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POPULAR By Anastasia Toy "Excuse me, professor?" I looked up. Standing in the half opened door to my office was Denise Mayberry, a sophomore taking my course, Introduction to Sociology. I looked up from my paperwork. "Yes, Denise." "I've been having some difficulties understanding some of the material. Could you spare some time for me?" Without waiting for a reply, she stepped inside and closed by office door behind her. She leaned back against the door, still holding the doorknob with both hands behind her back, so that her body arched slightly toward me. I raised my eyebrows and took her in. She was definitely a looker. You tend to get a couple in each introductory class: very pretty girls who don't want anything too academically demanding. They're never enrolled in the higher level courses - what they major in is anybody's guess. Denise was particularly attractive and, it must be said, particularly slow. Well, that's not exactly true; she was doing poorly, but seemed to have some intellect or at least the potential for one. She just seemed not to care about the material. Or maybe she just cared about other things more. That would explain her preferred style of dress, which was always provocative - now more than ever, I was realizing. It was early February and even at our southern university that didn't make for very warm weather. Despite the chill she was wearing a short, pleated skirt and a pair of high heeled espadrilles. Hadn't those gone out of style years ago? The heft of her breasts was obvious in a tight halter top over which her long blonde hair, probably dyed, cascaded. A sexual display, I thought. Probably accentuated for our little meeting - hoping to get some concession from me. Fat chance. "Come on in," I said, in a voice that told her I'd noticed she already had. She made her way to my desk and sat in the chair I had for visitors. Resting her elbows on the desk, she put her face in her hands and leaned forward, forming a triangular frame for her hanging, heavy breasts. "I don't think I'm going to do well in this class," she said abruptly. "Not if the first test is anything to go by," I said. Time to be firm. "Maybe there's something I could do - extra credit, a project, retake the test..." she trailed off. "You have the same choices that everyone else in the class has. Work hard and do well or slack off and score badly. I told everyone, including you, that there would be no exceptions or special provisions. You're always free to come by my office during my hours if you have specific questions, but that help is for the future, not the past." Denise sat up and put her head down. "If I fail this course, I'll be put on academic suspension. My parents won't pay for college any more." "I'm terribly sorry, Denise, but I have to keep the rules pure. You'll just have to work harder." "But professor," - still talking to the ground - "I'm not good at working, either. I try, but somehow it just doesn't happen. Maybe if I worked here in your office - I just need some support, sometimes. To keep me away from distraction." I smiled. "You mean like a study hall here in my office?" She nodded. "I'm afraid that's out of the question; I respect your difficulties, but I can't sacrifice my entire schedule for one student." Now she sat silently, still staring at the floor. Five seconds passed, then ten. Time to take a little risk. I stood up and walked around to her side of the desk. It's funny how I always forget how tall I am - six and a half feet and suddenly towering over this tiny girl. I rested half standing on one edge of the desk, my legs slightly apart. I bent forward and rested a hand on Denise's shoulder. She looked up - her eyes were damp - "Professor?" "You're having problems, Denise. Why don't you tell me about them?" "Professor Adams, I don't know if I can tell you about them." She was sniffling. "Go ahead, I won't judge. Is it drugs?" "No no no. No. It's... it's boys. I was dating a popular guy." "Who, if you don't mind me asking?" "DeShaun Williams, professor." Oh. DeShaun Williams was a star on our football team, which at a large state school is a big deal. About as eligible as they come. "And?" I asked. "And I was so popular." Now she was really sobbing. "And so when he asked me to do things, I didn't want to say no and I did them and now I feel bad and I don't know what to do and..." She was talking very quickly and on the verge of full-blown hysterical tears. All an act, I was sure. A girl, even a young one, had to know what she was getting into with the DeShaun Williamses of the world. All she'd really told me was that I had an opportunity. I moved my hand to cup her cheek. "Calm down. I'm not sure what you're talking about, not sure of the details, but I have some idea. You have to give a lot of time to him?" "Yes, but it's not just that. It's also the things he asks me to do, the way it makes me feel and -" I cut her off: "Whatever. Sometimes we make situations that only we can resolve. This is one of those times. I can't help you with DeShaun." Hope had been growing on her face, but it disappeared. "Professor?" "Let's put it this way: right now you're sacrificing your schoolwork for DeShaun, right?" "Sort of, I guess..." "And when you say you can't work, you're saying that you don't think you have what it takes to get out of that situation, is that right?" "Maybe... I don't know..." "Well, you have two choices. You can either stop making sacrifices for DeShaun and do your work or you can start making some sacrifices for me." "Professor?" Now or never. I unzipped my trousers and withdrew my cock, which was already semi-erect. "It's your choice." Five seconds passed. Ten. Fifteen. She was crying softly - all an act. At first slowly, she took my cock in her hands and moved her face towards it. "On your knees," I said softly. She gave a sob, but kneeled between my legs and began to suck my cock. "We all choose the sacrifices we make, Denise. This is your choice, do you understand?" Still crying, she nodded. Fuck, it was kind of hot the way she was crying, even if it was bullshit. Or maybe it was just the wonder of the sensation, the rush of power at seeing this delectable young girl below me, pleasuring me. In any case, my cock was hard and I wanted to take her. The tears stopped after a few minutes; she seemed to have gotten into her job, but maybe also a little numb to what was happening. In any case, when I came, she swallowed it all without hesitation. As she left, I said: "Once a week, here, Mondays at 9 PM. Come to class half the time, don't worry about the tests. Write anything you like in them. A B+ at the end of the semester. Does that sound good?" "It sounds okay," she said. "Let's both have fun with this," I said and closed the door after her as she left. CHAPTER 2 After a month, Denise was more or less comfortable with our arrangement. I kept her for an hour, having her blow me a couple of times; in between, I'd help her with some of her homework for other classes and this seemed to have her warming to me. Soon she was smiling at me, if a little nervously, when we bumped into each other. Nice girl, but a total slut. On the fifth week I decided things were stable enough to warrant a little ambition, so when Denise came in my door I had an offer for her. I clasped her head and had her look up at me. "Let's have sex, this time, Denise." "Uh, professor, I don't know about that. It was never part of the deal." "Nothing was ever part of the deal. We've just gotten used to the way things are. And anyway, I think you'll like it." She looked at her feet. "Sure. Okay." Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration. "Are you still seeing DeShaun Williams?" "Yes, Professor, kind of." "I remember that you said he made you 'do things'. What kind of things?" "Uh..." "You can tell me. We're in a special situation." "Well... he likes me to be dirty." "Hmmm. You mean he's rough with you?" "Yeah. And he like calls me names." "What kind of names?" "S-slut, sometimes. He calls me his porn star." She was becoming very agitated. "Hey, it's okay. People do all kinds of things when they have sex. I'm not going to judge you." "No?" "No, really. Just tell me. You haven't been able to tell anyone else, have you?" "No. I feel really ashamed, like I'm dirty." "You couldn't be dirty if you tried." "Well, I know he tells the other guys on his team the stuff he makes me do. Like one time he made me stay in his room naked for an entire weekend while he went to practice and to parties and stuff and whenever he came back he'd like have sex with me but not talk to me. And another time there was this guy that used to be on the team but graduated and he came back to visit and DeShaun told me to give him a blowjob." Jesus, what a slut. "But when we're out together he's really nice and so that makes up for it." "Do you like doing these things." "At first no. But then it was like what DeShaun wanted and I love him so much that it makes it okay kind of. So now I do all that stuff for him because I want to be with him and I enjoy it because I know he wants me to enjoy it. But other times I feel like he doesn't really love me back and then I feel awful and can't do anything. I don't know. Do you think that's really bad? Do you think I'm awful now?" "Not at all. You're not a slut." You could see relief spread across her face. "In fact, I like those things. I want you to do some of them with me." And there went the relief. I smirked. "So we're going to have sex now, but you can't make any noise. And I know you're going to make noise. So take off your panties. Good. Now put them in your mouth. Good. Now close your eyes and stand there for a moment." She did this, but like our first meeting, her lips began to tremble. I turned on the stereo I kept in my office and then went to my closet. Inside I found the duct tape I was looking for and as quietly as I could tore off a ten inch strip. I went back to Denise and put my face right in front of hers, the tape behind my back. She opened her eyes, which I knew she'd do, "No no, Denise, keep your eyes closed. This will be fun." She didn't think so; her eyes were welling up and when she shut them again, a tear was squeezed from the left one. A slut, but she had some growing up to do. Oh well. I took the tape and aligned it an inch away from her skin. Then, all at once, I pressed it down. Her eyes sprang open in a sudden panic; her hands darted toward her face but, prepared, I caught them and held them by her side. "Now now, Denise, this is just to keep you quiet. As always, you can leave if you like. We'll just take it off and out you'll go. Would you like to stay?" After a pause, she nodded. "Then bend over my desk." CHAPTER 3 After that incident, the smiles and the friendliness stopped altogether. Each week she came by, I upped the ante a little bit and by April, I had her coming to my office without underwear, stripping down to only her wedge sandals (the only high heels it turned out she owned) and bending over my desk without saying a word. This was a fresh and thrilling pleasure for me. I'd never done anything like it; I couldn't have a relationship with a student because of the conflicts of interest and all sorts of similar complications both personal and professional and I couldn't just rape one because that would be wrong. Denise was in the perfect middle ground: I had had to lean on her, but despite her occasional tears she had chosen her own path and her consent soothed my conscience; she had no interest in exposing our arrangement, so I had no fear of the university or of the law; and because she was a natural slut and because I had a little leverage over her, I could do things with her that I'd never gotten to try. I found myself wishing I'd experimented earlier in life: the power was erotic and intoxicating and I felt restored and young. Not that I wasn't young anyway - I was twenty-eight and furthermore looked very boyish. But I've always been afraid of death and old age and this nineteen year old girl was reminding me that I had many years of prime manhood left. Isn't it always this way? Fucking this girl was giving me the confidence to pursue something more serious: Lillianna Ortiz, a fellow professor of sociology. A beautiful woman: 5'9", thin waist with healthy breasts and an obviously Latin ass. Her features were strong and exotic - perhaps some gypsy blood in her - and her eyes were an enchanting hazel. Incredibly intelligent, she was a few months younger than I - if the various committees approved her; she'd usurp my position as the youngest with tenure. Not that I had much taste for her work - she was still on that old Political Correctness kick and her studies concerned gender roles and the various ways that 'men usurped the power of women,' and the like. I've always thought that there's truth to that, but these days it's overemphasized and I hated talking about it, much less studying it. I had to cover all that shit in my intro course, though. So at the beginning of April, I asked Lillianna if she could present her material later in the month to my class - kind of a guest lecture. An inspired stroke, I thought, killing two birds with one stone: I'd get out of having to present material I had no taste for and I'd also have a good pretext for a cup of coffee with Lillianna. That cup of coffee came in the first week of April and led to a lunch and then a dinner, all of which were pleasant. I found that Lillianna, far from being a rabid feminist, was happy to let conversation wander all over the field of human culture and science and to enjoy the beginning of what looked to be a more or less 'normal' relationship. A beautiful woman that can talk about Freud, the recent issue of the New Yorker and all the rest is every intellectual's dream and I had found it. And on a Sunday two weeks after our first meeting, I found myself in bed with her not two weeks after our first meeting. The sex was lovely and inspired and waking up the next morning to see her at her side, I knew that I would do all I could to keep her in my life for a long time. But the next day, Monday, Denise was scheduled to pay a visit again. What would I do? I wanted to be true to Lillianna - but the semester's end was only three weeks away and the pleasures of Denise's flesh had been growing on me. Just three more weeks of fun, of something I was sure I'd never get from Lillianna. It wouldn't hurt Lillianna - my thing with Denise was purely sexual. Damn straight I'd fuck these few last times. So that night when Denise came to my office, locking the door behind her, stripping and laying her body out for me on my desk like I'd taught her, I fucked her and did it with relish, savoring this, one of my last experiments with control. I smiled to myself and treated her like a total object; I didn't do anything overtly different, but I didn't do any of the gentle things I'd done to soothe Denise - didn't stroke her afterwards, didn't look at her warmly, didn't ask her about her life. I just used her and I loved it. CHAPTER 4 That Wednesday was Lillianna's guest lecture spot in my class. I had no desire to listen to her drivel and spent the whole time letting my mind wander, thinking of Lillianna and then Denise in various positions and scenarios. When the class was over and the last of the students had left, Lillianna and I talked for a few minutes about her lecture - a conversation I had to feign my way through. The conversation turned personal and before I knew it, half an hour had passed. "Shit," I said, looking at my watch. "There you go putting me under your spell and I've lost track of time. I've got to run to a meeting with Professor Randall. Already late for it." She laughed softly. "Go ahead. I've got to collect my papers before I head out. Oh - remember we won't get to see each other until Sunday night - the San Francisco conference." "Of course, of course. I'd drive you to the airport this afternoon myself, but this meeting's going to last for hours. You know, the funny thing is that I already know I'm going to miss you." "I know. I feel the same way. It's all happening so fast. Well - let's not dwell on it. Adios until Sunday." I kissed her quickly and then moved quickly to leave. Denise was on the other side of the door. "Have you been waiting here this whole time, Denise? I can't talk to you right now; I've got another meeting to get to." "No no, professor. I left my bag in the classroom and I just realized it, so I came back to get it." Odd. She looked like she'd been waiting. Whatever. I looked over my shoulder, through the window in the classroom door, to see if Lillianna was coming. No, still organizing her papers; good, I've got a bit of time. I'm leaned into Denise. "I spent the day a student like you. Maybe Professor Ortiz will want an arrangement with me like the one I've got with you." "Okay, professor." Fine, so it wasn't funny. I left Denise and went off to my meeting. *** Lillianna and I met at our town's nicest restaurant for our Sunday date; it's a college town, so nicest isn't as nice as you might hope, but nevertheless there was enough swank to make for romance. But Lillianna herself did not look like she was in the mood. She was already seated when I arrived, even though I was five minutes early and there was an expression on her face I couldn't place. Anger? Distress? Fear? No, none of these. Her features were just sharper and a little drawn. The most I could say is that she was closed, unreadable. The conversation was tight and forced. Perhaps the conference had gone badly in some way? I decided not to ask about it, figuring that after a few drinks she'd loosen or at least explain her strange mood, but she had nothing to drink, even as I finished three glasses of red. Eventually, almost for want of anything better to say, I asked her if something was the matter, but she just deflected me with a 'nothing, nothing.' It's not worth describing the mundane details of that awkward dinner, during which I went from bored to nervous. She had seemed on the brink of love not five days ago and we hadn't met since then, so what could I have done wrong? Clueless, I worried my way through dinner, dessert and a long walk back to her apartment. There, I tried to kiss her, but she pushed me away: "Tom, I can't." "Why? What? I have to ask again, now - something's wrong and I need to know what it is." "Fine, something is wrong. There's been a tragedy in my family and - well, it may affect me, too. Even more than the pain of having a hurt relative. I just - I just have to sort this out before I can be with you again." "God, why didn't you say something?" "It's just that - well, I'm a little stunned." "Look, I know we haven't been together long, but maybe I can help. This may sound corny, but you can lean on me, Lillianna. You can, if you want." "That's not something I feel comfortable with, not in this situation, Tom. I just don't know you well enough to do that." "Well, can you at least tell me how long this is going to take you? When can I see you again?" "I don't know. Frankly, maybe never. I just can't say right now." "Lil -" "Good night, Tom." And so she went into her apartment, leaving me alone on the front steps. *** At first I was upset, then depressed. By nine the next night, I was simply angry: I was ready to give myself to Lillianna - why the fuck couldn't she give herself to me? Even if she couldn't, why couldn't she tell me what to expect, give me the courtesy of a phone call. I needed her already and it hurt. Such thoughts ran through my mind as I looked at Denise, who stood before me in her wedge espadrilles, a navy dress that fell to her knees and her blonde hair in pigtails. She was looking at me with a bit of fear in her eyes; I could understand or would have, if I'd given a fuck about it: I was angry. I was sitting behind my desk and beckoned her to come to me. Dutifully she walked around. Still seated, I lifted her dress to stroke her thigh. "You're not dressed like such a slut tonight, Denise. Why is that?" Denise's eyes widened. I'd never called her a slut before. "Professor?" I grabbed her around her waist with both hands and lead her as I turned in my desk chair to face the wall behind my desk. I pushed her down to her knees and held her head by her hair. "Why aren't you dressed like a slut?" "I never dressed like a slut. But I never got to wear this dress, either, because DeShaun didn't like it." "Oh?" "And I'm not seeing DeShaun any more." "I don't give a fuck who you're seeing. You're mine, now." "Fine, professor. Let's just do this and get it over with." I didn't care for her tone. "No more talking unless I tell you to. Understand? Do you?" She nodded. "Now unzip my pants and take out my cock. She did this, but her expression, unmoved and implacable, was beginning to piss me off. Her air of resignation as she took my cock in her mouth was the final straw. I slapped her. "I want to see some enthusiasm from you, slut. And if you don't show it, I'm going to force it out of you." The tears began again and this time I was totally thrilled. I needed them, evidence of my power over her. I slapped her face again, this time harder. "Fine, Denise, cry. You're such a slut that you'll fuck me all the same. I've said throughout that you could leave if you wanted to and this time is no different. But you'll put up with it because you are a slut and nothing more." She was crying now in earnest, tears running down her face. But she was not sobbing or moving her face. It stoked my anger. I slapped her again. "You'll put up with it, won't you, because you're a slut. WON'T YOU!?!" "Yes," she said softly. "Why?" I yelled. "Because I'm a slut." "Yes, Denise, you are a slut. Now hike up your dress and put your hands against the wall." I stood up and pushed my office chair away, so that it was no longer behind me. "Now beg for it, slut." "What?" I slapped her. "Beg me to fuck you, because you're a slut." A pause and so another slap, this one hard and on her ass. "Please fuck me, I'm a slut." "Again." Slap. "Please fuck me, I'm a slut." And I went to put my cock in her. But I had to get low to get to her pussy, because she was so much shorter than me. From this angle it was difficult the leverage I wanted to fuck her hard, so I decided I'd throw her on her back on the desk, her legs in the air and fuck her until she screamed. I put my arm around her waist and spun her back to face me, then hoisted her in the air, our faces now level. I turned around and bent over quickly, dropping her roughly to the desk; my face was now inches from her breasts. Those had to come out: scissors. My face still down I fumbled for my scissors and finding them, I made a small cut in the dress fabric near the space between her breasts. I slipped three fingers of each hand into the hole and tore - no dress anymore. Throughout this whole maneuver I'd kept my eyes riveted on her tight little body, her slut's body, now exposed below me. Denise was gasping beneath me, too terrified even to cry, a feeble high pitched whine coming from her mouth. I smiled, flared my nostrils and grabbed her ankles. Staring now at her pussy, I pulled her legs first up straight together, then out in a V. "Keep them there, slut." My hands slid down her thighs to her waist: a grip to fuck her hard with. My cock was fully hard and need no help. I simply pulled back on Denise's small frame and pushed forward with my hips. My cock went in, pleasure rushed, my eyes closed. With a moan I threw my head back. I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling. "That's just the beginning, slut." Savoring the moment, I began slowly to right my head. Standing inside my office door was Lillianna. She said: "You're right, it's just the beginning. You just don't know what it's the beginning of."

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Follow me on instagram @raqm0900Introduction:I have always had my own set of ideas, preferences and morals, frequently not in accord with those of my peers, and attempt to follow them shamelessly.< Sorry to have been so long in posting this part. I hope to not be so long with the next. >If you haven't read the first chapter, I recommend that you do so.Everything rolled long very well the next morning, even though we were an hour late getting there.We were so elated and sexually fulfilled...

3 years ago
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RebirthChapter 14

The look in Renata’s eyes was terrified and pleading, and her cheek was starting to darken with a new bruise. It would probably be a nasty purple in a few days. I started to move toward Renata more out of instinct than from any belief I would actually get to her. I felt a hand grip tight onto my shoulder, holding me fast. I was still a little shocked to see her. In the back of my mind I had already resigned myself to her being dead, as I couldn’t make it add up for the Russians to keep her...

1 year ago
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Adventures With LindzChapter 3 Payback

I woke up feeling sore and completely spent. It'd been about a month since I pierced Lindz and things were going very well. We agreed that things may have progressed a little too quickly our first weekend together and were determined to use her month of self-imposed abstinence to get to know each other better. We'd both lived in DC for years and had a lot of fun showing off our favorite haunts. It helped that we worked in completely different fields as there always seemed to be a happy hour...

3 years ago
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©This story is an original copyright. Any similarity is pure coincidental. Forgery or publishing without the permission of the author is fraudulent. This is my second attempt. Critics are welcomed (as usual). I know that I have been receiving many critics due to my lack of judgment regarding my first submission so I try to make this story more understandable to all readers. I hope I have improved much with this story. So, please, comment! Thank you! * PROLOGUE: THE BEGINNING Tuesday May...

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Hole in One

This is my second attempt at writing a story. It is a true account of one of my golf trips. If you like older/younger stories and some spanking, you might like this story. I don’t think it is as wild as my first story, but I still have fond memories of the experience. Again, if you are not eighteen years or older, do not read this story as it contains explicit sexual content.  It was several years ago. Every year I would travel to Myrtle Beach with a bunch of friends, most were my cop buddies....

3 years ago
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Wrong Room

The Schaffer family was all smiles on this particular Friday afternoon. They were leaving for their annual summer vacation. Their bags were packed, the SUV loaded, and all that remained was for them to load themselves up. Every year they took a weeklong road trip with no fixed destination. They just simply picked a direction and went. As they pulled out of the driveway Amanda Schaffer noticed out of the corner of her eye that her son Ryan was starring at her."Is something the matter honey?" She...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 22

Ed and Ling were making love in the doggy position. His hands pulled her onto his cock even as she pushed back against him. Her loud vocalizations of sexual pleasure carried through the entire house and drove Ed to drive his cock into her harder. The hard thrusts only increased her pleasure and the volume of her voice. It was a cycle that drove both of them to higher pleasure. Buttocks clenched as the come boiled up from his balls to fill her waiting cunt, Ed screamed out his pleasure in a...

1 year ago
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FuckingAwesome Joseline Kelly Joseline Cheats With The Hung NextDoor Neighbour

Joseline’s boyfriend won’t pay attention to her because he is too busy playing video games. She strips for him and tries to seduce him but but he isn’t interested. They don’t know that hung stud Mick Blue is watching them from the house next door. She catches Mick watching her and decides to go and get off with him instead. Mick is already rock hard so Joseline drops to her knees and sucks his big dick. Mick uses her tiny pussy for his pleasure until she cums. Thankful for getting her off, she...

3 years ago
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The Boss Trophy Wife part 2

This writer’s imagination has been working overtime, so now I’ll bring you a mixture of true events and fantasy. ************ About eight months after I began working for Joy, I began seeing a few signs of worry in her face. I didn’t worry too much about it when I was slamming her pussy or asshole, or getting my nuts off into her mouth. One day, after a session of hot sex in one of the motel rooms, Joy asked me if I’d just lay beside her and hold her a while. I had no problem with...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Lacy Tate Macy Meadows Giving My Stepsister Her Christmas Present

Lacy Tate and Macy Meadows are on the search for Christmas presents, but they keep getting caught by Macy’s stepbrother Jason. Jason catches them twice and tells the girls that if he finds them sneaking around a third time he’s going to fuck them. They don’t believe him, so they keep up the search and go to Jason’s room, where he finds them again. Lacy tells Jason that she dares Jason to do it and Macy doubles down by pulling down her shorts so Jay can stick it in. Lacy...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Sex Toys Story 4

Karen and I enjoyed the snacks and a bottle of a good white wine. We took a nice long shower together. She has such a tight firm body; I couldn’t keep my hands off her. Especially her ass! So round and ripe!I was facing her and grabbing her ass, pulling her body close to mine and kissing her deeplyKissing me back with a searching tongue, Karen grabbed my dick, squeezing it with a gentle twisting action that quickly brought him back to life.“Need a bit more action Jack?” Karen licked her lips...

3 years ago
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Good kitty

You are a young girl, 18 two months ago. Your chest is near flat, you were constantly teased at school for this. You have unnatural blue hair in a nice little pony tail, you also have lovely emerald eyes and a face that makes you look younger then you really are. You are short for your age, and your frame is slim. You have three brothers and one sister, all are older then you, but still haven't moved out. Your family is rich, so your house is if a considerable size. You awake one beautiful...

3 years ago
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My Silly L ittle S ister

My s ister is such a silly l ittle thing. She thought she could blackmail me into doing her math homework with the threat of showing our parents a video,that she took on her cell phone,of me jacking off to a nude picture of our Mother and then cuming into a pair of her used,black lace panties! I laughed because Crissy doesn't know that Mom and Dad gave them to me,just for that purpose! ***Last Sunday morning,I decided I finally had to go to my folks and tell them all about the dirty little...

4 years ago
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Girls Night Out Chapter 4

I was beside Tina like a rocket, scooping her into my arms, Diane was behind her looking both concerned and nervous. I nodded for her to come, she waved at someone outside and closed the door behind her. Carrying Tina into the front room I asked if she wanted a drink.Through her sniffles she said, “A hot chocolate please,” I looked at Diane who just nodded and disappeared into the kitchen.“Want to tell me or wait for Diane?” I asked, Tina started a fresh bout of sobbing. I just sat with her in...

Straight Sex
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Red Wine Kisses

If I close my eyes, I can see her face and the sultry smile that warmed the coldest of days. If I concentrate, I can feel her skin, run fingertips over its silky smooth surface and smell the light floral fragrance that lingers upon it. And, as I conjure that fragrance, I recall the heat of her body and the electric tingle that arced between us when we kissed. Romilly. I need her, I want her, and if I close my eyes…“Mum!”Snapped back to reality, I see Emma standing, hands on hips, one eyebrow...

2 years ago
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K T and FamilyChapter 22 Portents

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Friday night was quiet. The media was camped out, but many of the lightweights had been run off. Friday 11:39 PM ET–http://www.xanga.com/groups/group.aspx?id=XXXXX Davidspet: Oh my God. Remember that scene from Tuesday? They posted pictures at the club, along with some new rules. The rules are what you expect: more safety precautions and liability waivers. If it were not for the pictures, no one would have noticed. With them—you understand. It was the...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Aiden Ashley Maya Woulfe A Touch Of Envy

SCENE OPENS on April (Maya Woulfe), who is trying to film a programming tutorial for her online channel. But April’s filming is constantly being interrupted by her roommate Mia (Joanna Angel), who is working out loudly in the other room. Finally, April goes to Mia’s room to confront her and ask her to be more quiet. But Mia is dismissive and condescending. April grits her teeth, fuming internally at Mia’s cruelty. A few days later, Mia and her girlfriend Cassidy (Aiden Ashley)...

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Chudaike Sanghars Betase 8211 Part 1

Ye story ek maa our ek beta ki hain . Rajesh sukla uske bibi maya sukla our unke beta jay sukla ek chotisi family me bahat khus the . Kahani tab suru hui jab unone ek noukar rakha ghar ki kamkaj kelie .Noukar dekhneme bahat hin hatakata tha . Rajeh mayako sexually satisfy nehin karparaha tha . Jada din kam karne ke bad noukarko pata chal jata hain ye bat . Wo noukar may pe bur I ajar dall ne lagjatahain . Maya pyasi hone ke karan jaldi hin wo noukarse sex relation rakhne lagjata hain . Ye bat...

4 years ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 42

It went off, Lenore thought, pretty much without a hitch, up to now. After they'd left Chief Kostowe on the boat, they'd paddled ashore in the dark, trotted up the small creek, under the freeway, and formed up outside the cinderblock-and-chain-link fence enclosure. The top of the enclosure was topped with four feet of fence and on top of that was concertina – razor wire. Lenore eyed the wire, and thought, Its California, and there are crazy people everywhere here. No telling who you'd run...

1 year ago
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New Collage Wrestling Rage

New Collage Wrestling Rage A new underground rush has been spreading through the collage campus’s all over the country. It’s rumored that it started within the Ivy league set, at Harvard no less. I’m a sophomore here at Harvard and I went to my first “wrestling match” about a year ago. No one is sure who came up with the idea, the male or female student body. But it’s not so unusual when you see the dude’s on skateboards grinding a steel handrail to some stair’s only to have the board slip out...

4 years ago
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Moms Journal Ch 2

Sitting on the deck of our beach house overlooking the Atlantic Ocean has always brought me a peace that helps center me. I have been on a whirlwind for the 2 months that has awoken me in so many aspects of my life. My capacity to love and feel alive, my sexual energy and my desire to explore all of life’s possibilities have helped me reach heights I’ve honestly never experienced before. I’ve always been the focus of men and many times woman over the years. My long auburn hair and 5’9...

1 year ago
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DDF Busty

DDFBusty calls their site a Big Titty Wonderland, which sounds like my kind of place. Big boobies are a perennial best-seller in the world of porn, as dudes are just hardwired to appreciate these big, soft indicators of ripeness and fertility. Cavemen loved ‘em, and so will the futuristic superhumans of tomorrow. If you aren’t a titty man yet, maybe the world-class melons in this premium porn paradise will make you a believer.DDFBusty.com is a paysite devoted to, you guessed it, busty beautiful...

Premium Big Tits Sites
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EvilAngel Penelope Woods Thick Ass Anal Gaping

Sweet Latina Penelope Woods is excited to get her big ass fucked for the first time in two weeks! The young, insatiable cutie admits her lust for domination, caressing her perky tits as MILF director Francesca Le’s camera examines her body. Penelope bends over to flaunt her thick booty, moaning when Francesca rims her sphincter. Kinky lesbian action includes dildo butt reaming. Veteran stud Mark Wood takes over, fucking her tight twat, thrusting intensely as Francesca says, ‘You...

2 years ago
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Counseling the Church Pianist

I was a high school freshman and Jason was a senior when we met. I was skinny, shy, and innocent. He was my first serious boyfriend and had what every girl wanted a sports car. He was proud of his 69′ Chevelle. Times were good, I fell in love, and we got married the day after my high school graduation. Jason found work as an EMT while I found a job in our small town library. It has been twenty-eight years now since our wedding. My marriage has brought me a wonderful daughter and a home on ten...

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Making My Own Vampire Pt 6

I slept the day away as I normally do, but I couldn't forget what the night would bring as soon as it grew dark again. I worried that Gwen wouldn't want to be changed or would but wouldn't want to stay with me. When I woke she was still beside me and with a huge smile that I couldn't help but mimic. She asked timidly, "So did you have a good time last night?""I loved it and I so want to know and do more." Even though I knew what the answer would be I had to ask one more time, "Do you still...

4 years ago
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Janet in TrainingChapter 4 Slave Girl on Loan

Time passed as Janet continued to lead her highly unusual life. From Monday through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at her job, and stopped socializing with her female friends. Gradually, she acquired the nickname of Ice Queen. When Friday came, she couldn't wait for the arrival of the limo to take her to Mistress Erica for her bondage session. Little could her co-workers imagine just what she was doing on...

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How I Fucked My Mom For The First Time

My family consists of my father Ravi, my mom Shradha, my sister Pooja and myself Harish.My father is 51 and my mother is 38. My age is 20.I was a normal guy until I started watching porn videos.My mind got corrupted and I started fantasizing about women around me – my teachers my aunties . Slowly I dived into the world of incest taboo porn especially the mother-son genre.It simply blew my mind I started imagining myself and my mom.My mom was a hot lady she was fair in color with nice juicy...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 13 Revenge triumphs over death

I recovered consciousness with the sound of a horse snorting, and for one moment I thought I had been stunned when falling from my horse. Then my memory returned; I had been bludgeoned while sitting in a chair in Cornelius Clark’s house. I was still sat in a chair, but was now fastened to it by a leather strap around my chest, and my hands were bound together with a smaller, buckled, leather strap. There was a rope attached through the strap, preventing me sliding my wrists from the...

3 years ago
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Vanessa gets the dick she wants Part 1

Halfway through the shitty romance movie Vanessa begged me to watch I noticed her squirming around on her end of the couch. I take note of this since she tends to sit through a movie without moving like some jacked up zombie. She suddenly turned to me and said "I have to go to the bathroom, pause the movie for me" then rushed off towards my bathroom. I paused the movie and sat there waiting for her to come back. After almost 5 minutes had passed she came back "you all good?" I asked "yeah...

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Entree Girl

WARNING: ADULT MATERIAL The following narrative contains strong language and graphic accounts ofadult situations both realistic and fantastic, that some persons may find objectionable,vulgar, or even obscene. Such situations include, but are not limited to, graphicsex, illicit sex, violent sex, incest, bestiality, snuff, rape, commercialmurder, erotic murder, terrorism, cannibalism, pedophilia, consumption of fecesand urine, unrestrained violence, recreational murder, illicit drug use,...

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Neighbors and NekojinsChapter 2

The next day Lars definitely hears from his wife’s lawyer. He is told what Sally wants and he agrees. Lars would keep the house and the remaining assets would be divided. Sally never liked the house, so being rid of it and the payment is a blessing. Of course it’s a plus for Lars, except for losing half the assets. By Lars is a smart man, he hasn’t spent their whole marriage flittering away money, he has been hiding some away. With his habit of cheating on his wife, he knew it was only a...

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Couples massage part 1

One might have accused me of pampering my wife. In over a decade of marriage, not a month would go by without me giving her funds for a trip to the spa for her hair, manicure, pedicure and a massage. Each time she would return refreshed and advocating for me to join her sometime in a couples massage. She always said that it would be a nice break from the stress and demands of my business. However, I always declined. You see, I am a "take charge" sort of man. In business and in bed, I tend to...

1 year ago
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Whatever Your Heart DesiresChapter 2

I would love to say I had The Grand Plan: How To Transform Your Husband Into A Ravishing Fem-Toy, A To Z. The fact was, I didn't have a clue. It wasn't a topic normally covered by the Multiple Listing Service. I really didn't think the community library was going to be much help, either. I couldn't even find a copy of Feminization For Dummies in any of the local bookstores — not that I expected to. I did have the following assets: 1) a husband I flat-out adored who, apparently, had...

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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 12

Intrepid - 3756 C.E. The first thing Captain Kerensky was aware of when she finally woke up was that she was lying naked on an unfamiliar bed. The next was that not only was the bed unfamiliar but so too was the entire bedroom. She had no memory of having been transported here and her first resolve was to return to her quarters. The captain was a busy woman and there was much she should be getting on with. However, every attempt to return to a more normal state of affairs was frustrated....

2 years ago
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Humping My Cousin Alka In The Bath

Hi guys, thanks for the awesome response for my previous story. I am going to proceed ahead with what happened the next morning. Those who have not read my previous story, can find it . A quick recap about my cousin Alka. Alka is 5’5′ in height. She is really slim with a figure of 32C-26-32. She is really pretty with a peach-shaped perfect face, brown eyes, and silky brown hair. A little bit background about me. I am 5’10” tall, average built and dick size average. In the previous story, I...

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Once Bitten

He was there again, sitting in the tree behind her house, the glow of a cigarette cherry giving away his location. She knew his whole purpose was to not be seen, but he wanted her to see him. Sin sighed, pushing away from the window, and letting the blood red curtian fall back into place. This had been the third week in a row that he had shown up in her tall sycamore tree, just sitting on a high branch, and starring, at her.She didn't know who he was, but she knew damn well what he was. A...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 5 Competing With the Milk Man

As the season wore on both my partner and I serviced our way through summer tune ups. Most of them were legitimate billable furnace work. There were the occasional tune ups requiring perhaps an entire afternoon’s work of pleasure for one or more of the knitting club members. Personally I liked making adjustments to Mrs. Jordan’s heating system and she liked me working with hers alone. We spent time in her spa and I told her my old Army story about a fellow soldier who reminisced often about...

4 years ago
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The Curse of the White Witch

Hexes were not Eve’s best showcase of her much-respected witching skills. She often had to look up the fine details and exact wording in the thick book of spells and curses that was never to leave the confines of the magical basement before she could hope to cast one in direction of someone that deserved it without any semblance of doubt or slightest hesitation on the part of an unbiased spell-casting referee. In all honesty, young Eve didn’t look much like what the average person would...

2 years ago
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A Special Girl Prologue

A Special Girl - PrologueBy Alhana EscherJames was nervous. Alice would be arriving soon and he had a feeling that their relationship could be moving onto the next stage that night. He and Alice had been friends for years, and he had fancied her for most of them. He could still barely believe that they had been seeing each other for the last few months. He could still remember staring at her in school. She looked so sexy in her uniform. That blue pleated knee length skirt, white blouse...

2 years ago
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Teaching the Tease

She woke up and was momentarily disoriented. The bright, pounding spotlight over her was all she could make out for a while. She gradually came to, however, and began to notice where she was. Well, she didn’t know where she was geographically, but she could see what was around her - a dark, empty room, circular, with only a chair in the middle that she was sitting on. The spotlight shone in her eyes. When she finally gained some strength, she decided to get up and have a look around. That’s...

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My Hot Indian MILF Kusum Part 3 Aakhri Chudai

Time went by quickly. 2 years and 7 months to be precise. Kusum now was like my girlfriend/wife/sex slave/friend cum trusted confidante. I shared everything with her. There wasn’t anything that she didn’t know about me or I didn’t know about her by this point. Age was slowly catching up with her. She couldn’t bend all the way as she could a few years ago. But her sexual appetite was insatiable. I was having the time of my life fulfilling her needs and my fantasies one at a time. During this...

3 years ago
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Meri Hindu Maa Ki Chudai Muslim ke Saath

Hello friends, hello mere muslim papa. Me Kalpesh meri age 24 aur Mumbai ka rehne vala  hu mere ghar main hum 3 log rehte hai maa papa aur main. Ye story meri maa ki hai jo Muslim uncle ke sath chudvati hai. Aayiye main meri maa ke baare main kuch batata hu. Maa ka naam Devi hai, maa ki age 44 hai, maa ki figure 36-32-38 hai, maa dikhne main gori hai aur sexy lagti hai Shree Devi jaisi. Ye kahani 2 saal pehle ki hai baat tab ki hai jab papa ko dimag main kuch ho gaya aur pagal ho gaye is liye...

1 year ago
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Nik And Priya Ki Peheli Sex

Mai Priya nik ki mangetar hu ye story likh rahe hu, jab hum 10th me padte the tab humne ek dusre ka bharosa jetne k lia sex kia tha,humne december me kia tha so thand ka seasson tha.. us din me school me the or school k baad hum milne wale the,,nik mujhe school k baad lene aaya or usne nikalne k baad stamina barene ki tablet khai the..then hum dono mile school k bahar or phr hum dono uske ghar par gaye, uske mummy papa out of delhi gaye huye the uske ghar me koi nahe tha… ghar pahuchne k baad...

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