A Shocking Experience free porn video

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The following story is a work of fiction. It contains sexual themes and descriptions. It includes Transgender themes and depictions of Bondage, Domination and Submission. It is meant purely for entertainment and no endorsement or condemnation of the subjects is implied or intended. IF YOU ARE BOTHERED, REPULSED OR OTHERWISE OFFENDED BY THIS SUBJECT MATTER DO NOT READ THIS STORY. A Shocking Experience A short story By Bootlover Tony had always been a rough and tumble type of guy. He had grown up in a tough neighborhood and knew how to handle himself. He was stocky and heavy set with strong arms and legs. He had jet-black hair and lots of it, everywhere. He had hair on his head, a very heavy beard, hair arms and legs and even a hairy back. There wasn't a spot that didn't have hair. His nickname was Magilla, as in Magilla Gorilla. His wife had left him several years ago and after the divorce he got to see his only daughter, Tiffany a few nights and one weekend a month. As tough as he was Tony had a huge soft spot for Tiffany. He truly loved her and he spoiled every way he could. At his house she had her own room with lots of clothes in the closet, a phone, her own computer and stereo and a TV. For her part Tiffany loved her father and she was always happy to see him. Even now, at age 15, when most girls can't stand being around their parents Tiffany was never ashamed or embarrassed to be with her father and she looked forward to the time they had together. Fortunately for Tiffany she had drawn heavily on her mother's gene set and not Tony's. His ex-wife was everything he was not. Tall, thin and strikingly beautiful she was like a model. It was the classic case of the cheerleader dating the football captain. And though they toughed it out for 8 years their divorce was no surprise to anyone. One Friday night Karen dropped Tiffany off for her weekend with her father. They ate dinner together and the daughter brought her father up to date on everything that was happening in her life. After dinner she chatted on the phone with her friends while he watched the ball game. Tony never eavesdropped on her. Besides teenage girls could talk all night about nothing. All he could hear was her voice, sometimes dropping to a whisper and a lot of giggling. At 10 o'clock he came in to tell her time for bed. She was on the phone as usual and gave him the one sign. He waited at the doorway as she obediently but reluctantly signed off. After she brushed her teeth she headed for bed. She was dressed in a pair of athletic shorts with the waistband rolled down and a short T-shirt. The style of the moment, though he couldn't figure out what the attraction of it was. She kissed him good night on the cheek and hopped into bed. Around 11:30 when he was about to go to bed himself he went in to check on her. As he usually did he stood and stared at his beautiful daughter for a few minutes. A thunderstorm had been building for some time and had begun about 10 minutes ago. It was just now reaching its full fury. Tony noticed that Tiffany had left her computer on. As he was stroking her hair with one hand he reached over to the computer with the other to turn it off. At that exact moment a bolt of lightning hit the wires outside and raced through the electrical system of the house. Electricity passed through Tony's hand at the computer, through his body and through his other hand on his daughter's head. Then all went black, both in the house and in Tony's head. In the morning Tony heard the birds signing outside the open window. He yawned remembering the storm of last night and stretched a bit. Something felt different. He was not tight or tired or sore like he usually was. He was limber and lithe and energetic. He went to scratch his chest and something felt weird, he looked down and saw he had breasts!!! He realized he was in his daughter's bed in her room. Then he realized something far worse, he was in her body! On the floor beside the bed lay his body, unmoving. After a while he noticed it was breathing but it wasn't moving. He jumped out of bed and moved to his body, he shook it and yelled, "Hey, wake up!" Now the odd thing was that when he yelled he heard Tiffany's voice. His own body wasn't dead but it was in some sort of a coma or something. He paced around the room trying to figure out what to do. For some reason calling a doctor or an ambulance just didn't seem the right thing to him. How the hell could he explain it? He checked his body again and it seemed fine. He had to figure out how to reverse whatever had happened. I mean telling anyone in the medical community that he was a 44 year old man in a 15 year old girl's body and that he didn't know where his daughter was would land him in the nut hatch for sure. He paced around the house, he ran down the stairs and something occurred to him. These two mounds of flesh bounced a whole hell of a lot as he descended the stairs. He stepped onto the porch to get the paper like he did every morning. It was cool outside this morning and a light breeze blew over him as he went on the porch. He felt a strange tingle/tightness on his breasts and looking down saw that the nipples were so hard they were standing straight out like little cocks and plainly visible through the T-shirt. He grabbed at the paper and instinctively crossed his arms over his chest covering the protruding points. He sat at the table to read the paper but his mind was too jangled to do it. He ran back up stairs and into Tiffany's bedroom. His body was still there and still breathing slowly. He walked over and picked up an arm. He could feel a slow but steady pulse; he put his head to the chest and heard a heart beat. Because he could think of nothing else he slapped the face a few times. There was no reaction. He pulled the eyelids up and received a blank stare in return. Now he really felt jangled. The only thing he was sure of was he had to solve this himself; he wasn't going to be thought a kook and locked up. Okay, okay what to do? He thought. Try to go about your routine; yeah sure, following your routine will calm you down. Shave and a shower, that's it. He went into the bathroom and to the sink. Turning on the hot water to warm it up he looked in the mirror. Shit! There was Tiffany looking back at him. Hell, she didn't need to shave. Well not her face any way. He felt her legs and it felt to him like there was as much stubble there as was usually on his face. Okay, she must have a razor somewhere. Well there was nothing in the bathroom so he went back into her room. The body had not moved. He shook a few times and called out but the reaction was the same, none. He went to his daughter's dresser and rummaged through the drawers. In the second one he opened he found a Venus razor and some women's sensitive skin with aloe shave cream. As he picked the items out of the draw it occurred to him that his daughter had long nails and while they seemed pretty to him they kinda got in the way a little. The nails were painted a frosty white with silver sparkly material in the paint. They extended a good half inch or more beyond each fingertip. (Note: break a nail and daughter questions when she returns to body). He always though long nails looked sexy on women and Karen usually grew her nails to almost an inch long. Walking back into the bathroom with his supplies he realized he had to piss. Turning on the shower to bring it to temperature he walked over to the toilet and lifted the seat, stood in front of the bowl and started to pull down the shorts. Oh crap! This isn't going to work. He put down the seat, turned around and dropped the shorts, he was unsure whether he had to hold anything or pull things apart or what but he didn't want to look at his daughter's pussy. Looking out the window he felt the urge come and then the urine just flow out. Okay, so far so good. Now into shower, which, of course, meant removing the top he was wearing. He turned his back the mirror and pulled the shirt over his head. He stepped into the water stream and tipped his head back to wet his hair. Tiffany's long blonde hair reached to the middle of her back. As he ran his fingers through the long strands he felt the water flowing over his body. He tried to ignore the feeling and went about washing the hair, which was a different experience from tending to his own short, almost buzz cut hair. He lathered it up well and began to rinse it. The suds and bubbles flowed over his body and created sensations he was unfamiliar with but that made him vaguely feel as if he were about to get hard. Only he didn't have his cock with him just now. Fighting the feelings he finished rinsing and then grabbed the soap. He washed under his upraised arm and then holding the bar of soap in his hand drew it across his chest to work the other side. In the process he stimulated both nipples. Even though the sensation was different he knew what it was. Try as he might he could not keep from looking down. As his eyes slowly lowered what he saw was enough to make him dizzy. His chest, well the chest of this body, hell, his daughter had two fabulous boobs! Jesus! He couldn't believe how good they looked. They were full, firm and beautifully shaped. Capping each one was a rosy areola and thick nipples that, when hard like they were now, protruded at least half an inch from each mound. [Putting the soap back in the dish he cupped each breast in soapy hands and gently massaged them feeling their size, their shape, their firmness and their weight. It was odd. His mind was analyzing how perfect these boobs were and at the same time his senses were registering so much information it was almost an overload. His soapy hands were providing all the tactile information including how soft the skin was while the breasts themselves were reacting to the touch. As his hands worked over the orbs the nipples developed and almost aching feeling. Lightly rubbing his fingers over them made them feel better but somehow left them wanting more attention. He took one nipple between a thumb and forefinger. Lightly pinching felt good, lightly pulling felt good, lightly twirling felt good. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, the little moan escaped his lips without him even realizing it until he heard the girl's voice. It felt very good. Creeping into his consciousness was a distinct feeling between his legs. This wasn't like being horny and getting hard. This was more like a special itch that needed to be scratched. He slid his right had down over his belly to his crotch. Spreading his legs and slipping his hand between his thighs he slowly explored the area. It took a minute and then even in this excited state he realized that there was very little hair. The thought drifted away as his fingers explored the soft folds of skin and flesh. Parting the lips he slipped a finger between them and felt the slickness that differed from the water and soap. His nipples were still calling for attention but exploring his crotch was feeling mighty good. He stuck his middle finger into his pussy and that felt nice. Sliding it out and up the valley between the lips felt nice. Then he touched his clit. That felt great! Slowly he slid the finger up and down over his clit. Oh yes he moaned aloud. Shit that felt fantastic. He slid faster and faster and began to pinch and tug and twist his left nipple harder. Closing his eyes and leaning against the shower wall he was overcome by his first orgasm. It seemed to last for a long, long time. Holy shit! Resting against the wall, regaining awareness of the spray from the shower and generally coming back to earth Tony felt... well he felt uh, what? Jealous? Envious? Angry? He always thought that cumming was the best feeling in the world, and for a guy it was. But a female orgasm beat that feeling by a mile. By light years. What he just experienced was amazing. He tried to get back to reality and the task at hand. Reality, ha! That's a laugh. I'm in my teenage daughter's body and I don't know how to get out. Yeesh. He went back to washing the body. It was hard to do. As his hands moved over it he kept thinking how good it felt. The ass was round and firm and each glute felt so good in his hands. At the same time the hands felt good on the body. When he rinsed off he realized he still needed to shave. And now it dawned on him that meant more than just the legs. He had felt the stubble under the arms as he washed there but the memory of the lack of hair between the legs came back too. Contorting the body a bit he tried his best to look at the area between his legs. Holy shit! It looked like a stripper's box down there! There was one thin area of hair above the lips and below the bikini line maybe an inch just above the lips widening to almost 2 inches at the top. The pubes themselves were hairless! Gingerly reaching down to touch the pubes they felt smooth, not like the pits and legs. Using some of his shaving cream he lathered each pit and shaved under each arm. He nicked each armpit twice and it stung like a bastard. Then on to the legs. That went easier with the exception of around the ankle. Again he nicked each side once or twice. After a final rinse Tony stepped out and began to towel off. Everything felt so alive and running the towel over the breasts and between his legs caused little sensations that could grow into bigger ones quite quickly. As he dried the hair he looked in the mirror. His daughter's beautiful face looked back at him. Blonde and blue eyed like her mother with a beautiful smile (it ought to be after $4,500 worth of braces) Tiffany was already a very pretty woman and Tony was sure she turned the boys' heads in school. Thank God she didn't get his looks he laughed. On the other hand she didn't get her mother's lithe body. Though not heavy or ungainly Tiffany had a compact, athletic body that befitted her field hockey and soccer skills. Only 5'3" as opposed to her mother's 5'11" her body was well proportioned and in great shape but fuller. Having broken his earlier resolve Tony took a good look at the body in the full-length mirror. Wow was all he could think and he let out a low whistle, well he tried to but found he couldn't. His daughter's body still had tan lines from the summer that showed she wore a small, very small to his mind, bikini. No wonder she shaved the way she did, hair would have showed if she didn't. The breasts looked every bit as wonderful seeing them in full as they had when he looked down. The looked as good as they felt. Her legs were pretty muscular, even a bit more than toned. The nails on her feet were painted a bright pink. She was not really a jockette though she was athletic because she had all these feminine touches like the long nails and the painted toes. Okay, let's get dressed and figure this out. He opened the drawer to his daughter's dresser and saw several pairs of panties, all the same type of cotton bikini and he put on the first pair he saw, just plain light blue. Then he pulled out a bra. He couldn't help but look at the size, 36C. Nice he thought, same as her mother. He had some trouble hooking the bra behind him but got it after a minute. Then he selected socks, jeans, sneakers and a T-shirt, which did not reach the waist. Did this girl own any shirts you could tuck in? Once dressed he used a dryer on the hair, another new experience for him. While he often saw Karen use one he had never used one for anything other than drying paint or epoxy. He dried most of the hair, brushed it and turned around. A quick check in the mirror showed that Tiffany looked like Tiffany. The body was still on the floor, unmoved from where he last saw it. Still breathing slowly he didn't even try to move or rouse it. Now what to do? Eat he thought, realizing that he was hungry. He figured he should eat the stuff that his daughter liked. So he had granola for the first time, yogurt for the first time mixed with fruit. After that he was stumped. What the hell should he do now?

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I'd found myself in a very unusual situation about a year ago. Actually the strange turn of events started even before that. Where to begin? My wife was an only child, her father was an only child, and her mother was an only child. She had no cousins, no aunts, and no uncles. There were only a few older relatives. For instance my wife's grandmother had an identical twin sister and the two had been close friends their entire lives. Being around Grandma Beth and Great Aunt Anne was a trip in...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 2

That afternoon Derrick was sitting in his favorite patio chair when Jim, Kathy and their two teenage children Jason and Megan came up on the patio. Kathy, as usual, was wearing a low cut top and tight jean shorts that showed more than one would expect from a married mother of two children. Jim liked the way she dressed, and she liked showing things off, especially around Derrick. She always teases him about what he could have had years ago when they went out a few times before he got involved...

4 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 4

Over the next few weeks, finding time alone to continue their wild sex escapades was just about impossible for Derrick and Kathy. Either Karen was home when Kathy could sneak out, or Jim was home when Karen was out. Finally after more than four weeks they got their opportunity. Jim was going to a friend's house from work to play poker, and Karen was going to a candle party. Kathy wanted to meet at Derrick's house, but he feared that maybe Karen would come home too soon, and told her that...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 5

Derrick and Kathy weren't around each other until the following Saturday when her and family were over for another day of pool and barbequing, a day when Derrick hoped wouldn't turn into a disaster. Kathy tried to act as normal as possible around Derrick, and as she would do in the past came over and said hello as he sat in a lawn chair. Of course she couldn't resist giving him the little peek down her blouse. As before, Megan glanced in their direction and frowned. Derrick could hear...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 6

Monday when Derrick went to work, he heard rumors that the top salesman was tendering his resignation from the company, and the soon to be opening was up for grabs. Derrick thought this could be good situation to get into, and approached the V.P. of sales. He wanted the job, and wasn't going to take the chance of going though the routine of submitting a resume and hoping to get an interview, let alone the job, and planed on using his newly found mental powers. When it was announced that...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 7

Labor day was just a week away, and Karen wanted to have a cookout and pool party and invited a few friends from work, along with her sister Kathy and her family on Saturday, which left them the other two days to relax. Saturday evening the party began to breakup, and soon all that was left was Kathy's family. Derrick felt exhausted from all of the mental voices he heard that day. One voice in particular gave him a chuckle. It was from a husband of one of the girls that Karen worked with,...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 8

Since Megan got off of school at 2:15 each day, she asked if it was all right to use the pool after school until her mom had dinner ready, which was normally around 6:00. The first day she came over she was surprised that Derrick was at home. He was sipping a beer on the patio when she came through the gate to the back yard. "Uncle Derrick you didn't work today?" "Yes, as a matter of fact I am working right now. I work outside sales now, and I get orders over the fax. Pretty easy ya...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 9

Derrick awoke early the next morning and checked for new orders that may have been faxed in and within an hour he processed forty new orders. Since he had his work done for the day, Derrick planned on simply snoozing on one of the floating lounge chairs for an hour of so. He was in a nice peaceful dream when he heard the gate to the pool close. He looked up in surprise as Megan walked around the pool deck. "Damn, is it 2:30 already?" "No uncle Derrick. Remember I told you yesterday I get...

4 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 10

Friday morning Derrick had an appointment with a major customer, and was just getting home as Megan her two friends, Jessica and Ashley. Both of her friends quickly gave Derrick the once over before heading back to the pool. The three girls were sitting on the edge of the pool while Derrick stood on the patio talking on the phone. Ashley was applying suntan lotion over he legs as she looked over at Derrick. "Damn Megan, your uncle is a hunk, right Jes?" Jessica looked at Derrick and...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 11

On Saturday morning Derrick awoke with a tremendous urge for sex, and seeing Karen in a sexy lace nightgown wasn't helping matters. He slipped the light cover off of her and moved down on the bed. Since she never wore panties to bed, it wasn't hard to slip his tongue over her hairless pussy. He could feel her getting aroused even as she still was asleep, and lapped at her sweet juices that were now flowing. The effect his tongue was having on her finally brought her awake, and placed a hand...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 13

With the fall season rapidly approaching, Derrick began the process of closing the pool for the winter months, which made him feel a little depressed. Not that he wanted the pool season to last longer for his own use, it meant that Karen, Kathy and Megan and some of her friends wouldn't be parading around half dressed for him to enjoy. It was late Saturday afternoon when he finally had the job completed, and was looking forward to a peaceful evening, but a call from Kathy changed all of...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 15

As he had been doing since he got the outside sales position, Derrick had secured enough new business, along with re-orders from current customers, to have his work week finished by mid Tuesday. With Halloween just around the corner, he stopped and picked up the items Karen needed for the costume party that she had planned. When he had every item on list checked off, he headed to the front counter to check out. After the clerk had rung up the items she bent down to get a bag from under the...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 17

Through the winter months, Kathy found more and more evidence of Megan's desire to try and seduce Derrick. One Saturday morning while Megan was at her friend Ashley's house, Kathy logged on the Megan's computer and went through her E-mail sent files. One of the E-mails was marked "New Story" and Kathy opened it firs. It was quite a bit longer than the first one she posted, and more detailed. Kathy was totally turned on by the story; even though it was obvious Megan herself was the main...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 22

Friday morning Megan awoke around 8:30 to find both her mother and father sitting at the kitchen table. "Why haven't you two left for work yet?" "Your father has an appointment with the doctor this morning, and I am going with him. We were just getting ready to leave and we should be back by 11:00. So what do you have planned for your first day of summer vacation, going to go over to your aunts to use the pool?" "Well, maybe. I heard there is a chance of rain, and I didn't call and...

4 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 23

Jim and Kathy were in the exam room only a few minutes when the doctor knocked on the door and entered. "Good morning Mr. Parker, Mrs. Parker. Well I have some good news. The results of the blood work are quite positive, your cholesterol level is well below what I had hoped, and your stress test showed no problems. You blood pressure is perfect, and it looks like your doing just fine. We can stop taking all those medicines, with the exception of the Plavix. I want you to stay on that, and...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 25

Jim and Kathy were sitting at the kitchen table sipping on iced tea when Megan came through the door. "Hi mom, hi dad. How did it go at the doctor today? Everything all right?" "Yeah baby, the doc says I am fit as a fiddle, aint that right Kath?" "Yes, your dad is back to normal. So did you go to you aunt's today?" "Yeah, but it was boring. Uncle Derrick was in the house working on some stuff, and then he went to take a nap and I just sat by the pool trying to start a tan. He had...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 26

Jim was invited to play golf with three of the guys her worked with, and with Jason at baseball practice, Kathy thought it was a good time to go and talk with Kathy about her plan. The back door was opened, and after giving the bell a ring, Kathy walked in. Karen was just walking into the kitchen as Kathy came through the back door. "Hey Kath, what are you doing out so early on Saturday morning?" "Well, I had something to talk to you about, and didn't want use the phone. Megan is home,...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 28

Sunday morning Kathy was looking though the paper when she got a call from Karen. "Hi Kath, you guys busy today?" "No, not really, why what's up?" "You and Jim and the twins want to come over later and cookout and use the pool. It's gonna be a scorcher today, near a hundred. Besides, I bought this new sexy bikini and I want to give Jim a preview of what he is going to get." "Well, yeah that sounds great, let me get the gang up and we'll be over around noon. How's...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 29

It was mid morning when Megan arrived at her uncle's house to use the pool, and if things went well, spend some time with Derrick in his bed. Even though she and Jason were enjoying their times together, Megan found that having sex was always on her mind and was anxious to see if Derrick would take it farther than the one time they enjoyed on Friday. As she opened the gate to the patio area, Derrick was just coming out of the house wearing a nice three-piece suit. "Hey hi Megan. How you...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 30

That evening, Megan lye in bed rubbing her aroused clit thinking about how good it felt today when Derrick fucked her. Her cunt wasn't sore even though he fucked her more than once. After getting her finger slicked with her cunt juices, she rolled on her side and brought one leg up, then reached around and began inserting them into her ass. As she wiggled her fingers inside of her ass, she massaged her clit even harder, and had to push her face into the pillow to muffle her moans of...

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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 32

Friday started a weekend celebration commemorating the town's bi-centennial, and a Kathy knew that Megan, Jason and their friends would be at the band shell watching the various rock groups perform, and that would be the perfect time to have Jim and Karen finally get together. Karen arrived at 7:00 as planned, and came dressed in a very sexy outfit, short skirt, and a tight mohair sweater that showed off her perfectly shaped breasts. Karen knew what was to happen, but Jim thought that Kathy...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 33

When Jim got home, Kathy got him to agree to take her to the grocery store, and woke up Megan, as they were about to leave. "Megan, time to get up, your father is home and were going to the store. It's show time, come on baby get ready." Megan sat on the chase lounge as her mother instructed waiting for her parent to get back home. Hearing the car doors shut, she quickly slipped on her head phones, and leaned back, opening her legs a bit to let her father have a good look at her puffy...

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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 34

Jim finally gave into Kathy and agreed that it may be best for Megan to be on the pill, but still felt it was like an invitation to start fucking Ricky or any other guy she may be with, but knew that old saying of an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. "So, just when are you taking her to see the doctor?" "We're off the next two week for vacation, so I'll call and make an appointment for her, but first I have to have a good long talk with her and explain a few...

1 year ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 35

When Kathy arrived home from work, Megan quickly met her in the kitchen. "Mom. You wanted to talk to me. Is there something wrong?" "Oh no, not a at all sweetie. I think I have some good news for you. See, the other day after you got your father so fucking turned on be seeing you in that suit, he finally has agreed that you should be on the pill." "The pill. Really?" "Yes. He thinks that you're so fucking hot, and I have to agree, that if he can get that turned on by see his own...

1 year ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 37

Karen and Kathy got the burgers and hotdogs ready for the grill, while Jason headed back out to the pool and Jim and Derrick re-hashed their golf game. Karen tended to the grill, while Kathy stayed inside preparing a salad tray of fresh veggies and fruit. When Karen yelled out that dinner was ready, everyone made their way to the patio table. Megan was last to get to the table, and since one of the chairs had a cracked frame, she was left to sit on the cooler next to her father. Jim...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 38

Kathy was awake just as the sun was coming over the eastern horizon and quietly dressed and grabbed the car keys and headed for the 24 hour Walgreen store to have Megan's prescription filled. As she walked to the front counter, she also grabbed a small bottle of children strength aspirins and a package of condoms. Twenty minutes later she returned home to find everyone still sound asleep. Kathy sat at the kitchen table and carefully opened the pack that held the thirty-day supply of birth...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 39

Jason, as it turned out, was the first to arrive back home, and Kathy was quick to greet him. "Hi baby, how was the game?" "Oh we didn't have a game, Justin and I went to lift. Got a game tomorrow afternoon." Kathy move up close behind her son and caressed his strong muscular arms. "You muscles are really popping out." She reached around and put her hands on his stomach, and slowly moved them over his semi hard cock. "How about this muscle, is it popping out?" "Mom, isn't dad...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 41

With just days before the Labor Day weekend, the date that was set to bring Megan and Jason into their circle of sex, Kathy knew the time was right. The effects of the pill she had been taking were now out of her system and her body quite regulated, and keeping close tabs on Megan's period, she also was primed. Kathy and Jim sat the twins down and explained the new relationship they had with Derrick and Karen, and inquired if they too would like to be a part of it. Megan was thrilled that...

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