I WAS A TEENAGE WEREMOM free porn video

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I got this idea from a caption and picture by Morpheus. It was too irresistible not to write. I WAS A TEENAGE WEREMOM By Eric Part One Lesson in life number 316 or maybe it should be number 1. Don't mess with an angry witch! That's what Joey thought with good reason. Joey Richardson was 15, was tall for his age, but otherwise unremarkable. He was a B student if that helps. His folks thought his grades should be higher but that's a universal constant. He has a Dad, Bryan 42 who worked for Boeing as a machinist and makes a good living. He has a mother Miranda who claims to be 33 but who is 35 and was an English Teacher at Parkway High School. He had (but didn't rejoice in) a younger sister Katy 11. Joey considers her a real brat. But then he was prejudiced as he was her brother. Katy of course was his father little darling. Joey was his mother's favorite. They lived in an older suburb of St. Louis in a nice house and got along with most of their neighbors. Except the Kratzs'. But nobody got along with the Kratzs'. Pretty normal you would say. Even boring. And you would have been right except for Halloween. That's when everything changed. "Dad! Do I really have to take the Brat trick or treating?" Joey whined. "Yes. Now no more back talk. And don't call your sister Katy a Brat." "Why not - she is? And Dad, she's too old for trick or treating." Katy pinched him and of course his father didn't see it. He never did. "Listen, as my own Dad said to me - 'Son, you'll never be too old for your old Dad to take his belt off to reason with you'." Joey nodded. Reason, as usual prevailed. But Joey sulked. He would be late for the real fun. His friends had decided to toilet paper some houses. That was a lot more fun than taking his kid sister around from door to door extorting candy. Katy was grinning an unbecoming grin of triumph. His fists itched to punch her. But foolish though he might be Joey wasn't THAT foolish. His bottom glowed with remembrance thinking about the last time. His Dad didn't have a cheap imitation leather belt. So with his sister disguised as an angel. 'Bite me!' Joey thought. He took her around her to extort candy from neighbors. Katy was in hog heaven. His mother smiled sympathetically at him, but she didn't wish to argue with her husband unless it something really important. Miranda was an attractive, slim red headed woman. Joey had red hair, too. My two carrot tops his Dad called them affectionately. His Mom didn't like it. The trick or treating took forever, as Katy would often go to the same house twice, counting on people either not remembering or having a different person open the door. She was usually successful and so she had a bulging sack when he was finally allowed to take her home. She was greedily eying her loot. Of course his friends had not waited. Every house in the neighborhood was decorated with toilet paper, unless it belonged to one of the boys' families. Joey was bumming big time! He was really looking forward to going around with rolls of toilet paper! What a fun! As his granddad would say it would be a gas. Joey giggled at his own joke as usual. Regretfully he was about to put the toilet paper away when he saw they hadn't done the Ambruster's across the way. He wasn't sure why. They didn't have any kids. Maybe they were afraid of Mrs. A. Some kids thought she was kinda weird and she did get mad easily. Joey couldn't see why they would be scared though. She was a pretty, dark hair woman of 30 or so who wrote books that were kinda copies of Harry Potter. She did have a bad temper she got really mad when any one said her books were rip offs on Rowling's. Mom didn't like her very much as she thought Mrs. A was a flirt. So here was his big chance. Stealthy he approached the Ambruster house. He started gleefully wrapping toilet paper around trees and bushes. Then Mrs. A's cold voice came from behind him. "Just what do you think you are doing young man?" BUSTED! He gulped. "I'm just having a bit of Halloween fun, Mrs. Ambruster." She snorted. "Fun! Fun you call it to wrap toilet paper around my prize Azaleas and trample my garden? Kids today just don't have the proper respect for the old traditions. You should read my books and then maybe you would learn -" Joey interrupted unwisely (remember the red hair). "I would rather read the real thing, Harry Potter. My Mom says you are just a copycat." Joey jumped back. Mrs. A's eyes were actually glittering. "That tears it! You and your mother need to be taught a lesson." A sinister grin came over her pretty face. "I have just the thing!" She started chanting. "For three days when the full moon begins its rise until midnight of the third night you shall shed your shape and change, change, change into your Mother's living mirror!" She threw a powder at Joey. It was creepy and Joey ran away even though he knew she was only blowing smoke. Of course he kept his mouth shut. Well the days went by and he kinda put it out of his mind. Joey parents were watching TV, Joey went by his sister's room. Katy was experimenting with make up to trying (in vain he thought) to look less repulsive and Joey decided to play Tomb Raider. Hey, as all the teenage boys who play it would say, it teaches you a lot of stuff, like what to do when being chased down an ancient tomb by ghouls or something. You never know when that kinda of thing might come in handy - right? Then Joey felt a really creepy, crawly feeling. He wanted to scream but couldn't. It was like all the bones and muscles in his body were rearranging themselves. Then the sensation disappeared. Joey felt his clothes fitting funny on his body. He staggered to a mirror and gasped horrified. Somehow he had become his mother! IMPOSSIBLE! He fell backing shock on his bed. He shook his head and his mother's long red hair swirled. He pushed it out of his face. He crept to his door and opened it a crack and listened. All clear. A thought struck him. Had his Mom become him? He had to find out so he tipped toed to the head of the stairs and leaned over the rail. Thank God! Everything was normal his Mom and Dad were cuddled on the couch. He ran back to his room. "Hey Mom, why are you wearing such weird clothes?" asked Katy glancing up. "None of your business, brat!" he said with his mother's voice. Katy pouted and slammed her door. That's one good thing at least He could tell his sister where to go. Back in his room, Joey paced up and down. This felt really weird! He could feel breasts swing free and his hips were too wide. How does Mom stand it, he wondered. More important how did it happen. Mrs. Ambruster! Halloween! The curse. He had to see her right away! He let himself out of his window unto the back porch as he usually did when he wanted to sneak out of the house, but his shoes were too big and he stumbled. 'My God I am going to fall off the porch!' he thought, panicking. He slid towards the edge but at the last minute grabbed the gutter and clung desperately. Mom, you need to be in better shape, he said gasping. He edged successfully to the downspout and slid down. He ran over to the Ambruster house, panting in his Mom's 33 year body. A far cry from being 15 and an athletic teenage boy! When he got closer he heard a nasty chuckle and Mrs. A. stepped out of the shadows. "I've been expecting you, Joey - or should I say Miranda?" "You did this to me! You are really a witch!" Mrs. A nodded. "One of my better efforts." "Change me back now!" "Forget it. As for as I am concerned you are stuck. Tonight, tomorrow and the next day until midnight you will be your mother's identical twin! " Joey was relieved to hear he wouldn't be his Mom's double forever. He gulped. "Well I guess I can live with it. Not quite 3 days." She snickered. "You change EVERY month! Every full moon." Upchuck! Thought Joey. "But you can't do this to me!" "Sure I can. I already have." "But what can I do? I can't tell my folks they would freak out. The whole world would freak out!" "Not my problem. Good luck 'Miranda'!" With a merry wave Mrs. A. disappeared back into her house. Joey started crying. What was he going to do? He almost got run over as he crossed the street. He paid no attention to driver's yells. God was it hard to climb up the porch in this body, but he made it. He felt bruised all over from the roll down earlier. He sniffled feeling very sorry for himself. Tomorrow was Friday and a school day. He was doomed. He would be a freak and a laughing stock. He would be laughingly knows as the boy who was his own mother attending classes in junior high. He would lose all his friends! The papers would make fun of him. Adamantly he shook his head. No one must find out - especially his rotten sister! He began to make plans. (If you want to make a teen smart just set them up so they have to think to avoid being embarrassed!) He would call himself in sick tomorrow at school. He would hang out somewhere tomorrow and tomorrow night but where? Hey he would visit his Aunt Jane. Her mother had been promising to do it for months. Joey gulped. He would need woman's clothes! He would need to wear his (YUCK) Mom's clothes! He snuck into his parent's bedroom and distastefully got bras and panties and clothes for two days. He might as well wear what he liked on Mom if he had to go around as a copy of her! So he made his selections. My God, his parents were coming up stairs. With full arms he dashed for his bedroom. Whew, he made it! "Goodnight kids." Katy gave Dad the usual suck up kiss! Joey grunted hoping his mother's grunt sounded like his own. It got by! Whew! Damn he would have to get up early and sneak out of the house and then back in again after everyone left. Joey woke up to the incessant alarm. God what a weird dream - imagine be coming a weremom! Yuck! Then he felt his breasts swing. GROAN! Not a dream. He sat down again to take a piss. YUCK! He hurried on his mother's exercise clothes and dashed out of the house leaving a note on the table saying he had gone to school early for basketball practice. Suspicious, him doing anything early, but it would have to do. He had to print it on his computer, as his handwriting was now his Mom's! Hey, that might come in handy, Joey mused. Time enough for that later. The sports bra helped control his breasts. Thank God! He didn't worry about his Mom missing her exercise stuff, as she hadn't gone to the gym in months. He heard more than once his Dad complaining about the waste of money! Soon his parents left for work. He was even more grateful than usual that his Mom didn't teach in his school! His sister skipped out of the house to the bus stop with her usual self satisfied smirk. God, did he need a cup a coffee he thought. Then he brought himself up short. I don't drink coffee, but that's what he wanted. He went back into the house and finished off the morning coffee and started to feel better. He absently poured himself his Mom's diet breakfast, Yuck! But it as too much trouble to make something. He took a deep breath. Do or die. Now how did his mother talk to her sister? He called Aunt Jane. "Jane darling, how about spending the weekend together?" Boy did he sound like Mom! "Sounds great, sis! Are you off from school?" He answered in the affirmative. Then Joey called himself in sick. Missing school - one good thing at least! He typed a note saying his was at Aunt Jane's until Sunday. He visited her often, as she was his favorite person. His parents would be glad to get him out of the house, so they wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. Whatever that meant! He got a suitcase from the basement and packed his things - or rather his mother's things. Jane's battered Civic pulled up and she sprang out. She was a perky 28 year old woman also with red hair. She was a stay at home housewife. Her husband John managed a grocery story. She came in all gushy and Joey endured an embrace and a kiss. "It will be like old times, Sis!" Joey smiled weakly and thought I doubt it. Jane looked at her critically. "Miranda don't you want to comb your hair and put on make-up?" "Had a bad night," Joey mumbled. Soon with Jane's help 'she' looked presentable. Jane was a terrible driver, but they somehow made it to her house. Over some more coffee Joey listened and Jane chattered away, not at all sorry to do most of the talking, Joey absorbed useful information. Joey new green eyes got wider and wider. Wow! He didn't know his Mom. HIS MOM! Had been such a wild and crazy girl! He wasn't sure he wanted to hear some of this stuff. His Mom had smoked pot for 4 years, had tried coke on occasion and had slept with 4 men before she married his Dad! Jane decided they should eat lunch out - some chick place. Here goes my allowance! Thought Joey. He dressed clumsily behind closed doors. "I always like that outfit on you, sis. I don't understand why you don't wear it more. You look so sexy!" "Thanks," said Joey with a smile. He had got Mom's body looking great if he did say so himself. This emerald green jump suite really was hot as are the shiny boots. He had a little problem with the two inch heels, but soon got the hang of it. At least they were not spikes! They ate at some frilly tearoom and did his aunt fuss over the check. They each paid their share down to the penny. He thought the waitress would go crazy but she seemed used to such fussing. Joey was then dragged on a shopping expedition. Boring! But he kept smiling. Jane couldn't believe it when he didn't buy anything. He had a pleasant dinner with Jane and her husband Jake. Boy it was sure odd to be treated politely by him instead of like an escaped criminal. His uncle had never had liked Joey since he scratched Jake's new car with his bike! Some people sure hold a grudge! He made sure he answered the phone and once assured his mother that Joey was being a perfect gentleman and behaving himself. He found that his aunt's and now his voice were enough alike on the telephone to fool an unsuspicious Miranda. He spent another night in this duplicate of his mother's body. The next day he talked Jane into driving him back when he knew his folks would be at church! It wouldn't do at all for Aunt Jane to meet both Miranda's! Now what to do until midnight? He went to see an NC 17 movie! Wow! Hot stuff - except well - it really was kinda boring. He went home when he thought the coast was clear and waited for his mother to leave the house for her usual Sunday night chat with the gossipy Mrs. Jones. He started up the stairs. His Dad came out of the study. "Miranda, I thought you were visiting Mrs. Jones?" Joey smiled weakly. "I just got back." "That was quick. Does the old gossip have laryngitis?" Joey laughed a tinkling female laugh, which annoyed him tremendously. "While you're here - let's go over the expenses. We've been spending too much on junk food. No more Pizzas or Sodas for the kids." Joey's heart sunk. This was all he needed. He had to endure his Dad talking finances until he could escape upstairs. He hardly was in his room when his mother came in the front door. She went into the family room. Bryan looked up with a wrinkled frown. "Did you change clothes?" he asked puzzled. "No, why?" "I thought you were wearing something else." He shrugged no matter. Poor Miranda got in trouble later in the week when she bought the kids Pizza and Pepsi. She tearfully kept telling her husband that he hadn't told her not to buy them this month. Of course he knew better. She had just given in to the kids pleading and pretended not to remember. Sometime he wondered about his wife! Well Joey got through the first Full moon period - what he going to do with the next? He couldn't visit Aunt Jane again. Even she would get suspicious. Meanwhile his mother and Dad were concerned about another matter. Miranda noticed that some her of dress clothes and her warm up outfit had been worn and wrinkled. "How did it happen? I know I didn't wear them." Bryan frowned. "Katy - no she's way too small." He paused horrified. "You don't' suppose our son is a cross dresser!?" Miranda said. "I hope not!" They decided to keep an eye on Joey and her clothes and were relieved that everything seemed normal even after they had set several traps to see if he would sneak into their bedroom and take them. Bryan even installed a TV camera he bought over the Internet. Thank God they didn't see Joey taking any clothes! Bryan then accused his wife of being forgetful again and upsetting them for nothing as she just forgot wearing the clothes! She again cried, as her husband didn't look like he believed her. But both were relieved and shut down their surveillance. As the dreadful day of the full moon approached Joey got more and more desperate. Several times he groveled for Mrs. Ambruster and only got laughed at for his tearful begging. Poor Joey felt like he was trapped in a Teen Summer Movie. "I WAS A TEENAGE WEREMOM!" Who would be in it he wondered morbidly? Sara Michele Geller would be his girl friend Grace, Freddy Prince would be him, Sara Jessica Parker the witch, Sandra Bullock his Mom, Bruce Willis his Dad and he got stuck trying to find an actresses revolting and repulsive enough to play his sister. As luck would have it the first night he just laid low in his room as his folks went to a movie. Before they got back he went into the bedroom and got some clothes. The next day was Friday he would just call himself in sick at school. Friday night he should be okay as his folks had a big to do as there was a big party at Dad's work and they would be out to the wee hours of the morning. Both would have a bit of a head Saturday and would sleep late and he would sneak out of the house and leave a note he was spending the day and night with his friend Mike. He would just hang out in vacant house for sale a couple of blocks down - he knew how to get in. He knocked on wood. He sure hoped it would work and his folks wouldn't call. He had already asked Mike to cover for him. Mike was delighted as he was sure Joey was up to no good big time. The night came and his there as a knock on the door. Joey's heart thundered and his blood ran cold. "Dad's in our bathroom, dear. Mind if I use yours? I'm running really late and your Dad's gets mad." Joey dived under the covers. Threw them he tried to make his voice deeper. "Okay." His Mom entered wearing her robe and headed for his bathroom to take a shower. She hated to go to these gatherings and was as usual delaying things. As the water started running Joey dashed out of bed. Shit! He forgot Mom's running shoes for tomorrow. He dashed into the bedroom with her exercise out fit on. OH! NO! His Dad just left their bathroom! His Dad frowned. Busted! Joey thought helplessly. Life couldn't get any worse. Yes, it could. "Damn it Miranda we're running late and you haven't even put on your dress." He gestured to the formal gown laid out on the bed. "Just don't stand there with an opened mouth. Do it! I'll help." When his Dad said jump people asked how high. He was no one to trifle with. Joey found his Mom's gown sliding on his unwelcome curves. Nervously he sat on the bed and rolled silk stockings on his new legs. He had seen Mom do it often when he was little. "Now get your make-up on." With trembling hands Joey did his best. He managed with only a little trouble as he and 'his sister' Jane had played dress up a month ago. "Good!" he grunted as Joey fearfully slid into dress heels. What if Mom should come in? "Let's go!" ordered his Dad and Joey staggered a little on the three inch spikes. "Miranda have you been drinking?" Dazed Joey shocked his head. Grounded forever - a freak forever! Doomed! Somehow they made it to the car. Just as they drove away Miranda came out of the shower and went into her room. Bryan was gone. She looked in the garage. The car was gone. Well with his temper he must have got tired of waiting and left without me. Good! Even though she knew he would sulk for weeks, she hated those stupid parties. He always wanted her to wear something sexy and she felt like a peace of meat as men would drink too much and would 'accidentally' bump into her and then Bryan would accuse her of flirting for God's sake. She sat down in her room to read. Part 2 In the car Joey was fumbling with his seat belt. He looked down. My God am I ever showing cleavage, his face got red with embarrassment. What am I going to do? I don't how to be Mom especially in front of all those strangers. His Dad at least didn't notice anything. He kept complaining as usual how long it took Miranda to get ready! Getting out of the car Joey was shaking with an attack of nerves and he stumbled a bit in the heels. His Dad gave him a disgusted look. Oh, no I'm busted thought Joey. "Miranda, have you been drinking?" Joey gulped. "No, just nervous. You know how I hate these things." Bryan snorted. "I never said you had to like them - just go to them! It's an important function with Union officers and company officials meeting socially so we know each other and don't become THEM and US! You know I am the president of the Union, so try not to disgrace me! Joey gave an uncertain smile, looking if he but knew it, just like his mother usually did on these occasions. A number of men and women were already there. Everyone soon posed for a group photo. Drinks were passed out and Joey gulped one nervously. It tasted good and he felt better. SO far so good. Nobody guessed he wasn't the real Miranda. He refused to think what would happen when they got home and confronted his Mom! He had to depend on luck, which hadn't quite failed him yet. "OUCH!" Somebody pinched his butt! Joey whirled and punched the man in stomach. It was Mark, the Union treasurer. The surprised man let out a gasp. "Keep you hands to your self you pervert!" he said angrily. Imagine a guy pinching a teenage boy! Of course he wasn't a teenage boy right now, but even so pinching his Mom was bad. Everyone stared at them. His Dad came over and steered Joey away. "For God's sake don't make a scene!" "ME? Tell your buddy Mark. He was the one who started it." "I'll talk to him. I'll talk to him, but what's got into you tonight Miranda you're acting like a kid!" Bryan wondered what the hell was with his wife - Miranda usually was so mousy at these functions? God, she must be really nervous. Look at the way she is eating. She looks as bad as Joey with the way she is shoveling it in! And is she ever gulping her drinks! "Wipe your mouth, Miranda and take it easy on the drinks!" Guiltily Joey did. He loved his Mom and didn't want to disgrace her. Shit he had to go to the bathroom! Some other wives went with him. "Good for you! I always wanted to slap someone at these stupid functions." "Right! I don't blame you for drinking!" said another. Mark's wife came in and the buzzing stopped. Joey was surprised when she embraced him. "I apologize, Miranda dear. Believe me my husband will really hear it from me on the way home! He must have done something truly dreadful to make you lose control like that!" She looked really furious and the way the other wives drew away she must be hell on heels! Joey didn't envy Mark. He smiled weakly and thanked the woman. It was so embarrassing to hear these women start dishing their husbands and so embarrassing to pee with them all here. When he got out a VP asked him to dance Joey looked desperately around. Help! He silently whispered to the gods of luck, and they, the swines, turned their backs on him with a wink and a smile! He made himself smile his Mom's sweet smile and after some confusion on who should lead - away they went. First the man stepped on his toes in their fragile shoe. "Ouch!" "Sorry! The man said. He wondered what was wrong. Miranda Richardson usually was a good dancer? She might still be flustered - he wondered what Mark had done. "By the way why did you hit Mark?" Joey had been thinking of an answer to this question. "He fondled my privates," he said primly. As young as he was Joey knew enough of the world to know that no one would believe Mark's denials. He suppressed a snicker. It would serve the dirty old man right. Nobody who molested his Mom could get away with it. Then he stepped on the VP's toes. "Ouch!" the man said. "No, don't apologize - you just got me back. Fair is fair." Joey relaxed and found when he did he could dancer better. He danced with a few more men who were on the best behavior remembering what he had done to good old Mark! They were surprised. Mrs. Richardson could actually hold a conversation about important matters like sports! Usually she went on about her dull teaching job or her kids. "You're a lucky man, Bryan!" Said the VP. "How's that?" "You're wife knows sports! You must have many great times with her watching football and baseball. She is a really enthusiastic and knowledgeable sports lover." "My wife?" Bryan said naturally incredulous, but the man didn't hear but moved away. Bryan looked across at his wife chatting with Mike the treasurer of the union. The man seemed actually interested in what she told him instead of having the usual glassy eyed stare of am man talking to a woman. What gives? And why was Miranda so clumsy? Damn it she just knocked over a small table! On the way home he was silent, trying to figure out what was going. Joey was grateful for the respite. If only he could somehow get to his room without either his Mom or Dad seeing two Miranda's! He wished he had gone to church more then God might be more incline to hear the silent prayers. It was a little after 1 AM when they arrived home. Joey's feet hurt. Why do woman wear these damn things anyway, he wondered. Gratefully he kicked them off, do exactly what his mother would have done. Then the best words he ever heard came form his Dad. "You go up first, honey and check on the kids. I'll be up shortly. The VP brought up some rule changes and I'll have to see if they're doable in the contract. I'll be up in fifteen minutes." He leaned over and Joey was surprised to get a peek on the cheek from his Dad. He hadn't done that since Joey was nine, but then Joey hadn't been a weremom before! He dashed up the stairs in his stocking feet. He cautiously looked in the room. Mom was asleep and giving off lady like snores! Luck was with him! He silently thanked God and promised he would keep his promise and go to church more! Joey undressed hurriedly and placed his Mom's gown on her clothes tree and then slipped out into the hallway. Now if he could just get into his room! He heard his Dad's ponderous tread! He ran for it and just made it. He locked his door and leaned against it. Bryan stopped at the scene in the bedroom. How, he was wondering how did his wife get undressed, remove her make- up and fall asleep so quickly? He shook his head. Well, it wasn't important. Anyway he might have spent more time than he thought looking at the contract. Joey somehow made himself get up early and dash for the vacant house. He then plopped down in the recliner and fell asleep. The next morning Ryan naturally discussed the party with his wife. "I talked to Mark and he will be on his best behavior or I will personally sock him and I hit harder than you!" Bryan said smiling. Miranda was naturally puzzled. "What are you talking about? I wasn't at the party. You left without me so I thought you didn't want me to go!" "Very funny, Miranda, but I am not laughing. You had a lot to drink, but not that much! By the way don't drink so much next time; it even effected your table manners and co- ordination. Anyone watching you would think you never wore high heels before that night!' Now it was Miranda's turn not to be amused. "Look just because I didn't ready fast enough to please Mr. Efficiency is no reason to make fun of me like this! You know perfectly well I wasn't there!" Bryan stared at his wife. She was serious. "You're nuts!" he said graciously. First Bryan showed her where she had kicked off her heels. They were still there. He took her upstairs and pointed at her worn evening gown on the clothes tree and her stockings carelessly thrown on the floor. Miranda stared open mouthed. "Call your friend Trudy and ask her if you were there." "Okay Mr. Smarty pants!" She got her friend on the phone. "I'm glad you called Miranda dear! I want you to know I gave Mark hell for touching your privates. The very idea that he could think he could away with that is crazy! To punish him I going to sell his Ram's tickets for the rest of the season. Can you imagine the man says he barely pinched you - and there were a half a dozen people who saw him do it! By the way you sure must have brushed up on your sports. All the men were so impressed. It's a good idea, I will do the same and next year I'll get to watch those men staring about my sport's knowledge." Miranda hardly heard the rest of the conversation. She called another woman she knew who was going. She got the same story. Was she losing her mind? Did she have another personality that slugged men (she wished she could remember doing it. Mark wasn't called the octopus for nothing!) and knew sports and had trouble with high heels and had bad table manners? The next day her husband triumphantly produced photographic evidence of her presence and Miranda stopped arguing with her husband. She didn't want to see some shrink and be put away!! Monday Joey breathed again. He was undiscovered. To celebrate he took his cute girlfriend Grace out for Pizza and to a movie. They made out later to his pleasure. He was lucky his tall, blond girlfriend Grace was really hot! And she really liked him. But I bet she would drop him faster than a politician could lie if she found he would turn into his Mom at the rising of the full moon! He laughed "women!" She was already talking of marriage after college and this was way to soon for him! Every chance he got he went over to Mrs. A and pleaded. And got nowhere. He needed help, something that might break a spell. He couldn't go on like this forever. Sooner or later he would be caught. His only option was to run away from home and he sure didn't want to do that! His friend Larry was a dungeon master and knew a lot of magic stuff. He would ask him. "Larry, do you know how a were spell can be broke?" he asked Larry at the boys house. "Don't know that it can, I'll look it up in my books. Hum not as easy spell to break. Are you involved in a D and D game I'm not playing?" "Sort of." "Well, maybe your character can bite the caster - which would then turn him Were, too - it might break the spell or at least force the magic user to give them both a reverse spell." "Thanks! It just might work!" Larry shrugged. "It's kind of an old trick, but it do the job." Larry went to Mrs. A's house. "Maybe now you will stop criticizing my work." "If I admit your better than Rawlings will you remove the curse?" "Never!" she shook her head. Desperately Joey leaned forward and bit her hard! Boy could she cuss! "You stupid brat, do you know what you've done?" rubbing her bleeding arm. He grinned, "Tell me?" Biting her had really felt good! "At the Full moon I will turn into you!" She shuddered. "Serves you right. Maybe now you will change me back?" "You idiot I can't reverse the spell. If I could have I would have done it for you after the first time. I lost my temper and thought there was a reverse spell, but there isn't." There was a sinking feeling in his gut. Now What? Then Joey brightened. "Well at least you can take my place those days. It will make it easier." "On whom!" she snapped. "Me." Despite herself Mrs. A laughed. "Come inside. While I figure out what to do." Well the upshot was that she called Miranda over and explained the situation. Miranda was not as skeptical as should normally would have been remembering the party and other weird things like her sister taking about a visit that never took place. In away it was a relief - sure better than being insane! "Now what?" She asked. "Well, since Joey here will be you and I will be Joey someone needs to be me. You're elected. No fooling around with my husband though!" "Of course not. Well - Okay - I don't see that we have any alternative." In truth Miranda wouldn't mind a few days away from Bryan and the kids and a few days off from teaching - besides Alice Ambruster was prettier and had better clothes and drove a sports car. A few hours before the change they all met at Mrs. A's house in her study. Her husband didn't dare break in on them. They took off their clothes and stared fascinated at each other as the changes began. Soon Joey put on his Mom's clothes. His Mom's Mrs. A's. and Mrs. A Joey's. Anyone looking in the room would have noticed no changes! It would be a lot easier with them helping each other out with knowledge and no duplicates to make things impossible to manage. So Miranda stayed behind pretending to be Alice Ambruster, while the apparent mother and son left to go back to their house. Joey was worried about - well you know what with his Dad, but Mom had told him how to stop Bryan if he got 'frisky' so Joey stopped worrying. The real Miranda never had to have sex or be bothered with Mr. Ambruster. He was deathly afraid of his wife. It was kinda nice to have a husband afraid of you rather than being afraid of him! And she had the sexiest clothes! Mrs. A. brought Joey's grades up and seemed to enjoy playing sports on the days she was at school as Joey. Joey didn't like teaching English on the days he subbed for his Mom, but it was kinda cool - especially being able to boss older teens around! He also took advantage (of course) to be mean to his sister the days he was his Mom. It drove Katy crazy - why was her mother tougher on the full moon? Bryan noticed three days each mouth his wife was much quieter and her cooking improved. It turned Joey had a natural talent here. Mrs. A especially enjoyed that part as she could pig out all she wanted and not worry about gaining weight. All three would meet, await the change and then swap clothes. It became a ritual. Unfortunately Miranda was not too happy about one aspect. It seems that the sneaky Alice Anbruster cast a spell that made the three days of the full moon as always the time when her body has its heaviest period! Joey feels sorry for his poor Mom - now she has to have two periods a month! He can feel her pain because everyone once in awhile he has part of one for her. But what really makes Joes mad is that he thinks Mrs. A is getting a little too cozy with his girlfriend! Well any life somehow life goes on. The end


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A Sexy Submissive Mother and her Dominant Teenage Son

This is a story of a woman who suffers the tragic loss of her husband, only to find her long-held desire to be dominated satisfied by her teenage son. Together they explore the roles of dominant and submissive, leading to pleasure through surrender that neither could have imagined. This is a work of fiction and I have no desire to participate in incest or sex with a minor, nor do I condone it. Should you find yourself considering either please seek professional help. As this is my first...

2 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 10

Now they were going to have to move their operations away from North and South America, and the question was: where to, next? The obvious place was Europe, but was that the best choice? They could take a hint from World War II and use the UK as a staging area. They now knew that the Wasps were relatively easy for them to defeat when they had plenty of poison, so they were highly confident of victory no matter which way they went first. The combination of Europe and Asia would take a while to...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 9

The brains back at Auburn had finally doped out how to make an antigravity belt, and they built a couple of prototypes to test their theories. It turned out that the secret of the system was not all that exotic, after all. Given a few more years and Earth scientists would have come up with the principals, so they had little trouble modifying the design to fit human tastes and idiosyncrasies. All of the fighter-jockey types wanted a single-seater fighter where they could strut their stuff....

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Bang Bang With Teenage And MiddleAge Cocks

(I thank Mrs. S.A for sharing her fantasy and her inputs. She has successfully seduced a teenager and seducing a middle-aged man will be child’s play for her, but she is waiting for a deserving man. Though her fantasy is not yet materialized, she asked me to write the story anyway. I am grateful for her encouragement and giving me the liberty to mould her story as I liked) I am amazed at men who are very brilliant, sharp and intelligent in office matters but are totally blind, deaf and ignorant...

4 years ago
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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 6

The Oolsans were welcomed into the new interstellar family that was forming. They did not have much more to contribute beyond the sample of Inklus' piss, since their body shape did not lend itself well to fitting into a spacetub. Nevertheless, they were given equal rights along with everybody else and were provided with replicators so that they could move into a more comfortable living standard. The invading Wasps had been easily eliminated, since they had just arrived and had not had time...

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The Professors Rape of His Teenage Students

Author: Powerone and SarahBell Title: The Professor's Rape Of His Teenage Students Summary: A student needs an 'A' in his class and he needsthe student. Keywords: M/F, reluc, nc, anal, oral, The Professor's Rape Of His Teenage Students Copyright 2004. Powerone can be contacted at [email protected] andSarahBell can be contacted at [email protected] Michael was settled into his life as a Professor over thepast ten years. He had married one of his graduate students, a girl, ten...

3 years ago
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Owned By A Teenage Goddess

You never expect to meet God--or the devil either for that matter, in your office at nine o'clock on a Wednesday morning. But as it turns out, that's exactly what happened to me. It all started when my secretary Nancy went on maternity leave. I was the general counsel for the company I worked at. Human resources arranged a temp to cover for Nancy while she was out, but I couldn't believe my eyes when she showed up at my office that Wednesday morning. Nancy, my regular secretary, was a...

2 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 6

A reconnaissance flyover toward Tallahassee produced a startling result. There was what appeared to be a new pyramidal spaceship under construction! Judging from its appearance in the recon photos, it was only about 10% complete. The wasps could be seen working on it oblivious to the presence of human soldiers less than 100 miles away. The question was immediately raised: should they try to stop construction on the pyramid or should they allow construction to continue in hope of capturing it...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 7

Capturing a Wasps' pyramid undamaged was too good an opportunity to miss, so Ann put all of her resources into the task. She left a holding force to occupy the territory already occupied, but moved all of her other forces into place near the Georgia pyramid. This took two days of nail-biting tension, because they didn't know what would happen if the troops were spotted by the Wasps. Very tight air cover was flown by tubs to keep any Wasp well away from the troop concentrations. The Wasps...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 7

A fleet of 2,000 space tubs could cover a width of 2,000 miles when they were lined up side by side. Their FLIR had no trouble covering a width of half a mile on either side, so they were able to sweep for hidden nests very effectively and very efficiently. Hadron IV was a small planet with very few mountains, so it was swept in only three days. A few nests were found, but they were easily destroyed and the question was now raised: "Now what?" Very little destruction was vented on the...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 3

One of the rescued men was a licensed radio engineer who worked part time at the University radio station. He suggested that they use the radio station to broadcast for anybody who wanted to join them to show up at the dining hall. The station was still operable because he could hear the carrier. He said that they could make a tape which would loop back on itself and send a repeating message up to about one minute long. Bill agreed to make such a tape and he and the engineer left for the...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 8

The Xytal must have supplied most of the technology used by the Wasps. The humans reached that conclusion because the almost "magical" power supply was used to power so many of the marvels used by the Wasps. Nobody could see the Wasps having the intelligence to adapt that power supply to other gadgets. The only significant item for which the humans had not found a service manual was the pyramid, itself. And it wasn't for the lack of trying. Every one of the thousands of books in the...

4 years ago
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Kristie and Jessica Two Teenage Church Going Nymphs

Kristie was seventeen. I knew her mom, Kelly, We were all very good church-going friends. I liked Kristie’s mom, but couldn’t really find a way to express my feelings, so I did the next best thing- be there for her teenage daughter. Kristie, sometimes her friends from school, her mother and I often spent hours together playing board games or dominoes, sometimes until the wee hours of the morning. most usually on Sunday evenings after church services. Kristie’s mother always insisted that...

First Time
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Teenage Girl Prostitutes Herself

I learned the value of hard work from my parents, and it wasn’t until I was a teenager that I realized just how hard they struggled to support our family. My father is a machinist who works the night shift in a small factory in our little town, not too far from the city of Atlanta. He even takes extra shifts sometimes to help earn more overtime. He sleeps during the day and is at work at night, so I never get to see him much, except on weekends.My name is Wendi, and my mother is the resident...

3 years ago
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Teenage Orgasms Revisited

Enuka Njoko was a fifty-three-year-old woman who was born in Nigeria but had moved to London with her mother and father when she was aged eight. When Enuka was sixteen, her father left home to live with another woman which meant that her mother, Omotola, had the task of bringing up and controlling the increasingly headstrong teenager.By the time that Enuka was seventeen, her mother was finding that words and threats were not enough and she acquired a cane which she promptly applied to her...

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Teenage Daughter Fucks Her Fathers Boss

The guys are at the table, joking around and drinking beers, as Rachel gleefully trots down the stairs. "Hey guys!" She smiles brightly as she walks past them, her perky chest bouncing, to go to the fridge. They smile back, Rick smirks at her as they make eye contact. Rachel is a very sexy teen girl. Standing at around 5'4'', thin body, with long legs, smooth skin with a slight tan, deep brown eyes, sultry facial features, flat stomach, tight little butt, perky 32C bust, and long, dark...

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The Train Traveller Episode 1 The Teenage Sist

It was the first of many of my long 16 hour train trips from home to College and as it turned out the first of many sexual experiences that occurred on these travels.Mum dropped me off at the station, tears in her eyes she waved as I sat back in my private cabin, I looked out the window & waved back. It was the first time I had been away from home and the first time I had money in my pockets, thanks to mum who had also sprung for the private cabin.So what does a young horny virgin boy on a...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 8

The attack on Loki II started off the same as the attack on Loki IV, except that there were few SAM sites to deal with. Instead, they had spotted where the Wasp fighters had launched, and those places faced the full fury of the spacetubs' attack. Again, the destruction wrought by the kinetic warheads was awesome to behold! Massive craters were left whenever more than one of the rockets hit in the same place. The first rocket penetrated the ground, and that absorbed a significant portion of...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 9

There was no question in anybody's mind that Freya must continue scouring the galaxy for Wasps. Until they found otherwise, they had to assume that they were the only beings capable of halting the Wasp menace and cleaning up after them. That was the thought when the first of the unmanned spacetubs (very logically called USTs) was delivered to Freya. The USTs had the same capabilities as the regular spacetubs, except that they were flown by pilots who were located on Earth and were...

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Sucking Teenage Skateboarder Cunts and Cocks on the Trail

I’ve had a pretty typical life, that is, up until the events I will describe in this story, which began almost a year ago. I was born, raised, and educated in the Midwest, and then married my high school sweetheart after we graduated from college. My name is Ryan, and I’m now forty years old and living in a suburb of Minneapolis with my wife, Sarah, and daughter, Brooke. Brooke just turned sixteen in the spring before the end of her sophomore year in high school, as did Kaley, the daughter of...

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my babysitter my teenage whore

My wife and I had been married for five years and had some good sex before our twin daughters were born, then our life in the bedroom began to taper off some.It wasn't that Lisa wasn't attractive any more; she was hotter than ever with the few extra curves she put on after she had the girls.I don't know if she was self-conscious about the ten extra pounds she had on herself or worn out from the girls, but she didn't seem as interested in sex as she used to be.On a good month, I may have gotten...

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Vishwas And Akila 8211 Part I

Hello folks, after reading some stories in the IndianSexstories.net, I felt like coming up with something as a contribution. I am no regular reader of the site, but certain content made me re-read them. I am no good story writer, but still, trying to come up with something. So here is imaginary story that revolves around two people Vishwas and Akila. Please forgive me if there are (certainly, they exist) any mistakes in this long story. Everything in this story is imaginary and is a work of...

3 years ago
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Teenage Titties

We had all seen them poolside and every one of us had felt them at one point or another. That wasn't what the fantasy was about. I wanted to fuck them. No one had even exposed their cock to her yet but they had jacked off thinking about it more than they would ever dare to report. Man they were big. Big, round, full and tight titties on a young girl who had no idea what she had. ...or did she?...naaw! She was just an innocent big breasted teenager with curves that locked up cocks in many...

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Teenage Hormones0

It's Sunday morning, and the family is having breakfast together. Logan’s mother is wearing a terrycloth robe that comes down to mid-thigh. It is apparent to Logan she is not wearing a bra, by the way, her breast jiggle when she flips pancakes. Logan often wonders what else she has on under that short robe. Does she have on a sexy nightgown? Is she wearing lace panties or maybe going commando? He would really love to know. Logan’s Sister is wearing her usual sleeping attire, which is a long...

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A Trampoline And Teenage Girls

A Trampoline And Teenage Girls I have two beautiful teenage daughters. Bethany is fourteen years old and Chloe is thirteen years old. My lovely wife is thirty-five years old while I am thirty-eight. We live in a development where almost everyone is our age with children about the age of our children. Our daughters are very pretty and very popular so we have an abundance of teenage girls around the house constantly. Then I bought the best trampoline that money could buy. It was huge...

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A Demonstration in Teenage Obedience

A DEMONSTRATION IN TEENAGE OBEDIENCEChapter 1 Hounded Into Submission-----------------------------------------------------------------------             *** A DEMONSTRATION IN TEENAGE OBEDIENCE ***                            by gautam_master               *** WARNING *** WARNING *** WARNING ***The following story depicts very explicit acts of cruel discipline andsexual abuse inflicted upon mature (16-19) teenage girls. It isentirely fictional, and is intended solely for the personal amusementof...

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Jeremy the Teenage Bull Slut wife husband and t

My husband, John and our new nineteen year old new friend, Jeremy were both sipping a cold beer when I came down the hall. We met Jeremy a few nights earlier when he delivered room service to the hotel room we were using for some fun. Oh yeah and he delivered a couple of more things to me as well. Read that whole story at https://xhamster.com/stories/husband-got-his-wish-and-i-got-a-gangbang-9925960I was wearing John's favorite white halter neck sundress that exposed tons of cleavage and side...

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Tale of Teenage LustChapter 28

Reaching home, I stripped off my clothes and headed for a much needed shower. My body was sticky with sweat and oil, and I was dying to cleanse myself. As much as I had enjoyed my romp with Radhika aunty and her two hot girls, I was sure that I would not be going back there very soon. But at the same time, I made a mental note to recommend this place to a couple of my friends anyways. There was no harm in keeping Radhika aunty happy, I surmised. I spent the rest of the day catching up on...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 4

Coolie said that she would be more comfortable riding in the same van as Sue, so she joined that group for the rest of the trip. Coolie remembered Bill from her course work at Auburn, he was her favorite professor. Likewise, Bill had always been impressed by Coolie's work, so he was delighted that she would be joining him in the lab. Bill was already plotting how he could make her the prime chemist on the poison production job. They were doing well on the trip until they had almost reached...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 4

As soon as the first uninfected slugs were found, an effort was made to contact them. No matter what was tried, the slugs seemed to be totally nonreactive. Finally, somebody had a brilliant idea: the sensors that the AI had used were brought into play. There was definite activity with their brains in the range the AI considered to represent sentience, but no sensible contact could be made. Then there was another brilliant idea: maybe the cognitive rate for the slugs was too slow for humans or...

1 year ago
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TEENAGE GIRLS FOR SALE by Hardrive The city streets were dark and empty except for the rapid movements of three teenage girls. They were running for their lives. Frightened and confused they darted between parked cars in an effort to elude a very determined predator. Their stalker was their pimp, Jack Badwing, whose resolute goal was to sell them into the sex trade. Horrified by that prospect, the girls were equally determined not to get caught; so when they saw...

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Introduction: CAW7 writers contest This story was written especially for the CAW7 writers contest. The entries in this contest are judged by the quality of the story and the skill of the writer. If you like a well written story, I promise you wont be disappointed. But if you are primarily interested in a story with a lot of erotic content, you may want to choose another story to read. TEENAGE GIRLS FOR SALE by Hardrive The city streets were dark and empty except for the rapid movements of...

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Becoming A Teenage Girl Pt 8

Becoming a Teenage Girl - Pt 8 By Annette Nicole Smith This story takes place during the time span from mid March 1987 to the end of the May 1987 school holidays. It covers times of considerable enjoyment as well as pain and suffering for me. The mists of time are a little blurry as to the exact timing of everything that took place, but I can vividly remember most of the important things that happened around that time because of the two extremely black eyes and considerable bruising...

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Tale of Teenage LustChapter 8

I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing in the living room. Rubbing my eyes, I glanced at the clock. It was half past noon. “Hello,” I said groggily into the phone. “Uh ... hello ... Jignesh bhaiya?” a girl’s meek voice enquired. “Yes, who’s this?” I shot back, unable to place the voice. “Bhaiya ... It’s ... It’s me ... Sejal,” came the answer, rather tentatively. “Oh hi, Sejal...” I said back cheerfully, my sleep vanishing as I heard her sweet voice. “Bhaiya ... I hope I have not...

1 year ago
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Teenage Boy Has Sex With His Adult Neighbors Part Two

-We learned in Part One of this story that I was a sixteen year-old virgin boy named James, who everyone called Jimmy, with a very thick, nine-inch-long cock. My neighbor Norm was forty-two at the time. His wife Lindsey was forty-one and their son Todd was eighteen and away at college.I went with Norm to open his lake cabin for the summer. We were skinny dipping on an unusually warm day for spring in Wisconsin and he convinced me that we should masturbate one another on the boat. That evening...

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Witch Chronicles 004 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1

WITCH CHRONICLES 004 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the fourth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...

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Witch Chronicles 005 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2

WITCH CHRONICLES 005 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the fifth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 5

Now that John had worked out how the humans could use the antigravity belts and they had enough tubs and belts on hand, Bill wanted John to teach others how to pilot the ridiculous looking, but effective, craft. John reluctantly agreed to take time out from hunting Wasps to teach some new pilots, but he was in a hurry to get back to hunting down the enemy. Two men and one woman volunteered to be the first class of pilots, so John spent three days introducing each one to the controls and how...

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8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughters

A favorite new tv show for me is 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughters. Kelly Kuoco, the blonde 16yr old girl on the show is incredible who plays Bridget. One of the early shows was one in which she obviously had on a little tiny string thong panty on under her pants. The sides, just strings were clearly visable as they rode her hips as she wore her low-rider jeans. I can only imagine every inch of her under those clothes and what that little thong panty was covering. I am sure that...

2 years ago
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Teenage Boy Watches You Cum

Sometimes I strip you down and throw you on my bed naked. I tie your wrists to the bed posts, then I strap your body down to the bed right above your hips with a broad belt-like bondage aid I have. You wiggle and writhe your legs around trying to get free, but you can't. Today I decided to bring my new young apprentice in the room. He is Steven, the 17 year old boy who lives across the street. His parents don't let him access the Internet so he's been telling me he wants to see a grown man...

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8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughters

A favorite new tv show for me is 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughters. Kelly Kuoco, the blonde 16yr old girl on the show is incredible who plays Bridget. One of the early shows was one in which she obviously had on a little tiny string thong panty on under her pants. The sides, just strings were clearly visable as they rode her hips as she wore her low-rider jeans. I can only imagine every inch of her under those clothes and what that little thong panty was covering. I am sure that...

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My Teenage Slumber Party Part One

The idea of a teenage slumber party where gorgeous pubescent girls and guys all sleep semi-naked in a room together is something most of us would walk a million miles for. I was lucky enough to find myself at one accidentally. I was 17 at the time and in my first year of a diploma course. My college friend Dan, whom I had recently met, had rented for the first time a place of his own. It was a fairly dingy garden-flat with just the one room containing a double bed and a kitchenette, and a...

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Witch Chronicles 006 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3

WITCH CHRONICLES 006 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the sixth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...

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Teenage Space Whore

I Was A Teenage Space Whore! By LorenaMae VidNewsNow, March 15, 2030 Can you imagine going to the stars as a burly miner and coming back as a voluptuous space whore? That's what happened to Alex Cayman of Darby UK. "I took a contract to mine asteroids with MureMining. I knew I would be gone for three years, but I never expected to be changed into a teenage hooker!" says Alex Alex's problems began when he took too much use of the "pleasure services" available to miners. ...

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My Incestual Teenage Days

Hi ISS readers, I am submitting my personal life story which is about the various incidents which happened during my teenage and how I used my mom for my sexual desires. I am Rajesh from south Tamil Nadu, 22 and currently doing my final year in engineering.My mom’s name is Madhu, 43. She is a normal lady, fair brown and medium height. My dad works in gulf and he comes home once in a year.Hope this led to all my desires with mom. When I was nearing 17,I had my first erection and sex was the...

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A House party and my girlfirends young teenage cou

This is a story about something that happened to me when i was in my early 20's, i haven't shared this story before but after reading so many brilliant stories, i felt compelled to write more.It was a Hot & Humid summer Friday after work and my girlfriends family were throwing a house party to celebrate my girlfriends dad's birthday. All of my girlfriends family were there her sisters, her cousins, aunts & uncles. In paticular her two teenage cousins were there, these two teenage...

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Becoming A Teenage Girl Intermission

Becoming a Teenage Girl - Intermission by Annette Nicole Smith. ************************************************************************ The timeline for this intermission covers the period from late June 1987 to the end of the Aug/Sept school holidays of the same year. With diaries now available for me to refer to I'll try and use dates so at to hopefully give readers a better understanding of certain events when compared to weeks involved. Obviously to protect the privacy of...

4 years ago
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Lord Ragan and the Teenage Bride

The bitterly cold wind stabbed at Lord Ragan’s face like a thousand needles. They were in real peril. The snowstorm had snuck up on them two days ago. They had lost their way in the white blindness.Now it was just Lord Ragan and his oldest trusted bodyguard and aide, Simmons. His two other lieutenants had become separated from their horse train in the previous long night. He had to assume they were dead or dying somewhere, lost as he was in this desolate wasteland.He did not believe he would...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Tim The Teenage MCPart 9 Note from Author

“Tim, the Teenage MC” has been rewritten and vastly expanded as a new 9 book series spanning over 3 million words called “The Chronicles of Tim Brandton.” The story starts with the first book: “Love’s Shepherd” which covers the events of the original five chapters of “Tim the Teenage MC” (8th & 9th grade) but vastly expands the story. I’ve learned a lot on how to write since I wrote the first 20 or so chapters of “Tim, the Teenage MC” and have rewritten the original story to where I...

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My Teenage Slumber Party Part One

The idea of a teenage slumber party where gorgeous pubescent girls and guys all sleep semi-naked in a room together is something most of us would walk a million miles for. I was lucky enough to find myself at one accidentally. I was 17 at the time and in my first year of a diploma course. My college friend Dan, whom I had recently met, had rented for the first time a place of his own. It was a fairly dingy garden-flat with just the one room containing a double bed and a kitchenette, and a...

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My Teenage God Ch 1

As first year graduate student, I had signed up to participate in a tutoring program. It would give me the opportunity to help out local high school kids in inner city schools. I arrived at Jackson high school the afternoon that the tutors would be meeting the students for the first time. On my way in, I had to stand in line to go through a metal detector at the front door. In front of me, in the line, were a couple of high school girls. I had to work hard not to look at them. One of them wore...

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My Teenage God Ch 1

As first year graduate student, I had signed up to participate in a tutoring program. It would give me the opportunity to help out local high school kids in inner city schools. I arrived at Jackson high school the afternoon that the tutors would be meeting the students for the first time. On my way in, I had to stand in line to go through a metal detector at the front door. In front of me, in the line, were a couple of high school girls. I had to work hard not to look at them. One of them wore...

Gay Male
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Sisters Teenage Friends

By the time I was 17 and my sister was 15 we had been frequently mutually masturbating one another even though our parents had a family rule against any touching between the two boys and our sister. But teenage hormones made it difficult to adhere to that rule. In fact, we had gone quite a bit beyond masturbation. I had an unusually large penis for a teenage boy. It was nearly 7-1/2" long and fairly thick. My sister was very fascinated by the size of my cock and often commented on it. I...

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Sisters Teenage Friends

Introduction: I grew up in a very liberal household….nudity and masturbation was allowed. I was raised in a household where nudity was the standard mode of dress….or non-dress would be more accurate. And on top of the whole family being nude most of the time, my parents were very open minded about masturbation. I had a brother and a younger sister and we all had no inhibitions about masturbating any time we felt like it. My sister was a little less open to doing it in front of me or my brother...

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Revisiting a teenage lover

As I did up the top button of my blouse, I looked in the mirror at my reflection and sighed heavily. I couldn’t believe I was going to the funeral of a 28 year old man. Liam had been the youngest of our group when we were teenagers. He was happily married with a daughter and another baby on the way. All it took was one drunk driver to jump a red light and wipe out his car, and he was gone. Just like that. The the funeral parlour was packed, as any funeral for a young person is. I surveyed the...

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The Training of a Teenage Submissive

The beautiful young girl walked from the stables. It was her school summer holidays and she planned to do nothing all summer except enjoy herself. She had enjoyed her ride, but had been embarrassed at the wolf-whistles and shouts from the men her mother had employed to work on the estate. Her father worked away on business and she rarely saw him. Emma was a 16-year-old virgin who looked stunning in her black knee length riding boots, tight cream jodhpurs, and tailored black riding jacket. Her...

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When You Have A Boat And A Teenage Daughter

When You Have A Boat And A Teenage Daughter Living in Lake George, New York is great. I own a house overlooking the lake just a few miles north of town on the west side. The east side was too crowded and there was too much traffic besides on the eastside I get to watch a beautiful sunset every night. Being a tourist town Lake George has a lot to do and is always full of travelers especially in the summer when the weather is nice. Needless to say I have a few boats. I have a pontoon...

2 years ago
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Sports Reporters Fuck Teenage Gymnasts

Gymnastics is a very popular sport in the metropolitan area where I’m located. Several of the newspapers include extensive coverage of both the boys and girls high school teams. I am a sports reporter for one of the larger papers and have been covering gymnastics teams and other sports for many years. I try to be balanced in my coverage between the girls and the boys, but I have to admit a bias favoring the girls. My name is Ed and my wife Kim and I were both forty-two years old at the time of...

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