Night Skies Hotel: Lovers' Retreat free porn video

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Night Skies Hotel: Lovers' Retreat By Wolverine I'm not Solari, but I'm decent, so give this one a shot. This story was written with permission from Solari. ******************************************************************* Lisa and William stumbled into the entrance of the Night Skies Hotel, watching carefully over their shoulders. Leroy wouldn't be too far behind and the hope he wouldn't look inside a high-class hotel such as this one was just that - a hope, a prayer, a desperate belief. They had Leroy's money, which he'd gotten through crooked deals over the past decade. Lisa was barely awake now, and William stopped thinking. He had to get her a room. William let Lisa slump on his shoulder as he made his way to the front desk. The raven-haired, emerald green-eyed woman behind the counter smiled dreamily at him. "Any room for two please," he said. "Put it under William and Lisa Dasher. But if anyone asks, we ain't here." "Newlyweds, eh? Want a little confidentiality?" The employee smiled. "Well, I hope your romance lasts through this trip. Who knows, you might end up a little more open-minded after staying here. We have tons of ..." William cut her off. "Yes, yes, just newlyweds. I'm in a bit of a rush to get up and enjoy my bride, if you know what I mean." The employee grinned, then typed on her keyboard. "Alrighty. There's a room on the second floor just for you two. Payment isn't due until checkout." William nodded tiredly as the woman handed him the keycards. She leaned forward, allowing him to see into her blouse and stare at her ample breasts. "Between you and me, if the new wife doesn't work out, I'm always available." The woman winked and William's mind spun. He was only thinking about Lisa right now. The woman's offer would've gone unnoticed normally anyway, he was completely devoted to Lisa, no matter what she felt for him. *** As William threw himself and Lisa through the doorway to their room, he realized just how ripped off they were about to be. They had gotten a suite. It was going to cost them a fortune, maybe more than what Leroy had had. Complaining now, however, would only lead to questions that he wouldn't want to answer in case anyone came looking. The hotel might be gracious enough - after he gave them the nice sum of money they did have, of course - to let him work to pay off what was left. William put Lisa on the bed and flopped down beside her. They needed rest. it had been a long drive. William couldn't sleep though. As much of a godsend this place seemed to be, something didn't feel right. A woman's passionate cry through the wall confused him even more. Somebody was definitely enjoying her honeymoon. The place had been huge in the middle of the desert. There was no practical reason for setting up such a large place here. Drifters wouldn't be able to afford it, and no one rich would hear of it, unless this place had quite the advertisement division. He'd never heard of it though. Of course, he wasn't rich. Sleep began to overtake William. He was thinking too much. William gave in and floated off to dream land. *** Leroy couldn't miss the place as he drove like a madman through the desert. He was covered in sweat - the heat was getting to him. He stripped off the undershirt he had on, leaving a plaid vest over his bare chest, a pair of tattered jeans, and a blank baseball cap as his only garments. He rubbed his goatee. It looks a little too luxurious for those two good-for-nothing, cheating backstabbers, he thought, but something told him - call it instinct - that the road to them lay within the hotel. Leroy parked in the expansive parking lot and made his way toward the entrance. Leroy entered the hotel and approached the front desk. The receptionist stared into his blue eyes with her green orbs and gave a friendly smile. "Welcome to the Night Skies Hotel. What sort of room would you like?" she asked. Something briefly disturbed her pretty face and she quickly lit a Capri 120 cigarette. After a wonderful display of emotion as the nicotine entered her bloodstream, the woman regained her composure and looked back at Leroy. "Sorry, first-day jitters." "I'm not here for a room, little lady. I'm here to find a cheating slut and the bastard she rode off with," Leroy snarled. He had no concern for first-day jitters. That whore had his money, and he knew the trail led through here. "I know they're here. Now you look in your little computer there before I have to get violent." "Yes sir." The woman smiled again and typed on her computer. She licked her lips and looked up into his eyes again. "I'm afraid I can't tell you for sure if a young man and a young lady named William and Lisa came through here." The woman winked at him. Leroy felt his anger building. "How much is it gonna cost me?" The woman licked her lips and stared at his crotch. Leroy grinned when he got what she was going at. These desk types always want a nice lay, he thought. His own secretaries were all about it. They always seemed to sense a man of power and that's what he was in the drug-running business. "Where?" "Come with me." The woman slipped out from behind the counter, her aroma washing over him and stiffening his member. She tugged his arm and led him to a small closet used by housekeeping. "Now take me." The woman removed her receptionist's outfit and leaned against the back wall, her vagina dripping and her body soaked with sweat. Leroy removed his pants. Her "D" cup melons hypnotized Leroy and he rushed at her, stabbing his penis deep into her wet pocket. She moaned with pleasure and the two quickly attained a sexual rhythm. Three orgasms and a little licking later, the woman slipped back into her uniform, and Leroy got to his feet, returning his pants to his sweaty body. His eyes had become a brilliant shade of green in the midst of all the excitement, but he didn't know that. The woman knew what his fate would be, although it wouldn't be immediate. The hotel management had something in store for this one and the two love birds that had come in earlier. Leroy would meet his fate when the drama had played itself out. The woman didn't let her mind linger on this for very long. She would be missed up front, so it was time to get back. "The two you're looking for are here. I could lose my job for telling you, so I can't tell you what room, only that they're indeed here. However, management is inviting them to a nice night at the bar, at the hotel's expense, for their recent engagement. Be at the bar tomorrow night and you'll catch them." The woman wiggled off, leaving Leroy to his fogged mind. At first, anger swept through him for a few moments, only to be waved away by a weird cloud that spread through his brain. He liked the plan. Let them think they're safe and then get them. He'd just check in and worry about the cost at checkout - at which time he'd have more money than he needed. This place was fancy, but he'd spent less at much fancier joints in his day. Leroy walked out of the small closet and to the front desk. *** William was aroused hours after he'd fallen asleep by a gentle knock at the room door. He bolted from his bed and rushed to the door, not noticing Lisa was missing. The other side of the door revealed a short - but very pretty - housekeeping maid holding an ice bucket. She smiled sexily and offered him the bucket. "Your ice bucket sir," she said. He accepted it unsuredly. This place was definitely high-class. "Thanks," he replied. "My name is Carolina in case you need any more help, though the girls have been apt to call me Snoopy. Care to guess why?" She wiggled her bottom and gave it a coy glance. William restrained a frown. Why was everyone in this hotel so up on sex? Didn't they understand the term "newlywed"? Which meant wed, hence taken. Though that was a cover, it was still basically true. He loved Lisa with all his heart, he'd never betray her. "Cause you're so snoopy?" He shrugged at her. She frowned at what looked like a misunderstanding of what she really meant, but then she grinned. "That's one reason. I think you get me though. Is your fianc?e in, or can we maybe have a little fun?" William shook his head politely and smiled. Carolina looked disappointed and looked at the ground. Then she brightened up again. "Oh well. If you have a change of heart, I won't mind at all. And if your fianc?e didn't tell you, you've been invited to a great night on the house down at our bar tomorrow night - err, tonight - in light of your recent marriage. I hope I see you there." "Sure. But wait, how would Lisa know? She's still asleep ..." William looked at the bed and realized Lisa wasn't there. "When did she wake up?" "An hour ago. I'm not sure where she went to, though. She's a very nice woman. I see what you see in her. Well, I have other people to service, so bye-bye." Carolina giggled and scampered down to the next room. William closed the door behind her and turned back to the empty bed. Where is Lisa? he wondered. *** The previous day, Carolina had been Carson Carlson, an investigative reporter who'd entered the hotel with the hopes of bringing down Mortimer "Leroy" Swanson, the biggest drug peddler west of the Great Plains. Supposedly he ran his "business" out of his junkyard, which served as the legal front. There might have been a bigger payoff for snooping there, as the boys he had working for him were underpaid or illegal and thus indebted to Leroy for smuggling them in. But there were horrible penalties for snooping there - not that it had dissuaded Carson. It paid off - he had found out that Leroy was going on a business trip somewhere east. The grunt that he'd bought the info off of gave him a general location the boss had last called from in the desert, which took Carson on a long trip from California to the Great American Desert. At one point he lost track of what state he was in exactly, but found the Night Skies Hotel by an extreme universal and extra-universal coincidence. Of course, Carson didn't realize this coincidence upon checking in. The only people capable of understanding it were either a.) in another universe or b.) Carolina herself. And Carolina cared as much about coincidences as she did writing a Pulitzer Prize-winning book. Carson was able to enjoy a few hours to himself before succumbing to the will of the Night Skies Hotel. The first place he'd visited was the bar, having himself a few "Wild Woman" drinks. Once the effects of the drinks had kicked in, he went on to enjoy the dancers in the other parts of the hotel, and eventually convinced one, Marissa, to come up to his room. She then made love to him before they collapsed next to each other. Carson then unpacked his laptop and made a connection to the internet and had - on a wild whim - found a write up of the Night Skies Hotel during a search. By the time he'd finished reading the tale that Mark Evandros had posted, Marissa had already advanced on him and was nibbling at his ear, coaxing something deep within Carson to awake. Carson noticed something different about his lips as he pushed Marissa away. It felt like he was pouting but after a while the pouting seemed to become natural. Carson rushed to the restroom to look at his face in the mirror and saw that he eyes had already become a deep shade of green and his lips were full and pouty, ready by what his mind told him to kiss and suck. Carson shoved the thought from his head as he freaked out, becoming delirious. "Calm down lover, this will only take a few moments," Marissa's voice assured him. He looked at her and the long, slender white cigarette between her sexy lips. "Then again, maybe it'll take longer, as it did with me." "You're ... Mark?" Carson sputtered from his transformation-ravaged mind. His brown hair had already crept past his shoulders and was now turning jet black. Small lumps had appeared on his chest behind his shirt, and his penis was rock hard. "Yes, honey. I was just a flower that took a while to bloom. I like how I turned out - well worth the wait, don't you think, sister? Or daughter ... guess you're both in one. Makes me want you even more, I'm always so proud of my inductions." Marissa advanced on Carson and he reeled back and grabbed the toilet plunger, which he in turn hurled at her. "Guess you're still a bit touchy. But judging by the way you're progressing, you might want to go lay down soon. It can get pretty painful and weird, but oh so fun. Plus, I can make you feel so much better." "No! Fuck you, bitch!" Carson barely squeaked the words out with his now feminized voice. Carson squeezed his eyes shut. His mind was shouting at him to just embrace her, and make more like him, and fill the need building within, and shed his exterior to become the flower inside the bud. He tried shoving them back but found that they were becoming more and more crucial to who he was. Carson's eyes shot open as he glanced around at his butt and hips, which slowly but surely began to expand inside his pants. He writhed as the pants tightened on him before finally bursting, bringing a sense of relief to him. The weight on his chest increased rapidly and he looked down to see the small bumps he'd almost accepted growing into luscious DD melons in a matter of moments, his nipples now sticking what seemed to be an inch from his chest in their fully engorged glory. Carson's mind was filled with a rush, and a sense of excitement at what he could do with them. Carson indulged his mind a bit as he fondled and squeezed his tits, basking in the immense pleasure they sent through him. Carson then snapped to his senses, and took his hands away. In the mirror, he saw what he was becoming and felt half turned on, half terrified. He spun in Marissa's direction and shot past her, stopping as an immense weird feeling spread through his body. He collapsed at the side of the bed. His skin became even softer, and he felt his insides reorganizing themselves for the new organs he knew he was about to develop ... one in particular scaring him senseless. He knew what his vagina would mean by the info his now mostly female mind fed him. Carson stood up, his penis already beginning to shrink into him and him willing it to stay. "Mark, please, you gotta be in there somewhere. Don't let this happen to another person. I can warn people, stop them from coming here. Maybe I can even get you some help. Oh please. I have a little girl at home. She'll be all alone. Don't make me one of you. I have a life." "Sorry, Carolina, but I can't help you. Besides, I don't know what you're worried about. Your child will be just fine. You know that. She'll get used to not seeing her mommy anymore." Carson fumed. "I'm not her mommy! I'm Carson Carlson and I love my daughter! And I want to be there for her, not fucking every man that I come across because I'm doped up on some sick fuck of a hotel's mind games and dumbass war against some Patriarchy. If I can't stop you, someone will one day, because you can't just keep stealing lives from people and expect to get away with it." With that, Carson charged out of the room and past Marissa. She gave pursuit, barely able to get onto the elevator Carson had called. He punched one and held Marissa back from the controls. He unexpectedly triggered the emergency stop and whirled on Marissa. "Maybe people will stop coming if they see what's happening before they break one of your precious rules." "No. You can't stop us." Carson spat at Marissa and cradled his shrunken penis, a slight distraction imposed by his changing mind. Carson's anger faded and his feminine persona began to take full hold. Carson stopped cradling his shrunken penis and looked at Marissa. "Make it feel better." Marissa grinned and punched the release button before going down on Carson, sucking his male member one last time before it faded away into a female mound. The elevator progressed downward floor by floor and Carson's mind gave way to the woman within. Carson ... Carso ... Cars ... Carolina screamed with delight as the elevator bell dinged and the doors came open to reveal an arriving pair of men. The two men were dumbstruck at the sight before them. Carolina pushed Marissa off her sweating body to get a better look at the two men. She rubbed her nipples and felt her juices coat her fingers. Carolina and Marissa grinned. "We misplaced our clothes. Or at least the new girl here did." Marissa rubbed Carolina's head and Carolina giggled. "She hasn't eaten much since she arrived, either. Care to join us for a nice party?" "Would we?!" the two exclaimed. The two men joined the new woman and her sister on the elevator. The cycle continued as it always did. And now Carson's last, futile stand was a sad memory in the mind of Carolina, who was now enjoying the company of William and Lisa's next door neighbor. *** William searched the hotel for Lisa, beginning with the bars, which turned up no leads. He then continued to the pool, where he found her looking into the clear, enticing water. "Hey, Lisa, when did you wake up?" William asked worriedly. Lisa turned to him, a grimace on her face. "Will, we need to get out of here quick. There's something really bad about this hotel." William was puzzled. "Worse than Leroy?" Lisa nodded. "What is it?" "The employees, they're so damn snoopy and the pool, I've been watching it. I think they knew I was watching, because they kept funneling people out of here, and the people, they were all men. They seemed sick. They were swelling in weird areas. It's like they were poisoned or something. Plus, why is there a hotel in the middle of nowhere?" "Lisa, calm down. I'm freaked out too. I'll admit, these employees seem a bit friendly, but I haven't seen much more than that. And Leroy was right behind us, so I think we should wait before we leave. He won't see us staying here - it'd cost all our money. But we don't need the money, so it's the perfect place to hide. And you know better than I do what Leroy does to people who cross him. That's why we ran in the first place. Sure, they may try to poison us, but at least we have chance of remaining alive here." "You're right, but I still don't feel right about it. I think we should go, and try to outrun Leroy while we have a little bit of money left." William pulled her to him. "We'll leave tomorrow. Leroy will have either given up or passed through by then and we'll make our escape, maybe even make it back to California and restart there. I think we can survive that long." Lisa nodded. "We got that thing tonight, too. Might at least want to show up for whatever party they're throwing us, so they don't get paranoid about us and kill us some more direct way." "Okay, I trust you. Will. We'll stay. Just keep us safe. Can we go back up to the room now?" "Yeah. Especially if you'll feel safer. I was skittish about coming out myself." "I will feel a lot safer, but ... I'm afraid something's gonna happen to you." "Don't worry. Let's go get ready for the thing." *** The two went back to their room and heard nothing from the employees for the rest of the night. After a couple quick showers, the two were dressed in the nice clothes management had sent them. Obviously, someone had a thing for young lovers ... if that love was stated or not. As Lisa emerged from the restroom with her attire on, William felt his breath leave him. Her brown hair framed her perfect face and brown eyes, and the red dress clung to her small, tan figure. Her eyes had always been exotic, as she was from south of the border, but something about them screamed to William tonight. She saw his reaction and blushed. "Sorry. Want me to go put on something a little less breath-taking?" she asked. "N ... no. No, it's fine. You just look ... stunning," he stammered. "Thank you." She walked up to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. As she turned to grab her purse, he grabbed her arm and spun her back for a kiss full on the lips. She didn't pull away, and actually embraced it a bit. William released Lisa and stared into her eyes. "What was that for?" she asked. "I just want you to know, in case something bad does happen tonight or if Leroy catches us, I always loved you and always will. That's why I smacked him down back in Cali when he threatened you, and the only reason I grabbed the money was for you. I'm sorry I'm spending it all here, but it's the best way to save you. I'm a poor man, with a simple mind, might as well try and provide a little something for you when I can. I'll get rich like Ler ..." She put her finger over his mouth. "Nothing more is necessary, Will. You've always been a good friend, and I know you love me. I love you too. So ditto to everything you just said. Now kiss me again and let's go down as a couple." *** The "thing" turned out to b exclusively for them. William and Lisa banners hung everywhere and the hotel staff was less intrusive than usual. Will's first fear was how much it'd cost, but then he saw Lisa's joyful reaction to the sentiment, and he stopped caring. He was further soothed when one of the employees, a manager of some sort, let him know that some of the upper management had a soft heart for newlyweds, and they'd be getting a break, and that this party wouldn't cost them a thing. Very few other guests made it in, and those that did were mostly women. William didn't notice, however, that one dangerous guest had found a way in: Leroy. The man kept a low profile as he watched William and Lisa enjoy themselves for what he guaranteed would be the last time ... especially on his buck. He couldn't do anything now, with hotel staff everywhere, but he'd have his moment soon enough. Leroy's stomach churned and he felt himself weaken inside. He'd been having a rough time since he'd had sex with that stupid receptionist. Leroy wondered if she had some weird STD. His stomach quieted down as it had been and he got back to his plotting. A very slight light of a different sort glittered behind his eyes though, and the employees couldn't avoid noticing him. But no one made a move; it was not the time right now. *** The night went on and the get together ended with Lisa a bit drunk and William completely sober and helping her up to the room (he never liked alcohol, and never trusted drinks with strange names). He pushed the room door open and eased Lisa in to lay her on the bed. William then turned as she drifted off in her alcohol high to close the door and ran headfirst into a pair of unfriendly hands around his throat. He stared into the eyes of Leroy as Leroy strangled him and the chucked him into the bedside table. William climbed up, but Leroy was already back on him with a kick to the gut and a couple punches. William went flying toward the front door. Leroy stalked up and, in the dim light of the room, a glint of a blade came into being in William's universe. Time seemingly slowed. William saw his life and love flash before his eyes and he felt death approaching. His only regret was that he couldn't save Lisa again when Leroy finished him off. As the blade came down on William, something hit Leroy from behind and the knife veered off. Leroy shot up, rubbing his head, and stared at Lisa, who had thrown an alarm clock from the bedside at him. Leroy grinned and flipped his knife around. William didn't have time to scream before the blade hit Lisa square in the forehead - she tumbled backward onto the bed, dead. Leroy slowly walked over to the knife and pulled it out of her. He turned back to William, who was going hysterical on the floor, pain and anger and every thing in the world ripping him apart inside. "You ... YOU BASTARD!" William screamed. Leroy grinned. "You shouldn't have fucked with me, Will. That bitch had been screwing me over for a while now. And just so you know, I used to fuck her to the point where she'd scream out of pain just for the fun of it. And I beat her quite a bit. Bitch deserved it. Especially when she started sleeping around with the men. Looks like she caught a little snag with you. I wonder how long it would've been before she let you go too," Leroy sneered. "Lisa wasn't like that. She didn't deserve you or me or any of this. Goddamn you." Leroy shrugged. "Maybe. But I'll at least go out. You'll just go out poor, and love-struck by some slut." He came toward William with the blade ... and dropped it before stabbing him. He fell to the ground, clutching his gut, pain ripping through it. "What the hell?" Black hair fell past his narrowing shoulders as he looked at his thinning fingers and lengthening nails. He moaned and looked into William's eyes. William saw the green orbs light up, and Leroy's lips become fuller. Leroy's face became softer and rounder. He flipped back on his butt as two intense pleasure centers sprang to life on his chest. Leroy removed his vest and looked at his swollen nipples, and the small bumps amassing below them. He gasped as his hips popped outward and began expanding. His ass felt a bit more padded as it reshaped itself. New impulses began taking hold of Leroy, and William started to seem like a close friend, rather than a hated enemy. Leroy pulled himself to his feet as his breasts bulged out to a B. He removed his pants, and almost got his underwear off before another surge swept through him, giving him a rush and bringing his hands to his growing breasts. Leroy's hips and ass burst out to their full, womanly size, ripping his boxers off. His legs became smoother and the hair seemed to fall off - the effect was spreading across his body. His penis was small and shrunken. The woman that was quickly emerging from behind Leroy's eyes stared at William with intense lust. She leapt at William and straddled him, holding her changing crotch a few inches from his crotch, and her breasts bulged in his face. She giggled as parts of her changing body firmed into place, making her feel even better. She moaned loudly as her breasts expanded even farther out into William's face. A last burst of confusion swept through her green orbs before fully disappearing. Leroy ... Lero ... Ler ... Lena flopped her weight down on William's crotch, which was, sadly, not erect for her. Sweat dripped from her body and she moaned as her small penis began withdrawing, and her insides began reshifting. She was so close to being ready for intercourse that she was drooling. Lena brought her mouth to William's, who was too shocked to fight her off, and kissed him passionately. She went wide eyed and giggled as her slit opened up for the world to see, and the many folds formed. Lena's frame shifted downward one last time, and she was tearing at William's pants, trying to open them and get at his inner glory. William lay paralyzed as she reached his penis and played with it, trying to get him erect. She occasionally kissed him and rubbed her breasts against him, slathering him with a hot, clear fluid, until finally his penis began to rise and she saw an opportunity to ease her inner lust. She impaled herself on his rod and stared into his now green eyes. William embraced her and lifted her as she continued to ride his penis, and carried her over to the bed. He took the bottom as he knew what was coming and would rather be laying down than in the action. As Lena nibbled on his neck, a tear ran down both their cheeks. "I'm sorry, Willa. I'm sorry I hurt you," Lena said. William shushed her as his nipples, which were covered by his long, black hair, began to grow. He let his mind drift. "Just make me one of you, and end the pain." Lena didn't slow down, and milked William's changing body for all it was worth. William let one more tear go before his mind slipped fully into the emerging woman's. William ... Willia ... Willi ... Willa opened her beautiful, emerald green eyes to the world, and grinned at her new lover. William's troubles were a thing of the past. Yet Willa reached out with her hand and tenderly clasped Lisa's own limp, cooling hand, a bond that Willa couldn't explain keeping them together even in death. It was the lovers' one last get away. THE END It was fun to enter the hotel once again. Hope you guys/girls enjoyed this story. Later.

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Night Skies Hotel XIII Humanitys Birthright III Twilights Sword

Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it - Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...

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Night Skies Hotel Business as Usual

Night Skies Hotel: Business as Usual By Smokewriter The air crackled and rippled as a massive hotel complex materialized into being in Timeline 0600. Appearing on a deserted road in the middle of the night nobody noticed the amazing event, the hotel even managed to avoid the gaze of the ever-watchful satellites orbiting the planet. Within hours it was open for business. *** Monday, July 6th, 2004 "Yesss!" Marissa screamed as she guided the man's throbbing penis into her...

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Night Skies Hotel V Shadows on the Sun

Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun By Solari Author's note: "Shadows on the Sun" is the second story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds," and "Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that...

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Night Skies Hotel Game On

Night Skies Hotel: Game On By MTG Author's note: The players of the South Bank Elite belong to me, but the overall Night Skies Hotel universe belongs to Solari, who gave me the go ahead to try my hand in the NSH universe. Here goes. A people carrier travelled down a road in South West England. It contained five young men that had just hit the big time in their field. They were Brian, George, Kevin, Pete, and Wayne. The were the South Bank Elite. Having proven themselves the best...

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Night Skies Hotel IX Tears of the Giants

Night Skies Hotel IX: Tears of the Giants By Solari Historian's note: This story is set during the "modern" era of the Night Skies Hotel; specifically, from May 2006 through September 2006. It isn't necessary to have read the other NSH stories in order to appreciate this one, but there are some references to events and characters from those stories. Credit for the songs "I Know You're Out There Somewhere" and "I'll Be There" go to The Moody Blues and Escape Club,...

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Night Skies Hotel VIII Child of the Sun

Night Skies Hotel VIII: Child of the Sun By Solari Historian's note: This story is set during the "modern" era of the Night Skies Hotel. While it isn't necessary to have read the entire NSH pantheon to appreciate this story, it does spawn directly from a scene that appeared in "Night Skies Hotel VII: The Sands of Time." *** "We are the Patriarchy. The conquest of your planet is under way. Our armies shall crush your cities, obliterate your societies and forevermore silence you....

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Night Skies Hotel How the World Has Changed

Historian's note: This story is set during the "modern" era of the Night Skies Hotel; specifically, in November 2010. The events unfold in a timeline not far from our own. *** "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." ? Albert Einstein (1879 CE-1955 CE, Timeline 0600) *** Night Skies Hotel: How the World Has Changed! By Wolverine "Daisy" Coolidge sat on the couch, holding a long, thin all-white, lit cigarette in her dainty, little hand. She brought the...

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Night Skies Hotel XII Humanitys Birthright II The Antediluvian Age

Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it -- Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...

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Night Skies Hotel I Stand Alone

Night Skies Hotel: I Stand Alone By Wolverine Historian's note: This story is set during the "Foundations" era of the Night Skies Hotel saga. While it isn't necessary to have read the entire saga to understand what's going on, there will be occasional references to people, places and events that have appeared in previous stories. *** "We have met with foes who strike beside us." - Malcolm from William Shakespeare's "The Tragedy of MacBeth" *** The soldiers made their way...

3 years ago
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Like Blue Skies

Sometimes life before was a blur, Friday would come and I would ask myself where the week had gone. Sometimes life before was like eternally riding the moving sidewalk at the airport. You look ahead at the stretch in front of you, and you think to yourself, hey, I’ll never get there. You were always wrong, of course. Before you could let your breath out, the sidewalk dumped you on the other side, two or three years older. You stood around with your friends, laughing, spinning around trying to...

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Forgone Skies Online

In the shadowed depths of a dense jungle, a lone ray of yellow light shines down on the face of a man. With neatly combed back grey hair, and piercing eyes of matching color, the stern-faced man gives off an aura of severity. His dull white robes flutter in a light wind, revealing the layers of cloth covering his form underneath, all one shade of grey or another. Standing just ten feet in front of him, partially obscured by the dense foliage, is a massive wolf. Its dark, ashen fur blends into...

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Hotelsklavinnen Hotel Slaves

                                                          Hotelsklavinnen Teil 1, Freitag Lass mich erst mich selber vorstellen, ich bin ein Mann in bester alter und Eigent?mer und Gesch?ftsf?hrer von einem gr??eren mittelst?ndischen Unternehmen mit Sitz in dem s?dlichen Teil von NRW.  Ich lebe im Moment alleine als ich mich vor guten 5 Jahren von meinen Frau getrennt habe, wir passten lange nicht mehr zusammen und am Ende wurden der Ehe nur zu einen Qual f?r uns beide.  Vor ein par Jahre war ich au...

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Coachs Winter Retreat

>?> > The coach just returned from his winter retreat with his special > boys. All the boys on the team want to go on the winter retreat of course, > but the coach only selects the very best. The boys who have maintained > strict control and discipline over their exercises and development. No boy > who has shot a load in the last six months gets to go on the winter retreat. > No boy who has spoken to a girl gets to go on the retreat. Only boys who are > totally focused and dedicated to the...

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The Company Retreat

All people and places are fictional. All characters are over eighteen. ***** Shit smell. The worst. A rotting brown outhouse in a deep shade glen. A man stepped out just as a young woman approached. ‘Jesus John! What the fuck! Oh my God!’ she said, turning her head away from the ungodly odor, her body nearly dry-heaving at the insult. ‘Whiskey and hotdogs,’ he said. ‘Sorry.’ ‘Are you shittin’ me?’ she said. ‘Good one!’ John said as he flip-flopped away across the damp pine needles. The...

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Yoga Retreat

"G'night Trent."Trent looked up from behind the computer screen and at the parade of tired but energized yoga students from the last session of the evening as they made their way toward the exit. His clientele base was still small enough that he knew most by name, a fact that he intended to preserve as long as he could manage. He bade several good night, nodding politely and offering tidbits of encouragement to those who were prone to attending only occasionally.When the last of the class had...

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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 39 Starry skies

It was an idyllic night, clear, still and moonless. The stars shone with an almost unnatural brilliance. In silence Fran and I walked into the darkness. I was desperate to speak of my new-found feelings for her but I felt unaccountably shy, like a lovestruck teenager. Unable to find the words I needed, I slackened my pace so that I fell slightly behind and could watch Fran walking in the starlight. There was something odd about her, I realised; I had never noticed before that she walked in...

2 years ago
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The Corporate Retreat

"A Corporate Retreat?" Doug Nathan asked, reading the notice left on the table in the lunch room of Hubbard & Associates. "Where have we been, and why do we have to retreat from there?" "It means an off-site, dummy," Sarah Perkins said, poking him in the side. "People go on Corporate Retreats to generate ideas and build teamwork," she added. "It's a great way to get to know your fellow employees." "I think it's just time away from the office," he said. "That's part of the...

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Night Skies

Introduction: In love since childhood, Leticia and Marco were separated for years, until hes back and Leticia is exposed to what the love of her life really is. Something out of this world. – English is not my native language, so I usually make mistakes, for which I am sorry. If you have suggestions for improvements or are willing to proof-read my stories, please contact me. – Feel free to add me as a friend on the board. – If I have votes and comments enough Ill keep writing new chapters. –...

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The Retreat

THE RETREAT Things had been looking bad for Jeremy and Victoria Bowen for some months. His company was moving their production to the far east and her job was proving to be a dead end. Just at the right moment her aunt died. It might sound callous but neither she nor her husband really knew her, although as her nearest living relative, Vicky was left the elderly woman's estate. Jem, as she called her husband, was working out his notice to maximise his redundancy payment so she...

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The Hart Family at a Nigerian Retreat

As I mentioned in my previous story, I worked in several African countries from 1971 to 1981 as an engineer and adviser in energy exploration, primarily oil and gas. Although I had traveled in other African countries in the mid 60’s and early 90’s, most of my hands on experience came from work in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Saudi Arabia. Due to my expertise and reputation, my services were courted by a number of wealthy and ruling African leaders. I witnessed many things during my tenure...

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The Hart family at a Nigerian retreat

Part one:As I mentioned in my previous story, I worked in several African countries from 1971 to 1981 as an engineer and advisor in energy exploration, primarily oil and gas. Although I had traveled in other African countries in the mid 60’s and early 90’s, most of my hands on experience came from work in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Saudi Arabia. Due to my expertise and reputation, my services were courted by a number of wealthy and ruling African leaders. I witnessed many things during my...

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The Hart family at a Nigerian retreat

Part 1 : As I mentioned in my previous story, I worked in several African countries from 1971 to 1981 as an engineer and advisor in energy exploration, primarily oil and gas. Although I had traveled in other African countries in the mid 60’s and early 90’s, most of my hands on experience came from work in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Saudi Arabia. Due to my expertise and reputation, my services were courted by a number of wealthy and ruling African leaders. I witnessed many things during my...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 242 The Retreat

The Retreat Jeff's team, along with Security, filed into the Retreat, all in their dress uniforms. On-duty Security continued to man their posts, but they could still view the weddings via their helmets. Those personnel would swap out when the first group had enjoyed refreshments after the wedding. Extra personnel at the base supplemented and backed up Security electronically. Anyone who thought that an attack might be successful because of the distractions of the weddings would be wrong –...

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The Priest Teaches His FlockCh 11 The Retreat

“Mom, please don’t make us go, especially not Charlotte,” Sally begged. “I’ve told you about this before, Sally. It’s your adolescent sexual fantasies. They are both the servants of God, and one of them is the Bishop. You should go to confession just to get penance for even thinking of such a thing. Now get your sister, I heard a car pull up,” Father John came into the house to pick up Sally and Charlotte. The Bishop waited in the car, he had his reasons to not be seen by Mary yet, reasons that...

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Dark Skies

Dark skies surrounded London. A black smog stretched across the horizon emanating from the factories that dominated the sprawling cityscape, drenching the sprawling metropolis with a dark haze that seemed to smothher all the light of the city. Suddenly, the sleek, sooty underbelly of a ship sleuced through the clouds, breaking the eerie calm of the skies. The ship was a small affair of aging wood and rusted steel, dwarfed by the galleys and battleships floating off the Thames. The agile cruiser...

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The Friendly Skies Pt 2

The Friendly Skies (Pt. 2) By Veronica Vale The next morning I marveled at my appearance in the mirror as I fit the pink stewardess hat over my intricate hair bun. I felt so right in my uniform. It was a one piece pink PVC minidress with pink pantyhose and purple 3-inch heels. My face was made up with heavy blush and wet, creamy pink lipstick. I wore diamond and silver hoop earrings (my favorite!) and a small sparkly diamond heart necklace. I took it easy on my arms and...

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The Friendly Skies Pt 3

The Friendly Skies Pt. 3 By Veronica Vale The morning of my first day on the job was a cocktail of tingles and butterflies in my stomach. I went with a basic up-do for my hair and decided not to over-do it with my accessories for the first day, so I just went with a pair of silver earrings with large pink stones in them, a silver wristwatch and a couple of silver rings, one for each hand. I made sure to use plenty of pink lip gloss. I exhaled. "Okay, girl. You can do this!" I...

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Lolas Retreat

Lola's Retreat Some of this story is true and much is fantasy. I'm a heterosexual crossdresser and have never had a gay experience. But, "maybe the lady doth protest to much!" I'm dedicating this story to Regina who gave me the idea. A Cry For Help A rather large elderly man nervously approached my table where I was relaxing and enjoying a double Martini. "Miss Lola?" he asked. "Yes, I am! Can I help you?" He seemed really awe struck at my appearance. My black satin blouse...

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The Hart family at a Nigerian retreat

Part one: As I mentioned in my previous story, I worked in several African countries from 1971 to 1981 as an engineer and advisor in energy exploration, primarily oil and gas. Although I had traveled in other African countries in the mid 60’s and early 90’s, most of my hands on experience came from work in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Saudi Arabia. Due to my expertise and reputation, my services were courted by a number of wealthy and ruling African leaders. I witnessed many things during...

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A Rogue in Retreat

I checked the shackles as the guards laughed and walked away from the large cell. I hurt all over from the beating they had given me but stood and glanced at those in the cell. They had searched me and taken all of my weapons, well almost all of my weapons. I still wore the tight leather bracers on each wrist. I moved to a stone bench and sat as I thought about what had happened. Some of it was my fault but the bastard I had trusted was the one to betray and drug me. Plus there was the baron...

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Assassins Retreat

I had built this retreat over five years ago. It was only a year and a half ago I had gotten power and phone service run to it. I had built high in the mountains, and I did everything in my power to make sure it was not advertised, and that it was well hidden from view. It was a rustic looking log and stone home and blended in, but looks can be deceiving. It was one and a half stories. The loft gave me access to a water tank that was stored up near the roof. It was a thousand gallon tank. It...

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ChoicesChapter 3 The departmental retreat

In our department, there was normally a formal reception for the incoming students. In addition, later in the school year, the professors usually gave a presentation of their individual research topics in order to help the new students select a thesis lab. This year, the chairman had the brilliant idea of combining the two, getting the whole department involved, and holding it at a resort in western Maryland. By then, I had mostly eased off the agonizing over Liz, and resolved to get better...

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A Date in the Skies

“Cya, I’ll let you know when I am on board,” I shouted to my friend as they dropped me off at the airport. Today I was finally getting the chance to head to Europe for the first time and getting to do so flying a 747, my favorite plane. Headed upstairs, I got through security with no trouble and made my way to the gate to watch the inbound aircraft arrive, and what a sight it was, easily the most gorgeous plane in the skies. Looking around the gate seating area, there was a mix of people...

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Fly The Friendly Skies

Fly The Friendly Skies (Or possibly a fifth addition to the original Airport film series) The receptionist ended her call from the boss in the head office then looked to the man sitting in the waiting area and told him his meeting was next. Tim Benson set the copy of "London Life" down then got up, smoothed his suit and snapped the handle of his briefcase. He nodded, smiling as he passed the receptionist then began the climb up the half dozen steps behind the desk in the large waiting...

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Under Indian Skies

we had agreed to meet in panaji, where i pick up up from the airport. we take a cab to drive us to the lodge i had booked for myself just off anjuna beach. it is low season, monsoon days towards their end, so its not too crowded. just right for us. as soon as we reach the lodge we go to my room. i toss ur luggage in a corner and turn to u. my dick has been hard non-stop since i woke up, and you've been dripping wet ever since u boarded ur plane. without saying a word, we teasingly slowly take...

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Weekend retreat

When I go to work, I am in 'boy' mode. I certainly am not the most masculine person, and I am pretty certain that everyone knows my sexual preference. I often get mistaken for a woman even when in 'boy' mode. Whatever. I am who I am... deal with it :)A few years ago my former workplace had a nice mountain retreat weekend. I love these retreats, not because I become closer to those I work with, but because they are so peaceful.I arrived at the lodge on a Friday night and spent the next day...

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Flying the friendly skies

The first time I saw the harried husband, he was trying to stop two squealing children from running in circles around their red faced mother who was already struggling to subdue a toddler in the throes of an epic tantrum in the crowded airport terminal. "You just never wanted to come with us anyway," the wife barked, hauling the screaming toddler off, with a glance back to shout, "You two! Get over here!" The harried husband intercepted and scooped up one laughing child, rather efficiently I...

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Crimson Skies

“I’m sorry,” My voice broke, “I love you,” I called out to the retreating back of my boyfriend of four years. “I love you too, but I’m not very happy with you right now,” His voice sulky, “I think it’s time you went home.” I silently and slowly gathered my things, remains of the dinner we had just shared. Dirty plates with their sad remains of lasagna sauce, the crusty ends of garlic bread, and dismal amounts of lettuce all went into the picnic basket where they sat forlornly beside the...

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Flying The Friendly Skies

I was beat. The plane had been delayed, the luggage lost and the boarding passengers rude and hoity. The trip was suppose to be a time for getting away, for forgetting about my present life for a little while and fly head first into a week of relaxation, fun and adventure.I had never left the k**s and husband for longer than a weekend. I told my husband that one day, when the k**s were up there in age, I would be the one leaving for awhile and would be pampering myself because nobody else...

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Under Indian Skies part 2

we stroll off the lodge premises and onto the beach. nothing much happening there, just the sea and some fishermen in their boats beyond the surf. some have come ashore to check their catch. most are still busy outside. as we walk up n down da beach u see a dude selling coconuts. as hardly any customers he cracked one for himself and drinks the milk. the sheer sight of the milk running down the cheeks reminds u of something else. u quickly turn around and walk me back towards the lodge. at the...

2 years ago
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The Friendly Skies Pt 1

The Friendly Skies (Part One) By Veronica Vale I felt the guilt and shame coursing through me throughout the entire drive to the office park. And of course, there was the ever-present feeling that I still had time to turn around, to not go through with what I was about to sign on for. At every red light, I thought about tossing the driver a hundred dollar bill and then just getting out of the cab and running. As we pulled up to the office plaza, I let out a sigh. I...

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Mountain Retreat

A Novel By: S. Stevenson I encourage you to vote on each part and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S. ***** The bright sun was shinning through the bedroom windows as Angel started to stir. As the light shinned into her eyes Angel moaned her objection to getting out of bed, but she had to. Something is wrong with this picture. Not yet awake, but she knew that there was something different. Calling out,...

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An incest paradise retreat

You are Darren Thomas, a rich investment banker. You have a not so nice ex wife by the name of Sheryl, who left you not 4 years ago for a much younger man. Though you don't miss her much, she does dominate your children's time. Therefore, this summer, you decided to invite your children, all adults with kids of their own, out to the island your company owns for a long summer retreat. One of them however, starts you on a path where you least expected the summer to go. First, your children. You...

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Port City of Retreat

The port city of Retreat was full of rogues, thieves and killers. It was one place in the whole world where every man carried a sword and most knew how to use them. My name is Killian and I came here after killing a man for calling me a breed. I am half elven and half human and do not like being treated less than either. I was a smith but do not really look like it. I wiped my sweaty hands when I saw the cart behind the dwarves and moved out of my shop and grinned, "Delf." The wide dwarf in...

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My Retreat

I am about halfway home, but this section of the highway seems to go on and on. You know what I mean; it's the point in the trip when it feels like the next town you're headed for picks itself up and moves further on down the road. Yes, I have already been driving for 6 hours and the whole trip would take over 13 hours but this was the last time. In fact, the trailer was only half-full; over the last year I had moved all but a few items to "My Retreat" as I refereed to my new home. I am...

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Weekend Retreat

Sian Williams' brown eyes widened in terror, gripping the steering wheel tightly as she slewed the car and hit the brakes. For a brief moment the car skidded, tyres screaming in protest before she instinctively straightened the vehicle, narrowly missing the car that cut in front of her. Momentarily she was blinded by panic, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. The shock subsided, to be replaced by rage as she hit the horn. "Shit for brains!" She yelled at the offending driver. He waved...

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