A Femtoy For My Wife - Part 2 free porn video

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I became aware of the sexy and softly-pungent smell of rubber as I emerged from deep sleep and opened my eyes to focus on Vanya's beautiful eyes and soft smile just inches away. "Good Morning, Jane. I wondered when you would wake up." Vanya's greeting brought back all of last night's events with a rush and, mentally exploring my body I felt the tightness of the corset around my torso. Whether my body was adjusting to its shape or to the discomfort I didn't know, but it felt much less uncomfortable than it had last night and I was amazed I had slept so well wearing it. Vanya continued in a soft, loving murmur "You looked so lovely I was tempted to wake you but I thought you needed the sleep. Its now 8 O'clock so we're both rested and ready for a long full day." She leaned slowly over to me and kissed me lovingly then slid her arms about me to hug me to her. The prodding at my groin as she did so let me know she was still wearing the dildo - perhaps her way of saying she was 'wearing the pants'! Vanya slowly pulled away and tossed back the duvet. She climbed up on her knees beside me and stretched, the black dildo bouncing up and down as she moved. Grasping the hem of my nightie she pulled the soft, white rubber up my legs and, as I lifted my bottom from the bed, up to my shoulders. With the help of her arm under my neck I managed to sit up so that she could slip the nightie over my head and she tossed it onto the bed beside us. "It's mornings after late nights like this that girls like us have to take off their make-up, so let's start with yours. It has smudged a bit," I was told, but first she pulled the clips from my hair and removed the black wig. She slid off the bed to extract some pots and tubes of cream from her dressing table drawer, along with a large box of tissues. After pushing me back on the bed she undid a pot and dabbed the cool cream all over my face and then began to wipe it off along with all the make-up. Vanya explained that she would remove the false eyelashes, an uncomfortable operation, and she would have to apply a deep cleansing cream - whatever that meant. Another cream was massaged into my chin and cheeks. "Now for some body-cream," she said taking a large tube and squirting some into her hands. This one she used to liberally coat the front of my legs and, after rolling me over, up the backs as well. She continued all over the cheeks of my bottom and as she moved on to my hands and arms I thought 'what a pleasant way to start the day.' Vanya went into the bathroom to wash her hands and returned with a wet, soapy sponge and washed off all the cream from my face. After patting me dry she opened another pot and covered the whole of my face with the thick, creamy gel. "There you are, Jane. All done for the moment. Just wait while I take mine off and we can have a shower." Vanya picked up the creams and took them to the dressing table where she sat and treated her own face, while my legs and arms tingled slightly where she had creamed them. She went into the bathroom to turn on the shower then returned to the bed. "Come on, darling. I think the creams have had plenty of time to work now, so let's get showered." She helped me to my feet and into the shower - still in my corset and handcuffs! I had expected, and looked forward to, her taking them off me, if only for a little while. Vanya followed me in, also still wearing her lovely rubber clothing. She took the soap and sponge and began to wash my shoulders, arms and legs. As she moved down to my legs I watched in amazement as all the hair washed away with the soapsuds! When I shouted my surprise Vanya laughed and said she had told me she didn't want a hairy slave! "I also did your face so you won't need to shave for a couple of days. The other cream should have softened your skin nicely by now, so hold still while I wash it off." She sponged away at my face to remove all traces of the cream before sponging her own face. Eventually she turned off the shower and reached for the towel. I could do nothing to help or hinder as she patted me dry, whilst water continued to slowly drip down my body from under the corset. Vanya quickly dried her face and the rubber suit and led me to the basin. As she squirted toothpaste onto my brush Vanya said, without looking up, "Now we have a choice. Either I do your teeth for you and maybe not do a good job, or I can release you to do them properly for yourself. IF you want me to release your hands you must promise to let me shackle them again whenever I want to. Now Jane, which is it to be?" Having tried and failed to clean her teeth for her under similar restraint a few months back, I readily gave Vanya my promise and breathed a sigh of relief as she went to get the key for the cuffs. Once my hands were free I quickly stretched the stiffness from my shoulders then took the proffered toothbrush and did as I should. Vanya stood next to me doing hers at the same time and when we finished she put both toothbrushes away. "While you have the freedom I think you should go to the toilet, darling. I don't know when you'll next get the chance. Before you do, though, sit down on the bidet," Vanya told me. I knew what she wanted - she had a thing about 'inner cleanliness' and she used the bidet to douche herself and give us both enemas. I had modified the water nozzle so that when we sat down the soft rubber tip just penetrated the body. I sat as I was told and Vanya turned on the tap hard to rapidly fill my bowel with water, only flicking off the tap when I squealed that I couldn't take any more. She giggled as she helped me over to the toilet pan where I sat quickly and let the water flood out of me. Vanya insisted on repeating this twice more until she was certain that I was well cleaned out. At last she towelled me dry then took my hand and led me back to the dressing table stool. "Thank you for doing what you were told and being good, Darling. With you sitting relaxed I'll be able to do your make-up much easier." She kissed me briefly before going to work with all her skill. After what seemed hours she stood back to admire her work on me, announcing "Do you know, Jane, you can be quite a good looking lady! Let's see how you look as a blonde," and I watched her step quickly to her wardrobe to get a shoulder-length wig which I had never seen her wear. It was obviously one she had bought especially for me and was another indicator to how much she had been planning all this. Vanya brushed my hair how she wanted it then carefully pulled the new honey-blonde wig into place and tightened a tape at the back until she had the right fit. A quick few flicks of the brush and comb and Vanya said "There we are, darling. Look at the new you." I turned and looked in the mirror and was flabbergasted again at the femininity of the face gazing back at me. Vanya had managed to not only create the female vision but had also made me look quite pretty. Controlling my amazement I looked up at Vanya and smiled at her. "You have done a very good job on me, Vanya. I don't think I could possibly behave in a masculine way if you make me look like this!" She smiled back at me, the excitement and love flowing from her eyes. "Just wait until I've dressed you - then you'll really see the difference. Let's start with a pair of stockings; I know you like me in them but you can wear them this time." She took out a tight bundle of black latex from her bottom drawer and unrolled it to reveal the fine rubber stockings. Talcum powder was dabbed onto my legs and, after rolling up one of them, Vanya pulled and stretched the stocking onto my foot and ankle with some willing help from me. Turning our attention to the other one, both of my feet were soon similarly covered. I stood up when asked and she unrolled and stretched the tight rubber up each leg until they were both encased with a wrinkleless shiny rubber skin from toe-tip almost to my groin. Vanya ran the tips of her nails up the insides of my legs, enjoying the fruits of her planning and effort, the feeling coming strangely but excitingly through the tight, thin latex. She laughed at the shiver she caused in me then reached into the drawer again to select a pair of black rubber panties. "These may feel a little tight at first, Jane, but I'm sure the style will suit you," said Vanya as she coaxed me to step into them, holding them open at my feet. The garment was stretched and pulled up my legs to my hips where she stopped to push my genitals low down between my legs before pulling the panties over my hips and bottom. The panties were, again, specially made, being of two layers. The inner one was tight-fitting, almost like a tiny pantie-corset, whilst the very thin outer layer was loose and ruched, completely hiding the slight bulge of my trapped manhood. "They look very pretty on you, darling. I see why you like stockings now - I love the strip of bare thigh above the black. Now I want you to wear your boots again. Those really ARE sexy and you wearing them makes me quite excited." The white boots were retrieved from beside the bed and I sat down on the stool while Vanya pushed my feet into the foot-section of each boot. Once she had pulled the tops up my legs she began tightening the laces to wrap my legs in their second layer. With my feet trapped and my ankles held immovable again, I did not relish having to totter about helplessly atop the very thin high heels but I had no choice - this was Vanya's weekend. Before I had to stand Vanya went over to her wardrobe and brought out a brilliant green mini-dress and from the shimmer and rustle it was also rubber. As she brought it over I reflected again how quickly and intensely Vanya had taken on my love of that beautiful material, her white suit and the pants with the dildo bobbing with each movement being further proof. The dress was unzipped at the back and Vanya held it open for me to step into the skirt. She pulled it up my body then held the top for me to slide my arms into the long voluminous sleeves. Once the elasticated cuffs were over my wrists Vanya pulled the bodice up my shoulders and did up the back zip to the high-collared neck. Standing back for a long look my wonderful wife announced "Wow! You really look lovely now, Jane. Before we do anything else, though, let's go and have breakfast." Still sporting the double-dildo pants, Vanya took my hand and led me into the kitchen, building my frustration by not letting me see myself in the mirror. Together we prepared and ate a light breakfast, me slowly getting used to moving about on the high-heels and Vanya enjoying every opportunity to point out my femininity. If I bent down from the waist her hand either slapped my exposed panties or her fingers slid between my legs to tease me. When we sat to eat, Vanya's whole conversation ignored me as a male and she used every chance to call me Jane and refer to female topics. Before we cleared up Vanya left the table for a moment, returning with a small make-up case. She cleared a space at the table and sat opposite me. Taking my right hand, she went to work on my nails with a small emery board then repeated her work on my other hand. From the case she drew a small bag and from this she took a selection of different-sized false nails. With great care she selected and stuck one onto each of my own nails, then carefully began to shape them. She finally coated each nail with a brilliant pink varnish which, I was told, perfectly matched my lipstick. During this long manicure we spoke in detail of our feelings. Vanya told me again how excited she was by what she was doing adding that, although her being in my power and bondage had initially been exciting, she was liking it less each time. She really surprised me by stating quite firmly that she didn't ever want to be put in bondage again. I felt hurt at first because I had been convinced that I had satisfied her completely on those occasions but Vanya went on to confess that even when I had been dominating her in recent months, she was only turned on by imagining what it would be like to be doing it to me. Her honesty persuaded me to tell her the only thing she didn't already know about me; that I had, for many years, gone through a powerful transvestite urge which, when we married, I thought I had got over. I admitted that what she was doing to me now was bringing that urge more and more to the surface - I was growing to love my predicament more with each hour that I was her 'victim' and every new thing she did to me. Vanya stared at me for several moments without a word, her eyes becoming moist, before she threw her head back and laughed happily. "Oh! Darling, I had guessed as much. I've hoped and prayed over the last couple of years that you might love cross-dressing, but I could never get you to relax and talk about it! Those nights before we were married when you took off my panties and kept them in your pocket so you could sleep on them - I often wondered if you wore them during the night. I even began checking them for signs that you might but I was never sure. Tell me now, did you?" With quite some embarrassment and a reluctant nod I admitted it and Vanya stopped her work to lean over and kiss me. "Perhaps you were right not to let me know at first. Maybe at that stage I was too 'conventional' to be able to handle either your needs or mine, but you should have told me before this. Now I know I wasn't hoping for too much!" With a quick kiss and a smile that encouraged sharing further secrets, she continued "That was the first inkling I had of your transvestism and, strangely, it made me feel excited. There were a few other things that brought it to mind - how you loved taking me into underwear shops to buy me sexy undies, reading ladies fashion articles, particularly on underwear and, especially, your big beautiful nipples. I've loved making them more and more sensitive over the years as well as making them bigger and you always get more excited when I talk about them as your breasts and stroke them with satin. "It was only when you introduced us to bondage and domination that I eventually realised what a wonderful chance it was to explore both you and me, to find out what really turned us on without having to ask, or you trying to hide things from me. That's why I put you in nylon stockings that time, then later put a bra and panties on you - you couldn't hide the erection it gave you or the look I saw in your eyes even though you protested so much. The problem was, it was getting more exciting for me just considering how much we both might like it, but I wanted to do things properly. That's why I've been planning this weekend for so long; it had to be just right for both of us and this long weekend gave me the perfect opportunity for some detailed exploration." She got up from her chair and sat on my lap, her arms going around my neck. I held her tightly and we kissed long and deeply. At last we broke the kiss and Vanya looked long and deeply into my eyes, her gaze becoming slightly serious. "David, please be completely honest with me," Vanya asked in a soft, demanding voice. "I know now that you like dressing up in woman's clothes, especially when they are rubber which turns us both on. You also know how much I like dressing you like this, but think before you give me an answer. Do you think you can handle me continually dressing you as a woman and making you behave as one?" She continued watching my eyes intently as she waited for my reply. I searched inwardly at the excitement her words caused and, finding no reason for not answering truthfully, simply said "Oh! Yes please, my Darling." "Then how far are you prepared for us to go?" she asked immediately with an encouraging smile on her lovely face. I wondered what she might have in mind, but again felt she deserved an honest and simple answer. "As far as you want to go as long as we do nothing that will harm our beautiful love. Nothing must damage the trust or respect we have, nor must we risk our openness. Anything that will increase those things and will give one or both of us fun, excitement and happiness is great and definitely OK with me." Vanya kissed me excitedly and, in such a bubbly, happy way, told me how much she loved me and that everything she was going to do would be perfect for us. I didn't suspect in the slightest what I had agreed to be unleashed. "We're both going to learn so much more about each other and have plenty of fun in doing so. I'm going to explore your feminine and passive side and my dominating nature. Just to show you how much I love the way things are going, and so you will always remember where we both stand I'm going to do something I didn't think I would be able to do for quite a while. Wait there till I get back," she told me with a kiss then made off to the bedroom while I sat, puzzled. Vanya returned a few minutes later with a small box and one of her make-up pencils. Without a word she sat astride my lap, facing me and, moving my now blonde hair away from my neck, made a small mark on my left ear. She moved my hair again and also marked my right earlobe then reached behind her for the box. As the lid opened I saw inside the small gun-like object and realised what it was, an ear-piercing gadget! I jerked involuntarily at the thought but Vanya kissed me quickly. "Don't worry, Jane. It won't hurt and you will be able to wear lots of pretty earrings," she began cajoling, then her voice and eyes grew serious as she suddenly and consciously changed her approach. "I want to pierce your ears - I told you that last night. Will you accept right now that you belong to me as my woman with all the excitement I can give you, or would you rather forget it and become a 'normal' husband and wife?" It was ironic, for we had never fitted either of our images of normal since we had met, always exploring ourselves and each other, so her question had only one answer. I tried reasoning with her but she only wanted a yes or no. I quietly told her to go ahead, at the same time feeling a rising excitement inside me at what was happening. We kissed again before Vanya got up from my lap and very carefully positioned the jaws of the gun about my right earlobe. I almost stopped breathing as she made sure of the position but when she finally pulled the trigger which drove the sharp pointed stud through my lobe I hardly felt a thing. I reached up to feel the stud and prodded the side of my face with my new longer and unaccustomed nails. Vanya loaded the gun again, telling me all the time how much she loved me and what different earrings I could wear now. After re- checking her positioning a couple of times Vanya pulled the trigger again to place a stud in my other earlobe. She dropped the gun on the table and kissed me again, adding "You are a brave girl, Jane. I will probably put in other studs later but that will do for now. Let me add something to the studs." The something was a long pair of chains with silver rings which she clipped into the holes in the front of the studs. "There. Your first permanent sign of womanhood, Darling, but there will be others. Come and look at yourself in the mirror." Pondering the meaning of her words I stood up. Vanya took my hand and we walked to the bedroom to stand before her full-length mirror and I was totally amazed at the complete transformation she had achieved. The hair and make-up allowed no hint of masculinity to show whilst the breast-forms and corset ensured the voluptuousness of my figure. The pretty, shimmering dress enhanced my shape and the loose folds of its mini-skirt set off my legs in the black rubber stockings and white high-heeled boots. I shook my head in amazement and the sight of the blonde tresses swaying as I did so, as well as the earrings tapping the side of my neck, brought home that it was really me that we were looking at. I twisted and turned, studying the incredible changes that Vanya had made and, as my gaze moved to the reflection of Vanya, still with the large dildo in place, she laughed happily and asked if I liked what I saw. I told her that if I had ever seen her dressed as I was she would have been raped on the spot! She laughed even more, adding that I was having that effect on her. Vanya reached up behind me and pulled the zip down the back of my dress and told me to sit on the stool for a moment. While I did so she put on a pair of black rubber gloves and took a large tube of cream from one of her dressing table drawers. Slipping my dress forward off my body, Vanya pulled the straps of my bra from my shoulders then removed the soft silicon breast-forms from the cups. She removed the cap from the tube and squirted a large coil of pink cream into her hand. Telling me that I needed 'sensitising' Vanya put some of the cream on her other hand then put both of them on my chest and began to rub the cream into my skin around my nipples. Once the cream was fully absorbed she repeated the exercise, this time constantly teasing my nipples, chuckling as she enjoyed the effect she was having on me and occasionally biting the side of my neck. When her hands began to get dry, Vanya took the tube and liberally coated the back of each breast- form with cream then positioned them back in my bra cups. She stripped off the gloves and pulled my bra-straps back into place. I dearly wanted to ask her to do it again, for my whole body was now as taut as a bow-string with sexual tension. "That stuff is a very strong hormone cream that I got from Janet," Vanya informed me with a confident smile. "I told her I wanted to improve my bust and she said she would get me the cream from work. She told me only to use a little as it worked very well - she obviously didn't know I was going to use it on you! If she is right, then you should begin developing your very own breasts in a very short while." I was shaken by what Vanya had done to me and how far she apparently wanted this to go. She smiled at me in the mirror, obviously reading my thoughts from the shaken look on my face, giggled then said quite sternly "Maybe you think you can't handle being a woman, or perhaps you are worried about someone seeing you like this, but either way don't worry. I'll teach you how to act and behave like a lady, and if anyone sees you like this there will be no doubt you are what you look. None of our old acquaintances would recognise you now, either. If you have to go out as a man, well, I'll strap up your breasts so they won't show and we'll grow your hair to cover the holes in your ears. Anyway, we'll handle any problems as they come but I'm not going to stop this now, and I'm going to make sure you don't either. Even if we find in time that we want you to look masculine again your breasts will disappear after a while. Now, let's adjust your corset" I soon found out she meant tighten it, for after undoing the zip and untying the knot of the laces, she gradually began to tighten it from the bottom and from the top. Finished with that she took both lace- loops and began to pull hard on them and I felt my waist being squeezed in at least another inch. Vanya ignored my protests that the corset was now far too tight, merely telling me that I would soon get used to it and would have to put up with any discomfort because she wasn't going to let me take it off. Vanya soon had the knot re-tied and the zip pulled up to conceal the lacing, then she pulled my dress back into place and did up that zip also. Vanya bent down and kissed me wetly and deeply, her tongue showing me the massive increase in her own excitement. "I can't wait for your breasts to grow. It will be fabulous playing with them and sucking them deep into my mouth like you do to mine. It'll be much better than those artificial breasts I bought, although they look and feel quite real. When you have proper breasts I'm going to have your nipples pierced like you did mine and I'm going to make you wear big rings in them. Oh! Just the thought is making me feel so wet and randy! I don't think it will take too long for the corset to train your figure either, then you will have such a tiny waist. Jane, my darling, I'm feeling so excited you've got to give me some relief!" Her words and actions had me in such a curious state: I felt enormous physical excitement yet, at the same time, I was frightened - but so turned-on - by the prospect of this sudden, unknown future. My beautiful wife knew exactly what she was doing, for she had planned this very carefully and she wasn't going to give me chance to think about all that was happening or the consequences. Vanya looked down at me, the tension in her body shining also in her eyes. "Open those beautiful painted lips of yours and suck on my dildo." It wasn't a request - the way she said it there was no doubting it was an order! Her hand reached for my neck and played nervously with the fine hair at my nape while she positioned her sensuous body squarely in front of me, the big black dildo only inches from my chin. I looked up at Vanya and was met with a simple order: "Do it now, for me." I hesitated before this Rubicon until the determination flowing from Vanya's eyes felt overpowering. Slowly I moved closer to the end of the thing and took the massive scrotal sac in my left hand and the base of the shaft in my right. Overcoming my unfounded reluctance I opened my mouth and took the tip in between my lips. Gentle pressure from Vanya's hand at the back of my neck persuaded me to continue down the shaft until the head was touching the back of my throat. I began to move the balls around in a circular motion, knowing what was happening to the other dildo deep inside Vanya's body, and was rewarded by a groan of satisfaction from above. I slowly increased the movement then looked sideways towards the mirror to see Vanya also watching our reflection, a look of idyllic passion and triumph etched on her lovely face. Realising how much the sight was turning her on I began to lewdly suck and slurp on the firm rubber and move my head slowly back and forth, at the same time reaching my right hand up to Vanya's breasts. I fondled each breast in turn through her rubber suit, knowing well how much she loved me doing it. When I concentrated on rolling her hardening nipples through the latex she groaned again and pulled away from my hands and mouth. "God! Jane, you are a sensuous bitch. I can't stand any more, so we'll continue on the bed!" Her weak humour did nothing to disguise the intense passion she was feeling. Vanya grabbed both of my hands and pulled me over to the still-unmade bed, threw aside the duvet and pushed me back onto the black rubber sheet. With one movement she flicked up my skirt and grasped the waistband of my panties to pull them down my hips and drop them on the floor. Vanya quickly climbed onto the bed beside me and pulled my head towards her groin. "Keep doing what you just did, Jane. It's exactly what I need right now," Vanya ordered huskily, then lay down beside me, her hands reaching under my skirt again to caress my stockinged thighs. As I went to work again on her dildo she groaned, her soft hands grasping my equipment and teasing me rapidly to erection. When Vanya's hips began to squirm and jerk of their own volition I felt her lips and teeth begin to gently nip at the loose skin of my testicles - a trick she had developed to drive me wild - and I found that I too could not control my movements. When the warm, wetness of her lips enclosed the top of my penis it was my turn to groan with lust and I lay limply as she sucked every inch of me deep into her mouth and throat. The feeling of her tongue attacking every bit of me in her mouth was all that was needed to lift me to the point of explosion and when she thrust a finger firmly into my bottom my orgasm burst within me, spurting my love-juice deep into her greedy, demanding mouth. As the incredible feeling subsided I managed to turn my attention back to the matter in hand, the rubber effigy I was still holding between my lips. I began to rotate the shaft again, at the same time pushing and pulling against the tight rubber panties to move the other end in and out of Vanya's excited pussy. She groaned loudly around my penis and, after one last draining suck, slowly withdrew her mouth. Vanya struggled up onto one elbow to push me back on the bed, saying "Stop now, darling. I want to finish off properly." She got up onto her knees and straddled my waist before kissing me wetly, her mouth tasting slightly salty from what she had just consumed. She lay full-length on me then pressed both her legs between mine. Wriggling down my body a bit, she reached down and pulled up both of my knees until my booted legs were around her waist. "Jane, I want you," was all she said, her eyes staring lustily into mine, as she fumbled at her hips with one hand. Coming immediately after such a satisfying orgasm I wanted nothing more than to rest for a while, yet Vanya gave me no respite. It was no surprise to feel the tip of the dildo pressing hard at the star of my bottom and, as last night's 'rape' had not hurt at all, I did not protest. On the contrary, I suddenly wanted to give her as much as she had just given me, so I lewdly whispered "That's it Vanya. Fuck me again. Use me and make us both come with your long, thick dildo. See how deep you can get it into your slave-girl. Jane is desperate because she can't get enough of you. I need your big black dick inside me now!" The words had an immediate effect on her and she pushed hard on the dildo to sink the thick rubber shaft, still wet with my saliva, deep into my body. I took both of her breasts in my hands to squeeze and fondle her as she loved and was surprised when she began to do the same to me. Using my legs to wrap and entrap her waist and hips against me I continued to egg her on, her eyes getting glazed as I succeeded. She tried to kiss me but the effort she was using to pound her hips against mine made her pant too much. All she could do was shout, over and over, "I love you, Jane!" each repetition getting louder. The driving dildo invading my body did not hurt at all, in fact it was far from unpleasant. Once I relaxed it felt quite good and I began to experiment by squeezing my muscles to grip the shaft, which made the other end in Vanya slide about even more. I had never seen Vanya so totally in the throes of passion before so I gripped her tighter with my legs and doubled the demands on her breasts, whilst I kissed and bit her neck, all the time demanding she fuck me harder, faster, deeper. The effect was unbelievable for she suddenly went completely rigid, an explosive scream, starting so deep in her body, built to such an intensity that she startled me into wondering if she was in pain. After several long moments the tension disappeared as quickly as it started and Vanya collapsed on top of me, her whole body completely limp. She started crying, her lovely form heaving with each sob. I held and comforted her, trying to ease her to lie beside me but she refused to move or let me change position. At last her crying stopped and she wiped her eyes and sniffed. She looked down into my face, her eyes still glistening with tears, and smiled with a radiance I had rarely seen before. "Oh! My darling lover! That was the most fantastic climax I have ever felt. It was even more wonderful than the first one you ever gave me. The way you talked and behaved fulfilled every fantasy I've had dreaming about you as my woman! With my dildo penetrating deep inside both of us I felt so incredibly good. But how about you, do you really like feeling this?" Vanya moved her hips around gently to remind me of the dildo's presence. "I didn't hurt you at all, did I?" I laughed with relief that she was alright, then also at her concern. I held her tightly to me, kissed her softly, stroked her hair and told her quietly that she hadn't hurt me. "In fact, towards the end, it started to feel very good, particularly when I knew you were going to come. After all, I remember how I've felt when I have been laying between your legs, deep inside you and I knew how you turned me on. I love you, Vanya and to make things good for you always feels good for me also." Vanya slipped her arms around my neck and kissed me long and lovingly, her body pressing down on mine, the dildo still at full depth. She broke the kiss to say "I want you to remember all you feel, because both of us have to re-learn how to excite each other. We both have to understand and keep in mind how our roles have changed. If you want a reminder, just look in the mirror." Together we looked at our reflection and it hit me as quite a shock. In the flurry of activity I had forgotten my new clothes and make-up and staring at the vision of two women making love brought me up with a start. To realise that the pretty girl underneath with her arms and legs around her lover was me was almost unbelievable. Feeling somewhat embarrassed - and foolish - I started to drop my limbs but Vanya read my thoughts yet again. She thrust firmly with the dildo and said, with a deep compassion in her voice, to my reflection "Don't be silly, Jane. Enjoy your new self to the fullest. After all, I made you do what you've done and you had no choice but to comply. You only laid back and enjoyed the inevitable rape and I'm just so very glad it felt good for you. It made me feel tremendous so I can assure you that I will be doing it again and again. You've made love to me in so many positions in so many places; now it is my turn to catch up!" She looked directly at me then kissed me so hard, her tongue searching every corner of my mouth, that I knew she wasn't joking. She was still elated with the after-effects of that tremendous orgasm and I had to admit to myself that what she had done had turned me on quite a bit as well. Breaking the kiss Vanya slowly withdrew the dildo from my body then knelt up on the middle of the bed. She took my hand, whispering "Come here, Jane. Get on your hands and knees in front of me." With her guidance I was soon as she wanted and she knelt behind me. "Now watch in the mirror, Darling. You can get used to how you are gooing to look from now on while you watch me make love to Jane's lovely body - your body, darling!" Vanya's determination was strong in her voice and I watched in the mirror as she lifted the hem of my skirt up onto my back and brought her hips to mine until I felt the warm, firm tip of her dildo against my body again. In one slow thrust she sank as deep as she could, her eyes holding mine in the mirror and she smiled a look of triumph at me as the full penetration brought a groan from my lips. Vanya began a slow, steady rhythm back and forth and I had no choice but to watch the girls in the mirror, the feelings Vanya was causing throughout my body making sure that I identified with the pretty blonde facing me. I began to notice the thrust and wobble of her breasts inside the shimmering green rubber dress, the sexy sway of her shapely buttocks as they were buffeted by the woman behind, even her classy make-up, long-lashed, alluring eyes and pink varnished nails. At last the embarrassment faded away and, as Vanya had intended, I began to take delight in the new me - she was a pretty woman and one who I now suspected could get just as much happiness, love and excitement from loving Vanya as my other self had done. Vanya was certainly getting as much from Jane! I watched Vanya's left hand move to cup my breast and fondle it. "Just wait until these have grown, Jane, then you will find out how it feels for me to play with them properly. I have been adding a strong hormone powder to your meals for the last few days so I don't think we will have to wait long for the breast-cream to begin its work. Soon you can watch your own breasts bounce and sway as I make love to you like this. Is that what you want as well?" The erotic show in front of me was churning my thoughts at an incredible rate and Vanya's lovemaking was making me feel very excited. Her words and everything she was doing were having exactly the desired effect - to bring every bit of my transvestism and the feminine side of my nature out into the open. Her questions were really rhetoric; of course those were the things I now wanted - desperately! I watched and felt Vanya's other hand reach under my hips then felt her grasp the end of my penis. The erotic encounter which I was watching as well as taking part in was turning me on to an incredible level, despite my previous orgasm, and Vanya's soft hand now fondling me so effectively made me almost incapable of thinking straight. "Oh yes, Vanya!" I murmured, "That's what I want you to do." "You want me to make you grow big, sensitive breasts for me to play with?" She asked again, "The proper breasts of a woman, with big nipples that I can pierce and hang jewellery from, like mine?" I hadn't answered her earlier question but now she obviously wanted me to, her huge eyes holding mine in the mirror. As she raised me rapidly to new levels of passion I did so. "Yes Vanya. I want you to do anything to me that you want. I want you to make love to me. I want you to give me real breasts and turn me into a woman, your woman. I want you to thrill and excite me all the time like your doing now. Just don't stop - please make me come now, PLEASE!" Thankfully my voice conveyed the urgency that was in me for Vanya increased her manipulation of my penis, as well as the speed of her hips. "You like me playing with your gorgeous clitoris as well, don't you Jane? All those female hormones that are now flowing through your body are going to shrink it down to a pretty little clit that I will play with and lick and suck like you do to mine. We will lie in bed sucking on each others breasts and love-buttons for ages before I tie you up and ravish you. I'm going to make you climax so much you will be too tired to stand. You are my own sexy slave-girl and you belong totally to me. Now tell me that you are my rubber slave-girl and I can do anything to you that I want to." Her hands and hips momentarily stopped their motion as she waited for my response, her timing impeccable as always for I was so close to orgasm that I shouted out my answer so that she would quickly take me over the top and release the terrible, fantastic tension of excitement she had created in me. "Yes, YES! I'm your rubber slave-girl. I'm yours. You can do anything to me whenever you want. Please, Vanya, finish me off. Please fuck me! Please make me come!" I found I was almost crying with frustration, but Vanya still wanted more. "Do you really like me fucking you like this, like a wanton whore? My own latex slut? Do you want me to come inside you?" She stared hard into my eyes in the mirror. "Tell me that's what you want." "Yes, Vanya, Yes! Fuck me please, anyway you want to! Please come deep inside me! Do anything you like, I'm anything you want me to be but please fuck me now." My begging answer satisfied whatever it was that she needed and she began to move her hands again and to drive the dildo in and out of me in long firm strokes. In moments she had me at the point of orgasm, but she delayed it for a while, driving me completely out of control with excitement. At last she squeezed me and caressed the head of my penis as only she knew how to do and everything inside me seemed to explode into tiny fragments. It was the best orgasm I had ever known and it was my turn to scream with the intensity of climax that seemed to last for ages and scraped every nerve-ending in my body. Somehow, a tiny part of my mind watched my reflected image and marvelled at the intense emotions revealed on the totally feminine face and body in the mirror. As that immense orgasm began to fade I collapsed onto the rubber sheet, Vanya embracing my hips and collapsing on top of me to make sure she didn't withdraw the dildo even a millimetre. With a couple more rapid strokes into my limp body, Vanya also reached another climax, again shouting out her love for me. Gradually I recovered my senses and opened my eyes to see our reflection. My beautiful wife, still penetrating me, smiled a look of deep love and compassion. Breathlessly, she spoke in a soft sexy voice right into my ear and straight to my soul. "Now you know how you make me feel, darling, and how I am going to make you feel from now on." She smiled lovingly again. "Just lie still for a while and let me hold you." Vanya's head rested on the back of my rubber dress and her arms reached around me to stroke and caress my body. It took ages before I felt my strength return and I knew I had never felt so drained, so satisfied or so in love. Vanya had made sure that I knew how I wanted her to love me from now on, even if she was changing my body to do so. I began to wonder what it would be like to be a woman, eventually deciding that I was more than happy for Vanya to show and teach me. I loved and adored my wife and now a new dimension to our life and love was beginning to unfold. At last Vanya stirred and slowly withdrew the dildo. She rolled away and stood up, smiling lovingly down at me, completely unashamed of the big black effigy jutting out from her hips with which she had just satisfied both of us. "Go to the toilet now, Jane. I think you must need it," I was told, so I struggled to my feet and went into the bathroom. I sat on the pan, enjoying the way I had to lift up the tiny skirt of my dress, then crossed to the bidet to wash myself off. I let the jet of water enter my body and whoosh out again, then dried myself and returned to Vanya. She held another pair of rubber panties in her hand and came over to me, rolling them up as she did so. Vanya stretched the waist open and told me to step into them so I did, being careful to get my booted foot and the slender high-heel through the panties. I rested my hand on Vanya's back as I inserted the other foot then carefully maintained my balance as she pulled the tight-fitting rubber up my thighs. With them almost in place she stopped and told me to lean forward onto the dressing table. I did as she wanted and she bent down behind me, pulling aside the crotch of the panties. There was a small lump moulded into the panties and this Vanya positioned directly against my bottom before wriggling and pushing it into me - my freshly-abused anus being particularly sensitive to this new invasion of my body. Content with the position Vanya resumed pulling up the tight rubber until my hips were coated in a black rubber skin. She finally reached into the front of the panties to push my genitals low down into the crotch so that the bulge hardly showed. "Jane, I wondered about giving you your own make-up kit, but decided instead that we would share everything as usual. You'll find it all in OUR make-up drawer, so touch up your lipstick now. The pink one is on top." I sat down on the stool and got quite a thrill from painting my lips with the brilliant pink colour. It was all so strange and new, and I wondered how long it would take to accept myself fully as Jane. From her wardrobe Vanya took a steel belt and came back towards me saying "It's back into bondage time, Jane. I hope you haven't forgotten your promise." I had made this belt especially for Vanya and I was amazed when she managed to pull it round my waist and seal it closed with the tiny but strong padlock. Vanya had a tiny waist - no wonder the corset felt so tight if mine was squeezed in to the same size! From the sides of the wide stainless steel belt hung two short chains which ended in single handcuffs and Vanya quickly snapped my wrists into them. I could move my hands only a couple of inches from my waist but it was a lot easier than the restraining tube I had been in last evening. "That makes sure you don't go playing with yourself, Jane. I don't want you to be too tired next time I'm ready. Now, sit on the bed," she ordered and I was glad to comply. A strap was tightened round my booted ankles before Vanya pushed me over onto my side. From one of her drawers Vanya took a small rubber bulb with a tube attached to it and returned to me. She pushed and fiddled over my bottom then stood in front of me. "You know how I like to have my pussy filled, Jane and now you've felt what it's like to be penetrated. I'm going to make you learn to love it like I do, that's why I bought those panties for you. That small lump that is poking into you is hollow. It contains an inflatable bladder, and it leads to this." She waved the bulb in front of me. "Enjoy how this feels," she said as she began to slowly and repeatedly squeeze it in her hand. The feeling as the bladder inflated is difficult to describe, for it started off as such a slow, almost imperceptible growth inside me. As Vanya continued to squeeze the bulb it was like wanting to go to the toilet but trying to hold on. It continued to grow until my stomach muscles started to convulse to try to expel the enormous bladder but the panties were too tight and stiff. I begged Vanya to stop and she did, watching me squirm as the convulsions wracked my body. Gradually they eased and Vanya deflated the bladder just a little then disconnected the tube. The bladder was still filling me and my vixen wife smiled and said "Get used to the feeling, darling. I'm going for a proper shower now, so don't go away, will you?" As if I could in the chains and strap! Vanya took her time in the shower whilst all I could do was lie on the bed and reflect on all that had happened in less than 24 hours. I wondered what it would be like to have real breasts and what would happen if my penis shrank as Vanya had predicted. I knew hormones could have a profound effect, but secretly had my doubts that they would be as Vanya had in mind. However, her friend Janet was a medical technologist at a major chemical company so just maybe... My thoughts were interrupted by Vanya walking naked into the bedroom, her incredible body still glowing from the rigorous towelling she always gave herself. "I'm glad to see you waited for me, Jane. Now you can watch and learn when I do my make-up," Vanya said with a laugh in her voice. "Let me get dressed first, although I don't think I can look as sexy as you." What a laugh - she knew that she was the most incredible turn-on for me and, knowing what I liked, always made a point of looking very sensuous. I watched her naked form bend down as she searched in her special undies drawer and she extracted a frilly black pair of panties made from very thin latex. She smiled at me as she stepped into them and wriggled them up her strong, shapely legs. Next she took a matching rubber bra and slid her arms into the thin straps before stretching her hands back to do up the clips behind her back. The bra had only half- cups which pushed up her lovely breasts and I longed to go to her and caress them as she settled each one into its soft support. Next she added a tiny waist-cincher, also of black rubber which she soon had around her tiny waist, doing up the clips one by one. She turned to face me. "How do I look, darling? You don't think so much black looks too sombre?" The look on Vanya's face as she asked me showed all the delight she had in knowing how much I loved her. She also knew how much I loved her dressing in sexy undies, particularly in rubber, and the effects it had on me. Despite me telling her how beautiful she looked, she added "Perhaps I should wear something more colourful with it - let's see." She turned to her jewellery box and took out a pair of long dangly earrings with bright green stones at the end and slipped them through her earlobes. Then she took a slightly different but similar pair and carefully threaded them through her beautiful nipples. She turned around and walked over to where I lay, the pendants swinging from her ears and breasts glinting brightly as she did so. She knew the one sure fire way to turn me on was to wear nipple jewellery. "How about these, Jane? Do you like them, do these make me look more sexy?" I could only huskily mutter "Oh! Yes, darling," from where I lay beneath her. I desperately wanted to get up and hold and kiss her, to caress and suck her lovely breasts. She recognised the look in my eyes, saying "If you like them that much perhaps we should pierce your nipples now, then you'll be ready for when your breasts grow. Would you like that Jane? Would you like me to pierce them for you now?" As she asked me she continued to rock her hips, making the jewels dance in the light as they swung from her nipples just peeping over the black rubber cups of her bra. God! She looked so provocative and sensuous! She leaned further over me, still rocking her hips, the green stones swinging just above me and brushing my nose. "Well, is that what you want?" she asked again in a husky voice. Whilst the sight of Vanya and her provocative movements were mesmerising and turning me on to a considerable extent, the thought of needles being push through my own nipples ensured I shook my head vigorously, saying " No, Vanya. Please don't" Vanya laughed at my reaction, retorting "You didn't mind when you suggested I get mine pierced in London. You told me it wouldn't hurt, and I suppose it didn't really when we had them done, but you were too scared when I suggested that we have yours pierced as well! Now you're still too frightened." Her tone got serious, although her smile remained in place, as she added "Listen carefully, Jane: I want your nipples pierced so that I can make you wear jewellery like this. So, pierced is what they will be. Whether I do it now or when your breasts have grown doesn't really matter, but it's something you can count on and look forward to." There was no mistaking the finality in her voice and I began to think up all the excuses why she shouldn't do it to me. However, I could not forget how she agreed to have her nipples pierced when I asked her. At the time I thought she wanted them done as well, but only afterwards did I learn that it was just to please me and because it was my birthday! Once they were pierced, however, her nipples became constantly erect and even more sensitive to the point where I could bring her to climax just by playing with her nipples and whatever jewellery she had through them. Now, she loved that they were pierced - maybe I was being a bit silly in refusing what she wanted. Maybe she would make mine even more sensitive than she had already done, but inside me there was still some fear. Vanya turned and strode to her wardrobe and took out a bright purple rubber mini-dress which I didn't recognise. With her back to me she stepped into it, pulled the straps of the bodice onto her shoulders and did up the back zip. As she turned around to let me see the front Vanya smiled at the lust which must have shown on my face, for the front was cut on the same line as her bra so the tops of her breasts, her nipples and the jewels were fully exposed. In a soft, sexy voice she asked "How do you like this little number, darling? I think I'll wear it today to remind you of how I'm going to dress you when your breasts have grown. Does it do anything for you?" I stared in wonder at my beautiful, shapely wife posing in front of me, the sparkling green stones dancing in the light and being reflected in the shiny, polished purple latex of her provocative new dress. "Vanya, you are the most beautiful woman in the world!" I replied in awe. "Dressed like that you know you will drive me wild with wanting you. Please release me and let me make love to you properly right now!" I doubted I would be able to stand the sight of her like that all day - I would go mad with frustration and lust! Vanya chuckled throatily at my reply. "That's why I restrained your hands again, Jane. I can now feel safe that you won't molest me," she said coyly. "I'll decide when - and how - you can make love to me. And it won't be the old way that you're now thinking of!" Vanya walked slowly back round the bed to me, totally self-confident now, taking her time and swinging her body, almost mesmerising me with the sway and dance of the jewels. She reached down and released the strap around my ankles, tossed it onto the bed beside me and ordered "Stand up Darling. You can come over to the dressing table and watch - I'll give you your first make-up lesson." With that she placed one of the bedroom chairs next to the stool and sat down to begin. Once I was sitting Vanya gave me a very detailed explanation of everything that she did to her face and each cosmetic she used. I hadn't realised there was so much to make-up or that she knew so much. Throughout the lesson I found it difficult to keep my gaze from the reflection of Vanya's sensuous breasts, so clearly in view, or the green jewels that swung and danced from the end of her prominent nipples with her every move. I longed to stop listening and watching and start doing! I was frequently admonished for 'leering' but I knew Vanya was loving what she was doing to me. When Vanya had finished her make-up and hair she took a pair of shoes to match her dress from her wardrobe and slid her feet into them. Although the heels were only of medium height they reduced the difference between us and stopped me feeling like a giant next to her. I was then ordered to help tidy up which, with only limited hand and arm movement, was confined to holding, fetching and carrying. I think Vanya was intent on making me get used to moving about on the high- heels as quickly as possible, for I found myself moving backwards and forwards between the bedrooms, lounge, kitchen and playroom far more than seemed necessary. All the time I was more than aware of the inflated bladder which filled me but, with time and movement, it became less intrusive. Once everything was tidied to Vanya's satisfaction I was roped into helping her wash her rubber suit and the dildo-pants she had worn as well as my nightie. On Vanya's instructions I carried them out into our enclosed yard for her to hang them on the line, and as she stretched upwards I found my eyes drawn for the hundredth time to her beautiful breasts with the jewels dancing in the sunlight and her shapely legs in the slender heels. Once we were done I was put in charge of the vacuum cleaner and found that my restricted hands only minimally interfered with that task. At last Vanya's voice called me to the kitchen for a snack, a cup of tea and, of course, a chat which culminated in her thanking me for playing maid. "You certainly look the part, so I hope you will enjoy helping me share all our 'women's work' from now on." The love in her face and voice negated any nastiness in her words so I kissed her and told her I loved her, despite all the walking she was making me do in the uncomfortable boots. Vanya merely laughed and told me that feminine beauty had its own price and I would learn all about it in time. Once the cups and plates were cleared away I was taken to the bedroom again and sat upon the stool. My dress was unzipped and Vanya put on thin latex gloves and creamed my breasts again. I was very surprised to find that all the cream she had applied to the breast-forms had been absorbed by my skin and wondered if this second liberal application would also be soaked up as quickly. Vanya peeled off the gloves, put them and the cream back in her drawer and brought out two hollow hemispheres of pink rubber. Without a comment she pushed a flexible plastic tube through the middle of one and brought it up to my chest. Vanya placed the end of the tube with the rubber thing against my right nipple then began to suck at the other. I watched in fascination as my nipple was sucked into the end of the tube. Next she slid the tight-fitting pink rubber down and off the tube to grip at the base of my nipple and removed the tube entirely. As I looked down at the hemisphere dangling from my nipple, wondering what its purpose might be, Vanya slid the second rubber-thing onto the tube. After sucking on my left nipple with the tube she soon had both rubber hemispheres sitting tightly against the skin of my chest. Having putting the plastic tube away, Vanya turned her attention back to me. Taking one of the hemispheres in the fingers of both hands she slowly inverted the shape until it sprang out the other way, pulling my nipple out with it. She inverted the other and both my nipples were now jutting out from the middle of the small rubber domes which completely covered the aureoles of my breasts. I twitched with the unexpected, though not unpleasant, pull on each nipple but Vanya ignored me. The grip was sufficient to hold the hemispheres firmly in place and ensure my nipples stayed rigidly erect. Vanya took both of my nipples in her fingers to roll and tease them, telling me she had found the domes in a Belgian sex shop. "The man said these are the world's best nipple-trainers and could be worn for several hours at a time. He reckoned that it was impossible to forget your nipples while you are wearing them. I've never tried them, so you will have to tell me if he was right, Darling." With that Vanya returned the cream-coated breast-forms to my bra and zipped up my dress. Feeling very aware of my stretched nipples, now also slightly compressed beneath the breast-forms, I was taken down to our playroom again. I knew Vanya had been down there while I was vacuuming, but the sight that met my eyes was a surprise. She had attached four chains to ceiling rings and from these was suspended a small sheet of soft leather at waist height. The impression was of a tiny hammock, but the thick leather straps attached to the chains told me it wasn't for sleeping on! Vanya made me lay the top half of my body face-down on the hammock so that she could reach the valve for the bladder in my bottom and, at last, I felt it deflate. It was an incredible relief but Vanya teased me with "I could see how much you were enjoying the feeling, Jane, but I think you have had enough now. Stand up and I'll take your panties off." With even more relief I had the pleasure of her peeling the very tight rubber down my hips, but once they were off Vanya ordered me to lie on my back in the contraption. With her help I did so and found that, whilst my head was supported by the shaped top of the sheet, my legs and the cheeks of my bottom were hanging off the other end. This was changed by Vanya lifting each leg and doing up the straps about my booted ankles. Like last night's bondage, I now had both legs widely spread and held high above the rest of my body. One at a time, Vanya released my wrists from the cuffs on the stainless steel belt and strapped them in the wide leather cuffs attached to the top chains. She finished my total bondage by buckling a wide strap around the hammock and my waist so that, no matter how much I wriggled and tried, I was totally helpless. "I thought you might like a nap after all that housework, Jane while I'll get ready to make one other improvement to your appearance." With those few words as explanation she walked behind me and out of sight while I was left to gently swing in complete restraint, wondering what on earth she had in mind this time, my exposed position creating all sorts of horrible possibilities. When Vanya reappeared about 15 minutes later to stand between my outstretched legs, she was holding a small pair of scissors and an open razor; my mind and mouth went into overdrive at what she might be contemplating! She laughed loudly at my reaction then calmed me down a bit, saying "Don't panic, Darling, there's no way that I would hurt you. I just want to shave you because I was annoyed by all the hair around your clit and pussy when I sucked you. However, you better keep still while I shave you - this razor is very sharp!" I tried to protest but Vanya just told me to be quiet. There was nothing that I could do to prevent her having her way and she went to work with the scissors. She soon snipped off all the pubic hair, even from my testicles. With the hair trimmed very short Vanya took a can of shaving foam and squirted it all around my genitals, the cool foam making me shiver. The way she spread the foam around, teasing my penis and testicles, had me shivering again but not from the temperature! She laughed happily at her power over me saying "I thought you didn't want me to do it, Jane. You really are a very fickle girl!" With that she began to shave me with the open razor and I found myself holding my breath in case she slipped. Vanya knew exactly what she was doing as she slowly removed all of the stubble, even stretching out my scrotum to remove every trace of hair. "There you are, my Darling, bald and beautiful. Let me get a flannel and get rid of the soap." The wet cloth was warm at least and Vanya washed away the last traces of the foam. Dropping the cloth into the bowl, Vanya squirted some feminine-perfumed lotion from a small tube then rubbed her hands all over my genitals, her eyes smiling down to mine. "You feel lovely and soft now, Jane. It's just the way I wanted it to feel. One test to go," she said in a throaty voice as she lowered her head. I watched her mouth go slowly lower, my breath held in anticipation of her hot mouth. I was not disappointed, her tongue flicking lightly down the length of me before darting all over my balls, then back up again. Vanya fondled my testicles with both hands whilst her lips slowly, sexily sucked the length of my penis into her hot mouth. I groaned with satisfaction as she continued to suck and gently chew on me, at which she stopped momentarily to say around my penis "This is much better, Jane, nothing's annoying me now." I was surprised to find that despite the growing excitement with what Vanya was doing to me, my penis remained limp rather than growing rapidly erect as it usually did with Vanya's loving. The feelings were the same, however and she soon had me squirming as much as the stiff straps would allow. Vanya gently pushed a thumb into my bottom and began to move it in circles, all the while continuing to suck and fondle as only she knew how. After a minute or two she slowly inserted her other thumb and began to gently pull and stretch the entrance to my body, creating unexpected and incredibly delightful feelings as I lay in delightful torment with the wonderful things she was creating in my mind and body. Suddenly she stopped and pulled away from me. Vanya tugged her dress up around her waist and walked to my head. "I need some attention too, Darling," said Vanya, leaning over me to graze the nipple-pendants over my face so that her lovely breasts were inches above my eyes. "I hope you don't mind that I haven't shaved." With that she moved forward so that the crotch of her frilly black panties was brushing my face. She reached both hands down to pull aside the latex frills to reveal the split crotch of her panties, then lowered herself to press her moist pussy to my mouth. As I pushed my tongue slowly into her, Vanya leaned down my body to again take me into her mouth and to suck and caress me. When Vanya had me squirming with pleasure once more, I felt her penetrate my bottom again. It was not her finger this time, for something much fatter was being pushed into me. I found out what it was when Vanya switched it on and the vibrator began to tingle inside me. The feeling was incredible as the tickling vibrations spreading to my stomach and thighs. It rapidly added to the build up that Vanya's active mouth was causing and, almost without warning, my climax burst in spurts deep into Vanya's throat. The vibrator was turned off as my greedy wife drained me with long, hard sucks before letting go of my limp but satisfied tool. Vanya lifted herself from me, saying "Your clit and pussy feel so sexy now, Jane. I think they are becoming more sensitive too." She turned around, the dress still perched around her waist, and she sat down on the top of my chest. Again she pulled open the frilly rubber panties and slid forward so that my mouth was covered by her vagina. Vanya pushed herself against the floor then sat her full weight

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My Wife My Lover My Transformer

This is my first attempt at writing a story, so be kind in your reviews. And, yes please do leave a review. I'll take all the constructive criticism that people have to share, just in case I decide to write another one. This story has been running around in my head for a couple of months and I though that I would share it with everyone. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. My Wife, My Lover, My Transformer By Teddie S Chapter 1 My name is Tom, well it...

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The Real Stepford Wives Vickys Story

The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sophias Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...

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The story of how my wife became a Hotwife

These series of articles was from my previous Xhamster page. I have copied them over and will continue the series to bring it up to present day.When my wife first met Dr, Sharon C. it was her first day at work. Sharon was an orthopedic surgeon and my wife was her new assistant. Sharon was your typical doctor...driven, confident, and the boss. My wife was more nurturing and had a better bed side manner. They were opposites but the made it work. They did share a lot of interests and became good...

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The story of how my wife became a Hotwife and foun

When my wife first met Dr, Sharon C. it was her first day at work. Sharon was an orthopedic surgeon and my wife was her new assistant. Sharon was your typical doctor...driven, confident, and the boss. My wife was more nurturing and had a better bed side manner. They were opposites but the made it work. They did share a lot of interests and became good friends. We had hung out with Sharon and her husband Jake many times. Sharon's bitchiness wore on my wife. Bonnie would constantly say she was...

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How my wife became a Hotwife Part 4

Where we left I was relaying the story told to me by my wife of just what happened in that fateful afternoon when Bonnie almost instantly changed from a wife and mother to a Hotwife in need of cock. She was being seduced by Hank...Hank is an older gentleman who seems to have the power to turn women into insatiable whores. He did this exact thing to my wife, and she has never been happier. As with part 3...this part was told to me as well by my wife some two weeks after the event. Bonnie had...

3 years ago
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How my wife became a Hotwife Part 4

Where we left I was relaying the story told to me by my wife of just what happened in that fateful afternoon when Bonnie almost instantly changed from a wife and mother to a Hotwife in need of cock. She was being seduced by Hank...Hank is an older gentleman who seems to have the power to turn women into insatiable whores. He did this exact thing to my wife, and she has never been happier. As with part 3...this part was told to me as well by my wife some two weeks after the event. Bonnie had...

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Conservative Indian Wife Turned Hotwife

My name is Ajit, and this incident is about 4 years Ago revolves around my friend Aniruddha (34) his hotwife Anushka (31) (Names are Changed). They were both happily married couples from Mumbai for about 4 years with no children. Let’s call my friend Ani. He is a Chartered Accountant who loves his job and is a caring family man. He was the happiest and optimistic guy I knew of. He was there for his friends and family and was always sweet and kind to everyone. He and Anushka were dating since...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sugar Plum Fairy

The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The Chelmsford Stalker By Michele Nylons The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer...

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The Stepford Children

Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 8 The Hot Wifersquos Naughty Comforts

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis “ Remna The desert led right to the city. We marched out of the sand dunes towards the walls of Remna. The city looked almost the same shade as the world we...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer flesh-toned hose. He thought he could make out a subtle seam...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

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My Wife My Mommie part2

As I opened the door I saw a lovely young girl receptionistsitting at the reception desk. She smiled at me as I approached herand in a loud voice said "Oh Hello.....you must be Mr. Meyer, wehave been expecting you. Are you dry now, or do you need diapersand rubber panties during the day as well." In a very soft and trembling voice I told her that I was onlyhaving a problem at night and that my wife wanted me to see if itcould be corrected. She told me to fill out the necessary papersfor...

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TwinsChapter 8 The Quest for Clifford

Clifford sat up in bed feeling the warm body lying next to him. He looked down at the shape in the near darkness. Janet. Christ, why did it have to be this way? He had loved Tracy, he still did. So why was he in Janet's bed? Why did he have sex with her? Four times? Not one of them was anything like the times he had been with Tracy, and yet... He got out of bed and made his way to the window, padding in his bare feet across the carpet. He slowly pulled open the curtains and looked out at...

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The Real Stepford Wives

The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmeceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I...

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The World of Erasthay The Son of Lust Chapter 8 The Hot Wifes Naughty Comforts

Chapter Eight: The Hot Wife's Naughty Comforts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Remna The desert led right to the city. We marched out of the sand...

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The Stepford Children

All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't feel fear anymore, just...

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Asias Hotwife Transformation

Asia's Fantasy 2: Asia's Hotwife Transformationby Max, Asia, and RLM===========================================================Prologue:In 2009, Max and Asia contacted me to let me know how excited they got when reading some of my posted stories. Max’s unedited e-mail message to me follows:------------------Hi RLM,I have been a consistent reader of your stories for a long time and truly appreciate the effort you have put into them. They are truly magnificent.I and my wife both share the fantasy...

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The Real Stepford WivesBrown Sugar

The Real Stepford Wives Brown Sugar by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmaceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I visited 'the...

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Wife in control part1

This past weekend something a little different happened. I've always arranged meets and picked BBC for my wifes approval, but several weeks ago she told me that she wanted to search and find a bbc on her own and make all arrangements. She found one to her liking but I had no idea who he was. They chatted on the swing site at first then she began text and had phone conversations with him. She told me a few days before the weekend that we were to meet him at a local hotel. There would be no greet...

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Erin Ashford

Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...

Reddit NSFW List
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 05

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

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My wifes a whore Part2

MY WIFE IS A DIRTY WHORE - NOW SHE IS MAKING ME ONE TOO!≠===================================================Part35.306pm6.30...!!I was starting to get a bit worried and text Karen asking when she would be home.6.48...!!! "Karen's a bit shaky to txt now LOL Just fucked her lovely tight ass. Mmmm X N."What? He must be joking, trying to wind me up! Karen didn't do anal! At least.........??? Surely not.......!!!! With his cock?????!!!!!!!Seconds later a photo txt chimed it's arrival! My hands...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 9 and My WIfe and Wifes Fin

If you read previous stories, you will see at the church ladies retreat I had the preachers wife Pam, my sex slave cum slut, seduce my wife. Since that time, Pam had met with her 3 other times for romantic love making sessions, all of them caught on film.If you read my last story about the BBC gang bang my wife Charlotte had, this is the follow-on after she was devastated I found out she "cheated!"While I had my wife Charlotte set-up by Ed, her BBC 24 year old boy toy lover, and he had her...

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Dacoits Wife Part1

I finished making the last chapati and then called everyone for eating. My hands are completely white with flour, I don't even feel the knive cuts now. It has been 7 years since I married Jaggan and moved to this village. Life is very simple and slow here. I wake up 4 am and get ready for a long day. I make food and send my children to school. I take care of the buffaloes. My husband mostly stays outside. His visits are random and filled with day long sex and hits. He blames me for all...

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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

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Transformation Of My Wife

Hello friends. My name is Sushant. This is the real story of my life, which changed my shy wife and made her a hot romantic life partner. My wife Neha was very conservative in nature. She always preferred to wear Saree or salwar suit. I insisted several times to wear Top with jeans or some other modern dresses, but she always refused to. It took me two years to convince to wear occasionally top with skirt or jeans. But whenever she used to wear modern clothes I can see that, she is not very...

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Revenge for ExWifes Affair Part1

(Work of Fiction) Ok, so I married Becky my High School sweetheart right after graduation. We were married for 2 years.. Then she decided to have an Affair with one of her coworkers.. She ends up getting pregnant by the guy.. Which wasn’t hard to realize since I am unable to produce the sperm count to get anyone let alone my wife pregnant… But to shorten this up, we get divorced a few months after she has her baby. I the state of Mississippi you have to have proof the baby is not yours before...

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My wife housewife to hotwife 3

After Marie's first time being shared and having a strange cock pleasuring her she was hooked. Our sex life while never being dull was heated up considerably. We began playing more games in the bedroom and online with many others, both and female. Our games eventually evolved into me blindfolding and restraining her and pretending to be some total stranger having my way with her which brought her to fantastic orgasms. During this she would climax so hard that copious amounts of fluid would...

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My wife from housewife to hotwife 2

After our trip Biloxi where Marie really opened up showing off her body and playing a little in the theater we returned home and had several deep discussions about what happened and how she felt about it. She admitted that it really turned her on and that she would like continue and maybe expand her playfulness.We went a popular adult clothing and toy store in Jacksonville right on the main highway to look for some really sexy dresses for her. We were planning a first time visit to a local...

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Forrest Part 2 Chapter 3

The next morning Forrest woke up at about 10 and woke me with a kiss on the lips. I surprised him by throwing my arms around him and deepening the kiss. I reached down under the covers and grabbed his balls. I played with them as I felt his dick start to harden. He did the same to me, squeezing my balls and moving them around in my loose sack, causing my dick to harden. Without a word, I grabbed my cloths and beckoned for him to do the same. After checking that his sister was still...

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Wife gangbanged at company party PART2

The following is a continuation of a true story that occurred a few years ago. I won't waste any time and pick up where we left off in part 1. After seeing my sexy wife,Janie gangbanged in a motel after her employers company party, I drove home with tons of emotions running through my head. I was pissed but at the same time very turned on. I pulled into my driveway went upstairs and cracked open a beer, trying to process what the fuck I just witnessed. About an hour later Janie arrived home....

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Karen From Trophy Wife to Slutwife 1

PrologueEveryone calls me Rich. It’s short for Richard, but also because I’m filthy rich. I’m not the guy who flaunts his wealth, but I have a nice car, nice house, and I have a trophy wife. Here is where the story begins. My trophy wife is named Karen. I’m a thirty years her senior. She 24yo and has a smoking hot body. Hey, that’s why I married here. I knew she was after my money, but I figured that I would be getting that body to myself for the rest of my life. I mean she a real looker. Long...

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Shy wife becomes a hotwife

Two years ago I approached my wife about the possibility of a threesome with another man or me watching her with another guy. It completely threw her at the time and she wasn't very happy with me. She had an awful lot of questions and a lot of soil searching to do. We had been married 12 years at the time and we married when she was 18 and I was 20. During our entire marriage I had never even seen her so much as look at another man such was her mongamous attitude and she absolutely adores me as...

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My wife performs as a a stripper

That evening, my wife’s friends Lana and Cesar had invited us to dinner outside.Anita was delighted; she loved teasing Cesar, since she knew that this guy had the hots for her. Worst of all, I also knew it…We enjoyed a delicious meal and some drinks after dinner, before going to a near bar for more drinks. We swapped wives when dancing.After few pieces, Lana asked me to go back to our table. Since there, I could see my sensual wife dancing sexily with Cesar; she was swaying her nice hips to the...

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My wife cousin Sheryl part3

(True Story!)After seeing Sheryl and having sex we had taken a shower got dressed talked about our lives and family. I had taken Sheryl out to dinner. We had opened up about sexual likes and dislike. Had been honest told her sex between me and the wife had changed due to medical problem for the wife. We would have sex maybe if I was lucky 3-4 times a year. I told her that I was Bi but preferred women. She said she was also Bi but preferred men. That couple years back she worked as a Dominatrix...

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Transforming My Aunt Into My Wife

Hi. My name is Jagan. I’m 19 yr old guy from Chennai. I live with my parents and doing my b.com final yr. My family contains me, dad and mom. My dad works in a private company and my mom is a school teacher. The heroine of the story is my aunt(my dad’s elder sister). Story maybe somewhat lengthy but it will be hot and was a real incident took place before a yr. Sorry if there is any mistakes as it was my first time. Telling about her, she is 45 yr old woman with a daughter and two...

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Wife Performs at our Pool

I have always wanted to see my wife with another man. Even when we were newlyweds, I use to love to rent pornos where the wife would sleep with men while the husband watched. As we got older I began to tell her about my fantasies. At first she was shocked and little by little she would get turned on. My wife still has her shape, D cups and an ass to die for. She always get stares, especially when she wears tight pants or a tight shirt. We have been married for 15 years, so I am very secure in...

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How my wife became a Hotwife Part 3

So to catch you up from part 2....Bonnie and I were at our friends house attending a bbq. The part was an opportunity for my wife to show off her new swimsuit and pinup look...and boy did she. She looked incredible and garnered almost all of the attention from the male party goers. In particular, a neighbor of our friends named Hank...who Bonnie and Sharon had run into two weeks prior but Bonnie had left out that detail. Hank was a few years older than us and was a pilot for a local airline. He...

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How my wife became a Hotwife Part 3

So to catch you up from part 2....Bonnie and I were at our friends house attending a bbq. The part was an opportunity for my wife to show off her new swimsuit and pinup look...and boy did she. She looked incredible and garnered almost all of the attention from the male party goers. In particular, a neighbor of our friends named Hank...who Bonnie and Sharon had run into two weeks prior but Bonnie had left out that detail. Hank was a few years older than us and was a pilot for a local airline. He...

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We waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...

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Wifes Cousins Wife Nee Part II

Let me begin from where I stopped in my real life sex escapade with wife’s Cousin’s wife Nee. Check out the first part of this story “Wife’s Cousin’s Wife Nee Part – I “. This episode is a continuation of the First Part, in which Nee and Myself first met and how we got intimate and satisfied orally each other without removing our cloths. My email id is I sat there for some time I got up closed the door and came out of the bedroom of Nee and went to watch TV which was in the next room. I sat on...

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Wifes Cousins Wife NEE Part III

Before reading this check out my earlier submissions “Wife’s Cousin’s Wife NEE Part – I “ & “ Wife’s Cousin’s Wife NEE Part – II “. This is my real life escapade with my wife’s Cousin’s wife NEE. This episode is a continuation of the First & Second Part, in which I have narrated how Nee and Myself first met and how we got intimate and satisfied orally each other without removing our cloths and later on fucking for the first time. My email id is As described in the earlier part, we had a very...

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My exwife Chapter 2 My Cheating wifes story

It was a Wednesday afternoon that I came home early from work. My best friend and water skiing buddy, Merv was laying tiles in our bathroom at that time so I was not concerned when his car was parked in the driveway. I parked on the road and walked up the driveway to the house. I could hear no noise in the house which was unusual as my wife usually listened to music during the afternoon. I knew that she was home because I could see her car in the garage. Because it seemed so unusually quiet I...

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Karen From Trophy Wife to Slutwife 2

Chapter OneIt’s been about a week since my newly retrained slutwife has returned home. I can say that she was not wavered once in that time. She has maintained our house, keeping it clean. She’s had dinner prepared and ready for when I arrive home from the office. Now mind you, she never cooked before. Her meals have been scrumptious too.Each evening she is naked, except for her collar, in the “Ass up” position. It’s where she’s on all fours, with her legs spread, her head is on the floor, her...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 12

Peggy Sanford stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby of the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel. As she walked across the lobby she noticed several males obviously checking her out. She smiled to herself as she walked across the long spacious lobby. It always pleased Peggy that she could still attract such attention. Not that she should be surprised, for a married mother of two in her late forties, Peggy was still a very beautiful woman. Her long brown hair framed a face that belied her age,...

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