Mars Needs Sissies: Part 2 free porn video

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Mars Needs Sissies: Part 2 In order of appearance: Cindy Prince, Independent hiring agent for Jack Slammer Films and Mark Atwood's agent; Mark Atwood plays Jerry Adams, the Queen's Lover; Tina Van Tee, a professional wrestler called Gladiatus (pronounced: Glad-e-a-tus) plays the role of Umoma; Bill Brian the cook Mark worked with when he was waiting tables; Sandy Prince, Jack Slammers Administrative Assistant and sister to Cindy Prince; Jack Slammer of Slammer Films; Marge Turner, Head of Casting for Slammer Films; Helen Carter Slammer Films resident seamstress. Synopsis: Mark Atwood is an actor. Mark Atwood always says that when someone wants to know what he does for a living. Waiting tables is just temporary he notes. Although that is about to change as Cindy walks in out of the driving rain. Cindy is looking for a star to play the lead in Mars Needs Sissies, Jack Slammer's latest cult film. Mark Atwood is about to become an actor, although he's going to look more like Shirley Temple than a leading man. The story continues: "Mark!" Cindy said touching Mark's arm. "WHAT? Oh! Sorry! Yes?" Mark said jumping slightly from his concentration. He had been given a few pages of the Mars Needs Sissies, screen play version and was reading about the adduction and beginnings of this guy Jerry's training. He was imagining what he was reading on film as he glanced through it. He shuddered a little as he thought about what he'd just read in the opening scenes: "Mars Needs Sissies" opening scene with credits Night, clear, chilly. Young man steps through the screen door of a large fraternity house, pauses then moves to porch rail, pauses again, swaying slightly. Young man moves down steps, and staggers over to a small clump of trees. Loud fraternity party sounds continue behind him, fading as he walks off with camera following. A moment later, as seen from behind, he unzips his jeans and begins urinating on tree. Scene changes as camera pans back "quickly" same angel on the porch with the slam of that same screen door. Another young man also steps out on the porch lighting a joint. Off in the distance, by that clump of trees, there is a sudden bright flash then darkness again. Second young man, lighting his joint, looks for a moment, ponders briefly what just happened, takes a long slow hit, shrugs and returns to party. Scene changes once again back to where the first young man was standing and urinating. There is a small circle of grass pressed over and compacted as if something heavy had rested on the moist blades for a moment. That young man who had been urinating, just seconds ago, is gone. Electronic music fades in beginning with a deep resonating base. Camera angle changes now looking straight down at the pressed grass at tree top level. Camera rises straight up from that point looking down as opening credits begin. Audience can see the yard and house growing smaller, soon the neighborhood it sits within, the city next in a few seconds and ultimately the state and continent before the planet Earth itself. Camera continues rising to a full view of space with Earth growing smaller very quickly. Camera shifts in a slow circle as it continues moving away from Earth. Credits continue scrolling, music grows louder. Camera continues moving even quicker, passing the moon speeding towards Mars. Audience begins to sees Mars from a distance, planet grows larger, redder, as camera draws near. Next shot shows Mars close up as a very large red planet. New shot blends close up of planet's surface as camera races across landscape at breakneck speeds, then dips suddenly into a large passageway framed in a mountain. Passageway grows dark for a moment. Next shot blends into a large brightly lit chamber and comes to a sudden stop within that chamber. You have the impression of being inside of a castle but carved out of a giant cave. Four large women are herding small men into chamber dressed as little girls as might be seen on Earth but in the fifties. All of the men are clearly wearing diapers and ruffled baby pants. Movie credits begins fading as the room fills with more men dressed as little girls. That second group only slightly less juvenile looking. Suddenly we see that same young man that had been standing in that clump of trees urinating. He's been changed and put into a little girl's style party dress. Only his hair is the same as before, and he too is heavily diapered. He is also looking very confused. Music fades completely as credits end. There is a long silence. Then fade to black. Music returns to a low resonating bass as large shimmering text fades title in: Mars Needs Sissies! Cindy smiles as she waits for Mark's attention. Mark already pitied the guy playing the part of Jerry. Although Mark also knew two things in an instant as his attention focused back on the woman standing next to Cindy: It was most likely he'd never sit across a table from her on a date, but he'd say yes in a flash to an invitation for a nightcap at her place. That woman stood six foot four maybe six foot six, and if there was any fat on her it had to be in the low percentages. She was tanned to perfection, almost bronze and she glistened under the light of the studio. She glistened and rippled. A body builder but none like he'd ever seen and she wore just enough to make him wish he could see it all. See all of it... up close and personal. She wore a leather thong connecting to gold rings at the sides and front with two matching straps studded and climbing to her shoulders. They tapered upwards supporting her breast without fully covering them. Sandals tied with leather straps crossed back and forth on her calves reaching to just below her knees. A goddess Mark decided, and he'd serve her gladly he thought. "Mark this is Tina. Tina Van Tee. She's called the Gladiatus (pronounced: Glad-e-a-tus) when she's wrestling. She's playing the role of Umoma." Cindy said and then added: "Tina, this is Mark, our star I hope, Mark Atwood. He's playing Jerry if I can talk him into it." Cindy said as Tina's hand took his to his wrist. "Star? Jerry? Me? I mean nice to meet you Tina." Mark said trying to force his surprise into something more cordial for Tina's sake or perhaps that was for his. His agent had just blown him away with that announcement. "I'm looking forward to working with you Mark!" Tina said with a smile of pure white made brighter by the dark color of her skin. In a another second and while still holding Mark's hand she added proudly: "I was the archer in the movie: Twang. I was also Cupid's mother in Little Hearts and Puffy Bottoms!" "Oh!" Mark said still focused on that bit of news he was going to be playing Jerry and wanting very badly to suddenly read more of the script. All he'd gotten to was that part about Umoma lifting his legs for a diaper or baby pants or something. He was hoping that wasn't actually part of the movie. "Mark, believe it or not, hasn't seen any of Slammer's films!" Cindy said to Tina just as another woman walked up. Mark couldn't believe what he was hearing as he stood there. They wanted him to star in a film. In a movie? Him? He would no longer be waiting tables? Was that possible? Of course it was, only he had to pinch himself. It was one thing to say you were an actor, quite another to never having been one. Although he always told people he was an actor instead of a waiter. It sounded better. Mark said that every time someone asked what it was he did for a living. Mark said that every time he went to work waiting tables. Someday he wouldn't need to say that because people would recognize him. He suddenly thought back at that first day when he met Cindy.... The restaurant... Mark walked back towards the kitchen and slid the order form onto the stainless steel wheel. He gave a clipped code of words to the cook who smiled, winked and, as always, added: "Thanks doll!" Bill, the chief, said what he said while spinning the stainless steel wheel to look at the order. It was a minor dig playfully given and taken that way. Taken in a light hearted context, because in all honesty Bill liked Mark. Truth was Bill liked him a lot, even if, in Bill's words, he was a bit too feminine looking for a guy. That tease, between them, was something of an inside joke and came right at the beginning when Mark started working. Fact was, Bill thought Mark was a girl at first. It was Mark's first day, and Halloween as it happens. One of the girls talked him into wearing one of their uniforms for this shift. Mark had and simply began waiting tables and learning what he needed to learn as a waiter but dressed as a waitress. Bill, the cook, unfortunately didn't know that. Bill, like a lot of people, had been caught completely off guard when he discovered Mark was a guy. Bill went from shock, to anger, to embarrassment before laughing over it after calling him doll and, of course, that nickname stayed. This is only important because that's why Sandy and her sister Cindy were sitting there ordering on that one particular day. Sandy had been there before. Sandy had wondered in during a driving rain storm a few days ago for coffee and sat fascinated, over her coffee, at the young man moving about his tables. It wasn't so much his looks, which were noticeably feminine, but those moves he made while working. Mark had those graceful, smooth, almost feminine gestures down pat, and without being overly sissy. He simply moved as a girl might. More importantly, Mark appeared very at ease doing so. He'd look almost natural as a girl Sandy had decided. That last thought, was why Sandy's sister Cindy now sat there with her. "You were right!" Cindy said as her eyes followed Mark around the restaurant and then added: "Have you talked with him?" "Nope. Thought it might be better if you agreed first then perhaps bring Jack into it." Sandy said. "Good idea. I'll give Jack a call tonight and set up something for tomorrow. Oh, does that young man work tomorrow?" Cindy asked. "I can find out easily enough!" Sandy said, adding as Mark came within ear shot: "Excuse me!" "Hi! Need something?" Mark asked cordially while pouring a warm up coffee into their cups. "You!" Sandy said smiling and asked: "We're meeting with another person for lunch here tomorrow and we would like you as our waiter again. Just wanted to check and see if you are working?" "Sure am! Just ask Mary at the desk for Mark's station when you make reservations, and thanks for your patronage." Mark said happily. "You're not by chance an actor are you?" Cindy asked. "Why yes! Yes I am. I mean, I am, but I'm between acting jobs at present. Why?" Mark asked always hopeful. "What have you done?" Cindy asked. "Ah... OK, Actually nothing major so far. A few commercials, some background spots, and a couple of pedestrian roles, but I've got an entire page all ready to fill in for my resume. That is if you gals are interested in helping me fill it in?" Mark said as confident as one would be with a full resume of credits. "We just might be!" Sandy said and then added: "We want someone else to take a look at you if you don't mind?" "Not at all." Mark said before darting off to the wave of another customer after excusing himself. Cindy called Jack that afternoon. Jack trusted Cindy's opinion and agreed to take a look at this hopeful. Mark, as always, shrugged off the excitement he always felt over a new prospect. It was good to hope, but he'd been hopeful before although reality pays the bills. Jack Slammer met Sandy and Cindy at the entrance. Jack stood a foot taller than most of those around him. Very Hollywood with his sun glasses above his eyes, and very intent on the young man he was looking at. He was watching Mark after Cindy had pointed him out. In those moments Jack had already formed an opinion. He'd decided on that even before they were seated. He trusted his girls on most everything they fed him, and it was clear, once again, that their senses were as sharp as his. "What do you think?" Cindy asked as the hostess walked them into the restaurant and past a half dozen tables before seating them at Mark's only empty. "All I need is a sound bite from this kid, and a contract if it's even a tiny bit feminine." Jack said. "Hi ladies, sir, welcome back! You guys ready to order yet or do you need more time?" Mark said in that ever present, and always pleasant, voice of his after walking up with their waters. Jack exchanged glances with Cindy, then Sandy. He nodded. All he needed now was a sandwich, a cold beer and a deal for this kid. "Perfect!" He said to the girls, but while looking at his menu, and it wasn't the menu he was talking about. Cindy was the deal closer and Jack knew she would close. Jack would let Marge Turner, head of casting, know what was going down when he returned to work Mark got Cindy's card after an introduction to Jack, and an appointment right after work for that very night. The rest of Mark's day was offset only slightly by a lighter walk. A lighter walk that Bill in the kitchen noted with a smile and a shake of his head as he said to the sauce cook: "Damn kid's got a cuter butt than Susan's! That isn't right I'm telling you!" They laughed but it was true. Mark met Cindy within minutes of her promised time climbing into her car as she pulled up. A car that he could only dream about and never come close to affording. The conversation was light for a mile or so before Cindy took over the conversation beginning with Slammer Films. "Never heard of them?" Mark said, to Cindy's question on if he had heard of Jack's films. Cindy nodded as she continued South to the studios. That wasn't as odd as it sounded given the nature of Slammer films. It wasn't a big site as movie studios go, but modern. Jack's backers had built it three years ago happily funding him. They backed him, not so much for his artistic skills, but for the ten times investment they often got back. Truth was only a couple of them had actually seen his films then again only a couple cared to. Mark was suitable impressed, and giddy at the prospects of becoming a star. Actually he was giddy just at the prospects of being there and to hell with being a star he thought as they walked into the building. He wasn't really sure why he was there but glad to be nonetheless. That changed a tiny bit later. Mostly to shock when he got the reader's digest version of Slammer's films and those trailers when Cindy pressed play on the large DVD machine. These were short film clips Cindy played to give Mark a taste of what Slammer did on film Mark had just seen a very fit guy in a green ballerina outfit complete with chiffon wings chasing a group of hunters in a forest. That one, My Dearest Hunter, was about a guy growing up in a steel mill town before going off to Vietnam. A guy who left very macho, comes back after that hell, and decides to become a woman. Mark saw another guy, dressed as Cinderella, in an elegant pink satin gown, slightly pink face, and pink hair casting a spell on a group of screaming boy scouts. On Her Honor is about the trials and tribulations of a gay scout leader. That scene is a dream sequence he's having as those boys are transformed into squealing little girls. All wearing frilly little party dresses after a puff of pink smoke. Those were odd, but not nearly as odd as the one with a giant of a woman who transforms a small man into a baby girl. Another dream scene showing that process from his diaper to his little frilly dress and bonnet. All of that set to music from an organ playing something resembling Phantom of the Opera. The title for that one was called: Females of the Opera. When the fifteen minutes of film clips ended there was hardly much to say and Mark definitely wasn't about to say anything. A job is a job is a job, he mumbled to himself. "Well, those are some of his most recent works! What do you think?" Cindy asked. "OK, so now I know why I haven't seen any of his films?" Mark said smiling while hoping it sounded at least humorous. He also said it with a touch of nervousness in his voice. It wasn't a natural smile given what he'd just witnessed. To her credit Cindy shared his quick assessment. Those movies, like it or not, were slightly weird. Weird she noted, but Jack's films sold, and his actors and actresses got paid, and there was a part in his next one if Mark was interested. Mark was very interested, he said, although he did ask about the role. A question he hadn't wanted to ask and regretted it when he did. "A sissy!" Cindy said but added: "Actually a young man captured by women from Mars who would transform him into a sissy! It's called: ?Mar's Needs Sissies!' Women, on Mars, are dominate and in charge. Men submissive and servants to those women. Men on Mars, because of conditions there, are impotent. So Martian women harvest men from Earth to help them make their babies.... Beyond that Cindy said, after a bit of a pause, it was just another one of your typical Jack Slammer films. What kept Mark sitting there and not out looking for a cab was the five hundred a week he'd get if he signed. Five hundred a week, plus a piece of the movie after expenses. Bonuses for appearances, promotions and a small piece of the DVD and video market, also when those released. That retainer alone was roughly half again as much as what he was making at the moment. Twenty four thousand a year wasn't major money but he'd get that sitting on his butt or filming. His annual income, Cindy noted happily, could be as high as one hundred and sixty thousand if the film did well. More if the videos and DVDs did just as good. For that sort of money, Mark decided, he'd wear any color ballerina tutu Mr. Slammer might want. Cindy also promised two weeks pay as a signing bonus to get him out of the restaurant. Mark might have wanted to read the fine print first, but he couldn't get past the larger print that had the blanks filled in with those amounts Cindy had mentioned. Cindy, Mark also found out, was an independent hiring agent with an office on the site. Only her sister Sandy worked directly for Jack. Sandy was Jack's administrative assistant. Cindy would get fifty dollars of Mark's income per week if he signed. He almost signed but paused. "Something wrong?" Cindy asked. "Doesn't Mr. Slammer want a screen test or something? I mean this all sounds great, it really does, but the truth is I'm not sure I'm all that much of an actor yet." Mark said almost in anguish at deciding that honesty might be the best policy. Cindy smiled, nodding as she did so, and said: "Jack Slammer doesn't want professional actors and actress. He says they spoil what he's trying to say most times. It's the attraction some of his followers have for his work. That taste of reality within those frameworks of fantasy are big sellers. Truth is you are exactly what Jack wants! The other truth is you more or less auditioned at the restaurant. Besides, he'll teach you most of what he's going to want you to know." Mark's hopes went up but he hesitated still and thought about those images of men dressed as women or those boys dressed as little girls. Odd. Maybe too odd. Then again he'd seen a number of films with men dressed as women and boys dressed as girls. Hell, even Disney put boys into dresses on occasion. Mark sat quietly still for another few moments poised over the contract, but only for those brief few moments, and with a shrug, signed. Cindy took his hand and welcomed him to the Slammer family of fine films. The oddest family he'd most likely meet in this life time she noted with a laugh. He would have to agree looking at the movie posters around the room. A very odd family! A few days later he was loaded down with the first scripts, a rough draft of a book that would release with the film and some sketches of his outfits. Those last had almost made him regret signing although leaving the restaurant, and now on a retainer, took some of the sting of even those out of his thoughts. Or nearly so. He had just met his co-star and some of the people on the film. He was also there to get measured and fitted for some of the concept clothing for the movie. "Hi everyone. Sorry I'm late. Damn car wouldn't start again. You'd think for what I'm paying for that car it would at least start when I turn the key." The woman said looking at Tina and adding: "Hey Tina." "Hey Helen!" Tina said. Sandy walked up with her ever present day timer and smiled at everyone as her sister continued making introductions. "Mark, this is Helen Carter our resident seamstress and expert in costuming. She'll be working with you today." Cindy said before hugging her sister cordially. Sandy took charge then and said: "Tell you what? Jack's going to be here in about half an hour so Mark why don't you go with Helen and get into costume. Tina, go ahead and get into the robe you'll be wearing? Jack wants a glance at costuming before his go ahead." Mark took Helen's hand during the introduction. Her shake was short and cordial but her smile warm. As warm as her hand. Why Mark thought of that made him shudder a little as he remembered that part about the diaper and that other part about costumes. "Sounds like a plan!" Helen said and then added: "Mark, wardrobe is this way!" They walked across the large sound stage and through a door. It was brightly lit and huge. Mark was led to an area set aside with chairs and partitions. There were clothing racks across the floor and even some hanging overhead that came down on pulleys. There were a lot of costumes. "You got any hang-ups about dressing as a girl? Or baby for that matter?" Helen asked smiling. "I... I don't think so. I mean I haven't dressed as either. At least not that I remember? Why?" Mark asked. "Well, I'm about to boldly take you where a lot of men have gone before in Jack's films, and while I don't mind you being a tiny bit uncomfortable, I don't like whimpering. Some guys whimper when I dress them!" Helen said, but with a smile. "I promise not to whimper!" Mark said smiling back. Helen moved off and back again with a dress as Mark stood by a partition. It was a very pretty dress and Mark had no doubts then as to what he'd be wearing. What kept Mark calmer than most boys, and not whimpering over such things, was a credit to both his father, mother and two sisters. Mark's mother, if you wanted to understand her just a bit, often said that the only reason there was two sexes was for the sex. The rest of those silly rules were imposed by men only so one those sexes didn't have to do housework. Mark's father often laughed over that, but he did his share of cooking and laundering. He was as small as Mark or Mark was as small as his father who was a career soldier. An expert in martial arts leaving Mark more than enough skills to keep bullies willing to call him sissy only from a distance. Mark also learned to dance right along with his sisters and playing with dolls was never considered just a girl's past time in that house. Nor was it odd to see his sisters playing soldier if that was the game that day. However, for the sake of clarity, Mark rarely dressed as a girl. When he did so it was in context to another rainy day's worth of play or for that matter Halloween. So to his parent's credit Mark's list of hang-ups, over such things, was far shorter than most guys. A plus that caught Helen's attention immediately. However, standing in close proximity to a dress clearly designed for a little girl, that was clearly intended for him, did strike cords, if not nerves. "What's that?" Mark said knowing full well what it was, but didn't want to actually ask who it was for. "Jack's coming in for lighting setups and see some of the costumes, so he wants lighting test on scenes one hundred and six through one hundred and twenty two. We do those test in the hottest colors. Hot as in bright. This dress is going to be the brightest or hottest of the colors you'll be wearing!" Helen said hanging the dress on the partition Mark stood next to. "How do you know my sizes?" Mark asked, more for the sake of conversation, as his anxiety level began climbing. "Sandy told me roughly how tall you were and your build. I don't need much to be slightly precise. In fact, I've only basted the sides and where the zipper is joined for now. It will take me about an hour to ?fit' it to you once you're in it. Once I do that I adjust your own particular dress form to your sizes. Anyway, why don't you go ahead and undress behind there and I'll get the rest of this pulled together." Helen said. "Kind of juvenile isn't it?" Mark said moving past the dress that nearly covered the panel side to side that he was going to step behind. It was shaped like a bell from the waist down. His sisters wore such dresses but they were far younger then. He had worn such dresses but Halloween covered the reasons. That was then and this was not Halloween. "It is cute isn't it! Thanks. Jack wanted sissy! Anyway, I took the basics from a dress Shirley Temple wore in Baby Take A Bow! It's really going to look adorable over the slips!" Helen said thinking Mark had meant it as a complement. He hadn't. "Oh, what's your shoe size?" Helen asked walking off. "Six!" Mark said flushing over the small size of his feet. He'd often been asked that by girls on occasion. Some saying there was something fundamentally wrong with a guy that has feet smaller than their own. So too one particular guy in high school just before Mark used the heel of his right foot in a high kick against that guy's chest. "Six? Wow! Perfect. That's a girl's size eight. With the exception of height, you're nearly a perfect little girl's size ten." Helen said moving behind a long cabinet that was waist high. "Ten?" Brain said from behind the panel, and as he unbuttoned his shirt. "A girl's size ten. More or less the age when you are talking about young girls and their dress sizes. I'm going to be able to just about outfit you off the rack!" Helen said as she moved to another part of that large room. "That's a good thing!" Helen added loud enough for Mark to hear. "Great!" Mark said but with a touch of sarcasm as he dropped his jeans just before picking them up to fold with his shirt. "I'm not sure if Jack's going to want the white with pink or the pink with white, so we'll go with the white first." Helen said walking back towards him with both hands filled. "On what?" Mark asked looking at the bellowing layers of whatever material it was that made girl's slips shine like that. "Your panties. Script calls for Rhumba panties, ruffled. Didn't say what color for the base or ruffles but I'm guessing he'll want the white panties with the pink ruffles because of the dress." Helen said but then added: "Although he might want the pink panties with white ruffles for contrast. We'll just have to wait and see what the boss wants." Mark was getting more and more nervous and much of it over the conversation. A discussion of ruffled panties which seemed so casual given what they were talking about. His sarcasm suddenly growing as he said: "I'd think, with that dress, it would be the white with the pink ruffles?" "That's my thoughts as well. All set?" Helen said either ignoring his comments or not hearing his tone. Or perhaps simply ignoring it. Helen didn't like guys that whimpered she'd said. "NO." Mark said standing naked behind the panel. "It's just a costume!" Helen said teasing and then added: "Never yet seen any of these clothes actually transform a guy into a little girl. You'll just look like one. Now come on and I'll do this as quickly as I can." Helen said with a disarming smile. "I'm naked!" Mark said. "I know! It's sort of how this dressing thing works. You get naked, then you get dressed. Pretty standard." Helen noted with her own touch of sarcasm. Mark walked out with his hands in front, flushing pink to crimson for that reason. Also from watching Helen opening what was obviously a diaper. She was doing so on a low table covered with a pad. "Do I do that or do you?" Mark asked trying desperately not to react to what he was seeing. "I do it with exam gloves on. If that's a problem, I could get a nurse to do this?" Helen said smiling. "No, don't be silly. I was just wondering is all." Mark said moving towards the table. "You know, Jack might want two... Diapers that is. For the exaggeration. Tell you what, we can always remove one, so let's do that as well. Like I said, I can always remove one of them if that's not the case." Helen said as she added another diaper to the first. "Kind of thick already?" Mark said trying to force his reaction back to normal with some quick mental exercises. Exercises, he noted with a curse to himself, that were not working. Getting turned on over a diaper that's about to be pinned between your legs isn't very macho Mark thought. "Not thick. Proportional!" Helen said aligning the two diapers by the edges as Mark moved closer to his doom as he thought of this process. "What?" Mark asked over that word proportional. "Scaled to the amount a baby might wear!" Helen said patting the diaper and smiling as she added: "Up here big guy!" Helen was suddenly looking down and Mark's face flushed hotly again. Noticeably more at Helen's smile. "It is the diapers or are you just glad to see me?" Helen said with a light chuckle when Mark was forced to use his hands to support himself for the climb onto the table. A move that left him exposed. A statement made with a smile before Mark could answer as she added: "Listen, if you didn't react that way I'd think you kind of odd. Perfectly normal if that matters." "Normal? Not for a guy about to be diapered!" Mark said hoping the light hearted approach would do what his mind couldn't seem to do. "Actually it is, but we won't go into the psychology of this." Helen said just as lightly as she ran her hand along the length of the diaper. She was smiling brightly and added: "Want a bottle while I do this? I've got baby bottles and can put some juice into one if you like?" "Ah, no thanks!" Mark said looking at her nervously. "Bummer!" Helen said and then laughed. It did help, that light bit of humor in their conversation, and he was at least thankful to be past that part of what she might be thinking over his excitement. Actually it almost worked as he climbed and positioned himself over the diaper until he cursed silently again. "It's a costume, it's a costume, it's a costume!" Mark said over and over again in his head. He moved a couple of times till Helen was satisfied and then laid back. It was a costume Mark said again to himself as the soft cotton under his bottom warmed to his skin. A thought interrupted suddenly as he laid back. He was looking up at a mirror of all things and he could see the edges of the diaper from either side and between his thighs. More of it when she said: "Go ahead and spread your legs apart as wide as you can. You can bend them at the knees a little. Puts more material between your legs that way." "Why these things? I mean why diapers?" Mark said about the diaper, trying desperately to ignore what Helen was doing at the moment as she slipped her hands into exam gloves. "Diaper? Baby and little girl? Contradictions! Jack loves those contradictions. Those odd views of men as submissive and women as dominates. Diapers and ruffled panties are the extreme over such things. Tweaks the hell out of main stream's comfortable stereotypes. Hey, consider yourself lucky. At least I won't have to tuck you like poor Bob was." Helen said snapping the second glove on. "Tuck?" Mark asked. "Tuck as in hidden!" Bobby played that Ballerina in the movie My Dearest Hunter. Poor guy spent weeks wearing a gaff! Sometimes took him minutes just to go to the bathroom. Most times he had to sit to go. Really shook the poor guy. I'd show you, but you've got to be able to bend first." Helen said with a chuckle as she picked up a bottle of baby oil and added: "I'm going to go ahead and oil and powder you. It could be a long time between changes today. Jack's a fanatic over his lighting." "Great!" Mark said noting that comment she made about being able to bend. It got worse as he watched her fill the palm of her hand with baby oil. "Get use to it my dear! Given the number of scenes we've got, I'm most likely going to be diapering you more than your mother did." Helen said laughing as her hands moved closer and added: "Hey, there are guys that would be paying me a lot for this very thing and here you are getting it for free." Mark closed his eyes the instant Helen cupped him and squinted a bit more as she poured more baby oil in the palm she was cupping him with. He fought the moan that wanted to come out as she massaged the baby oil with her hand. A hand he could have easily falling in love with. Under other circumstances that is. Actually under these circumstances he thought after a few more seconds of her gentle kneading. It wasn't much better with the baby powder and he was thankful when she tugged the diaper between his legs. Proportional was a good word for the amount of cotton he had between his thighs that now covered him to his waist. A tapered white puffy looking "V" formed from waist to thighs, fluffy soft cotton gathering in soft folds that stayed like that as Helen pinned him closed. Pink Bunnies designed on slightly larger diaper pins than you'd see on a baby secured the diaper around him. It only added insult to the injury his ego was suffering as his inability to "bend" grew worse from the touch and the movement of that cotton. "Not bad for a woman that's never had kids! Right?" Helen said as she played with the edges of the diapers before picking up those white nylon panties lined in plastic and ruffled. She was shaking them open, after she'd removed the gloves, as she added in that twisted bit of humor she seemed gifted with: "You ever decide to put yourself up for adoption I want you to consider me first." "I will!" Mark said lifting his feet for the baby girl panties that he'd often seen his sister in when they and he were younger. "Could never decide if I wanted a boy or a girl first. Dressing a boy in these pretty things would take all of the decision out of it." Helen said as she slipped the plastic lined panties over his toes. "Then that lets me out!" Mark said with a light smile over the whole scene as the panties slipped to his knees before he eased his feet back down onto the table. "Not necessarily... doll!" Helen said stretching the panties along his thighs as the elastic of the legs gripped them. "Doll? The guy at my last job called me doll!" Mark said laughing. "As in baby doll, or little girl doll, or big girl doll?" Helen asked as Mark lifted his bottom for the panties she gathered and brought to the edge of his diaper. "Don't really know? I dressed as a waitress for Halloween when I started and for most of that day I think he actually thought I was a girl." Mark said finding more humor in what he was wearing and how Bill might have reacted in seeing him this way. He added: "Don't think I'd want to find out what he was thinking either." "Well, just for the record and you can, at your option, consider this a pass... doll! I think you look adorable in these things!" Helen said smiling down at him as she fit the panties around his diapers. "Thanks! I think?" Mark said not sure what else to say. "OK, enough foreplay. Let's get you into your lacy socks, shoes, slips and that dress before people start wondering what it is We're doing in here." Helen said as Brain sat up. "Looks like the Mary Jane shoes my sisters grew up in!" Mark said after Helen slid the lace socks on his feet and as she was fitting his first black patent shoe on. "Sisters?" Helen asked. "Two. One sister two years older and the other a few years younger." Mark said. "Well that explains some of it." Helen said working the second shoe on. "What?" Brain asked. "The ease you have over these things." Helen said. "What's that suppose to mean?" Mark asked defensively. "Hey. It's ok. That's a complement! Just that you're not catatonic. Most men would be nearly faint at this moment, so I'm guessing you've grown up with a taste of femininity is all. I've been dressing guys for Jack for a long time and most almost need a sedative to be where you are. You didn't faint, nor have you over reacted. Frankly I consider that a plus!" Helen said. "Oh. OK. Yes, I guess that's true enough." Mark said letting his guard drop a little. "So which sister's clothes did you wear on Halloween?" Helen asked. "Actually it was my youngest sister. She was slightly plump." Mark said not as concerned by his answer as he might have been as Helen buckled both shoes. She let it pass with that answer. "There we go!" Helen added as she patted the sides of both shoes. She was lost in her own thoughts and wanted to ask more but she didn't. She would, but there was plenty of time for that later. Helen had also decided that when she did ask him out she'd have some these very things at home. Something for him to "slip into" when she invited him up for a nightcap. In fact she mused she'd have a baby's bottle ready for that nightcap. "Slip and Dress!" Helen added shaking her head clear of her fantasy. "Right!" Mark said jumping down from the table and feeling the diapers bunch between his legs. The slight crinkle of his plastic lined panties making it odder still. He looked down past the satiny fabric of his baby panties seeing the shiny black Mary Jane shoes but only the toes. He looked back up at the slip. It was a classic little girl's slip with the top in nylon edged in lace and that forever present satin bow in pink at the center. A nylon top joined to petticoats also edged in lace, and to Mark's dismay, too short to fully cover his ruffles when it fell it's full length. He was hoping the dress might be a bit longer but it wasn't. Both the lace of his slips and the last row of ruffles would most likely show. "Sugar and spice and everything nice..." his mother once said as she tied the sash of his sister's dress for one Halloween before adding: "...That's what little boys can be made of!" He remembered that because Helen had just said it from behind as she worked the long wide chiffon sash of his dress into a large bow. Helen smiled from behind at his behind. She would have this particular dress at her place as well, she thought as her fantasy returned. Mark was having a few thoughts of his own as well as his hands fell into the folds of that satin and chiffon. He was also glad on some level that it was a diaper between his legs and not panties as the silkiness of his dress moved over his slip. Odd thoughts as his finger tips fell right at the very hem of his dress. Just long enough so he was placing his fingers just an inch or two below his dress. If he tried moving them in a bit he could have touched the lace around his legs. He didn't try given that it would have been a bit too obvious, but he would first chance he got. His wig would have made Shirley Temple giggle given it wasn't too unlike her own hair. In that instant it went on he was transformed into a little girl's likeness of that child star. He looked like a young girl dressing far too young for her age more than a boy dressing as a girl. A fact that actually made him slightly more comfortable in an odd sort of way. There were men out there moving about the studio, and looking like a boy in a dress was more worrisome than looking like a girl trying to look like a little girl. Although he was sure that if those men had worked here for any length of time they'd know he was a guy anyway. It was going to be the hardest thing he'd ever done walking out of that room. Outside of that night, he'd added to his thoughts. That night he'd added his sister's panties to his costume just before going out to trick and treat in her slip and dress. "That's it except for makeup!" Helen said when his large pink and white chiffon bow was clipped in place at the back of his head. She opened a large wooden case at the end of a table, draped him in a taffeta bib she didn't tie, and added a touch of lipstick and blush only. A quick few steps before she stood back smiling as she added: "Look, about that adoption thing. It doesn't have to be permanent. Perhaps just a night or two. Like when Jack is done with you, today even. I drive you home, fix you something from Gerber and show you how much fun it can be with someone helping you in or out of these things?" "You're bad!" Mark said feeling at ease with her, but in a total state of panic at walking out the door looking the way he did. Star or no star there were few men and most likely few women willing to dress like this. "I know. Bad and slightly twisted I suppose, but the offer still stands." Helen said ruffling and fluffing his dress before she shook her hand and added: "Ready?" "No!" Mark said looking the large mirror he'd been looking at for most of it and added: Definitely not!" "Then you're ready!" Helen said as she squeezed his hand. And the sound stage stood waiting... There are two groups of guys working on the set that had filled while Mark was getting dressed: One group knows Jack Slammer, and his films, and fully expecting what was about to happen. The second group, contractors brought in for the things needed done under a permit or by unions. That first group smiling covertly at the expected reaction of that second group. Those others wouldn't know it was a guy at first. The door at the end of the sound stage opened and two electricians doing wiring on the cave set stopped. What they saw or thought they saw was a girl and a girl dressed as a little girl as the younger of the two said: "Oh man! Check this little chick out! She's wearing ruffled panties and a diaper!" The other nodded, but didn't answer. Only their eyes moved. Their eyes and tongues actually as they licked their lips. "Hey everyone!" Helen hollered to Mark's dismay. The sound studio went silent. No echoes of Slammering or drills or voices suddenly. It was as if someone had yelled: "Quiet on the set." Mark walked or rather sashayed a bit given that his diaper was exaggerating his bottoms movement under his slips and skirts. It bounced no matter how much he tried to keep it from doing so. His eyes made contact with the guys now watching, and he quickly broke that contact. He'd seen that look before but not in his context. He almost yelled at them. He almost said that he was a guy or wanted to. He might have, but he wasn't sure it would make any difference as the first whistle came. "Who's your daddy?" Some guy said from somewhere near the third set where most were or had been working. Mark didn't look, feeling the heat climb from his neck up and some of it because he was unbendable again. Tina, Sandy and Cindy smiled and then Mark also saw Jack. "Helen! What have you done to my star? That dress is perfect! Sandy! I want Stan to write in at least three more changes for this look. Helen, I want three more dresses like this one! Something in a pretty pastel pink. Maybe a lavender. You know what I like. Anyway, I can't believe it. You really are an artist." Jack said walking towards Mark with his arms out. "Wasn't me! It's him! He's nearly perfect!" Helen said meaning it as a complement but suggesting otherwise in Mark's mind. Those two electricians had suddenly begun realizing who or what they were looking at and both were looking at Mark's ruffled panties when that realization struck. One coughed trying to get rid of a nasty taste he suddenly had. The other trades in that room, the ones that knew it was a guy, smiled. The one that said "who's your daddy" continued looking. He already knew Mark was a guy. He would gladly pick Mark up, and carry him home if given half the chance. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Mark caught that look and shuddered a little. Bill, back at he restaurant, often had that look. "OK, let's get you and Tina on your marks in the training room. Bill! Bill, bring the lights up!" Jack said moving towards the set that looked like a little girl's room. Tina was clad in a long flowing hot pink satin robe with a high standing collar. A stately look. The front of it clipped closed at her stomach contrasting sharply to her bronze skin. In a minute Mark was standing on a tiny "X" of tape in front of Tina next to the pink canopy bed. Jack was looking through a large camera eye piece, then through a very large camera giving orders to two guys moving tall ladders around. Another was above, on a cat walk, moving lights that Jack pointed to. "Mark honey! I want you to take hold of your skirts and lift them out a bit." Jack said. Mark took hold of the edges of his chiffon and satin skirts lifting them as Jack asked feeling very self conscious of what he was doing. "That's it. Adorable. Perfect. Ralph, turn that pink light to your left just a couple of inches." Jack said looking up at the guy on the cat walk. It went on like that for an hour. Jack moving about the area forming his hands into a square to look through at times. Mark sat on the bed's edge, laid down on his back once, sat in the rocker, and then on the floor over a carpet with a large fluffy white bear. Each time Mark posing while Jack moved this light this way or that. Sandy was recording the numbers the technicians called out when Jack would yell: "OK, set that!" Mark was almost ready to wet into those diapers when Jack finally said: "OK kids, let's take ten!" Helen was at Mark's side in an instant and said: "Come on and I'll give you a hand. We'll use the girl's bathroom." Mark almost asked why till he saw the technicians heading for the men's room. "Good idea!" He said softly. Tina was in the stall next to the one Mark stood in front of holding his skirts and slips up. A task so Helen could undo one of his diaper pins so he could slip out of them. It was unnerving at best when Helen held the stalls door open so he wouldn't have to let go of his outfit. It took him several minutes of sitting there before he was able to relax enough to go. It was even more unnerving when he finally did go and stood outside the stall for Helen. Again he was holding his slips and skirts out of the way as Helen brought his diapers and ruffled panties back up. Sandy came in then and said: "Jack's decided to wrap this up. He want's the guys off the clock. You two hungry?" "I am famished." Helen said. "Me too!" Mark said as he felt the soft cotton once again form around him as Helen worked his diaper closed. Helen was pushing up on the center of Mark's diaper when he spoke and it came out a bit higher than he'd intended. He would be glad to be rid of these things he thought. It wasn't exactly macho thoughts he was having when Helen pressed on the fabric between his legs. "We'll do lunch across the street!" Helen said letting the door close. Helen teased Mark's skirts and slips back down fluffing them this way and that before making a minor adjustment to his hair bow and sash. She pulled a lipstick out and had Mark pucker a bit to freshen his lips as she said: "Your first photo opportunity!" "What?" Mark asked. He was thinking of lunch and getting out of those things or rather getting out of those things, then lunch. "Photo opportunity. You and Tina go as you are! Jack does this for the scandal sheets, weeklies and trades. There are always Free lance photographers who hang around that restaurant for candid shots of Jack and his stars. If they see cars in the lot they go and wait for us to take our breaks. Jack won't tell them about the movie yet. He'll just let them get pictures and speculate for another month or so." Helen said. "I'm going out like this?" Mark said looking at the large mirror above the pink counter in the girl's bathroom. He looked like a little girl, and worse, it was still daylight! "Sure! Promotions! It's ok, truth is most of the people in the restaurant won't even know you're a guy. Consider yourself lucky again. Bobby, in the Dearest Hunter, went out in his tutus. Trust me you'll do fine!" Helen said and then added: "I'll go get you a pinafore to wear over that dress." "But I'm in diapers and ruffled pants for heaven's sake?" Mark said with a touch of anguish. "OK, so we'll put you in the booster chair at the restaurant!" Helen said with a laugh and then added: "I won't mind feeding you." "Great!" Mark said knowing he wasn't going to get any sympathy from Helen. Mark's first bit of publicity for his scrap book would come a few days later when Cindy handed him a framed copy of a scandal sheet called Star Burst. It read: "As always, Star Burst is first! Who's that pretty young girl walking with the Tina the Gladiatus? A new child star this time? Or another of Jack's little sissy boys? We think this time he's got the girls wearing the dresses, but then again we've been wrong before. She or he was seen this past Saturday walking from the lot of Slammer Films to Lure's restaurant across the street for lunch. Obviously there is another film in the works, but no one is talking yet. Stay tuned and we'll tell you, as soon as we know ourselves. We will also tell you if there is a boy or girl under those ruffled panties, and yes folks, that is a diaper she or he was wearing when this was taken. Cute! Very cute! And remember! You got the first burst from Star Burst!" Above that a picture of Mark in his outfit covered with a lacy pinafore walking with Tina, Jack, Sandy, Cindy and Helen. It clearly showed the diaper he was wearing, but to add a bit more pain to his agony there was a blow up insert in the lower right hand corner angled from the back showing the ruffles and his puffy bottom. The photographer had to have been on his knees for that one. He remembered that photographer jumping in front of them as her camera clicked away. They came out of the lot, turned right to the cross walk and he had to stand there waiting for the light to change. Two dozen cars were lined up as they made their way across the wide street. Mark trying desperately the whole way to stay in the middle of that small group. He was wearing pink colored sun glasses and that pinafore. It was one of those "what's wrong with this picture?" Kind of scenes for the people in those cars at the light. A little girl, in her own frilly dress, waved but Mark didn't wave back. Helen was holding his hand, and as funny as it seems, it helped as they finally made it inside the restaurant. It helped but not a lot given that the restaurant was packed with people and two more photographers. Another couple took shots with a small disposable camera. Tourist! "The price of fame!" Helen whispered as the jovial man that owned the place led them towards the back and a large table already set up. Everyone watched and Mark was praying they were looking at Tina and not him. It got slightly worse when Jack had Tina and him sit so there were facing towards the front of the restaurant. People would chance a wave when Mark looked. A young boy was bent at the waist in his chair and Mark brought his legs together. Little pervert he thought. It got funny when Helen insisted on feeding Mark a couple of bites for the sake of another person with a camera. Lunch took an hour, and after a time most of the people inside went back to their own lives and food. All but a young girl and her mother who came over meekly asking for an autograph first of Tina then of Mark. "Are you a girl?" That young girl asked and Mark nodded yes. Saying no was too stressful at that moment. The young girl was looking down at the puffy ruffles poking from the sides of his dress and asked: "How come you have to wear diapers?" Mark didn't answer as her mother tugged her back to their table. It was also the same scene in reverse as they returned, hand in hand, to the sound stage. Almost. Mark was in agony and Helen noticed and smile lightly as she bent close to ask: "Potty?" Mark nodded a yes feeling his face flush. It flushed more when Helen said: "Bathroom here or back at the studio? "Mark shook his head no to both places. He was not going to go into that public bathroom and go through that scene again. He was also not going to walk across and back again with just Helen. When he'd shook his head no to both places Helen whispered: "Hey don't stress over it. I've got plenty of diapers and baby wipes? We've also got washing machines. We'll just get you changed when we go back." Mark looked at her as if she'd gone mad, but his agony was growing. Mark tried holding on for a time but lost and then worked hard at keeping his face neutral as he slowly wet into his diaper. Helen, when they returned to the studio, was as good as her word and unknown to Mark got at least one of her wishes as she helped him onto the table. A plastic lined changing pad separated his ruffled panties from his slips and skirts on the bottom and Mark held the rest out of the way as Helen began unpinning his sodden diaper. Mark held a sea of chiffon and satin in front of his face laying there, but he could see what was happening from the mirror. This time he looked a bit. A baby's wipe made him close his eyes for a second but not from the embarrassment of it. Not this time. Pleasure was what swept Mark into another world in those moments. He'd been in those things for hours and those things had been on his mind for as long and now this. Those warm hands and oil taking far longer than was necessary and neither complaining over it. Mark didn't notice that Helen was not wearing those exam gloves. The only thing missing when Mark stood again was the climax he wished for. That same wish Helen had made was granted to her twice as she changed him. The fact that Helen hadn't worn gloves this time also didn't escape Mark's attention after a moment, nor that mischievous smile on her face as she freshened his lipstick. Silence ran between them as they headed once again for the door. There had been a slight change between them from that change. "Mark, Jack has an idea that he wants to play by you before we call it a day!" Sandy said with Cindy nodding. Both were smiling. So were the workers as they filed out. That one giant of a man who said "who's your daddy" winking as he passed. "What?" Mark asked of Jack who was scribbling notes in his copy of the script sitting on a directors chair. "Ah! Mark! I'm going to double what you make a week while we shoot this picture!" Jack said. "What? Why? I mean thanks, but why?" Mark asked thrilled at making a thousand a week instead of five hundred. A thousand a week was a small fortune to a kid just making it. "Why? Well, it stuck me when we went to eat that the press simply assumes that you're not just another guy. Actually a couple of them did ask, but I shrugged it off. Anyway, I think I want to fool them into thinking you're not a guy this time. At least for a time. A bit of a promotional twist. Mostly because I think you can pull it off. That thousand will pay for your cooperation and I'll cover the cost of your nylons on top of that!" Jack said with a smile over that last as he added: "Should fan the flames a bit. More publicity and that can't hurt." "I don't understand?" Mark said although that wasn't exactly true. "It's simple! While we are shooting I want you to come and go as a girl. A young girl or at least as young as we, or rather as Helen, can make you look. When the film gets launched we'll do a big promotion on the fact that you are a guy then. Before that we'll simply convince the press that you're not!" Jack said. Cindy winked and smiled, Sandy nodded and Helen was smiling. Lustfully Cindy noted. So was Tina who added: "I think you'll make a wonderful addition to our side!" "Your side?" Mark asked. "The girl's side!" Tina answered. Thanks! I think?" Mark said and then added: "Trouble is I don't know the first thing about such things?" "Helen does!" Jack said and then he added: "I've already talked with her and she's more than willing to let you stay with her. She can teach you all that you'll need to know and she can use what we have in wardrobe or buy you whatever else you'll need. I'm assuming of course that your question just meant a yes?" "Helen?" Mark said looking back at her. That smile made him shudder and that last session on the changing table made him smile back at her as he added: "I can try!" "Excellent. OK kids let's wrap it up for the day. Helen, make him as young as you think you can get away with before you go. Also grab what you'll need for now and I'll see you both on Monday." Jack said taking Mark's hand. Cindy promised to make the changes to his contract. "Now what?" Mark asked turning to Helen. "Now you get to wear panties just like a big girl!" Helen said taking Mark's hand again. "Oh joy!" Mark said walking towards wardrobe. "Do I have to wear one of those gaff things?" Mark asked. "No precious. You're going to be a little girl or as little as I can make you. That means at most training panties. I'll put you into something a bit more flowing with a petticoat of some kind so you won't need to be tucked even if you get excited although I know this sort of thing doesn't do that to you. Besides, I'm thinking we wouldn't be able to gaff you anyway given that... Well, let's just say I don't want that thing tucked away and just leave it at that, OK." Helen said as she pushed her way into wardrobe. When Jack had asked Helen about the prospects of Mark staying with her she nearly fainted. The yes came out almost horse sounding and Jack smiled over that. He knew Helen, and that knowing was what made him smile. He only hoped that Mark would consider Helen at least a perk of the job by Monday. Helen meanwhile had instantly gone into wardrobe, as Tina and Mark continued with the lighting project. Helen had gone in to "pack" a few things. Those few things filled two large soft bags and two more dress bags. Some of it to wear out and some of it to wear in and Helen smiled. One of those large soft bags, with the things to wear in, was hardly more than a huge diaper bag. It was nearly five thirty when Mark walked back out of wardrobe helping carry his fate to Helen's car. He wore a tea length dress made with a delightfully pretty Daisy Kingdom teddy bear pattern over a light chiffon petticoat and those training panties Helen had promised. Nylon panties in a lavender with My Little Angel in script across the back, with a single ruffled piece of lace not counting the legs. Panties with a thin soft cotton lining backed by plastic for "just in case" and that "just in case" finally happened as he dressed. She changed his hair to something flowing and brought a lavender ribbon under and over before tying it into a bow. "Ten to twelve tops!" Helen said when she moved back to admire her handy work. She really was good at this she mused. Mark wore Mary Jane shoes again but a more modern version that had a small bit of heel and a strap closer to the ankle than across the instep. White knee socks disappeared under his dress. Helen added a few items to a purse then offered it to Mark before they picked up those bags. There was only one photographer at the gate when they drove through and Mark's photo on another piece of news from Star Burst, a few days later, would also go into his growing scrap book. The title and speculation under that one was just as Jack had predicted: "Who is Jack's new star? She's an unknown but only for a time. We'll find out and tell you! Why is Jack using a little girl this time instead of a boy? You'll find out first because in the Burst We're always first!" Meanwhile the trip to Mark's small apartment, to get a few things, left his landlady in a delightful tizzy at her boarder who simply said he was going to a costume party. Although when he left she shared a knowing nod with a neighbor who once again agreed, this time with obvious delight, that the young man really was far better off as a young woman. Why Mark wanted to stop at the restaurant wasn't really clear to him either, but he did and some of it for the sake of Bill the cook. Mark had been in frilly things for the entire day and felt suddenly as feminine as he had that first day in the restaurant. He also felt mischievous. Mischievous and feminine. Feminine enough to perhaps tease Bill that cook a little. Helen smiled over his explanation as she pulled to the curb. Bill took notice of the pretty little girl and woman walking in but there was no recognition in his face as they sat. They had a cocoa and coffee and Helen paid before leaving. "Hey Bill!" Mark said walking up to the serving counter before adding: "Just thought I'd stop by and say hello." Bill dropped a plate of something behind the stainless steel counter and stood open mouth at the young man he'd so often teased. "Well I'll be damned!" Bill said. "What? His assistant asked coming up quickly to help with the spill. "First guy I've ever considered taking out on a date." Bill said watching Mark walk to the door with Helen. Actually it was more of a skip than a walk. "That girl? Walking out? Oh man! She's young enough to be your daughter you dirty old man!" Bill's assistant said in disgust. "Yes, yes she is and she'd spend a lot of time sitting on daddy's lap!" Bill said as he flipped a small hamburger patty on the grill. "You're feeling pretty at ease considering what you are wearing young man!" Helen said as they got into the car. "You're right! Funny isn't it. I don't think I've ever considered really doing this in earnest but to be honest with you, it's fun." Mark said fluffing his dress after sliding into the seat. Helen nodded knowingly. Mark was one of three Helen had transformed. Transformed beyond their costumes as it were. One of three that she "played" with outside of the studio. Of those Mark was the cutest by far, and of those he would be the most fun. Actually the other two hadn't spent any time in diapers. Mark would. She was going to see to that. She fought her urges as she pulled into traffic. Mark watched the palm trees going by on the way to Helen's. He'd only been a girl for a day. He had three months facing him. He wasn't sure just after that single day that he'd ever be the same again, and wondered over what those months would bring. He also wondered if he'd ever be able to dress like this and not end up with wet panties. He decided, after a bit of thought that the answer was no. "What's for dinner mom?" Mark asked sarcastically but smiling. "Something from Gerber's!" Helen said looking over before patting his knee. They had till Monday before Mark had to make a decision about doing this for Jack till the movie released. Helen had till Monday to convince him. A whole weekend to play in before Slammer films began final casting for the other parts. Mark smiled at Helen's smile. That smile and her hand resting lightly on his knee. Post Script: Dinner that evening was short. Helen wasn't hungry for anything other than Mark and by the time dinner was ready. As it happens so was Mark. Everything else happened far too fast for Mark to catch his breath. Helen had chosen a very frilly little girl's dress, bonnet and slip in chiffon for Mark to play in or rather for Helen to play with Mark in. Under it Mark wore a very soft and very fluffy diaper covered in a lightly pink pair of plastic pants. He was, according to Helen, simply too cute to wear boy's clothes and she wasn't going to last through dinner. Mark smiled over that as she slipped her arms around his waist as he looked at his image. He too was sure he wouldn't last through dinner. In fact, Mark was almost positive, as Helen nibbled lightly through his bonnet that he wouldn't make it to Helen's bed. Of course he did but not much past it. It was the first time that he could actually relate to the character he was playing and laughed as Helen closed t

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Missy and the Sissies

Missy and the Sissies By Cassandra Morgan The trouble with band meetings, of course, is that Larissa does all the talking. I guess she thinks she's entitled. She's the face. She's the voice. She's the showman that all the little pimply faced nerds come to see. That is, those few who do come to see. We're a bloody failure, if you want to know the truth. If you've heard of Larissa and the Knights, you're in a pretty small crowd. If you've downloaded one of our songs, then we...

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Daddy Wants More Sissies

Daddy Wants More Sissies! My name is Michelle. It used to be Michael, but that was before I met Daddy and realized that I preferred living life as his sissy slut a lot more than living as a nobody guy stuck in a dead-end job. Ours is a romantic love story, just like something you might see in a movie. Well, maybe a porno movie, but that's not important because this story isn't about how our love began, but rather about what I now do to make sure that Daddy's passion for me will...

4 years ago
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Into to Sissies XX

Authors Note: I love comments... good ones, bad ones, mean ones even. The apparent policy at Fictionmania is that if you can't make positive remarks, then don't make a review. I disagree, at least as far as my stories and chapters are concerned. Please say anything. I am a vain person and just want to know that you've read what I've wrote. You can say I read this and it was dull, or stupid or unbelievable. Whatever. I love comments. Both the current stories and those in the library. And...

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A tale of Two sissies As told by one of the wives

A TALE OF TWO SISSIES As told by one of the wives. By Betty Noone It is now almost 3P.M. and I have been crying since nine this morning. I can't stop. I don't know when I felt that my heart was broken as I do now. I don't know what to do. Since my husband of ten years left for his office, I have been in tears. Let me tell you why. Howard Wattell, my husband is a good provider. He is a stock broker and has many good clients which...

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Sissy thoughts 2 Questions From Sissies

1. I am about to have my first experience as a sissy with a Man! How can I make it more special for us both?A: How wonderful! You are at the very start of your new sissy life. It will of course be special and memorable, but to deepen the reprogramming of your still-forming sissy mind, try dressing as a sissy schoolgurl. Not only will it drive your Man wild with lust, but the symbolism of your costume, and the reality of the loss of your virginity will combine to kickstart stronger, more...

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Sissies New Years Surprise ndash Part 3 ndash

Chapter 3The DecisionSissy got out of bed at her usual time and went about her morning routine of shaving, showering, and getting dressed. Sissy thought maybe she got an hour of restless sleep. After not being able to perform last night she had pretty much laid in bed all night crying and pondering how she became to be such a sissy. To her own surprise she didn’t put much thought into what decision she would make b/c deep down she knew the answer already. If she couldn’t perform with her...

4 years ago
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Society Of Sissies

Society Of Sissies Players: Ms. Rose Carter, Ms. Ingles School For Girls; Sally Ingles, Jennifer Whitman, Dr. Susan Marco. Synopsis: Mark was going to his first collage party flattered, he was even invited, given he wasn't very typical or even average for a male and a freshman besides. His landlady Rose insisted he go if for no other reason than to make a few new friends. Mark walked off happily as Rose watched. In a few hours he would return. Rose mused nervously as she took up...

2 years ago
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Introduction to Sissies II

Introduction to Sissies II By latexslut The door behind him closed and the sound of John Phillip's wife's heels cut off abruptly. A tear fell. Chanazene smiled. It was good when they cried. "Sissyuseless, we have a strict rules here. Very strict. I will read the rules for you this once. You will not be expected to remember them, though, at this time. They are posted everywhere and you will shortly be required to recite them by heart. You will also be...

4 years ago
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Charlies Sissies

Once upon a time, there were three very different little boys... who grew up to be three very different Glammed-up, twerkalicious, super slutty Booty Boiz. They have three things in common: They're brilliant, beautiful... and they work for me. My name is Charlie. The sissies were hired, trained, and given new identities. Their old identities are lost to the bukake of time. They are... **STACI SUXXX** Staci is the fearless leader of the sissies. He has big ol' booty butt for days, as well as a...

2 years ago
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Mars Base part 1

February 4, 2134 Research Log entry #207 Dr. Silton: Access num. 4213 “The latest ship has just docked not but an hour ago. Most of the passengers have already woken up and been moved to their respective quarters. It will be a few days before I expect them to be moving about, but it’s great to finally have them aboard. Their vessel is only late by two months; but I fear the Emerson Contingency may be just around the corner. Only the coming days will tell.” * It’s so cold… Where am I?... Why is...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Intro to Sissies IX The Meting of the Punishment Part Four

Intro to Sissies IX: The Meting of the Punishment Part Four By latexslut "Who's next," Goddess Chanazine demanded, looking at Mistress Satin knowingly. John Phillips stood there, on the stage, his ankles and toes hurting from the high heels he had been wearing for all of three hours. But somehow the stockings felt so very good, so sheer. He wanted to go back to his chair and be part of the audience, instead of here, but he hadn't been dismissed, so he didn't dare. His mind...

2 years ago
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Sissies and the City

Sissies and the City By Gingerfred Man My name is Cheryl. I'm 20 years old and I'm a pantyboy. That's how I've started off each of the brilliant, literature-for-the-ages stories I've written for you. Though technically, with the brabuster titties I have these days, I guess you would now call me a shemale. I hope you've already read the stories I wrote about my three pretty little creampuff friends and me. Those stories describe how each of us became beautiful, delicious, cock...

3 years ago
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Into to Sissies XIV

Intro to Sissies, Part 14 Mistress Satin leaned her curvaceous body into the huge cathedral doors and they swung open slowly and heavily. She stepped and beckoned to John Phillips to enter before her. Sweat beaded his forehead, and not just from the struggle of mincing alongside Mistress Satin down the seemingly endless cement corridors to get to Goddess Chanazine's Temple. That had been a torment: The boots were so arched, the heels so high and thin, the blue leather dress so...

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Helen and Herb Like Sissies

I was introduced to sexy lingerie by Frank but this was after I had delved into my mom’s panty drawers and into my sisters drawers but my mom’s were my favorites. I graduated to girdles, stockings, and more with Frank. Being introduced to Herb and Helen was a new twist in my late teen sexual adventures. Herb was a surprise since he was a pleasure to be around and who would suspect that he was such a sissy, but he did have an effeminate nature and was much more gentle appearing than Frank, who...

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Katangarsquos School for Sissies

Dedicated to Tiffany The early years were beautiful for Keyano. Many days were spent along the shore with his mother and two older sisters. However, it didn’t take him long to know he was quite different from his family. His skin was slightly darker, and his features were exceptionally soft and smooth. He later learned that his father was a soldier and was killed during the war. With the US presence dissipating in the region, Keyano’s mom found it hard to feed a family of three, and so she sold...

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A Tale of Two Sissies

My cheek stings from the big black teen’s blow. Shocked into obedience I sink to my knees on the hard, tiled floor of the boy’s shower. At eighteen, how could I imagine this would be the start to my last year of high school? “Fuck you! I won’t!” I could hear Vic struggling somewhere behind me. He has been my best friend since childhood. We have been through a lot together. Even so, his trouble seems so detached from mine. I feel a little dazed. Like this is all a dream. Or a scene in a...

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Intro to Sissies X School part 1

Intro to Sissies X: School, part 1 By latexslut John Phillips, groggy, felt himself being woken. Someone had unlatched the cuffs that had kept him bent during the long, so very long, evening. Someone smacked his hood, but it didn't hurt all that much. It just squashed the mucous of mayonnaise and sweat and fear around. The night had been long indeed. While bent over, uncomfortable, dead and silent and corseted and plugged, the heels hurting him, he had been whipped....

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Games That Sissies Play

GAMES THAT SISSIES PLAY! By Sylvia Who? Cousin Ann's eleventh birthday party was one occasion I was never likely to forget, although it was many years ago. A written invitation had arrived a couple of days beforehand and since it was a midweek party and Mum was working late, so she suggested I take the opportunity to go along after school even if only for the tea. "What with all those sissy girls!" I countered with apparent disgust, but finally tempted by the promise of jellies,...

1 year ago
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Don Venutos Sissies

Don Venuto's Sissies! Players: Capo De Matzo, counsel to Don Venuto. Don Venuto also known as the Godfather; Mario Venuto, son of Don Venuto; Ms. Rosa Cappella, professional dominatrix; Carol Evans, mother of Mark Evans; Mark Evans aka Martha Evans; Helen Andrews owner of the Little Miss Muffin Boutique; Ralph Summers, a friend of Mark, aka Robin; Steve Franks, friend of Mark, aka Susan; Sandy Summers, Ralph's mother; Tracy McCall, Mark's girlfriend. Jack Summers, friend of...

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Intro to Sissies XXIII

Authors note: I keep trying to end this, but it looks like there will be two more chapters. I suppose chapter 25 would be fitting. Then, I will edit and rewrite all of this and make it a single story. In the meantime though, another chapter. Thank you for reading. Thank you for comments... This one is nasty... This one is cruel... Intro to Sissy XXIII Joan's eyes beaded open, worried. Where am I? My head... oh, my fucking head. It hurts and I need to go the bathroom and...

2 years ago
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Intro to Sissies XXIV Sissys End

Intro to Sissies XXIV: Sissy's End "Drink all of your breakfast, useless. You know you need your juice." Mandy had up ended the gallon jug of come juice and force fed it to Joan, and Joan was sucking it down as fast as she could. She hadn't really eaten in days, just a little come here and a lot of come there. Yesterday, Mandy had completely forgotten to give her her come juice, and last nights alcohol had hit her hard; her head hurt now. Joan was on her back, in reverse sissy...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 1 Sissies on the Town

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 1 Sissies on the Town by Tawny Suede Note that this story stands separate from other stories I have posted "If you hunky men will excuse us for the moment, we girls have to go... powder our noses!" Robin said as she scootched around on the cushions of the private booth. Jamie rose and joined her. Their dates watched the two girls' rounded asses sway back and forth as the two sissies walked off to the washroom on their four inch heels! "Fuck," said...

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The history books have it all wrong - Mars was not only a god of war, but also the god of love. The gods must each designate a human as their mortal incarnation. As the previous embodiment of Mars has deceased, you have been selected as his replacement. Your mortal body is yet untested with these newfound powers, and you know strength must be built in order to wield your full powers. How will you begin?

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Mars vs Venus

The year is 2216 and humankind is divided in a war that has lasted decades. Babies are no longer conceived, but grown. Their traits and attributes are hand selected by the scientists creating them. This is the underlying cause of the war. Groups on both sides no longer saw the other gender as needed. Rifts were created between sexes that eventually let to war, and the destruction of Earth. Humankind's former home is now just one large battlefield. Warriors from both sexes meet here to try and...

4 years ago
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Mars Demands Women

k "Mars Demands Women" A Piece of Fiction by Traveller   Chapter: 1 The alien up on the screen carried the buxom blonde as she shrieked in a way that would embarrass every b-movie actress working in Hollywood. The movie's director Walter, a gambler who made a fortune out of it and got into the movie business, sat next to the actress gracing the screen. Tina Wray was a former burlesque performer turned stag fim favorite turned b- movie actress. Her lack of acting talent was very well...

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Mars Falling Down

I stumbled down the alley in the predawn feeling the burning of my broken ribs. I lean against the wall of the building beside me and rest for a moment, looking up at the skyline. Between all the buildings I could see the barriers that held the atmosphere in our section of the city. The thought of those barriers made me cringe; I looked down to my watch and realized I only had about six hours left to stop what was coming. But no one wanted to believe me, in about six hours one of the barriers...

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Camper Van BBC His Sissies

“What did you do today, sweetie,” inquired the concerned father.“I went to school and went to the book fair,” answered the man’s eleven-year-old daughter.“Did anything interesting happen at school?”“Oh, I got a gold star for my math homework.”“That’s fantastic, Alexa! You’re so smart!”“Thank you!”“Anything else?”“I caught three outs in the P.E. kickball game.”“You’re a rock star, sweetie.”“Thank you!”“Alright, I’ll let you get back to your homework. Give mom the phone.”“Bye, Dad!”“Hey,” the...

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Future sissies

I was born a Class A citizen 22 years ago on June 13th. As a Class A citizen, I have certain privileges not afforded to others. Before I go any further, let me explain. There are three types of citizens. Class As, like myself, are males that have been designated at a young age to play the dominant role in society. These are the politicians, athletes, manual laborers, etc. We are chosen based solely on masculinity and certain physical features, such as height, strength, facial structure and...

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School For Sissies

SCHOOL FOR SISSIES by Throne Clark sat uneasily on the hard wooden chair. He was a small man and the chair had longer-than-usual legs, so that he had to point his toes downward to make them touch the floor. The effect was to make him feel like a naughty student who had been sent to the principal's office. Once again he glanced at the slim female receptionist with her neat cream colored blouse, eyeglasses with large round frames, and auburn hair pulled back into a severe bun. She...

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Sissies love big black cock

Welcome to the story you crazy sissies and you strong aphla black males. This is from edithis and I want to bring here so you guys can write or read or for the real reason you're here to masturbate. Get your hand, dildos, lube, and whatever else you need to jerk it off. Time to begin the story up. (Thanks for all of the likes and support on this story. I just posted my 400 chapter on this story. And it's all for you my sissies sluts and you hung alpha black makes. Thanks again and hopefully we...

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Intro to Sissies VII The Meting of the Punishment

Author's note 1: Please review the stories. It doesn't have to be long, but there is no measure here, on how many actually read this stuff. I don't know if I am writing for only 1 person, me, or several. Author's note 2: Bad reviews are good too. I don't know if this will ever end, I have about another 20+ chapters in mind. School, Work, Fridays, Marie, and so much more, but if no one cares, why bother, unless I am only writing for me, in which case there is lesser urgency. But...

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Intro to Sissies XXI

Author's note: This is a boring chapter - no kinks, just deep think. I keep trying to end this story, at least part one, but one thing leads to the next. The party, of course, will be the end of part one. And that's finally getting closer. PS. Thank you for the comments. The advice is accepted and taken, but one thing I can't change is the grammar. If the grammar is wrong, it's actually meant to be wrong. Believe it or not. The whole series is first draft, but I do review it before...

2 years ago
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Intro to Sissies XXII

Joan Phillips saw a tear fall from Mistress Satin's eye, even as her song faded and the lights dimmed and the doors opened and the noise from the street and the men that had been waiting, entered. They met eyes, briefly, and then Mistress Satin looked away, walking off the stage, looking tired, vulnerable. He wanted to go to her and comfort her, but he was beneath her station, the pecking order; she was like a colonel, while he was but a private. He grimaced. I am in the sissy army, he...

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A Tale of Two Sissies

A Tale of Two Sissies By Sandy Brown This story is a tribute to Sandy Thomas. For those of us who came of age before the internet and sites like Fictionmania, Sandy Thomas books were a lifeline for us. I sat at a small table in the dimly lit bar, sitting directly across from one of the most beautiful looking middle-aged women I had ever seen. She passed my most demanding standard, which was, "Would I would love to look like her when I am her age?" Yes, I had instantly...

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Intro to Sissies VIII The Meting of the Punishment Part Three

Intro to Sissies VIII: The Meting of the Punishment Part Three By latexslut John Phillips felt, more than saw, over one hundred pairs of eyes, turn and look at him. He was looking at Goddess Chanazene, and the ladies of color on either side of her. sissyspikes diminishing wailing was sliced off with the thunder of a very heavy door shutting. Chanazene smoked her smoke, sipped her wine, feeling a little woozy, a little upset at herself. Mistress Whip was getting out of line...

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Alpha Males Vs Earth sissies part 1

Alpha males vs earth sissies revolution part 1 "Pink or blue?" "Or should i say light pink or powder blue, we cant make you think blue is a boys color, it can be feminine also... or a sissy yellow... hmm." the deep alpha manly voice asked his soon to be sissy prisoners as he and the other alpha men laughed. the captured "men" were asked. "It doesn't matter soon to be sissies," the tall, huge super alpha man said grinning as the captured men of earth struggled. "You'll look...

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Introduction to Sissies III

Introduction to Sissies III By latexslut John Phillips sat swaying in his chair, trying for now, to look docile, sleepy even, looking at the floor. He was afraid to look at Chanazene's eyes, Mistress Chanazene, he reminded himself warningly. Rocking in pain, roiling in emotion and with a feeling of edging fear creeping up on him, like low tide rising. It wasn't the pain of the blows he had received from the two lovely ladies besides him that hurt. The pain was in his mind and...

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Introduction to Sissies IV

Introduction to Sissies IV By latexslut Chapter 4 Now they were in an elevator, latexsissy, John Phillips and Ms Orange. The vault had closed and the elevator was descending. "Ca I thuck you, mithter?" latexsissy asked him, but then another drop of come appeared on its right pointed fingernail. She looked at it hungrily, waiting for it to fall. "No, latexsissy, you can't," Miss Orange said sternly, but lightly. Turning to John, she said, "sissyuseless, she will...

2 years ago
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Sissies Revenge Characters

Sissies Revenge; Characters By: Malissa Madison Sissies Revenge, formerly Wayward Son Crew; Captain Sissy Pirate Deanna, Exiled Princess of Herma Alexa, 1st Officer, Sentient Artificial Intelligence, SAI, created by Deanna Grace, Communications Debbi, Chief Pilot Cinda, Security Officer +++++++++++++++++ Hidden Treasure, formerly Rock Monkey Captain Sissy Bambi, Pirate Dizzy, 1st Officer, SAI in an Organic Cat body Lola, Communications Bitti,...

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Rules for obedient sissies

Rules for obedient sissies:1. A real sissy whore is always ready to be fucked at anytime and anywhere2. A real sissy whore shows sissy clitty and cunt at every opportunity3. A real sissy whore begs to be fucked hard4. A real sissy whore sucks anything that's offered5. A real sissy whore must be prepared to be fucked in any position6. A real sissy whore does as told no matter how dirty and low the task7. A real sissy whore plays with herself as instructed for others amusement8. A real sissy...

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The club of sissies

Most people dont think such a thing could even existyet it is all too real, some of us are owned by black dude and you wont believe how many of us there is , how many are getting part of that secret club on a daily basislocked up in the branded club, sissy chastity cage our location shared at all timewe fall prey to them my story was not different from lots of other owned white boyi met a daddy on a cam site , i like his bbc and he feminized me for couple of weeks, until i received the kit he...

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Intro to Sissies XXV Final Chapter

Intro to Sissies XXV: Sissy Final The last chapter of, "The Total Sissification of John Phillips" By latexslut Home. His gate. His walkway. His grass. His flowers. And ahead, the massive front door to His house. He had made the money to buy it, live in it, love it. And now, under the full moon, it beckoned in bright shadows, darkly. The porch lights were off, the walkway lights were off. There were no lights on in the house, except for the ones in his and Marie's bedroom upstairs....

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Intro to Sissies VII The Meting of the Punishment Part Two

Intro to Sissies VII: The Meting of the Punishment Part Two By latexslut Goddess Chanazene stood, glass in one hand, the ever present cigarette in the other. "Welcome, again, gurls. I trust you have all behaved. And for those of you that haven't, well, you get to spin the wheels." She did a slight bow, and the gurls in the temple began to clap, timidly. They had been taught to do so, but still, the meting of the punishments always brought something bad to someone, even if...

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Intro to Sissies XVII

He tottered out, in his thigh high boots, leather skirt, lame' blouse, under which you could just see the plastacene bra and his corset, his gorgeous make up, lovely tousled hair, feeling the plug try to push out of him, his loins pent up, his eyes with those silly blue contact lenses announcing as slut rolling around; his double ropes of gold, his necklace with the lipstick dangling around... He swirled his hair and met a wall. Of sullenness. Mistress Satin was leaning there against...

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Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park part 1 of 5

Summer Sissies at Sweetwell Park by PRIM Chapter 1: Nice boys and naughty boys "Mother, I can't wear this to go to church. It's too sissy. Take it off me at once." "Don't speak to your mother like that, my boy," said Thelma, holding onto the collar of his coatee in spite of her son's efforts at wriggling. "Wait until I have brought out your blouse collar and arranged it nicely around your shoulders." The boy waited with thin patience. The collar was very...

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Alpha Males Vs Earth girly sissies part 2

Alpha Males Vs Earth sissies; part 2 A few weeks later.... "Stacy... are you ready to come out and show your new feminine self to me your new master?" The strong alpha male called from outside her girly room. Jack/Stacy stared at slender self in the mirror still not quite believing what had come of herself.. The servants had taken their time get "her" ready... slowly stripping away the earth masculinity and showing the inner girlishness all earth men naturally have, but has...

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Introduction to Sissies VI

Introduction to Sissies VI By latexslut John Phillips was dressed now, and on his knees. The high heeled boots, all of 4 inches tall, were too high for him. The stockings caressed his shaved legs gently and the corset gave a support to his back and stomach that he had never felt before. He was sure he didn't like it, though it felt embarrassingly comfortable, and his cock said different, and kept trying to push out against his panties. It embarrassed him. Get down, get down!...

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Sissies owner p3

Daddy told cyntia to wait in the carHe needed to unload and i was going to learn how he liked to **** his sissy daughterHe locked the restroom door pushing me back in when i tried to leave and throw me on the toilet seat bend over''you are just a fucking slut now, you never gonna be a boy again ''unlocking my chastity belt , my toy plug buzzing removed and pushed in my mouth, locked the straps on my head , gagged and ass uphe fucked me like a worehard and fast making me squeal on the toilet his...

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sissies at the beach

I txted my sissy sister and went outside waiting for he to pick me up , in my beach dress bikini on plugged and cage so small i feel my tiny clit squeezed useless , like a good girl My sister found me on craiglist curious to tryits been 3 weeks and we are so much alike , helping each other shaved and het girlyi saw her car and smilewe are finally ready to go out and....maybe suck a cock together''helllo cindy!''''hi Caro!''''ready to go ?''''yes ''we drive to the beach talking about it , would...

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Don Venutos Sissies

Part 1Players: Capo De Matzo, counsel to Don Venuto. Don Venuto also known as the Godfather; Mario Venuto, son of Don Venuto; Ms. Rosa Cappella, professional dominatrix; Carol Evans, mother of Mark Evans; Mark Evans aka Martha Evans; Helen Andrews owner of the Little Miss Muffin Boutique; Ralph Summers, a friend of Mark, aka Robin; Steve Franks, friend of Mark, aka Susan; Sandy Summers, Ralph's mother; Tracy McCall, Mark's girlfriend. Jack Summers, friend of Mark, aka Janet.Synopsis: "If you...

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Introduction to Sissies V

Introduction to Sissies V By latexslut "But I wanna help," cried babysissy, stomping her high heeled foot. "She's my roommate." "Now yet, babysissy," Mistress Satin said firmly but kindly. "After. Nursesissy and Bunny know how to do this. You would make a mess of things." The gurls named Bunny and Nursesissy had left the couch and were now sashaying over to him. John Phillips took a step back. And then another one. "sissyuseless," Mistress Satin said to him. "You will...

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