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A little tale from a while back that never got posted for various reasons. Grogg By Ellie Dauber (c) 2002 You see that young couple wrestling out on my front porch? The boy with the octopus hands is Greg Reiner. They call him "Grogg" out on the football field. He's an offensive lineman - emphasis on "offensive" - the best Cedar Brook High has had in years. He's only a junior, and already the college scouts are sniffing around him. That innocent, young girl he's molesting is my daughter, Annie. Smart as a whip, my Annie, and pretty as - well, as pretty as her mother, which is saying a lot, believe me. My Lisa is as pretty as the day we got married. Annie could have any boy she wanted. Just my luck, she wants Grogg. I always thought that she had better taste. By now, you're probably wondering why I'm in here talking to you, while they're out there trading spit. It's a good question. Normally, I'd have broken things up minutes ago. Tonight, I'm being - damn it, boy, get your hands off my daughter's ass. That's it. I wanted to be a nice guy, give them one last chance to be together, but _that_ is the limit. I'm flicking on the porch light. That's Annie's one-minute warning. She has that long to say goodnight, or I come out after her. Okay, here she comes. I just wish she didn't have to be tucking her blouse back in. Well, by this time tomorrow, she'll be in Dayton, and I'll have broken up her little romance - _personally_. Now, if I can just get her to start dating within her own species. *** Hello, Annie, did you have a good time? Good, I'm glad because I'm... uhh... afraid that I have some bad news for you. Your Uncle Max and Aunt Sylvia were in a car accident. Hey, hey, no, they're still alive. They're going to have to be in the hospital for a while, though, maybe a week or two. Cousin Rose was watching Nancy, Alan, and Joe, but she can hardly manage them for that long. You and your Mom are booked on the late flight out to Dayton. It leaves in about... let me see... in about two hours. Your Mom is packed; she's out in the kitchen fixing up some food for me to eat while you two are gone. She thought that you'd want to pack for yourself. You better get going. I want to leave for the airport in about twenty minutes. Hey, I'm sorry to rush you. You were out who knows where. We just knew that you said were going to be back in time. Would you rather that your Mom or I had packed for you? I thought not. Now get going. *** I've had the means for breaking up Annie and Grogg for a couple of weeks now. I just didn't know exactly how to use it till now. Don't get me wrong; I'm sorry that Max and Sylvia got hurt. Really I am. Hey, Sylvia is Lisa's kid sister, and Max is a really good guy. I wouldn't hurt either of them for the world. Still, I'd be crazy not to take advantage of a situation that just dropped into my lap like this. As soon as Lisa got the call and agreed to go watch their kids, I saw my chance. Three kids and that big house of theirs is a lot. Lisa jumped at the idea of taking Annie along to help. *** Their plane just left. I'm supposed to call the school tomorrow to explain about Annie going out of town and get her homework and such sent out to her. The thing is, though; I won't _have_ to call. I'll be there in Annie's place. You see this thing? I know how dumb it looks with the silly little cherub on the one side. Trust me, it's a lot more powerful than it looks. I'm a freelance writer, mostly non-fiction, and I'm pretty good at it, if I do say so myself. Maybe you read my last book, _Stolen Kidneys and Other Urban Legends_? It was on the _Times_ Best Sellers' List for about a month last year. That's how I found out about this thing, research for that book. It's called the Medallion of Zulo. The stories say it's maybe a thousand years old, maybe even more. It came here from Africa - nobody knows how - and, believe it or not, it's magic. Yeah, you can use it to change your shape, even swap bodies with somebody else. No, honest, it works, I swear. I found it in a flea market one Saturday and brought it home to test. Lisa's a packrat about clothes. I dug an old sweater that she didn't like out of a box in the attic. She put it about there about five years ago with some other stuff. About two years ago last May, I got a bad cut on my leg when the glass panel in a storm door I was taking down broke. I needed six - no, seven - stitches, and they left a nice scar. Well, I put on the Medallion and took hold of that sweater - that's how it works - and the scar goes away. I was as young as I'd been the last time I wore the sweater, younger than I'd been when I got the stitches. I tried it on Lisa, too. She didn't know that the reason she felt so good when she woke up that morning was because she was seven years younger. Then we both felt _real_ good. You see, I used it on myself again, this time with... well, with an "Extra Large" condom. *** This is the big test. It's about 6 AM, and here I am buck naked in Annie's room. I can't even begin to say how weird _that_ is. I've got the Medallion around my neck, and I'm picking up a blouse from Annie's dirty clothes basket. I can feel a tingling as I tie the blouse around my wrist. That means the magic is beginning to work. The legends say that the longer you hold the piece of clothes that are doing the transformation the more - I don't know - the more "background" information you pick up. Tying it to me should give the knowledge to walk and talk and act like her. It should help me recognize all her little friends, too. The last thing I want is for anyone to get suspicious. I don't really want to watch my body turn into hers, so I'm just going to lie down on her bed here till it's over. *** This is, like, _soo_ cool. I look just like me... her. It felt weird, ya know, climbing out of bed and walking over to her mirror. I'm so much shorter now. My feet barely touched the floor when I sat up at the edge of my bed. Walking's different, too, way different. I don't have my... _thingie_ hanging down between my legs anymore. My hips are wider, and they sway when I walk. I've got boobies, now, too. I could see them jiggle as I walked towards the mirror. It looked kind of, well, kind of sexy. Eeew! I'm not getting turned on by my own daugh... my own body. That would just be _soo_ gross. *** Okay, I'm dressed now. Those old legends were, like, _soo_ true. I knew how to do _everything_. I got my bra on like it was something I did every day. I need one. Annie's boobies may not be as big as _some_ girls, but I think they look pretty good, nice shape, no sag, and big nipples, just like Mom's. I could put on my make-up okay, too. Daddy... I think she wears too much, but puh... lease, she _is_ 16, and she can't get by with just some kiddy "Baby Love Blusher" like she was still in grade school. I didn't wear a skirt - even if it does show off my legs. It was just too... too female for now. I did put one these cute jeans and a blouse. The jeans're so tight that I almost had to lie down to get them on. And they show off my figure pretty good, too. I think the Medallion did something to my appetite, too. I usually have toast and - eeew - black coffee. This morning, I just felt like some fruit yogurt and a glass of milk. It was so good, I'm gonna have to, like, try it when I change back to myself. Right now, I'm waiting for the bus down at the corner. This book bag is _soo_ heavy. I'm nowhere as strong as I was. Parents don't realize how homework some teachers pile on us. *** Made it to school okay. I remembered the names of the kids at the corner and the ones on the bus. I know where my locker is, too. Good thing, they just give us five minutes from when the bus gets to school to when we have to be in homeroom. It is just _soo_ unfair. No sign of Grogg at school, either. He's a year ahead of me, with a whole different bunch of classes. We can only get together for lunch, so that's when I'm gonna dump him; just thinking about it should get me through a morning of bo-oring classes. *** Man, I thought this morning would, like, never end. That last one was the worst. I'm a writer, and I love words, but "Old Man" Mitchell, he just killed it for me, ya know. Anyway, there's Grogg. He's smiling; he looks so happy to see me. Too bad he doesn't know what's going down. I'll do it here - break up with him public, right here in the cafeteria. I can make a real big scene and, like, really embarrass him. First, we have to get _in_ to the cafeteria. That crowd is, like, _the_ worst, and the line for the food stretches on for just miles. This is _soo_ cool. Grogg took my hand - his hand is, like, five times as big as mine - and just led me through the crowd. People ran around like... like animals to get out of his - out of _our_ way. He walked straight to the head of the line. Sam Jenkins just let Grogg get in front of him. Then Grogg let _me_ get in front of _him_. It was like we were royalty or something, ya know. And when Grogg smiled at me and handed me a tray, I - I don't know - I felt kind of warm all over. Maybe... maybe I misjudged him, ya know. Maybe I should be, like, fair, and get to know him a little better before I, like, do anything. Besides, he did pay for my lunch. It would be, like, so rude to start a fight after he did something like that." *** The afternoon classes were a little bit better than the morning ones; a couple actually weren't, like, too bad at all. We're studying the Italian Renaissance in History. Ms. Fenton made it almost like an art history class with the slide show she had. Melanie Brooks did kind of giggle when Ms. Fenton got to the picture of Michelangelo's "David." So did a few of the other girls. They are _such_ airheads; I mean, like, it wasn't anything they all had seen before. Grogg was waiting for me at the bus pick-up. We couldn't talk for very long. I had to catch the bus home, and he had to get back to football practice. He is _such_ a hunk in his uniform. Anyway, he asked if he could come over later, like after dinner, so we could, like, study together - maybe go out for a coke or something after. I was going to say "No" - honest, I was - but I _did_ decide that I wanted to get to know him a little, to see if maybe I had, like, _misjudged_ him. Besides, he looked so sweet, and he had such a lost puppydog look that I just didn't have, like, the heart to. I said he could over about 7, and my Daddy would - oh, my gosh, how am I gonna explain that my folks - that Lisa and I aren't there? *** Grogg showed up right on time. Eager, I like that in a boy; it says that he, ya know, respects me. Anyways, I told him that he'd just, like, missed my folks. My Mom was visiting some friends, and Daddy was at a meeting with agent or somebody. He got this funny look in his eyes, ya know, but it, like, went away in a few seconds. We went into the dining room so we could use the big table to study. Grogg asked about studying upstairs in my bedroom. My bedroom! There is, like, no way, I'm taking him up there. I told him that and pretended to be mad. He just shrugged like it was no big deal or nothing. Maybe he was just joking. Yeah, sure, that's all it was. Grogg's bookbag was bigger than mine and full of all kinds of stuff - his playbook and like that - but he carried it under his arm like it didn't weigh anything. He is _soo_ strong. I bet he could just pick me up and carry me... ooh, I got this warm, kind of tingly feeling all of a sudden, like I was swimming in ginger ale or something, ya know. The legends of the Medallion say that it won't work again for 12 hours. Maybe that tingling was how you know the time is up or something. I don't remember ever reading about the Medallion doing that, but, sure, that must be what it was. Like I'd want to change back with Grogg here in the house with me. I stuck my books and stuff there on the long side of the table, right where Annie sits for supper and like that. I figured Grog would sit across from me, but, no, he sits down sort of next to me. We're, like, far enough apart so we don't get in each other's way, but we're close enough, ya know, that I can reach over and, like... touch him --like I did just now - if I want to. *** I did my math first. Tomorrow's Friday, and Ms. Hecht always gives us a quiz. I _think_ I get what the book says; math wasn't my best subject when I went to school the first time either, ya know. I'll have to try 'cause I don't want to, like, ruin Annie's average. We're reading _Pride and Prejudice_ in Lit class. Grogg asked if I was gonna read some of it now. I said that I'm reading it in bed, a chapter a night. He raised on eyebrow - Mr. Spock, he isn't - and asked if I, like, needed someone there to turn the pages. He is _soo_ silly. I started to get that "ginger ale" tingle again - I wonder why the Medallion's magic is, like, doing that - especially in by breasts and... down there. It made me feel kind of giddy. I sort of, like, chuckled, ya know, and slapped Grogg real light, like, on his wrist for what he said. *** Grogg, it's 10:30. Your curfew... yeah, I think it sucks, too, but I don't want you to, like, get in trouble. Besides, it's only for the football season, and that, like, ends at Thanksgiving. The playoffs? Oh, yeah, I'm, like, sure we'll get in with you playing. *** I remember my old football couch had, like, the same curfew when I was in high school, and how much I hated it then. He checked, too, Coach Stepanic did. Grogg stuffs his books and everything back in his bag and just throws it over his shoulder. That's _soo_ sweet; he took my arm and, like, walked me to the door. *** "What? No, Grogg, we never like, said goodnight on this side of the door. We..." *** He takes me in his arms and pulls me close - real close. My boobies are mashed up against his chest. I don't care; it feels _soo_ good. It's, like, that "ginger ale" feeling from before, only, like, stronger. He's... he's kissing me! I feel warm now, too - all over, but most of all in my boobies and down... down in my groin. This is _soo_ cool. My arms just went and wrapped around his neck. I didn't think of it or nothing. I don't _want_ to think of anything - not really. I just want this kiss to go on and... ooh! He's got his hands on... on my butt. Ooh, yeah, that feels even better. I hear myself, like, moan. I move in close to him. Now, I can feel... something poking my thigh. I move - just a little - rubbing against it. I - Wait a minute, I was, like, right. He's, like, all over me. Now I've got a reason to - What! *** Aww, don't stop, Grogg. Your curfew! I don't, like, care about your curfew. You do? More than you care about me? Oh... oh, I see. Yeah, I guess we _both_ got carried away, kind of. No... no, it really isn't right. I'll... I'll see you at lunch tomorrow. G'night. *** Damn! The kid's got character. He even kissed me goodnight on the forehead. The forehead! Maybe I won't, like, break up with him. Not when he does something like that, especially when he - mmmm - when I feel so good all over. We'll, like, see at lunch tomorrow. That'd be my last chance before the game on Saturday. Coach won't let his players go out the night before a game. He says it takes their edge off. I have to, like, chuckle at that. Anyway, he said that we'd, like, go out after the game to celebrate. He is just _soo_ sure we're gonna win. I suppose I could use the Medallion to change back for the night and, ya know, change again in the morning. No... it's too late for that. It's almost 11 now, and I have to be in school at 8:30. Besides, I just feel _soo_ nice, so warm and tingly, that I don't want to change. Yawn! I do feel sleepy, though. I wonder if Annie, like, took that new blue nightie with her. *** I decided in school today not to, like, change back and forth. It'll be easier to just stay my... Annie till I break up with Grogg. _If_ I break up with him. He's been _soo_ nice and _soo_ sweet that I'm having doubts. Maybe he is, like, good enough for my Annie. He's gotta, ya know, stay home tonight, rest up for the game. That means I get stuck here by myself watching TV. I scarfed down a salad with some diced chicken for supper. Lisa left a meatloaf and some potatoes, but... eww... all that red meat, and the _calories_. For. Get. It. Like I said, I'm stuck watching TV. Normally, on Fridays, I watch the Washington gang and Wall Street Week, but they are just so... bo-ring. Maybe PROVIDENCE with that hunk of a boyfriend for the lady doc, or SABRINA; those girls wear the coolest clothes. *** We won! We won! We won! We won! We beat Lakeview 28-6. That puts us, like, 7-0 for the season. We've already got the District title for sure, and it's still, ya know, October. Grogg did it. Oh, sure, somebody else _carries_ the ball, but he wouldn't be able to score if Grogg wasn't there to keep the tackles off him, you know. I almost yelled myself hoarse cheering. Grogg heard, too; I know he did. There was this one play, ya know. There must've been five men on Rick Vargas. Grogg came out of nowhere. He took out two of them, then kept up with Rick, like, all the way to the goal. I let out a "Whoop!" that, like, everybody in the stadium must've heard. Grogg turned and looked right at me. He waved... at... me right there in front of, like, everybody, he _waved_ at me. I was over in the 'chick seats'. They're, like, the seats closest to the team benches. Nobody ever says so, ya know, but they're sorta reserved for the players' girlfriends. I was supposed to be Annie, after all, so there I, like, was with all the other girls. We jumped up and down and yelled and screamed for our guys on the team. After the game, I was thinking - just a little bit - about breaking up with Grogg tonight. He and I have a date, ya know. If he, like, did bad in the game, I could've, like, picked a fight with him - maybe even in public - and stormed off. Only, I can't do it now, even if I wanted to - wanted to? He's the hero of the game, well, _one_ of the heroes. I'd be like, a traitor to the school, if I broke up with him now. That's, like, the bad news. The _good_ news is I have a date with one of the guys who won the game for us. I am, like, _soo_, proud! *** Thanks, Grogg. I hoped you'd like this dress. Yes, it is new. It is, like, _soo_ great that you noticed. *** Like, Earth to Grogg, I have a face, too, ya know. Try looking up at it instead of at my boobies when you talk to me. I don't know why Annie bought this dumb dress - or what, like, possessed me to wear it. If it was cut any lower, he could, like, see my nipples, and - ooh - here comes that tingly feeling again. I've got to admit, though, I really liked the look on his face when he, like, first saw me. I - it made him _soo_ happy. *** They, like, spiked this punch. Didn't do it too well, though; I can, like, taste the alcohol. No big deal, though, ya know; I mean, I started drinking when I was a boy younger than I am... than Annie is. *** I'm, like, sorry I made you bring me home so early, Grogg, but I feel _soo_ dizzy, ya know. Now where... where's that key - oh, here it is. Okay, I got the door. I'll, like, see you - a goodnight kiss? Sure, I'm never too... I... ooh, Grogg! *** I guess the alcohol hit me, like, all at once when Grogg kissed me. I got real tingly and felt, ya know, weak in the knees. Good thing Grogg was holding me so tight. He picked me up in his arms and, like, carried me inside. I put my arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest. I felt so safe and so happy and just, like, warm all over. It felt so good, I was just chuckling away like crazy. I hated it when he put me down on the couch - until he, like, sat down next to me and started kissing me again. Now he's... he's reached behind me, and he's, like, unbuttoning my dress... Oh! There went the bra strap. He's... my breast... mmmm. Should I stop... he... he did win the game for us, and he's been - ooh! - like, _soo_ sweet. And it feels _soo_ good. *** Hey! Who turned on - Mom... Lisa, what are you, like, doing here? Why aren't you in - who... who do you think I am? I'm... uhh... that's, like, a little complicated. *** Whew, thanks for sending Grogg into the kitchen. I don't, like, want him to hear this. Hon, I'm - yeah, I said "Hon." I know I don't, like, look it, but I'm... Jack. Yeah, Jack, you know, your husband. No shit, I can, like, prove it. Your birthday? May 12; you were born in... ahh, what's the next question? Okay, we met when I tried to pick you up while we were in line to see... RETURN OF THE JEDI. We... uhh... can I, like, put something on? It is _soo_ cold in here. Thanks, that's better. We... ummm... made it for the first time in the back of my old van. We went out to the lake to watch fireworks, and we, like, decided to make some of our own fireworks, ya know. *** Wouldn't you know it'd be, like, my fault. I never called her the whole time she was away. Lisa left Annie with Rose and flew back 'cause she was, like, worried something had happened. Come to think of it, something sure had. Anyway, Grogg's, like, on his way home. She told him I... Daddy... Jack would talk to him in the morning. Yeah, I'll, like, be my old self, and he'll... I'll talk to him then. Poor Grogg, it is going to hurt him _soo_ much when I tell him we... I mean, Annie and him can't see each other any more. *** No, Lisa, honest. This necklace is, like, magic. Now that I've got it on, you just hand me that shirt of mine, and I'll be, like, me... your husband, me, again in just a half hour. *** What the hell is the matter with this thing? I, like, change half way back, then it stops, and, in a few minutes, I'm Annie again. At least, Lisa saw me change, so she, like, believes me. She knows it's magic. *** Yes, Hon, I know; I'm, like, still Annie. It must be her time of month, ya know. The Medallion won't work on a woman when she's, like, having her period. Lisa, _please_, tell... tell me you're joking. Annie's period was, like, two weeks ago. Are you sure; really sure? She... she borrowed one of your pads. Then... oh, like, oh, my Gawd! The Walgreen's at the downtown mall, the 24-hour one - yeah, I am, like, _plenty_ scared - go... go over there, like, right now, and get... get one of those home... pregnancy... tests. *** Annie, please, please stop crying. We've, like, been all over this a hundred times. You can't all of a sudden be twins, ya know, and somebody has to be me, the real me, your father, Jack. He... I can't disappear for, like, nine months. *** Annie... Daddy says he's still mad at Grogg for what happened, but I heard him and Mom, like, really going at it the other night. That's one good way to help him get used to being me. Mmmm, the thought of it makes my nipples all tingly. I wonder how Grogg is doing. Six months since that night, and I'm, like, still not allowed to be alone with him. It, like, really bums me out. *** I finally got the baby quiet. He was, like, real hungry. Breast feeding is, like, _soo_ weird, but it feels _soo_ good when he nurses. I was, like, so afraid after "Little Jack" was born. I love being his mother, and I don't ever, like, want to change back. Be a man again... _gross_! No chance of that, though, Annie - damn, I keep, like, forgetting to call him Daddy --likes being who he is now. I can hear him and Lisa almost every night. If they aren't careful, I'm gonna, like, have a new little brother or sister. It'll probably happen before the wedding. Yeah, I said "wedding." Grogg proposed the first time we got to see each other. The week after he graduates, I'm gonna, like, be Mrs. Grogg... Greg Reiner. Then, in the fall, we both go off to State College on scholarships. Everything would be _soo_ cool if only An... Daddy didn't dislike Grogg so much.

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Gloria somewhat nervously called The Master’s mobile phone. It had been a few months since she’d contacted him, longer than she had intended, mainly because her husband had not been away on any business trips. The previous night her husband had told her he was going overseas for two weeks, departing on Sunday evening. She couldn’t help herself; she needed to make this call. The Master answered and Gloria reintroduced herself. Of course he remembered her. While he had many clients she was one he...

3 years ago
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X Hamster Meeting 1

I did not log on to XH to meet people in person or even C2C. I am a private person when it comes to giving info out like email or Skype IDs. But I will chat with anyone who wants to about almost everything. It was almost a full week of chatting on XH with MB close to every day when he and I decided to meet for coffee. Ground rules in place we decide where to meet. I was so nervous driving to see him but my pussy was getting wet. I had seen his cock and his face, I was looking forward to...

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A Gang Bang

Hi dear friends, I’m Rahul from Ranchi. I’m going to narrate my real life experience with my neighbor darling aunt Asha it took place in my life when I was studying tenth std. I’m a fair looking well built guy with a 6 inch tool let me now describe about my sweet darling Asha she was a medium looking women with nice structure and boobs she was 37 years of age at that time. She had two sons and a daughter. Her hubby was working in Saudi Arabia he will come only once in 2 years. Since we are...

1 year ago
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Never Let A Hung Boy Share A Tent With You And Your Wife

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); After reading the title of this story you could probably guess what it’s about, but you’ll never believe the shenanigans that transpired last summer when my wife and I went camping. My wife and I had been married for 3 years with no c******n, yet. Two years younger than me, at age 29, my wife is pretty hot. She’s a natural brunette with blonde hair, nice perky tits and as a result of being very athletic her...

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The Gentle Cowboy Ch 07

So sorry for the long wait. I have no excuse except for lack of time. Now, I’m back and just trying to focus on my writing. Happy reading! ***** Daisy narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger through the body wall her mother and Grace had formed. ‘You better be a figment of my imagination and not really here, Jake McKean!’ ‘Shield your eyes, young man. Or there will be naught but bad luck in your marriage,’ Donna Jones warned her son-in-law to be. With a sigh and a quarter turn, Jake...

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Good neighbors Indeed

Good Neighbors IndeedBy: Londebaaz ChohanWe have come to strange times. It is said that in case of any emergency, the ambulance will come, even the fire and the police department will respond as soon as possible but the first response always is, will be and should be from our neighbors and mostly from the next door neighbors but these days we are at a far distance from our next door neighbors. We hardly say hi to our neighbors and almost never meet them or know them well. A case and point....

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Alice Pink Serving Up Her Tiny Slit

Tiny blonde Alice Pink is always trying new things to surprise her man. Today, she puts on a cute outfit and hides behind a couch to pop out and show him some love! She is so tiny that he can fit his hands all the way around her waist! She strips down and exposes her cute tits and her bubbly ass. Then, she busts her pussy open and gasps as he slides his monster dong deep inside her. The petite pussy queen begs for more as he pounds her extra tight slit. Then, she lets the cum stream from her...

2 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 34

The new arrangement didn't work. It was an uneasy arrangement to begin with. Sally got stressed out in about two days, which made it worse. She became overbearing, surly, bossy. She couldn't handle being a mistress to Nicole. It wasn't in her nature to be dominant. The decision had not pleased Nicole, either, though she was in a submissive role as she had wanted. She suffered from a reluctant mistress, however, and in short order, her more aggressive personality made the situation...

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Family MeetingChapter 4

When she finally picked her head up off my chest, she smiled at me saying, “We need to take a shower, then make our beds, OK?” “Whatever you want from me, I will gladly do for you,” I said giving her a final kiss, before she rolled off. All showered and changed, she looked lovely in a blouse and skirt. I changed into nice pants and a polo shirt. We had a drive-in theatre that was featuring both new movies and the oldies, like Faith liked. It was a rad new idea, for a drive-in theatre. I...

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A Mothers Love

A Mother's Love by Alys Chapter 1 I eased into the small gap in the traffic slowly moving around the massive roundabout near Archway in North London. The middle aged male driver in the battered white Ford transit glowered at me momentarily and then accepted the inevitable with good grace. I smiled back and acknowledged him letting me into the flow of slow moving traffic. How I hated Monday mornings, the jolt of going back to work after the winding down of the weekend and having to...

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Diana Tribes

The forest is singing its usual quiet chorus. You hum to yourself, gentle fingers picking through the bush. Berries are getting scarce, with the tribe preparing for the upcoming occasion. You aren’t certain what exactly would happen, but anyone could sense the barely restrained tension suffusing the whole tribe. Supplies need to be gathered, and the forest is rich in food, even this late in the year. Your fingers brush across a cluster of berries, but they slip from your grasp. Frowning, you...

4 years ago
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Meri Chachi Ne Di Best Birthday Gift

Hello dosto! Main hu Ritvik aur main Gujrat se hu. Ye meri 1st story hai to thodi galti ho to maaf karna. Main filhaal engineering kar raha hu aur final year mein hu. Meri height 5’9 hai aur mere rod ki size 6 inch hai. To story par aate hue. Main ek joint family mein rehta hu jisme mere mummy papa aur chacha chachi rehte hai. Chacha chachi ko ek ladki bhi hai jo mujh se chhoti hai. Baat 1-2 saal purani hai jab se maine sex stories padhna chalu kiya aur incest section padha. Aur mano main...

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Marys Great DaneChapter 12

The first thing he did was to reach between her legs, pull them farther apart and dip his fingers into her cunt. When he was certain the odor of cunt was on all of his fingers, he told her to remain where she was, that he would drive to the Alexanders', allow the Great Dane to sniff his fingers and after that the rest would be easy. The scent of pussy would excite the dog and make it simple for Pete to get him out of the enclosure and into his car. He promised to be back within twenty...

3 years ago
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Its the Teacher that Counts

As my university days came to a close, it was clear to me that it would be best to finish grad school now rather than put it off for later. I had 'pounded the pavement' for work with no luck. I figured that my best job opportunities would come after graduate school. My grades were not exactly stellar, but a good recommendation and interview can go a long way. I had already had my interview and I am very sure they were impressed. My dad had told me that if I could get into his alma mater, Duke,...

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River PiratesChapter 1

I was born in Pennsylvania in 1825 in that section of the state called "Pennsylvania Dutch," but my pa was German, not Dutch. He always said he was Deutsch, which most people heard as Dutch, so I guess that's where the name came from. Anyway, I was the last of 15 kids, Ma didn't last long after I was born. Pa didn't blame me, at least he said that he didn't, but that didn't keep me from blaming me. Back in Germany, Pa had been a gunsmith, but he got conscripted into the Hessian Army...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 424

Ship’s Space Academy When all the teams had cycled through, they were given a break, not just at the academy, but in real time, too. Jeff didn’t want any personal interaction between the pilots and his wives just now, so he had Ship bring the women out of the simulation a few minutes early. “Let’s go back to the Retreat and get a snack while the pilots relax for a bit,” he told Kayla, Arlene and Ann. “When we come back, I’ll speak to them for a couple of minutes before we go back to the...

2 years ago
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Enjoying brotherly Love

If i****t offends you, I suggest not to keep reading. In words of a close friend. My name is Anu and my brother's name is Raju. We've been together roughly 15 years as we are in our late 20s/early 30s. This is how it all began between us. My parents were both recovering alcoholics when I was born and fortunately never relapsed when I was growing up. I really had a simple c***dhood; I was quiet and people liked me because I didn't bother anyone.My world changed when my grandfather died in a bad...

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Seduction of a shy girl into bdsm 1

While I write this, I hope you right now please yourself and enjoy a fantasy like last night. With you on my low table, legs folded back and held by your arms around the back of your knees, vulnerable and open for me ... And me eager to please you to your likes. At the same time I reflect on our friendship of only a day, less than two. I am still dissatisfied with your too short responses and lack of concrete answers to simple questions. However, what I did like a lot for a shy girl like you,...

3 years ago
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Master of the Kingdom Seizing Power ArcChapter 9 Adeline III

On the palace grounds, in the building known only as the Old Keep, were the chambers of the Royal Council. A spacious, octagonal room, with each wall devoted to displaying art and heraldry from each of the eight provinces of the Kingdom of Allore. Opposite each other, there were two doorways, with the door intended for the King’s advisors set in the wall of Odeon, the wealthy coastal province said to be the beating heart of the kingdom. The other doorway, for the royal family’s exclusive use,...

1 year ago
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Hot Load

I'm not a hero. I'm just a man, but sometimes a man is all you need. I'm flawed, jaded, been in the business too long and I'm broken. I'm tired. Tired of it all. Cynical and I'm sick of the corruption of my soul. It's a dark, shitty city in a world that's increasingly lacking in virtue and it gets to the point where it's hard to tell the good people from the bad. Hell, are there any good people? It's all about money, sex and v******e and either you're a victim or a predator. It's a place where...

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Somali Lesbian Diaries Ch 09

Apparently, Somali Muslim lesbians don’t exist. Hmm, that’s news to me because I see one every time I look in the mirror. My name is Halima Ali, and I’m a young Black woman of Somali descent living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. I study bio-chemistry at the University of Ottawa, and I’m also fairly active on the campus LGBT scene. Indeed, I’m the only Muslim female member of the Gay/Straight Union. Got one helluva story to share with you folks. Life as an out and proud Somali Muslim lesbian...

1 year ago
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Aw mom All us girls do it

“He's into this mother and daughter thing. I said I would talk to you. He wants us to do stuff to each other while he takes a video of us.” "I saw the photograph. The one of you on Dillon's snowplow," Angie pulled out a chair at the breakfast table. Her daughter's eyes lifted, brimming with surprise. "He showed you that?" Angie envisioned the photograph again. She had found it in Dillon's room: Darcy was poised on the plow of his truck with heaps of snow to the left and right. She sat sideways,...

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Abbi part one

The girl arrived on my doorstep shortly after noon on a Friday, when I opened the door it felt like the breath had been sucked from my lungs. Abigail was the spitting image of her mother at 18 – the same slim build and killer blue eyes – but with almost jet black hair. “Hi, I’m Abbi,” she said holding out her hand. “Jack,” I said, shaking her hand and, after a moment’s hesitation pulling her in for a hug. Abbi had a little bit of a goth or emo look about her, heavy eyeliner, pale skin and ruby...

1 year ago
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A Love Letter

‘I was swept away, with nothing left to say, some helpless fool, I was lost.’ The music blared across the room, carrying with it an ache of fond remembrance. The room was paneled in azure hues, bed, curtains, pictures and even the walls hinted of blue in all of it’s shades. Even the look in his eyes was reminiscent of blue. His fingers danced across the keyboard with a rhythm that matched his swiftly beating heart, matching his thoughts. Was he saying the right words, spelling them out...

2 years ago
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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 29

On entering the back room, Dan grinned over at Jimmy. The black man was dressed better than en usual. He asked, “So, how was the fishing trip? Did you bring me back any fish?” Jimmy frowned and said, “I didn’t catch anything. Hell, I didn’t even go fishing. I started reading those papers you gave me and couldn’t put them down. Once I finished them, I couldn’t stop thinking about them.” “Oh.” “Where in the hell were you when I was a younger man?” Jimmy asked looking over at Dan. There was a...

2 years ago
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Better late

They are in the hotel room, waiting. The television is on but they are watching without seeing. He flicks round the channels, switches off. She takes a sip of wine from her glass. ‘Nervous?’ he asks. ‘Yes. We knew we would be.’ ‘You know you can always opt out. We could just go home.’ ‘Yes, I know. But now that we’ve come this far … I mean, it’s taken us a long time.’ ‘Perhaps he won’t come. Just a time-waster.’ ‘It wouldn’t really be a solution, would it? We’d just start looking for someone...

3 years ago
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Strip Search

The man with the hash sat in the corner of the caf?, rolling joints between his yellow fingers. When he spoke English, his accent was Jamaican with an Irish lilt. "If you fuckers want to bring some home to the US, I'll tell you what you have to do." Joel giggled inanely.? Jarred yawned and stretched his muscles.? The pot seemed to have?no effect on him.? He?was still?cocky with?his Colgate smile. "You got to store it in your ass, man. That's the only way. I talk to this fucker from New York and h...

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catching my stepbrother

This is a short story, of when I caught my stepbrother wanking. It does not contain any form of i****t or sexual intercourse. My mom divorced my dad when I was starting high school and a year or so later she met a guy named Mark who had a son 2 years younger than me, named Bryan, after a year my mom got engaged to mark and soon after they got married, and they became my stepdad and stepbrother.We soon all were staying together in a lovely home, although my new younger b*o, Bryan spent most of...

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Sensual Tease

It had been another typical morning, running late for work. I was picking out a shirt to wear from the airing cupboard, when I noticed some white silk underwear d****d over the clothes rack. It was just a pair of white full briefs with a lace trimmed edge, though the shimmer to the material was to much to resist. I found myself reaching in and feeling the warm silk, mesmerised as the smooth material flowed loosely between my finger and thumb.“Found a shirt yet”, my wife asked. I span around...

2 years ago
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My son with me

My cunt was thirsty for cock. After my husbands death i was lonely for years & only imagining sex with my son. He just completed his 12th standard.After dinner he was sleeping with me & his hand was on his dick. He was slowly rubbing his penis with trouser. My leg was open & thin white gown was not sufficient to hide my hair & pussy lips. He was looking but he was feeling nervous. I was trying to show him & he must be hot to obey me.I just lift one leg. The gown lifted half & my white thigh was...

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Under the Table0

What kept her from leaving though was the fact that her home would not be her home much longer if she didn't find a way to make some money quick. She was at this point three months behind on her rent and had been given until Friday to pay up or move out. Tomorrow was Friday and there was no other option. If she lost her place, she would be forced to move back in with her parents and that was even a worse option than what she was facing tonight. The irony about all this was that her parents...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 20

After 6 hours of sleep, my day at sea started at around 9 AM. I woke with my sister's tit still in my hand and her soft breathing keeping time with the waves. I rolled over quietly and grabbed some shorts, shirt and shoes. I walked across to their room to use the toilet without waking Cindy. I was surprised to see Cathy in bed, alone. I closed the door and got dressed. I found a public head (restroom) and then went down to the gym. I was just walking in when I turned to see Janet walking...

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My Masseuse Ch 04

I have had excellent feedback on My Masseuse, and as long as you the reader keep asking for more, I will keep writing. Enjoy. **** I helped Angie move, or really, she helped me. After talking about it, we decided that I would move in with her. Angie’s place was bigger than mine, and her bed was big enough for the both of us. The bed I had was a little too small for my 6’6” frame, and when the both of us were on it, there was very little room left. At first, no one really took notice of us. But...

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Sex with aunt

100% fiction! Hi everyone i am here to tell you my own story. what happen just a year before. But im not suppose to tell this story my aunty is really really strict. But after reading some stories here iam aslo so excited to tell my story. Okey all iss viewers i gotto start not interested in wasting your time. iam 19 year’s old boy i look slim and medium coloured southindian. My native is Coimbatore i live there from my childhood and near my home my aunty and her family lives. She looks so...

3 years ago
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Thought I Was Done In Until

I met with a couple I met on a swingers site anticipating a possible 3sum if the chemistry was there. It turns out it was and soon we were all into a game of strip poker. We were in various stages of undress when a lady friend of theirs dropped in. She was a swinger also who had played with them before and enthusiastically joined in the game. I was the first to left completely naked. We play the version where if the loser of the hand is naked, the others can demand a command performance for the...

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Back Door BabysitterChapter 5

Nurse Head smiled in greeting as Annette entered the doctor's waiting room a week after her history test. It was time for her annual physical, and Doctor Horn was going to give her the works. "Hello, Annette. How have you been?" "Oh, pretty good, I guess. I'm feeling fine. "Good. Come with me." Nurse Head escorted Annette to one of the tiny examination rooms. "Strip," she said. "The doctor will be with you shortly." The nurse left the room as Annette began removing her...

1 year ago
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Hello, readers my name is Satish and I am writing my experience after going thru some of the stories at Indian passion. I am 32yrs old man well built, 6ft2, good looking, and engineer. Prema was 26yrs old, 5ft7, good figure, 34, 28, and 36. We all friends had planned to spend our holiday going for night camping at an island, all my friends had come they were a few new faces too my friends also had joined us so we were about 12 of us and we had a jolly good time there, I don’t drink so I had...

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20 Year Old Jake Pounds And Dominates A 40 Year Old Milf

Liz was agood looking 40 year old redhead who was a mom of two. She had been happily married to the same man for the past 15 years and had two children. She did everything a good wife should do including taking care of the children along with doing the chores around the house. She also did a lot of volunteer work at her children’s school along with helping take care of an older love one. You would say she was a hero of sorts as she did everything for everyone but herself. One day Liz knew she...

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The feeding of sissy

I hold a prominent position in a world wide business firm and make a six figure salary and had been divorced for several years. I met Wendy through a newspaper add in the singles columns, she was a knockout looking gal. We dated for some time and she moved in with me. One night when we were out having drinks she ask what my deepest secrets were. She would share hers with me in return if I told her mine. This took a lot of convincing and a lot of drinks. She went first telling me she prostituted...

4 years ago
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Marriage Maintainance Pt 02

I woke on Monday morning at our gorgeous Costa Rican hotel almost as early as I had on the previous day. Brad was still sleeping soundly so slipping from the bed I wandered out onto the balcony. Despite it not being much past dawn it was nice and warm. There were a few birds up and about but disappointingly no toucans. I felt like I was starting to bubble over with happiness. Yesterday had been so wonderful and I felt so incredibly close to Brad. I smiled and then frowned, smiling at the...

2 years ago
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Lucy In The bed With Daddy

Even though Lucy was old enough to take care of herself I figured I should stop drinking myself to sleep every night. It wasn’t easy though. Plus, she’d been driving for a few years so it made getting fucked up easy to rationalize. Still, she was with me for a good six months before I finally got serious about it. One night Lucille had gone to bed early so I opened a new bottle of Jack and started doing my thing. “My Thing” consisted of Jack Daniels, Stevie Ray Vaughn and lots and lots of...

3 years ago
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Enjoy my Hot Wife

Since I've introduced Andrea to the hot wife lifestyle she has been so passionate. Her choice of daily wear has also changed for the better. The one thing I haven't been able to enjoy is actually watching another man fucking her. After the first time Tim had sex with her she and I set up some rules each of us must follow ,so that each of us are comfortable. She informed me that she had spoken with Tim about letting me watch them fuck. She said it wasn't easy to convince him and that she ended...

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Hentai Video World

HentaiVideoWorld! If animated pornography is something you're into, then you've surely noticed a few things. For example, finding proper good hentai isn't something that's easily done. You could go to Google, look up "free hentai" or something of the sort if you don't really know just what you want to feast your eyes on, and then it would not be possible for you to find any kind of pornography. I mean, sure, some videos will pop up here and there, but they surely won't be good enough for the...

Premium Hentai Sites
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Used By Him

Cheri was so in love with Ken. He totally controlled her every move. He saw her in the library when she was in college and knew he had to have her. She was beautiful and very sexy and she was also innocent. He began talking to her and she was so naive and he liked that as he loved to control especially in sex. She fell instantly in love with him and he drove her home and parked on a back street and began kissing her and soon had her top and bra off and he was fondling her lovely full tits. She...

1 year ago
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In the Dark

Dark, somewhat child, I made my way home. I went to the park, avoided the park, went to the bars, avoided the bars, circled the block and ended the wandering. Walking. Alone. Dark This was my address, my apartment my home. I stop. My hand to my pocket. My key. Out of the shadow into the lamp of the streetlight a face. A face. Lit from above, shadows outline broad, turning curls of indistinct color, perhaps a light brown. A broad brow. Eyes deep of color unknown but with a hint of reflected...

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cuck couple

I met Nick and Carol on line. We traded emails and video chat for over 4 months getting to know each other. Nick was a salesman who traveled a fair amount so I got to chat with Carol more often.She was a dental hygienists but only worked 5 days every 2 weeks. In chatting with the both of them individually I discovered their individual desires and when we all chatted together I got the full story.He was wanting to make her happy what ever it took. She wanted a man to treat her with respect but...

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Cherrys extra classes

Hello, my name is Peter and I wrote this story on my cell phone so please excuse any mistakes I made. I was out of the country and did not have access to my pc. Please leave positive comments and messages. I posted this on another site as well. I hope you all enjoy. Cherry´s extraclasses"I will see you after school Cherry" said Mr.Orion sternly as she braced for the dismal afternoon session. Cherry was failing at biology and math and needed extra classes, her parents signed her up to study...


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