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Before I start I want to thank everyone who has gone before and inspired me to set my fingers to my keyboard. I doubt that I can match your efforts with identical quality, but I shall attempt it. There are far too many to list by name, so I'll leave everybody out and slight everyone equally. This is only part one, since I am posting this as I write it. This part is only the set up for the James/Maggie transformation, so I beg your indulgence for being long winded and a bit slow to get to the point. Stuart Remix By Brevdravis Prologue: Pain. There was nothing but pain. Fire behind his eyes, leaping forth and cruising down the right side of his face. His eyes could not focus, seeing nothing but light and shadow. Shapes eluded him. A taste of bitter copper and earth swelled in his mouth. Heat and a light wind that played across the exposed skin on his hands, bringing a cooling evaporation of sweat, or ragged pain to the insides of new wounds. "Help me..." The words were barely a whisper in James' mouth. The pain seemed to crawl into his lungs, robbing him of the ability to breathe. The fire that had swelled in his head leapt to his voice. Attempting to swallow and clear the disturbance brought a raw, gritty sensation. What's going on, his stunned mind queried. What happening to me? A voice, clear and unambiguous formed in his eardrums. Unlike the rush of blood and rapid heartbeats that were the only sound that he could comprehend, his mind could hear these words. They cut through the mist obscuring his thoughts, bringing consciousness to that one aspect of his fractured psyche. "Are you just going to lie there?" The question was crazy, nonsensical. He couldn't move. The slightest motion brought nothing but pain to every aspect of his senses. Willing his voice to come forth, James tried, desperately, to say some word in response. It came out as a sob of agony, followed by a whimper. "Ugh. Pathetic." The voice took on an aspect of reproach, tinged with a faint patina of amusement. "The least that you could do is acknowledge my presence." James could not reply. The dust he inhaled into his nose forbade any action save a desperate racking cough. That too brought his pain to the fore. He lay there, pressed against the earth as he sprawled. How had he come to this, such pain. He couldn't remember, couldn't remember anything but pain. He rotated his eyes in the direction he thought the voice had spoken from. The shapes still swam in his sight, seeming the shapes of a dog, of a man, a bird. They were all one and nothing, clouds and starlight points of ether. No sense, and no meaning ascribed to any of them. Willing the straining muscles of his arm, he reached, trying to touch. The dirt shifted under his fingers as his hand inched forward. He contacted something, but in his condition he could not tell if it was stone, man, or nothing at all save the raw earth. "I guess that will have to do." The voice seemed deep, as that one conscious portion of James' mind tried to make a pattern of it. No recognition came, but it seemed familiar, like many voices he had heard in his life and yet like none of them. With the sounds of his own body rushing in his ears it seemed as if the cry of a bird became intertwined with the mournful howls heard late at night; all reflected in the intonations of the words that came to his senses. "You look to be alone, and to seek yourself, and what do you do?" The voice became light hearted, with a smile more heard than seen. "You find yourself, and the spirit that could guide you. Happy?" James cried out again, his lips grinding the soil upon them further into his injuries. A twisted shard of metal from the braces he wore curled into his gum as he did so. Tears welled and spilled across his face, unnoticed by the skin that was already soaked with his sweat. The words this voice spoke made no sense. He hurt. Was this voice going to help him? What quest, what seeking? The final question welled up from somewhere dark inside. Was he dying? The agony too much for him, James let loose a cry from somewhere deep in his soul. Trying to find comfort in something. In the inner recesses of his mind, a child's cry lurched forward to the center of his throat and poured forth in a desperate aching wail. "Mom..." The voice said nothing for a long time. James lay where he was, feeling his blood on his lips, the deep gashes in his face and hands. The aches and pains in every corner of his body took every bit of his thought. The patterns before his eyes swirled and grew darker. "You are not a man. You are a child. A child should not seek out that which he is not ready to confront." The voice was stern. In a few pain- wracked breaths, James heard the final words of the voice in his mind, clear and precise. "One day, you will be ready to return to this place. When you do, know that I will await you." The words left no impression on his mind. He knew them, but the became locked away in the blackness that engulfed him. *** At the age of sixteen, James Fletcher rode a dirt bike into the hills of Hollister, California. At some point during that ride he lost control of his vehicle. Several hikers later found the bloodied teen lying facedown in the soil, and immediately summoned an ambulance. He had no recollection of what had occurred, and was later diagnosed as suffering from a nasty concussion which led to temporary loss of long term memory. For two days James lay in a hospital bed. His face had been severely slashed by detritus and he required a thorough deep cleansing of his wounds followed by numerous stitches. His teeth were saved by the braces that he was wearing at the time, although they had inflicted similar wounds on the inside of his mouth. During his stay in the hospital, he occasionally would mumble various phrases, which was perfectly normal for someone with a severe concussion. His family would speak to him, but he would seem surprised every time they arrived. After that time, he recovered his memory somewhat, although the doctors were forced to explain that he had lost two days of his life that he would never get back. Altogether he had been extremely lucky, and despite some superficial bruises on the rest of his body, relatively unharmed. Two months later, James went off to college. The University of Idaho had accepted the young wunderkid on the basis of his grades alone. Having graduated high school at fifteen due to high intelligence and poor socialization, he was thrust into the world of a four year college at the tender age of sixteen. Despite being a legacy, he was of course denied any chance to become a fraternity member and as a result migrated to the dorms. The next year was extremely unsuccessful for him both academically and socially, since he was not welcome at any social activities due to his youth. This isolation impacted upon his ability to study. James spent most of the year hiding in his dorm room, and avoiding the company of others as well as his professors. During one of his rare attempts at making friends, he lost his virginity, being raped at a party by another male student taking advantage of his inebriated state. After that James drank considerably more, in his dorm room, with the door locked. He flunked out at the end of the second semester. Returning home, James joined the Navy in a vain attempt to gain some meaning in his life. Consigned to a role as an intrinsic loser, his Naval career was just as brief as his college experience, lasting only a year. During that time he spent most of his leisure avoiding reality, retreating into the computers that he worked on. He chalked it up as another example of his failures. Now eighteen, the young man returned to college at a local community. He occasionally studied, more to keep the parents he lived with off his back, than out of any desire to actually succeed. It was during this period that James tried to lose himself in music, playing the guitar. His professors all agreed that he had real talent, if he would just apply himself. James did, more out of the love of music than the desire to succeed, and learned the great composers, their works, and his own talents and limitations. Somewhat more mature at this point, he applied to a conservatory in Los Angeles which accepted him upon audition. Music became everything to James. He played his guitar constantly, working diligently to improve his craft. His skills improved along with his people skills. Despite his successes, he discovered, over the course of two years in the city, that there was nothing that he had that a hundred others wouldn't do for less money. He wasn't the right gender to sleep his way to the top, and his family was not the type to hand him a record contract on a silver platter. The initial eagerness now abated, James began working at minimum wage jobs in attempt to make ends meet. He truly believed that his chance was just over the next rise. Despite these things, James fell in love with a woman over the internet, which had become a bit of a haven for him. Their relationship was passionate but brief. She became homesick after moving to Los Angles from her home in Texas. Agreeing to return with her at her promise of marriage, James drove her to her home. Her parents loathed the "cracker from LA" from the beginning, and banned him from their home only a few weeks after their arrival. With no money, and no hopes left, James accepted defeat and returned home to his parents. At the age of 23, James left home one last time. He accepted a small clerical position at a local newspaper and found a small dingy apartment in a bedroom community near his home. It was there, after a long night of playing the guitar loudly and drinking heavily that he wrote his suicide note and prepared to write off the rest of his life as just one more mistake. *** James swirled the last few drops of the sake around in the small plastic cup. The liquid ran around the lower rim of the cheap cup, collecting briefly on the small raised surfaces inherent in the plastic, before coalescing into a small pool. He inhaled deeply, then tasted the liquid again. His thoughts turned back to communion, remembering the first taste of wine. This was similar, but with a aftertaste of slightly burned rice. He thought about how he would probably like sake more if they added a butter flavor to it. Overall, as a new experience, he considered the sake just another waste of time. He sat on the mattress that lined one side of the room he resided in. It wasn't a home. He knew that this was the place he was going to die in when he rented it. A television, a toilet, a microwave and a bed were the only furnishings in the place. It was a place that maintained the basics, but nothing else. He had no yard, and his ancient Plymouth needed to be parked on the street, necessitating that he not spend any time in the house before six, lest the parking police come and take it away. Weekends were the only exception. He tossed the plastic cup into a corner, and pulled his guitar into his lap. It was a nice instrument, not expensive, but not cheap either. His back rested against the wall as he closed his eyes and began picking out a slow piece. There were no chords in the song, just notes rising and falling with his breath. As he played, his eyes opened and lighted on the note he had finished writing. It had been spat out perfectly from the bowels of his computers printer. He had considered creating a more immersive experience for the note, by burning it onto a CD along with some samples of his better work, but immediately reconsidered when he remembered how computer illiterate most of his soon to be audience was. Better that the police have no ambiguities about his motives. Near the note lay a bottle of pills. James didn't know what was in them, and he frankly didn't care. He just knew that they would do the job if he took enough of them with alcohol. An acquaintance from school who had sold them to him, had warned him that although they would help him calm down, they could be extremely dangerous. Noting the now empty bottle of rice wine at his feet, he ironically reflected that step one of his was done. Breathing deeply, James finished the last note on the guitar, then placed it reverently on a nearby stand. His vision moved to the mirror that graced the wall nearby. His gaze swept across his face, tired and defeated. He was an average man, with a high forehead that gave the false impression that he was prematurely losing the dark blonde hairs on his head. Normally his hair was parted on the left, the bangs occasionally crossing over his right eye, but to say that he was now unkempt was an understatement. The small clumps of his bangs hung down over his grey eyes that had never developed laugh lines, partially shielding the view that he had long considered not only unattractive but downright homely. The overall shape of his hair framed the rounded face beneath. He took in his own visage, with the high cheekbones that his sister had always joked about wanting to borrow. There was three days stubble along the line of his curved jaw, but even that did not amount to much, considering how little he had ever had to shave. "You look like shit." He mumbled to the reflection in the mirror. The athletically built man in the glass did not reply, eliciting a non- committal grunt from James. Jeans and a shirt had been his standard dress for years, and he thought it was only fitting that that particular garment be the one he was found in. He stumbled to his feet, and moved to the bottle that squatted menacingly on the table. He closed his eyes one last time, trying to get up the courage to finish what he started. "Don't fuck this one up too." He murmured as he reached forward. The bottle was light in his hand, as all such bottles were. The cap wasn't childproof, and came off easily in his grasp. He looked in at the small white shapes within, trying in vain to quell the fear of the unknown that was rising in him. He nodded softly with deep regrets, and began to tilt the bottle. The lethal chemicals begand to roll within the bottle, closing towards its lip, when a familiar sound floated across his mind. The sound was not the sound of the ocean, even though the ocean was near to his abode. The words that reached his ears sounded far off, like a sound that was not so much real as imagined. "Giving up on your life so easily." The words were hauntingly familiar. Something grasped at his soul, and he felt compelled to listen. His hands dropped limply as the bottle dropped from them and fell, scattered its contents across the deep orange and brown rug. Eyes wide, he turned, looking in the direction of the sound. Near the large sliding door that was the only entrance to the room, there was a figure. It was indistinct, the shapes seeming more of a dream than a true vision. They melded into one another, reflecting images that could not be reflected. James felt a strange attraction and a familiarity that he did not understand. "You have found me once. This time I find you. I am the spirit that would guide your life." James had no words to respond. The vision in front of him had not moved, but the words were clear in his mind. "What are you?" The question came out hesitantly. Uncertainty clouded his mind again. Was he hallucinating? He had seen this sight before, but he could not recall where, or when. "I am the vision you saw in your pain." The words were true. He was unable to comprehend how he knew that, but the words forming in his mind were nothing but truth. "You sought guidance from yourself, but were only a child who knew nothing of your life." Visions flitted through the mind of James. Visions of his youth, his childhood. And then a day that was forever blocked from his mind came to the fore. "I remember you..." The vision, the pain, the blood. It had been buried in a dark, black place in his mind for so long, and yet it was there again, burning in his mind like it had happened five minutes previously. He remembered that brief moment of flying, and the pain afterward. "You were not ready. A child cannot learn from himself when he knows nothing." James sighed, his vision taking in the creature that seemed nothing more than the vestiges of a drunken nightmare. Perhaps that is what this truly was, and not a memory at all, but a drunken figment. "You're not real." James denied the creature. He turned, and dropping to his knees, began to collect the widely scattered pills. He had gathered a few when he felt a light touch on his shoulder. He turned, and saw a hideous face of a laughing dog. No, not a dog, a coyote. The face itself shifted into indistinct shapes once again, and James thought he could see the figures of a bird, several men, and a snake come and go through the swirling mass. "You have learned much." The voice in his head was nearly deafening. He wondered if he was going insane. Visions were not a good thing. In history they tended to get people killed or committed. Learned much, he mused, yeah if you count seven years of being buried in shit as learning. "Fat lot of good it does me." James' reply was sharp. He had had a plan tonight, and it didn't involve mystic fucking spirits getting in the way of his suicide. Anger, an anger he had thought long buried crashed into his mind. How dare this thing interfere with what he needed and wanted to do? The face of the coyote appeared again in the clashing swirls that clouded his vision. The creature laughed. It laughed loudly and heartily. The sound was not frightening. James felt an urge to join the mirth that was inspired by the joyous sound. The rage left him suddenly to be replaced by a sense of wonder, and hope ran across his mind as he looked on the laughing face. "Would you like to benefit from your newfound wisdom?" The face changed into the bird that James recognized as a raven. The bird's voice was grating, but carried the same weight that the laughing coyote had. The black glossy feathers that gave the impression of deep mystery were the most prominent feature in the creature's wizened face. "I can't." James realized as the question was posed to him. Could have, would have, should have were the hallmarks of his life. To benefit from his wisdom required that he go forward, and he couldn't. There was too much pain in the past. There was no reason. The hope was dashed as he felt the wellings of the regret that had brought him to this point. "You can." The face became that of a monkey with a crown upon its head. A broad smile crossed its face as it too faded into the swirling morass. James realized that he was on his knees before the vision that permeated his very being. He could do nothing but listen and respond. In a small corner of his mind he wondered if he was already dead. "That day that you first met me was the beginning of the end for you." The face of man with pinched features came into view. The smile on his face was not as pleasant as those from the earlier faces, but it was earnest. "From that day on, every day has been a step to this point." "Yeah, well if I knew then..." James shouted at the creature as the face faded into the vague shapes that had been present before. He had never been ready for anything in his life, he realized sadly. Too many mistakes by a child not ready to make the decisions. "Do you want that time again?" The face that appeared this time was also doglike, but faded too quickly from the vision to be distinct in his sight. "No point. I'd just fuck it up again." He spat out. Even if he could do it all over again, there was no way that he could change anything. He'd still be a kid of sixteen with a hard-on for anything that moved with a wiggle. Better to just end it now than to live through that hell again. Better to suffer for his choices as he always had. "A challenge." The face became that of an old wizened man. It lingered longer on James' face, a soft smile crossing its lips. "Become that child-man, and change it for the better." The face was instantly replaced by the laughing face of the coyote once again, which continued, "But it isn't fair." "What?" To go back, to do it all again, and to know the errors. That had been a dream for so long. "Not fair at all, to let you have all the knowledge you do now. It's only fair if everything isn't exactly the same." The coyote smiled, its teeth becoming visible as its lips curled back from it's teeth. "If you take the chance, one thing will change. One thing that will give your life a different cast." "What?" James gasped. This had to be a hallucination. Only a hallucination would offer him the chance to do what he had always dreamed. That time had held so much promise, and he had squandered it in the pursuit of nothing. For that had been what his younger self had sought. Nothing. "One letter." The face of the Raven returned, the words quiet and precise. "One letter will be changed, over time." "One letter." It was delightfully cryptic. Perhaps the creature would change his name to something embarrassing. A grade in a required course changed. Something that would throw everything else off, and set the tone differently. "Only one." The pastiche had returned. It seemed that the entire cosmology present had come to a consensus. Laughter sprung forth, with a humor that escaped James. They seemed to be all sharing some private joke. But that wasn't right either, since the creature before him was not a many, but a one with many aspects. It had made its decision, and now waited patiently for him to make his. "For that chance, I'd do almost anything." James sighed, tears running down his cheeks. The hope that radiated from his heart was overwhelming. He could do it again. He could do it right. So what if one little thing changed? The mere chance to would far outweigh any minor effect. "Let me go back." There was no other sound than the laughter that rang in his ears. The vision became brighter swallowing his entire vision with a light that engulfed the room. There was a taste in his mouth of dirt, and of copper. A warmth permeated the back of his hands, and his whole body began to ache. The light turned to darkness, and James closed his eyes, hoping. The emotion filled his soul, as he slipped into the black. To be continued...

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Mr Johnson and Liliana

Damn – that the first thought that came into Trey’s mind as his daughter introduced her new friend. Trey was a lonely divorced man, he hadn’t had a good fuck in years. Sure, he had a few one night stands but they weren’t good enough to satisfy him. Every night he dreamed about fucking the brains out of a hot, young girl, whose pussy was tight as hell. This girl was hot – she had long black hair, beautiful big green eyes, seductive smile, tanned skin (Trey thought she could have been a Latina),...

1 year ago
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Pretending Ch 01

Pretending Chapter 1 © 2009 All rights reserved "Simon, would you get that?" Connie called from her bedroom after she heard the knock on the door. Her date was probably here and she wasn't quite ready. "No problem," came the reply. She turned back to the mirror and decided this was the best she could do. Her black hair was swept back into a braid, and she wore dangly silver earrings. She wore a flower-print blouse with black slacks. She wished she could have worn a dress, but the scar on her...

Love Stories
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My FatherInLaws Big Cock Part 1

My name is Michele, and my husband Ed and I were twenty-five years old at the time of this story. We met at Penn State where Ed got a degree in Business Administration and I majored in Biology. His plan from the start was to get a business degree so he could help his father manage and expand the family lumber and building supplies business in a small town not too far from Philadelphia. I planned to work in veterinary medicine and had a good job as a vet technician until the birth of our...

3 years ago
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Wizard Gone WildChapter 5

Everybody showed up at the firing range at dawn and the delightful breakfast was enjoyed by all. In face, some of the young wizards acted as if this was the first decent meal they had eaten in ages. After breakfast, Sam assembled the firebrands and explained his idea for the walking wall of fire. After some questioning, he established that every one of the firebrands could maintain a 30-yard strip of fire indefinitely. He split them into two groups and had them establish two fire lines, then...

3 years ago
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CuttyChapter 12 Sunday morning

Sunday morning Donna woke up with a shock. Her body tensed in a single second. “HMMM, HHMM.” She tried to scream. She looked wide eyed into the brightly lit room of the hotel. Someone was pushing something in her ass! She tried to move but found she was bound spread eagle belly down on the master bed. Screaming was impossible as she had a large uncomfortable ball gagging her mouth. She lifted her head and looked back. She saw Ms. Brendan dressed in some fetish suit pushing a tube into her...

3 years ago
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Reinas Story

Reina’s StoryPart I, My First TimeThe sliding door swooshed open as I stepped into the airport on nervous feet. With my small duffle bag in hand I survey the airport looking for anyone who might spot me. My plan was to put together a trip to teach a class at another station. As far as work knows though, I am really on vacation. Everything will be cool as long as I make it out of here undetected by anyone who might know me.My plug feels awkward and I tug at my pants to try and adjust it as I...

1 year ago
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Turning Fantasy to a RealityPart 1

He had presents.  That's what he said when he returned back from the store just up the road, my back turned to him while I chatted online with a girlfriend.  Interest peaked inside but he continued through the kitchen and out of sight.  Moments later he sat beside me, with a face that could only mean one thing.  Something delicious.  Something corrupt on his mind.  Our days had been going so amazingly already I can't imagine what he would feel he needed to get for me above and beyond the...

4 years ago
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Mary Had A Little Lamb

Mary had a little Lamb His ball gag kept him dumb And everywhere that Mary went Her Lamb was sure to come Mary's little Lamb wore a sheepskin coat -inevitably!- long and expensiveand coming down almost to his ankles, just allowing a few inches of denim trouserto protrude, and beneath that the heavy boots she required of him. She had to fight to contain a smile as her friends admired the coat shehad bought him, running their elegantly manicured fingers over the smooth tannap, stroking the...

4 years ago
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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 4

Please, read the previous chapters before reading this one, it’s not mandatory but it helps. I am happy to receive comments and PMs. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. Thanks to Mfan and others for helping proof read. ~~***~~ Bob, Sue and Anita’s holiday romance...4 Recap: In chapter 3 we left Sue and Anita sat in the lounge wrapped in towels having a cup of tea. "Well, what now?" asked Anita? "Well, we still have shopping time left and I think we need some lingerie,...

3 years ago
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my wifes niece

She was about 19 at the time when it all started. I have known her since she was 16 she would always flirt with me. At first I never really took any of her childish flirting serious but when she got older the flirting got more intense. She would always ask my wife if she could go with us or stay at our house. My wife never really said anything about the way she would act when she was around me. When she turned 18 she was well off she had nice full breast and was nice and thick. When she would...

1 year ago
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Travel Fun With Stranger

Hi, like most people here, I have been reading iss stories and can relate to most of the incidents. I’d like to share my experiences. I travel often. I enjoy sitting next to women as it gives me a lot of pleasure when their bodies rub against mine. I never initiate any action from my but if they are also in same mood and give me hints of them enjoying too then I too give them company. One such occasion I was traveling from bangalore to chennai. It was unplanned journey so I had to take a normal...

3 years ago
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Me and my girls humiliate my passed out flat mate

Me, my friends and my flat mate spontainiously went out for a drink, we carried on the party back at our flat where the conversation went on about sex and **** sizes, me and my girls asked how big my flatemates was but he just shyed away so we thought we'd get him drunk.... as the night went on he got so drunk he passed out and thats when we started to have our fun.We tied him up just incase he woke then unzipped his trousers and pulled the down... We all gasped in shock to how tiny and...

1 year ago
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The Foals Mother

The Foal's Mother James was a 15 year old boy and he lived on a farm with his parents. His dad worked on the fields producing wheat and corn. Most of which was sent to mills that were a long distance away. But while that was the purpose of the farm, they also owned two horses: a stallion called Rex and a mare called Beatrice James was fond of horses and he liked to help with the care of them, from grooming them to cleaning the stables. He was also becoming a decent rider. All...

2 years ago
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Cardiac Arrest Part 2 Trying to forget

Trying to forget – Part Two of ‘Cardiac Arrest’ The next morning came, as John found himself enjoying a longer lay in than usual. His head throbbed and pounded as he rose. He looked back at his sleeping girlfriend. He still wasn’t feeling anything for her. All he could think about was Tasha. Through his weariness, he thought he could see Tasha, laying there, filled up with his juices, smiling, satisfied, and full of love for him. He loved that in his mind, Tasha wanted to share all of her love...

2 years ago
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Advanced Mumbai 8211 Having Sex Is Not A Bad Thing

Hello friends, mera nam Rakesh (29) hai.. Mai mumbai me hi pala bada hu…Mai last 6 sal se job kar raha hu. Ek ache company me graphics artits hu. Maine meri virginity 25 sal ka tha tab khoi thi. Vo bhi paid sex se. Pan sex stories padhana .. Sex fantasize ye sab kafi salose chal raha tha… Mere kafi sare chat friends the .. Hum kabhi mile nahi the par phone number exchange kiya tha aur phone pe bate karte the… Oonmese kuch 35/40 age ki ladeis bhi thi, jinhe bhi sirf phone pe man halka karana...

4 years ago
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The Island Part 41

As I've said before Steve does fuck his Sisters pussy but he's always very careful not to impregnate her so he either cums in her ass or in her mouth but his Mother can't get pregnant anymore so it's ok if her Son Steve cums inside her and to be honest both Karen and Steve enjoy it very much. When Steve isn't fucking his Mother or Sister their either both sucking his cock or eating each others pussies in sixty nine position, Steve loves watching them do this and it isn't long before he...

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Behind the tapestry Part one

 Part 1The king and queen sat on their thrones and watched the last of the court exit the large wooden doors.  The doors closed with a resounding boom that echoed through the throne room.  Once the echos faded away, the king's shoulders sagged and his chin fell.“My queen.”  The king said as he turned his head and looked into her eyes.  “I am weary, I have taken the weight of the land upon my shoulders.  I will ride out tomorrow and will be away for three days.  I need to see the people and let...

1 year ago
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Georgie GirlChapter 6 Tahoe Time

As I walked from the arrivals area at Oakland International into the baggage reclaim, I saw Georgette waving excitedly. I waved back and smiled. It was nice to be greeted like that. She ran to me and we hugged tightly before my mouth was covered with a deep, passionate kiss. "I guess you haven't changed your mind about me while I was gone," I kidded. "Never! I have been waiting for this for two weeks. I'm going to love you to death," she threatened. "It was only ten days and don't...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Temptations

The exhilarating sound of giggling teenage girls interrupted the otherwise lazy spring Tuesday evening, but I remember it like yesterday. I opened the curtains and looked out of my second-floor bedroom window to watch the half-dozen pretty teen girls doing mock gymnastics in the backyard. Jenny, one of my daughter’s classmates, did the splits. Her skirt rode up and her white panties were displayed delightfully.The thin fabric hugged the pronounced shape of her tasty pubic mound perfectly, yet...

1 year ago
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The Keyholder

“Just that please,” Ben mumbled as he nervously placed the steel chastity cage and padlock on the counter. He was on his way back from drinks with the football team and the elation of winning combined with the alcohol had given him the courage to finally indulge one of his fantasies. Careful not to make too much eye contact, he glanced briefly at the woman behind the counter, who smiled kindly as she wrapped the cage for him and took the cash. He was now really starting to feel embarrassed,...

3 years ago
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Getting Into Evelyn

I was eighteen and my girlfriend was attending an all-girls college about thirty minutes from where we both grew up. Anne was a cute brunette with a dancer's body, which meant she had spectacular legs and an ass that begged to be fondled. It also meant that she was an A-cup, but that never bothered me for a second.I would go up to visit her every weekend and was allowed to spend the night on Fridays and Saturdays. The dorms were set up for two to a room and her roommate was a ditzy blonde with...

College Sex
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First Time With Indian Man

This is a short story just to give everyone my background. I am an American girl that first became interested in Indian cocks when I met my brother’s friend that was going to school in America. So it started harmless enough, my brother was always bringing his friends home so Aman was no exception. I did find Aman very cute and sexy but wasn’t interested in him more than that. Well one weekend my parents left for a short trip to New York and left me in the house alone, my brother came home that...

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Turning My Neighbor Aunt Into Sex Partner

Hi ISS readers, this is my second experience..I thank you all for your feed backs and comments on my previous story.. My neighbor aunt she is in her early 30’s and her name is Nithya(name changed). She is working as a professor in an engg college.She has a 3 year old kid and living with her husband.. Coming to the story my intention towards her started at new year evening..In our apartments all were celebrating new year..She was bursting crackers with her kid and I was standing along with...

4 years ago
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Nylon does the Double

After years with the same partner I was getting a bit bored with it and was looking for something new to happen to me. I have always been obsessed with women in tights and after getting a computer I was able to find loads of porn involving nylon to satisfy my wanton lust for new fantasies. Then one day with my cock in hand and slowly rubbing my way to climax I, for some unknown reason, looked at some guy wearing tights and wanking into them. When he shot I came myself and I was amazed how horny...

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My Stepsisters Banana Split Sundae

It was one of those boring Saturday mornings when nothing seemed to be happening and I was at loose ends trying to figure out something interesting to do for the rest of the day. My naughty step-sister was just out of the shower and parading her lush naked female form all over the bedroom like some stripper at the local "girlie" club. I loved to watch her bending over to extract her always tempting thongs from the bottom drawer because she showed me her neatly shaved slit every time. It was...

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Slave to a prostitute

On my knees I sat in the corner, as my owner was just finishing with a client. As he pulled out I could see he left a huge mess. He got up and thanked my owner for her time and left a tip on the nightstand for her as he got dressed and left the apartment.        ?Slave!? my owner said ?get over here I need you to clean me up?        I knew what she was going to say before she even finished this was the routine that I have gotten used to. A client would call and come over and have their way with...

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Sean comes back for more

Garry and Susan had a long lie-in the following day.  They made slow, lingering love all morning until it was time to stir.  Susan had never felt so sexually alive as she did right then.  Garry had always been a great lover, had always satisfied her in every way.  But her time with Sean had given her a deeper satisfaction than ever before.  She loved Garry and loved having sex with him.  But she couldn’t get Sean out of her mind.  She wanted him again. She knew that he was planning to visit...

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Accidental Daddy the NeighborsChapter 5

So there I was, sitting on the couch with her positioned to have me enter her. Again I found myself being reluctant. My wife was who I really loved. "Rosalia, maybe we shouldn't..." I started to say, but she thrust her hips downwards, impaling herself on my cock then dropped her head in my chest and started crying. I held her head as she cried. "Oh god, that hurt so much!" She cried. "It's alright, it'll feel better soon." I assured her. I could feel her pussy adjusting to my...

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Smith Family Perversions 2

As soon as Mr Smith’s cock popped from Timmy’s gaped ass his cum began to ooze from the abused hole. Sarah and Sasha both dropped to their knees and started lapping up their Daddy’s seed. Sucking, slurping and using their fingers in the ruptured hole they extracted as much cum as they could, swapping it between themselves in deep passionate kisses.Mrs Smith meanwhile had gone to work on her husband’s dirty cock. “MMMM so fucking warm and tasty” she mumbled as she sucked the ass slime from the...

1 year ago
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Family of Lust 8211 Part 9 Best Friends

It was the summer of 2018, and we were all spending our vacations wasting time lazing around. Well, not my mom, though. As usual, she’s been busy. Either work or sex. On weekdays someone or the other used to come to fuck my mom’s ass. Since my uncle was home most of the time, he watched her get fucked or even join in on the fun. My uncle sometimes made me suck his dick while he watched her ass and pussy get ripped. One of these days, my 2 best friends came over to our home. My uncle was, as...

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SHAHZARA ? by: Sissy Maid Sapphire My first memory was being awoken cold, hungry, naked and filthy by an absolute horror of a man whose face I knew all too well. Scarred and pockmarked, his face leered at me and hatred filled his eyes. He towered over me and roughly grabbed at the collar around my neck and hauled me to my feet. As I stood I felt incredible pain shooting through my entire body. I then remembered that I was prisoner of Sultan Haroun, in his dungeon. I saw the damp...

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Not The Usual Couple

My girlfriend's name is Anna Jenkins. Most people who follow such things know her as Summer Watson. She works for a reputable production company and makes classy-looking videos. Still, if you recognize her, she's going to be spending a good 20 minutes, lavishing wet kisses and licks on a formidable-looking cock, then writhing in pleasure as that cock pushes deep into her bare pussy. It makes for interesting conversation at dinner, "How was work Jeff?" "OK, still hammering out the...

2 years ago
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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Part 5

The weekend just gone was the first ever in my mundane life to drag. It started with a row with mum. Being busy at the Saturday job helped, but Sunday lasted an e t e r n i t y. As I counted every second, I remembered the happenings of the past week and what might happen or the possible old games and activities I could recycle for my rude fun with Eric.The long summer had broken and the new week started on a much cooler autumnal note. Mum had finally bought my crisp, new navy school pinafore...

2 years ago
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The House on the Hill

The House on the Hill Chapter 1 Opening his eyes, Michael slowly took in his surroundings. He appeared to be in a bedroom although he had no memory of falling asleep in this room. It was impossible to guess the time of day because it was so dark. He felt like he was awakening from a dream; or waking up after an operation. Lots of hazy memories and fuzzy visuals and, what was worse, his body felt sore and uncomfortable. As he slowly shook away the cobwebs he realized that he remember...

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Horny Desires Of Sara 8211 Part 3 Erotic Hotel Room Sex

After making her cum 2 times in the hotel room sex, I was restless to insert my dick in her hot, burning pussy. Sara was lying like a slutty bitch on the bed. Her boobs heaving up and down to her heavy breathing. Just as some people sweat more than others or eat more than others, some girls need more sex and erupt more of their vaginal fluids. Now what they do for that and how they do to is purely their choice. Their choice of the right person, right place, and right hands or even their own...

3 years ago
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Olivias Ordeal

So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the 20-minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing drugs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...

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