Jill's Wild Interracial Adventure free porn video

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(Jill's alligator mouth get her in real trouble)

How it all started:

L.A. in the summer, save for the pollution factor, isn't much different than Florida in the summer, both are hot, with crowded beaches as Jill was finding out. Long Beach they called the town named after all the beach front property, ran out all the way to Seal Beach, which continued to other beaches, but all the same waterfront, just miles upon miles of connected beaches. Still, with all that beach front you'd think there'd be some room to spread out in peace, she thought, as a group of black men stampeded through kicking up sand all over her and her beach gear as if they owned the whole damn beach.

Now maybe it wasn't prudent, barely dressed in a skimpy bikini, meant for sunning not swimming, to get into a name calling contest with six large athletic black men chasing after a silly damn sockerball, or maybe it was the heat, but this was the fifth time it had happened in an hour's time, and Jill was just plain pissed.

"You stupid motherfucking jungle bunnies!" She screamed in rage, and she never noticed as she stood brushing off the sand that suddenly only the waves crashing on the shore were making noise as everyone in ear shot became silent, and starred open mouthed at her, "Are you just blind, or incredibly uncoordinated?"

"What did you call us Honky?" Asked the largest of the group walking back towards her as if intrigued.

"You heard me," she replied. "What part of stupid don't you understand?"

He pulled down his sunglasses and looked Jill up and down slowly, almost drinking her in. She'd always been proud of her model perfect body, and her long golden mane, a waterfall of blonde tresses that licked down to the top crack of her ass. Most men just gawked, not sure exactly how to approach a Goddess, but this man was different. He delighted in what he saw, but was assured in himself more.

"She called us jungle bunnies, Ed," said a tall thin black man over his right shoulder, "Ain't that dissing us?"

"Means the same thing as Nigger, Jackson," answered the shortest of the six on Ed's left side, and that made the crowd gasp in shock.

"Must be some Southern Belle on vacation here, Snipe," Ed mused, his eyes still feasting on Jill's spectacular body, "She keeps that attitude up she's gonna go home in a body bag, or worse, ****d and knocked up, with a little black bun in the oven crying to daddy, "I don't know which one, they all did it to me!" he mimicked her whining voice.

Those around began to go about their own business, as it was plain to them that this was just arguing, since no one obviously had a gun on them, and no white woman in her right mind would continue pursuing her challenge against six well built black men, whose bathing suits bulged as extensively as theirs did. However they didn't know Jill, if they had they would have tied and gagged her for her own good right then.

"Oh yeah," she returned, never bothering to look up as the group closed in on her, "I'm so fucking frightened by six brain dead, pimple dicked inbreeds who can't even find a place to play where they don't bother everyone else. Yeah, right."

"What'd she say?" Asked the half back type behind Ed with the baldhead.

"She says you're so dumb you fuck your mother and sisters with your little cock, Jermain," Ed laughed translating, then looking back at Jill, grabbed at his crotch, and said, "Now who's the blind one missy?"

Maybe it was the tone in the man's voice that woke Jill and made her look up, but what ever the reason, she realized then that she had made a big mistake in trying to take on these six angry men. Still, she tried to bluff her way out.

"Well look what you've done," she said pointing to all the sand lying on her blanket and gear, "the least you could do is apologize for being such clumsy oafs."

"Lady," said a tall black man with Laker's mowed into his hair on the side as he walked around to the front of the group, "oaf is a far cry from what your garbage mouth came up with in the first place, and in the second place, had you read the signs when you entered the beach, you'd have noticed that this is the playing area."

"You tell the bitch, Casper, " Snipe pitched in, "this be our beach baby!"

"Yeah," said the fellow with a small beer belly and a shaved head, "you's da trespasser here, sweet thang. Y'all should be paying da booty toll if you want's to lay in our sun."

"Tell it like it is, Akmed," Ed's voice rumbled, then to Jill, "How bout it Little Bit, you ready to give up some of that fine white meat to cook it here in the sun?"

Jill's only answer was to retreat, and she gathered her things up as the six men watched, each commenting crudely on the parts of her that they liked best, her ass, tits, and pussy vying for her mouth as major points to pleasure them with. She was aware that they followed her all the way back to her car, and once locked away in the air-conditioned comfort, at last began to breath easier. However as she looked up and put the car into reverse, she found herself starring back at the man they had called Ed as he stood in front of her car legs spread, arms crossed, with a smile on his face that said, "We got your ass now baby." She shivered, but it wasn't from the cool air coming out of the vents now, it was in fear. From now on she promised herself, she wouldn't come to the beach without her husband, she'd sun herself in the back yard when he was at work.

She watched as best she could in her mirrors, but she never saw them after leaving the parking lot. Not that they couldn't be following her she knew, not with the way the traffic was here. She decided to go a circuitous route, and it took her an extra hour to get home, but she felt better not having seen them the whole way home. At home there was a message from her husband waiting, which meant that she had to go out shopping for some supplies for the week end as Gary's boss had decided to lend them his cabin up in the mountains for the weekend that was located on a small lake, and very secluded. Her brain already thinking about a fun filled weekend of sex and debauchery with her husband, she never noticed the unfamiliar Classic white '57; Cadillac Rag Top parked five houses away as she pulled out of her drive way, and headed for the store, but then it had been there when she had come home from the beach.

"You know Ed," Snipe said, behind the wheel of his father's classic white '57' Cadillac, "sometimes I hate that my brother is with the Highway Patrol, but it's times like this that I don't mind at all that he can get into the DMV computer."

"Better hurry up if we want to bug the place before she gets back," Ed replied.


"So they scarred you, eh?" Gary said, munching on his salad over dinner as he listened to Jill relate her terrifying afternoon at Long Beach.

"Not the way you think," Jill replied, taking a sip at her wine, "these guys were huge, and I mean mountains too."

"How big were their cocks?" Gary asked playfully.

"GARY!" She shouted back.

"Don't give me that wounded, I'm a married white woman and would never look bullshit. You always look Jill. In fact you always stare openly at every crotch in a two block area."

She gave that some thought, and then admitted to herself that he was right. She had noticed, and if she admitted it she had done more than notice. Her pussy had begun to get wet just standing there in front of those big black bulges. In fact she'd had to hurry to leave before she made a wet spot that would have been impossible to explain away in that company.

"So?" Gary insisted, "How big were they?"

"Make a fist," She said, then when he did with his right hand, "now measure from your fist to your elbow, and you'll get an idea of how big, big black cock was on the beach today."

"Holy shit!" Gary said, "I'll bet they had your cunt boiling overtime, and don't tell me they didn't, I know you too well."

"Yeah, maybe," she fibbed holding back, but beginning to play with her food as she day dreamed about all those black cocks growing hard just for her, "maybe."

"Bullshit," Gary threw back, "you'd have loved to have them fuck the shit out of you, and you know it. It's your favorite fantasy to get gang banged by a buncha horny black bastards, and by the sounds of it, your having second thoughts about going back to that beach on a Nigger hunt."

"You're so gross, Gary," she replied laughing, as she stabbed some lettuce with her fork, but secretly she knew he was right. Her wet silky white panties didn't lie.

"I'll bet if your black buddies were to join us up at my bosses log cabin this weekend that you'd spread your legs so wide so fast that even they would blush at your slutty grand canyon display."

"Grand Canyon?" She blustered out, "Grand Canyon? You think my pussy is as big as the Grand Canyon?"

"That's not what I meant," Gary laughed back, "and you know it. You have the tightest pussy in the universe baby, and I love fucking it as you well know, but you have Grand Canyon ideas of fucking a giant black prick or pricks that you might have a hard time taking in reality."

"I do not!"

"Bullshit, you're always fantasizing about fucking Nigger cocks. Sometimes I think you've got Nigger dick on the brain the way you fuck that black dildo of yours while sucking my dick, or maybe you're just growing tired of my white cock now. You know I've told you before, if you want me to set someone up for you I will."

"Oh would you?" She replied sensually, "And what if I did let another man fuck me Gary? Could you handle it, really handle another man using your wife's hot mouth, and wet horny pussy Gary, not to mention if it were a black man, or maybe you'd rather I fucked one of your buddies, or your boss, what about it baby? Maybe have me prance out on some sleazy dance floor stripping for the crowd for tips. Would you like to see that sweet heart? Do you want to watch as other men tease, and taunt me, play with my little pussy, lick my tight ass, suck on my tits, and fuck the shit out of me, use me like the slut you just know I want to be for them in front of you?"

It was all standard foreplay for Jill and Gary, of course, but somehow, tonight it felt different to both of them. As if now they might make that first giant leap they'd talked and play acted about for the last two years. Both looked at each other over the dinning room table as if suddenly understanding each other on this subject after toying with it for so long. Gary knew he wanted his wife to fuck other men in front of him, and Jill knew that she wanted to fuck them for him, they just hadn't been sure about each other's feelings about this. That is until this moment.

"I will, if you will," Gary said, breaking the silence taking the plunge then holding his breath.

"I'll think about it," Jill finally announced, "but no promises Gary, and if I do.."


"Remember one thing," she replied, fishing out the last bit of tomato from her salad, "you started this. If I end up being a whore, then it's all your fault."

"I can live with that if you can," he said.

"Okay then, I will, if you don't mind being married to a real slut."

"When?" Gary asked.

"One thing at a time," she giggled, "let's see what the weekend brings first, shall we. For now, I'm ready for the main course."

"Oh, what's that?"

"How about some nice red, blood pumping, white meat?" She asked, and tickled his groin with her bare foot under the table.

"Okay, but only if I get to shave your pussy bald for this weekend," Gary countered.

"Deal," Jill replied, though she hated the itching that would follow, "just let me take a moment to email mom and dad and tell them where we're going, so they don't worry."

"Okay," Gary said, handing her a piece of paper, "here's the address."

* * * * *

What ye sew, ye must reap:

Looking out over the mirrored lake surrounded by fir, pine, and mountains the sky above a combination of fire orange and slowly deepening blue as the sun set, Jill and Gary had stopped on the porch to take in this moment of nature's crowning glory before entering the rustic looking two-story log cabin.

"The nearest neighbor is a half a mile away," Gary whispered, standing with his right arm around Jill's waist, "and there's no phone here to bother us either, just electricity, indoor plumbing, and an oil heater for creature comforts."

"You mean we can be nude all weekend?" she whispered back nuzzling into his right ear.

"Maybe after tonight," Gary replied, turning to unlock the front door, "I bought you something special to put on for our first evening here," then pushing the door open.

"Wow!" Jill mouthed, then speaking normally as they picked up their things and entered, "this ain't no hunting lodge, this is queen for a day luxury accommodations Gary!"

"Yeah, he built it for his wife," Gary said as Jill walked in and started looking around, "she's a real environmentalist nut, hates Bambi killers, but she likes her comfort and in style too. Tell you what, you take this," and he handed her a plastic bag, and her smallest luggage, "and go find the master bed room and change while I bring everything else in. When you're ready, come back down and join me."

* * * * *

Jill felt completely silly getting into the white designer silk stockings, and white satin garter belt, but since Gary had gone out of the way to purchase them for her just for tonight she couldn't hardly complain, and they did look great on her, in that slutty way, once she put those white leather fuck me pumps on. The effect in the mirror being that the outfit gave her legs to die for all the way up to her delectable ass in back, and framed her now bald pussy in front magnifying all attention there as well. Jill stepped into her sheer white nylon panties, the one's Gary went ape shit over. She rarely wore any make up, but since Gary had gone this far, she figured why not go the whole route, and pulled out her make up kit.

If he wanted a whore tonight, well then she was going to supply one, and after adding one last coat of bright red lipstick to her lips, she started polishing her finger nails a slightly duller red. She would finish by combing her long blonde hair till it shined like corn silk. Just the way her husband likes it, she thought, looking again in the full-length mirror. Only one thing missing, the wrapping, and she reached into her suitcase and pulled out her long sheer nylon robe putting it on as well. She had to admit, even if only to herself, as she looked one last time in that mirror, that she would have made one hell of a money making whore if things had turned out differently in her life. Yes, they were a lucky in love couple, that's for sure, but right now, the whore she could've been was here in this cabin, and her customer, albeit her husband, nevertheless, waited for her down stairs.

All was quiet below, as expected. As she descended she had to concentrate as she wasn't use to wearing high heels, and certainly not when making an entrance down a flight of stairs. Her confidence growing with each step downward, knowing that Gary was surely over to the right by the fireplace watching her every move, enjoying the fantasy shaping up in both their minds as she approached. Jill's pussy lips rubbing together, now as bald as billiard balls, made every step of hers that much more sensual, the heat inside building to a wonderful sweating environment that allowed a tear drop of moisture to slip out and down the inside of her thighs marvelously scenting the air along with her perfume. At last she reached the last step, and still holding on to the rail looked up as she assumed a demure yet come get me stance, and threw out her best one liner.

"Hope you're ready for some delicious hot white pussy mister........" she began, and just as suddenly stopped almost falling from her perch as she took in who was there.

"I sure am honey," said the tall naked black man from the beach, the one the other five naked black men surrounding her tied and gagged husband called Ed, "and don't you worry none, so are my boys."

A quick look around told her her escape routes were blocked by even more naked black men, strangers to be sure, but still Ed's buddies no doubt.

"There is no escape," Ed said, reading her mind, "if you by some miracle did make it outside, there are others waiting for you out there too," then he added, "and where could you go dressed like that anyway?" All the other black men nodding in agreement. "Now here's the way I see it, Jill. You and hubby here have this fantasy where you are a pure married slut, bitch in heat for big black dick, right? Well what could be better than for us to fulfill that nasty fantasy for you? Hell, you're dressed for the part even, and now you won't need that black dildo of yours, not with the real thing here in such abundant supply, right?"

"No!" Jill croaked, "I can't....you can't...."

"You can, and we will," Ed said louder, standing up, "either the easy way, or the hard way, it doesn't matter to us. You know how us Jungle bunnies are Jill, right?" He turned to Gary for a moment, "That's what she called us, if you can believe that, and right out loud and nasty too, in front of God and everybody on the beach."

"Yeah, like a bitch barking at some lower a****l life form," added Snipe, then pressed a button on a tape recorder, adding, "but we know better."

"So?" Gary's voice insisted, "How big were they?"

Both Jill and Gary's eyes widened as they remembered everything about that conversation and relived it seeing it happen as if there again through Snipe's tape.

"Make a fist," her voice said, then when he did with his right hand, "now measure from your fist to your elbow, and you'll get an idea of how big, big black cock was on the beach today."

"Holy shit!" Gary's voice said, "I'll bet they had your cunt boiling overtime, and don't tell me they didn't, I know you too well."

"Yeah, maybe," she fibbed all over again on tape, "maybe."

"Bullshit," Gary threw back, "you'd have loved to have them fuck the shit out of you, and you know it. It's your favorite fantasy to get gang banged by a buncha horny black bastards, and by the sounds of it, you're having second thoughts about going back to that beach on a Nigger hunt."

"You're so gross, Gary," she replied laughing over the tape. Her wet silky white panties didn't lie then, and they weren't lying now.

"I'll bet if your black buddies were to join us up at my bosses log cabin this weekend that you'd spread your legs so wide, so fast that even they would blush at your slutty grand canyon display."

"Grand Canyon?" She blustered out, "Grand Canyon? You think my pussy is as big as the Grand Canyon?"

"That's not what I meant," Gary laughed back through time, "and you know it. You have the tightest pussy in the universe baby, and I love fucking it as you well know, but you have Grand Canyon ideas of fucking a giant black prick or pricks that you might have a hard time taking in reality."

"I do not!"

"Bullshit, you're always fantasizing about fucking Nigger cocks. Sometimes I think you've got Nigger dick on the brain the way you fuck that black dildo of yours while sucking my dick, or maybe you're just growing tired of my white cock now. You know I've told you before, if you want me to set someone up for you I will."

"Oh would you?" She replied sensually, "And what if I did let another man fuck me Gary? Could you handle it, really handle another man using your wife's hot mouth, and wet horny pussy Gary, not to mention if it were a black man, or maybe you'd rather I fucked one of your buddies, or your boss, what about it baby? Maybe have me prance out on some sleazy dance floor stripping for the crowd for tips. Would you like to see that sweet heart? Do you want to watch as other men tease, and taunt me, play with my little pussy, lick my tight ass, suck on my tits, and fuck the shit out of me, use me like the slut you just know I want to be for them in front of you?"

"I will, if you will," Gary said.

"I'll think about it," Jill finally announced, "but no promises Gary, and if I do.."


"Remember one thing," she replied, "you started this. If I end up being a whore, then it's all your fault."

"I can live with that if you can," he'd said.

"Okay then, I will, if you don't mind being married to a real slut."


"One thing at a time," her voice giggled into the cabin, "let's see what the weekend brings first, shall we. For now, I'm ready for the main course."

"You sure look ready," Ed commented, bringing them back to the here and now as he looked her up and down after Snipe turned off the machine, "and we all heard your hubby give his consent, now didn't we boys?"

The room suddenly bursting with applause, and all directed towards Gary bound to a straight back chair, sitting upright nude, with his dick sticking up like a flag pole saluting these men's sexual intentions towards his wife. His cock saying what his gagged mouth couldn't.

Suddenly Jill understood, he really wanted to see her gang banged by all these ruffians. Had he set this up for her? But then how could he have, he didn't know these men, did he? Still, she had no choice in the matter. One way or the other these men intended to fuck her in front of her husband. However, since Gary seemed all for it, why not live the fantasy, and then play dumb about it later if he made a big deal out of it. After all, it had been his idea to start with, and she really didn't have any choice in this situation. She would be blameless, even in Gary's eyes should he renege later. She stepped down from the last step then, allowing the clock to tick on the mantel once again, her resolve firm. Her naked Niggers -she liked the sound, and taste of that- waiting for her next moment.

"Okay," she said, walking forward, her hips a metronome in motion she stopped in front of Ed purposefully, then looked at Gary, "Who's first?"

* * * * *

Gary stared in bewildered awe as the giant of a black man picked his wife up and carried her out over the cabin's threshold as if Jill were his bride in reverse. Then suddenly he too was lifted up in his chair still tied and gagged, following them outside, and then down a well used path towards the lake to what appeared to be a well secluded alcove of beach and freshly mowed grass. A large blanket lay there on the sand and the large black man laid Jill down on her back on it, as the others placed Gary's chair near by in the most advantageous place for viewing. The lights from the porch came on adding to the full moon rising up between the mountain peeks that gave the whole surround a mystical ambiance, a magical sacrificial setting that matched the virginal lily being plucked by dark grisly shadowy apparitions of the night about to take place. Gary's cock was so hard it hurt, and the clothes line they'd tied him up to the chair with was acting like a cock and ball harness preventing him from coming. Which he knew he would have right then, as the tall black bastard kneeled down, and after parting Jill's sheer white robe, reached down and pulled the crotch of her silky white panties aside and dipped his black face right down there in between those familiar, now well parted, glistening wet white thighs tongue first.

"Looks like you were right Gary," Snipe said next to him so that everyone could hear, "she opened her legs so fast that even I have to blush."

The other black men gathered around him chuckled at Gary's expense as Jill's hands grabbed Ed's head and pulled him tight into her splayed crotch.

"Oh... ahh!" Jill moaned.

Gary starred un-annoyed, her head twisting from side to side with everyone watching knowing that she was cuming from the very first touch of a black man on her bald white pussy. And that pussy kept on cuming as the black man licked it like a ravenous b**st. Pussy shaved smooth and clean just for Gary, but now served to another, a black other, with more black others standing around waiting, their turns soon to follow. Gary would certainly have moved in closer, if he could have, just to see the large stranger's tongue enter Jill's vibrant secret hollow, but he was already happy with the view, and couldn't complain.

It was finally happening, his, and Jill's long awaited fantasy was turning into a reality, and these black men had made it all so easy for them too. Jill couldn't blame him later that he hadn't tried to stop them, not the way he was tied up, and too, he couldn't really later, after all of this was through, turn around mean minded and vindictive, and call her a two bit Nigger loving whore, and mean it, when she'd had no choice in this matter. Not that he would have, of course, but the thought had always been there in Jill's mind that he might, if she gave in to herself. Now though, neither of them had to worry, only enjoy what was truly inevitable for them. After all, Jill had wanted to be a slut for black men, and Gary had wanted that too. If she became a slut now, and they both enjoyed it, then they could, without guilt, pursue this even further in the future, and neither would be hurt from the experience, and no recriminations to bung it all up. He knew she would enjoy this, he just somehow had to show her that he was enjoying it too. Then, as if they had read his mind, the gag in his mouth was removed.

"That's it Jill!" Gary cried out, cheering her on, "Go for it baby! Cum all over his black face! Show them what a Nigger loving married white slut you can be when you're turned on! Cum baby! Cum all damn night long for me!"

"Oh yes Gary! Yes!" Jill hissed in rapture, hunching her hips at Ed's mouth like some demented worm being electrocuted, "All for you... all...!"

"Never fails," Snipe whispered in his ears, "Slap some tongue to a hot cunt, and you'd think the whole world was being reinvented. Don't you worry, we won't let her hurt herself, but I guarantee that after we're through with her this weekend she won't think twice about spreading those legs of hers for any Nigger that even looks at her sideways Gary. You did the right thing asking us to stampede over her on the beach that day, and also by bringing her up here to Ed's place for us to fuck her, believe me, you won't be sorry. If we can't turn her into a married whore for black prick, nobody can.

"Just don't let on that I arranged all of this," Gary whispered back under his breath, "I want her to believe that she brought this on herself because this is what she truly wanted. It is, but she wouldn't believe it otherwise."

"No problem boss," Snipe said, then chuckling added, "just remember me come bonus time at work."

Gary just nodded as he saw Ed lift his head, and start to crawl over on top of Jill, the man's cock dragging on the blanket a veined menace throbbing, stiff with the blood of former slaves engorged for the comeuppance of the former Massa's heir apparent daughter. Jill's legs were up and wide open, affording Gary a sight that would live with him forever. There, less than six feet away, a mammoth black stallion sized cock was flush up against his wife Jill's waiting, and obviously most willing, white slit, ready for the next part in this drama, the Niggerizing of Jill.

Gary was well aware of that old saying about never going back, once you've had a taste of black, and he sincerely hoped that would be the case here tonight.

* * * * *

Jill could feel herself building to an orgasm the moment that she had given in to Ed in the house, but when his black hands touched her, it was the first jolt of the coming thunderstorm. Then as his pink tongue came out, touched her cunt, singed her soul, and exploded all pretense to the liar's chambers in hell, she came without restraint.

"Oh... yeah!" Jill moaned uncontrollably, her mind sizzling, her twat in a meltdown.

Yes, at last the very thing Jill had craved for so long was taking place, and Gary was being made to watch as she went totally out of control. She wondered how her husband was taking all this, wished at that moment that he wasn't gagged, and then suddenly he wasn't.

"That's it Jill!" Gary cried out, cheering her on, "Go for it baby! Cum all over his black face! Show them what a Nigger loving married white slut you can be when you're turned on! Cum baby! Cum all damn night long for me!"

"Oh yes Gary! Yes!" Jill hissed in rapture, hunching her hips at Ed's mouth as another lightening bolt hit her, her legs going high and wide in the air, a true slut at last, "All for you... all...!"

"Yeah," Gary went on, "eat that white pussy you black bastard! She loves it! I can't wait until you guys start fucking the slut!"

"Oh! Oh yes! Yes! Eat me! Fuck me! Make me suck all of your big black cocks in front of my husband! Uh, ah, oh uhn, can't stop cuming baby! He's making me cum Gary!"

"That's it!" Gary shouted, his voice going hoarse already, "Come for the nice black man, baby! Cum you Nigger loving whore!"

Jill was doing just that too, holding Ed's face tight against her snatch as if never wanting to let go. Her mind no longer concentrating on Gary as she wantonly gave herself to the black stranger groveling in her bald crotch, an a****l to her own desires as well as these black men, she had become their instant bitch-n-heat. So when Spike's cock plopped on her face over top of her she opened her mouth to suck it right in, a hungry white married slut for Niggers already.

It was then that Ed moved up Jill's body, or had he been there before Spike, she wasn't sure, but suddenly she had two very large black cocks in her body moving slowly in and out in the most savage teasing torture she'd ever had the pleasure to endure. Black hands mauled her swollen ripe titties, squeezed her ass cheeks, and roamed over her white flesh wherever they willed, driving her again to a massive spontaneous orgasm.

Lying there on the blanket out under the stars, spot lighted by moon and porch lights, Jill felt like the perfect whore for hire, or desire. There was that thought again, where had it come from? She'd never thought of herself as a whore before tonight, yet she knew it was so right, right here, and right now.

I'm like those porno sluts, she thought, and she could hear Gary's thoughts about her actions, as if their minds were linked, Oh baby! You are a nasty, married, little, white cunt tonight, aren't you!

In and out, back and forth, up and down Ed's sweat soaked ebony body moved over her in conjunction with Spike's pole in her cocksucking mouth. A litany of rhythm straight from the deepest, darkest, jungles of Africa the two men for want of a better word used her white flesh to satiate their primeval carnal needs by pumping her like an over worked oil rig. Jill's body rising up to greet every thrust of their magnificently cruel, overwhelmingly wicked, incredibly huge Nigger pricks in a feeding frenzy that was so shameless as to be obscene by anyone's standards. She became nothing more than a hole surrounded by flesh and bones, a receptacle of the vilest intentions.

Oh! So that's what they mean by a 'ho,' she thought, Yes! Make me your 'ho! Fill me up!"

"Cum in the bitch!" Spike cried out. "We'll knock the dirty little slut up! Then she can have our Jungle Bunny baby, eh!"

Jill suddenly went ballistic after hearing that. Her body nearly bucking the two men off, though that wasn't her intent. It was just that it had never occurred to her that she might get pregnant from this gang bang, although it was quite possible as she wasn't on any birth control tonight, and that thought that there might be some proof of her infidelity with the birth of a black baby brought her to a climax the likes of which she'd never dreamt was possible, as both her cunt and ass suddenly swamped to overflowing with Nigger spillage.

"Wow!" Yelled the one called Jermain, "I think she wants us to knock her up!"

"She wouldn't be the first one," Jackson added, slapping his back, and Casper and Akmed nodded in agreement nearby.

All four of them Jermain, Jackson, Casper, and Akmed had been on the beach that day, and were going to get some of her cumuppance she was sure. Jill just hoped that she could last to the end of those four for right now. She'd already cum over a dozen times with Ed and Spike, and momentarily wondering how Gary was handling all this she looked his way. The hardon sticking up from his groin said it all as she noticed he was once again gagged, and unable to cheer her on in her slutty crusade.

Probably for the best, she thought, this way she wouldn't be so distracted.

Jill's inner thigh muscles felt as if she'd been horseback riding all afternoon, as Ed pulled out from between her legs. Spike already gone, but not forgotten as she tried to lick up his spunk from her chin. Her feet on the blanket, knees bent, and wide apart, she watched as Jermain, Casper, Jackson, and Akmed approached her supine form. Four hulking shadows with night sticks firm and pointing at her moon silvered, porch spotted, dripping wet whitely-ness. She'd never felt so vulnerable as she did as those men surrounded her, Jermain getting down over top of her as the others just jacked off starring down at them.

Jill felt Jermain's dick rush right up into her well soiled pussy, the first to take sloppy seconds the man still stretched her out, and she came right then. Jill continued to cum as Jermain's big black cock plowed her a new fuck hole size larger. Her body a traitor to her took him in, her arms and legs wrapping themselves around behind Jermain to add her hip action to his pounding meat slapping thrusts.

"Oh Fuck!" Jill Screamed. "Fuck me! Fuck me! All of you Fuck Me! I want all of your big black Nigger cocks!"

"Look at the slut now," Jackson said to no one, "Where's that shitty little bitch we met on the beach? Shit! Show her your ass Casper. Sit on her face so she can lick you butt clean. That should keep her quiet."

The next thing Jill knew there was a black ass in her face, with a pair of balls and a large black cock laying on the top of her head. Without thinking she stuck her tongue out and lapped at that dark crevasse, even probing the little crinkly butt hole tasting the tart musky flavor of soap, and Nigger right down to her curled toes. Her tongue going in deeper as every minute passed, she was soon fucking Casper's Hershey highway with her pink tongue in sink with Jermain's deep battering ram thrusts. In and out were the only two words on her depraved mind at the moment. Breath in as butt raised, tongue coming out of the black man's shitter, then as that ass fell back down on her face she breathed out as her tongue went back in that butt hole. She could feel Casper jerking off with the help of her blond hair wrapped around his swollen black member as Jermain fucked her pussy relentlessly with his black cock.

Jill felt Jermain's cum spill into her crammed twat, again overflowing her hole, then he was suddenly replaced by another black man. Akmed taking over where Jermain had left off soon had her back on the road to utopia, and she came long and hard still eating Casper's black ass.

Then when Akmed came in her pussy, Casper moved in, and took her as Jackson gave her his ass hole to lick clean, and Jill came again half way through, and was building up to her next come as Casper shot his load. Jackson entered her sloppy cunt then taking up where Casper left off, and someone else sat on her face to feed her his black ass. Then another switch, the faces unseen and unknown, playing musical chairs with her cunt and mouth, and each time she came midway through the ordeal, and was building to the next one when the music stopped, then started all over again.

She wasn't sure when it happened, but she could feel the grit of the beach sand under her buttocks on the blanket as yet two more strange black men used her as the others had.

How long have I been getting fucked by these Niggers, and licking their black asses, She wondered, as seemingly the hundredth climax took her, and how many more of them are there?

It may have been the tenth or so time that she'd asked herself that, but suddenly she was alone on that skuzzy blanket, looking up at a forest of black pricks surrounding her, looking down on her, all hard or semi hard slowly being jerked off by their owners. Jill could swear that there had to be at least fifty black men encircling her all naked, and beating off over her spoiled body.

"Can you see what you've done slut?" Ed asked, not expecting an answer though he continued, "You've walked the earth pristine, and unstained, flaunting that nice white booty at us all of your life, and this is what you have teased," he shook his dick over her in his right hand, "and this is what you deserve for it!"

Ed's black uncircumcised cock began to jerk, as did several others, the small slits in the ends forced open as jism rushed up from their testicles along the length of those mighty meat muscles, and shot out into space, and arched down onto Jill. Ed's landed on her first splattering right between her eyes, a hot mucus straight from hell's own demon dick, and then like a storm cloud bursting, she felt hot sperm raining down on her everywhere.

A quick look told her that Gary was watching it all, and as she had seen many a porno queen do, her hands squished through the pouring down flow, trying to rub it all into her skin as if it were Nigger block #7 tanning lotion. In her own mind she wallowed in black baby making sperm like a pig in its sty, loving the filth for what it was, and what it was doing to her, its cleansing of her unimpeachable.

"Yes, oh yes! Cum on me! Wash me all black inside and out with your Nigger sauce! I love it! I fucking love it so much! Oh yes, I'm Nigger Pussy from now on!"

"You hear that Gary?" Ed asked, as the last man in the circle emptied his balls right over her left nipple, completely drenching Jill in their cum, "I told ya she'd turn! You can have her back now, but she's just on loan. From now on she's every Nigger's slut, I guarantee it."

If Jill thought her **** orgy was all over, she was surprisingly mistaken. It was just intermission time. Several cameras were suddenly flashing off in her face, and then there was Gary, climbing between her legs traveling through the gooey slime frosting her skin, and scanty clothing to take his turn at her sodden well mangled pothole. She could barely feel his dick occasionally hitting the sides of her warped pussy, but just having him there in her, like she was now, was so special that Jill sighed into a comfortable little cum, just the same, as Gary's balls emptied into her right there along with everyone else's abundance.

* * * * *

"I hope sloppy seconds is something you really enjoy," Jill sighed contented.

Gary didn't get the chance to answer though as he was gagged again, and lifted off of Jill then, and set back in his straight back chair rebound in clothes line. Round two was about to take place.

"Get up on your hands and knees slut!" Ed commanded, "It's booty, and blow job time!"

The gasp that came was muffled, as it came from Gary. He'd never authorized Spike to let them fuck his wife in the ass, Jill just didn't go for that kind of sex after all. They'd only done it themselves once, and she'd complained of the pain so he'd stopped. Then, eyes wide in mind-boggling mystification, he watched as his wife wagged her gorgeous rump back at Ed as he kneeled behind her, and took hold of her flaring hips. With cool precision, Ed lined up his black cock on Jill's little brown puckered hole. Then only using spit as lubricant, Ed pressed the head of his cock at her sphincter, and Jill incredibly pushed back.

Oh shit! Gary thought, She gonna do it! She's really gonna do it! Jill's gonna let these Niggers fuck her in the ass too!

Gary no longer knew where the fake **** ended, and the new slutty Jill began as Ed's tapered black ten-inch prick squeezed into his wife's butt. He saw her tense, then relax, and tense up again and relax with every inch of black cock that was slowly pried into her anal canal, her face wincing, but determined. It was like suddenly having extremely good vision, as he saw her asshole buckle up, then open up wide, like taking a shit in reverse, to let Ed's turd cock inside, the tiny almost white hole stretched out thin around the ebony girth straining like a rubber band to receive it, and Gary could swear his wife cooed in response.

True his cock didn't taper, but this was unreal, Gary thought, as the last black inch settled right up into Jill's shitter.

Ed, the considerate lover that he obviously was, let Jill get accustomed to having his big black prick up her fine prime shit socket, just holding still. Then letting her make the first moves back and forth, reached around and rubbed at Jill's clitty as she fucked her ass on his cock. The length of her back undulating wave like as she screwed herself on that large black hunk of meat.

What a fucking whore! Ran through Gary's mind. The fucking slut is loving this! Look at the way she's backing into his every thrust, like she just can't get enough of his black cock up her filthy ass! Damn this is hot! I just can't believe she's doing this!

Of course with an ass as tight as Jill's it didn't take Ed long to cum in there, and pulling out he went around in front of her as Spike moved in behind to take his place. Then as Spike put the pork to Jill, Ed fed her his soiled dick, and as Gary watched in disbelief Jill happily gobbled the cock that had just fucked her in the ass as if it were candy coated.

Oh man! Oh man! Look at that! Just look at that cunt go! Gary thought to himself as a groan escaped past the gag in his mouth.

Indeed, Jill was all motion not having cum with Ed, and hoping that Spike would tame the growing fires building in her. Alas, it was not to be, as Spike came in her tight butt, and switched places with Ed as Jermain took her in the rump now. Gary could see what they were doing, trying to keep her at the edge, but not let her cum so that she would eventually take on every Nigger on the property before the last one in line allowed her the orgasm of a life time as he came up her poop chute last. If Jill seemed to mind she never voiced it, but each cock that entered her mouth after fucking her in the ass, went further down her cocksucking throat, till Gary was sure she was swallowing every black dick whole. As before they encircled her as they finished with her, leaving a small corridor for Gary to see through. Each man towering over his wife, jerking off, waiting for the right moment. Gary's own cock once again as hard as a rock from the start of this booty, blow job gang bang, as Jill had moved into the doggy fuck position with fresh sperm dripping from each nipple and her chin, a squeezed fruit rind apparently all that was left of her then. But now as the last Nigger mounted her hind end, and Gary hoped they wouldn't bring in real dogs next, he saw that this fuck was much different. The black man fucking Jill had to have all of twelve inches of wrist thick prick pumping in and out of her ass.

Where the hell is it all going, Gary wondered in awe, and look at Jill pouncing back on that damn thing as if it belonged in there, and not in some damn mare!

Faster, and faster yet still black pounded into white from both ends, Jill rocking back and forth harder and harder with each passing second, and the forest of black meat around them jerking off as before. Hands blurring, dicks humping, one cunt in the center gone wild thrashing around as a cornered a****l, and then it happened. A sight that Gary would have burned into his mind beyond forever.

Suddenly the Nigger mounted on her rump, and the one in her face jammed every inch of dick they had into Jill from both ends, and held her tight as they came, setting off Jill's ultimate anal explosion. At the same time, one black prick after another started hosing down Jill's back side, her long silky hair as well getting thoroughly slimed with their rinse down. The man whose cock was in her throat pulling out as he came to allow her to breath once she managed to swallow his torrential cream shower. Unfortunately, as she had been holding on to his ass for support she lost her balance and melted down onto her head and shoulders exhausted, arms out, and a much better target for all of those spraying black peckers.

It lasted for hours, those few minutes at the end, but neither Jill or Gary would ever forget them. She was still twitching, her ass up in the air looking like a melting ice sculpture ten minutes later, with only the crickets and Gary now un-gagged left to notice. The other's driving down the long dirt road back to LA. after finishing with her dirt road.

"Ooooohhhhh!" Jill moaned, a dozen or so Polaroid's surrounding her on the blanket showing her frosted both face up, and hind end up.

"Are you okay?" Gary asked, concerned.

"Just let me soak a while, Hon," Jill panted, "I want to remember this the rest of my life."

"You really looked fucked Jill," Gary said, relieved she wasn't hurt

"You should see it from my side," she replied, and then passed out in exhaustion. A Mona Lisa smile smeared across her face.

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My Introduction to Interracial Sex

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The interracial Sexual Surrogate

There is just something that is so sinfully erotic about pregnant white women who's lovers, are black that is so appealing! To see pictures of an attractive naked white women knocked up with child,.. in the arms romantically of black men can be a most stimulating sinful experience! There are even white women that fantasize about having black seed pumped into their ripe and ready wombs and becoming pregnant by them! This story is set in the 70s and is about a poor childless young black...

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The interracial Sexual Surrogate

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Interracial Porn gets her to try the Reel Deal

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My True Story about Interracial Sex

I Went Black and Loved It!By Missy12 My name is Missy, I’m a 30 year old bi sexual woman and have been having sex with black men since I was 19. I’m writing a true story about my first encounter in the world of interracial sex. I find men write a lot of stories and most are fictional; of course I enjoy these works, but I find the women always too big boobed innocent blondes. I am a big boobed blonde but anything but innocent. Just a little bit about me. Pussy, cunt, cock, dick, and even twat...

1 year ago
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First Interracial Experience

This is about my first interracial gangbang experience as a teen, black on white, the awe and envy of the size of the black boy’s cocks, the mocking at the ecstasy of the interracial episode. This was the start of my life journey of interracial sexual pleasure be it gay, bisexual or straight. I grew up on a farm in Africa, a white boy with black friends. The African boys were older and bigger than me and from morning until night we explored and played together on the vast farm. Thembu was the...

1 year ago
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Wild Adventure

My name is John Simmons I am 62 and a retired Tugboat Captain. My wife Kim is 52 ten years younger then I and still a nice looking woman for her age. We have a 16-year-old granddaughter named Tammy. We look forward to school letting out each year because Tammy comes to visit us for the summer and we take our yearly vacation. This year we decided to go to the Wild Adventure theme park in Valdosta Georgia. Over the years Tammy has become best friends with our neighbor’s Jane and asked if she...

5 years ago
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First Interracial Experience

This is about my first interracial experience as a teen, black on white, the awe and envy of the size of the black boy’s cocks, the mocking at the first time sighting of my small white cock, my humiliation and ecstasy of the interracial episode. This was the start of my life journey of interracial sexual pleasure be it gay, bisexual or straight. I grew up on a farm in Africa, a white boy with black friends. The African boys were older and bigger than me and from morning until night we...

2 years ago
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Sybil A Story About Interracial Slavery Chapter Two

Chapter Two Sybil's next few days at college were a whirlwind of new things, people surroundings and college life. In her black African history class one of the first things that the female professor required was for her to write a believable story as to how it felt to be a shackled young slave girl in the 1850s. The fact that she was the only white female attending this college and a young, and very naive one at that , only added to her most interesting problems as the days...

3 years ago
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First Interracial Experience

This is about my first interracial experience as a teen, black on white, the awe and envy of the size of the black boy’s cocks, the mocking at the first time sighting of my small white cock, my humiliation and ecstasy of the interracial episode. This was the start of my life journey of interracial sexual pleasure be it gay, bisexual or straight. I grew up on a farm in Africa, a white boy with black friends. The African boys were older and bigger than me and from morning until night we explored...

2 years ago
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The Interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter three

Introduction: This is a continuing story of a young white womans quest to bare a child for a black childless couple and her travels through rape and abusive sex with numerous black men! The Interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter three With the belt around her neck, the one brother buckled it choking her to the point of being difficult to breathe! Once this was done it allowed Deanna some relief, she had been told that to fight back and resist would guarantee the most brutal and abusive rape!...

4 years ago
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Choose your own interracial story

Your town is one of the most interracial towns in the world. There plenty of Hot spots, the club, the school and other places. There also the country club where a lot of rich débutantes hang out. There also a china town where it a red light district and a Latin area. There small Indian areas as well. Choose to be the following races Black Guy- Boyish good looks and a nice size penis. You may be a strong Mandingo or you may be an Uriel type. Depends on how you play it White Guy- You can smooth,...

4 years ago
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Great Interracial Compilation

Welcome to the start of an experiment in interracial fantasy. Go ahead and start a thread with what you want to start with your fantasy. Want black on white, go for it. Want human on alien (Humans are a race right?), go on and write. Want to see a medieval interracial setting (Kind of want to see this one written up), I say green lights all the way. Lets see how far this can go on!

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Interracial Matters Tamzins Story

The engine was still running as she sat parked in her Ford Focus in the hotel car park staring ahead deep in thought. Tamzin was still unsure, still uncertain the she was doing the right thing. Most other women in her place would describe what she intended doing as sheer madness. It was, she had to admit that, but there was something inside driving her onwards. Most other women would be screaming at her ‘Go. Just drive off and go’. What is that saying about fleeing from the devil? Her own...

2 years ago
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Jessica My First Interracial Experience

The doorbell rang and I rushed to the front door to sign for delivery of my Express package. I was so excited I rushed into the bathroom and removed the packaging to reveal what I had just received. My heart was pounding, I was so excited, and then I gazed upon the necklace. It was beautiful, one charm character 'I' followed by a onyx black heart followed by three charms BBC, the answer to my most endearing fantasy, my own 'I Love Big Black Cock' necklace. I lovingly placed the chain around my...

2 years ago
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Interracial Sissy Story

Interracial Sissy Story(Some prior notes about me, this story and my writings: If MALE bisexuality, crossdressing or interracial sex bother you, don't even bother reading this further, much less commenting. Many have had secret fantasies about what it would be like to be the opposite sex, during sex. Some of my influences for writing this story were things like those fantasies, straight interracial gangbang porn flicks, a strong fetish for female cigarette smoking, strip clubs, hard rap/rock...

2 years ago
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Taylor Swifts Interracial Reprograming

Taylor Swift--known as much for her slender figure, long blonde hair, and milky white skin as for her incredible country/pop career--exudes sex appeal through her faux-innocent persona. One might not suspect a white starlet like Taylor to harbor dark fantasies about big black cock. Appearances can be deceiving. Rumors indicate something lies deep beneath Swift's carefully tailored image as America's sweet white girl next door.A few years ago at MTV's VMA awards, Kanye West interrupted Taylor...

4 years ago
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Interracial Sex Bonanza for a White Boy

I've always appreciated the aesthetics of interracial sex. The contrast of skin tones, and all the taboos as well, which increase the excitement factor. Doesn't matter which way, I love black guy on white girl and white guy on black girl porn alike. I'm a thirty-one-year-old white male, so looking for black girls was the easiest way for me to dabble in the scene. On dating apps, I tried to match with the ebony goddesses in particular and eventually started talking with a nineteen-year-old. She...

2 years ago
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Interracial fantasies 1

Danielle stood in front of the full length mirror in her neighbor’s bedroom frantically trying to zip up the new dress she brought. “Macy. This dress is extremely tight. Help me zip it up!” Macy crossed the room and finished zipping up Danielle’s dress, bringing relief to her blonde neighbor. “Danielle. What size is that dress anyway?” “It’s a size three but I guess my boobs must have grown a bit since this morning.” “Danielle....

3 years ago
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My First Interracial Encounter

Note: I cannot use my real name so please don't ask. Just call me softpussy. Interracial porn has always turned me on and I enjoy reading interracial stories and looking at pictures and video of black men fucking white women. I am in my late thirties. I am attractive and I workout and take care of my body. I am not a blonde hair blue eyed big titty woman, but most men I know think I look good. I am hoping to meet other women like me who are into interracial porn but remain anonymous. Anyone...

4 years ago
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Interracial American 2021Chapter 2 Brutus Bull

Brutus Bull pressed his big Black Hands around her shapely ivory thighs, her beautiful derriere coming full into view. Her thrust his huge ebony god cock in her sweet pink pussy and asked her softly, “What’s inside your cunt?” Brutus continued to thrust passionately smiling at the beautiful white wife on her hands and knees on the bed, “What’s inside your cunt!” he commanded. Bella Everett replied, “A Black Cock.” She stammered as he thrust, her shoved down in the pillow. It was a wonder if...

2 years ago
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The Interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter three

Chapter three With the belt around her neck, the one brother buckled it choking her to the point of being difficult to breathe! Once this was done it allowed Deanna some relief, she had been told that to fight back and resist would guarantee the most brutal and abusive rape! But the tight belt left her helplessly under his control, as all it took was only a slight tug to restrict and detour...

3 years ago
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Samantha Silverton First Interracial Sex

PART ONE WRITTEN BY LEROY MORROW FICTION Samantha Silverton, an attractive blond hair blue eye girl in her thirties was sitting on the couch waiting for her husband, Douglas to come home from work. She had no way knowing that very evening she would have her first interracial sex experience. Douglas had phoned her earlier in the day to let her know that he was bringing an old friend of his home for her to meet. Samantha said that was okay with...

2 years ago
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A pretty blonde teacher becomes the main attraction at an interracial party

Miriam Smith looked forward to her Friday nights with her fellow teachers from school. She and several of the other teachers got together for a ladies night out to let their hair down and celebrate the start of the cherished weekend. The pretty blonde wife taught English at the high school and enjoyed her work but she also enjoyed having a good time as well. She was definitely no ‘stick in the mud’ when it came to partying on the weekends. Sometimes the group went out for drinks at...

5 years ago
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A white couple decide to join a hardcore interracial club

I’m Tom and my lovely wife Silvie and I have been married for eleven years now. We live in suburban Detroit where I’ve worked for one of the auto manufacturing companies for the past fourteen years. We live in this tiny little house in a suburban city just south of Detroit. It’s predominantly a blue collar neighborhood. It’s a nice town and nothing exciting never really happens here. The local newspaper headlines are usually packed full of stories about the high school...

2 years ago
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The interracial Sexual Surrogate chapter two

Introduction: This is a continuing storyIt is about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! The interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter two Any concern for Deanna about a gynecology examination had now quickly vanished? This was replaced by feelings of anticipation for...

3 years ago
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The Master Next Door Pt 1 Interracial Cheating Cuckold Series

The Master Next Door - An interracial, cuckold, erotic, romance. Lauren didn’t know what was happening to her. Her body was on fire but all she felt was overwhelming pleasure. She looked around but there was only blackness. She could make out flashes of dark limbs and skin. She tried moving but a heavy force pinned her from above. Something powerful. Thrusting into her and taking her breath away. She writhed from the heat building between her legs but could do nothing as the furnace engulfed...

3 years ago
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InterracialSissy Story

wrote this a while back(Some prior notes about me, this story and my writings: If MALE bisexuality, crossdressing or interracial sex bother you, don't even bother reading this further, much less commenting. Many have had secret fantasies about what it would be like to be the opposite sex, during sex. Some of my influences for writing this story were things like those fantasies, straight interracial gangbang porn flicks, a strong fetish for female cigarette smoking, strip clubs, hard rap/rock...

2 years ago
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Since My First Interracial Encounter

This is a follow up to my first interracial sexual encounter. See my first stories, A Night I Will Always Remember.  The first few days after Marcell and his friends had come over I found myself constantly thinking about what had happened and how much I had enjoyed it. Every time I started to think about it I would get all wet and lose all train of thought. Then three days after Marcell and his friends were there I was cleaning house and my doorbell rang. When I answered it I found it was one...


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