit her grandmother at her home in the...
Group SexFriday 6:30 pm Drinks with the lads was great; a weekly rite of relaxation and male bonding. But all good things should come to an end. Not that the employees of the respected law firm of Marmaduke, Daintree and Partners ever let their Friday drinking get out of hand, but the time inevitably came to call it a day and to say good night. After the lads had bid me goodbye, I stepped out into the street and headed home. The evening was calm and mild by London standards and I dropped into...
SupernaturalStephanie Between the Stars by Stephanie I was bored, I had tried everything but nothing seemed to interest me that day. Even writing another chapter of my latest story didn't get me going. There was nothing for it, I needed a break. The question was, where shall I go? After some deliberation I settled on Hollywood, well I hadn't been there for ages. I decided to travel light and only packed four suitcases, I was only going for a day or so and I wouldn't need that much. Only...
I don’t know how much more I could take of this. I had been having sex for money for over a year now and it was getting old. Now before you write me off as a whore let me tell you that I am not selling my body on the street like a hooker. I am an adult movie star, my name is Linda Star. I know it’s a corny name but if you think about it how many porn stars have good names? I never minded the fact that I was fucking people I did not even know for money. What I did not like was the men in the...
LesbianIt was after midnight and the weather was hot and sticky this close to the sea. I was moving through the dark alleys of a city in the north of Africa. A very Arab country, and I was an American soldier attached to the local consulate. I should not have been out like this, alone and unprotected. But I had a mission to complete. One that was personal. No one could know I was here, especially my superiors. I had seen her several weeks before in the local bazaar. She wasn't alone, of course, but I...
First TimeAll had gone as planned. I had been able to secretly and discretely get my little buttercup out of her Northern Africa country. I had simply made very special plans with a French smuggler in the port. We knew who all the players were at the consulate. We kept track. We sometimes used them for missions that were not quite kosher, so to speak. I was good friends with the CIA operative in the consulate. His title was Secretary of something or other, but we all knew his mission here. And we had...
My little Arab buttercup, Aisha, had been married to me for over a year now. I found work with a civilian contractor for the military. My technical and computer training in the army gave me the knowledge and experience they needed there in Silicon Valley. We were living about thirty minutes away from my job. Aisha preferred to be called Annie now. She was completely westernized in every way. She always spoke English, and had become fluent. She was so fluent that she had started writing in...
I don’t know how much more I could take of this. I had been having sex for money for over a year now and it was getting old. Now before you write me off as a whore let me tell you that I am not selling my body on the street like a hooker. I am an adult movie star, my name is Linda Star. I know it’s a corny name but if you think about it how many porn stars have good names? I never minded the fact that I was fucking people I did not even know for money. What I did not like was the men in the...
I don’t Like watching Porn – But I like see Passion and Lust on screen So this is an EDITED LIST of ………… Greatest EROTIC Female stars.If us search these names ……… these Ladies will not let ya downThank u to my fren ……… ShitJustGotRealLegendary Women (Min. 10 Years, 24 Titles Per Year)=============================================================Nina Hartley - 30 Years - 1,027 TitlesKatja Kassin - 11 Years - 704 TitlesSharon Mitchell - 34 Years - 700 Titles - RETIREDJada Fire - (Ebony) 16 Years...
The butcher’s meat sales Author: RotnebSynopsis: Camilla were drawn into the weekly States Meat Lottery and had to follows the rules for human pigs.The story is only fantasyThe legal State Lottery- Then you are also within the meat lottery, Karen? - Yes, unfortunately I got my lottery ticket yesterday, as my 19 birthday gift from the State. I have been waiting for the lottery ticket, but I got a shock when I receive it. - It is not surprising to you. All we girls between 19 and 21 years are...
Ma put down the telephone receiver and smiled a hard, cruel, smile. Her two sons, Patrick and Spike, looked up hopefully from where they sat slumped over the kitchen table. It was early morning, an hour before dawn. They had been awake all night. Ever since Katrina Outhwaite had escaped from the room with the big brass bed, they had been frantically searching the roads north and south of the Butcher's pig-farm, without success. "That was the, Sheriff Bud Jansen," she said. "The kid made...
Ten days after Katrina's abortive attempt at escape, the Outhwaites were beginning to accept their fate. They were becoming resigned to being drudges by day and sex-slaves by night and, for that matter, any other time Ma Butcher or her sons wanted to satisfy some sexual whim. Their diet of oatmeal and water, occasionally supplemented by scraps from the heavily laden plates of the Butcher's had much to do with the steady decline in the Outhwaites' morale. The real "killer", however, was...
I had been curious about the advert for amateur film stars placed on a postcard in the local paper shop. I had previously called the number and spoke with a foreign male who said it was for a new DVD he was marketing. He didn’t make any excuses and came to the point that it involved getting naked. He had a young woman visiting him that same day and asked if I could pop round. Naturally I was getting paid, more if the DVD sold so I accepted.The venue was an ordinary house in town. The man...