Hi, I'm Tracy Tanner free porn video

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Hi! I'm Tracy - Tracy Tanner ? and this is my story! I won't start at the beginning because I know you haven't got all day. The first thing you need to know is that my mother is a witch. Well, kind of. I've never seen her boiling eye of newt or heard her casting spells in Latin, but things just seem to happen around her. Especially to anyone who gets on her wrong side. I'll tell you what I mean. At our old house, our next door neighbour had a big German shepherd that always used to get into my mother's flowers and make a mess of them. He'd growl and bark at her if he saw her walking by. She told the people next door about it, but it never seemed to do any good. Then one day the dog snuck up on her as she was coming home from work and snapped at her skirt, ripping it halfway up her leg. "That darn dog!" she said when she got into the house, "I wish somebody'd do something about it!" Two nights later we heard an awful noise coming from my mother's flower bed. The dog had gotten mixed up with a porcupine and got a noseful of quills. That dog never ventured onto our lot again, and it whimpered and slunk away whenever it saw my Mom. Another time we had a prowler. We'd see him sometimes just after sundown lounging around across the street, eyeing our place. There was just my Mom and me at home; my Dad died when I was quite young and I can't remember him. Some nights my Mom thought she saw him peeking in the windows. Sometimes Mom's undies disappeared from the clothesline. Anyway, he got sprayed by a skunk one night right under our bathroom window and that was the last we saw of him. Then there was my mother's old boss. He used to try to take advantage of the girls in the office. A feel here, a rub there, and if he got lucky a little more. Every now and then a girl would get pregnant and leave. No one dared speak up about it because they all needed their jobs. And this was the 70's ? no one thought anything of it back then. Well, anyway, the boss started paying more and more attention to my mother, and his attentions started getting more and more persistent. She didn't tell me about it, but I noticed that she was agitated all the time and lost her temper easily. One day the boss's birthday came around and the girls at the office decided to surprise him. They hid in his office while he was gone for lunch and ordered a cake to be delivered shortly after he got back. Then they'd all jump out and surprise him! Well ? the boss came back from lunch, closed his door, sat down at his desk, pulled the new issue of Playboy out from under his jacket, and started to play with himself. His own little birthday gift to himself, I guess. What else could the girls do but peek out from the closet and from behind the curtains and try not to giggle?! No sooner had he finished his little business and slipped the magazine with Barbi Benton on the cover into his drawer than the cake arrived. The girls burst from their hiding places, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and covered him in streamers and confetti! Joyous occasion! Happy day! What fun! What mirth! They all giggled and laughed so much as they ate their cake and they all had such a good time ? all except the boss, who was very quiet and wouldn't meet anyone's gaze and left for the day as soon as the cake was gone. From that day on there were a lot of knowing grins and poorly disguised smirks around the office, and the boss never bothered any of the girls again. So do you see what I mean? Mom never really does anything to people. Things just seem to happen. I don't know whether you consider that being a witch or not, but that's how it is. I should know. I've been seeing it all my life. At the end of the school year, we moved to a new town. Mom didn't want to interrupt my schooling, but maybe it would have been better if we'd moved earlier. Here I was, a guy fifteen years old, new town, no friends, nothing to do and all summer to do it. I'd been in a little bit of trouble before, but nothing too serious. A few packs of hockey cards or cigarettes slipped inside the jacket, some discipline problems at school. You know ? kids' stuff. I was a little older now and had a lot more time on my hands. Mom's new job kept her out a lot of evenings. I started hanging around the park at night. I snatched a purse or two but mostly I liked sneaking up behind a pretty girl, copping a good feel and then disappearing into the trees. Worked fine for a few weeks but I guess the word got out, because one night I got suckered by a decoy policewoman. She was such a fox that it almost seemed worth it ? but of course sooner or later I was going to have to face the music. When I showed up on the doorstep shortly before midnight accompanied by the policewoman, I thought my poor mother was going to drop. She grabbed me by the arm. Was I alright? Where had I been? What was the policewoman doing here? She went on and on in a steady stream. She was in an awful state. The policewoman told me to sit on the couch and took my mother into the kitchen. They stayed there a long time. I heard the occasional sob and started to feel pretty bad. When they finally came out of the kitchen, my mother's face was ashen. I'd never seen her like that before. "Tracy," the officer said sternly, "your mother and I have had a long talk and I am releasing you into her custody. She assures me there will be no repeat of what happened tonight. If there is, I'll have you in court so fast it'll make your head spin. Now I'm counting on you to be a good boy and not let your mother down. You've hurt her enough already." And with that she was gone. Now I had to face my mother. I wish she'd raged and screamed and yelled and hit me. I wish she'd broken things and cried. Anything would have been better than seeing her standing there trembling before me, racked with silent sobs. "Tracy," she said, in a broken little voice, "how could you do this to me? You're all I have in this world. I wish I had a daughter who wouldn't give me any trouble instead of a son like you." And with that she was gone. I think we both cried ourselves to sleep that night. I woke up the next morning and I felt so bad. My head was heavy and aching and all in a fog. I lay there for a long time before I was able to pull myself out of bed and shuffle off to the shower. I shrugged off the top of my old flannel pj's and was sliding my thumbs under the band of the bottoms when I noticed something different. My hands looked small and narrow and dainty. And those things on my chest, all floppy and fat and pointy... I knew there was only one word for them: boobs! With a sinking feeling I lowered my panama bottoms, knowing all too well what I was going to see. It was true. I was a girl down there too. It seems strange to say, but I was pretty calm about it, maybe because I was still so zonked out, maybe because something was happening to my mind and the feminine was taking over, or maybe because after being around my mother all my life not much really surprised me anymore. But really, deep down, maybe I was just relieved that something had happened that could put things right again between my mother and me. But I started to notice things. Like that my skin was all oily and dirty and that I smelled like a musty old sleeping bag. Must have been from whatever happened overnight. Without any further ado, I hopped into the shower and turned the water on full blast. I felt much better afterwards. My head was clearing and I felt all fresh and clean. I took a towel and wiped the mist from the mirror. The first thing I noticed was that my boobies didn't look half as bad from this angle. They weren't really big, but that was okay with me. They weren't small either. They tilted slightly upwards, giving them a saucy, pouty look. My nipples were a pretty pinky colour. As I looked down I saw a trim little figure and lithe, strong, kinda long legs. Nestled at the top of my thighs was the most adorable little pussy I had ever seen! Not that I had ever seen that many ? not this kind anyway ? but I did think it was sweet... in a pouty kind of a way! I raised my gaze to meet the face staring back at me. Big sad blue eyes. Wet blonde hair, cut in bangs, about shoulder length. Strawberry blonde, I would learn when it dried. High cheekbones, button nose, clear complexion, small mouth with full pouty lips, and a cute little dimpled chin. All in all, not too bad. I'd never put Farrah Fawcett- Majors out of business, but still, not bad at all. What to do now! Nothing but boy's clothes in my room. I couldn't wear those even if I wanted to. I'd lost about five inches in height, down to about five four, so my old clothes were too big in one direction and probably too small in the other. I didn't waste any time thinking about it. (I seemed to have developed quite a strong practical streak overnight). I just pulled on a clean pair of pj's and padded downstairs to meet my Mom. Tears again. This time joy! "Oh Tracy, Tracy! I dreamed you were a girl and look at you, it's true! I can't believe it, Tracy, I just can't believe it!" And on and on, holding me so tight. Tears were running down her face ? mine too ? and it just felt so right. I never wanted the feeling to end. When we both got our feet on the ground again, we realized that some practical details were going to have to be dealt with. Like clothes. Mom's were too big for me and I couldn't go around forever in these old pj's. There was no way Mom could afford to go out and buy me a whole new wardrobe, but she dug deep into the cookie jar and scraped together enough to get me some new undies, a pair of jeans, a couple of tops, and some sneakers. I'd never make Vogue dressed like that but at least I could leave the house. We spent the rest of the weekend doing girl things. Mom had fifteen years of girl stuff to teach me, and she had a great time doing it. We laughed and laughed and just felt so close. Being a girl and being with Mom was just so great ? sometimes I almost forgot I had ever been a boy! I sure didn't miss it. Monday morning came and Mom was off to work. I mooned around for a little while, wondering what I was going to do all day, and then it hit me. I'd get a job! I'd be able to help out Mom with the bills and I'd be able to get some more clothes for myself. That kind of idea never would have occurred to me when I was a boy, but now I wondered why it had taken me so long to think of it. I tied my hair back in a bouncy ponytail and was out the door. I didn't know where you should start looking when you're looking for a job so I just walked. I hadn't gone very far when I saw a florist's shop with a Help Wanted sign in the window. There wasn't anyone at the counter, so I just looked around for a few minutes. I saw some flowers in a vase. Kind of pretty, I thought. What if I just moved this one here and put that one back there... "Young lady!" Oops! I guess that meant me. I'd been having so much fun playing with the flowers that I hadn't noticed the woman come into the room. "Yes, ma'am?" "What do you think you're doing? I worked long and hard on that arrangement and..." Her voice trailed off. "...and I think you've improved on it! Where did you learn to arrange flowers like that?" "Well, I didn't, ma'am; not really, I mean no one's ever taught me. I just came in to see about a job and..." "Then you must just have a natural talent. Do you like flowers? Come on into the back with me..." And that was it. I was hired on the spot and worked the rest of the summer and even got a raise after the first two weeks because my arrangements were bringing so much more business into the shop. By the time school started I had lots of new clothes. Well, enough anyway. Now before I start back to school, there's something else you should know. When I became a girl, I inherited some of my mother's witchery. Only mine was a little different. Things didn't happen around me like they did around my Mom. But sometimes I would just know things, like the way I just knew how to arrange flowers. Or I would just know that something was going to happen. Just like Mom, I couldn't turn it on or turn it off. If you asked me which horse was going to win the race, my guess wouldn't be any better than yours. But if I knew that a car was going to go through a stop sign, there was no way I'd step onto the crosswalk. Another thing is that my personality changed a little bit when I became a girl. Quite a bit actually. I'd been kind of moody and dreamy when I was a boy. Now I was practical and decisive. Kinda spunky too. When I was a boy I got embarrassed so easily and I was always so worried about what other people thought. Now I didn't even think about that kind of stuff! I guess I still didn't fit in all that well, but it just didn't bother me now. I just kept barrelling along! And I loved being a girl! I almost never remembered ever having been a boy. I know that sounds funny, but think of it this way. You know when you've had a really strange dream? Next morning it's fresh and vivid and you know all the details. Next week you have to think hard to recall just the gist of it, and next month it's almost gone. An inkling of it may pass through your mind in an idle moment, but mostly it's as if it had never happened. That's how my boy's life was now. September came and school started. As a boy I would have been nervous and shy in a new school, but the new Tracy Tanner jumped right in - for all the good it did me! It was a pretty normal high school. Among the teachers, the only one who stood out was Miss Hiscox. Everyone said she was a women's libber, and everyone said she was really smart. A lot of the boys said really nasty things about her and most of the men teachers seemed to be afraid of her, but she always smiled at me in the halls even though I wasn't in any of her classes. As for the students, you had the jocks and the cheerleaders, the rich kid social set, the nerds, the hoodlums, and the losers. You know, the usual. I didn't really fit in anywhere, but that was okay with me. I found a friend and she didn't fit in either. Janie didn't have a mother, she just had a father. And he wasn't much of a father. He drank a lot and wasn't very nice to her. Janie always wore old straight-leg jeans and plaid shirts. The girls all ignored her because she was poor and the boys all called her Plain Jane because she didn't look like a cheerleader. I liked her, though. I just knew there was something special about her. Janie was taller than me by four or five inches. She wore her black hair in a grown out pixie cut and had the pale skin and freckles that sometimes go with black hair. She was lanky and gangly and never wore any makeup. In those days she always seemed to look sad. We both went out for the track team, that's when I noticed her. She went in for middle distance and I did sprints. I started talking to her one day at practice and we just clicked. The next day I realized that she was in almost all of my classes. She was so quiet and mousey that I'd just never noticed her! Before long, we were doing just about everything together. Like studying. I found I was becoming a bit of a bookworm. I'd always scraped by in school with as little work as possible, but now I just loved researching projects, poring over class notes, and doing extra reading. Janie was in the same boat. She'd never put much effort into school either, although her marks had been better than mine. Now all of a sudden she took off academically. From our study sessions I could see how really smart she was. At first it was me helping her along, but before long it was me riding on her coattails. By the middle of October she was leading the class, and I wasn't far behind. October was an unseasonably hot month. Janie and I had sleepovers at my place most weekends ? as a matter of fact, she slept with me on a lot of week nights too. Our favourite thing to do was to watch Charlie's Angels together. We loved the Angels. I'd always tease her and say that she looked just like Kate Jackson. She hated that because it was a little too close to the truth: she wasn't the glamorous one. But I think she liked it too because Kate was still plenty cute! She said I was just like Cheryl Ladd and I didn't mind that at all. Anyway, one very hot October night neither one of us could sleep. I don't know how late it was. We pulled the covers off, but we were still roasting. Our hair was matted on our foreheads and our pj's were all damp and sticky. "I can't take this any more, Janie, I've got to get out of these old pj's! They feel like a fur coat." Off they came and Janie's weren't far behind, but the room was still like an oven. "I know, Janie, I'm going to let in some fresh air. No one's going to be peeking through the window at this time of night." I threw back the curtains and opened the window as far as it would go. I walked back around to my side of the bed and eased myself down beside my friend, propped up on one elbow. A cool breeze caressed our overheated bodies, sending a delicious chill through us. I looked down at Janie. The moonlight was streaming in on her naked little body, and for the first time I realized how beautiful she was. For the first time I saw her not as plain old gangly Jane, but as the elegant lady she would become. In the moonlight I could see her finely- drawn features emerging, the strong cheekbones and jaw, the patrician nose that made mine seem little-girlish, the gentle but penetrating eyes. My gaze fell to her budding breasts which rose and fell softly with her laboured breathing, the long graceful lines of her hips, thighs, and bottom. She looked so beautiful lying there that I just couldn't help leaning over and planting a kiss on her cheek. "Oh Janie," I whispered, "you're so beautiful..." She turned to me slowly and, getting up on one elbow too, said "Gee, Tracy, no one's ever said that to me before." I could almost see a tear in her eye. She brushed the damp hair away from my face and kissed me back, gently, first on the forehead, then on the cheek, then on the lips. Maybe it seems funny for girlfriends to be doing that but I just knew it was right. I kissed her right back and we both seemed to like it so we did it some more. Someone's arm brushed against someone's breast and no one seemed to mind, then someone's hand was on someone else's breast, and first thing you know we were both panting like we'd just run the quarter mile. Someone's hand wandered down there and, finding a warm reception, did what I only do to myself when I'm locked in the bathroom having a bubble bath. I know it l sounds kinda cheap to tell it this way, but it was really beautiful. You had to be there, I guess. When it was over, we lay there for a long time. The breeze had cooled the room, so I pulled the sheet back up over us. Forget the pj's ? they were all damp and clammy and ready for the laundry hamper. It was Janie who finally spoke. "Tracy," she said in a small voice," do you think this makes us like... you know... queers?" "Don't be silly," I answered. "We both like boys. It's not our fault they're all too stunned to notice us! You know what I read about in Greek history? That Plato and all those philosopher guys used to do just what we did. Every once in a while they'd... you know, like we just did, just to show that they were friends and they thought a lot of each other. Of course they didn't make a habit of it... and no one called them queers! Don't you worry, Janie, this just means that we're best friends forever." "You're so sweet," said Janie, running her fingers through my hair. "What are you doing tomorrow?" "Well you know Mr. Fritz, the guidance counsellor? He asked me to come over and have a swim in his pool ? this is the latest he's ever had it open - and talk to me about maybe applying for a scholarship next year. Didn't I tell you about that? Must have forgotten. Why don't I call him tomorrow and see if you can come too? I'm sure he wouldn't mind..." My voice trailed off. I felt a trembling on the bed beside me. It was Janie, she was silently sobbing. "Janie," I said, "what's wrong? Don't cry. It's all right. You can tell me." I held her for the longest time until she could speak. "It's Mr. Fritz, Tracy. Don't go! Don't let him..." And she broke down in tears again. "Tracy," she said when she'd regained some of her composure, "I've been going to Mr. Fritz since last year. He makes me do terrible things, Tracy. He says that if I won't do them or if I tell anyone, he'll get me kicked out of school and I'll end up in jail like my... like my... like my mother!" She broke down again but struggled on. "He makes me do terrible things, Tracy. He makes my put his thing in my mouth. Don't go, Tracy, don't let him get a hold over you like he has over me." Once I started to get over my shock and I found myself getting angrier by the minute. "You listen to me, Janie! That man's just made the mistake of his life if he thinks he's going to pick on Tracy Tanner! And no one is going to treat my friend that way and get away with it! You think Charlie's Angels are trouble ? that creep hasn't seen anything till he's tangled with us!" When I left the house the next afternoon I wasn't sure how I was going to deal with that lecherous old Fritz but I knew I was going to win. I had on my freshest makeup, my best little girl skirt and knee socks, and my favourite top. If he wanted to move in on an innocent little teen, here I was! I hummed to myself and swung my little carrybag as I skipped up to his door. "Tracy, so glad you could make it! Did you walk all the way in this heat? You must be worn out. Here, let me take your bag and get you a nice cold drink of lemonade." As I followed him to the kitchen, I had to admit that he seemed perfectly charming, but I knew better. He had his comeuppance coming and I was going to give it to him. The Angels didn't shy away from danger and neither would I! A few minutes later I changed into my bathing suit and joined Mr. Fritz at the pool. He looked a little crestfallen when he saw my suit. It had a darling little pleated skirt and a big bow at the bosom. My bathing cap was covered with bright rubber flowers. I think he thought it was a little young for me but that was okay. I was ready to have some fun! I frolicked and played for two hours straight! If Mr. Fritz was going to try anything, he was going to have to slow me down first! Any time he got close to me, I splashed him and swam out of reach. Finally it started to get late. I pulled myself out of the water. "Well, Mr. Fritz, I sure had a great time, but it's late and I should be getting home." I took off my bathing cap and made a show of shaking out my hair, knowing that it would display my little boobies to advantage. That's what an Angel would do! "I guess it is getting on, Tracy. The time certainly does fly when you're having fun. Why, we haven't even had a chance to talk about your scholarship! Tell you what ? why don't you run along inside now and get changed, and you can come back tonight to talk about that scholarship!" "That would be great, Mr. Fritz." I skipped off to the house all smiles, but glancing back over my shoulder, I noticed that he was making no move to leave the pool. I knew something must be up! I tossed my wet swimsuit into the sink and hopped into the shower to wash off all that smelly old chlorine. I was standing in front of the mirror towelling myself dry when I got a funny feeling. I knew he was watching me. Sneaky as I could I checked around. Looking in the mirror, I thought I could see a peephole in the wall behind me. I put my face up really close to the mirror, pretending I had a zit or something. I had a real good look at the wall behind me, and sure enough, where an old towel rack had been, there was a little hole that had never been plastered over. I kept calm. What would Cheryl Ladd do? Then I remembered that I had changed into my suit in the bedroom next door ? and my clothes were still there! I took a deep breath... and then a plan just came to me. I knew what I had to do. I turned to face the peephole, rubbing my little boobies with the towel. I wanted to keep him distracted. I moved slowly towards the peephole and towards the door at the same time. Once I was sure I was out of his range of vision, I wrapped the towel around me and bounded out into the hall on my tiptoes. "Mr. Fritz! I'm sorry ? I didn't know you were in here! I just came in to get my clothes!" Mr. Fritz started like a woman who's just seen a mouse. He turned around with a look of terror in his eyes. His trunks were down around his ankles and he had his thingie in his hand. "Mr. Fritz! What happened to you? Are you alright? Your thingie ? it's all swollen up! Is that an allergic reaction or something? Oh, I know, Mr. Fritz ? it's the Indian yoga! I bet you do that meditation and those exercises and all that stuff! I bet that's how you do it!" "Ehm, ah... er... yes, Tracy, that's it, it's the... ehm... er... Indian yoga. What a... ah... smart... and sophisticated young lady you are to be familiar with such an ... er... esoteric subject like that... There aren't many people in this town..." As he fumbled along, I could feel his eyes feasting on me, and it started to make me uncomfortable. After all, he was 30 years older, eight inches taller, and a hundred pounds heavier than me, and all I had on was a wet towel. I pulled it up a little higher around my boobies. A little too high, I guess, from the way his gaze dropped and his eyes bugged out! I took another deep breath to calm myself and thought of the Angels. They wouldn't back out at a time like this, and neither would Tracy Tanner! I had him at a disadvantage and I was going to keep him there. I advanced on him, trying to look confident. "But Mr. Fritz, it's so big and so strong and it stands right up like that. I've never seen a thingie like that before. Can I feel it, Mr. Fritz? Oh Mr. Fritz, it's just as hard as a dog bone! And it's so big my hand will hardly go around it!" I gave it a good squeeze just to see if it really was as hard as all that. Mr. Fritz let out a gasp. Then I started moving my hand up and down on it like Mr. Fritz had been doing when I came into the room. "Is this how you do it, Mr. Fritz, is this the Indian yoga?" It must have been, because Mr. Fritz closed his eyes and put his head back and made that "Oooommm" sound people are supposed to make when they're meditating. "And these things down here, Mr. Fritz, They're so cute and fuzzy and cuddly!" I cupped them in my hand. When I squeezed a little bit they squirted away inside their little bag so I made a grab at one of them, the same way you would if you were trying to catch a grasshopper. I must have grabbed a little too hard I guess because he let a big puff out of him and doubled over with his face all screwed up. "Oh Mr. Fritz! Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry!" I wasn't, really, but it never hurts to be polite. An Angel is always a lady. "Anyway, Mr .Fritz, I've got to go now, but I'll be back tonight to talk about that scholarship ? and maybe you can show me some more of the Indian yoga!" I grabbed my clothes and got out of there as quick as I could. I hurried home as fast as my little legs would carry me and by the time I got there I had my plan all made. I called Janie right away. She came over and we got to work. By eight o'clock it was dark and I was knocking on Mr. Fritz's door. I was wearing a nice skirt and a cute little top, and for the first time in my life, my recent life anyway, no bra. I felt kinda naked without one but I knew it would help me with what I had to do. Farrah would do it if it would help her solve the case, so how could I refuse? I wore a jacket on the way over, though, so I wouldn't have to parade around like that in public. "Tracy, I'm so glad you could make it over! Come right in and we can get right down to work on that scholarship. Here, let me take your jacket." I handed him my jacket, and I could feel his eyes on me right away. I guess my little strategy worked. After the walk in the cool night air my boobies were quite noticeable through the thin material of my close- fitting top. He could hardly take his eyes off them. I tried to let on that I didn't notice, but once in awhile I'd "accidentally" catch him looking, just to keep him off balance. That's what you call "feminine wiles", I guess ? an art that I seemed to be learning quickly. I could see that feminine wiles could come in handy in a tight spot. An Angel should never be without them. "Now just come over here, my dear, and have a seat by the coffee table." He sat down on the couch beside me. "Now Tracy, about a scholarship... I have very good connections at a number of very good universities. What you might call the Old Boy's Network. I have a number of highly placed friends who would like very much to have an attractive young lady like yourself on campus, especially if that attractive young lady is skilled in the art of the Indian yoga. Each year I take an attractive young lady like yourself under my wing, as it were, and endeavour to give her the very specialized training that will enable her to meet the exacting standards of these collegiate yoga masters. If you are willing to train with me for the next two years, and... and I must stress this... and to keep our little arrangement absolutely secret, from your friends, from your teachers, even from your own mother... if you are willing to agree to all this, then I feel confident in saying that I can almost guarantee you a full scholarship to a major university. What do you say, my girl, are you up to the challenge?" "Oh, Mr. Fritz, yes! Of course! I'd be honoured! What a surprise for my mother! Just think, wouldn't she be proud of me! A full scholarship! I know she wants me to go to university but she could never afford to send me ? wouldn't she be pleased!" "Now remember, Tracy, this has to be kept absolutely secret. If one word leaks out about this, there will be no scholarship and the Old Boy's Network will see to it that you are never admitted to any major university on this continent. Do you understand fully?" "Oh yes, Mr. Fritz, you can count on me. I can keep a secret better than anyone else in the whole world! And I do so want to learn the Indian yoga. It's supposed to be so good for your concentration and everything. When can we start?" "Momentarily, Tracy. Just let me change into my yoga gown." Mr. Fritz sure wasn't gone for long. He came back in his yoga gown, which looked an awful lot like a blue bathrobe to me, with a big book under his arm. "This ancient yogic text will serve as our training manual. It's called the (I can't remember the name exactly ? it was something like "Karma Suture" I think). But perhaps we'll leave that for another night. Your first lesson will be a short one." He sat down in a large overstuffed armchair. "The first lesson, one that all novices must master, is an exercise in obedience and submission. You must demonstrate that you can trust and obey your guru and help him to reach a higher spiritual plane. By raising me you will raise yourself and your journey towards enlightenment will have begun. Do you understand and accept?" "Oh, yes, Mr Fritz... er... Mr .Guru... er..." "'Yes Master' will do nicely. Now there's a good girl, come and kneel here between my thighs... yes, like that... there's a good girl, now. Now open my robe... that's right... just like that... "Mr. Fritz! Your thingie! Why it's almost as big as it was this afternoon ? and it's getting bigger! Is this how you do the yoga, Mr. Fritz, like this?" I put my hand around his thingie just like this afternoon and moved it up and down. He seemed to be going into his meditation trance, so I moved my hand a little faster, hoping to move him to a higher spiritual plane. He was hot and hard now in my little fist. His thingie was really what you might call a"dong", all red and angry and swollen with big ugly veins sticking out. It was starting to twitch a little bit too. It was straining so much that a little drop of stuff started to drip from the end of it. "Very good, Tracy, you've mastered the first stage. Now it's time to move on to the second stage." He was huffing like an old horse. "Move your hand down to the base... yes, just like that... now I want you to lean down and take me into your mouth." "But Mr. Fritz, it's so big, I don't know if it's going to fit!" "Yes it will, take my word for it. Now come on, Tracy, this is your first test. Show Mr. Fritz what you can do!" I put my head down close to his big ugly dong. It looked back up at me like a thing that wanted to hurt me. Now I knew how an Angel felt when she stared down the barrel of a loaded gun. Don't back out now Tracy, I told myself. I looked up at him and gave him what I hoped was a teasing grin. An Angel never loses her sass! I took a deep breath, opened my mouth wide like you do at the dentist's, and lowered my head till I felt his big purple raspberry brush against my lips. Just then there was a blinding flash. Before I could fully recover there was another, then another. Janie came clambering in through the open window, my new Polaroid camera in her hand. "Janie, you dear! Am I ever glad to see you!" "Just in the nick of time, I guess! I thought I'd never figure out that flash!" "Why, what is the meaning of this?!! What do you girls think you're doing?!! Why I'll have you both..." "You'll have us both what, Mr. Fritz? On our knees sucking on your big ugly thingie? Not anymore you won't! Let me tell you something, you creep, you picked the wrong girl to tangle with when you picked Tracy Tanner! See these pictures? One for me, one for Janie, and one to be hidden in a safe place. If you ever bother Janie or me again, or if we ever hear of you trying to take advantage of any other girl in the school, we're going straight to..." "Straight to whom? Who will ever believe you? It's your word against mine, and I don't think anyone is going to take very seriously the word of two little girls of dubious moral character!" "We'll go straight to Miss Hiscox, and nobody will have to take our word because we have these pictures, and they show your face and your dong really good. Miss Hiscox'll have you out of a job so fast it'll make your head spin and you know it. So you better mind you P's and Q's and be very nice to us and treat all the girls at school with a lotta lotta respect or you're going to be really sorry! Now have you got that?" Mr. Fritz slumped in his chair, looking as fallen and defeated as his shrivelled dong. He knew he was beaten. "Yes girls, as you say." Another flash. Janie flipped the developing print in his direction. "Here's something to remember us by, you creep." "Little bitches," I heard him mutter as I moved towards the door. I spun around on my heel. "My mother says that's just a word men use for a girl who gets the better of them, so if you want to call us bitches, you go right ahead - we've earned it!" And with that I flounced out the door. We walked calmly as if nothing had happened till we turned the corner, then we ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran.

Same as Hi, I'm Tracy Tanner Videos

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Tracy 3 by Pamela ([email protected]) For the following two weekends after Tracy and Abby had me fitted for a bra and panties, Tracy was quite busy with homework and there was no opportunity to spend time with her other than washing her laundry. She still insisted I wear the bra and panties under my clothes as I worked, so that I would become better acclimated to my role as her girl bitch. On the following weekend, Tracy had her friends over to visit so that I ended up having...

2 years ago
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Tracy 5

Tracy - 5 by Pamela ([email protected]) The rest of the afternoon I fretted about the boys coming over for a party. If it got out of control I was the last person that would be able to stop them from doing whatever it was they wanted to do. Late in the afternoon the girls began getting ready for the evening. Tracy said to me, "You can either wear my mom's dress or your sissy dress. Which do you want?" This had to be the first time that Tracy had ever asked for my...

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Tracy A Lamont Story

Tracy(A Lamont Story) Dwight Murphy Around ten o’clock on Sunday night, Lamont lay naked in his king size bed after a long day of work lifting boxes. At twenty years-old and six foot even in height, two hundred pounds of muscles, Lamont was worn out and ready to get some sleep before he went to the gym in the morning. He’d gotten off work at nine, came home, and showered. Now he lay in bed with the television on, waiting to nod off. His phone rang. He reached for it and saw it wasn’t a number...

2 years ago
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Tracy A Lamont Story

Tracy(A Lamont Story) Dwight Murphy Around ten o’clock on Sunday night, Lamont lay naked in his king size bed after a long day of work lifting boxes. At twenty years-old and six foot even in height, two hundred pounds of muscles, Lamont was worn out and ready to get some sleep before he went to the gym in the morning. He’d gotten off work at nine, came home, and showered. Now he lay in bed with the television on, waiting to nod off. His phone rang. He reached for it and saw it wasn’t a number...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Tracy and Dad Chapter Two

John had just finished packing up the SUV. He was walking back into the house when he called to Tracy.“Hey babe, you about ready?”“Oh my god. I said give me 15 minutes,” Tracy yelled from her room.John walked down the hall and stuck his head in her room. “That was 20 minutes ago.”“Oh. Well let me finish packing and I’ll get dressed.” Tracy was pulling clothes from her closet and tossing them onto her bed creating a sizable pile. She looked like she had just finished showering. Her long curly...

1 year ago
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Tracy Dad Part Two

“Hey babe, you about ready?” “Oh my god. I said give me 15 minutes,” Tracy yelled from her room. John walked down the hall and stuck his head in her room. “That was 20 minutes ago.” “Oh. Well let me finish packing and I’ll get dressed.” Tracy was pulling clothes from her closet and tossing them onto her bed creating a sizable pile. She looked like she had just finished showering. Her long curly red hair was damp and hanging loose. She was only wearing a pair of white panties. “What have...

2 years ago
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Tracy Plus 2 Ch 1 The Dance

There she was again, sitting in the same place on the bleachers. Watching across the gym floor while watching everyone have a good time while occupying nothing but the seat she was on. And why not? She had warmed that same place on those bleachers through every dance she ever went to at Susan B. Anthony, but it did get lonely warming that spot with a little larger ass than she'd like to admit to. It wasn't enormously large by any means, but a size 12 underwear (she only wore briefs, she didn't...

3 years ago
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Tracy And Dad

I met Brad on line back in 1996 when incest sites were all over the Internet. The laws were a lot different then. For instance, while it was illegal to post or download kiddy porn, it was legal to view it. This included actual photographs of little girls getting fucked while they sucked, the whole nine yards. Brad started his own chat room on Excite under the heading of “Relationships.” The following is his story as I remember it. There is a certain surreal quality to it that makes me want...

4 years ago
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Tracy the Crack whore

Sean watched out his kitchen window as the scene unfolded in his backyard. The girl, a young teen, led a strange man toward the rear of Sean’s property, to the rickety old shed. He watched her grow frustrated, and then mad, when she found the shed padlocked.Sean grinned, in his kitchen, as he reached into his pocket, removing his key-ring and examining the two shiny new Master-Lock keys. As he watched, the teen seemed to make a decision, and she led her man around to the side of the shed. She...

3 years ago
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Some of you will have read my other stories this one is a little different as I was not around when this happened or indeed know any thing about it until afterit had happened.I had to go away with my work for a few days on training course so Tracy was to left alone at home. I phoned Tracy when I arrived at the hotel just to let her know I had arrived safely. Tracy tod me that a friend of ours (I will call him Dan) had phoned and asked if he could stay for a couple of nights. Tracy had said no...

2 years ago
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Tracy the Crack Whore part ll

Sean wrapped up at work early. It was a blistering hot and sunny spring day and he couldn’t concentrate, all he thought about was Tracy. He was a small-town boy from the mountains in the Southwest and had never been exposed to anyone like her. On the way home, he stopped at Walgreen’s to pick up some bathroom supplies and beer and found some other cool stuff, too. Getting back into his truck, he cracked open a beer and pulled out of the parking lot, his mind on Tracy again, the blow job she had...

2 years ago
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Tracy and Dad Chapter Four

Once everyone was up and ready to go they all piled into the SUV and drove to the lakeside village just south of the cabin. John and Chris got dropped off at the marina to get the boat and do some fishing. The girls were going to do some shopping in town and grab lunch at the coffee shop. They would meet up again around three at the marina.“What time is it,” Nicole asked Tracy.Tracy was staring at her phone and didn’t look up as she replied, “Five after three.”They were sitting in the marina...

2 years ago
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Tracy Dad Part Four

“What time is it,” Nicole asked Tracy. Tracy was staring at her phone and didn’t look up as she replied, “Five after three.” They were sitting in the marina parking lot waiting for John and Chris. Nicole was people watching while Tracy texted and Cassie played a game on her phone. They had had a good day together exploring the small shops in the village. After lunch they had done some grocery shopping for dinner tonight and drove back to the cabin to drop off the food. “I see them,” Nicole...

1 year ago
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Tracyrsquos Bondage Photoshoot

This how we managed to have a threesome with Tracy for the first time without her knowledgeThis picture story involved Me Terry and my Wife Tracy and Bill an old family friendIt all started with some pictures of Bill’s ex-Wife on an old laptop A couple of weeks ago I got a call from Bill an old friend asking for my help with his laptop which had broken down. I said for him to bring it over on Saturday morning.He arrive with it on Saturday as planed after 20 minutes of testing it I told him the...

2 years ago
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Tracy spends a year with usthe begining

After an amazing weekend with Tracy and Jen, Tracy and her husband left and went back home. Jen got a very excited call a couple weeks later that she was in fact expecting. Both Tracy and her husband were so excited, and of course only Tracy had any idea that something other than just good luck was at work. As was typical, a couple months went by without us seeing them, and thus getting an opportunity to have any more fun together. I enjoyed Jen's instable desire for sex (including...

4 years ago
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Tracy Meets Her Cyber Lover

Tracy Park was going to do something out of the ordinary.  She had met somebody online and was going to meet up with them.  They chatted online every day for the past three months.  Their cyber sessions were extremely naughty and always made her orgasm.They usually chatted online and would role-play.  They both took their time creating storylines that were very involved.  She would never masturbate until the very end.  Her friend was sometimes late with his replies which probably meant he was...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Tracy My Sister In Law Shows Me the Way

Tracy and her other sister picked us up at the airport. I noticed Tracy, then in college – a blonde Midwestern beauty, and was immediately attracted to her. We were driven to their parent’s home, and had lunch. Through the weekend, I got to know all of my wife-to-be’s family, including Tracy. Tracy was dating, in College, and not very interested in me, so didn’t notice that I was giving her my undivided attention. My wife and I married in the summer of 1990. Over the years, Tracy and I...

3 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 5

They all left the jewelry store, with Tracy in front of the other girls. They watched as she wiggled her cute little ass for them and began to think of all the possibilities they could have with this little toy of theirs. Tracy, on the other hand was trying to think of how she would explain the new jewelry to her parents, should they ever see it. They were very strict about these things and wouldn’t even allow her to get her ears pierced. Now she had her belly button pierced and a chain...

1 year ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 17

The girls woke up on Sunday morning, the same way they went to sleep, with Tracy’s tongue in their pussies. They were really enjoying this, and made plans that from now on whenever Tracy was with either or both of them, she would put them to sleep and wake them up eating their cunts. Once they were awake, they took care of their duties in the bathroom, and then allowed Tracy to do the same. A good pee and shit, then an ice cold shower. Next came breakfast and Tracy once again found herself...

1 year ago
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TracyTracy and I, her husband, David has been married for 18 years. We met while working for a local plastics company and I still work there, while she works there, part-time. We have 2 k**s, both are well into their teenage lives and we rarely see them, except when they need something etc.Tracy stands 5 feet-6 inches tall, and weighs 155lbs. She has a 38D-28-38 figure, and does her best at keeping it in shape. She has shoulder length blonde hair and her hair is naturally light brown, almost...

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 18

Tracy went into her house and straight to her bedroom. The girls had told her as soon as she was in the house, she had to strip naked, take the clamps off her pussy and attach them to her nipples. Then she was to fish the remainder of the hot dog out of her juicy cunt and put it in her mouth. She had to hold it in her mouth for a full five minutes, savoring her own juices before she could chew it up and swallow it. She did as she was told, and when she got the hot dog out of her pussy, it...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 14

Tracy woke up before the other two, and as she opened her eyes, all she could see was pussy. She had fallen asleep between their legs and now was waking up between them. “MMMMM,” she thought, “maybe if I wake them up the same way I put them to sleep, they’ll be easier on me.” She started with Linda and got up close to her cunt and gently began to lick her. Tracy didn’t want to go too fast, for fear that she would wake up to quickly and be mad. So she just licked lightly until she felt Linda...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 27

Once they were inside, the girls told Tracy to be sure to follow their instructions at all times, no matter what. First, they had her bend over in front of her brother, just to be sure everything was plainly seen. She bent over and Tim’s eyes got big, and he smiled. Of course, the girls were also looking and could see Tracy’s little butt cheeks poking out from under her skirt. Not enough to show everything, but just enough to get someone’s attention. Linda said, “Just right, now we can...

4 years ago
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Tracy II

The ladies toilet was empty, at least as far as I could see. Tracy picked the end cubical, her hands had already raised her dress to her hips, pausing, she watched me as she started to lower her panties.I stood mesmerised, as her hands lowered them. They slid down her thighs in one movement, as they stopped at her knees, she turned and backed into the cubical. Moving to the doorway, I watched as she sat down and I heard the water flow. At first her knees were together, with her hands clasping...

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 12

Once out of the school, they headed for Linda’s car. They made Tracy walk in front of them, so they could watch her ass swinging. With each step, the short little tube top she wore as a skirt rode up her ass, exposing her ass cheeks. Both girls laughed and talked about many ideas they both had. They arrived at the car and Tracy stood beside the car, hands behind her back and legs spread. Some of the other students who had found out about her slavery stood close by to see what would happen...

4 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 21

Linda drove down the highway toward the college, making sure to go by as many truckers as she could, and blowing the horn to be sure they looked into her car and saw little Tracy spread out in the back seat. The truckers acknowledged her by blowing back, and waving. Everyone but Tracy was having a great time. Soon they were approaching the campus and the sorority house of KAT. Pulling up in front, Christina and Linda got out and told their little pet to “stay”, with instructions that when...

2 years ago
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Tracy and Dad Chapter Three

Tracy woke up early on the first full day at the cabin. She rolled over and unplugged her phone that was charging on the nightstand. She spent the next twenty minutes answering texts that had come in while she slept and going through her social accounts. Finally hunger got her out of bed. She threw on one of her dad’s old t-shirts that looked like a short dress on her small frame. She didn’t think anyone else was up so she would have to make herself breakfast. As she left her room she thought...

1 year ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 29

Kim was the first to step up and punish Tracy. As she approached her, Tracy began to think back of the time she stole Jim from her. She wanted him to be her boyfriend and promised him everything, just to be his girl. But, when he dumped Kim for her, she didn’t give him anything. Kim was pissed and never forgot what Tracy did to her. Now it was revenge time, and Tracy knew she would pay for being a cock teaser. Kim stood in front of her, but Tracy didn’t say a word. She just stared at Kim,...

4 years ago
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Tracy My Sister in Law Introduces me to BDSM

“So, something new”. “For you maybe. I’ve been a naughty girl. Been with a couple other guys who introduced me. Don’t worry, I won’t be gentle”. We went down to the basement. Tracy threw open the door. “Prepare to suffer in ecstasy”, she said, with an evil smile. I’d never seen anything like it. The first thing that caught my eye was a giant wooden X cross with chains. A stainless steel table with restraints. On the wall, whips and chains, ball gags. A stock for head and...

3 years ago
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Tracy Dad Part Three

She was not too far down the hall when she heard giggling. So the twins were up. As she was about to knock on the partially open door she looked through the opening and saw the old dresser across the room and her hand stopped. The dresser had a large mirror attached to it and in the reflection Tracy could see the twins. Cassie was laying on her bed only wearing a small pink t-shirt and between her legs was Chris’s head. He was laying on his stomach in just his underwear. Tracy lowered her hand...

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This was some years back, I was in L.A. for a week, so I looked up this girl I knew from school. Tracy had always said to give her a call if I was in town. Tracy was so excited to hear my voice. ‘Where are you staying?’ – I told her I was calling from the airport – Tracy said ‘Don’t get a hotel room – save money and stay at my place!’ She had this nice old house with a bit of a view, which she shared with a roommate. It was good to see Tracy again. Same cheerful smile, same good looks....

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 20

Tracy woke up Friday morning, just like she went to sleep the night before, her face buried in Christina’s cunt. She started licking her, so that Christina would be gently awakened for her day. Once she was awake, Tracy moved to Linda’s cunt to do the same. Soon, she was also awake and they got up to get things ready. The two girls used the bathroom and took nice warm showers, while Tracy waited on the floor beside the tub, on her knees. She had to pee, but knew she had to hold it until she...

1 year ago
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Tracy Kent went to the dress shop to buy a dress for her dream date. Tracy worked as a bank teller and John Franks came in every Thursday she really liked him and today he asked her out, she wanted this for so long. So a new dress was in order. Walking into TORN DREAMS a dress shop she always wanted to shop at Tracy was greeted at the door by Grace a lady graceful long legs and very pretty she asked Tracy what she was looking for then took her to a rack of dresses that were perfect....

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Tracy Me Pt 1

**This is a true tale of sex, lies and temptation. The names have been changed to protect the guilty. The events in this story took place over a 2 year period about 5 years ago. It’s a long story, but I tried to make it as short as possible. Thanks for reading. Comment and rate please.** When I first laid eyes on my girlfriend Stacy, I thought she was everything I'd ever dreamed of. Her light brown eyes complimented her gorgeous bronze complexion. Her long, dark, wavy hair flowed over her...

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 22

Once back in the van, they headed to the KAT house to prepare for the night’s activities. Pulling up to the house, they ordered Tracy to crawl out on her hands and knees, and wait in the yard for them, on her knees, hands behind her head. She was so humiliated now, she did as she was told, not wanting any more punishment. She was in sight of anyone who happened to drive by, and some actually did, but she just hung her head in shame, trying not to look. The girls unloaded all the things from...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 4

Tracy was awakened quite rudely by her friends Saturday morning. She was sleeping pretty well, even in the position she had been left in. The girls had gotten up early and did their morning routine, and also fixed a few items for Tracy to wear today. They each got a wooden spoon and went to their little slut to get her up. They lined up behind her, admiring her upturned ass. Silently, they counted to three and swung the wooden spoons on her bare ass. One spoon on each cheek Tracy jumped and...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 6

Tracy woke up before the other two and just lay there on the floor thinking of all that had happened to her this weekend. She couldn’t do anything else, since the girls had tied her. Her mind went back over the last couple of days, thinking of how she got herself into this mess and what the girls made her do. Until now, she had never thought about eating another girl’s pussy and had not even seen a real cock. Now, she was eating pussy, and actually enjoying it, and sucking cocks. Even...

3 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 10

The girls told Tracy they were going to get her cleaned up so she didn’t have to go home smelling like a slutty cum bucket. She was led into the bathroom so she could wash her face. Then they told her to get on her knees on the floor. Tracy thought, “Great, now I’ll have to drink their piss again!” But she was wrong. Instead, the girls brought out something new. “Open wide slut,” said Linda, “You need to learn how to deep throat a big cock, and this will help you.” She then showed Tracy...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 23

Tracy and Evelyn looked at each other for a while. They had no choice, since both had been tied so that they had to. Tracy couldn’t talk and Evelyn didn’t say anything to her. She knew the humiliation Tracy was suffering. Soon, despite their awkward positions, both of them drifted off to sleep. The next morning, Christina, Linda, Sue and Beth all woke up in the same bed, holding each other. What a wild night they had together. They got up quietly, so as not to awaken anyone else. Before...

1 year ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 26

Tracy, still naked was told to go to the car and wait beside it for them. She didn’t like it, but had to do as she was told. She knew that she would be seen by others, but it wasn’t the first time. So, she stood beside the car, hands behind her back, and legs spread. Before the girls got there a couple of cars drove by. She closed her eyes, but knew she was seen. The boys honked the horn and whistled at her, but she had no idea who they were. Christina and Linda finally showed up at the car...

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Tracy V

We had arranged to meet in an out of the way bar. It wasn’t too far away, just far enough, so that the chances of meeting someone we knew would be pretty remote.It was late afternoon when I arrived. I picked a table away from the entrance and the main bar.The bar seemed quiet, there was only a couple of people s**ttered around the main room. Perfect I thought. The bar was a sort of take on an English pub, a lot of dark wood, and nooks that were perfect if you wanted to hide away from prying...

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Tracy now sortedOK Blacked again but we all happ

Hi...I thought I would explain this small story to you before the last instalment of the Tracy story. She is Mick's, my small cocked hubby’s step daughter and she moved in with us a while back. She is a fat, ugly and lazy cow, she really annoys me. So I hatched a plan to shake her off and it worked. Her rich fiance decided to take her away to his place. The plan worked as I know all sexually hot Ladies like me, once had a taste and of course fuck of a big buck Negro, will be hooked. Tracy is...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 16

Linda made the phone call to Sue. The two of them talked for a little while and when they hung up, Linda said to Christina, “Sue and Beth are close by and want us to bring the slut to them for some fun. They want to get to know her better and make sure she really is a virgin. In order to sell more raffle tickets, the guys at the fraternity want some pics to see what they are spending their money on.” “Great,” said Christina, “let’s get her ready to go. What should she wear?” Linda laughed...

4 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 30

The girls woke Tracy up the next morning ready to relieve themselves. Linda said, “Good morning cunt, I hope you slept well.” Christina added, “Yes, fucktoy, I hope you had a good night’s sleep, because we are going to play some more today. Your 24 hours are not up yet!” “No, I didn’t sleep very much. I hurt and need to stretch some. Please let me go,” she begged. Not yet bitch, we have to pee, and you are our toilet!” laughed Linda. Then, Linda squatted over Tracy’s face and told her to...

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Tracy Takes Me Out

Story is mine, is on another site I was told me to wait in the hotel room; Tracy has decided that she will humiliate me, and that she will cuckold me. She knows how excited I get by her wild behaviour, Tracy also knows that no matter what She has done before or will do again to satisfy her base, depraved sexual needs I will forgive her as I am addicted to her…This in itself is humiliating as I feel shame that I willingly submit to Tracys needs and my sexual desire increases when she tells me...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 9

As they were walking back to the lunchroom, the girls explained to Tracy about what she was to order and that she still had to do everything they said. Linda told her, “As you walk through the serving line, you will be sure to get French fries. You may get anything else you want, but the fries are a must. And make sure they are the steak fries, if they have them.” “Yes Ma’am,” replied Tracy Once inside, going through the line, they all ordered their food and set it on their trays. Then they...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 19

They took Tracy down the hall, on her hands and knees, and into another room. This was a spare room and used mostly by the teachers as a lounge. The students hardly ever entered this room, and didn’t know about the other little room next to it. They took her in there and she saw it was very small. Just a little bigger than a closet, but enough room to move around in. And, there was a little cage in the middle of it. “Ok, tracy pet,” the girls said,” this is your bed for tonight, but before...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 28

Tracy stood naked in her driveway, waiting. The other four just watched her for a while, then Linda spoke to her. “Now cunt face, we have you to ourselves for two whole weeks. During this time, you will be humiliated, exposed, used, abused, tortured, and well fucked. You will do everything we say, no matter what it is, with anyone we want, wherever we want. And, if you hesitate, refuse or do it wrong, you’ll be punished. Then, at the end of this two week period, you’ll be going to a special...

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Our friendship began a few years ago, through a friend of a friend.But we only really connected a couple of months later, at some function. I had been left standing at the bar, whilst my wife buzzed around the room talking to old friends. I turned back to the bar and ordered another beer, considering there were over two hundred people at the event, it would be a while before she returned. Then Tracy walked in with her husband, he worked in construction, not building anything, more of a site...

4 years ago
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Tracy Meets Her Cyber Lover

Tracy Park was going to do something out of the ordinary. She had met somebody online and was going to meet up with them. They chatted online every day for the past three months. Their cyber sessions were extremely naughty and always made her orgasm. They usually chatted online and would role-play. They both took their time creating storylines that were very involved. She would never masturbate until the very end. Her friend was sometimes late with his replies which probably meant he was...

1 year ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 15

The girls walked to the food court and figured Tracy would be out for a while. She endured a lot of pain today. Her clit ringed, a tattoo and a big horse cock up her ass. Wow, that was something, they thought to themselves. So, they got their food and sat down to eat and talk about all the up- coming events they had planned for their little slut. They discussed next week in school, being the final week before it let out for the summer, the party for next Saturday at the college where Tracy...

4 years ago
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Tracy III

it’s been almost two months since I last saw Tracy. Her husband had taken them to Spain for a holiday, and what with her being a school administrator, things have a little hectic for her. I did receive a text message off her, stating that she really missed our time together and was looking forward to our next encounter.My work and personal interests, diy and golf, had kept my mind occupied. It was in those quiet moments that my mind would wander back, remembering her sat astride me, the pale...

4 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 33

Going back into the main room, where Tracy was still hanging from the ceiling and that monster cock up her cunt. Mr. Frank had the boys raise her up so they could get her off the thing. As she was pulled up and the dildo began to slide out, Tracy moaned into her gag. It sounded like she didn’t want it out of her. Maybe she was enjoying it. Finally, it came out with a pop and Tracy moaned more, “nnnnnnnnnnnnnn” was all that was heard and she shook her head back and forth as if to tell them...

1 year ago
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Tracy Her Pregnant Moments of Desire

Tracy was very much pregnant. She'd wanted to be "with child" more than anything and now she was -- she was every bit of six months along and Tracy loved being big with the baby growing inside her belly. She and her husband, Sam, had been wanting a baby and now she was over two-thirds on the way to becoming a first-time mommy. Tracy loved to feel her swollen pregnant belly. She just delighted in the miracle of actually being knocked up and she was looking forward to giving birth and having...

3 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 2

Tracy stood naked, legs spread and hands behind her back, not knowing what to do, since her girlfriends had a tape of her stealing an exam paper. She was scared, but afraid to go against her friends. “Now,” said Linda, “we have some rules you will follow at all times. We are going to explain them to you now, and you will listen carefully. We expect you to know them at all times and you had better follow them, or the tape we have will be sent out.” Christina said “Ok, Tracy, you now belong...

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 7

Tracy woke up the next morning, rested after being able to sleep in a bed, instead of on the floor tied up. At least she was free to move about and do as she wished in her sleep. They would never know she didn’t have that nasty fake cock in her mouth last night, even though she did try to suck it. How disgusting that was. As she was climbing out of bed, her private phone rang. Her parents had put it in for her on her 16th birthday last year, because they needed to have the phone at times,...

3 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 37

Mr. Frank came back with what appeared to be a sucking machine. He said, “OK, let’s see if this cow can give us some milk!” He started attaching the suction tubes to Rachel’s udders and positioning the tubes so that they would go into a bucket. Then, he turned the machine on. Rachel’s nipples started getting longer as they were sucked into the cups, which were transparent so that everyone could watch. The more suction that was applied, the more her nipples went into the tubes. They were now...

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 8

The girls drove to Linda’s house, just to make some plans for the upcoming event. They discussed the many possibilities of how it would happen. But they also had to figure out how to get Tracy on birth control, since they doubted anyone would use rubbers with her. Christina said, “I think my doctor can do it for us, but I may have to give him something in return. Of course, I don’t mind, since he’s quite a hunk. Mom took me to him to get on the pill, since she thought I was fucking around. I...

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