Joan: The Real Deal free porn video

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Joan: The Real Deal - 1 - It was a Tuesday and I was in the office, running around with my shirttail on fire. There were problems with two major accounts and I was interviewing for an administrative assistant. The accounts had to take priority, so my 2:00 candidate had to sit in the lobby for fifteen minutes. Amanda, my receptionist, got her some coffee so she wouldn't think everyone in the company was rude. When the smoke finally cleared, I had Amanda show the candidate in. She introduced herself as Laura. She was wearing a blue chalkstripe suit with a skirt that went just below the knee. She had long brown hair tied in the back. I invited her to sit down and apologized for the delay. "This is why I need an administrative assistant," I said. She was polite and said it wasn't a problem. When she spoke, I thought her voice was a little husky, but she was big and broad-shouldered, anyway. We started by going over her resume. Recently there were a lot of temp jobs. I asked her if she liked temping. "I'd rather have a permanent position," she said, "but I haven't found one for a while, and I'd also rather have a roof over my head." Fair answer; she could play the hand she'd been dealt. Most of her positions were as assistants to executives or business owners. I explained to her what I wanted out of an AA. First, I need someone to keep me organized. I have been working long enough to be honest about what I do well and what I don't. I don't want to sort vendor information and prune the outdated data sheets, and I will find anything else to do rather than do that. Second, I am a big-picture person, and want help taking care of the details. With that, I stopped talking. Laura took the cue and gave two examples from her previous work of how she had shouldered those sorts of responsibilities for others. I liked what I heard. Her examples showed initiative, thoroughness and good sense. But something didn't quite add up. So I asked her why she left her last permanent position three years ago. She responded by asking if she could have the door closed. I volunteered to get it. Anyway, I wanted to check out her shoes. She was wearing plain black patent pumps with kitten heels and pointed toes. I was impressed. Now I braced myself for the hardship story. But I hadn't put the clues together, so I never expected what I heard. "If you hire me, you will want verification of eligibility to work. When I show you my social security card, it says Kevin on it. Four years ago, I realized I needed to be a woman at work. When I came out, management tolerated me, but my co-workers made my life a living hell. I couldn't stay. I have been trying to get a permanent position, but I haven't found a lot of understanding out there." She was on the verge of tears. I took a box of tissues that I keep for such occasions off the shelf and handed it to her. "Laura ? I'm going to call you by the name you introduced yourself as ? everyone here is either very busy or needs to find another place to work. If I've set this up right, no one is going to have time to get their shorts in a bunch over who you are or aren't. But let's try something." I stood up and walked to the door. "You've already met our receptionist, and there is one other woman who is here all the time that I'd like to introduce you to. Are you sufficiently composed to go meet someone?" Laura said that she was. She stood and walked behind me. I took her out to Kristin's desk. Kristin is my customer service rep. I made the introductions. I asked Kristin to describe what she does. Laura asked a couple of questions. Then a call came in and Kristin had to return to her primary job function. I walked Laura back to my office. I told her that I was probably going to make a decision this week. I asked her if she would be immediately available if chosen, and she said that she was. I wrapped up the interview, saw her off and went back to the rest of my day. - 2 - There were three reasons that I was not too put off by Laura and her story. The first reason was that I had enough years as a manager in Corporate America to be exposed to issues such as this. Once I had a employee put pictures of his boyfriend on his desk. I didn't care as long as he made his numbers, which he did. Some of his peers copped a 'tude over it. Things got so poisonous, since I didn't know how to handle it at the time, I had to get help from human resources. I learned a lot about how to handle "employee lifestyle issues" from the experience. The second reason is one I just alluded to. I run a business. We're here to work. If you can work effectively, do what you want on your own time. If a salesman had come to me to tell me he wanted to start wearing dresses to work, that would be a problem because the customers wouldn't tolerate it. A back-office person didn't have that constraint. The third reason is that I like to wear women's clothes myself. I don't wear them in public, but I sure wish I could. I like the bright colors women get to wear. I like skirts and, above all, women's shoes. I wish I could be at work in a skirted suit and high heels. But there is just no way. So I guess I identified with Laura and her current problem. - 3 - I also wish I could be accepted at home in a dress and heels. I think that would be possible if I had an understanding wife. Instead, however, I had Diana. Diana and I had met twelve years ago when we worked for the same company. She was a business analyst in IT. We were on a cross-functional team and had to work on a project together. There was no immediate spark, but we started to get along after a while, and one thing led to another. At the time, Diana had long black hair, down past her shoulder blades. She typically wore reasonably feminine clothes at work and very flattering clothes when we went out. Ten years ago, we were married. After that, there began to be changes for Diana: * she started seeing increased responsibility in her job; * she became increasingly critical of everything that wasn't done the way she would have done it; * her hair got shorter; * her necklines went up, even out of hours; * her heels went down; * her clothes became plainer, more causal and less feminine. I was happy for her that she was getting career growth, but I didn't like the rest of the changes. My desires cut no ice with her. Diana's position was, "I'm not going to try to be a person that I'm not." I felt like I had a bait-and-switch pulled on me. At the time, I wasn't wearing women's clothes myself. Instead, I was shopping vicariously through her. She went along with it before the marriage, but once we were married, it was like she didn't think she had to go through the effort anymore. Meanwhile, I wasn't being honest with myself about what I really wanted, either. - 4 - Three years after we were married, I started my own electronics distributorship. It was something I had wanted to do for some time, and I had discussed it with Diana. I had no intention of spending my entire adult life as an employee. I had enough of the corporate life and stupid rules that accomplished nothing for anyone. Diana was not happy about this. She had a heavy emotional investment in the corporate life and didn't want to see me opt out. She hadn't voiced her distaste when we were talking about it; she often did not follow through on what she said she would do, and I expect she thought that this was likewise idle talk on my part. But when I did the deed, she didn't speak to me for two weeks. The Silent Treatment was one of Diana's favorite coercive tactics. I got the Silent Treatment when I incorporated the business, and again when I took out the lease on the building. In between these bouts of silence, we would try to have a life together. Both of us were working long hours. Sometimes on the weekends, we would go out to eat or to a movie. She typically wore jeans and clogs, with a loose shirt in the summer or a sweater the rest of the year. I tried to talk her into at least wearing heels, but she wouldn't consider it. She'd say, "If you think they're so great, you wear them." About five years into the marriage, I was on my way back from the accountant's office when I passed a store I'd never noticed before. They had lingerie in the window and I looked at it and thought that never in a million years would I get Diana to wear any of that. Then I noticed the shoes. In particular, there were a pair of pumps, fire engine red, with heels that had to be at least four inches high. I thought they were fantastic, and I wanted to wear them. I wasn't ready to actually buy them yet, but I screwed up my courage enough to go into the store and ask what the largest size was. They had my size! I walked out empty handed, but for the next three days I kept fantasizing about those beautiful red shoes. Finally, I couldn't take anymore. I went out and bought them. I had to hide them in the basement until the time was right. When I was home and Diana was at work, I practiced walking in them until I was comfortable. When I was ready, I decided to take the risk. It was a Saturday evening and we were home, with no plans. Diana was in front of the TV, as usual. I went to her and said, "I have decided to take your advice." "How's that?" she said and looked up at me. "I'll show you." I went into the basement and changed into my new high heels. I was wearing jeans and a golf shirt. I walked up the stairs into her view. "I like high heels, so I'm wearing them, like you said." Diana's response was immediate and unambiguous. She ran into the bathroom and threw up. - 5 - After that, Diana started to shift away from the Silent Treatment and into Throwing Darts. We would be talking about her job, and she'd toss in some line like, "But since you couldn't make it in the corporate world, I wouldn't expect you to understand." Or she'd be talking about some celebrity she didn't like, and she'd say, "Next thing you know, he'll be dressing up like a girl." Everyone she didn't like could soon be expected to dress up like a girl. I spent a year waiting for this to subside. It didn't. I tried to ignore it and ride it out. I wanted the woman I married back. She wasn't coming back. Simply put, I was in denial. I began to notice that her circle of friends was changing. Her friends now were harder-looking, nastier and more judgmental. When I asked about one of her old friends I didn't hear about lately, Diana said, "Oh, she's gone off to be Suzy Homemaker." Sometimes she would have some friends over, and I would be working in the den and hear snippets of their conversation. It was mostly about being in control and being needed but not needing anyone else. By this time, we were basically living separate lives. She immersed herself in her job and her social circle ? hell, let's be honest, her clique at work. I immersed myself in building my business, which was like two full-time jobs anyway. So after about a year of this, I started coming out of the fog. I realized that Diana wasn't going to ever make everything all right for me. That would be my job. I began to respond to the Thrown Darts. For the more overt ones, I would trot out the old chestnut from school: "That was uncalled-for." Diana would roll her eyes and not say anything. - 6 - In another time and place, I would have been totally on my own to figure out who I was and what I needed to do. I would have been extremely lucky to hear about any kind of support network. But in my time and place, I found the Internet. We had just got connected at work. I was wandering around, trying out search engines, and I went exploring. To my surprise, I found a wealth of information. I spent hours reading the bios of the T-girls who had put up web pages. There was every possible background and motivation. Some had supportive wives and some had wives like mine. But the key point was this: I was not alone. I also found vendors. One day I bought over two hundred dollars' worth of clothes and shoes. When the package came home, Diana got to it first. When I came home that night, she went absolutely nuclear. "Didn't you comprehend my feelings when I went into the bathroom and puked at the sight of you wearing women's shoes?" she hollered. "Yeah, that was abundantly clear. But I've made my feelings clear about what you wear, and you couldn't care less." Immediately Diana started to reposition what I said. "I know you want me to look like a teenage slut, but it's not the look I want to create." "So you will decide what is right for you and you will decide what is right for me." "Society decides what is right for you. Do you see other women my age walking around in mini-skirts and stiletto heels?" Actually, I did, but I was confident from observed past performance that she would have a dismissive remark for any of them. "Do you see men walking around in womens' shoes?" I can reposition, too. "So that's what life is all about, monkey see, monkey do?" "You're not keeping this in this house." "Who are you, my mother?" "What are you going to do with these clothes? Wear them to a gay bar and pick up men?" "I haven't decided." "I don't believe this." She turned and went into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. From then on I started having my orders shipped to the office and sneaking them into the basement. It was just easier than having to go through that scene every time. I soon built up a set of sites I used to routinely visit. I was very paranoid in case someone sat down at my computer when I wasn't there and found the URLs. So I found out how to go into the registry and remove them. One day I removed the wrong registry key, and when I shut my PC down, it wouldn't boot again. I had to get a consultant in to fix it. After that, I stopped messing with the registry. It was also through the Internet that I found a support group in town. I was nervous as hell the first time I went. We met at a member's home. I had to change there; there was no way I was going to go in and out of the house in front of Diana dressed. I was mortally terrified that I would be seen by someone I knew in business. But it turned out to be a very safe and supportive place. I met friends who helped me pick out wigs and put on makeup. It was at this time that I chose Joan as my femme name. And the secret stash in the basement continued to grow. Soon it was getting hard to hide. - 7 - So Diana and I muddled through what passed for our marriage. I tried to keep who I really was away from her so that I didn't have to see the eye-rolling or hear the sarcastic remark. Two or three times a year we had perfunctory sex, but even that had control overtones. On the plus side, I had taken ownership of my desire to dress. On the minus side, I was basically living three lives: one in the support group, one at work and one in my marriage, where I had to suppress everything about me. I was often frustrated and always short on patience. I was quick to criticize and slow to praise. When one of my employees was willing to shoulder the load, I kept piling it on because it was easier than trying to get some of the substandard performers to pick it up. There were times when I was abrasive toward my employees. I lost a good customer service rep through these methods. They also contributed to my last AA quitting. So now I needed to hire a new assistant, soon. I thought Laura was the best that I had seen and I felt that she could succeed in the role. But I needed to take the temperature of the office staff. This was the reason I had introduced Laura to Kristin. Laura would be in the office with Kristin and Amanda all the time and if there was going to be a morale problem, I needed to know before I made the hire. Kristin was an okay customer service rep. She was very bright and energetic, but she did not suffer fools gladly. You could hear the impatience in her voice when she had to tell anyone anything a second time. With that and her unwillingness to wear anything but jeans, I can't take her out on calls. I have the attention span of a gnat for details, so she has been short with me more than once. I spoke to Kristin and to Amanda about Laura. If they had any problems with her, neither of them said anything. I asked both of them straight up, "Can you work with her?" They both said yes. So two days after I interviewed Laura, I called her in after hours and made her an offer, which she immediately accepted. We set her start date for Monday week. - 8 - By the time Laura showed up for her first day at work, I had been thinking of things for her to do. There were some obvious tasks: all you had to do was look around my office. But I had some additional ideas that I needed help with, and I wanted to see what she was capable of. The relentless decline of my marriage had made me come to the realization that it might not last forever. Among the other problems this would cause, I would have to do something about health insurance. I had never put a plan in place for my company, and I personally was riding on Diana's plan at her employer. Maybe it was time to do something about that. I certainly didn't have time to do it. So I outlined the problem to Laura. She had never been involved in health insurance before. I told her what I knew of the selection process and told her to contact three companies and arrange to get quotes. With the guidance of the reps from the three insurance carriers, and very little guidance from me, Laura did a superior job. She was apparently told that we had to provide health backgrounds for the employees to get quotes. She circulated the forms provided by the insurers and got everyone to fill them out. In a month, we had a health plan. It wasn't a Cadillac plan, but it was serviceable and it was reasonably priced, as these things go. There were other changes as well. Laura organized the product information. She took over my master calendar and my work life got a lot better. She built a schedule to make sure product literature and sample kits got out on time to the prospects. One day I was talking to Kristin and she observed that Laura "wasn't normal." Lately I had been so involved in the business that I had pushed out of my mind the obvious way in which Laura wasn't normal. I was thinking about performance when I said, "Isn't it great? I can find things in my office." Kristin looked at me funny and said, "That's not what I'm talking about." I asked for clarification. Kristin said, "She never wears pants." I said, "I saw her in pants last week." "Okay, once," Kristin replied. "It's not normal." I waited a couple of days and had a chat with Amanda. I asked her how things were in the office since my new hire. Amanda said, "He's okay, I guess." "He who?" "Oh, come on," Amanda said. You know and I know that Laura is really a man. Kristin doesn't know, because she's a little dense about stuff like that. Why did you hire him?" "First, do me a favor and refer to Laura as her, since I don't want to create a hostile work environment. As to your question, suitably rephrased, I hired her because she was the best candidate for the job. It happens to be illegal to discriminate against her because of her plumbing." This was a slightly disingenuous answer. In reality, having less than fifty employees, I could have avoided hiring her without consequence if I was clever about fabricating an acceptable reason. Many other business owners would have done exactly that. Many apparently had, which was why Laura had to make a living temping for the past three years. However, it was wrong. I didn't expect that argument to get far with Amanda. She was very traditional and rigid. She liked having rules and she liked seeing them enforced. She used to talk about how she would drive 55 in the fast lane of the freeway and the cars who wanted go faster "can stuff it because that's the law." So instead, I positioned it in terms of the law. It was a reality she was prepared to understand. - 9 - I had been noticing was Laura was wearing, although it wasn't at the forefront of my mind. My talk with Kristin brought focus on the subject. Laura usually wore either skirted suits or a skirt and some kind of top. She had gorgeous legs. I wasn't in the office every day, but I had yet to see her wear the same pair of shoes twice and she'd been with us three months. The shoes she wore were absolutely beautiful and very feminine, with a range of heel heights. She put Amanda to shame. Amanda usually wore pants and always wore flats. Lately it seemed that Amanda had started to compete. She came in skirts more, and once I actually saw her in low heels. And then I'd go home to Diane, who dressed like the girls I knew in college. The contrast was sharp and inevitable. And the wheels began to turn in my mind. What I really wanted was a girlfriend who was just like Laura. That wasn't on the horizon. Laura was not just attractive, but also pleasant and, in the limited time I had been able to work with her, enjoyable to be around. But there were three problems that I could see: 1) I was running a business, not a girlfriend farm; 2) Laura was not really a girl; 3) I was married. I was married, but I was miserable. I didn't really even want to go home. Diana and I occupied separate corners of the house until it was time to go to bed. We slept in the same bed, but you could park a semi in between us. So how much longer was I willing to ride out a sham marriage? - 10 - Over the next few weeks, I turned the situation over in my mind many times while driving home in the car, searching for a solution. I didn't even know if Laura was available or would be interested. What if I alienated her and lost a really good assistant? What would it do to office morale to know that the boss was shtupping one of the employees? What would the salesmen say behind my back when Amanda told them the owner's main squeeze was really a guy? And then I'd get home, and be confronted with the unsustainable reality of here and now. We had bought a newer house, one of the larger houses on smaller lots you see so often. At least I didn't have a large lawn to do. I could throw my dishwater into the neighbors' bedroom, except the neighbors didn't have a single window facing my house. The house was bigger than we needed. Diana drove that decision, and I agreed, secretly hoping that if she had the house she wanted, the marriage would get better. Of course nothing of the sort happened. Instead, we had enough room in the house to avoid each other as much as we wanted to. And we wanted to. One night I walked past Diana on my way to the den. Oversized sweater, jeans, sneakers with no backs. Her hair was now shorter than mine. Diana was an attractive woman, but it seemed like she was going out of her way to negate it. Everything she wore said, "Stay away from me," and I heeded the message. I sat at my desk, but I really wasn't in the mood for busywork. I was peering down the road into my future. I didn't like what I saw. There had to be more to life than this. I don't know why I had the impulse to go down to the basement. I always felt a little better when I could at least look at my girl clothes. When I turned the light on, I saw that someone had been doing a little digging. I rooted through the boxes. It didn't appear that anything was missing, but it had all been looked over. But I hadn't been down there for several days, so I couldn't say whether it had happened today or earlier. It was time to take the initiative, to get the armor on and start dealing with this. The right way. - 11 - I went into the room where Diana was sitting in front of the TV. "We need to talk," I said. "We sure do. How much more money do you plan to spend on girly clothes?" "I don't know. How much more money do you plan to spend on butt-ugly clothes? "You seem to forget that what I'm wearing is acceptable for me to wear. It is not acceptable for you to wear a dress and high heels." "It's not that I forget, it's that I don't care. Forget the clothes. You haven't liked anything I do in years. If I don't do it the way you would have done it, I've done it wrong. You roll your eyes when I talk." "How do you expect me to feel when it turns out I've been married to a sissy?" One thing I learned in Corporate America is how to play Throw the Problem Back at You. "How do you expect me to feel when it turns out I've been married to Pat from Saturday Night Live?" "You're the one who isn't normal." I felt it was time to bring this around to some adult outcome. "It's obvious to me that we can't solve our problems by ourselves. We need to see someone about our marriage." Diana looked at me funny. "Are you seeing someone?" "No," I replied, "but you can't tell me what we have is working." "So is this some kind of mid-life crisis?" "Well, I'm in mid-life, and this marriage is in crisis, so I guess that could make it a mid-life crisis. But I'm not out looking for problems because I don't have enough trouble in my life. I can't stand being around you, you avoid me, and I don't think we got married with this in mind. We need to get to a counselor." "You're the one who needs a counselor. You're the one who wants to wear dresses." I'm not doing this line any more. "I want marriage counseling or I want out." "There's the door, Jeff. Or whatever you call yourself." I knew how vindictive she had become. If I walked out now, there would be a sudden movement of property from the basement to the garbage. "I don't have to leave. You leave. You're the one who doesn't want to take measures to make it better." Diana got up and turned the TV off. "OK, sissy britches, I will. See if you can find a woman who will put up with you." She went downstairs and got a suitcase. On the way upstairs she picked up the cordless phone. As she packed, she called one of her friends and arranged to find a place to stay. I sat in the dark living room and waited for her to leave. As she walked by with her suitcase in her hand, she said, "Stay away from my clothes." "You can count on it." "Good-bye, faggot." There was only one appropriate reply. "Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out." SLAM! - 12 - So now, I was alone. And what did I feel? Incredible relief. But I was also in shock. It was really happening. I had thought that, if Diana ever walked out, the first thing I would do is get dressed up. But now I had no desire to do that. I was incredibly wired. The first thing I did was to take off my wedding ring. I looked at the time. Home Depot was still open. I knew what I had to do. Run, not walk, down to Home Depot and get new locks for the doors. After I changed the locks, I got online and started moving money around. I had no intention of hiding assets or cheating her out of what was rightfully hers, but I didn't want her to get the first punch in. I spent the next three days underwater. I worked, went home and slept. Then I got a call at work from a very irate ex-to-be. I picked up the phone. "You locked me out of the house." "Fine, thanks. And yourself?" "You locked me out of the fucking house!" "What the hell did you expect? You walked out. I gave you the right of first refusal, and you refused." "You're not gonna strongarm me. I know that I'm right. You could tell anyone the story of our marriage and they'd agree with me." "Then what was your problem with telling the story to a marriage counselor? Presumably he or she would agree with you, too." "I DON'T NEED COUNSELING!!!" Not much, apparently. "You're the pervert." "I don't intend to take this shit from you anymore. Either you talk to me respectfully or you don't call me." "I can ruin you, you know. What would your business associates think if they knew you were a fairy?" I was waiting for that. "It wouldn't be in your best interest to do that." "Why the hell not?" "Because I would show the court that you deliberately impaired the value of my business, and you would get that much less in the settlement." That shut her up for a minute. "So we're getting a divorce?" "What did you think was going to happen? You refused counseling. You walked out. The door only swings one way." "I'm gonna find out who you're seeing." "Even if I were seeing someone, it makes no difference. We live in a no-fault state. Grounds for divorce here are failure of the marriage beyond repair, and that's what we have." She asked me if I was going to file. I said that I would. Sure, I'll take the initiative again. "I will wait to receive the papers. Then I will make your life hell." "You've already done all you can there." "You'll see." She hung up. - 13 - Not long after the call, Amanda walked into my office. "You had one angry wife on the phone," she said, as she looked at my left hand. "Not for long," was my reply. "What happened?" It really was none of her business, and my first instinct was to say so. But in the light of what I was contemplating, I thought it would be better for all concerned if I made an explanation and made it now. "We were living two separate lives. I asked for counseling, but she wasn't interested. So we're done." "OK," she said, and walked out. Amanda's cheaper than a full page ad in the Sunday paper. I had full confidence the story would get around with no further intervention on my part. That afternoon I called around and got a referral for a divorce attorney. I called her office and made an appointment. That evening it hit me for the first time that I was alone. But what was different? I went downstairs and turned the TV on to something I wanted to watch. Now there was no meaningful change in the house from how it had been last week. Next day I went to see the attorney and started the process. That night, for the first time, it hit me that the marriage I had once thought I would be in for life was over. - 14 - I went for about two weeks eating one meal a day and grazing a little bit to supplement it. I was functional on sales calls and in meetings, but I avoided unstructured time. I came home every evening and plopped in front of the tube. Then I started to re-enter the atmosphere. And as I did, it seemed to me that Laura was trying to read my eyes every chance she got. Was she interested? Was I interested? Well, yes I was. But I was still struggling with the fact that she wasn't really a woman. But what was a Real Woman? Was Diana a Real Woman? She had the biological parts, but I could discern nothing soft, appealing or feminine about her now. The more I thought about it, the more confusing it seemed. What is a woman? What is a suitable partner? How do you know who is the real deal? Perhaps it was time I found out. Any I would think if anyone could understand me as I really am, Laura could. Besides, I went into business for myself because I would rather get results than live by someone else's rules that did nothing for me. Maybe it was time to start applying the same mentality to the rest of my life. I called Laura into my office. I told her that I would be working Saturday. I told her I had to catch up on stuff I'd let go over the past two weeks, which happened to be true. "I don't require you to be here, but I would appreciate your help if you are available." "Will anyone else be here?" she asked. "Not likely. This place becomes a ghost town at five on Fridays." "I'd be happy to help. What time do you want me?" I told her to come in at ten. I could then get in a half hour before and unlock. She walked out of my office. Was it my imagination, or was she walking on air? Her rear end could have conducted the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra as she walked out. I wanted to get there before Laura so that I could bring in some clothes. I would read her actions and make a decision. If I thought there was something there, I would come out to her. If not, we would do our work and go home, no one being the wiser. - 15 - Friday night I picked out the clothes I wanted to wear. It would be the first time I dressed up since Diana moved out. I picked out a business look and a sexier look, complete with shoes. I packed it all with wig, jewelry and makeup in a suitcase. Saturday morning I took the suitcase and my briefcase and drove to work. I sat down at my desk and tried to focus on working while I waited for her. At five of ten I heard the door open. I stood up, because I wanted to make sure it was Laura and go talk to her so I could read the situation. It didn't require involved reading. She was absolutely stunning. She was wearing a red print dress that really showed off her figure, with a skirt that ended just above the knee. It was very low cut and showed off her cleavage. I had assumed she was wearing breast forms, but now I didn't see how that was possible. On her feet were bright red pumps with what appeared to be four inch heels. As she turned toward her desk, I saw that her shoes had string bows at the tops of the heels. I also saw that she was wearing seamed stockings. We worked together on product information for about an hour. It was very difficult for me to keep my eyes off of her. Finally, I decided it was time. I asked her to do some work at her desk. I reached under my desk where I had put my suitcase. I took it and locked the front door. Laura looked up as I walked by with the suitcase. "What have you got there?" "A surprise," I said, and went into the bathroom. I changed my underwear and put my bra on. I put my boobies in and pulled on white hose. I put on a white shell and a black pinstripe suit; this was my business look I had picked out. The shoes I had chosen to go with them were black patent leather pumps with 2" heels and straps that buttoned like mary janes, but more forward on the instep. I applied my makeup and put my wig on. I clipped on earrings and put a silver chain around my neck. I was as ready as I was going to be. I opened the door and walked over to Laura's desk. Her face was a picture. She was lost for words. Finally, I said, "What do you think?" "You're very pretty," she said. "I should have known there was a reason you were so understanding. What is your femme name?" "Joan." Laura stood and approached me. "Hi, Joan. I really like your shoes. Are you a shoe person like I am?" I reached to her and our hands closed around one another. "You know it. Come on into my office." I led her in and closed the door. As soon as the door was closed, we put our arms around each other and kissed. It had been so long since I had another's tongue in my mouth. I almost melted in her arms just from the kissing. We both pulled all the shades down. I sat her down in the chair we had pulled up next to mine earlier, when we were attempting to work. I sat in the chair and took her left leg in my hands. "There's something I want to do for you," I said. I move my hands down to her feet. I started kissing her pump slowly, passionately. I saw her head go to the side and slightly back as she cooed to me, "More." I put her left foot in my lap and she swung her right foot up to where I could reach it. I gave her right pump the same treatment. "I need to get my purse," she said as she swung her feet over and stood up. She returned with her purse, from which she pulled a tube of lipstick. She painted her lips a bright pink and rolled them together. "Now there's something I'd like to do for you," she said. She went to her knees in front of me and lifted my skirt. She pulled down my panties and I wiggled to help her get them off my butt. She pulled them down my legs and completely off. My cock was throbbing as she reached for it. She squeezed it and took it into her mouth, smearing her lipstick all over it. I loved the sight of her head in my lap, sucking me off, and her seamed legs ending in beautiful red stiletto heels with bows. Her mouth felt incredibly good and she worked her tongue very well. When I came, it was absolutely wonderful. I felt it all the way along my cock. I shot a lot and she swallowed it all. She lifted her head up, holding up my skirt. "I don't want to get lipstick and stuff all over your skirt," she said. But please don't wash it off." "I don't want to," I replied. "Take my skirt down for me." I stood up and she removed my skirt, keeping it clear of my cock which was already stiffening again. I put my hands on her hips, turned her around and guided her to the back of my desk. She moved items around to make a space, and bent over. I asked her if she had any lubricant in her purse. She had been sufficiently thoughtful to bring some. I pulled her panties down, grabbing her girlcock and bag firmly as I did so. I found a condom and some lubricant in her purse. I put the condom over her girlcock. "I love having you do that for me," she said. I lubricated her ass and made my way in. "Confucious say," I whispered, "secretary not permanent fixture until screwed on desk." She was just the right height with our respective heels. She was very pleasant to be inside of, and I was surprised how quickly I came. We went to the bathroom and cleaned each other up. Evidently, she had come, as her condom was full. We went back to the office. "Can you stay like that all day?" she asked me. "Do you think we'll get any work done?" I said as I pulled my skirt on. When we got back to my office, I put my arms around her and we kissed again. I looked in her beautiful green eyes. "Laura," I said, "I love you." She lit up. "I love you too, Joan." - 16 - We did get some work done, although we spent a lot of time necking. For lunch, I called for a pizza. Laura had to get the door. At about four, we decided we had done enough for one day. Laura invited me over to her place. I told her I had to change into boy clothes for the drive. "Leave your makeup on," she suggested. "It will take less time and no one will notice." She waited for me while I changed. We left the office, locking the door behind us, and went to our cars. She had parked within sight of me. I followed her to her apartment. When we got inside, I told her I needed to change. "Good, I liked you in that suit," she said. "Well, thank you," I replied, "but I brought something else to wear for tonight. I want you in what you have on, though." I headed for the bedroom to change. I put on a flower print dress with a white background and a mid-thigh length skirt. I decided to go without stockings. I took out the shoes that I had brought, which were pink pearlized ankle straps with open sides and heels over 5" high. Then I had a thought and called Laura into the bedroom. When she arrived, I said, "would you like to put my shoes on me?" She enthusiastically said yes. She walked over and sat on the bed, and I placed the shoes between us. She lovingly took each leg, sucked my toes a little, then slipped the shoes on and buckled the straps snugly around each ankle. "You know," she said, "I have an older pair just like this, but they don't have the pearl finish." I figured this is a good time to ask, "When do I get to see your shoe wardrobe?" She got up and walked over to the closet and opened it. "This is some of them," she said, as she pulled the doors open. I walked over and knelt down beside two large boxes. There were shoes of every color, style and heel height. They were all feminine and beautiful. "You see anything you like?" she asked. "I don't see anything I don't," I answered. "I'm looking forward to seeing you wear every pair of these." When I stood up, she put her arms around me. I turned to her and began to kiss her. I felt her walking me toward the bed. When we got there, she asked me to lay down. I went to the center of the bed and she followed me. She lifted my skirt and took my excited girlcock into her mouth. I guided one foot inside of her skirt and worked it around until the toe of my shoe was pushing in between her legs. She pulled her panties down so that I could get access. I heard her moan as I applied gentle pressure. She responded by pressing with her tongue. Soon I exploded into her mouth. I felt her close her legs, holding my foot in place against her private parts. After I collected myself, I began to get up and she released my leg. When she did, I turned and guided her onto her back, lifting her skirt as I did so. I took her panties completely off, saying, "You're done with these for tonight." I knelt over her and took hold of her girlcock and brought it into my mouth. Briefly, the thought appeared that I was about to suck cock, but I pushed it away. All I wanted was to please this beautiful creature who was so intent on pleasing me. I took her into my mouth, being careful not to let my teeth touch her. I made my mouth tight around her and began to go up and down on the shaft. Soon, she was cooing to me. Everything about her behavior was so sweet and feminine. She filled my mouth with her spunk, I remembered the old punch line: like spits; love swallows. I laid down next to her, and she rested her head on my shoulder. I knew I had made my choice. I had pushed all the noise and bullshit out of my brain. I had set my course for her happiness and mine.

Same as Joan: The Real Deal Videos

2 years ago
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Joan and the Party

Joan sat in her room, eagerly getting ready for the party. Her roommate Melissa was down the hall in her room getting ready also. The girls had been invited to the biggest Frat party of the year. It was an invitation only party and getting one was a big deal and a huge honor. “Are you ready yet?” Joan yelled as she put the finishing touches on her hair “We will be late!” “Yea! Almost!” She heard Melissa yell back “I’ll be ready in 5”. Joan put her hair up and admired herself in the mirror,...

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Joan Jill Adam

"Baby," she gasped, her chest heaving, as she struggled to regain her breath. "I haven't come that hard in years. Maybe I've never had one that good." "I'm only here to serve," Adam grinned and hefted her right breast in the palm of his hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed the nipple. Only then did he realize his lips were actually sore from eating her out so thoroughly. "Oh, I'm done," Jill said, "I'm exhausted, really I am." "I can go again if you'd like," he...

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Joan 9 we go to Chicago

Sex on the train, sex in the hotel, sex, sex, sex. I recently got an invitation to speak at a conference in Chicago. Joan as usual came with me. Joan is the most desirable woman and has the most voracious sexual appetite of any woman I have ever met. We have shared many sexual adventures and have enjoyed them all. Recently we were in Savannah and barely avoided a gangbang, although Joan might have enjoyed it. I love Joan more than life itself. I made the travel arrangements. We would take a...

Wife Lovers
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Joan goes to Palm Springs part 1

After the wild time we had at Joan's reunion we settled down to our home life. When we had sex we would relive all our sex games. The beginning with Joan dancing naked in a pool with a friend of ours, the trips to New Orleans, San Diego, all of them fodder for our fantasies. I was very busy at my consulting work. I got a phone call asking me to speak at a conference about Quality Systems. The conference was in Palm Springs California which is near Los Angeles, in the desert. I booked us into an...

Wife Lovers
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Joan 7 part 1 San Diego

My next business trip was to San Diego. Naturally Joan came along. We stayed at the hotel Del Coronado, just across the San Diego Bay. The Del is the largest wooden beach resort in the United States. It was built in 1888 and has remained one of the most prestigious resorts in the country. It's had many famous guests from Charlie Chaplin to Oprah Winfrey, from President Benjamin Harrison to Barack Obama. It is set on a beautiful beach. Picture a grand white wooden structure with flags flying...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 05

October 20th – Fetish night (Wednesday) – Joan’s Submission, Collaring and the Unofficial Marriage Ceremony. We have a slow day today because of the activities planned for tonight. Joan asks for the throat fuck again but John says no. We sunbathe at the nude beach for several hours, then Joan and John swim in the Caribbean for another hour. John says he’s exhausted and tells us girls he’s going back to the room to nap. We join him in about an hour and lay down on the bed with him naked. We are...

3 years ago
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Joan goes wild part 1

Joan and I were wondering what our next adventure would be.  I didn't have any business trips planned so we thought we'd take a vacation Some of our ideas were a Dude Ranch, Vail Colorado, or the Florida Keys.  We read a number of booklets looking for the adventures to be had.  One day I was browsing the internet and came across an adult resort in Jamaica, Hedonism II. It seemed to have everything we liked.I booked a room, an Au Natural with a beach view, and our plane tickets.  The Au Natural...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 06

October 21st – Thursday: The Last Day and Night Here. After we all get up and use the bathroom, John starts shaving. I corner John in the bathroom and asks him what else he’s bought Joan. He tells me he should make me wait. I beg him. He tells me it’s a fairly cheap tiara that he put a little silver plaque on that reads ‘Queen Of The Sluts’. The whole thing only cost him $42. It’s got zirconium diamonds instead of real ones. I laugh and say, ‘Yeah, she’ll love that.’ An hour after breakfast,...

5 years ago
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Joan 8 part 1 we go to Savanah

My next business trip was to Savannah Georgia. Joan of course came along. We flew in by way of Atlanta, on a Wednesday afternoon. It was early spring and the air was velvety smooth and ripe with the rich smells of a Southern night. The cobblestone streets were lined with canopies of old trees. You could feel the sensuousness of the city. Years ago I read "Midnight in the garden of good and evil" and found it darkly erotic. It was a true story about a murder between two gay men and included a...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Joan 2

After the wild time Joan and I had in Jamaica, we wanted more. Joan came on a business trip to California with me. While I was working Joan would scout for possibilities for our sexual adventures. In California while I worked Joan spent time lazing around the hotel beach. She wore a tiny bikini that was, really, three small patches of crochet. It left little to the imagination. The first night she told me that a man had approached on the beach. They flirted but went their own way as the sun...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Joan the First Female Pope Ch 02

Joan slept the sleep of chastity, although she knew that she was no longer a maiden, and deserved little satisfactory sleep. She could not understand why she had such wonderful feelings throughout her body. Apparently it was God’s desire, and he was pleased with her actions. She spent the day, milking the cows, currying the horses, cooking and cleaning. She fed all of the animals and cleaned their stalls, while her father worked in the fields planting vegetables. They broke for the mid day...

2 years ago
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Joan 9 Chicago part 2

The next day was work for me. I had to give a talk then teach a symposium on techniques for implementation. Joan loved being near the Magnificent Mile. She shopped for shoes, books and lingerie. She bought some scanty V string underpants, uplifting bras and a cutout lace corset that she would wear out to dinner. Joan has an extensive collection of sexy underwear and she loves wearing it and showing it off. After shopping Joan had lunch at Signature Room at the 95th in the John Hancock Center....

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Joan goes to San Diego 7 part 2

We left Float and walked around the Gaslight Quarter. The streets were still crowded with revelers and there was music and laughter coming from a number of bars, restaurants and clubs. The food we had at Float was really just some finger food and appetizers. I put my arm around Joan's shoulders and we strolled around looking for someplace to get a drink and some more food. We looked into a place called Meze, a Greek tapas restaurant with a nice bar. We went in and sat at the bar. The place had...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Joan part 3

Introduction: We have sexy fun in New Orleans Joan and I flew home the morning after she had fucked Ted. We were both excited about how it had turned out. That night in bed we relived it and had great sex. Living out our fantasy had changed our sex lives for the better. Over the next few weeks whenever we were horny, wed talk about how to make it happen again. I had a business trip to New Orleans and we made plans for Joan to come along. The plane trip was on a late Wednesday. I would work...

4 years ago
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Joan and Mary Ann

Joan and her cousin, Mary Ann, had met in New Orleans to celebrate Mardi Gras. They were both white and in their 50's, looking for some relaxation away from the stresses of work and families. Joan was the more attractive of the two, but no man would reject either of them. Both were conservative in their sexual practices, though Joan had had sex with a couple of men in the past couple of years unknown to her husband. They had enjoyed several of the parades. In the evenings, they went to Bourbon...

4 years ago
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Joan and Mary Ann

Chapter 1Joan and her cousin, mary Ann, had met in New Orleans to celebrate Mardi Gras. They were both white and in their 50's, looking for some relaxation away from the stresses of work and families. joan was the more attractive of the two, but no man would reject either of them. Both were conservative in their sexual practices, though joan had had sex with a couple of men in the past couple of years unknown to her husband. They had enjoyed several of the parades. In the evenings, they went to...

5 years ago
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Joan Part 2

Introduction: Joan fucks a business man After the wild time Joan and I had in Jamaica, we wanted more. Joan started coming with me on business trips. While I was working Joan would scout out possibilities for our sexual adventures. For obvious reasons my business associates were off limits. We recently took a trip to California. During the day it was all work for me. Joan spent much of her time at the hotel beach. She wore a tiny bikini that was really just three patches of crochet. The...

2 years ago
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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 01

Author’s note: This is a short sequel to Joan’s Story and the fourth installment of The Dirty Old Man but this is from Vanessa’s point of view. This is a fantasy and all characters are fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely accidental. Every character that has sex in this story is over the age of 18. I do suggest you read the ‘Dirty Old Man’, ‘An Open Marriage’ and ‘Joan’s Story’ because they will fill in a lot of holes. This story starts nine months after the end of...

4 years ago
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Joan in Ann Arbor

Our next trip was to Ann Arbor, home of the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor is a beautiful town, lots of older homes, boutique shops, athletic stadiums and students. I was there to give a guest lecture on software consulting. It was the fall, trees bright with color, the air crisp and an autumn sun was shining. My lecture went well. At dinner that first night Joan told me she had two tickets to the Saturday football game. It was the annual Michigan, Ohio state game. After dinner we went to...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Joan 3

Joan and I flew home the morning after she had fucked Ted. We were both still excited about how it had turned out. That night we talked about it while we were having sex. Living out our fantasy had changed our sex lives for the better. Over the next few weeks, whenever we were horny, we'd talk about how to make it happen again. I had another business trip scheduled, this time to New Orleans. Joan said she'd love to come with me. The trip was on a late Wednesday flight. The plan was for me to...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Joan Part 5

Introduction: We go to Cancun and Joan get a Gaucho My wife Joan has been traveling with me on business trips. While Im working, Joan scouts for sexual adventures for us. My next business trip was to Cancun Mexico. Cancun offers many different experiences. Theres a wild spring break scene, fine all-inclusive resorts, nude beach resorts and many fine restaurants. My business was at an all-inclusive resort called Baja. The resort was on the ocean and had a private beach. Joan had bought another...

2 years ago
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Joan Goes to Palm Springs Part 3

We woke up happy and contented the next morning. We had breakfast in our room. Joan went on and on about what a great fuck Tony was. She said, "Can we take him home? I'll fuck him until that big beautiful cock falls off." I smiled at her and told her I had work to do. Before I left Joan said to me, "Dick if you ever want to stop our sex games I will. You are my life."I put on some business clothes and headed for the conference where I was to speak. The Palm Spring's Convention Center is a world...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Joan goes wild 2 The Naughty Schoolgirl

I had just watched Joan fucking Winston, and she had cum multiple times.  After I had held her for a few moments, I said, "We have to get ready for the Naughty Schoolgirl party."  I asked Joan, "Do you have appropriate/ inappropriate costumes?"Joan smiled at me and said "I will be naughtiest schoolgirl at the party."We headed back to our room.  The party was in about twenty minutes.  Joan rummaged around in her wardrobe for a few minutes.  She showed me what she intended to wear.  It was a...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Joan 5

My wife Joan has been traveling with me on business trips. While I'm working, Joan scouts for sexual adventure opportunities. My next business trip was to Cancun Mexico. Cancun offers many different experiences. There's a wild spring break, fine all-inclusive resorts, nude resorts and some low cost resorts. My business was at an all-inclusive called Baja. The resort has a private beach. Joan had bought another extreme micro bikini. The bikini bottom was three strings. Two strings hugged the...

Wife Lovers
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Joan 4

After we came home from New Orleans, we relived our experience with Jack. We would have great loud sex while talking about it. Joan would sometimes say, "Let's have him visit for a month or two. I'll fuck his brains out." I would get aroused thinking of the endless sexual possibilities. My next business trip was to Florida. Joan came with me. The resort was on the ocean and had a fabulous private beach. Our room was fantastic. It was a suite with a large living area, a bedroom with a California...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Joan Goes to Palm Springs Part 2

We woke up from our nap happy, satisfied and sticky. We lay there for a few minutes enjoying the warmth of our bodies. The desert sunset was stunning. There were beautiful colors in the sky, blue, pink and many shades of red. The views over the mountain tops, took our breath away. Highlighted in the twining were a troop of Seguaro cactus, standing, as a beautiful background to the sunset and mountains. We looked at the sunset from our private patio. It was breathtaking. We had only been gone a...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Joan Part 4

Introduction: Joan fucks some surfers After we got home from New Orleans we relived our experiences with Jack. We would have great loud sex while talking about it. Joan sometimes said, Lets have him visit for a month or two. Ill fuck his brains out. I would get aroused immediately thinking of the sexual possibilities. My next business trip was to Florida. Joan came with me. The resort was on the ocean and had a fabulous private beach. Our room was great. It was a suite with a large living...

4 years ago
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Joan 1

Introduction: Dom Wife Totally Humiliates Retired Exec Hubby How does a 56-year-old former advertising executive end up (and I do mean end up!—My end!) as the slave-husband of a domineering wife who still goes to work five days a week as a secretary in his old office? Two years ago, I was distinguished, self assured, and totally macho. Now, Im a red assed, sniveling wimp. She is smart looking, well coiffed and tailored, and always in control. Frankly, I still dont believe it happenned but I...

4 years ago
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Joan 1

(and I do mean end up!---My end!) as the slave-husband of a domineering wife who still goes to work five days a week as a secretary in his old office? Two years ago, I was distinguished, self assured, and totally macho. Now, I'm a red assed, sniveling wimp. She is smart looking, well coiffed and tailored, and always in control. Frankly, I still don't believe it happenned but I don't have a lot to say about it these days so I just live with it as best I can. I was...

4 years ago
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Joan 8 part II Savannah

We woke up the next morning still horny and happy after the night we spent with Hank and Jim. Joan was fiddling with my cock and I was getting hard. She straddled my face and licked my prick - 69 for breakfast. Joan tasted like sex and pee. Cum was still hidden in the folds of her cunt and I pushed my tongue deeply in her. I sucked and slurped and enjoyed every inch of her labia. Her clit was still sensitive and I gently blew on it and tapped it with my tongue. She squirmed around shifting all...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Joan Awakens

Joan AwakensMature and Young, Family Play, Flashing, Multiple Partners, Kinky and Extreme“That's a cute ring”, Betty spoke viewing Joan's ring. “My workmate Peter gave it to me for my birthday, it's a friendship ring”, she replied! She also told her that he was a sweet heart, all the females young, old, married or single swooned over him. “Your face lit up like they aren't the only ones”, Betty grinned. Joan told her that he was definitely a catch and he was interested in her but he was too...

2 years ago
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My man Roger is flat on his back on our bed, naked with a thick, eight-inch erection. I am also naked as we tongue kiss passionately with Roger’s hand cupping my ass as I straddle one leg over his. “Tell me all about her?” “Five years younger than us, size ten, sixty-four inches with a good body and a ferocious sexual appetite.” “How do you know her? Has she had you previously?” I am Sarah, of French descent, in my mid-forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I...

4 years ago
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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 02

October 16th – Saturday at the resort. We wake up late in the morning. Joan does have a bit of a sore throat. She says she doesn’t care because last night was amazing. We all hit the showers and then head out for some brunch. After brunch and since it’s afternoon, Mandi wants to hit the nude beach so we go back to the room, strip, grab the towels and sunblock. On the beach, we spread the towels out and slather sunblock on each other. John leans over me, French kiss me and says, ‘I love you,...

3 years ago
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Joan in Ann Arbor 2

After a small rest, Joan took a long hot shower. I watched her and wondered how I could have ever found someone so beautiful and in tune with my sexual and romantic desires. The four young men were sitting in the living room and looking a bit despondent. Joan walked in wrapped in a large towel. She smiled at everybody and put her hands on her hips and flashed us by opening and closing the towel. Joan then cocked her finger for us to follow her back towards the bedroom. She took off the towel...

Wife Lovers
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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 03

October 17th – Sunday: We don’t get up until 11:30am. We all cuddle with each other in bed and John’s got a boner. I say, ‘Joan, do you want to take care of that?’ I’m not big on morning sex but Joan loves it. She smiles and says, ‘Yes, if I can fuck it.’ I laugh and say, ‘Sit on it, Joan.’ Joan smiles and crawls on top of John and slips his cock into her pussy. Surprise, surprise. She’s wet already. She stays wet. Not only does she have the body of a 40 something, her vagina juices up...

5 years ago
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Joan goes to Sin City 6

My wife, Joan, has been traveling with me on business trips. While I work, Joan scouts for possible sexual adventures.  The next business trip was to Las Vegas. Las Vegas is a wonderland of adult fun; casinos, showgirls, famous singers, with fabulous hotels and resorts. It's also famous for the many hustlers and scam artists who flock there. We flew in on a Wednesday. I planned to work Thursday and Friday. We'd stay on for some fun and adventure. The hotel we were staying at was the...

Wife Lovers
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Joan Padowski was a forty-four year old spinster. Her hair was blonde thanks to her monthly trip to the salon. She was about 5'4", 110 lbs, and starting to show that her body was aging due the wrinkles forming on her neck and under her blue eyes. She dressed conservatively. Blouses, skirts, pants suits, and dresses. Nothing sexy but attractive. She used to be pretty and could have easily married many times over but she felt it was her duty to live with and take care of her mother's slowly...

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Joan 3

I am literally cowering in the kitchen as Joan's sister and two nieces arrive at our house on this fateful Saturday afternoon, and small wonder. In the week since my "training sessions" began, I have been reduced to a blubbering child. Just imagine! A grey haired, fit, distinguished looking man in his fifties, trembling behind a kitchen door as his attractive wife gushes over her sister Pam's daughters Annie, aged 12, and Dottie, aged 13, and tells them how cute they look in...

2 years ago
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Joan goes to Las Vegas 6

Introduction: Joan has a new bikini. What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas My wife Joan has been traveling with me on business trips. While I work Joan scouts for possible sexual adventures. The next business trip was to Las Vegas. Las Vegas is a wonderland of adult fun: Casinos, Showgirls, famous performers and wonderful hotels and resorts. The hotel we were staying at was the Cosmopolitan. We had a Lanai suite. It was a two level suite with a private plunge pool and direct access to...

4 years ago
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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 04

October 19th – Tuesday: We sleep late and wake just short of 11am. I’m still tired. We shower and then go to brunch. When we are finished, Joan wants to hit the beach. Both John and I tell her we are too tired and we are going to relax in the room for quite awhile. Joan strips and grabs a towel and heads for the beach again. God, she’s dark as hell already. She’s going to be nearly black by the time we head home. I hope she doesn’t get skin cancer. John and I turn the TV on and sit on the...

2 years ago
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Joan Part 1

Introduction: I like to share my wife – jamaica I am one of the luckiest people in the world. Let me tell about my wife of five years. Joan is the smartest and sexiest woman I have ever known. Joan has a bright open face, shining hair and a sparkling flirtatious personality. She has a body made for sex. She has very firm medium sized breasts that never need a bra, a curvy shape without being chubby, long legs and an ass that is just shy of being a bubble but. She is also an exhibitionist. She...

4 years ago
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Joan the First Female Pope Ch 01

The following account is fiction, which is based on the well-documented Legend of Pope Joan, the first, and last female Pope of the Catholic Church. As this story took place in the ninth century A.D., which means of the Christian era, or Year of our Lord, many of the terms are from ancient languages. Words such as slitten, which is Old English for slit, and sheath, Latin for vagina. Although the specific accounts were not taken down on paper, the story refers to certain facts in which the...

4 years ago
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Joan the First Female Pope Ch 03

Henry, his new wife Evealen and his daughter all ate the dinner, which Evealen had cooked for them. A new bottle of wine was opened and the three of them became a little inebriated, however it was mostly on the thoughts of Henry and Evealen being together again after such a long time. The wine had little to do with the happiness they had found. Realizing the sun had been set for some time Joan said, ‘With your permission father … and mother,’ which brought a smile to both Henry’s and...

4 years ago
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Joan 1

I am one of the luckiest men in the world. Let me tell you about my wife Joan. She is the smartest and sexiest woman I have ever known. She has a glorious body. She has very firm medium sized breasts that never need a bra, slim waist and a solid ass. She is also a natural exhibitionist. She loves to wear scandalous clothes that show off her body and excite men. Some of her favorite clothes include gauze see through halter tops that tie at the neck and leave her back bare, very short mini...

Wife Lovers
5 years ago
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Joan The Human Pincushion

The sun was shining and birds were singing as Gerald parked his SUV in front of Joan's house.  The peaceful suburban neighborhood did not look, to the unlearned eye, to be a place where sexual deviants would play, but Gerald had learned long ago that such settings were actually quite typical. He was in a good mood, enjoying the afternoon sun, and feeling quite satisfied with himself at the moment.  He'd just made a sale, and the merchandise didn't even know it yet.Oh, these women always said...

3 years ago
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Joan 4

needs to as I am dragged naked out the back door of the house. I am doing my best to crawl down the stairs of the back porch on my hands and knees when my dear sweet wife, Joan comes up behind me and gives me a vicious kick in the behind with her pointed high heeled shoe. I crumple and go tumbling head over heels down the stairs while Pam's two little daughters laugh gleefully. "Move it you little piece of shit!" Joan says to me, and as best I can, I get back on my hands and knees...

3 years ago
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Joanacutes first job a periodic story

The job interview was not going the way Joan had wanted it to go. She had been 10 minutes later, because she did not want to get off the bus in the middle of what was then the famous red light quarter of Copenhagen. This was 1978, and more that half the shops on some streets were sex-shops.But there she was, still a little short of breath, at a job interview for an office job at a small publishing house she had never heard of, located in a shop, three steps down, between a sex shop and what...

3 years ago
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Joan my wife a kennel bitch

We have four friends all around my age who I play golf with, all are single, two being divorced. We have them over to our house some weekends for drinks and a meal. Joan always wears a short skirt on these occasions and the lads get an eyeful when she is serving drinks in the lounge after the meal. Sometime back we all had more than our share of drink and everyone was tipsy, and Joan was sat cross legged on the floor giving everyone a good look at her hairy bush, I could see the lads were...

3 years ago
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Joan my wife a kennel bitch 1

We have four friends all around my age who I play golf with, all are single, two being divorced. We have them over to our house some weekends for drinks and a meal. Joan always wears a short skirt on these occasions and the lads get an eyeful when she is serving drinks in the lounge after the meal. Sometime back we all had more than our share of drink and everyone was tipsy, and Joan was sat cross legged on the floor giving everyone a good look at her hairy bush, I could see the lads were...

4 years ago
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Joan 2

stood the pert little blonde check out girl from the K mart, and I didn't like the expression on her face at all. "Well, hello there," she said to me with a superior grin on her cute little face. "Have you been having fun?" "Is that you Jeannie?" my wife shouted from the living room. "Hi Joan," Jeannie said. "I'm not coming at the wrong time, am I?" "Not at all, not at all," my wife answered. "Come right in, I've been expecting you. Did you bring the...

2 years ago
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Joan the thieving little cunt gets punished

Joan sat uneasily in the seat looking across the big office desk at the company investigator an ex senior police officer. "Joan I'm here to find out who stole the missing money. " my poker face on. Strict and firm. "Did you take it" Joan breaks down in tears. "I... It... "Joan was young, married, mortgaged, and entitled. She wore a blouse unbuttoned to reveal cleavage, her skirt short showed off her long stocking encased legs, high heels. Her long strawberry blonde hair coiffed in to a bun. The...

2 years ago
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Joan David Ch 03

Saturday morning, bright and early, we were woken by a telephone call, both of us gave out a long groan from the hangovers we sported from the previous night of drinking and talking, after the wonderful pleasure of near-sex between us. I reached over Joan, my mother and the Goddess of Blow jobs purposefully brushing over her breast with the palm of my hand. She purred gently like a kitten for a moment, until I answered the phone on her side of the bed. ‘Hello?’ I asked, groggy and wanting to...

4 years ago
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Joan Gets Titty Banged

As soon as he opens the door, Nick’s eyes go to straight to my chest. I had just gotten caught in the rain - so my shirt was soaked through - and I suspected that he could just make out my pink areolas and my small erect nipples. His dark eyes flash back to my face and he lightly grabs the back of my head, entwining his fingers in my hair, before pulling me inside the entrance. His hand trails down my back and he cups my bum, firmly.Wordlessly, he takes my hand and leads me upstairs to his...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Joan Alone

Joan and Brian were both the same age as myself and we became good friends living in same road. We used to go for a drink at local pub and invited each other to parties in the area. We often went to sports events and like. Joan was a good looker with a great figure always wore short skirts and taught in local town. I had started giving her a lift when going her way to save the bus and many times she would get into my car finding it very difficult to avoid flashing her knickers, each time saying...

Cheating Wifes
4 years ago
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Joan Part 3

Initially there were only a few people in the room in various stages of undress. However more came in , and there were about twelve to fifteen people there...slightly more women than men. A couple of younger girls arrived together and I took interest although I was been attended by a woman in her fifties, naked from the waist down. It was then a lovely young redhead arrived wearing a flouncy summer dress....I guess there wasnt too much underneath. Up until then I had been considering the...

3 years ago
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Joana My MotherInLaw

As I was about to refill the glass, I heard the sound of the doorbell that caused me to curse. I waited for a few moments, trying to decide whether to or ignore whoever had chosen to disturb my peace at that time of the night. In truth, I'd already much decided, given the conditions outside; I'd to answer when the chimes sounded for a second time. Placing my drink on the other side of the table, I made my way towards the door. Although I could see the outline shape of my evening visitor, I...

3 years ago
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Joana My MotherInLaw

I stretched out of the sofa, glass of wine in hand with one of the local station playing in the background. My wife was away for few days on a business, and I was taking the opportunity for completely relaxing alone, where all my worries and cares – not that I could think of any at that particular moment in time. As I was enjoying the moment, I heard and saw the rain beating hard against the lounge window. As I was about to refill the glass, I heard the sound of the doorbell that caused me to...

4 years ago
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Joanies Ordeal

I love taking long, baths. The feeling of warm soapy water embracing my young body, floating weightless and care free.This time was no different, I allowed myself to space out, submerged my head under water for a few seconds, holding my breath as I let my mind wander off. Pleasant flashbacks from last night began to surface and sent tingling sensations all over my body, concentrating between my legs. I reached down and slowly massaged my tender clit.I was sitting in my boyfriend's car outside...

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