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This is the eighth story in my Legacy Universe, with the previous stories listed below for those who haven't read them. Like the others this is a stand alone story, though it might be helpful to have at least read the first, The Miracle Legacy. The Miracle Legacy Change of Heart Hardshell The Praxis Crossing Mannequin The Vengeance of Lady Hexx Glamour Girl Counterweight By Morpheus It was a great day for a picnic. The sky was clear, the sun was warm and the birds were all chirping in the trees. The whole park was absolutely perfect, especially since it was nice and quiet due to the sparseness of other people in it. Yes, it was definitely the perfect way to take a break from the stress of college. My name was Thornton Michaels...and no, my parents didn't hate me. At least I don't think that they did, though giving me a name like that I couldn't be completely certain. Most of my friends just called me Thorn for short...mostly because they said I was something of a thorn in their sides. To describe myself, I would have to say that I was a fairly normal 20 year old college student, was 6 foot 1, had light brown hair and was a little athletic, though not actually any kind of an athlete. At least I didn't get into any team sports, though I enjoyed skateboarding, mountain biking and motocross...though that's a whole different thing. Of course, I couldn't have a real picnic by myself and was currently in the park with my girlfriend Kelly. She was a very pretty girl with long brown hair, and a great sense of humor. After all, she was dating me...and had been for the last six months. "Pretty good potato salad," I told Kelly, mostly being polite as I never really cared for the stuff. "Thanks," she smiled at me, making my heart flutter a little. "It was my mom's recipe..." I nodded, taking another bite, then washing it down with some soda and chips. Then letting out a contented sigh, I looked out over the large pond that was in front of us. After we had been there for awhile, eating lunch and talking about a variety of things, Kelly looked at me with a somewhat nervous expression. She'd been doing that for most of the day, and that made me a little nervous. "Thorn," Kelly started slowly, looking uncomfortable as she did so, "I have something that I think I should tell you..." "Um...," I gulped, not sure that I liked how that was starting. "You didn't used to be a guy, did you?" "No," Kelly laughed, "Nothing like that?" "Are you sure?" I pressed her with a grin. "I don't want to end up on Jerry Springer or anything..." Kelly grinned, then shook her head. However, her expression turned a little more serious again. She gulped, not looking at me. In fact, she was fiddling with her hair, swirling it around her finger. It was something that she sometimes did when she was nervous. "I'm developed," she blurted out, then looked me in the eyes. "You sure are," I responded, looking at her pleasant C cup breasts. "No," Kelly shook her head, blushing with embarrassment, "I'm a developed. I used to be a super hero..." "What?" I blinked, staring at her in surprise before grinning, "I was almost a developed...." I held my fingers an inch or so apart and added, "I was this close..." "I'm serious," Kelly insisted. I just stared at her in surprise. "You are?" Then I blinked, "How...? Why didn't you tell me...?" "I'm telling you now," she snapped in vague annoyance, then quickly told me, "Sorry. It's just not something that I like telling people...especially not with what my powers are." She paused for a moment, "I just thought that you should know..." "Okay," I said slowly, my curiosity more than a little aroused. I stared at Kelly for a moment more before cautiously asking, "What are your powers...? How did you become developed...?" Kelly gave me a nervous smile, then said, "I'm not really sure how I developed powers... All I knew was that when I was in high school, I just accidentally discovered that I had them." She paused thoughtfully for a moment before proudly announcing, "My power is to turn other people into developed... All I have to do is touch someone and I can make them develop powers...but they wear off after an hour..." "Really?" I asked in amazement. I had been dating Kelly for six months and had never suspected that she was a developed, one of those rare individuals who had real super powers. It seemed unbelievable. And the fact was, I was a bit jealous. "Yeah," Kelly nodded, "I made a costume and started calling myself Catalyst. Then some of my friends and I formed our own super hero group...calling ourselves the Crusaders. I'd give them their powers and then we'd go save the day..." "Cool," I gasped, staring at her with even more surprise and envy. I'd always wanted to be a super hero. "It was at first," Kelly replied with a shrug, though she didn't look all that excited about it. "Unfortunately, there were problems..." I blinked at that, "Oh?" I couldn't help wondering what might have happened to make it so bad. Had they dealt with a horrible villain who killed her friends or something? "The fact is," Kelly sighed, "my only power is to give powers to others. So whenever we got into a fight or did anything, I couldn't really do anything. The others got to be heroes, while I had to stand back and let them protect me. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to be the only one who's a real developed and end up being little more than the team mascot? If they didn't need me to have powers, they probably would have dumped me..." "Oh," I grimaced. Kelly really looked unhappy about it. "I guess I started to resent them a bit," Kelly admitted, looking ashamed as she did so. "I mean, I was the one who started the group but I was treated almost like I wasn't even a real member. They got to be heroes, while I got to be a mascot..." She let out a long sigh, "And I guess they resented me too because without me they wouldn't have any powers at all." "I'm sorry to hear that," I told her honestly. "But you said they were your friends..." Kelly shrugged, "Sometimes you can forget things like that." She shook her head, letting out another sad sigh. "I know that a couple of them were pretty mad at me for deciding to go away to college after graduating rather than sticking around so that they could still be heroes..." We both went silent after this, and I frowned, understanding why she had been so reluctant to tell me about her powers. She had the ability to give powers to other people and feared that people would only want her for that ability...for what she could give them rather than for who she was. It sounded like she had lost several friends that way...which was pretty sad. I didn't blame her for keeping it from me, and felt kind of happy that she had finally decided to tell me. "You know," I said slowly, thinking that if she could tell me something like that, then the least I could do was share my bit with her. "When I said that I was almost a developed....I was telling the truth." "What...?" Kelly blinked. I smiled, feeling a bit smug about catching her by surprise like she had caught me. "Some time back, I was part of an experiment," I started to tell Kelly, pausing as I hadn't told anyone about this before. "They gave a bunch of people shots that had Ms. Miracle's blood in them or something, thinking that it might make us develop powers too. It didn't work for most of us, but a couple guys got powers." I let out a sigh at that, a sigh of regret. For my whole life, I had always wanted to be be developed and to be a super hero. And then when I'd had my chance, I'd missed it. All that I'd been able to do was watch other people get powers instead. "There was one guy," I frowned, "I was eating dinner across from him when he suddenly started growing crystals on his body..." I could remember it so clearly. "The people who got powers," I frowned, "They became the Miracle Men." I shook my head at that, then looked at Kelly as I added, "I guess that Ms. Miracle was in a coma instead of being dead. I figure that their messing with her to get her blood must have woken her up or something..." Kelly just stared at me for a moment with a look of surprise on her face. Then she gasped, "Wow... You were almost one of the Miracle Men..." "Yeah," I shrugged, feeling a bit embarrassed, "But you know what they say. Almost only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades..." "One of the Miracle Men," she muttered, shaking her head. "Um," I decided to change the subject, "So how exactly do your powers work? I mean, can you choose what powers you give someone? "No," Kelly shook her head. "The first time I use my powers on someone, I have no idea what power they're going to get. It seems kind of random. But every time I use my powers on them after that, they always get the same one..." I just nodded at that, "Cool..." "Actually, it's kind of overrated," Kelly told me with a grin. "I mean, my powers don't exactly make me a good super hero." I laughed at that, "Yeah, what are you going to do...yell FREEZE OR I'LL GIVE YOU SUPER POWERS?" "Exactly," Kelly grinned. Then she looked at me, her grin widening, " want to try having powers?" For a moment, I just stared at Kelly, hardly daring to speak. I'd been wanting to have super powers since long before I'd met her, so of course I'd been wanting to try out her abilities once she told me about them. But at the same time, it didn't feel right to ask...not after what she'd told me about her friends. "Are you sure?" I asked her hopefully. "Yeah," she responded with a nod, "I asked you, didn't I?" I hesitated for a moment, caught between my eagerness to have actual super powers...even if only for an hour, and my fear of having Kelly think that I was only interested in her powers. However, her being the one to offer it was all that I needed. "Hell yeah," I grinned at Kelly, "I want to try it..." "Okay," Kelly warned me as she stood up, "I don't know what powers you're going to get so be careful... I don't want you to catch on fire and burn me or anything..." With that, Kelly reached over and put a hand on my shoulder, then immediately stepped back, looking almost as eager as I felt. I felt a tingle the moment that she had touched me, a strange tingle that shot through my entire body. "Whoa," I gasped in surprise. But then, tingling suddenly seemed to explode inside of me, filling my entire body with something I couldn't describe, other than to say that it was incredibly intense. And in an instant, I felt my entire body begin to ripple and change... I gasped as my body rapidly reshaped itself, pulling in at one spot and pushing out at another. It was all happening too fast for me to make any sense of... When the changes stopped, I collapsed to my knees, feeling completely fine and unhurt...just extremely disoriented. Disoriented and more than a little strange. "Unbelievable," Kelly blurted out, "That's never happened before..." I just took a deep breath as I tried to catch my bearings. Then I looked down at myself, gulping as I saw my chest pushing out into two very distinct looking bulges. My eyes quickly darted over my arms, my waist and the rest of my body. Everything was thinner and smoother. From just a single almost looked as though I had turned into a girl. "No way," I exclaimed as I stood back up. Even my voice sounded like a girl's. I licked my lips, then stared at my arms...which were now completely hairless. They definitely looked like a girl's arms, especially with my girlish hands and longer nails. And taking a deep breath, I nervously poked the bumps on my chest. "Weird," I muttered, "Very weird..." "Yeah," Kelly giggled as she stared at me. "I've had some people change a bit when I used my powers on them... I mean, I've had one guy turn into a werewolf, a woman grown wings and one of my friends grew like a foot taller and a lot more muscular... But I've never had anyone have a sex change when I used my powers on them before..." "Sex change...," I repeated, thinking that this had to make it official. Then I paused, reaching between my legs, which now felt sort of flat and empty. "Now it's official." Then as I looked at Kelly, I realized something... I was shorter. I had to be. I was normally five inches taller than her 5 foot 8, but looking her in the eyes, there was no doubt that I wasn't that much taller than her anymore. As I tried to compare our heights, I figured that I had to be about 5 foot 9...maybe five foot 10. "I'm shorter," I said in wonder, amazed at what Kelly had done to me with just one touch. "And a girl," she pointed out unnecessarily. From the grin on her face, it was pretty obvious that she was enjoying this. For a moment, I just stood there, not sure what to think. I felt so weird being a girl... It just wasn't right... But then again, I reminded myself, it was only until Kelly's power wore off. I could handle being a girl for an hour... In fact, it might even be kind of interesting. "So what do I look like?" I asked Kelly, wishing that I had a mirror to check myself out in. "Let's see," Kelly mused as she looked me over, "You're really pretty...and you have green hair..." "Green hair?" I reached back and found that my hair was now down to about my shoulder blades. And as I held it in front of me, it was indeed green. Then Kelly surprised me by grabbing my shirt and lifting it up, staring at my chest for a moment before saying, "I think you're about a C cup... Not bad either..." "Um...thanks," I responded, not sure exactly how to handle her particular compliment. It was kind of embarrassing... But after a minute of looking myself over, I gasped, "Hey, I thought I was supposed to get powers..." "Didn't you know," Kelly grinned in amusement, "Being a woman is a super power..." I let out a sigh of disappointment, having been looking forward to actually having super powers. But I knew that I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. It was just like the last time...get my hopes up only to have them snatched away. "Hey," Kelly suddenly exclaimed, "You're glowing..." "What?" I blinked and looked down at myself. I was a little amazed to see that I was glowing... I had a sort of green aura around me. And I was even more amazed to realize that I could sort of feel it... I could feel some sort of light tug on it, pulling downwards. "That's weird," I muttered, more to myself than to Kelly. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on the aura and the faint tugging that I could feel against it. And out of curiosity, I sort of mentally pushed back until the tugging went away. "All right," Kelly exclaimed. "Huh?" I opened my eyes and looked at Kelly...looked DOWN at Kelly. Two feet down. My eyes immediately dropped to the ground below me, a ground which I was no longer even standing on but hovering above. "I'm...I'm flying," I gasped in delight. "Levitating is more like it," Kelly pointed out, "But it's a good start. I wonder how much more you can do..." "I don't know," I grinned down at Kelly, "but this is pretty cool..." For a moment, I just remained where I was, trying to figure out exactly what it was that I'd done go start levitating. Of course it had been when I'd pushed back against that tugging... But what in the world was that tugging... Then it dawned on me. "Gravity," I gasped. "What?" Kelly asked. "I think this is some sort of antigravity," I gestured down at myself, thinking of the green aura. Then I took a deep breath and concentrated on the aura again, just as I had when I'd focused on pushing away from the tugging. I pushed again, rising higher from the ground in response. And when I pushed harder, I went up higher faster. Then I reversed the direction I was mentally pushing in and slowly began to go down. "I think I'm figuring this out," I called to Kelly as I went back up. Once I was high enough, about thirty feet above the ground, I shifted my concentration to a different direction and found that I could move forward as well. In fact, with a little experimenting, I discovered that I could move in just about any direction I wanted to. "Way to go," Kelly called out to me, grinning as she did so. I just waved back down to her and called back, "It's sort of like antigravity..." After having played around with it for a few minutes, I was beginning to figure out my temporary powers. It seemed to me that the green glow sort of insulated me from normal gravity, and once I was cut off, I could control my own gravity inside of it. I could make myself completely weightless within, and even fly by making the gravity pull me in different directions. When I settled back down beside Kelly, I was grinning like a Cheshire cat. My heart was racing with excitement. "That's a blast," I exclaimed in delight. Kelly laughed, "You look like you're having fun..." "Oh yeah," I grinned, "It's better than riding a roller coaster..." Then Kelly let out a sigh, "I wish I could fly..." I just nodded at that, not sure what to say. There was no doubt that this had to be kind of hard for her. She was the one who had real super powers, but she could never do anything with them but watch other people do things. Then I suddenly had an idea. I took Kelly's hand and concentrated, trying to spread my aura and share it with her. And to my delight, it worked. It spread and covered her. She was inside my aura where I could control the gravity. "What?" Kelly blinked in surprise. I pulled my hand away, but the aura immediately faded from around her. It looked like I couldn't keep sharing my aura without physical contact. "Let's see," I put my hand on Kelly's arm, "I want to try something..." With that, I spread my aura over Kelly again, then grinned at her as I willed her to rise into the air with me. It was so easy... I didn't even have to HOLD Kelly. All that I had to do was touch her to control how gravity was affecting her. "This is great," Kelly gasped in delight, though we were only about five feet above the ground. "Yeah," I grinned back, "Thanks for letting me try this out..." Then Kelly giggled and poked one of my new breasts, "So you're not mad that I gave you these?" "Not when it lets me do this," I stuck my tongue out at her as I lifted us both up even higher. Kelly and I both had a lot of fun just flying around over the park for awhile, trying out my temporary powers while we could. We both laughed especially hard when some guy saw us up in the air and just at there staring with a funny expression on his face. Eventually though, Kelly and I landed back where we'd left out stuff. As much as I liked being that close to Kelly, it was kind of difficult to keep a hold of her for so long. "That was fantastic," Kelly grinned at me after we'd landed. "Now I know what it's like to fly..." "Me to," I shook my head, "I've always wanted to fly..." A moment later, I suddenly realized that the green aura had faded away. However, with a thought, it returned. I smiled, then willed it off and on, back and forth as if it were a light switch until Kelly shook her head as though I were doing something childish but amusing. Then again, perhaps I was. While Kelly was gathering up our stuff, I looked down at myself, trying my best to ignore the changes to my body, which wasn't easy. I tugged at my clothes a little, noticing that they were definitely pretty loose on me. That wasn't any kind of surprise though as I had definitely gotten shorter and smaller. I was only surprised that I hadn't really noticed my clothes being so loose sooner, but then again, I had been distracted with both my changed body and my new powers. "Hey Thorn," Kelly asked, "Are you going to give me a hand here or what?" "What?" I grinned at her. Then I willed myself to glow and asked, "So, do you think Thorn would make a good super hero name?" Kelly rolled her eyes, and I felt just a little bad about asking that. After all, I didn't think that she'd intended me to become a super hero or anything when she'd shown me her powers. I didn't think that she wanted a repeat of what had happened with her high school friends. "Naw," Kelly shook her head, not looking at all offended. "Thorn kind of goes with your green hair, but that's more a code name for someone with plant powers or who has spikes growing out of your body. Besides," she looked thoughtful, "I think there might already be someone using that name..." "I guess," I sighed, feeling a little disappointed. I'd always kind of thought that my normal name would have worked pretty good as a super hero name, but I guess Kelly was right. It didn't exactly go with my powers. "You do have antigravity powers," Kelly pointed out, still looking almost as though she were taking the conversation seriously. "Maybe something like...Counterweight." "Counterweight," I mused, deciding that I liked it. And it did go with my antigravity powers. "Not like it really matters though," I shrugged, "It's not like I'm going to have the powers long enough to be a super hero..." That was definitely a disappointment, especially after I'd gotten a taste of what it was like to be developed. I liked it...loved it even. But on the other hand, I certainly wouldn't mind getting back to normal. Being a girl was too weird. Then I looked down at my watch, which was a bit loose on my wrist, startled to see that it had been about two hours since Kelly had given me those powers. I'd been having so much fun playing around with them that I had completely lost track of time. Then I blinked in surprise... Kelly had said that the powers would only last for an hour... "Um Kelly," I started, feeling a bit worried as I gestured down at myself, "How come this hasn't worn off yet?" *** Kelly and I were in the car, driving back to her place. But even though it was my car, she was the one behind the wheel. I was just sitting in the passenger side, staring down at my new breasts in disbelief. "You said it would wear off after an hour," I told Kelly, not even looking up. It wasn't the first time that I'd made that statement. "It should have," Kelly told me, sounding worried and confused at the same time. "It's always worn off after an hour..." I just poked at my breasts and shook my head slightly. Kelly's powers were supposed to have worn off after only an hour, and it had been well over two hours and I was still a girl. Then again, I couldn't help smiling a little as I still had my powers too. Thankfully, it didn't take us long to get to Kelly's place. It was a small house that she shared with her roommate Claire, and that was also fairly close to campus. And also thankfully, Claire was not there at the moment so we had the place to ourselves. Almost as soon as Kelly and I were in the door, I rushed to her bathroom to check myself out. I'd been dying to see what I really looked like since I had first changed, or at least after I had gotten over trying out my new powers. I could have checked myself out in the car mirror, but I had purposely avoided that as I wanted to see myself with a much better view. "Holy shit," I gasped at the very sight of my reflection. Kelly hadn't been kidding...I was pretty. I was very pretty, though I had to admit that I wasn't drop dead gorgeous. I wasn't super glamorous or stripper material, but more of a girl next door type, with of course the exception of my green hair. "Figures I have green eyes too," I commented, thinking that they went pretty good with the hair. Then I stepped back and tried taking in my entire body. I definitely had a pretty decent figure as well. Very nice without going overboard. And since I just couldn't resist, I willed my antigravity aura to turn on, then lifted myself several inches off of the ground. I couldn't help grinning at that. It was kind of impressive. "I'm still a girl," I sighed and shook my head as I settled back to the ground. "Weird. Very weird." "Are you okay?" Kelly asked me with a worried look as I stepped out of the bathroom a few seconds later. "I don't know," I told her honestly. "I feel kind of weird...but not as weird as I would have thought..." Kelly frowned, "What do you mean?" I frowned at that myself. "Well, it feels just a little strange being a girl...but..." I shook my head. "I've got a bit more up here," I gestured to my chest, then down to my crotch, "and less here, but I don't really notice that as much as I would have guessed." "Oh," Kelly responded, then gave me an apologetic look, "I don't know what went wrong... My powers ALWAYS wear off after an hour. I don't understand it..." "Well," I shrugged, turning on my aura and hovering a few inches off the ground, "I don't mind keeping the powers...but these..." I grabbed my breasts and gave her an embarrassed grin as I settled back to the ground. "Hey," Kelly gasped, "You said that you were in an experiment to get powers..." "Yeah," I shrugged, "But it didn't work for me." I sighed, still a bit disgusted by that fact. "Maybe that has something to do with it," Kelly said thoughtfully, looking hesitant. "Maybe it did work...sort of." I stared at her for a moment in confusion, then whispered, "Oh," thinking that I understood where she was going with that. "You think that your powers sort of kick started what they'd tried to do?" "Yeah. It's the only thing I can think of..." Kelly nodded. She looked thoughtful for a moment before carefully suggesting, "Maybe...maybe it worked only part way... Maybe it left you with latent powers that I triggered..." "Oh shit," I gasped, shaking my head. "But if that's true, then I'll probably be stuck like this..." I looked down at myself and shook my head. "I can't be stuck as a girl..." "I'm sorry," Kelly grimaced, "I just wanted to show you my powers..." "It's not your fault," I told Kelly with a sigh. "I mean, if your powers only last an hour..." We were both silent at this and I frowned slightly as I paced. Then on a whim, I turned on my gravity powers and started walking up the wall. Since I could control my own personal gravity, it pretty much just felt like I was walking across the normal floor. Even when I started walking on the ceiling, my own powers made it feel as though I was the one walking normally. "That is so weird," Kelly finally exclaimed after watching me for a minute. "I know," I grinned, sitting down on the ceiling, which felt absolutely no different to me than if I'd been sitting on the floor. Still, the scenery and point of view were quite a bit different, which was actually pretty cool. "Aren't you mad about being stuck like that?" Kelly asked a minute later, looking both worried and confused. "A little," I admitted as I looked up at her, or at least it was up from my perspective. "I'm a little freaked about being a girl, but I'm still kind of jazzed about actually having these powers at the same time..." Just then, Kelly and I both froze and the sound of nice coming from the door. And a moment later, her roommate Claire came in, her hands full with a bunch of books. And the moment that she saw me, she let out a gasp and dropped all the books to the floor. "What the hell?" Claire gasped, staring at me in surprise. "Damn," I cringed in embarrassment. With that, I used my gravity powers to lift off the ceiling, shift my position and slowly settle back to the ground. It was amazing just how quickly I was learning to use my new powers. "Um...," I started, trying to come up with some explanation as to why a green haired girl, dressed in oversized boys clothes was in her living room and sitting on her ceiling. And at the moment, I couldn't come up with a damn thing. "Relax," Kelly told her, putting a hand on my shoulder and cringing, "It's Thorn. I used my powers on him..." "Oh," Claire blinked, giving a faint nod but staring at me more with curiosity than disbelief. "But that's a girl..." "A weird side effect," Kelly sighed, looking embarrassed. I stared at them for a moment, more than a little surprised myself. Then I turned to Kelly, "She knows about your powers?" I felt a little offended by that. After all, Kelly and I had been dating for six months, and she had only just now told me about her powers. It was somewhat unhappy to discover that her roommate had already known about them. "I got drunk a few months ago and told her," Kelly admitted, looking embarrassed at that. All I could say to that was, "Oh." I figured that if I said anything else right then, I might end up sounding as though I were pouting or something. Then I took a deep breath. "Did know...?" "Use my powers on her?" Kelly asked. "Sure," Claire responded for her, looking fairly disgusted. "She gave me some kind of mind control powers..." "And you didn't like them?" I asked, confused by her expression and tone of voice. Claire shook her head, frowning. "It's no good having super powers when you can't even use them." "You couldn't control them?" I asked, still feeling a bit confused. "No," Claire shook her head, then giving me a steady look. "You just can't go around messing in people's heads like that. It's just...wrong." "Oh," I nodded at that. It was a moral thing. I guess it would be kind of wrong to be going in and looking at people's thoughts and changing them around just because you could. But on the other hand, I couldn't resist thinking, it could definitely be a lot of fun too. With that kind of power, I could get any girl I wanted and convince my teachers to give me great grades. So after a moment, I figured that maybe it was a good thing that I didn't get that kind of power. "You're really Thorn?" Claire asked, staring at me in amazement. "Shit... I bet that's got to be weird for you..." She grinned at that. "You have no idea," I sighed. "What are your powers?" Claire laughed. "Looking pretty?" "See," Kelly grinned at me, "I told you that being a woman was a super power..." "Of course it is," Claire nodded her agreement. "We have the power to bring men to their knees..." "And don't forget our wisdom and sense of style," Kelly added. "Not to mention modesty," I rolled my eyes, earning a bunch of giggles from Kelly and Claire. Kelly put her hand on my arm and said, "Actually, Thorn does something with gravity..." I nodded at that, then used my powers to lift myself up high enough to touch the ceiling, then I settled back down. "Antigravity. "Interesting," Claire commented. Then I smiled, deciding that I wanted to show off a little more and try something else. I put my hand on top of the coffee table and spread my aura over it until it was under my gravity influence. And with just a tiny bit of concentration, the coffee table lifted off the ground... I was still touching it, but only on the top. "It's sort of like when I brought you up," I told Kelly, "But I'm keeping my gravity normal while messing with gravity on the table..." Then I admitted, "It's a bit harder this way though... I think it would be easier if I had gravity be the same for me and the table at the same time..." "It's certainly better than mind control," Claire told me. "At least you can actually do something with these powers..." "Unlike giving powers to others," Kelly sighed. "Hey," I told her as I put the table back, "I think your powers are kind of cool..." "Thanks," Kelly grinned at me. "So," Claire asked, "How much longer before it wears off?" Kelly and I both froze at that, staring at each other. Most of the excitement of showing off kind of went away with that little reminder. "Actually," I sighed, "I'd like to know that too..." "He's been like this for over three hours," Kelly said quietly. Claire gasped in surprise. "What? I thought your powers wore off after an hour..." "They do," Kelly responded almost tearfully, giving me a guilty look. "Or at least they should. They always have before..." "But...," Claire stared at me with a look of horror appearing on her face as the situation began to dawn on her. "But what happened?" "I...I think that Thorn was already a developed," Kelly tried explaining. "I mean, I think he was a latent developed... He was developed but his powers were latent... They just hadn't turned on..." "And you turned them on," Claire whispered. "Yeah," Kelly nodded, giving me another guilty look. "I think that I just turned his powers on, but since I'm not the one who actually GAVE him those powers... I think that's why he didn't change back..." "Crap," Claire muttered. "Tell me about it," I responded with a shrug. Then Claire just stared at me for a moment before slowly saying, "You sure are taking this kind of easy... I mean, if I had a sex change and couldn't change back, I'd be screaming..." "I guess it could be worse," I shrugged, still not sure exactly what I felt about being stuck like that. Sure, I didn't like the idea of being a girl for the rest of my life, of losing my own face and identity. But it didn't hurt at all, and in fact, when I wasn't thinking about my body, it was pretty easy to forget that it had changed. And then of course, there were those wicked powers which I was really getting to like. I kind of hated the thought of losing those forever. "I don't know," I shook my head, "The whole situation is kind of strange. It's a lot to think about..." After this, we all sat down in the living room and danced around the subject of my possibly remaining stuck as a woman for the rest of my life, though the thought was there. That was especially clear when Kelly and Claire tentatively brought up the subject of all the good things about being a woman. Then of course, there came the inevitable call of nature. I grimaced a little as I went to the bathroom, thinking that I might have heard a bit of a giggle or two coming from Claire and Kelly behind me. "Just great," I grumbled, "I guess I might as well get this over with. At first, I just stood over the toilet as though I could still take a leak the old fashioned way. Then again, the lack of my old equipment down there was a definite reminder that this was no longer a possibility. It was kind of strange, as standing there just drove in the fact that I'd changed gender more than anything else had. "Oh shit," I whispered, realizing for the first time just what being like that would entail. It wouldn't be just how I looked that would change...but nearly everything about my life. Even all the little things that I took for granted... However, standing there and being philosophical wasn't about to empty my bladder, so I sat down on the toilet and went about doing my business. Fortunately, that part was pretty much the same as always, though it did feel just a little different. "The same but different," I sighed. That seemed to describe a lot of things about the changes in my body. Once I was finished, I made sure to wipe up pretty good. I'd heard a few comments about how girls had to be even cleaner than guys down there or they could get yeast infection. I had grimaced in disgust when I'd girls talking about that, but now I was somewhat grateful that I had heard it. "Weird," I muttered as I just remained sitting on the toilet for another minute, staring at my empty crotch. I even had a patch of green hair down there. I let out a sigh, then went about pulling my too large pants back on and checking my reflection out in the bathroom mirror again. It was strange to think that I might be stuck with that face in the mirror for some time to come. "And this was just supposed to be for an hour," I muttered to myself. Of course, I had wanted to have super be a developed. I'd wanted that for my whole life, and had even gone out of my way to get those powers...though it hadn't done much good at the time. But it seems to have become a matter of 'be careful what you wish for...' "Because you just might get it," I finished aloud, "You just might get it..." With that, I went back out with the others, where we talked for a bit more before eating dinner. There was a bit of tension in the air the whole time, with none of us really sure how to deal with the strange situation that we were in. Or at least that I was in. When dinner was over, Kelly suggested, "I want to try something..." "What's that?" I asked. "Well," she said slowly, "If my powers turned yours on...maybe they can shut them off again..." I hesitated for a moment, not sure that I liked the idea of losing my powers so quickly after getting them. After spending years dreaming about becoming a developed, of gaining super powers, a part of me screamed that I couldn't just give that all up. "Okay," I nodded, knowing that I had to be realistic. The powers came with a high price and I wasn't about to just let my whole life go in order to keep them. "Do it." Kelly took a deep breath, then reached out to touch me. I suddenly felt the tingle run through my body...the same tingle that I'd felt when she gave me my powers. "I've never used my powers on another developed before," Kelly said as she watched me hopefully. "I...I feel it," I gasped. My body was changing again, reshaping itself. I could feel the bone and muscle all moving around under my skin again. It was the same thing that had happened to me earlier...except in reverse. I grabbed my chest, feeling my breasts pull back and fade away. I reached down between my legs, finding that my crotch was no longer empty. "It worked," I whispered as I stared down at my familiar hands. At my hairy guy arms. I was back to normal. I was all guy again. Unfortunately, being back to normal also meant that I'd just lost my powers. I tried activating the antigravity aura, but there was nothing. I truly was back to normal, and couldn't help but feeling a twinge of disappointment at that. "All right," Claire grinned. "Thank God," Kelly smiled. "Hey," Claire pointed out a moment later, looking thoughtful, "Since now we know that Kelly can change you back to normal, you can always try this out again sometime..." "I don't know about that," Kelly glanced at me, "That was kind of a close one." All that I could do was nod at that. "Yeah," I felt my flat chest, "Very close..." "Still, at least you got a cool power out of it," Claire pointed out. I had to agree with her on that, though I wasn't about to admit it. "If you count being a girl as a super power..." "I do," Kelly laughed, with Claire quickly joining in. "Well," I glanced at my watch, "I should probably get going." I frowned, "I do have some homework that I've been procrastinating on..." "Well, I'm just glad that you're back to normal," Kelly smiled at me, then came over and gave me a hug. "I had a great day," I told her, then added, "Well, other than being stuck as a girl..." Kelly just grinned at that, looking a little embarrassed. At least she didn't look like she was feeling all guilty anymore. We kissed at that while Claire just sat back and watched with a bit of a smirk. I just wished that she'd go away so that Kelly and I could have a moment of privacy. It was just several minutes later that I'd left Kelly, gave a brief nod to Claire and then hurried on home. However, I couldn't help thinking how much faster...not to mention more fun it would be to fly there instead. Home for me was the dorm that I shared with my roommate Phil. It was small and cramped, but on the plus side, we each had our own room...albeit each about the size of a closet. I'd been roommates with Phil for awhile now, but had never developed the kind of friendship with him that Kelly had with Claire. In fact, Phil and I had an understanding... He does his thing and I do mine. "Thank God," I sighed as I got home and looked in the mirror, seeing my familiar old face instead of the pretty green haired one. So why didn't I feel as pleased about getting back to normal as I thought I should? With a shrug, I turned on my computer and settled down to take care of my homework. It had been such an interesting day that it seemed almost anticlimactic to end it by doing something as normal and boring as homework. I had been working on my homework for only a little while when I decided to take a break and get something to munch on. It hadn't really been all that long since dinner, but that didn't really matter. I wasn't really hungry... I just wanted something to munch on while doing my work. "Let's see," I muttered as I grabbed myself a Pepsi from the fridge that Phil and I shared, then reached for the bag of Oreos that I kept in there as well. There's nothing quite like an Oreo that's been kept cool in the fridge. The cream filling was almost like ice cream. "That should about do it..." Suddenly, I felt a tingle rush through my body. It was the very same tingle that I'd already felt twice that day. I couldn't help but letting out a loud gasp of surprise, then another one as I felt my body beginning to shift and reshape. Even before the changes were finished, I stared down at my feminine hands, knowing exactly what was happening to me. I looked down at the two shapely breasts that were once again pressing out from my chest. And I could see a bit of long green hair hanging down in front of my eyes. Then I looked at the clock and realized that it was about an hour since Kelly had used her powers to change me back to normal. An hour... "Oh crap..." I shook my head in disbelief, "You've got to be kidding me..." However, there seemed to be little doubt that Kelly's power had just worn off. And the irony wasn't lost on me that her powering wearing off had only returned me to the condition I was in when her power hadn't worn off when it was supposed to. The whole situation was just too weird. For several minutes, I just stared down at myself, half sure that this had to be some kind of weird joke. But then I shook my head and slowly reached for the phone. Once the other end picked up, I sighed, "Kelly...I have a problem..." I talked to Kelly on the phone for several minutes, explaining that her power had worn off and that I had turned back into a girl. Unfortunately, there was nothing that she could do at the moment...if at all. Still, I would have to wait till the morning before finding out for sure. "Oh joy," I muttered as I hung up the phone. For a moment, I just stood there and shook my head. I wasn't sure whether to be horribly disappointed by the fact that I was a girl and would be at least until the morning...or relieved. "At least I have my powers back," I smiled weakly. But just then, I heard a key turning the lock on the door and froze, knowing that it could only be Phil coming back from wherever it was that he was at. I quickly looked down at myself, knowing that there was no way in the world that I could explain that to him. "Damn," I muttered, already rushing out of our shared common room and into the relative safety of my own room. I barely managed to get the door shut in time. "Damn," I muttered again as I realized that I'd left my snack behind. I waited a minute then cracked my door open and peaked into our shared room. Unfortunately, Phil had turned on the TV and settled down to watch something. "Just great," I grumbled in annoyance. Now there was no way that I could go get my snack. So with that, I just plopped down on my bed with a sigh. I remained there for a minute or so before I glanced over at my computer and remembered what I had been working on before I'd gotten up to get a snack. "I might as well finish it up," I sighed. It wasn't like I really had a lot else that I could do at the moment. It didn't take me very long to finish my homework up once I gave it my attention. However, giving it my full attention was the problem as I had a bit of a distraction just then with my body being changed and all. But somehow I managed to focus on the task at hand. With my homework done and out of the way, I settled down on my bed and just sat there for a minute, looking down at my tits and hands. Then I slowly smiled, feeling kind of curious about my new body. I'd already explored my new powers quite a bit, so it only made sense to check out the body that had come along with them. I wasted no time in stripping out of my clothes, which was sort of a relief as they were once again too large for me and somewhat uncomfortable because of that. My clothes all went to the floor, then I stood up, wishing that I had a mirror that I could really check myself out in. However, I didn't bother to keep any kind of a mirror in my bedroom. In fact, as far as I knew, unless Phil had one in his room, the only mirror in our dorm was the one above the bathroom sink. At first, I just stood there and looked down at myself. I'd been able to tell that I had a pretty decent body with all of my clothes on, but seeing myself naked only verified this and made it more clear. It was even better than I'd thought. "Man I wish I had a mirror," muttered as I slowly ran my hands over my legs. The skin was so soft and smooth... Then felt my breasts. They were nice and shapely, and felt oh so nice to touch. I couldn't believe how sensitive the nipples were. It was incredible, just like it was incredible to think that these breasts actually belonged to ME. And finally, I turned my attention to the new space between my legs. Of course, I'd already checked the new equipment down there out while going to the bathroom, so the sight was nothing new. This time though, I checked it out a little more carefully. It was even more sensitive than my new nipples. "Very weird," I mused after I had finished looking over my changed body. It was definitely strange...just about all of it, but not really all that bad. The powers were definitely the best part of it though... After I had finished checking myself out, I just sat back and played around with my new parts some since it felt so good. While I masturbated, the pleasure grew stronger and stronger until I finally exploded in an orgasm. It was stronger than any orgasm that I'd ever felt...and spread over my entire body. "Very nice," I gasped to myself as I started up round two. Eventually though, I was finished and ready for bed. However, I went to bed feeling better than I ever had before in my life. Even as I slipped off to sleep, I suspected that I was going to have some pretty nifty dreams. *** When I awoke in the morning, I was somewhat startled to discover myself floating in midair, just a foot or so away from the ceiling. To my relief, my powers didn't suddenly cut out with my awakening and drop me back to the ground. That could have been painful. "Jeez," I muttered as I slowly shifted the gravity and lowered myself to the ground, "What a way to sleep..." Once I was back on the ground, I looked up and shook my head in disbelief. I couldn't believe that my new powers had kicked on in the middle of the night without my even activating them. "I guess I'll have to be careful about camping like this," I gulped at the sudden thought of floating away in the middle of the night. That would definitely not be good. With a sigh, I went to go get some breakfast, but as soon as my bedroom door was halfway open, I saw Phil sitting in our shared space eating a bowl of cereal. I quickly pulled the door shut again, gulping at the thought of what would happen if he caught me like that. "Thorn?" Phil called after me, though I didn't answer. "Damn," I whispered, knowing that I couldn't let Phil find out about what had happened to me. If he found out, then it wouldn't be long before half the campus knew that I'd had a sudden sex change. I locked my door with a frown, ignoring Phil when he called out my name a second time. Fortunately he was silent after that, and I could just imagine him shrugging and going back to his breakfast. Then I looked down at myself and let out a sigh. I was still a girl and a buck naked one at that. I sure as hell couldn't just walk out the front door with Phil sitting there...not looking like I did now. And certainly not without any clothes either. "Let's see," I mused as I turned to look around my small room. If I was going to go anywhere, the first thing that I would need would be some clothes to wear. All of my own were too large, and though I could put those on and go with it like I had yesterday, I would rather have something that fit just a little more comfortably. It only took me a few minutes to find what I was looking for. I had a pair of shorts which I could tighten up to fit, and a T-shirt that had always been a little tight on me. Of course those weren't stylish fashions, but they would do for the moment. Then I looked at my shoes for a moment. They were too big for me at the moment and had slipped around a bit the day before. I could easily get them to fit a little better by putting on several pairs of extra socks, though decided not to bother. I could do without for the moment. "Who needs shoes when you can fly?" I grinned to myself as I came off the ground. Of course, I still had to get out of the room which meant going past Phil. Except of course, I no longer had to. I glanced at the window and smiled. There's more than one way out of a dorm room when you can fly, even when you happen to live on the third floor. It didn't take me very long to fly over to Kelly's place, though it took a little longer than I'd wanted as I tried avoiding attention. I felt a strange mixture of embarrassment and glee when several people looked up and actually saw me in the air. "Knock, knock," I called out as I landed by the back door. I figured that Kelly might not appreciate the attention that I'd get if I landed in front of the house where everyone could see me. As it was, I'd been pretty careful to avoid being seen by anyone close to her place. After ringing the doorbell, I only had to wait a minute for Kelly get there. I was actually a little disappointed that she hadn't heard me calling out as I landed, but I still gave her a somewhat embarrassed smile as she opened up. "Thorn," Kelly gulped at the sight of me. "Yeah," I gestured down at myself, "I'm back to this again..." Kelly wasn't surprised at that since I'd talked to her the night before just after changing back into a girl. But she still looked a little surprised anyway. "Um...come in," Kelly gestured, then gave me a bit of a smirk, "You need a bra..." At my blank look, she pointed to my shirt where my nipples were pretty visible and said, "You're kind of showing." All I could say to that was, "Oh..." "You want something to eat?" Kelly asked me as she went for the kitchen. "Sure," I nodded, "I had to skip breakfast to keep Phil from seeing me..." Then thinking of my roommate, I looked around, "Where's Claire?" "Class," Kelly shrugged. "Cool," I grinned, "It's just the two of us..." Then I bent over to give Kelly a kiss, but she pulled away. "Sorry," Kelly grimaced, "But I'm not into girls..." "But," I started to protest. "I'm not really a girl..." "You sure look like one to me," Kelly pointed out, much to my disappointment. Unfortunately, I had to admit that she did have a point. I looked every bit a girl. Then I let out a sigh, "At least these powers are pretty cool..." "Well," Kelly sighed, "I can try getting rid of them again..." "If you must," I rolled my eyes and held out my hand for her to touch, while at the same time looking forward to getting my normal body back. As soon as Kelly touched me, I felt the changes in my body. I had to loosen my shorts as they were getting a little too tight. Even my shirt, which had been fitting fine, even a bit loose just moments before now felt a little tight. "Well, it worked," I told Kelly, "Again..." "Let's just see if it stays working this time," Kelly told me with a worried expression. Kelly and I sat down and ate breakfast at that, with me telling her about what I'd been doing since changing back to a girl the night before. I even told her that I'd checked my body out, though I neglected to go into any details. Somehow, I wasn't sure that she'd appreciate the novelty of my little game of grab-ass with myself. However, about an hour after Kelly had changed me back to normal, I felt the tingling and once again changed back into my green haired girl form. It had worn off AGAIN. "Oh shit," I whispered, having had a bad feeling when I'd changed back the night before and having it even worse now. Something told me that this was NOT a good sign. "Change me back again..." "I can't," Kelly shook her head. "Whenever I give someone powers and it wears off...I always have to wait half an hour to an hour before I can do it again. I think that this is probably the same way..." "How can this be the same way?" I demanded in annoyance, "You're taking powers away...not giving them to me." "I don't know," Kelly admitted with a sigh. "I've never used my powers on another developed before... And I've never taken anyone's powers away before." Then she frowned, "But I think... I think that I've just found a new part of my powers..." "Oh?" I encouraged. Kelly nodded thoughtfully, "I don't think I cured you...or that I even can. I think that I've just discovered how to temporarily take powers away from developed instead of just giving them to normals..." "Well...that could be useful," I pointed out, not seeing how it really could be since she had retired from being a super hero. "Maybe," Kelly frowned, looking at me with the same guilty expression from the day before. "But I think it means that I can only change you back to normal for an hour at a time..." I just stared at Kelly for a moment, absorbing what she had just said. If this was true, and I had no real reason to doubt that it was, then I truly was a real developed. And...and that meant that I would remain a developed...and a woman for the rest of my life. Though the first part excited me, the last was a hard bit to swallow. Still, I wasn't going to just accept the idea that I would remain a woman for the rest of my life without more proof. Once Kelly was able again, I had her transform me back to my old male self. But once again, an hour later I had reverted to my female new body. "It looks like I'm stuck like this," I finally admitted, looking down at myself. I slowly touched my breasts and sighed, "And it looks like these are here to stay..." "I'm sorry," Kelly told me quietly. For a moment, I just remained silent, trying to take it all in... Or at least trying to take in the fact that I was going to remain a woman for the rest of my life. Strangely, I wasn't as completely horrified at the prospect as I could have been. After all, it wasn't like I had turned into some hideous monster or anything. In fact, there was a part of me that was almost glad. "At least I get to keep these powers," I grinned to Kelly, who could only stare at me in disbelief. I suppose that it would be hard for Kelly to understand. In fact, it was a little hard for even me to understand. Sure, I was pretty shaken up about losing my manhood...about being trapped as a woman and even losing my own identity. I couldn't very well run around using my old driver's license or anything. But on the other hand, there were the powers that came with it... I had dreamed of being a of those rare special people for my entire life. Where some people dreamed of being movie stars, rock stars or sports heroes, I had always fantasized about having super powers. Of being unique and having special abilities. Now, thanks to that experiment and Kelly acting as a catalyst to the latent abilities that I had gained during it, I'd finally gained my dream. I had finally become a developed and gained super powers. That was literally a dream come true. And looking at it from that perspective, turning into a girl to gain my lifelong dream was actually kind of a small price to pay. "I can't believe you're not freaking out," Kelly gasped. "Well," I shrugged, not sure how to explain it. "You're not gay, are you?" Kelly asked in disbelief. "You're kidding, right?" I asked her. After all the time that we'd spent together, she should know very well that I wasn't gay. "Then again," I added thoughtfully as I looked down at myself, "I guess I qualify as a lesbian now..." "Well I wouldn't think that most guys would take a sex change so well," Kelly grumbled. "It's not that I like being a girl," I told Kelly, feeling a little embarrassed. "If I could change back into a guy, I'd do it in a moment. But..." After hesitating for a moment, trying to decide how to explain what I was thinking, I decided to just be honest. I told Kelly about my lifelong dream of being a developed, and even of being a super hero. It had always seemed like a kind of embarrassing thing to admit to someone, but it was the truth and I wanted her to know. "My God," Kelly gasped when I was finished, "You're actually enjoying this..." "Well, the power part at least," I shrugged, giving an embarrassed grin. "And being a girl is pretty weird, but it's not the end of the world or anything." "What about your family?" Kelly asked hesitantly, "What are you going to tell them...?" I just sat there for a moment, frowning. Kelly and I had never really talked much about my family, but then again, there wasn't really much to talk about. "What family?" I asked her. "I don't have much of a family. My mom's an alcoholic and I haven't seen her in nearly two years. And I haven't seen my dad since the divorce when I was seven..." "I'm sorry," Kelly blushed, "I didn't know..." "No problem," I shrugged. "In fact, not having a close family was one of the requirements for that experiment I told you about..." Then as I sat there next to Kelly, thinking about my family, or lack of one, I couldn't help wondering if that might have had something to do with my lifelong wish to be developed. Maybe it was a way of compensating, of wanting to be special and unique rather than mostly ignored as I had been. It was something to think about, but at a later time. "What are you going to do about school?" Kelly asked me after a few minutes of silence. "What do you mean?" I frowned. "Well," she rolled her eyes, "I don't think you can go looking like that..." She pointed at my chest, then frowned, "Unless you go public with your changes and prove your identity I mean." I looked down at myself and let out an, "Oh..." Then I gulped, realizing that Kelly had a point. A very big point. Not being able to go to my classes or finish my degree was something that I hadn't even given the least consideration to. Even if Kelly helped me with her powers, there was no way that I could finish things up with only being myself for an hour at a time. "I'm sorry," Kelly started to tell me again. However, I put my hand on hers and gave her a weak smile. "It's not your fault. If anything, it's mine. Remember what they say about being careful what you wish for..." Of course I was pretty bummed out with the realization that I wouldn't be able to finish my degree. Especially after I'd already put so much effort into it. But that was sort of like being turned into a girl, something that I didn't like but couldn't do anything about. It was one more part of the price that I was going to have to pay for finally gaining my wish. The price was more than I'd ever imagined and it just kept getting steeper. "Well," I said slowly, more to myself than to Kelly. "I guess I just have to keep focusing on the positives..." In spite of the downsides, there were definitely some serious upsides to my condition as well. Those were what I needed to remember. "Kelly," I looked her hopefully, "If I'm going to be a super hero, I'm going to need a costume..." She stared at me for a moment, as if trying to decide whether I was serious or not. Then she nodded thoughtfully, giving me a reassuring smile, "Then I'll help you... Back in the Crusaders, I used to make all our costumes..." With that, Kelly grabbed some pens and paper and we began sketching some ideas for super hero costumes. Some of them were pretty bad, and then there were some that looked good on paper but Kelly insisted would look lousy in real life. I had to bow to her experience. Eventually though we came up with a design that I liked. "I'll get to work on it right away," Kelly grinned at me, looking rather proud of herself. It looked as though she were really getting into this whole thing. That was something of a relief for me because I didn't know what I'd do if she'd insisted that it were a bad idea. "Thanks," I told Kelly with sincere gratitude. With that, I gave her a big hug, but when I tried to kiss her as well, she pushed me away with a firm, "I told you, I'm not into girls." She looked apologetic, "I'm sorry..." "Yeah," I sighed, adding Kelly to the list of things that I was going to lose because of my changes. I had a feeling that it wouldn't be long before I heard that 'let's just be friends' speech from her. That was not something that I was looking forward to. Not at all. "Well," I told Kelly, "I guess I should be going home..." I paused at that as I suddenly remembered my roommate. "Oh yeah...Phil..." It wasn't going to be easy sneaking in and out past him or keeping him from finding out. I was just about to Kelly's door when she called out, "Wait..." As I turned back to her, she looked a little uncomfortable before giving me a weak smile, "You can't just keep living there... I mean, unless you go public with this..." "I'll lose my identity and everything associated with it," I sighed, quietly stating the obvious. I was going to lose school...and the dorm since that went along with it. "But I can't go public," I said quietly. "It would be too embarrassing... And besides, I don't think that they'd accept me like this..." I gestured down at myself. "I'd be kicked out of school anyway, and even if I wasn't, there would be just way too much attention..." "I'm sorry," Kelly repeated what was seeming to become her favorite statement. "Don't be," I told her with a smile that was a little more forced than I would have liked. "It'll be all right. Besides, if I'm going to be a super hero, I won't have time for school..." There was a minute of uncomfortable silence before Kelly said, "I was thinking... I was thinking that since you can't really stay at your dorm, you could move in here with me and Claire. We have room and I'm sure she won't mind..." At first, I thought that Kelly was kidding, but she wasn't exactly the type to make that sort of offer lightly. And from the look on her face, I could tell that she was serious. My next thought was to turn her down, but she did have a point. I couldn't very well stay in the dorms and I was going to need a place to live. "All right," I agreed with a nod. "But only until I get everything straightened out..." "Great," Kelly grinned at me. "I can change you back for awhile so that you can pick everything up from your old place... But first..." She looked me over with a nod, "If you're going to be like this for good, you're REALLY going to need some new clothes." "New clothes?" I frowned as I looked down at myself. Kelly did have a point about that too. My old clothes didn't exactly fit me all that well anymore. "In other words," Kelly grinned even more broadly, "Shopping trip..." From the look on Kelly's face, I was afraid that she was going to drag me out the door right then and there. However, she decided that I would have to be dressed a little more appropriately before going out in public to shop for more appropriate clothes. It seemed to me as a

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My name is Natalie but i go by Nat, i am 23, white with long fire red hair and green eyes, i have a great set of perkey 36B's and im 5'8 and i weigh about 110lbs. my sister Jennie is 22, white with long brown hair and brown eyes, she has a great body too very close to mine only she is 5'7 and only 100lbs. We have always been close every since i can remember we are only a year apart in age which well we were growing up made us stick together against our older brothers. This story is about one...

1 year ago
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First trip to Mexico

Sandy and I are twins and we grew up fairly close. We both had dark hair and long legs. I’m about 6’2” and she is about 5’8”. We spent summers at the country club playing tennis and swimming; we both have lean bodies.After graduation from high school our family took a vacation to the ruins (Tulum) in Mexico. The first night we got to Cancun late. Sandy and I headed to the beach in the late afternoon sun. I have never seen so many beautiful bodies in my life. I had trouble controlling my dick. ...

2 years ago
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Masturbation is his hobby common in retirement co

About 5 years ago I met up with a much older gentleman over the holiday while visiting family in FL. Not cut for a porn movie but at least it was real. I only embellished a few things. Guess and I'll tell you at the end what I exaggerated.Anyway, this old man, 70, had several hobbies, including one new hobby, one we had in common.It was early evening, shortly after dinner, and his wife had already gone to bed. I knocked softly, as instructed, and he greeted me in a shirt and bathrobe. "I...

3 years ago
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Making new friends with Charles and John in the fi

A nice night it was, balmy and a good opportunity to go for a walk to the fields and adjacent woods. There was about three hours of sun left and there were quite a few walkers about. The track I followed was well travelled at least for the first twenty minutes or so. The fields were planted with a dense and lush cereal crop. Soon however it would change to a bushy under growth landscape with s**ttered large oak trees. I passed a few people, I liked always to have a fairly fast pace, it would...

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Rubys Story

Editor's notes: Well this one wasn't easy, that's for sure! It was conceived, and articulated by someone else-and that someone is the main person in the story. In other words, this is about a real individual. However, taking her small tidbits of writing, both on disk and on paper, and combining them into a workable article was very difficult. As well, the first draft had a lot of holes, so I interviewed her to get more details. Here is the final draft. Some points: 1) It#s long! At...

2 years ago
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A Strangers Love

Where she could hide, she had no idea. The adrenaline and rush of emotions filling her body had become her enemies as much as her pursuer by confusing her thoughts, as if the drinks he had been giving her earlier that night hadn’t done enough to haze her mind. Her body trembled like a leaf in a strong wind as she stood in the clearing, wondering where to go, aware that the monster chasing her was steadily gaining ground. Small drops trickled down from the large cut on her exposed breast, her...

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[Preface: This story is a shameless attempt to get in as many categories on Fictionmania as possible. The challenge was to make a workable story out of it without imitating Eddie Glover.] Categories by Holly Fairfa Hi! My name is George. I'm a twenty-five year old male. I'm kinda short and thin and I wear my hair long. I play lead guitar in a rock group. My life was recently turned upside-down, inside-out, and every other way imaginable. It seemed that at least every...

3 years ago
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14 March 2009Chapter 4

The man in the theatre next to Jenny looked down at the bare pussy that had just been satisfied. He wanted to touch her too but afraid of causing trouble. He turned his upper body noticing the two hands around the Father’s cock. “If you don’t let me finger fuck your cunt and give me a handjob, I’m reporting you all to the manager.” “Daddy, the man beside me said if I don’t let him finger my pussy and give him a handjob, he’ll report us.” “We don’t want that to happen. What do you want to...

1 year ago
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Continuing Story for a Special Friend

Some writing that began as some fun between myself and a wonderful friend, and has continued to continue and grow, thanks to the encouragement of my wonderful friend, who this writing/story is written for.She has persuaded me to post for others to read, so if you do not like what is written, please send my friend your complaints  but if you do like what I have written feel free to comment, and thanks for reading.PART 1Imagine that we are both in your bedroom, fully clothed for now. Standing...

3 years ago
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The taboo tribe

The small tribe of humans lived in a cave on the mountainside, not far down was a lake and a humid forest. They had a good place for survival in the otherwise dangerous world. The alpha male, his first born son – Beta - and a group of 15 females in various ages. In another world, many of them would have broken loose to be on their own, but in the outside world lurked many evil creatures and other tribes with even worse conditions. With their current alpha, they never had to worry about food and...

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The Glen Book OneChapter 5

"What the hell is going on." Erin said to herself as she tried to take in the scene before her. It didn't help any that her vision kept changing the scene. Like some funhouse of mirrors gone terribly wrong the scene kept shifting between the Plaza garage and some dark, dank cave full of nightmares from a Ren Faire run amuck! Even Richard seemed to have changed from the college boy she knew him to be into some medieval warrior dressed in leather and chainmail armor. "This has to be a...

2 years ago
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Breast Fetish

So I work with this VERY busty girl at my workplace. I believe she told me once she was a jj cup or something. Anyway We flirt all the time.(I LOVE big breasts) She is blonde and has green eyes. She is a little chubby and cute. Not fat but thick. I guess she is a little bit below a bbw but getting there. Anyway, we flirt a lot and she likes me. So on Friday I finally asked her to go out for a drink at the local bar. We had a couple of drinks and watched the game. Flirted some more like we...

3 years ago
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The Alternative Bar Awakening

I wrote this to explain when I first realized my desire to be with another woman. I never knew how much I wanted this until we were out one night at an alternative bar and I watched women dancing and caressing each other. There were two beautiful women standing beside us and they kissed, a very hot, passionate kiss, while running their hands over each other's breasts and buttocks and I thought I'd orgasm right there watching them. It really had a profound affect on me! I wanted to feel...

2 years ago
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Bea has some unusual experiences 2

The drive to Denton the next day took us about an hour. It was a warm October day, the temperature well up in the seventies. My appointment with the breeder was at ten o’clock, and we had allowed for plenty of time. Helen had taken my suggestion and not worn a bra. As I watched her at the wheel, I could see how the material of the jersey she was wearing hugged the firm shape of her breasts. The least little rocking motion of the car caused them to bob deliciously. I had worn a skirt and...

2 years ago
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Delegates of mysteries

Armchair felt comfortably sturdy after full day of work. Fire crackled and warmed whole room while casting ominous shadows on painting over the fireplace. Wine glass felt firm as it rested partially on arm of the chair. Anton had a peculiar way of making himself scarce whenever there would be trouble - his talents served him well that had to be admitted. There were two ways to control such persons - to make them want to do what you wanted and to make sure every choice they could make would...

4 years ago
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The Tunnel Builder Chapter 4

‘She was beautiful.  I’d never seen anything so beautiful.  Her hair was black, like a rook’s feathers and cascaded down her back almost to her waist.  Her eyes were black too and seemed to flash.  Her costume was exotic, the finest, shimmering silk of blues and golds and whites.  She took my breath away.  I felt that we were destined, intended.’  “I think, Polly, we have a murder.”“What makes you think that?”  So, I told her.  The secret messages I’d found in that little, locked book.  “Well,...

1 year ago
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My New Toys

“Oh, Shit!” I heard my boyfriend Brian shouting in the other room. “My COVID test result is positive. I have to quarantine for 14 days!” “You better move to a hotel or something. I don’t want your bug!” I shouted. In an hour, he was all packed and leaving for his family’s summer home, fortunately, unoccupied at this time of year. I put on a mask, cleaned up all surfaces, and took a home-based COVID test, which was negative, and I was vaccinated too, so I was relieved a bit. Brian called me,...

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Mother exchange

I am 23 years of age, a young boy from Gorakhpur. In family I have mother and a sister, who is studying in 12th standard. Papa died in an accident four years back. Mummy is Principal in a college. Mummy has got a beautiful physique and body. She is 43 now but looks much younger. We have got a very big house. Last year one of my real maternal uncle (Mama) got transferred to our city. He demanded a portion to live and mummy gave him. Later he came with family and started living in one portion. He...

4 years ago
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The Tales From The Tavern I Lust After Your Scar Part II

“And that was the last one,” Big ol' Tom said, “now we've got ourselves a decent candle lighting again.” “Great,” replied Bethany, playing with the glass she had emptied for the third time, “may I ask you to fill that up again? Same vodka please.” She nibbled on one of the earpieces of her shades, leaving her attentive audience in a short instant of anticipation before resuming her narration. She grinned and chuckled a bit before she started. ------------- I woke up first the next morning. The...

First Time
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The PiperChapter 18

Mom wanted to invite two of her closest friends over later to eat and get them to help plan our future. She told me that she wanted them to be with us too. “Lucien, we may need to give Ellen and Alice a new lease on life, after they see my new body.” “Tell tell them to sure and not tell anyone, then come back again tomorrow and we’ll make them look as young as you and Deb.” Deb wanted to go see a movie she’d heard about. “It must be R rated.” “It is and there’s supposed to be some...

3 years ago
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Mistress Tori

Introduction: I tell of day in my life of slavery with my wife and mistress. I do anything she wants. I am a sissy, I am a cuckold, I am whatever she tells me to be. Ive been married to my wife for 7 years now and we have an interesting sex life. Its not a normal marriage in any sort of way. 24 hours a day I am her slave and do everything she asks of me. Sometimes she allows me to have sex with her and other days she has sex with other men while I watch. If she isnt in the mood to be...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Maddy May Desperately Need Help Getting Unstuck

Maddy May was having some fun with her anal beads, when suddenly she realized they got stuck! She called into a doctor and explained her situation to Dr. Legend. He decided that he can’t help her virtually, so he visits her for a house call to help remedy her situation. After assessing every inch of her body, he decided that she needs to use some suction with her mouth and maybe that will help loosening up the anal beads on the other end of her body. He lets her know that he will have to...

1 year ago
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Do you consider yourself a Nite Flirt? That’s a little bit of a trick question, because it depends a lot on whether you’ve tried this next site or not. (I guess you could come up with your own definition for “night flirt”, but they’ve got some creative misspelling to help you remember the name. That’s branding, folks!) It’s kind of an oddball adult website in this day and age, but one might argue the format predates the internet by a long stretch. Hell, your great grandpa may have beaten off...

Phone Sex Sites
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“The secret of life is to appreciate the pleasure of being terribly deceived” - Oscar Wilde Nadine sat on the edge of the bed putting on a pair of dark, thigh-high, hold-up stockings. Her only other clothing was a deep red, very low-cut lacy bra that pushed her breasts high, partially exposing her nipples over the finely-webbed edge. When she was finished, she stood and walked over to a full-length mirror and, turning slowly from side to side, admired how she looked. The seams running up the...

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2011 Halloween Fun

This Halloween I bought myself a sexy cop costume. Real small that went just past my ass. Open buttons in front to show my small breast. Handcuffs for capturing bad boys. Bright pink G-string that can be seen when I bend. Fish net stocking and heel boots. The weather was mild so I was not worried about being cold either. Me and my gf (Susie) got dressed together and she choose the naughty maid dress. We both were headed to a Halloween party on Friday night that we knew will be full of hot guys....

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My coworkers 19 year old daughter1

I came to discover that she also has a "daddy complex" and finds older guys attractive while ignoring guys her own age. Tara is about 5' 7" tall, red hair, very slim with small breasts. Tara grew up living in the country and has little to do when she is home from college. Tara's mom would bring her with her to work in town so she wouldn't be stuck at home all day long. Tara would hang out and go for walks and often just hang out in her Mom's car playing on her cell phone during...

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InterracialBlowbang Ashley Adams 02232017

Ashley Adams is a kept woman. A real slut. How do you keep a slut? In a cage, of course. In your social club! Don’t believe me? Just take a look at what’s going down today! The Dogfart crew has a new place to hang and bang, so to speak, and today they’re going to use Ashley Adam’s mouth as if it was her cunt. Open wide, Slutty! You’re about to get skull fucked! Ashley loves it rough, and the fellahs know this. In other words, they’re going to put this slut...

4 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 25

Rayburn Carswell had lost his bluster. He had no idea Edna Patrick would have the resources at her disposal to seek counsel from another attorney, let alone a retired district judge. He didn't know Celina Gomez but he damned sure knew Arthur Barrett. The guys arrived back in the living room shortly after Celina had returned to her seat. "An offer has been made on the house," Celina said without a second's preamble. "My client believes it to be fair and reasonable and has tentatively...

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play time before bed

It was getting late. He had fallen asleep early from a headache but I was still wide awake, and terribly horny. I decided it was time to take care of my problem. I left him on the couch and headed toward my bedroom. I stripped off all my clothes except a white t-shirt. Got under the covers and laid back. I found an enjoyable video that was making it even harder to resist touching myself.My fingers started to trace my body. I slowly moved my hand up my stomach and under my t shirt, grazing the...

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Healing Cousin George 10

The Date Later that night with Melissa safely tucked up in bed me and George sat with Coke each in the conservatory. My plan to curb his midweek drinking had been a great success there were no more night's out during the week only a civilised glass of wine after dinner. I picked up my cigarettes and slipped one out of the packet, the slim gold lighter was inside the packet as well I pressed the button and a slim narrow flame appeared, I lit up blowing a cloud of smoke towards the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 471 Puzzling Patterns

I connected my shield to my implant and let it pull in the energy it wanted. A few seconds later, I began repeating short sequences of what seemed to be random letters, but not those Sherry used. I watched Sherry slip off too. The place in my head tapped into both girls’ brains and monitored for responses to a specific sequence of random letters. It could figure out patterns compared to those Eveline and Sherry had used. “Molly, I need your brain,” I said, reaching out to her. After I sent...

3 years ago
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Meeting With Unoma Again

After sex with my wife on Sunday morning, I called Unoma later in the evening, we scheduled to meet on Tuesday after she drops her son at school. On Monday morning, I went to an adult store and bought a BDSM tool kit and hid it in the site. We worked throughout that day, closed at the normal time and went home. On Tuesday morning, I kissed my wife goodbye and left for work, on getting to site, I retrieved my kit and handed over the days work to my foreman telling him that I needed to buy some...

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Ashwini Aunty Ki Chudai

My sexy married Ashwini aunty age 35 Gori Sexy thi uski size 34 30 36 thi…Dikhne mai hot hone k karan mai us ko har roj dekhta tha us ko dekh k mera lund khada ho jata tha kyu ki us ki matak ti chaal aur uski sexy figure dekh k mujhse control nahi hota tha. Roj sochta tha ek baar ise chodne ka mouka mile to maja aayega lekin mujhe nahi pata tha wo din itni jaldi aayega Us din Saturday tha mai aur mere dost bahar khel rahe the tabhi maine dekha k ashwini ka pati AMIT aur Beti POOJA kisi kaam se...

1 year ago
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A soldiers Story Jolly old England0

WWII was a great time ! I know that's a horrible thing to say, but for me it really was. You see I was a typist and never had to shoot a gun again after basic training. The year was 1943 and I was a 18 year old clerk stationed close to good old London. I was billeted with Mrs Shaw, who asked me to call her 'Gwen'. She would call me 'Yank' but always in a sweet way. There was just the two of us in her home as her husband, Harry, was serving in Africa. She always treated me grand and I would...

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Kaipekichi Kasi Penche Fantasy Dengudu Katha

Hai andarki namaskaram Nenu kalyan from kurnool, andhra pradesh (name changed for privacy). Nenu kathalu rayatam kothha. Pedhaga raayadam raadu. Intak mundu nenu rasina na real story ” na best friend friend tho varusa sarasalu” ki manchi response ae vachindii. Some gals messaged and enjoyed alot in sex chat and phone sex and some messaged and shared there problems and felt me as there guru for solving there problems friendly although am so sad cuz f love failure and problems. Thank you for them...

4 years ago
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Daddys little helper

Maybe if I'd minded my own business and stayed off my dad's computer, my life would have been a whole lot different. As it is I wouldn't change it for the world.My name is George Mason Jr. I was twenty years old when I moved back in with my father (George Snr, obviously) after my mum left him and took up with some arse-wipe she met at her gym. He had been devastated by the betrayal and I had moved back in to keep him company and make sure he didn't do something stupid. I was quite a good cook...

1 year ago
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The Massage

I wanted to surprise my lover with a full body massage. I got to his home an hour before he was to arrive. I went up to his bedroom and lit a few candles. One of the candles had a vanilla scent, which made the room smell good and inviting. I brought out the massage oil that I picked up from one of those stores exclusively for body lotions and sprays. This oil’s scent was more masculine, and I knew that he would like that. I went back downstairs and started to place the cards at strategic...

Straight Sex
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Enter the DarknessChapter 3 Ein erquickend Weihnacht A Refreshing Christmas

December, 1984 I only know what happened next because Anika and Janine sat on my hospital bed with shining eyes and told me in hormonally sharp detail. My "gorgeous, handsome hunk" of a dad came running back with them, pistol in hand. It took them a while to convince the adults in my grandparents' house that I was in trouble. My dad, always worried about me anyway, got his gun out of its travel case when Janine impressed upon them that the boys came armed and maniacal. They were all on...

3 years ago
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adult theatre

i decided to meet up with a couple of friends from xham at a nearby adult theatre. i pulled up and went in to browse around since they hadn't arrived yet. i got in and immediately my eyes were drawn to the dildo and fleshlight shelf on the wall. just walking over to them and seeing glimpses of porn everywhere started to get me horny. looking at a couple of fleshlights, my cock was growing fast, when both of my buddies strolled in together. we greeted, and immediately JC was eager to go back to...

2 years ago
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The Stepmother

I loved this story and wanted to share it, the writer is "horrorotica" here is a link to the main story: eighteen-year-old Dale Barrett travelled home by train, he felt excited about seeing his stepmom for the first time since spring break. Nervous energy made his heartbeat fast, his stomach feel funny, and his fingers tingle. The reason he felt so nervous about coming home is that his stepmother had told him that she knew about his little secret.She...

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Adult World

Driving home after an overnight stay with a friend, Phillip heard a warning on the radio about a traffic jam further along. Having a very good knowledge of the area, he knew that if he exited the highway and drove through two small towns he would be able to bypass the delay. After entering the first town Phillip stopped at a red traffic signal. As he waited for the light to turn green, he glanced down the road he was about to cross and observed an Adult World sign. Phillip had only ever visited...

Gay Male
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There is this senior in high-school and he is mad because he has to share his room with his brother, Little Johnny, who is 9. They have bunk-beds and the older brother is on one night the big brother comes home with his girlfriend for a little fun....he says to her.."My lil brother is asleep, whisper tomato for harder and lettuce for a different position."So they get up in the top bunk and begin getting it on, she begins saying lettuce, tomato, lettuce, tomato, lettuce, tomato."...

4 years ago
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The Aunt II

and it was the beginn of voyeuring my aunt.she was not a beuty - only a mature woman with curly hairs -big boobs - her bra hold them stiff and straight. when i stayed in their haus, every morning she stood in front of her closet and started to change.i had the best view from the room where i was. the door was never closed.Now she offered for my jeking the phantasie of legs and boobs !but she was my aunt! i liked and respected her like my mom but there was nothingthat i could stop my horny...

1 year ago
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Aprils One Wish

100% fiction! It's 7:39 on a Tuesday. I watch out the window as my wife April waves to my son as he runs to his school bus. After sitting down in the third row he waves frantically as the bus slowly drives away. The door opens, April sits down at the kitchen table and starts to cry. I put my hand on her shoulder, I try to comfort her but it's no use. I know what she wants, what she needs. It's up to me to make things right. April is a beautiful girl, since she had our son young her body bounced...

1 year ago
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Gina and Friends

We had decided to move to the countryside and had settled on a cottage in a sleepy village in Yorkshire. Well, that was what we thought. Over time, we slowly got to know the locals. There was something about certain individuals that didn’t come across as sleepy; in fact just the opposite.Gina was one of them, she owned the cottage just three doors away from us, but it took a while before Robert and I decided to find out what she would think of us. Gina knew everyone, absolutely everyone. Men...

4 years ago
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Exploring Adam 8

Let me describe his cock to you. I know I have already, but that was in passing. Let me really describe it to you: it was almost seven inches long, and a little more than an inch thick. He was circumcised. The head was gorgeous: flaring out about a quarter inch from the shaft, it would get swollen with desire when he was hard, and I loved little more than to trace its contours with the tip of my tongue. When he fucked me I could literally feel it pop inside me as he pushed it past my sphincter....

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Seduction of Jennifer

Mark kept flicking the pages on the internet site until he found just the right image he was searching for. It was a lovely blonde and she was on her knees sucking a huge black cock. Mark studied the way her dainty white fingers were circled around the thick shaft. The camera got a nice shot of her diamond wedding ring as her lips locked onto that thick shaft.He quickly unzipped his pants taking out his semi-hard cock and began to beat off while starring at the image. She was lovely with long...

1 year ago
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Special Pills

Today a lot of peoples buy medicine on internet. Peoples buy anxiolitycs, Viagra,sexual stimulants, pills to increase or reduce the fertility. A new website suddenly appeared, proposing brand new pill. They are cheaper than the originals but they have strange side effects. For example, their anxiolitycs (the pink pills) transformed peoples into bimbos and jocks (but they're less anxious than before so the pills work) ; their Viagra (the blue pills) increased the size of the penis ; their sexual...

2 years ago
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I just needed to do so

It was freezing cold today. I came back home in the evening. Alone. Pissed off. Cold. Hungry. I took a beer from the fridge. Yeah! I am genius! Cold beer after cold day on my cold troat! Heh. But it was good. Damn good. Increased my mood. I’ve turned music on loud. Went to take a bath. Very hot. I really needed to warm up myself. I step in to the hot, steamy water and laid down. Hot. Better. Much better and nice as the music set up the background. I started to think about a girl. A sweet,...

2 years ago
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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 13

The next ten days flew past a lot quicker than the team could believe. Trae and Kat found the lads eager pupils and did on occasion have to warn the boys to take it a bit easy as they learnt to use magic to make many tasks a lot easier. Trae also reminded them they shouldn’t fall back on magic as their first choice. Many small tasks were actually easier to do the normal way. During the daylight hours, they spent their time working on the outside tasks, and they used the evenings to do those...

4 years ago
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Pissing In The Woods

I went into a deep sleep of which I have no recollection. The first thing that I became aware of was dreaming that Susan was fondling my still raging erection. I remember feeling so happy that I was going to get my wet dream about Susan. I dreamed that she began pumping my tool as she had learned from watching me. She had said that it was so clear in her mind and that she would probably never forget the first time that she saw a guy shoot his orgasm in front of her while watching her do...

3 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 8 The Date

“Hello, Janet.” “Hello, Dexter.” “Hello, Janet,” Dexter repeated feeling like an idiot even as he did it. There was a long moment of awkward silence. Finally, Janet asked, “Why are you calling?” “I thought ... I was wondering if ... Would you go somewhere with me ... Thursday night?” Dexter asked. Confusion evident in her voice, Janet asked, “Where?” “I thought we’d go to a restaurant, and then to a jazz club,” Dexter answered. “I ... well ... you mean ... would it be like a...

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