My Brother, My Sister Part I free porn video

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I wrote this story originally under the title "Be Careful In the Park" about an older crossdresser who meets a street gang in a park and gets more than she bargained for. There was no incest in the original version. I like this version better as it includes all my peccadilloes: incest, crossdressing, nylon fetish, and forced sex. A warning to those who find those subjects not to their taste. My Brother, My Sister ? Part I By Michele Nylons My God! I was going to get raped by the members of a local street gang of which my brother Tom was a member. I could just make him out in the dim light from the moon. He was not aware of who I was, and that's understandable given the way I was dressed and behaving. I suppose I had better give you the background so that this story makes sense. I am a 20-year-old crossdresser. I have been dressing as a woman for five years without my family knowing. There is certainly no way I was going to tell my now 18-year-old brother Tom what I did for kicks. He had grown up rough, and unlike me, who enjoyed a serene, some would say sissy lifestyle, Tom couldn't wait to join a street gang. While I locked myself in my room trying on makeup and sexy women's clothes, my younger brother was playing football, sneaking beers, and committing petty crimes with his pals. I had been sneaking out of the house dressed as woman for about 3 months now, and I always headed to the local park where I was guaranteed of picking up some rough trade; usually older men who would take me in the toilets for a quick blowjob or a quick fuck against the cubicle wall. Tonight I had walked down to the local park and was sitting in my favourite dark corner, looking for punters who occasionally cruised the park looking for action. I was certainly dressed for action; red Lycra miniskirt, blue and black sequined top, sheer black nylon stockings, sheer red nylon panties, garter belt and black 'fuck me' high heels. I had put on my trademark 'slutty make-up' and my favourite blonde wig. I looked nothing like my male self, and was confident that I would not be recognised by anyone who knew me casually. I was having a chat with an older man I'd met before, the memories of an earlier visit we had made to the toilet block quite turning me on and hoping we were going to get it on. Then I saw them, a street gang I had never seen around my 'patch' before, but I instantly recognised Tom amongst them. There were six of them and they were all young, fit and no doubt full of the beer they'd obviously been drinking that evening. But I hadn't come out looking for trouble that evening, that wasn't my scene at all, even so I knew I only had myself to blame for the fix I was in. I deliberately hung around this park because I knew Tom's gang never came here and now my luck had run out. Unfortunately the street gang now entered the park and my 'older friend' just turned and ran. The gang swaggered towards me. I knew I had a few options: identify myself to Tom and live in ridicule for the rest of my life, or chill out and hope they passed and left me alone. Possibly stupidly I lit a cigarette to still my nerves as they approached and instead of passing, the gang veered over to my seat, a voice asking, "Can you spare a couple of cigs?" These boys all appeared to be in their teens or early twenties and I knew from talking to Tom that they had a reputation for trouble. As I said, obviously they'd had more than a couple of beers apiece but they did not appear to be over the top pissed. Maybe they would take my smokes and move on. As they came closer I prayed they, and particularly Tom, would not recognise me in the dim light. One was jet black; he looked the oldest, wearing white rugby style shorts and a black T. The youngest looking was also coloured, more a coffee colour, in his case wearing denim shorts and a polo shirt. The others were white but standing more in the shadow so I couldn't make them out so clearly at that time, but I knew one had to be Tom. I handed over a couple of cigarettes saying I couldn't spare any more and was told. "No problem." They stood around to light them and the thought had just crossed my mind that I wouldn't mind meeting one or two of them at a time down here if only they weren't Tom's friends Then the oldest asked, out of the blue, "Do you suck cock you dirty Tranny?" I was taken aback, but it was obvious they recognised me for what I was, a crossdresser or transvestite if you like, and without really thinking I replied, "It has been known." There must have been some sort of pre-arrangement between them because the leader pushed a younger coloured boy toward me laughing and saying, "Well let's see you then. My friend here has been sporting a hard on all night and he says he will even stick it in a slutty looking tranny like you to get relief." The young man pushed me to gently my knees; I knew resistance would be futile; my face was just level with his denim shorts, the front of which he was massaging slowly. Judging by the bulge in his shorts I hadn't heard a lie, he had been sporting a hard on all night. As he was pushed even closer he asked, "Are you sure you don't mind honey?" and turned and laughed to his pals. Normally I wouldn't mind at all! It was what I'd come down here for, even though I'd not expected an audience. The other males would be no problem if they wanted to watch; it would just turn me on more. In reply I just licked my lipstick lips nervously. That was all the encouragement he required and pulling down the zip on his shorts, he pulled out a nice looking weapon, already more than half hard. It was a nice size and shape, cut, about six inches long and the girth was in proportion, nicely coloured to match his skin tone. He used his hand to move his cock tentatively to my red painted lips where his courage failed and I could see it just start to wilt. My instincts took over and I moved my head forward and grasped an inch or so between my lips, using my tongue to wash round the end. He gasped and he immediately became fully hard, his animal desire taking over as he moved forward, plunging the whole six inches down my throat without warning. I managed to hold tight as he placed his hands on my head and started rocking back and forth. He must have been playing with it, or talking about it, most of the night as I was only just getting used to it when he pulled out, yelling "I'm cumming," and proceeded to jack off rapidly, shooting over my face, the semen running down on to my blouse. That seemed to decide it for the rest as they all moved forward and one of the white boys dropped his shorts to display a fully hard, slightly larger cut cock, which he poked out at my face. I was hoping now that maybe all they would do was demand a blowjob each and go on their way. In the dark corner of the park maybe I could get away with that and then make some sort of excuse when Tom came to take his turn. As much as I loved sucking cock there was no way I was going to fellate my own brother. Normally I do love a cut cock and would need no further bidding to wrap my lips around the cock in front of me and work it, but now I was scared. They were drunk, horny, and trouble. This seemed to settle it for them and I became aware the other lads all had their cocks out, rubbing them excitedly. An older coloured boy made his way forward and pointed his groin at my face. "How about this then? You fucking tranny slut," he asked. This when I realised I was in serious trouble. I gasped, "My God! No!" His cock was huge; it had to be eight inches long and possibly two inches across. "I can't take that," I gasped. "Well you're going to," he growled. Without further ado the lads pulled me up and hustled me over to the children's roundabout in the play area. That was all the leader said to me directly for some time, giving others instructions as to what they should do to me, how to place me, how to hold me. The roundabout was one of the old style, solid wood planks, well worn, with a small running board and four metal handles crossing over the top. It was located in an area of the park where the streetlights had been broken and whilst it gave them the privacy they wanted to go about their ravaging of me, I dismally hoped it would assist my disguise and help keep my true identity from Tom and his friends. Under their leader's instructions they soon had me spread out on my back between two of the roundabout handles, they pulled my panties to one side and exposed my puckered ass, my sheer stockinged legs where spread wide and my high heeled feet where lifted high in the air. The white boy who'd just fucked my face knelt behind me holding my head up and cushioning it somewhat from the bars. Some of the lads had stripped off their pants by now and it was obvious that they weren't going to leave me alone until they had all had their way with me. I tried to look around to see where Tom was, I just hoped he wouldn't join in, One of the boys climbed on the roundabout and knelt with his cock pointing at my face. He was quite dark, only about eighteen but already with a hairy manly chest. He just knelt there masturbating for a while and then I felt a pair of hands start to feel my arse, first gently and then with more vigour. One, then two fingers inserting themselves up my passage. I couldn't see who it was but I prayed it wasn't Tom. As my arse muscles started to spasm as the fingers withdrew and a voice said "Now!" and I heard and felt someone spit on my ass-bud. "Natural lubricant," a sleazy voice laughed. I recognised the feeling of what entered me next, a medium sized cock was pushed deep inside me, and it wasted no time, but started to attack me straight away. In, out, in, out. He was reaching my prostate without any problem. Even though I was being raped, I was going to cum soon if not very careful. I managed to mumble something along those lines in between loosing my breath each time I gasped he rammed his cock in and out of me. I just hoped it wasn't Tom, 'please god don't let it be my brother fucking me,' I prayed, even though I was now thoroughly enjoying the fucking I was receiving. "Oh God, I'm going to come," I uttered, as the intense fucking I was receiving took me over the top. "That's OK. So am I," laughed the lad kneeling over my face as he sped up the speed of his wrist and with a series of soft yells shot over my painted face and lipstick lips. All this time the attack on my arse had continued. I heard, "I'm cumming. God I'm cumming. Here we go!" I was thankful the voice I heard was not Tom's, but the attack intensified and with half a dozen sharp thrusts as I felt the cock in my arse shoot inside me. The boy that was raping my arse shuddered a couple of times and pulled out. Lying there catching my breath I was hardly aware as the lads changed places. Now my head was being clenched more tightly, one lad was standing each side of me holding my now laddered, stocking clad legs back in position and a new weapon was rubbing against my panties that had slid back, and now covered the entrance to my arse. I looked up to see the leader with his huge cock in his hand pointed at my arse, from which his mate's semen was leaking and staining the crotch of my panties. I started to struggle, "No, I can't," I said. "Yes you will, your arse is well and truly lubricated now" he snarled. I struggled but someone grabbed my high-heeled feet and pulled my legs high over my head exposing my come-soaked panty-clad arse. The lad kneeling at my arse pulled the soaked, slinky fabric to one side and positioned his manhood at the puckered flower. Amazingly, the usual flush of expectation of a good fucking flowed over me and I felt myself relax against my own will. I know what I'd said, but there was no way I could take him. He had to be a ten inches and at least three inches across. A solid black ebony shaft. As his cock demanded access to my hole it seemed to glisten and gleam in the moonlight. "Right?" was all he said. "No!" I managed to reply. It didn't matter. Whatever I said, it didn't matter. He was going to fuck me. He was going to rape me. No one was going to do a thing about it, including my brother who was oblivious to my fate. The other lads that were holding me in position were getting excited now. I could see hands moving, two bodies kneeled beside me, hard cocks were being readied for an assault on my body, but they were all watching the weapon that probed my entrance. He was slow; at least I'll give him that. He stopped for a moment as soon as he forced it into my entrance, but only to allow me another gasp before starting again on a slow but inexorable voyage of discovery inside me. It never seemed to stop, a little push, stop, pull back, and push again. Each time a greater violation. He punched past my prostate almost without my being aware and still the exploration continued. Deeper than I'd ever been violated before. If I'd not been so excited and scared at the same time, and held so tightly, there wasn't any way I could have withstood the punishment. I could hear myself letting out little yelps and groans whenever I had the breath, which wasn't very often. Each time I gasped in order to keep breathing, he forced his cock in again before I had time to fill my lungs. It felt as if that monster penis of his was splitting me apart. It wasn't a cock; it was a weapon he was using on me! It stopped. I managed to take a clean breath, open my eyes and look up. The leader was looking down on me his face covered in sweat from his exertion in my arse. "I've never had it in a tranny's arse before. You are one tight bitch!" he laughed. I was in pain, but such glorious pain. I'd never been so thoroughly possessed before. I knew he was raping me. No way could it be called regular sex. He might damage me but deep inside was a feeling that I wanted more. I just had to have more. "Get on with it," was all I replied. With an even bigger grin he pulled back slowly, and that was all my body needed to move on to a higher plane of sexual ecstasy. I must have been a quite a sight, my skirt rucked up, sheer nylons laddered, legs held spread, panties pushed to one side of my open arse that was impaled by a huge black cock. The two lads who were holding my legs with one hand and their hard cocks with the other decided it was time to get in on the action. One crammed his engorged penis past my lipstick lips and into my mouth, the other was busy stroking his cock and alternately rubbing it on my cheek and in my hair. Someone grabbed hold of my cock and was squeezing it hard each time the unknown assailant rammed his cock in me. 'Not my brother Tom, please,' I hoped. That seemed to be a general signal for the other lads and I felt other hands moving over my body, rubbing cocks on my stocking legs, wanking over my face, and then my hands were grabbed and wrapped around two more throbbing penises. Was everyone going to use me tonight? Which cock belonged to my brother? I was aware of the weapon up my arse as it started to swell and judder, and as it started to shoot I felt the cock in my mouth explode and come filled my throat. I had no choice but to swallow. The two cocks that I had been forced to wank also ejected their loads, I felt the sticky come saturate my hands. The other lad rubbing his cock on my face shot a stream of come over my eyes, adding to the come already there expelled from the first boy who used me. My mascara was running down my face in a stream of hot semen. The lad who was dry humping my sheer stocking leg groaned at this sight and I felt his cock pulse against my stocking thigh and I then the warm wet feel of come through my laddered nylon encased calf. Finally the young black man that was raping my arse stopped; he withdrew his flaccid penis and looked over his shoulder, smiled an evil smile, and said, "Here, you can have what's left of this bitch now." I looked up in horror realised it was my brother Tom he was talking to. "No, no more please, I can't take it," I whimpered in attempt to put him off. What could I do, if I exposed my real identity there was a good chance the gang would beat me up and Tom would know my secret and tell everyone. I decided to meekly accept whatever my brother decided to do to me, and hope he didn't notice who I was under the smeared makeup and ripped women's clothes. My brother Tom took his place and lay on top of me. He didn't seem to care that my face was covered in come and that I was leaking sticky white semen from my arse. He leaned down and kissed my smudged lipstick lips. I felt his cock stiffen as he pressed against the nylon panties covering my penis. The lads holding my legs, having achieved their orgasms and having no further use for this 'tranny slut', had let go of my legs and were stuffing their sticky cocks back into their shorts as they dressed. Tom reached down and placed his turgid penis against the bulge of my soft cock encased in my nylon panties, oblivious that his was older brother underneath him. He was humping it against my panty cock, obviously too aroused and too inexperienced to try to enter me, he had decided to come quickly against me. I thanked god that it looked like he was not going to fuck me or make me suck him. I had guessed that Tom was still a virgin, and his inexperience and excitement meant he wanted to quickly release his seed and move on. I realised he was the last in the long procession of rapists that were using my body for their own pleasure, taking what they wanted by force, even though I would have given it gladly one at a time in if my brother wasn't there. I decided that I could take no more, I was now fully aroused by my brother's thrusting penis, even though I had been raped in every orifice, was covered in come, my make-up smeared, my nylons ruined, my clothes ripped. I decided to help Tom achieve his orgasm as quickly as possible before he changed his mind and wanted to fuck me properly or worse still he recognised me in the dim light. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around my brother's back as he dry humped me through my panties. I pushed up and met his thrusts as his cock pressed against mine through the sheer nylon of my panties. I lifted my head, covered in come and smeared make-up and pushed my lipstick smudged, recently raped mouth against his. I rammed my tongue down his throat and started to dry fuck him earnestly. Tom's inexperience was obvious and my brother started to squeal as his cock spasmed against mine, drenching my panties, soaking through to my now throbbing penis, which erupted in unison. I gripped my brother in my embrace tighter as our cocks continued to jet come against each other. Finally Tom lay still, and then pushed himself off me and joined the circle of rapists standing around me. They were all laughing and looking down at me. There I was, my skirt hiked up, my penis slowly deflating, covered in semen, my clothes ruined. I was well and truly raped by the gang, which had included my brother. The leader of the street gang, the one who had raped my arse with his enormous cock, spoke. "Come around here again you fag tranny bitch you're going to get the same!" He turned his back to me and started walking away with the rest of his gang slowly following laughing and jeering amongst themselves. Tom, my brother the rapist, who had used me last, suddenly broke away from the gang and ran back to me. 'What now', I thought. My younger brother knelt beside me, lifted my head and gave me a soft passionate kiss. He whispered in my ear, "Thanks most exciting experience of my life Sis," he whispered. I lay there and couldn't believe what I had heard. He knew who I was! He called me 'Sis'! "Well I guess you are now my older sister now, instead of my older brother; tomorrow you can you can show me what a blow jobs feels like, either that or I can just tell Mom and Dad about your secret. See ya' later Sis," he laughed. His lips brushed mine again and he shot up and sprinted after his friends laughing out loud. As I lay there used and abused I wondered what my future held now that Tom knew my secret. I picked myself up and staggered home, limping to the bathroom to remove my female garb, my underwear tattered torn and come soaked. I ran a shower to remove my smeared makeup and the dirt and come from my body. I checked myself for bruising and cuts and found that I had not come out to worse for wear. I grabbed my clothes and retired to my bedroom where I sorted through them, discarding the ripped and stained intimate items and locking away my skirt, top, and salvageable underwear to be washed later (when no one was home of course). I lay on the bed smoking, reliving the events of the night. If hadn't been for my Brother being there I wouldn't really have minded what happened to me. In fact, as I thought about how I had been used by the gang, incredulously, I began to get an erection. It quickly deflated as I wondered what Tom was going to do with his new found knowledge. Would he tell my parents, my friends, and our neighbours; or would he torture me with guilt? I drifted off thinking of scenarios where my Brother blackmailed and tortured me now that he knew I was a crossdresser. The next day was Saturday and I stayed in bed late. My parents left early for a weekend away on holiday at the coast. I was dreading seeing Tom again after what had happened last night. I kept running scenarios through my mind, what would Tom do next? I did not have to wait long. "Morning Sis," Tom said cheerfully as he barged into my room. "Well! I knew you were a bit of poof but I never suspected you liked to dress up as a woman, and quite a sexy little tart you are if I do say so," he laughed. "Don't please Tom," I begged. "Please don't tease me this way. You know about my secret life and that's bad enough, but don't treat me like shit; I am your elder brother after all," I implored. "Oh no you are not! You are now my elder sister; that's how we're going to play it from now on! And you are going to be a very obedient older sister or your secret is out and you might as well move to the moon because no one will want to know you here," he said. "Oh my God, no, please Tom, don't do this," I begged. But he was not listening. He began rummaging through my wardrobe. "So where do you keep your girly gear then Sis?" he laughed pulling my clothes all over the place. "If you mean the clothes that I wear when I am Michele, then they are in behind the back of the wardrobe, there's a false back." "You sneaky little trollop," he laughed again as he pulled the false back away from the wardrobe and examined my feminine clothes hung there in the small space I had built there. Three pair of high heels were arranged on the floor and a small chest of drawers held my lingerie, makeup, and jewellery. A blonde and brunette wig sat side by side on wig-stands, on top. "Well get up Sis, Michele is it? Get up, get dressed, and cook my fucking breakfast then," ordered Tom. I got out of bed and figured, 'Here we go, I'm going to have to do whatever he wants while he holds my secret life as a blackmail tool.' I reached for my jeans and a T-shirt that were thrown over the back of a chair. "No, no, no Sis!" he bellowed. "I want you dressed like you were last night, as a girl, you are going to be my slave sister all weekend, and then, if you treat me nice, maybe I'll consider whether to tell Mom and Dad about your peccadillo for ladies clothing," he laughed. "These should be nice," he said and threw a black miniskirt and white satin blouse at me from off a coat hanger. "And I like these too," he smiled as he tossed me a pair of white full brief nylon panties, garter belt, and matching bra that he had pulled from a drawer. He rummaged further. "And you have to wear these," he smirked holding out a pair of sheer, fully-fashioned, taupe, nylon stockings. "I just love girls in stockings," he smirked. "That brown hair and those black shoes you had on last night should do the trick," he said. "If you mean the brunette bob and the black high heel sandals, you are showing some taste for a blackmailing son of bitch!" I countered. "Now, now Sis, let's not start the day on a bad note. Just get fucking showered, dressed and put on plenty of makeup so you can look pretty for your brother. And cut the shit, or I might get angry," Tom growled walking out the door. "See you downstairs in the kitchen in about half an hour shall I? I'll give you my breakfast order then!" was Tom's parting shot as he went out of my bedroom. What the fuck could I do? I decided to comply and see where things would go from here. I dragged myself off to the shower to prepare for my day's torture at the hands of my younger brother????.. Three quarters of an hour later I opened the kitchen door and sidled in. Tom was sitting at the kitchen table dressed in his boxers and a t- shirt. "Fuck me Sis!" Tom exclaimed. "You are one fucking sexy bitch!" I stood there in my black mini, the skirt finishing about eight inches above my knees, just covering the dark welt of stocking top on the sheer taupe stockings clinging to my legs. The black back-seams of my stockings led perfectly straight down the back of my legs to the darker, fully fashioned reinforced heel and toes displayed by my shiny, black, high heeled sandals. A thin plain gold ankle bracelet glittered at my right ankle. The white satin blouse was buttoned up to my neck, adorned by a matching gold necklace to match the ankle bracelet, bangles at my wrists and plain gold earrings dangling from my ears. The brunette bob framed my heavily made up face. What wasn't visible were the silky nylon full brief panties and matching garter belt and bra underneath. I looked like the sort of girl you might see standing on a street corner of a red light district. "So, Michele is it Sis? Come over here Michele and let's get a good look at you," Tom said, his eyes roaming all over me. I walked over to him, the high heels and tight mini forcing me to sashay provocatively. I halted just in front of my younger brother, my head bowed. He stood up, reached out and lifted my chin; he looked into my heavily mascaraed eyes, "My God, Sis. I didn't realise how sexy you looked last night. If I didn't know it was my older brother under that makeup and in those clothes I'd swear you were just some foxy tart I met in a pub." Bob reached out and pulled me to him, he kissed me roughly, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I tried to pull back but he held me tight. I felt his cock harden in his shorts as he pushed against me. I tried to move side-on so his penis was not in contact with mine through our clothes. He started rubbing his erection against my leg, dry humping me, his brother. "Please Tom," I whimpered, "Don't do this." He released me and pushed me back holding me at arms reach. "Oh no Sis, don't come on all coy now dearie, you weren't coy last night when you were sucking and fucking my mates now, were you Michele?" he said sarcastically. "Anyway Sis, you are probably right about one thing, I don't want to get you diverted from cooking my breakfast do I?" he chuckled. "Plenty of time for that sort of fun after I'm fed. Now get going Sis, two eggs over easy; just like you were last night if I remember," he chuckled at the joke made at my expense. "Crisp bacon, toast and coffee please Sis. Chop chop, I'm hungry." I felt so humiliated, but I was relieved to be out of his reach. At least while I was cooking it gave me time to think about some way of getting out of this dilemma. I put bacon in a pan on the stove and retrieved eggs, milk, margarine, and coffee from the fridge. Then I made what was to be disastrous error of judgement. Instead of kneeling down, ladylike, to get the coffeepot out of the bottom cupboard, I bent over at the waist and started muddling amongst the pots and pans in there searching for the coffeepot. Tom was greeted with the view of my miniskirt stretched tight against my ass as I bent over. My skirt rode up to reveal the garters attached to the dark band at the top of my diaphanous stockings, the seams leading down to my high heels which were splayed slightly apart. A glimpse of sheer white nylon panty was just visible from under the hem of my skirt. Then I heard Tom groan and utter, "Fuck breakfast! That view is just too much for me to take in and sit still!" I heard his chair screech as he pushed it back and he made his way quickly over to me. "Fuck Sis, I just have to have you," he groaned and I felt his full weight behind me. He pushed my upper body down so I was bent over the counter top and I felt him fumbling behind me, breathing hard and grunting. I tried to push myself up off the counter and I felt a sharp jab in my side as he punched me. "Don't fuck around Sis," he snapped, "this can be easy or hard for you, but I'm taking what I want right now!" I was winded and in pain and knew I was defeated. I stopped resisting and stood still, bent over the counter. My brother kicked my heels further apart and then I felt him move between my legs. He fumbled again, then in shock I felt his hard penis through my nylon panties pushing against my ass. "Oh this is so good," he sighed as I felt his hand back there behind me trying to manoeuvre his erection into position. His cock slid against my stocking thigh and he slowly rubbed it there as he pulled my panties over to one side of ass cheeks to expose my puckered ass bud. Tom reached out and I saw his hand dip into an open tub of margarine sitting on the counter next to my head. 'Christ,' I thought, 'I know what the bastard is about to do.' Then I felt him rub the cold slippery margarine between my buttocks. Tom eased himself back and placed his hands on my hips, gripping onto my garter belt under my skirt. Then I felt his cock at the entrance to my ass. He just eased forward in one long slow thrust. "OOOhhhh!" I groaned as I felt his long thick shaft slide slowly into my ass, filling it, the head of his penis pushing up against my prostrate. "OOOhhh!" my brother groaned as his greasy, slick, cock slid easily, deep into me and he felt my ass grip his penis like a velvet glove. I felt my cock immediately stiffen inside my panties as he started to fuck me with long slow strokes. I couldn't help but feel sexy all over as I accepted my brother's invasion of my ass. The stimulation on all the sensitive nerves deep in there, the pressure on my prostate, and the magnificent feeling of being filled with cock, all combined to drive me into ecstasy. I pushed back to meet his slow easy thrusts and I felt him release one hand from my hip. "Oh Sis," he moaned, "this is so good, I can't hold it in much longer." I knew what he meant, he was close to coming, and so was I. I pushed back harder as his long slow thrusts grew more intense, he was pushing his pelvis hard against my soft ass cheeks on the in stroke and pulling back so just the head of his cock was just inside my sphincter on the out stroke. I matched his rhythm and then I felt his free hand grip my hard cock through my panties. He didn't wank it, he just squeezed my cock in time with his thrusts. It was too much for me and I started to squirt hot semen, drenching my panties as he squeezed me harder. Tom grunted and pushed himself into me as far as he could, I was pushed hard against the kitchen counter as my brother's throbbing cock exploded deep in my ass. I felt the head of his penis pulsate against my prostrate as he shot stream after stream of hot semen deep inside me. I continued to eject jets of come as his hand squeezed my penis harder through the silky nylon panties. I moaned and squirmed my ass back against him to drain the last droplets of come from him. He groaned and collapsed against me, sated. "OOOOOhhhhhh Sis, that was just so fucking good," my brother whispered in my ear and kissed my earlobe. To be continued

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It had only been recently that they had discovered the desire to share their bodies with one another. Meg had held back her incestuous thoughts for fear of offending her bother who she'd loved only to find out that he was interested in her as well. Meg stood at the end of Chris' bed and felt the wetness growing between her legs in her young cunt. A warm flush started in meg's belly and spread through her whole body to her young tight wet hairless cunt. Chris' eyes were closed while...

2 years ago
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Brother Watches Live Sex Of His Virgin Sister

I have a cousin brother who was working abroad. He used to come back every year and stay for 2-3 months. When he was home, we used to go and spend time with him. He was 29 years old. One day my cousin brother messaged me that he would come back to his home for a few days. We planned accordingly and I asked my dad permission to go there. He agreed and me, my mom, and my sister went to his home after a few days of his arrival. Dad had to stay at my home to take care of his business. My cousin...

2 years ago
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Brother and Sister Go Too Far Ch 01

It was so long ago. They were both so young. Yet, she’ll never forget how her brother made her feel wanted, loved, and special. He was as horny as she was. The relationship she had with her brother was the closet she ever felt to a man. With nothing to hide, with her brother knowing her as he did, she felt a freedom from playing games that she never felt since with other men she dated. There she was naked for the first time and vulnerable to a man who accepted her for who she was and she...

1 year ago
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brother AND sister

VOYEURISM AND DISCOVERYAllan Meyers had just arrived home from the local community college that afternoon. When he entered his home he heard voices coming from the kitchen. He assumed that his 18 year old sister had brought a friend home with her. His sister Bonnie attended a private high school and sometimes she would have a girlfriend over after school. There was also the smell of popcorn coming from the kitchen. Allan heard the voices again but this time they sounded like male voices. Bonnie...

4 years ago
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Brother Fucks Sister Before Her Marriage

My name is Manu, 19 years old, studying in Bsc first year. My sister Charu is 23 years old and is getting married next week. Charu is a sex bomb, 5 feet 2 inches, small woman but with big tits and a round ass. Her hair is cut like a boy’s. If she had small tits, you would think she was a boy. I have seen my friends stare with lust at my sister. I confess that I too lust after her. Since she is my sister, it is a sin for me to lust after her but what can I do if my sister is as sexy as Charu...

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brother AND sisterJACK AND JANIE

Jack parked his bicycle on the back porch of the house he shared with his sister, Janie, after spending most of the evening working on a term paper at the campus library.After two years of junior college, Jack was getting the hang of life at a big university. But the work was a lot more than he'd experienced at junior college, and that hadn't left much time for a social life. Still, he was looking forward to kicking back with a cold beer and a hot doobie with his sister, who was a year ahead of...

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Brother Loves Married Sister8217s Big Lactating Boobs

Recently, I started reading stories on this site and became a fan of them. This is going to be my first story writing here and every single incident that happened in my life with my sister will be portrayed. Since these are real incidents, I am going to change the names of the persons involved in their privacy. This series of stories is going to be a little long. Please be patient while reading them. Please bear with my writing skills as I am new to writing stories. The family consists of daddy...

4 years ago
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brother sister

brother and sister: An Unexpected Get TogetherMy sister Vanessa and her husband Michael were probably the most idyllic couple I'd ever met, they positively glowed whenever they were in each other's company, and both being naturally happy, vivacious people, it was always a delight to be around them, although as I lived a few hundred miles away, that didn't happen all that often, so when I got the call from Vanessa inviting me to come and stay the weekend with them, I jumped at the chance. I was...

1 year ago
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Brother and Sister

Allison is older my sister – being 23, six years older than me, a natural blonde, about 5ft4 in stocking feet. She has blue eyes, a cute nose, and really pretty lips. 32C-23-33! I'm 17, a natural blond as well, 5ft9 with blue eyes. My name is Terrance, but everybody calls me Terry. While the family lives in Casper, Wyoming, she goes to school, three hours away, at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley Colorado. Besides being beautiful, she's very smart and is about to get her...

2 years ago
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Brother and Sister finally become close

Gary was a simple guy, 18 years old, and just finished high school. Gary had received a new Chevy Suburban for his graduation, and now he was a free man. Gary was 5 foot 11 inches, and had a nice build, nothing exciting, but he had a certain swagger. Gary was the life of parties in his school, and everyone knew it. No one could drank him under the table, or hold in hits of weed as long as Gary could. Kaylie was his younger 16 year old sister. Kaylie was a drop dead gorgeous girl. Kaylie...

2 years ago
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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 3

As she lied there in bed, she started thinking of the past two weeks that lead to things she never thought in her life would happen. She never thought that she would ever be in a sexual relationship with her own brother, but she was and she was thoroughly enjoying it. It had been the best two weeks of her life. She was looking forward to more time with him. And, tomorrow morning when she woke up, was Thursday.He began thinking about his sister more often as he tried to fall asleep just down the...

2 years ago
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Brother and Sister Home Alone

Hello dear readers, my name is Young, and, i want to share a secret that i have kept from my parents for a year now. I'm 22 year old and my sister is 19 years of age. We both live with our parents, which helps out alot in this economy. The following story is what happened in December of 2010, while me and my sister where home alone for two weeks before Christmas. Our parents run a business oversea, and they are barely home at all. Just to start, i wanna say, i have always loved my...

4 years ago
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BrotherInLaw8217s Sister Spreads Her Legs

A few months back, one day, I was feeling horny, with vague desire to have fun with an old woman, a really mature woman. I was wondering where to look for one, as I was away from my native place. I searched my memories of all the mature women I know of. First I thought of a close friend’s mother, whom I had fucked, when I was regular visitor to her house, years back. I came to know that she is not in Kerala and is with her daughter in Bhopal. So that was not an option. Then my search stopped at...

2 years ago
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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 6

Melanie had all the plans in place. To keep with the tradition of Thursday, she had plans of a barbecue after Justin cleaned the pool. She had already written the list of items she needed in order to make it a very successful cookout. Well, not just a successful cookout, a successful sexual endeavor. There were no friends invited. Somehow, Melanie knew it would just be her, her brother Justin, and their new sexual find, the neighbor’s daughter, Allison. Justin was cleaning the pool when Melanie...

3 years ago
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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 5

Both of them looked at each other as the knocking sound resonated on from his bedroom door. They were not sure whether to be scared or answer it. Well, she knew she could not answer it because one, she was naked in her brother’s room, and two, she had walked naked to it from her room and nothing to put on; she’d have to grab something of his and quickly put it on. Kind of looked like she’d have to do that anyway.“Who in the hell?” He asked as him and his sister still lied arm in arm in his...

2 years ago
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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 2

All week, her thoughts were of her brother having fucked her. Other guys had fucked her before, but never like the way her brother had last Thursday. It was something special. It was more than just sex. It was pure desire between siblings. So, it was definitely safe to say she was happy it was Thursday again. It had been a long week. A long week filled with emotions that she had never had, emotions that her brother had given her. She never knew that having sex with her brother would have filled...

2 years ago
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brother Want His sister

My name is Rahul and my sister name is Sonal let start the story and my mindset started to change when I was 21 and I was going to university and came home for the summer. My family is a tight net family and we all get along well in most cases. My older sister who is older than me by 2 years was home for the summer as well. She actually stayed home looking for work.My sister was very self conscious of her looks. She has black hair with a nice tan body she stands 5" 2" around 115 pounds her and...

2 years ago
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Brother Want His Sister

Hi to ISS readers this is my first story. My name is Rahul and my sister name is Sonal let start the story and my mindset started to change when I was 21 and I was going to university and came home for the summer. My family is a tight net family and we all get along well in most cases. My older sister who is older than me by 2 years was home for the summer as well. She actually stayed home looking for work. My sister was very self conscious of her looks. She has black hair with a nice tan body...

1 year ago
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Brother and Sister chap1

I had just finished brushing my teeth after a few days of not looking after them. My mom had bought a new toothpaste that left a strange feel of coolness in my mouth. I guess the new stuff was to tease my teeth for it was a whitening brand. My teeth weren't very white but as long as I didn't get stupid cavities I didn't really give a fuck on how shinny white they were. I went to my room to get ready for school. And I passed my little sister's room cringing at the loud pop music she...

3 years ago
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Brother and sister make a porn corrected

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My sister and I made a porn video, yes it sounds weird but it was different times and the situation was so dire, we were so desperate for money that it was the...

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brother and sister part 10

What was that all about Tammy i dident do any thing to deserv that. Tammy stands there for a minet looking at her littel brother. What did u do she asked. Its not what u did it what ur frind did last night. well what did he do devin asked his sister well we went up to my room hafter our date last night and we started macking out and and tuching each outher and i grabed his cock and he grabed my pussy an started rubing me so i took his cock out of his pants and put it on my lips...

2 years ago
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brother And sister Love

CHAPTER ONE John just knew that there had to be a way to capitalize on the fact that he knew his twin sister Kelly had lost her virginity and was regularly getting laid. Even though they were only 18 years of age, John had enough of his father in him to always try to find a way to capitalize on a situation. That's what comes from having a stockbroker for a father. The fact that he was totally in love with his sister and always had been just made it a little harder. He had constantly heard his...

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Brother And Sister Become Husband And Wife 8211 Part II

Sisfucker brings you the second part of the story. Hope you like it. Send your feedback at Next morning Deepak woke at 7 am only to find that his sister turned wife had already left his bed. Naked, he stood up and went looking for his “wife”. She was leaning over the sink, washing dishes. She had worn a silky white nighty after her bath. Her black-colored brassiere could be seen through the white silk. The cups of her bra lifted her heavy breasts. He studied his Sunita didi’s body as he had...

4 years ago
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Brother And Sister Together Part 1

Shortly after Jamie turned sixteen, her parents were killed in a horrible plane crash on their way to Mexico. Her older brother Mitch had just graduated from college. Jamie and Mitch were six years apart in age, and Mitch had always looked out for his little sister. Even though they had not seen much of each other while Mitch was away at college, he still felt protective of her. He asked for and was granted guardianship of Jamie. Jamie was thankful that Mitch moved back home. There was a chance...

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Brother Sister Photo Session

Brother Sister Photo Session It all started one day when my brother-in-law asked me if my wife would consider posing nude for him. Hell yes she would, but I told him that I would ask her. I knew that my wife was practically in love with her little brother. She told me about a time that she spent the weekend at her parent’s house sleeping on the couch and he had taken a picture of her with her legs spread and no panties on. He thought that she was sleeping but in reality she was...

3 years ago
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Brother Lusts Sister 8211 Part III

This is the continuation of my stories “brother lusts sister part 1 and part 2” Links – Part 1: Part 2 : After that incident at the carom board I was eagerly waiting to touch my sister’s soft breasts and wanted to fondle them until my thirst fulfills ,I want to insert my penis deep inside her pussy , my cock is aching like a kid crying for a biscuit. My mind is...

3 years ago
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brother And sister Visit A Nude Beach

Beautiful 17 year old sister bares it all for brother and others on a nude beachI never really remember looking at my sister differently until she was 17. She was 7 years younger than me, and quite frankly had always just been a nuisance and pain in the ass. I was 24 and had just broken up with my girlfriend of 4 years and decided to join my family for a vacation. I needed the break plus they were going to Hawaii for 10 days, so who could say no to that. I drove home to stay there a...

4 years ago
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Brother Sister and Virginity Part 1

I decided to get my 16 year old body off the bed; heading for the washroom, still thinking of what to do. After using the toilet, I realized that there was a pack of pills left beside the sink. There were several small pills which contained very different colours every two rows. What got me interested was that there were days of the week written on the package. The first few were taken out, including today's (Saturday). I poured milk into my bowl of cereal. My sister came up to the...

1 year ago
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Brother Lusts Sister 8211 Part II

This is the continuation of my story “brother lusts sister”, you need to read that before reading this. “A women cannot be stopped from doing a wrong thing like involving in a sexual affair, if she is desperate to commit it .It’s the nature of the women, every man must understand this and keep them satisfied, if at all you women to be loyal to you. That’s what I understood through my experience” ………… the time me and my sister finished our fingering and hand-job it was 3am in the morning,...

1 year ago
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Brother Deals with Sister

"I have a proposition for you Sasha."My sister looked at me and frowned. We were both slumped on the couch watching mindless crap on the TV. Mum and dad were at work and we were left pretty much alone for most of the day during the summer holidays.We were both on break from school, but mum and dad had decided we had to do plenty of chores around the house. Something about the devil being in idle hands. Not that we were religious, my dad just like the expression because it let him order us...

3 years ago
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brother and sister fuck mum p1

brother and sister fuck Mum, Part 1.His sister Sharon is one hell of a horny slut. She first fucked her brother when she was sixteen and Tom was f******n and it was the time they both lost their virginity. They started playing with each other earlier on in their younger lives when she first caught him masturbating in his room and wanted to watch him doing it. When he told her that he always thinks of her when he does it she told him that she does the same while thinking of him. Tom asked her,...

2 years ago
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Brother Sister Friends

John peeked through the hole he had made in the closet wall connecting his room to his sister's. He could see his sister in her room beginning to undress for bed. As he became more excited watching her undress, John dropped his pants and pulled his cock out, holding it in his hand. Even though Jenny was only 15, John knew that she was already mature physically, with big full tits and a pussy that could clearly be seen through the sparse red hair growing there. John was only a year younger...

3 years ago
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Brother And Sister Sex With Their Aunt

Hi guys, I’m Chan from Chennai. This is my first sex story, hope you like it. This is the story of sex between me, my cousin sister and my aunt (she’s also my school teacher). This happened seven months ago. Myself 22, fair looking guy and really very shy and innocent. About my cousin sister Preeti(18), she is very beautiful with white face and pink cheeks. Her boobs are damn perfect in size with pink nipples. And about my aunt Punitha(35), who is also my school teacher. Trust me, she is damn...

1 year ago
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Brother And Sister First Time

Samantha and Robbie were sister and brother.  They were fraternal twins.  They recently both celebrated their sixteenth birthday.  Their folks took them to a Japanese style dinner where they sat in front of a hibachi chef.They enjoyed all the cooking tricks the chef did.  The parents didn’t really have the money to have a party like some of their friends had.  The kids were used to not having their parents do too much splurging on their birthday.Don’t get me wrong, each kid got a fabulous gift...

4 years ago
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BrotherSisterDad Triangle Love In Incest Family

After everything that I went through emotionally and physically, somehow my brother understood all. At first, I fell in love with my brother and on his 19th birthday, I gave him a blowjob and everything became clear that day that our relationship was simply more than just of a brother and sister. As the next morning came, my thoughts became hazy and I felt guilty for having done all those things physically and emotionally with my brother. I, then, chose to work harder to keep myself busy and...

1 year ago
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Brother and Sister make a porn

My sister and I made a porn video, yes it sounds weird but it was different times and the situation was so dire, we were so desperate for money that it was the only option we had, I know it sounds dirty and weird but it really happened. Here´s the story. Dad had been gone for some time and our mom had just died, but not after been in ICU for about two months the insurance had run out a long time ago and the medical bills just kept on coming and getting thicker each day, we had to sell...

2 years ago
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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 7

When Melanie and Justin turned to swim to the pool’s edge, they saw their mother. Allison saw her also and jumped out of the water and ran for the gate leading to her house. She left her bikini on the concrete not even thinking. She was embarrassed. “Shit, what is mom doing here?” Justin said.“Um, that’s not the question. We need to worry about how much she saw,” Melanie said as she walked to the pool’s control room.Justin looked at her and said, “Oh fine, leave me alone to deal with mom...

3 years ago
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Brother Sister Mother Neightbor Part 1

Nita and Jerry were brother and sister and they were closer than most brothers and sisters but that may have been like that because their parents were not close. Nita was younger than Jerry. She was just starting to learn about sex and the feeling and sensation that went along with it. She had only touched herself a couple of times and had listened in on the talk some of the other girls. She had many questions and a lot to learn. Nita adored her older brother and had heard a couple of her...

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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 4

She wished she could have reciprocated the feelings to her brother yesterday, after the moment in the lounger that he gave her, but the moment was so intense, she had no energy after the orgasm he gave her. Her body had been spent and to tell the truth, all sexual energy had left her.Today was Friday, however, and for the first time in less than a week, she intended to be sexual with her brother again. Her body had a good night’s sleep, she felt renewed, and most importantly, she felt sensual...

2 years ago
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I can't remember exactly when my sister Cindy and I first began masturbating in front of each other, but by the time we were in high school, we would usually come home after our dates with other people and tell all about what Cindy called "the juicy details." My sister is a beautiful brunette with smallish-sized tits. I'd tell about dry humping my date in the front seat, or touching some girl's tits; and Cindy would sit back against the headboard of her bed and slowly bring her knees up, then...

2 years ago
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Brother Sister and Virginity Part 1

I decided to get my 16 year old body off the bed; heading for the washroom, still thinking of what to do. After using the toilet, I realized that there was a pack of pills left beside the sink. There were several small pills which contained very different colors every two rows. What got me intrigued by it was that there were days of the week written on the package. The first few were taken out, including today's (Saturday). I poured milk into my bowl of cereal. My sister came up to...

2 years ago
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Brother loves baby sister II

"Thank you for letting me stay home from school today Jace." Melissa sighed. "I was really hoping to spend all day with you and I'm glad I got to!" She was ecstatic. Wrapping her arms around her brother he looked down at her."Good, I want to take you to dinner, now that you're finally up from your power nap." His lips brushed against her forehead."Where shall we go?" She asked all bubbly."I think I want to take you to The Carmel Hotel." His face got sly.Melissa's jaw dropped, she couldn't...

4 years ago
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brother in law staring at sister my wife

My wife is a bbw Latina and in the process of losing weight. She's already a sexy woman with large hips and butt. She's also got some of the largest fat nipples I've seen on a woman. On a cold day her padded bra struggles to hide her headlights! My wife is very conservative when it comes to cloths. She covers up everything and will sometimes wear it loose fit. But she has an awesome body underneath.About 9 months ago my brother in law came to live with us due to no place to say. And he's very...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 3 Slut Sisterrsquos Anal Punishment

I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister’s fourteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the eighteen-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father, had such a look of shock on her face. For once, the bitch was speechless. Her mouth worked. Her hazel eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. Her normally sultry face looked...

1 year ago
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Brother offers to let his sister stay overnight

Know what my sister did? She sucked my dick, that’s what! And because she did, it may have saved her life. Here’s what happened. I’m 23, good looking, but shy. Donna, my older sister, called me up and said that her apartment was being painted and she wanted to stay at my place overnight. Naturally, I said okay. Donna is 27, divorced, very pretty but she says she doesn’t want to get romantically involved with anyone just now. She brought a pizza over and we ate and had...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 2 Baby Sisterrsquos Sweet Cherry

Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister’s pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The sixteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy, he prayed to the newest god to be awakened by a Halo. Thank you for your teachings. “Oh, Alex,” moaned Alexis, her fingernails clawing at his back. “Oh, you’re as good as...

4 years ago
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Brother And Sister Stay Together 8211 Part 1

My name is Surbhi & I am 25 year old. My live with my family which has elder brother rishi, his wife & my mom. My brother is 5 years older, my bhabhi is beautiful lady, 2 year older than me. We all are working in a job except my mom. My rishi and bhabhi are college friends and are very much in love. We live in a 3 bed room rented apartment.Bhabhi is a good friend and we all live lovingly together. My brother treated me as any brother treats their little sister. Rishi & bhabhi got married last...

3 years ago
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brother And sister MAY I

Long, lean fingers trailed across my neck as beads of sweat began to run down my back. My thighs began to tense up in preparation for the explosion of tingles that would start at my swollen clit and spread through my body. My little pink nipples stretched out further begging for his lips to find them. As I looked down a body, sinewy yet thick, began to form. Blue eyes that had flecks of steal grey looked back at me before narrowing as a moan of satisfaction passed his lips. The face began to...

1 year ago
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brother sister affair

It was late at night; the worst time for decision-making. Moreover, after a few beers and some porn browsing, Jake's state of mind was unquestionably not in the right. He stirred on his bed unable to fall asleep, the room spinning around him in high velocity. He sat up, covered in sweat, and his nausea slowly subdued; he held his forehead, rubbed his closed eyelids. Eventually, he got up and with unsteady steps hurried to the bathroom, where he vigorously washed his face under the tap, letting...

2 years ago
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Brother Sister Bonding

Bryce waited outside the bathroom door, waiting for his younger sister to come out. He’d just come home from college for a few weeks and couldn’t wait to take a nice long shower.    “Kayla, hurry up in there!” He yelled, banging on the door. That was the problem with sharing a bathroom with your 16 year old sister; she always takes so damn long! He groaned in annoyance and leaned against the wall.   Finally, the door flew open and Kayla emerged from the bathroom with only a small white towel...

3 years ago
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Brother Sister Watch Parents From The Closet

Bonnie, who is about to turn twenty next month, enters into a quarrel with Ben, her younger brother who had just turned sixteen a few months back. Ben had borrowed Bonnie's guitar to practice and he managed to rip three strings in less than one week, apart from dinging it and causing a sizable dent on the lower bout.Bonnie became furious when she found out about this and now, the fight begins to escalate."Fine! You want me to fix the guitar? I'll do it! Better yet, I'll buy you a new one!...

2 years ago
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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 4 Twin Sisters Anal Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Twin Sisters' Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn't in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a...

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Brother And Sister Sex Game Turns To Dad Taking Over

One hot day Saturday Ashley was sitting on the couch when her brother Rob came in and sat next to her. Ashley asked what he was up too, since their mother and father where gone for the day working. Rob told her he was going to hang out at the pizza shop and pick up on girls. He always acted like he was some kind of stud. She asked him what he would do if some girl actually agreed to hook up with him. He told her he'd bang he hard with his big cock and make her cum. She started to feel her...

3 years ago
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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 3 Twin Sisters Incestuous Secret

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Twin Sisters' Incestuous Secret By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint's cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint's basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all...

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