So Dirty free porn video

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Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. (c) 2002 Couture So Dirty By Couture It had started innocently enough. I had always fantasized about my wife taking more control in bed, and when she asked if she could tie me up, I jumped at the chance. She got some of my old ties out of the closet and tied me spread-eagled to the bed. Then instead of mounting me, she blindfolded me. That was okay, not what I expected, but a nice touch. At last my wish was granted, but it seemed like I had forgotten something. Something fairly important. Like I said, I had always fantasized about my wife taking control. I just never imagined she would be so good at it. She teased me relentlessly, sucking me to hardness and then sliding her juicy sex over my chest and back to my mouth for me to service her, all the while pinching my nipples or slapping my cock against my stomach. "Please Mistress, I need to cum. I need it really bad." I wasn't sure when I had started calling her Mistress during the night's games, but it seemed much easier now that I had started. "Mmmmm... Is Her horny? Does Her want to be fucked?" I didn't even have time to wonder about her change in tone or in what she called me, for there was an intrusion where there ought not have been one. She was worming a lubricated finger into my tightly clenched arse, something no one had ever done before. "No - uh - huh," I grunted, trying to stop her, but it was too late. She pushed the probing digit home and then began pushing it in and out of my arsehole. The more she did it, the more I realized it wasn't as bad as I first thought. I felt full and on every outstroke it felt dangerously like I was using the bathroom, but once I got over that, it actually felt kind of nice. Hell, who was I kidding, it felt really damned good. "Her likes it doesn't she?" my wife asked. I was hard to admit, but I nodded my head. "Yes..." She withdrew her fingers. I prayed she would do it again and masturbate me at the same time. But instead, I heard her squeeze out some more lube and tease the entrance to my arse again. "Does Her want two fingers in her ass?" she asked. I had never heard my wife talk dirty before. Except for the few times she was close to orgasm and would tell me to fuck her cunt. Even then, she would hesitate, as if she were scared to be saying such a naughty word. This new attitude of hers was totally unexpected. After years of being the adventurous one, it was a big change to suddenly be the one whose boundaries were being pushed. It was erotic, yes, but it was also scary. "Yes," I answered. "Say, yes Her does, Mistress." Why did she keep calling me Her? It must be some sort of role-play. It was scary and discomforting, but not so much as to quell my need for release. "Yes, Her does, Mistress," I said. She pushed her fingers into me. Before I felt full and it was a little weird, but this time, it was like I was being stretched... widened. And when she started to fuck me, I could hear the wet sounds of her lubricated fingers entering me. It made me feel a little dirty. I knew somehow that I had given up something more than my anal virginity, but the feeling of control I had when I was with her. I tried my best to stop my body from reacting, tried to stop the grunts and moans that wanted to come out of my mouth, tried to stop the thrusting of my hips and the widening of my legs, but it was useless. "Such a slut. Her loves it, doesn't her? Her loves being fucked in her arse. Her loves being *used*." "Yes," I admitted, not able to stop myself from getting into it, accepting the role, and opening myself to her fingers. Before long, I was pushing back against her. "Her loves it. Her wants to cum," I begged. My wife held her fingers still and I continued to move against her as best I could despite my bonds. I knew what I was doing. I was admitting that I wanted it. That she wasn't forcing me. And I didn't care. "Her loves it. My slut loves it in her dirty ass, doesn't Her?" "Yes, Her does." She felt of my cock. "Her is so hard. Her is such a slut for loving this. I bet Her wants to cum very bad." "Mmmm-" I moaned. "Her wants to cum really bad." "But would Her do anything to cum, hmmmm?" she asked. "ANYTHING!" I moaned. "Anything?" she asked. "Is Her sure?" "Yes," I was almost breathless. "Her is very sure." "Would Her let Mistress's lover fuck her? Would Her let us to it right here with Her in the room?" Whoa, that was pretty confusing. I was my wife's lover, wasn't I? And the house was empty, wasn't it? A game... it had to be. "Yes, Mistress," I replied. She got up from the bed, leaving the room and me still wanting. I heard the muffled sound of talking. There couldn't be anyone else. I was sure the house was empty. But if it was empty, then who was she talking to? I wished I wasn't blindfolded. The room suddenly became very cold and the game didn't feel so much like a game anymore. My helplessness and the situation I was in finally struck home. The door opened and I did my best to close my legs in an attempt to protect whatever modesty I had left. "Here she is," my wife said. "The one I told you about. The slut that likes to get arse fucked." It dawned on me what I had forgotten earlier - a safe word. I didn't have one. My wife had mentioned fucking her lover, but from the things she was saying, I could be the one getting fucked. I broke. Even if it was a game, it had gotten too intense. I tugged at my bonds. "Honey," I implored her. I couldn't breathe. Tears flowed and were absorbed by the tie covering my eyes. "Shhhh," she said, stroking me, reassuring me. "Is Her scared?" "Yes," I admitted. I could breathe a little easier, but I was still shivering. Thankfully, my wife removed my blindfold. I looked around the room. There was no one else there. "Better?" she asked. "Yes," I sighed in relief. "Good," she said, as she got on the bed and straddled my face. But her sex was out of my reach. She spread the moist lips of her sex and slipped a finger inside, fucking herself, taunting me, teasing me, asking me how bad Her wanted it. Then she held her sex open and lowered herself to my waiting mouth. However, when I tried to kiss her and give her pleasure, she pulled away, giggling. "See," she said to no one in particular. "I told you she was a slut. My own little Pussy slave." She pushed a wet finger in my mouth. It was soaked with her flavour. I sucked it clean as she pushed it in and out my lips. "Yes, Her is *my* pussy slave, isn't she?" she asked me, as if talking to a baby. "I am- I mean Her is your pussy slave, Mistress," I answered. "Her is turning her Mistress on and Her is making Mistress want her lover's big fat cock." My wife reached back. I was expecting to feel her hand wrap around my cock and masturbate me while I pleasured her, but instead when her hand returned, it held something I never knew she had - a dildo! And not just any dildo either. It was large. Much larger than my cock and it was black. She kissed it, then rubbed it between her breasts, and finally slid it back and forth between the lips of her sex. "God, I can't wait to feel your big fat cock in my pussy," she said, then put the dildo to my lips. "Suck my lover's cock slut. Make him hard for your Mistress." I looked up at my wife's eyes, half expecting to see a smirk. A smirk that would have killed me, but it wasn't there. Instead her eyes were half-lidded with pleasure. I opened my lips and took it in, tasting latex and the musk of her sex. She pumped it in and out of my mouth for a few minutes and over my lips while I kissed it. "Her is Mistress's cock slut too, isn't she?" I couldn't answer, but the dildo in my mouth spoke volumes. "He's ready now, don't be greedy little slut." she said, taking it from my mouth. "I'm going to let Her loose now. Is Her going to be a good little pussy slave for her Mistress?" "Yes, Mistress," I answered, as she undid my bonds. "Just remember that THAT," she said, pointing at my cock, "Belongs to me." When I was free, she moved me to the middle of the bed, still on my back. Once there, she mounted my face and then reaching behind herself, and pushed the dildo into her sex. "Oh God," she gasped, as she pushed it home. "What a cock. Ugh - ugh - so goddamn big." I felt momentarily jealous - yes, jealous over an inanimate object. From my vantage, I could see that it was stretching her and filling her in a way I never could. I tried not to let it bother me as I attacked her clit with my tongue with renewed enthusiasm. "See," she said, talking to her imaginary lover. "See, I told you the little slut wanted to watch while you fucked me. Oh love, your cock is so big and feels so good. You're gonna make me cum - gonna make me cum all over her face." She cried out in pleasure and her body tightened. She pressed her sex against my mouth with crushing force, as she ground against me. "Fuck - fuck - fuck - fuck." She pulled the dildo from her sex, and covered my mouth with the opening of her sex. "Taste my cum - drink it," she ordered. While I drank from her well, she pumped my cock. As I bucked my hips in response, I felt the dildo pressing against my arse. "Spread your legs slut. Give yourself to my lover," my wife demanded. I wasn't ready for this and it was going too far. "Do it slut," she said. Her voice brooked no disobedience. I spread my legs. Not only was I being called a slut, I felt like one as well. She pushed the dildo against my arsehole, trying to force it in. It wouldn't go. I tried to relax. I tried to bear it, but it was just too damn big and hurt too damned much. I yelped each time she pushed. "He's too big for Her, isn't he?" she asked sympathetically. "He's too big a man for Her dirty little arse." I nodded, relieved. My arsehole still burned. "Say it!" she demanded. When I wanted my wife to take control, I didn't plan on this. She was supposed to tie me up and then do what I wanted her to do. Instead, she was making me do what *she* wanted to do and say what *she* wanted me to say. "He's - he's too big," God it was difficult to say. I almost had rather fucked it than admit this, but I knew there was no way I could take it. "He's too big for my dirty ass." Thankfully, she put the dildo down and pushed her fingers against my puckered hole. They slipped in easily. I groaned in response. "But Her likes Mistress's fingers, doesn't she? Her needs to spread Her legs more and hold them out of Mistress's way." "Yes, Her likes that much better." I did as she said, placing my hands behind my knees and pulling my legs to my chest. "More," she said. "Give it up to me." I pulled back harder. My arse left the bed. I could easily watch as she pumped my cock with one hand and buggered my arse with the other. "Oh yes, that's it. Give it up to me." She looked down at me as if she owned me. "It's all mine, isn't it?" "Ugh - yes," I grunted. "Does Her feel like a slut?" she asked. "Does Her feel like *my* slut?" I did feel like a slut. No self-respecting man would be in the position I was in. Worse, I loved it. "Yes," I grunted in response. Was it my imagination or was my voice higher pitched. "Yes, Her looks like a slut and Her even sounds like a slut. How could Her not feel like a slut?" she said, and I moaned in response. "You want it don't you slut. Her is gonna give me all Her cum, isn't she? Oh yes, Her wants to cum so bad, but what would Her do to cum?" She said, letting go of my cock and rolling my swollen balls in her hand, while continuing to probe my arsehole. "Anything," I answered and meant it. My balls felt like they would burst. "Would Her drink her Mistress's lover's cum? Would Her clean his dirty cock?" "Yes! Please - anything, please just let me cum." "Then moan for me slut." "Ugh, oh yes!" I cried in response. She held my cock at the base and blew against the underside, teasing me. "Slut's don't moan like that do they? And Her did say she was my slut, didn't she?" "Yes. Yes ... Her is ... your slut," I answered and was rewarded with a tiny kiss on the head of my cock. I steeled myself inside. Could I really do this? What would my wife think of me when I did? What would our relationship be like later? I couldn't help it. "Mmmmmm-" I moaned softly. It wasn't a masculine moan. It was a long ways from it. It was the mewling moan of a woman. The kind I had heard, not from my wife, but from watching sex tapes. She rewarded me by sucking the head of my cock in her mouth and then popping it back out. "That's better, but Her can do better than that, can't she?" I could feel the cum boiling inside me. "Mmmmm ? uuhhhhh..." I groaned louder. She pulled her mouth from my cock with a smack. "Yes, that's it. That's the kind of sound a slut makes. That's the kind of sound Mistress wants to hear, but Mistress wants more before she lets her slave cum. She wants the whole package." The whole package? What did she want? It was so difficult to think. My body was on fire. I was desperate to cum. I thought back to some of the porno tapes I used to watch. Which girl was the best? Which did I think was the biggest slut? What did she do? I remembered the tape and I remembered the girl, a skinny blonde. She looked like she was being killed as she was fucked, but she gave as good as she got. She spread her legs and pulled them back with every thrust. She bit her lip, she played with her nipples, she sucked her finger. She talked dirty. She was a squealer. But, dear Lord, could I do that? Was I even sure it was what my Mistress - I mean my wife wanted? I prayed it was. "Mmmmmm - fuck me. Give it to me hard." I pulled my legs back, giving myself to her, and bit my lower lip. I hoped it was what she wanted. If it wasn't I just made the biggest fool of myself. I felt her add another finger to the two she already buggering my arsehole with and she sucked my cock back in her mouth. It *was* what she wanted. And I discovered I give it to her. It was easy once I started. I pinched my nipples. I bit my lip. I pushed myself on her fingers. I talked dirty. Oh God, I hate to admit it, but I even squealed. She pumped her mouth up and down my cock in short strokes that kept in time with the fingers pumping my arse. Up and down, in and out, with me crying on each thrust. "Ugh - Ugh - Ugh - Oh God ? mmmmmmmmmm - cummmminggg!" I squealed. My balls spasmed, pumping out hot cum, and my cries were smothered by her sex, as she lowered herself on me once more. It felt like my very soul was escaping in powerful bursts from my dick and it all being sucked into the vacuum of her mouth. When it was over, I was weakened, dazed, and lay strewn out over the bed like a wrinkled sheet. She moved up my body and straddled me, kneeling over me, and trapping my arms beneath her knees. She smiled, her eyes gleamed with power and lust. My cum gleamed from between her lips against the smeared red of her lipstick. She picked up the dildo and placed it beneath her mouth. Her smile turned wicked as her lips pursed and my cum leaked from her mouth in a long strand, landing on the black cock and running down its length. "Suck it baby. Let my lover cum in your mouth." I didn't want to do it. I probably would have been eager a few moments ago, even when I said I would. But now I was no longer turned on. I was satisfied and the game should be over. I didn't want to play anymore. "Her promised, didn't she?" My semen was already pulling away from the head of the cock, forming a long strand toward my lips. It was going to hit me anyway wasn't it? Then what would I look like with cum all over my face? I opened my mouth. The string of semen entered. "Yes..." my wife hissed, her eyes on fire. "Yes, that's it. Let my lover cum in your mouth... but don't swallow - not yet." My wife pushed the cock between my lips. I could taste the bitter flavour of my semen against the latex flavour of the cock. It wasn't the first time I had ever tasted it. But having a mouthful of semen sticking between my teeth and coating the rubber dildo was a far cry from accidentally tasting my spendings from my wife's lips after I received a blowjob. My wife's hand went to her crotch, fingers spun about her clit. "God, you are so hot, my little pussy slave!" she groaned. "So dirty. Little slut." She pumped the dildo in and out my mouth. "You're gonna make me cum again," she gasped, pulling the dildo from my mouth and casting it aside. "Open your mouth. Open it Cumslut and let me see it - let me see my lover's cum." I opened my mouth and rolled the semen around on my tongue. My wife stiffened, her pelvis pumped as she orgasmed. She clutched me with her arms and legs, holding me tightly. She kissed me hungrily and we passed my semen back and forth, swapping it. She collapsed on top of me and didn't move. I couldn't either. Our two bodies tangled together like some sort of sweaty jigsaw puzzle. I was exhausted and I ached. But it was a good ache. I wondered about what had happened and how this would affect our relationship. It was awesome; I had never cum like that before in my life. I wondered what if it had been a real lover. Would I still have enjoyed it? I wondered if she would want to do it again. I was wondering about a lot of things. My wife pulled her head from my chest. "Wow," she said. It was the understatement of the year, but I felt a lot surer of myself. "Wow is right." I answered. She smiled, not a wicked smile like before, but slightly playful and if it wasn't my imagination, maybe a little bashful as well. "Do you think that maybe next time we can see if my lover has a friend he can bring along, maybe someone who is a teensy bit smaller for you." It was amazing how she could say things that could mean any number of things. But whatever she meant, I knew the answer. "That would be nice," I answered. "Mmmmm..." she kissed me again. "So dirty." *** If you enjoyed this work, take a moment to email the author. Your comments are their only payment. Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyright with all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated.

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The adventure of A family

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers another super semi Classic from your Incester read this long story and write to me. My wife, son, daughter and I were tired. We had hiked all afternoon up the mountain, then set-up camp for the night. My son and I made ourselves a nice camp, well organized, as my wife and daughter prepared dinner. It might've been freeze-dried and instant food, but we all knew it was going to taste like manna from heaven after the long, hard 16 mile trek....

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There and BackChapter 150 Getting Centered

The Knight-Commander of Kinloch Hold blinked at me in surprise. “You want to keep a darkspawn mage alive and imprisoned?” I rolled my head, stretching my neck, feeling it pop with a satisfying noise. That rejuvenation spell works wonders – Anders is a miracle worker, thank God for spirit healing – but I wonder how often it can be redone. It’s already wearing off – and I still feel woozy, too. I was relieved to be mostly coherent for the moment, at least. “Want is the wrong word. But we have...

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Sandys First Weekend Enslavement

Sandra was 25 years old, a striking strawberry blonde with long hair and rather ample boobs. This Sunday evening, she was early in a very unusual 5-hour drive home. She was naked except for a rather large butt plug in her ass and a large electronic vibrator in her pussy. These were held in place by a locked chastity belt to which she did not have a key. Her cell phone was propped up in a holder in front of her and was answerable through her car’s audio system by voice command. Her back, legs,...

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FuckingAwesome August Ames Caught In The Act

When Logan is at home chilling on the couch with his step sister August, he can barely keep his eyes off her big tits. August catches on and decides to have a little fun with her step brother. August begins subtly teasing Logan knowing he can’t keep his eyes off her perfect tits before deciding to take things a step further. August heads to the kitchen and returns topless which then quickly escalates into an all-out fuck fest. Just as August swallows her brother’s cum his tiny titty...

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Nothing in Life is Free Part 4

Nothing in Life is Free Part 4 By Radical Change The nurse looked at me for a few seconds before moving forward and declaring, "You were meant to have been fully modified slave but it seems your subconscious hasn't fully accepted your new beginning. I also know you have been keeping secrets but soon you'll willingly tell me everything." As I focussed on her there were no feelings of apprehension or fear just total arousal. "I've reconfigured that nasty subconscious of yours," she...

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My Desires Fulfilled For Now

The sunlight shining through the window and the soft chirp of birds stir me in my sleep and interrupt my dream. With my eyes closed and mind still only half awake, I roll over to wrap my arm around your sleeping form, only to find nothing there but empty space on the bed. I open my eyes and the visual confirmation of your absence reminds me – it’s Monday. I twist my body under the sheets back to the center of our bed, my auburn hair partly covering my face as I close my eyes again. There’s a...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful MessChapter 21 Breakdown

"Wow. Look at this place," Amy said, as we pulled into the driveway. "It's a mansion!" "That's what I said," I replied. We got out of the car and I got Amy's suitcase from the trunk. Charlotte took her smaller bag, and we walked up the walk toward the front door. "I hope you don't mind," Charlotte said. "I have some friends over." "Oh?" Amy said. "Cool." "Yeah. We're celebrating." "Celebrating?" Amy said. "Celebrating what?" Charlotte opened the door. There was...

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Treasure in the attic

The entrance was hidden in the in wardrobe of her parents room, a latched staircase that could be pulled down from the ceiling. Eloise reached up and pulled the cord down to unleash the ladder, disturbing long settled dust and sneezing as some landed on her. It was obvious that even her parents had not been up there for years. With careful steps she climbed the ladder entering the dimly lit and stuffy room. It was quite spacious with a high ceiling, where little streaks of light cut through...

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Someone is going to get fucked

I was a minor campus celebrity at the city college I attended.  Student paper columnist, campus intellectual and varsity track team member.Of the coeds attracted to that combination, I chose a ditzy little blond, with big tits, who I thought would provide easy and enthusiastic sex.  She lived off campus in a big house, in a good neighborhood.We met a couple of times near campus for coffee and conversation and then she suggested we go home to her house where it would be more comfortable and...

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The place was very secluded, which was a good thing as they were both far from single and discretion was more important than anything. “Nobody I know would ever come to this area of town,” she thought as she found the driveway hidden by the tall grass that was begging to be mowed. She pulled in behind the building though, just in case. She tended to be overly paranoid and she knew it but somehow couldn’t control her trepidation. She walked around the building finding only the door to the lobby...

Oral Sex
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Watching Football or so you think

How do I begin? Should I start by telling you that right this second I am extremely horny? My wife sits in the living room watching one of her boring reality TV shows. Little does she know or care about what I’m doing. I feel my cock jump ever so slightly as it sort of knows what it wants me to do. Trust me when I tell you that I’m not a bad looking guy, so it probably wouldn’t be hard to find someone to service my needs. But being married, I prefer to stay faithful to my wife (masturbation...

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Candy for Candy

I’m way too old to be doing this, Candy thought as she finished putting on her costume. The thought sent a thrill of naughty excitement through her sexy young body. Candy was a high school senior, 18 years old, with long black hair, full red lips and a body that wouldn’t quit. She was also probably the oldest person that would be out trick or treating tonight, not that she was worried about getting her fair share of candy. In this costume, she could have all the candy if she wanted it. White...

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Missy and Jeffery

Missy stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror. She turned slightly from side to side admiring the shape of her naked ass. Her tight shirt hugged her slender waist and accented the curve of her smooth booty. Half way across the small cheeks of her ass the color changed from coffee brown to creamy light latte. She couldn’t decide if she liked the tan lines left from her bikini but when would she ever be able to lay out naked with her father and brother watching her constantly? Steam lifted in...

2 years ago
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Green Pink

You're with your girlfriend John, in line to get on the metro bus. You dot see her as often as you'd like to, so you try make your time together last. The bus line quantity quickly drops as you and John make your way up the driver to pay for your ride. You then head to the back of the bus where you usually sit. John turns to you and smiles, "we have a few hours to kill, where do you think we should go?" You pause to think of the thing the both of you can enjoy but you come up blank. "Evan...

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Mom and son sex becomes a habit for mom and son can8217t escape her constant need for his big dick

I know a bunch of this stuff, probably 98 percent of it, is false about incest. But in email chats with this guy Long Boy Slim, he convinced me to let him post this story I forwarded to him, word for word. It’s true. It’s what happened between me and my mom. I can’t say it’s right or wrong, but it happened. And it’s still happening. I hope it doesn’t offend anyone. But this stuff happens to people sometimes, like it happened to me. If any of you readers out...

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The Bimbo Games

"WELCOME TO THIS YEARS, BIMBO GAMES, Sponsored by the Wet holes Corporation" yelled the announcer. "Now, as you know, every 4 years a group of 8 girls will be forced to compete in the competition, but before we get to the girls and the start of the games, lets go into some history for anyone just joining us here today" THE BIMBO GAMES History The bimbo games was started back in the year 2102, girls stopped acting sexy, as well as giving up on sex all together unless it was to have a baby,...

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A Pal Too Nice

A Pal So Nice By Dee Eon Sitting cross-legged on the park's soft grass, I pretended to be reading my eighth-grade bio book on my lap across from the honey blonde looker reading a book resting atop a red tartan jumper's hem which was stretched taut between nicely rounded caramel knees above sleek folded lemon-yellow knee-highs that guarded like gates the yawning shadowy cave below her full pleated skirt. I knew there were lots of reasons far beyond standard...

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HussiePass Catalina Ossa It8217s Thicker Than My Wrist

20-year-old Catalina Ossa, who’s obviously been enjoying the Florida sun ?? makes her 2nd Hussie??️Pass appearance today and this time we just had to pair her up with Mr. 13 Inch himself ?➕☝? the one and only Brickzilla! While talking about Brickzilla during the Johnny ?? Robbins interview portion of the program ??? Catalina tells us “I get to see how strong my girl really is!”. We shall see, Miss Ossa. We shall see! Catalina loosens herself up a bit by fucking her hairy vag with a rather...

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Jennys Awaking to SexChapter 8

When we got to the bedroom, I turned Jenny around to face me. I told her if she wanted to fuck again she should get on her knees and start sucking my cock. I stood there and watched her as she dropped to her knees almost immediately. She sucked and sucked looking up into my eyes. I told her then to use one of her hands and play with my nuts gently! She followed my directions and soon I could feel a nice tingling and my cock started to grow in Jenny’s beautiful sucking mouth. She smiled up at...

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New Horizons

New Horizon I parked across the street from the house I formally called home. The exterior appeared unchanged after eleven months away. There was a time when I would pull up in this driveway and be filled with joy at the prospect of just being home with my family. Sometimes happiness is an illusion, as I so painfully discovered. As I sat there staring at 2200 Sycamore Drive, memories flooded my mind, I’d tried so hard to block out for nearly a year. When I left, I was resolute that I would...

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SweetSweetSallyMae Alina Ali Sally Mae The Revenge of the Twin Dragons Part 3

Isiah (Isiah Maxwell) is busy fixing himself some dinner when he realizes that he’s not alone. ‘Well, well, well… if it isn’t my favorite assassin,’ he says with a devilish grin as Bella (Alina Ali) appears behind him. Isiah knows why Bella’s here. She’s working for Gabriel, the boss of the Blackground Family, and she’s looking for Sally Mae (Ana Foxxx). Too bad for Bella, Sally’s already long gone… but Bella doesn’t have to find...

4 years ago
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Love and Vitamins

So you’d want to do it with mom for the first time, or think you do? Your real mother will not probably not all that attractive to you. Stretch marks and sagginess are to be expected and accepted, as well as wrinkles and bushy pubic hairs. Yet those are only physical details which don’t truly matter compared to feelings and emotions. The most important thing to understand is that if you actually do it you’ll end up with conflicting feelings, especially if you come inside her. You may have...

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Undercover Slut

You're Sara Ridgley, also known as agent X. With a slender body, long legs, pert breast and bronzed skin, you're not only the most deadly, but the sexiest red headed agent working for your government. Dressed in a standard military issue uniform, you stand firm as a large, handsom general approaches. "Agent X, you're the best damn agent we have..I hate to have to send you on one of the hardest damn missions we have...but you're the only one who can do it." You nod along as you listen, eyes...

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Busted pt 1

Roses mom was gone at work, her boyfriend was over, and they were going to do it. But Roses younger brother doesnt like when hes over, and disrupts them every time. Maybe this time hell learn to leave them alone? Rose was 17, a redhead, 52 and had a very sexy body. Nice boobs, rounded hips… her boy- friend loved the sight of her. It was love at first sight between them. Nate was 18, had black wild teenage boy hair, he wore glasses, 57, and was very masculine. They had been going out for a...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 70

Breakfast was cereal, fruit with juice and small talk about today's schedules. It was decided that Patti and I would go in the Suburban. Jenny needed to go to Annapolis for a meeting with the task force. Marcy, Ching Lee, Vicky and Lorrie would take the Ford diesel with Lorrie driving. I gave each of my family a hug and kiss before we went outside to leave. I told Jenny to call me if she needed to talk. Morning good byes seemed more important than ever. I went thru the donut shop drive...

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Wife pays for husbands mistake on vacation

. My Wife of 15 years and myself finally got a vacation away from the k**s when a family member agreed to sit for a week. We had missed out on a honeymoon and the last 14 years had been just work and look after our growing family. Needless to say we were both ready to have a great vacation in the Caribbean.We arrived early in the morning at the airport and after a long day of travel were tired but not wanting to waste any time we still went to one of the resort bars for some drinks. I was in...

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My Brother Would Not Listen

My brother wouldn't listen to me. He's one of those personality types that can't be reasoned with. I must've spent a good half an hour trying to dissuade Jason from fucking our mother. I explained what the possible consequences might be and went down a list cons why he shouldn't walk into the house and do it. And for each con I gave him, he'd find two pros to throw back at me. I knew I was never going to reach this idiot brother of mine. How could I? He's lusted after mom's plump ass...

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Randon sexual acts with Anne through town

The Two Who Were Looking For A Fun TimeBy: Alan Ross Michelle (a.k.a Micha) and Al, sat bored out of there mind in Al's truck one warm Saturday afternoon. Micha wanted to go some where local, but do something that they have never done before. Al just wanted to hook up, asking Micha ideas she had. Micha had none, and was out of ideas, asking Al if he had any plans all Al's ideas were dirty. Such things as; going to a parking lot and having sex, or giving him road head as he drove. Micha agreed...

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A Family Man Part 4 Discoveries

Melanie embraced this new dynamic instantly. Although she had always been a submissive, our relationship had opened so much more inside of her that she never realized before. She had told me that she would often imagine what other women might look like pregnant with my child and it excited her. She had mentioned her desire to see me with other women so she could see what she felt, as it happened, but she couldn't answer why. After I brought Audrey and Bonnie into our family, she finally...

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My fascination led to reality

I had an RDO on a Wednesday. Usually we managed to wrangle these so we had the same day off. This time it didn’t work out so I was home alone. I was bored and got onto the laptop. Somehow I clicked “History” and found the answer to my husband’s ideas. There were numerous porn websites which showed some of the wilder things we were doing. Then I found one which stunned and shocked me. It was a bestiality site. I stared at the array of videos featuring women having sex with dogs, horse and even...

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Family Feud IV

The Family Feud IV Chapter OneSlut GamesSTAR COUNT:WENDY: 43Get out of jail cards: 1WHORE: 1,3,0,0,0JAMIE: 51Get out of jail cards: 1WHORE: 4,3,0,0,0?Yes Sir, actually I?d prefer to clean your house in the nude.? Jamie smiled at the old man as he ate up her playful fibs. She had just finished mowing, trimming and edging his yard in the skimpy bikini her mother wore to the pool party last night. She stepped completely out of it and thought she might give him a heart attack as he looked her naked...

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