Dean Bareback - It Must Have Been The Car free porn video

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Nevertheless, when I was going up the hill at the end of my road on a beautiful sunny afternoon in my brand new penis-extension, who should be ambling down the other side of the road toward me than a spikey-haired youth in a T-shirt and jogging bottoms.

I’ll be honest and say that the first thing I spotted was the protrusion in the front of his jogging bottoms; THEN I saw the youthful face and my sex-alarm went off. He was one I hadn’t seen before. “Hmm, nice,” I thought to myself as I cruised slowly past him at barely 5 miles an hour, giving him the look - you know the one.

The thing is (and it so rarely happens these days), he gave me the look as well! And as I looked in my wing mirror as we passed each other, I saw him stop in his tracks and turn round to look back at me – or was it the car he was looking at? The new number-plates gave it away, of course.

I should have just carried on and I don’t know why but I just stopped the car in the middle of the road with my foot on the brake. It’s really quiet down my road usually anyway, and I watched in my mirror to see what he would do next. What he did made my heart start pounding in my chest. He was only walking back up the road towards my car – and he was stepping into the middle of the road to do it! I decided to try to be cool, so I remained with my foot on the brake and casually lowered the window – electric of course!

“Nice Car!” he said, standing opposite my window, just a foot or so away, so that I could get a good look at him. He was about 5 ft 9 inches tall, with spikey brown hair and dark eyes. He seemed slim but in his tracksuit, it was difficult to be sure. His face was essentially clean-shaven but a bit pocked, as if he had suffered badly from spots a few years ago. Up close, he looked to be in his early twenties. And this much closer to it, that protrusion seemed even more evident! He blinked and looked at me, but not at the car. I was sure he had seen where I was just looking.

“Thanks,” was all I could think to say. Then I thought, “What the Hell! Go for it!”

“Sorry if I stared,” I said, “I thought I recognized you but I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”

He smiled and nodded slowly, half-closing his eyes, as if knowingly.

“Oh, is that why you were staring?” he said, rather cheekily I thought. Then, as if sensing my embarrassment, he continued, “Actually, I’m only staying here this week with Leah and Brad at Number 26 – Brad’s my Uncle. Anyway, where are you off to in your flash new BM?”

“Nowhere really,” I replied, “only to the shops. Why, do you fancy a ride?” And then I added, “if you’re at a loose end.”

“I am actually,” he smirked, “and yes, I’d love a ride!”

The double-meaning in our exchange was making butterflies in my stomach at the thought of this young guy and more particularly, what he seemed now to be playing with, with one hand in the pocket of his tracksuit bottoms.

“Hop in then,” I said, as I gestured to the seat next to me and unlocked the car. He ran around the front and got in.

As I drove off, my mind was racing and blood was rushing in the direction of my groin, as my cock swelled in my white cotton CKs. His name was Dean and he was 22. I was trying hard to think of what next to do or say, as well as where the hell to go and within moments, we were out on the main fast road and I had slipped into top gear and was cruising at 65. I decided to take a chance with some more double-meaning word-play with him, to see where it led.

“I think you’re quite brave,” I said, making conversation, “either that, or reckless!”

“Oh yeah?” I had his interest
“I mean, getting into a car with a total stranger,” I explained. “For all you know, I could be just a dirty old man, luring innocent young guys like you into my perverted clutches.”

There was silence for a moment. Then he just said,

“Who says I’m innocent? For all you know, I could be a sex-crazed druggie who would think nothing of dragging you off into the bushes to do nasty things to you before stealing your car-keys!”

This chap was going to give as good as he got, that much was clear! I sucked-in a breath between my teeth.

“Is it that bad, do you think?” I said, trying not to sound too serious.

“Well, you never know,” he warned, “after all, if you WERE just a dirty old man, wouldn’t that be what you deserved?”

He paused, and before I could think of what to say, he continued, “Anyway, dirty you may be but old? Nah, not yet at any rate! Why don’t you drive down by the river.”

“What about the sex-crazed druggie?” I asked.

“Oh, he may be sex-crazed alright, but he’s no druggie,” he replied. “Besides, he wouldn’t have a clue what to do with the keys; he can’t drive – at least, not one with gears ‘n stuff!”
By now, the ice had been well broken and I laughed out loud, causing him to look across at me with a rather self-satisfied smile on his cheeky face, as he slouched deeper into the passenger seat next to me.

I pulled into a quiet part of the car park down by the river and switched off the engine. I unbuckled my belt and he did the same. There was just the sound of the ducks quacking on the water as we sat there.

“So what do you think?” I asked. He had already set the seat-back down slightly, so he was sort of half-laying, half-sitting next to me.

“I love the smell and feel of leather, don’t you?” he said, as he stroked the soft cream leather of the sides of his seat, “especially next to my skin. Mind if I slip these off; I’m getting really hot, here in the sun.”

Before I could respond, he lifted his buttocks in the seat and casually slipped his tracksuit bottoms down below his knees, revealing his bare legs, bare stomach and a thick bush of pubic hair. I was instantly shocked by the absence of any underwear but the shock quickly dissipated as my attention rested on the semi-tumescent, uncut piece of meat that lay before me in the midst of that dense thatch. I can honestly say that any young man would be proud of such a piece and mine was already oozing pre-cum in my own briefs, now constrained even more tightly by my jeans in the seat next to him.

As I gazed at him (probably with my mouth open in surprise – I can’t remember!), he looked back and smirked,

“It won’t bite y’ know,” he said. Then he added, “you’re not gonna go chicken on me are you?”

So checking around that there was no-one else in sight, I lifted his weighty cock with my right hand, as I put my face down into his lap and took it straight into my mouth. My face was already into his thick thatch and I could inhale all those steamy, masculine odours of musk & sweat, combined with the more healthy scent of soap and talcum powder.

His organ seemed to take on a life of its own. Awoken from its semi-slumber, it rapidly grew inside my mouth, as I slurped and sucked and as I pressed down on his balls with my right hand, my tongue felt his foreskin slip back, revealing the hardening ridge of his cock-head, which was still growing!

Eventually, I had to come up for air. It was getting really hot in the car, in the sun and I figured that if I just sucked him off here, he’d soon lose interest and that would be that. So I suggested we make for the trees to find a quiet spot but in the fresh air. To my surprise, he agreed and quickly slipped is trackie-bottoms back up and got out of the car. He was keen!
Heading into the clump of trees set back from the river, it wasn’t long before we found a small clearing with some grass and a scattering of wild flowers, partly shaded from the sun. On this sheltered bit of the riverbank, we lay down in the soft grass and I put my left arm over his shoulders, as I slid my hand inside his trackie-bottoms and into the warm sweatiness of his pubic hair, now damp from my having dribbled all over it in the car!

Again, he lifted his buttocks and pushed his tracksuit bottoms down to his knees. Laying down again in my embrace, his erect organ lay up across his slightly hairy stomach, throbbing gently in anticipation.

As if matching his spikey brown head of hair, his body was also peppered in parts with tiny curls. His legs were quite hairy but his muscles were young and taught, the outline of his abs framing a treasure-trail of hairs leading both in and out of his soft navel. I ran my face softly over his stomach and I felt him inhale, as I kissed first one side and then the other side of that tender area beside his hip-bones, now protruding slightly, as he lay stretched-out before me in the dappled sunlight of this deserted riverbank.

Breaking-off our embrace for a moment, I rapidly kicked off my trainers and undid my shirt but as I made to unzip my jeans, he sat up and said,

“No, let me do that,” and he leapt up and straddled my legs, slowly unzipping my flies and almost carefully revealing my white Calvin briefs before grabbing the waist of my jeans and pulling them down to my knees. As we manoeuvred and got rid of my jeans, his erect cock stood out from his body, bouncing around and pointing at me, as if to say, “What about me? Don’t forget what you started!”

He knelt across me, shuffling up across my body until his organ was in front of my face. His hand was holding his tool, guiding it towards me. He wanted some more of what I had given him in the car! I eagerly took his tool in my mouth again and began sucking and playing with it. As I repeatedly slid up and down, slurping and swallowed his young weapon, licking the tender underside of his cock-head and tickling his testicles with my fingers, I tasted his saltiness on my tongue and realized it was his pre-cum. This just got me higher and wilder; he was 22, fit - and all mine.

His hands gripped my head, as he began face-fucking me, gently at first but then more urgently, as I held his taught thighs, his organ pounding in and out of my throat, nearly causing me to gag two or three times. But eventually, I felt the tell-tale signs and, gripped in my hands, I felt his sides shuddering, as his breathing suddenly changed. Pulling his swollen organ free of my mouth, he began frantically stroking his own tool in front of my face, holding my head back, away from it.

Don’t you love that moment when a young man loses all self-control just before he cums? Clearly, he wanted to watch himself cum on my face and this just made me crave it more. I wanted his salty sexiness and as I heard his first murmur of surrender to his desperate, inner urge, I begged him,

“Give it to me, please. Please!”

I licked and pushed hard to get my lips to his throbbing tool, as with a deep, hard gasp, he exploded towards my mouth, two great gushes of salty cum spewed across my face. As his concentration shifted to his consuming orgasm, he relaxed his grip on my head and with my hands still aside his thighs, I pulled his whole body forward, so that his organ was thrust into my aching mouth.

“Oh fuck!” he gasped, “Oh shit, Jesus, no!”

He was momentarily helpless. In the midst of his orgasm, the sensitive head of his ejaculating manhood was now trapped within my mouth and I had my hands firmly on his buttocks, the muscles in which I felt rapidly tensing and contracting, tensing and contracting, as jet after jet of his white seed, coursed through his throbbing member, firmly gripped between my lips, so that I could taste every squirt of his salty cum, as it shot from his shuddering body and into mine.

Then relaxing, throbbing and exhausted, he breathed heavily and I allowed him to pull back and withdraw his cock from my mouth. I was still savouring the last drops of his cum as his tool finally slipped out between my lips and he shuddered, letting out and stifled gasp of relief.

“Fuck me!” he uttered, without thinking.

“You probably don’t mean that,” I laughed, as I looked up at him, the sweat now pouring down his body.

He just grinned, as if apologetically, and collapsed alongside me in the long soft grass. I thought he would lose interest now but as he lay at my side, his hand slid between my thighs and began caressing my balls, still contained within my white briefs, now soaking wet from all my own leaking pre-cum. I was in heaven; this 20 year-old fantasy had just had one tremendous orgasm and yet he was still interested - in me! I wasn’t expecting any more than I had already experienced but I was ready for anything he was prepared to offer, and I was enjoying every precious moment.

Pulling the waistband of my Calvin briefs down below my balls, his hand enveloped my aching and soaking organ. At first, I think he thought I had cum already, until I explained that I get very wet when I get excited. And he had got me VERY excited!

He laughed. He seemed to like that. It fuelled his ego I suppose, to realize that someone could be so turned on by his doing something so selfish as masturbating in my face. But I could tell that his interest was waning. So as he lay there, propped up on one elbow, his hand slowly massaging my manhood, I took control again. I sat up and gently but firmly rolled him away and over onto his belly, in the long cool grass and began stroking and caressing his buttocks, sliding my fingers up and down the soft ripples of his back and trim waist.

He crossed his arms under his face and relaxed beside me, a vision of youthful nakedness in the dappled sunlight. His back, unlike his chest, was almost hairless and he had bracelet-style tattoos around both his upper arms. His skin was tanned, apart from a narrow band below his waist and covering his rounded buttocks. I climbed over him and pulling his legs apart slightly, I buried my face between the cheeks of his bum. And it was a gorgeous bum; soft but muscular, round and full, peppered with little black hairs, just like his tanned legs. As I spread the cheeks of his buttocks, I slipped my tongue into his arse-hole and tasted him, sweaty now but soft, clean and pungent with male odours. He groaned in appreciation and spread his legs more, as I licked around his balls and played my tongue in and out of his hole. His cock was pointing down in front of him below his balls as he lay there and I noticed that he was still pretty hard. I tickled his cock-head with my tongue, then licked it, kissed it and tasted the remnants of cum, still oozing from its tip.

But my own tool was dripping pre-cum uselessly on the grass between his legs and the ache within me for relief was becoming more intense. So I stopped my gentle massage of his lovely young body and just lay down on top of him, drawing his legs together again between mine, so that my organ and balls nestled wetly between his warm sweaty thighs just below his ass-crack.

I slipped my arms under his and clutched him tightly around the shoulders, as my own body now slipped and slid, easily up and down against his back, lubricated by a sensual mixture of pre-cum and perspiration. The head of my organ pushed and thrust against the resisting cleft of his anus, dripping pre-cum over the back of his balls as I withdrew. But as I felt him squirm under me, he groaned softly, as if to tell me it was ok to go further. At least, that’s the way I took it.

As I slid upwards over the back of his legs and body, my tool pressed firmly hard and forward, hitting just the right spot as he breathed-in and his hole relaxed, just for a moment, long enough for my cock-head to slip effortlessly beyond the first barrier.

He gasped beneath me, and I felt his anus contract around my tool. But he didn’t offer more resistance than that. We just lay there a moment, until I began pushing a little further. As he gently moaned into grass, I buried my face in the nape of his neck and began kissing him. He squirmed some more and I thrust forward and felt the second barrier give way to my organ, as he gasped again and then relaxed. I had finally penetrated his inner sanctum, that most precious and private part of a man’s body, and I was losing myself as I now began thrusting in earnest, not quite withdrawing all the way before thrusting ever deeper into his burning insides.

But I couldn’t keep it going; I was too high and now I couldn’t control it any longer. I felt those tell-tale signs, as the ache began deep inside my groin, sending out that familiar wave of tingling warmth that seemed to envelop the whole of my body. I made one final thrust forward into the depths of his insides, as my orgasm exploded from within me and the jism surged from my balls, through my pulsing tool and spewed long and hard into him.

“Jesus!” I swore, as pulse after pulse shot deep into his innards and emptied my pent-up sexual desire in endless squirts of man-seed, draining the cum from my balls. I felt his buttocks clench two or three times, as if to draw every last drop from my captured tool, before I finally withdrew and collapsed beside him, spent.

But little did I realize, it wasn’t over yet. He raised his head on his hands, turned and looked at me.

“Hm!” he grunted, “OK, so that’s how it’s gonna be, is it? Well now it’s my turn!”

Frankly, I was speechless but at that moment, I hadn’t the strength to resist and he knew it. Before I knew what was happening, he had me on my stomach and was thrusting his hard and slippery cock-head between my arse-cheeks and against my reluctant hole. Only he didn’t wait for me to relax; with the impatient urgency of youth, he just shuffled forwards across my backside and rammed his tool into me.

God, did it hurt! I even yelled-out as he did it; I couldn’t stop myself but it was “my own fault” after all. Thankfully, my exclamation of pain made him hold still for a few moments, while I gathered myself and then consciously gave-in to him. Then he began gathering momentum, pushing and thrusting, urgently bringing himself to what he had decided was his just reward for my having taken advantage of him.

To be honest, he wasn’t hitting the right spot as far as I was concerned, and there was never a chance that I was going to reach another climax under his inconsiderate pounding of my backside. But it satisfied me, even thrilled me to know that I was the means he was using to bring himself off again. I was relieved when I finally felt him shuddering and grunting, as his second orgasm of the afternoon began coursing through his body. In that moment, I imagined again all that white, salty cum I had tasted earlier on my tongue, only this time, it was via a different route that it surged through that same tool and into my own body again.

On reflection, we had been fortunate not to be disturbed, lying together in sinful nakedness in the summer grass on a deserted riverbank all this time. There we were, both of us face down, legs facing the river, him on top of me, his organ still subsiding inside of me, when we heard the dreaded sound of the “putter, putter, putter” of an outboard motor. A boat was coming along the river. There was nothing we could do but lie as still as possible and just hope whoever was on the boat wasn’t looking in this direction as it went by. If they were, God knows what kind of view they got! By the time the boat passed, both of us were laughing ourselves silly, still laying there against each other, as the creamy white evidence of our afternoon of debauchery put, put, puttered from our relaxing holes and into the sunlight, where we eventually collected our clothes, returning silently and shamelessly home in my brand new BMW.

In this case, I guess you might say that "It must have been the car!"


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Friend whoring me out bareback

This story is the same as my other story, completely 100% true.One night when I had the house to myself I decided to text a regular fuck buddy called Brian and asked him if he wanted to come over and have some fun. After a few minutes he texted back saying he was up for some fun and had a kinky idea, I asked him what his idea was but he wouldn't tell me. All he would say was "I'm coming to yours, wait outside. You'll thank me for this later". As I waited outside my flat many fantasies were...

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Bareback sibs

Another from the archives that was deleted from site. I hope you enjoy the scene.Thanks for reading. Feedback is appreciated.Ricky - Cambs, UK - 6 Dec 2020****“I want to,” my sister said.“You can’t,” I replied.It was the way we were. She was outgoing, a little wild. My sister had a reckless streak that sometimes had me worried. In contrast, like the yin and the yang, I was more careful. I thought things through where she tended towards the impulsive.“Don’t be boring,” she said, rolling her...

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My first 3way or How another man bareback fuck my

Dance on, dance offhhIt started with a idea! We were corurious about a 3-way, it was her idea but I thought about it and always wanted to play with a cock others than mine. We decided that we dress nice and go to a local club to find the best candidate. She went full slut, a dress so short that basically every movement meant that everyone could see her private parts. For me this was rather normal because she dresses always slutty when we go out, especially for meeting with my working...

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Bareback Party

Eigentlich hätte es für Jana nur ein Tagestrip nach Berlin werden sollen zuerst war alles glatt gegangen und die Termine liefen wie geplant aber dann schlug der Winter erbarmungslos zu. Der Flughafen war geschlossen worden da hatte die 34 Jährige Businessfrau die Sicherheitskontrolle schon durchschritten gehabt. Auch ein ICE Richtung Heimat war nicht mehr zu bekommen. Es war nicht so dass Zuhause jemand auf sie gewartet hätte, aber dennoch hatte sie keine Lust das Wochenende bei minusgraden in...

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Bareback naughty fun with hubbys friend

Hi guys ..heres another story id like to share with u guys. This took place a week ago and while still fresh in my mind id like to share it with you .So im a mid 30s Pakistani women who loves sex and married to a like minded guy who lets me indulge my fantasies. In fact theres nothing more that turns him on then me coming back to him after being all used by another man. husbands friend...lets call him "s".....has always fancied me ..hes in his 40s , indian and married . He and my...

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Mature Lesley Fucks Sons Bully Bareback

[Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]Mark was 18 years old. He was quite a good-looking guy, and always did well with the girls. He was confident with women, and generally got what he wanted.Mark had left school a year ago and began working at a local office as a trainee. He was not too keen on the job but did enjoy giving one of the other trainees a hard time. Luke was a small weedy boy who was low on confidence, was not particularly good looking and was generally the...

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Bareback Party Geschaumlftsfrau laumlsst sich als Stut

Vorab. ich fand diese Geschichte online. Die Autorin ist Scharmrot1.Ich habe mir erlaubt einige Sätze umzuformulieren und gegebenenfalls etwas auszuschmücken. Die Grundidee zur eigentliche Geschichte gebührt allerdings der genannten Autorin.Bei dieser Geschichte handelt es sich um eine interaktive Geschichte. Das bedeutet, die Handlung kann sich in mehrere Richtungen entwickeln. Von daher bitte stets den Teil weiterlesen, der der gewünschten Entscheidung entspricht. Dann mal los :)...

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All night bareback orgy

I have been a cock loving guy since high school, well at that time I did not want any one to know how much I crave cock, the three school bullies, thugs, Juvenal delinquents, trouble maker, what ever you wish to call them had taken mu innocence away. They took me by forc3 and when I did not report the act they decided to have their way with me so many times that I started to get addicted to being their fuck toy. By the time I reached College, I was a down low cock whore, sucking cocks getting...

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Cheating Bareback Gay

Ever since I started cheating on my boyfriend a year ago, I haven’t been able to stop. The first time I did it was in the basement of a building a few blocks away with some guy I met on A4A Adam4Adam is an online dating website designed for men to meet other men "for friendship, romance, or a hot hookup".. I was nervous as hell, knowing that this was something that I could never undo. I was a bit disappointed when I saw him, because he wasn’t as hot as his picture. But when he pushed me onto my...

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Asian Boys Kinky Bareback

The Saturday before I'd had an amazing threesome in Hong Kong with a regular fuck-buddy of mine and a "Boy" (only 19) that he'd met. The next day we met up again (just for Yum Cha) and we talked about what we should do for our next session. They were both very much wanting to be able to try piss enemas and so they proposed that we should go bareback next time.I contacted my partners back in Australia and asked how they felt about me not using condoms with Jonathan and Julian if the three of us...

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Lust for Bareback

I was introduced to a lot of new things when I was in my late teens, many of them through my girlfriend at the time. I had led a largely sheltered life until I met Amber. She was a spunky little blonde that appeared innocent, but was really a naughty girl. She was about 154 cm with shoulder length blonde hair, a thin waist, and 34B tits.We were very much opposites in a lot of ways, she also hung out with a different crowd than I did. Till that point I had abstained from most all the vices...

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Preface The day dawned brightly, as befitted such an important day, though most July days dawned as brightly – unless they didn’t dawn at all under a blanket of fog.  Carli could hardly contain herself, and she wasn’t at all sure how she could stand the slow pace of the day until her flight departed San Francisco at 1:00 AM.  Twenty hours later, she would arrive in Bangkok.  But at the moment, her attention was fixed on the 2 cocks plundering her holes – Daddy’s in her cunt, Billy’s (her...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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One summer while at the beach in San Diego. I went late to the old resorts beach showers to get the sand out of my ass and hopefully jack off with or suck my friend Scott. His place was dark like most of the rooms on a Sunday night in June. Only my sister was sharing the room with me and our parents were gone for two days. I pulled on the door but it was locked but I heard water and a few lights. As I turned to my room, the door cracked open and a guy I recognized signalled me in. Completely...

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The Guitarist First Bareback Girl

The Guitarist - First Bareback Girl,The last story from The Guitarist.I was in a band in the 80’s. Nothing special but it was such good fun. From the day I screwed my first girl and up until yesterday I used a condom; as much for my protection as theirs. Don’t get me wrong, I was lucky enough to bed many pretty girls and a few stunning women but the condom had most of the fun. Almost all were one night stands, two at the most. Then the band broke up so I and the new singer, Sam, I carried on....

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Bareback At The A B S

I have written a few stories here about my time spent at adult bookstores. Most of my visits are disappointing, either no one there or just no one I am interested in. When it comes to random hook ups, I am pretty picky. I won't just suck or fuck anybody!I was driving around running a few errands a few days ago, when realized I had some time to kill. The bookstore I usually go to wasn't too far away, so I figured I would stop by. I always hope to go and suck a nice cock or 2, but usually just...

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My wifes bareback adventures

This is completely true.It was on my birthday, as we were dressing to go out to dinner, that my wife Anna decided, for some reason I never have understood, to tell me about her sex life before we met. It was a lurid tale, but luckily for her I am not a jealous guy.When Anna (not her real name) turned sixteen, she and her friend Jean decided they were sick of being virgins, especially since all their friends at the large public high school they attended seemed to be getting it regularly. Neither...

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My wifes bareback adventures

This is completely true.It was on my birthday, as we were dressing to go out to dinner, that my wife Anna decided, for some reason I never have understood, to tell me about her sex life before we met. It was a lurid tale, but luckily for her I am not a jealous guy.When Anna (not her real name) turned sixteen, she and her friend Jean decided they were sick of being virgins, especially since all their friends at the large public high school they attended seemed to be getting it regularly. Neither...

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You haven't seen beauty until you've seen my daughter riding along Country Route 18 in July. We own the land on the whole stretch of road between Wendell's farm and the Amish community up north. All you ever see on that road are haywagons and buggies. And my daughter, Katherine. I swear the only reason anyone else rides that road instead of the wider route to the south is for the hope of seeing her go by on that stallion of hers. She paid for it herself, you know. Takes care of it real good.In...

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First Bareback With A Tranny From Da Street

I know, I know, you guys must think that I'm CRAAZZYY!! Specially since I have this hangouts and hookups here in South America, but maaann!! These gals are really worth the risk (YOLO!! LOL).. also to be fair, most of the people tend to exaggerate about them..Anyway, here's the thing.. I was just walkin' from work, goin' home and well, If you follow me, you'll know that I live in a hotel room I rented in Downtown.. then I saw this gorgeous tall blonde gal from Streets doin' her "lil turn on the...

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First Time Bareback True Story Long

This is the final story and my last time meeting with Chris. In this story he gave me the best present a daddy can give to his little slut. This is a true story with some aspects and details changed as to keep the person/s identity anonymous. In this story I tried to put more detail into 'The Action' part as I felt that my last couple of stories lacked detail in that area. Please let me know if there are any other aspects I could improve upon for future stories. Any feedback is appreciated,...

4 years ago
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He was absolutely gorgeous.No two words about it. GOR-GEOUS! I hoped it wasn’t the flashing lights or the hypnotic strobe that brought me to that decision. He had a headful of dark, curly hair that d****d over his shoulders and the darkest eyes that I’ve ever seen. I think I joked with my friends that he must have been a gypsy or something because he was so dark and hairy. My best friend, Nkechi laughed hysterically.“Oh, jeez, Muna! Next, you’ll be saying that he’s a vampire or something!”I...

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Gloryhole Bareback

Bareback GloryholeTrue StoryLast week I went to the nearby sex shop to suck some dicks, as usual that place is always packed with a lot of bottoms like me, so it was kind of hard to find anyone to play with. Until one dick poked through the hole, as horny as I was I wasted no time to take it in my mouth. Within seconds his white cock was hard as a rock, after a few sucking he pulled out... I was a bit disappointed but then I saw his face through the hole, "can I come over in your booth?" He...

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Bareback party

My wife told me she had something she needed to talk to me about. We each got a cold drink and headed out to set by the pool. I sat down and she moved a chair so she was facing me when she sat down. She was wearing a short sun dress so when she crossed her legs I was treated to a perfect view of her leg that included part of her hip. Right away she caught me looking at that beautifuly tanned leg. She smiled and pulled the hem up so I could tell she didnt have any panties on. Now that I have...

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First Time Bareback

I had been chatting with the guy on one of the male only social networking sites when he invited me over to his place that afternoon. From his profile, he said he was of mixed race, around my height, older, and a little on the chunky side and that we were in the same town. Well, being that he lived close by, someone I considered attractive, and me being real horny I said yes. So he gave me directions and we agreed on a time. I got to his place and when I saw him he looked more black than mixed...

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Bareback casting party

After some very good experiences with solo boys we decided we wanted to fuck a couple of boys together. So we put some casting calls for in experienced actors in the newspapers. In the end, we invited 4 boys over. We chatted with them for a bit. But then we started to use them to satisfy our perverted fantasies.We were so horny and the boys were really into everything -- especially when we promised to make them famous. So, when we told them to fuck each other, too, they got right into it, and...

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Bareback gay orgy

We contacted some horny guys on an internet sex site and also contacted some escorts for a big orgy fuckfest!Our friends were so horny for full bareback action,we had to convince some guys to be fully versatile-fucking,getting fucked,and sucking-no matter which dick was put in which hole,everyone accepted every hard cock!There was so much cum around,I dont know if we will ever get to go back to that hotel!I continued fucking like hell,Will was enjoying the fucking too!Hooking up these street...

1 year ago
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Bareback With Black II

This guy responded to our profile on a swinger's site and we answered back. I was surprised Jeena wanted to write him since he sent a "cock only" photo, which we usually didn't like. Jeena said he had such a "fine looking cock" she was willing to risk the rest, and said we should meet in a "very public" place in case it didn't work out. I wrote Leon and we agreed to meet at a nearby Fudruckers since it was close to his work and he would be coming straight there after. When we pulled into the...

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Sunset Place Series 2 of MM MM bareback

Sunset Place Series 2 of.. (MM MM bareback)Andy, my neighbor across the courtyard, unbeknownst to me, had seen me and Dan fucking in the living room a few times. One morning he invited me to go mountain biking with him on a local coast trail. We got on our cycling gear, I was wearing thread bare blue spandex bike shorts and a ripped collar T-shirt, Andy has on black cycling shorts and a white cycling jersey. We loaded our mountain bikes into the back of his 240Z and he drove us to the trail...

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Riding Bareback

I was much more sexually mature than the children around me. I can remember jacking off a lot back in the 5th grade when everyone else in my class was just awakening to what sexual feelings were all about. My first sexual experience was in the 5th grade, actually the summer before. Both my older brothers were away at summer camp and my single-parent mother decided to enroll me in a summer program for kids sponsored by the city. The program was held on the school grounds close to our house...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Deann Finds Out

Jimmy sat up in bed and felt the dry cum on his belly from last night's masturbation. A quick look at the clock told him his parent's had already left for work and their weekend trip so he knew he had nothing to worry about. The plans he had for the day could begin right now. Stepping out of bed, he padded to the bathroom and began the process. A long shower began the day. He made sure his shapely legs were shaved silky smooth before moving to his underarms and then to his pubic area. He liked...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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My Fetish for Barebacking

If any of you have read about my other sexpereinces by now you know I like fucking strangers bareback. I developed this "fetish," if you will, from reading stories about it on some of the adult sites I frequented and in various online groups and bulletin boards. I figured most of it was fantasy. But it was a fantasy that I could not get out of my head. Anyway, I started going on adult dating sites and perusing CL to see if I could actually find women that wanted to do this with me ...When I...

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Pregnancy risk sex goes beyond simple barebacking

Reciprocal NeedsPregnancy risk sex goes beyond simple barebacking.Barebacking is basically a selfish, lazy thing -- don't want to wear a condom, and just want to appeal to one's own pleasure. One can bareback with birth control, and not risk pregnancy (or at least, lower the risk).Pregnancy risk sex requires stalking the woman and getting familiar with her menstrual cycle, and watching carefully for signs of ovulation. It also requires arguing against birth control, so you know she's fertile....

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