Losing It free porn video

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Losing It By Kelly Brown It's Sunday night. I can't sleep. Last night... I not only appeared in public as a girl for the first time... I also lost my virginity! I'm on a total high... as a result. In the absence of sleep, I'm going to detail it, so I don't forget anything. I'm changing a few names... I don't want to embarrass anyone... but this is what happened, last night... August 17th 2002. *** My name is Peter... and I work for an IT company here in London. I'm 25, and I've been crossdressing as long as I can remember. I moved out when I was 18, after college, and found my own place in North London. It was wonderful... I was able to dress whenever I chose, and I went overboard. I got catalogues, and ordered loads of outfits... experimented... got better... got into debt!! Then I got the job I'm in now... the money is good, and I was able to afford better wigs and such. I'm single, it's not a problem... I have a room for ... Kelly... and I let her off the hook maybe once a week. (As you get able to dress more... you get the urge less...) I've been out a couple of times as Kelly... we all know the score... midnight dash to the post box... heart hammering as cars pass... desperate not to be seen... hoping we ARE seen!! I was no exception. I do a pretty good job on the whole... but I'm five ten, and I don't believe in all honesty that I could pass close up. *** Three weeks ago... our company won a contract that will pay a VERY hefty sum over the next five years, and guarantees all our jobs for that time. We were all over the moon. The CEO asked me to organise a party as a reward... big... he suggested. I hired most of the rooms at a country hotel, just off the M25... for last night, and organised a disco... and buffet. One of the girls at work suggested a themed fancy dress party... everyone was up for it... and the consensus was Pop Idols. A few people were disgruntled... said they had no imagination, and wouldn't be able to think up characters. I suggested we put the names of thirty (the number in the company) stars names in a hat... and I would draw them out and we would go as that. There are 18 men, and 12 girls work here... I basically put down all the guy stars on blue paper... all the girl stars on pink... then put them into a hat and drew them out for each. While I was doing it... i had a wild notion... and decided on a whim to go with it. If it came off... it would be fun... if it got dismissed... nothing lost. I called out the names as per... until I had two papers left... one blue... one pink... and myself and a secretary called Dawn, left to be given characters. Shaking a little... I announced very authoritatively (and hoping that someone would jump in) I shall be coming as... I dug into the bin and drew out the pink paper... making sure it looked as though I hadn't paid enough attention... Britney Spears! Huge laugh... then sure enough, Jack my so-called buddy called out... Yeah!!! Do it!!!! I laughed... and muttered come on... you wouldn't make me do that for a simple mistake?! Now everyone joined in Yes!!! Dawn pulled out the last blue slip and chimed in... and I'm coming as Michael Jackson!! Lots more laughter. Looking pained... I nodded okay... okay... anything for a laugh! Deep down... I was almost about to pass out... it had worked. Better than I could have hoped for... yes I could fiddle the paper... but I hadn't known who I'd draw... and I'd gotten Britney!!! I was over the moon. The rest of the day was a blur... people making comments about what a sport I was etc, etc... if only they knew!! The next few days passed in a whirl... and I spent time working out my costume. I really fancied trying Britney's red PVC catsuit look, but realised I would have trouble finding one... and also it would be red hot. So I settled for the schoolgirl 'Hit Me Baby' look. Hair was no prob... I had a medium length blonde\brown wig... and I managed to find some pink furry hair bands at the local chemist. I had a white shirt that had shrunk a little in the wash... and tied up under my breasts would do fine... the skirt was fairly easy... I got a short black kilt ordered from the Catalogue... the grey cardigan, I ended up going to a school supplier for my sister, and got one a couple of sizes too small... it worked perfectly. Stockings, I improvised... got a thickish pair of black hold ups, and cut them down, and re-sewed the tops... this way, they held up fine, and came to just below the level of my kilt, about an inch of bare flesh. Underwear was a black lace push up bra, and matching panties. Shoes, I had to hit a specialist TV shop in London, and got a pair of black Mary Janes... I was a little worried about flashing my belly... normally I wear a corset, and can achieve a decent 27 inch waist... without, I was going to be just under 30... but I had to go with it... I put it all together one evening... savouring the look... okay... no way I looked like Britney... but it was obvious who I was MEANT to be, and most importantly... I looked like a GIRL going fancy dress... I was elated. I couldn't wait for the party... each day dragged by... everyone at work talking about getting their costumes together... my friend Jack, was doing Bowie... and couldn't decide which look to go for. In the end, he decided on the Thin White Duke look, and set about getting it together. Yesterday finally arrived... and as I set off for the hotel at around 1pm... I was as nervous as hell. I suddenly started to get cold feet, and when I checked in, began to think I might pull out. I carried my suitcase up to my room... ran a bath, and then popped down to check on everything. The function room was looking great... very festive... buffet tables laid out... and the DJ had already set up his sound system... We chatted, and he asked who I was going to be that evening, as he'd been told it was fancy dress. I groaned... Britney Spears... he laughed... I think he thought I was joking. I went back upstairs... saying hi to people as they arrived. I had my bath... and took the opportunity to shave again... I enjoy those languid baths, running the razor along my legs... keeping them smooth... I'm lucky. I'm not too hairy... legs and underarms... and I also keep my bush trimmed. I checked the clock... 6pm... we were due down at 7... I couldn't put it off much longer... so I laid my clothes out on the bed, and started on my makeup... Base foundation first... a little darker than normal, for that Californian tan look... Then more eye makeup than I would normally wear... smoky greys... eyebrows brushed into place and drawn in... mascara coated... there was a knock on the door... I answered it... it was Jack. He chortled when he saw my makeup... we had a quick chat, he explained that he might have to rush away, as his wife wasn't well, and he possibly had to go back to London. Did I mind if he didn't wear his costume... Seemed reasonable, and I was pleased he'd thought to ask. He left. I went back to my makeup... eyes were ready... blusher... and deep ruby lipstick. Then I carefully pulled my wig into place, and got my pigtails ready with the pink furry scrunchies, took a while as my hands were trembling... I sat back to see how I looked... good. As I said... not Britney... but I looked pretty. If I was to see myself in a bar... I wouldn't automatically think "man"... and for that, I was grateful. I went to the bed, and took off my robe. I pulled on a tight, flesh coloured G-string, and pushed my balls back between my legs... it's gotten easier, and isn't as painful as it used to be... still smarts though!! Then I pulled my black lace panties into place, enjoying the flat front they gave me... I slipped my bra around my waist and fastened the strap, pulling it up and putting my arms through, and settling it in, feeling the underwiring, biting into my chest. My breast fillers were next, and though they were obvious now... they'd be hidden when my blouse was on. I slowly put my foot into one of the stockings and drew it up my leg... and followed with the second one. I was starting to relax... blouse next... unbuttoned a little, and the tails tied under my bust. Over that the tight grey cardigan... sleeves pushed halfway up my forearms... then I stepped into the skirt, and adjusted it to get just the right amount of bare skin above my stocking tops on show. Then I stepped into my shoes, and checked in the mirror. To say I was pleased was an understatement. I looked... good! As I said before... I looked like a girl... pretending to be Britney... okay... get close, or hear me speak, and the illusion wasn't so good... but overall... :)) I checked my watch... it was time to go down... I started for the door... then panicked. Stopped... opened the fridge and had a coke. Suddenly I started to think I was making a huge mistake, and should get changed again. I sat on my bed... sipped my coke. I could hear people in the corridor going down... laughing. I checked through the spyhole... first past was Cher... (Karen)... looking pretty good... she was accompanied by Jackie as a not so slim Kylie... Behind them was Hugo from the office next to mine as Robbie Williams... he'd gone for the Let Me Entertain You look... tight black catsuit and makeup... I started to feel a little better... it was only a party after all. I checked my mirror again... pouted a bit... then realised I had to go. I was starting to sweat a little... that "cold trickle" that most cross dressers will remember!! I breathed deeply, got my key card and slipped it along with some cash into a little hand purse, and opened the door... no going back. I closed the door... and headed for the lift. The corridor was empty... I walked along... aware of the deadening effect of the carpet... and a slight chill on my bare legs above the stockings. Nice... :) I pressed the button to call the lift... and watched as it came from the floor above. The doors opened... ooops... people inside. Two youngish guys... and behind them... Phil... our accountant. Older than most of us... late thirties... and pretty shy. He was done up as... well he was SUPPOSED to be Mick Jagger... but he was wearing a double-breasted grey suit and a trilby. I stepped into the lift... worried about the reaction from the two guys I didn't know... they moved aside, Phil waved... Peter... looking good... okay... so I didn't REALLY think the two guys would be fooled, but I 'm allowed to dream... :) Not any more. They were quiet all the way down... my heart was still thumping... and I remember making some loutish comment about how it was the last time I screwed up and had to pay the consequences... The lift stopped in the lobby, and we walked across to where the function room was... I was aware of stares from the girls on reception, but was beginning to relax... a little. I asked Phil about his costume, and he said he felt too old to do Jagger... so he's come as Sinatra... I took his word for it. At least he'd tried! The function room was heaving... almost everybody was there... along with friends or partners... probably 60 or 70 people. Most of those who didn't work at the office, had had a go at fancy dress too... and I spotted one other Britney... she'd gone for the same look... but at the risk of vanity... I looked better... :) Pete!! I looked over... it was Jack... sure enough... no costume... he came over... hey... you look... he stopped... I raised an eyebrow. He didn't say any more... just looked a little quizzical, and asked what I wanted to drink... I said vodka and tonic, and he wandered off. It suddenly hit me... like a hammer... I was in a room full of people, and I was dressed as a girl!! I was elated... I walked across to find a stool to sit on... exchanging hi's with various friends, and getting generally good comments, including my favourite... from our receptionist Hels... you've got GREAT legs! I found a stool, and sat... aware of my skirt riding up over my thighs... exposing flesh... Jack brought me my drink... and we chatted a little... though it was hard to hear really. Over the next couple of hours... I had a few more drinks than I normally do... and really got into the swing. I remember that I danced with the girls a lot more... and that my style of dancing was very different... I used my arms a lot more, as well as my hips. I was having a ball... and it was late when I realised that a lot of people had drifted away... I really didn't want it to end... I was more than a little "merry"... and sat down to stop my head spinning. The DJ was announcing the end of the evening, and I was chatting to Hels... Careless Whisper started up... the last slow dance. Hels' boyfriend wandered... well... staggered across and dragged her onto the floor. I watched... then heard a voice say Come on Britney... I turned... it was a guy called Rob... we'd chatted earlier in the evening... he was a friend of one of the buyers... I remembered because he was tall... easily six four. I realised he was asking me to dance... I giggled... and muttered something... can't remember what... but he was laughing and pulling my arm... and I gave in and wandered onto the floor... everyone there was swaying to the number, and I let him put his arms around my waist, and swayed along... laughing... it was all a joke... right... He pulled me a little tighter, and it was hard not to put my head into his shoulder owing to his height... after a second or two... I realised what was happening and pulled away... here I was dressed as a girl... slow dancing with a man! I went back to my stool as the DJ was saying good night, and the lights were starting to come back on... I realised the night was over... and I'd have to go back to my room, and get changed. I was gutted... I wanted it to last forever. I lingered as long as I could... chatting to the DJ... making sure he knew where to get paid etc... then sighed... no choice now... back to my room. As I crossed the floor, I spotted Robert waiting. He waved... we chatted a little, and he told me he wasn't looking forward to the drive back to London, and really needed to sober up a little. I suggested 9and I SWEAR this was literally ALL I meant) that he come to my room and we could have coffee... he nodded, and I led him to the lift and up to my floor. I've thought it over a lot in the last few hours, and I suppose deep down I WAS leading him on. Firstly... when we went into my room... I didn't put the main light on... and put the radio station on the TV. Then I rang room service and asked for a large pot of coffee. When I hung up, I slipped my shoes off... and curled my legs under me on the bed. Robert was sat in the easy chair by the television. Watching me. We talked generally... and I asked him to get the coffee when the waiter knocked. As we were drinking it... I saw him smiling at me. I asked what's up? He said how often do you dress up? I was gobsmacked... I flustered laughing saying I don't... it's a party he nodded and said yes... but you do it a bit too well... all the girls at the party were saying so Now I was worried... I could feel myself shaking. What an idiot I'd been. I shook my head... he smiled again... Then he said I noticed when you were dancing... you bent over at one point, and I saw your knickers... Costume ... I said. Nah... a guy would just wear Y fronts... no one would be seeing them... I had no answer. He shrugged. It's not a problem... really... its cool... I nodded. Besides... you look pretty good... Now I smiled. We carried on sipping coffee... chatting generally. He was a nice guy. Looking back I realise that all the time... I was taking a girls role though I didn't really notice it at the time. Later Robert said... you could have changed out of the clothes you know... Then he smiled again. I just shrugged... I checked the clock... it was 3 am... just after. Robert stood up and said, he ought to get back to London... I asked if he was sober yet, and he said probably not. I said he should book a room... but he said he was skint. So... I suggested he stayed in my room. We made the usual joke about a line of pillows down the middle of the bed... and I said he could use the bathroom first. As I stood to get the bed ready, Robert stood too... and I remember exactly how he said it... I've gone over it so many times in my head... every guy's fantasy to sleep with Britney... any chance? I just stared at him... my tummy was doing summersaults... he was coming on to me... okay sop we'd had a lot to drink... but... he approached me, and put his arms around my waist again... then he leant forward and kissed me. First time I'd ever been kissed by a man. I was stunned. He was stubbly... and I kept my mouth shut... but I didn't pull away. He looked into my eyes... pulled me tighter, and kissed me again... I gasped a little, then felt him pressing more, and I opened my mouth and kissed him back... feeling a mans tongue in my mouth... it felt HUGE in relation to a girl's. His hands were moving over my back and I felt him cup my bottom... stroking through my skirt... I tried to do what a girl would do... stroking his neck as we kissed... then his hand was under my skirt, stroking my bottom through my panties... one finger pressing against my hole... I pulled away... frightened... Robert stopped and held his hands up... he apologised... I explained I'd NEVER kissed a man before... and we talked a little... Rob said that he'd had a few experiences with men... and it was fine if I didn't want to go any further. God I was all over the place... I truly didn't know what I wanted. At Rob's suggestion, we turned the light off... he stripped down to his shorts, and I kept my clothes on. We lay down on the bed in the darkness and chatted... then we went silent. I began to think he'd gone to sleep. At that point I realised that I DIDN'T WANT him to go to sleep... so I started sighing as I couldn't sleep... eventually he giggled in the dark, and I punched him... he rolled over, and was on top of me... this time, I responded to his kisses... passionately... I felt his hand under my skirt again, and I adjusted my position to accommodate him... as he stroked the front of my panties, my insides were on fire, and I let my hand slip down to his shorts. He was erect... I swallowed hard, and started to rub him through his shorts... I don't think I was very good... but he was groaning... and whispering encouragement in my ear... he undid the buttons on my cardigan, and then my blouse, and sat me up... I slipped them off... I remember he was behind me, and sneezed from my pink scrunchies... We laughed then he had me slide my skirt off... we lay back again, and I felt him taking off his shorts. As we kissed again, I now took hold of his cock... it was weird... I'd only ever felt my own before... i wanked him slowly... he whispered if I wanted him to free mine, but I said no... at that moment, I wanted to be a girl. He kissed my neck, sending tingles down my spine... and I carried on wanking him... We carried on like this for a while, then I felt him shift, and sit up, then he was sat on top of me... stroking my "breasts" and kissing me deeply. In the dim light, I saw him sit upright... and lean forward... and I could just make out his cock... I knew what he wanted me to do... I'd done exactly the same thing to girls myself. I paused... I said I'm not sure I can do that... He laughed and said that was okay... and slipped off me... I could tell he was disappointed. We broke off for a while and had a coke... then we climbed back onto the bed, and he stroked my legs... I was in heaven... I started to play with him again... then thought sod it... I need to try... and I slid down his body... he adjusted himself, and in the darkness, I took his cock in my hand and slowly put it to my lips. The smell was unusual to say the least... I flicked my tongue at it... salty... not unpleasant... I put the tip into my mouth, and held it there. Robert went very still... I sucked a little and he groaned... I carried on sucking... he was groaning away... and I was pleased that I was pleasing him... I felt him grab my pigtails and start to fuck my face, and we had to stop a few times while I got used to it... eventually, I felt him begin to tense, and I knew he was going to cum... he kept hold of my pigtails, and I started to pull back... he said something about ... in your mouth... but I panicked and pulled back, as he started to cum... he exploded... and I felt him spattering my "breasts" and neck... part of me was disgusted with myself... another part over the moon... as he finished... he pulled me to him, and kissed me passionately. He lay me on my back, and lay on top of me again... he said he really wanted to fuck me, but we had no rubbers... so we kissed more and as he got harder... he lay on top of me, and I wrapped my legs around him as he humped me... it felt like all the worlds as though I was being screwed, and the friction as my cock was pushed back beneath me was too much... eventually I felt myself cumming... moaning and nuzzling his neck as I did. We got cleaned up... and eventually fell asleep wrapped together... him naked, me in my bra and panties. This morning, I think we were both very embarrassed, and didn't say much as he dressed and left. When I looked in the mirror, I was a state... make up smeared all over... and the remains of his explosion still on my bra. Tonight... back at home... i STILL cant believe I went to a party as Britney... and ended up giving a guy a blow job. Will I do it again? God knows... I was excited as all hell... I don't think I'll go looking, but I also doubt I would turn it down if it arose again. *** Any comments... please email me at [email protected] xxxx

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For years I had fantasised about a second man and in due course my current partner Roger made it happen for me. Initially I was apprehensive, however, after the first time I was hooked. Watching well-built younger men get naked for me and my man was very exciting for me. I love a man with a tight arse and comparing their erect cock with my man’s thick eight-inches. Our rules were outer sex only, licking and sucking and variations of oral sex – no intercourse. To be fair to my man we have a...

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Becoming A Slut Husband George

My story starts in college when I met Amy and fell head over heels in love. Amy was five foot seven, weighed one hundred-twenty pounds and was built like a brick shit house. Amy seemed to like me, but her feelings for me, at the time, were nowhere near as strong as my feelings for her. I chased Amy for over a year before I began to get anywhere with her. Gradually I gained ground and we began going steady. One month into our senior year I asked her to marry me and she said yes. Like any red...

4 years ago
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Sali ko uski sasural main choda

Mere pyare readers (Choot balio aur land balo) I am Mohan age about 29 years working job in a company. Sabsay pahlay sabko mera namaskar, Aj mai ap logo ko apni ak real story suna raha hun. Meri sadi feb,03 main hui thi, meri wife behut hi sundar hai aor us se bhi sunder aor sexy meri dono badi saliyan hai. Meri sadi ke samay badi Sali ke paas 2 bache the aor karib 6 sal uski shadi ko ho chuke they aor meri dusre no wali Sali ki sadi mujse karib 8 mahine pahle hui thi, jesa ki maine apni pahli...

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Glory Hole In Bangalore

I had shared my number to her to be in touch because we liked her profile and I liked her personal profile. Next day morning I got call from her asking about her interview. I told her we are ok with your interview performance our HR will be in touch with you. Same day evening I got message from her thanks for your feedback so and so. Me: You welcome Deepa Deepa: Yes. How are you doing? Morning I was in hurry missed to ask you. Me: It is ok I am good. How are you doing did you reached...

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Pakathu Veetil Puthithaaga Kudi Vantha Akka 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en pakathu veetil puthithaaga kudi vantha akkavai sex seitha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar vikram vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Enaku thirumana vayathil inum thirumanam seiyamal vaithu irunthaargal, aanal enaku pengal methu athigam aasai ilamal thaan irunthathu. En pakathu veetil vadagaiku vitu irunthaargal aanal yarum angu varamal irunthaargal. Naan niraiya kama kathaigal matum padipen, athil niraiya...

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A Night to Remember

‘What the hell?’ I turned my head to see who was texting me at midnight. The message was from my dear friend Alura, ‘Come to my house right now I need you!’ Since she lived just down the street, I decided it wouldn’t do any harm to go and see what was wrong. I walked downstairs and grabbed a coat (it was a little chilly outside) and took off to her house. I got to her doorstep and right when I was about to knock, the door flew open and she pulled me into her arms. She was crying and we sat...

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Las VegasChapter 2

The Private Show I got some water for you which you drank copiously. “Ah, that’s good, thanks, I needed to rehydrate. Now it’s my turn,” you smiled wickedly. “Just stay there on the bed, this will take a while to prep.” Curious, I did what I was told and turned on the lights while I waited. Flipped the tv on since I suspected I might be here a while, I did what any red-blooded male does, channel surf. There really wasn’t much to see, and it wasn’t like home where I had a multitude of...

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Impregnated by the Black Mountain Man

The floods in Colorado in the fall of 2013 caused devastating losses thought to exceed two billion dollars. It rained for several days and the water accumulated in the mountain foothills and eventually came roaring out of the valleys and canyons in historically-destructive swollen creeks and streams. Roads were completely washed away in many places and the landscape was changed by the sand, rocks, and debris that were moved by the flood waters. My husband and I live in one of those valleys but...

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Full House Motherly AdviceChapter 8

When the two young woman finally broke away from each other, they realized that they had been loving each other for well over two hours already. They both collapsed exhausted and laughing on Becky's bed, gazing into each others eyes. Admiring the curvature of each others young bodies. "Wow, Aunt Becky," DJ whispered. "Tha... that was great. Why didn't you ever teach me about that before?" "I honestly didn't know if you were ready sweetheart," Becky admitted. DJ just smiled back at...

3 years ago
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Prurient ParishionersChapter 21 Cheryl Barely

Sep 20 9-11 PM Lieutenant John Flett's condom sheathed cock drooped and his sister in law reached over to fondle it. "Can I take it off? I mean, the condom?" "Do that," the man said as his own hand cupped the wet, soggy nest between her legs. The girl awkwardly peeled the flimsy sheath from her lover's softening tool and held it up. The little teat at the end was bulged with the creamy evidence of the man's orgasm. "It felt like a lot more than that when you did it inside me,"...

2 years ago
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Ladies LodgeChapter 9B

November 16th Gwendoline dreamt of Jim all night and thus awoke happy in the morning. She carefully avoided disturbing the other two and went off for a quiet walk on her own. The shame she had felt at betraying her future husband and playing around so shamelessly and disgustingly with Harriet and Jessica, who both had relationships of their own which she had caused them to betray, was less strong now. She realised that there were some problems which time alone would sort out. The best course...

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The teaching of a fem roommate

''its ok , dont be shy i know you want to be my girl''''mike no please stop i can explain''''oh stop moving u dont want to cut you''this cant be happening , im getting shaved by my roommatehands tied , ass up on his dark skin legs , un the shower his bbc under me feeling so big already as he shave my ass to be his pussy''mike please bro i swear i dont watch these.....''''oh little liar , you little bitch watch sissy porn all the time''he shaved me as i argue i dont like it ''noooo i dont Mikeee...

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I finally become a sissy gurl

When I travel for work, I have often fantasized about meeting another sissy or a daddy from the internet. But I am usually so busy that I don’t have the time or the nerve. Time can be worked around, but I worry that they may have an STD and don’t disclose it. You can get herpes from sucking cock. Some back story – For years I have been a sissy. I sucked the cocks of a core group of three friends in high school. I got really good at it. But none of them would ever agree to top me. Also, they let...

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On Leave

Returning home from Hawaii, was a 9 hour plane ride back to Wisconsin. While I was excited about being home, all i really wanted to do was sleep. I'm 21 years old and a Specialist in the United States Army. I'm in an infantry unit and there's no where else I'd rather be. I land in Milwaukee, make my way down to baggage claim, grab my duffel bag and look for my parents. Not seeing my parents I go outside for a smoke. I exit through the sliding glass door and run into none other than my 18 year...

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This is the real world. You are free to do as you please, but not to do what you want. So forget about living out your fantasies and delusions. This is reality.

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Suffering For My Mistress A Tribute to Ms Helen

The cane falls on my arse again, burning stripes on the tender skin around my hole, between my stretched buttocks. I yelp and gasp, trying to wriggle away from the cruel strokes.  But my movements only pull hard on my aching, stretched balls and harshly clamped tits.  Ms Sarah is so hard on me – it’s so unfair.  I start to cry again.  She laughs and mocks me, speeding up the blows, landing the cane vertically across my sore hole, so that I jump and shriek. This is just the final part of my day,...

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Emmas Triple Delight

My name is Emma and I'm a slut. I'm here to confess about having sex with three different blokes in one day. Think of me what you will, and you may question if this is true, or not. Who knows, it might just be true? So let me explain about myself, I'm thirty but was twenty six years old when this happened. I have curvy brown hair, blue eyes and I'm a real lady; really, I am. I'm married to a boring but lovely man for the last eight years. I have played around and cheated on Paul for most of our...

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College Tuition

Chapter One Stephanie wanted to go to college ever since she finished high school. Butwith the economy the way it was, everything was so high priced, including tuition.She had worked for a few years with the hopes that she would be able to saveenough money to afford college. She continued sending in applications to allthe colleges she found, explaining her financial needs, but all of them hadturned her down so far. One college, a private university about 150 miles fromhome, placed her on a...

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Horny Wife Horny Life 8211 Part 4

Hey Guys! I am back with the next part of this story series. I am getting a nice response to that you all are reading, of course. I hope you keep loving my stories the same. Please do suggest anything if you feel, suggestions are always welcomed. After a hot threesome session, Madhu was returning to her house. When she entered society, Madhu saw her husband and a woman get into a car. Madhu did not feel that right as Vijay had told her he was going to be in a conference today. Vijay and the...

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TRixies fun

Fun at work.I had been at my new job for about three days and had got the hot for the boss, he was a mature guy with grey hair rather tall and a fair size belly, and lucky for me he didn’t mind me smoking. I had been giving the come on for the past two days with lots of dirty smiles and the odd comment which meant in real terms come and help yourself. Not only that the security guard was also a horny guy and he didn’t mind what he said the dirty sod, I was going to have him for sure. I was...

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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 47

Dear readers, I’m sorry for the delay of this chapter, but it turned out that my latest editor is no longer able to work with me. I had no luck so far to find a new editor. Therefore, this is another UNEDITED chapter. Please, don’t blame me for any errors. English is not my native language. ***** While the women went to the kitchen mid afternoon to start the Thanksgiving dinner assignment Tom and Todd went to the ‘Club’ for a father and son gathering. It was closed to the public from...

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The Waabanow 02Chapter 2

Seth: ‘Hello, Robbie. I am a Waabanow and I can speak to you and hear your thoughts.’ Robbie took in this strange message ... paused ... and then burst forth with a rapid-fire series of thought and images. Robbie: ‘HowCanYouTalkToMe? Aren’tYouLike [an image of a young girl, presumably Spotted Bird]? DoYouHearWhatIAmThinking? WhatHasHappenedTo [Spotted Bird’s image]? IsShe [an image of a dead rabbit]? TheyTookHerAway. ButThen... ‘ Seth: ‘Easy, Robbie, easy. We don’t need to rush our talk. I...

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romantic night

I was getting a romantic evening ready for you. You   had been at work teaching the little ones to dance. I had a nice dinner almost done when you got home.   you walk into the kitchen following the wonderful smells. Wrapping you arms around me and laying your head on my shoulder you say “I’m so hungry baby, is it ready?” I turn my head to her and give her a nice long kiss and a wink.     While they were eating she told him about class and how her girls were progressing. He listened and...

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NewSensations Alona Bloom Asian Teen Schoolgirl Alona Wants To See It

Horny and anxious Asian teen schoolgirl Alona is trying to persuade her boyfriend Alex to come inside and play but all he wants to do is help her study. Alona uses every trick in her book to get him on her bed and finally gets Alex to show her his cock. Bigger than she expected she slowly licks and sucks his hard dick getting him in the mood and her pussy wet. Now Alex is sliding his cock inside her extra wet and tight teen pussy deep and pounds her hard until she is ready for him to pour his...

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Taken in the Night

It was an accident: he’d dropped his towel to get in the shower and she just stormed in. Her eyes didn’t linger on his for long, they soon fixed on his stiffening cock. He knew she wanted to touch it, he saw her biting her bottom lip with a coy look on her face. He stiffened so quickly when she took it, he was ready as soon as she gripped his shaft…“Sssh, it’s okay, it’s okay.”He had no idea where he was for a moment; it was such a vivid and real dream. Her reassuring voice felt so real and he...

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My latest foto shoot got extra freaky

I was fucking this hot yung guy and my fotographers cock started getting hard so I got the chance to play fotographer as I took pics of him pounding this guys hole bareback and dumping a load of cum in him. I have got to do this more often it was very exciting.HE TOOK THAT DICK LIKE A CHAMPI will definately be seeing him again

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We were in our little get a way place in the country. The house in on the corner of a main road and a quiet side road that runs along our property for about half mile. The backdrop view from our deck is that side road and the beautiful high mountain range to the west. So when the sun is setting we are on the deck sipping champagne. We start to get a little giddy and the sun is on the horizon now so my wife' silhouette in the direct sunlight is so beautiful that I find myself rubbing my cock...

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Double Helping of Heaven

Perhaps this is one for the girls more than the boys – either way, hope you enjoy an insight to a favourite fantasy of mine… I’m standing alone in a large room.  Naked other than a beautifully light, silk gown.  For the last week, I’ve been pampered, massaged, treated, exercised and beautified to a sense of glowing radiance.  Now is the culmination of my extravagance and I await with eager anticipation.  The pent up desire of not having relieved my aching for so long is going to be...

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Parallelalities Take One

Parallelalities Author Notes by Bill Hart The four stories coprising Parallelalities is an experiment of sorts. Each of the first three stories was sketcked out in four parts, with two of those parts making up roughly half of each of the two parts of each story. Story 1, part 1 was sketched out first. It was then copied and used as a baseline sketch for Story 2, part 1. Story 1, part 2 was then sketched out, copied, and used as a baseline for Story 2, part 2. ...

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my first ever sex with a really old grandma

There was a 76 year old grandma that lived in my building, I was 18 years old at the time. I knew her for over 10 years, when I was a k** I would always come to her apartment and talk to her. I would take her trash out and help her with the groceries. Then I just stopped coming to her place because I had other things to do. I haven't visited her in over 5 years, or ever since I was around 12. Then one day when I was 17 I was checking my mail she called me over to her place. I came to her place...

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Post Coital Suggestion Part 2

If, however, you enjoy sexual fantasies and a bit of humor along the way, please read on! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This story really needs Chapter One to make any sense. If you don't read chapter one first, this one won't make a lot of sense, and all the humor will get lost. Please read chapter one. But, just in case you're really stubborn, and refuse to read chapter one, here's a VERY quick summary. In that chapter, two escaped convicts, "Kris" and "T" came to hide...

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Alex Is 26

Chapter 1 The office moved downtown, to one of the five-story buildings that are as close to skyscrapers as Reedville is likely to get in the next hundred years. The sign on their 'penthouse' suite reads 'WVS Innovations' which explains why I had so much trouble finding the new address — Ame made partner while I was gone and they changed the company name. I'm not complaining 'cause I think the fact that she's a partner is cool. I grin at the sign for a minute before going in. I greet...

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Little Miss X

LITTLE GIRL X By Lilli Lipstick As usual I was in a hurry so I grabbed the first cab I saw, beating out a young mother tugging her kid behind her. "Ha," I said proudly as I slammed the door and saw that the driver was a decent looking black chick. I told her, "NYU and I'm in a hurry so don't waste any time putting on lipstick or messing with your hair. If I'm late you're gonna have to blow me for your tip." The black chick pulls out into the traffic and we're immediately...

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Top 10 Indian Sex Stories Of February 2021

Dear Reader, we present the top 10 stories that many of you have read in the month of February 2021. You can read them again and catch up with some of them if you haven’t read them yet. 1) By: The thought of my hot mother came back and forth. I tried my best to avoid it, but the amazing view forced its way back to my mind. What should I do now? ‘The 8th day of my summer vacation is when I got an amazing view. I was in the shower again, enjoying the ice-cold water pouring over...

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Boss rode me in office

Hi my name is Yogita and I am a regular reader of ISS. Recently I came across some stories written by a person with the name Isha Dhariwal. Well I think that the real Isha used to work with me (she is writing to ISSS with a pen name I think)so I decided to do the same and tell you an incident that happened to me 2 years back. That time I was working with a small software company in Bangalore and was recovering from my divorce and was living with my sister in Bangalore. Well let me tell you...

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My Beautiful HR Gayatri

Hi, my name is Ekansh. Although I’ve read a lot of stories here, this is the first time I’m writing my own story. This happened last year when I was looking for a new job after quitting my previous one. I was applying for a lot of jobs when I happened to see this particular ad on the internet and immediately applied for the position. It was not a tough interview and with my skills, I was able to get the job with a handsome salary. Now the highlight here is the girl who interviewed me in the...

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A night at Eugene

My c***d hood friend, Eugene and, I had been best friends since I can remember..When ever our folks were out of town we would stay at each others home. Upon one occasion, both our folks were traveling to a nearby town for a basketball game. Eugene' brother, Wayne, was to watch over us. Wayne took this time to invite a few of his football team mates over. About seven o'clock the three of them arrived and Wayne preceded to get Eugene and I ready for bed, in about an hour we were in bed. Out side...

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Plucked by aunt Traci

It,s late. I was in my room siting by the window when aunt Traci visited. The visit was unexpected. I had just showered. My robe revealing wet, soft, pale nipples. I saw her shift and her gaze lingered. She licked her lips. Her gaze lingered ..’ I i felt the tip of my breast twisting gently. An lips twirling around my nipple. A hand on my vagina. ‘ hi...’ she moaned hugging me. Grazing my breast. The pale wetness of my breast glistening. Her eyes on my breasts seemed spellbound. She and I had...

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