Confessions Of A Catwoman free porn video

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CONFESSIONS OF A CAT WOMAN By Natalie Wilde Someone once said that the life changing events will not come when you expect them but rather will sideswipe you on a Friday at 3 in the afternoon. Well for me that was true, except it was Thursday. And what seemed like a normal October afternoon would soon have major implications. I am writing this, as way to try and make sense of the things that have happened to me and how my life has changed. The story that I am about to relate is completely true. Except for the stuff I made up. -------------------------------- I walked into the house after a long day of classes. In the kitchen Lisa, one of my house mates, was visibly upset and taking a healthy pull from a beer bottle. "Hey there, what's up," I said, as my book laden backpack dropped to the floor with a thud. "Oh it's nothing" she sighed. "Hmmm, now why is it that I don't believe you?" I said as I walked over to the fridge and grabbed one of my beers. "Oh it's just this whole fucking Halloween thing." "What Happened?" "Well I finally got my Halloween costume and it's a disaster." "What's wrong with it?" "It is the wrong size, it's way too big for me, and there is no way it will fit!" "What about Martha Stewart? Can't she fix it or something?" I said in reference to our other house mate Jenn who was a wiz with a sewing machine. "It is not just that. Both Christine and Kelly have backed out. Chris has to go home for some reason and Kelly decided to go to a party that her boyfriend is going to. Which means that it is just Jenn and me?" "Does this mean that you two aren't going?" "No way, you know how much work Jenn has put in her costume. And I live for Halloween; it's only my fav day of the year." "So what are you going to do?" "I don't know" "Well I am sure that your fertile mind will come up with something mind blowing." "Ya thanks." A few hours and a few beers later sitting in the living room, Lisa looked eagerly at me and asked, "what are your plans for Halloween again?" "Not much. There is a guy in my lab who is having a party that I might swing by or hit the bar." "Do you remember what you mentioned two weeks ago?" "You want to remind me." "About you and girls clothes" "Umm ya," I said hesitantly. Lisa was referencing a conversation I had with her and Jenn a couple of weeks earlier. They were talking about their alternative lifestyle (Jenn was a lesbian while Lisa was mostly lesbian although she would try guys from time to time). It was during that conversation that I let slip that I had cross-dressed in my youth. Lisa and Jenn were the first two people in the world to know. "Why" "Well I think I know what I am going to do, but I spent a ton of cash on that catwoman costume and I hate to see it go to waste." "What are you getting at?" "Well Jenn and I are going to this party, right? Why don't you come with us." "And you want me to wear your catwoman outfit." "Come on it will be fun you will not know anybody there and no one will know it's you." "What do you mean no one will know - of course they would!" "Come on at least try it on if it looks stupid or you are not comfortable then we can stop." I did not say no right away which only encouraged Lisa. She jumped up and pulled me off the sofa I had to admit, the soft sell was working on me. Part of me wanted to do it, had always wanted to try on the costume, to slip into another persona, another life if you will. I had always wondered about the female experience. What was it like walking around all day with boobs, in a skirt, in heels? Sexually, I was interested in finding out what girls experienced during sex. I can remember one of my ex-girlfriend thinking it rather weird that I was asking her to describe what a female orgasm felt like. As we left the living room, Jenn our house mate, stumbled into the house. She had gone out with some classmates to celebrate a successful presentation in class. Lisa filled Jenn on what was happening while I went into the kitchen and grabbed a couple more beers out of the fridge. Now I don't want to give you the impression that we are all booze hounds okay we can be but this was Thursday night and the weekend was here (the life of a college art student). Lisa dragged me up the stairs to her room to show both Jenn and me the catwoman costume. There didn't seem to be much on the bed I could make out a pair of shorts a mask and what appeared to be a triangle shaped piece of leather. The girls quickly helped me undress and I tried on the various pieces of the costume. The bad news was that the shorts did not fit due to my general lack of hips and a bum. (I guess I should describe my physique: I am 5'7, brown hair, blue eyes and very thin - only 120lbs. soaking wet.) The good news (I guess it was good news Jenn and Lisa were very happy) was that the mask and the gloves fit like a well like a glove really. The top fit but looked pretty silly until they raided their nylon drawer and stuffed my top. "Well?" Jenn said I looked at myself in the mirror and said, "I don't think this is going to work" "Why not?" "Well for starters the tits don't look real, I need an ass and these are not what I would call child bearing hips." "I admit some work needs to be done. I think we can pad you ass and give you a more hourglass figure. I think I can come up with something better for your tits. The problem areas will be covered; the gloves will take care of your hands, the mask and the top will cover your neck, the mask will cover most of your face plus with a little make up. And remembering that the place will be dark and noisy we just have to figure out your voice." Lisa said. I was about to say some thing when she put up her hand and said, "lets not decide anything tonight. Do you promise to let me make a serious effort to try and make you into a convincing woman, and if it does not work, then you don't have to go I promise, okay?" "Okay." "But you have to let me make an honest effort - promise." "I promise." "Okay now take that stuff off and let's head downstairs and we will deal with this in the morning." I woke up late feeling a bit groggy and hungover. After a shower I went into the kitchen and saw a note from the girls. It said that they had headed out to run a few errands for Halloween. I grabbed some leftovers and worked on an essay. It was early in the afternoon when the girls returned. They had what appeared to be a bag from every store in town. "What is all this for?" "For tomorrow silly." Lisa said "We got all that we think we need to make you into a beautiful lady. Now we need to get going, and the first thing is to get you ready so I will draw you a bath" "A bath?" "Look you are going to have to trust me and you promised that you would give an honest effort." I nodded. Just before I went into bath Jenn knocked on the door and entered. "Sorry just need to take a few measurements, just take a min." So I stood there as she took about a dozen measurements and to add to my discomfort most of them seemed to around my groin area. "Thanks enjoy your bath." She said as she handed me a cocktail. So into the bath I went. As I sat there my mind was racing; ' is this something I wanted? Can I do this? What happens if somebody realizes who I am, what about if everybody finds out, what am I having for dinner, can I get another drink, what about that essay, I still need a lot more content, what else should I say (okay so I was getting a little scatter brained)? I had finally made up my mind that I owed it to myself to at least try. If I didn't at least make the effort I would regret it for a long time. I was so nervous, yet I had not felt this alive in so long. Then slowly I decided maybe I can do this. I thought to my self, you have done some acting and some improv in you, life this is no different, you just have to become this character. But who is she? What is her name? What is her story? So I sat there thinking of a back-up story, trying to come up with answers to questions people might ask me. I was coming up with anecdotes about me in high school (based on what happened to female friends of mine) when Lisa returned. "How is the bath coming along?" "Good but I realized I don't have a name." "How about Alexa?" I repeated the name in my head a few times, "ya, I like that." "Well then, Alexa, it is time to get rid of that unsightly hair," as she handed me a bottle So I took the bottle read the instructions twice took a deep breath and opened the bottle. I emerged from the bathroom some time later a little redder but hairless (not that I had a lot of hair to begin with) and a towel wrapped around me. "Well there she is. Are you ready for your transformation Alexa?" I took a deep breath an nodded my head. Jenn handed me what looked like a pair of biker shorts. With some reluctance I dropped my towel and put on the shorts. "What is this?" I said as I struggled to pull the shorts up. "They are two control briefs sewn together with some padding sewn into it. It will give you nice curvy hips and an ass to die for, plus it will give you a smooth front." Jenn again hovered around taking measurements. "Well I'll be..., I think I got it the first time. I will just finish sewing this up," Jenn said as she helped me take off the padded panties. "Here sit down Alexa" Lisa said as she grabbed a bottle of nail polish "What is this for?" "Well, we don't know what shoes you are going to use. Your feet are too big for my shoes. But being a size 9 you should fit into my mom's shoes. I don't know what she has, so you will hopefully have boots but might have to settle for some open toe heels." "I see," I said and I asked here how we met. "What do you mean?" "Well someone is going to ask me how I know you and Jenn and if our stories don't match, people will be suspicious." "Hmmm I guess that makes sense." So Lisa and I worked out who Alexa was as she did my toe nails. Jenn returned with the panties, which I put on. To my amazement, it was snug but gave me a female figure. I ran my hands over my hips and ass and they not only felt the right size and shape but they also had the right firmness. When my hands reached the front I felt nothing - I could not feel my penis through the panties I looked at Jenn in amazement. She smiled back with a smile of satisfaction. "You know Lisa we just might pull this off." Jenn said. Lisa handed me a pair of fishnet stockings and I sat down. She showed me how to pull them up one leg and I then did the other. I then put on the shorts and had a look in the mirror. The two girls started to fuss, pulling here, tugging there. The effect was more than I thought possible. From the chest down I looked like a girl! I spent a long time looking at that mirror checking out how my ass and legs looked. "Well, what do you think?" Jenn asked. "So far so good," I said "Well enough of that, let's keep going," Lisa said as she handed me a black bra. I put the bra on with little difficulty, which caused Jenn and Lisa to raise an eyebrow. "What, I have seen enough girls getting dressed to know how to do this," Lisa picked up two flesh colored blobs. "What is that?" "Nylons stuffed with couscous." Jenn said. "We also have balloons filled with corn syrup but I want to try this first." Lisa reached into the bra and stuffed the nylons in with the knot sticking out, giving me nipples that showed through the bra. After both tits were in, the first thing I noticed was the weight and just how big they were. "Aren't these kind of big?" "They are 36D now lets see what this looks like with the top." After the top I looked at the mirror and I was very impressed with how the tits looked and how they felt. They were firm but felt natural. I was seated again and both girls worked on my face. They paid particular attention to my eyes and mouth area. I put on my gloves and mask as they both took a step back, I nervously tried to read their faces. They did a little touch up and then smiled "Well, Alexa, have a look!" they said in unison. I stood up, closed my eyes and turned to face the mirror. When I opened my eyes I was amazed by the sexy female form staring back at me. "SHIT!" What went through my head was, 'damn I would fuck her, oh shit that's me'. Christ, I might actually pull this off! I mean in broad daylight people might figure it out, but at night this might work, holy shit! After a long pause Jenn and Lisa asked me if I liked what I saw. I did not trust myself to speak so I just nodded. The girls smiled and gave me a hug. After I had regained my composure I said, "don't you think this is a bit revealing?" "Don't worry you will be great." Lisa said "Now I don't know about you, but I am getting hungry why don't you take off the costume but leave the panties and bra on and we will find you something to wear." I changed out of the costume and into a top and a skirt. As I walked downstairs I was aware of the feel of the skirt against my legs as I moved. The feel of my tits bouncing as I walked felt odd but somehow natural. The rest of the evening was like a scene from My Fair Lady. I practiced walking, sitting, posture, mannerisms and my voice. Everything worked well except the voice. The best I could come up with was a husky breathy Marilyn Monroe impression. I went to bed that night nervous, but very horny. I could do nothing about the former but the latter I took well in hand! The next morning we loaded up everything we had for the drive from our small university town to the big city, an hour away. On the drive down we talked about a wide range of issues. It felt like us girls just gabbing away. I used the time to try and improve my voice with some luck. We arrived at Lisa's parent's place, empty because her parents were out west visiting her uncle. After starting our laundry we raided the kitchen for lunch and got down to business. The first order of business was finding me some shoes. Lisa rummaged through her mother's closet and came up with an arm full of shoes. "Try these on they are a size 9 which is what you should be," she said handing me a long pair of boots. "They have only 3 inch heels which should make walking better." After a little help I was able to get them on. Jenn and Lisa laced them up tight and then I stood up. At first I felt like Bambi the first time she stepped on the ice. "I am not sure what my mother is doing with knee high boots. And you know what; I don't think I want to know either." Lisa said which gave us all a good and needed chuckle. After a minute or so I was able to get my balance and stand on my own. "I want you to walk around in these for a couple of hours, just to get used to them." The rest of the afternoon was spent walking around. I was fine on flat surfaces and even going up stairs wasn't too bad, going down stairs however was going to be an adventure. I had visions of me falling down the stairs breaking something and then having to explain who I was to the paramedics. "Just relax and take your time, Alexa," Jenn said trying to reassure me. Finally it was time to get ready, to my relief off came the boots and into the shower I went. Using Lisa's shampoo and body wash and emerged a short while later smelling of lilacs. After a very close shave, I stood there admiring my smooth, silky skin and silently hoped that this would be the last close shave of the night. After a little more primping and powdering I left the bathroom and walked into the guest bedroom where I found my costume laid out for me. I took a deep breath closed my eyes and said to my self 'well here goes nothing'. I pulled the padded panties on making sure that everything was in place. Next the fishnet stockings and then the leather shorts that fit very tightly. Next came the bra and titties which I adjusted until I was happy with the shape and positioning. Using the same technique as the bra, I slithered into the top, twisted it and then adjusted my breasts into place and fastened it around my neck. I finished putting the stiletto boots on and admired myself in the mirror. For the first time in my life I was happy that I was so thin. The curvaceous body looking back at me in the mirror oozed femininity. The thought of what I was about to do had me really hot and bothered. I had to deal with it or I might cum in my panties! I went into the bathroom took down my tight leather shorts and panties. Closed my eyes dreaming of that hottie I had seen in the mirror and played with myself. It did not take long before my knees buckled under the most intense orgasm that I could remember. I was short of breath and tingly all over. Still in a heightened sexual state I tasted my own cum for the first time. It was salty, but not as bad tasting as I thought I would be. After a few minutes of recovery I got hold of myself, cleaned up and pulled my costume back on. When I walked out of the bathroom I ran into Lisa, now dressed as Laura Croft the Tomb Raider. And man did it suit her. Lisa definitely had the figure for it. She looked just like a short luscious Laura, mind you, but still a hot curvy full figured action figure. "Wow you look much better as Laura than you would have as catwoman." "Oh do you really think so," she purred. "Thanks I am really happy with the way this turned out." she beamed, "now let me do your make up." I followed her into her room and sat down in front of the vanity. Lisa helped me put on my makeup explaining what she was doing and why. She tried to explain the colors that she had chosen and why but I was too distracted by the rest of the evening to take in all she was saying. After she was done, I put the mask on and looked in the mirror. If anything, the results were even better than before. "Well, what do you think?" "If you had told me on Wednesday that this would happen I would have told you, you were full of shit, but here we are, and, what the hell, let's turn some heads tonight." "That's the spirit! There is just one more thing, hands up." As I did so she took a chain and wrapped it around my waist. "Every girl needs some jewelry and this will look so hot on you." The chain was thick and silver and it looked like a lasso around my waist attaching to the front of my top. "Now do not loose this or I will kill you, Alexa." Lisa said with a smile but a voice that said she meant it. She took the lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara that she had used and a compact. Lisa told me to tuck it into the costume, either in my panties, in the small of my back, or in the tops of my boots. "Now don't forget some money and your gloves. Let's go find Jenn and see if she is ready." I went back to my room grabbed the gloves and stuffed some cash into my shorts and some more into my top. I clomped my way down the stairs to the applause and cat calls of both Lisa and Jenn. Jenn looked like a dead ringer for Xena, the warrior princess. "Holy shit Jenn. I am pretty sure you missed your calling. That outfit looks amazing." "Thanks," said Jenn smiling brightly. "You look pretty amazing yourself" "Well I don't sound amazing. And if I do look amazing it is all due to the two of you." I gave each of them a big hug and thanked them. "Just remember to try and whisper. Besides the party will be dark and noisy and the way you are dressed the boys won't care what you sound like or what you have to say." Jenn replied. This comment brought my nervousness back. I was feeling giddy and scared all at once! "Now you both know the address and where we hid the key to the side door in case we get separated and make our way back home alone," Lisa said sounding rather maternal. "Yes mom," Jenn and I laughed. "Well good, because the Cab is here." As we walked out, the cool night air hit me in places and ways I had never felt before. I was nervous, apprehensive, scared! I was also more alive than ever before. Adrenaline was pumping and my whole body was tingling with sexual energy. I was so horny it took every once of will power not to run my hands all over by body. I tried to sit quietly but squirmed in my seat while Lisa chatted up the Cabbie. I caught him checking me over in his rearview mirror. He quickly put his eyes back on the road. I tried to read his face to see if he knew who I was but either he was a very good poker player or he suspected nothing. We arrived at the party. It was in a large old Victorian house that held a sorority that was hosting the party as a fund raiser. As we walked up the walk way, I trailed behind the other two as we entered the foyer. There were two people at the door - one a blond dressed as dead bride, who took our money. The other was a big black guy dressed as a Chippendale. As I waited to pay, the Chippendale wrapped his arms around me and gave my false ass a squeeze. "Hey there sweetie, I don't believe I have met you before." He said in a deep rich voice. "what's your name sweetie?" "Alexa," I croaked "Excuse me?" he said "That is Alexa, my name is Laura and this is Xena; it's nice to meet you," Lisa said offering her hand. The Chippendale removed his arm from around me and gave Lisa's outstretched hand a kiss "Behave yourself Duke," the Bride chimed in I gave the bride a look of thanks, handed her the money and we walked into the party. The sorority had gone all out. The house was dark with lots of candles and black lights. There was a fog machine, fake cemetery, mad scientist lab - it was all really impressive. We spotted the drink table and made our way over to a keg and two large bowls of punch. Signs on the table indicated one bowl contained pure blood and the other had a poison symbol on it. A cheerleader standing beside the table told us that the blood was for those who were driving and the poison was for the rest of us if we did not want beer. I decided to be lady like and grabbed some punch. Lisa and Jenn went with the beer. We found the girls that Lisa knew. After we were introduced, we all started chatting. Well more like Lisa chatted I was happy to just listen answering the occasional question. I was continually self-conscious figuring someone must be on to me. But I could find no evidence that anyone was. After a few drinks and a couple of shots passed around by a girl dressed as a 40's cigarette girl, my tummy was warmed by the booze and I resolved that unless someone made a big scene I would stop worrying what others thought and enjoy myself. Besides I was not the only one in drag. In fact there was at least a half dozen other guys dressed up as women. I asked the girl standing beside me (she told me her name, but I had already forgotten it) about it and she said that one of their fraternities had made the freshmen dress in drag. After I managed to relax and get into character I found things much more fun. I became more confident and, I thought, more convincing as a sexy, available catwoman. The girls guided me into one of the rooms set aside for a dance floor. I have to say that I am actually a much better dancer as a female. I don't think I would get any jobs as a go-go dancer, but somehow having and ass and boobs to flash around and fewer inhibitions made me an even better dancer. I lost track of what was going on around me. I don't know when he first started to dance behind me. Suddenly I felt strong manly arms around me. They were muscular and warm and there was no mistaking their intention. I looked around to see where Jenn and Lisa were but they were gone. The next song was a slow dance. I turned around thinking I would find the Chippendale who was at the front door but instead I found my self in the arms of a blond haired cave man. He did not say anything, just wrapped me his arms and pulled me close. He whispered his name which was Joe (I think) his eyes were the bluest I have ever seen. I could feel my resistance melt. I could also feel the effect I was having on him, his rising cock pressing through his loin cloth against my stomach. The feel of a mans cock against my tummy made me feel on the one hand uncomfortable, I was nervous about where this was going. But on the other had it was very flattering that I had this effect on him. As the dancing progressed my nervousness waned and this feminine desire with in me took over. I was becoming Alexa more and more by the second. The next song was a quick one and if anything we got even naughtier, bumping and grinding on the dance floor. After that song I motioned to him that I needed a drink. So off to the punch table we headed. I drank down three quick drinks (I was quite thirsty). I started back to the dance floor, but he took my hand and pulled me into a lounge filled with sofas and chairs. The room was quite full so he sat in a big chair and pulled me down on his lap. He put one hand on my thigh and I had one arm wrapped around his neck. We talked. Self-conscious about my voice, it was not hard to ask the odd question and just listen to him talk. Jenn soon reappeared and winked at me as she headed for the ladies room. I got up told Joe that I would be right back and that I had to go pee. I grabbed Jenn and we headed to the bathroom. The bathroom was upstairs but fortunately there were only two people in line. By the time it was our turn the line had gotten much longer so both I and Jenn went in at the same time. After a pee, Jenn helped me touch up my make up. "So, are you enjoying yourself so far, Alexa?" "Ooo yes, more than I thought I would," "I saw you dancing with that Caveman." "Ya," I said as I touched up my lipstick. "So tell me Alexa, has he put any moves on you yet?" "No not really." "Do you want him to?" I had to pause I really did not know where I wanted this evening to go. It had far exceeded my expectations. Things had gone a lot better than I could have hoped for. Part of me wanted to try and take this farther to see how far I could take its, but a part of me wanted to play it safe to be happy with what I had accomplished so far. "Earth to Alexa!" Jenn said snapping me back to reality. "Look dear, be careful, caveman might not understand, who you are and might take it the wrong way. Having said that, if he has not clued in yet, well he may never, my advise is take the bull by the horns be the aggressor that way you are the one, who decides what you do and how far you two will go." I was about to say something when somebody banged on the door and yelled, "if you two are going to fuck, find a bedroom, the bathroom is for peeing not fucking. But if you two are going to fuck, can I join you?" Jenn and I giggled and opened the door to find a rather impatient Frankenstein. "Sorry big guy but this Princess doesn't do cock," Jenn said as we walked by him. As we walked away she whispered in to my ear, "remember - what happens on the road stays on the road." I laughed gave her a hug and headed back to the party. I met Joe at the punch bowl and he handed me a drink. Jenn gave my hand a squeeze and a smile and then left me there with my scrumptious man. I suggested to Joe that we head back to the dance floor. We danced very close and he leaned in and whispered that I was a very beautiful woman and I had the most amazing eyes he had ever seen. Well as they say flattery will get you everywhere. I looked up into his blue eyes and kissed him. At first it was soft and sensual. But in no time we were kissing with much more desperate passion. The cautious approach of my inner conflict was just about lost at that moment. Joe had one arm wrapped around my waist and another on the back of my neck pressing my whole body towards him. My body felt like it was going to explode. I felt sexy powerful, wanted, embolden and, oh yes don't forget, horny. My curiosity got the better of me and I reached under his loin cloth and found that he was not wearing any underwear. I wrapped my hand around his cock and based on the feel realized that it was 7" or 8" long and very thick. I started to pump his cock and I could hear him let out a moan. He broke our kiss and told me that he wanted to fuck me so bad; he needed to feel himself deep inside my hot wet pussy. That snapped me back to the reality of the here and now. There really was not doubt as to what I wanted to do. So remembering what Jenn told me I put my plan into action. I had come up with two plans for how to deal with this moment. The first was the 'it's that time of the month' story, the second was the Clerks inspired story that I had a boyfriend and was faithful to him, but I believed that a blowjob was not cheating. He looked down at me and smiled. I licked my lips as sensuously as I could and asked if he knew a quiet place where I could wrap my lips around that big hard cock of his. Without saying a word he took my hand and led me off the dance floor, down a hallway to a staircase that led downstairs. We accidentally interrupted two couples, but behind door number 3 Joe got lucky. It was the dark noisy furnace room. Not particularly romantic, but at that point I did not care. I pushed him up against the closed door and without hesitation, got down on my knees and lifted up his loincloth. Although the room was dark I could still see, could smell his cock. I hesitated for a second but I knew this was what I wanted. I took his cock in my hands and ran my tongue up and down his shaft. I gently sucked each ball in my mouth. My wet tongue traced the head of his cock. After I had gotten his cock good and wet I planted a kiss on his cock head and slowly let my lips part and his cock enter my mouth. I worked it as deep as I could. My caveman started pumping his hot hard cock into my eager mouth faster and faster I had one hand wrapped around his cock and was pumping his cock as he fucked my face. Joe put one hand on the back of my head and helped me up the pace. In no time he was right into it, his hips pumping his cock into my mouth as his hands pushed my head. While he was fucking my red puckered lips I tried to relax and enjoy the experience. What was going through my head? Well to be honest very little, there was no guilt no remorse no little voice of doubt in my head. I was simply in ecstasy enjoy the experience. While this was happening I had loosened my shorts and my free hand had slipped into my panties and I was rubbing my clitty furiously. I felt him tense and soon my mouth was rewarded with gobs of hot, sticky cum. His cock pulsed maybe a dozen times as I struggled to swallow it all. This sensation was too much for me and I had my own orgasm and filled my cupped hand with my own cum. After my own orgasm subsided I quickly licked my own cum off my hand and then cleaned his cock off, milking every last drop from his drained balls. I zipped up my shorts and kissed him on the lips. "Thanks babe for the yummy cum," I whispered into his ear. We walked out into the hallway, half expecting to find a crowd there but did not find a soul. As I walked up the stairs I couldn't feel my feet touch the stairs, I felt ten feet tall. I had done it - I had pulled it off and it was mind blowing. The taste of cum wasn't great, but it wasn't repulsive either. What was addictive was the femininity, the power that this persona had given me. The idea that I could suck a mans cock and be good enough that he came, gave me a sensation I had never had before. It was a high and I felt it quite addictive. After a quick trip to the bathroom to touch up my lipstick and a little cleanup in my panties I headed back to the punch bowl were I left my Joe. Things were a little awkward and I was secretly relieved when he left. I walked around looking for Lisa and Jenn but could not find either of them. I knew they had headed off for their own fun. I noticed that Joe was talking to two other guys and my instincts told me that they were talking about me. After a second futile search for Lisa and Jenn I noticed that Joe had vanished. With Joe gone, the other two guys definitely seemed interested and interesting. The first was a tall lanky guy dressed as a Pirate, while the other guy was a short, skinny guy dressed as a doctor I think (he was in scrubs). After failing to find Jenn and Lisa I headed to the dance floor. By the time the first song was done I was a Catwoman sandwich between the Pirate and the Doctor. My trip to the furnace room had not diminished my horniness. And the feeling of having these two guys grinding with me their hands on me, the heat out bodies generated. I was completely hooked on cock and I needed more. I knew that I loved the attention. It did not take too much convincing from my two new friends to get me to head upstairs this time. Again, following Jenn's advice, I told them that if they wanted to get off they had to play nice, which meant just a BJ and keep their hands to themselves. So upstairs we went and this time found an empty bedroom. The pirate was the alpha male of the pair. As he undid his pants the doctor sat in the chair and watched. Again I was lucky there was a little light from the window; just enough light to see what was going on. I admit that having someone watching was big turn on. The pirate was sitting up in the bed with me on all fours, my head down in his lap bobbing up and down on his cock and my ass up in the air. The pirate was not as easy to get off as Joe had been. I think I used ever trick I could remember being done on me or I had seen being done in porno's. Finally I found his button which seemed to be his ass. I took one off my fingers and started to play with his ass hole. As soon as I started to press a finger against his hole I was rewarded with a shot of hot cumm, which I gobbled up greedily. It seemed to me that as soon as he was done the pirate had his pants up and he was gone. I sat up and looked at the doctor. He was young and had to be a freshmen and by the nervous look on his face I had the suspicion that he had never had a girl before. He was sitting in the chair with his pants down and one hand playing with his cock. I decided to get even more into character. I crawled cat-like on all fours from the bed over to the chair he was sitting in. When I got to his knees I slowly spread them and ran my tongue along his inner thighs. I could hear him gasp as I did. I bypassed is cock and pushed up his top and planted kisses up his hard stomach. I gave each of his nipples a nibble. I then used my hands and ran them down his chest and up and down his inner thigh. Sensing that he might not last much longer, I quickly got down and took his cock into my mouth. I don't think I had his cock in my mouth more then a minute before he blew his load into my mouth. I was not ready for the amount of cum that he produced and almost choked swallowing it down. His cum filled my mouth and started to dribble down my chin. The doctor quickly pulled up his pants and embarrassingly uttered some apologizes and left. In no time I was in the room by my self. I cleaned up the cum on my face, touched up my make up and headed downstairs. As I made my way back to the drink table I ran into Duke, the Chippendale, from the front door. I asked him if he had seen the two girls I came with. He said no, but offered to help me look, so off we went touring the house looking for my friends. After asking a few people we realized that they were both occupied. I was thinking of heading back to Lisa's parents place but I was enjoying Duke's company, he was such a gentleman. He was treating me like a complete lady and just being with him made me feel so feminine. We went into one of the rooms that I think was a living room or a reading room. It was pretty dark in there but you could tell that there were couples in the room sitting on the couches having fun. We sat on a free couch and in no time I was sitting on his lap straddling him with my tongue deep down his mouth. I could feel his cock and, boy, it was impressive. I don't know how big it was, but I could wrap both hands around his cock. I proceeded to give him a hand job (actually in this case it was a hands job) his big strong hands firmly gripping my ass as we passionately kissed. The sounds of the other couples in the room could be heard and I am sure they could hear us. He broke the kiss and told me that he was close to cumming. I quickly and as quietly as I could I got between his knees and took the head of his cock in my mouth. I was just in time because as soon as my lips wrapped around his black cock he filled my mouth with his hot cum. It seemed like he would never end and I swallowed it as fast as I could or else I might have drowned in it. When he was finally done I looked up and if seemed as if the whole room was looking at me. A few girls gave me a wink or a smile and the guys pretended to give duke the high five. We were in a post coital hug when Lisa and Jenn entered the room. I gave Duke a kiss stood up and walked out making sure to give my ass an extra wiggle. In the Cab we were all pretty quiet. But the next day Lisa Jenn and I helped each other, pieced together the wild night, and made sense of what had happened. The end

Same as Confessions of a Catwoman Videos

1 year ago
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Robin and the Catwoman

“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...

1 year ago
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Nacht in Gotham City. Doch friedlich ist es nicht. Während in den Straßen Gangs randalieren und die Polizei alle Hände voll zu tun hat, die Ausschreitungen in Grenzen zu halten. Im riesigen Büroturm des MyersElectronics war es ebenfalls nicht ruhig, auch wenn es von außen den Anschein hatte. Im Treppenhaus des Wolkenkratzers rannte Catwoman so schnell sie konnte die Stufen hoch. Schweiß lief unter ihrer Maske herunter und tropfte auf ihren schwarzen, hautengen Catsuit, der ihren kurvenreichen...

2 years ago
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CONFESSIONS PART 1 TO PART 8 To conserve space on my posts all confessions will be in this one Confessions post with the latest confession posted here at the beginning. ======PT 8CONFESSIONS PT 8These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======Used my sisters fluffy a****ls to jerk off with.. sometime shooting cum on them.....

1 year ago
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Confessions of a photographer Part Four

Part one Two Three note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)The initial buzz of seeing my name printed at the...

3 years ago
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CONFESSIONS PT 1These are confessions and stories people have sent me and some have their name but others are anonymous. Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do? Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION 1BY ANONWhen I was in the Army I had a buddy who was living with a Korean woman while her husband was overseas for a year or so. The woman had a daughter about 7 y/o and a son around 9. My friend...

4 years ago
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CONFESSIONS PT 7These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION COMPILATION OF SHORT REPLIES I'VE RECEIVED FROM VARIOUS READERS======I love reading the confessions you have posted. Like most of the confessions I to started sniffing dirty panties as a young teenager I started with my mothers and sisters and then...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a Photographer Part Three

Part One Two note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Most days were the same though my learning curve was fast and within a few months I was able to set up the studios for the different types of...

4 years ago
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CONFESSIONS PART 9======Yes, I do sometimes wear panties in public. I remember the first time. I wore a pair to school one day obviously I picked a day when we didn’t have gym class! I remember the thrill of it and the fear of being caught. I think I must have had a hard on all day! Now, to be honest, I wear them most of the time because I still love the softness and lightness of the material. Just plain black simple cotton ones - I must have a couple of dozen pairs. Sometime I do wear guy...

3 years ago
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CONFESSIONS PT 6These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION COMPILATION OF SHORT REPLIES I'VE RECIEVED FROM VARIOUS READERS======nice i had an older 20 something girl at work that would change in the girls bathroom but at the end of the day i was the last one out and went in the bathroom to see what goodies i...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Cum Slut Pt 610

Hi, if we haven’t met yet, my name is Cindy; I’m a cocksucking, dick-riding, pussy-eating, ass-fucking cum slut. And these are my confessions. My very first orgasm, and the half-dozen that followed, I climaxed while a cock spurted hot cum in my mouth and I fingered myself. The next 20 or 30 times I came, I was squatting in a glory hole, again with a series of cocks in my mouth, leaking precum or shooting a load down my throat while I fingered myself. In college, I lived in a dorm with a...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Loving Mother

I watched my mother looking through the window.She was in the kitchen washing the dishes on a weekend morning. She's a lawyer. Her schedule is always hectic. Often times she spends long hours in the office meeting with clients or writing legal briefs. If she had a courtroom appearance, she would spend her nights doing research on the computer and preparing for strenuous oral arguments. She has always been a naturally hard worker with a powerful drive to be successful.On the rare occasion that...

3 years ago
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CONFESSIONS Pt 2These are confessions and stories people have sent me and some have their name but others are anonymous. Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION 14BY ANONok, here's my confession. As like all rest of my fellow pervs, I started liking panties at a very young age, at 11 I started jacking off to my sisiters panties and then my moms. How I loved...

1 year ago
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CONFESSIONS PT 3These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION 31I was a spy that worked for peanuts. Literly. I was in first or second grade and shared a bedroom with my brother, Frank, who was in 6th grade. One night I saw him going up and down on his hard thingy while smelling our older sisters Panties and he...

1 year ago
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Confessions 5 Alessandra fools Father Peter

Father Peter of St. Johns Cathedral in Duketown has a fame for tolerance of sexual sinsHis virtual girlfriends from the net flock from everywhere to do their Confessions at himAlessandra is a local girl, attending mass at Sundays sometimes, when I lead the ceremonyAlessandra prefers private talks though, sometimes she gets a bit too friendly with FatherAlessandra plays a great girlish game with her beloved spiritual Father PeterAlessandra has confessed earlier at me, always being very honest,...

2 years ago
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CONFESSIONS PT 4These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION COMPILATION OF SHORT REPLIES I'VE RECIEVED FROM VARIOUS READERSThat's hot use to sniff panty when youg stared with his moms. Cotton brief always nice thick pubes loved suckingon them use to get so hard watchin him sniff his moms then we use to use his...

3 years ago
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Confessions 0 Maria 1

I meet Maria in here the net - she is still a shy virgin - we write a lot She takes her first steps along the long the road of learning to love sexShe hesitates between the Catholic ethics from her recent Convent schoolAnd the nice needs of her hot body as she sinfully plays her pretty pussyShe seeks my advise in all these delicate matters - so we write much more Peter plays her Spriritual Father for her hot Holy ConfessionsAs she no longer trusts the lustful questions of her parish priestshe...

1 year ago
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Confessions Part 2

This is the part 2 of a story I am working on with WorkAlone. We will be alternating parts. I really hope you all enjoy this story. WorkAlone will be writing from the priest's point of view, and I will be writing from the girl's point of view. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did writing it!! I walked into Mass thinking about the night before with my boyfriend. I had worn my favorite green dress and left my curly out of control red hair down for the night; just the way he liked it. We had stayed...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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CONFESSIONS PT 5These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION COMPILATION OF SHORT REPLIES I'VE RECIEVED FROM VARIOUS READERS---I have never had a woman know about my love of panties. My ex wife would blow me but not swallow even when I showed her it wouldn't kill you. My present wife will not even kiss the tip...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Cum Slut Pt 16

Chapter 15 — John = = = = = = = = = = Hi. Cindy's been too busy to update her Confessions lately, so she asked me to catch you up. I'm John, by the way—I’m Cindy's agent, among other things. Cindy's an amazing young woman. She's also a horny, cum-swallowing, cocksucker—among her other fine qualities, as I'm sure she'd be the first to tell you. That's how I first met Cindy in fact: I pushed my cock through a hole in the wall of a darkened video booth, and she was a warm, wet...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Top Model Part Two

You can find Part One at Two: Meeting Wayne’s Cyber Mistress(Please note the people mentioned in this story are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions and is aimed at the over 18’s by continuing reading you confirm you are over 18. No person or organisation has the right to copy this story to any other site)Wayne came into my bedroom again pulled up my...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Slaver

CONFESSIONS OF A SLAVER: PART 1 CONFESSIONS OF A SLAVER: PART 1 I am a purveyor of female flesh. It=s really the only work I've ever done.? I learned it from the ground up, on my own, and eventually became a major player in the procurement and training of slaves.? Male and female, though I do prefer the thrill of turning a haughty, college educated, snobby female into a quivering mound of obedient, submissive slave meat willing to do anything for an orgasm.? Breaking males is also...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Sexaholic

Los Angeles, California. February 2009. "People think it's tough to play a bipolar nympho, but I just played myself!" Several years ago, I said that in an award acceptance speech. There are those who still think I was kidding today. It was the truth, however. It wasn't a joke. I really am a bipolar sex maniac. Those who know appreciate it, for the most part. I need to introduce myself, don't I? The name's Isla Fisher. Occupation: actress, comedian, all around spreader of good humor....

1 year ago
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Blind Date with Catwoman

“Oh come on.” You mutter as you cancel out the call you were dialing at the sound of the doorman's buzzer in your apartment. Shoving your cell into your coat pocket you hold down the answer button on your digital intercom and answer, “Yes?” “Dr. Anderson, a Ms. Kyle to see you, she says you have date.” “I thought her name was Novak.” You wonder to yourself, “and she is over an hour early.” “Dr. Anderson, are you there?" The intercom interrupts your pondering. "Should I let Ms. Kyle in?” “Yes,...

3 years ago
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I Fucked Catwoman

5 years into being neighbors and wondering if she's into sex, is she gay? hell, I don't know. I decide to write a note and put it on her door with my phone number to ask her to call or text me. I had no idea if she would but it was an icebreaker. I did it on my way to work, hoping for but not expecting a reply. To my surprise, I get a text asking what was up. I ask her if she wanted to come over for a beer so we could talk. She said ok... I never expected that. I didn't know what she was...

2 years ago
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Confessions of My Reflection

We lay there in his bed with the tangled juxtaposition of discovering a new lover. It is a moment filled with relief because here I am: living, breathing, actually even panting a bit on the other side of an anxiety-filled first encounter. Once again I did not turn into a pumpkin. My new lover is a gentle and caring man. No alien split out of his skin in the throes of orgasm.He treated my juices as a delicacy. I enjoyed his smells and sounds. In some ways, every lover is different and yet, in...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Confessions 1 Karie as teen

Smart slender sexy lovely looking cute Karie is a blond beauty and a friend of a good friendShe tells me enigmatic erotic bits about her - I am curious - try to tease her with my messagesSuddenly she starts to respond, as I tell her about a confession I just took from a dear friendShe slowly starts to tell me the same sexy dirty details her hot pervy pychiatrist had demandedKarie is as shy, sexy and special in her sexualityKarie is a cute yummy young looking lovely cute blond beauty, barely...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a transvestite hooker or whore

Confessions of a transvestite hooker or whore – you cannot be serious I hear you cry – well I am as I reflect on my life in dresses to date and some of my experiences which I am about to write about here as a memoirs of a life in dresses.So why use the term ‘hooker’ or ‘whore’ – well what I am about to relate from my current stage of life the memories are that upon reflection the meets I am about to relate felt more like me being a provider of sexual services and pleasure to people desperate...

1 year ago
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"Confession time!" I announced as I passed the bottle of wine my girlfriends and I were working on. "I wanna hear all about your deepest, darkest confessions! Make me forget that bastard that cheated on me!" I knocked back my third glass of wine and reached for the bottle after Nikki passed it back to me. All of the women sitting around the fire started to giggle and point fingers to one another, trying to get someone to confess. "Oh, all right, said Shana. "I'll go but you all have to promise...

3 years ago
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Confessions of an English Maid 1937

Confessions of an English MaidbyJessie.London1937 CHAPTER 1During the course of the years in which I have been more or less closelyassociated with other prostitutes I have frequently listened toexplanations as to just what this one or that owed her degradation; theparticular villainy to which she attributed her advent into a life ofshame. The usual story is one of seduction by a lover under theinevitable extenuating circumstance of "before I really knewanything," with the occasional variation,...

2 years ago
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Confessions of Maria 1

Let us start with the most recent confession of Maria to Father Peter:M: I have tried hard to be a good girl in the last 24 hours. I went to church on Sunday morning and prayed on my knees for deliverance from sin. But on Sunday night I found myself trying on my school uniform and looking at the mirror.F: Did you remember how little you sinned when you last wore it?How much you´ve changed, my c***d! Today you were a good girl, Maria!At least you prayed in church today and took a break in...

1 year ago
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Confessions of A Dancehall Ex Wife Part 10

Also I had to some parts,( Not too well, I might add), because some of the story is missing and the sex scenes were very few and just not that explicit. Seeing this is a sex site and all. But it isn't my story. I didn't write it. This first chapter does not contain any sex. Please approach this story with an open mind. Do not use this story and think all persons in Jamaica are like this. If you look on my profile you will see I am Jamaican. Reading this story however has given me an...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Small Town Girl 5

I was required to spend the night at the hospital the night of my injury. The doctors wanted to monitor me for twenty four hours because of my head injury. They gave me medicine to help me rest and rolled me to my room. While they were getting me ready, my parents went and checked into a hotel. The medicine made me very drowsy, but I can remember a young female nurse helping me undress. I can’t remember a lot about her, only that she was slender and had really big breast, and her nipples were...

Straight Sex
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Confessions of a Man with a smalltiny cockpenis

Intended for the person who believes and knows for a fact he has a small penis. You are not ALONE.......................................................................I’ve been married for more than 2 years now. I consider myself to be really lucky to have a loving and supportive wife. She backs me up on everything whether it may be a crucial decision for my career to as simple as picking the right toaster at Walmart. She is more than what I deserve as I am not the perfect husband, I have my...

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confessions part 5 humiliated

CONFESSIONS PART 5 HUMILIATEDHi ever one, life was going on. In office when ever felt they had their chance, one of them will make me go to the store room. Now a day’s even during morning work hours. I have to go. passing managers table which is just outside next to the door way of the store room. I enter the room a wait for any of the three to come in. I will be waiting in between any of the racks. The one entering the room comes near me unzips his pants and takes his cock out for me to suck....

3 years ago
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confessions part2 my new job

CONFESSIONS Part 2 MY NEW JOB Hi, Continuation of my confession. Like I mentioned before, once I moved from my home town down south, I got a job in auditing firm. My job there was to up load accounts on the computer what others in the office have done manually. I also had to file income tax online for the customers. To do this along with me there are two others, assarudeen & Sheba. Our job was to file every account in the computer what others have finished during that day. The office...

3 years ago
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Confessions 4 Blond beauty hot Helena

Unlike the first three tasty cunning confessions in my series, this is one from my own privacyWith blushes at my cheeks I tell the tasty tale of me and my sexy younger sibling, still so shyWe are back then young teens - hardly know anything about love lust tease or any sexy seductionTelling my true sweet sexy story emerged from an unexpected challenge by a sexy slim fresh friendWonderful woman wonders why I get wet hot and horny by watching tasty teens at the toiletA fresh female fine friend...

3 years ago
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Confessions Crossing the Inlaw Line

There is a lot of risk and reward that I was willing to gamble as I walked into my motherinlaw’s home ready for sex... In the last confession, I admitted chatting with her as a stranger. Now my dick got the better of me and I was at her home with her masturbating on the bed thinking this other older man is coming over to roleplay as me and fuck her. The Fantasy into reality I guess is like a thirst. It’s a craving and a clear want for many people. Chatting with you horny xhampster members I’ve...

1 year ago
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Confessions from Mac the Flasher A Serial Public Masturbator 6

Tenerife 2 My brother Tony and I had spent all day yesterday in various bars and clubs around the town near our hotel. It was a 14 hour drink fest and my big brother had paid for the lot. I think he felt a bit guilty about leaving me on my own the day before to see his Spanish friends. He didn’t need to, as I had a great day at the local nudist beach. (read Confessions from Mac the Flasher – A Serial Public Masturbator (2) ). I had woken with furry mouth that matched the feeling of...

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Confessions from Mac the Flasher A Serial Public Masturbator 4

As I have mentioned in an earlier chapter I’m 32 years old. What I haven’t mentioned anything about is whether or not I have a girl friend or I am married. Well to set the record straight, I am in between girl friends and not currently married. “No really!” I’m sure some of you may have thought or even said out loud. “No shit Sherlock, you do surprise us” But let me set the record straight here and now. I was married, but I’m now divorced. I was married to Carol for 2...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Taxi Driver Part 1

I welcome all comments both good and bad so please feel free to leave them. Or if you prefer email me direct on [email protected] with your comments or ideas for stories. Confessions of a Taxi Driver (Part 1) I have always been a ‘tit man’ as my ex wife liked to put it. She herself was pretty busty being a slim size 10 and 34D when we married. But then as the years went by she became a size 18 and 44G, a little big in all directions, even for my tastes. But I have always...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser

The Confessions of a Sex-Crazy Cross Dresser Book I: The incredible first few weeks Chapter 1: Panties Thief and the Late Night Swim My name is Sandy. My name is Tony. I know it sounds confusing, but when you are a cross dresser life is always confusing. Just the terminology alone to describe you…crossdresser or cross dresser? Transvestite, tranny, she-male and many other names used to describe people like me can make you confused. I prefer to be called a cross dresser and yes you can call me...

4 years ago
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Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl Ties That Bind

Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl: Ties that Bind I’m a Lawyer. I’m very busy on most days, so when my roommate Nicole suggests I go on a blind date with her friend, I use work as an excuse. ‘You’re always working, I’m sure whatever it is can wait. Its just one night, Danielle,’ Nicole says in my ear as I’m sitting at my desk on the phone. ‘I don’t have time for a blind date, Nicole,’ I reply ‘Make time, fake a sick day, have a day for Danielle once in your life. You’re gonna lose your...

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Confessions from Mac the Flasher A Serial Public Masturbator 4

Introduction: The Early Years ( Chapter 2 ) Girlfriends 1 It would be a good idea to read the previous chapters as knowing some of the history involved will certainly help in understanding the underlying theme of this and any other future chapters. As I have mentioned in an earlier chapter Im 32 years old. What I havent mentioned anything about is whether or not I have a girl friend or I am married. Well to set the record straight, I am in between girl friends and not currently married. No...

3 years ago
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Confessions Of A Hussy Housewife Chapter 4

I’m up to four confessions now. Having returned and recovered from my trip, I was ready to try out something new. At the time of my next adventure I was teaching middle school. I began taking a close look at a few of the teachers there – I was glad to work with such hot men. Two particularly attractive men were the two boys’ coaches. They were young, fit, handsome black men. One was from Jamaica and the other from some island in the Caribbean. I would often talk to them after teacher meetings,...

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Confessions of a Vietnamese girl part 1 Nha Trang

My name is Thanh, I'm a 24-year-young girl from Long Khanh, Viet Nam. I have long dark hair, quite a pale complexion (for a Southeast Asian woman), 1.56m small and around forty-five kilos. I live with my parents, a dog called Lucky and a couple of cats on the outskirts of a small town near Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). I'm earning my money as a merchandiser for a big company which is making shoes, bags and so on. Religion is also very important to me as I am a Catholic girl.I will tell you my...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Vietnamese girl part 1 Nha Trang

My name is Thanh, I'm a 24-year-young girl from Long Khanh, Viet Nam. I have long dark hair, quite a pale complexion (for a Southeast Asian woman), 1.56m small and around forty-five kilos. I live with my parents, a dog called Lucky and a couple of cats on the outskirts of a small town near Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). I'm earning my money as a merchandiser for a big company which is making shoes, bags and so on. Religion is also very important to me as I am a Catholic girl.I will tell you my...

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Confessions to a Nun 2 to a NunJohnmdhWell sister, I hang around the local convent until the senior girls (18+) turn out. They are all gagging for sexual experience; I approach the dirtiest looking one and entice her into a nearby drinking den of iniquity. Then we head into the garden and dive into the nearest bushes. She is desperate to keep her hymen intact, so I start to rub my cock head on her swollen clitoris and chew her erect nipples. She lays belly down on the...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Top Model

Confessions of a Top Model Part One: Mums New Man(Please note the people mentioned in this story are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions and is aimed at the over 18’s by continuing reading you confirm you are over 18. No person or organisation has the right to copy this story to any other site)I was very young when I ran away from home. The story following is a chronicle of those things that happened to me on the...

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confessions part 4 taken 2

CONFESSIONS PART 4 TAKEN 2Hi, next day at office during morning tea break, usually tea is served to where we are working. We usually take this as a chance to talk with each other. Assar came near me and placed his mobile phone beside me, sheeba had gone to the rest room, and he told me to go through the picture files. I at once knew what was in store. pictures of me right from muthus’s hand holding from behind, to me being nude, my boobs, pussy, ass, I haven’t seen me nude in front of a mirror,...

2 years ago
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confessions Part 3 taken

CONFESSIONS Part 3 TAKENDays were passing by; I was teasing Assarudeen when there was a chance. There were quite a few chances of nearly getting caught. Mostly Muthu he was keeping a close eye what was going on. Then one evening everyone was getting ready to go and leaving office while submitting their work to us. The office became quite, me along with sheeba & assarudeen were busy trying to finish our work for the day. Muthu came and told assarudeen to get some files summoned by the...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Taxi Driver

Another original story from me featuring a taxi driver and a passenger unable to pay her fare.Comments always welcome on [email protected] of a Taxi Driver I have always been a ‘tit man’ as my ex wife liked to put it. She herself was pretty busty being a slim size 10 and 34D when we married. But then as the years went by she became a size 18 and 44G, a little big in all directions, even for my tastes. But I have always liked to look at busty ladys whether in porn or...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Shemale Toilet slave

CONFESSIONS OF A SHE-MALE TOILET SLAVE CHAPTER 8 - TESTED AND FOUND WANTIN'...This is a short story about my first wife, about the day the World changed for me. When we married she was bi and a swinger, an older woman (40), and lot's of fun, I was young, barely 18, we swung all around town, her and her pretty boy. As soon as she got into my ass it was her friends using me, not her sharing her 'toys' with me... By the time we split up she was living as a hardcore biker dyke, and I was chained in...

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Confessions 4The Great Mother Daughter Swap My Aunt Dana and my mother have always been very close. My mother’s younger sister has always been a free spirit. My mom and her sister shared a sexual energy that was established at an early age. Growing up my mother and my aunt Dana were my grandfather’s special girls.Grandpa had started with his girls when they were young. At first it was more or less innocent fun. A touch would soon turn into a cuddle; a cuddle would soon turn into a kiss on the...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Young Bottom

Confessions of a Young BottomBy billy69boyMy name is Al. Looking back, I feel like I am the luckiest guy in the world. Here's my story:For starters, I was lucky enough to discover my life's calling at a young age. It all started out innocently enough: I had a friend who was a few years older than me. He was barely into his teens. We used to play down by the river after school: climbing trees, skipping stones, catching frogs…the usual things boys did together. One day he brought a porn...

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Confessions Mother SonHow well I do remember the first time I came home and caught my older brother Lee on top of our mother. The sight of him going the town on that pussy will stay with me well into my old age. I must have been around sixteen the day I walked in on mom and Lee fucking. I had just started having sex with both of my parents a month or two prior to that late fall afternoon.I came home from school to fine the door to mom’s special room was half open, I noticed Lee’s school books...

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Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl Ties That Bind

Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl: Ties that Bind I'm a Lawyer. I'm very busy on most days, so when my roommate Nicole suggests I go on a blind date with her friend, I use work as an excuse. "You're always working; I'm sure whatever it is can wait. Its just one night, Danielle," Nicole says in my ear as I'm sitting at my desk on the phone. "I don't have time for a blind date, Nicole," I reply "Make time, fake a sick day; have a day for Danielle once in your life. You're gonna lose your naughty...

Straight Sex
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Confessions Of An Incestaholic 8211 Series 1 Episode 1

When I say “I love my girlfriend” and “I love my mom”, what is the difference? Is love just affection? Or is it affection plus lust? What is love exactly? When we say the phrase “to make love”, does it mean just the act of human coitus or does it mean the union between two soul mates? Isn’t love then being used in many different connotations leading to confusion. You have sex with your wife, it is ‘love’. You have sex with your mom, it is ‘incest’. Why the discrimination? Because no one knows...

3 years ago
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Confessions of A Lovestruck Sissy

Confessions of A Lovestruck Sissy rrrrrinnnggg RRRRRRRRINNNNNG I started...slowly rousing myself from the floor of my cage... "Mistress!!!" RRRRINNNNNNNGGG "Mistress!!!" nnnnnnnhhhh... "Whaaaaaaat???" RRRRINNNNNNNGGG "Oh...the phone!" RRRII "He-llo?" (Mistress did have a wonderful way of speaking on the phone.) "Oh hell-oh, darling...oh, I've been sleeping it off, dar-ling." (Mistress giggled coquettishly.) "...Brutus was around last night, and he WORE ME...

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