Cris N' Kelly - Part 3 -Acdeptance free porn video

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Cris 'n Kelly - Part 3 - Acceptance By Old Timer When I awoke, I was alone in her bed. Grabbing a towel, I hurriedly wrapped it around under my armpits as Kelly had suggested and headed to my room for a morning freshening. As I looked in the mirror, I was amazed that I still did not need a shave. If anything, my facial hair resembled blonde peach fuzz; and there was a softness to the texture as my splashed water and washed. No big deal I thought to myself, I never enjoyed shaving anyway and finished my normal morning routine. Back in my bedroom, I suddenly realized that getting dressed was going to be a bit more challenging. In the past, a pair of jeans and a tee was my normal garb, but now I had to consider where and what so I wore the right thing. Whatever I put on I could change so I began. Let's see... I'll wear a white bra and panties so I selected a satin looking full cupped bra. My mind concluded that it would be easier to hook it in front so I did, then twisted it and struggled to slide my arms under the straps. I was glad it was an elastic fabric and now realized I would have to learn the art of rear snapping quickly. I carefully slipped each tit into the bra and shook them to settle into each cup as I straightened up. The matching panties with their special construction was next and now to the closet to select the rest of the outfit. A light blue short jumper dress with a scooped neck caught my eye so I slipped it over my head and stopped. The fitted waist wouldn't pass my enlarged chest so I pulled it off and tried stepping into it. There was a zipper on the back, which I undid and my arms slipped under the straps as the fabric settled on my body. The zipper was a bit easier to work back up and I smoothed the dress into place as I walked over to the mirror. Not bad I thought to myself. I will have to coordinate bras and dresses... this time I was lucky and the bra straps were concealed by the dress. My hair looked normal but I remembered how Kelly had straightened it out before so I did that once again and the results were better than I expected... actually pretty good... then off to find Kelly. "You're looking cute this morning," I heard as I made it to the kitchen, "here's coffee and a pill." She was standing there with her arms outstretched pinching her full tits together under the bright blue jersey top as she smiled. Her hair was pulled back into a single braid and the matching blue short skirt enhanced the golden tone of her long shapely legs. "I'm feeling fine... I don't need any pills." "The doc prescribed them... one a day she said." "How come?" "Just to make sure no infections." "Kelly, you being truthful?" "Alright... she gave you hormone shots when she did the surgery and this maintains those levels." "Wait a minute... does this have something to do with why I haven't had to shave?" "It is... they're genetically altered hormones that only act on your hair and skin. As the days pass, your hair will become thinner and your skin will soften." "What about my manhood... is it going to shrink?" "I think last night proved there was no effect on that! You agree?" "You're sure of that... no trickery... right?" "Honest injun... no change in our special package. The only other effect you've already figured out. It makes your nipples extra sensitive and I think that's a bonus. Don't you?" "If what I feel is what you've always experienced, it is definitely a bonus," and I lightly kissed her asking, "What's today's adventure?" "More shopping my love. Yesterday we got the clothing basics out of the way but there's so much more we need... like shoes, belts, purses, necklaces and pantyhose. Don't forget earrings and, I forgot about piercing your other earlobe. See... too much and not enough time so let's get going. I've got an idea... we'll get cosmetics last and those terrific sales ladies can get you ready for an evening out. We'll come home, shower and change for a little bar crawling to help us unwind. You with me?" "I'm right behind you," and our shopping spree began anew. We bought packages full and Kelly's seemingly bottomless credit cards fueled our harvest with the highlight being matching one carat diamond studs to celebrate the piercing before heading home. After separate showers (we'd never go out repeating last night's experience), we agreed on complimentary appearances of similar dark sheath dresses rather than the 'twin' look. Kelly lent me her hair removing solution so I was able to get my legs and underarms completely clean and smooth then finished up with some soothing body lotion which felt nice and left my skin smoother than I could ever remember. The next step was getting dressed. With the siliconed internal support, I only needed to wear a bra to prevent extra excitement from my tender nipples so I selected a wine colored strapless lace that covered my aureoles and was easy to fasten and twist into position. After donning the matching Renee made panties, I tried on my first pair of pantyhose, which made my legs feel like they were sausage casings, but they did add an attractive sheen and tone to my legs. Getting into the color matching burgundy dress was easier than this morning's struggle, and I was learning that practice does improve performance. The curved neckline exposed the fullness of my creamy upper breasts and some cleavage but definitely did not suggest I was on the 'prowl' for males... and I wasn't! Kelly thought that walking in high heels would be too much and decided I should start with a shorter 1" high pump and graduate as I grew more comfortable so I found a dark burgundy pair that I slipped on. As I started to the mirror, I discovered the 'trick' was walking more on the balls of my feet and toes rather than the heel and toe motion of before. It would take a bit of getting used to but simply shortening my normal stride length quickly made it possible. I slipped on a thin gold choker necklace that Kelly bought as a 'just for you' gift, found a matching Couch clutch purse and was about to find Kelly when she walked through the doorway in her midnight blue body hugging dress with a narrow plunging neckline that could only be worn without a brassiere and a large diamond pendant nestled between her glorious melons that was a magnet to one's eyes. "You look good enough to eat," I exclaimed. "Later, lover, though you look pretty tempting as well. Let's go drinking and have some fun," and together we headed for the car and our well earned night out. As we entered the first place, I saw many eyes looking and I was sure they were drawn to Kelly and her incredible body thinking who wouldn't want to get their hands on her? But as we sipped our drinks, I caught guys glancing at me as well and felt the metamorphosis was gaining success. I was further convinced when I walked toward the bar and felt elbows 'accidentally' brush against my new mammaries. In my man life, I had done the same to shapely vixens and I was excited to now be the focus of those 'I'd like to jump her bones' thoughts. Returning to my seat, I intentionally added at bit of sway to my walk, which Kelly immediately noticed. "Feeling good about yourself, Crissy?" "You bet. This is fun... seeing if you can 'stir up' some interest... though I am not interested in a guy. Still, it confirms that you've been right all along. There has to be a bit of female in my psyche to let me enjoy being seen as sexually attractive to men and this reinforces my desire to be with you as your female formed man... a wolf in sheep's clothing..." We stopped by a couple of more places and my growing confidence allowed me to really enjoy the looks, rubs of my thighs, unintentional touches of my ass and tits; then headed for the quiet bar at the new hotel to wrap up the evening. While finishing our last round, Kelly noticed a woman dressed in a tailored suit sitting by herself and thought she looked familiar. "I think I know her. Excuse me while I find out," and she headed for the attractive brunette. There was a bit of animated conversation and the two headed back as I heard, "...and this is my best friend Crissy. Crissy, meet Samantha Moore." "Nice to meet you Crissy," as she extended her hand, "but my friends call me Sam." "Sam it is... nice to meet you," as we gently shook. "Kelly thought she knew you. The two of you old acquaintances?" "Nope... similar looks but different people... my mistake, Kelly stated. "Why don't you join us as we finish our last drinks?" "Thanks, I will," Sam answered. "People must confuse you two... Kelly said 'friend' but I was thinking twins. You girls look like two peas in a pod... it's a bit eerie... almost mirror images." "In some ways we are very much alike," Kelly answered, "but... we've got our differences... and some of them are B-I-G... agree Crissy?" "Agree. Sam, why's a nice looking woman alone this evening... get stiffed? "Nothing that exciting... trust me... my meeting ran long and I missed my flight. Since it's all on the expense account, I opted for a nice luxurious night as my compensation. After dinner, I just wanted to chill out but wasn't in the mood for a book or TV so freshened up dropped in here." The three of us chatted and found common interests that drew us together. Sensing we were about to leave, Sam suggested we venture up to her room as she said, "You know, the two of you might have a bit of a buzz from your liquid refreshments and heading home at this hour seems like agony. I've got a suite with an extra bed. Come on... stay here and you'll be better off. Accept?" I looked at Kelly and could see she was interested in finding out if Sam's tailored clothes concealed any luscious surprises. These past two days hadn't eliminated her desire for women, rather she was broadening her horizons with me. For me, having sex with a fine looking woman hadn't been eliminated the last few days and those male erotic thoughts made me a willing contributor so I answered, "You're so kind and trusting, Sam. Staying here tonight would be a lot easier for us." "In my line of business, I have to make 'gut' decisions about people and you two 'tingle' my tummy in a really nice way. If you agree, Kelly, let's head up to my 'boudoir'," and three of us made for the elevator and Sam's suite. "Make yourself at home," Sam stated as she flipped on a light, walked past the big screen turning on one of the music channels, "let me hang up my suit and kick off these heels and I'll right back." Kelly and I slumped into the couch as we flipped off our shoes, stretched and Kelly whispered, "You caught my 'vibes' didn't you?" "Saw it in your eyes... you'd like to get to know her better!" "You're not complaining either...this could be fun... let's see if we're both right." Sam returned sans tailored suit looking very appetizing. Kelly's suspicion that the severe business look concealed a bountiful body was correct as we both watched a 5' 7" brunette with a mostly unbuttoned silk blouse barely concealing two juicy mounds straining her white lace bra and a very short white shiny slip barely covering her thin bikini panties and garter belt stroll to us. "It feels good to get out that straight jacket," she said. "Hey, you two... get comfortable... you're wrinkling your clothes. If you're modest, I'll get the robe from the bath." "Thanks... and good idea. Sam, lend Crissy a hand with her zipper while I get a couple of hangers from the closet." "Okay, turn around Crissy so I can get at that catch and zipper. I'm always struggling with it on my dresses too," I felt her soft hands on my bare shoulders. Her touch gave my concealed gonads a stir since a woman never undid something on my back. I almost panicked when I realized she had no idea that I was carrying a concealed weapon of lust, but quickly smiled as I contemplated how Sam would deal with the unexpected surprise awaiting her. She dropped the zipper and swept the dress off my upper body remarking, " work out don't you... firmness like that isn't genetic... and I love people who stay fit." "Cris spends most of the energy working me out," Kelly answered as she walked back with a couple of hangers, "and I give back the same effort. Together, we keep our muscles toned... all our muscles I might add," and she began removing her dress while Sam examined the rear view presented in front of her eyes. In an instant, she had grabbed the hem and pulled the midnight blue sheath over her head and began to hang it up. From behind, Sam could appreciate the only fabric remaining on her body and that her pantyhose stressed by her rounded cheeks and a black lace thong... nothing else. I stood up letting my dress drop of then handed it Kelly who had finished with hers, and she walked over and hung them on the door. As she turned to return, I heard Sam gasp saying, "Kelly, you are gorgeous. Mother nature has been kind to you." "You like?" "Like? Try love! I expected nice... probably fine... but you're a dream come true." "Keep it to 'like' Sam," I quickly interrupted, "Her love is mine... but I can share." "Cris," Kelly began, "no catty jealousy please... we'll share and share alike tonight," as she came slowly back letting Sam absorb the gentle sway of her golden mammaries. "Besides," she continued, "our love IS special," and she boldly kissed me slipping her tongue tip between my lips as she wrapped her arms around me. "Now... let me help you out of this damn boa constrictor of a bra and you'll feel just as good as I do," and she quickly opened the catch leaving my bra trapped between our compressed tits. Kelly stepped back and let the black lace bra fall exposing my succulent melons and Sam said, "Lord, you've got to be twins... two absolutely perfect bodies... I must be having a wet dream! My fantasies have been fulfilled," She finished unbuttoning her silk blouse exposing her full milky breasts barely encased in a mostly transparent white lace bra with extra fabric that concealed her aureoles. She smiled at us both and she lowered her brown eyes as she unclasped the bra and it fell to her feet. Sam was still smiling when her brown eyes and head lifted revealing a pair of firm 36D's with small aureoles and pert little nipples and as she stood to join us. She continued, "I've got to tell the two of you that I have an experienced eye and usually know the book from its cover. You two know how to dress so that your amazing proportions are cleverly disguised yet you expose just enough to tempt. I'm speechless as I inhale the beauty of your bodies." Kelly quickly answered, "Thanks from both of us for the compliments. Since you're unable to talk, let's communicate with our bodies," and she kissed Sam on each cheek, on each nipple and then firmly on the mouth that began their embrace. I joined the clutch as well and wrapped my arms around them as they each released an arm and included my body as well. "Now where's that bed you promised?" and the three of us shuffled into the spare room and collapsed in a heap. "Why don't you two back on your backs side by side so I can see if you really have identical bodies? You know... I'm need to get closer to be sure... let me between you so I can get up close and personal." Sam knelt between us and began tracing circles on each of our tits beginning at the outer edge and spirally in until she was brushing against our nipples, which caused me to shudder with excitement. "Ahhh, she said, "Crissy's nipples are more sensitive than yours Kelly. Now for the taste test," and she alternately began sucking our nipples, which sent tingles through my chest as my nipples swelled and caused Kelly's to lengthen to their mini dick length. Sam paused to tell us, "But Kelly's nipples get much longer when excited, and she resumed her suckling while Kelly and I began rubbing her breasts and nipples." Shortly, Sam stopped and headed off shouting, "Ladies, I've got some surprises for you." She returned with a black attache case, which she placed on the bed. As she opened it, Sam said, "Every imaginable sex toy is here, and some are prototypes that have in development. Think we can give these a test?" "You do have a surprise or two, Sam. You always travel with this collection?" Kelly asked. "Not this collection... I forgot to tell you that I own the company that manufactures and sells these and I needed my samples for the meeting earlier. You two can help me in our research and development and our night together will be a tax deduction. Now let's get to work," She lay next to Kelly and resumed fondling and sucking her melons. I nudged Kelly to let me slide under her knees and moved to get my hand on Sam's panties while using my other hand to rub Kelly's pelvic area. I started running one finger along Sam's groin and she let her legs drift apart revealing that her panties were crotchless and her pussy was already glistening with her own love juices. I couldn't get my mouth there so I began sliding one and two fingers along her lips while my other hand massaged Kelly's groin. Sam eased off Kelly saying, "Time for the final unveiling. Ladies, on your feet for my final inspection. You're first Kelly," Sam slid her hands into the sides of her pantyhose and pulled them down almost to the knees. She let go and ran her fingers along the edge of Kelly's thong noting, "This barely covers your sweet pussy, dear," and she ran one hand between Kelly's legs right up the thin cloth strip in the crack of her ass. Her back hand grabbed the strip and she started sliding the thin strip back and forth as it slipped between Kelly's lips. The flossing had its desired effect and Kelly's mammaries shook as the little tremors of sexual excitement shot through her. She moved to me and easily slipped the pantyhose tops off my waist and down nearly to my knees. Once again, her fingers ran up the edges of my Renee panties though the wider crotch necessary for my concealment found her fingers left to trace back through the center where she expected my gash. In fact, she had fingered the top of my cock and I found it exciting. Sam dropped to her knees in front of and said, "Now, I'm looking for the cherry on top," and she rolled the leg of the pantyhose of each of my legs. She reached up and slipped her fingers into the elastic waist of my black lace panties and slowly started pulling them down. "What is this!" she exclaimed as the base of my dick came into view as it slid out of it's pocket. "My God... it's not possible... this can't be real!" as the panties continued being lowered and more of my one eyed python was revealed to Sam's unbelieving eyes. She stopped when my helmet shaped knob was exposed with her mouth open. Her eyes slowly panned back up its length past the view of my now exposed balls, and on up past my massive chest to my eyes. I heard Kelly whisper, "Like what you see, Sam... Isn't Crissy incredible?" Sam finally found her voice and said, "More than incredible... I am in awe of her... I have never been so shocked in my life... and I cannot believe the vision I see. Crissy, you are the most fantastic person I have ever seen... ever." "Thank you Sam," I whispered, "I owe it all to Kelly. This is all her." "Can I touch it?" "Why don't to try more than a touch?" "I haven't held a living penis in years... but let me see what I can do," Her hands left my panties and moved to my shaft. She slowly slid them from the knob to the base, then back to the reddening cockhead as she lifted it to her lips. Sam began wetting it with her tongue and rubbing her lips over it until she slowly slid it past her lips into her mouth. She began to slowly fuck her mouth with swelling prick by moving it in and out as her head remained still. After a minute or two, she released her hands then pulled her mouth off and said, "I've got to stop or I'll flood the floor with my juices. Let me finish looking for that cherry," and she moved in front of Kelly. Again, she rolled each leg of hosiery off and pulled the lace thong down and off. "I now know you're not identical," Sam hissed, "so let me see what you've got. Kelly, spread your legs a bit, dear so I can taste you," and Kelly complied. She kissed Kelly's puffy lips and lightly flicked her tongue along the crease. Sam then grabbed each of Kelly's ass cheeks and with her mouth open and her tongue to its full length moved her head from font to back as if she was using her tongue to sand Kelly's cunt. It really got to Kelly and her clit immediately popped out and distended to its mini-dick appearance that attracted Sam's attention. She quickly inhaled the excited nubbin between her moist lips and with care popped the clit in and out as her tongue tempted the tip. "You... you've got to stop Sam or I'll shower your face," cried Kelly. "You DO know how to turn me on." Sam let go and said through a smile, "I'm an amateur with you two. I thought I had experienced everything there is sexually between women. Tonight, we're writing a new chapter... but where do we start. Anybody got any ideas?" "Well, tell us what you would like. We're in your room so you're the host of the party and Crissy and I are your guests." "Crissy, step out of your panties and let me see if I can swallow your live dildo as easily as one of my new models," Sam slipped off her crotchless panties leaving just the garter belt and black stockings which enhanced the visual sexuality of her body. After dropping my drawers, I fell back onto the bed as Sam mounted the bed. Kelly slid on as well, kissed me and said, "This is more fun than I expected. How about you?" "I agree. I loved the look on her face when she realized I had a dick. Thanks for everything," and I kissed her back. She positioned herself near me with her feet in the other direction as Sam began munching on my swelling shaft. Kelly slipped her head between Sam's thighs and wrapped her arms around so she could massage the ass cheeks as she devoured Sam's gaping hole. Sam continued working more and more of my probe down her gullet as she impaled her mouth then removed most. She definitely had deep throated things before but probably not as thick or as long as what offered. Still, she wasn't going to quit until her nose was buried between my nuts that she kept fondling and tickling as she sucked her way along my meat. I supported my upper body on my elbows as I enjoyed feeling her throat muscles constricting my intruder until Sam reached her goal then slowly withdrew my meat saying, "Ooooh, that really was good! I'm glad I did that 'cause I now know that my new "King Dong' model needs some more work on the composition of the material. Yours is softer and more pliable... it bends easier." "If you do that a couple of more times, Sam, I'll guarantee it will be harder and it won't bend." "Thanks for the offer, Crissy, but it was perfect this time. I do have to apologize to Kelly. I'm not being a gracious host hogging all the meat at this gathering." Kelly paused in her tonguing of Sam's pussy and answered, "Enjoy yourself tonight. I have the rest of my life with Crissy." "Then, let me check out how Crissy's special surprise feels in my pussy. "And Kelly, reach into the sample case and let's try the one labeled 'Double trouble'... okay with you?" While Kelly scooted over to the case, Sam turned around and squatted over me as if she was going to cover me with her pee. Then she reached down grabbing my saliva covered dong and pulled it to the mouth of her cunt. She took her other hand and spread the lips further apart so that the bright pink beginnings of her uterus were exposed and she began to lower herself straight down inhaling my manmeat in one smooth motion. "Crissy, you are... SO much better... than ANY artificial piece of rubber... I am so jealous of Kelly." and lowered herself mashing our breasts together and lightly kissed my lips. "Hold that position, ladies," Kelly called. "I've got 'Double Trouble' and as soon as I slide that thick half into my pussy, I'll join you." Sam and I lay there and looked as Kelly took the double headed dildo and rocked it around until she had buried more than half into her hole. She gently walked over smiling as she noted, "Kind of look a little like you, Cris, my love, what do you think? "I think it's a bit smaller, love, but it does turn me on. Maybe we should talk to the doc and see if she has any ideas?" "Not now, Crissy, I spy someone's bottom calling to me," as she knelt behind Sam's exposed bunghole. "I think I need a little lube," She began rimming the pink puckered button. She pressed her index finger against it and as her sphincter relaxed Kelly's finger slipped in. She ground around the edges stretching it further until Kelly guessed that the exposed end of the dildo would fit. She wrapped her hand around the pink plastic shaft and began to force it deeper into Sam's bowels. As she augured her way in, I could feel the intruder through Sam's inner membranes until Kelly's pelvic bones and flat tummy were nestled against the round ass cheeks. "You two know how to treat a lady," Sam faintly uttered. "I've tits in front of me, tits behind me, and two monsters in my two holes. I've never felt this good. Now, you two gorgeous sex machines, fuck me!" The onslaught began with Kelly sawing the dildo in and out of the ass as I began moving Sam's hips up and down on my stiffened pole. Sam helped by rocking to and fro so that the three of us were in a fucking rhythm. Kelly would burrow in to the hilt and Sam would begin to rock forward which would pull some of my meat out of her scorching hole and yank a bit of the dildo from Kelly's hot pussy. I would lift her hips, which would further draw a bit more of me out as well as from Kelly. Down would come Sam completely engulfing me and as she rocked back double headed dildo would fill her ass and Kelly's cunt. We continued pounding each other until Kelly realized she wanted more. She slid the 'Double Trouble out of Sam and went back to the case for some more appliances. Returning, she suggested that Sam and I reverse positions which we did without letting my meat leave its warm surroundings. "Sam, I've got your 'Double Dynamite', which may be designed for one. Instead, I'm going to stuff one stick in your ass and other stick is going up my ass as we speak... uhhh... Crissy, dear, I didn't forget you, my love. After I cram a stick of dynamite in Sam, I'm back at you with Mr. 'Double Trouble. This way, Sam, we all have all of our holes filled up," and Kelly waddled to Sam with a wire hanging from her ass, a plastic dildo poking out of her pussy and another wired stick. She had lubed the end of the stick and pressed it into Sam's anus then turned the switch which made the sticks vibrate and said, "That does cause a nice buzz... hmmm... yes... feel it Sam?" "Oh yes, it's perfect." "I can feel it also," I said and it's starting to get to me." "Hang on Crissy and let me fill your ass first." She had lubed the dildo and began spreading it. With her finger, she began reaming my rosette until it absorbed her finger. She slid another in and rolled them around as my body further relaxed and my anus was ready. Kelly took the thickened knobby end and pressed it home... then slowly fed the plastic shaft further into my innards until she had crushed her hips against my ass and flattened her melons on my back. She wasn't done, however. Apparently, 'Double Trouble' also had a vibrator attachment, which now switched on and reached around my sides and grabbed my pendulous breasts that were hanging in Sam's face. The sensation of having a vibrator in my ass tickling my prostate as my cock felt the pulses of the machines in Sam's and Kelly' asses combined with Kelly's diddling of my sensitive nipples was too much. I started bucking my swollen member rapidly in and out of Sam's soaking gash as I felt Kelly's thrusts in my ass alternating with her finger diddlings until I could hold back no more... and I emptied every single drop of cum from my balls in a series of tremendous explosions deep within Sam's womb. I saw stars as my body shook from the intensity of my orgasm and as I came out of stupor of excitement, I saw Sam had done the same, as had Kelly who had slumped completely against my back in an exhausted state of complete satisfaction. Kelly had kindly switched off all the vibrators and the three of us fell asleep in a tangle of arms, legs and breasts knowing another round would have required calls to paramedics for resuscitation. The next morning we most of our clothes back on and chatted over a cup of room service coffee. Sam wanted us to agree to be product testers in the future after Kelly suggested that "Double Trouble' would have worked better if the clit stimulators were longer and softer. She explained that it would've added to her stimulation by jacking off her extended mini-dick, and Sam thought it was a great improvement. Sam also wanted to make a mold of my penis saying she'd name it the 'CrissCrosser'. "Any thoughts, Crissy?" "Being with you, Sam, helped me understand that Kelly did the right thing molding me to her vision. She told me there was a hidden female buried within, but I wasn't positive. Your acceptance of me and your honest expressions of sexual delight convinced me to continue the adventure with Kelly. My past is gone; instead I'm Kelly's partner forever and I'm excited to continue learning how to become a more exciting Crissy Martin." "Love you too," and Kelly mashed her mouth against mine as she pressed her palm against my groin. Always the business head, Kelly suggested we invest in the company. Sam would get needed capital, product testers and a new model for her production, and Sam gleefully agreed. We said our goodbyes and headed home from our night on the town. Could life get any better? End of Part 3

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The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Part 1

The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Written by Kristine Roland Edited by Joni W Part 1 - This is the Sequel to Jason's Story. A few months have passed, and Kelly is celebrating Thanksgiving. Author's Note: My sincere thanks to Joni W for all her efforts! Chapter 1 It was Thanksgiving Day, a fine autumn morning in late November. Kelly Anderson woke up and lay in bed thinking about all that she had to be thankful for. Her leg was finally healed and out of the cast. She had...

2 years ago
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Starting Work At A New Company With Kelly Part 7

It was on a Monday late in September of 1983 when Kelly got the word that a customer would be in the office on Thursday. A customer coming to their office was not a common occurrence and only happened perhaps a couple of times each year. They always made everyone aware of it because there was a different dress code for those days. The most important part was that the ladies were expected to wear undergarments and no see-through tops. Dressing up a tad was the rest of it.On Tuesday, late in the...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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A Wild Saturday With Kelly Part 1

It was early January of 1989…“It’s okay to feel them,” Kelly said. His large hand reached down and felt the front of her panties. He gently rubbed the satin material that was covered in lace. He was lightly stroking her pubic mound. It was enough for Kelly’s clit to be in the game, but it wasn’t what she wanted.She gently wrapped her arms around his large bicep. She carefully tugged his arm, trying to get him to move his hand lower, onto her cunt. “They’re crotchless for a reason,” she...

3 years ago
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Cliffs Birthday Party With Kelly

It was Friday, July 4, 1997. Kelly and I had been invited to a surprise fortieth birthday party for a friend of ours. Cliff’s wife Shelly had been planning the party for several weeks and it was quite a shindig. Shelly had a great spread catered in. A co-worker of Cliff’s moonlighted as a bartender and he volunteered to bartend.With a bartender, most of the twenty or so invitees were drinking his delicious (and strong) concoctions instead of slamming cans of beer. The net of it was that...

Group Sex
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The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Part 5

The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Written by Kristine Roland Edited by Joni W Part 5 - This is the Sequel to Jason's Story. Kelly meets other TG Teens and the recession comes to town. Author's Note: My sincere thanks to Joni W for all her efforts! Also, thanks to JenniferBrock and Scott Ramsey for some plot advice! Chapter 12 Kelly looked out the window of the car, as she and her mother made the drive to...

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Starting Work At A New Company With Kelly Part 6

That Monday Kelly was tied to her desk most of the day (I guess, considering this workplace, I should explain that she wasn’t literally tied to the desk!). Later in the afternoon she got up and was moving around on various errands. She unbuttoned a couple of buttons of her blouse leaving only three holding the shirt closed. She lingered at several desks. They all noticed her new nipple jewelry. Four guys felt her up that afternoon. Sandy asked her, “What’s up with you today?”“I don’t know; I’m...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Guys Move Her Into Her Apartment And Have Sex With Kelly

It was the end of August 1981. It was time for Kelly to move back to Milwaukee to take on her senior year of college. I was still out of town stuck working on a large project. Her brother Steve and his buddies had helped her load up her rental truck on Thursday. Steve had offered to go with her on Friday, to unload the truck but, with a wink, she assured him she would have no trouble finding help.Kelly was wearing a romper she had modified to fit her. She was a Small on the bottom and an Extra...

College Sex
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Starting Work at a New Company with Kelly Part 5

It was around noon on Saturday when Deb woke me up. I didn’t see Kelly or Jack. Deb and I scrounged for some food. I found out that she was thirty-seven years old and that Jack was forty-eight. Deb could have passed for ten-years-younger without question. I came up behind Deb and she leaned onto the counter as I fucked her from behind. I brought her to orgasm and then dumped a load into her. It felt so great to cum a nice decent size load. She turned around and we embraced and kissed. Deb's...

Office Sex
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Starting work at a new company with Kelly Part 4

Tuesday morning Tom, HR director called Kelly into his office. They had some polite small talk for a few minutes. Then Tom asked Kelly if she would please close and lock his office door. Kelly sat back down and said, “What’s up Tom?”“Mr. Johnson wanted me to let you know that he continues to be very impressed by both your work and your enthusiasm toward the company. He asked me to let you know you will be getting a $1,000 raise beginning with the next pay period.”“Wonderful!” Kelly said while...

Office Sex
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Independence Day With Kelly Part 2 of 2

We untied and made the no-wake trip down river onto the big lake. Kelly was sitting out on the bow while Scott and I were cracking open cold ones on the aft deck. Once we were on the lake proper, Barry suggested to Kelly that she come back to the deck. Once she had a seat, he opened it up.Wow! Loud as all hell and fast! Hard to imagine something that big accelerating so quickly. We were quite a way offshore and had been barreling down the lake for maybe a half an hour when Barry slowed it down...

2 years ago
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Independence Day With Kelly Part 2 of 2

We untied and made the no-wake trip down river onto the big lake. Kelly was sitting out on the bow while Scott and I were cracking open cold ones on the aft deck. Once we were on the lake proper, Barry suggested to Kelly that she come back to the deck. Once she had a seat, he opened it up.Wow! Loud as all hell and fast! Hard to imagine something that big accelerating so quickly. We were quite a way offshore and had been barreling down the lake for maybe a half an hour when Barry slowed it down...

3 years ago
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Kellys Awakening Part 3

Introduction: Kelly gets more than she bargained for when she tries to seduce her ex girlfriends sister! Revenge is sweet, but pussy is sweeter Kellys Awakening Part 3 Id recommend reading the first two instalments of this series to fully understand the story, but, if you just want to read this one, or if youre a returning reader to the series, here is a very quick recap of what happened in the last chapter. Enjoy! P.T Jennifer has ended the relationship between herself and Kelly. Jennifer...

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Part 2 A Wild Saturday With Kelly

It was the end of January 1989. I had been out of town the weekend a few weeks previous. Kelly had spent much of that weekend with our close friends Patrick and Yvonne. They had a wild sex-fueled Saturday, the stories of which no one shared with me. Kelly just left it as, of course, the three of them had sex. It would have been odd had they not (which was true), and that was that.Yvonne called Kelly early in the week and told her that Patrick had received all of his prints back from the photo...

Group Sex
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The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Part 2

The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Written by Kristine Roland Edited by Joni W Part 2 - The continuing story of Kelly Anderson, a young transgendered girl and the trials and tribulations of life, with her mostly supportive family. This is the sequel to Jason's Story. Author's Note: My sincere thanks to Joni W for all her efforts! Chapter 4 "Mommy, when are we going to see Grandma and Grandpa Anderson again?" Billy asked. "I don't know, Billy." "I miss them. I...

1 year ago
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Stephanie Kelly Part4

Stephanie opened her eyes slowly. She had a disoriented look on her face. When she saw Kelly's wet face it all came back to her. A weak smile crossed her lips. "Your face is all sticky," she whispered. "I know," Kelly answered and licked her lips. This time, Stephanie pulled Kelly's lips to hers for a very wet kiss. When she pulled back, she stared into Kelly's eyes with a look of concern on her face. Kelly knew what she was thinking. "You don't have to do that to me," she...

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Kellys Awakening Part Four final

Introduction: Kelly learns everything, and it isnt all good Kellys Awakening Part Four Once again, as with the previous parts, Id recommend reading the first few stories so that this one makes more sense to you! For those of you that just want to read one story, or if youre returning to this series, heres a quick recap from the last story. Enjoy! [After seven months Jennifer, Kellys girlfriend, had ended their relationship because she suspected that Kelly desired her sisters, Amy and Bianca,...

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Independence Day With Kelly Part 1 of 2

It was July 1990. Kelly and I had returned from our weeklong trip to Spain barely two weeks before. In that time, Kelly’s pussy was on fire! She was still wildly turned on by our adventures in Spain from gang fucking on the beach to being groped and jerked off in the pub. All of it had her wanting nothing more than to orgasm at every chance she could get.She would wake up in the early hours of the morning and feel for my cock. If it was hard she’d roll me onto my back and climb on top, slipping...

2 years ago
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Independence Day With Kelly Part 1 of 2

It was July 1990. Kelly and I had returned from our weeklong trip to Spain barely two weeks before. In that time, Kelly’s pussy was on fire! She was still wildly turned on by our adventures in Spain from gang fucking on the beach to being groped and jerked off in the pub. All of it had her wanting nothing more than to orgasm at every chance she could get.She would wake up in the early hours of the morning and feel for my cock. If it was hard she’d roll me onto my back and climb on top, slipping...

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Starting Work At A New Company With Kelly Part 2

It was December of 1982. Kelly wore a white sheer top and a rah-rah mini-skirt to work on a Monday. She left her bra and panties at home. She received appreciative looks--no, stares--from all of the men. Each, at some point during the day, made a point to stand before her and study her tits with various degrees of subtlety. Kelly was positive that by the end of the day none of them knew that she has blue eyes. Kelly, being Kelly, really struggled that whole day with keeping her shirt on. It was...

Office Sex
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New Years with Kelly part 2

Kelly, Tricia, Alan and I headed to the larger city down the highway. It was a half-hour or so and they had a Shopping Mall, which was a big thing in 1980. The mall was actually quite busy with folks making returns and whatever. Both of the girls were wearing flannel shirts and Levis. Pretty normal compared to everybody. Along the way, I had been copping some feels and knew that neither girl was wearing a bra. Kelly knew how to walk to suppress the jiggle, just as she knew how to walk to...

Group Sex
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My sister Kelly part 2

After Vinny had cum all over her panties, Kelly decided that she didn't really need to wear them anymore. Kelly came back into the room completely naked. Even though he was tired, Vinny was interested in seeing her nude body up close."Kelly, come over here and lay down on the couch for a minute," Vinny said. "I just want to look at you real close.""Whatever, but I get to do you next," she said laughing.Kelly laid down and started to watch TV although she was excited by having her brother this...

4 years ago
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Kelly and Marcus and Becky and I Part 1

A couple of months had gone by and Becky and Kelly had become good friends. Not really talking about sex all the time, but it had been mentioned a few times. Becky and Steve were not getting along during this time. His work was on a slow down and his hours were cut and since Becky did not work, bills around the house started to get out of control and they would have some heated arguments over their finances. Steve was the type that didn't want his wife working and thought her place was at...

3 years ago
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Kelly and Marcus and Becky and I Part 8

About that time, Kelly and Marcus came up to us. Marcus was as hard as a rock and Kelly said “Well, we are heading back upstairs. Have fun you two. I know we will!” They left and I was about ready to take Becky upstairs too. Before I had a chance to, Becky said “Can I please have a glass of wine?” I told her sure and we walked in the kitchen to get it for her. She said she was a little tipsy from the daiquiris, but wanted some wine to mellow her out. I said “Don’t get so hammered that...

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Kelly and Marcus and Becky and I Part 2

Becky looked over toward the Jacuzzi and through the gazebo, she seen Kelly kissing Marcus and said "Oh my God! Look at them two." I looked over and Marcus was sitting at the Jacuzzi and Kelly was in the water facing him and they were kissing. I joked and said "Marcus is just saying thank you for dinner." We both laughed and as Becky leaned to grab the bottle of wine to refill our glasses, she scooted closer to me. Becky told me that one time, she went to a bachelorette party and they...

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Kelly and Marcus and Becky and I Part 7

I asked Becky to hand me the bottle of warming oil and when she did, I squirted it just above her cunt. I handed it back to her and started to rub it in. I used the lubrication on my fingers to rub it on the opening to her cunt too. Then, I leaned down and started kissing her cunt and started to blow on it. This drove her crazy and she was wiggling underneath me. Becky said “Lay back for a minute.” When I did, she sat up and poured a bunch of the oil in her hands. Using both hands, she...

1 year ago
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Kelly Takes Control Parts One and Two

Kelly Takes Control Part 1: The Decorator. A work of transgender fiction, contains depictions of sex and black mail, if you are offended or too young, do not read on. *** Kelly opened the door to their home. She took a deep breath "he'll be looking at porn again" she thought grimly. "Am I not enough for him? I really can't understand why he looks at all those other women, all those sluts! Chin up, tits out, you can do this'. Kelly pushed open the door, home slightly earlier...

2 years ago
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Kelly Bundys Saturday Morning Surprise Part

Saturday morning came early for the younger Bundy f****y members, Buck as usual was humping Marcy’s poodle, Bud had just screwed Amber and she was staggering back to her aunt’s house butt naked and tired, Bud has now crawled back into bed to cuddle up with his other warm piece of ass for the morning, he had started out fucking her, but duties called for him to service Amber and to keep her pussy happy. Kelly sl**ps soundly as usual as she normally gets back home around 2am from one of her boy...

1 year ago
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Kelly Bundys Saturday Morning Surprise Part

Saturday morning came early for the younger Bundy family members; Buck asusual was humping Marcy's poodle; Bud had just screwed Amber and she wasstaggering back to her aunt's house butt naked and tired; Bud has nowcrawledback into bed to cuddle up with his other warm piece of ass for themorning,he had started out fucking her, but duties called for him to service Amberand to keep her pussy happy.Kelly sleeps soundly as usual as she normally gets back home around 2amfromone of her boy friends,...

3 years ago
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Kelly and Beckys weekend Part 3

Kelly and Becky were both wearing the babydolls they bought earlier. Edward and Marcus started to remove Kellys and Norris and I started removing Beckys. Once both were undressed, Edward looked at Kellys bare cunt and then at Beckys bare cunt and remarked “Holy shit! Nothing to catch the jizz as it leaks out! You are going to let me fill that sweet pussy aren’t you?” Little did he know that Kelly wouldn’t need hair to catch anything and Becky was just a small dribbler! (at least so far) Kelly...

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The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Part 3

The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Written by Kristine Roland Edited by Joni W Part 3 - This is the Sequel to Jason's Story. Author's Note: My sincere thanks to Joni W for all her efforts! Chapter 7 Kirsten came over to the lunch table where Kelly and her friends were sitting. She was carrying a stack of papers. "Kelly, here you go, hot off the press, the new edition of the Jefferson Weekly," Kirsten said. She handed a copy to each of them and gave a handful to...

2 years ago
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Part 2 Meet up with Kelly

If you missed the first part, go find it - Back in College with Kelly.I came home from class one early afternoon to find that Kelly left something in my room for me. She always had a key to my room so she could enter the building and get up the elevator and so I didn't have to go get her. On my bed was a bag from the local clothing store in town. There was a note that said, “Put this on and wait for me. I’ll be back later. Love, Kelly.” When I opened the bag, I instantly smelled her perfume and...

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We Meet A Partner While Camping With Kelly

It was Memorial Day weekend of 1998. Kelly and I were thirty-eight and had recently bought a small motorhome. We were camping at a state park, which we preferred as the sites were more spacious and had more trees than what we’d found at private campgrounds.Friday evening was absolutely beautiful. Kelly and I sat at our small campfire until after midnight just enjoying each other’s company and being outdoors. By the time we went to bed we were exhausted. Even so, we both slept naked, just to...

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Kelly and Jason Part 6

They laid there for several minutes. Jason then asked if he should go home and Kelly said "Why? Are we done already? I don't know about you, but I'm just taking a break!" Jason said he would stay as long as it was okay. Kelly said "Then I want you to stay!" Kelly suggested that we go downstairs and grab something to drink and relax for a little bit and then come back upstairs. When Kelly climbed off the bed and stood up, just a little bit of cum leaked out. Instead of asking for a...

2 years ago
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Salma and Kelly Part 2

Peter sat by the table on the terrace of his house fixing his glasses with some tape. Everyone in his life had told him to buy new ones, but he refused. The glasses were the same he had used back in college to edit his first porn video and he felt they were the reason for his success, his lucky charm. He had changed the glass a few times over the years as his eyesight changed. Checking that the frame held together, he cleaned them and put them on.“Honey, why don’t you come in?” the voice was...

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Kelly Part 2

She even had a semblance of curves. Beneath Kevin's baggy clothes, hidden, was a delicious figure. Kelly stood in front of me, beaming down at me. She shifted her weight onto one of her hips, and placed her hands at her sides. "So? How do I look?" I couldn’t begin to describe. I could still see Kevin in there, but there was more. For me, there was a woman standing in front of me. She was a little boyish in figure, but she was smooth, curvaceous, and projected an aura of powerful...

1 year ago
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Kelly and Jason Part 4

We walked into the bedroom and Kelly removed the bedspread to expose the new dark blue satin sheets and pillow cases she put on the bed earlier. I plugged the camera in so the batteries wouldn’t go dead in the middle of any good part and I put a new tape in just in case I needed more then what was left on the first tape. Jason said “Uhh. Will I need a condom? I didn’t bring any.” Kelly said he wouldn’t need them. Jason said “Good. So you are on the pill?” Kelly looked at Jason and gave...

4 years ago
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Kelly Girl Part 14 Floop and Happenstance

Rated R for context. Nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 14 "Floop and Happenstance" By Wanda Cunningham Kelly stared, squinting a little without his glasses. Andie had just removed Melissa's wig revealing thinning brown hair and a receding hairline, very much at odds with the rest of Melissa's appearance. Moments before,...

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Starting Work At A New Company With Kelly Part 3

Oola was the black woman whose tits Kelly was so fascinated with at her first company orgy. Oola worked in customer support at the far end of the building from Kelly. Once in a great while, Kelly would need to go see her about something in person. One day she had heard Oola was wearing a see-through blouse. Kelly had to see her tits again so she made up some excuse to go see her. She sat in her cubicle talking about whatever it was. She couldn’t take her eyes off of her boobs. Oola unbuttoned a...

Office Sex
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Kelly and Marcus and Becky and I Part 4

I was laying next to Becky and she said “So now what?” I joked and said “Now… we go to sleep!” She gave me an odd look and I told her I was just k**ding. Then I said “Now, we have to talk about this just good thing!” Becky said “I’m so sorry. I meant it was great and not just good. I didn’t mean to say that.” I told her that she already said it and now, I have to make up for it, and said I have a reputation to uphold and I can’t have anyone thinking I am only good. I put my hand over...

2 years ago
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Kelly and Jason Part 5

Kelly finally caught up to the present and slowly rolled off of Jason and turned around. Once again, on her side, she was facing him and had her upper body over his, she was staring right into his eyes and neither of them spoke for about two minutes. Kelly leaned in and kissed him on the nose and said “You made me see stars! That was earth shattering! You just wait until we are rested. I am tearing you up tonight!” Before Jason had any chance to say anything, Kelly leaned in and started...

1 year ago
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Stephanie Kelly Part2

"We can meet at Peter's Pub. It's not far from my place on Rosewood Lane." "Okay, I'm sure I can make it," Stephanie said, deciding to call a babysitter if her mother wasn't available. The following Friday, Stephanie drove to the pub to meet Kelly. When she entered, she looked around in the dark restaurant and saw Kelly sitting in a back booth waving her hand. Then with a bright smile, she made her way to the booth and slid in across from Kelly. "No problem finding the place...

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Stephanie Kelly Part3

Kelly reached down and took one large breast in her hand. With gentle fingers, she began to knead it. She brought her lips to Stephanie's. They moaned as their lips pressed together. Their tongue began to duel for possession of each other's mouth. All resistance was now gone from Stephanie's body. Suddenly, the incredible stimulation of the younger woman's mouth, hand, and her own fingers, were too much for her. She felt Kelly's tongue push deep into her mouth as her hand squeezed...

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Kelly and Marcus and Becky and I Part 5

Becky arranged herself on the bed and I got on the bed and laid next to her. Becky sat up and then scooted down until she was on her stomach between my legs. She grabbed my cock and guided it to her mouth and started going down on me. It wasn’t as easy in this position, but Becky kept trying to take it all. Kelly said “Marcus. Get on your back next to him. Let’s see if Becky and I can make both of you cum at the same time.” Marcus climbed up on the bed and got on his back and Kelly...

2 years ago
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Kelly and Beckys weekend Part 2

I told Becky to lay back on the bed and I was on my knees walking between her legs. I started playing with her cunt and stuck my finger in and started sliding it in and out of her. I leaned over and grabbed the warming oil and squirted it all over her cunt and just below her belly button. I sat it down and started rubbing it into her and really all over her cunt. I was rolling my finger in it and would slide it inside of her cunt and was sliding it in and out. Becky had her eyes closed and her...

4 years ago
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Kelly and Jason Part 1

This story is a little long, but I think once you read this part on how all of this started and the setup to our next adventure, you will have a better idea of just what happened. Before Kellys car accident, her and I had had a great sex life. We were madly in love with each other. At just five foot and 100 pounds, long blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and a body that could make a blind man drool, she was absolutely beautiful. Worked out all of the time and had the tightest stomach I have...

4 years ago
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Kelly and Beckys weekend Part 4

We all stopped in the kitchen and opened a couple of bottles of wine to take out with us and Kelly walked up and wrapped her arms around me and said “Do you love me?” I told her more then anything! Kelly asked Marcus and Becky to go ahead and go on outside and when they did, Kelly just held me and said “You aren’t mad I set up a surprise for you are you?” I told her I wasn’t mad and couldn’t believe just how big Norris was. Kelly stepped back and said “Oh my God babe! He was stretching me...

3 years ago
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Kelly and Marcus and Becky and I Part 3

She was cupping my balls and rubbing my cock. Becky leaned down and kissed my leg and then, looked up at me and said "Are you ready?" I smiled and nodded yes and Becky started taking my cock into her mouth. For someone that claims to have little experience, she was using the suction in her mouth to take my cock in and that felt so great! As she would pull back, she kept the suction up and damn it felt good and then she would suck my cock back in. A few times, Becky attempted to take my...

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Kelly and Marcus and Becky and I Part 9

I was still hard and inside of Becky, but I was out of breath. I held my cock inside of her while I caught my breath. Becky was slightly swirling her hips to keep my cock in her and to also keep me hard. From the other room, we heard Becky saying “You ready to fuck me now? I want your cock! I want you to fuck me hard! Give me that cock!” Becky whispered “She goes nonstop doesn’t she?” I said that Kelly always goes nonstop. Listening to them, made me hot and I slowly started grinding my...

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Kelly and My new life together Part 3

As Kelly moved over to give me room I could see that Tati was extremely aroused. Her pussy was wide open and the brightest shade of reddish pink I had ever seen, not only that but her clit was sticking out at least 2". I licked my lips and said, "Tati my pet, your body is luscious and amazing, I'm going to really enjoy fucking that pretty pussy of yours but first I'm going to destroy your tight anus."Tati looked at me and said "This body and soul belongs to you and Mistress Kelly now Master,...

2 years ago
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Kelly and Marcus and Becky and I Part 6

Kelly and Marcus headed upstairs and I had my arm around Becky and we started to head upstairs. Becky looked over at me and very softly said “I want you.” Then she reached down and grabbed my cock and said “I can’t wait for this!” I stopped halfway up the stairs and reached down and stuck my finger in her cunt and said “I can’t wait to feel this wrapped around me.” When we got to the top of the stairs, Kelly said “Get in here you two.” We walk in and Kelly was already on the bed and Marcus...

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