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WARNING: Contains adult themes, profanity and sexual situations. This story is intended to become a part of an on-line graphic novel. It is, therefore, dedicated to rusty and his skilled pen! Riverdale Flip By Jacquie Windsor [email protected] Part I Hiram Lodge paced the floor nervously at the vast estate in the wooded hills overlooking Riverdale. It was past 11:00 p.m., and his daughter Veronica was late returning from the rave. She'd been escorted there by the roguish, but dashing, Reggie Mantle. "That girl is going to be the death of me yet," he stormed. "Even that worthless Archie Andrews would have had her back here by now." As the words left his lips, Mr. Lodge, the wealthiest man in the state, heard the roar of an engine in the vast driveway. "Come on, Ronnie. Just a little kiss. Please?" Reggie begged Veronica for a taste of her sweet red lips. She was in no mood. "Reginald Mantle!" she shouted as she hopped out of the convertible. "First you take me to that awful movie, and now you got me home more than an hour late on a school night." Veronica slammed the car door and stalked up to the door of the mansion. "Ronnie! I didn't know that 'Mondo Booby Porn Stars On Venus' was a smut film. Honest!" His voice trailed off as Veronica slammed the door of the huge house and left him alone in his car. He roared off, shrugging off the virulent temper of the Lodge heiress. "Betty would've loved that movie regardless," he thought. "I don't know why I run after Veronica when Betty Cooper would probably jump my bones after seeing it." Inside the Lodge mansion, Veronica tried to tiptoe upstairs without alarming her father. "Ronnie! Get in here this instant!" The dark-haired girl frowned as the commanding voice of Mr. Lodge beckoned from the den. She retraced her steps down the staircase, checking herself in a large wall mirror along the way. "Too much cleavage," she muttered, buttoning her blouse so each of her large breasts was completely concealed. She'd found that her wealth was usually sufficient to get every boy in Riverdale hot for her, but she still liked to flirt. Daddy wouldn't understand. "Daddykins," she announced cheerfully as she entered the den. Her father sat cross-legged on a big chair, smoking his pipe and staring sternly at his daughter through his wire-framed glasses. "It's so nice to see you Daddykins. I'm going to bed right away so I can get up nice and cheery and early and ready for school." "Veronica Lodge," harrumphed the older gentleman, rising from his seat and holding his hands on his hips. "You are late, as usual, and that skirt is about three inches too short." Veronica dropped her false cheerfulness and listened to her father. "This is the fifth time this month you've gone out and come back late without so much as a phone call. What are you thinking?" "Daddy, I'm sorry. I was just on a date with Reggie." "That boy is nothing but trouble. Always tripping around and breaking my stuff." "Daddy, silly, that's not Reggie. You're thinking of Archie!" She noticed a peculiar shade of crimson rising with her father's blood pressure. "Fuck, you're right," stammered the angry CEO of Lodge Enterprises. "I meant, he's always dropping by unannounced and eating me out of house and home. Last week he ate the roast beef that our cook had prepared for your mother's book club." "Tee-hee," giggled Veronica. "That's not Reggie. That's Jughead." Mr. Lodge dropped his lit pipe on the rug, his face a furious shade of purple by this time. "Smithers! Get in here and put out this fire I started on the carpet." He stepped over the smoldering embers eating into the carpet and shook a finger at Veronica, who found herself unable to stop chuckling at her father's confusion. "Young lady. You're grounded for three months. Three entire months! Confined to this house outside of school hours." Veronica's snickering turned to an audible gasp. "But Daddykins! You can't do this to me! I'll die without a social life!" "You should have thought about that before slutting around with that big oaf Reggie. He might be a linebacker on the football team, but he's dumber than a door post." "Daddy! That's Big Moose! Reggie is the guy who's really arrogant and looks at himself in the mirror all the time." "Well, my decision stands. You have to learn some responsibility some time, Veronica." Mr. Lodge folded his arms defiantly as Smithers, the butler, threw a bucket of water on the growing glow on the carpet of the den behind him. In a provocative mockery of her father, Veronica folded her arms under her breasts and jutted out her lower lip. "I'll have you know I am very responsible, Daddy." "Young lady, that sounds like a challenge. I'll tell you what. If you can prove to me how responsible you are, I will lift the curfew." Smithers stood innocuously behind Mr. Lodge, staring at Veronica's luscious young body. As a single, balding, chubby, middle-aged man, the servant considered himself lucky to live in the same house with the gorgeous brunette girl. 'She looks so hot when she's pissed off,' he thought. Veronica glowered at her father, unaware of the secret lust she aroused in the butler. "I could run your companies, Daddy. That's how responsible I am. But then, you'd have to let me out of the house, so I guess you lose the deal. So I guess I don't need a curfew after all." "Not so fast, Ronnie dear. In these days of the Internet and mobile communications, you don't need to go anywhere to run a business." Veronica's jaw dropped. "I see you're lost for words, my daughter." Hiram Lodge retrieved a fresh pipe from a nearby table, tapped in some tobacco, and stroked a match. "I have several struggling subsidiaries in Singapore, Morocco, Canada, Costa Rica, and even right here in good old Riverdale. You can have your pick of them. If you can improve the earnings of any of them within one month, then you never have to worry about a curfew for the rest of your life." The heiress curled an eyebrow and tapped her chin with her finger. "Daddy. You've met your match. Show me the list and I'll pick a company." Mr. Lodge flicked the match towards the fireplace in the den, accidentally hitting the carpet again, and starting another small blaze for Smithers to deal with. He escorted his young daughter to another vast room within the mansion that doubled as a remote office. "I'll just log onto my executive password and set it so you can enter your name as the president of any of these subsidiaries. You think you're so smart! Well, this is a deal I can't lose, because if you turn one of my companies around, then all I do is get richer!" Mr. Lodge rubbed his hands in glee and departed from the room, leaving Veronica to sift through the computer files. "Golly, this might be tougher than I thought," she muttered once her father had left. "I better burn the midnight oil." Well into the night, Veronica perused the files, knowing that her freedom for the next three months was at stake. "Hmm. What's this? TBPI. TransBioPlastiques International. I wonder what this is all about?" When Mr. Lodge awoke, he expected to have to summon Smithers to rouse his daughter. It was a task that Smithers truly enjoyed, as it afforded him an opportunity to see her in her lingerie. When her father arrived in the dining room, Veronica was almost finished breakfast. "Good morning, Daddykins." "Veronica? I can hardly believe that's you. Seven o'clock in the morning and you're awake?" His daughter washed down a final piece of toast with a glass of orange juice and stood up. "Of course I'm awake. After all, I'm a busy executive now, and I have to go to school besides." "Executives don't usually wear hip-hugging jeans and tight black T-shirts," frowned Mr. Lodge. "Well, since I'm doing this all by remote, nobody's going to know what I am wearing," laughed Veronica. "Just the boys at school," she added, bending over at the waist to pick up her books. "So which company did you pick?" asked her father. "TBPI. They've got a factory in Central City, in fact. I phoned them after I logged on as the president and got everything set up. You can almost smell the profits already, I bet, hey Daddykins?" Ronnie kissed the older man on the forehead and bounced off to the garage, books under one arm, and swinging the keys to the BMW in her free hand. "That girl will kill me one of these days," Mr. Lodge sighed. Part II When Veronica arrived at Riverdale High, she found Archie and Betty in the hallway chatting. Her mood suddenly soured at the sight of her blonde rival. Even in a plain rugby shirt and a pleated skirt, Betty was a stunner. Her perpetual smile may have hinted that she was a brainless bimbo, but her marks were only equaled by those of Dilton Doiley, the school's science genius. Veronica pressed her books together, with both hands, against her tummy. She straightened herself and pasted a false smile on her face, then walked over to the pair of students. "Well hello Archiekins," she sang. "Oh, and hello Betty," she added flatly. "Hi Ronnie," said the two, to which Betty added, "I'm all ready for Ms. Grundy's history test today. Are you, Veronica?" The black-haired girl laughed out loud. "Even if ol' Grundy failed me, I'd just get the Bee to fix the grade. He's got a real thing for hot, busty brunettes." Betty stared in disbelief at the brazen attitude of her erstwhile friend. "If your Daddy didn't just give you everything, you'd have to actually earn a grade, instead of bouncing your breasts in front of the principal's face." "For your information, Betty, I've actually won a position as a CEO of one of Daddy's companies." "Wow!" exclaimed Archie. "You're an executive? Cool!" Betty was crestfallen. Her rival for Archie's affection was not only going to inherit her father's wealth, but probably also win Archie's hand one day, and now she was also a CEO of one of her Daddy's companies. "Actually, it doesn't make a profit right now, but I have a perfect plan to make it make money in under four weeks." Veronica's admission crept into Betty's mind like a python. Her outwardly sunny attitude concealed a dark side. She always looked for a weakness in the mighty Veronica Lodge, but her guilty conscience usually prevented her from doing anything about it. Here, again, was a possible Achilles' heel, and it gnawed at her spirit. "Now run along, Betty. Archie and me have important things to talk about. You'll be happier with your history books anyhow." Deeper in self-doubt, Betty waved a lifeless good-bye to Archie and Veronica and shuffled down the hallway. "Now Archie, you haven't forgotten our date on Friday, have you?" Archie gasped. "Of course not, Ronnie. We were going to..." As usual, his words slowed so he could let his sometime girlfriend finish his sentence for him. "...'Le Boeuf D'Or', Archiekins. It's that expensive new restaurant downtown. You have to remember that, don't you?" "Oh, of course, Ronnie! 'Le Boof Door'. Yeah, it's a $50 minimum there, isn't it?" "$100 minimum, Archiekins. You have saved up for it, or do I have to call Reggie to take me?" That always did it. At the sound of his rival's name, Archie stiffened. "Ronnie! Be prepared to be dazzled by the mighty and expensive wallet of your knight in shining armor!" Veronica whirled around playfully. "Vin Diesel? Where is he?" "Ronnie! No! Me! Archie Andrews!" "Oh, oh right, you. Okay, Archie, you be at my house at five o'clock sharp, but use the back entrance. By the guest house." Archie wondered at Veronica's suggestion, but kept his thoughts to himself. He knew that questioning Veronica Lodge was an invitation to disaster. Veronica smiled at him, condescending, and swiveled her hips as she left his side to go to her first class of the day. "My plan is on its way." Part III Veronica sidled up to Reggie Mantle during lunch. "Hello, Mr. Wonderful," she said sarcastically. "Hi Ronnie. Jesus, I thought you wouldn't be talking to me after I fucked up your life last night." "Oh, you aren't off the hook for that," Ronnie grinned. "You owe me big time for getting me grounded." Veronica summoned Reggie to follow her to a quiet table in the cafeteria. He kept his eyes focused on her tight ass and jiggling breasts the whole way. 'She might be a bitch, but she's one hell of a hot bitch.' "Sit down, Reggie. Shut up and listen. I want you to do me a favor. You're going to go to Central City tomorrow on an errand. A very particular errand. And if you screw it up, I'll not only never date you again, but I might use some of Daddy's money to have you castrated." Reggie blinked as he poked a fork into the steamy pile of food on his plate. "You are to report to the laboratory for an experimental bioplastical thing." "I don't understand," Reggie shrugged. "Didn't I tell you to shut up and listen? You, Reggie Mantle, are going to do me the biggest favor of all. You, Reggie Mantle, are going to become Veronica Lodge. I can see from the look on your face that you're completely and happily amazed by this deal." Reggie was worse than amazed. He turned white and pushed his plate of food away. "Can I say something?" "Now that I'm finished and I've told you what you're going to do... Okay, you can talk." "Um, I guess my main question is how did you get this idea?" Reggie asked lamely. "I found a subsidiary of Daddy's business that deals in body suits. Oh, Reggie, I've already ordered it, so you don't have to worry. You're going to get the 'Ronnie 1220'. I designed it myself on the Internet and sent it to the technicians in Central City. And you, Reggie Mantle, are going to go over and put it on. You are going to stay at my house this Friday and pretend you're me. And I'm going to go on a date with my favorite redhead." Reggie grimaced. "I... I... I can't do that!" "You can and you will. You are personally responsible for me being grounded. That's why you'll do it. And then, hey, all your debts are paid. I think I let you off pretty easy." Reggie continued to pout as the Lodge heiress swung around and stalked out of the cafeteria. As his gaze lingered on her shapely legs, perky butt and narrow back, crowned by the flowing sheen of her deep black hair, Reggie mused. "I'd always dreamed about getting into her panties, but into her body???" Pimphouse Magazine had once listed Riverdale as town with the fourteenth highest "babe factor" in the US. Ironically, it also included Riverdale as one of the fifty "toughest places to get laid". The town seemed to place a sexless spell on the many lovely teen daughters who could be found at the malls, in the schools and wandering aimlessly down the litter-free avenues. The publication doing the survey was not even sold at any of the convenience stores in Riverdale, neither because of a municipal by-law, nor because of any demonstration by churchgoers. It was said that surreptitious convoys would sneak out to the 24-hour stores in the suburbs of nearby Central City just to get a copy of Pimphouse. None of the hundreds of gorgeous women of Riverdale had ever posed for Pimphouse, while several of the women of Central City had undergone reconstructive surgery just for the chance to sign a $500 contract for a brief and topless appearance in the pages of the softcore journal. Part IV Reggie's drive to the TBPI lab in Central City was made more pleasant by the quaint and sunny pastures that filled the landscape between the two rival towns, and by his Turbo-Boom powered car. The sleek silver machine had no brand name, yet carried a solid warranty for trade-in that allowed the young man to swap it for another vehicle at virtually no cost. The Riverdale economy was driven solely by the enterprise of Hiram Lodge, and other wealthy magnates, whose factories churned out a surplus of generic goods for local consumption and for export. It made for an oddly burgeoning economic atmosphere, even when the rest of the country was mired in a recession. Reggie found the TBPI factory on a narrow lane in the light industrial part of Central City. Gangs of unshaved men gawked at the Riverdale native as he drove slowly towards his destination. Just as his hometown reeked of na?ve beauty, Reggie thought this place was the polar opposite. The finest buildings in town belonged to the headquarters of the trade unions and the homes of their bullying leaders. Entrepreneurs were frequently beaten, robbed and secured tightly to the grills of semi-trailers speeding out of town on the highway. Once he had parked the car, Reggie went to the front door of the factory, whose plate glass had been boarded over like many of the windows throughout the town. It nearly broke from its hinges when he opened it. "Hi. I am here for an appointment," Reggie told the receptionist. He told her who he was. "Doctor Ratbutt will see you when he can," she answered, displaying an uneven row of broken teeth. "He's downtown paying off the union right now." Reggie saw the unhappy woman frown. He was eager to get out of this dismal place at all costs. "You must be from Riverdale, huh?" she croaked. "Yer much too cute to be one of our boys." Reggie plucked a small mirror from his jacket and peeked at his rugged jawbone and smooth, cropped hair. "I am the great and cute Reggie Mantle." His gaze lingered upon the reflection of the handsome stud. It was far preferable to looking at the receptionist, whose oversized glasses made her eyes bulge reptilian. After two hours of waiting, Reggie put away the mirror. "It's been two hours!" Just as he got up to leave and face the consequences of an irate Veronica Lodge, the door to the interior of the laboratory opened. "Good afternoon. You must be Mr. Mantle." It was a white- coated, older version of the pesky Dilton Doiley, grayed and slightly hunchbacked. "I'm Doctor Ratbutt. I am here to supervise the procedure." "Yeah, well I ain't too thrilled to be here, doctor. I'm just doing this as a favor." "Ah yes, Miss Veronica can be quite persistent. Since she took over the management, I can't chew gum in the building any more. But smoking is now permitted! It's almost as bad as being in a union!" Doctor Ratbutt led the boy into the lab and sat him on the medical table in a stale, windowless room. "Does this require anything like anesthetic?" Reggie asked. "Not at all. Simply remove your clothes and slip into the suit. Here it is." The Ronnie 1220 was folded simply into a small plastic box. Reggie stripped and the doctor helped him into the skin- tight device. The body suit rolled onto both legs like pantyhose. The doctor helped Reggie fit his arms into it, and continued to seal the prototype over his buttocks, torso, and finally his head. A simple series of adjustments made certain that the anatomical features of the Ronnie 1220 fit snugly to those of Reggie's natural body. The doctor matched the nipples, eye sockets, fingernails, and other features while the human guinea pig wondered what he'd gotten himself into. Once the suit was adjusted and sealed, the doctor told Reggie to stand in place while the bioplastics contoured his body in the desired shape. "Any pain?" asked the scientist. "No, kind of like a scalp massage," said Reggie. The technological marvel, with the design picked by Veronica Lodge herself, began a surprisingly quick transformation of Reggie to the bitchy brunette from Riverdale. The hair spun out, lengthened, and crept into Ronnie's familiar style. The limbs became more delicate, and the bust, waist and hips grew curves that Reggie had never seen from that perspective. He touched the breasts as they expanded firmly within the suit. "Er, Doctor Ratbutt, aren't these a little too big?" "Not at all, young man. They're just the size Miss Veronica said in her specifications." Reggie reached down to his crotch where, to his astonishment, the body suit had not changed his penis into a vagina. "Isn't this wrong? I mean she doesn't have a cock." "Oh," shrugged the doctor, "maybe Miss Veronica is unfamiliar with the specifications for a penis. Is that likely?" "You're right, Doctor Ratbutt. She wouldn't know a dick if it bounced off her forehead!" Reggie simmered for a moment. "And my voice. This won't do. I still sound like a guy! I am supposed to be Veronica Lodge. This makes me feel like a freak." Doctor Ratbutt's gaze roamed Reggie's naked body. "No. I think you're quite passable. You might just have to speak quieter or something. Not my problem." "Okay. I can't leave here naked. Do you have anything I can wear?" "Many of our clients and test subjects bring stuff they can't fit into, so I'm sure we can dig something up," the technician suggested. Part V "It feels a little tight around the tummy," Reggie complained, once Doctor Ratbutt had fixed him up with a shimmering, electric blue one-piece that looked an awful lot like a Pimphouse bunny costume without the cottontail or ears. "Oh, that isn't the costume. It's the bodysuit. The Ronnie 1220 took about six inches off your waist." The outfit was completed with matching 3 1/2 inch stilettos and a handbag. "Doctor! What am I going to do about that?" Reggie pointed to his cock in a full-length mirror stationed conveniently in the laboratory. The bulge was obvious even to a casual observer as its head poked profanely from the high-cut leg of the outfit. "Oh that? Well, I'd recommend getting to your car and out of town as quick as you can." Reggie fumbled with the hemline, trying to push his cock into a less obtrusive position. The bodysuit's breasts kept getting in the way. It was like looking straight down some busty girl's shirt, since the costume scarcely covered half of the weighty, pale orbs. And his jet-black hair kept slipping off his shoulders and into his line of vision. "If it will help," said the technician, "you can have some of these." He handed Reggie a vial of several small gray-green tablets. "They're 'Erex-Lax'. They'll stop you from getting all excited at being confined in the Ronnie 1220." Reggie gulped down a couple of the salty pills and felt his penis shrink to a more manageable size. "Weird," he thought, "I'm fucking horny as hell but I can't feel anything in 'The Mantlizer'." The technician and the receptionist equally gawked at the unpolished gait of the Riverdale High football captain as he left the TBPI building. He noticed a group of unsavory youths lounging in the entranceway to an alley joining the lane where he'd parked his car. He climbed in and turned the ignition as quickly as he could. Nothing. He tried again. Nothing. There was a rap at the driver's side window. Reggie looked up and saw the leering grin of one of Central City's many loutish teenagers. The ne'er-do-well held up a spark plug in his grimy fingers. Reggie rolled down the window and was about to shout at him when he remembered his most unconvincing voice would give away his secret. "Yer car will start a bit quicker wid dis," Reggie nodded meekly. "Well, unzip it, suck it and swallow and me and the guys'll see just what we can do 'bout it," the teen demanded. To his horror, Reggie saw that the boy's five friends stood behind their leader, each one with a spark plug in his hand. When the first teen stood up, his crotch was right where it needed to be to get a blowjob from the brunette vixen as she sat in her car. "Heh-heh," Reggie consoled himself as his fingers pried the gang leader's cock from his pants, "they'll all think it was the mighty Veronica Lodge sucking their cocks. Serves her right for being such a bitch." As he started to suck the first of six cocks, however, Reggie weighed the effect on Ronnie's reputation against the physical reality that threatened to gag him. Mercifully, each of the boys came rather quickly, and dutifully replaced each spark plug after being orally satisfied. Number five withdrew suddenly from Reggie's lips just as he came, however, and sprayed three jets of cum on his face. The others, peering through the windshield, cheered and gave each other high-fives. The last boy wouldn't even let him wipe off the viscous liquid before demanding his turn, and Reggie felt its warm texture dripping onto his breasts. "Thanks for visiting Central City!" jeered the boys as Reggie thundered off in his custom-made coupe. He drove out of the city limits before daubing a tissue and wiping the cum off as best he could. Part VI Reggie arrived at his modest bungalow within an hour and waited for Veronica's call. His parents were out of town, as they frequently were whenever he embarked on some kind of adventure with his Riverdale pals. Apart from the Andrews, the Lodges, and the Joneses, in fact, few of the adults ever seemed to be around. When the gang motored around town in Archie's old jalopy, cooked up a scheme at Pop Tate's Chock'lit Shoppe, or played in one of the many sports events against Central City, they did so without parental supervision. The adults were so scarce, in fact, that the school board had scrapped the requirements for PTA meetings, and report cards were addressed to 'Occupant' at the end of the school term. Old people were even scarcer. It seemed that anyone over the age of fifty either lived in the town's one Old Folks' Home or taught at Riverdale High. Otherwise, they merely vanished without a trace, since there had never been a funeral service in the Mantle family for as long as anyone remembered. Fortunately, Reggie's life was so complete, with his massive ego to tend to, that he had no time to consider any of these details. As long as his bank account filled up with money every two weeks, he could fend for himself quite well. "And coming across convincingly enough as Ronnie to repay the debt I owe her," he groaned. As he continued to wait for her phone call, he practiced speaking in dulcet tones and walking tenderly in the footwear chosen for him. "Shit, at least I know why Carrot-Top is so hung up on this dame," he muttered, prancing effetely in front of the hallway mirror. "I hope Ronnie's got something better to wear, though, a bra or something, because my tits keep popping out." "Yes they do," came a crisp, mocking voice behind him. Reggie whirled about, clumsily shoving his boobs back into the costume, and saw his double. Veronica had not bothered knocking on the door. "I've got to talk to that designer," she sighed. "Your breasts are at least a cup size larger than mine are. Oh well, that's the life of a world-class entrepreneur. Always surrounded by incompetence. Now hurry along, Reginald, I only sneaked out while Daddy was on the phone with his stockbroker, so we've got to be back there in fifteen minutes or I'll get in trouble." Racing along the smooth and spotless Riverdale streets, Ronnie arrived back at the Lodge Mansion with a few minutes to spare. Reggie was tucked uncomfortably under a gray raincoat the whole way, urged to keep silent by a sharp poke in the ribs once or twice. Once they arrived upstairs in her room, unseen by any of the estate's staff, Veronica thrust some underwear and clothing into Reggie's complacent arms and ordered him to change in the bathroom. "Smithers accidentally bought me some of these." An unopened brassiere package, marked 32-DDD, was given to the mortified experiment subject before he gathered the clothing and went off to change. Without her help it took him nearly an hour. Veronica had doubtless foreseen the problem with his cock bulge, providing a skirt and blouse rather than her more traditional slacks. The bra fit perfectly, its wide shoulder straps and firm underwire holding their burdens in surprising comfort. The blouse was contoured in a custom fit to accommodate Ronnie's small back and waist. Lodge Textiles, one of her father's subsidiaries, was the only corporation in America producing clothing that could fit the slender, busty, Riverdale teens off the rack. Still, the imperious Veronica Lodge selected her clothes from fashion houses flung across the globe, forcing designers everywhere to become accustomed to the impossible sizes coveted by the girls of this mid-sized American town. "You're perfect! You're me!" the Lodge heiress giggled excitedly, once the egotistical football captain emerged from her bathroom. "Where's my credit card?" Reggie mocked. "No," she admonished him. "Don't talk at all. I told Daddy I have laryngitis, so you won't have to say anything during dinner. Just shut up and smile a lot. Nod your head if you understand. Just DON'T TALK!" Reggie nodded slowly. He forced a toothy grin. "Perfect. You look just like me. Now I've got to sneak out the back for my date with Archie. Don't fuck things up, Reggie, or I'll tell your parents." She thought for a moment. "Okay, maybe not your parents. But I'll do something to you so horrible that you won't ever want to hear the name 'Veronica Lodge' again." Reggie thought to himself: 'Right now I don't want to hear the name 'Veronica Lodge' again.' Part VII Supper at the Lodge house was, as usual, a sumptuous feast. Full dishes of meat, vegetables, sauces, desserts, and casseroles cluttered the massive antique table in the dining room. While it was just the Lodge adults and Veronica having dinner, there was sufficient food to feed a small army. The only times they'd even dented the banquet laid before them was when Jughead had dropped by. Jughead could eat all that had been prepared, and more, frequently emptying the refrigerators of many a household when they'd accidentally left him by himself. He suffered from some type of advanced medical condition, perhaps, or it might have been a tapeworm. Nobody knew. It was known that Jughead Jones could not be trusted with food around. His friends were even afraid to ask why there appeared to be no stray animals, not even a single rat, in the town of Riverdale. "You are taking your punishment very well, Veronica," stated her father. Reggie merely smiled and nodded, reaching for a glass of water to help down a forkful of meat. "Maybe I ought to call the doctor over to check on your progress," added Mrs. Lodge. She was dressed impeccably, as though on her way to an awards ceremony. Her days were filled with attending charity events, a dull occupation only punctuated by her obsession with playing bridge. Reggie shook his head. He didn't want a doctor examining him in this condition. "Well, darling, I don't want you to wind up as your sisters." Reggie furled his eyebrows in confusion. "Now Mavis," said Mr. Lodge. "You know not to talk about the others around Ronnie." He looked sadly at his wife, then at a pile of salad on his plate. He had hired the best psychiatrists to deal with his wife's uncommon psychoses. Her daily 'bridge games' were not attended by anything more than phantom playmates. She held a firm belief that Veronica was one of eight daughters in the Lodge family, and that the others had perished from polio, smallpox, beriberi and other exotic, largely archaic, diseases. It was a credit to the Lodge industrialist that he coped with a vain spendthrift of a daughter and a wife with a crippling psychosis that kept her in a dream world of her own creation. He had gone so far as to obtain several expensive medical opinions to confirm that his wife's condition was not genetic. His daughter's flamboyance, temper and vanity were signals, in his mind, of a descent into madness. But the psychiatrists condoned these traits and, to Hiram Lodge's complete chagrin, confirmed that her relationship with Archie was normal and pointed to a well-adjusted mental state. Each time Mr. Lodge had Archie thrown out of his house, by his servant Smithers, he did so with a small measure of regret and a generous portion of satisfaction. With dinnertime drawing to a close, Smithers motioned the kitchen staff to remove the dishes, still burgeoning with uneaten food. Reggie passed him on the way to the long staircase leading upstairs to Veronica's room. He cast Smithers a sour glance; the portly servant looked down his nose straight at the Ronnie 1220's voluptuous breasts. "I'd tell 'Daddy' if I didn't have laryngitis!" Reggie plopped himself onto Veronica's bed and grabbed the remote control for one of the four television sets situated in her room. Far from being a simple, rectangular room, the Lodge girl's boudoir was a split-level home within a home. The clothes closet itself was practically as large as Reggie's room. He counted eight large windows within the comfortable prison to which Veronica had been grounded. There was even a fridge and a kitchenette within the sumptuous suite. Shortly, as his awe began to subside, a short rap came on the door. It was Smithers, carrying a flimsy pink nightie set on a wire hanger. "What's this all about?" Reggie thought, alarmed at the sight of the Lodge servant in the room. "Greetings, Miss Veronica. I have brought you your sleepwear, as I know you may wish to change into something less confining." He walked towards the large four-poster bed. Reggie shook his head violently. "But Miss Veronica!" cried the butler. "Perhaps you are more unwell than you appear! You always wear a nightie after supper!" Reggie's alarm increased and he waved his hands 'no' along with shaking his head. "Miss Veronica! I am appalled!" The chubby man stuck the hanger on a railing and placed his finger to his lips. He curled his eyebrow in deep suspicion. "But... maybe... maybe you're right... maybe you're well... but... maybe... maybe you're not Miss Veronica..." His finger tapped his chin. "Maybe... maybe because I saw you... I mean, Miss Veronica, driving out from the guest house in her car... maybe she has broken her vow to her father... and maybe you are Betty in a black wig?" Smithers glowered at the visibly frightened creature on the bed. "Now what would Mr. Lodge think if I found Miss Veronica out on the town. Let me think. If Miss Veronica was out, then she'd be out with Archie Andrews. And since Archie would never think of going on a date without telling his mom and dad where he was going, then all I have to do is phone them and find out where he is." "Listen, Smithers, I'm NOT Betty. I'm Reggie!" he confessed. "Please... please don't say anything!" The servant was shocked. Indeed, this was the distinct voice of Reggie Mantle, projecting from the gorgeous body of Veronica Lodge. "Well now, this certainly is a stroke of luck for me, then, isn't it?" "What do you mean? A stroke of luck?" Reggie panicked as he saw Smithers begin to remove his suit. He was down to his boxers, T-shirt and socks before the transformed sports star could manage another word. "You didn't answer me! What stroke of luck?" "Why, I'm going to fuck Veronica Lodge," grinned the butler. "Always wanted to. Never got a chance till now." "Wait a second!" exclaimed Reggie. "I am not, like, completely Veronica. I have a dick still." Smithers looked pensive for a moment, stripping off the rest of his clothes. "Oh, that's all right, Miss Veronica. I have nothing against sodomy either." He urged Reggie to get undressed. "If you want to keep all of this secret, you'll get snappy about it." Reggie complied reluctantly. He glanced sideways at the servant's growing erection as the blouse and skirt came off, then at the rock-hard cock once he'd taken off the underwear and bent over on his elbows and knees on the bed. He felt a pair of chubby hands on his ass cheeks, and the knob of Smithers' cock against his cherry asshole. "Wait! Smithers! Please don't do this!" "Oh why not?" he chuckled. "It's against the Comics Code Authority!" squealed Reggie. Part VIII Betty kept her anger at Veronica in check by going home after school and indulging in one of her few selfish pleasures, a long, hot bubble bath. It was cheap and refreshing. Afterwards, she wrapped a long towel around her hair and tiptoed naked to her room. Once there, she searched her meager chest of drawers for something decent to wear. "Gosh," she thought, "I was certain that I'd brought in all the laundry from the clothesline, but I can't find my newest bra and panties." Betty's room was a virtual shrine to her first love, Archie Andrews. Posters, portraits, cameos, framed pictures and drawings of the redheaded teenager filled the walls and every unused shelf and clear surface in the otherwise tidy bedroom. It was an obsession bordering on the neurotic, but her parents were blind to its effects on their pretty blonde daughter. As long as her grades remained high, they were unsympathetic to her unhealthy emotional attraction to the Andrews lad. "This is the third time this month I seem to have lost some of my lingerie," she fretted. "I don't think I dare ask my father for another advance on my allowance." Mr. Cooper could ill afford it. He was a hard-working accountant for a big city firm's branch office in Riverdale. He had the misfortune to be in direct competition with the monopolistic Lodge Enterprises. Only the previous week, his boss had been implicated in suspicious investment banking fraud. The net was widening quickly, under the auspices of a Lodge-controlled assistant District Attorney, and there was a very good chance that it would catch the Cooper family's breadwinner in its sweep. Her father's boss had whispered callously to him, only that week, that he would gladly accept full responsibility in return for a few weekend romps in the sack with the busty young girl. Betty knew nothing of the deal. "Dear Diary," she wrote, collapsing onto her bed undressed, and seizing her little black book and a pen. "I love Archie Andrews." The entry was the same each day. Sometimes underlined. Sometimes surrounded by little hearts. Sometimes with a little drawing of the boy. The door to her room nudged open. It was her father. "Betty, are you pining about that boy again?" "Yes Daddy. I guess so." Betty set down the diary and the pen and sat up, carefully crossing her legs and covering her big breasts with one arm. "Your marks at school are still okay, aren't they?" "Oh yes, Daddy. Of course. I mean, it's so easy I hardly have to study to keep my straight-A average." "That's a good girl. Why don't you go out and do a good deed? That always seems to cheer you up." "That's a great idea, Daddy." She bit her lip, contemplating whether to ask for an advance on her allowance, yet certain that he would feel guilty turning her down. Her father smiled and left her bedroom. He was feeling guilty, but not about the problems his daughter had presumed. Once Mr. Cooper left, Betty picked up a loose-fitting tank top and put it on, followed by a pair of lace panties and then a denim jumpsuit. The outfit left a patch of skin showing in the small of her back. From the side, the slack top and bib left little to the imagination. The pretty young teen left the house and walked towards her high school. "A good deed. Daddy's so smart," she thought. "I know just the thing to cheer me up." Although the school was officially closed after hours, the principal made it a policy to keep the doors open in case any of the students or faculty wished to use the place. The trusted custodian, Svenson, kept unofficial vigil over the institution. The diminutive Swedish immigrant practically made the place his home. Betty entered the school, peering into each classroom in succession. "If I could find some erasers to clap, that would sure cheer me up," she said softly. After searching several of the rooms, Betty found no chalkboard erasers. She realized that Svenson must have taken them somewhere for cleaning. His thoroughness and hard work kept the school spotless beyond fault. Betty rattled the doorknob to one of the many closets and entranceways to the tunnels and walkways that honeycombed the structure. "Boy, I never knew how many hiding places there were in here," she mused. "I wonder if I'll ever find old Svenson!" Her search continued. Finally, she found a set of stairs leading downwards from a doorway next to the music room. She flicked on the light and started to descend. "I can't believe it. Even the pipes and electrical stuff are clean," Betty thought. She followed the corridors randomly. The dim overhead lights showed the way, or rather many ways, through the vast basements of Riverdale High. Something brushed against the young blonde girl's cheek. She looked up and saw, suspended from an overhead beam, a sheer red garment. Then, gasping under her breath, Betty walked forward two steps and reached up to touch the dangling strap of a brassiere. Choking back her astonishment, she crept forward to a squarish opening in the clean cinder-block hallway. A pair of panties hung from a nail. Betty stooped and entered an interior room, hidden securely within the labyrinth under Riverdale High. Her hand reached forward to touch a grainy blown up photo of Midge, Big Moose's girlfriend. The picture showed her naked from the waist up, entering the girls' shower stalls in the gymnasium. It seemed to have been shot from an impossible angle, as though the photographer was concealed within the walls of the washroom itself. The curious young woman turned away from the portrait and ventured further into the secret place. Lingerie, bras, panties, sheer tops, skirts and shoes were everywhere, hanging from nails on the walls or from the ceiling paraphernalia. More pictures, too. "Omigosh!" Betty shrieked. "It's Ronnie! And..." She found a wall portrait of a young blonde girl, naked as all the others, entering the shower stall. "Me!" Betty gaped in full-blown shock at the mirror image. Many of her own stolen undergarments surrounded the picture. She backed away slowly until her foot hit something on the floor. She whirled around and slapped her hand to her mouth to stop an involuntary shriek. There, on a mattress, slept Svenson, with an empty liquor bottle lying next to him. His head was adorned with a long blonde wig, and he was naked on his back except for a bra. The cups swelled over a pair of enormous breast forms, strapping them to the mustachioed janitor's chest. His cock hung limply over a pair of Betty's own panties, which lay crumpled and soiled next to his body. Betty gulped. Then she turned and hurried out of the place. She summoned her athletic abilities to keep running until she was out of the basement. "Omigosh! Svenson is a transvestite pervert!" she grimaced, her heart racing as she ascended the stairs and clamped the door shut behind her. "Principal Weatherbee must be notified immediately! And, omigosh, he was masturbating on my panties!" Betty resolved to suspend her animosity towards Veronica. For the moment, her entire mind was filled with the disturbing images of Svenson wearing one of her bras and collecting naked pictures of Riverdale High's beautiful young women. "Principal Weatherbee is so old-fashioned. He'd never believe me. But Ronnie will!" Part IX The phone rang at the Lodge mansion. Smithers dutifully answered and was surprised to hear Betty Cooper in such a fretful mood at the other end of the line. He put her on hold and marched upstairs to Veronica's room. Reggie, still trapped in the Ronnie 1220, lounged on the bed in a cropped silk bathrobe, watching TV. "Miss Veronica," Smithers announced emphatically, "Miss Betty is on the phone." Reggie closed the robe as the servant scarcely disguised his lust. "Are you gonna just stand there listening to me?" "Miss Veronica!" There was a haughty, mocking tone to Smithers' voice. "There are no secrets here!" Reggie picked up the phone. "Hello, Betty." Betty was amazed to hear Reggie's voice on the other end of the line. "Uh... Reggie? Gosh, I must have called you by mistake." "It's a long story. I can make it a lot shorter if you can meet me at the Chock'lit Shoppe in a half hour." "S-sure," Betty stammered. She couldn't figure out why Reggie was answering Veronica's phone, but she knew she had to talk to someone about Svenson. "Just... do you happen to have a good camera, Reggie?" "Oh yes, Betty. How do you think I'd be able to capture myself on film so often?" While just hearing one half of the conversation, Smithers was perplexed that Reggie was so trite about his feminization. After the call was done, the butler approached the bed and demanded to know what was going on. "Listen Smithers. I have to get out of here. I expected Ronnie to be back by now, but it's already just about nine o'clock!" "Well then, Miss Veronica, I bet there's a way I could cover for you. And it won't cost you a cent!" Reggie peered dolefully at the servant as he stood in the way. The transformed sports hero swung his legs off the edge of the bed and found himself face-to-crotch with the chubby man's zipper. "Just don't cum in my mouth, okay?" grumbled Reggie, using both hands to unzip Smithers' pants and snag his cock. The butler began to grind his cock into the sexy mouth of his prey, pulling the bathrobe down both of Reggie's arms. His smooth hands roamed over the Ronnie 1220's large and supple breasts. "Oh, bitch, you are good," he said, thrusting in and out of Reggie's wet mouth in an increasingly intense tempo. Just as he felt himself about to cum, the servant kept true to his honor and withdrew, splashing warm sperm all over his quarry's chin and breasts. "Yeah, thanks a lot," Reggie complained. "Say, there wouldn't happen to be a high-quality camera in this dump, would there?" "I shall bring the lovely slut one of the Hasslebads immediately," Smithers chuckled, straightening his shirt and pants. He took one last look at the vision of Veronica Lodge, trying to wipe the gism from her face and breasts, before leaving her room to get the equipment. Part X Pop Tate dutifully kept the rustic Chock'lit Shoppe open past his usual closing time once he saw Betty waving cheerfully on the other side of the glass door. She thanked him three times and took her place in one of the cozy booths to wait for Reggie. The blonde was as perplexed as the proprietor was pleased when Veronica Lodge appeared, dressed down in a tight sweater and jeans. The apron-clad owner nudged his Central City assistant, a mop-haired boy named Surly McGoober, then approached the booth to take their order. "Might I suggest a couple of my famous apple-cinnamon ice cream glaze treats?" The girls answered with a flourish of their hands, and Pop Tate returned behind the counter to demonstrate the secret of the spicy dessert to young Surly. While out of earshot, Reggie whispered furtively to Betty his own secret. The blonde leaned forward, allowing the Shoppe owner and his assistant a glorious view of her breast. "Surly, you take Veronica's bowl, and I'll take Betty's. I'll show you the real blast about making those little hotties my ice cream specialty." The Central City teen, working off a probationary condition by working free at Pop Tate's, watched as the older man lifted his apron and started to jerk off on the top of the freshly scooped mound of apples, ice cream and ground cinnamon. Betty and Reggie were absorbed by their own troubles; neither of them noticed the lascivious grins worn by the two standing behind the counter. "I don't believe it!" Betty said. "Yes! I am really Reggie. You don't believe me?" Betty felt Veronica's slender hand grasp hers, under the table, and draw it forward. Pop and Surly gaped in astonishment as they viewed the scene. With his free hand, Reggie had unzipped his jeans and pulled out his cock, forcing Betty to touch it to prove he was not really Veronica Lodge. "Kinky," Pop huffed, nearing orgasm and ready to glaze the girls' apple-cinnamon treats. "No doubt!" Surly agreed, already foaming onto Veronica's bowl. "Spray it nice and even," advised the older man. "Those two girls are practically addicted to these things!" Betty had withdrawn her hand, now convinced that the cock in Ronnie's pants belonged to Reggie. The Mantle boy had shown it to her several times when she'd gone on dates with him, yet she had properly refused to touch it. Pop Tate arrived at their table, pretending that nothing was amiss, and deposited the glistening sweet and salty ice creams on the table. "The only thing as good as making them is watching the girls eat them," he told Surly once he returned from the booth. "And I sound like Reggie, too, right?" whispered the busty brunette. "Can't let Pop Tate know," Betty replied in a copycat tone. "Did you bring the camera?" "Right in my bag," acknowledged Reggie. "Mmm, this stuff is so delicious," said the blonde, swallowing scoop after scoop of the dessert. "The syrup's a bit tangy." Betty listened to Reggie's tale of woe and a plan, more devious than she believed herself capable of, began to form slowly and deliberately in her mind. "I think I can solve both of our problems!" she told Reggie, finishing her ice cream with a thoroughness that entertained Pop Tate and his grinning aide. "How?" Reggie asked. The pair rose from the table, refreshed, and waved 'so long' to Pop and Surly. "I'm going to get back at Svenson and you're going to get back at Veronica," Betty stated. "All with the help of this!" She patted the bag at her side, and the young rivals walked the seven short blocks to their school. Part XI The warm Riverdale night caressed them as Betty and Reggie, forced to alter his gait as the Ronnie 1220 had affected his anatomy, approached the school. While sirens screamed in Central City whenever dusk slipped into the anarchy of darkness, Riverdale was blessed with an orderly respect for the law, even in the blackness of the longest winter night. This orderly respect was no accident. The city was unusual for having not a single tavern, dance club or liquor store. Movie houses existed, but never began a showing after six o'clock. To ratify his monopolistic grip, Hiram Lodge had entered into a devil's arrangement with federal authorities more than four decades ago. Genetic experiments, under the insidious administration of imported medical professionals, had woven virulent code into the locals' DNA. Among the dramatic results was a dominant strain of hexabilious genes that caused every native of Riverdale to become violently ill at the merest taste of alcohol. The result was a completely liquor-free community, one in which the crime rate descended dramatically as the gene worked its magic over the generations. The Riverdale police department kept bankers' hours, facilitating a tax savings that allowed Mr. Lodge to pay a lower wage to his employees, and thus increase his profit margins appropriately. Moreover, the accident rate and employee absenteeism dropped off the charts. If there was a heaven on earth, it was the secular, genetically modified Nirvana that was Riverdale. Betty and Reggie arrived at the school. The inebriated, unconscious Svenson, unaware of their approach, was uniquely immune to the effects of the DNA experiment. As one of the town's few immigrants, he kept an unhealthy appetite for booze, and doubled his crimes by maintaining an affection for the philosophy of Proudhon and the literature of Dostoevsky. "He's still sleeping," Betty whispered. "Ew," Reggie said, astonished by the perversions revealed to him along the corridors of the Riverdale High basement. He picked up a book from the floor. "Yes," Betty grimaced, "he's obviously a screwball. That's the edition of Chekov's plays that Principal Weatherbee banned! Well, we'll make sure he takes those nutty ideas back to Swede-land where he came from." Reggie peeled off his clothes, revealing the perfect teen boobs of the Ronnie 1220, along with his half-stimulated cock. "You're just gonna get close-ups of my face, I mean, Ronnie's face, and all of Svenson all dolled up," he warned Betty. She crept behind one of the sleek outfits suspended from the ceiling and nodded agreeably. The custodian rose from his tepid nap to the wholly acceptable vision of what appeared to be Veronica Lodge, naked and stooped forward on her hands and knees, with her lips and hands working his cock into a full erection. He reached down, to Reggie's surprise, and began to knead his breasts with gnarled workman's hands. "Ya!" he cried. "If it yiggles like dat it moost be yelly. Because yam doesn't yiggle like dot!" He ignored the flashes from Betty's Hasslebad and concentrated on feeding the young Lodge girl his throbbing cock. Reggie made sure the long black hair was clear out of his face, to allow Betty a clear shot of the Ronnie 1220's mouth firmly around the transvestite janitor's erection. It was as a small price to pay for the plan to blackmail both Svenson and Veronica Lodge. He would get his sweetest revenge on the wealthy, virginal heiress. Part XII Veronica cheerfully returned to her home early the next morning, after a glorious evening of innocent chatting with Archie Andrews, following the expensive dinner that would leave the lad broke for another month. She found it odd that Smithers was quickly tucking his white shirt into his pants and quickly leaving her bedroom as she sneaked in through one of the mansion's many surreptitious entranceways. Reggie was in the shower, cleaning the last of the butler's cum from his hair and face, as Ronnie crept into the bedroom. "Your Daddy never suspected a thing," Reggie said as he emerged from the bathroom. "And neither will you," he added to himself. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Reggie. I think you'll be able to do this every weekend from now on." Reggie shuddered, a wet bath towel wrapped around his feminine form. With Smithers aware of the possibility, he'd be trapped as the butler's sex toy for years if Ronnie got her way. "We can go back to Central City to get my own body back, for now," he suggested flatly. "Why, of course, Reggie darling. I wouldn't think of having you remain as me for any longer than I required." Reggie bit his lip as he dressed, and during the entire car trip back to the shadowy streets of the town down the road. Part XIII A fortnight after the grotesque episode in Svenson's subterranean retreat, Reggie was sitting at the counter in Pop Tate's enjoying a burger. He was glad to be out of the Ronnie 1220 and back in his own skin. "What happened to that surly character you used to have working here?" he asked the bald restaurant owner. "I sent him back to the Central City Penitentiary," Pop chuckled. "He was trying to extort money from me. I showed him. Showed him good." Reggie snickered along with the jovial Mr. Tate. He was just finished his meal when he heard Veronica Lodge enter the establishment. Before he could wipe his mouth with a napkin, he felt her plant a huge kiss on his cheek. "Not that I'm bitchin', Ronnie, but what the fuck was that for?" "I turned my first profit at the plant Daddy gave me. And you deserve almost all the credit!" Reggie wondered what she meant. Just then, he saw Betty Cooper bound into the small restaurant, swing over to the other side of him and plant a huge kiss on his other cheek. "Wow! You must be wearing the right deodorant, Reggie!" grinned Pop Tate. "Yeah... or something. What's that for, Betty?" "My Dad just got a big marketing contract, and it's almost all because of you, Reggie baby!" Reggie whirled from one buxom young lady to the other, thoroughly perplexed. "I don't know what you girls are talking about, but if it wins me big wet kisses, I sure won't complain!" "The plan is complete," Betty whispered to him, as Veronica was distracted for a moment. Reggie responded by forming the 'perfect' sign with his thumb and forefinger closed in a circle. Flanked by the two cute Riverdale teens, he left the Chock'lit Shoppe. "Let's go over to Dilton's, Reggie," urged Veronica. On the way over, Reggie saw the spitting image of the Ronnie 1220 in a convertible driven by a man about twice her age. "Th-that," he stammered. "Looks like the Ronnie 1220?" Veronica finished his sentence for him. "Oh yes, it is... the Ronnie 1320, really... had to iron out some of the imperfections." "Wow! I am impressed!" They were at Dilton Doiley's place shortly. Reggie was somewhat puzzled to see the young genius toiling at a computer keyboard along with the unmistakable bald school janitor. "Svenson!?" he exclaimed. He turned to Betty with a deep concern etched into his forehead. "I thought we were getting him kicked out of the country!" "Oh, this is even a better idea," the blonde retorted. "Trust me!" Reggie shrugged. Dilton aimed a projector from the back of his computer at the flat surface of the garage door. "I'm proud to be a part of this enterprise! For your entertainment, young and old, blonde and brunette, men, women and others, this quick slide show reveals our strategy to make TBPI not only a great American sales story, but in fact a global technological marvel. Through the magic of the Internet, I expect the modest profit Veronica has turned will grow into a multi-billion dollar concern." "Brilliant, Einstein," Reggie heckled. "So what's the big pitch, anyhow?" "Oh, you're as much a part of it as Mr. Cooper, or Ronnie, and even our school's trusted caretaker, Svenson." "Oh, I yoost happy to help," the janitor agreed. The projector shone the content of a web-based sales strategy, featuring 'before' and 'after' pictures of the astonished Reggie Mantle, in both his male guise, and in the body suit provided by Veronica's company. "Shit! Betty Cooper! You little bitch! You lied!" squeaked Reggie. "She didn't have much of a choice, pussy-boy," Veronica sneered. "Her sweet Daddy was going to go to prison, or sell her as a sex slave, unless she went along with my plan to market those pictures." "Besides, Reggie, you really are a natural cocksucker," Betty added positively. Dilton piped in: "Yes, Reggie. And Betty's father has a whole sex-drenched ad campaign, starring you, prepared for immediate production and distribution in the print media and the Internet." Reggie plucked a glossy mock-up of the campaign out of Svenson's grasping hand. "'Free Your Inner She-Male Porn Star... like Reggie Mantle, here, of Riverdale!" he read from the poster. He frowned: "This will really put a dent in my football career!" Betty and Veronica giggled and wrapped one arm around one another's shoulders. "Ya, unt as a foreigner from der sexy land of Sveden," the janitor said, "I am wery happy to co-star in der promotions!" Reggie cringed at the thought. But, with thought balloons filled with green dollar bills visibly floating over everyone's heads, he shrugged again and joined the cheery entrepreneurs in Dilton's garage. "Well, it could be worse!" he admitted. "It could've been Archie Andrews becoming an international porn star! I'd never hear the end of it then!" THE END [email protected] Created on: Friday, September 26, 2002.

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Fisting the Flippers

As usual, after a game played against such a terrible football team as the Flippers, the Lighting Bolt cheerleaders were in a great mood. Not only did their team easily win the game, but now, they were going to play a few games themselves. As they easily passed through security (which wasnt necessary because the Flippers had so few fans), they went directly to the locker room of the Flipper Cheerleaders. Suzy, the Team Captain of the Lighting Bolt Girls, stopped and smiled at the others, then...

1 year ago
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Porn Flip! It’s time to take a step back from crazy fetish sites, live cams, torrents, and all that shit. Don’t get me wrong, it’s all fucking great, but you don’t always need to get super specific or curated content to jerk off to. Sometimes you just need some sexy babe riding some cock or taking it in the ass. I’m talking about those videos that you can always come back to. The simpler things in life. And where better to find these kinds of videos than porn tubes? They always have a wide and...

Free Porn Tube Sites
2 years ago
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The Acid Trip Gender Flip

*BUZZ!* *BUZZ!* *BUZZ!* *BUZZ!*... I rolled out of bed in a half daze, and smacked the alarm clock off. While stretching and yawning I suddenly remembered that I get to take LSD for the first time tonight! I was suddently filled with a pleasant anxiety. I've always wanted to try LSD, i've only dabbled with mushrooms a few times and smoke weed regularly. My girlfriend Stacy did some a couple of weeks ago and said it was amazing! She called me last night and asked me to take it with...

2 years ago
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Is it wrong for a woman to look at a man like he’s prey? The thought made its way around my mind in an instant. Just looking at him made my toes curl in anticipation. My body reacted violently to the thought of his against mine. A shudder made its way down my spine. The feeling was delicious. I clenched my jaw and I let out a slow moan. Everyone around me must think I’m crazy by now. I wanted him on top of me. Of course being on work just amplified the fantasies. I knew I couldn’t be...

1 year ago
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Another day meant I was back to work. Which was all fine, but Nate had the night off. That meant that he had the night off to recover and I was here walking through the halls with the pain of the lashes. It turned me on, but there was no certainty in me that we would hook up again. I was walking through these halls almost aimlessly. It was a slow night tonight and I had caught up on all my work and my patients were happy. All I really had to do was roam and think. Would I be okay if he never...

3 years ago
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The Needy Nurse Takes the New Patient

It’s been one of those seasons. I haven’t been laid in nearly two weeks and haven’t used my vibe in that special place in what seems like forever. My husband and my schedule just haven’t meshed lately and it’s getting to be where it’s almost painful. My libido is running overtime and I can feel it. I’m a nurse practitioner that is employed by a popular cruise line. I don’t feel it necessary or wise to divulge it’s identify. Though I’m a married woman, you might find that surprising after...

1 year ago
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The MILF Her Lover The Plumber

I have worked as a plumber for the best part of twenty years, and I can assure you all that i've seen quite a few things in my time but nothing which compares to the story im about to share with you.I'm self employed, divorced and now 42, so my business has been a good way for me to take my mind off of the fact that I no longer had any pussy "on tap" so to speak. Nowadays I have to make do with wanking myself off to online porn or looking at webcam models for my own sexual gratification.Anyway...

3 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 3

Apparently, I had surprised her, and after taking a glance at her Dad, who nodded his approval, “Yes, I will marry you, on December 14th. Why so soon?” “Think about it for a few moments, I think our moms want to see the ring!” We had only kissed and touched one another fully dressed, and by the time she got the hugs and handshakes, her face was illuminated. We had promised the parents we would finish high school and promised the dads no kids until after we graduated. That caused her to...

1 year ago
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Adventerous Weekend

Her parents where out for the weekend and her brother was gone to stay with some mates. The house was empty and she had invited me over to stay for the weekend. Emma had been my girlfriend now for several months and where as close to each other now as I have ever been with everybody. I was her second boyfriend but she had confided in me that she was never as close to him as I was to her. Emma was a nice girl at heart and had looks to match. However she could be very shy a lot of the time....

First Time
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My Pregnant Wife is a Trailer Park Whore

,Life can sometimes present us with painful changes in fortune, without warning, and that was the case with my wife and me. My name is Ed and I was twenty years old when I got my eighteen-year-old wife, Hannah, pregnant. Most people would assume that we would be destined to have a hard life financially. As it turned out, I'm a very good home builder and businessman, and created a lucrative construction business. By the time I was thirty years old, we were one of the wealthiest families where we...

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Madam Fatal December 1941

With an assassin targeting President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, can the most famous cross-dressing crime-fighter of the 1940s save the day? MADAM FATAL: DECEMBER 1941 by BobH (c) 2020 Characters are the property of DC Comics. (Note: This story is a prequel those Madam Fatal stories I've posted to date.) - 1 - "Tell me about Scrappy Nelson and Tubby White, Mr Stanton." "Where would you like me to begin?" I asked,...

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My coworkers 19 year old daughter1

I came to discover that she also has a "daddy complex" and finds older guys attractive while ignoring guys her own age. Tara is about 5' 7" tall, red hair, very slim with small breasts. Tara grew up living in the country and has little to do when she is home from college. Tara's mom would bring her with her to work in town so she wouldn't be stuck at home all day long. Tara would hang out and go for walks and often just hang out in her Mom's car playing on her cell phone during...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Isabella Nice The Big Boss Can Help When Isabella is Stuck

Isabella Nice has heard a lot coming from her boss, Mike Stefano’s office. She hears nothing but him fucking the office in the ass and knows he can help her. She’s got a buttplug stuck in her tight little asshole and shows him what a predicament she’s in. After all, he knows his way around a tight ass! Loosening the plug turns into a hot blowjob and she cannot stop herself from more. When he finally gets the plug out, he makes sure it doesn’t close and Isabella gets the deep drilling she really...

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Ashley and Jason1

Jason bounced off of her like he had walked into a padded wall, falling back into his room, and losing his grip on his towel he sat down on the floor fully exposed to this hot senior. Ashley was equally surprised but was unshaken by the impact. When she saw Jason on the floor she stifled a laugh and stepped into his room closing the door behind her. Jason looked up at her, He noticed he could see up her skirt and saw a small like bulge and something long going up Ashley's white panties. his...

2 years ago
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Whore sister

Now I never thought about my sister sexually, but this one time she created a scene at my workplace and i was fired. Ever since then i wanted to take some revenge. One night i was up to have a drink, i heard her talking to her friend. She was telling her friend, who i had previously fucked, how she had never been with a man. She was telling her friend about her fantasies about gangbang, being spanked, used by several men. It was all making me horny, i started jerking off to her conversation. I...

2 years ago
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Holiday Nights

Two weeks in sunny Fuerteventura, two weeks of sun, sea and sex.Annie, Emma and myself were staying at a lovely hotel in the coastal town of El Coto with its beautiful nudist-friendly beaches.We arrived at our hotel late in the afternoon with just enough time to unpack, change clothes and wander around the locality. We finally ended up in an inviting bar to relax in the glow of the setting sun. In no time at all we were joined by six guys from Madrid who insisted on buying another round of...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Well This is Interesting

Please review. I usually get criticized for not completing my stories, which honestly I do on purpose, because the goal is to fire up your imagine. But I will give in to critics this time and add several more parts to this if you would like. Well This Is Interesting I confess that my life became easier and more fun, not to mention interesting, after we discovered my husband got aroused by my panties. We found out by accident one evening after some rather passionate love making. We...

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It was a typical Los Angeles winter night. Raining and cold, Sara looked out at the rain-soaked streets, knowing that she would have to work tonight, rain or not. She walked out of her apartment to the corner and caught the bus 10 minutes later heading off for another night of work. Her new day job was only good for minimum wage and 20 hours a week, so she still needed her night job to make ends meet.She got to her normal area and got off. She then started her normal night work, walking two...

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Jessicas Choices

It was an extremely hot day with the midday sun beating down on the car not helped by the locked windows and no air con, Jessica Stanhead sat dressed in short white shorts and orange tank top showing off her slender abdomen and full chest, her long blonde hair beginning to look like she had just got out the shower with beads of sweat on her brow and in between her cleavage, she had to often wear revealing outfits as instructed by the halfway house shrink, “This will get you out of your shell...

3 years ago
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Chloes Sex Lessons Ch 10

Randy was naturally curious of the outcome of Brittany & Chloe’s date. Allowing Chloe to rest a day, he arranged to meet her for lunch at a favorite cafe, the next day. After ordering & receiving their meal, in response to Randy’s questioning, Chloe described in graphic detail all that transpired. As Chloe’s recounting was positive & enthusiastic causing some concern to Randy, he asked: ‘So you totally enjoyed yourself with Brittany. Should we heterosexuals be worried that you will turn gay on...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Diana Grace Dreams Full Of Cock

Diana Grace is a gorgeous young girl with stunning blue eyes, so it is shocking that any boyfriend of hers would ever cheat on her. But when she finds out she has been betrayed, the first thing she wants to do is get back at the bastard. She enlists her pervy step brother to help. He agrees to take some pictures with his dick in her mouth to make her boyfriend jealous. Later on, she is resting, and he cannot get her out of his mind. He takes his cock out and slips it between her lips, and she...

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Katiersquos Roommate

Katie’s Roommate1 Katie KendalKatie Kendal was extremely proud of the fact that for more than three years, she lived by herself in an rented house and paid all the bills on time. It was difficult, and at times she barely made ends meet. Worse than that was the fact that she was terrified of being alone. It had been the most difficult decision she had ever made when she decided at twenty years old to move out of her parents house and into the real world. She hated living by herself but she knew...

3 years ago
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Life on Another PlanetChapter 19 Showdown Time

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 6pm “Hey, Jesse, good to see you back again,” Chunky Castellano cried as he spotted Jesse walking onto the field from the parking area. “Good to be here, Chunky. It’s baseball season again, and I’m ready for it.” “We’ve got a couple of new players this year. You’ll meet them in a few minutes. Ed Lofthouse, better known as “Lofty,” and Donnie Milligan, better known as “Spike.” Both of them have some experience at organized ball.” “That’s great, Chunky. I’m really...

2 years ago
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Ashley Judds dream

Ah there she is, I am standing at the arrival gate at Bluegrass Airport in Lexington Kentucky. I had been waiting for my charge to arrive and there she was Ashley Judd. My heart beat a little faster and my cock got a little twitch in it. My name is Tom Ward; I am a junior at the University of Kentucky. My parents are from the eastern part of Kentucky and are pretty poor. I have two sisters and a brother, the only way I could afford to go to college was get some scholarships and work my way...

1 year ago
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Aunty With Her Clients

Hi All This is Lyra, writing something of this sort for the first time. Please bear with me if u find something wrong with my narration. Would be happy to receive your feedback on this on Earlier i used to read such stories on net and used to think ..these are all fake fantasies of people…till i happened to shift to Mumbai and got involved with the so called “elite” or the “upper” or the rich class. Since then I have seen (not literally) quite a few erotic incidences happening in real world…...

2 years ago
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The Wrong Side of the Tracks pt 2

Sherri shrugged, ‘Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?’ ‘Then come on, let’s go to the party.’ Sherri chuckled humorlessly, ‘No way. You can go, if you want,’ she said and started leaving. ‘Sher, wait. Why not? You said it yourself earlier, you never go out. You’ve finally got out of the house to have some fun and instead of doing just that, you’ll what? Run back home with your tail between your legs? So what if she was rude? Who cares? Do you know how many hot guys are at these kinds of parties?’ Her...

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Seer 2 The Demon Inside 22Part 4

Melissa was lying on top of her bed. She was reading. Across the room Alexandra was doing the same, or at least Melissa thought so. Her mind kept wandering to Alexandra. She had seemed different this morning. Of course, she had been kidnapped last night, but there seemed to be something else going on as well. Had she seen something between Melissa and Dawn, and felt jealous? Melissa warmed at the thought; her sexy roommate being jealous of her and another woman. That said a lot of things,...

4 years ago
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The Fountain of Youth Book IIChapter 17

Monday, November 5, 1979 The FBI wasn't even there to greet us when we had arrived home. In fact, we heard very little from them afterwards. Sarah had a long talk with Jimmy and informed him that if he didn't knock off the sexual advances, she was going to move out. It must have done some good because he did lay off, at least temporarily. We called a family meeting Monday morning and decided we needed to try to find out who had done the kidnapping before any of us went to work. We all...

3 years ago
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Mind Over PoliticsChapter 3

“Given that she’s now your 24/7 concubine, Kate should be transferred to your staff, you know,” Heather proposed, being very practical. “That works for me. She just needs to get used to some ... bilingualism ... of a different sort. Spanish instead of French. Think that you’re up to it, to helping the good residents of New Mexico instead of the equally good inhabitants of Maine?” I asked Kate, who licked her lips before making out with Xiao for about the third time since we arrived at the...

2 years ago
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My House Maid Hima 8211 Part I

Hi readers this is first time I am writing story in a website of internet. I am Chandu I am 22 year old 5,8 well built with sporty structure and look sexy. Lets go to the incident it happened one year back as .I was staying in my uncle house as I was studying medicine in a nearby medical college our uncle & aunt were out of station for long vacation and maid (servant) was there in our house and she will clean our house & cook food and take care of me .let me define her. Her name was Hima her...

4 years ago
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UnbrokenPart 3 Absolution

“But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner who needed it most?“ - Mark Twain The train pulled into Gloucester at nearly 10:30 pm. Naturally it was fucking snowing. I grew up in the Northeast, I knew winters were bad here. But for some reason I always hated the snow. It was never because of the cold, or the inconvenience it created. It was because that pristine blanket of white hid the ugliness, the dirt, the rotted blight that...

3 years ago
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BurrChapter 42 Sammy Makes Decision to Wait and See

When I returned home from helping Mr. Avella rearrange his office there was a note saying that Miss Baker had called. The note was in Heather's handwriting but she was not in the house; I decided she was dodging me. There was another note indicating my mother was shopping so I was alone in the house. I dialed Pricilla's number. "Sammy, you understand that you are not welcome here tonight? You mustn't come. You would just spoil things," Priscilla said, trying to sound demanding but I...

3 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 3

Introduction: Re-starting my series from before Introduction: This a series that I left off almost a full year ago, but am just now able to continue again. For those who do remember and read it before, Im so sorry for stopping so suddenly and I apologize profusely! Because of work, Ive been gone for a year in a country that has much stricter regulations for internet censorship than I knew about. I never intended to stop, but was kind of forced to (didnt want to even chance it with VPN or...

2 years ago
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Marcie and Gina read CHYOA

“Hey Gina.” “What, Marcie?” “I recently stumbled upon this website called CHYOA...” “Uhu...is that something you can eat?” “From a certain point of view. Its a site where authors share stories with each other. There is also a focus on choosing your own path. Basically it's like one of these Choose your own adventure books all of us read as a child.” “Do I look like a nerd to you? So it's a place for loser nerds to connect with other loser nerds, sounds perfect for you.” “Actually, there is...

2 years ago
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Total Submission Part 2

As Kim climbed off the bed Bill swung his legs over and stood up. She went over to the full-length mirror by the door and began to examine her backside. It was red, very red and she could see the first signs of bruising. She bruised like a peach and the last time they had been together she had carried home the evidence of the spanking he'd given her. She twisted around and examined her bum from several different angles. There wasn't the slightest doubt in her mind that she was going to be black...

2 years ago
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A Short Adventure In The Orient

When the police arrived to arrest the girls, there was no warning. The first intimation that something was amiss came by way of raised voices down at reception, followed by heavy footsteps on the rickety wooden stairs. Then the fearsome pounding on the flimsy wooden door. ‘Open up at once – police!’ More puzzled than afraid, Jennifer unlocked the hotel room door, and in stormed four policemen in combat uniform. Jennifer noticed that all four of them had large pistols holstered in their leather...

3 years ago
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Helping the team

The stories involve me and my husband. We just moved into our own small bungalow in this small town. Just enough room for us two. Since we won't have any offspring, we decided to have one room as a home gym. Working out is a big part of our lives. I am Mike, 35, lean build with a 7 inch cock.. My Husband, Taylor, 28 but looks so much younger, hot body with a 8 inch dick and really nice ass. A while ago we involved our two teenage neighbors into our sexlife. Jay is 18 and his younger brother...

2 years ago
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Bad Girls in Uniform

Marsha paused. Slowly, she brushed the hair from her eyes with the back of her hand. It was almost eleven o'clock in the morning and she still felt a little tired from the night before. Constable Marsha McIntyre 22069 was the current 'Miss Victoria Police' and she'd been required to attend a 'Victoria Police' Gala downtown. The blonde policewoman slipped her regulation handbag from her shoulder and uttered a soft, girlish sigh. Retrieving the outstanding 'Warrant of Commitment' from the...

2 years ago
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Sometimes you find delightful surprises in the most unexpected places.I had taken the day off to paint the guestroom. I got up bright and early, threw on an old, baggy tank top and some shorts and got to work. I grabbed a brand new paintbrush, and as I was fiddling with the packaging, I dropped the paintbrush down my shirt. (I know-I'm a dork.) Here's the thing: as it fell, the bristles sc****d my nipple, and it felt kind of good. Rather good, actually.Intrigued, I picked up the brush again....

4 years ago
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Naive Employee And Her Boss

I am now 22 years old and the real experience which I am going to narrate is something happened a year ago. I am an orphan and was raised in Goa, I moved to Delhi after finishing my graduation and started my carrier with an organization in its accounting department. I was a 21 years old virgin, with really good figure but rather small butt. I was working under the head of accounting department, Prahlad. He is an ex-army guy, 51 years old in a very good shape (boy, he still gives me chills). As...

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Watching Terry

Chapter 1 I'm a pretty relaxed guy, I don't get upset about most things, I can usually go with the flow but I did realize that I did have an obsession that started about five years after we were married. It started when I was looking through some boxes in the attic, trying to find my high school yearbook. I had a reunion coming up in a few months and wanted to refresh myself on the names and faces from my youth. Then, I pulled out a box of slides, the old 35 millimeter kind. Holding them up to...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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All for Mr Redman Chapter 11

Thank you to all the wonderful people who have been sending Pms, commenting, and basically taking time out of their busy lives to let me know they like what I do... or have suggestions on how I can improve, or both! A vote or comment really helps make a dark day brighter! The ideas for other stories have also been appreciated and I am flattered you would trust me with them. Special thanks to (Not in a particular order): Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz,...

1 year ago
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Genshin Possession

Introduction Welcome to the land a of Teyvat… a mysterious land full of mystery and supernatural happenings. What mysterious circumstances await you or the people of the land of Teyvat. Guidelines: Must be a possession story. Can be by Ghost, Parasite, Slime, Body Swap, etc… It can can include anything from Mind control to Hive minds, brainwashing and anything you want as long as it is a possession story for Genshin Impact. Can be set where ever even in real world as long as it is about...

3 years ago
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A Walk Around the Lake Chapter 7

the SUV was unloaded.  He reached out and took her hand in his, and she glanced at their hands, fingers laced, and then smiled shyly at him.  "I like you," he said to her, "a lot.""I know, I have feelings for you too," she admitted.  "I haven't felt like this, in a long time.""Hmm, nor have I," he admitted to her.  "I didn't think I'd ever find someone like you.  I'd given up on love.""What are you saying?", she asked him, afraid to look at his face, for fear of what she might see, so she...

2 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 30 Updating Fred

At 5.30pm a loud knock on her door again revealed a lovely bunch of roses at her peephole. Opening the door Fred was holding a lovely mixed bunch of 24 different coloured roses. Helena kissed Fred at the door in great passion. Where she loved sex she really missed the companion of love. Fred gave her love, and good sex but more importantly companionship. Fred mentioned what about the neighbours. Helena laughed and dragged him into her unit. Taking the flowers and adding to the previous...

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The Voyage of a LifetimeI

The Voyage of a Lifetime By JamiLin Anticipation. No other way to describe it. Not since I was a tiny tot waiting for Santa was the anticipation so profound. A five week, journey. Being transformed and living in a way that only existed in my imagination. Once I was aware of the existence of this life changing possibility, I was hooked. The advertisement was epic. Live and feel like a woman. Live and feel like a man. Live and feel like anything you wish, had me from the first...

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