I Seduce My Neighbor, Part II free porn video

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(Surprise! My neighbor’s girlfriend)

By PhyllisRoger

My initial fears and reservations about my new neighbor, Vanessa, had been answered months ago as she overcame her initial taboos about such things and willingly yielded to her seduction by my sexy dog, Toby. He was now servicing each of us from time to time as we got even better “acquainted.” It was a neighbor’s dream come true. Our private Le Club Taboo. One day Toby and I went over for one of our sexy visits with Vanessa, unannounced, knocked, she opened the door. I could see in the kitchen was someone else. My eyes met with Vanessa’s, she smiled…”That’s Sherry, my girlfriend from work.” I was getting nervous. “Maybe Toby and I should come back another time?” Vanessa pulled us into her apartment closing the door behind Toby and me. “I don’t know,” I said, looking down at the dog who looked up, tongue lolling, eagerly looking at Vanessa who was blushing. She mumbled: “Life is interesting,” followed by her suggestive little giggle.

“It’s my neighbor Phyllis…and her dog, Toby,” she called out to the kitchen. Into the room came another gorgeous creature with a plate of snacks. “I’m Sherry,” she said and offered me a snack. “Wine?” she asked and I nodded. Soon the three of us were chatting, snacking and wining, Toby on the floor in repose. Sherry looked at him saying: “He’s a big boy. Vanessa told me all about him.” My voice cracked a little: “She did?” Sherry nodded and smiled. “He’s probably a good companion and you feel safer when he’s around.” “Yes,” I said, “he’s a very good companion.” I put a little twist to the ‘very’ part and Sherry gave a little grin…[she had been told ALL about him?! I wondered how much she had been told about my naughty dog.]

We continued with our snacks and small talk. Later, Sherry walked into the kitchen, her bottom moving sensually under her little dress, returning another bottle of wine. I noticed how warm was the room…not just warmth from the room but from our conversation and my thoughts…naughty thoughts. [Vanessa had told Sherry about Toby. THAT about Toby? Vanessa had said ’life was interesting’ and I wondered what might happen. A collection of clues I pondered.]

I reached down and patted my leg for Toby who stood and came to my side…tongue out. I gave him part of a snack saying “Good boy.” He sat at my feet and licked at my ankle.

Sherry said: “You let him do that?” I said: “They say a dog’s tongue is very clean…and it feels nice.” Toby was warming to his task and licked again. “He has quite the tongue,” Sherry said looking at us. The tip of Toby’s cock was peeking out…and I looked at Sherry. And yes! She was staring at us and IT. Then she looked up and smiled. She was blushing. “I’ve never had a dog,” she said and glanced down again at the pulsing red tip of Toby‘s cock. She was obviously fascinated with it, pretending not to look.

Vanessa was blushing, too, grabbed the remote and turned on the TV…saying: “There’s a good movie in a few minutes.” We watched and it was an old one: “Women in Love.” Sherry said: “Yes. I saw it once. It’s a ‘chick flick’ but I’d like to see it again.” The room was dark now, the sun having set, and the black and white film came on with the credits and then the story. It wasn’t long before Women in Love was showing two women expressing themselves. “Movies have come a long way since that was made,” Sherry said. “It is so suggestive and subtle.” “And sexy,” I added. “But these days,” I continued, “they would be not only necking and…naked…and…also finger fucking!” Sherry smiled at my words, nodded and drank some more wine, all of us quiet, watching as the two women in the film got close and kissed and caressed…fully clothed.

I imagined they were naked, fingering each others’ cunts, even imagining a dog in the room. What naughty, taboo thoughts! I was getting aroused by the women even with their clothes on…my imagination was churning. I patted Toby on the head and he stood and licked at my knee. I looked at Sherry and she was watching. “Sometimes he’s a bad boy,” I remarked, “really bad.” Sherry smiled and watched the licking, his red dick easily seen, protruding a little more. I noticed Sherry’s breathing had changed and her breasts were moving irregularly…watching the women in the film but now just watching me and Toby and that long tongue, the red dick throbbing. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sherry was staring…not at the movie.

Sherry asked: “What do you mean ‘bad’?” All I could do was smile, [seductively?] and then she insisted “How ‘bad’ is ‘bad’?” I was blushing and Toby was actively licking at both my knees, his cock half out…my legs together fending him off. I was afraid of how my mouth might answer her question, giving her a clue or spilling the beans with my tone. I pushed Toby away. I didn’t answer, just beautiful Sherry’s questions [and Toby] were getting me hot.

I stood and went to the bathroom to cool down, giving Vanessa the eye, letting her deal with her friend’s questions, as I passed between her and Sherry. Vanessa looked up and smiled…my eyes were questioning: ‘Would we admit Sherry into our private Le Club Taboo? Would Sherry instead be shocked and leave?’ So many answers to her questions, just in my look and silence. Vanessa smiled…and also blushed.

While in the restroom I heard them talking but couldn’t hear the words. Mind you, I had no idea of what would happen among the three of us but was titillated by what might happen? Sherry was really sexy and pretty and Toby’s tongue would set her on fire if she would only let it happen. What with the wine, the sexy movie, and Toby licking my knees, his dick out in plain view, Sherry fixated on it asking questions and I wondered whether the scene had been set.

In a way I wished Sherry wasn’t there as Vanessa and I would surely have a hot time in Le Club Taboo…my body was ready and my mind was whirring. I cooled down, a little. In another way I hoped Sherry would join in our forbidden pleasures. Excited with the possibilities, my mind inflamed, I returned to the living room. My cunt was wet, my body was ready but my behavior was discrete because of Sherry…maybe she’d be disgusted. As I looked in the room there they were and what a scene it was…my naughty thighs were massaging my cunt as I walked to the couch.

The scene: Three beautiful women and one sexually active dog in a quiet room.

That naughty, Toby was now being totally ‘friendly’ with Vanessa…Sherry in full stare. Sherry’s breasts were moving in and out with labored breathing, her dress above her knees which were parted slightly…was she getting hot, too?. I wondered what her pretty body was feeling…like mine? Was it the movie or Toby or...?

I went to the kitchen and opened that extra bottle of wine for us. We were all warm, the movie was developing and returning to the couch I looked at Toby and Sherry, her dress above her open knees. She had removed her shoes and I could see her legs were bare, wondering what else was bare and what more excitement there might be. I took a deep breath and poured out the wine. My cunt was tingling in anticipation but I sat down with my knees clamped tight…shivers! Trying to behave myself…my body raging…my brain telling my body: “Be cool, damn you!”

As I sat down, Sherry looked over at me, saying: “It’s a good movie Phyllis. I first saw it with my boyfriend at a drive-in movie…it got very hot…I got very hot and…” “And what?” I said. “You know…” she said and was blushing. I could care less about the movie just then and didn’t respond. Toby was working on Vanessa’s knees. She looked at me and smiled. Sherry continued: “What an active tongue…I’ve heard about dogs.” The ice was broken and I said: “Naughty dogs?” “It’s what you said, Phyllis…about Toby being naughty. It‘s not only his tongue, it‘s his…cock…pulsing with each lick! I‘ve never seen a dog‘s thing before.” So innocent calling it a ‘thing!’ I was losing control and got bold.

“It’s just between the three of us,” I said, giving her permission. Sherry looked at Vanessa and all the licking. I said to Vanessa: “You can always tell him to stop at any time and I’ll pull him away.” That moment had come and I didn’t know what would happen but took a chance. Toby was excitedly working on Vanessa’s knees and I said: “Toby!” patting Sherry’s bare knees. Sherry flexed at my touch. Toby looked up and came over to her. It was the moment. Would Vanessa and I initiate a new member into Le Club Taboo or would Sherry get scared and leave?

She was startled by my patting her knee and looked deep into my eyes. “Really?” she mumbled. “It’s just us three,” I said, reassuringly and Toby responded and licked at her, hitting her calf. I petted his ears. He knew it was okay, that it was the three of us; he licked Sherry’s calf again. “It feels strange…funny…tickles…nice…ooo…his nose is cold…and nice.” She could leave now but didn’t. It was the moment when doubt, body, mind collided…but the licking was good, is good and she was ready.

I watched her as Toby went to work and then it was too late for her. The fears, the taboo, the forbidden were dashed. Sherry relaxed, surrendering to her body, the feelings of lust. “I don’t know. I…” she mumbled and laid her head against the couch closing her eyes. Toby kept licking, now on her knees and above. Le Seduction Finis! I moved her dress to her waist. She looked at me and smiled.

She had skimpy little panties; I massaged her legs as Toby had gotten her scent, licking at her thigh…She turned her face to me, her eyes full of questions and excitement. I smoothed Sherry’s legs, opening them, giving Toby permission for his treat and he didn’t disappoint, licking her thighs, one side and then the other. “His nose is so cold,” she said, closing her eyes. I took her hand and Vanessa took the other. “This is naughty," she whispered, "really... I shouldn’t be doing this… UNH! He feels so good. He‘s right there! OH GOD!”

Her legs were apart now and she scooted down. I pulled her tiny panties to one side. Sherry exclaimed: “OH! God! That nose…OH!” I watched Toby’s tongue as he licked her, nudging his nose on her clit and slurping that long urgent tongue into her cunt, slurping with more licks and Sherry lifted up for more. “This is wrong,” she said and lifted again, opening more. I petted her cheek. She was hot with tears and flexed more. I released her hand which went to Toby’s head and ears, rubbing them, chuckling at his mouth and tongue, urging him into her…legs splayed. “OH! OH!” she exclaimed, playing with Toby’s mouth, caressing it. It was such a scene and the movie droned on.

I glanced at the screen…the women were kissing…I leaned in and kissed Sherry. Her tongue was thick in her mouth. She mumbled: “I’m close…UNH…Oh God it’s good! He’s good. He’s so naughty and hot and his…tongue...licking...my...[gasp]...cunt!....…OH! OH!” I smoothed her cheek and whispered in her ear: “He’s fucking you with his tongue.“ Sherry smiled. “It’s so strange and good,“ then with inaudible grunts, she stiffened and held and convulsed and came, grabbing both our hands, flexed and came again, holding herself, then releasing with more grunts, her body twisted on the tongue and more ‘oh’s’ and it made me so hot I wanted some, too.

Now Toby was finished, a few final licks…Sherry, too, and then we three gradually calmed down. We were all hot and wanted more but not this night. No dog fucking the first time…that would come later. Sherry had been initiated into Le Club Taboo. The coronation would be another time.

Finally Sherry whispered: “Just between the three of us? Promise? What a movie,” she said changing the subject. We both nodded. Then later back to the topic on all our minds: “A one time thing?” Sherry asked. “Whatever you say.” we said in unison. Sherry’s breath returned and she straightened her dress….Toby was at his water bowl. “I’m not so sure about one time,” she said, “it was really good, better than good.” I winked at Vanessa. She smiled.

We both knew. Another weekend and visit and who knew what more surprises. But even then with pretty Sherry I knew more would come later…it was too good not to want to do it again and I thought of my zoo initiation, in private, a total surprise, how it was too good not to want it again and more.

Private Reflections of Phyllis on the evening with Vanessa and Sherry:

Later that night I laid back on my couch having watched the unimaginable with Toby and Vanessa’s friend, the delicious Sherry…I had never imagined such things happening. Remembering how Toby and I were an accident as one day, when I was relaxing in my quiet room, and he came to explore…one thing led to another from licking and tickling my toes, to my ankles, to my knees and thighs and…in the privacy of my apartment, all alone, who would know, and that probing nose and licking tongue had aroused me…aroused my cunt. Then Toby licking me wet as I lay there throbbing and enjoyed it all…the taboo joy…without any inhibition. Naughty dog Toby had initiated me. Who would know? And Toby wouldn’t tell would he? It had seemed so natural, and was…just my dog and me and the shaking orgasm that took me to new heights…impossible and yet…it was not a man or all the emotional overlays and hesitancies of a normal relationship…it was just two animals: animal female me and animal male dog and enjoying and cuming…flexing and ‘yessing’ and ‘ohs and ahs’ and releasing to nature‘s instincts…so private.

After that first time I lay on my couch in my living room thinking about it all, feeling dirty and excited and more…something I knew was forbidden, taboo but so much pleasure. I couldn’t let such a thing happen to me…a good girl…but it was so good and the next day I wanted more than licking…I wanted penetration…serious fucking. I had to teach Toby to mount and used my hand to lead his cock into me. That first time was so hit and miss…mostly miss!…but when he finally entered my wet cunt nature took over…animal nature...as he became frantic and fucked deep and hard…and I lifted in response and we were animals and cuming hard as his paws gripped my waist, held and fucked me hard…I came again and again until I was exhausted and filled. Finally, Toby lifted off, panting…me, too, dizzy!

I just rested my head on a cushion feeling the wet run down my legs, cooling. Finally getting back my breath, wiping the tears on my cheeks. Toby at his bowl and resting, licking his throbbing cock. I was in some other place that first time.

Then my fears of discovery when visitors came and Toby had to be locked in my bedroom. He would whine a little and then sleep. Later Vanessa came into my life. She was so hot to look at and then things happened…as I hoped they would and we had many good times. Was it Sherry’s turn to join the two of us or was it “her one time thing?” The feeling a woman has when she enjoys a spontaneous, unexpected, full and complete rocking orgasm? "Wow" is the only word for it…and having one so intense…a full body orgasm…who among us would not want more?

What an evening it had been with Vanessa and Sherry. I had my hopes but remembered my own experience that first time, how I was both embarrassed and excited and the many other times that followed. Sherry was a gorgeous sexy woman…she had shaken and pulsed, cum hard and enjoyed this naughty thing…I could hardly wait for the next time which would surely come…cum?

Vanessa called the next day and said: “Next Friday?” I replied: “Will Sherry be there, too?” All Vanessa could say, between giggles, was: “Guess!” I could hardly wait. Le Club Taboo had a new member.


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Seduced By Sexy Neighbor For Erotic Sex

Hi everyone. My name is Seenu (real name), aged 28yrs staying in Andhra Pradesh. I am a regular reader of ISS since I was 20 years old. I love aunties a lot and had many encounters. This is all about how my neighbourhood lady, of age 27 years seduced me and finally ended up in bed. I lived in a five-storied apartment consisting of 20 flats, with each floor having four flats. Most of the people are job holders, so during the daytime, very few people will be at home. My neighbour there is a...

3 years ago
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Porn Author Becomes a Cock Sucker for His Brazilian Neighbor

I have been posting stories on the Lush Stories website since February 2010. I was trying to help relieve the stress of a sexless marriage, and I have found it to be very arousing to write about my sexual fantasies, and to explore the psychological and physiological motivations that we have as humans. Some of my stories are based at least in part on real events, but most are figments of my imagination.My name is Ed, and my interest in porn was awakened in my early-fifties, a few years after my...

2 years ago
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Fucked And Made Neighbor Akka Sarita Pregnant

Hello friends, this is Vijay from Hyderabad. My age is 21 years. I am average built, 5.9 ft in height and the size of my tool is 6.5 inches. I love reading about the sex experience of people and today I am going to share mine. The heroine of my story is my neighbor Sarita (name changed). She is 28 years old, 5.4 ft, fair and sexy. Her smile is a killer which gives hard-on to most men. Her stats are 34-28-36 with the right amount of fat at all the right places and her ass is so hot that anybody...

1 year ago
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Spying on my Neighbor 01

Quite by accident I found myself in an interesting situation. A friend and I were working on a short film for our film class. It was supposed to be a spoof on the whole Dr. Frankenstein thing. My house had this tower with windows on all sides. I guess it was kind of a star gazing room or what ever. We decided it would make a perfect place for our “Lab”. We gathered items to make our lab and waited for a stormy night. We did not have to wait long. A huge lightning storm came through our town the...

1 year ago
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The Perv Neighbor

My name's Alyssa.My friend Aubrey called me up and asked me to cat-sit one weekend for her, while she went to see her mother in Miami. Aubrey lived in Atlanta and I had sit for her a few times before. I was happy to help her out because that's what friends do. Plus I love hanging out in Atlanta, I have several friends in the area. She has been trying to get me to officially move there for years. When I arrived at her apartment she had left a note telling me where everything was and to make...

2 years ago
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Seducing The Neighbor Boy

"Oh FUCK", I cried out as my boyfriend continued to piston his 9 thick inches of cock into my ass. I loved it when he fucked me in front of our bedroom window. Even though I knew no one could see us from where we were, It turned me on thinking that maybe some hot stud would see us and pull out his cock and jerk off to us. Plus it was a chance to see our hot 18 year old neighbor boy. Who am I by the way? My name is Sam and my boyfriends name is Eric. We've been dating for 6 years now and had...

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Seducing Neighbor Uncle 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am Nisha Agarwal, 23 years old from Jaipur and this is the sex story of how I used to tease my neighbor uncle for fun and in the end could not resist myself from having sex with him. This is a long detailed description of how I teased and seduced him and so be prepared to read ahead. More parts to continue. I am a very modern college student and known to be a bombshell with a figure of 34c-26-34. However, since I come from a conservative family and live in a conservative society, I...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor

The NeighborMy wife Dawn is about 5’6”, and has 44DD breasts, with big brown nipples, and her ass is not tiny, but it also is not big. She has long brown hair, and the most beautiful brown bedroom eyes you have ever seen. Her pussy is shaved except for a tuft of hair above her pussy. Dawn does not use the pill, because she is allergic to it, so she uses a diaphragm. The problem with the diaphragm is that if she doesn’t put it in, then it doesn’t work. If she forgets the diaphragm, then I will...

2 years ago
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My wife and the neighbor

My wife and the neighborBy Chris Christopher All rights reservedHalloween always reminds me of the one and only time my wife let one of our neighbors into bed with her.It happened when we were living in Texas, on the northeast side of Austin. In our neighborhood the adults would get together and have a barbeque just about every holiday. For Halloween my wife had decided we would dress up as old west characters. I would be dressed as the bartender and she would be a saloon girl. For herself she...

1 year ago
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My wife and the neighbor

My wife and the neighborBy Chris Christopher All rights reservedHalloween always reminds me of the one and only time my wife let one of our neighbors into bed with her.It happened when we were living in Texas, on the northeast side of Austin. In our neighborhood the adults would get together and have a barbeque just about every holiday. For Halloween my wife had decided we would dress up as old west characters. I would be dressed as the bartender and she would be a saloon girl. For herself she...

4 years ago
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Black Neighbor Wife and Me True Cuckold StoryPl

My Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Story part 1I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking!He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me inside his apt to show me...

1 year ago
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The Librarians Neighbor

Marsha was always a . cute, brunette, and a tight little body, but her shyness had caused her to never have a real boyfriend. There were a couple of boys when she was in high school that talked to her here and there, and she had even been on a date or two, but she had never had a steady screw. Here she was, twenty years old, working in a library and living with a cat, and she had never had a good fuck. Every day she would come home from work around five o’clock, and she would settle down for...

4 years ago
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A voyeur8217s obsession about the next door neighbor and the show she puts on for him

It began harmlessly one morning. I had just woken up and was having my morning pee and noticed the next door neighbor’s light on in their bathroom. As we have a small house with only about a metre border between ours and our neighbors house our toilet looks directly into their carport and their bathroom.. Their bathroom was an add on extension after renovations by the previous owners and has a vertical rippled glass window. As I was taking my pee the next door neighbor Anna, a lovely...

3 years ago
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My neighbor has my manhood in her hands

It's funny, since the break up of my marriage, I found myself becoming more and more of a reclusive, finding that I spent more time in my house and noticing my neighbors. I would not say, I am a Voyeur, but because of the summer heat, I had to open my windows to let the air circulate.What a lovely surprise! My elderly neighbor was sunbathing in her garden. To tell you the truth, I would not have looked on her if I was occupied, but it had been a long time since I had laid eyes on a woman, so I...

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How My Neighbor Became my Submissive Sex Slave1

Note 2: If you don’t like humiliation, pain and the Dom/sub master/slave role then exit now and don’t read this story Note 3: My first story I wrote was how my daughter became my slave. Note 4: I welcome questions just message me the question and I will answer all the message by posting them or pm you How my neighbor became my submissive sex slave I walk in my house just got home from work. I...

4 years ago
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I help my next door neighbor after his accident

lida wrote this storyTony is my next door neighbor, he is a young black man about 19 yearsold. He lives alone and often when my husband is away on business he comes over and keeps me company. Tony had a job working at a restaurant, one day I get a call from him at the hospital. He had burned his hands at work while cooking and he wanted me to go and pick him up and drive him home. I got to the hospital and the poor baby's hands were both wrapped up tohis forearms. On the drive home he explained...

4 years ago
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I help my next door neighbor after his accident

Forewarned there is a tiny bit bit of gay oral sex, the rest is straight sexTony is my next door neighbor, he is a young black man about 19 yearsold. He lives alone and often when my husband is away on business he comes over and keeps me company. Tony had a job working at a restaurant, one day I get a call from him at the hospital. He had burned his hands at work while cooking and he wanted me to go and pick him up and drive him home. I got to the hospital and the poor baby's hands were both...

1 year ago
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Neighbors Party

MF f-solo voySummary:My new neighbors liked to host parties and usually they just kept me awake at night. Then one night I watched the "after-party" events and suddenly my interest in their parties changes considerably! Table of Contents: Chapter 1 – A Bit of Voyeurism Chapter 2 – New NeighborsChapter 1 – A Bit of Voyeurism==============================Although I was only f******n when I lost my virginity, I knew from the very first time I felt the warmth of a boy’s cock in my pussy that I...

3 years ago
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Discovering My Neighbor Online

I am a mid-level executive in the insurance industry, and my wife Margaret and I have lived in the Omaha area for most of our lives. We live in a nice middle-class suburb and have some really great neighbors. We are best friends with one of our next door neighbors, Bill and Helen Tindal, and we are all middle-aged with Bill and me being 52 years old, and Margaret and Helen being 50. Our two children are grown and out on their own, but we have stayed in our home since it is already paid off and...

2 years ago
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Discovering My Neighbor Online

I am Ed, a mid-level executive in the insurance industry, and my wife Margaret and I have lived in the Omaha area for most of our lives. We live in a nice middle-class suburb and have some great neighbors. We are best friends with our next door neighbors, Bill and Helen, and we are all middle-aged with Bill and me being fifty-two years old, and Margaret and Helen being fifty. Our two children are grown and out on their own, but we have stayed in our home since it is already paid off and the...

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My wet Neighbor

Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

4 years ago
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Teenage Girl Seduces Adult Neighbor Online

It was very difficult for my father and me when my mother left us when I was only twelve years old. She was very beautiful and sexy looking, and probably still is. It turned out that she's a real slut and cared more about finding a lot of different cocks to fuck than she cared about us. Dad does his best and makes many sacrifices to be the best parent he can.My name is Ashlee, and I’m now sixteen years old and Dad is forty. We live in a comfortable condominium in the Little Rock area. Dad works...

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The New Neighbor

The New Neighbor By Christianne Larry met his new neighbor a week after the moving vans left. The new neighbor knocked on Larry's door just before noon on Saturday. Larry was still groggy from sleeping all morning. He had been working like a plantation slave during the preceding week and a half and was trying to catch up on much-needed rest, so he wasn't as cheerful about someone knocking on his door as he might have been. He hadn't shaved yet and was dressed only in a pair of sweat...

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My New Neighbors Pool and New Pool

I couldn’t stop staring at the woman unloading the boxes from the small moving trailer next door. Ever since my girlfriend moved away from our quiet little cul-de-sac, it was just me and my husband living at the secluded end of town. We had moved to the neighborhood together, and had been quite happy as best friends for the past five years, and now it was just me and Bill stuck her all alone. Don’t get me wrong, we had a beautiful house with a beautiful yard, and all the privacy one could hope...

2 years ago
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Friendly Neighbor

It was February 1976. Cindy and I were charging down I-75 escaping an Indianapolis winter for a week of warmth and distraction in Orlando. Two years earlier the government had chopped the speed limit from 70 MPH down to 55, the dreaded double nickel. We were working our Fuzzbuster and CB radio to avoid Smokey and shave as much time as we could off the trip. I was one of the otherwise law abiding citizens who were rebelling against the stupidity of that ridiculous speed limit. There were so many...

Wife Lovers
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My neighbor ans his son fucking my wife

I had already noticed that my neighbor visited my wife in my absence, often came home and found the exit, always with a different excuse.Once I decided to come earlier, but I did not go home, outside looked out the bedroom window crack and saw the two in bed, he was sticking his dick in her pussy pleasure. I was excited seeing it and hit a hand job there, as watched my neighbor put cock inside her. She curled her legs on it and moved her ass frantically to the stick entered deeper into her cunt...

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It was a usual school day and as often happened I woke up with a hard on. I remember I was dreaming about my hot neighbor from thirteenth floor giving me a blowjob. Images from the dreams were so live and arousing, that I needed to release my semen really badly, but unfortunately I hadn’t have time to do it. When I was dressing up I had the dilemma whether I should put my underpants on, or should I give my dick a little more space to hang freely and relaxed in jeans alone. I went for jeans...

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Cheating Mom Fucked By Neighbor Uncle

Mom is the first lady in our life. What happens when you get to see the wild and sexual side of your mom? Hold on your breath and read this story that will go down your spine. Ours is an upper-middle-class family in Delhi. My dad is a government servant and visits home bi-weekly on weekends. I am a single child. My mom is a housewife. She is very beautiful and relatively young. This story is completely real and genuine. If you are sending me an email about this story, please do mind your...

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Rediscovering The Neighbor

Rediscovering The NeighborBy: Londebaaz ChohanAfter graduating from college; I was very lucky that it took only 3 years and my business was booming. My parents were thinking to sell the house and move to a small but nicer, more practical and needing less care home. I suggested and they were happy to sell this house to me. They were glad that the house that had lots of family memories within its structure remained in the family and I was eager not only because I got a good price but also of my...

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My hot neighbor

My name is Joe and I live alone. I moved out of my parent's house about 4 years ago. I would have asked my sister to move in, but she recently moved in with her boyfriend, and they are getting serious. So I just live in a one bedroom apartment alone, but on the plus side, I have this neighbor named Angel. She is the nicest and sexiest woman on the planet. We're both 28, but I'm six foot with brown hair and eyes and she is 5'4 with blonde hair and blue eyes. We both come over to each other's...

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The Neighbor

Danny glided through the water, casually swimming from one end of the pool to the other. It was a beautiful pool and he was welcome to use it any time he wanted. He was glad he had such nice neighbors, as he missed having a pool of his own. The day was a very warm one and the cool water felt good.“Here's you some lemonade,” he heard his neighbor Lisa call out. As he turned to look towards the direction of her voice, his mouth fell open. There she stood extremely close to the edge of the pool,...

Wife Lovers

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