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All rights to this story are reserved by the author with the following exceptions. The story may be redistributed by any site that gives it away. It can't be distributed by any site that charges fees for memberships. Just send me an e- mail that you've posted and I'll be happy. Warning: This is an adult story dealing with adult themes. Don't read any further if you're not an adult or don't have an open mind. Waldo ([email protected]) Ladyship By Waldo Chapter 1 - All Aboard The burley guard at the bar's front door looked very impressive with his huge muscular arms, a holstered pistol on each hip and a heavy club held determinedly in his hand. It was clear from looking at the capable-looking bouncer with the shaved head that any trouble caused in this dockside English bar would robustly be resolved by whatever strong-arm means it took to quickly restore the peace. The very dapper J. Edward Grayson, III walking down the dirty English cobblestone street looked quite out of place among the common dockworkers because of the way that he was dressed. Most men on the docks were dressed in heavy wool trousers that had multiple repair patches, thick dark shirts that had grease stains from wearing the same clothes daily for several days in a row, and they wore dark knitted caps pulled down over their heads to provide a little warmth on those cold nights when the North Wind could freeze a man's soul while he worked on the docks. Most men wore the same clothes - day in, day out, until even the repair patches wouldn't hold the meager threads together. But the very prosperous, proper-looking young man headed toward the bar was wearing a new derby tilted jauntily on his slicked down hair parted in the middle, razor-thin hairline mustache, a white dress shirt decorated with a red silk bowtie, a checkered suit jacket that matched his dark trousers, and a pair of very shiny patent leather shoes that were more suited for a stroll for Sunday morning church visits than for a walk on the rough dock. While his standard of clothing apparel looked very much out of place, those that recognized him knew that he was one of regulars that worked the bars at nigh. While he looked quite respectful, his actual personality blended in quite well among the hard working, hard drinking, hard fighting, and hard living dockworkers. His parents might have given him a name suited for a lawyer, but his friends gave him a nickname that better suited his chosen lifestyle. Fast Eddie, as he was known by the low-life customers that hung around the dockside bars, glanced at the guard once and tilted his derby slightly to acknowledge the bouncer's presence. But being friendly didn't work with the muscular door guard. The burly bouncer blocked the narrow doorway with his outstretched club, and then spit a black spitball full of tobacco juice just a few inches in front of Fast Eddie's neatly shinned shoes. Wiping a small amount of dirty-looking tobacco drool from his unshaven face, the bouncer calmly explained the rules. "You know damn good and well that Bernie banned you forever after that last time that you were caught cheating at cards. Our good customers get mighty fucking mad if we allow slimy-ass card cheats like you in here to fleece them. This here is a bar that's got a good fucking reputation and we're going to keep it too." Smiling a big smile as if he could charm the stone-faced guard into letting him enter the bar anyway, the young Englishman flipped off his derby, expertly twirled it around his arm, and then in one obviously practiced deft move, caused it to spin upon his finger like a top. Grabbing the derby with a flourish and bowing like a actor accepting the applause of an audience for his trick, Fast Eddie stepped a few inches closer to the guard, before speaking in a conspiring tone as if he was good friends with the unrelenting shaved-head, muscular guard who was blocking the door with his big body and heavy club. "Look Joe, I've got some good news for Bernie. I'm leaving England forever - really I am. I've got a job on the ship as an entertainer and I'm going to America to seek my fortune. I'm here to tell Bernie the good news and to settle an old debt." The guard's sour expression didn't change as he calmly held his position. "You've lied to me before, Fast Eddie. I don't like people who lie to me." "Joe, I'm a changed man. Never again will you see me enter this bar. And if you don't let me in, I won't be able to settle my debt with Bernie and it'll be all your fault." A big grin formed on the bouncer's dirty face as he slowly dropped the blocking club from in front of the door as he made his decision to disobey the rules. The large guard flashed a big grin that revealed that several of his teeth were missing as a result of his job as he made a prediction and moved out of the way. "I hope that you're lying again because if I ever see you after today, I'm goina womp on you just because you fucking deserve it." Flipping his derby through the air and easily catching it on his head as acknowledgment of his success in getting past the guard, Fast Eddie tilted the derby jauntily back on his head and freely walked through the open doorway, adjusting his bow tie as he entered the dark bar. As bars of the early 1900's go, this dockside bar had only one redeeming factor - the owner made sure that it was only his employees that tried to cheat the customers. Independent hustlers such as Fast Eddie were quickly thrown out and barred unless they worked out a suitable sharing financial arrangement with Bernie. And while Fast Eddie had previously worked out something with the bar owner, Bernie had just as quickly caught the dapper con man cheating both the customers and the bar. Bernie hadn't mad about the customers being cheated - he was just mad about Eddie welching on their deal. Thus the banishment. Walking through the crowded smoky bar, the dapper dressed young man waved at a couple of friends and stopped beside one of the card tables to talk with someone that he knew quiet well. An inside bouncer came from behind the bar and stood beside the card table with his arms folded across his huge chest as if to say 'keep moving'. Recognizing that his time in the bar was extremely limited and that his every movement was being constantly monitored, Fast Eddie headed straight toward the office at the back of the bar. The bouncer followed him and stood behind him as the debonair young man impishly knocked on the door. A second after he knocked on the door, he heard the response from the other side of the door. "Come on in, Eddie. I've been expecting you." Walking into the office was like walking into a chimney because of the heavy cigar smoke from Bernie's constant cigars. The bar's heavy-set owner waved at a seat across from him as he welcomed his former card shark and quickly got down to establishing his bottom line for resuming their former business association. "So you've decided to come crawling back to me? Well, it's going to cost you ten percent more for six months if you want to work my bar again. Next time that you cheat on me, I'm going to let Joe break at least one of your legs. You don't need your legs to deal cards for me and having to work with a cast on your leg might make you a little more honest." Spinning the chair around backwards and sitting down in it so that his arms were resting on the chair's back, the young gambler shook his head to answer the expensive proposition. "No way. I just came by to tell you bye because I'm leaving tomorrow morning. I've got a job on the big boy and I'm going to America." Taking his cigar out of his mouth and using it as a pointer, the older bar owner gave the dapper young man some friendly advice although he knew that the young man would quickly forget it. "Good, because you don't really belong down here and you need to go seek your fortune elsewhere. Let an old man give you some advice. Play honest for once in your life if you know what's good for you. If they catch you cheating on that thing, you'll be lucky if you just wind up in the brig. I wouldn't be surprised to hear someday that they threw you overboard because you pushed your luck just a little too far - AGAIN. What sort of job did you get?" "Entertainer. I've got a stage magician act where I do slight of hand card tricks and then finish by hypnotizing someone from the audience to get up and do something to make an ass of themselves." The old man shook his head and laughed while silently examining the youngster's face to see if the kid was trying to pull another scam on him. "Well, I never thought that I would see you doing honest work." Tilting his derby back on his head and lowering his voice as if he was getting ready to reveal a secret, the young man's tone changed from being a friendly tone to a quiet confidential tone as he tried to sound truthful; knowing full well that the old man would probably kill him if he caught him lying again. "Well, you're partially right. That's why I'm here. The Entertainer job only pays for part of my boat ticket - second-class ticket at that. I'm looking at supplementing my income by using my special skills to find a couple of rich targets and ripping them off just before we get to America. I'm looking for a good second-story man to be my partner and to ship out with me tomorrow on the morning tide when the ship sails. I had Merv Bowden lined up to go with me but he got busted last night breaking into a house and wound up with ninety days behind bars. I need someone that can fit through some very small openings and doesn't mind taking a dangerous risk or two." Tucking the ever-present smelly cigar back into his mouth and leaning back in his worn-out old chair while he wrapped his thumbs around his red suspenders and stared at the young man, the bar owner thought for a moment before replying. "There are plenty of good men around that fit the bill but because you're on a one-way trip to America, you're going to need someone who doesn't mind leaving his homeland forever. And that narrows the market considerably. I only know a couple of people that fit that bill. Have you ever worked with Bert the Shark?" Fast Eddie shook his head 'no' as he frowned then answered, "He's getting too old to shinny in and out of locked windows. And he can't go two minutes without breaking into a coughing fit from that old case of TB. In his prime, he would've been a good choice, but now he's washed up and ain't worth the risk. Who else?" "How about Brad Davis's son - what's his name?" "I thought of him already and went looking for him. Found out that he's serving a two to three year sentence for trying to break into one of the manors." The old man puffed on his cigar for several long puffs then he pulled it out and held the half-smoked/half-chewed cigar as a pointer. "I know someone. Name's Leo... Leo... Leo something or other. He's young - looks sixteen but he's a couple of years older as well as being small, quick and smart. He's got a great future ahead of him. Only needs someone to show him the ropes and to do the planning." "I need someone experienced. I plan to find out where the rich people are keeping their jewels and while I keep them busy, I need someone that can break and enter into their rooms without getting caught. I can't take a chance on any kid." Rising to his feet as he made a decision, the old man opened the door, summoned a bouncer and said something quietly to the bouncer before sitting back down in his worn-out old chair. Propping his feet up on the scared desk littered with paper, the old man offered the last advice to his old friend. "You're pulling out tomorrow morning so you don't have much of a choice. I sent for Leo. When he gets here, take him aside and talk to him. I think that you'll like him because he's got plenty of moxie and he's smart. Until you get to know him, he seems like he's shy, but you're not looking for someone with the personality of a salesman. You want someone that's unafraid, willing to try anything, knows when to keep his mouth shut and that's Leo. Give him a little training on picking locks, watching out for booby traps and you'll have an hell of a second-story man." *** In the privacy of Bernie's private office, Fast Eddie's gut feeling as he interviewed the kid, told him that the old man was probably right. Leonard Cameron or 'Leo' as he preferred to be called, was smart, small and very shy but he was also so inexperienced at being a thief that Fast Eddie knew that the kid didn't stand much of a chance of succeeding at the illegal tasks that the dapper con man expected to have to do. The only illegal things that the kid had really ever done, was to do some minor pilfering. He was slightly over eighteen, an orphan who had lived on the docks for the last seven years, and he was very small for his age, which was his only redeeming factor for the job that Fast Eddie wanted him to do. Leo was only five feet four inches tall and weighed one hundred and ten pounds. With his small body size, he could easily wiggle through narrow openings such as open porthole windows or hide in small boxes to gain entry. But he didn't have any experiences with picking locks or safe cracking, which were the most desirable skills that Fast Eddie was really looking for in a partner. Sitting with the baby-faced youngster and talking to him in low tones about what he was planning on doing on board the ocean liner and expected from his accomplice, Fast Eddie discovered that the kid appeared to be willing to try anything. When the youngster was told that he might have to scamper down the side of the big ocean liner on a rope and slip through a narrow porthole, the kid didn't blink at the potential danger or required physical skill. When warned that an angry target with a pistol might confront him, the kid shrugged his shoulders as if it was a common occurrence for him. When asked if he could bypass junk jewelry and pick out the real gems from the cheap paste, the kid replied that he would take it all and they could sort it out later. The experienced con man told the younger kid to hold his hands out. Staring at the young man's long slender fingers, the slightly older man knew that the delicate hands were ideal for feeling the tumblers click in a safe or pick pocketing a man's wallet, however those were skills that would take the kid a little more time to learn than was obviously available for them. He had the kid stand up to take off his bulky coat and sweater so that Fast Eddie could examine the youth's upper body. The kid's slender shoulders, narrow chest and tiny hips showed that he could probably squeeze through some very narrow openings - a porthole, a vent, a heating duct or other similar tight opening. Examining the kid's dirty face closely, Fast Eddie observed that the young man's face was the soft, delicate type of face with wide eyes that would give him a youthful look for several years. The kid's long hair was pulled back into a shoulder-length ponytail, which further emphasized his youth. There wasn't a trace of manhood on his face except for four or five dark hairs and a little fuzz over his lip that was so faint that it couldn't even really be called fuzz. It was the type of face that could look innocent and young for several years - the type of face that might be able to bluff his way out of difficult spots by claiming naivet?. Finally because the con man was recognizing that he was out of time to find anyone else to be his partner-in-crime and knowing that the kid was willing to pack up and ship out with him, Fast Eddie held out his hand to shake the kid's hand, reluctantly accepting the youngster as his new partner. Holding the kid's hand tightly as they sealed their bargain to work together, Fast Eddie looked hard at his young partner's slightly disheveled appearance as he gave the inexperienced new kid some advice. "I'll take you on as my partner, but it's a seventy/thirty split. I get seventy percent of whatever we find because I'm the boss and will pick only the best targets. You're inexperienced in breaking and entering so you'll have to sometimes do things in the open, which means that you'll need to look like someone's innocent grandson instead of a common street urchin. Get rid of the current dockman clothes that you're wearing and steal some younger looking clothes. Then meet me at the dock in the morning as soon as the sun starts coming up. We'll board as early as they will allow us on the ship so that we start looking at the passengers." Towering over the smaller young man made Fast Eddie feel like a giant. Although Eddie wasn't a big man, the kid's body was so small that it made Eddie feel bigger and stronger. The kid's tilted back dirty face looked up at his new boss as the kid slowly gave the con man one firm handshake to confirm the deal. "I won't let you down." Slapping the kid on the upper arm like a big brother to a little brother, Eddie grimly responded. "Yeah, I'll remember that promise. And if you do let me down, you'll be famous in less than a week because all the newspapers will carry the story about how you were thrown off of the Titanic midway to America." Chapter 2 - Learning to be partners - the Fast Eddie method It was a triple attraction - the fastest cruise ship, the biggest ship ever and the maiden voyage of the Titanic. While cruise ships normally attracted a rich crowd anyway, this voyage attracted an exceptionally rich crowd who wanted to ride the maiden voyage. From his overhead position on one of the upper decks where he could watch the first class passengers board the ship, Fast Eddie knew that the pickings would be very good just because of the recognizable number of rich people boarding the Titanic. John Jacob Astor, Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon, Countess of Rothes and other countless rich upper echelons of society boarded the ship as Fast Eddie studied them and noted their cabin placements on the ship based upon what the ship's pursor was loudly calling out to the cabin boys who were escorting the rich passengers to their cabins. Having a natural memory for faces, the con man was able to immediately memorize the names and faces of everyone that boarded through the first class gangplank. Some of the passengers, he easily discarded as potential targets such as Isidor Strass, the founder of the large American department store Macy's, because of the obvious private bodyguards accompanying them, or the Astors because they were too prominently a target. If there were anyone boarding the ship that was probably expecting to be robbed because of their great riches, it would be the fabulously rich Astors. So as the rich and famous tourists proudly came up the gangplank all decked out in their rich clothes, he built a list of potential targets, based upon his expectations as to the amount of cash and expected jewelry as well as their potential to 'be an easy target'. Knowing better than to try to break in to their room himself, he had to pick easy targets for his inexperienced second story partner. Yeah, inexperienced was a very good word for the kid's current skill level. Since agreeing to take the kid on as a partner the previous evening, Fast Eddie had reconsidered that decision several times. While the kid was smart, he was also dumb. Perhaps naivet? was a better description of the kid's thinking ability. Just before boarding the ship, Eddie had picked out an easy mark for pick pocketing to give the kid a chance to get some experience and also to give them some spending money on board the ship. After telling the kid to momentary distract the mark by bumping into the mark from the front while Eddie's quick fingers lifted the mark's billfold from his coat pocket, the kid fucked it up. Yeah, Leo bumped into the mark on time, but Eddie had explicitly said, "the man's billfold is in the right pocket - distract him by bumping him on the left side so that he will turn his head to the left while my hand is coming from the right side." So the kid timed his bump to occur exactly two seconds after Eddie's start signal - only Leo bumped the guy on the right side. The mark turned his head to the right to glare angrily at the kid and almost caught Eddie's hand headed into the stranger's pocket. Trying the same trick twice wouldn't work on any mark, so Eddie picked another easy mark. This time, Leo bumped the mark on the correct side while Eddie's fast hand slipped the man's wallet out of his pocket. But Leo's 'never- should-have-happened' inexperienced curious glance at Eddie's hand almost alerted the mark that something wrong was happening. Luckily Eddie kept going with the billfold lift and the mark didn't realize that he had just lost his wallet when the "dumb kid" had bumped into him. After they got around the corner, Eddie gave his young prot?g?e another lesson to never do that again, emphasized with a sharp slap to the side of the kid's head. But you can't cram two or three years of experience into a couple of hours of minor thievery. Being somewhat experienced with the finer points of most illegal activities, Eddie knew that he could use the kid only on simple targets where expertise wouldn't be needed. Nothing complex. With that quick lesson out of the way and a few extra dollars tucked into his own personal billfold, Eddie had boarded the ship early, found the small cabin in third class that he was sharing with Leo as part of his Entertainer arrangement with the ship owners, then had rushed back up to the bridge and claimed a good vantage spot on the bridge where he could hear the names of the rich people as they boarded the large luxury liner. The bridge rapidly filled up with throes of expensively dressed people who were waving to friends on the dockside or strolling with friends who had been permitted to board for a few minute's quick look at the uniquely large and very new ocean liner. And that's how Fast Eddie decided to pick Margaret Parton as one of his top potential targets. When the young woman wearing the latest Paris fashions, casually strolled with her mother by his spot on the bridge, he couldn't help but overhear their discussion. "But mother, I know that Lloyd will be here before we sail. He loves me and I love him more than I could ever love anyone else. I'm going to America to start a new life with Lloyd and to get out from being under da-da's thumbs the rest of my life. That's why I sold everything that my grandmother left me, except for her jewelry." "Shhhh. Don't talk about money or jewelry in public. And I tell you that your father worked out a financial arrangement with Lloyd for him to remain here and to never bother you again. Your gigolo boyfriend isn't really interested in you beyond your money or your father couldn't have bought his services so cheap. Trust me, he won't show up. And that's why you should disembark with me now and go back home. There's no reason now why you should run off to America. It's so uncivilized over there." The young woman paused in her stroll and stared at the line of people coming up the gangplank, her eyes eagerly searching for the man's handsome face that she was expecting to rush to accompany her on this voyage to a new life in America. Fast Eddie thought to himself that if the man didn't show up, that she would probably be distraught just enough so that she wouldn't notice a small break-in. Her clothes appeared expensive and the off-hand remark about jewelry told him that she might be a good target. Now if only the kid didn't fuck Eddie's plans to rip off this mark also. Looking at her face head-on so that he could confirm her identity later, he was stunned by her facial features. That one quick glance at her face shocked him. When she had boarded the ship a few minutes earlier with her mother, Eddie had observed her arrival and memorized her name but he had only seen her profile from a slight distance and hadn't really looked at her close-up. But standing almost close enough to her to reach out and touch her arm, he saw an uncanny resemblance to someone else that he knew quite well. Looking straight at her pretty face, Eddie's fantastic memory for faces recalled the other youthful face that looked exactly like her cherubic face - Leo's boyish face. Except for the gender differences, the kid was her exact twin. They both had the same delicate round face, chubby cheeks, wide eyes, full lips, generous nose, dark hair and small pixyish body. Granted her clean face, tweezed eyebrows, curled ringlets, red lips, rouged face, ear rings, necklace, plunging neckline, fashionable dress, and high heels made her small feminine body look a lot better than the kid's small dirty male body. Stunned by their uncanny facial resemblance, Fast Eddie immediately decided that he would have to figure out some way to use that facial similarity to his advantage. Perhaps the kid could pretend to be her younger brother so that he could collect the young woman's jewelry from the purser's safe in the confusion of landing in America. Perhaps they could convince the young woman that Leo was a lost relative and then talk her out of a sizeable loan. The woman immediately moved to the top of his mental list, becoming one of his top targets. *** The very dapper J. Edward Grayson, III was one of the six entertainers that the ship's recreational director had hired for the small lounges to entertain the first class passengers. If they had seen his act beforehand, they might not have hired him, but that was life. He was very good at palming cards and doing card tricks but how many times can you do the same trick in front of a group whose attention span was limited? So after a little minor applause from the small audience who quickly tired of his card tricks and stupid jokes, Edward the Great, as he was billed, pulled a young man from the audience and spent six minutes hypnotizing the young volunteer. Then Edward the Great had the spellbound man pretend to be a chicken, a dog and other animals that the audience called out to Eddie as potential funny situations. As he was putting the man through his hypnotized paces to be a cat, someone in the audience called out "whore" so Edward the Great commanded the mesmerized young man to become a 'whore'. Immediately the young hypnotized man pranced and prissed across the stage like a seductive woman wearing a long evening gown, then tried to seduce a couple of men in the audience's front rows. Fast Eddie stared in amazement at how easily the hypnotized male audience member portrayed his role as a whore and woman. Not only did the man's personality change to be softer, seductive and more feminine, but also so did the expressions on his face and his voice change to match his characterization. Recognizing this was a good thing to add to his act, Eddie decided to experiment some more with this potential entertainment in future shows. After all, the audience was acting much more favorable to the man who thought that he was a whore than when the same man thought that he was a chicken. As the audience laughed at the hypnotized man's body language and actions in flirting with the other customers, Eddie observed Leo slip through a side door into the small bar and recognized that something had gone wrong because of the kid's excited facial expression. The first class bar's bouncer immediately recognized that the kid obviously didn't belong in the first class area because of his cheap clothes and quickly moved to escort Leo out of the bar. But Eddie knew that something must have gone wrong on one of the small burglar jobs that he gave the kid to do or the kid wouldn't have showed up in such an obviously excited state. With the kid thrown out of the lounge, there wasn't anything Eddie could do but continue for another couple minutes entertaining the crowd who were still laughing at the "Whore" as the hypnotized man loudly flirted with a baldheaded man in the first row. After he finished his act, Eddie headed back toward the small compartment that he shared with Leo, instead of hanging around the first class area and smoozing with the rich people, as he tried to find some more targets. The kid was impatiently waiting in the hallway and when he saw Eddie leave the lounge, the kid closely followed him out onto the deck where they could talk quietly. Leaning over the rail and looking at the dark ocean below, the kid's slightly nervous voice whispered the ill-omened words that Eddie never expected to hear. "She's dead." Spinning quickly and grabbing the kid's coat, the older con man jerked the young man's face close to his own face, as he roughly demanded quick and truthful answers. "What happened? Did you do it?" "Nah, I took that list of five targets that you gave me and started with the single woman's cabin. I knocked on her door as if I was delivering a message, just like you showed me. Then when there wasn't any response, I slipped the wire into the lock and jiggled it, until the door opened. Then I popped into her suite and turned up the lantern so I could see in the dark room. When I turned around to start searching the room, that's when I saw her lying next to the bed on the floor. At first, I thought that I was caught and was about to run, and then I saw the blood. She slit her wrists then her own throat before she died. As soon as I saw that she was dead, I got out of there." Letting go of the young man's coat, Fast Eddie's mind whirled as he tried to think of ways to use this unexpected death to his advantage. Then he whispered his quickly developed plan as he silently decided that he was going to have to take the lead on this plan. "If she's dead, then we can use this opportunity to steal everything, instead of just a few pieces of her jewelry. If we don't rob her blind, someone else will. Let's go to her suite." *** She was dead. On the desk in her large cabin was a little note on her personal pink stationary that she had written to her mother, explaining that when the love of her short life didn't show up on the Titanic because her father bought the young man off, she lost all reason to live any more. The note continued that she blamed her death on her father's overbearing desire to control every facet of her life. Putting the hand-written tear-stained note back down on the desk, Eddie glanced through some of the other personal papers on the desk and his eyes bugged slightly when he observed that one of the items was a receipt from the ship's purser for nearly three hundred thousand dollars cash that the young woman had previously turned over to the ship's security for safekeeping. And that another receipt was for personal jewelry that was being kept in a lock box in the ship's safe that was valued at four hundred thousand dollars. He found it difficult to read beyond those two receipts. Here he was hoping that he could rip off a couple of trinkets worth five to ten thousand dollars on the complete journey and suddenly there was almost three quarters of a million dollars that was ripe for stealing. All he had to do was to find some way to convince the purser to turn the young woman's stored riches over to him. Staring at the dead woman's gaping open mouth and blood- covered dress, Fast Eddie knew the only possible answer to his question, the kid's uncanny resemblance to the dead woman, had to be used. He sat down in the chair and though about the concept that was whirling through his mind for about two minutes. Although the kid was nervous and pacing the floor while staring at the dead woman as if he expected her to jump up alive and challenge them, Eddie was very calm. As soon as the more experienced con man mentally resolved a couple of minor details in his quickly developed plan, he began explaining the plan through a sales pitch to the kid. "Did you ever hear the old joke about the man who asked a woman for some pussy and she slapped him. Then before she could walk off in a mad huff, he explained that he was an eccentric millionaire and would she fuck him for five dollars. She slapped at him again, but he dodged the slap as he increased the price to one hundred dollars. That super sum so stunned her that she didn't slap at him again but stood there thinking about what she could do with a hundred dollars. Then she smiled and said 'Okay, let's do it'. The man fucked her and then held out a single dollar. She angrily asked where the rest of the money was. He told her that he lied about being a millionaire and didn't 'have the money to pay a whore any more money than the current going rate for pussy'. She cussed him and told him that she wasn't a whore. Throwing the money down, the man said 'Yes you are and all that we're doing now is negotiating the price.' Well Leo, have you ever considered how far you would go for money?" The young man's face looked blank as he thought about the question then Leo nervously answered the only answer possible after the way that Eddie asked the extremely leading question. "I guess that I would do anything if the price is right." "The price is thirty percent of seven hundred thousand dollars - your cut comes to about two hundred and ten thousand dollars. Now is that amount good enough to turn you into a whore?" Leo's blank and confused face showed that he didn't know how to respond. For someone that had never had more than twenty dollars at one time in his life, the sum of two hundred and ten thousand dollars was impossibly hard to imagine. Just imagining what he could do with a meager hundred dollars was difficult to comprehend because of his youthful inexperience with large sums of money. After five seconds of standing still with his jaw open as he tried to comprehend the vast sum that Fast Eddie was proposing sharing with him, Leo answered the question by asking his own question. "Who do I have to kill?" Pointing at the dead woman on the bed, Fast Eddie described the plan as he dreamed it up. "Nobody on this ship really knows her. Except that some of the crew - the purser, the Captain, the cabin boys, etc., know her name and recognize her face when they see her. So no one really knows what her personality is like or anything about her history except that she's very rich. So all we have to do is to temporary hide her body and then transform you into her double. You'll live here in her cabin as if you were really her and I'll stay here with you to help you pull off your impersonation of her. Then all you have to do when it is time to disembark the ship is to fool the purser into turning the money and jewels in the safe over to you. He will only do it if he thinks that you are really the one and only Margaret Parton. Then when the ship docks, we march off the ship with our pockets filled with her valuables, both of us richer than our best dreams." A snarl lifted up one corner of Leo's mouth as he thought about what his mentor was suggesting that Leo had to do to claim his share of the riches. Then the young man shook his head negatively as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing and what he was being asked to do. Pointing at the dead woman lying on the floor between them, he exclaimed, "No fucking way that I can be a woman. Look, ask me to do something else - kill someone, rob someone at gunpoint and I'll do it. But to act like I'm a woman - there's no way that I can do it." Rising to his feet and moving quickly so that he was standing only a few inches from Leo's face, Eddie pleaded with Leo because a vast fortune was at stake and the greedy con man desperately needed the young man's full cooperation. "A little over one week. That's all you have to do it and then we're off the ship. No one will know about your temporary impersonation but you and I, and I'm sure as hell not going to tell anyone. It's three quarters of a million dollars for us to split. Think about it and don't let this once in a lifetime opportunity pass you by simply because you think that you'll feel a little awkward." The young man's face grimaced then his head quickly shook a negative answer again. Stunned by the continued refusal at what would be very easy money, Eddie's voice raised several octaves as if his balls were being squeezed. "THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION DOLLARS! You're walking away from a king's ransom." Grabbing his head as if the thought of Leo's scared refusal was ripping his mind apart, Eddie's voice dropped to a plaintive whimper as he continued his pleading with the young man. "Look, for that much money, I would murder my own mother. I would do it myself, but I can't even fool a blind man with my very dissimilar looks. You're the only one of us who even has a chance of pulling it off because of your uncanny resemblance to her. You can't say no to me. You owe this to me for giving you a chance to be my partner." The stubborn set of Leo's jaw and his crossed arms showed that he wasn't going to be too receptive to any arguments and that he was still refusing to do it. Eddie's pleading voice sounded more like a cry than a question. "Whhhyyyyy? Tilting his head defensively, Leo tried to explain why he was making his decision and why he was being so stubborn. "When I first became an orphan and had to learn how to survive living in the streets by myself, some men tried to take advantage of me just because I was small and delicate looking. I fought them as they took turns raping me but I lost because they were so much bigger than me. Then later while I was still crying from the physical and mental shame that I was feeling, they told me that I was going to be their 'new little girlfriend'. They told me that they would show me how to sell my body to the rich men who liked little boy's bodies and that they would take very good care of me if I did what they wanted me to do to them. I told them that I wasn't anybody's girlfriend and ran away from them as fast as I could run. They chased me for a long way but I ran good and escaped them. Ever since then, I've had my limits as to how far I would go on some things. I'll lie, steal, kill, beat people up, but I refuse to be a 'whore'. Even if I was starving, I wouldn't do what you're asking." Holding up his hands and pleading, Eddie responded with every jumbled thought that he could conceive to try to convince the stubborn young man to change his mind. "Look, that was water under the bridge. Another time, another place. You have to learn to adapt and to roll with the punches. I'm not asking you to let the Captain fuck you, just that you pretend to be a woman. Wear a dress and some makeup just long enough to fool the Purser into opening the safe. If anyone has to go down on the Captain and blow him, I'll do it myself if you'll just look like her long enough to collect the money and help me get it off the ship." Leo shut his eyes and let his face go blank as if he was thinking hard about the proposition. Then jerking his eyes open, he began to plead with Eddie to suggest any other plan that didn't involve him looking like a girl for even one minute. "I can't do it. The thought of wearing a dress and pretending that I'm a woman is so alien to me. All my life, I've hated the gentle way that I look, wishing that my face was tougher looking and that I had a rugged large body. Just thinking about it makes me nervous." Stepping forward and grabbing the kid's face between his palms as if he was going to try to will him to change his mind, Eddie suddenly thought of a possible answer to their dilemma but he had to get the kid's total cooperation if there was going to be any chance of success. Whispering as if he was talking to a woman that he was getting ready to seduce, Eddie begin setting the kid up again so that there would only be one possible response to the ultimate question that Eddie was going to ask again. "Look, Leo... you and I are partners. We started this trip, knowing that we would have to take some risks and possibly do some things that neither of us had ever done before. We were both looking at using the rich passengers of this ship to get our start at a new life in America. And then we came across this young lady. I feel sorry for her and wish that I could've helped her. But it's too late for her and her death gives us the major chance that we need. All you have to do is to think about it and recognize that now is the time that we have to act. And I know where you're coming from. The dock life can be hard on a kid. But there are ways to get around the way that you feel. I can help you but you have to give me the chance. You have to let me help you. Now do you want to be extremely poor for the rest of your fucking life so that you have to work hard for the rest of your life or do you want to be a very rich man in America?" Holding the kid's face tightly between his palms so that they were staring into each other's close eyes, Leo only had one possible answer that he could blurt as Eddie waited for him to say the words. "Rich... but I don't..." Placing a finger against the kid's lips to shush him before he could vocalize a negative answer, Fast Eddie finished the answer for the kid. "Yeah, you don't want to pass up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get rich quickly. I know and understand how you feel. My sentiments are the same also. And you're lucky that it's me that's your partner because I've got the skills that you need to help you pull this off without any pain. I can hypnotize you and make you feel comfortable with temporarily looking like her. I can give you the confidence that you need to pull off an impersonation of her. I can hide the hurt and confusion in your mind. I can give you the confidence to fool others into thinking that you're her. We'll spend all of the time here in the cabin so no one but me will see you until it's time to go to the purser. After you waltz into the ship's safe and get our new fortune, it'll be over with and you'll feel better. All you have to do is just give me a chance to show you that I can help you hide the hurt that you're feeling now. I know that I can make you forget the fears that you have. All you have to do is just trust me. Remember back in Bernie's office, you told me that you wouldn't let me down on anything that I requested you to do. Well, it's time for you to show me that you're a man of your word. I'm going to ask you again to prove that you're really my partner and that you'll honor your commitment to me to do whatever it takes, no matter the risk." When the kid didn't immediately answer, Eddie knew that he had won and that the kid would very reluctantly finally agree to do it. All Eddie had to do was to keep the kid feeling slightly warm and fuzzy about his forced answer and to get Leo hypnotized quickly. Once Leo was hypnotized, then Eddie could take his time and really help Leo feel more at ease with the decision. Leo took a deep breath and answered the request by timidly asking a question. If the kid had been more experienced, he would have realized that Fast Eddie would lie to his own mother to steal a single dollar and sure as hell would lie to the kid over three quarters of a million dollars. "You promise that you won't make me do anything but look like her just long enough to collect our money?" Stepping back and holding out his hand to force the kid to shake hands to commit to his impersonation plan, a very relieved con man answered as close to the truth as he could answer under the circumstances. "You have the word of J. Edward Grayson." Chapter 3 - My word Because of his nervousness, the kid had some difficulty in relaxing and kept fidgeting as Eddie used all of his skills to try to put the kid into the first level of a hypnotic trance. Leo clearly wasn't a good hypnotic subject but Eddie didn't have much choice as to who his subject was and had to work with what was available. After almost an hour of soft talking and strong suggestions, the kid's eyes eventually shut and stayed shut for several seconds as Leo finally succumbed to Eddie's repeated suggestions to relax. Patiently examining the kid's soft breathing and slightly fluttering eyelids and recognizing the first signs of a beginning hypnotic trance, Eddie felt so thrilled at finally getting somewhere that he almost jumped for joy. Now that Leo was drifting into the first level of hypnotic sleep, Eddie began guiding him into much deeper levels, strengthening his control over the young man's subconscious mind. Finally he got Leo into as deep into a hypnotic trance as Eddie thought that he could take the young man. Then Eddie began prepping his subject for the arduous task ahead of both of them. "Leo, you will remain asleep but will listen to my words. You know that my words are true and that I'm here to help you - that I'm your friend and partner. You know that you can trust me. I'm here to help you get over your deepest fears and to help you become more of a man - to help you become a very rich man. But to do that, we must first pretend that you're something that you're not. All we're going to do is pretend. You're going to pretend that you're someone else for a couple of days. We're going to put a con on everyone on the ship. We're going to make them think that you're the rich Margaret Parton just because you look a little bit like her. We're going to make the ship's officers think that you're the rich woman that left all the money and jewelry in their safe. Then after we have the money, we'll walk off the ship and live happily ever after as extremely rich men in America. You would like to be a rich man, wouldn't you Leo?" "Yes." Leo's lips barely moved as he faintly answered the question. "Good. Now just relax and think about being rich. Think about your promise to me about how you wouldn't let me down. You remember promising me that, don't you? Just shake your head slightly - good. You know that I'm going to help you. You know that I'm helping you get over your fears. You know that I'm helping you to do something that you really want to do - to become rich. So you will help me by letting me suggest how you should act and think for the next several days as we pretend that you're Margaret. As I tell you how you should act, feel, think, and look, you will listen to my suggestions. You will want to remember and obey my suggestions. You will follow my recommendations because you want to be rich. You know that my suggestions won't hurt you and are only intended to help you pretend that you're her. When I tell you to wake up, you'll feel very comfortable with your decision to temporary let yourself be transformed into Margaret Parton's twin. You'll feel very comfortable with letting me change the way that you physically look because it's only going to be a temporary change. It is a temporary change that we must do so that you look just like the dead woman. A change that only you and I'll be the only ones that ever knows about it. You'll allow me to help you change your appearance so that you look like her - so that you are able to fool the ship's officers into thinking that you are her. To help you pretend to be her so that you can fool them and get them to turn her money over to us." For the next ten minutes, Eddie kept building confidence in Leo's reluctant decision to participate and giving the young man many reasons as to why it was a good decision. Then he began working on the details as to how Leo should feel, think, and act when awakened. Knowing that he had to overcome Leo's natural fears, Eddie began tearing down the fears by creating reasons for Leo to enjoy the impersonation. Telling Leo how he would enjoy the softness of the dresses, how he would enjoy the playacting of being her, how he would enjoy fooling everyone into thinking that he was a woman. Eddie repeatedly told Leo how he would enjoy transforming himself into a woman and pretending to be the rich Margaret Parton because it would make him a rich man when he arrived in America. Eddie had the hypnotized young man visualize what it would be like to be rich and how much better his life would be as a reward for his successful impersonation. And to get Leo to recognize that all Leo has to do to get this wonderful future life was to look and act as if he was the dead woman while they were on the ship. After giving the kid two solid hours of hypnotic suggestions, Eddie knew that it was time to see how the suggestions were working. He knew that most people that he hypnotized were quite willing to get up in front of a group and make an ass of themselves, but that there were some things that they typically wouldn't be willing to do while hypnotized. And Leo had several things that he wouldn't do, so the hypnotic suggestions given to Leo were intended more to get him to change his mind than to make a quick fool of himself. Leo had to want to act and pretend to be a woman or the impersonation won't work. Just before he awakened Leo, Eddie added another series of post-hypnotic suggestions to Leo's pliable mind. "Leo, you and I both want this temporary impersonation of our dead woman to work. So whenever I tell you to put on her ring, you will slip it onto your finger without any question or hesitation. As the small ring slides into place on your finger, the male personality of Leonard Cameron will disappear and the female personality of Margaret Parton will take control of your body. When the ring is on your finger, you will become her, only you will remain my partner. When I tell you to remove the ring, her personality will fade from your body and you will become Leonard again. Wake up, Leo and feel refreshed from your relaxing sleep." The young man's eyes fluttered then slowly opened with a dazed look on his face. As he slowly eased into a sitting position, he stared at his body as he carefully examined it if he was expecting some major physical change to his appearance. Looking over at the patiently waiting Eddie with a slightly confused look on his young cherubic face, he asked one of the questions that he needed to have answered. "I don't feel any different and don't remember falling asleep. Were you able to hypnotize me?" Postponing answering Leo's question, Eddie picked up the dead woman's stiff hand and then began tugging on her ring, trying to get the ring off of her already slightly swollen fingers. After putting a lot of force onto yanking on it because he obviously wasn't hurting the dead woman, he slipped the ring off her finger. Easing the dead woman's hand back down on the floor as if dropping her hand could hurt her, Eddie casually handed the small golden ring to Leo while trying to still the tremor in his voice as he made the suggestion. "Why don't you put her ring on?" Leo cautiously accepted the dead woman's ring from Eddie and held it for several long seconds, just looking at it before he finally carefully slipped the delicate gold band onto his own finger. Leo's finger was shaking slightly because the kid was obviously nervous because he didn't know what was going to happen to him. As soon as the ring was on Leo's slender finger, Eddie noticed that Leo's hand quit trembling. Still lightly holding the ring with his other hand, Leo softly rubbed the ring and adjusted it on his finger. Patiently Eddie watched his younger partner adjust and examine the ring, then because the con man was unable to stand the suspense any longer, Eddie cautiously asked the boy to say something, to say anything to help gauge the effectiveness of the complex hypnotic spell. "How do you feel?" The kid slowly glanced up from examining the pretty ring on his fingers but his gleaming eyes reveled the question's answer before his lips could speak the verbal answer. The eyes had greatly changed. Instead of being hard and confused, there was confidence and a little glimmer of mischievousness in the dark eyes. Then Leo's beaming face tried to hide the velvety smile, which was forming in the corner of the lips as he answered the question, speaking in a very soft feminine sounding voice as his new personality controlled his attitude and actions. "I feel good. I'm going to enjoy being rich." The lively glimmer in the boy's eyes, the charming smile on his lips, the soft confident feminine sounding voice - all were signs that the hypnotic suggestions were working as planned. But the tone of the kid's voice and confidence behind the spoken words were the best signs that they might have a chance at pulling this caper off. Eddie stared at the kid's more wide-open facial expression and began talking to the kid to determine Leo's willingness to cooperate with the planned impersonation. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to stepping onto American soil with my pockets full of money. But it's not going to be easy and you're going to have to work hard to fool everyone into thinking that you're her. What are you going to do, if the purser flirts with you? After all, he's going to think that you're an attractive single rich woman?" Without any hesitation, Leo answered in his new soft voice, his lively face showing that there was only one answer to that question and that he was telling the truth. "I'll flirt back until after we've got the money out of his safe, then I'll tell him to go get fucked." While Leo's words were very positive sounding, even more demonstrative of the major changes in his attitude and personality was the way that his face changed as he answered. Instead of his face remaining stoic and impassionate as usual, his facial states showed mixed expressions of friendliness, a slight teasing flirt and most importantly - a high level of personal confidence. Walking slowly around the kid as Eddie looked at the way that the kid's new posture, facial expressions and attitude was making him look softer and more feminine, Eddie wanted to hear the kid acknowledge again that he was prepared to do whatever was necessary to pull this masquerade off. Staring at the young man's face, Eddie asked the three- quarters-of-a-million-dollar question. "Your face looks enough like her face to pass and your body is about the same size so that you can certainly wear her clothes. After we slightly change your physical appearance and dress you in her clothes so that you look exactly like she looked, do you really think that you can fool the Purser into believing that you're really her?" Eddie listened to the kid's vocal response but it was the kid's gestures, expressive facial expressions, tone of voice and lively eyes that he was really interested in observing. Instead of the kid responding in his normal deadpan stony face and gruff voice, the young man's eyes, lips, and posture showed his new softer personality as Leo laughingly responded to the challenge. "I think that I could fool everyone but her boyfriend if he was look under my skirts. For that much money, I'd be willing to see if I could fool him by temporary diverting his attention elsewhere. As for the Purser, I'll have him so convinced that I'm that sweet little helpless rich girl that he'll personally carry my luggage to my hotel just for the opportunity to be able to flirt with me." Fighting back a strong impulse to hug the kid because of the excellent way that Leo was responding so far to the hypnotic suggestions, Eddie knew that they had to get quickly get started on the impersonation. Knowing that he had Leo's full cooperation now and that he needed to reinforce that cooperation quickly, he began suggesting the next steps of their plan. "It's going to be daylight in another six or seven hours and we've got to get rid of the body before then. We can throw her overboard but before we do that, we need to make your face look as much like her face as possible." Stepping over to the dead woman's body laying on the floor, Leo casually stared at the deceased woman's face without any fear as he confidently traced her facial features with the tips of his fingers while he compared her face to his face. After twenty seconds of serious examination, he confidently gave his report, still speaking in his new soft velvety voice tones. "Her nose, cheeks, and lips are slightly different than mine but the difference is so subtle that even I barely see it. We've got the same general facial shape, wide eyes and almost the same hair color, which is why we look somewhat alike. Her hair is about four or five inches longer than my hair but that's so minor that it's not even worth worrying about. So with a little makeup and slight reduction of my thick eyebrows, I can make my face look exactly like her face so that I could fool anyone. Maybe even enough to fool someone that really knows her quite well like her Mother. Why don't you go through her things and see if there's anything else that we can find out about her while I learn how to 'make myself pretty' with her makeup kit?" Slightly stunned by the kid's new more positive take-charge attitude, Fast Eddie hesitated for a second as he wondered if the kid was getting slightly too over-confident for his own good. But the con man wasn't nicknamed Fast Eddie for nothing. Recognizing that you have to take full advantage of any situation as long as the solution resulted in lining his pockets with money, the con man decided to let the hypnotized kid proceed with staging his own transformation until he either failed or his reckless acts endangered the project. So Eddie began opening the cabin's drawers, going through her packed clothes, and searching for anything among her personal effects that might help them make the impersonation more realistic. Leo casually sat down at the vanity table and studied his mirrored face for a couple of seconds as he made some decisions about what changes he had to do to transform his boyish face into a more realistic duplicate of the dead woman's face. Then moving confidently as if he's successfully done this type of physical transformation several times before, he picked up the tweezers from her makeup kit and began removing the facial hair that defined his face as slightly masculine looking. He started with the few straggly black whisker hairs on his upper lip, chin and cheeks that had so proudly marked his passage from childhood to young adult when they started popping out on his boyish face a few years earlier. With each stinging jerk of the tweezers, he removed one dark hair from his face making his soft young face look slightly less masculine. It wasn't much of a facial growth that he had to remove from his lower face, but he knew that as soon as all of the scraggly facial hairs were finally painfully tweezed off of his otherwise smooth face, that it would be a lot more difficult for anyone else to determine whether he was a young boy or young girl. Once the few strands of straggly dark hair were finally removed so that there was only a little thin fuzz over the upper lip, he stopped his tweezing. Although her face didn't have any noticeable fuzz, he knew that a lot of women had fine hair above their lips and that his thin fuzz would be acceptable. He sure as hell didn't want to spend the next ten or twelve hours painfully removing each small hair follicle to try to make his upper lip look as smooth as her lips. Leo began patiently working on shaping his eyebrows to look like her heavily tweezed eyebrows. Twice he stopped what he was doing and walked around the room, rubbing his face as if the rubbing could stop some of the minor pain discomfort from the hair removal. Once he propped up the dead woman into a sitting position so that she was leaning against the couch while he closely examined her eyebrows, measuring the length, thickness and curve of her chosen eyebrow shape. Going back to the mirror, he looked at his already butchered thick eyebrows and softly whispered in a low tone that only he could hear. "Sure hope this shit grows back fast. I don't want my face to look like this for any longer than it takes to get that money out of the safe." Fast Eddie finished his examination of her personal items, deciding that there was nothing more to be learned of any value from his through examination of her personal effects. Turning around to see how Leo was doing, the con man did a double take startled look when he stared at his young partner's very different reflection in the vanity mirror. One thick eyebrow was already tweezed and shaped into a delicate womanly arch so that side of Leo's face looked totally feminine while the other eyebrow hadn't really been touched yet. The kid was turning his head so that his facial profile was reflected in the mirror while he compared the before/after difference. One reflected image showed the kid's normal juvenile face with his thick eyebrow, and then as his face rotated slowly, his face became a hermaphrodite looking face with one male-looking thick eyebrow and one female-looking thin, curved eyebrow. As he continued turning his head slowly so that the other side of his face was the only visible side reflected in the mirror, the fashionably thin, feminine eyebrow made Leo's boyish face look like a young girl's face - almost exactly like the dead woman's face. Leo noticed that an obviously transfixed Eddie was quietly staring at the boy's new facial appearance that was reflected in the mirror. Turning his face quickly so that only the feminized side of his face was visible in the mirror, Leo winked flirtingly at Eddie as he teased the con man using his new soft feminine seductive voice tone. "Hi sweetie. Would you turn your jewels over to me?" *** Leo became a little nervous when Eddie kept curiously staring at the youth's image as the hypnotized young man worked relentlessly on feminizing the other side of his face. Finally the younger man made a suggestion to get his partner to leave him alone. "Look, I know what needs to be done and I'm doing it. But you are standing over me like a mother hen and that is making me a little nervous. Why don't you go get lost for an hour or two while I finish off this other eyebrow and clean up a little. I think I know what I need to do and I'll do it. Just leave me alone." Eddie hesitated to leave when there was still so much to do but complied with the request because the kid appeared to know exactly what needed to be done and was doing it - thanks to the effects of the hypnotic suggestions. Leaving the youngster alone in the suite, Eddie went upstairs where he paced the ship's deck for two hours, nervously smoking one cigarette after another as he killed the requested time. When exactly two hours passed, Eddie returned to the dead woman's first class suite. Pausing outside the door, he debated for a second whether to barge in or to knock politely. Then rationalizing that the more that he treated the kid like a proper lady, it would probably help Leo act more like the young rich, female socialite that he had to pretend to be. Knocking on the door, he was quickly rewarded with the command to 'Enter' the unlocked cabin. Shutting the cabin's door behind him, he was slightly puzzled to see that the expensi

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I drove there alone that day, I cant say why really, but it was a day full of promise and a day away from the riggers of work, stress of constant demanding, and a loveless marriage.The sky was clearing with promise, the clouds parting to reveal the blueness one comes to expect on a Summers morning, and I put my foot down on the accelerator and sped through the glorious Scottish scenery, the warmth of the sun accentuated with the hot air coming from the vents of the heating.In reality, it was...

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NubileFilms Stacy Cruz Instant Attraction

Nick Ross is a lucky man to have Stacy Cruz in his home and helping him sign paperwork. The tall stunner is instantly interested when she sets eyes on her client. She leans in close as he’s signing, making her intentions clear. Nick is no fool, so he accepts that kiss and then makes his move to unbutton the slim and sexy teen so he can have his naughty way with her. Once Nick has revealed Stacy’s large breasts, he palms them in his warm hands and thumbs the nipples to hardness as he...

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GirlsWay Dana Dearmond Jelena Jensen A Friend For Dinner

Jelena Jensen can’t speak. She’s got a ball gag in her mouth and a leash around her neck. Dana DeArmond is dominating her and has made her her slave. Barking commands at her, Dana makes sure Jelena knows who the boss is. She chokes her asking her if she likes it, as Jelena nods submissively. She yanks her collar making her walk on all fours. Slapping her tits Jelena moans in pain. She loves to be treated like the little slut that she is. She grabs her nipples and pinches them,...

2 years ago
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Sunny CornerChapter 5

Mitchell’s Creek, Sunny Corner, New South Wales, Australia:5 A downturn in the local economy didn’t affect me much. Jim had seniority in the firefighting business. The economy didn’t bother him. Emergency workers are like hospitals: There will always be sick people ... there will always be fires ... even if the fire involves an entire state. Since the weekend had more idiots, Jim had to work more fires. He still had a maximum number of hours he could work. That left the weekdays open to...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 30 Exhausted Plan

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal My husband Sven glanced at the sleeping Kora as Ealaín’s question seemed to echo through the tent. His face tightened. “I want to go after that bastard. We’ve destroyed his army and I want to ram my sword into his guts. But...” “But?” the aoi si asked, her voice sounding almost bored, disinterested. “The amulet.” A shiver ran through me. The Biomancer Vebrin’s soul laid locked Kora’s amulet. Panthopus, his terrifying...

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Bhabhi Ko Uske Ghar Me Choda

Ye un dino kibat hai jab me ghar par aaya to mere baju wale ghar me naye padosi rahene aaye the. And usko dekhar koi  keh nahi sakta ki who 30 sal ki hogi dikhne me who to sirf 23 sal ki lagti thi. To uska nam Heena tha. Aur uski figure 32”30”32” tha. Mene usko dekhte hi hos uud gaye or mere badan me ek fursat hu e. Who mere samne dekh kar smile kia aur chali gayi. Woh joint family ki wajah se bat karne me jijkti thi. Aur smile ka silsilly chalta raha uss dauran 1 maheena bit chuka tha aumene...

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Felicity Ch 49

Dear Bill. I am writing to apologize. I do not know what came over me when I introduced you to my coworkers as my stepfather. Of course I know you and Mom are not married, not even living together, it just slipped out. I am sorry if I embarrassed you and grateful you did not correct me when I did it. Again, sorry. And thanks for the ride home last Sunday. Gregg still has not apologized for leaving me stranded at Mom’s. Sorry it cost you a long drive. Julie **************************** ...

2 years ago
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INTERNET RELAY CHAT When Predator Becomes Prey

I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat “ When predator becomes prey.” © drkfetyshnyghts 2009 Foreword IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the...

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Carree Loves Billy Holiday WeekendChapter 3

"OK, full turn, next pit please", I commanded. He turned on his heel and raised his other arm to proffer his other pit. "Ughh, more bugs", I joked as I scrubbed away. I had finished his upper body and stood back. "Time to go downstairs", I said as I knelt in front of him. I started with his feet. I took each foot out of the spray and set them on my thigh and soaped and rubbed, even between each toe. As I let each foot go back into the spray to rinse, I brought it back for a moment...

3 years ago
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 22 Ral Finds Sally

The store looked fantastic. All sorts of costumes, toys, aids and paraphernalia were there for customers to peruse and buy. Much like Victoria's Secret, the store catered to intimacies but with leather, rubber and other exotic materials to enjoy. I had entered by the employee entrance and stood next to the office door, ready to speak with the new manager Renée and Erin had hired. Watching as some of the store's clerks walk by I thought about the store policy which required very open minded...

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BurrChapter 29 The Talk

When we got home we put Suzanne's car in the garage. I handed the keys to her and thanked her for letting me drive. The way I said it, "Suzanne, thank you for letting me drive your car," made her blush for some reason. I was coming to realize that I would never understand women, but I was starting to think I had some mystical power over her. Suzanne, who normally was in control of any situation acted like a schoolgirl around me. She praised me for the little things I did, such as holding...

4 years ago
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The Masseur

I started a brand-new job at COCO Beach Florida. My wife and I moved into a two-bedroom apartment not too far from my new office. I must have lifted something wrong in the move because I developed a lower-back pain. One of my co-workers suggested I met a friend of hers that was a masseur. I laughed it off, but each day the pain worsened. The pain was worsened daily; finally, I asked for the contact information of the masseur. The masseur's name was Carl. I called for an appointment setting one...

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Mamacitaz has one of those adults-only warning screens you see on a lot of premium sites. “Welcome,” it reads, “to the World’s Most Exclusive HD Porn Site!” It’s honestly not the brag I expected first thing from a Latina site. Frankly, I’d be hyping up the hotties right from the beginning. Exclusivity is a kind of vague claim. I’ve reviewed porn forums that were way harder to get signed up for; this one’s got your typical, easy paysite registration. Maybe they mean exclusivity in that you can’t...

Premium Latina Porn Sites
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If This World Were Mine

The angel Pyriel stood on a rooftop above the city of Boston. He looked at the city, a beautiful city teeming with life. One of the abodes of humanity. He had seen many in his time and would see many more before the task was done. The task of watching over humanity. He stood there, a magnificent being among a world of lesser creatures that were nevertheless the favorites of the Creator. The world of Man often stands on the brink of destruction and the angels often inspire people to stop...

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She wanted her brother

As I switched on the TV my sister turned down the lights and then sat down beside me on the couch. ”What do we watch?”,I asked. We both settled on a movie that turned out to be a chick flick. My sister “Neha” being a 18 year old seemed to enjoy the movie, as I “Arvind” a 19 and a half year old boy hated it. Our parents were out of town, We had just come back from school, Exhausted we had both began to watch TV. The movie turned out to be emotional, with both main characters involved in a...

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Birthday Gift 8211 Part 1

I have been a very good reader of Indian sex stories. This is my first experience and my first story I am going to share with you guys and girls. It was my birthday , and I was in college . Everyone wished me and we had party and all . But I was not happy. I didn’t see my girlfriend till tat time to wish me. Afternoon , college leave for some reason . I was waiting at my block believing tat she would come. I saw her from a distance she was computer branch. Let me tell about her , jijini ....

2 years ago
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Detective Brady looked at the woman sitting across the table. She was staring down at the scratched, beat-up, filthy table top. After twenty years of police interrogations of some of the worst scum of the earth criminals the city had to offer up, the table was covered with their filth. She stared at it, but left her hands in her lap as if she was scared to death she would pick up some disease if she touched anything in this room. Her eyes darted around and she saw the peeling paint on the...

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Manmoirs The Asian Part III

By this time Kira and I had broken up. She didn't have the same love for me as I did for her, and her love was lost just a few weeks after we exchanged I love you's. Maybe she was scared? Maybe she was too young to fall in love. None of this stopped her from fucking me. We kept banging like we were still together. The sex may have been hotter than ever before. Some nights I could not believe she could walk upright. I never fucked another woman with the same passion and intensity as her. As we...

Straight Sex
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Ambition Pt 2

Chapter 2: The SnuggeryLouise pushed the penthouse button Friday just before six o'clock. She boiled inside with fear, anxiety, and anger that the college execs would abuse females like this. Glass ceilings were one thing, she thought, but forced sex is another. She knew she never would have consented to sex without the promise of a senior position. Her ambition required her to submit. President Daley and the others seemed quite serious and sincere in their admiration of her candidacy but also...

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Svegliarsi la mattina tra le braccia di Achref 3

Era ormai arrivata la fine di luglio. Qualche giorno prima, nell'attesa di cominciare la depilazione definitiva al laser, mi ero depilata completamente per essere pi? femmina. In quei giorni giravo per casa vestita solo di un gaff piuttosto cattivo, che mi appiattiva il pube efficacemente e mi permetteva di mitigare la mia disforia di genere, ancora piuttosto forte, fingendo che tra le gambe avessi la tanto agognata vagina. Con il caldo di quei giorni era una sensazione bellissima,...

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His revenge her desire

'Why am I doing this?' I asked myself as I crashed into the room. I was staying in a hotel with a friend for a comic convention in the city which they were fortunately still at while I sorted myself for what I was going to subject myself to tonight. I crashed on the bed clutching the plastic bag I had brought in with me close to my breasts. "My room, 506. 6PM. Wear a dress. No underwear" was the last thing my ex said to me before walking off. I had bumped into him at the con with his friends. I...

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TV Cuckolds

A lazy, inattentive manc***d marries a hot, nagging wife. It's a television trope, a device that allows for lots of storyline hijinks. The characters' sex lives are barely implied or even nonexistant on screen, but what if 10. Temperance Brennan, BONESBones is no one's doting, submissive wife. She is unemotional & unattached; early in the series we learn that she enjoys casual NSA sex. A frequent diatribe from her is that the anthropological need for monogamy is outmoded. Bones would take a...

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Watching each other masterbate and then fuck

Tracy and I have been together for over 4 years now and we visit each other whenever one of us is in the other's town or when we can both get away for a few days and vacation together. She loves to have her pussy sucked and licked and I love the taste of it. I love to have her tight body fuck me and give me sex with a passion and desire I know most women don't have or won't display. She is game for most anything we can think of and/or anything a little crazy. I can sit in front of her and watch...

4 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Cfnm PartyChapter 4

While Joy was positioning the two male slaves in a 69 position, Debbie got a dirty idea. "Marion, how about a side bet?" she queried. "I bet that Slave Ron (Marion's subby hubby) will cum first." "You're on," Marion replied. "What's the stakes?" "Loser has to eat the winner's pussy while her slave is getting whipped," Debbie replied. "How about the loser gets whipped along with her slave by the winner?" Marion replied. "You're on," Debbie answered. "It's been a while...

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Twitter Follower 2

by teeboneThe whole next day at work was a blur. I finished up some client work early, got in an extra hard workout, and headed home. We had dinner, not mentioning the tension in the room we both felt, cleaned up and showered. When I came into the living room after my shower, Hanna had set up candles and opened a bottle of wine. She was wearing a black see through chemise and had her legs curled under her on the couch. I thought how beautiful she was and I was about to make the decision to let...

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Losing it to a friend of my dads

Hi all. First off let me say that this is a true account of how I lost my virginity and what we did that day. I know it’s been a long time and that a lot of people who lost theirs this way try to forget, I never have. It was weird, scary, amazing and most of all what has made me who I am today.It was only 2 days after my 12th birthday that I lost it and I hope when you read this you don’t judge me to harshly or the others involved. I don’t.It was a Saturday morning and with no sport that day...

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Elanas Tail

Elana’s TailElana’s TailNine P.M. and another hard day at the Sunset Funeral Home is ending. At the front entrance, Sam the undertaker is bidding farewell to the last guests from the dinner in honor of the late Cathy Briggs, late guest in the undertaker’s basement prep room and, incidentally, the main course (in the guise of barbeque spare ribs, rump roast, pork loin, pork shoulder, etc.) at her own funeral.?Sam, you have really outdone yourself this time, this was the finest, albeit saddest,...

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As Life

As life works out some times we end in situations we never thought would happen to us. To begin with I am fifty years old and had a motorcycle accident two years ago that left me with a lot of serious injuries. On a good day I am able to sit up on my own, and with the modifications to my bed I am able to sit at the edge of my bed. I have been receiving training - therapy to transfer from bed to my wheel chair. It has been a long road from the months of not being able to do anything by myself,...

2 years ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 35

Preparing for U Delaware Dover would be, perhaps, the hardest the team had worked all year. UD was a team strong in many ways, but lacked a defined execution style to be consistent. They were young, with only 2 seniors and 8 juniors and a whole new coaching staff, but they were finding themselves week by week. Coach Winslow wanted to go at them hard on their first offensive set before using his normal game plan. "We'll try to show them our explosive fire power with Marv's arm and our...

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Power Pussy 5 Abby

I am in my first year at college and live in the dorms on campus. I couldn't afford anything else. In my history class was a very beautiful girl named Audrey. She was a sophomore about 5'10", 115 lbs, dark hair, with a kinda Italian look to her. She had an incredible body with really nice tits which she proudly displayed by wearing low cut blouses. She always had groups of good-looking guys and girls trying to sit next to her in class. Audrey knew she was good looking. Someone...

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Trainer meets His Goal PT2 Blacken

Lisa woke with a start. Her head ached, and her mind was disoriented. Opening her eyes in the dimly lit room made her know instantly that she was not in her own bedroom and she experienced momentary confusion. But then as she turned her head and saw Marc's naked and beautifully muscled black body lying on his back next to her, the reality of her situation came crashing down around her. A huge wave of guilt washed over her as she realized where she was and what she had done. She felt the guilt...

3 years ago
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Michaels New Outlook on Life

Earlier that morning, there was a knock on the door and Ms. Hartwell opened up the door to see that it was Mrs. Barrett with a few bags in hand. In the bags were a few of her daughter's school uniforms, which were intended for Michael to wear for the first day of ninth grade. Mrs. Barrett and Ms. Hartwell only chatted for a little while there were a few laughs between the two of them about Michael's punishment before Mrs. Barrett had to go. Ms. Hartwell took the bags and each of the women...

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Rock Star

Eric looks towards Alex, lifting his eyebrows suggestively. "Forced Revenge?" he mouths. "Or Never Back Down?" Alex holds up 2 fingers to Eric, signaling that he means both. Eric smirks and moves up closer to his friend. He no longer tells the crowd which songs they'll be singing next. He's getting tired of it and the kids probably don't even care. And besides the band already has the lineup and they know which song is next. Eric plays directly in front of Alex, literally; so that the people in...

4 years ago
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Empty LandChapter 17

As the sun dropped behind the western hills, a quiet exodus left vacant the stilted lodges around the rim of the Chakcha fields. Silent women filed swiftly along well marked trails, the last in each line carefully removing the markers as she went. Just as silently, a small group moved the other direction, on their way to steal the ponies that Chakcha city's small army relied upon for swift movement. "This way," Riggan gestured. The shelka, as the Chakcha ponies were called, were stabled...

2 years ago
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Building Ki Bhabhi Ki Pyaas Bhu Jai

hii friends this is my first story i m raj from surat i use to stay in one multi complex building…. i m from surat i have textile business…i donn’t know from where i have to start but lets start i m 26 unmarried i m regular reader of this side…friends mere collage me bahut serious banda tha kabhie ladkiyo ko bhi nahi dekhta tha collage khatam karne ke baad dady ke saath office jaana suru kar diya … from last 4 months market me kuch jyaada kaam nahi hone ke kaaran me ghar 7 bajje aa jata tha toh...

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When I was a busboy

This happened many years ago. I got a job working as a busboy.This was a very classy restaurant and I was almost getting used to talking to customers. Some customers were kind of snippy, but some were also very nice. This story is about what happened on a week night. The place was kind of busy but not slammed like it would be on a Friday or Saturday.I had just watered the tables (poured water into empty or mostly empty glasses). I had had left, after watering a table with an older couple...

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TeamSkeetLabs River Lynn Hold The Moan

What’s up, Team Skeet fans? We love a Labs update, and this time, we’re beyond excited to bring you a super kinky concept we’ve titled “Hold the Moan.” In this episode, Rion and River are having some fun on the couch, but Rion is afraid of River’s dad, Eric, walking in on them. She assures Rion there is nothing to worry about, but sure enough, Eric enters the room while they make out. They don’t get caught, but if they want to continue messing around, Rion and River must be super quiet. It’s...

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A Gift for Grampa

Note : This story is completely fictional! I called my grandfather in August, the last opportunity I would have before school started. I wanted to wish him a happy birthday. He was turning sixty one the following Sunday. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday. His answer was short and what I would expect. "You," he said instantly. "Can you come down to celebrate an old man's birthday? I won't be having many more you know." I was instantly concerned. "Are you sick, grampa?" "No, nothing...

3 years ago
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Beauty Salon Receptionist II

Beauty Salon Receptionist Person II In my first installment, I detailed how I came to work as a beauty salon receptionist assistant. Now, I want to detail how I became increasingly feminine. It wasn't something I necessarily wanted. But there was no escaping becoming 'one of the girls.' After working for a year at the salon, it was time for my annual review. Tammi, my boss, was to conduct the review with Rebecca, the salon manager. As you know, Rebecca had once worked as my...

2 years ago
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Legion of LightChapter 7 Distant Borders

With lunch over, and the cleanup accomplished, everyone turned to me expectantly. "Okay, we're going to get a look at what our sensor platforms have to tell us, but let's meet back here in fifteen minutes. That'll give everyone time to get washed up, brush their teeth, the usual. Meet us in the main dining room." We all got together in the dining room at the designated time. I had everyone take a seat. "Ava?" I asked out loud. "Yes Dave?" a silky smooth female voice said from...

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Internet Lovers meet up

We had spoken on the internet for a few months now and had got to know one another  well. We had also seen one another on webcam naked and sexually aroused. That was just a bit of fun really. He had a sexy body that made me feel aroused just looking at it and a huge cock. I am  attracted to the older man. Today was the day we were going to meet up. All the teasing and games we had both played would finally come to a head. I put on my stockings short skirt and sexy underwear as well as a...

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Werewolf women of the SS part 6

1943 Stalingrad, As Diana assumed control of the Command center a thought occured to her, she was a long way from berlin and her original orders were to make war and unleash hell. Her orders haven't changed only the targets have as she finished her tea a terrified german solider fell out of a nearby closet and froze as he saw the generals head on the table. Diana walked up and tore into his chest as she feasted on the poor guy Ava skipped into the room laughing covered in blood, all the...

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Life Under MistressChapter 5

Being the oldest I guess I need to speak for us. We’re Eric’s two older sisters, the Sluts. Right now I’m 26 and Monica’s 24. According to Eric, and I have to take his word for this, it all started when he had just turned 18 and me and Monica were 19 and 21. I’m Sharon, I was the oldest sister at 21 then. I was in college then. Monica was just starting college with me. We’ve always been athletic and to hear our Daddy, Dan, tell it, “real babes”. All the boys, except our brother, of course,...

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Angela Gets Fucked in Public Part 13 of the Angela series

Chapter 1 Carly sat in her car in the parking lot. She had followed Angela to the bar, hoping to see if Angela was meeting her Master. She had been following her on and off since she found out, but had missed her last weekend. Carly had driven by the house several times and had not seen Angela’s car until Monday evening. When she saw her during the week, she could see a change in her demeanor and just knew something had happened. Based on her research, she felt something more would happen soon...

Oral Sex
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Unexpected Sex

Hello friends this is Sandeep here. I am 23 yrs old guy with 7” dick & nice piece of ass. I am regular reader of ISS . so I am going to narrate my story. This is a fantasy but I want to change it in real if some couple (male-female) or a person can help me then reply me on It was a October at that time weather is not hot & cold. I was sitting on my terrace just taking pleasure of cool breeze. My neighbors were out of city. I saw something on the rope. There were panties & bra hanging over...

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