Mirror Site: Another Way Home free porn video

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Mirror Site: Another Way Home By Bill Hart "It's such a fucking depressing night," mumbled Dave Kendricks to himself as he finally left the bar where he'd been sitting and drinking ever since he'd found that body sprawled out in pieces in the alley. "This shit fucking sucks." Clearly Dave had had just a little too much drink. Although no one who knew him would have considered him a teetotaler, Dave seldom drank to excess. He wasn't what anyone might consider a good drunk. Generally, he only imbibed heavily when he was feeling low or depressed. But a simple sense of depression would have been a grade or two upward from how he actually felt. And as was normally the case with those already suffering from depression, his heavy drinking generally only served to aggravate his problems. He wished, knowing full well that no one would ever consider granting someone like him a wish, that he'd never found that body. It had only reminded him that he was all alone in the world. His parents were both long dead. At least he assumed they were dead since that was what he'd always been told at that hellhole of an orphan's home where he'd been raised from an early age. He'd always wondered what it would have been like to have parents of his own that cared about him. For one reason or another, no one had adopted him when he was younger. And the older he got with each passing year just made his adoption that much more unlikely. It always seemed to him that everyone wanted cute and cuddly little babies. No one ever gave a damn about him. Dave had also once wondered on several occasions, what it might have been like having brothers or sisters. Even just one or the other would have been better than being alone. But even more than that he would have also liked having a real friend - not one of those phonies - for once. However, Dave knew that no one could ever make real friends at the orphan's home. It didn't seem to be allowed by those running the place. Whenever he had tried to make friends those first few years when he'd actually cared, they'd always claim they would be his friend forever and ever, but then every one of them, with the sole exception of Frank Barlow, had gone and got themselves adopted. He'd never seen any of them again. So after a while, he'd just quite trying to make friends. What the hell was the use? Things might have been different if his friend Frank, who had been a couple of years older than Dave, hadn't got sick and died. And then those bureaucrats in charge of the home had finally labeled him anti-sociable, which for all practical purposes ended any hope he might have had of ever being adopted. But by then, he no longer cared no one or the other. Besides, Dave knew all his troubles were really their fault and not his. Those cute and cuddly little ones were always their favorites. Was it any wonder they were the ones that always managed to get adopted? Was it any wonder the assholes had failed to seek help when Frank became sick? He'd gladly left that poor excuse of an orphan's home on the day he'd finally turned eighteen. And like all those others who had left before him, Dave had never been back in the seven years since. And he never intended going back to that place either. "Life just sucks," he muttered, not caring whether or not anyone heard him. At twenty-five, Dave was already a bitter old man. He knew he was bitter, but he also figured he had every right to be. As he reached the corner of Diamond and 6th, he wondered why he was there. Somehow, he was on the opposite side of town from where he lived. And here he'd been so proud of himself for leaving his car parked in that alley behind the bar and walking. He figured all this trouble served him right for trying to be considerate to others. How was he going to get home from here? He didn't feel like walking anymore; his feet ached. And he just knew if he tried to thumb a ride home, it would be a police squad car that stopped to pick him. They - especially that bitch Officer Bergstrom - were always on his case for some trumped up reason or another. And once they caught the telltale smell of liquor on his breath, Dave knew exactly where he'd be spending the night. As soon as he'd crossed the street, Dave was surprised to see a large green tent standing in what he'd been certain was a vacant lot only moments before. He was convinced he hadn't seen the tent before crossing the street. Dave rubbed his eyes, but, when he looked again, the green tent was still there. "I didn't really think I had that much to drink." Just then, he noticed the sign on the side of the tent that told anyone who bothered to read it that this tent housed the "Hall of Mystic Mirrors." Dave wondered if they had a bench where he could sit down for a few minutes to rest his aching feet. As he approached the tent, Dave saw a shapely and very attractive blonde girl of no more than twenty exit from it. She quickly closed the flap as if there might actually be someone around who was not permitted to see what was going on inside. Dave stopped and stared at her in fascination. He didn't know how it could be possible, but she was the girl of his dreams, or at least a reasonable enough facsimile until the real one actually came along. He had to talk to her. And yet, how could he walk up and talk to such a beautiful girl? Dave knew she'd never stoop low enough to speak to someone like him. Pretty girls like her never did. But with a pleasing smile, the blonde motioned him to come closer once she saw him looking in her direction. Dave quickly looked behind him, but there was no one standing there. And when, he turned his attention back towards the girl again, she once more bade him come closer. "Hi there, Dave," said the young blonde goddess in a tone so totally reeking of incredible sexuality that it caused - even through the remnants of his alcohol induced haze - Dave's manhood to stiffen. "I can certainly see that you're already prepared to enter the Hall, Dave," she smiled warmly. "But tell me... are you also ready to be totally and utterly amazed?" She held out a small ticket. "I am Barker, your hostess for this evening." "Just what is this place supposed to be, Miss Barker?" asked Dave curiously. He couldn't keep from staring at her; he hoped she didn't mind. "It's just Barker, Dave. Nothing more; nothing less," she cooed, not voicing any objections to his constant stare. "Barker's both my name and my avocation." She smiled at him again. "I think it highly likely you'll find what's inside a place of truly amazing wonders. More often than not, great truths are revealed inside. In addition, those simple truths found within the Hall most often change the lives of those who enter for the better." Once again, she held out the ticket to him. "Would you like to enter the Hall of Mystic Mirrors and be absolutely amazed, Dave?" "How much?" asked Dave gruffly, now figuring the girl was little more than a good-looking blonde shill for the owners of the tent. "There is no charge for you, Dave," replied the blonde beauty Barker. "Your visit today is on the house. I hope you'll consider it as merely the gift it is." Dave wasn't entirely certain he trusted Barker. Everyone knew a pretty girl like her could get away with just about anything she wanted. But absolutely no one gave something away without expecting to get something back. "What's in this for you, Barker?" he asked suspiciously. "Nothing, of course." "Why don't I trust you, Barker?" "I don't know. Why don't you trust me, Dave Kendricks?" replied Barker with that same sweet smile. "This is simply a gift from me to you freely given. There are no strings whatsoever. But if you choose not to accept this gift, that is your right. I will not force you to accept something you do not want. But you should remember, Dave, there are always those in need of what others foolishly toss aside." Once more she held out the ticket to him. Dave, still uncertain about Barker and her motives, grumbled for a moment, before reaching out to take the proffered ticket. "I suppose you want me to thank you for this." "If you wish, you may," replied Barker calmly. "However, a 'thank you' is unnecessary." "Will you be here when I come out?" "Perhaps. Perhaps not," replied Barker cryptically. "But I think it quite doubtful." For just a moment, Dave stared at Barker. She's definitely one very strange girl, he thought. And, never noticing the grin spreading slowly across Barker's face, Dave entered the tent after the lovely young blonde had lifted the tent's flap for his entry. Once inside the tent, Dave was absolutely amazed. From what he could see, the tent enclosed a vast maze. If he didn't know it was impossible, he would have sworn the maze itself was far larger than the tent that covered it. And the many walls of the maze appeared to be far more solid in their construction than seemed reasonably prudent for such an obvious temporary structure. But he could only see a single opening along the entire length of the wall. And above that lone opening hung a sign that proclaimed in large letters, "Enter Here". Seeing nowhere else to go, Dave entered through the opening. As he slowly made his way down the corridor inside, he suddenly heard an odd creaking noise behind him. When he turned to investigate, he saw that the entrance door had slid shut. He was now trapped in the maze. Or, as he quickly realized, there was simply no returning from the way he'd just come. "An interesting way to make sure I complete this odd maze of theirs," he mumbled. Dave continued onwards. There was, after all, little else he could actually do. As he did, he wondered what other surprises this place had in store for him. He didn't have to wait long for his next surprise. As he turned the next corner in the maze, every wall became a series of full-length mirrors that stretched out seemingly forever. "An interesting special effect," mumbled Dave. He had been wondering why this maze had been called the "Mystic Hall of Mirrors" and now he knew the reason why. And even the "Mystic" in its name gained new significance as Dave peered into the very first mirror. Reflected back at him was an old man, a century at least in age and probably more, with a long white beard that hung down to his waist and a mass of straight hair equally long and white. And eerily, no matter what Dave did, the ancient man in the mirror matched his every move exactly. "This is absolutely amazing." And then, realizing Barker had told him the sights inside would amaze him, Dave smiled and moved on to the next mirror. But he wondered how anything could be more amazing than what he'd just seen. But Dave had wondered wrong. He found the image in the next mirror even more amazing than the one he'd just left. This mirror showed him a small Asian girl with long jet-black hair that easily stretched down to the floor. She had the most incredibly large soulful eyes that seemed to bore deeply into his soul as he stared at her, even as she stared back at him. As he smiled at the young girl in the mirror, she smiled back at him. And when he slowly raised one of his hands, the girl, just as if she were truly his reflection, raised her own hand exactly as he had. "How can they do something like this?" he wondered aloud. But even as he spoke, he watched the young girl mouth his very words. Watching her do that was something Dave found a little unnerving. He moved on to the next mirror. And immediately wished he hadn't. The image was a smiling boy, who couldn't have been more than ten years old, that Dave didn't recognize. But he certainly recognized what the boy was wearing. How could he ever forget that damn uniform he'd been forced to wear daily for so many years? "Fool," muttered Dave. "You'd be better off anywhere else. How can you possibly be happy there?" Without waiting for an answer he knew would never come, Dave quickly turned from the boy and headed for the next mirror. He never saw the small tear in the boy's eye as the image slowly faded away. "This is definitely a helluva lot better!" exclaimed Dave as he stood before the next mirror. The image in it showed him a sixteen, possibly even as old as seventeen, year old girl. She was a busty blue-eyed blonde dressed solely in a string bikini that revealed absolutely everything. She had curves that would have certainly been labeled "DANGEROUS" if she'd foolishly been a mountain road. "What a hot total babe," whispered Dave. "I sure as hell wouldn't mind waking up in your bed some morning." Absently, his hand moved up to his chest. And in the mirror, he saw the girl do the same. But disappointingly, all Dave felt there was the coarse fabric of his sweatshirt. Reluctantly - he really didn't want to spend the whole night inside this strange maze of mirrors - Dave continued on to the next mirror. This new image was decidedly more disturbing than the last. It was an odd-looking little man with an extremely haggard face, pointed ears, and the scraggliest looking beard he'd ever seen. He also had large cloven hooves instead of feet and his legs would have looked more at home on a shaggy mountain goat. However, the odd little man's most disturbing aspect hung proudly from his crotch. But Dave's mind simply rejected it as being far too large for someone of his small stature. Suddenly and inexplicably fearful that he was being leered at by the image reflected by the mirror, Dave quickly fled to the safety of the next mirror. For several moments, he stared at the mermaid reflected back at him from the mirror. A mass of auburn hair swirled and floated about her head making her seem far more mysterious and otherworldly than she actually was. From the waist down, she was definitely nothing but fish. But from the waist up, she was an overly well-endowed, very naked, and exceptionally sensual goddess. "I sure hope they've kept some photographs of you, babe." Dave smiled as he watched the mermaid echo his words. "I wouldn't mind spending the money for a few dozen assorted 8x10 color glossies of you and that hot blue-eyed blonde I saw earlier to hang prominently on my wall." Reluctantly, Dave went to the next mirror. He was surprised, then disappointed, that it reflected nothing, other than that lone cow off in the distance, but a large open field. Moving swiftly on to the next mirror, Dave found another young boy, this one naked from the waist down, looking back at him wistfully. At least Dave thought it was boy, even though his penis was so tiny. But if he were really a boy, why did he have those small, but still very noticeable, twin swellings pushing out from beneath his silken shirt? But not really wanting to know the answer, Dave moved quietly on to the next mirror. "What a fox!" he exclaimed without thinking, as he stared at the hot two-legged vixen in the mirror. With only a few notable exceptions, she was covered with red fur from her toes to the tips of her ears. There was a wide streak of white fur under her right eye that extended along the right side of her muzzle. Dave thought that streak made her look a lot more exotic than she would have otherwise. Even her form was curvaceous and slinky. And even though her nipples were clearly bare of it, the fur around her moderately sized breasts was also the same sexy snowy white. Dave liked her exotic, as well as erotic, look, but wondered what she'd look like with somewhat larger breasts. However, Dave soon decided she was probably better off with breasts no larger than those she currently possessed. Dave wasn't overly certain she'd be able to function normally with the additional weight from even the most modest expansion of her five pair of breasts. He wondered, not that he was ever likely to find out one way or the other, if she also had snowy white pubic fur. A short loose skirt, the only clothes she was wearing, completely blocked that part of her anatomy from his sight. Dave was constantly amazed at the technology that must be involved in making this place work as he went from mirror to mirror. Clearly, this place must have cost someone a fortune. But that thought only fueled his suspicions. Why were they letting him see it all for free? Each image in the next mirror continued being different from any of those preceding it. Anything he'd ever imagined - as well as several other things he could have never imagined before - he'd seen reflected in one of the mirrors. Clearly, what he was seeing had to be some kind of computer-generated imagery, possibly even holographic in nature. But the necessary technology, from everything he'd ever read, was still years away from escaping the realm of science fiction. But each image continued moving exactly as he moved. It had to be some kind of laser motion sensors, Dave decided. They very obviously detected how and when he moved, then instantly translated his own movements through their computer simulation software to make this hologram move accordingly. It's all simply amazing, thought Dave. However, it all worried him, since he'd surmised that the technology necessary for this was still further removed into the future. Between his thoughts about the possible advanced technology involved and his continued amazement at each image in the succession of mirrors, he never noticed a small decline in the level of the floor as he turned another of the many corners in this most unusual maze. But he was suddenly surprised at running straight into a mirror that formed a rather abrupt dead-end across the mirrored passage. Figuring he'd only have to retrace his last few steps, Dave turned just in time to see one of the mirrored panels sliding directly across his return path. "What the hell's going on?" He was now trapped in a mirrored hexagonal room? Did they know he was now trapped inside their maze? Of course, they know you're trapped in here, stupid, he scolded himself mentally. They had wanted him inside; they had even given him a free ticket. "They must be aliens," he suddenly mumbled. "It's so obvious. Why didn't I see it before?" Dave scoured his small enclosure for other telltale signs of an alien presence. "This place must be run by aliens from outer space. That definitely explains all this futuristic technology I've seen in here." Dave pounded on the mirrors, but the glass, being thicker than Dave had imagined, didn't even move a fraction of an inch. "Please help me! I'm trapped in here!" he screamed in budding panic. "If you let me go, I won't tell anyone you're here walking among us!" he added quickly. But there was no reply. And then unexpectedly and quite impossibly, the mirrors comprising his cell - what else could he call it - began moving and shifting in non-repeating random motions as if some giant child were merely playing with his or her kaleidoscope. Making matters even worse, the lights being reflected from and refracted through the glass flickered and flashed in his eyes. Although afraid of being cut, Dave continued pounding on the moving glass. A tingly sensation, beginning in his hands, rushed down through his arms and quickly spread throughout his body. And as his entire body began feeling increasingly strange, Dave stared at his hand. It wasn't possible, but it appeared to be shrinking. And the arm - his very own arm to which his hand was attached - was also slimming noticeably. When he held his hand up in front of his face, Dave was stunned, not only by its smaller size, but also the longer, more slender fingers and the long fingernails painted dark red. "What's going on?" he asked, his trembling voice cracking. His hands reached up to his chest. Although he saw nothing out of the ordinary with his own eyes, his hands impossibly found twin mounds of flesh hanging there. But in spite of what his hands told him must be there, his chest was clearly as flat as any other male. However, what little he could see in the spinning mirrors told him a far different tale. As Dave stared down at his chest, two small nubs suddenly began pushing out his sweatshirt. And as those tingly sensations he felt centered about his chest continued intensifying, the two nubs soon began swelling increasingly larger and larger. After only a very short time had passed, what Dave's smaller hands had felt hanging from his chest earlier and what he could clearly see there for himself with his own eyes matched perfectly. And as he stared in disbelief at his new breasts swollen large beneath his sweatshirt, suddenly, without any real warning, a mass of coal black hair suddenly blocked his view. As he lifted his head, Dave was very surprised to find his hair draping across his shoulders. Even though Dave wasn't certain just how far down his back his new mane of hair stretched, he clearly saw that it now cascaded over his shoulders and onto his breasts. However, as all the strange sensations he still felt coursing through his body failed to subside, Dave realized that - whatever else these aliens might be doing to him - he wasn't finished changing. The muscles in his face twitched involuntarily. One, then another, and yet another muscle spasmed. His face grew numb. Unaware that the mirrors of his cell had stopped spinning, Dave stared at his reflection, which unquestionably and quite impossibly mirrored his altered physical appearance. Although he thought it was clearly impossible, he was now somehow physically a female, sixteen or maybe seventeen years of age. The girl was quite attractive, but in no way did she come close to resembling his former male self. His new reflected image had jet-black hair that easily extended to the middle of his back. And the tight form fitting sweater he found himself wearing exaggerated each and every one of his new feminine curves, while, at the same time, clearly highlighting his rather large new breasts. And the short skirt his image was wearing, prominently displayed a pair of long and slender, very sexy legs. "Someone is going to pay for all this shit," growled Dave in a soft soprano voice that radiated pure sex. "They can't do this kind of shit to me and hope to get away with it." Without a thought of what he was doing, Dave gently caressed his large and firm new breasts. "Once I find out who really owns this tent, I'm going to sue their goddamn fucking asses for everything they're worth... and then some. They'll rue the day they thought they could fuck with me." Suddenly, the small room in which Dave found himself began spinning again. As it did, Dave began feeling somewhat light-headed. His thoughts became more and more disjoint as the room seemingly spun faster and faster. His mind soon reeled in confusion. He wished everything would stop spinning. Abruptly, the room ceased spinning and vanished. Once more outside the tent, where the sun was low in the evening sky, reality quickly reasserted itself. "Debbie?" asked a small voice, as she felt someone tugging on her skirt. Looking downwards, Debbie smiled at the six-year-old girl. "What is it, Laurie?" she asked. "Is something wrong, Debbie?" "Of course not. Why should anything be wrong?" "I don't know," replied Laurie. "I don't know. I just thought," she paused. Suddenly, Laurie threw her arms around the startled Debbie. "I love you, Debbie!" she exclaimed loud enough for everyone to hear. "I think you're just the bestest big sister in the whole wide world." "She's the only big sister you've got, dummy," said an approaching boy no more than a couple of years older than Laurie. "Why are you always being so mean to me, Jimmy?" frowned Laurie. "I'm gonna tell mommy and daddy you were calling me names again." "It's not my fault you're so dumb," retorted Jimmy. "Why do you keep insulting your little sister?" "She's too sensitive. How can I possibly insult her just by telling the truth?" asked Jimmy. "After all, you are the only big sister we have. Darla's younger than her and Terri's still only a baby. Jack and John are older than Laurie and me, but they're her brothers just like me." "You know you're not supposed to call her names." Debbie looked down at watch. "I didn't realize it was so late. Where has all the time gone? We have to get started for home." "Do we have to?" whined Laurie. "We'll be late for dinner," explained Debbie. "And you know how mom and dad are about all of us eating dinner together." "Can we come back later?" asked Jimmy. "We'll see." Just then, Debbie saw Barker talking with Officer Bergstrom. Without knowing exactly why, she made her way over in their direction. "I wanted to thank you, Barker," she smiled. "Whatever for, Miss Kendricks?" replied the gray-haired old woman Barker, a curious grin on her face. Debbie scratched her head. "You know, I don't really know exactly. I just have this strange felling I should thank you... for something." "You have a really cool place here, lady," added Jimmy. "I like it too," said Laurie. "It wasn't even too scary." Debbie turned to her sister and brother. "We'd better hurry home. We're going to be late." "Can I help you out, Debbie?" asked a familiar male voice. Debbie looked up. "Frank?" she smiled warmly. "I don't know. What can you possibly do to help?" "I have my parents' car today," replied Frank proudly. "I can drive you and Laurie and Jimmy home, if you'd like." "That's very nice of you, Frank," she smiled. "C'mon Laurie and Jimmy. Frank's going to drive us home." Jimmy grumbled and Laurie giggled. "I've really missed you since you were adopted, Frank," said Debbie as she helped her younger siblings into the back seat of the car. "And I've missed you, Debbie," replied Frank as he opened the front passenger side door for her. "I've missed you a whole lot. "You have?" she smiled as she slid into the car's bucket seat. "You know I have," replied Frank, as he closed the door and hurried around to the driver's door. A moment later, they were on their way to the Kendricks' house. "I think they make a nice couple," said Officer Jacqueline Bergstrom. "Don't you think so too, Barker?" "I certainly do, Jackie," replied Barker with an odd grin. "One might almost think they were made for each other." "Do you think Debbie has finally realized that Frank is in love with her?" "Who can tell for certain in matters where the heart is concerned? One can never know what the Fates have in store for us," replied the old woman. "However, if I were a betting woman, I'd be willing to bet that if she doesn't know how he feels about her now, she very soon will." "It's hard to imagine that Debbie and Frank would have never met if the Kendricks had never taken control of the old orphan's home," said Officer Bergstrom. "With the exception of Lucy Williams, who has that cute little girl Mary, I've never met anyone as full of love for children as the Kendricks. I'm so glad they decided to move here," smiled Jackie Bergstrom. "Who knows how Frank might have grown up in that place if the Kendricks hadn't taken over?" "Who knows, Jackie?" grinned Barker cryptically. "Who knows?" THE END

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Black lover Dwayne on my laptop

Black lover Dwayne on my laptopI had been away from home during three days on my “quick” business trip… but still I had two days more to come back to my sweet Ana.Sitting down on the hotel bed I opened my laptop and it took just few seconds to connect the signal with Ana at home.She had been sitting at our marital bed waiting for me and replied instantly. Ana told me she was ready to provide me a nice show to watch.She explained that had invited home one of my own co-workers, Dwayne, a huge...

2 years ago
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Threeway on the Freeway

I was on Interstate 80, maybe fifteen miles East of Fairfield, CA heading towards Sacramento. Up in the high, flat country with the golden grass in the summer. It was hot, very hot, but I had my windows open enjoying my new state. At 70 half the traffic seemed to be passing me. I was heading to my sister’s house for the weekend, and in no particular rush since I was three hours early. I was dying for something to drink, maybe a Snapple, when I saw the van on the shoulder up ahead. ...

4 years ago
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Becoming a Construction Site Sissy for All

My favorite story from another site:I was just a few months past 21 when I left Mom and our small country trailer to try out life on my own. By this point in time, not only Mom but just about everyone in the rural country knew how queer I loved to be and act. Yes I can’t begin to count the cocks I had orally serviced and pleasured since my early days. While I had loved it more than anything, I had paid a strict price for my dick addictions. Verbal assaults every waking day, sometimes even being...

5 years ago
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Trudy the Erotic Site Troll

It was a hot Tuesday afternoon in Alabama as I sat down at our computer. I was eager to go to my favorite website to read the Scripture of the Day. I clicked on the ‘history’ list so I would not have to type the website name again. Just as I was about to click, I paused. I spotted a site in the ‘history’ called ‘storiesonline.net’. I scrolled down and saw that the site name came up every couple of days and sometimes two or three times on the same day for the last two weeks. Out of curiosity,...

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Erikas Adventures part five Im Waynes girl now

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. Erika's adventure part five: I slept like a baby that night, I mean mind you I didn't get to sleep until three in the morning, but I slept in until 11am. Last night felt like a dream, I was reliving everything in my head, and I still can't believe I had a date with Wayne, and even more so, I can't believe I blew him. I mean, I figure...

2 years ago
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Erikas Adventures part six at Waynes Condo

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. Erika's adventure part five: I slept like a baby that night, I mean mind you I didn't get to sleep until three in the morning, but I slept in until 11am. Last night felt like a dream, I was reliving everything in my head, and I still can't believe I had a date with Wayne, and even more so, I can't believe I blew him. I mean, I figure...

4 years ago
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Dating Site

I don't get out enough, not to see friends anyway. I live in a New England city other than Boston, in fact it happens to not be in Massachusetts. It's large enough that it has public transportation, which is helpful since I never got a license. Most of my friends don't have their licenses either. I guess that's why we hang out so rarely. It's the beginning of July, I'm on vacation from college. I haven't seen this circle of friends since winter break. We go out drinking only two of my...

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Moms Internet Site

Mom’s Internet Site Our life turned to shit when my father knocked up a girl in my high school, got a quick divorce from my mother, and then married the girl. He even moved away so that not everyone would be aware of the incident. Fat chance of that happening…every kid in school knew that it was my father that had knocked up ‘Betty the Brain’ as we affectionately called the little wallflower. To our knowledge she had never been on a date or even been kissed. I thought that she was too...

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Sonia and Sally Annes Web Site

Sonia and Sally Anne's Web Site - by SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - The Camera Arrives I have been dressing up as a woman or just enjoying wearing panties for quite a while and this has made my sex life with my wife, Sally Anne, almost too amazing to believe. I did not dress up very often, normally about once or twice a month but when I did we had some amazing times! I had recently pulled off a...

2 years ago
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A final show from Dwayne

A final show from DwayneA week later I was once again at work; that black bastard Dwayne was off.Towards the end of the afternoon I got a text from my sweet Anita, telling me Dwayne just had left and I had a video available when I got home. Once again I came back home almost after midnight and was really very tired; but Ana’s laptop was there in the living room, waiting for me.Ana and Dwayne were naked in bed. I knew my sweet wife was on her period; so, I watched as the black man fucked her in...

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Naked in School Homer

Monday Janet Vargas settled into her office for the day. She had been Principal of Clinton High School for many years but had always hated this task — the annual budget and next year's personnel issues. Books, equipment, paper, pens, replacement desks, replacement chairs, building maintenance, the cafeteria, the list went on and on and on. And personnel! Old teachers retired or transferred, new teachers had to be found and trained, even teachers that stayed on from year-to-year needed skills...

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That Damn Dating Site Part 1

[I finally decided to flex my creative muscle a bit and become a more active member of the community here on FM. I have much bigger plans than this, actually. This was merely a side-though while developing a much larger literary concept. A driving theme to all my works that will be posted here. But my overarching idea isn't TG in and of itself, so I felt it was more respectful of your community to start out with more run-of- the-mill bits of drabbling wank-fic.

5 years ago
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Dwayne again in my laptop

Dwayne again on my laptopI was still out and so far from home that long weekend.My business trip had been delayed another couple days; so I called my sweet Ana and told her I was very sorry, but I would come back home on Monday.She laughed and answered: “Do not worry, hun, tonight Dwayne will come again to warm you side of the bed… I will set my laptop on the night table… you can watch us”.I was a little bit mortified, after watching that huge black bastard enjoying Ana’s cunt and even...

4 years ago
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1 2 3 4 5 abigaildwayneshoppa

Austin, TexasAges 29 and 33Married nine monthsAbigail: I never met men through my job (I’m a real estate investor). So instead I had the bad habit of reigniting old relationships, seeing if I could make them work the second time around. In May 2010, my three sisters, with whom I’m very close, and my brother-in-law Chris urged me to try someone new. When I demurred, they insisted on buying me a date at a local bachelor auction for charity. At first, I protested, but eventually I gave in. And...

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This story is a fantasy I just had and like to share with you. As the story isn't finished yet, I would love to hear your comments, advice and additions to the story. Please contact me at [email protected] .If you've enjoyed this story, please write me too - then I might write more!Synopsis:Norway 1940: A female civilian seduces a military leader of the German occupation forces, eventually turning him into her tool to gain power. Bus as the soldier is too paralyzed by her charms, he let...

3 years ago
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Anna gets perved on at the building site

Back when I was 18 I started working on a building site for my Girlfriend's father who was the site foreman. One lunchtime Anna called over to the site to bring me lunch and just to say "Hi!" Anna was blonde with cute girl next door looks, a natural beauty and alluring cheeky smile. Combined with her full 36DD breasts she got plenty of admiring looks.This was mid summer and Anna flounced onto the site in a shortish skirt and vest top.She asked around the builders on site to find where I was...

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Anna at the Building Site

Anna had already made quite an impression within the main office since her arrival. Unbeknown to her quite a few of her male colleagues had taken a shine to her charms. She had particular qualities that seemed to drive the more mature members of the team to constantly think about taking her over her desk. It was something to do with the combination of her extremely cute innocent looking face and her sinful looking curves. She often wore her short blonde hair tied up in two small ponytails....

3 years ago
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Fucked Site worker mature lady widow

Hi all reader I am big fan or ISS i read regular i wanted to share my experience on my site were i was working for a construction company i was site supervisor I am 27 year love mature aunty big round ass i love mature granny also sex do not look age and also sex means pleasure so any mature granny 30 to 70 years i will satisfy her in all aspects can contact me ok i will start my story i was went to site to check the work all worker were on live of festival of pongal no one was there but this...

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Angel S1 E14 Dwaynes World

Angel S:1 E:14 "Dwayne's World" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover Liz sat on the couch with her wedding band in her hand. She sat staring at it while Ashley slept with her head on Liz's lap. It was a simple gold ring with a small hard to read inscription etched into the inside. She didn't need to read the words; they were etched in her heart. "Forever locked onto your heart." Ashley coughed and started to wake up. Liz put her...

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A night at the caravan site with mum

It was a lovely august weekend and we had gone away for the weekend to stay with friends on a nice carvan site. They recently bought it so we gave it a try and to be fair it was pretty nice. It was your typical site where as soon as you drove in you could see the sites club house and arcades, the big lake and the tennis courts. Once we enter the site we drove to what seemed like the furthest caravan at the back. We parked up and got out. I had drove down with my parents and we was meeting up...

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A night with Big Al and Dwayne

Big Al and his younger brother Dwayne arrived as promised at half six for dinner and a little fun. I greeted them at the door in my black leather harness with a sheer off-the-shoulder black dress over, fishnets and heels too. The boys seemed to be extremely pleased with my appearance.I had a couple of bottles of Moretti waiting for them on the coffee table. We made our way to the sofa to await the delivery guy with our Italian meal, no way was I going to waste time preparing something. It...

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Match Dating Site for Adult Match

There are many things that change how people live and nothing is really the essence of the dating and marriage. It is marriage brings balance in people's lives and make sure that you are ready to change how you live and life map. A dating site is one of the places you should check if you are looking for a system; a dating partner brings your way.It is very important to know that a changed little in life more and more effective so don't miss the big picture. Most important thing is that many men...

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masturbating for a woman on a video site while crossdresing

After years of crossdressing I joined a site that lets me show off a little. I started by reading the stories and then filled out a profile. I added pictures and found it quite satisfying getting comments and friend requests from others.As time went by I found myself enjoying chatting with others on the site and doing some role playing. The chatting was hot and I really liked sending pictures of myself to those who seemed to like how I looked. I guess this is really where the story begins.One...

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Building site fuck with older guy gay

I'm Kyle 17 gay m uk About 2 months ago My Mu.ms boyfriend Matt got me a job on a building site with a company he works for , for the first few weeks I stayed with Matt and basically just helped him out , bringing him tools and material and just little jobs . One day matts foreman said he had a job for me , one of the lads was Off work Ill and he wanted me to cover him and for a day or 2 until he came back in . At dinner while we was all in the canteen all the lads were having a laugh with me...

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I blame it all on my Psychology 101 professor... If the old coot didn't cancel one of my classes, I wouldn't have gone home in the middle of the day. If I hadn't gone home when I did that day, I wouldn't have been the one to grab the mail from the box, and when I did - well, let's just say that I'm a curious guy.So when I saw a letter addressed to my mother with a return address from some outfit called "What's Love Got to Do with It", that curious nature of mine took over. It wasn't junk mail,...

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Site Par Flat Owner Bhabhi Ka Maja

Hi guys, I am suraj. Mai aj apko mere jeevan ki ek sachi ghatna batane ja raha hu, kyonki ye meri pahli kahani hai so kuch galti agar hoti hai to maf kar dena aur ho sake to mujhe reply kar dena. Mail id- Bat kuch 6 mahine purani hai jab maine recently ek company join ki thi as an civil engineer. Job ke chalte mujhe pune se raipur shift hona pada, jaha mere company ka construction site chal raha tha. Mera site raipur se 35km tha to mujhe vahi pe apna accommodation plan karna tga kyon ki mai...

3 years ago
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I Have My Darling Wife Ashley On A Dating Site

My lovely wife, Ashley, had recently moved to this country from Mauritius. Although she was now nearly forty, her body was still slim and cute. She has small, nicely formed breasts and a pert little arse, her tummy is tight as a drum.Ashley had come from a bustling and lively hotel with more social life than perhaps Ash realized. Although there was some family here, it was a bit of a friendless and lonely start to her move. We talked about how she could go about making some friends, and I joked...

Wife Lovers
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Camp Site Orgy

Camp Site Orgy By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected]) The following story is a work of fiction. Being a work of fiction all concerns regarding disease and pregnancy are unnecessary. This storyline was suggested to me by a fan and I hope that I have done it justice. This story contains slut wife and unfaithful husband behaviour. If you don't like these stories please don't read it. I am also Australian and will make no apologies for using Australian terms and spelling. Enjoy. ------...

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The Ring AOChapter 70 Building Site Purchase

During lunch Helena asked Fred “Interested in some building development?” Fred looked at Helena puzzled. We need to see Andrew and Zac, in that order. They finished lunch and called upon Andrew. Helena asked “What happened to that Brisbane development that we needed to rush to?” Andrew replied “No further news. Nothing has come of it.” Helena requested “What is the address of the properties and development name please?” Andrew passed these on. They left to see Zac. He was actually in his...

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ControlPart 3 Life and Death on the Web Site

Geoffrey isn't an innocent. He has been known to use internet porn. Stories, pictures, videos. He belonged to a couple of subscription sites for awhile. He was blown away when he first saw a bestiality video, and again when bukkake first came out. He's looked at bdsm. He wonders how many women out there are happy to suck dogs or drink bowls of semen or have breast torture. He'd always thought the models were in it just for the money, and that either the money was awfully good or they were...

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Why I dislike most porn 5 blame this site

Bad porn has (bad) acting, added artificial moaning and abundance of a few four letter wordsBad porn originates from the United States of America just like rules taboos hypocrisy hereBad porn has men obliged to come in her face, while female orgasming is seen as unprofessionalBad porn influenced badly the actual sex-life of at least two generations of American citizensBad porn hates genuine feelings, factual arousal, pussies looking different and personalityBad porn created the habit of...

2 years ago
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From Dating Site To Bed Sharing

Hello readers I am Manish (net name) from Ambala, doing job as engineer in a company. I am 5 feet 9 inches tall average built fair guy 22.5 yrs. And my cock is not a fake one but of a normal avg. 5 inches; thick boner. I am not an author not a writer so please forgive for any mistakes or style of narration. This may be too long or too short. You can contact me with your reviews on man4u124 at hotmail dot com. Your reviews are awaited. This story is about a random sex encounter which I got...

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Job Site Visit

She had great legs, nice ass too. She was dressed very conservatively, straight skirt that hit just at the knee, starched white blouse, light jacket that matched her skirt. Panty hose and small black pumps. Lori, from the main office, was sitting in the chair sideways, one leg crossed over the other. She was facing the desk, in my job site trailer office, talking on the phone and writing notes. Her tight skirt was pulled up past mid thigh, it molded to her ass like a second skin. Her tight...

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The Fan and Porn Site Hostess

Jim Speaking My wife, Jackie, runs an amateur site on the web. For several months after we got married, we had shared photographs with other couples we met on the net. So many people complimented her on her looks and on her body that I thought perhaps we should broaden our contact base. The thought of people looking at our pictures was very stimulating to us and immensely improved our sex life. We had a hard time, however, getting the site up and running. It cost a lot of money for clothes,...

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our first motorhome

We got a good deal on our neighbor's motorhome, and we were anxiously making plans for getting Peggy fucked by some young guys.We bought it as a sexond vehicle, so even though it wasn't cost effective my wife drove it back and forth to work. While she was working one day the owner introduced her to a very young man and told her to show him the way around. They were picking an order to be picked up and she was explaining how to find all the items and where they were. She noticed his eyes were...

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From Chatting Site To Mobile Number Then To Her Home

I am a regular ISS reader for the past two years. I used to read many stories by which I got more impressed so I decide to write my real life encounter which happen in my life Hi readers now I am gonna tell a real incident which happen 7 month before in my life Before that I request you to send your feedback to specially girls and aunties who need a safe relationship can contact me through my mail let’s come to the story I am jhafa form chennai working in a MNC. Iam little fair and chubby at a...

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Finding A Female Coworker On A Yahoo Swinger Site

Hey, my name is Wayne and I work for a pretty cool company here in Dayton, Ohio. I'm an estimator for a commercial electrical company and have a decent working relationship with everyone there. I've been married to my wife for the last ten years but we had been dating since she met me on my 21st birthday when I was out with my buddies for a few drinks. She was the waitress that served us our drinks. Long story short, I married her five years later. Now Beth, my wife, and I had talked a few...

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DunrossiterChapter 6 Jamie Dunrossiter

Dunrossiter lounged in his chambers. He had spent the last several weeks training his wife in her new role and was rather pleased with the results. She craved a hard cock as much as the most wanton slut in his employ! She now enjoyed taking his cock into her every orifice and was proficient in satisfying the other girls as well. He had rarely had a wench so demanding of his organ, and he reveled in his ability to degrade even the finest of ladies. As he got up, Jenny, the buxom and...

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Camp Site Orgy

------ Amy kept herself under control as John, her husband of six months, told her what was happening. "We are going camping." He said. "Just you and I out to Shaganon Caves" "Since when do I go camping?" She asked. "I hate camping." "I have all the best equipment." John said. "I even have a double bed." Amy only liked seeing five stars, those above the hotel sign, when she went away. The idea of spending a night out in the wilderness was not her idea of...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 46 Games At House Site Catching the Stalker

Mark Melanie worked the bank transfer for me, and suddenly I was the owner of 640 acres in Dillonville, about eight miles southeast of the city airport. A commute into the city outside of rush hour would take about twenty to thirty minutes. Moreover, I expected we’d use the condo in Worthington Towers on weeknights, and the ‘farm, ‘ as we’d started to call it, on weekends. I didn’t like the name ‘the farm, ‘ but for the time being it was an apt description of the place, although no farming...

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Remirror Skin Deep

Remirror - Skin Deep. ================================================================= This is an experiment in erotic fiction. As many readers know, there are some basic tropes in TG fiction that are now long-standing and predictable. The Remirror project is an experiment in turning those tropes back on themselves to see what comes out of it. I plan to take passages from popular TG fiction and tweak them from MtF to FtM. However, I intend to keep most of the same gender-role...

4 years ago
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On site

While on duty just as it was getting dark io messaged Steve and asked him if he was able to meet me at my site. He asked what we would be doing, I said "anything you want". He thought the idea was great. so he was there writhing the hour. while he was on the way I got out a blanket from my trunk, the lube from my glove box and headed to the second floor of one of the houses on my site. the houses were just being build so only the frames and outer walls were up. I folded there blanket in half...

3 years ago
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Building site tranny

So I woke this morning in a particularly aroused state, I decided I would treat myself some naughty fun, I decided to dress like a slut under my work clothes. I rummaged around in my drawer and pulled out some black seamed nylons, black lace panties and and my favourite lace corset. I began by showering and shaving my whole body, once I had finished I began by rolling the smooth nylons on to my smooth muscular legs, then came the lace corset followed by the small lace panties, I then reached...

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True meet from dating site

True story.I added a profile to a dating site and didn't expect much since it was oriented towards singles, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.While browsing profiles, I noticed her username had "69" in the name which was pretty unusual for a non-sex site. I favorited her profile as I did not have access to send messages. As it turned out, she was online at that moment and she messaged me directly, which on that site allowed me to respond. She noticed my profile mentioned "well endowed"...

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