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Adrift By Julie O Chapter One Jay Burkhart spent most of the afternoon sorting through the latest delivery. At twenty years old he had achieved the status of assistant manager at one of the many CD shops off campus. The job didn't pay that much, but there were many benefits. First, Jay got to hear the latest CDs first. Second, the hours weren't that bad. Third, it was an escape from college; no one at the shop bugged him about his life, or for that matter even cared, and that suited him fine. About to enter his third year of college, he had yet to decide on a major, and he was in no hurry. He fully planned to make the most of his time in college, and to make it last as long as possible. True, his life seemed to be adrift without purpose, but Jay didn't care. He was content to drift down the river of life. "Jay, have you finished inventorying the latest shipment?" asked Kurt Hadley, the owner of the shop. Kurt was a part-time studio musician. He had bought the shop five-years earlier coincident with receiving a large royalty check. It allowed him to pursue his dreams of opening up his own studio. He was forty-three and had been playing in various bands since he was fifteen. His ability to play various instruments had earned him a great standing among the local recording industry. Kurt Young was six-two and weighed in at two hundred pounds. He had started shaving his head the day he noticed that he was going bald. To his surprise he actually looked better without hair. While he may have looked like a biker, he was actually a very gentle man. He often brought his dog to work. Max the boxer spent most of his time at the shop asleep behind the counter. Max was the first of many strays that seemed to gravitate around Kurt. He had been driving to work when he saw the dog scrounging in a garbage can. Max was friendly enough and Kurt took him to the local animal shelter. It turned out the dog had been abandoned by some graduating college kid. Due to breed and age it was unlikely he would adopted. Kurt didn't wait to hear the alternative and Max had been his dog ever since. Kurt had built a reputation for stocking not just the latest hits by the big groups, but for having an extensive selection of local and lesser-known groups. He also had a large selection in foreign artists, which the college kids loved. "Almost done, Kurt. So far everything looks like it's here," replied Jay. Kurt nodded. He liked Jay, even though he was a college student. Kurt liked the college kids, as customers, but as employees, they were usually more trouble than they were worth. Jay, however, had worked out well. He never showed up hungover or called in "sick" at the last minute. Kurt appreciated that Jay got along with his other employees, who were an eclectic mix. Marsha was twenty-three and had been working in the store on and off for three years. Sometimes she would leave to go on tour with some local band. The pretty blonde was a good singer and was even better in bed, thought Kurt. He was also fond of her very large breasts. Every man had his weakness, and Kurt's was large boobs. Then there was Kaylee. He had hired the raven-haired beauty back in the fall. She had an excellent musically knowledge, even if she was a bit strange. She was sometimes seen in the clubs where the Goths hung out. He had seen her once walking near campus. She was dressed in a black lace dress and knee-high boots. Her makeup was heavy and dramatic. However when she worked, Kaylee usually wore a short skirt and a tight top that showed off her ample endowment. There was something different about her, but Kurt couldn't quite put his finger on it. Kurt thought that if he was few years younger he might take a stab at her. While it wasn't a requirement, most of the women that he hired had big tits. Even if he didn't touch, he liked to look. Kaylee was remarkably knowledgeable on all types of music and seemed to have a sixth sense on what his customers were looking for. Kurt had to admit she was the best salesclerk her had ever hired. Jay was your average college kid. He kept his dirty blonde hair long, almost shoulder length and was trying to grow a goatee. So far he was failing, but Kurt gave him a B for effort. He was thin, but in good shape due to the fact that he only had a bike for transportation. Kurt had made him assistant manager two months ago and so far he had no complaints. "Jay, What did we get in the latest shipment?" asked Kaylee. "This looks interesting," stated Jay, holding up a CD by an artist from West Africa. "Cool. When you get it logged in I'll put it on the stereo," replied Kaylee. "I should have it ready for you in an hour." "So do you have any plans for the evening?" asked Kaylee, as she looked at the new CDs. Jay was caught off guard by her question. This was the first time she had ever asked him about his life outside of the shop. "No real plans. I was thinking of heading to The Presidio to see the new house band. I heard they were pretty good," replied Jay. The Presidio was one of the many bars located near campus. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party with me," asked Kaylee. Jay raised an eyebrow. He had always thought Kaylee was hot, but figured that he wasn't her type. "What kind of party?" He asked suspiciously. She laughed. "No, Jay, it's not a Goth party. It's an interesting crowd though. I thought you might fit in." Jay smiled back. "Sure why not? What time?" "Cool. Come by my place around nine," replied Kaylee. "I'll write out directions for you." As he walked her walk away, he felt aroused. "Okay, Jay, get your mind back to work," he reprimanded himself. Chapter Two Jay arrived outside Kaylee's home, which thankfully was only a few blocks away from his loft. He checked the address again and looked at the building. It was an old converted machine shop. Jay walked up to the front door and rang the bell. Kaylee opened the door a few seconds later. Jay's eyes opened up when he saw her. She was dressed in a tight black leather mini-dress and leather boots. Her eyes were made up dramatically and her lips were bright red. "Wow! You look fabulous!" he blurted out. He was suddenly self- conscious about his own appearance. He was just wearing a pair of black jeans and a black silk shirt. "Thanks. Come on in," offered Kaylee. "You look cute too." Jay was immediately impressed with her home. The inside was furnished very nice. The inside of the building had been partitioned into several rooms. The living room area had several murals on the walls. He was also surprised to hear jazz playing on her stereo. He never thought someone like her would listen to jazz. There were also scented candles burning in the room, filling it with the aroma of exotic spices. "Have a seat," offered Kaylee, pointing to the couch. "Can I get you something to drink?" "Um, sure," replied Jay. "I just opened a great bottle of red wine. Let me get you a glass." She returned a few minutes later and sat down next to Jay. She handed him a glass of wine and set the bottle down in front of them on the table. "Cheers." She was right, thought Jay. The wine was excellent. "So, where's the party?" asked Jay, as he drank his wine. It was excellent, he thought. There was a slight spicy aftertaste that added to the flavor. It was also very strong. "Across campus. Don't worry, Jay, we have plenty of time. I just thought we could use this time to get to know each other better." She had slipped her arm around Jay's shoulders. He nervously took another sip of his wine. Kaylee smiled. "I'm sorry, I guess that you're not used to women being the aggressor. It's okay." Jay didn't know what to say. She was right; this was the first time he had ever been with a woman who was dominant. However, he was excited about the idea that Kaylee was interested in him. "It's not as uncommon as you might think," continued Kaylee, as she began to pull Jay closer to her. "I don't hear any complaints." Jay smiled and before he could say a word she took his glass of wine out of his hand and set it down on the table. She leaned over and began to kiss him. Soon they were kissing passionately with Kaylee's tongue pressed deep into his mouth. As Jay's arousal increased he kissed her back. Still she was obviously in control. It was a very erotic sensation for Jay and he soon gave up, ceding the power to Kaylee. As she kissed him her fingers worked the buttons of his shirt open. Her hand started to touch against his nipples. Jay felt new sensations in pleasure as she rubbed and erotically pinched his nipples. "I thought you like that," whispered Kaylee, as she began to slip down. To his surprise she began to suck on one of his nipples. She continued to massage the other. Jay closed his eyes and let her position him on his back on the couch. Kaylee was now on top of him, sucking his nipples. She would bite down slightly, increasing the pressure slightly then backing off. Jay found the sensation to be very pleasurable. His cock was by now very hard and he wondered if she would also pleasure it. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain as she bit him in the nipple. He sat up but was forced back down by Kaylee. The initial pain quickly subsided and she shifted to the other nipples. Jay moaned. "Gentle." Either she didn't hear or didn't care, because she repeated the bite on the second nipples. He winced again in pain. Before he could complain she slid down and quickly and forcefully unzipped his pants. Without a word she took his erect cock into her mouth. Jay moaned in pleasure and was saddened. He felt compelled to play with his nipples. They were still tender from Kaylee's oral pleasuring of them, but to his surprise they felt good as he touched them with gentle strokes. Kaylee worked her tongue all over his cock. It was driving him wild. He wasn't a virgin, but this was something very new to him. Sex had always been a fast and furious. Kaylee was slowly working him towards a new level in sexual bliss. His cock had never felt so hard. He moaned loudly as she worked her magic. At the same time he continued to play with his suddenly very sensitive nipples. Soon he could feel that he was about to reach orgasm. He moaned this out to Kaylee, who sucked him even harder. His breathing got heaver and it felt like his cock was about to explode. In a flash of sexual delight he came into Kaylee's mouth. She didn't stop and continued to suck him. He felt like she was literally sucking him dry, but he wasn't about to complain. He had never had an orgasm so intense in his entire life. He laid back and let Kaylee finish her job. He felt totally relaxed and his whole body was tingling. He didn't notice that Kaylee had climbed back up until he looked up and saw her leaning over him, straddling his chest. Before he could protest she leaned down and began to kiss him. She pressed her mouth down tight against his and fed him back his own seed. He was too weak to fight back and had no choice but to swallow his own cum. She sat up and looked down at him. "Very good, you swallowed nearly a whole load. That's a wonderful start. Be honest now, you liked it didn't you?" You like the taste and want more, isn't that true?" Jay was about to curse her, but instead he nodded. "Come on, sweetie, say it. Tell me that you like cum," cooed Kaylee, leaning closer to his face. "I... liked.... it," whispered Jay softly, as if to hide his shame. She smiled and shook her head. "Say it louder. Tell me that you like cum." Tears began to form in Jay's eyes. "I like cum," he answered. "There, there. That wasn't so hard to admit, was it? I love cum too. See we have so much in common. And you know what my sweet? We're going to have even more in common." She leaned down and kissed him again. Jay should have been angry yet, he was overwhelmed by his lust. As Kaylee kissed him she began to play with his nipples again. "It's okay to want to try different things," whispered Kaylee. "It's okay to change." Jay's mind was a flurry of conflicting information. It was getting hard to concentrate. Did this make him gay? Why do I feel so sleepy, he thought? "Don't fight it my sweet," whispered Kaylee, as she went back to kissing him. Jay felt his head getting very light and in a moment there was only darkness. Chapter Three Jay woke up slowly. Everything felt fuzzy and it took him a moment to realize that he was now tied up spread eagle on Kaylee's bed. He felt very weak and only made a vain attempt to free himself. The room was almost dark, illuminated by a few candles burning around the room. While he didn't feel that he was in danger, he sensed that something was wrong. Kaylee walked into the room and sat down next to him. "Well, well, you finally woke up. How're you feeling, my sweet?" "Please untie me," asked Jay weakly. "Okay, but only because you said please," replied Kaylee. She then leaned down and kissed him gently on the forehead. Jay felt so weak and could barely move. It took Kaylee's assistance to help him up. He slowly became aware that he was now partially dressed. He looked down and saw that he was wearing a black satin corset. His waist looked so small and feminine. He ran his hands down along it and noticed that he now had long nails. He held his hands out and discovered feminine polish on every finger. The color looked like it was maroon or a very dark red. "You like?" asked Kaylee. "You did this to me?" asked Jay. He was more astonished than angry. "Among other things," replied Kaylee, who leaned over and kissed him. "Come with me, you'll want to see everything in the light." She helped him off the bed and led him to a full length mirror was standing. She turned on a light and Jay had to momentarily shield his eyes. Once his eyes adjusted to the life he stared at his new image. In addition to the corset, he was wearing fishnet stockings. He ran his hands down his legs and could feel that she had removed the hair from them. He then looked at his head. He was wearing a dark red pageboy wig. He also noticed that goatee was gone from his now clean-shaven visage. His face was made up in a similar fashion to Kaylee. Eyebrows thin and arched dramatically, heavy eyeliner and eye shadow around each eye, a thick coat of mascara on each lash. His lips looked thicker and had a pouty, alluring look, dark red like his nails. In spite of himself, Jay found his new look somewhat erotic. He looked like an exceptionally sexy woman. It was when he reached up to his head that he realized that he wasn't wearing a wig. It was his own hair, dyed and cut into a feminine fashion. His eyes opened wide in a combination of horror and fascination. "That's right, my sweet, you're not wearing a wig," stated Kaylee, as if she was reading his mind. "You look much better with dark hair." Instead of complaining, he just stared at his reflection in the mirror. He reached down to his neck and felt the leather collar that he was wearing. There was a tiny steel lock preventing him from removing it. He reached up and pulled gently at the hoop earrings, confirming his fear that his ears were now pierced. "Look down at your pubic area," ordered Kaylee. He obeyed and saw that she had styled his pubic hair to look like that of a woman. The hair had been dyed the same color of his head. It may have been his imagination, but his cock looked smaller. He then looked up at his chest to find his nipples slightly swollen. Before he could contemplate what was happening, Kaylee interrupted his thoughts. "Here, put on your boots. These should fit you," stated Kaylee, as she handed him a pair of knee-high black leather boots. He stared at their spiked heels and wondered how he would ever walk in them. Without even a minimal protest, Jay sat down on a chair next to the mirror and put on the boots. "I presume you're wondering what's happening to you. You may not believe me at first, but soon you'll see that I'm not lying to you." Jay sat there with his legs crossed as a woman would. Kaylee smiled and wondered if Jay even noticed what he had done. "First off, Jay, I'm not exactly human. Oh, I was once, but that was hundreds of years ago. I've been blessed with magical powers. Yes, my sweet, I have cast a spell on you. It will take a while to complete." Jay sat there in stunned silence. Was she telling him the truth or was she just fucking with his mind, he thought. "Part of the spell was in your wine. When I bit your nipples I injected you with the second part of the spell that is slowly changing you into a woman." Jay's eyes opened up wide. "I did it because you're going no where in your life. You need a change." "You're kidding," stated Jay softly. He half expected her to start laughing at the joke she was playing on him. "No, I'm not. In addition to the physical changes there are some rather interesting mental changes. Your sex drive is going to increase and you're going to find that you're going to become increasingly submissive. You will also experience a growing acceptance of your new gender." "No way," interrupted Jay as she shook his head back and forth in denial. Kaylee smiled. "Think about it. You're already feeling the effects. You're already thinking about sex, aren't you?" He stared back and realized that she was right. It was hard to concentrate on anything but sex. "Am I right?" asked Kaylee. Jay nodded begrudgingly. "And that isn't your imagination playing tricks on you, my sweet. Your body is changing. You're growing breasts and your penis is shrinking. That first taste of cum started your journey into femininity." "Please stop it," pleaded Jay. "Why would I do that? I know that this is the right path for you. Now it is only fair that I should tell you this. You can stop it. But you can only do this if you abstain from sex. The more sex you have, the more you change. The more you change, the more your sex drive increases. It's a rather vicious circle. I've never seen anyone escape it," replied Kaylee in a matter of fact manner. "Especially since as soon as I finish dressing you, I'm taking you to a party full of very horny men." "I'm not interested in men," replied Jay shaking his head, as if to convince himself. "Oh, but you will be. Think about how good cum tastes. Remember how you swallowed every drop that I fed you? Now think about how good it will taste as you suck some man's cock. When he cums you'll enthusiastically swallow it all." To his disgust Jay felt himself getting aroused. His cock was actually getting hard as he thought about sucking another man's cock. His nipples also were getting hard. "I can see that your body knows what to do," observed Kaylee. "But they'll know I'm a man." Kaylee laughed. "They won't care. In fact some of the men at this party want, no make that, CRAVE a woman like you, Jayla." Jayla's eyes opened up wide upon hearing Kaylee's words. "Jayla?" "Yes, my sweet. That's a much more appropriate name for something as lovely as you. Now tell me your name," ordered Kaylee. Jay tried not to answer at first, but he found that he couldn't disobey her. "My name is.... Jay-la.... my name is Jayla." "That's right my sweet. It's a lovely name for a lovely woman." Jayla sat there in silence wondering if she was strong enough to abstain from further sex. Deep down, she doubted she would be and it petrified her. "Now, let's get you into a dress and we'll be on our way," stated Kaylee. "I still don't understand why you're doing this to me?" bemoaned Jayla. "My sweet, you're going nowhere in your life. You don't want responsibility or a career. That's why you've changed majors so many times." Jayla wondered how Kaylee knew so much about his life, as he had never talked much about his private life to her. It was also bothering Jayla that she was starting to think of herself as female. She didn't have time to ponder this problem as Kaylee handed her a dress, a short black tube dress. Without protest Jayla slipped it on. Kaylee adjusted it and seemed quite please how it looked on Jayla. Her pert swollen nipples stood out through the thin material. She was then handed a small black thong. "I'm going to give you a purpose in your life. Think of me as a guidance counselor," stated Kaylee, as she positioned Jayla in front of a full-length mirror. "How? By turning me into an oversexed woman?" asked Jayla, as she admired herself in the mirror. My God, thought, Jayla. I'm starting to think of myself as female! "How will that give me purpose?" "Soon, you won't have a care in the world. You'll have a man to take care of you and all you'll have to do is be his lover. You'll crave his love and you'll be his willing wife." Jayla shook her head as if to make it all disappear, as if it was all a bad dream. "It's true, my sweet. It'll be a wonderful life. You'll be taken care of by a man who'll love and adore you." "Please.... I don't want to be a woman," pleaded Jayla "Nonsense." Kaylee held out a small purse. "The beginning is always the worst part. Soon you won't want to resist anymore. Eventually you'll have a hard time accepting that you were ever a man. Here, I prepared a purse for you. Now let's go have some fun!" Chapter Four Kaylee drove them to the party. It was almost one-thirty in the morning when they left. "When did the party start?" asked Jayla, feeling suddenly energized. "Around ten, but they never get going until after midnight. Now, don't worry. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. This is a very cool crowd." "Are they like you? Magically, I mean," asked Jayla. She was surprised how little she was resisting. "No. They're all mortals. Many are musicians or in the music business. You might even run into someone you know." "I still like women," emphasized Jayla. "So do I, my sweet, so do I. But you're craving cock now. You want to feel one slip in and out of your mouth, don't you?" In spite of herself, Jayla nodded. "Say it, my sweet," ordered Kaylee. "I...I...I want cock," replied Jayla. The more she thought about it the more desirable the idea seemed. "I want to suck cock." "Yes, of course you do," comforted Kaylee. "You see how hard it is to fight those feelings." Jayla nodded. Her mind was filled with the pleasure she would have from servicing her lovers. They arrived at the party. It was located in an old warehouse, far away from the nearest home. Kaylee led Jayla by the arm inside and towards the bar. Jayla was surprised by how easy it was to walk in the boots. She also liked the way her body swayed as she walked. Jayla suddenly realized what she was thinking and tried to shake the ideas of her head. "Two glasses of red wine please," she ordered. The bartender leered at them and handed them their wine. Loud techno music was blaring on the sound system Jayla wondered what the others thought of her as they walked across the room. She could see men studying her, watching as she walked in her high heel boots. "You see that hallway?" asked Kaylee, pointing to her right. Jayla nodded. "Down there are the private rooms. That's where you'll go when you meet Mr. Right, or Mr. Right-Now." Jayla blushed slightly at what Kaylee was telling her. She sipped her wine and wished that she would wake up from this strange dream. "Don't worry about catching anything. The spell protects you from everything," reassured Kaylee. "Don't look now, but we've got company." "Kaylee! How're you doing my love?" greeted a large muscular man in a black silk suit. He leaned over and kissed Kaylee. "Jonathan, it's so good to see you. This is my friend Jayla," introduced Kaylee. Jonathan ran his eyes over Jayla and nodded knowingly. He then took Jayla's hand in his and kissed it. "Very nice, very nice indeed." Jayla glanced over at the African-American man standing next to Jonathan. He was tall and very muscular. He looked over Jayla and smiled. "Jayla, this is my friend Zac." They sat down on a couch. As they talked she noticed that Zac was more interested in Kaylee. She was just about to feel safe when she felt Jonathan's arm slip around her waist. She had never felt so small and helpless in her entire life. However, the fear slipped away quickly as her lust grew. Without a thought she cuddled up close to Jonathan. He looked down at her with eyes filled with lust. With his free hand he ran it down the front of her dress, brushing by her erect nipples. He also swept by her crotch and brushed against Jayla's cock. He smiled and leaned close and whispered in her ear. "You're a very special girl, aren't you?" Jayla, realizing what he was saying, nodded. "I love girls like you. You know why?" he asked seductively. Jayla shook her head. Jonathan smiled. "Because you know how to please real men. Girls like you know what a man wants." He leaned over and kissed her. This was the first time in her life that she kissed a man. There was little if any resistance, as Jayla's increasing sexual urges took over. She loved how his strong arms pulled her close to him. She loved how his tongue pressed deep into her mouth. She felt her nipples hardening and her panties getting damp. In spite of herself, she was being extremely aroused. She also noticed that she was trembling slightly, more from excitement than fear. Jonathan reached down and positioned her hand on top of his bulge. Without a word, she began to rub his increasingly hardening cock. It was much larger than hers she thought and she fantasized how it would feel in her mouth. Jonathan smiled and stood up and began to lead Jayla towards the private rooms. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Kaylee wink at her. Jayla knew what would happen if she went in the room with Jonathan, but she was unable to resist. She knew that the next time would be even harder to fight, but she didn't care. She needed to be with him. She craved his love. The room was small. The only piece of furniture was a bed. Jonathan sat her down on the bed, and then eased his body next to hers. He soon began to kiss and caress her entire body. The wave of sexual pleasure building in Jayla made it impossible for her to resist. Jonathan reached under her dress and pulled out her erect cock. He then unzipped his pants and pulled out his much larger cock. He moved Jayla's hands onto it and she began to stroke it. He did the same to her. The whole time he told her what a sweet little sissy she was, how cute her little cockette was. Instead of making her angry, Jayla only became more aroused. "I want you to cum first and then I want you to suck me off," whispered Jonathan. Jayla nodded and she moaned as he began to stroke her cockette. It didn't take long for her to reach arousal and she screamed in pleasure as she came. "Lick it up, my love," ordered Jonathan, as he held out his cum coated hand. Jayla eagerly licked each finger, sucking it, as it was a cock. She began to feel a weird dizzy sensation as she swallowed her own cum. As soon as she licked up the last of her seed from his fingers the sensation passed. "Very good, my love. Now, down on your knees." Jayla obeyed. As she positioned herself in from of Jonathan she couldn't take her eyes off his erect cock. "You want it, don't you?" asked Jonathan. Jayla looked up and nodded. "Yes, I want your cock." He smiled. "Beg for it." "Please, I want your cock. Please let me suck you," pleaded Jayla. She found that she really wanted his cock. She was running on pure animal instinct now and the only thing on her mind was fulfilling her desires. Jonathan smiled and nodded as Jayla continued to beg for his cock. "Take it, my dear." Jayla felt like she was moving in slow motion as she went down on his erect member. Instantly she knew what she had to do. She started by kissing and licking the head. Then she went down to the base, licking and kissing it. She actually felt a sense of pride as Jonathan moaned his approval. She then began to take him into her mouth. This was something that would have sickened her just a few hours earlier, yet now she sucked him as if she had been doing it all her life. Jonathan's hands wrapped around her head as she bobbed up and down on his cock. Jayla knew that when he came she would be one step closer to being a woman, yet she couldn't stop. His moans only encouraged her to suck him faster. His sounds reached a crescendo and he began to cum into her willing and very eager mouth. Jayla swallowed every precious drop and licked his cock clean. "Damn, Jayla, that was the best blowjob I've ever had," moaned Jonathan. Jayla closed her eyes and felt momentarily dizzy. She quickly recovered and soaked in the afterglow of pleasuring Jonathan. Jayla then stood up and instinctively checked her makeup in the mirror. She then noticed that her face was slightly different. It was softer, more round. Her lips were thicker. I really am changing, she thought. Her eyes were drawn to her chest. Her nipples were definitely bigger. She reached down and pulled down the top of her dress. She was definitely growing breasts. Instead of being horrified, she was filled with a desire to see them even bigger! "I'll walk you back out," offered Jonathan. "You were wonderful." "Thank you. I'd like that," replied Jayla. Was it her imagination or was her voice softer and higher pitched? Back out in the main room Jonathan kissed her and walked away. Jayla immediately scanned the room for Kaylee. She found her near the bar. "Well, how was it?" asked Kaylee with a grin, handing her a glass of wine. "It was great," replied Jayla honestly, as she eagerly drank her wine. "I can tell. You're breasts are getting bigger, and so is you ass," whispered Kaylee. "Follow me." Jayla glanced over her shoulder and twisted around to confirm Kaylee's statement. They walked across the room again and sat down on a couch. "I told you that it would easy. You now know that you can't resist, don't you?" Jayla nodded. "But what will happen to me?" "You're becoming Jayla. Soon Jay won't exist anymore and you won't care." "But this isn't right," argued Jayla. "Why? So, you were born a male, where is it written that you have to live you whole life as one?" Jayla just stared back. "And don't tell me that having sexual diversity isn't wrong either. Jonathan obviously found you sexual attractive, and appealing. Obviously you liked him too. I like all kinds of partners. I find you very attractive, Jayla." "It's all too confusing," replied Jayla, as she tried to clear her mind. "I know, my sweet. Your mind is too preoccupied with having sex to discuss philosophy. Would you be surprised to learn that our boss, Kurt, like girls like you?" Jayla stared back at Kaylee. "No way!" Kaylee smiled. "Trust me, he would find you very attractive." Jayla's mind was suddenly filled with the idea of having sex with her boss. Her sexual fantasies were interrupted by a man's voice. "Hi, beautiful," greeted the man. Jayla looked up at the man. He was short and out of shape. He was dressed rather sloppy; with his polyester shirt's collar was half out from under his inexpensive leather jacket. Additionally, he was wearing too much cheap aftershave. It smelled like Old Spice. She glanced over at Kaylee in horror at the thought of being with the man. "Go away!" interrupted Kaylee harshly, as she put her arm around Jayla. "I wasn't talking to you," snapped the man to Kaylee. He glared at Kaylee. "I am talking to you. Now go away!" growled Kaylee. "Fuck you, bitch," sneered the man. He looked around the room and walked away angrily. He turned and stared angrily at them. "Fuckin' dykes!" "Ignore him. You're way too good for him. Your sex drive is high, but you're not a whore," comforted Kaylee. She looked to her right and smiled. "Now here comes a real man." She turned around to see a handsome man walking towards them. He had shoulder length blonde hair. He also had a full beard and moustache. His eyes were light green and locked on Jayla. "I can always count on you to be with a hot friend, Kaylee," greeted the man. He leaned down and gave her a long sensuous kiss. "Taylor, meet Jayla," introduced Kaylee. He gave Jayla an equally passionate kiss. "I haven't seen you here before, Jayla." "She's new here," interjected Kaylee. "Ah, a virgin!" quipped Taylor. "I didn't say that," retorted Kaylee. Jayla felt her face get warm as she blushed. He sat down next to Jayla and slipped his arm around her. "Well, why don't you two get to know each other better. I need to use the little girl's room." Jayla suddenly recognized his voice. He was one of the DJs on her favorite radio station. Taylor smiled and ran his eyes over Jayla, undressing her. His hand reached up and tugged playfully at her collar. "So, I take it you like to be controlled?" asked Taylor. Jayla nodded. "You're very beautiful. Are you still functional?" he whispered. Jayla realizing what he was asking nodded. She also began to blush again slightly. Taylor smiled again. "I bet you'd love to wrap those luscious lips around my cock, wouldn't you?" Jayla nodded. As expected her resistance was almost gone. She couldn't wait to have sex with him. She instinctively licked her lips. Taylor pulled her close and began to kiss her. It was a new experience for her, kissing a man with a beard. It was surprisingly stimulating. "Hey, Taylor, looks like you're having a good time," announced a male voice. "Bobby! I was just about to be entertained by sweet Jayla here. Say, Jayla, I bet you'd be willing to do both of us, how bout it?" asked Taylor. Jayla knew she couldn't say no, even if she wanted to. She glanced around for Kaylee, but not seeing her, she nodded. The urges were too strong. Besides Bobby was almost as good looking as Taylor. He was about the same size, but didn't have Taylor's beard. Taylor and Booby led Jayla back to one of the private rooms. Once in the room the two men sat down on the bed. They ordered Jayla down on her knees in front of them. "Play with that little clitty of yours as you suck me," ordered Taylor. "But don't cum until you get us both off." Jayla obeyed and began to kiss and lick Taylor's cock. She wasn't sure but as she pleasured herself, her own cock felt smaller. As with Jonathan, Jayla proved that she was fast becoming an expert at pleasuring men and soon her mouth was filled with her reward. The same sensation of dizziness followed his climax. She quickly recovered and began to suck off Bobby. "My God, Taylor, you were right, she's great!" exclaimed Bobby. "Yes, she's probably the best cocksucker at this party," noted Taylor. 'I'm a cocksucker,' thought Jayla, as she pleasured Taylor. 'I'm an oversexed slut.' But strangely these thoughts only made her feel happy, as if being a slut was a compliment. As with Taylor, Bobby didn't last very long before he came and Jayla had pleasured her third man of the evening. At the same time she also achieved orgasm. The familiar wave of dizziness swept through her body. "Jayla, you're making the right choice. You suck cock like a woman, not a man," stated Bobby. "I agree, Jayla," added Taylor. "You're way too feminine to be a guy." The two men kissed her goodbye and then left. They didn't wait for her to get cleaned up. Jayla lay on the floor for several minutes, until she had the strength to stand up. She looked in the mirror and saw that she had changed some more. Her breasts were now up to a full B- Cup. She looked down and saw that her cock was now much smaller. It was soft and barely an inch long. It was also much thinner in diameter. Her balls were almost gone. Jayla didn't stop to contemplate her loss of her manhood. She turned her back to the mirror and glanced over her shoulder. As Kaylee had said, her ass was bigger along with her hips. She then began to notice that her once muscular legs and arms were thinner and softer. Her hands and wrists looked down right dainty now! There was no way she could pass as a male anymore. This should have depressed her, but she felt the exact opposite. She was very excited at how feminine she looked. The compliments from Taylor and Bobby made her feel good, all tingly inside. She reapplied her makeup and left the room. The feel of her breasts gently bouncing as she walked aroused her, a constant erotic stimulation that made her throb with anticipation. A few minutes later she saw Kaylee talking to the bartender. Kaylee waved her over. "There you are. Judging by your looks, you've been busy," observed Kaylee. "Let me guess, Taylor's boyfriend, Bobby joined you?" "They're boyfriends?" exclaimed a stunned Jayla. "Of course!" laughed Kaylee. "Obviously you don't have any Gaydar!" Jayla shook her head in disbelief. "Since you did so well with that couple, I have some very special friends for you to meet! I ran into them while you were entertaining Taylor and Bobby. They're very excited about meeting you," Kaylee took Jayla by the hand and led her towards a couch on the other side of the room. On the way over she told Jayla that the couple owned several bars and clubs in the campus area. Jayla could see a man and a woman sitting together on the large red divan, drinking champagne. He was white and in his thirties Jayla estimated. He had a slight receding hairline, was clean-shaven. He was also in good shape, judging by the muscles in his bare arms. Dressed in his matching black jeans and a short sleeve t-shirt, Jayla decided he was pretty cute, as was his companion. Jayla smiled; at least she still was attracted to women! The woman was oriental and extremely attractive. Jayla thought she might be Chinese. She was wearing a very short red silk dress that flowed sinuously over her body. The couple noticed Kaylee approaching and their eyes lit up. "Kaylee!" greeted the man. "So, is she the one you were telling us about?" asked the woman hopefully. "Yes, this is my newest project, Jayla. I was hoping that you two could show her a good time," replied Kaylee. "It'll be our pleasure," giggled the woman. "And her's too," added the man. Chapter Five The couple introduced themselves as Brad and Jade. Jayla found herself sitting between them on the couch. The couple soon had their hands all over her, stroking her with care and with practiced effect. By now the power of the spell had broken what little resistance was left in Jayla. She did not offer any fight, instead surrendering completely to the amorous couple's advances. Jade had her delicate, soft and warm hands all over Jayla's growing breasts, slowly rubbing her fingers gently across Jayla's nipples. Jayla moaned in uncontrollable pleasure. At the same time Brad was kissing her, his tongue mastering her own with dominant thrusts, while he confidently placed her hand on top of his bulging jeans. Jayla looked past Brad and noticed that they were attracting a small but attentive audience. Instead of embarrassing her, it only made her more aroused. Her small penis was hard and straining against her panties. "I think we better go somewhere more private," whispered Jade. "Too bad. I bet they'd all love to watch us fuck right here," replied Brad. The couple stood up and escorted Jayla back to the rooms. By now the only thing on Jayla's mind was feeling Brad's cock in her mouth. She was overwhelmed by her lust and couldn't wait to serve her newest lovers. Once inside the room, Brad and Jade slowly undressed Jayla. "We want to see how feminine you really are," whispered Jade into Jayla's ear, as she removed Jayla's dress. Soon they had her down to just her corset, stocking and boots. They ordered her to model for them. "You have very nice breasts for a T-girl," complimented Brad with a lusty look in his eyes. "I agree, they're almost as big as mine," added Jade, who took off her top. "Come here, Jayla, and suck my nipples." Jayla immediately obeyed and began to kiss, lick, and suck Jade's pert nipples. When she was Jay, she considered herself pretty good at sucking nipples. She was pleased to see that Jade obviously agreed that she hadn't lost any of her skill. "Oh, Brad, if she's half as good at sucking cock, as she is at sucking tits, you're going to love her!" moaned Jade. "Well, I guess I better see if you're right," replied Brad. He gently eased Jayla away from Jade and moved her head down on top of his now exposed penis. Just a few hours ago, Jayla would have considered the idea of orally pleasing a man abhorrent, but that was then. She eagerly took Brad's cock into her willing mouth and began to apply the skills she had learned that night. "Oh..." moaned Brad. "Damn, she's good." "Tell me everything," asked Jade, who was sitting right next to him. She ran her hands through Jayla's hair. Brad described Jayla's proficiency in oral sex in florid prose to his lover. As Jayla listened it only made her more excited. He seemed to like how she licked the very tip of his cock. Jayla was sure that she would soon be tasting his come. However, he lifted Jayla's head off his cock before he climaxed. Jayla was definitely disappointed and the hurt look on her face said it all. "Don't worry, pet. You'll get your treat," comforted Jade. "But, it's my turn first!" Brad then pulled Jade close to him and continued undressing her. As Jayla watched, he began to fuck her right in front of her. She was fascinated and licked her lips watching Brad's cock slide in and out of Jade's smooth hairless pussy. Jade pulled Jayla close and began to kiss her as Brad began to run his hands over Jayla's breasts. This was something totally new and overwhelming to Jayla. She remembered how she always wanted to try a three-some. She never expected that she would be one of the two women in the group. Brad thrust his cock harder and faster into Jade. Jayla sensed that they would soon be reaching orgasm. Brad and Jade screamed out ecstatically as they came. Jayla watched anxiously as Brad continued to thrust in and out of Jade. He then ceased his motion and pulled his cock out. "Okay, Jayla, now it's time for your treat. Please clean us both up." Jayla obeyed and started on Brad. She got down on her knees and began to gently lick and kiss Brad's cock. She swallowed every drop of his seed as she licked him clean. She then turned her attention to Jade, who was lying on her back. She felt no revulsion at the idea of giving oral to a woman who had just had sex with another man. Jayla eagerly went down on Jade and thrust her tongue gently into her waiting vagina. Jade's smooth hairless body only increased Jayla's excitement. Jade emitted a low moan and held Jayla's head down as she worked, seeming to gain increased stimulation from the grasp. Jayla found that she loved the taste of the combination of fluids. She felt the familiar wave of dizziness as she cleaned up Jade, but she was able to work though it. Her own breasts were now larger, and there was little masculinity left in Jayla, just a very small erect penis between her legs. "Oh Jayla, that's so cute and dainty!" exclaimed Jade. "I just have to taste it." Jayla realized that she was referring to her small penis. "It's such a cute clitty," agreed Brad. "You're making the right choice, Jayla. You're too sweet to be a guy," added Jade, as she played with Jayla's clitty. Jayla moaned in pleasure as Jade began to lick and kiss her diminutive sex organ. Jade was very good at giving oral gratification, thought Jayla. She soon felt an orgasm building and her moaning got louder. She tried to pull back, but Jade dominated her actions and in a flash of sexual ecstasy Jayla came into Jade's mouth. Jade continued sucking for a few more moments and then and pulled Jayla close and kissed her, sharing Jayla's seed between them. "Oh that was luscious," declared Jade huskily. "I love the taste of a t-girl, it's so much sweeter than that of a man." They cleaned up and while they were dressing, Jade commented that Jayla should get her clitty pierced. To her amazement, Jayla agreed. "Oh yes, and get your tongue pierced too. You're such an oral creature and it will drive your lovers wild," instructed Jade. She stuck her own tongue out to show Jayla her piercing. Jayla nodded meekly. "Trust me on that one, Jayla. You can drive a man wild with a pierced ring," added Brad. "I also suggest that you get your all pubic hair removed. It feels so nice being smooth down there," added Jade. "Call me, I can tell you the woman who removed my hair, permanently." Jayla took the business card that Jade handed her. "I will." "That was truly wonderful, my sweet Jayla," said Jade in soft and silky tones, as she finished dressing. "I agree. Hopefully we'll see you around," added Brad. Jayla just nodded and smiled back. They kissed and the couple left. Jayla went back to dressing as she admired her bigger breasts. They looked so natural and Jayla felt as if she had always had them. She reapplied her makeup and headed out to find her friend Kaylee. As Jayla walked across the room she noticed how much more her breasts bounced with each movement. She loved how her rounded hips swayed with each step and she giggled slightly thinking how she initially fought the changes. She reflected on Jade's parting advice. There was no shame in being good at something, she thought. Kaylee watched approvingly as Jayla approached. "Well, it's a good thing that I listened to my intuition. He should be here any minute," remarked Kaylee, as she admired Jayla's increasingly feminized body. "If I let you go much further, then you'll be nothing more than a common whore. It's time you met your man." "My man? Who are you talking about?" asked Jayla. "Kurt. He'll be here any minute," answered Kaylee. "Kurt? Our boss?" replied a shocked Jayla. "Sure. Trust me he'll love you!" "I can't have sex with Kurt!" "Why not?" Jayla stood there speechless, unable to come up with a reason. Her mind began to shift to the thought of being with Kurt. The idea of being with him was suddenly very appealing. "He's.... he's my boss," stammered Jayla, as she tried to get the appealing image of being with Kurt out of her mind. Kaylee shook her head. "Wrong my sweet, he was Jay's boss. You're not Jay, you're Jayla, and he's about to be your lover." Jayla sat there speechless, absorbing what Kaylee had just said. She was right, Kurt wasn't her boss and she definitely wasn't a college guy named Jay. "This is like some weird dream. I keep thinking that I'll wake up," sighed Jayla aloud. "Considering that you've been sleepwalking through your whole life that would make sense," replied Kaylee softy. "It's time you woke up and starting living life, just not existing." Jayla looked over at Kaylee and cocked her head. Kaylee took Jayla by the hand and led her to the side. "I called Kurt because I want you to be with him. Not just tonight in a pleasure room, but from now on. He needs someone in his life and you need someone to love. Your transformation will stop when you've the body that Kurt desires the most." "You mean that?" asked Jayla. "Yes, you'll be his woman. I happen to know that he fantasizes about being with a girl with a clitty like yours, so he'll find you very attractive. You also have the many of the same interests. So in some weird way, I guess I'm a matchmaker too." "Does he know who I am?" "Yes, but when you wake up with him he'll only know Jayla. Look, there he is. Go to him," ordered Kaylee. Jayla nodded and she walked nervously towards her boss. "Hi Kurt," she greeted seductively. Kurt turned around and stared at the beautiful woman standing in front of him. There was confusion on his face as he looked at her. "Jay... Jayla?" She nodded and moved closer to him. His initial confusion was rapidly replaced by lust. His massive arms surrounded her and pulled her close to his body. She looked up into his eyes and could see that he wanted her badly, not just for the night, but also for the rest of their lives. Kaylee walked over and handed Kurt the key to the lock on Jayla's collar. "Have fun. She's all yours now." Chapter Six Jayla was lying next to Kurt in his bedroom. He was asleep and she would be soon. She ran her hands over her now E-Cup breasts. Figures that Kurt wanted a woman with big breasts, she thought. Her hand slipped down to her nub of a penis she now had. When it was hard it was less than two inches long. Kurt thought it was cute and wouldn't think of getting rid of it. It was truly tiny compared to Kurt's large cock. She never thought she'd crave something so badly. Her mind drifted back thinking how he had made love to her that night. A satisfied smile slowly formed on her face. Jayla knew that when she woke up she wouldn't be in Kurt's bed; she would be in their bed. It was strange, but she was truly happy, maybe for the first time in her life. Her sex drive was still high, but controllable. Kurt had a large sexual appetite, but he didn't desire just a sexal slave. Jayla could feel herself happily and willingly changing into his dream woman. It was nice to know that she already had many of the traits he was looking for. They even both shared the same love of music. She loved him so badly. Jayla fought to stay awake a little bit longer. She hoped that Kaylee would be there when she woke up, but something told her that her mysterious friend would be long gone. She wanted to thank her. Chapter Seven Jayla woke up the next to her sleeping lover, Kurt. She slipped out of bed and admired her naked body. Yes, she still had a small clitty, but the rest of her was all woman. Amazingly there had been other changes throughout the night, she noticed. Somehow her tongue had been pierced. She then suddenly remembered how she had it pierced a year ago, just after she moved in with Kurt. He loved the feel of her pierced tongue against his cock and so did she. Likewise, her little clitty was now pierced through the head. She could actually remember Kurt holding her hand and comforting her when she had it done. It was weird how she now had memories that were new, yet she knew they were real. As she showered she ran her hands over her luscious body. Kurt especially loved that she had no pubic hair. Jade's friend had worked her craft over the past few months. Jayla was pleased to see that her wardrobe was a bit more mainstream than the dress she had worn the previous night. Last night? Wait a minute, she though. Kurt and I stayed in last night and listened to the new CD that he had played on and then we went to bed for some great sex. She looked in the closet and couldn't find any of the clothes she had worn at the club. It had to have been a dream, she thought. She focused and realized that her life and history was rewriting itself. She had memories of having sex with her lover last night, yet at the same time she knew she had spent the night at a sex party. It was really strange, she thought. She didn't worry about this as she now felt a sense of love and purpose in her life that she had never felt before. She dressed in a denim skirt and sleeveless T-shirt. She smiled at the way the material seemed to flow over her massive firm breasts. Kurt loved her big breasts and their sensitive nipples. She felt slightly aroused as she thought about how he loved to suck those. She also loved the way he would sometimes fuck her tits. She thought about what had happened and wasn't sure it was real. Had she really been a man named Jay? Was Kaylee real? Her memories of what had happened the previous night were fading like a dream. It had to have been a dream, she thought. I've been with Kurt for over a year. Yet, she had memories that just yesterday she had been college boy named Jay and that a woman named Kaylee had transformed her into the woman she was today, but that didn't seem possible. Jayla focused for a moment and remembered something about a magical spell, but the specifics seemed hazy. Jayla found her purse and examined its contents. Sure enough her driver's license stated that she was Jayla Young, female. True, she and Kurt weren't legally married, but they considered themselves a couple. Jayla had her name changed six-months ago. Her gender was listed as female. Thankfully she lived in a state that allowed one to change their gender legally to match what's inside. She looked through the rest of her purses contents. Everything seemed to be in place. There was no sign of her ever being a college student named Jay Burkhart. Jayla ran through her memories. She had never attended college; in fact she had dropped out of high school when she couldn't stand being a guy anymore. Jayla's family had thrown her out of the house and she hitchhiked around until she met Kurt in a bar. He had been playing with the band and they fell in love immediately. The fact that she was transgendered only increased his interest in her. He had taken her in and for all practical purposes she was now his wife. Kurt loved and protected her. He also wanted her to take the GED and get her diploma. She was content to help him out in the shop and to be his loving wife. She looked around their house. There were several photos of her with Kurt. Her favorite one was of them with Max at the beach. She continued to look around the house and the only thing unusual was that nothing was unusual. This was her house and home. Max rubbed up next her leg and then rolled over on his back so she could rub his belly. Jayla squatted down and rubbed his chest. Jayla knew that if Max accepted her then everything would be okay. He wagged his stub of tail in approval of the belly rub. After Kurt left for work she headed to the old converted machine shop while she still remembered what had happened. Okay, it was all probably some weird dream, but she had to check it out. She wasn't totally surprised when she found that it was not only empty, but in a total state of collapse. It had been empty for years, if not decades. It seemed to be a fitting end to the story. "That was the most realistic dream that I've ever had" she exclaimed aloud to herself. As she drove over to the store, she had only one regret. She never thanked Kaylee in the dream for giving her a new life. By the time she reached the shop, she had totally forgotten about her former life. Kaylee watched from the outside the shop as Jayla greeted her husband with a passionate kiss. Neither Kurt nor Jayla had any memories of her now. They were a great couple and she ensured that they would always be together and deeply in love. They both deserved that. It was time to move on, thought Kaylee. She hadn't transformed anyone's gender in decades and had forgotten how satisfying it was. "I think I'll see if there's anyone else around here who's life could use a change," she remarked to herself as she casually strolled towards the college. End

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A Ride in the Country

I have been seeing my ex girlfriend’s mother for over a month now, I can’t belive I did not notice how sexy she was when I was going out with her daughter nearly twenty-five years ago. She was in her forties then and in her prime, what a fool I was back then.I have not seen my ex girlfriend yet until her mother is sure she can handle the news of us two being friends. We have finished painting her house and as a treat, I’m taking her for a drive into the country this hot summer’s day,Its just...

2 years ago
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Bus Trip Home

Bus Trip HomeBy Miss Anonna It was another Easter and that meant going home for Sunday dinner with the family. Mom and Dad were excited that I was coming back to Tennessee to see them once again and I was just happy to get out of New York for the weekend and of course see the ‘rents again and the great family farm. As much as I loved the drive, I was a bit pressed for time so I had figured that if I took the bus I would have a better chance at getting there on time. It seems that every time I...

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TLPChapter 3

Gideon lived in a decidedly classy part of town. As we approached his neighbourhood, the streets got wider, the houses larger. Hubert kept glancing out the back of the car, but he couldn't see anyone following us. Cyrus drove, and in the meantime called his brother on his cellphone to let him know we were on our way. I had time to realise that it was light outside. I'd completely lost track. The car trundled into a large U-shaped driveway, up to the main entrance of the large brick house...

1 year ago
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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 16

We formed up the unit on the company street at 0900 hrs, and marched off in a column of platoon shortly following that. The march to the exercise area required more than an hour before we reached the location where we dropped off the First Platoon to begin their portion of the exercise. The other platoons followed in order. Captain Prawit and his assistants would be grading the First and Second Platoons initially, while Sergeant Chung and I would have the Third and Fourth Platoons. We would...

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My first gay gangbang

I met Peter, the guy I gave oral sex in an xrated cinema, at a cafe, he recognise me and after offering me a coffee and some small chat he invited me to a little party for his birthday. Peter, now that i could see him in daylight, was around 60-65, short and bald and with a bit of a belly, he wasn't what i would call and Adonis but I accepted his invite. When i got to his house, 4 other men were already there, all the same age and the same built. After introducing me to his friends Peter did...

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Anne and MaryChapter 21 Mary

I talked with Aunt Bessie for a long time Monday night. I told her about the stables, The Bay, and all the rest. Along with all the chatter, she said one important thing to me. "Mary, you follow your heart. Don't forget to think first; know what the risks are. But if your heart says go, do it." She had some things to say about the stables, too. "This Sarah lady is sharp. I did teach you to ride using Western Pleasure Riding methods, because it's so efficient. She saw it. I always...

3 years ago
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A Humiliating Week Away Part 2

If you read part 1, you’ll know that I had been fortunate enough to witness the nude spanking of Kate. Since I arrived for my weeks stay Aunty had been threatening to spank me in the same way and I was determined to avoid that fate, but I hadn’t counted on the cunning of a teenage girl with the same determination to get revenge. After breakfast on the Tuesday morning I was allowed to spend the morning with Kate and her friends Sarah and Pauline round at Sarah’s and for the first time I was...

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Land down Under

It was hot and steamy as we arrived at the airport in Brisbane for the long journey home to Boston. This was the end of a month long camper van vacation in Australia, and I, for one, was overjoyed to be heading back to some normalcy. For an entire month my wife Anne (I call her "the queen") had avoided sex in the camper van, or anywhere else for that matter, since "the children are nearby." - The irony of her way of thinking will be evident shortly. Actually, she is not very interested in sex...

4 years ago
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Second Visit to a Gay Sauna

I promised to write about my experiences in the sauna and in the Jacuzzi, but, to be honest, I had a far better experience lately on a visit to a different club. Well, there was no Jacuzzi, but they had a steam room, a sauna, a dark room, a glory hole, a TV lounge showing porn and a relaxing lounge with soft drinks and normal TV. After stripping naked and donning a skimpy towel, I headed for the showers before exploring the rest of the club's facilities. I had taken a Chinese form of Viagra...

Oral Sex
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This comes as my story to start with and good responses and I have a stock of one story every day to share and enjoy. Let’s come straight to the point now. I was in Dubai at that time say in 2009 and used to freak out at the discs and pubs on week end nights.One such Friday night I was at a premium disc on Sh. Zayed Road with my friend and his girlfriend night was getting lovely with every number played and people were chilling out to the max and we had already booked the table for us to make...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 64

"Give me a couple of minutes to make up a folder for Gina," Jack said. "That's fine. I'll go put on the coffee." I took the plate with the two cinnamon rolls on it and put it on the kitchen table, then started a pot of coffee. I went to the freezer and put the rest of the cinnamon buns on a plate and put them in the microwave, not turning it on yet. Jack came in and sat down at the table, grabbing one of the rolls. The coffee maker went through its dying gurgles and I poured a couple...

4 years ago
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Beginning of a Sub and Dom Relationship Part 1

When I had finally gotten him back to the house, I sent him off to the living room while I headed to the kitchen to pour myself a stiff drink. Once I had downed my scotch I headed to the bedroom to change into some more comfortable clothes and to grab some supplies. After gearing up I went back to the living room.Arriving back in the living room I spied Jeff sitting nervously on the couch.“Why don’t you come over here and say hello.” I said.Jeff quickly got up off the couch and started to walk...

1 year ago
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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 4 Where Is She

"I wonder why Lisa isn't back yet?" asked Samantha of nobody in particular at about this time. (Lisa's twelfth week away) She had been looking forward to having her friend back weeks ago. "They've added some extra weeks to her punishment, Sam!" It was Sandra, that veteran of solitary, who answered her." It's so easy to slip up in your first days! And remember Lisa was new to prison life. By the time she'd learnt the ropes and come to appreciate just how strict things are here, she...

3 years ago
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Mistress of Five Oaks

Mistress of Five Oaks Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in the dictionaryof dreams I keep on my bedside table, to see if there is any significance tothis particular nighttime vision. It seems a dream of a black horse is a dreamof passion. Considering all that has happened in the past weeks, I am not surprised. For the first time in months there is a man in my bed. I'd had the samedream the night before and I managed to get back to sleep. But tonight sleepwouldn't...

1 year ago
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Evening At The CastleChapter 13 A Visit With Marianne

Friday dawned dark, gloomy and rainy, the kind of day I wished I could pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep, but remembering my appointment this evening, I instead reluctantly got up and stepped into the shower. The hot stinging spray quickly cleared my mind and I began ticking off all the things I needed to accomplish before Marianne's driver arrived at six o'clock. After drying off and slipping into my robe I called Room Service and asked for Bridget. She picked up almost...

2 years ago
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The Dirty DoctorsChapter 10

It did not take Dr. Harris long, he was ready to cum. He wanted to prolong his pleasure so he pulled his cock out of Linda and told Peter to open his mouth and get him wet. He pushed forward into Peter's mouth, where he fucked it for a few strokes and then back into Linda's warm hot cunt. He shoved himself as deep as he could inside of Linda. He just buried it all the way inside before he came inside of her. Peter could see the doctor's balls churning in his nut sack as he fed his wife his...

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A Study in ScarletEpilogue part 2

"Oh, he just walked in, Pat. Hold on." Julia said as John strode into the office. He nodded at his secretary and told her that he would take it in his office. Closing the door behind me he sank into his desk chair and grinned as he picked up the phone. "Hi, Patty. Glad I didn't miss your call." "Hi, Johnny. Got your message to call you at your office. What's up? Everything okay I hope." Patty said. "Oh, sure. Everything is hunky dory, Pat. Couldn't be better. The sun's shining...

3 years ago
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"Where are we going?" I asked, staring out the window into the cloudy skies. Tyler had made me put on a short skirt and no panties before we left the house. I wasn't sure what he had in mind for the day but I was a bit bored. I was also horny but all of my sexual advances had been rebuffed by him. I was confused as to why he would tell me to put on a skirt with no underwear and then not fuck me. I was frustrated."It's a surprise!" he said with excitement. "Try to at least look a little bit...

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Becky and Her Son Chapter 4

Becky was fixing breakfast the following morning when she felt her son behind her. She was wearing a short nightgown and, of course, no panties. She swooned when his hands slipped around her and to her tits. She leaned back into him as he found her naked tits under the gown. "Mmmmm," she murmured when she felt his lips on her neck. "Oh, the pancakes are going to burn," she said, making no move to pull away. "Turn the burner off," John said. Becky reached down and shut off the gas...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Riley Star Sexually Frustrated Stepsister

My stepsister Riley is nothing but trouble, and I’m not complaining! We’ve fooled around before, but now’s the chance to really fuck each other since step-mom and step-dad aren’t around.. She grabs my hand and pulls me towards her natural petite body. “I want you so bad..” She looks at me with her big blue eyes and pulls my cock out to suck on. I sit back and enjoy her lips wrapped around me, stroking my cock as she blows me. Riley turns around and bounces...

1 year ago
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My sisters Always Hot

My sister's Always Hot I used to despise the fact my sister, Christi, and her husband,lived just down the block from us. But my feelings changed.They started having terrible arguments on a regular basis,always late in the evening, which led Christi to come homelooking for either advice or sympathy or both. Mom and Dad own and run a convenience store which keeps thembusy until midnight six days a week. So when Christi comesbursting in during the evening, it's my ear she always...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 19 Getting to Know You

I had been working in Pro and Pubs for nearly seven months, and making the switch had really paid off. At first I found my role difficult, with many new concepts to grasp, and when bidding for a contract we worked all hours. However, I soon began to reap the rewards of an enhanced salary, and going out and about meeting clients, 'schmoozing' as it was known in the department. I discovered I had a flair for 'schmoozing, ' especially with females, although nothing sexual came of it as we...

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Biggest Surprise of the Night

…Fear set in when I saw our neighbors’ kitchen light turn on. They were a very nice, conservative couple in their late sixties, Ellen and George. I immediately grabbed my nightgown to cover myself, but my naughty husband grabbed it back with a smirk on his face. I sighed out loud in frustration as he tossed it to the far end of the room. He could act like such a horny teenager sometimes! Seriously, what would they think if they see my smirking husband holding my nightgown, and me naked, cream...

4 years ago
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Choose your own SexVenture Page 09

Disclaimer: This is part of a larger adventure story. If you reached this page as part of a reader’s choice from a previous page, continue below. If not, CLICK HERE to start at the beginning of the SexVenture. = = = = = Page 9 = = = = = Stephanie stays on the couch, not bothering to cover herself up. ‘It’s okay,’ she says encouragingly. You take a deep breath, and walk over and open the door. Claire enters and disregards you entirely, sees her daughter nude on the couch and runs over...

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Lilac Vengence

It was a punishment of spectacular design if I do say so myself. I can’t say that I’ve ever thought of vengeance and sex at the same time and managed a hard on. Honestly, it usually isn’t my kind of kink. My box of porno holds the erotic viewing pleasure of sexy MILF’s, innocently curious co-eds, blond nurses, and redheaded teachers looking for a dad to bend her over the desk. No S&M, no leather or bondage, golden showers, gangbangs, or feet fetishes. I’m vanilla with a twist of lemon (for the...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Leana Lovings Molly Little Theodora Day Stepsister Stuck In A Donut

It’s beach season and Moilly Little, Theodora Day, and Leana Lovings are ready for the pool! Tyler Cruise watches in secret as they sit there in their bikinis blowing up inflatable donuts. When Theodora notices, Molly offers to show her tits if Tyler helps them even though still can’t come to the party. Tyler still agrees to help out, but once he asks the girls to pay up they give him the finger. After snapping a bunch of selfies, Molly realizes that she’s stuck in the donut....

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Young malay milf part 2

Continue from part 1A month later since she invited me to stay over at her place, i finally came to her humble place with my stuffs as i will be going to work from there the next day. So after work i head straight back home quickly and picked up my packed bag then proceeded to her place. Thinking of romance and ready to enjoy the evening after her s** goes to bed while on the way there. Reached her place at around 8pm and guess what? Her mom was at her place! Then i saw a missed call from my gf...

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Meri Maa Chudi Gali Ke Ladke Se

Hello friends, mera name shiv hai .Mai mumbai me rahta hu. Ye story meri maa ki hai ,maine kabhi socha v nahi tha ki meri zindgi me aisa v ho sakta hai . Is ghatna me meri zindgi ko puri tarah se badal diya ….To maine socha ki apni real story ko kisi ke sath share karu…. To friends ab story batata hu….. Ye avi 1 month ki bat bat hai……… Meri family me hum 3 log hai …Mai ,meri maa ,aur meri choti bahan ……..Mere papa ki death aaj we 8 sal pahle ek road accident me ho gayi thi …. Mai us time 10...

4 years ago
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Awakenings Ch 39

While the trip to Club Wanderlust had been exciting, it had also been tiring. The next morning I slept until 9:00. By the time I'd showered and shaved, packed my gear, loaded it into my Escape, checked out of my motel and had breakfast, it was after 11:00. As I merged into the traffic on northbound I75 I was elated. After being gone for almost five months I was finally going home. Seven hours later I pulled into a Travel Lodge just outside Cordele, Georgia. Already dark and starting to drizzle,...

3 years ago
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College Life 8211 The Games We Played

My college days. College days are supposed to be the most memorable years of our life. I had eventful college days which I spent largely with one person named Reena. And yes she was my girlfriend. The following writing is about my first kinky experience with Reena. I studied in a prestigious college in Delhi. The decorum required us to wear a proper college uniform. We were over 18 by then. Boys were expected to wear a blue blazer and pants while for girls it was a shirt and skirt. Reena and I...

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Siobhans Strange Shower

Hey, I was just going to have a shower... No, it's OK, you can come in, I don't mind. Stay and talk to me. You know there was a time I could never have done this, stripped off in front of you, or any guy. I used to be really shy about my body. I hated any situation where I had to undress in front of anyone. Locker rooms were the worst - I felt all those other girls were staring at me. You can probably imagine how I was with guys. I mean, I liked boys a lot. Still do, as you know. Even...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 2 Sex HighChapter 20 The Worlds Greatest Submissive

Dear Students: As President of the OHPF Club I want to clearly inform all of you that OHPF is a private 'by invitation only' club. Many have been asking me (too many) on a daily basis where you apply for membership, the answer is, "you can not apply!" You can, however, comply with certain standards encouraged by the club and hope that it earns you recognition by one of our members; they in turn would recommend your name for an interview as a prospective member. Note that members have...

2 years ago
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Virgin Babe Fucks Herself Part One

Sex wasn’t really on my mind until I started dating my boyfriend, Nicolas. When we started dating we only held hands, kissed and flirted a lot. He knows I’m a virgin, and he seems okay with it, but part of me does wonder what it would be like to have sex. Before dating Nicolas, I didn’t even masturbate. It was like a switch was shut off, but when I started dating him, my hormones came blasting through, full force. Nicolas is two years older than me, and has had sex with others, but promises he...

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Baby Oil Ch03

Maggie woke with a start. For a brief instant she experienced one of those panic-filled "Where am I?" moments. It was dark. She stretched and looked at the hotel clock. It was after nine at night. "Bugger," she thought. "I've slept through dinner."Maggie got up and wandered over to the window. The curtains were still open and she caught sight of her own reflection in the floor to ceiling window. Her body still glistened from the after-sun oil she had applied earlier. The white of her heavy...

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MommyBlowsBest Christie Stevens Can Mom Watch TV

Stunning blonde milf Christine Stevens is joining her stepson Brad Knight and his friend in the living to watch some TV. Christine is surely a very open minded stepmom. As she introduces herself she pulls out Brad’s throbbing cock and starts stroking it. She pulls up her shirt to expose her big juicy tits before going down on Brad. She loves to swallow her stepson’s big dick. She sucks and strokes it at the same time until he gets close to climax. Brad finishes by cumming straight...

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Football Party Part I

On Saturday night, I crawled into bed beside my girlfriend, Jessica. She was lying on her left side, facing away from me, wearing nothing but her favorite white silk lace panties. Jessica is 22 years old. She’s about 5’2′, and she has shoulder-length, curly blond hair. She has perky, C-cup breasts, and nice squishy ass. In these particular panties, her ass cheeks protruded invitingly out from beneath the frilly lace trim. I sleep naked, and the moment I lifted the covers to join her in bed, my...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

4 years ago
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Quiet Little Place

My name is Sammy, and I work at this quiet little hotel right on the beach in a south coast resort. My work was varied and mostly enjoyable. At this minute I am picking up our latest guest from the train station in our very own mini bus. Being young, just twenty-five, I interested in all the young females that stay with us. Out of our new guests, there was only two or perhaps three, a newly wed couple on their honeymoon and the daughter of a mid thirties couple; her mum making up the third...

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Test Ride

"Put something exciting between your legs...ride a motorcycle!" I smiled to myself as I read the bumper sticker affixed to the rear of the Toyota 4 x 4 ahead of me. As I pulled to the left to pass, I glanced at the muddy off-road bike securely strapped into the truck's bed. The driver, a girl of no more than 20, drove confidently, a tanned arm propped negligently against the window sill. Her hair was cut very short, and she wore a half smile as though remembering how she had covered the...

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Virgin Pen Pundaiyai Kizhithen

Hello friends, en peyar Kumaran vayathu 23 aagugirathu, naan kalluriyil kadaisi aandu padithu varuguren. En kalluriyil muthal aandu padikum penudan natpu uravu eer patathu, naangal kathal seiya aarambithom. Aanal oruvaruk oruvar athai soli kolamal manathile vaithu kondu irunthom, aval peyar ramya ippozhuthu thaan avaluku 19 vayathu aagugirathu. Intha vayathil pothuvaaga pengal virginaaga thaan irupaargal. En kathaliyai naan ookum pozhuthu thaan aval oru virgin pen endru uruthi seithu konden,...

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