A Family Betrayal Chapter 39 Alternate Ending free porn video

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Today was July 4th and like the past years Ron, Gina, and Tracey have put on their fireworks shows on the beach. This year they asks Adam, Jack, Justin, and Nicky to help. They each told them they would love to help. I thought about a few things to only smile as this would be Allison, Lindsey, and my Alabama family’s first year to witness a beautiful sight. During the afternoon Adam and the guys went to help Ron and William set things up for the night. The kids were all excited about what tonight was going to bring. Karen and the others were filling Lindsey in making her eyes go wide. I chuckled as her expression was priceless.Simone and Vanessa were both hanging with my ladies and I. I could see they were looking at me like love struck young women. Although I remembered what my loves told me, and just stayed calm until things seemed to cross a line.

And the day went by with the family all celebrating on the beach with Simone and Vanessa staying close to me getting me a beer here and there plus a burger after Jack got done cooking them. I could see the women of the family smiling at the two showing me love in their own way. The kids were all playing in the sand while my loves held our other little ones under the big umbrellas to shade them from the sun. The guys were all playing Volley ball while their ladies watched on. I chuckled as Ellie, Verna, and Kiko had smiles seeing their husbands sweaty bodies glisten in the sun.

It was after dinner that everyone gathered beach towels, refilled coolers, and the baby carriers. We all ventured down to the beach. I was helped by Renee and Tessa because I was still a bit sore in my ribs. Once down on the beach I was sat in my lounge chair with my ladies all next to me on either side. Lindsey got in my lap, because Karen insisted since it was her first time to see the show. Karen and the boys sat with their mothers. Everyone got situated before Gina spoke up on her bullhorn.


“ Oh gosh she said my name daddy.” Lindsey says while I hold her

“ Yes she did baby girl.” I say as we hear Gina speak up again

“ I WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME ALL OUR NEW FAMILY! NOW WITH NO FURTHER ADO PLEASE ENJOY THE SHOW!” She says before the first firework is lit shooting up into the night sky at 9 o’clock that night

“ Oh wow it’s so pretty daddy.” Lindsey says with a beautiful smile

We hear the little ones giggle while watching from the carriers. It is a wonderful night with everyone having fun. Lindsey laid her back against my chest to look up at the sky being lit up. All my kids enjoyed themselves as did the adults. Damon was recording the whole event so we would have something to remember by. Kevin seemed to enjoy the show also, but was more in the line of standing watch. I guess after everything was told to him Kevin brought it upon himself to be my bodyguard.

“ You enjoying the show baby girl?” Allison asked our daughter with a smile

“ Yes I am mommy are you?” Lindsey answers only to ask in return

“ Yes I am as this feels like a celebration for us being with your daddy and our new family.” Allison says taking my hand in her right since she was sitting on my left

Lindsey nodded agreeing not taking her eyes off the sky. I squeezed Allison’s hand letting her know I was happy they were here. After the next two hours went by the show was over. My family gathered up the kids and stuff making their way up to the house.

“ You coming baby?” Allison asked being concerned

“ No thinking I’ll sit for a few moments listening to the waves. Go on ahead I’ll be in shortly.” I answer telling her to only get a kiss on my lips

As she made her way taking her towel in tow. I scooted my lounge chair around to the ocean to watch the moonlight shine upon the water. I thought of how the day went to only smile. Just like the kids I had fun along with the family. I hadn’t had so much fun in awhile. I closed my eyes just to relax them since I haven’t all through the day. Before I knew it the last thing I heard was the ocean waves clash with the rocks in the distance.

The next week and a half went by with the family preparing for the up coming birthdays: Lil Heath, Lindsey’s, and mine. I thought of what to get the two for their birthdays. It had to be something very nice.


From here on the story is in Nick‭’‬s point of view

I have been missing my family for so long that I thought a surprise visit would be nice.‭ ‬I have called Savannah everyday except for Tuesday but I never got a answer from her or Megan.‭ ‬It‭’‬s Thursday a day before little Heath‭’‬s birthday around‭ ‬3‭ ‬in the afternoon that I pull up in front of the house that my family came to stay.‭ ‬The last I talked with Savannah she told me Simone has fallen in love with Heath and Megan and her planned to give‭ ‬her to Heath as a birthday gift.‭ ‬I am outright mad but she tells me Simone is eighteen and can choose her own man.‭ ‬I also get informed that Vanessa has fallen in love with Heath and Lisa planned to do the same.‭ ‬Before I can object Savannah hangs up.‭ ‬I had‭ ‬Heath‭’‬s birthday gift on the trailer along with an old promise I made to Kevin.‭ ‬I planned to talk to both and try to bury the hatchet because I was so lost without my family.‭ ‬I wanted.....no I NEEDED them back in my life.‭ ‬After getting out of my truck I made my way to the front door only to stop dead in my tracks.‭ ‬I noticed the door was open a bit but I didn't hear any voices.‭ ‬There was a foul odor coming from behind it.‭ ‬I pulled my Smith and Wesson from it‭’‬s holster.‭ ‬I placed my hand on the door to just push it open hearing it creak.‭ ‬The odor got stronger while I placed my left hand over my nose.‭ ‬I made my way in just to stop dead in my tracks again,‭ ‬but this time my eyes went wide.‭ ‬The scene in front of me looked like a living nightmare with bodies everywhere.‭ ‬I thought they were all playing a joke on me for all the shit I had pulled before Mother‭’‬s Day and had to laugh.

‭“‬ Ok you all this isn‭’‬t funny.‭”‬ I say only to get silence except for some whimpering before I continued‭ “‬ Really you can get up now this isn't funny.‭”

I took a few steps to come up on Kevin laying on the floor with his eyes open.‭ ‬I kneeled down to place two fingers on his left wrist.‭ ‬There was no pulse while I looked at the bullet hole between his eyes.‭ ‬I felt a sick feeling in my stomach and I looked around to notice more and more things that just shouldn't be.‭ ‬I heard the whimper again,‭ ‬but listened to find it coming from the back sliding door.‭ ‬I lifted up my gun pointing it in the direction while I stood.‭ ‬I made my way over while not trying to step on those I loved so dearly.‭ ‬Once over I see it‭’‬s Batty.‭ ‬He is badly hurt,‭ ‬but still fighting to stay alive watching over the other dogs who have been shot and passed.‭ ‬I see him licking his wounds,‭ ‬but the body he is by makes me drop my gun while‭ ‬I go to my knees next to her.‭ ‬I pick the body up to find it stiff.‭ ‬I feel my heartbreak as I turn her in my arms.‭ ‬I see her eyes are closed while I move a strain of hair from her face.‭ ‬It was my dearest Savannah.‭ ‬My heart that gave me so much.‭ ‬I shake my head back and forth while feeling my anger build.

‭“‬ OH GOD NOO‭!”‬ I yell at the top of my voice before hearing a faint voice

‭“‬ Gram...py Nick‭?”‬ I hear coming from the floor

I turn to look and see it‭’‬s my little Karen.‭ ‬I place Savannah softly on the floor,‭ ‬but give her a kiss on the lips one last time.‭ ‬I feel tears start to form,‭ ‬but fight myself to stay strong.‭ ‬Once I place my dearest wife down I pick Karen up.‭ ‬Her clothes are soaked in blood and urine while I turn to look at Savannah to see a few bullet holes in her chest.‭ ‬I shake my head pulling Karen to me while she cries.‭ ‬I hold her close so she knows she is safe.

‭“‬ I am so sorry I wasn‭’‬t here baby girl.‭”‬ I say feeling her arms around my neck

‭“‬ Why‭? ‬Why.....did he do all this‭?”‬ She says through her sobs

‭“‬ Who honey‭? ‬Who did all this bloodshed‭?”‬ I ask hearing her cry so hard

It‭’‬s at that moment she says one word....one name I will always remember for the rest of my life.

‭“‬ Jaime.‭”‬ Karen says while I sit back on my feet holding the only survivor that I know of except for Batty

‭“‬ Karen I need to look around for the others.‭ ‬I need to see if anyone else is alive.‭”‬ I say feeling her head shake back and forth

‭“‬ NO DON‭’‬T LEAVE ME...ALONE‭!”‬ She screams out while I rub her back

‭“‬ I am not going to leave you baby girl.‭ ‬I just need to know if any of our other family members are alive.‭”‬ I tell her while hearing Batty still whimpering

‭“‬ You...you promise‭?”‬ She asks in a very sad voice

‭“‬ Yes I promise,‭ ‬but first you need to get cleaned up.‭ ‬How long have you been under....under your grandma Savannah‭?”‬ I ask while smelling urine and feces

‭“‬ Two days.‭ ‬I couldn‭’‬t get out from under her because I was so scared that he would come back.‭ ‬Batty stayed by me.‭”‬ She explains while I turn to see him so badly hurt

‭“‬ He must of held up for awhile‭?”‬ I ask stating to get a slow nod

‭“‬ He did grampie after....after grammie Vannah tried to save me he fought Jaime,‭ ‬but he got hurt protecting us.‭”‬ Karen exclaims while I nod

‭“‬ Then we need to take care of him,‭ ‬but you first.‭”‬ I say while she slowly nods

‭“‬ I...I need clothes,‭ ‬and but I am to scared to go get them.‭”‬ She says while I think of what to do

‭“‬ Tell you what I will go up and get them,‭ ‬but I need you to promise me you will not leave the bathroom until I come back.‭ ‬Do you understand baby girl‭?‬” I exclaim asking to get a quiet nod

I hold onto her while standing up before I make sure she can‭’‬t see all the bodies that surrounded us.‭ ‬I was used to carnage but this even made my body quiver with disgust and sadness.‭ ‬I could only image what she would‭ ‬feel.‭ ‬I made our way to one of the bathrooms on the first floor.‭ ‬I came to what was Jack,‭ ‬Sierra,‭ ‬and Mandy‭’‬s room.‭ ‬I don‭’‬t see anyone inside while I put her on the bed.

‭“‬ Now stay in here until I get back sweetheart.‭ ‬I will go get Batty and bring him in here so I know you both are safe.‭ ‬So get out of those clothes.‭ ‬After you're done put a towel around you until I get back.‭ ‬Promise me you will stay in here.‭”‬ I explain to see her nod

‭“‬ I promise grampy,‭ ‬but please don‭’‬t leave me in here alone I am so scared.‭”‬ She says while I give her a quick hug

‭“‬ I promise now go take a bath and get cleaned up.‭ ‬I will go get Batty for you.‭”‬ I say letting her go.‭ ‬I turned making my way out only to pull the door to but still a bit open so I could bring Batty back

I made my way back seeing Sasha and Lucy‭’‬s throats slashed and bullet wounds in their chest.‭ ‬My sisters that I cared for where done the same as everyone else.‭ ‬I notice Lisa and Shelby are the same.‭ ‬I cry remembering growing up and when I thought Sasha and Lucy were‭ ‬my real sisters to find out years laters is was Lisa and Shelby.‭ ‬The adoption when Sasha and Lucy became my sisters again.‭ ‬It hurts that I wasn't here to protect them.‭ ‬I notice my dearest Megan was face down in a puddle of blood.‭ ‬I pick her up to kiss my other love one final time to place her back just as I had found her.‭ ‬Again I held back my tears getting over to Batman.‭ ‬I squatted down to gently pick him up to hear a whimper.

‭“‬ I know boy your hurt,‭ ‬but I need you in the same room with Karen.‭ ‬I promise to‭ ‬be gentle picking you up ok‭?”‬ I say seeing his sadness but know he is hurt more emotionally than physically.

I could only imagine how he felt seeing the family he protected all this time all laying dead on the floor.‭ ‬I stood trying to hold him comfortably in my arms.‭ ‬Making it back to the bedroom my oldest daughters once slept in.‭ ‬I pushed the door open to hear‭ ‬water running.‭ ‬I went over to the bed to only place a brave soul upon it.‭ ‬He let out another whimper in the process.‭ ‬I sat for a moment to show him I cared for him.

‭“‬ Shhh I know boy,‭ ‬I know just relax here.‭ ‬You and Karen are safe now.‭ ‬Just keep a eye out for me ok.‭ ‬If you hear anything bark as loud as you can.‭”‬ I say to see his eyes show understanding

For as long I have known him he still amazes me.‭ ‬I got up from the bed to only go to the bathroom door.‭ ‬Karen left it open a bit which I was glad so I could make sure she was ok.

‭“‬ Karen I will be back but you stay in this bedroom ok.‭”‬ I say with a heavy heart hearing her cry

‭“‬ Ok.‭”‬ She says while I shake my head trying to wonder why of all days this little girl had to cry

I made my way out of the room to return to Savannah‭’‬s body.‭ ‬I kneeled down to pick my gun up putting it back in it‭’‬s holster.‭ ‬I stayed there for a moment to look in her ghostly eyes that were not blue any longer.‭ ‬I reached down to close them.

‭“‬ I will always love you my dearest heart.‭”‬ I proclaimed only to stand up feeling lost as she was always the light in my heart along with Megan

I looked around at the bodies Ellie,‭ ‬Verna,‭ ‬Kiko,‭ ‬and Megan were a few steps from Savannah.‭ ‬My guess shielding her,‭ ‬but at a cost that ended horribly.‭ ‬Gray was slumped in a chair with his head lowered.‭ ‬Gina,‭ ‬Tracey,‭ ‬and Ron looked like they were trying to save Lindsey and Serena,‭ ‬but didn‭’‬t accomplish that situation.‭ ‬Both girls were just limp in Gina and Tracey‭’‬s arms.‭ ‬Simone had Dakota while Vanessa had Lil Greg.‭ ‬Lil Heath was just steps away and I see he took a couple rounds to the back.‭ ‬It looked like they tried to help the boys get away towards the kitchen I presumed,‭ ‬but didn‭’‬t get far.‭ ‬I go to kiss the heads of my two youngest daughters.‭ ‬I know Vanessa wasn't‭ ‬mine but I helped raise her like Jessie and Renee.‭ ‬There was blood every where.‭ ‬I see Justin,‭ ‬Nicky,‭ ‬and Damon slumped into chairs or against a wall.‭ ‬They didn't even get a chance to fight back.‭ ‬I notice Mike,‭ ‬Ricky and Nate are shot quite a few times and‭ ‬guess Jaime thought they'd just quite after being shot once or twice.‭ ‬I decided to make my way up the stairs to see if just maybe anyone else survived,‭ ‬but a part of me knew that no one did.‭ ‬Once upstairs I made my way to the kids room.‭ ‬I stopped at the door to see two words‭ ‬‘ Bad kids‭’‬ written in blood.‭ ‬I grabbed the door knob holding my breath with that hopeful feeling.‭ ‬I turned the knob opening the door.‭ ‬I stepped in to see Jack and Adam face down on the floor.‭ ‬I looked over at the bed to see Sierra,‭ ‬Mandy,‭ ‬and Michelle all in bed as if protecting their kids,‭ ‬nephews,‭ ‬and nieces.‭ ‬I felt my anger turn to something that I did not want to come out.‭ ‬I went to my daughters to only place a kiss on their foreheads.‭ ‬I kiss Michelle since she would be my youngest‭ ‬sister by marriage but also she felt like a daughter.‭ ‬I shed a tear while I look at the evil actions of a man I promise to kill one day.

‭“‬ I am so sorry I was not here to protect you all.‭”‬ I told them while seeing all the babies laying in blood

I felt sick‭ ‬as I turned and threw up on the floor.‭ ‬I was strong,‭ ‬but seeing‭ ‬9‭ ‬defenseless babies laying in a blood soaked bed was too much.‭ ‬I made my way to the closet to get Karen some clothes.‭ ‬I really didn‭’‬t know what to grab so I grabbed a sundress that Savannah‭ ‬and Megan got for her.‭ ‬I went to the dresser and grabbed a pair of panties for her.‭ ‬With both in hand I made my way out of the room.‭ ‬I stopped to grasp what I was going to do.‭ ‬I know I needed to call the police,‭ ‬but also I needed to get a idea of what happened.‭ ‬There was so many questions unanswered.‭ ‬I turned to look at a bedroom door I was very afraid to look in.‭ ‬With a very broken heart I made my way to the room that was Heath‭’‬s and the rest of the family.‭ ‬I walked in and suddenly without notice dropped to my knees.‭ ‬The scene was so graphic that I threw up again.‭ ‬To the left in a chair was Heath tied up with duct tape over his mouth.‭ ‬His head was supported back as if he was made to watch.‭ ‬On either side of him was E.P.‭ ‬and Jax laying dead on the floor.‭ ‬To‭ ‬the right in another chair was Chris not just tied up but with Selena in his lap.‭ ‬They both were shot in the head,‭ ‬but for some reason something felt off about the two.‭ ‬I got back to my feet to make my way to Heath.‭ ‬His eyes were wide open with a look of fear and anger mixed.‭ ‬His chest was craved up with words that were untrue.‭ ‬I turned to look at the women that I loved as sisters and mothers.‭ ‬All stripped of clothing and their humanity.‭ ‬Jasmine‭’‬s legs were spread with a broom handle up inside her and I saw‭ ‬blood knowing she died because of it.‭ ‬Hannah and Diamond were taped together but someone had viciously caved their heads in together.‭ ‬I notice Tiffany had her eyes removed before almost being beheaded.‭ ‬I felt tears while each one that had a baby in them were the same with something up inside that should of never been there.‭ ‬Maggie was slashed up and down with her breast hanging on barely.‭ ‬What really made me start to feel such rage was my dearest mother‭’‬s face was blown off.‭ ‬There was no way to recognize her except for the tattoo of dad‭’‬s name on her breast.‭ ‬What was the most horrible in that room was Renee.‭ ‬Her face showed so much hurt,‭ ‬fear,‭ ‬and hate.‭ ‬In her right hand was what looked like a fetus.‭ ‬I followed the cord that was going down to see it come out of her stomach.‭ ‬I couldn‭’‬t believe what I was seeing.‭ ‬Her unborn child was actually pulled out of her and placed in her hand.‭ ‬I noticed something in her other hand.‭ ‬I made my way around to only take it out of her hand.‭ ‬It was a letter of some sort.‭ ‬I opened it to only read it.

‭“‬ Nick if your reading this then you have seen what I did for you and me.‭ ‬You don‭’‬t have to worry about them making life hard for you now.‭ ‬You don‭’‬t have to worry about the grandbabies turning into their parents with the incest and intermixing.‭ ‬Well got to go have a nice day....J‭”‬ Reading his words fueled my rage.‭ ‬I look back to notice everyone of the girls had words carved into them of SLUT,‭ ‬WHORE,‭ ‬CUNT,‭ ‬CUM DUMPSTER.

He took my life from me and that was my family.‭ ‬I crumbled the letter letting it fall.‭ ‬I looked around at those that were my family.‭ ‬I thought of Karen at that moment.‭ ‬I had to gather up what would be the most important thing to remember them all by meaning her parents.‭ ‬I took all the wedding and promise rings that Heath gave to them.‭ ‬When I got to Tiffany I could see she was holding something.‭ ‬I opened her hand and there was a picture of her and Karen.‭ ‬I placed it in the pocket of my vest to give to Karen later.‭ ‬I placed all the rings in my back left jean pocket because‭ ‬I wanted to give them to Karen one day soon.‭ ‬I took all the necklaces because once again I know they would mean more to Karen.‭ ‬I had to focus and not break because her and Batty needed me to be strong,‭ ‬but one thing was for sure Jaime was going to get his‭ ‬if I ever saw that punk again.‭ ‬I turned to Heath taking the few steps to him.‭ ‬I took his wedding ring and necklace tucking them safe in with the other rings before I went to one knee looking up at his face.

‭“‬ I swear little brother I will get vengeance for what has happened to our family.‭ ‬I swear on all I am that I will make him pay.‭ ‬I vow to you and those that were Karen‭’‬s mothers I will keep her safe.‭ ‬I will never forget you little brother because you were right about us being a family.‭”‬ I say with tears‭ ‬until I hear Karen yell for me

I quickly stood wiping my eyes before making my way back down to her.‭ ‬I took the rings that Eillie,‭ ‬Verna,‭ ‬and Kiko had on that were the same as the others Heath took into his heart.I also notice Selina has one and chuckle because Heath had added one more.‭ ‬I made my way to the bedroom to see Karen standing in a towel just a few steps inside.‭ ‬I dropped the clothes to only pick her up in my arms holding her tight.‭ ‬She held onto me.

‭“‬ Daddy and mommy are dead aren‭’‬t they‭?”‬ She asks while I sadly nodded

‭“‬ Yes baby girl I am so sorry I could not have gotten here sooner.‭”‬ I say feeling two hands on my face making me remember the time I had killed Gail and Sierra saving me from my own pain

‭“‬ It‭’‬s not your fault grampy.‭ ‬He would of killed you too.‭ ‬Don‭’‬t leave me grampy Nick.‭”‬ Karen says with tears as I hold her tight

‭“‬ Never honey because we only have each other now.‭ ‬Why don‭’‬t you change while I make a call.‭”‬ I say letting her down and she picks up her clothes I had gotten her

‭“‬ Who are you going to call grampie‭?”‬ She asks while I turn my back to her

‭“‬ The police sweetheart.‭”‬ I say while Karen hugs my leg

I look down to see she is dressed and a graze across her forehead.

‭“‬ Oh sweetheart your head.‭ ‬Does it hurt baby girl‭?”‬ I ask to get‭ ‬a nod

‭“‬ Yeah,‭ ‬but not as much as my heart grampie.‭”‬ She says while I nod in agreeing

I hear,‭"‬911‭ ‬what is the matter of your call‭?" ‬the voice says while I respond.‭ ‬I tell the person that my family is dead and I need the sheriff here asap.‭ ‬The dispatcher keeps me on the line while sending officers to the house.‭ ‬I tell her I need a paramedic since the only survivor needed some tending to.‭ ‬After a bit I hear sirens.‭ ‬I hang up to wait for them to pull up.‭ ‬I go over to pick Karen up having her place her head on‭ ‬my chest and promising me that she will not look.‭ ‬I walk out of the room past all the bodies to the front door.‭ ‬I step out seeing the sheriff and his deputies.‭ ‬They all surround Karen and I guns drawn.‭ ‬He walks up to me asking what have I done.‭ ‬Karen speaks up for me.

‭“‬ YOU LEAVE MY GRAMPY ALONE‭! ‬HE DIDN‭’‬T DO ANYTHING WRONG IT WAS JAIME AND THE BAD MEN‭!”‬ She yells catching everyone‭’‬s attention

‭“‬ You mean Jaime Lohr young lady‭?”‬ One of the deputies asks

‭“‬ Yes she does.‭ ‬I hate to ask but can anyone get a vet‭ ‬here because the family dog is in one of the bedrooms on the first floor and needs help.‭”‬ I ask while Karen and I cry

‭“‬ Yes I will get our vet here.‭ ‬Nick you and Karen need to sit while my people and I go in to see what we can find out.‭”‬ The Sheriff says while I nod

‭“‬ Sheriff Johnson‭?”‬ I say seeing him nod worried,‭“‬ You...you will not like what you see.‭ ‬I threw up a few times after seeing such carnage.‭”

He looks between Karen and I before he nods.‭ ‬Karen and I get escorted to my truck as I pull the tailgate down.‭ ‬A female deputy sits next to us to start questioning us both.‭ ‬Karen being the strong little girl answered to her best ability.‭ ‬I cried when she‭ ‬said that Savannah sacrificed her life to save Karen.‭ ‬That Ellie,‭ ‬Verna,‭ ‬Kiko,‭ ‬Megan,‭ ‬Shelby,‭ ‬Lisa,‭ ‬Sasha,‭ ‬and Lucy all stood infront of them to get Karen to the back door,‭ ‬but were shot down in one fell swoop.‭ ‬The deputy was choking up asking her questions.‭ ‬When Karen related that Kevin tried to stand up to Jaime he was the first to be shot.‭ ‬My son that always hated me was standing up for my....no our family to only be taken down.‭ ‬While she explained all I could do was cry holding Karen in my arms.‭ ‬I never‭ ‬got to make things right and because of Jaime I never would.

Sheriff Johnson came over after a hour just as the paramedics were getting done checking Karen out.‭ ‬He had tears in his eyes.‭ ‬He took Karen from me to only hold her.

‭“‬ I am so sorry Karen,‭ ‬I am so sorry.‭”‬ He said to her as she held on to his neck

‭“‬ It‭’‬s ok papa Johnson.‭ ‬I am just glad grampie Nick showed up or Batty and I would of never been found and saved.‭”‬ Karen says while the Sheriff Johnson pulls me to him

‭“‬ Me too baby girl.‭”‬ He says as I hug them both

After the hugs and he hands Karen back to me.‭ ‬He starts explaining what he saw that I didn‭’‬t.‭ ‬It seems William and Debra had their tazers in hand but never got to fire them.‭ ‬Simon,‭ ‬Caleb,‭ ‬Nicky,‭ ‬and Justin had their guns drawn but also didn‭’‬t get to fire them.‭ ‬All the phones were destroyed and the lines ripped from the walls.‭ ‬He in a short summary thinks there was way more then Jaime and a friend.‭ ‬That Jaime was the ring leader of them all.‭ ‬It makes sense because my brothers were battle proven‭ ‬and it would damn tough to take them down just being that little asshole.‭ ‬Karen looked down as if thinking.

‭“‬ Karen was there more then Jaime here‭?”‬ I ask to see her look up at us both

‭“‬ I can‭’‬t remember grampy.‭ ‬It happened so sudden.‭ ‬I was upstairs helping Grammie Vannah change...change Tina.‭ ‬Oh god Tina and Maggie May.‭ ‬My brothers and sisters are gone.‭ ‬What am I going to do now‭? ‬I lost everyone.‭”‬ She says breaking down in my arms

‭“‬ That‭’‬s not true honey you have Nick and I.‭”‬ Sheriff Johnson says with a calm voice

‭“‬ I know,‭ ‬but I don‭’‬t have anyone to play Barbie with,‭ ‬or Snow White with.‭”‬ She says while I rub her back

‭“‬ Karen honey I have a adoptive niece that will like playing Barbie and Snow White with you.‭”‬ I say seeing her look up at me

‭“‬ You...you do‭?”‬ She asks getting a nod

‭“‬ Yes I do.‭ ‬You will meet her in a week.‭”‬ I say seeing a faint smile

‭“‬ Ok,‭ ‬but can...can I get my Snow White Barbie please.‭”‬ She asks while I look at the sheriff

‭“‬ Honey right now you or Nick don‭’‬t need to go back in there.‭ ‬Tell you what I will go get it for you.‭”‬ He says only to be cut off

‭“‬ No sheriff I will.‭”‬ His female deputy says shocking Karen

‭“‬ You...you will ma‭’‬am‭?”‬ My little brave granddaughter says asking

‭“‬ Mhm where is it honey‭? ‬And you can call me Vivian.‭”‬ Vivian says with a small smile

‭“‬ It‭’‬s in Tina‭’‬s bed.‭ ‬I was letting her play with it.‭ ‬Could...could you get Lindsey‭’‬s Cinderella dolly for me‭? ‬I want to hold it like she would.‭”‬ Karen says with tears

‭“‬ Of course honey you just stay here and I will be right back.‭”‬ Vivian says while I see the coroner pull up

‭“‬ So how long do you think it will take to um‭?”‬ I try to ask but he cuts me off

‭“‬ I think most of the evening.‭”‬ He says with a sigh looking at the street and then over at Gina‭’‬s,‭“‬ Nick I know this is a bad time,‭ ‬but maybe you and Karen should stay over at Ron and Gina‭’‬s for a few days.‭ ‬It‭’‬s going to take a few days to get the smell out.‭ ‬I have all the windows open.‭”

“ You maybe right because it will take a few days or a week to get things taken care of.‭ ‬I need to get in touch with Heath‭’‬s lawyer.‭”‬ I say to see him nod

‭“‬ I‭’‬ll get a hold of Eric for you.‭ ‬I am sure he will need to get with Karen.‭”‬ He says while I sit with Karen on the tail gate and I remember something,‭“‬ Sheriff I wish I got up here sooner.‭ ‬I could of probably saved more of my family.‭”

“ Nick if you did,‭ ‬you might of died too.‭ ‬Don‭’‬t doubt yourself since you saved Karen from dying without food or water.‭ ‬Just think of how long this brave little girl was stuck under her grammie.‭”‬ He says while looking at Karen to continue‭ “‬Karen how long were you under Savannah‭?”

“ Since Tuesday night before it was time for bed.‭”‬ She says while Sheriff Johnson and I nod

‭“‬ At least that gives us a time frame.‭ ‬Damn I wish William was here.‭”‬ Sheriff Johnson says while I nod

‭“‬ Yeah I know,‭ ‬and I know where your going with that thought.‭ ‬Sheriff this is my kin and I will do what William can‭’‬t.‭”‬ I say seeing him shake his head

‭“‬ Nick I loved you all as my family also and still do.‭ ‬WE both will deal with this.‭”‬ He says while Vivian returns with a bag and a few dolls

‭“‬ Here you go sweetie.‭ ‬I didn‭’‬t know what clothes were yours so I grabbed them all.‭”‬ Vivian says handing Karen the Barbie dolls

‭“‬ Thank you Vivian and it‭’‬s ok on the clothes.‭”‬ Karen says with tears before she continues‭ “‬ Lindsey if you can hear me I love you sissy and always will.‭ ‬I have your Barbie and will protect it forever.‭”

At that moment I noticed Vivian show tears before she dropped the bag.‭ ‬She came over and picked Karen up holding her.

‭“‬ I am sure she heard you honey.‭ ‬I am sure your brothers and sisters are smiling down knowing you are safe.‭”‬ Vivian says getting a nod

‭“‬ I know and hope they are.‭”‬ Karen says laying her head on Vivian‭’‬s left shoulder

‭“‬ Sheriff is it ok if I watch over Mr.‭ ‬Covington and Karen‭?”‬ She asks while he looks at her

‭“‬ Are you sure Vivian‭? ‬I am sure Nick can watch over himself and Karen.‭”‬ He says while I nod

‭“‬ Yes I am sure because he has a lot on his plate right now,‭ ‬and besides I..I care for them both.‭”‬ Vivan says while I see Karen seem peaceful in Vivian‭’‬s arms

‭“‬ Sheriff I think it will be alright.‭ ‬I will need a woman around to help me with my little granddaughter.‭”‬ I say to get a nod

‭“‬ Grampie I can dress myself.‭”‬ Karen says getting a giggle and chuckle

‭“‬ I know you can baby girl,‭ ‬but bathing you is one thing I won‭’‬t do.‭ ‬I always made your grammies bath the girls.‭”‬ I say getting her to giggle which I was trying to do

‭“‬ Your silly grampie.‭”‬ Karen says while I shrug

After talking a bit more Sheriff Johnson went in to get Ron‭’‬s keys.‭ ‬They all had Karen and I stay out of the house.‭ ‬Once he returned he handed me the keys.‭ ‬Karen asked about Batty.‭ ‬He stated one of his deputies was with Batty at the vet‭’‬s and would bring him home when the vet said it was ok.‭ ‬She nodded saying thank you.‭ ‬I picked up‭ ‬the trash bag before heading over to Ron,‭ ‬Gina,‭ ‬and Tracey‭’‬s.‭ ‬Vivian followed with Karen not far behind.‭ ‬Once in the house I placed the trash bag of clothes by the coffee table.‭ ‬Vivian and I had Karen stay in the living room while we looked around.‭ ‬I pulled my gun out as I went upstairs with Vivian.‭ ‬We checked every room to find them empty.‭ ‬We returned to see Karen holding the Barbies in her arms.‭ ‬Vivian and I both knew she was hurting,‭ ‬but was trying to be brave.‭ ‬I went to get something to drink only to bring back a soda for Karen and Vivian.‭ ‬I had a beer feeling like I needed one.‭ ‬Vivian and I sat on either side of Karen.‭ ‬We chatted for a bit until Vivian said she had to go but would be back later and would bring us something to eat.‭ ‬She asked Karen what‭ ‬she would like.‭ ‬Karen said pizza with a small smile.‭ ‬Vivian nodded before leaving locking the door which made me chuckle inside.‭ ‬It was at that moment Karen tells me something that shocks me.

‭“‬ Grampie I like her can she be my grammie‭?”‬ She says while I sit there stunned

‭“‬ Karen what made you ask that baby girl‭?”‬ I ask seeing her look up at me

‭“‬ Because grammie Savannah and Megan don‭’‬t want you lonely.‭ ‬They talked to me last night when I was sleeping.‭ ‬I would wake up and was scared thinking I would die also.‭ ‬They told me that they will always love you,‭ ‬but knew you would need someone to be close to.‭ ‬They are sorry about the diforce thing....what is a diforce‭? ‬Is it a Jedi mind trick‭?”‬ Karen exclaims to get me to chuckle at the end

‭“‬ You mean divorce and no it‭’‬s when two people break apart and no longer want to be together,‭ ‬And no it‭’‬s not a Jedi mind trick.‭”‬ I say to get a nod

‭“‬ Oh ok,‭ ‬but still they want you to be happy and move on,‭ ‬but never forget they always loved you and always will.‭”‬ Karen says as I feel tears and a warmth in my heart

‭“‬ I know baby girl and I will never forget,‭ ‬but right now isn‭’‬t a time for me to bring another grandma into your life.‭”‬ I say to get a nod

It got quiet between us for a few minutes until she spoke up again.

‭“‬ Grampie where are we going to live‭? ‬I don‭’‬t want to be far from daddy and all my mommies house.‭”‬ She asks while holding the two dolls

‭“‬ Well honey right now the house won‭’‬t be good to live in.‭ ‬It will need to be cleaned up and new furniture to replace what is covered in‭ ‬blood.‭ ‬I was thinking we could go where I live and come here for Christmas and summer if that is ok with you.‭”‬ I explain to see her thinking

‭“‬ I guess that would be ok,‭ ‬but can I have daddy and mommies‭' ‬bedroom so I can feel close to them‭?”‬ She asks while‭ ‬I nod

‭“‬ Of course honey,‭ ‬I don‭’‬t see any problem with that.‭”‬ I say to see a smile that I have not seen in awhile

Karen and I talked for the next two hours until Vivian returned.‭ ‬It was around‭ ‬6‭ ‬o‭’‬clock in the evening that we ate while getting to know each‭ ‬other.‭ ‬She was‭ ‬37,‭ ‬6‭‘‬0,‭ ‬167‭ ‬lbs,‭ ‬with long shiny red hair and blue eyes.‭ ‬She stayed in shape because of her job.‭ ‬She couldn‭’‬t have kids due to being violently raped in college.‭ ‬I shook my head on that thinking whoever hurt her needed to be pistol whipped‭ ‬or worse.‭ ‬I knew then her reason for being around Karen and why.‭ ‬I had to admit talking to Vivian was helping me cope with the loss of my two beautiful wives.‭ ‬She was a beautiful woman with a most caring heart.‭ ‬It was around‭ ‬9‭ ‬that night that a deputy came‭ ‬over to say they had took the bodies to the morgue,‭ ‬but when he said it he had tears.‭ ‬He pulled me outside to give me his condolences.

‭“‬ I am so sorry for your and little Karen‭’‬s loss.‭ ‬Her poor siblings.‭ ‬What sick fuck would do such a thing‭?”‬ He says as I‭ ‬nod

‭“‬ Thanks and exactly he is a sick fuck.‭ ‬I appreciate you coming over to tell me.‭ ‬Is there anyway I can get a hold of the coroner to tell him we want them cremated‭? ‬It‭’‬s like a tradition in Karen‭’‬s family.‭”‬ I say seeing him nod

‭“‬ Actually if you will let me I will take care of that.‭ ‬I will make sure their urns are each marked with their names.‭ ‬We have their I.D.s except for the babies and kids.‭”‬ He says as I pull my phone out to tell him who was who of all the kids and babies

He writes the names down and takes a visual picture of the pictures.‭ ‬Once done he gives me his number and tells me it will be about a week and a half.‭ ‬I tell him that was ok since I had a lot to take care of anyway.‭ ‬We say our goodbyes as I look over at the house.‭ ‬My memories start to come to me.‭ ‬That first time I met Heath brings a smile to my face of how he stood up against me.‭ ‬I chuckle knowing that day was the start of many happy days until I goofed up a few months ago,‭ ‬because of my stupidity.‭ ‬I let out a‭ ‬sigh returning back into the house.‭ ‬I shut and lock the door to see Karen is asleep up against Vivian.‭ ‬I go over and try to pick up Karen who says no don‭’‬t leave me.‭ ‬I see Vivian move spreading out a blanket on the floor just to place a small pillow at one end.

‭“‬ Bring Karen over here.‭ ‬I will lay down with her so she can feel a warm body next to her.‭”‬ Vivian says being logical

I pick my beautiful little baby girl up only to make my way over to the blanket.‭ ‬I gently put her down on the blanket next to Vivian.

‭“‬ Grammie.‭”‬ Karen says with closed eyes as Vivian and I look at each other

I look to see Karen holding Vivian‭’‬s arm.

‭“‬ I think she wants you as a grandmother.‭”‬ I say to see Vivian blush but nods

‭“‬ I guess but what do I do Nick‭?”‬ She asks while I shrug

‭“‬ Be one to her.‭ ‬Love her since she has lost so many that were a mother,‭ ‬aunt,‭ ‬and grandmother to her.‭”‬ I say to get a nod as she shocks me

‭“‬ Nick if I could be a grandmother to her I would love her everyday of my life and protect her,‭ ‬but I know now is not‭ ‬the time or place for us to begin something that I feel could be amazing.‭”‬ She says before pulling Karen to her

I make my way to the front door to get some air.‭ ‬I make sure the door is secured before going to my truck with my glass of tea in my hand.‭ ‬I sit on the tailgate to just think of what a day it has been.‭ ‬I reach for my phone to look at all the messages that Savannah and Megan had sent me the past few months.‭ ‬Their words were of tough love towards me saying they loved me,‭ ‬but my attitude sucked.‭ ‬I knew they were right because I hurt those I dearly loved.‭ ‬I took a sip of my tea when I heard something.‭ ‬I turned my head to look at the door of Heath‭’‬s house.‭ ‬At the door was Heath motioning me.‭ ‬I didn‭’‬t know what to think.‭ ‬I stood up making my way to the‭ ‬door.‭ ‬I remember when mom killed Karl seeing my dad and Aunt Gail there to help her.‭ ‬Once to the door I opened it to see the lights on.‭ ‬I walked in shutting the door behind me.‭ ‬Making my way into the living room I saw all the blood marks.‭ ‬I looked over to‭ ‬see Heath motioning me again up the stairs.‭ ‬I followed without a word.‭ ‬Once upstairs I see him at his bedroom door.‭ ‬I make my way quickly only to enter.‭ ‬I see Heath and Tiffany standing by the computer desk with all the other loves on the bed.‭ ‬They point at something that was laying in plan sight.‭ ‬I walk over to see a manilla envelope.‭ ‬I look at Heath who nods.‭ ‬I pick it up only to open it.‭ ‬Inside are papers of a legal matter.‭ ‬I pull them out to see it‭’‬s a will.‭ ‬I glance over it to only go wide eyed.‭ ‬I see‭ ‬where they wrote out that if one was to die that the remaining spouses were to share.‭ ‬If something was to happen to all of the wives then the kids got everything.‭ ‬I look to see the order of aunts/uncles to take care of them if they were still underage.‭ ‬I smile sadly knowing everything Heath owned along with her mothers she would get because her siblings were dead.‭ ‬Seems they thought of every scenerio that could of happen.‭ ‬She was left the beach house,‭ ‬the house in Oklahoma,‭ ‬the cars,‭ ‬and bank accounts.‭ ‬I kept looking through the papers and found my name.‭ ‬I looked up at all of them.

‭“‬ Are you both sure‭?”‬ I ask getting nods before a bright glow caught my eye

I turned to see another woman sitting on the foot of the bed with my Aunt Gail.

‭“‬ Aunt Gail what is going on‭?”‬ I ask seeing her smile

‭“‬ They want you to take care of Karen.‭”‬ She says with a heavenly voice

‭“‬ Nick they can‭’‬t exactly speak until they can rest in peace.‭ ‬All of them are in a void.‭”‬ The other lady says

‭“‬ A void‭? ‬I don‭’‬t understand.‭”‬ I say while Aunt Gail stands coming to me

‭“‬ They were murdered and tortured my loving nephew.‭ ‬Until their souls are completely at peace they will never be free of torment.‭”‬ She tells me as I shake my head

‭“‬ But I killed you and you should of been sent to hell for what you and Karl did to Lucy and Sasha‭?”‬ I say seeing her nod

‭“‬ Yes,‭ ‬but it was my helping Tessa that helped me come to talk to you.‭ ‬Nick they had forgiven you before they died they just wanted you to come back because you had matured.‭”‬ She says as I have tears

‭“‬ I am so sorry momma Gail.‭”‬ I say feeling a warmth on my right cheek

‭“‬ I know baby,‭ ‬but I forgave you.‭ ‬Savannah and Megan forgave you.‭ ‬They want you happy son.‭ ‬Don‭’‬t mourn for the rest of your life.‭ ‬Find love one day,‭ ‬but protect the little angel that you survived.‭”‬ Gail says with a smile

‭“‬ I..I will but what am I to do.‭ ‬I feel so lost with Savannah and Megan.‭”‬ I say going to my knees

‭“‬ Nick you are not alone.‭ ‬You still have those that care and love you.‭ ‬You have a caring heart that wants to help as she protects my great granddaughter.‭ ‬Accept her help and in time her love.‭ ‬Now stand up and feel loved by those that died because it‭’‬s your task now to keep love going in this house that my husband and I built.‭”‬ She says as I know who she is now

‭“‬ I will grandma May.‭ ‬Can...can you please give Savannah and Megan a message for me.‭ ‬Tell them I will always love them and hold them forever in my heart.‭”‬ I say seeing a smile and nod

‭“‬ They already know baby boy,‭ ‬they already know.‭”‬ May says before there was a flash of‭ ‬light and then they all were gone

I held the papers in my hand knowing this was not a dream.‭ ‬I looked around the room to still see the blood on the bed.‭ ‬I had to get out of there.‭ ‬I took the papers with me so I could go over them later.‭ ‬Once back out of the house I felt a presence on my right.‭ ‬I looked to see Vivian standing there.

‭“‬ Vivian you ok‭?”‬ I ask seeing her walk to me

‭“‬ I am not sure Nick.‭ ‬I was laying with Karen taking a nap.‭ ‬I had a strange dream of two women.‭ ‬They both told me to cherish everyday with you.‭ ‬They both told me to take care of you and Karen.‭ ‬I told them I would try,‭ ‬but they told me to just take care of‭ ‬you both because you both will need me.‭ ‬I woke up feeling I needed to find you.‭ ‬What does it mean Nick because I am somewhat confused.‭”‬ She says while I embrace her after taking the steps to her

‭“‬ I think it‭’‬s those that loved me wanting someone that has already taken Karen and I into her heart to take over where they left off.‭ ‬Vivian I don‭’‬t know what to tell you except do what you feel is right.‭”‬ I say as she steps back

‭“‬ Nick I think I want to be there for Karen and you.‭ ‬If I stay I would miss Karen.‭ ‬She‭ ‬needs a woman around to help her.‭ ‬I feel in time that you and I could maybe have a life together,‭ ‬but I will not force anything.‭ ‬If it‭’‬s ok I would like to visit or maybe live close by to help you raise Karen.‭”‬ Vivian says with tears as I take her left hand in my right

‭“‬ I think I would love that.‭ ‬I think we need to get back before Karen thinks we deserted her.‭”‬ I say to see her eyes go wide

‭“‬ Oh shit I am so sorry I left her.‭”‬ Vivian lets go of my hand to only turn running back to the house

In the moonlight I see her ass shake and start feeling a bit guilty until I hear a voice.

‭“‬ Don‭’‬t feel guilty because it does look sexy.‭”‬ the voice says with a giggle

I just grin saying back.

‭“‬ You bad woman you.‭ ‬I will always love you Savannah.‭”‬ I say hearing her respond

‭“‬ As I you my love.‭ ‬Do not mourn long for Vivian is right.‭ ‬Karen needs you both to find happiness again.‭ ‬She has not really showed her pain yet my darling.‭ ‬I shall always be here for you.‭”‬ My first love says before I make my way to our temporary home

Once back at the house I see Vivian rocking a crying Karen back and forth.‭ ‬I quickly went over dropping the papers on the coffee table just to get on the floor to hold them both.

‭“‬ What happen‭?”‬ I ask to feel Karen come to me

‭“‬ She had a nightmare when I came through the door.‭ ‬She was screaming no please no.‭”‬ Vivian says while I rub Karen‭’‬s back

‭“‬ Shhh your safe honey.‭ ‬Grandpa and Grandma won‭’‬t let anyone hurt you.‭”‬ I say and she leans back to look at us both

‭“‬ I heard all the screaming from my mommies.‭ ‬They screamed in pain begging for mercy.‭ ‬I heard daddy fighting to save my mommies and grammies until I couldn‭’‬t hear him anymore.‭ ‬The last one I heard was mommy Renee and she screamed yelling not her baby and then silence.‭ ‬I was so scared that I was going to die.‭ ‬Grammie....grammie Vannah saved me by covering me.‭ ‬Her...her last words to me was she loved me with all heart before she was shot in the head.‭ ‬That is why my head was hurt.‭ ‬Please grampie and grammie never leave me again.‭”‬ Karen explains with tears while Vivian and I have tears falling

‭“‬ Never darling I will never leave you.‭”‬ Vivian says looking from Karen to me

‭“‬ Likewise my brave little girl.‭ ‬I promise as I sit here.‭”‬ I say seeing her smile

I held them both while we all cried.‭ ‬I think as we cried part‭ ‬of it was a healing moment for Karen and I.‭ ‬Although we both had a long way to go.‭ ‬She held tight to Vivian and I until I heard motorcycle engines going down the street.‭ ‬At that moment Karen screamed.

‭“‬ NO OH GOD THEY'RE BACK‭! ‬WE NEED TO GO GRAMPIE‭!”‬ Karen screamed while struggling

‭“‬ Shhh Karen they are not back.‭ ‬Whoever is riding are going down the street.‭”‬ I say as she stops to look at me

‭“‬ Really‭? ‬It‭’‬s not the bad men‭?”‬ She asks to get a no

‭“‬ Yes because the bikes are in the distance now.....listen.‭ ‬So the ones that hurt our family rode bikes‭?”‬ I say asking while Karen listens

‭“‬ Yes,‭ ‬I heard bike noises before the screaming.‭”‬ She says while I turn to see Vivian look at me worried

‭“‬ Karen honey lets talk about this later.‭ ‬We all need some sleep.‭”‬ I say to‭ ‬get a nod

I get up making sure the house is locked up before returning to the living room to see Vivian had gotten some pillows for us.‭ ‬I kicked my boots off,‭ ‬then take off my gun holster to place it by the coffee table just in case.‭ ‬I lay down next to Karen while Vivian lays on the other side.‭ ‬Karen looks between us before cuddling into me.

‭“‬ I love you grampie Nick.‭ ‬I am so sorry I made you hate me.‭”‬ She says shocking me

‭“‬ I love you too Karen,‭ ‬and I didn‭’‬t hate you.‭ ‬I was in the wrong state of mind.‭ ‬I just wish I could have told our family that.‭”‬ I say feeling her hand on my chest

‭“‬ I‭’‬m glad you're here grampie because I only have you,‭ ‬Batty,‭ ‬and Grammie Vivian.‭”‬ She says with tears

‭“‬ Yes you do princess and always will.‭”‬ Vivian says placing a kiss on Karen‭’‬s head from behind this little angel

Vivian and I snuggle up to Karen so that she knows she is truly safe after a few days of being in hell.‭ ‬I hear Karen start to breathe softly knowing she was falling asleep.‭ ‬I didn‭’‬t‭ ‬know if I could really sleep after walking in on seeing my family dead then finding Karen alive.‭ ‬I reached over placing my hand on Vivian‭’‬s waist just as a friend so Karen could feel she was loved also.‭ ‬I tried to close my eyes feeling for the first time‭ ‬in years vulnerable.‭ ‬I had left my family on bad terms just to see them again without telling them I was deeply sorry for ever hurting them.‭ ‬I laid there with so many thoughts in my head to know the days to come would not be easy.

During that week Karen and I visited Eric who was Heath‭’‬s lawyer.‭ ‬He filled me in on all that Heath and the family had wanted.‭ ‬It seems that Mike,‭ ‬Nate and Ricky left their things to their wives and if they died to their kids.‭ ‬Ellie,‭ ‬Kiko and Verna was the same but their husbands‭ ‬and then kids.‭ ‬Adam,‭ ‬MIchelle,‭ ‬Jack,‭ ‬Seirra and Mande left everything to Heath.‭ ‬Chris and Selena did as well but also gave guardianship of Little Heath to Heath.‭ ‬Travis and Kaye left everything to Michelle.‭ ‬It seems my mom and stepmothers left everything they owned to Heath and his wives since Jasmine was with Heath and Kaye was living there anyways.‭ ‬Mom had split what she owned between my siblings and me but I would give back everything to tell them I was sorry.‭ ‬My sisters and brother-in-laws left everything to Heath for their grandbabies and I just smiled since Karen would be set for life.‭ ‬He explained the best he could to Karen telling her that everything was her's now.‭ ‬That her family gave all that was theirs‭' ‬to her.‭ ‬She cried so much while holding the‭ ‬two Barbies in her arms.‭ ‬She told Eric that she would rather have her family back.‭ ‬Eric and I had tears seeing this little girl who was in deep pain.‭ ‬He had me sign some papers turning guardianship of Karen over to me.‭ ‬I was like Karen just wanting our family back.

After some rearranging on the trailer I put the bikes that my daughters,‭ ‬sons,‭ ‬and brothers once rode on the trailer with the help of Vivian and a few officers.‭ ‬The last bike to go on my trailer would be Kevin's and it hurt because he was the one‭ ‬I wronged so badly to never get the chance to make it right.‭ ‬I put Megan‭’‬s bike in the back of my truck becuase I was going to pay tribute to them all my own way.‭ ‬Once that was done I hook the trailer back up to the truck.‭ ‬We gathered up Karen‭’‬s clothes and toys so she would have all her stuff.‭ ‬She wanted the two big snow globes that Heath had gotten her and Lindsey,‭ ‬but I just didn‭’‬t have any room on the trailer or truck.‭ ‬So Johnny,the officer that was helping with the remains of all the family members,‭ ‬told Karen he would have them shipped safely to Alabama.‭ ‬She hugged him tight thanking him because they were special to her.‭ ‬After everything was dealt with that Friday,‭ ‬a week later,‭ ‬Karen and I loaded up to make our way to her new home.‭ ‬Sheriff Johnson made it clear to me that as long as Jaime was still on the loose that Vivian was going to escort us back home.‭ ‬I just nodded knowing he deeply cared for Karen and I.‭ ‬Karen hugged him tight to only hand him her necklace.

‭“‬ I...I want you to have this to remember me by.‭ ‬I am sure daddy and the mommies wouldn‭’‬t mind.‭”‬ Karen says while he starts to show tears

‭“‬ I will never forget you my little angel.‭ ‬We will meet again honey just stay strong.‭”‬ He says before they both give one last hug

It was a quiet ride home with Vivian escorting us to Alabama driving behind me.‭ ‬Once we got half way we decide to take a break.‭ ‬I made a few phone calls.‭ ‬I called Dwight and Yvonne telling them I was on my way not telling them why because I wanted to do it in person.‭ ‬I also called‭ ‬Savannah‭’‬s parents,‭ ‬Rick and Kara,‭ ‬telling them they needed to be at Dwight's tomorrow evening.‭ ‬Kara tried to get the truth out of me,‭ ‬but I didn‭’‬t budge.‭ ‬Once those calls were made I made another to Joseph,‭ ‬who was my rode captain.‭ ‬I told him that I needed all the club to meet me at the state border.‭ ‬He asked me why and I knew I had to tell him something.‭ ‬I looked over at Karen who was sitting in Vivian‭’‬s lap.‭ ‬I told him I had a precious cargo that needed escorted.‭ ‬He said it must cost a lot.‭ ‬I told him it‭ ‬was priceless to me and those that I loved.‭ ‬I hung up my phone going over to Karen and Vivian.‭ ‬I sat next to Vivian putting my arm around her.‭ ‬She snuggled into me while Karen cuddled into Vivian.‭ ‬While the big eighteen wheelers drove by the rest stop I couldn‭’‬t think of anywhere I wanted to be except here with this precious angel.‭ ‬I was the last of her family that she knew.‭ ‬I could never replace her father and never intended to,‭ ‬but I would try to be the grandfather that she saw me as.‭ ‬After another hour‭ ‬we got back on the road.‭ ‬Karen sat in the back seat of my truck sleeping with Batty while I drove watching the sun go down.‭ ‬I looked in my right side mirror to see Vivian staying close.‭ ‬I liked listening to rock music,‭ ‬but some how it didn‭’‬t fit what I felt at that moment.‭ ‬I turned the radio on flipping through the channels.‭ ‬Then a song came up that just set the mood.‭ ‬While it played I looked ahead down the endless highway to only thank those I loved to show me what love was.‭ ‬I felt a tear go down my right‭ ‬cheek while I looked up at the sky.

‭“‬ Thanks again Vannah and Megan for making me open my eyes.‭ ‬Please never leave my heart for you both shall always be there forever.‭”‬ I say softly so I didn‭’‬t wake up all I had left of both families in the back seat

Hours‭ ‬later Vivian and I reached the border.‭ ‬She became nervous when‭ ‬45‭ ‬bikers were waiting.‭ ‬I pulled over followed my Vivian.‭ ‬Karen stayed asleep while I went to greet a brother of my heart.

‭“‬ Nick what is going on man‭?”‬ Joseph says while I hold him tight before breaking the hug

‭“‬ I‭’‬ll tell you once we're home.‭ ‬Just be patient with me a little longer.‭”‬ I say to get a nod

‭“‬ What‭’‬s with the escort prez‭?”‬ Ben asks while I turn to see Vivian by the truck watching over Karen

‭“‬ She is a good friend who cares about me.‭ ‬Now lets get going before the precious cargo wakes up.‭”‬ I say getting confused eyes

‭“‬ Wakes up‭?”‬ Joseph asks while I nod

‭“‬ Again I will explain once we reach Dwight‭’‬s.‭”‬ I say getting a nod again

‭“‬ Ok everyone saddle up.‭ ‬Prez wants us going as of now.‭”‬ Joseph says while I go over to give Vivian a hug feeling her shiver

‭“‬ What‭’‬s wrong‭?”‬ I ask to see her blush

‭“‬ I guess I got worried seeing all those bikes.‭ ‬I guess you really didn‭’‬t need me after all.‭”‬ She says looking hurt

‭“‬ Sorry and I do need you Vivian.‭ ‬Karen needs you also because she has taken you in as a grandmother.‭ ‬She will need a strong mother figure.‭”‬ I say to get a nod

At that moment there was engines revving up.‭ ‬I walked Vivian to her car before going back to my truck to see Karen awake.

‭“‬ Grampie what...what is going on‭?”‬ Karen asks while I turn around to comfort her

‭“‬ Shhh it‭’‬s ok just a few of my friends are going to escort us home along with Vivian.‭ ‬Just go back to sleep baby girl.‭”‬ I say to get a small nod while she closed her eyes holding her Barbies tight

I turned back around to start my truck.‭ ‬I reached out to give Joseph the signal.‭ ‬The first half of my club started forming up in front of me while the others formed up behind Vivian.‭ ‬It was like that all the way.‭ ‬Of course there was bathroom breaks and rest periods.‭ ‬My brothers and sisters all started to get attached to Karen.‭ ‬The ladies took her in as the club's daughter.‭ ‬I know they all were still confused,‭ ‬but I told them again wait until we reach home.‭ ‬We got back on the road being just‭ ‬a hour from home.

Once we drove up that afternoon a few hours ahead of time.‭ ‬I chuckle knowing it was Joseph pushing us all to know what was going on.‭ ‬I parked in front of Dwight and Yvonne's house seeing they were home along with Rick and Kara‭’‬s car in the drive.‭ ‬Vivian pulled up behind me while the club backed their bikes up on either side of the street.‭ ‬I got out of my truck with Karen in my arms.‭ ‬She held on to her Barbies not letting them go.‭ ‬I turned after shutting the driver door to see Vivian start‭ ‬over to us.‭ ‬I looked toward the house to see Dwight,‭ ‬Yvonne,‭ ‬Rick,‭ ‬Kara,‭ ‬Tiffany who is Joseph‭’‬s wife,‭ ‬and their daughter Heather come out.‭ ‬I got to the middle of the yard before they got to Karen,‭ ‬Vivian,‭ ‬and I.

‭“‬ Nick what is going on son‭?”‬ Rick asks while Kara looks at Karen

‭“‬ Who is the little girl honey‭?”‬ Kara asks while I smile

‭“‬ This is Karen.‭ ‬Karen meet your great grandma Kara and great grandpa Rick.‭”‬ I say while Karen nods

‭“‬ So this is the Karen that Savannah and Megan always would talk about‭?”‬ Kara asks to get a nod smiling getting the joy of being a great grandmother and getting to play with her oldest and unbeknownst to her ONLY great grandbaby.

‭“‬ Yep.‭”‬ I say while Karen looks at them both

‭“‬ Are...are you my grammie Vannah‭’‬s parents‭?”‬ Karen asks in a soft voice

‭“‬ Yes we are honey.‭”‬ Rick says with a smile

‭“‬ Ok bro what is going on‭? ‬You seem to be avoiding the first two questions‭?”‬ Dwight asks being right.‭ ‬I was because it hurt to think let alone saying anything

‭“‬ Before I begin is there a place Karen can get something to eat‭?”‬ I ask while Tiffany comes over to me

‭“‬ Yes I can take her inside Nick.‭”‬ Tiffany says while I nod

‭“‬ Grampie Nick‭?”‬ Karen says looking up at me scared of losing me too

‭“‬ It‭’‬s ok Tiffany is a good woman.‭”‬ I say while her eyes shot open

‭“‬ She...she has the same name my mommy had‭?”‬ Karen says asking to get a nod

‭“‬ Yes baby girl.‭ ‬Her daughter there is named Heather.‭”‬ I say to see Karen turn to see them both

‭“‬ Oh my I guess daddy and mommy will never leave me.‭”‬ Karen says while I‭ ‬hold her

‭“‬ No my little girl they never will.‭”‬ I say while Karen asks to be put down

I watch as she steps over to Heather.

‭“‬ Do...do you like Barbie‭?”‬ She asks Heather who nods

‭“‬ Yes I do.‭ ‬I have Tinkerbell and Repunzel too.‭”‬ Heather says while I hear Karen giggle

‭“‬ Do you want to play Heather‭? ‬I miss playing Barbie with my sister.‭”‬ Karen says sadly lowering her head

‭“‬ Aww I would like to play Karen.‭”‬ Heather says taking Karen‭’‬s right hand after Karen puts the two Barbies in her left arm

Tiffany looks up at me while I mouth‭ '‬Tell you later‭’‬.‭ ‬She nods taking both girls in the house.‭ ‬Once they are inside I turn and make my way to my truck while the club gathers around.‭ ‬I reach getting the big manilla envelope before making my way to the center.‭ ‬I

Same as A Family Betrayal Chapter 39 alternate ending Videos

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Losing my virginity an alternate ending

Inspired by true events, but an alternative ending to how I might have lost my virginity.I was 20 years old, and still a virgin. My will to get laid was insatiable, but somehow things just weren't materializing. I had never been much of a ladies man, and picking up chicks at the bar just wasn't my strong suit. So I headed online to see what I could find. I signed up for xhamster and then threw some pics up on craigslist once I got a little more brave. After a few trolls/emails that never...

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To fully enjoy this story please read well hung betrayal the sequal at the link below. Thanks and happy readinghttps://xhamster.com/stories/well-hung-betrayal-the-sequal-9691243I saw Neil at the pool the following morning after my wife Sarah had sucked his cock in our room He was all smiles as he said “No Sarah? is she ok”I told him she was but she was feeling a bit embarrassed as she had never sucked another mans cock, I lied, and she had never given a blow job where she couldn't swallow the...

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To fully enjoy this story please read the original betrayal story at the link below.https://xhamster.com/stories/well-hung-betrayal-9690411A couple of months after our encounter with the well hung guy in the lay-by and my wife Sarah’s comment about finding her another big cock to suck soon we hadn't spoken about it and although I wasn't adverse to the idea I hadn't even begun to think about how or where to find a nice well hung guy happy for my wife to suck him off. I wasn't even that sure she...

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Betrayal and Payback

Betrayal and PaybackThe Setting:Southern California, in and around the Los Angeles area.Part 1 - The Betrayal"That's the way - suck my clit you miserable little slut - make me cum - that's it."Gail had arrived home early that day. She noticed Paula's pick-up truck in the driveway. These were the sounds she heard emanating from the back bedroom."YES - AHHH - Let me feel your tongue you little cunt."Gail recognized Paula's voice."Lick it up - slave - lick it all up."Gail froze in her tracks as...

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Face of Betrayal

A scene so familiar, a drama ubiquitous - who has not seen, from Shakespeare to soap opera, the tragedy of someone discovering his or her mate *in flagrante delicto*? But when there is no falling curtain nor rolling of closing credits to remind one that it's all just fiction and fantasy, the cold wave of shock and the wrenching in the gut seem entirely unique and unprecedented. The evidence of betrayal, in whatever form, reaches within to the very foundations of one's self- respect, sundering...

1 year ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 42 Battle for Karsakini Part 6 and The Betrayal

Ken jerked his head around to the main tactical screen. "To all ships! Red alert! All hands man your battlestations!" Ken ordered. He turned and walked quickly to the main CIC panel. He looked at the hyper wake coming in. "Estimated time of arrival?" "Six minutes, Sir," replied the sensor officer. "Stack us up. I want a full broadside of weapons to bear on the targets. Launch all fighters." "Yes, Sir! Launching all fighters, stacking the ships." "Dispatch the rest of...

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DemiGodChapter 16 Betrayal

It only took a few minutes to walk to the edge of the Fount. Bright energy-laden Ether spurted up like water under high pressure from the rift in the ground in front of him. Jake saw what the others could not: the rift between the planes was only about a eighteen inches across, but the stream was nearly quarter of a mile across itself, and shot nearly ten times as high. Jake marveled at the care that must have gone into constructing such a well of power in the mortal plane. Brent had...

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Love Lust Betrayal and ConsequencesChapter 12

Deanna I’ve only seen Robbie a few times since our talk but I hear he’s still doing the international routes. He will probably find some blue eyed blonde European vixen with flawless feet and toes to keep him warm at night. He was going to ask for continental flights before I blew up our marriage so we could reconnect. Shot myself in the foot again. Me? nobody wants to date a 8 months pregnant 45 year old with pretty toes. I lost the only man that was like that through selfishness, lust and...

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The War of 2020Chapter 3 Betrayal

Sitting at the telecom station in the Center, Murph rolled in his chair, kicking his feet up on the desk. He hated waiting for others, it was a waste of his time. CGB leaned against a brick wall to his left, his bulky arms crossed as he bounced a tennis ball against the floor impatiently. “These fucks do this shit on purpose,” CGB sneered, walking over to his chair. Finally, after waiting almost ten minutes for a thirty second conversation, the red light flashed on the monitor, advising that...

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Slave to the EmpireChapter 18 Betrayal

Aerick awoke first to the chains. The surroundings confused him at first, but his eyes slowly acclimated to the dim chamber. His wrists were bound above him, and his feet brushed the bone covered floor below. A moan to his left caught his attention, and he saw the similarly dangling form of Toril against the far wall. To his right, Savren lay crumpled in a heap, covered in blood and bound in wire. Of Kieron, there was no sign, giving the ranger pause to whether the young human had evaded...

1 year ago
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Betrayal of the SuccubiChapter 5 The First Betrayal

Calyndi's eyes practically bugged out of her head. "Do you mean to tell me that you've been with Devin tonight?" Calyndi was surprised to find feelings of excitement and a strange sense of jealousy flittering through her. "No, not tonight," Linki said, "last night. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd be so worried. But it worked! The ring protected me from his powers." "How can you be sure?" "Well, after we ... had our fun last night, he tried to claim me. He did...

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Betrayal of the SuccubiChapter 8 The Second Betrayal

Calyndi was happy to see the sun drop below the horizon. She'd regained enough of her strength to leave Linki's place following a delightful, blonde meal. Linki had thankfully not made any overt attempts to engage Calyndi sexually, instead focusing her energies on driving the young blonde girl as wild with sexual need as possible. Sometimes stealing a girl away like Linki had done with the blonde would result in a meal filled with the bitterness of fear, but with two succubi working her...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 5

"Well Chris, I'm sure you have a really good story to explain where the hell you have been since last night, and how you ended up looking like a punching bag. Lets get you set up to have that head of yours looked at, and anyplace else that needs it, then we can all find some place quiet and talk." Bill led Chris up to the check in and his best friend at the check in desk. "Veronica, how did you end up bringing Chris here? I thought that you didn't care about him at all." Jamie asked...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 1

Sometimes our lives seem to be a series of random accidents. This part of our tail centers on what happens when the inevitable happens and life decides to mark due the bill for our mistakes and misdeeds. As the Taylor family finished up at the tattoo booth, a range of emotions could be found amongst the four of them. Wendy was feeling astounded that things had gone so far so fast. She had readily agreed to this penance as a way to make up for the sins that she knew that her and Jamie were...

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Truths and Betrayals of a Young Mans Heart Chapter 10 Final

Introduction: This is the last Chapter to the series, I hope everyone has enjoyed the story, thanks for reading…Peace Im in my squad car listening to the radio and nothing eventful is going on. With my coffee in hand im watching as pedestrians are walking by waving at me nicely. The years have gone by and have been nice. After Maya was born I went into the Police Academy, but I wasnt the only one Dusty and Will followed me. We graduated in the top 10 of our class. Mina supported me through it...

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Before and After Alternate Ending

Before & After By Mel Huntington The author welcomes feedback at [email protected] I shut the water off and stepped out of the shower, silently wishing that a federal law could be enacted mandating decent-sized towels at all lodging establishments in these United States of America. I made due with what I had and then stepped out of the bathroom into the vanity/closet area of the motel room. I inspected myself in the mirror: 5'8", blonde hair, blue eyes, and 155 pound...

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Bar Room Dancer Alternate Ending

My business meeting had run late. I was to meet Susan an hour ago. She had talked me into letting her come along to my most recent company convention. For years I had gone alone, as most of the men in the company had done. But this year she insisted on seeing just what went on at these conventions. So, reluctantly I agreed. We had an early dinner together because I was to meet with the CEO of the business that evening. I assumed it would be a short meeting so I told Susan just to go ahead to...

Group Sex
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Triple B or Bad Bitch Betrayal

Another contest entry, as you can tell the theme was betrayal Betrayal, a word you never think of ‘til it happens to you. The dictionary defines it as the action of betraying one’s country, a group, or a person; treachery. Treachery, yeah that’s more of what I feel it is. As I said, no one really thinks of it ‘til it happens to you. Ok, to get everyone up to date, I am John Trumbel, six-foot, athletic build, chiseled chin. Sounds good to me right? If you ask my supposed loyal wife nothing...

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They say love is blind. I can testify that at least for me it was. What nobody ever said was that the betrayal by the only thing you cherish in the world will cause more pain than any whip and cut deeper than the sharpest blade. That's where my story begins. Kat (Kathy) was my wife. We're not divorced yet, but she is no longer my wife. She knew the difference between right and wrong and she decided to do wrong again and again. I don't give a rat's ass why. For the past several weeks she...

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Netorare Mama My Parents Betrayal

Introduction: A son learns the truth about his mother and late fathers kinky activities over the years Definition of Netorare: A Japanese term that describes a situation where a loved one is taken away or betrays the main character. Similar to cuckolding, but is a much broader term. It involves situations between the betrayal of husband and wife, mother and son, brother and sister, friends and so on. It is very popular in the hentai/doujin market. It is designed to play with the readers...

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