Chronicles Of Kresh free porn video

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Disclaimer: all characters in the story are 18 or older, and all events are entirely fictitious. Remember, this is a fantasy. Always follow your dreams, the darker and kinkier the better!


The stench of smoke and death hung in the air like a putrid fog that refused to dissipate. The ransacked buildings of Namh-Jhong village littered the landscape like discarded trash, and the great hall of the town's chieftain came down with a crash as flames leapt from its base. The screams of those inside could still be heard. Outside, surveying the carnage like his personal domain, Warlord Kresh sat atop his horse in full battle armor, a giant cudgel fisted in one hand. He looked with satisfaction at the burning houses all around him.

The Choi were a weak people and they deserved to be wiped out, he thought to himself. His men would kill, rape, and plunder, taking whatever was valuable or useful back to their steppe homeland. Warlord Kresh had a harsh, angular face with bottomless black eyes and a finely chiseled nose. His arms and legs moved with the grace of a panther, and with the rippling muscles to match. He glanced to his left now as two screaming girls were pushed through the doorway of a house which several of his warriors were in the process of setting alight with their torches.

"No! Please! Our families are inside, you can't!" Amaya shouted. The first girl was more pale-skinned. She was slender, with disproportionately large breasts that were most pleasing in Kresh's sight. Their areolas were a vibrant pink and stood out in stark contrast to her supple cones. The warrior who had dragged her from the house was Garash, his second-in-command. Garash now tore what flimsy rags remained from the big-breasted girl's body with the help of a few eager men. Meanwhile the second girl, slightly darker complexioned, looked with downcast eyes as two more men thrust her to her knees and began to strip her just as savagely.

The battle had long since ended, and Kresh decided there was no point in wearing his burdensome armor any longer. He proceeded to strip completely until he stood naked and free, like any virile steppe warrior's proudest and most natural state. He walked up to the dark-skinned beauty, who was now naked with her hands bound tightly behind her back. She looked up at him sullenly, a touch of defiance hiding behind her eyes.

"What is your name, girl?"

"Chizu." He could feel the hatred in her words, and it pleased him. This one would be a pleasure to break. He would relish it. Kresh leaned down, cupping the girl's chin and forcing her head sideways to watch her friend's ordeal.

Amaya was completely naked now too. One man held her arms behind her back while another man put a knife to her neck.

"Don't move, bitch. You struggle, I cut your throat." The third man was Garash. He looked appreciatively at Amaya's exposed pussy, the light fuzz of pubic hair above that tantalizingly vulnerable slit. He leaned over, sucking gently on each of the girl's nipples, wresting plaintive moans from her young lips.

"Please, no! Don't rape me! Please let me save my parents and little sister. They'll burn to death!" The fire in the home behind them was growing, smoke billowing from a newly made hole in the roof. But Garash ignored the girl, sucking harder on each nipple as he reached a finger down to stroke the girl's sex. Amaya groaned as he bit her nipple, and then her eyes widened when he stepped back to savor her nakedness, his cock springing up like a tall, wicked-looking sword - one made of flesh instead of steel.

"You like what you see, cunt? I hope you do because soon this cock will be raping your young pussy as hard as any cock has ever fucked you."

Amaya's eyes shined with tears. "Please, Sir. I'm a virgin! Please don't do this! At-at least let my family go!"

But her pleas fell on deaf ears, and Garash motioned for the men to spread the gorgeous woman's legs. They forced the girl's creamy thighs wide and lifted her into his arms as he lined up his cock beneath her pussy. No sooner did he have his cockhead nestled between her soft, delicate labia, he had his men release her, sending her plunging down his thick shaft.


Amaya cried out as the cock swiftly plunged into her velvety heat. Her pussy throbbed with pain and fullness at the intruder's cock. Garash growled contentedly and palmed her ass cheeks, bouncing her young, slender body up and down his length like a rag doll. His grunts soon joined the screams from Amaya's house as her family perished in the flames. Amaya's feminine grunts, dull and listless as she felt her pussy sliding mercilessly up and down her rapist's penis, became a soft undercurrent of barely audible sound. With her wrists bound behind her, she could do nothing but groan as Garash supported her whole body with the strength of his arms. His enormous bulk began fucking her like a beast.

Kresh turned to Chizu. "Would you like to join her, little girl?"

Chizu spat in his face, and the warlord chuckled. "Does that answer your question? Bastard! Murderer!"

Kresh stood up, his eyes dimming like ice after sunset. "I have been called much worse, little cunt. You will regret that, I'll make sure of it." The warlord motioned to the two men who had been 'assisting' Garash. They came over and forced Chizu onto her back. Spreading her legs, they drove two small stakes into the ground and tied her ankles fast to them. Then they did the same with her struggling wrists. The sun-kissed beauty was not only naked now but also helpless in the most complete sense of the word. She looked up at him defiantly as he knelt between her silken thighs, his cock fully elongated, so aroused at the sight of her gaping sex open to him - inviting his cock to make the plunge.

"Look at this sweet pussy," he murmured. Kneeling, he began to lap at her sex, sliding his tongue along her plump labia as he felt her body shiver in response. He sensed the lust of his warriors as they watched him, as his tongue made enticing licks, slurps, and deft strokes all along Chizu's petal-like labia, rimming the inside of her pussy and then raking up and down her tiny clitoris. Chizu groaned, the nipples on her supple breasts beading with arousal unwillingly, and she yelled at him to stop.

"Mmmm!!! What's wrong, cunt? You don't like having your pussy feasted upon while your family burns?" said Kresh with dark amusement. He reached a finger inside her pussy, pumping with fast, brutal strokes as his other hand gently teased both of her tits, gliding across the supple skin.

Amaya's feminine grunts became more intense in the background. Garash was clenching her finely-shaped buttocks harder now, firmly impaling her snatch as he grunted and watched his cock vanish into her tight depths. He admired the virgin blood coating his cock, and it was now mingled with his own slimy pre-cum as he raped the attractive girl. Amaya's hands clenched and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to blot out the world around her as Garash crushed her mouth with a brutal kiss.

"Such a sweet taste you have, slut. Kiss me back, bitch! Push your tongue in my mouth as you feel my cock ram up your worthless little cunt. Getting raped by a superior Asghani cock will be the first and last worthwhile thing a Choi slut like you will ever do!" Garash said, the cruelty of his tone just as harsh as his words. He stifled her moans as his tongue plundered her mouth, relishing his cock encased in her warmth all the while.

"Please…Stop! Oh god!" Amaya groaned, her pussy moistening against her will at all the friction of his cock pumping her young pussy. It was rare for a woman to be able to orgasm by sheer penetration alone, but the Choi were known for their decadent, libido-prone ways. Some even whispered that Choi women were sluts by nature. As Kresh watched Garash pound his chosen victim, her pussy slowly trickling feminine juices to coat the man's cock, the warlord began to seriously wonder whether the rumors were true.

"Please… This is wrong!" Amaya begged. The squelching, wet sounds of suction, her pussy accepting Garash's raping shaft, soon seemed to echo despite the tumult and the chaos of the village being ravaged all around them.

Amaya opened her eyes for a moment, and out of her peripheral vision she recognized her younger sister Sachiko running for her life. Somehow she had escaped the flames of their collapsing home, yet now the older sister watched in horror as a grizzled horseman with a flowing beard swept her up in his arms. He laughed as if he had caught a rare prize, slinging the struggling girl over his shoulder. The big-breasted older sister could only weakly demand for them to let Sachiko go.

But Garash ignored her pleas, fucking her harder than ever, his muscles tensing as his cock strained deep inside her core.

"Uhh… Uhh… UHH!! Fuck, you're tight, whore… I feel your cunt squeezing my shaft and milking my balls so good! Mmmm!! Maybe I give you an Ashgani brat in your belly. Not that you'll live that long," he growled, his fists clenching as he launched himself backward onto the mud. "Ride this cock, little cunt! Ride it good or I cut off your nipples!" Garash pulled a knife from the scabbard which he'd kept close, and now he brandished it, pressing the sharp tip into Amaya's right nipple. A tiny ribbon of blood flowed down her breast as he barely pierced the nipple, and her plaintive wail told him that he'd given her some pain to properly motivate her.

Soon the big-breasted girl was gyrating frantically on his cock, as he simply lay there and let the helpless girl do most of the work. Her pubic thatch and his were hopelessly entwined, joined together as she ground on top of him. He grunted with satisfaction, his one hand cupping her un-pierced tit even as his other hand pressed the flat of the knife across her smooth ass cheeks. The cold length of steel against her flesh made the girl shiver, and she moaned as she felt the cock rubbing inside her pussy, creating sensations she didn't want to acknowledge.

"Uhhh!!!" Amaya sighed, her body betraying her. Her pussy was slowly creaming up on her rapist's shaft, and it made her cheeks turn crimson with shame. She tried to move her wrists, to break free of the ropes which held them resolutely in place, but to no avail. She groaned and looked down into Garash's triumphant eyes as he tweaked her nipples with his free hand, relishing the sight of the pebbled tips between his thumb and forefinger, her nakedness writhing atop him with such desperate grace.

"Yes, little cunt. You keep riding cock like a good slut, maybe I don't slit your throat until tomorrow!" Garash growled. Then he spit on the hilt of his knife and reached around, slowly prodding the blunt end of the weapon between her ass cheeks. Garash called to one of the warrior bystanders. "Help me with this, Brother. Lend a hand!"

For a moment a confused look overtook Amaya's lust-pained face, and she forgot the stirring in her loins, her pussy warm and wet hugging her rapist's penis. For a moment she forgot that she was grinding atop the cock of the man who had just helped kill her parents, realizing that they were about to deflower her virgin ass…

"No! You bastards please stop!" Amaya cried out. The nameless soldier helpfully thrust the saliva-coated knife hilt into the slender girl's puckered hole. He relentlessly nudged it forward until her tight anus engulfed the first several spans of the hilt, leaving it firmly embedded in her ass. The fullness overwhelmed her, swamping her senses as she reeled and nearly blacked out.

"Oh god! It hurts! Please take it out!" Amaya moaned.

Even as she moaned and pleaded, she suddenly felt Garash's hands cup her supple breasts, squeezing them hard as his cock seemed to pulsate deep inside her slickening sex. "Aaaahhh. Shut up, bitch! I'm about to bless your worthless Choi fuck-hole with my superior Ashgani seed. Be grateful for the few gifts that remain to you!" The muscular raider tensed underneath her, his cum shooting like a spear through the tip of his monstrous penis, a surge of hot-sticky jism that scoured out her insides. She groaned as she felt his nasty cum taint every crevice of her tight pussy, the excess cum congealing at the juncture of their pubic mounds, sealing her cunt and his manhood together in a strongly-scented sexual glue.

During this entire time Kresh had pinned Chizu's face sideways, forcing her to watch every moment of her friend's rape. Now he whispered words to her which were as cruel as they were devastating.

"Yes, maybe you'll watch dozens of my men rape your slut friend before it's all over. But don't worry, cunt, I'll find ways to make sure you don't feel left out. You get the biggest cock of all - mine! Can you feel the head of my cock at the entrance to your fuck-hole? Hmm?" Kresh's huge, bulbous head brushed up and down her slit, teasing and tantalizing her like the darkest promise, grazing up and down her clitoris until the tiny bundle of nerves began to come alive.

Chizu watched dully as Garash reached around, pumping the hilt of his knife harder into Amaya's sore anus, making the girl groan and beg for mercy even as his cock was still nestled inside her thoroughly raped cunt.

'This isn't how I envisioned our lives would end,' Chizu thought bitterly. 'What gods have we offended, that they bring down this cruel fate on everything we hold dear?'

Chizu gasped as she felt Kresh slowly ease his cock between her legs, pushing aside her labia and gently nudging all the way in until, with his testicles flush against her crotch, Warlord Kresh grunted with delight and began thrusting with great, deep strokes, moving in a pulverizing yet even rhythm.

"Yes, you like getting raped by a huge, hard cock, don't you girl? Tell me how much you love getting raped by my cock. DO IT or I'll make you watch as I cut out your friend's tongue!" Chizu's breasts shook with the force of Kresh's thorough thrusts, his penis slamming between her cunt lips as he growled at her to keep her eyes wide open and do as he commanded. The dusky-skinned beauty moaned, a loud and plaintive sound, but she said the words he wanted to hear.

"Sir, I love your cock raping my sore pussy. Please rape me so hard. Fuck my worthless pussy."

Kresh grunted, pulling his manhood all the way out so that Chizu could see the shining juices on his rigid, vein-throbbing shaft, only to slam his penis soundly between her thighs with a loud slap once more. "Thank me for this cock, bitch!"

Chizu sighed, her body betraying her as her sex began to respond to the constant rubbing of the cock shoving and jostling within her soft folds. 'Oh god,' she thought, 'is this monster actually starting to get to me?' She whimpered and grudgingly said the words.

"Th-thank you Sir…thank you for fucking me with your glorious cock."

The warlord's gaze sharpened as his hand gripped her by the neck and began to squeeze. Choking her made her writhe and squirm all the more frantically around his shaft, her pussy desperately milking him toward the ultimate orgasm. Kresh looked down as his shaft vanished between Chizu's plump labia, her cunt soaking up his girth like a sponge, inviting him into her moist depths as if a primal need in the girl was secretly only too happy to receive this ruthless fucking. Chizu sputtered and clenched her fists as her ankles flailed uselessly, bound to the stakes, until her young pussy felt a surge of jism come out in great, lengthy spurts from the tip of the warlord's cock. The sticky male cum seemed to churn from Kresh's testicles and spew into her silken channel forever.

"Aaahhh…fuck!" Kresh growled, feeling the last spurts of cum pump into her tight snatch even as he sensed, distantly, that her cunt was convulsing around his shaft, gushing its own feminine nectar in gratitude for the thorough penetration. Finally, at long last, he reluctantly withdrew his manhood from her welcoming embrace and stood up. Beneath him the lithe and sexy Chizu lay with her sex gaping from the recently completed coupling, glistening with so much cum, a despoiled mess bereft of all dignity.

Warlord Kresh turned around in a full circle, seeing that a crowd of his warriors had now gathered to watch the spectacle. It was about to become more depraved and serious, though. He would make sure of it. After all, it was Ashgani tradition to torture the women of any conquered village before putting them to death and taking a few of the choicest morsels back with them as slaves.

"Brothers-in-Conquest, hear me now. Put up the stake! Shan-Fu, nail her wrists to the boards and let the men have their way with her. I'm done with this cute cunt, so consider her body and whatever torments you wish to inflict on her from now on as my special gift to all of you."

Cheers went up from the men as Chizu's face paled despite her dusky skin tone. Her babbling pleas were soon lost in the chorus of bustling activity and male voices. The stake was soon embedded in the earth at a sharp incline, a beam tied cross-ways behind it. A separate hammer and set of two huge iron spikes were soon brought forward.

One of Kresh's mightiest warriors, Boshun, dragged Chizu to the stake and pressed her fragile nakedness up against the hard, unyielding grains of the wood. He plunged into her heat, his cock sliding easily between her sex lips as two men pulled her arms to either side of her, yanking her delicate wrists flush against the wood to prepare them for impalement. One of the two men took the hammer and long-tipped spike which was handed to him as Chizu's teenage body strained against Boshun, her breasts heaving as she screamed.

"Please don't do this! Don't torture me. You'll kill me!" she wailed, her pussy clenching up fiercely around Boshun's penis as he relished the sensation with each fleeting heartbeat.

"Drive the spikes through her wrists!" the other warrior barked. Chizu's long, dark tresses shook as she flailed impotently, trying to wrest her hands free, her cry stifled by Boshun's ferocious kiss as he invaded her mouth with his demanding tongue, her soft cunt ravaged by his sliding shaft. He pulled out of her pussy for precious moments, his shaft glistening with her cunt's fluids. As he rammed it back into the feminine sheath still wet from Chizu's recent orgasm, the other man poised the first spike to ram through her right wrist, his hammer poised to strike…

The true nightmare was just beginning… Meanwhile…

Garash sat up and crushed Amaya in his embrace. She soon sat with her back to him as he rearranged her soft, pliant nakedness to conform to him just the way he wanted. The gorgeous female captive felt Garash's hands cup her breasts as he enfolded her in his warmth and male musk with his legs splayed to either side of her. Amaya tried to hold back her tears as she looked at Chizu's debilitating ordeal only a few strides away.

"Let's watch your friend, shall we?" Garash whispered in her ear.

Poor Chizu. The dusky-skinned beauty screamed as the first spike impaled her right wrist, followed quickly by another spike embedded in her left wrist. In an act of twisted mercy the sadistic brute began to then apply some type of salve around the wounds to staunch the bleeding. The gooey salve rapidly solidified, sealing up and numbing the girl's wounds. Soon the fiery slithers of pain in Chizu's wrists dulled completely, replaced by a not-unpleasant tingling, and she moaned as Boshun continued to thrust his cock with tremendous effort between her legs, his hands gripping her shoulders hard as he fucked her.

"Uhh!! Uhh!! Aaahh!!! Your pussy welcomes my cock, little bitch. Look at you, your wrists impaled with a divine Ashgani manhood plowing your sweet pussy. Not a bad way to die, is it little cunt?" Boshun pulled out his shaft, his hand briefly cupping her pussy. Then his fingers gently rubbed back and forth along her mons, clitoris, and especially the more delicate inner labia of her sex. Chizu's mouth opened in a wordless half-wail, half-moan. Within a few heartbeats Boshun's fingers were pressing their advantage more ruthlessly, and his other hand plunged three fingers into her sex, thrusting swiftly in and out, ferocious and rough as they penetrated her core.

"OOoohhh…Mmmm!" she whimpered, her nipples stiff not from the cold breeze but from the arousal coiling unwillingly through her loins. Chizu looked into her rapist's cruel, hard gaze as he fondled her clitoris tenderly, as he watched her hips jolt with each devastating caress.

"Yes, you feel that, don't you Choi whore! Your pussy likes a soft touch, does it not? Our great Warlord blessed you with his cock and his seed, and you secretly loved being his raped fuck-slave. And yet…now you are on the verge of giving up freely to me the same thing that Warlord Kresh had to take by force. These feathery touches and a few fingers nudging your tight fuck-hole are all you need, eh girl?" He growled, removing his fingers and replacing them once more with his penis. He thrust himself to the hilt again, his testicles jostling back and forth as he resumed his pulverizing penetrations.

As his steel-hard shaft stretched her cum-tainted pussy, the young woman could only groan. Although her wrists were impaled by the spikes, her legs were free, and now they wrapped around Boshun's muscular ass and helped pull him in deeper, intensifying the penetration as her snatch quivered around his length.

"Oooohhh, please rape my pussy so hard, Sir. Your cock's even better than the Warlord's, oh it feels so good!" she cooed. She thought to try to please Boshun, to say whatever submissive lies might spare her more torture and stroke his ego. Yet Chizu's words only succeeded in angering him as she indirectly insulted his Warlord master. Boshun slapped her across the face and pinched her nipples hard.

"Silence, whore! Do not speak ill of your betters! There is no cock more magnificent than our great Warlord Kresh's!"

In the background Kresh watched with satisfaction as Boshun accepted something from one of his fellow warriors - it was a thin crop used to lash the pack mules when they were disobedient. Now he put it to better use, slamming the crop across Chizu's sensitive tits as he thrust his cock hard into her aching quim. Each time her pussy engulfed his punishing shaft the girl squealed again as the crop came down hard on one of her breasts.

"Yes, sing for me, bitch! Beg for my forgiveness before you die," Boshun growled. The man was thrusting faster and faster now, reaching a pinnacle as the girl writhed and moaned under the rain of blows. Her pussy clenched up like a vice around his plunging penis now, especially each time the crop slammed into her naked flesh. She was crying out now more desperately than ever.

"Please! Stop!!! I beg your forgiveness Sir!"

"Aaahhh! That’s a good girl," he grunted, finally putting down the crop. Boshun leaned forward, encompassing her lips with his, stifling her next moan with his domineering kiss. She let her mouth open like a blossom, accepting his invading tongue even as he stroked her slim shoulders and torso. Her flesh was like a soft, downy blanket which his hands could never get enough of, spurring him to touch and fondle everywhere - from the cleft of her ass to the tips of her supple mounds.

His fingers felt the grit of dirt on her naked body mixed with the sheen of sweat which was already cooling on her skin as a bitter wind tore through the doomed village. Chizu could no longer feel her hands, but her pussy felt very much alive as the man's cock continued to pump her full, and the friction was enflaming her lust to dangerous heights.

Boshun reached down, fondling her clit lovingly as he pumped his shaft in and out, watching her nerve bundle swell under his attentions until the girl's hips jerked frantically and she crooned, her beautiful body stiffening all at once.

"OH god! No, stop! Oh god!" Her words died under a babbling avalanche as the girl's sex spurted cunt cream all over Boshun's shaft. He grunted appreciatively as he flung his hips forward and then he felt her cunt's spasms, tiny tremors that assaulted his cock from tip to base as it settled inside her snug warmth, pressing toward her cervix. His groan intensified, a primal, desperate OOF leaving his lungs as he felt his cock begin to empty its precious cargo.

Thick streams of seed jetted from the barbarian's penis, filling up Chizu's pussy until the excess streamed out of her ruined sex as Boshun withdrew. The tall warrior took a step back and motioned for the next man to take his place. Without a word the next Ashgani positioned his bobbing penis between the labia of the girl's cum-soaked sex, ignoring the gooey evidence of his comrade even as it coated his cock and eased the lubrication for the next brutal rape.

The new man sighed contentedly as Chizu's pussy slurped up his cock with a loud sound of wetness and suction.

"AaahhH!! Fuck, she's nice and slick. I'll savor my time between this one's legs," the warrior growled as Boshun nodded his approval.

Chizu's cries rose to the starry sky to join the ascending wisps of smoke as Warlord Kresh watched the village of Namh-Jhong burn.


A short distance away, Amaya's younger sister meanwhile had her own nightmarish new reality to confront.

Sachiko's captor had dismounted from his horse, tearing off her shirt to reveal her pale breasts under the light of the full moon. He tore off her leggings next, admiring her lush curves, her hips quite narrow for a woman and yet no less mesmerizing. Her long, graceful nose and reddish-brown hair gave her the semblance of an alluring faerie from one of the myths he had heard comrades tell huddled around their campfires.

This particular Ashgani barbarian's name was Naemosh, and he was a loner, one of the Ashgani horde's scouts. He preferred not to share his women, and he was glad to have found a straggler as gorgeous as Sachiko. The Choi maiden cringed as Naemosh stripped out of his armor, tunic, leggings, and loincloth. His cock flopped free, hard and ready for her.

Sachiko looked down aghast, her huge breasts beading up by instinct at the sight of a male shaft so impressive. She bit her lip as Naemosh's hand fisted around her throat.

"Well, bitch? Do you want to end up like those girls over there? I could throw you to my comrades for a gang rape and a swift death…or you could be eager, obedient and please me, and perhaps I would let you lie with me under my blankets this night."

Sachiko stood there for a moment, her young and nubile nakedness bathed in the eldritch glow of the moon and the lurid flickers from the flames engulfing the nearby homes. Then the teenage girl bit her lip again, glancing at Chizu as a third man prodded her gaping slit with his shaft. Her squeals resumed full-force as the third man's cock rammed with a staccato rhythm, his testicles swinging back and forth with the force of his raping thrusts.

She did NOT want to end up like that, that was all she knew. The sexy maiden quickly knelt at Naemosh's feet, her tongue sliding from the base of his cock to the tip. She swirled her tongue around his glans, pumping the base of his shaft with one hand as her other hand gently caressed his heavy pair of testicles. She moaned as she pressed her lips in a tight seal around the head of his penis, slurping loudly and reverently as he held her shiny tresses back from her cute face and groaned appreciatively.

"Uuhh…oohhh YES, your mouth was born to take in a man's cock. Suck my cock just like that, little slut. Get me hard and slick for your pussy, and we'll have a good, long FUCK - or perhaps I'll fuck you in the ass. Would you like that slut?"

Slowly Sachiko drew her mouth off of his cock with a loud POP, licking her chops as tiny bits of pre-cum dribbled down her chin.

"Y-yes Sir. Whatever you wish. Fuck my pussy. Fuck my ass. This slave belongs to you," she said readily, all too aware of Chizu's painful cries in the background as a fourth man began to rape her.

Naemosh chuckled, his beard shaking as he surveyed the scene. Then he returned his attention to Sachiko, cupping the girl's beautiful face and prodding his cock between her lips. She opened her mouth, gasping as he thrust his cock hard between her lips, nearly making her gag as his wrinkled scrotum brushed against her chin. She gurgled and groaned, her hands frantically clenching around his legs as she strove mightily to take in all of his girth. Her mouth strained and her eyes watered as she fought to hold off the need to breathe. He enjoyed the sensation of her struggling to relax her throat and take in his mighty spear of flesh, her drool seeping between the corners of her mouth as she continued to slurp frantically on his penis.

Finally he let her take a breath, withdrawing his manhood with a messy-wet sound. Long, oozing strands of pre-cum now dangled from the girl's lips.

"How do I taste, cunt?"

"Mmmm. You taste heavenly, Sir! I love the way you taste!" Sachiko chirped obediently. She gasped now as Naemosh pushed her onto her back. His bearded face dove between her legs in less than an eye blink. He quietly marveled at the smooth, virtually hairless cleft between her legs, her teenage pussy open and waiting for whatever twisted desires he might wish to fulfill. He began to lap at her tasty pussy, marveling at its pungent scent, at how much it aroused him. His cock grew painfully hard as he licked and stroked his tongue between the girl's legs. Her breasts began to heave and her breathing quickened.

He feasted lovingly on her sex, and Sachiko found herself fondling her own tits, cupping her breasts and squeezing them as she moaned.


Between licks and tender slurps, Naemosh asked, "Do you like me licking out your slut pussy, hmm girl? Let me HEAR you."

Sachiko looked up at her captor, her eyes smoldering with the beginnings of genuine lust despite words motivated more by fear.

"Y-yes Sir. My pussy is very grateful f-for your -- "

"Call me MASTER, little whore!" He gently smacked his palm against her sex, making her squirm and gasp. Then he dove between her legs again, his tongue hungrily stroking the girl's sensitive clitoris at every conceivable angle. Her shuddering, shivering nakedness soon opened further for him, her hips widening as she moaned the beginnings of surrender to all within earshot.

Naemosh took her encouragement and used it as extra incentive, slurping louder than ever between her legs. Soon he was tasting her trickling fluids as they flowed from her sex and eagerly washed across his pumping tongue. He plunged two fingers into her moistening heat, punching them in and out of her violated cunt as his teeth grazed her clit, as he sucked fervently on her joy nub until she had no choice but to fully, inexorably surrender. Her hips writhed and her nipples hardened like tiny pink diamonds underneath the glittering night sky. Sachiko squealed all of a sudden, her fluids gushing into Naemosh's mouth as she squeezed her breasts fiercely, all awareness tossed into oblivion.

He gave her a few moments to recover, until the most violent of her spasms subsided. "Mmmm…your cunt is as tasty as any sweetmeat," Naemosh growled, but now it's MY turn." He briskly turned her onto her stomach, forced her to face away from him on hands and knees so that she could watch Chizu's continuing ordeal, and then ever so slowly, with excruciating care he thrust his cockhead between her plump, glistening labia. The girl's sex welcomed him, its silky-wet tightness pressing against him on all sides until he was fully encased - a masculine sword firmly embedded in its feminine sheath.

"Ahhh fuck, you're tight, little bitch. Am I your first?"

The girl groaned as she felt him tear through her maidenhood. Her virgin blood coated his raping shaft. "Yes Master… Oooh god, please be gentle."

Naemosh's hands caressed her shoulders and gently stroked her sides as he began a slow, careful rhythm. Many of his warrior comrades liked raping a woman hard and rough, but that was not his way. Naemosh thought, what was the point of pleasure if it was not savored, relished, truly absorbed moment by moment? He absorbed every second of the teenage captive's tight wet folds entrapping his cock, squeezing his shaft like a plush vice and milking his testicles toward an ecstasy beyond understanding. He watched the slender teenage girl's huge breasts flop back and forth as he plunged into her wetness, rocking her entire figure back and forth with the irresistible force of his powerful fucks.

"Aaahhhh…your sweet pussy hugs me like the dearest friend, little bitch. AAHHH… YES, you have a heavenly cunt between your legs!" he growled. "Ooooohhh… Look, slut…they are finishing up with your friend!"

Sachiko's eyes were unwillingly glued to the sight in front of her. The dusky-skinned beauty Chizu had just been fucked by the tenth man. As he rolled off of her, cum gushed from her sore and raw-rubbed sex. Chizu's cunt was an absolute ruined mess, gaping from overuse and clearly over-sensitized after so many rough cocks. Warlord Kresh descended on the girl now, his sword drawn. He stepped over to the girl and raised his blade high over his head, preparing to bring it down in a vicious arc.

"No please! You've had your way with me…oh god! All of your men came inside me, please, you can let me go now! Don't kill me, please!" Chizu wailed. Her violated pussy was still dripping long, oozing strands of her rapists' cum when Warlord Kresh's blade slashed down, severing her head from her shoulders.

Sachiko's once-innocent eyes widened with terror at the gruesome sight. Panic hammered in her chest as she wiggled her ass, grinding her hips back to meet Naemosh's thrusts. 'Oh god!' she thought, 'If I don't please him they really will kill me! These men are monsters!' The slender teenage beauty began to coo and moan, slamming her ass backward to meet Naemosh's pulsing shaft.

"Please fuck my pussy so hard, Master! I live to worship your cock!" she cried. Her huge tits jiggled as she pumped her young body energetically, desperately milking her rapist's testicles.

The big, bearded barbarian laughed, rumbling like an earthquake as he felt her cunt frantically squeeze around his girth.

"Yes, girl. You see what fate lies ahead if you fail to please your betters. Do not forget, and know this: without obedience, there is only death."

Sachiko's hands clenched and she moaned as the sliding friction of Naemosh's cock rekindled lust in her loins.

"Yes Master…this slave will not forget… Ooohhh god…"


Amaya tried to stifle the groan, only partially successful, as Garash lowered her ass onto his waiting shaft. The bulbous cockhead met resistance as it tried to worm its way into her puckered hole. She gritted her teeth, her sphincter tightening on instinct.

"Relax slut…or do you want your future to be similar to the cute cunt you saw our Warlord execute only a few moments ago?" Garash hissed.

She shook her head. "No, Sir. Please, I'm doing my best." She squeezed her eyes shut, relaxing her muscles as Garash's shaft nudged its way deeper between her butt cheeks.

The horror of what she had just seen - Chizu's head cut from her shoulders in one clean blow - that would never leave Amaya. But there was only one thing worse than the imprint of that image forever in her memory, and it was the feeling of guilt. Why? Because in the aftermath of Chizu's death, all Amaya had been able to feel at first was sheer relief, relief that at least that had not been her.

'Perhaps I should feel differently,' Amaya thought to herself. Perhaps she should have envied Chizu. In death she would no longer have to suffer. She could rejoin her family and loved ones in the afterlife, instead of lingering here in this hell under the hands of these brutal Ashgani pigs.

And yet…somehow…against all reason, the beautiful girl could not bring herself to want death. She was too much a survivor. Amaya's will to live was simply too strong or too stubborn. Now, as the gorgeous girl groaned with Garash's penis sliding up into her anus, she was reconsidering her definition of 'good fortune.' The slender girl groaned more deeply as Garash's hands groped her breasts, pinching her nipples as he suckled on her ear lobe.

"Mmm…your ass feels exquisite, so wonderfully TIGHT hugging my dick, just as I had hoped. Little slut, I might have to keep you around for a bit - as long as you continue to behave. Is that not generous of me?"

Amaya forced herself to sound eager, though the feeling was false and despair polluted her heart.

"Yes Master! Please….uhhh… fuck my ass! I live to-to serve you." She moaned as his fingers probed between her thighs, gently grazing her clit before plunging into her sex, rubbing and stimulating the walls of her pussy. Her body shivered, and the momentary lapse into desire made Amaya's jaw go slack. She was facing away from her captor, so he didn’t see the lust flash in Amaya's eyes.

It didn't matter, though. Garash could feel his captive's slick juices slowly begin to work their way onto his exploring fingers. The deeper he probed her young sex, it seemed, the more her pussy opened to him, warming to his corrupting touch.

"You little SLUT. You DO like a cock in your ass as a man fingers your hot pussy, don't you?"

Amaya was about to reply when Garash's strong grip forced her head sideways, and he leaned forward to plunder a kiss from her sweet lips. She sighed into his mouth, her tongue responding to his as the girl's libido spiked in tandem to the fingers pumping her pussy, all of it combining with the sensations in her ass - sensations which had begun as painful but were now mercifully fading to a dull ache.

Thoughts strayed to Sachiko, her little sister, and Amaya wondered what had happened to her. She thought she had heard Sachiko's cries nearby after the man on the horse had swept her up and then later dismounted. Had he raped her yet? Probably so, Amaya mused. It was only a matter of time, if he hadn't already. Amaya just hoped fervently that Sachiko's tormentor would be less brutal than hers or that vile Warlord.

At that exact moment, as if her thought had uncannily summoned him, the Warlord Kresh came stomping over to Garash. The warlord's bulk moved with his typical predatory grace. Naked and bristling with muscles, he looked like a savage out of time and place. His jet-black eyes were devoid of emotion, bleaker than the cold of winter.

"Garash, are you enjoying your Choi fuck-toy?" Garash grunted, his hands cupping Amaya's breasts before he pinched her nipples again, wresting a sudden squeal from the girl's throat.

"I am, Great Master! You honored us with a great conquest today, and there is nowhere I will not go if you but beckon me. What would you wish of me, my All-Knowing Leader?"

Kresh's eyes stroked Amaya's naked body up and down, sizing up her lush curves, ample breasts, slim physique and cute face all in a few heartbeats.

"Perhaps you would like to share this cunt with me?" Although the Warlord had framed it as a half-hearted suggestion, even the most clueless grunt in the Ashgani horde knew that such a statement was a demand. One did not ever, ever deny the Warlord anything - not if one valued one's own balls.

Garash swallowed, nodding quickly. "Of course, my Great King. This pussy is yours to plunder and enjoy as you see fit!" He quickly stood up and thrust the naked teenage girl into the Warlord's arms. Amaya shivered, her mind frozen by panic like a baby deer in brambles. The Warlord Kresh was still partially covered in Chizu's blood, and the gruesome reminder nearly had Amaya retching.

She managed to hide her fear and master herself though. The slender girl said nothing as Warlord Kresh yanked her toward a house, one of the few that was not yet burning. It was situated at the top of a hill with a fence built out of discarded rocks and natural rubble serving as a barrier to the embers being spread by the other village homes half-engulfed in flames.

Warlord Kresh took the girl briskly up the stairs to the bedroom. He threw the girl onto the bed, tying her wrists to the headboard. Then he knelt between her legs, his cock stiff and eager to have her. He looked into her eyes and gently traced his fingers along her sex, pinching her clitoris between his thumb and forefinger. He seemed to delight at seeing her body's responses, and when the pinching of her clitoris made the girl squirm and moan, he gave her a sadistic grin.

"What is your name, girl?"


"Such a pretty name," Kresh said idly. "It suits you." He went on. "Did you appreciate the example I made of your friend? Did you know that she thought that she could spit in my face and live?"

Amaya didn't say a word. Fear had her by the throat, and her mouth was dryer than a 10,000 year-old pile of bones.

"Hopefully for your sake, little cunt, you will show a little more wisdom than your friend." The Warlord's expression changed, just a subtle shift as if he were contemplating something, and in that moment Amaya finally found her tongue.

"P-please Sir…Master Warlord…I will not disrespect you. There is no need to tie me up. I will please you greatly if you will let me try. I will be a very good girl, I promise."

Kresh's lips twisted, as if contemplating a sneer or a laugh.

"Is that so?" His expression returned to that cold, neutral norm, and he untied her hands, laid back on the bed beside her, and gestured to the tall rod of flesh extending fully from his crotch.

"What are you waiting for, bitch? Mount my shaft. Fuck yourself and see what you can do to please me. You have until the first rays of dawn to make me CUM. If you succeed, I let you go. If you do not, you get punished." The Warlord Kresh's proposal sparked a sudden glimmer of hope in Amaya's heart. Could this brutal monster be serious? Surely she could not trust his word, though?

And yet, what choice did Amaya have? She wanted to believe, and the challenge he set for her did not seem terribly hard. Even though she was until recently a virgin, the teenage girl had had older girlfriends who had told stories of their secret lovers. Men were notoriously swift to reach climax. Even a man as experienced as this brutal warchief certainly could not withhold his seed from her for such a prolonged period of time. It was well over an hour until the first inkling of sunrise.

Amaya licked her lips and nodded. "Yes Master. I obey." The lithe brunette quickly straddled Kresh's muscular bulk, grasping the base of his enormous penis with her fingers. She lined up his huge cockhead underneath her pussy and slowly eased herself down, feeling his wide tip nudge aside her petal-like labia and push into her sex as gravity took over. With a gasp and a shudder she felt herself completely engulf his penis, encasing his shaft lovingly around her sore pussy.

She began to grind on top of him, sliding her pussy up and down his cock with energetic obedience. She cooed, then moaned louder as her nipples pebbled, letting her natural feminine instincts fan the flames of her libido. After all, if her sounds of arousal helped the Warlord to reach his orgasm, that was what truly mattered! In her desperation to be free she could suspend any guilt which wringing pleasure from her rape might create. That was a problem of a hypothetical future rather than the present.

Now she at least had a goal, strange as that seemed given the fact that life as she had known it was over, and given the fact that the rest of her family except for her younger sister were probably all dead.

Kresh lay beneath the bouncing girl, idly watching her breasts sway as she pumped her pussy up and down his cruel cock. He admired her supple cones in the moonlight, the pensive glow as it bathed the contours of the sexy girl's smooth belly and hips. The Warlord's hands glided up to gently fondle those same breasts as he relished the squeeze of her cunt around his cock, the smell of her arousal coiling through the air and making his own testicles churn with their prodigious amounts of cum. His blood was up and the girl was definitely doing her very best to get the Warlord to climax violently inside of her slickening heat.

But the Warlord was a man of iron discipline, an extraordinary man who was not to be underestimated. He girded his loins and tethered his reaction. Even though the pain of holding in his climax was excruciating at times, Warlord Kresh did not waver. He looked with cold, deadened eyes up at the desperate, sexy girl who was now fucking him, impaling her snatch with sweaty zeal, her pussy lifting up off of his vein-pulsing penis only to come plunging down until his shaft and her body were joined completely as one.

The brawny Warlord began smacking the girl's ass cheeks, his palms making loud slapping sounds each time they struck her smooth flesh.

"Fuck me harder, you sexy Choi slut. Is that the best you can do? If you can't make me come before dawn I'll have your dead friend's flesh roasted over an open fire and force-fed to you. Now move that ass and grind that pussy on my DICK, you worthless cum-jar!"

The Warlord had just debased the attractive teenage girl using the ultimate Ashgani insult. Calling a girl a 'cum-jar' had special meaning. A jar of cum was ritually drunk by any girl who was destined for sacrifice the next day. Tradition among the Ashgani was that the night before a girl's sacrifice to their dark god she would drink the ejaculated sperm of none other than the high priest. The moment a girl drank that jar of cum, the Ashgani belief was that her soul fled from her body and she was no longer even a person in the eyes of the law. THAT was the Ashgani way. So to call any female 'cum-jar' was to literally tell her that she was already dead and beyond redeeming in the world of the living.

Amaya had no clue about the significance of Kresh's words, but she doubled her urgency. She reached back with one hand, desperately fondling Kresh's testicles as her flexible nakedness continued to grind and pump up and down his rigid prick. She couldn't believe that he could be so calm, lying there beneath her as she gyrated on him and milked his balls with her furiously pumping pussy! The man was inhuman!

Worry began to gnaw at Amaya's mind. What if she could not make him come? It had been probably half a turn of the hourglass, maybe more. She had at least three quarters of an hourglass to make this cruel man spew his jism inside her intimate depths. Surely it would be enough?

For the duration of that fleeting early morning darkness the beautiful teenage girl humped the Warlord's shaft, pumping her moistening pussy up and down with wild abandon. She finally gave up on fondling his testicles and sat forward, her hands caressing Kresh's pectoral muscles and chest until, with her quim quivering on his cock, she actually gushed with an unexpected orgasm, coating Kresh's manhood with her fluids and her scent.

None of it fazed the impassive Ashgani leader though. He merely lay there, his hands lightly stroking the girl's sides, watching her bouncing nakedness with the curious, detached fascination of a man watching an insect. Amaya knew that this brutal man found her attractive. She knew that he was turned on, and his erect cock gave ample evidence. She even thought she saw the tormented hunger beyond his gaze as his eyes strayed repeatedly to their enjoined pubic muffs each time she slammed her snatch down to engulf his penis, squeezing her cunt muscles and moving her hips.

Yet none of it bore fruit. None of it accomplished a thing! She was now tiring with far less than a turn of the hourglass remaining until morning. Her body was covered in a sheen of sweat, her shoulders, arms, and swaying breasts glistening in the dim light.

"Oooohhh… Please Master, spew your seed in my tight, wet pussy. I need your cum so deep inside me, great one! I want to feel your sticky seed everywhere in my hot, horny cunt" she cooed, her ragged breathing matched only by the protesting aches in what seemed almost every muscle in her body. What more could she do? She began to dismount from him, thinking to try using her mouth to suck him, but his hands clenched around her wrists, holding her fast as she sat atop his manhood.

"Our agreement was that you must make me reach orgasm in that position in particular, by riding my cock, sweet girl. The moment you slip off my shaft is the moment you lose." The Warlord's words chilled Amaya to the bone, and her desperation intensified.

'No! I can't believe this is happening!' Amaya groaned inwardly. How could this monster be so impervious to her attentions? He truly was a demon rather than a man.

Sighing, Amaya continued to bounce her perfectly-sculpted ass and pussy up and down, slurping up her captor's penis between her legs until, to her surprise and dismay, a glint of sunlight sped to them from just over the horizon. Seeing the splash of light made her heart sink, and she plunged herself down again, her sex entrapping Kresh's manhood in a pleading embrace, hugging his cock on all sides.

The Warlord grunted, showing almost no emotion - and yet the teenage girl could feel his manhood twitching madly inside her, violently spewing its sticky fluid until she felt totally tainted and despoiled. The Warlord's hands meanwhile glided down her back and settled on her ass cheeks, gently stroking her skin as he sighed, his cock spurting out a few last swaths of cum to coat her insides. She finally stilled on his lap, looking down at their enjoined sexes as her palms rested softly on his muscular chest.

"Aaahhh… Let's see how I did, cute bitch." The strong warrior made her lean back, and as his cock slipped free this oozing flood of off-white fluid rushed from her snatch. In no time it had formed a small puddle on the Warlord's crotch.

"Look, bitch - all that cum was filling up your worthless pussy. All of that divine Ashgani seed wasted on a Choi slut…" the Warlord growled. Then his eyes glinted with something indefinable - as if he couldn't decide whether to toy with her or punish her brutally outright. Only one thing was clear to Amaya - whatever his intent was, it was definitely not benign or good.

Kresh scratched his chin, his angular nose looking particularly harsh in the dawn light.

"It seems you lost our little wager, bitch. I did not come in your slut pussy until AFTER the sunrise. You know what this means, don't you? We get to roast your dead friend's tits over the breakfast fires. Have you ever eaten roast fuck-meat, hmm slut? Have you ever tasted the succulent flesh of a sacrificed female?"

When Amaya sputtered, speechless, the Warlord's smile widened.

"I thought not! Good! Then this will be a NEW experience for you. A foreshadowing of your own fate one day, perhaps…maybe one day soon!" With those words the depraved leader of the barbarians pulled Amaya down for a voracious kiss, and whirled until she was pinned on her back underneath him. He kissed her hungrily as his angry cock reawakened just from the incidental grazing of his shaft against her inner thighs. His fingers stroked her clitoris and fingered her cum-soaked quim as she groaned and begged.

"Please Master! Don't make me eat human flesh! I beg you!"

"SSSHHH, little slut. My cock's ready to fuck you again already, and I want to see the hopeless look in your eyes as I gush you full one more time." He clamped a hand over her mouth as his phallic flesh lanced her sex in a swift, cruel stab, gliding through her slimy pussy with even greater ease. He began to grunt as he kept her moans muffled with his huge hand, focusing on her frightened eyes as he fucked her without mercy.

It was while in the midst of fucking his female captive that the Warlord became vaguely aware of another man's presence and a hesitant sound behind him.

Garash's voice intruded.

"Forgive my interruption, Great King. You asked me to disturb you at dawn. I brought you a gift courtesy of Naemosh. He thought that since you are enjoying the delights of the older sister's body, you might also want to partake of the younger sister's cunt too. I also came to receive your next orders. We have finished looting the main storehouses and the valuables of the wealthiest townspeople."

Kresh grunted, his cock fully encased in Amaya's ravaged cunt as he glanced over his shoulder.

"Tell the younger bitch to kneel on the bed and suck my testicles while I fuck her sister. You will stay here and watch me finish my fun with these two, and then we will go assemble the female captives for one final culling before we leave these Choi hovels to the crows!"

"Yes, my Warchief, may it be as you say." Without saying more, Garash thrust Sachiko onto the bed. The shuddering younger girl's eyes widened as she saw the Warlord's heavy testicles and the stiff cock embedded in her big sister's pussy.

'Poor Amaya,' she thought. As brutal as her rape had been with Naemosh, he had been gentle compared to the leader of all these Ashgani dogs. Sachiko recognized Kresh clearly as the man who had beheaded Chizu earlier, and it was with rampant fear that she began to tentatively lick at his wrinkled scrotum, careful not to incur his wrath as his testicles jostled with the resumed movements of his shifting bulk. He continued to thrust forward with deep plunges, thoroughly raping Amaya's pussy as the teenager's moans died prematurely underneath the hand clamped over her pretty face.

Amaya was meanwhile caught by a jumble of bizarre sensations. Her pussy throbbed with need, turned on by the thrusting shaft as it reawakened every nerve ending and spurred her libido on, her primal feminine need to be fucked letting itself known as her pussy began to cream up around the Warlord's pumping manhood.

"Speak, bitch. Beg for my cock and thank me for the meal of Chizu's breasts which I'll have cooked for you!"

Amaya groaned, forcing herself to say the words. The desire for Kresh's cock was instinctually genuine, yet it was the second part of the command which was so repugnant to her.

"Please Master…fuck my pussy so hard…rape my worthless Choi snatch with your magnificent Ashgani cock. My…my fuck-hole is not worthy of your divine seed." She said what she hoped he wanted to hear, embellishing for his benefit, and then she ended with the part that made her sick. "Th-thank you for letting me eat Chizu's…Chizu's breasts…". 'Oh god,' she thought. 'This man is the ultimate monster.'

Saying these words was all the more terrible because of Amaya's extreme embarrassment and shame knowing that her sister now had the most intimate view of her rape. At the same time, Amaya's overall dread swamped all other emotions as she realized the likeliest truth. There was no hope of survival, no hope of escape. Her death and Sachiko's at the hands of these barbarians was not a question of 'if' but 'when.' She tried to blot out the fatalism in her mind.

The pale-skinned Amaya groaned and begged in muffled pleas through her captor's hand as he put it back over her mouth. Kresh meanwhile used his free hand to reach underneath and grope her butt cheeks. His cock pounded her like a battering ram, and the wet squelches of suction as it tore into her cum-coated cunt echoed like a constant drumbeat.

Amaya tried to take her mind off of her rape. Yet she found herself imagining the sight of her sister's mouth fervently licking and suckling the Warlord's balls. The image only intensified in Amaya's tormented mind as the sound of Sachiko's loud slurping joined the sexual chorus.

Those slurping sounds oddly stoked Amaya's arousal, her loins warming with the thought of her sister's mouth lovingly laving and sucking on that heavy pair of testicles, and she imagined her sister's close-up view of Warlord Kresh's shaft spearing into her gaping cunt. It sent her over the edge, Amaya's body betraying her as she twitched and spasmed around the Warlord's fluid-coated shaft.

"AAAHHHH…I can feel you COMING, you nasty little WHORE!" Kresh growled. He looked back now at Sachiko, who was studiously slurping and pulling in each of his testicles, one and then the other, to apply exquisite pressure.

"Yes, little cunt. Suck my balls… Mmm… your tongue was made to give a man pleasure and nothing else, little Choi bitch. You'll see me empty my seed in your sister's cunt soon, and THEN it will be your turn. Yes, I am saving a load of divine Ashgani jism just for you!"

A few minutes later the muscle-bound Warlord stiffened, his seed surging through his loins and emptying into his helpless captive's pussy. Amaya's tears trickled down to her captor's hands, glistening as he licked them off of her face, and all the while Amaya's big-breasted little sister dutifully licked and sucked, her nose buried in the masculine musk of the man whose cock and body she would have to properly worship if she ever hoped to live.

Slowly, almost reverently, Warlord Kresh withdrew his temporarily wilting cock from Amaya's young pussy. It was a glistening cream-pie, the swollen pussy lips covered in cum with more pungent barbarian jism oozing down her pussy only to slide into the crack of her ass. Amaya moaned as Warlord Kresh grasped Sachiko by the neck and thrust her face into her big sister's crotch.

"Get in there, little bitch, and lap up my cum. You should feel privileged. Show me how much you love your sister by purifying her tainted pussy. Get that messy twat clean and shining with your saliva. You get to ride my cock next, girl, but not with your pussy. I think it's time I sampled the tightness of a Choi bitch's ass. Slurp up all my cum like a good little slut…yes! Very good."

Sachiko tasted the fragrant pussy cream of her sister mingled with the more overpowering flavor of Kresh's salty cum. The cocktail was not unpleasant on her palate, and she greedily licked it all up even as the Warlord Kresh's dark promise hovered in her mind.

Garash watched it all, his cock stiff as steel while a new batch of sperm gathered in his loins. The culling of the captured bitches would soon begin, and the prospect of it sent waves of arousal spiking through his mind. The main event would soon begin…

To Be Continued…


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Chronicles of Darla Ch 00

Prologue Darla Padgett cried as she thought about all that pain that she had been through, and to her, as a shooting star went across the sky she whispered to herself, ‘even the stars were passing judgment on me.’ In the cemetery, near Eddie’s grave, and hours before the train to Montreal was scheduled to leave and take her away forever, young Darla lay in the chill darkness of the Great White North, staring despondently at the all-seeing firmament above her. How could she have made such an...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of Darla Ch 04

As Darla lay nude on the bed next to all of her new sex toys, the alarm clock awoke her out of a strange erotic dream. Despite the eight-hour nap, which she took after having arrived home after a long and exhaustive double-shift at the hospital, she suddenly awoke and had a sudden sensation that her session at the gym yesterday had been all a dream. She had been so tired after arriving home from the hospital that she had forgot to check her messages. As she awoke, as she looked at all the sex...

2 years ago
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Chronicles of Darla Ch 08

As Darla arrived, Michelle, Dr. Anderson’s new student nurse and sex partner, gave a smiling signal to both Dr. Anderson and Dr. Chad, who was a visiting doctor from the African nation of Katanga, as the young patient raced in the door and announced herself. Michelle, who was barely 18, pretended to barely notice Darla as she kept her head down and instructed Darla to fill out some medical forms, after which she walked toward the back to see the final preparations being made for Darla’s...

2 years ago
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Chronicles of Darla Ch 05

The next morning Darla awoke in her own bed to a strange dream of being taken from behind by a strange looking four legged animal in the jungle. The dream began with her running from some type of danger, however, the danger she remembered was actually quite pleasurable. Then she recalled the tongue of this animal beast pleasuring her beyond any human limitation until finally, just as she was about to cum, her alarm went off and brought her crashing back down to reality. As Darla awoke and...

2 years ago
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Chronicles of a Runner Ch 00

**This is the story of a cocaine runner and his rise and fall to glory. I am testing the waters with this one. Have many more chapters waiting if is something you are interested in post some feedback and I will keep posting.** * Prologue The sleek outline of the black Jaguar XJ-8 nearly disappeared against the darkness of the desert. Quick and sexy, the car cut through the heavy blackness like a sharp knife through tissue paper. Rumbling and growling the big six speed, V-12 engine pulled the...

4 years ago
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Chronicles of Darla Ch 01

Shortly after having started her new job at the hospital, which recently had been acquired by the Raelians, the powerful religious sect whose teachings Darla was supposed to have learned as part of her new job at the Raelian owned hospital, she met Pierre, a recently divorced general practitioner whom had recently been recruited by the Raelians to train new interns. Pierre was a very kind, shy and gentle man, who truly was enchanted with Darla after having met her at their orientation session...

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Chronicles of Darla Ch 06

Upon their arrival, the gym was packed with sweaty bodybuilders of every shape and color, pumping iron without effort. Darla met Isabella in the women’s locker room, who knowingly asked, ‘how was the machine?’ Darla then said, ‘it broke me! I’m a slave to it! Now I know what sex addiction is, and I love it!!!’ Isabella then told Darla how tonight would proceed: ‘First the gym closes at seven, instead of eight. You and I will work out with Shelly in the low impact class and then tell the...

1 year ago
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Chronicles of Darla Ch 02

By the time she returned home at midnight, Darla was both emotionally and physically spent after having had to work extra late, because of a car accident, for nearly six hours without so much as a 15 minute break. Darla was even more saddened by the fact that all the sex she now craved, and which she believed Pierre could giver her, would now have to wait weeks, possibly even months. Maybe, she thought, she make another doctor’s appoint, as checked her messages and found only two from Pierre,...

2 years ago
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Chronicles of Darla Ch 10

The next day, after Shelly had left, it was time for Darla and Sofia to say goodbye. Their time together had been very brief, but Sofia promised her young protege that they would soon each other again. Finally, after one last lovemaking session, they bid each other adieu. For the next several days, Darla’s life seemingly returned to a more normal routine. After Sofia had left, Isabella and Bruno, as well as Louis and Lola, also left town in order to attend a Raelian retreat in Calgary....

3 years ago
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Chronicles of a Runner Ch 01

**This is the second part of the story. Your feedback will keep this story alive and keep me posting chapters.** Chapter 1 As the Boeing 747 made its final descent into the Los Angeles International Airport I felt my stomach begin a dance around my ass. I clutched my notebook for all it was worth, like my thoughts on the paper would protect me from what was coming. To most people what I was doing would be considered minor, but to an eighteen year old country boy from rural Missouri it was...

2 years ago
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Chronicles of Darla Ch 07

In her dream, she heard the door of her apartment close, and the sound of his footsteps walking into the living room. She was waiting in the position he had instructed her in- in front of the couch, in the middle of the carpet. With the exception of the silk scarf that covered her eyes, she was completely naked, on her knees and sitting back on her heels with her knees stretched familiarly wide apart. Her hands were clasped loosely behind her back leaving her firm up-tilted breasts with her...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of Seven and Sophie Story Two

A 19-year-old enjoys the talents of her new Android. All characters are over the age of 19. Thanks to Darksage for editing, once again. — The cool, plastic countertop did little to cool Sophie’s flushed body as she cried out in ecstasy. Her red flushed bosom pushed onto the cold surface along with the side of her face, her arms haphazardly strewn across it in disregard. Her left leg was kicked up, the sole of her foot pressed against the surface of the countertop, opening her pussy lips wide...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of a Male Dancer Chapter 1 Show time

Introduction: An introduction to the world of Oliver Perry Chapter 1 Show time The characters, locations and events in this story are entirely fictitious and any likeness to the real world is merely coincidental. Oliver Perry, this is your five minute call, please make your way to the side stage immediately, called the cold, metallic voice of the speaker in my dressing room. I wrung my hands nervously as I looked at myself one last time in the mirror before I rose from the rickety wooden...

1 year ago
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Chronicles of the LuvDoctor The pink rabbit hol

I use to work in a small hospital doing laundry while cleaning up and such. Occasionally, I had the chance to chat with the doctors and nurses before they had to go off and do whatever it was that they had to do. Though at times, there were moments where I see myself stopping what I was doing, while fantasizing about some of the nurses. I never knew what it was that drawn me to them, okay that was a total lie, I knew exactly what it was that had me going. The way they fit in their scrubs, how...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of Seven and Sophie

A 19-year-old enjoys the talents of her new Android. This is one of my pre-existing characters, Sophie, a nineteen year old. I had this idea for her, so I thought I would cross her over into a Sci-Fi for a short interlude My Thanks go out to Darksage, my excellent editor for this story. — The year, 2100, was a beautiful place and time to exist. Pollution was non existent, the threat of Global Warming turned out to be a myth, violence and crime were both nearly extinct. Fossil fuel was obsolete,...

1 year ago
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Chronicles of Connie Part 1

Bill had been gone for three days of a 10 day business trip. He works for his Dad and travels most of the time. He calls nightly, usually for phone sex. I didn’t always enjoy that at first, but soon started getting off on it too. I usually cum two or three times while we play around on speaker phone for an hour, sometimes longer. Most of the time he ask me to video what I am wearing, and what I do when we talk. I don’t know if it is to prove I am doing what I’m describing or if he likes to...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of my Hot Wife

We were spending the night with my good friend Jay. My wife, Mellonee,and I decided to sleep in his room with him. Actually my wife just kind of blurted out, ‘Hey why don’t we just all sleep in the same room?’ Jay and I just both looked at each other and said, ‘OK.’ Jay and I didn’t think anything of it and when we got into his bedroom, he started to make a pallet on the floor and he said ‘You guys can have my bed. I’ll take the floor.’ Immediately Mellonee said ‘No way Jay! This is your...

4 years ago
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Chronicles of a College Hypnotist

Isaac is a college kid. He has had a hypnosis fetish since high school and ever since has been looking up hypnosis training videos on the dark web. Now he could test his powers. He bought a gold amulet at a store and was gonna use it on his older stepsister, Rachel. He waited outside her door, then knocked. "It's Isaac." "Go away, dweeb." "C'mon. I have something I want to show you." She opened the door slightly. She was twenty-eight and had no job, no degree, and no future aside from maybe...

Mind Control
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Chronicles of a daring girl

My name is Rebeca Gonzalez, I’m a 23 years old girl currently living in Texas. My parents are a conservative couple from Colombia hence the last name. Standing a 5’10 I’m aware that I’m very tall for a girl, especially a Latina. My eyes are very dark, my hair is also dark but in contrast with my tanned skin it looks lighter than it really is. My breasts are small, b cup, pretty cute whatsoever and I have a very big butt that earned me lots of comments back in high school. Nicki Doria they used...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of Phantom Mothers

Danny did the impossible, defeating Pariah Dark the Ghost King with the Ecto skeleton. He saw Vlad Plasmius, who was standing with the Fright Knight and all the other ghosts and in Vlad's hands was the fire crown. "It's chess, Daniel. Of course you don't understand, but-but then you never really did.." mocked Vlad. Suddenly everyone heard a pipe noise from the ecto skeleton. Danny saw that the battery was falling at an alarming rate while the suit was about to self-destruct. "Help me," Danny...

3 years ago
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Chronicles Of A Seductress Chapter Five

Nantyglo Rugby Club.After having had a great time at their Christmas do, Jane and her best friend Linda often called in for a drink at Nantyglo Rugby Club. They were both made very welcome and as a result they sometimes even went to watch Nantyglo's home games on a Saturday afternoon. The sight of all those young fit young men running and rolling in the mud was as good an excuse as any to join them for a drink later.Jane was aware that Nantyglo Rugby Club had not had a very good season. In fact...

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Chronicles Of A Seductress Chapter Four

Tasteful Glamour They Said?!Jane stood unclothed before the full length mirror. Her full breasts and long legs would take the breath away from any man. Another change of clothes before the next session with the photographers. Seeing herself naked made her ask herself, what the photographers would make of her if the perverts got the chance to see her like this, but such hadn't been agreed to and rules were rules and a contract had been signed..None of the photographers had missed a trick in...

4 years ago
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Chronicles Of A Seductress Chapter Two

A Very Very Nice Man....From the AAOne hour later, fully refreshed but desperately in need of a bath, Jane stood outside the services as the AA patrol-man pulled up. Winding his window down he told Jane that he'd take her back to her car on the dual-carriageway and see what he could do. As Jane stepped in to the front passenger seat of the AA van her split-front denim skirt again rode up, exposing a lot of white thigh. She saw the eyes of the AA patrol-man bulge as he tried to avert his gaze....

2 years ago
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Chronicles Of A Seductress Chapter One

A 'Breakdown' and a 'Service.'Such a hot day. Burning hot. Too hot for clothes. Definitely too hot for a bra or knickers. A white thong, a 'button-up the front' denim skirt and a crocheted white top, would provide the ventilation and comfort she needed. The dual carriageway seemed endless, but still a half-hour left before she got to the shops. Trust the air-conditioning to pack in, today of all days. Jane unbuttoned her denim skirt almost to the waist, allowing the air to circulate around her...

4 years ago
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Chronicles of a Gender Misfit

The one thing I have never been, is myself. I have lived as a man most of my life, when I am actually a woman trapped in a mans body. I call myself ‘ Alyson Janelle’.As a young gurl, I remember climbing out of the window of the house we lived in. I wore a bras and panties under a silk top and soft little skirt. It was always late at night, and it did not matter if it was hot and windy or warm and rainy. I just loved the feeling of being myself as I walked up and down the neighbourhood streets...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of my man to man experience

I'm planning to use this space to share my life time experience and how I've bargained with my sexual desires relating to other men. I intend to continuously improve and update this narrative and I hope that I stick with it. Please feel free to share your thoughts as I write this article. Thank you.ADULT TEEN YEARS When I was 18, a male friend of mine introduced me to masturbating. Which is the greatest thing in the world, right? Every time we hang out. We hang out, if you know what I...

2 years ago
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Chronicles of Rima A night to remember

Rima shook her head groggily as she woke up the next morning. Her head felt strange. She remembered bits and pieces from the night before, how lonely she'd been. Then her memory slowly cleared. Varun had been here, and she did not remember him leaving, and they had been drinking. Panic gripped her as she looked about, mercifully finding her bed empty. She stood up quickly and regretted it as her head spun, the aftereffects of too much wine still disorienting her. Her mouth was dry and tasted a...

2 years ago
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Chronicles of Rima 1

It happened one day about 6 years after Abhi and Rima had been married. As is the norm, she had met many persons in the marriage. Some nice, some not so nice but she had developed a liking for two persons. One was Abhi's elder brother and the other was a close friend of Abhi's. Nothing proceeded further because of two reasons. Firstly Rima did not know exactly what she wanted and secondly there were no such opportunities. Theirs was an educated family, modern and yet somewhat conservative.As...

2 years ago
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Chronicles of Meridiana Excertpt 6

This about wraps up what I have so far. There's some more story in between and bookending these excerpts that I left out, there's even a "twist", I guess, kind of a sci-fi bent, but this is it as far as the "action" goes currently. If it ever turns out that people actually want to read this thing, I can revisit it-- but for the purposes of documenting this specific fantasy, this is pretty much it. If you read it, thanks. If you liked it, do me a favor and let me know. If you didn't, well,...

4 years ago
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Chronicles of Meridiana excerpt 5

Sick of writing cute intros. Here's the next part: My lust had finally faded to a dull ache, and a little energy had returned. I flipped the butt away, grabbed one of the unopened bottles of soda, the pack of smokes and my stash box and headed back into the unknown, for more of the mind-twisting pleasures these two girls were bringing to me. They were locked in a sixty-nine on the bed when I came back in, and it looked like they were on the road to a big finish. Each was kind of on her side...

1 year ago
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Chronicles Of Lust 8211 Part 2 The Hunt

Apologies. Dear Readers, I would like to profoundly apologize for not having come back and produce another story or the continuation. But I am back with the hunt for the woman of my dreams. Disclaimer: The stories that I write here and which I might continue to write are mostly first-hand experiences of real-life stories of my close circle. Some learned ones may speculate that these may not really happen in India. Well, it does and mostly in urban areas. Now to the story. The next day...

4 years ago
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Chronicles Of Lust 8211 Part 1 The Beginning

My name is Swetha. I am a 33-year-old woman working professional in the city of Bangalore. I am an independent woman working as Business Analyst in one of the most reputed Global Organizations situated in Bangalore. This series will be a saga and hence please do not expect “Wam! Bam! Thank you Ma’am” kind of stuff. This will be a typical erotica slow paced with great details. If you are interested sit back and enjoy. Get hard! Get Wet! and Get lost in the world of Orgasms. This is a true story...

4 years ago
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Chronicles Of Sexy Saritha 8211 Part 2

Hello All! Rudra here again. I’m so happy with all your feedback for my last story. Those who didn’t read can go and read the first part. As I said I’m here to share another incident how I and Saritha fucked our brains out in my cousin’s wedding. So coming to the story. After that incident, I used to go to her home daily and we used to fuck each other like mad dogs. The intensity kept on increasing with each session. We tried so many different positions also. It was quite fun fucking her daily....

1 year ago
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Chronicles Of Sexy Saritha 8211 Part 1

Hello peeps! I’m Rudra. Age 22. Height 6 ft. Shaft size of 6.5 inches. I’m from Hyderabad. I’m here to share my beautiful experience with a woman of my dreams from so many years. Her name is Saritha (name changed). She’s my school principal. Age 39. Her husband works in an MNC. He always goes on trips most of the time. She has two kids. One works in the US and the other is pursuing her college. She is an angel every man ever dreamt of. She looks damn beautiful. Her smile, her voice, her swaying...

1 year ago
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Chronicles Of Amy Started Whoring

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned story are fictional. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. This is a completely new series and none of the characters has any kind of association with the old stories submitted by me. Alex woke up at 10. He fucked Amy and left at 12 noon. He went to the brothel which was located in the middle of town. Prostitution was legal in the town so everyone was aware of the brothel. The manager of the brothel was a friend of...

1 year ago
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Chronicles With Sexy Crossdressers

My email id is Do not forget to let me know how this sex story was. Who knows, we might get even lucky if everything goes well ;) Clean shaved men inside female clothes (or people who are known by the name crossdressers) are my new found favorites. Believe me, I always make it a point to taste every bit of them with passion and fire. My hands and tongue never leave an inch of their body. Hairless, like women and the ‘EXTRA’ jackpot called ‘COCK’, is simply divine. This is a story of how a...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Chronicles of my Hot Wife

We were spending the night with my good friend Jay. My wife, Mellonee,and I decided to sleep in his room with him. Actually my wife just kind of blurted out, "Hey why don't we just all sleep in the same room?" Jay and I just both looked at each other and said, "OK." Jay and I didn't think anything of it and when we got into his bedroom, he started to make a pallet on the floor and he said "You guys can have my bed. I'll take the floor."Immediately Mellonee said "No way Jay! This is your house...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Chronicles of Amy Episode 1 The Beginning

Amy is a part time transvestite who enjoys to dress very sexy and go out and have some fun. So a few years ago, on a Thursday evening, she was sitting in her favourite cafe, looking at the poeple passing by, flirting with some attractive males, who were charmed by her appearance. She was wearing black fishnet stockings, 4 inch black leather high heels, a miniskirt that was barely covering her perfect ass and a white, very tight top. The cafe was quite full and so basically the only free seat...

1 year ago
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Chronicles of Connie Part 1

Bill had been gone for three days of a 10 day business trip. He works for his Dad and travels most of the time. He calls nightly, usually for phone sex. I didn't always enjoy that at first, but soon started getting off on it too. I usually cum two or three times while we play around on speaker phone for an hour, sometimes longer. Most of the time he ask me to video what I am wearing, and what I do when we talk. I don't know if it is to prove I am doing what I'm describing or if he likes to...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Chronicles of Seven and Sophie Story Two

A 19-year-old enjoys the talents of her new Android.All characters are over the age of 19.Thanks to Darksage for editing, once again. -- The cool, plastic countertop did little to cool Sophie's flushed body as she cried out in ecstasy. Her red flushed bosom pushed onto the cold surface along with the side of her face, her arms haphazardly strewn across it in disregard. Her left leg was kicked up, the sole of her foot pressed against the surface of the countertop, opening her pussy lips wide...

2 years ago
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Chronicles of Seven and Sophie

A 19-year-old enjoys the talents of her new Android.This is one of my pre-existing characters, Sophie, a nineteen year old. I had this idea for her, so I thought I would cross her over into a Sci-Fi for a short interludeMy Thanks go out to Darksage, my excellent editor for this story.--The year, 2100, was a beautiful place and time to exist. Pollution was non existent, the threat of Global Warming turned out to be a myth, violence and crime were both nearly extinct. Fossil fuel was obsolete,...

4 years ago
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Chronicles of Sin

Welcome dear readers to JJ’s world of matured women & my sexual encounters with them. It always seems inevitable that a man’s mind wanders back to one of the finest things in the universe – a woman. If a guy is lucky, he will find a woman with whom to spend his life who can endlessly occupy his mind, spirit, and body. If the woman is lucky, her man will do the same for her this can end up in getting married, we can call them “made for each other” But, while searching for the ‘one’, there can be...

4 years ago
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Chronicles of indianPilot

Feeling the warmth of the sun on my face I woke. I smiled a child like smileto the world. A world being seen for the first time. How did the same worldsee me? I don't know, I do know its perception of me will be totally differentby tonight. Given what was to come, I felt strangely calm as I leaned against the windowsill.The sun mirrored my mood as it dragged itself off the purple hued mountainsto the East. Would that be his direction, East? Where do the internationalflights come from? I smiled,...

1 year ago
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Chronicles of Succubus High Chapter 1 Window Dressing

1:25. 4th period. Tom sat behind his desk in the corner as he waited for his next group of students to start filing in for their first class after lunch. They were never very focused this time of day, and on more than one occasion he'd caught a student nodding off during class.At least this group was his senior class. The freshmen he taught during the other four periods were a lot more rowdy. Such a weird mixture of childish pranks and teen drama to contend with, always some new issue he didn't...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of Succubus High Ch 1

by Quiver Chapter 1: Window Dressing 1:25. 4th period. Tom sat behind his desk in the corner as he waited for his next group of students to start filing in for their first class after lunch. They were never very focused this time of day, and on more than one occasion he'd caught a student nodding off during class. At least this group was his senior class. The freshmen he taught during the other four periods were a lot more rowdy. Such a weird mixture of childish pranks and teen drama to...

2 years ago
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Chronicles Of Submission

It had taken a few hours for the trip to your new home to end, and you had soon fallen asleep during the coach journey. After a sudden jolt, you woke up with a groan. The other people inside the vehicle were gone, and you were the only person left. Sighing, you stand and walk to the front of the coach, which seemed to have stopped for a while. As you step out, the cool night air washed over you, bringing you a certain sense of happiness. Yet, as you got out your ID Pass, you paused. "So this is...


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