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Kathy By Xu [Fade into school classroom, one student front row centre tapping a tube of lipstick on the table, a girl, around 14. Dark mascara, pale lipstick, too much foundation] Hi, I'm Kathy. Actually, I'm Christopher, but no one believes me. Confused yet? I know I am... [Zoom from classroom as the Kathy speaks, then merges to opening credits] [Cue theme song, 'Leap of Faith'] Sometimes in life you just have to take chances To get where you think you should be And don't be afraid to lose sight of the shore And reach out just because you believe Take your first step into the unknown It's your first chance to face the unknown Take a leap of faith A leap of faith A leap of faith Take a leap of faith A leap of faith A leap of faith You can have what you want if you find answers Answers are all that they need Prove to yourself that you are so much stronger Than you thought you'd ever be You will have the whole world at your feet At last it all will be within your reach Take a leap of faith A leap of faith A leap of faith Take a leap of faith A leap of faith A leap of faith Finding the courage of your own convictions It's now time that you spread your wings Soar like an eagle a life without fear God will forgive you your sins Take your first step into the unknown It is your first chance to face the unknown Take a leap of faith A leap of faith A leap of faith Take a leap of faith! [End Opening credits] [Open to suburbia, a small red-bricked house in the suburbs of Liverpool, England] [Kathy voiceover] Hi, my name's Kathy Berry, though if you knew me a few months ago, you would have called me Christopher Burns. Starting a story is so difficult, so I'll start at the beginning. Lets go back to September, last year. [Fade to the inside of aforementioned house, to see a boy of around 13 years of age and his mother eating breakfast together, obviously early morning] [Kathy Voiceover] That's me, the little runt with the red hair and freckles. Yes that's right, the boy eating his Wheaties like there's no tomorrow. "Christopher, make sure you come straight home after school today, we've got to meet with Mr Hall about our holiday to America he's organising for us." Christopher's Mother, Hillary didn't mean to nag, but mothers never do of course. She never had much money, and this holiday was really important to her. To both of them, it probably wouldn't happen again, Chris knew this and replied with a simple, yet less-than-enthusiastic; "Yes Mum," before the youth heaped the last spoonful of Wheaties into his mouth, gulped down his OJ and flung his bag over one shoulder. He leaned in and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek, and then made his way for the door, little knowing that today would be his last day in what could be defined as normal. The 8th grader tore up the middle aisle of the bus as it sped off towards his school, and found with utter disgust that there was someone in his backseat. A girl. A pretty girl, but a girl anyway, in his seat. "Hey," an 'excuse me' didn't seem appropriate to young Chris this fateful morning, "You're in my seat" The girl didn't seem too phased by the tone of aggression in the redhaired boys voice. She knew a lot more than she let on. But all knowing or not, she remained firmly planted in the seat. Christopher clenched his teeth, but relented and sat next to another girl on the next seat over. He was not a happy boy. But when compared to what was to happen later that day, this would have to be the highlight. Classes came and passed, and when lunchtime rolled around it was not a second too soon. Smooth as silk, Chris made his way to his table to see with his friends, quickening his pace when he saw that the lads were a little more active than usual, and it was soon clear why. The girl. The little snot that was in his seat. Was at his table. With his friends. "Hey, why is this bitch sitting at our table?" he asked openly. Usually he wouldn't mind, but this girl had really gotten under his skin. Swearing wasn't much of a Chris Burns thing to do, but he had lost his temper with the girl almost instantly. Something about her cool mocking demeanour, what was she trying to prove? What had he ever done to her? Unfortunately, his demonstration of one of the cruder words in the English language caught the attention of the teacher on duty and landed the poor boy in detention for the rest of the afternoon. Today was clearly not his day. School ended that afternoon without further incident. Well, apart from missing the bus and having his mother not answer the phone when he tried to call. So one can imagine it was a godsend when a car pulled up alongside the footpath and his mother's voice beckoned to him from within. Never get into a car with a stranger, the cardinal rule. Maybe if he had adhered to this rule a little closer Chris Burns may still exist. As the boy climbed into the rather large SUV, the door was shut behind him by a fairly burly man who had stepped out of the driver's side door. To his right were two people. His mother, and the girl from lunchtime. What was going on here? As the car took off again down the road, the doors were locked by the driver and Chris just scowled at the girl. "Now Chris... be nice to Naomi" His mother droned to him, her eyes vacant and her gaze blank. Something was amiss here. Something was seriously amiss here. "Mum... Mum? What's wrong with you mum?" he asked, almost starting to panic. "Oh don't worry Chrissie, she'll be fine. But..." Chris felt a prick in his hip, and saw with horror that he had been injected with a needle. By his mum. The last thing he heard was the end of Naomi's sentence, before all he knew was darkness. [Kathy Voiceover] I wouldn't find out until *a lot* later what was going on. Two weeks later it was in fact, when I came to in a strange place, with a thousand questions Chris rolled onto his side in restless slumber and slipped right off the sofa onto the floor, waking him with a start "Wha... what?" He quickly stood up, and took in his surroundings. The room was normal enough; Sofa, TV, one door, no windows, a few magazines on the table next to the sofa. But what had happened? Where was he? Where was his mum? Where - his last question to himself was interrupted by the door opening. A man stepped in through the door, clad in the oddest suit he had ever seen; it was green and silken, with a ruby the size of a pigeon egg embedded in his collar. "Ah, you're awake. I do apologise for the rough treatment before, and the fact you were out for so long. Trust me when I tell you that heads have rolled for your poor treatment", the man in green grinned like a snake and offered the boy a bottle of diet Pepsi he's brought with him "I expect you're probably quite a little bit hungry and thirsty, so I brought you this." It was now that Chris put the fact that this man had been behind the fact he was just kidnapped and snapped quite brashly, "Where am I? Where's my Mum? What the devil is going on here?" Despite his outrage, the youth still accepted the bottle of Pepsi. "All in good time, Master Burns, all in good time. Let's start at the beginning. Your mother led a rather reckless adolescence and accrued quite a debt to my organization. We own quite a few under the cover gambling rings, and your mother was quite the punter." "So? What does this have to do with me? You can't kidnap me like this." To this, the jade-suited man raised a brow and smiled with his snake grin again. "Well see, it has a lot to do with you. Your mother couldn't afford to pay for her debts, so we've taken collateral in exchange. IE, you my boy." "There is no way you can do this to me, my Mum will save me, you'll see!" By this time the Pepsi was mostly gone. "Oh I do doubt that Master Burns, may I call you Chris? See, the thing about that is, that according to Hillary Burns, she never had a son. We had a few headshrinkers have their way with her memories, and also taken some liberties in the Birth's Deaths and Marriage's department. Well, you see, you were actually never born. Oh a few residual records exist regarding Christopher Burns, but when they compare to Bee Dee and Em, they'll see you don't exist and write it off as an error. You belong to us, and your mother no longer has a debt to us. In fact, she's doing quite well for herself after our intervention, we set her up in Australia with half a million quid to get her started. You'll be worth much more to us than that small sum of money, even taking into account what your mother owed us." This was a little too much for Chris to handle, and he promptly collapsed on the sofa. [Kathy Voiceover] So you could see the predicament I was in, I no longer existed and my Mum was a happy millionaire downunder. What choice did I have, but to co-operate with Mr Green? It was the next day when Mr Green visited Christopher again, this time on slightly better footing. "...so you see my boy, its quite clear that though you and your mother may not agree, she's in a much better situation than she was in before. And as for you... well, I'm afraid you'll be moving in with a Californian family as soon as we can get you ready to go. The Berry's are a couple that are unfortunately unable to have children, and being that they're quite wealthy, they made us an offer for you that we could not refuse. You should get some rest." The man left Chris alone with his thoughts, and despite the fact his life had been torn in two, things could be a lot worse. His mother was happy, which was important to him, and he was about to be adopted by a rich family in America. This may not be too bad at all. Maybe he could convince this family, The Berry's, to let him visit his real mother when he moved into their care. More than a bit excited about what was to happen the following day, Mr Burns drifted into a restless sleep [Kathy Voiceover] Of course, things weren't as rosy as Mr Green made them out to be, no siree. I love Mum and Da... I mean Mr. and Mrs. Berry, but they really didn't have their heart set on a son... Pain. Really horrible pain. Everywhere. At once. His eyed opened, but he couldn't see. All Chris could feel was a numbness in his body as he realised he was restrained to what had to be a bed. "Ohh, s..he's waking up." Came a strangely familiar voice from his left, and with that, suddenly there was light. Bright light. For a second, the boy was blind, but he soon regained his vision and noticed from his surroundings that he was on a plane. To his right was Mr Green, and to his left someone familiar. Someone who enraged him beyond words. The girl. Naomi. "Mhh.." Chris attempted, but failed. "Oh, I wouldn't bother trying to talk Chrissie dear, your throat is still *really* tender." Chris drifted back to sleep, and eventually woke up enough to manage to indicate he wanted to get up off the bed. Slowly his bandages were removed, bit-by-bit, and Chris gawked in horror at his body. He was small. Really small. Like a little girl who hadn't quite hit puberty yet, or was maybe about to. A little girl. He'd just referred to himself as a likeness to a little girl, not a good sign. But a fitting irony, given his next discovery. In the cabin of the jet there were two girls and one boy. And Mr Green made-up the complement of boys "Wha... mmm." Chris stopped, his throat too sore to continue. [Kathy Voiceover] It wasn't long after my discovery that I was now a member of the fairer sex that we landed in the US of A and I was ferried away with Naomi and Mr Green in a black van. Must be an American thing I figured. "Chris, we've got some things to go through with you before you meet your new family." Mr Green begun. Still in shock at the discovery of his vagina and girlish body, Chris just nodded, not able to talk yet anyway. "To begin with, your name is now Kathy Berry, you were born on the 2nd of January in 1990, to John and Elza Berry, here's your birth certificate." Mr Green handed Chris the authentic document that indicated that he was indeed now a girl, before continuing. "We've enrolled you at the local school, as an 8th Grader. Mr and Mrs Berry have been told that you've got quite an active imagination, so any attempt to tell them you were not born a girl will be met with laughter. They brought a girl, so a girl they shall get. On that note, we've given you a fairly advanced sex change operation, and stalled your male puberty before inducing female puberty. Over the next 6 years or so, your breasts will emerge, your body will become that of a woman's, and your hair will grow accordingly. Your vocal cords have been altered as you can probably tell. You'll never have a period however and never become pregnant, which is lucky for you, and the surgery we had performed on your genitals was second to none, no one will be able to tell." The van pulled up outside a large multi level house set on a large block of lush green grass. "Welcome to your new home, Kathy Berry." [Kathy Voiceover] So that's my humble beginnings, and a few weeks have passed since then and I'm still getting use to everything... if that's possible. [Cue closing credits] Okay, so part one is a bit sketchy, but it sets the scene. I'll be writing more 'episodes' of this, in this format, kinda set out like a TV show. Thanks for reading.

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Labor Force Participation FChapter 3 Preparation

Carolyn Pierce was dressing for church. The job shouldn’t have been difficult. She had only a few dresses formal enough for that setting, and -- as a member of the choir -- those were covered through most of the service. The problem was that most of those few dresses no longer fit. She should have gone for a more flowing style back when she’d bought them instead of the close fit to show off her narrow waist. This was the last dress that fit, and it barely did. She’d worn it last week, anyway....

2 years ago
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I have to carry mother in law up and down stairs

My mother in law broke her leg badly and needed to come stay with us for a few weeks while she was recovering. We have a big house, with a spare room in the basement with an adjoining bathroom that even has a seat in the shower. So it was a perfect set up for her. Except, with a broken leg she could not get herself up and down the narrow steps to the basement. When my wife brought her over the first day, I carried her bags down there and set her up in her room. Then the time came for her to...

1 year ago
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A Night In The Basement

A few years after my wife and I were married, I was watching the game in the basement with a couple of buddies, Tim and Barry. We had been drinking and were feeling pretty good when my wife got home from a night out with her girlfriends.  I was in the easy chair and Tim and Barry were sitting at opposite ends of the couch when Sue came down stairs and plopped herself on the couch between the two of them. She was still in her 'night out' clothes, short skirt, low cut top and high heels. She...

Group Sex
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Shelly and Mandy

I would like to relate to you the circumstances which led to Shelley and I becoming friends - good friends. Indeed, lovers. We met shortly after my father was transferred by his company to head a division in a small town in Colorado. It was during my Junior year of high school and it was somewhat upsetting that I had to change schools mid-semester. I have always been a bit of an introvert, so making new friends comes slowly to me. Despite my efforts, I did not seem to be able to build any...

3 years ago
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An exhibitionist wife The student days

After hearing about her student days with Olivia i asked Mrs O if there were any other skeletons in the closet that i might enjoy. What she told me next had me coming in my pants.In her final year at University, Mrs O, Olivia and two other girls were sharing a flat off campus in the nearby town. They had behaved exactly how you would expect girls of that age to act living away from home for he first time, drinking, boys etc. but Mrs O and Olivia had earned a bit of a reputation for being a bit...

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Nights garden

I woke up to the faint tapping on my window. Sleepily I got out of bed and walked over to my window. I opened it and looked out side to see who it was. Which boy was it tonight I wondered. But when I looked around I saw no one. The garden outside my window seemed empty. I grinned, I enjoyed the shy ones. They often had to do this a few times so that they could work up the courage not to run when I came to the window. I climbed silently out of the window and jumped down landing cat like in the...

1 year ago
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Stranger In Gym Turns Out To Be A Real Fitness Freak

Hi all, This is my first story on ISS and I hope this story make you guys shag of like hell and girls wet like a rainy day This is Nishad. I am currently staying in Pune and working in a renowned MNC. Pune is indeed a city with lot of possibilities and you never know when your luck shines for you :D You are sitting in a cafe and you suddenly start talking with a girl and you hit it off pretty well, then if you are good at it, there you go you are laid ! As simple as that.. I love this place...

2 years ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 3 A Taste Of Love

Oddly enough Jacqui's next job, allocated by the state as her last one had been, was in the office which allocated jobs to unemployed people. Her duties were to contact each employer on the first day for a new employee the office had sent and check whether they had arrived. If they had not, she reported this to her new boss, Donald Wellspring. As she was introduced to him, she was surprised to see a slim, shy boy only a few years older than her. His hair was cut very short, far too short for...

3 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 30 Trust Betrayed

Tryouts for the girl's varsity and junior varsity soccer teams were held at the beginning of March. Jen, Ashley, and Molly ended up on the JV team, while Kristina and Tessa both made the varsity team. Practice was every day after school, starting about the second week of March. The girls were doing a lot of running laps, out on the track when the weather cooperated and in the gymnasium when it didn't. The girls did a lot of good-natured complaining about it, but they knew the benefits of...

2 years ago
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Kolkata Massager

Hi ISS readers ami Mayukh from kolkata.Ami ISS er khub fan r ami daily ISS er story pori.Ami generally ISS er golpo pore bara khiche mal out korte bhalo bashi.Ami janina Story gulo satti kina kintu ei golpo gulo amake real golper swad dei.Basically amar hobby holo mainly breast massage kora r massage kore meyeder such deoya. ISS e story gulo porar por ami breast massage korar plan kori r sei hisebe ami internet e ad dei.Kintu bahudin porjonto kono response na peye ami asha chere dei.Kintu...

1 year ago
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Oh No Not Dorothy 3

Chapter # 3 So far Ricky had tried on over 20-different outfits. Some were just a plain skirt and blouse set, yet others were kind of plain looking dresses with a plain not to lacey slip under it. They also had Ricky try on a couple of really cute, frilly, and lacy party dresses ,which they all knew was not a dress that Dorothy would wear in the play. They just wanted to see how Ricky would look in such a cute looking outfit. To their surprise Ricky looked absolutely adorable in the...

2 years ago
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A New Style of Education Part 23

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 23 Since we both slept with our PDA's beside us, I jumped on my bed and dialled my darlings PDA. "Are you okay?" I asked. What a stupid question, of course things weren't okay, but I couldn't think of anything better to ask. Helen had gained a little control and was trying to talk like Christopher. "I heard you crying and it set me off. I feel so guilty." "Why?" I asked puzzled "Because you made me so happy and now we are...

2 years ago
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Dropping All PretenseChapter 3

I learned that the lady was the mistress of Fairborn Hall. Her late husband, Charles Fairborn, had been the eldest son of a wealthy landholder, with diverse commercial interests that were spread up and down the Kirshoon Valley. Since the father still lived, the bulk of his interests would be passed down to the eldest surviving son, upon his death. Having passed without issue, her late husband's estate, consisting of an annual income of 4,000 Pounds, Sterling, devolved to his widow, and would...

1 year ago
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Thirumanam Aagiyum Kathalanai Oothen

Hai friends, indru kathaiyil neenda naal kazhithu en kathalai thirumanam aagiyum santhithu udal uravu konden. Athai eppadi seithen enbathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, vaarungal kathai kul selalam. En peyar agalya vayathu 24 aagugirathu, en kanavan veli naatil velai seithu varugiraan. En kanavan varudathirku oru murai matum thaan veetirku vanthu ennai matter seithu vittu oru maatham matum ulasamaaga irunthu vittu matra 11 maaatham yaaraiyum ookamal iruka vendum. Sexiyaaga...

3 years ago
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Getting Caught

Hi everyone, it's great to get a chance to do another story, as quite a few of you have already asked for! So here it goes, story number two. I hope you enjoy it. Not very much time had passed since my story was posted. Writing it though, had gotten me extremely riled up. However, people were home! I couldn't just masturbate with people around. I knew I was very loud during masturbation, so I thought better than to give it a whirl while people were around. Or so I thought. I stepped out of the...

3 years ago
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School I am employed as a science teacher for fifth and sixth grade students. Thirty two and divorced for a few years with no k**s. Dating has been fun for someone my age. Females always seem willing to get bedded after the first or second date. Some of my flings have been with younger single teachers. There has been a couple with married teachers. The married ones happened while working on joint projects for the school system.There are also girls in my classes that seem to flaunt their...

4 years ago
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My New Bed and The Sales Lady

New BedI'm 65 years old and in not to bad a shape. I hadn't had much sex for a few months as my wife wasn't in the mood and for the past week she's been down at my sons place in the city. I had just bought a new bed and about three weeks after buying it, the mattress had sunk down excessively so I called the store and they said they would send someone out to check it up. A couple of days later the sales woman I bought it from turned up at the door. She was quite short with long blonde hair, and...

3 years ago
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Fucked By My Cousin Like A Bitch

I have been an avid reader of ISS for many years now. But it’s the first time I am writing a story. Not a story infact expressing a desire I have held for long… I am 28y man working in a well reputed organization. I am a gay bottom for some years now. Having experienced the wonderful feeling it is hard to turn back for me. Off late I am getting more and more engrossed in the feeling and my ultimate fantasy. To be like a woman, dress up and get fucked by my man. Here’s an account of my mating...

Gay Male
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Shopping Turned Me To Masseur 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone, this is RAM again with fresh and second encounter with new lady. Your comments and feedbacks are most welcome to Kindly read the first story to understand how got into encounter with second lady. Myself, I am RAM (changed), 5.9, athletic built, working in it firm, Bangalore. So the lady whom I met in shopping introduced me another mother who s working in an famous hospital in Bangalore as doctor. Her name latha ( name changed). she has a kid of 2yrs old and her hubby is top...

1 year ago
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Jurasic Fuck

There really isn’t a black or white way to classify a date that ends with you stranded in the Cretaceous Period [1] with a laptop, a solar cell, four condoms, a bottle of lube, 40 feet of high quality bondage rope, a pair of nipple clamps, and a half dozen cliff bars. I also had the company of Opal G. Wetzel, my date for the night. You see, Opal was a physicist. We met on OkCupid, the best place for shut-in nerds to meet other shut-in nerds who are looking for romance. I’m sure there...

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Look. There she is. Ari Lefiri. An 18 year old girl with black hair. And A-Cup boobs... I've been watching her and she prays for bigger ones. Says they'll give her popularity and she'll finally be able to be the cheer captain. I'll give her the thing she wants so much. But good things come with bad things!~ So I went into her house during the night and carefully took her out of bed so she wouldn't wake up. If she woke up, this entire plan would go wrong. But she was a decently heavy sleeper, so...

4 years ago
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A wife finally does the unthinkable

Jill’s life changed dramatically two years ago. Her husband of then 8 years, was in a bad auto accident. He would need several surgeries to repair the damage and had to quit his job. Jill now had to become the bread winner, while also taking care of their two young sons. Now two years later, things are still the same. Jill now 35 also had to take on the responsibility of taking care of her ailing husband along with her other responsibilities. She had so many things taken away from her...

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After the Beach Bar

A couple of evenings later that week we were attending a beach barbeque just along from our bungalow. We were usually the last ones to leave the beach bar which closed when the last guest left, this particular night I had been flirting a lot with the a beautiful young black barman called Jess and James my new black lover. At about midnight I told Rob I was making a move back to the beach bungalow, he said he would be along in a few minutes, as a parting shot I asked him to bring a bottle of...

2 years ago
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my father in law

My Father-in-lawI had been married for two years when my Father-in-law decided to come fora visit. My wife's mother had passed away when she was a little girl andher Father never remarried. He had just retired and wanted to come andspend some time with us to help adjust to retirement. We had just bought anew house and had some minor improvements that needed to be done. Jack, myFather-in-law, offered to come and do some of the work for me so I wouldn'thave to take time off from work to do...

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Junior YearChapter 26 Donrsquot Forget About Me

My wild child loved the snow. Duke was a one-year-old now and still acted like a puppy. He figured out there was ice on the drive and would run full-out, with snow flying all around him, and then slide. I admit it looked like fun, so I had to try it. Precious hated the white, wet, cold stuff. She had taken one look at Duke and me playing, and turned around and went back home. Of course, Duke spotted her and had to roll her. The yowl had us both running for the back door. We crashed into...

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