Jaime free porn video

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Jaime By Cid I'm in the backseat of my mom's old station wagon; she had just picked me up from school. She was asking me if we should pick up granddad from the house and go out to eat, or just stay home and make sandwiches. I was about to tell her what I thought when suddenly; something hit my side of the car. I could hear my mom screaming as my eyes slowly closed, drowning me in darkness. I'm shocked awake by the unsettling ending of my latest dream. Opening my eyes, I find myself staring at the tiled ceiling of a hospital room and I remember; it really happened. Any thought or fantasy that this was still a dream is destroyed as I take a deep breath. The harsh and unyielding scent of antiseptic spray combined with the smell of a living body that hasn't moved for a week makes me face reality. I've been in and out of sleep and I keep having the same dream. It's kind of weird. Each time I have to remind myself of the facts. My mom and me were in an accident. I passed out when the car hit us. When I came to there were a bunch of people hovering over me and I was in excruciating pain. It was so bad I actually passed out again. Eventually I woke up again and found myself in a room I would quickly get tired of. Upon waking up, I noticed I wasn't in pain anymore; it was than that I also realized I couldn't feel much of anything else. My mom proceeded to tell me the sickening truth. I could no longer walk, or move any part of my body. I was dead from the neck down. I would never be able to go out for walks, never sketch, or draw; I will never be able to do much of anything ever again. Me, Jaime, son of Margarita Hernandez and some jerk who couldn't be bothered to stick around is now a frickin' quadriplegic. How am I going to get through this? I turn my head, and see my mother asleep in a chair; her handkerchief sits on her chest. I don't think she's stopped crying since we came in here. I think she feels guilty that she walked away with only a few bumps and bruises, while I wasn't so lucky. It wasn't her fault. I don't blame her for any of this it was entirely the fault of the idiot in the other car. I hope she doesn't worry herself sick over me. I take a moment to crane my neck and get a look at my surroundings. A few flowers, a couple a cards, and a floating Mylar balloon come into view. They were presents from a few people that came to see me, not that I had any real connection to them. Just some people from church whose names I can never remember, a teacher or two that I actually liked, and a few distant family members I never really cared for. Granddad came and stayed for a day or two before he had to go home. He never really strays from the house for too long. As for friends, I don't think Kurt and Annie even know I'm in here. Mom never really liked them, that's why she put me in private school. "Excuse me, son?" Turning towards the voice, I see two men in business suits standing in the doorway. I'm kind of taken aback by their appearance. The one who spoke is tall, gaunt, and completely bald. The other is short, paunchy, and has a severely receding hairline. They almost look like a creepy, gothic version of Laurel and Hardy. "Could you tell us where your mother is?" "I'm his mother." I turn and see mom rising out of the chair, her handkerchief clenched in her left hand as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes with her right. "May we speak to you out in the hall?" "Yes. I'll be with you in a moment." "Mijo, do you want me to bring you anything, something to eat or drink?" "No thanks, but do you know who those guys are?" "I don't know, I think they may be with the hospital. Do you want me to turn on the TV?" "Yeah, sure." The light coming in from the hallway allowed me to see only a silhouette of her 5'5" frame as she picked up a remote and started flipping through the channels. "There's a cartoon. Is that okay?" "Yeah. Thanks mom." "Si, mijo." I watch her exit the room and close the door behind herself before turning my attention to the TV. It's one of those shows that features a series of vintage cartoons in a half-hour. This was as actually a very welcome distraction. I spent the next half-hour laughing along with the classic Tex Avery and Chuck Jones directed shorts that danced across the screen. I'm not sure when I fell asleep, it must have been somewhere between the last cartoon and the beginning of one of those annoying courtroom shows. I woke when I realized my mother was whispering in my ear. As I slowly open my eyes, I realize she wasn't talking to me. She had been praying. I turn to face her and see her sitting in the chair again holding a brown paper bag. I immediately see the troubled look on her face. "What's wrong?" "Nothing," she answered; although I could see she wasn't being honest, "I just wanted to wake you up, because I brought you some 'Phish Food'." "Thanks, mom. What did those guys from the hospital want?" She pulls her chair up closer. Reaching into the bag, she takes out a white plastic spoon and the ice cream. She spoon-feeds me as she talks. "Those men weren't with the hospital." "Then who were they?" I ask in between spoonfuls. "Eat your ice cream first." I begin to notice the nervous look in her eyes and I start worrying. "What's wrong?" I ask with just a twinge of fearful, urgency in my voice. I see her bite her lower lip before eating a spoonful herself, almost as if she were stalling. "Mom, what's wrong?" I ask with growing urgency. As she sets the carton to one side, I notice how much her arm is trembling. "Mijo, those men I spoke to weren't with the hospital. They told me that they are surgeons from a pharmaceutical company. Aside from medicines, they work on and perfect experimental types of surgery. They said that they had developed a procedure that could let you walk again." "Really?" "Because the procedure is experimental they will do it for free. I just signed the papers allowing them to do it." "Wait a minute," I began my concern growing. "Don't I get a say in this?" "They needed an answer very quickly" "You mean quickly as in two minutes after they told you about it?" "Look mijo I don't know why they wanted to know right then." "Well can you at least tell me what they are going to do to me?" "I don't know it's all too complicated. Just trust me that I agreed to this in your best interest." My entire life I have been in the shade of my mom's thumb. I always do everything she wants with little or no protest. When she took me out of public school and away from the only friends I've ever had, there wasn't much I could do. I shouted, I argued, and I even tried throwing a temper tantrum (Not my greatest moment, but you can't fault me for trying). In the end, I still went to the local Catholic school. She told me it was for my own good. It's for my own good that I still can't drive, can't get a job, and I'm still not allowed to go out on dates. No matter what, I can't seem to argue with her for too long. Looking over at her again, I notice a strangely pensive look on her face. "I guess if it'll let me walk again it'll be aright, but what's wrong?" "I guess I'm just afraid that it might not work and of the consequences if it does." "What do you mean?" "Never mind." Great now I have more to worry about. I know I'll never be able to get anymore out of her. She has the habit of pretending not to hear, or flat out ignoring you, when she doesn't want to say anything. Her evasiveness concerned me, but I was so concerned about this new development that I pushed the feeling aside and decided to just be content with the possibility of being able to walk, run, and draw again. I spent a few more days in the hospital before I was transferred to the company's medical facility. My surgery is tomorrow, I'm so nervous. Ugh... How long have I been out? I slowly open my eyes and see the tiled ceiling of a recovery room; it seems like I've been doing that a lot lately... "Oh, God! I can't feel anything!" I begin to panic as terror races through my mind. I had actually gotten used to not being able to feel anything, but having my hopes raised and then dashed like this felt awful. "I'm a freakin' vegetable!" I yell in fright. "No you're not," booms my mother's stern and concerned voice. Her face suddenly replaces the view of the ceiling; I think she is clutching my temples in her hands. "Mijo, the operation was a success," she spoke to me in a quiet, even voice, "The doctors said that in order for your body to avoid experiencing too much trauma caused by frequent movement, your entire body had to be numbed." "Numbed?" I asked not quite yet believing her. "Yes, the surgeons said the spinal chord was successfully reattached and is growing strong. You can move slightly, but you can't feel it. It'll be at least a month before it will be safe to take you off the drugs." I still wasn't sure but I realized I would have to trust her. I mean, come on, she's my mom. I spent the next month, as far as I could tell, strapped down to a bed eating, watching TV, and sleeping, a lot. Despite the disturbing situation I was in, I kinda liked the continued break from school and studying. I think I have one more week until they take me off the drugs; at least that's what I think I've heard the doctors say. I can't wait to be able to feel myself move. Once again, I open my eyes and catch a glimpse of the tiled ceiling. Feeling incredibly bored with lying down, I yawned as I have before. Except this time, I felt it! I could feel my heels dig into the hard mattress as I stretched my suddenly mobile legs. The feeling hadn't returned entirely, I could only feel my legs from below my knees and I think my hands. I also felt a strange heaviness on my chest. I didn't wasn't strong enough or even physically capable of moving, but if I could I would have jumped up in excitement. So I had to settle for turning to wake up mom. "Hey mom wake up!" I yelled. But I saw she wasn't there, I guess she was still at work, she went back to work a few days after my operation. I didn't know what else to do so I lay there until in walked a woman in a white lab coat pushing a little metallic cart. "Are you Jaime Hernandez?" She pronounced it "Jay-mi", the way someone ignorant of Spanish pronunciations would. "It's pronounced Hi-me," I corrected her. "I thought that was a boy's name." "It is!" What's wrong with her? Is she blind or something? "Okay...I was running late so you missed your last dosage." She rolls the cart over to my I.V. and I watch her as she picks up a syringe and a large vile of a clear liquid. She takes the syringe pokes the needle in the bottle and pulls the liquid in as she pulls out the plunger. After tapping it and squirting out a little liquid, to get the air bubbles out, she injects the liquid into my I.V. "There. I hope you didn't experience any discomfort Miss. Hernandez," she tells me as she exits the room. What the hell is she talking about? I wonder as the temporary feeling begins to deaden. "Mijo, wake up. Wake up." "Ugh," I groan as I wake up with a splitting headache. I couldn't have been asleep for long, or maybe I have. I've drifted in and out of sleep so often I can't even count the hours or the days, someone usually has to remind me. "The doctors are going to take you off of the drugs now. You've been asleep for the past week!" "I have?" "Yes, the doctors say it is safe to do it now." "It is?" I ask still so groggy all I can do is ask two word questions. "Yes." "So it's almost time for me to go home then?" "Not yet, they have to run a few tests before that, you will be allowed to move around for your physical therapy, though." "But, before that there is something I really need to tell you." For the first time since this talk began, I opened my eyes and was greeted by my mother's face; once again plagued by the same look of apprehension she had on the day she spoke to the men from the pharmaceutical company. It was a look that said, "I need to tell you something, but I don't know how." "Jaime, I need to tell you something, but I don't know how." That was weird. "Just say it mom." "I'm afraid of how you'll react. Because you are going off the medication, you will be able to feel again in a short while; before that happens I need to tell you something important." "All right, tell me," I say starting to become impatient and nervous. "When the doctor's came to me and told me about the procedure that would allow you to walk again, I was repulsed by the idea at first. But they kept telling me about how this procedure of theirs would work because all the proper conditions existed. It pained me to think that you could never be a fully functioning person, so I accepted." This doesn't sound good. "This procedure was so controversial that the company continued its research in secret, once they achieved a 90% success rate with lab animals, they decided to fully prove its usefulness; to do that they needed to carry it out on a human." Why is she telling me this? What does this have to do with me? "So you could walk again, I allowed them to remove your brain and place it in another body." "What!" My mind was racing. She wasn't serious was she? She continued, "There was someone else in the hospital that day, someone who was left brain dead after an accident. Because of the condition that this person's body was in, it was used to put your brain in it. They were able to cut this person spinal chord to best reattach it to yours." I'm trying to stay calm, but one part of me wants to flip out over this. Another part of me is relieved I can walk again, no matter whose feet I'm doing it with. "I really don't know what to say," I tell her trying to contain my fear and anger, "I'll just have to get used to this." "There's more, Jaime" More? "Um...the body used to belong to an American." "So I'm white now?" I ask her in a quiet voice, "It really doesn't matter." I continue trying to control myself. "No, it doesn't mijo, but...It was an American woman." "What!!" I scream no longer able to control my anger and fear, "You mean I'm a girl now! You're lying! Why are you doing..." "Mijo, por favor, te estoy desciendo la verdad!" She always seems to forget English when she gets upset, but right now, I'm so angry I don't care. "Show me! Show me what they did to me!" I hear her search through her purse. A small mirror soon greets me. I see a white girl, about 20 years old, bright blue eyes, long blonde hair, a rather pale complexion; the kind gained after extended period of time out of the sun. The kind of girl I might find attractive, if she wasn't staring back at me from a mirror. This new development slowly sinks into my mind, and my anger bubbles up again. "How could you let them do this to me?" "Hijo, quer?a que tengas la oportunidad para una vida normal!" "Hijo! I'm not a guy, I'm not a girl! What kind of normal life can I have like this?" I don't want to be so cruel to her, but I can't help it. They always said that I had anger indicative of my family name. Whenever I flew into a rage they would jokingly say, "Puro Hernandez!" Looking at my mom now, I could see she wasn't in a joking mood. "Voy a regresar despu?s," she said in a choked voice, "Pero quiero que entiendas! Lo hice porque no pod?a ver te as? en la condici?n que estabas!" I hear her exit and I'm left alone with my anger and my guilt, as the part of me that was bound and gagged during that entire episode finally breaks free. Why did I do that? I'm glad I can walk, and move, and feel. This part of me doesn't care that I now have a body that is the exact opposite of what I used to be. Yeah it's going to take some getting used to and there is no doubt that this will cause some type of trouble. She did it with the best intentions. I only wish I could have had some say in all this. Should I apologize? "Damn it!" I yell as I throw the small mirror against the far wall. The next couple of weeks involved me going through physical therapy. I found out the woman's body had already been in the hospital for about a month before my accident, so some of the muscles were weak. They also had a nurse talk to me about a few aspects of the female body that I would have to get used to. It was one of the most uncomfortable talks I have had to endure. The doctors ran various tests, and determined that I had full usage of this new body. I also got to talk to them about the procedure; specifically I asked them if they could reconnect the spinal chord; why didn't they reconnect my brain to my own spinal chord? They said my own body had been too badly damaged, had they done it I wouldn't be any better off. I saw my mom during the tests, she didn't say much to me. Even though I should have, I didn't try to speak to her either. Eventually it came time for me to leave this place, I had never been happier in my life. I had just gotten dressed, my mom had brought me one of my pairs of jeans, I was surprised they fit, an old Reebok sweatshirt, and an old pair of Adidas that my mom never wore. I had one foot up on a chair as I tied my shoelaces, when out of the corner of my eye I saw someone enter. Taking my foot down, I turned around and saw it was an American woman, with a look on her face I really couldn't place. "Uh, can I help you?" "What's your name," she asked in an anxious voice. "Jaime Hernandez," I tell her still kind of puzzled as to who she is, "Who are you?" "I'm Mary Kent the mother of the young lady whose body you now have." I don't know what to say now. I mean, what do I say to the mother of my new body? Jeez, I can't believe how uncomfortable this is. "I want to speak to Debbie?" What is she talking about? "I'm sorry but, who?" "My daughter, Debbie Kent, is she still in there?" "No ma'am," I begin unsure of what else to say, "Ever since I woke up like this, it's only been me." Well that sounded incredibly dumb. "Are you sure?" "Yes. I'm sorry but it's just me." "I see." She starts rubbing her eyes as she leans against the wall next to the door. "Oh, why did I let them do this?" she wailed out loud as she started crying, "I was hoping that having another brain in her body would be like changing a battery. A simple organ transplant, I hoped she would still remain; I didn't think it would turn her into someone else!" Great, what do I do now? I walk up to her and place my hand on her shoulder; startled she looks up at me and starts crying again. "Do you have any idea what I'm going through? For 30 days, I sat at my daughter's side as she lay on a hospital bed, brain dead because of some damn freak accident. I wished there was something I could do, but there was nothing. Then one day those ghouls came to me and said that a young person had been in an accident and that the conditions for this operation of theirs were perfect they wanted me to allow them to place someone else's brain in my daughter's body. I was so desperate for some kind of miracle recovery that I quickly accepted their offer; I was hoping that she would still be Debbie. But I can see she's not, she's someone that I don't know. My daughter is dead, but here she stands in front of me moving and breathing. I'm sorry this won't work, I hoped that even if Debbie was gone you could still be a comforting reminder of her, but it's just too painful." She started to turn and leave, but before she left, I realized I needed something from her. "Wait, Mrs. Kent. I need to ask you something." "Yes?" she asked through watery eyes. "You were taking such a risk why did you do it? And if it had worked, what if Debbie resented having part of someone else inside of her?" "I just wanted what would be best for her, just like any mother would, and I hoped that she could understand. Your mother probably wanted what was best for you, too." "Yeah, I guess she did. Thank you, I think I know what to tell my mom now." She started to leave but stopped, turned and faced me again. "Can I ask you to do something for me?" "Yes, of course." "I want you to close your eyes and not say anything." "Excuse me?" "I want to say good bye to my daughter." "Okay." As I close my eyes, I hear her shuffle towards me. I feel her hands grip my shoulders, she stays in that position for a little while. Suddenly I'm startled as she embraces me, no not me, her daughter. She kisses her on the forehead and returns to standing in the previous position holding her shoulders. I feel her hands drop away and her shuffling footsteps as she exits the room. I open my eyes and find myself alone, until my mom enters through the open door. "Who was that?" she asks. "I'll tell you later mom," I tell her as I hug her, "but I think tonight we need to seriously talk." "We'll talk about whatever you want," she says as she hugs me back, hard. "Let's go home then." Epilogue It's a chilly autumn morning as I walk along the university campus with my sketchpad under my arm. A strong wind whips my hair around. I try to hold it down but I get distracted by looking at my hand. The paleness that was gone. Has it really been that long? Hard to believe but, it's been three years since the operation, my brain is 19, and my body is 23. I've gotten used to the situation with my body. It was a little weird at first, especially when taking showers, but I adjusted. This is my second semester at the university and I'm showing promise as an art major. I have made several friends here; I still live with my mom and grandfather. The night I got home from the hospital I talked to my mom and things have been different since then. I've been making many of my own decisions and I feel like I am finally living my life for myself. Sitting down I pull my pencil from behind my ear, open my sketchpad, and I begin to sketch the fountain in front of the university library. Three years ago I wouldn't even consider drawing the same thing more than twice. The idea of dwelling on the same subject kind of bored me. I guess getting a new lease on life tends to change your outlook. "Hey Jaime," I hear someone call my name. I turn around and see Chris running over. Yeah, we've been dating for awhile, and we're pretty happy. "Are you drawing the fountain again?" I hear as Chris sits down. We share a brief kiss before I ask, "Well, what do you think?"

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Private Catherine Knight Fulfils Her Sexual Fantasy with an Anal Threesome

Brunette and sexy, Catherine Knight is the definition of beautiful, and today on www.private.com, she’s come to Private Specials, Hot Lovers to make one of her ultimate sexual fantasies come true! Taking on the cocks of Potro de Bilbao and Alberto Blanco, Catherine makes her dream come true as she gets warmed up with a couple of deepthroat blowjobs before going on to enjoy a stunning anal threesome full of almost 40 minutes of ass pounding action that has her shaking with pleasure until a...

3 years ago
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Roadside assistance

There she was standing at the side of the road, steam billowing from under the hood of her car. Pulling alongside I couldn't help noticing her magnificent brown flowing hair and a gorgeous pair of breasts straining to get out of her loosely buttoned shirt. As I asked if I could offer a ride my eyes kept drifting down to the exposed upper part of her breasts, she smiled with a glint of mischief in her eyes as she asked "a ride to where?". "Anywhere you like" I replied opening the door. As she...

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Rich Lady

Hai friends I am hemant back again with my new experience. Iam very happy to send my experieces to u all & I thank our favorate site ISS.net for giving us the oppertunity to know the twists of other’s lives & knowing the different ways & styles of fucking. O.K let’s come to the point. This happened to me while it was raining heavily. I was on my way on my bike & in the way I saw a car crashed to a tree & a beautiful lady asking for help. She was beautiful wearing a blue saree & she was all wet...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 275

Bear Removal A man wakes up one morning to find a bear on his roof. So he looks in the yellow pages and sure enough ... there's an ad for "Bear Removers." He calls the number and the man says he'll be over in 30 minutes. The bear remover arrives and gets out of his van. He's got a ladder, a baseball bat, 12-gauge shotgun, and a mean heavily scarred old dog. "What are you going to do?" the homeowner asks. "I'm going to put this ladder up against the roof, then I'm going to go...

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Law of the BloodChapter 4 The Executioner

Roban thought about yesterday’s events after the girls had left but that got him horny, so he stood up to relieve his bladder and wash. He was hungry but before he went out to search for food there was knocking on the door. After he called out, “Come in”, the door opened and a woman he hadn’t seen before entered. The woman was of regal beauty somewhere in between twenty-five and thirty. High cheek bones, a thin straight nose, intelligent sparkling blue eyes and a rather small mouth with thin...

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Busty Neighbor8217s Young Wife 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Ragu posting another story. Feedbacks are welcomed at . please give feedback just for one line, it encourage us to write more. This happened when I was studying in college. We are living in congested village in outskirts of trichy. Me, my mom and my sister lived there as we both are studying in trichy. My father is in native area as he take care of fields. We had a neighbor there, he is ramesh, he is widow working in government office. He having a daughter studying in...

2 years ago
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Maiden of Rome2Chapter 5

Six months later, Lucius and Attia were married at the Lepidius home in Ostia. It was just his and her families plus a few friends. The gifts were not lavish like the ones Penelope received when she wed Maximus in the presence of the Emperor Augusta. The couple were happy and Lucius promised never to reveal the secret she told him though her Mother knew about it. "I want you to have this," Penelope handed her the expensive jeweled broach that Livia had given her on her wedding day way back...

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Discovering Irsquom a Cougar Part 7

After I left the school, I started to think about how Sunday's little party could be made a little more special. As always I thought about how wonderful the sex was going to be. There were five cocks to serve four pussies. On the other hand I really wanted make this into a real party. I suddenly had a thought and a smile slowly spread on my face as I got on the highway. I had noticed that there was a store in the next town over that specialized in sexy lingerie, sex toys and porn videos.As I...

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1960s Stewardess

In the late 1960s, before pantyhose replaced stockings, I had a neat experience on a local commuter airline. Shortly after boarding one morning, I seated myself in an aisle seat where I knew I would have a nice view of the stewardesses. On this flight, there was one particularly beautiful stew--a young Asian woman in her mid-twenties, about 5'7", trim, and slender legs. Her name was Lynn. Her uniform consisted of an off-white, knee-length dress, coffee-colored hose, and 2" heels. As Lynn...

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Comic Sex

The naked woman was spread-eagled on the raised platform, preparing for the worst. The evil ruler could inflict no pain great enough to get her to divulge the information. He approached her bound foot, holding the menacing device with three gleaming, sharp metal tines. She tensed every muscle, anticipating the shock of them penetrating her soft flesh.Barb squealed and jerked when Tony touched the sole of her foot with the three points. She had chosen to play the damsel in distress in this...

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Wish Shift Examinations

Wish Shift: Chapter Five Examinations Year 1 A.S. Day 43 Dianne didn't arrive the next day, but she did show up the day after that. Sometime after four p.m., when Kira and Jenny were lighting the charcoal in the small portable grill, Kira's phone started ringing. While Jenny busied herself with using the hand cranked fan to get the coal bed well fired, Kira answered it and started laying out the directions to where they were. After they finished talking Kira told Jenny that...

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After Thanksgiving and the drive-in, the leaves dropped and it was up to me to give Mommy and Daddy something special. They do so much for me, teaching me how to be a Real Woman, and I want to give something back to them. They deserve it. My family is me, and I am my family. And of course you too, Dear Diary. Miss Evans of my English class gave me lots of ways to “think about” things like this in Creative Writing. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you, Dear Diary, but I certainly...

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PornPics Interracial

If you think that there is no place for porn pictures in this day and age, well, I want to call you a fucking idiot, but I cannot really blame you for thinking that. With so many on-demand streaming services and a wealth of free tube sites that offer so much pornography that it’s fucking impossible for one person to see everything, I can see why so many people may think that porn pictures are dead. But let me tell you something, you basic son of a bitch: they’re not!It’s just as satisfying to...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Cheerleading Niece

Cheerleading NieceIt was a complete random day for me but it turned out pretty well.. My niece just had a cheerleading competition which I had to attend because no one else would. My brother and sister in law were stuck at work and I just happened to be off. I had to take her to the competition. Before we even headed out I saw her stretching and she was struggling to reach her toes. She recently had an injury that wasn't helping her reach all the way. I saw my brother always helping her...

1 year ago
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What have you done for me lately

The holidays are a bummer for me, I hate hanging out with my in laws, and typically I end up staying home alone for Thanksgiving and Christmas while my wife and kids visit her sister. We have been married almost 18 years and dated 2 years prior to that. Her older sister lived with us for a while and while I was always respectful of her, I knew she was quite the slut. She liked to party and have a good time which she did with a string of different men during that time. She is also a bitch who...

Quickie Sex
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Ghost Of Kareema 8211 An Erotic Sex Tale 8211 Part 15

Welcome back, guys. For those who want to skip to the story part, look for the ‘Story starts’ tag. Those who want to skip right to the sex part, look for the ‘Sex starts’ tag. Something weird happened recently. I was asleep and Kareema came to me through a dream and said this, “What the hell, Qamar? “The dates of the story of me that you’re writing is off! Like, many dates are like full two years off from when they actually happened! “And, adding details is one thing, but why are you so...

2 years ago
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Collage freind

When i was about 18 /19 i went to college to do a beauty course and meet some amazing friends . I got to know this one girl really well we would go everywhere toghether and became the best of friends . She looked a little different from everybody else in the class everyone else was all dolled up with make up and hair done while she had peircings and different coloured hair . To be honest think thats why i took to her .Anyway we used to stand with a group off boys round the back of the college...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Natasha Nice Nf Busty Model Of The Year 2023

Natasha Nice is the 2023 NF Busty Model of the Year, and believe us when we say she deserves it. Dressed as a bride, she struts into the bedroom where Chad Alva is surprised to see her. She was supposed to be at her bachelorette party, but instead she decided to come home for some one-on-one fun with her husband to be. They had originally talked about waiting until marriage, but seeing Natasha decked out like that makes Chad change her mind. She gives him a deep kiss and then says she has...

2 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 89

Marge, Anne, Marc and Don followed the real estate agent into the garage of the mansion Jerry had convinced them to look at. The garage was wide enough for four vehicles and deeper than most garages. At the back of the garage were two doors; one on the left side and another located in the back wall. The agent, Cynthia Morgan, opened the door at the back and led the group up a stairway. Jerry, Bob, Sam and their wives followed them up the steps. "This is the apartment for the help," Cynthia...

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A Fine Night

So far it had been a fine night. We were all sitting around the fireplace drinking beer and steadily working on a bottle of tequila as we talked and carried on about any topic we cared to bandy about. Both Lisa and I thought Kevin was fine company, and over the past several months our time together had grown longer and more frequent. Secretly, I was waiting for Kevin to leave so I could cash in on Lisa’s promise of an exciting sex crazed evening before I got either to drunk or tired to be...

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Big surprise from plain Jane

If you've ever been on a date site, you'll know that there is often a big difference between how people present themselves in their profile, and what they are like 'in the flesh'. One lady I met through a site about a year ago was Denise. Her profile was brief - VERY brief. 'Just come and fuck me' is all it said. Hmmmmm, what do I make of that????? I inboxed her and asked to see a photo (after including mine of course - well, one HAS to be a Gentleman in such matters.... ;-) and when I saw what...

4 years ago
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Those Little Shops that Disappear

It was long weekend and you took a trip to the next town over. It was a familiar place and yet far enough to get away and clear your head. It was also a tourist town. So you did the tourist thing, when from trap to trap, and down to their antiquated and kitschy shopping district, Pounding the pavement, you find a new alleyway you have never seen before. Down that alleyway there is a row of shops. One, however, with a sign that reads "XXYChange" draws your attention. There is a display of...

3 years ago
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I Love All Women

I guess that I should tell you something about me before I go any further. The one thing I absolutely love to do in this life is fuck. I live to fuck. I see a beautiful woman, hell for that matter, even a plain woman, I immediately want to be between her legs giving her my 7 inches of happiness. It may seem like I’m bragging, but, I’m damn good at giving a woman all the pleasure she can handle. This brings me to what is going on right now. Earlier this evening, while at the gym, I met an...

2 years ago
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Wanting more

As I sit here at the desk silence renders and images of us run through my mind. My imagination running wild of all the things your hands, mouth, and fingers do to my body. Your touch sets me aflame and all I can do is smile. I wonder if you know what your touch does to me? As the sky darkens a thunderstorm is imminent. I love the smell of rain. My name is Elena, I am four foot eleven. I am 23 and petite. I work in a hotel that caters to crew guys. We do not get very many tourist for the price...

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Second That EmotionChapter 17

Back on the ward I took Lilly and introduced her to Peggy. Peggy was shy at first but Lilly's maternal drive eventually won her over and they ended up chatting away like old friends. I left them in Peggy's room and went for a run around the hospital. I wanted to think a little more about Dr. Wills' offer of a job. 'That's not what you should be thinking about, Ike.' "What should I be thinking about Mom? 'When are you going to stop saving strangers and go rescue your...

1 year ago
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Interesting Car Journey

This story is based on true experiences. Any constructive criticism is welcomed. Thanks and enjoy My phone beeped.  “I’m outside” the message read.  We had been planning this for weeks, he had to wait until his girlfriend was away for the night to work. My heart was pounding and even in my tiny lace dress, I became extremely flushed. We had agreed I would wear nothing but this see-through black dress on my curvy size 12 frame under a long jacket with high heels.  I’m 5’6 with long dark hair,...

Straight Sex
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having fun on the playground

Under the moonlight, he was able to see through her translucent white flowing dress. He saw her slender hour glass figure, thin yet alluring as she stood against the light a deserted children’s play ground, talking about her missed childhood, and her dream.  She looked very pretty, too pretty indeed to fuck. So, he sat beside the see saw, and stopped her swing.  Without much hestitation, he slid his hands from under her knees, into the white dress and up her groin area.  This made her...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 116

After the New Year’s parties and celebrations that I was requested to attend as a representative of the administration, life took a different turn. The President was in the final year of his second term and was not able to run again. With former Vice President Mason out of the running because of his health, there was now a free for all in the candidates for President - and there were plenty of them. I was being pressed to endorse one of the party candidates and campaign for them, but that...

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Lazy Summer Daze Chapter I

Somehow, I manage to get out of bed, and get myself dressed and ready. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I head out to that place known far and wide as a college student's saving grace, Starbucks. Luckily, when I got there the line was nonexistent. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all. After grabbing an espresso, I make my way across campus to my 10:30 Psychology class. My phone reads 10:20, so I take these 10 minutes walking to scope out the girls making their way to their...

4 years ago
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House Boy Part One

House Boy - Part One My name is Dorian Simmons. As my story starts, I am dreaming. I am on a merry-go-round. Around and around I go, faster and faster. My head feels like a children's toy top, spinning dizzily. As I whirl around in circles, the blood flows to my crotch. I wake with a euphoric throbbing between my legs, and to find my fianc?e Elise under the covers. The suction on my cock so intense, it feels like she's trying to drain the life out of me. Half in dream world, and h...

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Turn On

Felicity Baker grasped her glass and raised it to her lips. She was staring intently the bar area and after a while smiled at her husband who was sitting next to her.“What do you reckon, the young guy on the left, or the older one on the right?”Felicity waited for his reply. It came after some thoughtful consideration.“The older guy, you may as well earn your reward,” her husband told her.“Don’t you think he will be an easier target?”“Not really, married men always think twice before jumping...

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Husband Ne Lund Dilwaya

Hi friends thanks for reply & comments on my stories, again I am Lalit with my new story which is Next incident with me & my wife Priya. As per my promise I have to arrange new sex partner for my wife .Now again narrates this in my desi language. Maine priya ko aap logo ke reply or comments dikhaye to priya ne bola lalit kahi hum ye sab jyada.To nahin kar rahe or hamari family hain or hum teenage bhi nahi hain ki log humein bacha kahe is liye ye sab hum apne tak rakhte hain inhe online post mat...

2 years ago
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My first wife was a guide leader and I had asked her a couple of times if she would wear her uniform for me when we have sex. She refused saying that she didn't think it would be right. I still fantasised about fucking her in her uniform but I thought that was no chance of my fantasy coming true. She always went to guides on a Friday night, so I would stay in with a bottle of wine and a porno movie.One particular Friday, she was later then usual. She had rung to say that she was going for a...

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My Exs Best Friend

Me and my ex had a long, decently healthy relationship before our breakup. We both cared for each other a lot, and we were good at keeping each-other happy. Honestly, there wasn’t really one reason why we broke up, it just kind of happened. I was sad, she was numb, it was messy. So many mixed signals and stressful conversations, and so many times we’d rip each others clothes off after meeting for “closure” just to awkwardly stop as we thought about the various rebounds we dealt with. Yeah, our...

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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 5

As ass reamings went, I'd grade this one only a C+, but then again I'd been called onto the carpet and screamed at by real professionals before back home. Numerous times. My old bosses at the Austin BMA could give these USA wankers some real management lessons in the art of attitude adjustment, but perhaps with me they'd just enjoyed a lot of prior practice. Back home I had the reputation of being a 'fuck-up' and was treated accordingly; here, I was sort of a visiting VIP, so the velvet...

2 years ago
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Double Dating With the Parents Version BravoChapter 14

The next morning was the second day of October. That was important to Karen, primarily because her last period had ended on the fifth of September. And that meant that all that dangerous sperm her son had pumped in her womb (two loads) was probably not all that dangerous after all, because her period was due to start, according to her calendar, the very next day. But after last night, and looking back on the train wreck in the cold light of day, with a cold dose of reason, she had a pretty...

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Fun With Conservative Girl

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, This is my first story in indian sex stories dot net though I have been an ardent reader of ISS stories for nearly six years now. Well, I was waiting for my personal experience rather than posting some fantasy about some imaginary person. So let’s start. I’m a 25 yr old male from south part of India, like most of our people I’m pretty addicted to sex and have had quite a few foreplay instances,moving over to the story this a about one of my girlfriends who...

3 years ago
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Her exhibitionist awakening

Jessica slumped onto her bed in her teal silk pajamas and sighed. Her first week at college had come to an end, and her early classes had gone well, but she didn't feel satisfied. She had always been a quiet, shy, introverted girl, but she had naively hoped that going to college would suddenly change everything. "Just for once," Jessica thought to herself, longingly, "I want to be the centre of attention. I want to be more popular!" She sulked as she began to think about what to do. She...

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OVERBOARDChapter 40 Together Again At Home

Rob's turn (Wednesday evening): We walked into the restaurant and were greeted by the maître d'. Before he had been used to seeing me and now he has become used to seeing me and Kay. We were given good service here and were shown to the corner table where our life together had its start. We placed our drink orders and I brought up a new topic for Kay, "We have some other shopping I think we need to do." "What's that?" "I think I owe you an engagement ring. I was wondering if you...

1 year ago
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Romantic Exploration

It was late in the evening when you were returning from your trip out of town, and I was looking forward to seeing you again. It is always so hard when you go away, I can’t help but miss you. You called me to say that you were on your way home, and I offered to come sit and talk with you while you unpacked. You agreed, and half an hour later I was ringing your bell, anxious to see you, hear your voice. When I entered your place, we fell into each other’s arms, both wanting to hold the other...

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