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POPULAR By Anastasia Toy "Excuse me, professor?" I looked up. Standing in the half opened door to my office was Denise Mayberry, a sophomore taking my course, Introduction to Sociology. I looked up from my paperwork. "Yes, Denise." "I've been having some difficulties understanding some of the material. Could you spare some time for me?" Without waiting for a reply, she stepped inside and closed by office door behind her. She leaned back against the door, still holding the doorknob with both hands behind her back, so that her body arched slightly toward me. I raised my eyebrows and took her in. She was definitely a looker. You tend to get a couple in each introductory class: very pretty girls who don't want anything too academically demanding. They're never enrolled in the higher level courses - what they major in is anybody's guess. Denise was particularly attractive and, it must be said, particularly slow. Well, that's not exactly true; she was doing poorly, but seemed to have some intellect or at least the potential for one. She just seemed not to care about the material. Or maybe she just cared about other things more. That would explain her preferred style of dress, which was always provocative - now more than ever, I was realizing. It was early February and even at our southern university that didn't make for very warm weather. Despite the chill she was wearing a short, pleated skirt and a pair of high heeled espadrilles. Hadn't those gone out of style years ago? The heft of her breasts was obvious in a tight halter top over which her long blonde hair, probably dyed, cascaded. A sexual display, I thought. Probably accentuated for our little meeting - hoping to get some concession from me. Fat chance. "Come on in," I said, in a voice that told her I'd noticed she already had. She made her way to my desk and sat in the chair I had for visitors. Resting her elbows on the desk, she put her face in her hands and leaned forward, forming a triangular frame for her hanging, heavy breasts. "I don't think I'm going to do well in this class," she said abruptly. "Not if the first test is anything to go by," I said. Time to be firm. "Maybe there's something I could do - extra credit, a project, retake the test..." she trailed off. "You have the same choices that everyone else in the class has. Work hard and do well or slack off and score badly. I told everyone, including you, that there would be no exceptions or special provisions. You're always free to come by my office during my hours if you have specific questions, but that help is for the future, not the past." Denise sat up and put her head down. "If I fail this course, I'll be put on academic suspension. My parents won't pay for college any more." "I'm terribly sorry, Denise, but I have to keep the rules pure. You'll just have to work harder." "But professor," - still talking to the ground - "I'm not good at working, either. I try, but somehow it just doesn't happen. Maybe if I worked here in your office - I just need some support, sometimes. To keep me away from distraction." I smiled. "You mean like a study hall here in my office?" She nodded. "I'm afraid that's out of the question; I respect your difficulties, but I can't sacrifice my entire schedule for one student." Now she sat silently, still staring at the floor. Five seconds passed, then ten. Time to take a little risk. I stood up and walked around to her side of the desk. It's funny how I always forget how tall I am - six and a half feet and suddenly towering over this tiny girl. I rested half standing on one edge of the desk, my legs slightly apart. I bent forward and rested a hand on Denise's shoulder. She looked up - her eyes were damp - "Professor?" "You're having problems, Denise. Why don't you tell me about them?" "Professor Adams, I don't know if I can tell you about them." She was sniffling. "Go ahead, I won't judge. Is it drugs?" "No no no. No. It's... it's boys. I was dating a popular guy." "Who, if you don't mind me asking?" "DeShaun Williams, professor." Oh. DeShaun Williams was a star on our football team, which at a large state school is a big deal. About as eligible as they come. "And?" I asked. "And I was so popular." Now she was really sobbing. "And so when he asked me to do things, I didn't want to say no and I did them and now I feel bad and I don't know what to do and..." She was talking very quickly and on the verge of full-blown hysterical tears. All an act, I was sure. A girl, even a young one, had to know what she was getting into with the DeShaun Williamses of the world. All she'd really told me was that I had an opportunity. I moved my hand to cup her cheek. "Calm down. I'm not sure what you're talking about, not sure of the details, but I have some idea. You have to give a lot of time to him?" "Yes, but it's not just that. It's also the things he asks me to do, the way it makes me feel and -" I cut her off: "Whatever. Sometimes we make situations that only we can resolve. This is one of those times. I can't help you with DeShaun." Hope had been growing on her face, but it disappeared. "Professor?" "Let's put it this way: right now you're sacrificing your schoolwork for DeShaun, right?" "Sort of, I guess..." "And when you say you can't work, you're saying that you don't think you have what it takes to get out of that situation, is that right?" "Maybe... I don't know..." "Well, you have two choices. You can either stop making sacrifices for DeShaun and do your work or you can start making some sacrifices for me." "Professor?" Now or never. I unzipped my trousers and withdrew my cock, which was already semi-erect. "It's your choice." Five seconds passed. Ten. Fifteen. She was crying softly - all an act. At first slowly, she took my cock in her hands and moved her face towards it. "On your knees," I said softly. She gave a sob, but kneeled between my legs and began to suck my cock. "We all choose the sacrifices we make, Denise. This is your choice, do you understand?" Still crying, she nodded. Fuck, it was kind of hot the way she was crying, even if it was bullshit. Or maybe it was just the wonder of the sensation, the rush of power at seeing this delectable young girl below me, pleasuring me. In any case, my cock was hard and I wanted to take her. The tears stopped after a few minutes; she seemed to have gotten into her job, but maybe also a little numb to what was happening. In any case, when I came, she swallowed it all without hesitation. As she left, I said: "Once a week, here, Mondays at 9 PM. Come to class half the time, don't worry about the tests. Write anything you like in them. A B+ at the end of the semester. Does that sound good?" "It sounds okay," she said. "Let's both have fun with this," I said and closed the door after her as she left. CHAPTER 2 After a month, Denise was more or less comfortable with our arrangement. I kept her for an hour, having her blow me a couple of times; in between, I'd help her with some of her homework for other classes and this seemed to have her warming to me. Soon she was smiling at me, if a little nervously, when we bumped into each other. Nice girl, but a total slut. On the fifth week I decided things were stable enough to warrant a little ambition, so when Denise came in my door I had an offer for her. I clasped her head and had her look up at me. "Let's have sex, this time, Denise." "Uh, professor, I don't know about that. It was never part of the deal." "Nothing was ever part of the deal. We've just gotten used to the way things are. And anyway, I think you'll like it." She looked at her feet. "Sure. Okay." Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration. "Are you still seeing DeShaun Williams?" "Yes, Professor, kind of." "I remember that you said he made you 'do things'. What kind of things?" "Uh..." "You can tell me. We're in a special situation." "Well... he likes me to be dirty." "Hmmm. You mean he's rough with you?" "Yeah. And he like calls me names." "What kind of names?" "S-slut, sometimes. He calls me his porn star." She was becoming very agitated. "Hey, it's okay. People do all kinds of things when they have sex. I'm not going to judge you." "No?" "No, really. Just tell me. You haven't been able to tell anyone else, have you?" "No. I feel really ashamed, like I'm dirty." "You couldn't be dirty if you tried." "Well, I know he tells the other guys on his team the stuff he makes me do. Like one time he made me stay in his room naked for an entire weekend while he went to practice and to parties and stuff and whenever he came back he'd like have sex with me but not talk to me. And another time there was this guy that used to be on the team but graduated and he came back to visit and DeShaun told me to give him a blowjob." Jesus, what a slut. "But when we're out together he's really nice and so that makes up for it." "Do you like doing these things." "At first no. But then it was like what DeShaun wanted and I love him so much that it makes it okay kind of. So now I do all that stuff for him because I want to be with him and I enjoy it because I know he wants me to enjoy it. But other times I feel like he doesn't really love me back and then I feel awful and can't do anything. I don't know. Do you think that's really bad? Do you think I'm awful now?" "Not at all. You're not a slut." You could see relief spread across her face. "In fact, I like those things. I want you to do some of them with me." And there went the relief. I smirked. "So we're going to have sex now, but you can't make any noise. And I know you're going to make noise. So take off your panties. Good. Now put them in your mouth. Good. Now close your eyes and stand there for a moment." She did this, but like our first meeting, her lips began to tremble. I turned on the stereo I kept in my office and then went to my closet. Inside I found the duct tape I was looking for and as quietly as I could tore off a ten inch strip. I went back to Denise and put my face right in front of hers, the tape behind my back. She opened her eyes, which I knew she'd do, "No no, Denise, keep your eyes closed. This will be fun." She didn't think so; her eyes were welling up and when she shut them again, a tear was squeezed from the left one. A slut, but she had some growing up to do. Oh well. I took the tape and aligned it an inch away from her skin. Then, all at once, I pressed it down. Her eyes sprang open in a sudden panic; her hands darted toward her face but, prepared, I caught them and held them by her side. "Now now, Denise, this is just to keep you quiet. As always, you can leave if you like. We'll just take it off and out you'll go. Would you like to stay?" After a pause, she nodded. "Then bend over my desk." CHAPTER 3 After that incident, the smiles and the friendliness stopped altogether. Each week she came by, I upped the ante a little bit and by April, I had her coming to my office without underwear, stripping down to only her wedge sandals (the only high heels it turned out she owned) and bending over my desk without saying a word. This was a fresh and thrilling pleasure for me. I'd never done anything like it; I couldn't have a relationship with a student because of the conflicts of interest and all sorts of similar complications both personal and professional and I couldn't just rape one because that would be wrong. Denise was in the perfect middle ground: I had had to lean on her, but despite her occasional tears she had chosen her own path and her consent soothed my conscience; she had no interest in exposing our arrangement, so I had no fear of the university or of the law; and because she was a natural slut and because I had a little leverage over her, I could do things with her that I'd never gotten to try. I found myself wishing I'd experimented earlier in life: the power was erotic and intoxicating and I felt restored and young. Not that I wasn't young anyway - I was twenty-eight and furthermore looked very boyish. But I've always been afraid of death and old age and this nineteen year old girl was reminding me that I had many years of prime manhood left. Isn't it always this way? Fucking this girl was giving me the confidence to pursue something more serious: Lillianna Ortiz, a fellow professor of sociology. A beautiful woman: 5'9", thin waist with healthy breasts and an obviously Latin ass. Her features were strong and exotic - perhaps some gypsy blood in her - and her eyes were an enchanting hazel. Incredibly intelligent, she was a few months younger than I - if the various committees approved her; she'd usurp my position as the youngest with tenure. Not that I had much taste for her work - she was still on that old Political Correctness kick and her studies concerned gender roles and the various ways that 'men usurped the power of women,' and the like. I've always thought that there's truth to that, but these days it's overemphasized and I hated talking about it, much less studying it. I had to cover all that shit in my intro course, though. So at the beginning of April, I asked Lillianna if she could present her material later in the month to my class - kind of a guest lecture. An inspired stroke, I thought, killing two birds with one stone: I'd get out of having to present material I had no taste for and I'd also have a good pretext for a cup of coffee with Lillianna. That cup of coffee came in the first week of April and led to a lunch and then a dinner, all of which were pleasant. I found that Lillianna, far from being a rabid feminist, was happy to let conversation wander all over the field of human culture and science and to enjoy the beginning of what looked to be a more or less 'normal' relationship. A beautiful woman that can talk about Freud, the recent issue of the New Yorker and all the rest is every intellectual's dream and I had found it. And on a Sunday two weeks after our first meeting, I found myself in bed with her not two weeks after our first meeting. The sex was lovely and inspired and waking up the next morning to see her at her side, I knew that I would do all I could to keep her in my life for a long time. But the next day, Monday, Denise was scheduled to pay a visit again. What would I do? I wanted to be true to Lillianna - but the semester's end was only three weeks away and the pleasures of Denise's flesh had been growing on me. Just three more weeks of fun, of something I was sure I'd never get from Lillianna. It wouldn't hurt Lillianna - my thing with Denise was purely sexual. Damn straight I'd fuck these few last times. So that night when Denise came to my office, locking the door behind her, stripping and laying her body out for me on my desk like I'd taught her, I fucked her and did it with relish, savoring this, one of my last experiments with control. I smiled to myself and treated her like a total object; I didn't do anything overtly different, but I didn't do any of the gentle things I'd done to soothe Denise - didn't stroke her afterwards, didn't look at her warmly, didn't ask her about her life. I just used her and I loved it. CHAPTER 4 That Wednesday was Lillianna's guest lecture spot in my class. I had no desire to listen to her drivel and spent the whole time letting my mind wander, thinking of Lillianna and then Denise in various positions and scenarios. When the class was over and the last of the students had left, Lillianna and I talked for a few minutes about her lecture - a conversation I had to feign my way through. The conversation turned personal and before I knew it, half an hour had passed. "Shit," I said, looking at my watch. "There you go putting me under your spell and I've lost track of time. I've got to run to a meeting with Professor Randall. Already late for it." She laughed softly. "Go ahead. I've got to collect my papers before I head out. Oh - remember we won't get to see each other until Sunday night - the San Francisco conference." "Of course, of course. I'd drive you to the airport this afternoon myself, but this meeting's going to last for hours. You know, the funny thing is that I already know I'm going to miss you." "I know. I feel the same way. It's all happening so fast. Well - let's not dwell on it. Adios until Sunday." I kissed her quickly and then moved quickly to leave. Denise was on the other side of the door. "Have you been waiting here this whole time, Denise? I can't talk to you right now; I've got another meeting to get to." "No no, professor. I left my bag in the classroom and I just realized it, so I came back to get it." Odd. She looked like she'd been waiting. Whatever. I looked over my shoulder, through the window in the classroom door, to see if Lillianna was coming. No, still organizing her papers; good, I've got a bit of time. I'm leaned into Denise. "I spent the day a student like you. Maybe Professor Ortiz will want an arrangement with me like the one I've got with you." "Okay, professor." Fine, so it wasn't funny. I left Denise and went off to my meeting. *** Lillianna and I met at our town's nicest restaurant for our Sunday date; it's a college town, so nicest isn't as nice as you might hope, but nevertheless there was enough swank to make for romance. But Lillianna herself did not look like she was in the mood. She was already seated when I arrived, even though I was five minutes early and there was an expression on her face I couldn't place. Anger? Distress? Fear? No, none of these. Her features were just sharper and a little drawn. The most I could say is that she was closed, unreadable. The conversation was tight and forced. Perhaps the conference had gone badly in some way? I decided not to ask about it, figuring that after a few drinks she'd loosen or at least explain her strange mood, but she had nothing to drink, even as I finished three glasses of red. Eventually, almost for want of anything better to say, I asked her if something was the matter, but she just deflected me with a 'nothing, nothing.' It's not worth describing the mundane details of that awkward dinner, during which I went from bored to nervous. She had seemed on the brink of love not five days ago and we hadn't met since then, so what could I have done wrong? Clueless, I worried my way through dinner, dessert and a long walk back to her apartment. There, I tried to kiss her, but she pushed me away: "Tom, I can't." "Why? What? I have to ask again, now - something's wrong and I need to know what it is." "Fine, something is wrong. There's been a tragedy in my family and - well, it may affect me, too. Even more than the pain of having a hurt relative. I just - I just have to sort this out before I can be with you again." "God, why didn't you say something?" "It's just that - well, I'm a little stunned." "Look, I know we haven't been together long, but maybe I can help. This may sound corny, but you can lean on me, Lillianna. You can, if you want." "That's not something I feel comfortable with, not in this situation, Tom. I just don't know you well enough to do that." "Well, can you at least tell me how long this is going to take you? When can I see you again?" "I don't know. Frankly, maybe never. I just can't say right now." "Lil -" "Good night, Tom." And so she went into her apartment, leaving me alone on the front steps. *** At first I was upset, then depressed. By nine the next night, I was simply angry: I was ready to give myself to Lillianna - why the fuck couldn't she give herself to me? Even if she couldn't, why couldn't she tell me what to expect, give me the courtesy of a phone call. I needed her already and it hurt. Such thoughts ran through my mind as I looked at Denise, who stood before me in her wedge espadrilles, a navy dress that fell to her knees and her blonde hair in pigtails. She was looking at me with a bit of fear in her eyes; I could understand or would have, if I'd given a fuck about it: I was angry. I was sitting behind my desk and beckoned her to come to me. Dutifully she walked around. Still seated, I lifted her dress to stroke her thigh. "You're not dressed like such a slut tonight, Denise. Why is that?" Denise's eyes widened. I'd never called her a slut before. "Professor?" I grabbed her around her waist with both hands and lead her as I turned in my desk chair to face the wall behind my desk. I pushed her down to her knees and held her head by her hair. "Why aren't you dressed like a slut?" "I never dressed like a slut. But I never got to wear this dress, either, because DeShaun didn't like it." "Oh?" "And I'm not seeing DeShaun any more." "I don't give a fuck who you're seeing. You're mine, now." "Fine, professor. Let's just do this and get it over with." I didn't care for her tone. "No more talking unless I tell you to. Understand? Do you?" She nodded. "Now unzip my pants and take out my cock. She did this, but her expression, unmoved and implacable, was beginning to piss me off. Her air of resignation as she took my cock in her mouth was the final straw. I slapped her. "I want to see some enthusiasm from you, slut. And if you don't show it, I'm going to force it out of you." The tears began again and this time I was totally thrilled. I needed them, evidence of my power over her. I slapped her face again, this time harder. "Fine, Denise, cry. You're such a slut that you'll fuck me all the same. I've said throughout that you could leave if you wanted to and this time is no different. But you'll put up with it because you are a slut and nothing more." She was crying now in earnest, tears running down her face. But she was not sobbing or moving her face. It stoked my anger. I slapped her again. "You'll put up with it, won't you, because you're a slut. WON'T YOU!?!" "Yes," she said softly. "Why?" I yelled. "Because I'm a slut." "Yes, Denise, you are a slut. Now hike up your dress and put your hands against the wall." I stood up and pushed my office chair away, so that it was no longer behind me. "Now beg for it, slut." "What?" I slapped her. "Beg me to fuck you, because you're a slut." A pause and so another slap, this one hard and on her ass. "Please fuck me, I'm a slut." "Again." Slap. "Please fuck me, I'm a slut." And I went to put my cock in her. But I had to get low to get to her pussy, because she was so much shorter than me. From this angle it was difficult the leverage I wanted to fuck her hard, so I decided I'd throw her on her back on the desk, her legs in the air and fuck her until she screamed. I put my arm around her waist and spun her back to face me, then hoisted her in the air, our faces now level. I turned around and bent over quickly, dropping her roughly to the desk; my face was now inches from her breasts. Those had to come out: scissors. My face still down I fumbled for my scissors and finding them, I made a small cut in the dress fabric near the space between her breasts. I slipped three fingers of each hand into the hole and tore - no dress anymore. Throughout this whole maneuver I'd kept my eyes riveted on her tight little body, her slut's body, now exposed below me. Denise was gasping beneath me, too terrified even to cry, a feeble high pitched whine coming from her mouth. I smiled, flared my nostrils and grabbed her ankles. Staring now at her pussy, I pulled her legs first up straight together, then out in a V. "Keep them there, slut." My hands slid down her thighs to her waist: a grip to fuck her hard with. My cock was fully hard and need no help. I simply pulled back on Denise's small frame and pushed forward with my hips. My cock went in, pleasure rushed, my eyes closed. With a moan I threw my head back. I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling. "That's just the beginning, slut." Savoring the moment, I began slowly to right my head. Standing inside my office door was Lillianna. She said: "You're right, it's just the beginning. You just don't know what it's the beginning of."

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Pushing Deep - Sammy's Story Samantha Spitzmen began her morning in much the same fashion she hadevery day for about a long as she could remember. She slipped and stumbledout of bed and onto the carpet of her spacious bedroom with dull thud in aburst of cheerful fervor. Her leg somehow always managed to become tangledin the silk sheets, and had tugged her backwards as she attempted hoppingfrom her king sized bed. The fall and subsequent noise hadn't so much asstirred a brow in Sammy's...

2 years ago
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My Grandson My Owner

One of my grandsons his name is Sid and myself He calls me Gramps were sitting in my living room just two days before his 18th birthday. Now my grandson is a very cute, very sexy young man. He has dark skin his mother is from the Philippines, he's 5ft. 6 in. tall, weighs 145 pounds, black hair, dark brown eye's, slim, some really nice eye-candy! We were watching a movie on TV that included a lot of nudity, I don't remember the name of the movie, but I do remember it was exciting Sid, I could...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 341 Jonathon Makes Progress

Wednesday, April 18, to Sunday, April 22, 2007 In the very early morning, while the other celebrants snoozed, I spent half an hour practicing creating a ghost version of Archangel Michael. Ideally it would be indistinguishable from what I looked like in my A-man suit and still leave me with plenty of minds uninvolved so they could do other things, but that was never going to be possible, but a partial duplicate might have its uses. I already knew how to do the wings, so I 'just' needed a...

2 years ago
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It's Friday evening. I'm sitting on my sofa (peach, fabric) watching the start of some movie (rom-com, boring) cradling a bucket of ice-cream (chocolate, half melted), expecting a quiet night. I've already showered off the grime of work and slipped into comfortable pajamas (baby pink, a sheep motif sown onto the shorts). My phone rings. It's Sarah, a friend. I answer.Shes going out tonight, just her, and wondered if I wanted to go along. Apparently, theirs a killer new club opened up on the...

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How Bruced tricked me

Bruce was one of the terrible three delinquents that took me and introduced me into sex, male on male sex to be exact. I had never even had sex nor understood the mechanics of the sex act, yes I had seen Playboy mags of naked women but not as to how the sex act was engaged.After that first encounter with them I avoided them at all cost, fringing sickness so I would not have to go to school that Friday. I would do all I could to avoid them, then one day as I was heading for the park, I ran in to...

4 years ago
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ok more then

xHamster – Free Porn Videos BVideos121Live Sex PornstarsChannelsPhotosDatingPremiumOktoberfest Live Cams ? Enjoy hottest online models in Oktoberfest-themed shows ? To Live Shows!All storiesWife lives out her fantasyWe, Dave and Kathy have been married for 6 years, and the sex is great. Kathy is small but nicely built, with 36c tits, nice round ass, short hair and a smile that knocks you off your feet. Over the past few years we have talked about Kathy having sex with another man, and she...

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Getting Extra Friendly Chapter 4

Getting Extra Friendly - Chapter 4"I fucked Sarah you know," Amelia said as they sat having lunch together a few days later."Bullshit," Matthew laughed."Truth," Amelia said. "And I can prove it to you." She then proceeded to tell Matthew exactly what Sarah's pussy looked like, what her breasts looked like, how big her nipples were and in particular how she reacted and sounded when she came."Oh fuck, you really did, didn't you?!" Matthew said, incredulous (and with his cock now rock hard)."I...

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ThreeM Delight

 I didn't really have anything going on that day, so I thought I'd give old Clyde a call. I was working second shift and other than gardening and/or housework, I usually had daytimes free until I had to go to work at 4:00.Clyde and I had been friends for several years. We met one day in the park when I was cruising through, just looking for what I could find. I stopped by one little restroom kiosk to get rid of some of my morning coffee. The kiosk (which the city later closed) was well known as...

Gay Male
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Sexy sister8230

Let me tell abt me, i am an average guy with normal looks and average body and my sis , she is just a sex bomb, u can say her points just match her size- 32-24- 38 and she is just about 5 feet and god dam sexy she appears. She is well settled with her bf and this thing happened just suddenly and without intentions. It was puja season, and she was having holidays, and i too had office off due to pooja. I just went in to meet her to her home, and wen i reached i found that uncle and aunty had...

2 years ago
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PornWorld Sheila Ortega Stud Slams Busty Slut Neighbor Sheila Ortega on Her Day Off

It’s her day off of work, so Sheila Ortega uses the free time that she has to pleasure herself. After pleasuring herself in the shower, she begins moaning loudly while she’s fingering herself hard on her bed. As she’s jamming her fingers in and out of her box, she’s interrupted by a knock at the door. She quickly puts a towel on and opens the door to find her neighbor, who happens to be a stud, on the other side. He then politely asks her to keep the noise level down as he’s trying to get a bit...

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Play With Them All You Want

Play with them all you want. My name was Karen Heath and this is the story of the most eventful days in my life. I don't expect you to believe me. I wouldn't believe this story either, but you can decide for yourself. It was Thursday night and Sylvia and I were ready to try the body swap spell we had been studying as part of our witch training. We both had been training for five years and were now deemed advanced enough in our powers and knowledge to learn this lesson. We were to...

4 years ago
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I got to fuck my neighbor

I'm sitting in my car in the parking lot of my condo building, checking my emails on my phone. I look up and see my sexy neighbor again pulling into the parking spot. She gets out of her car showing off those long sexy muscular legs and as usual some hot sexy high heels. Every time I look at her I get so damn horny. She has her hair up in a bun she gets out of her car bins over to pull purse or bag out and I couldn't help but say hi as I stared at her and nice heart shaped ass. Let me describe...

3 years ago
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Annie Decides Part II

The next morning I awoke from a nice dream with wet panties and my cunt dripping wet. I had had a dream that my Son was fucking me and his cock was so nice! I felt so happy! The night before I had let Mike touch my pussy for the first time and I felt his cock under his pajamas and had made him cum when I squeezed it gently. I smiled to myself then rolled over and got out of bed and put on my robe and went to the bathroom. After freshening up, I put my robe back on and went out to our kitchen...

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East or west mausi is bset

Hi dosto mujha ap kee e-mail sa andaza huva ap na mare story bohat pasand ke hai ab doosree story share kar raha haoin. Un logo ka leya jinho na mare 1st or 2nd story nahi parhi us ka leya mara introduction. Maan upper middle class sa hoain age 25 name sunny or mumbai ka reha vala haoin. Hum family maan 3 log hayin me mom age 52 dad age 60.father Gov sector maan job karta hayin or scale 20 kaa officer hayin looking forwaed ur reply on this id (). Ap log janta hyin ka mare radha (kam vale) 2 sal...

4 years ago
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Laura does her first porn shoot

We arrived at the studio 5 minutes earlier and were greeted by a smiling young girl who ushers us into a waiting room. Laura looked nervous. I try to make small talk, but she is not really listening. She looks gorgeous as usual in short jean skirt, white vest and flip flops. We wait for a few minutes when another girl walks in and moves us into an office across the room. We are greeted by a man, middle aged, quite slim, dark balding hair, about 5ft 11” tall.“Hello Laura” He beams and shakes her...

Group Sex
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Analized Harlow Harrison Ass Work Out

Harlow Harrison has a firm little body. She takes her work out routine very seriously. The only thing she takes more seriously is her job as a cum slut. Harlow is always ready to serve any cock on demand. She is happy to let the desire to pound her asshole interfere with her work out. She takes the cock deep in her throat to get it sloppy and wet. Then Harlow gives up every hole on her body. Alternating from ass to pussy in order to truly feel used. She watches her asshole gape open in the...

3 years ago
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Dont Change Book 1 HopeChapter 5

Saitx passes a wand over Amy's naked body, covering her in a blue light. "And that's all there is to it. Your scan is done. The information will display in a moment." Saitx says. A screen pops up next to her and displays all of Amy's medical information in a few moments. It's in Saitx's language but she understands it. "Height 5'2". Weight 123. Cup size B. No diseases. No Cancers. Not pregnant. Well that's good to know." Amy says. Amy sits up on the table. "So would you mind...

5 years ago
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paid in full0

Just as he promised, a tow-truck pulled up about 30 minutes later and a heavyset older black gentleman got out and came over to me. I learned his name was Donald (figured it out by looking at his name tag). Donald spoke with me, laying down my options as he went to work getting my car up onto the trucks flatbed. I could tell from Donald’s voice that he was the guy I spoke with on the phone. As we talked I noticed that he was giving me the ‘One Over‘. I was wearing a tube top (no bra), a...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Aidra Fox Naughty Aidra is Loving It

Naughty schoolgirl Aidra Fox is ready to tease you in her sexy satin panties under her pink little skirt. You’ll be studying something and it will not be the books as she lets her tits fly free from her bra and Jay Smooth works his magic tongue all over those wet pussy lips! Aidra never got a pile driver and she is one to not disappoint her fans requests! Jay gets her down on the floor drilling that cock of his deep into her wet hot pussy! She begs for more until Jay gives her the facial...

2 years ago
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The Dream A Reality

It was raining. My parents were going away for the weekend. They had left me behind with my younger sister. Being a Friday night, I was downstairs watching mindless television. Thunder and lightning were playing across the curtains. Beside me was sitting an empty glass of Rum and Coke I had poured myself from the fridge.e. My sister was upstairs doing whatever they do in their rooms. I chose not to notice her. Ignoring her kept up both happy. It was getting late. I was...

3 years ago
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Hubbyrsquos Susprise at the Christmas Party

Becky and I have been married 22 years. Becky is a college educated housewife, with maid service! Her normal schedule was to be up early, coffee and a power bar, dress in her running outfit then out the door for an hour or so run. Then she would come home take a shower, get dressed, go to the club maybe do the nine holes or a round of tennis, a shower at the club, lunch with the girls at the club, head home and change for the evening.My name Paul I’m a graduate of the US Naval Academy, ex Seal...

4 years ago
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Navratri Ke Dandiya Me Mili Jannat 8211 Part 2

Hi all, Prem here from Pune, 6ft height and 9-inch big dick to guaranteed to satisfy any lady. M back with further part of chudai story. Pehle part ko bohot accha response mila. Aur apke patience ko badhane k liye sorry. Thanks again to all for the response. Last part me mene bataya ki kaise wo chut chusne k baad puri thak chuki thi. Ab aage. Wo thak k leti hui thi aur hum baate kar rahe the. Wo uth ke fresh hone gayi. Wo fresh ho k bahar ayi aur fir me b aa gaya. Uske baad hum beer pite hue...

1 year ago
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Valentines Day

She’d lost track of the amount of couples holding single red roses as she waited for her boyfriend, Elijah, to come pick her up for their big ‘Valentines Day Date’. Tessa had been watching people cross The Promenade for over an hour counting the couples that were supposed to be her and Elijah. “God damn it! Where the hell are you, Elijah!? You were supposed to be here over an hour ago!” Tessa yelled at nothing in particular. She was in her, and his, favorite dress, a silk black slinky thing...

2 years ago
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Marilyns Family Values

Marilyn's Family Values By Brett Lynn Here's the third part out of my bizarre mind. Now we get to learn a bit more about our heroine Marilyn. Plus, there's still the requisite sex and a little bit of intrigue thrown into the mix. Plus, this won't come out as rushed as the last two...I hope. My damn background as an editorial writer rushing to meet deadlines is, albeit slightly, mucking up my work. This one's gonna be longer than the first two, so get nice and comfy in front of your...

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The Life of RyanChapter 30 Running into Cass and Trina

A half-hour later, Ryan stood up from his chaise and stretched his tired muscles in the early morning sun, and started jerking his cock again until another nice load of cum flew over the edge of his balcony. He put on some silk boxers and came down for breakfast. Kerri had a message for him from Alison at the corporate offices, and when he called her, she informed him of the details of a large and profitable acquisition that had just landed in their laps. He was truly pleased to learn of it,...

4 years ago
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Sex with my chachi

Hi friends I am raj from indore.I am regular reader of Iss.This is my first real story on ISS.maire age 24 ki hai aur meri chachi ki 42.chachi kafi sexy hai wo 36 no. Ki bra pehanti hai.now came to on my story.mai ek joint family mai rahta hu hamara ghar ek hai lekin hum alag alag rahte hai.ek bar hamare family ko ek rishtedar ke yaha function mai jana thasub log chale gaye the. Mai kisi kam ke karan der se jane wala tha meri chachi teacher hai uski subah ki school hai wo 18 baje school se aati...

3 years ago
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A Fantasy For My Master 001

I'm not a morning person but I love sex in the morning. I'll gladly wake before dawn to sex like some people wake to coffee. Don't talk to me yet I haven't had my morning orgasm. I don't do this every morning now because it is work and like I said I'm not a morning person. If I woke up in your arms every morning I would do what ever I could to get and give morning orgasms. I want to wake early on a Saturday morning when we have nothing planned but just being lazy all weekend. For some...

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Meenu Ki Saja 3

Tabhi usne glass window ka curtain hataya aur mujhe aane ka ishara kiya, maine ishare se usko waha se hatane ka bola to wo darwaje ke bahar aakar khadi ho gayi aur main study room ki taraf furti se lapka. Room ke bahar hi usne mere kaan mein fusfusa kar bola ki sir please kuchh bhi karo us se pehle mujhe bula lena. Jaise hi main room mein enter hua aur maine dekha ki Sweety ne apna top gale tak upar kar rakha hai aur wo apne haatho se apne boobs ko press kar rahi thi. Uske dono boobs uske...

3 years ago
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Love Family SingersChapter 17

After April pulled her off me, to everyone laughing, Mom went into the kitchen and came back with a check. It was for $10,000 as she said, “Is that enough, Honey?” “It’s a good ... first start,” I said. I took out my phone and used my Wells Fargo app to deposit the check in our account. April had explained how to do it, the first time. I got up, taking April with me and said, “Don’t think you are getting any more songs than before, Sarah. I’m not that easy of a mark, mother.” April broke...

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Brothers Do Love Sisters Part 3

This is Dan’s story…. I had gone into town this morning to pick up a couple parts that I needed for my truck. I also had stopped in the local restaurant and had a big breakfast. I was pretty content and figured I would have an easy day working on the truck. I pulled it into the shop and decided I would let it cool off a bit and walked over to the house. I entered the kitchen through the back door and it appeared that there was nobody home but me. I was headed back to my room to get an old...

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Charladys JamboreeChapter 2

Having woke up at 4 pm, there was little point in dressing so both Master Ray and Charlady remained as naked as the day they were born. In the kitchen as charlady washed a few pots, Ray could not resist creeping up behind her and splashing warm water onto her tits. Standing so close behind her his erection was nudging her in the butt. Charlady began rubbing her arse cheeks against the stiffness until the water splashed her tits and then she giggled and tried to duck away from the water. In...

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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 70

Saturday Morning. Wedding day. I lie there. I open only one eye and stare at my alarm clock. 7:05, wedding at 1pm across town at the perfect wedding location around. I had a few hours to kill. What should I do now? I rolled back over and tried to go back to sleep. knockknock "Paul, you awake?" "Ya, I'm awake." I rolled out of bed and headed for the toilet. i went to the door and Scott was in the kitchen setting a cup out for me for coffee. "Well good morning sunshine!" he laughed...

3 years ago
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Her Triumph His Loss

Standard scram, scat, shoo if you are a prude or underage disclaimer: This is a work of fiction it in no way depicts any actual people or events. If you feel it does depict you and you enjoyed those events it than good for you! This story depicts acts of sex, humiliation, feminization, various other forms of debauchery and implied forced homosexuality. If this is not to your thing or you are under the legal age to read this in your town, village, city, municipality, district, region,...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Lie Or A Harsh Truth Chapter 7

???: Up...wake...up!Aris: Huh? What? Where am....???: Did you have a nightmare, dad?Aris: Night...TERROR was more like it! Why did you wake me up so early, Stephen?Stephen: It's Saturday! My " Cartoon Day " and we're gonna watch EEEVERY single one of them!!! Dad? Are you crying?Aris: They are tears of joy, my son! Let me hug you!!!Stephen: Unh! Okay...i...love...you...too.Hilda: Stephen, you milk is ready! Oh...how sweet!Aris: My advice for you is this! Always do what it makes you feel...

2 years ago
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A Delightful Arrangement Part 3

A Delightful Arrangement Part Three I woke up with a start the next morning. The sun pealed through the windows and I felt the soft satin of my nightgown tracing my thighs. Immediately my thoughts leapt to the night before. I recalled serving as a maid at my friends' party and how wonderful the experience had been. As my gown's straps pulled at my shoulders I recalled the elation I felt when I learned that no one other than my hosts realized that I wasn't a woman. I lay there for...

2 years ago
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Memories of My Return to Belfast

Occasionally, a story has to be written. This one is mostly true. The incidents really happened much as portrayed. For my loyal readers, this story has been in my head for a number of years waiting for its time. Its time is now. Hopefully you will understand it and the bitter memories I have carried most of my life. * ‘Have you heard from Sean? He was arrested in ’79.’ Jenny shook her head. That was all she could do. So many dead or arrested. Arrested was the same as dead back in those days....

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The Blameless BystanderChapter 10 MidNovember Vignettes

It was Thursday afternoon. James' identity as Reverend Chandler's target was public knowledge, thanks to Doris' shouting it out during the previous evening's School Board Meeting. The unauthorized revelation changed all the rules of the game. Peggy Hardaway, inspired to improve her prior week's lackluster performance, took full advantage of the opening. She called James at the school early in the morning and requested an interview. Roger Blair called Bob Jackson to smooth the way. So,...

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This is where I got my start in interracial himili

I've been reading a few stories on here, and thought I'd share one. Now this happened a long time ago, in 2005, when I had a studio apartment, so my story is all from memory.There were only about 5 of us drinking, we were all young then, we were all in our mid 20s. 2 black guys, me, and 2 very attractive women. We weren't drunk yet, although I was feeling it a little. It was pretty early in the night. All of a sudden 1 of the women says, "whoever wants a blowjob, raise their hand" I was...

5 years ago
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Angel Ch 03

We made it back to the apartment around one and began to pull our duffle bags from under the beds. I was actually getting excited about visiting my family. I’d been away from home for almost four months and although I talked to them on the phone a lot, it’s different when you can actually visit. I knew my mom would make my favorite foods, and my dad would be there for half of them. I know my dad was a busy guy and he worked hard for his family, but sometimes when I was younger I wish my dad...

4 years ago
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As the wine and beer flowed the bbq starts to wind down. Im still wearing the red satin and lace underbust corset, nothing else. MM has fucked a few ladies and i have licked everybody clean. I have not fucked as MM has not given his permission.Im walking indoors when MM grabs me kissing me with one hand between my legs fingering my pussy. Everyone saw me being fingerd which turned me on more than i can say. MM picks me lowering me gently on to dinning room table holding my legs apart."Desert is...

4 years ago
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Milk Fest

I was relaxing in my favorite chair watching some old movie when the doorbell rang. Yeah, right, Saturday afternoon and I get some salesperson wanting me to buy books, or a satellite dish or it was those pesky Church guys dressed in white shirts with black pants. Whoever the hell it was I was determined to get rid of them post haste because the Allies were just about to storm the beach and, naturally, defeat the dreaded Hun. "Whatever you're selling I don't, " my words died between my...

4 years ago
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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 4

When we do finally awake functionally, we spend the first hour snuggled together, looking at brochures and deciding what we want to see. Eventually, we wander out for breakfast - which was actually dinner for everyone else. We walk as much of the ship as we have the strength for. Movies, casinos, nightclubs, shopping, restaurants, a dizzying array of games and activities - the ship was a floating city. Alex dutifully takes a million pictures to upload. Since I'm 18 and listed officially as...

3 years ago
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Starlight 300Chapter 4

I strolled out of the living area and into the small engine room, made even tighter with the installation of the second engine. To help squeeze it in, they did flare the sides some but there was still very little room. "How's it going?" I asked Candy, eyeing up her slim figure. While working on fitting the two new inlet manifolds, she had stripped down to the waist, leaving her fine, if small, breasts bare. "These are great," she said with a wide smile. "They aren't cheap but they...

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