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This is my 40th story on FictionMania! To celebrate, I wanted to give you all my deepest wishes for a safe and happy holiday season. You are the reason I write, and to all of you, I dedicate this story! ****** The Bus Stop By Anon Allsop I needed time to think. I walked out of my office, feeling down and very somber. It had been three weeks since my engagement went sour, April had found someone new. I watched the thickening clouds gather overhead and could just get the hint of rain from the smell in the air. I looked down at my hand, the little black umbrella rolled and wound around its base. The first few drops began to fall slowly, I began to unfurl it before the impending storm. Far off in the distance I heard a rumble of thunder, those on the street began to scurry for shelter. I didn't care, the rain was as sullen as my mood. Overhead I held the umbrella, hoping that one of those slicing lightning strikes would drive through my body, ending all the pain I was feeling. I continued on, walking as the rain began to drive into the earth in earnest. Looking like a veil of fog between the buildings as I approached. I checked my watch against the clock tower on our local bank, and glanced toward the oncoming traffic. I stood frowning, in the driving spring rainstorm as the cars sped past, how easy it would be to end it all by stepping out in front of one. I pulled my collar high, covering my neck from the swirling rain, watching for the bus that would take me away to my empty house. I frowned and looked at my feet, the rain splashing the ground around them with vigor. That's when I saw her stop next to me, her shoes dark from the soaking rain. My eyes slowly took in her lovely legs, unfortunately covered under her soaked blue jeans. I glanced toward her hips, yet unspoiled by child bearing, shapely and defined. She was wearing a white blouse and was holding her purse over her head, acting as a rain shield. I glanced toward her face. She gave me a wry smile. "Are you waiting for the bus too?" I shouted over the rain and thunder. "Yes," she groaned as lightning flashed and reflected between the buildings. I looked around. We seemed to be the only ones standing in the open bus stop. I slowly moved my umbrella over the wet beauty. She seemed surprised, but accepted my offer. "Thank you," she smiled. I studied her for only a moment. She looked to be young, possibly in her early twenties. Her hair was a light brown, almost blonde. She had long dark eyelashes, and clear bright blue eyes. I thought she was very attractive, in a girl next door sort of way. She looked at me. "You're getting wet." I glanced at my shoulder and shrugged. "I can't take shelter under your umbrella and have you get wet because of me!" "I won't melt," I laughed. She stepped further under the umbrella, causing me to hold the handle between us even more. "There, now you're under it more," she said smiling. I inhaled her perfume deeply, as she flashed a smile at me... her smile was spectacular. I notice these things right away because of my chosen profession. She glanced at my shirt. I still had my name pin on it. "A dentist? That's an interesting profession." Again she showed me her beautiful smile. "You have a stunning smile," I commented, looking at her. She giggled. It sounded like a tiny wind chime to my ears. "It should, my parents paid enough for it." Her comment caused me to chuckle. "Are you from uptown or downtown?" she asked, her voice sweet and youthful. "I have my office only about two blocks from here." I pointed to my building. "Have you been doing it long?" She pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear, as she hazarded a quick glance at my hand. "Ever since I was given the green light to practice. Around three years ago." I looked down at her beautiful face, damp from the awful conditions. Even dappled with the rain she was quite lovely to look at, I smiled, repositioning my umbrella over us for maximum protection from the elements. "So that would make you about...?" I could see that she was fishing for answers. "I'm 31," I laughed. "Wasn't that subtle?" she giggled, covering her mouth with her manicured nails. "Like a brick through a plate glass window," I chuckled softly. We noticed a police car swing over near us and stop, the officer rolled his window down about three inches, "You and your wife waiting for the bus? If you are, it'll be awhile. An accident on 4th and Washington is blocking the way." I smiled at the officer's comment. If my friend noticed it, she said nothing. I nodded my thanks to the officer. He gave a wave and pulled away slowly. The young beauty next to me sighed, looking down the street. "I wonder what happened?" "Whatever it was, can't be good. That accident has to be big enough to block all four lanes," I said glancing around. "We could take refuge in that little coffee shop, at least until the rain lets up, or the bus comes...whichever is first," I shouted as it began to rain even harder. She looked at the ground dejectedly. She tossed her damp hair off her shoulder. "I only brought enough money for my bus fare." "That's fine, I'll buy," I offered, hoping to get us both out of the rain. I could see that she wasn't sure as she contemplated our situation by chewing upon her soft lip. "No strings attached, if that's what's worrying you." She looked from me to the little diner, then back to me. "I guess it would be okay." I smiled and chuckled as she turned under the umbrella, trying to stay out of the deluge. "Well at least one good thing came from all this," I said laughing. "A hot coffee will feel pretty good after all this." I laughed as I held my hand out into the rain. She gave me a sideways glance and grinned as we hurried toward the little shop. "Ugh, can you believe all this rain!" she exclaimed, trying to keep pace with me. "I like to think of rain as liquid sunshine," I said, causing her to laugh as she threw open the heavy glass door and dashed inside. We took a booth near the window where we could watch for our bus, and seated ourselves where I could prop my umbrella against the wall. A small pool of water soon formed under it. We were followed by an older woman to our table. "What will you two be having?" she asked as she held her pen to the paper. "Coffee for me. And my friend here..." I looked over to the young woman. "Coffee too for me please," she smiled at our waitress. I inwardly smiled with her. I held up my finger. "I've heard it said that your shop here is known for its pie, is that true?" The old woman smiled. "Best pie in the entire city." "Do you have Sugar Cream?" I asked. My lovely companion laughed. "What?" I asked grinning from her contagious giggling. "Sugar Cream pie? And you're a Dentist?" The girl continued to giggle, causing our waitress to also join. "Okay, so I'm a Dentist with a sweet tooth," I laughed. "Do you want anything, or are you just going to sit there laughing at me?" I asked. "Nothing for me, I have a girlish figure to keep an eye on." She regained control of herself and wiped her tears from laughing out of her eyes. The old woman snickered. "You keep telling yourself that, Hon." I watched our waitress walk away. "So, seeing that we're stuck here waiting for our bus, could I have your name?" She began giggling uncontrollably again. "I don't think my name would work very well on you?" I chuckled. "Ah, she' beautiful AND with a sense of humor." I held out my hand. "My name is Hunter, Hunter Wilson." She grinned and shook my offered hand. "Katie Armbruster. Pleased to be stuck in the rain with you." I leaned back as the waitress returned with our coffee and my pie. "Thank you." She grinned and drew the sugar over to her side of the table. I watched her move gracefully as she deposited two teaspoons of the white powder into her drink. She slowly stirred. I smiled, still mesmerized by her beauty. "Are you new to the city?" Her beautiful eyes danced. I could see that I touched on a subject that she was passionate about. "I moved here about a week ago." "Oh, I see. So, you're still living at home?" Now it was my turn to fish. "I'm looking for a job in theatre." She folded her beautiful hands across her chin, the reflective light playing with the gloss on her lips. I took a sip from my cup. "What? No college?" Her eyes sparkled. "I want to, but right now it isn't a priority." "How long since you graduated?" I asked as I sat my cup back down. "A couple of years ago," she smiled. "I had enough of living at home and just took off!" "Then you're only...what, 21 or 22?" I began to get nervous, being alone with a girl this young and beautiful...silently praying she would give me the answer I was hoping to hear. She slowly stirred her coffee. "I'm going to be 19 in about a month." I slowly blew out, trying to figure what to do next. I was upset at myself for being interested in a girl that was now, young enough to be my little sister. I again looked at her beautiful face, I had hoped she was at least somewhere between 21 and 25. Her glorious smile slowly washed from her face. "I can see you're uncomfortable being around me." As if on cue, I stupidly made a hesitant look over my shoulder. "I understand your unease perfectly. I'll go." She sighed and picked up her purse. I leaned against the back of the chair and rubbed my chin. "Believe me, it isn't you. It's more me." She looked at me. "You? How so?" I played with the spoon laying near my cup. I touched her hand. "I've just had a bad experience with a girl that was supposed to be my bride, she ran off with a best friend of mine." I watched her raise her cup to her perfect mouth and felt myself sigh. "You're the first girl that I've been around since she left, that I've actually felt comfortable being with!" Katie frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that, I suppose we could still talk, couldn't we?" She smiled slowly. "That's the ticket," I laughed. "Sure, we can still talk. We'll just be like old friends." And talk we did, for more than an hour we discussed many topics from politics to sports. I found myself drawn to this beautiful young woman in so many ways, her humor, knowledge, grace and beauty seemed to pull me in. Finally, into our second hour of enjoying each other's company, I saw our waitress walking a little way back in the direction our table. "The bus is outside, if you're riding on it you may want to hurry," she called out. "I think it's about to leave!" I quickly stood up and dropped a twenty onto the table. "Come on, I'll walk you on to the stop, it's the least I can do." We headed toward the door and almost as soon as I opened it for her to pass, the bus took off from the stop under a whirlwind of drizzle and blackened smoke. She watched it go on down the street in horror. "Great," I grumbled from under my umbrella. "That's probably the last bus today!" I began to scan for a cab. She was facing away from me and still watching the bus become a dot in the distance, her head slowly dropped. I studied the beautiful contour of her curves, wishing I was 10 years younger... Then I realized she was crying. "Hey...what's the matter?" I asked her softly, unsure whether my touch on her shoulder was appropriate. She didn't answer, so I moved around to face her. "Why the tears?" I again asked. "This day has been just horrible for me," she cried. "I failed to get the job I applied for...this rain...and now the bus." She waived her slender arm into the direction the bus now headed. "Hey now...come on. It'll be okay. We can share a cab. I'll see you get home safely." I gently rubbed her back with my palm. My comment only caused her to cry more. "How am I going to know what's wrong unless you talk to me." I pulled her chin up and looked down into her angelic face. "Out with it," I whispered. She let her eyes drift downward. "I...I don't have anyplace to go!" Her beautiful eyes began to fill with tears. "I lost my apartment last Friday and have been living on the street for the past week." I could feel my throat tighten in sympathy of her plight as she cried. "It'll be okay...I'll find you some help. Everything will be alright," I tried to reassure the teary eyed girl. She looked back up into my eyes quickly. "You are a really nice man, how can I ever repay you?" I was suddenly feeling pulled into two different directions. On one hand, she needed to find a place to stay. On the other, she was a stunningly beautiful feminine creature that any man would be crazy to turn away, especially when he has an extra bedroom in his own apartment. "I'm not sure that you'd want to do this, Katie, but I have an extra bedroom in my apartment that you can use, that is, if you don't mind sharing a home with a 31 year old Dentist." I looked back toward her big eyes rimmed in tears. "You think about it, it's yours if you want to use it." "I guess I could...for a day or two." She sighed, looking at the puddles beneath our feet. "I'll pay you for the inconvenience of my being there." "No, you won't have to do that. I'm not interested in your money." She gave me a quick look. I knew what she was thinking. I shook my head. "I would never take advantage of you, Katie. That's just not my style." She bit at her lower lip. "Alright. But only for a few days. IF you at least let me cook the meals." I smiled, feeling better about the whole situation. "Deal," I said, taking her slender hand in mine and shaking it. ****** We sat in the back of the cab, listening to the wipers beating out their tempo. Our driver was a large black man with graying hair, upon his head he wore a 'wedge' hat like the golfers are often seen wearing. "Are you familiar with the outside lockers near Beckingham Square?" she asked, to which the cabby nodded. "I need to swing past there to pick up a bag." As soon as she spat it out, the cabby quickly glanced over his shoulder and made a lane change. I felt my eyes drawn to the pretty girl beside me. She glanced quickly into my eyes. "You don't mind me making a slight detour, do you?" I laughed. "That's fine. It isn't far from my home." I watched as lightning again creased the sky and rain raced in great droplets down the side window of the car. Katie was staring out her window, deep in thought. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through that pretty little head of hers. I was sure that she had to be wondering if I would try anything once we were alone. I glanced her way. 'It would be damn tempting!' I thought. 'But I will be a perfect gentleman while she is with me!' I felt our cab slowing down. A long piercing squeal, from the wet brakes, announcing our arrival. Katie jumped out and I handed her the umbrella. I watched as she stood in front of the lockers, the rain bouncing off the black material of my umbrella as she dug into her pocket for the key. I sat in the car, looking through the water trails of the rain, as I couldn't help but admire her feminine figure. 'What was I doing? I was such a fool for inviting a young woman into my house when I really knew nothing about her! Was I hoping that something would come from our little arrangement? Probably not. For me it was much too soon.' I felt weighed down in my thoughts as she opened up the door and sat down, the dripping umbrella was closed and placed on the floor of the car. "Ok. I'm done," she smiled, buckling herself back into the seat. The cabby placed his car into drive and pulled back into traffic. "Take us to the Corbin building," I called out as the cabby nodded again. "Corbin building?" Katie questioned. "Is that where you live?" "I like to call it home." I smiled as another throaty rumble of thunder growled outside. She only raised her shapely eyebrows in reply. Within ten minutes we arrived at my apartment. I paid for our cab and showed Katie the way to my apartment. "Very stylish," she said as I waived her through the door. I directed her down the hall and stopped in front of my bathroom door. "This is my bath. Behind you will be your room." Katie turned and stuck her head inside the room. "It's very nice." "At $1200 a month, it had better be more than nice!" I said laughing. "Come on, I'll show you the rest of the apartment." She waited for me to sit her bag at the end of the bed and followed me down the long hall to my living room. At one end was a long bank of windows that gave a spectacular view of the lighted city as dusk approached. She gasped and slowly walked toward the window. "The city's beautiful, seeing it from up here." "That's one of the reasons I took this apartment, I love the view." I smiled as she stood before the great window looking out at the little pulses of lightning as it reflected from my balcony floor. "The view is breathtaking." She sighed, staring out the window at the city lights twinkling below. I felt my eyes drawn to her shapely figure. From my vantage it was breathtaking indeed. I found my eyes wandering down to her slender thighs, then back up to her trim waist. Slowly she started to turn. I quickly glanced back up and out the window. "The Plaza is on your left, near the river, you can see it by the row of yellow lights," I said, recovering from almost being caught ogling the young beauty. My kitchen was just off the living room, it was open, separated by my curved sectional couch and dining table and gave the illusion of one large room. Katie walked inside, her lovely fingers slid along the black marble counter. "I couldn't imagine living in a place as lovely as this, how can you stand it?" I laughed. "I manage." She responded by flashing me a lovely smile. I felt chills race along my spine. 'Get control of yourself, buddy!' I scolded myself. "If you don't mind, Hunter, I'd like to shower and change out of these clothes, then I'll get started on our supper. Remember, that was part of our agreement?" She smiled, standing against my table, her reflection mirroring her beauty that was just above. "That's okay, I think I'll order something for us, considering what we have been through today with all the rain and such," I laughed. "Will pizza be fine?" Katie smiled and nodded, turned and looked back down a hall. "That way?" she pointed with a slender finger. I shook my head and pointed back down another hall where she and I just walked down. "If you went down that way, it would be right into my room." She gave a slow nod and slowly walked back down the hallway, my eyes enjoying her every swaying move. As she disappeared into her room, I closed my eyes and sighed deeply, this was going to be quite a learning experience for me. I have never shared my apartment with a woman and not had her sleeping with me. ****** The pizza delivery man had just left and I was walking down the hall past the bathroom as Katie pulled the door open. I paused as she gave me a startled look. She was wearing only a large bath towel around her body, the ends twisted just above her breasts. Instantly my eyes were drawn to her creamy skin. "," I said, holding it up for her to see. She gave me and embarrassed smile, then quickly raced across the hall to her room. I felt my face grow warm as I hurried to my kitchen with the pizza. As soon as I set it down I folded my arms on the counter and buried my face in the bend of my arm. "God, she's gorgeous. It'll be damn near impossible, to NOT think of her like I've been doing. God help me," I sighed. I grabbed two plates and pulled open my silverware drawer, causing it to be completely removed from the track and spilling all the silverware onto the floor of the kitchen. I shoved the empty drawer back into the hole and quickly began to toss the gleaming utensils into my sink. As I was picking them up, a hand flashed out and gathered up two spoons; it was Katie. I looked over, she was wearing a short green silky garment that had a rounded edge at the bottom. Thankfully she was wearing a matching 'boy' short beneath it. I gave her a wry smile. "I broke the drawer about a year ago, I've been meaning to fix it." She smiled and tossed another few spoons into the sink along with the ones I had just thrown in. As I glanced back to the task at hand. I was reminded of just how beautiful she was with each shiny utensil I would pick up. Every one held her reflection, as if she was the most beautiful creature on God's green earth. I found my eyes wander toward the smooth surface of her leg. Her skin was flawless and had a soft sheen to it that made me think of silk. I would have given my life at that moment to be able and touch her, but a promise was a promise and I would be a true gentleman as I had given my word. She sat up quickly. She had seen my gaze, she had to have. I looked away with embarrassment, quickly standing up. "I'm sorry," I frowned. "I promised you that I wouldn't do anything and then, well...I'm just sorry." She slowly stood up and dropped what she had into the sink. "I shouldn't have worn this without my robe." She glanced back down the hallway. "I heard the crash and just ran." I caught my breath as she bent down to pick up a knife that had slid under the counter. I had just been privy to a wonderful view of a very soft and rounded bosom. I quickly looked into the sink and tried to drive out the feeling that was occurring just below my belt line. "'s ready. I got down the plates and then..." I glanced into the sink. "That's when all of this happened." "That's okay, I don't think I'll need one." She smiled and opened up the pizza box, placing a single slice onto the plate. I watched her slowly walk to the table and set down her plate. I couldn't help but be drawn to her long smooth legs. I forced my eyes down to the pizza and placed two slices onto my plate. "I'm looking at one impossible weekend!" I sighed beneath my breath. She glanced back as if she may have heard me, then quietly walked back down the hall. "You want something to drink?" I called out behind her. "Whatever you're having will be fine!" she said, speaking over her shoulder. "I'm having a beer," I called out, opening my refrigerator. "That's fine," she said, returning to the room wearing a long silken green robe. "Wow," I whispered, forgetting myself. It was hanging loose and untied, each step would thrust her leg sexily out of the opening. I was glad to have the marble counter between us, otherwise she would have noticed the effect she was having upon me. With each fall of her foot a breast would slightly shake, drawing my eyes directly toward the cleavage on her chest. Her lovely long hair bouncing with each step she took. "I'm a dead man," I sighed. I quickly looked back toward the cupboard and pulled down two slender glasses and begin pouring the golden liquid into each one. I purposefully pushed my hand into the ice bucket to try and remove the swelling that I felt growing down below. It helped and soon I was able to return to the table. I sat her drink down and took a seat at the table. She was already enjoying the piece she had taken. I didn't have to watch her directly, all I needed was to focus my attention into the reflective surface of the highly polished black enamel of my table. She glanced up quickly, then took a graceful drink of her glass. I have a feeling that she suspected that I was enamored with her. How could she not see the effect she had on me. I wondered just how many other men she had driven crazy as she was growing up. I slowly twisted my glass in a circle, playing with the water as it rolled down off the outside surface. She began to stare into her plate and then sat down the pizza. She studied me for a moment, then sighed. "I know you are feeling... something for me. I would be lying if I didn't tell you that I was feeling the same thing for you." My eyes widened. 'She does like me!' I thought to myself. "But you see, Hunter..." she continued. "I can't allow this to go any further." "You're spoken for, aren't you?" I frowned, knowing that I've struck out once again. She inhaled deeply and drummed her slender fingertips against the shiny surface of the table. "No, I've not found anyone...yet." "Oh...I see," I sighed sadly. "A beautiful girl like you could never fall for a guy like me." "Try me," she laughed. I smiled, her response left me feeling hopeful. She looked down, then continued, "Hunter, I was born Kevin James Armbruster." She stopped speaking so it could soak in. "No way!" I whispered. She nodded. "Up until two years ago, that was the name I went by." "I... No Way," I said, giving her a double take. "But you've got breasts and... I've never seen a figure on a boy that looked like yours!" She smiled, her face flushed with embarrassment. "I've been on hormones since I was almost thirteen." "But...I've seen doctored up breasts before, and what you have aren't doctored. I don't think hormones will give you breasts like you have." Katie looked down. "If you've been on the hormones long enough, prior to puberty...sometimes they will give you a 'B' cup like mine." I sat there completely flabbergasted. I had a transsexual sitting at my table and I had just been admiring her...his body! "How the heck could a thirteen year old get their hands on those kinds of Hormones, aren't there laws for that sort of thing?" She looked down at the floor. "I got them from an uncle that was transitioning about the same time. I began to sneak his for almost a year, after a while, when by breasts began to grow...I had to fess up." "I certainly doubt that you could hide that sort of change for long!" I shook my head and looked down into my plate. "You had me convinced that you were a woman." "You don't seem too bothered right now." She studied my face for a moment. I smiled. "When you live in a city as long as I have, you see a lot of weird things." "So, you think I'm weird?" She folded her arms across her breasts. "Well, the situation is strange...even a bit uncomfortable. But, no... I don't think you're weird." "That's good to know." She smiled weakly. "I guess I'll be leaving in the morning, now that you know about me." "You don't have to leave. A promise is a promise." I stood up and took our plates to the sink. I turned and leaned against the counter. "How much farther do you have to go?" "Go?" she asked, sounding perplexed. "With the...changes," I stammered, feeling like an idiot for prying. "I'm done." She stood up and picked her glass off of the table. "Why do you ask?" I shrugged. "So, down below?" I glanced toward her smooth crotch. "Only my doctor knows," she said, drawing her robe closed. "But I'll tell you this, I can do anything a real woman can do except for having children." "Would you?" I asked, pouring myself another beer. "If you could, would you have a child?" "In a heartbeat." She sighed. "But, my problem is that in all of the relationships that I've had, any time he finds out what I used to be... I'm shown the door." I swallowed hard, realizing that I hadn't... It left me wondering if I was gay. We stood in an uncomfortable silence. "Uh, would you like to watch some TV or something?" She seemed surprised. "I...I don't really know what to say, I've never gotten this far before being ushered out of the room." I brushed it away with a wave of my hand. "You'll have to ignore my stares, Katie. It'll take awhile for me to get over the initial thoughts." We slowly moved toward the couch, each setting on the ends. The funny thing was, we talked until almost three in the morning before turning in. I would be lying if I said that she still didn't do something for me, only now it seemed I was attracted to her in a sort of perverse way. ****** December 15, 2002 Katie and I began to string the lights on the tree I had just bought. This day was the 7th month that she had lived under my roof. I had spent that last 6 months wondering about my feelings toward her. At times she was like a drinking buddy, at times she was like a very good friend. Then, there were those times I would lay awake at night and think of what she had been wearing that day, sometimes the arousal was almost too much to bear. "Why would God send someone into my life like her?" I sighed often, then realized that I had never known her 'before'. As far as I was concerned, she had always been female and I guess that's why it never really bothered me. I knew that legally she had changed her name and all the necessary information quite awhile ago. To all those concerned, she was Katie, and that was that. Whenever I had introduced her to my friends, it would be as Katie. None had ever known what I did about her, that was no one's business but hers. "Are you sure that you anchored the tree's base in the holder good enough?" Katie asked as we worked our way around the prickly Christmas tree, breaking me from my train of thought. "Positive," I answered, as I continued to skewer myself with the little stiff needles as I fastened on the lights. "Once we get this done, we can hang the bulbs and tinsel." "It's so beautiful, Hunter. Thank you for letting me have a Christmas tree." "I guess it was time for me to be getting one anyway. I don't mind," I said shrugging and wincing as I stuffed a needle under my fingernail. "You're bleeding," Katie observed, as I pulled my hand away quickly. Drawing what I could of the thorn from my skin. I examined my finger. "A piece of it broke off and is still stuck under the nail." "Come on, let me see it under the light." She pulled me away and we walked under the big dining room lamp. She held my finger tightly and using her long fingernail pulled out the tiny green sliver. My arm was tucked under her own, my forearm just resting against a soft breast. "There. Does that feel better?" she said, pouting and pushing her lip out slightly. I grinned. "My mom would always kiss it and make it feel better." She laughed, then took my finger and gently raised it up to her soft lips. The kiss tingled me to my very soul. I stood staring at her as she smiled sweetly. Slowly my eyes were pulled back to the Christmas tree. "Uh... we'd better finish, or it'll never be done!" I had maintained my promise to her these past months. At times I wanted to grab her up and toss her into my bed where I could ravage her body. But, a promise is a promise. I sighed as I watched her blue jeans sway back toward the tree. I was so sure that she knew what she was doing to me, and yet, always in the back of my mind, I had doubts. Finally by the evening, after almost losing the tree to my inept ability to fix it into the holder, we were done. I plugged it into the outlet and gave her the heads up to flip the switch. She hesitated. "Can we turn off all the lights first? I just want to see the tree's lights only." I nodded. "Sure, that'll be fine." I worked my way out from behind the tree and with her help we turned off every light in the house. After some initial fumbling around, Katie made her way to the switch. "Are you ready?" she asked. "Let her rip!" I said grinning. She flipped the switch. The room was suddenly bathed in the soft glow of our tree. Only, I found that I couldn't pull my eyes from her form, instead I was captivated by how she looked, lit by the soft lights of our tree. "Isn't it simply beautiful?" she sighed, her gaze admiring the tree. I felt a light tickle in the pit of my stomach, as if a thousand butterflies suddenly took flight. "I have never seen anything as beautiful," I sighed, my voice becoming soft. "I just love the way the little lights reflect against the wall and win..." She stopped, realizing that I hadn't been looking at the tree, and slowly looked toward me. I couldn't speak. I kept swallowing to push away the lump that had suddenly appeared in my throat. Finally I stepped closer to her, pulling my eyes back toward the tree we had just finished. "Quite lovely." As I stepped to her, I cleared my throat. "We've been friends for the past 7 months, and I promised you that I would never take advantage of you." As I spoke, she began to scrutinize me under a watchful gaze. I smiled. I couldn't help the pull she had on me, it was as though she was the sun and I was a helpless little speck of dust floating in space, drawn in by her gravity. I lowered my head and kissed her, gently. She seemed startled, but quickly relaxed and let her hands snake up around my neck, while mine circled her thin waist. Our kiss wasn't like a man kissing another man, it could never be like that. No, I kissed her like I have wanted to for several a man and a woman. As I slowly pulled away, she opened her beautiful eyes, now bathed in the soft light of the Christmas tree. "Are you sure?" She sighed, her glistening tongue slowly drawing across her soft moist lips, creating a wet sheen that reflected the soft colors of the tree. I pulled Katie's slender hand up to my lips, and gently placing a kiss upon it. I could feel tears welling in my eyes, my trembling voice shook with emotion. "I don't understand what has happened to me since that rainy day, I just know that I would miss you, should you ever leave." I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. "Hunter, you know what I am... or was." A single tear broke, racing down her cheek. She looked down and blinked, a tiny droplet fell. Finally, she returned her gaze back upward, the lights from the tree glistening with a multitude of tiny stars, dancing in her eyes. "I don't want to dama..." I placed my finger to her lips, silencing her. "We'll take it slow," I said, touching her smooth cheek with my fingertips, letting them trace along the edge of her perfect lips. She broke our embrace and stepped away. "I can't do that to you, Hunter. Your friends... family..." She sat back against the couch, and played with the material. "I just don't want to ruin our friendship." I settled down into a crouch, looking her directly in the eye. "It is because of that friendship, that I want you to stay!" She had a tear trailing down her cheek. "What about your parents? What if they find out?" I patted her shapely knee. "They only know of you as Katie." She sat staring at the tree and its blinking lights. "Let me think about it, Hunter. It's quite a step for me, especially since my stay was supposed to only be for a short while." I stroked her calf lightly with the tips of my fingers, stood up and smiled. "Did I ever complain?" She shook her head. "You know, people will think we're dating." "So what?" I laughed. "We'll give them something to talk about! Besides, to them, we're already living together!" She giggled softly, slowly standing. "It's getting late. I think I should go to bed." She touched my chest, raising upon her toes and kissed my cheek. "Thanks again for the tree." "No problem, Katie." I smiled and watched her walk back into the hall where she disappeared. "I'd do anything for you..." I sighed, sinking back into the couch she had just vacated. ****** It was Christmas Eve and I was meeting my family for supper at a very posh restaurant in town, it had been all I could do to convince Katie to come along. She had agreed to meet us out in front of the restaurant at 6:00 p.m. As her arrival time approached, my father stood outside and waited with me for her taxi to approach, I knew he had something he wanted to discuss. He stood silently at my shoulder, then cleared his throat. "When you going to quit living with the girl and ask her to marry you?" I glanced his way quickly, trying all I could do to keep from laughing. "Gee Pop, that was subtle." My father chuckled. "You two think you're so sly, everyone knows you care for each other." I stood staring at him, my breath leaving in short bursts of vaporous fog. "What if I did?" I asked. "I'd say great!" he smiled. "But have you?" I looked at the cement beneath my feet. "You haven't, have you?" he added with a sad sigh. I shook my head sadly. "I'm afraid of scaring her away." My father patted my back sympathetically. "She's been through a lot in the past few years, her emotions are quite fragile." I could still feel his hand resting against my shoulder as I finished. From the corner of my eye dad was digging into his pocket. "I have something for you, it was your grandmothers." He pulled out a tiny black velvet box, opening it slowly to reveal a sparkling diamond ring inside. "Grandma wanted you to have it." He smiled and nodded in the direction Katie's taxi was supposed to come from, then added. "If you think she loves you as much as WE think she loves you, give it to her... ask Katie." He forced the box into my hand. "If she's anything near the woman we think she is, she'll accept." I smiled, thinking about what he had just said... if he only knew. "Maybe, but..." As I started to finish, her taxi pulled to the curb. I pushed the case deep into my pocket as Dad quickly retreated inside. The cab rolled to a stop and I slowly opened the door. "Glad you could make it, Katie!" She swung her legs out and I felt my heart skip, the dress she was wearing was long and had a slit up the side. As she started to stand, her dress parted, showing her leg all the way up her thigh. She was wearing a heavy wrap that was over both shoulders. Her long hair was down and gently curling around her beautiful face. I helped her to her feet. "God Katie, you look great!" She smiled. "I figured that I should dress for the occasion, especially since every time I've met with your folks, I've been wearing jeans." "That's okay, I like seeing you in jeans." I stepped back and helped her out. "But this... this dress, could get you just about anything you ever wanted." She laughed, sending a tingle through my body. "We should be getting inside, I think they'll wonder what has happened to us." I extended my elbow and led her into the lobby of the restaurant, a host directed us toward the table where my parents had been seated. My father stood, smiling appreciatively as we approached. "Katie, you're looking lovely tonight?" "Thank you," she replied softly as I held her seat for her. My mother patted Katie's hand as she was seated. We enjoyed casual conversation while we waited, my parents telling us what a handsome couple we made. By the time the supper ended, Katie had grown strangely quiet. I leaned over to her ear. "Are you okay?" She nodded, but I could see that something was troubling her. Again I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Do you want to go?" She glanced quickly in my direction, then nodded. I patted her leg and looked at my parents. "Mom, Dad, I think we'll call it a night. Katie isn't feeling too well and I've had a pretty long day. I think I need to get some sleep." I reached for my wallet and Mom stayed my hand. "Dear, it's our treat." I smiled and hugged my Mother, kissing her cheek as we parted. I took Katie's hand and helped her up, we said our good-byes and headed back outside toward the curb where we could get a cab. As we stood in the cold evening, we began to slowly walk back toward our apartment, figuring that we could catch a cab on the way. I placed my hand around Katie and pulled her close. "What was wrong in there?" I asked. She kept her eyes focused on the snow covered sidewalk. "Your parents are so wonderful, they want you to get married," she spoke softly. "I think I'm holding you back from finding that special girl." I smiled. "Was that what was troubling you?" I paused at the corner of the street and turned her to face me. "They DO want me to get married, but it's YOU that they want me to marry!" She stood at the curb. Snow softly began to fall around her beautiful face. I smiled, waiting for her to comment. From far off a steady clop, clop of a horse broke into our quiet scene. I glanced up and saw the white carriage slowly rolling along. I held my hand up and he quietly made his way to the curb where we stood. "Come on, let's go for a Christmas ride." I helped the stunned girl into the carriage. "Take us to wherever there's Christmas lights." We sat under a big blanket as our horse clopped steadily, the driver in his tall top hat was guiding our horse along slowly. Katie sat watching me as we rolled elegantly toward the downtown lights. By the time we were passing the square, I had decided to offer her Grandma's ring. Reaching into my pocket, I drug out the box. With wary eyes she watched me struggle, as she saw the velvet lined box her eyes darted quickly to mine. I slowly opened it for her, she gasped at the glistening white diamond it contained. "Katie, will you marry me?" I asked softly, as I picked the ring out from the box and held it out for her. From my vantage, I watched a tear strike at the black of her cloak. She was trembling as she pulled her left hand from under the cloak. I gently pushed it onto her ring finger. "I don't care what you once were. That time was long, long ago. Please, Katie... say yes!" Katie threw her arms around me, the distance closed quickly. Her face was buried in my neck, her tears were falling happily on my own jacket. I smothered her with kisses as the coach rolled along under the plethora of twinkling white Christmas lights. She held me tightly, kissing my neck. The driver glanced over his shoulder and gave me a wink, nodding his approval. As he did, the carriage horses gaily clopped through the great expanse of Christmas lighting, under the towering tree that spanned the street. All the while, she lay her head against my chest, her gloved fingers entwined under the heavy blanket with my own. Seemingly all too soon our ride was over. I discretely handed the driver a fifty, while Katie stood next to the sleek horses. One tossed his head and she laughed, running her hand along its thick neck. Arm in arm we watched as the carriage disappeared inside the park, carrying another happy couple. Katie hugged my arm and gently laid her head upon my shoulder. I squeezed her hand. "Let's go home." ****** We cuddled upon the sofa, shrouded in the gentle lighting of our tree. My finger tracing patterns on her shoulder, as she admired our beautiful Christmas tree. I watched her long eyelashes move slightly, her eyes darting down toward the hand upon my chest. I smiled as she watched the way each facet of her diamond sparkled back the trees lights. "The ring once belonged to my grandmother," I said smiling. She looked up. "If you'd prefer a different one, we'll go pick it out tomorrow." Her eyes sparkled. "Knowing that it belonged to someone you loved, makes it that much more special." Using her thumb Katie caused the ring to move slightly and sparkle brilliantly. She grew quiet, so quiet that I thought she had fallen asleep. "Hey, a penny for your thoughts?" I said, stroking the side of her slim neck. She sighed, raising up from our comfortable position. "Are you sure that marrying me is what you want? I won't be able to give you a child." I smiled and pulled her back down. "We could adopt. There are always little children that want a mommy and daddy that loves them." I leaned forward, kissing the top of her head. "You'd make a wonderful mother!" I felt her hug my chest tightly, she looked up and met my lips with her own. Epilogue: I stood on the sun drenched sidewalk. Katie was staring down the long length at the trees. I could tell she was thinking, perhaps remembering the day long, long ago. I snaked my fingers into her hand. She quickly looked up and smiled at me. "What you thinking about?" She smiled and squeezed my hand. "Just remembering." She pulled me close and held me around my waist. I gently drew her closer to me. "Wouldn't be of a carriage ride in the snow, would it?" She looked up, my comment made her beautiful eyes sparkle. She drew me along as she began walking. "Have you ever regretted it?" Katie asked. I replied flatly, stopping and turning her to face me. "Never." The warm breeze blew cherry blossoms across the walkway, they floated around us much like that December snow on the day I proposed. "God, you're beautiful!" I sighed, kissing her upturned mouth. "Oh gross, can't you two get a room?" I looked up. Our teenage daughter, Amber, was standing beside us smiling. Katie glanced up quickly and smiled. "You should be so lucky!" Amber rolled her eyes in mock sarcasm, then began to point out the boy that had asked her out. Almost as if on queue, he looked up from his basketball game and gave her a wave. Katie watched Amber's smile widen, then smiled herself. "He's quite handsome," her mother observed. Amber continued to watch him play. He was trying to impress her with his abilities, being so blatantly obvious that it made me chuckle softly. I reached back and tugged on Amber's sweatshirt, pulling her along with us. Katie held my hand and smiled. "I think our little girl's growing up." "She reminds me of another beautiful young lady I met, long, long ago," I replied, walking among the sweet smelling Cherry trees. "An old girlfriend?" Amber asked aloud. "Your mother," I said smiling. "Come on, let's head home." I placed my arms around the two most beautiful women I knew, and together we walked through a swirling pink snowstorm of Cherry Blossoms. "Life IS good," I sighed. The End - Merry Christmas!

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Bum Beating During Bus Ride

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Bus se bed tak

Hi doston, mera naam nick hai. Mera age 26 year hai. Me ek private compony me marketing executive ka kaam karta hun. Waise to jyadatar tour company ke car se hota hai per kavi kavi bus ya train me v jana padta hai. Aur ye kahani aisi hi ek bus ki safar ka hai. Ye kissa us din ka hai jab mujhe office ke kaam se bharatpur jana tha aur wo v bus se. Bus se jana pad raha hai bolke bahut gussa aa raha tha. Per jana to tha hi. Kaam bas ek din ka tha isliye saman kuch jyada nahi tha aur me bus stand...

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wife becomes a slut in bus

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Wife become a dirty slut in a bus ride

Hi readers, i am back with a true story and believe me its one of the rarest and actual incident happened in a delhi blue line bus. The guy who had sent this incident to me had read my earlier incidents in delhi buses and wanted to share his piece of experience happened before his eyes to his wife in a crowded delhi bus ride.He is happy that this incident changed his sex life and made her wife a sexy slut who was very conservative before this incident.It was a wedding in our house and I had...

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mother and me in bus

Not wasting much time m writing my story. As u know about me in my last story my sexy mom falling for a tailor manohar in my presence.(my mom’s tailor) and in the process turning on her young son. after that we didn’t find much time alone at home. and finally we got a chance to go to our native towards the end of my vacations Its my cool cool journey to my native. .and dad has booked tickets for three of us in a sleeper coach bus our bus was at 11pm. . and i already i requested mom to wear the...

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Office Quickies The Bus Ride In

Every day I saw those deep hazel eyes turn their gaze on me. Eyes that seemed to see beneath the layers of clothing that I wore down to my lace thong and my size DD demi-cup bra. Last Friday, my gaze snapped away from those beautiful eyes as the bus took off and I found myself grabbing on to the bar above me to keep from falling. Just three weeks ago my company started an incentive program which paid for half of our monthly public transportation. I was a little nervous at first. Being crammed...

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Bangalore Bus Journey Made Me Happy

Hi ISS Readers, Kaviraaj here with a new narration. As I got good feedback and encouragement from readers am glad to post this narration. Many of the readers sent me appreciation mails and asked me to post such experiences. My intentiion of narration is to make women readers wet. I felt wetness by reading some nice stories. I request you to read tge story at a stretch as you will enjoy it more.. One more thing I want to convey to all women readers is please, while reading imagine yourself in...

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Bus Ride after humiliation at the Mall

That year I was visiting my aunt in Canada. She was living in a high rise condominium located near the main intersection of Dundas Street and Dixie in Mississauga; the part of the Greater Toronto area. There I met Soumi a very good girl. We soon became closest friends. My aunt was working in the IT industry and she was out at work all day; sometimes she was out of town even on weekends. I was on my own all day and had all-time access to the internet. That is when I chatted with many people...

3 years ago
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Another Sexy Bus Ride

My car was in for its first service which was the main reason for taking the bus once again apart from the fact I was hoping for more fun on the back seat. Having experienced the Thursday night bus ride I decided I wanted to do it again so I went into town pretty late to see what would happen on the return journey. It was about 8.30 when I arrived in town so I decided to look round the places I knew that men would be hunting for other men. The first place I went was to the alley that led to the...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Peggy is stripped naked on the bus

Once again my husband went on one of his extended business trips and left me at home alone to fend for myself. I was feeling a little lonely until I began to reminisce about the time I accidentally flashed the mailman. It made me feel really good knowing someone appreciated seeing me naked. I wanted to experience that wonderful feeling of exhibitionism again, but my shyness prevented me from acting on it.It was almost noon and there wasn't any food in the house, so I figured it was time to make...

1 year ago
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Bus Crash

Dakota Hastings boarded the bus and sat near the back. She hated riding the bus, but it was the only form of long-distance transportation she could afford to get back her parents’ house. She knew she would be given the ‘I told you so’ lecture from her parents, but it didn’t matter. They said she could come back and that was all that cared about her now. Dakota called her parents with a heavy heart and told them the whole story. They told her she was welcome home anytime, but they weren’t able...

1 year ago
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The Magic Bus

Warning this story contains vivid sexual content. I have tried to make this all as authentic as possible. Enjoy! The "Magic Bus" BY DEMONN James, Borel and Mckay were all good friends. They had been friends for many years and each had contributed much to one another. Mckay, being the far more confident of the three, had often 'taught' the others how to deal with things in general. Naturally, being the more confident of the three, he lost his virginity first at the young age...

2 years ago
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The Beach Bus

The Beach Bus by Lothario Cassanova I was a bit dingy from the sun as I climbed up the steps of the bus and worked my way to the back. The bus that would return me to the city was crowded with beach goers and there were no seats left so I stood in the aisle in the swaying mass of bodies, smelling the scent of seawater and coconut oil as the bus lurched off down the rough dirt track that was the beach road. After several more stops, the already crowded bus was becoming more like a college...

1 year ago
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The Beach Bus

The Beach Bus by Lothario Cassanova I was a bit dingy from the sun as I climbed up the steps of the bus and worked my way to the back. The bus that would return me to the city was crowded with beach goers and there were no seats left so I stood in the aisle in the swaying mass of bodies, smelling the scent of seawater and coconut oil as the bus lurched off down the rough dirt track that was the beach road. After several more stops, the already crowded bus was becoming more like a college...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Banging The Bus Driver

Pamela had been riding the school bus from her home, about fifteen miles outside of Sweetwater, Tennessee for several years. She had lived in the area since she was born and while it was great as a young child - she was a bit of a tomboy back then and could keep up with any other kid, boy or girl - now that she was getting older, she was finding the small town life a bit of a bore.Although she only lived about twenty-five minutes from the school, by the time the route had taken her home, with...

2 years ago
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Bus Ride with sister

How could I refuse?My sister had two expensive tickets for a private bus tour through Southern California. It was the romantic kind of tour where couples would be taken from destination to destination on a large bus. And suddenly I was being pressured to go with her.Let me explain: Our family has always been adventurous. Meaning, we traveled a lot, especially when Christine and I were young. Christine's then-boyfriend was well aware of that fact, and he surprised her with tickets for a 3-day...

3 years ago
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Bus Lo Teacher Tho Sarasam

Hi all, naa peru rajesh from vizag. Nenu ee blog ni chala rojula nunchi follow avthunna, ikkada chala mandi vallaki jarigina anubhavalu gurinchi chepparu naaku baaga nachayi. Naa life lo kuda chala real experiences unnayi avi meetho share cheysukovalani ee story rasthunna. Ippudu nenu cheppeydi real ganey naa life lo jarigindi. Adi kuda oka school teacher tho, starting interaction yekkuva untadi so kastha opika ga chadavandi, hope u will love it, first time naa real experience chepthunna so ee...

4 years ago
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Bus Me Anjaan Unknown Girl Ke Sath

Hello Friends, Main hu atul mehra..Meri age 20 hai..Aur main yamunanagar ka rehne wala hu…Mainiss ka regular reader hu pichle 2 saal se…Ye meri pehli story hai jise mai apke sath share kr rha hu…Agar apko meri story pasand aaye to plz feedback jrur dena taaki mai apne aur experience apkesath share kr saku..Meri e-mail id hai () Baat un dino ki hai jb mai 20 saal ka tha….Main kisi vajah se delhi gya hua tha….Mera pura din delhi mai apna kaamkhatam krne main lag gya….Is wajah se mai apne frnds se...

3 years ago
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An Interesting Bus Ride

I had a few errands to run which involved a 40 minute bus ride and although it was a pleasant ride going it was probably the wrong timing on the way back as mid-afternoon is always busy with schools kicking out although if I can put up with the cramped conditions and teenage noise it can be full of opportunities which today certainly proved.I must have been one of a hundred waiting for the bus and dressed in a pair of shorts and a tee shirt I got a few peculiar looks which was something I was...

2 years ago
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The Last Bus

Shae rushed to the corner hoping to catch the last bus of the night. It was almost 1am and she knew if she missed the bus it would be several hours before the next one would be by. Just as she got there it was pulling up and she sighed with exhausted relief. Working at a bar to pay her way through school and raising 4 kids was over-whelming at times but Shae knew it would pay off soon and with just 3 semesters left she could feel good about herself for the things she had been through to get...

3 years ago
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The Last Bus

Shae rushed to the corner hoping to catch the last bus of the night. It was almost 1am and she knew if she missed the bus it would be several hours before the next one would be by. Just as she got there it was pulling up and she sighed with exhausted relief. Working at a bar to pay her way through school and raising 4 kids was over-whelming at times but Shae knew it would pay off soon and with just 3 semesters left she could feel good about herself for the things she had been through to get...

2 years ago
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The Bus Ride Home

PART 1 Molly loved her job at the Lae firm. The people were very nice, and she was trying to work her up the ‘corporate ladder’. She was just an intern, but graduated near the top of her class nearly three years ago. She was looking forward to passing the board and on to attaining her license to practice law. But getting further ahead within the firm she loved so much was not going as well as she had planned. It seemed every time there was an opportunity to advance, she was passed up. And...

4 years ago
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The Magic Bus

I got lucky. Tricky Dick shut the war down before I had to cross the pond, and I finished my time out in California. I finally got out, not a moment too soon, and hung around a while, looking for work. Looking for something to do that I enjoyed, but didn’t have much luck. The weather was great, at least. I really liked California, but I finally decided it was time to go back home. It was spring and I was ready to be back in the mountains. I closed my room out, counted my cash, and bought a...

2 years ago
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Orgy on the bus

It was a nice sunny day and the school bus schedule was almost complete. As usual, the four boys were the last to get off and they were fooling around in the rear of the 48-passenger bus. Today the tomfoolery was louder and rougher than normal and as hard as Lori tried, it was too much to ignore. Pulling the bus over into an approach along the road, she proceeded to the back where the boys were roughhousing. “That’s enough,” she screamed at them and grabbed Tom’s arm to...

2 years ago
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Just a bus rideHonest

"Errr I said..." I started, "That you were going to do the washing up for a week...I thought so..." Ended my farther. 5 minutes of strange silence later I was out the door, bag on my back, soggy toast half-in-half-out my mouth and shoe laces dancing behind my heels. After quickly finishing off the "toast" I started to walk down my street towards the bus stop. My "street" is not really what you would think it is, its more of a country lane with only our house and hedgerow for scenery....

2 years ago
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Jennas Story Part 4 The bus ride home

Introduction: Jenna finds herself in Kansas City and has to make a choice about how to get home. I assure you that this is a work of fiction, pure pornographic fantasy. None of it is true, all characters and events are purely the product of an overactive, and somewhat warped, imagination. Please dont brag to me about how you raped your niece, or felt up your daughter. I dont want to hear it, it neither turns me on, nor in anyway make me feel your are anyone special. ———————————————————– I look...

1 year ago
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wife fucked in bus

My wife Nirmala and myself, are a married couple, living in Mumbai, with our three small c***dren. We are in our early thirties. Nirmala is a very pretty woman, though quite short ( she is only 4' 8 " ). But she has beautiful facial features, lovely breasts and amazingly shapely buttocks. In-fact, very few people can make out, that she is the mother of three c***dren. My wife is an introvert by nature - very shy and bashful. My wife loves me a lot. We have a good married life and she is very...

4 years ago
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Bus stop for Nancy

Nancy walked quickly to the parking garage, her last meeting finally over. It was very late, after 10 pm and she was the last one leaving. Nancy enjoyed her new position; she was 48 years old and finally made it to the top of the company. The new position meant more money and Nancy was able to afford some things she always wanted.As she approached her car, Nancy caught a glimpse of herself in the window of another car. One of the things she was now able to afford was a trip to the gym. Nancy...

2 years ago
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Travelling on the bus

I enjoyed travelling on the commuter bus, which ran from the city centre to the University. In the morning it was always crowded, mainly with students. I came to know many of them by sight and they generally seemed to have regular habits making it easy to arrange to intercept them. The bus was a large single-decker with a number of seats at the front but at the rear of the bus there was a large open area without seats for standing passengers to maximize carrying capacity. The exit doors for...

3 years ago
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A Hot Fuck With Two Drivers In The Bus

Hi readers, I am Rincy, a happily married, working woman in Bangalore. I am 27, got married in 2016 to a kinky hubby who played a major role in fulfilling my dark fantasies. I love watching hot porn movies and reading erotic blogs and I read many such blogs from various websites. It was my hubby who introduced me to the world of porn and sex blogs and later I got addicted to it. He keep telling me stories of threesomes, wife swaps, gang bangs, etc. Initially, I just ignored thinking that those...

2 years ago
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Bus Ride to Hell

Tom waited with the bus as usual. The parking lot had cleared and was nearly empty now. He knew it was a matter of time until the girls' soccer team showed up and he would begin the drive back to Filler University. Tom had driven for Filler for 30 of his 55 years of life. He'd driven home triumphant sports teams and heartbroken teams. He'd seen a lot in all his years including a lot of changes in the athletes. He understood that athletes could be rowdy after a game especially after the high...

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