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Stung by Shannon Q Dr. Winston Turner flew back to the United States from Sao Paulo, Brazil, very satisfied and excited by his recent find. He had received a grant from Whitman University, funded basically from State University in Kentucky. He was head of Entomology Department for the small college and learned of a species of insect no one heard of before. It was a new breed of hornet found deep in the Amazon Basin nearly four hundred miles into the jungle. Local Indians informed him that these insects were extremely dangerous needing careful handling. Several stings could result in a varieties of unexpected results, even death. Winston waited until dark when he returned to the nest he discovered earlier in the day. He sprayed the nest with a paralyzing agent which temporarily placed them into a dormant state. Placing the nest into an escape proof casing, making sure it had proper ventilation and moisture, he headed down the river to civilization with his prized catch knowing his name would go down in history. Two years later Dr. Turner received every accolade the scientific world could bestow upon a colleague. He then settled down in his lab and assistants to study this strange bug. Winston taught his help how to handle these creatures properly to prevent injury or escape. In late May, one hornet slipped out of his handler's grasp and flew out an open window into the warm presummer afternoon. It took them many days to find that one was missing. A quiet but frantic search went out. No one knew what the hornet was capable of. Within one week, they gave up the search. At least it wasn't a female and an egg layer. There would be no colony. When it died, that would be the end of it. The research team began to use new methods to keep these new insects within the confines of the laboratory. The probes would go on with all speed to get Dr. Turner's catch in the books and journals to come. Part One My Grief My name back then, thirty years ago, was Sara Brandt. My childhood was not a very happy one. When I turned twelve I stopped growing at 4'9" tall. I never entered puberty. Cursed with acne all over my face, crooked teeth, very poor eyesight which forced me to wear extremely thick glasses, coarse hair on my head made it feel like straw, flat chested, one leg that was an inch shorter than the other which caused me to limp slightly. The doctors could do nothing to change any of this. As a result, I was merciless teased, harassed and scorned at school. This continued through my sophomore year at Huntington High School in the State of Kentucky just south of Cincinnati. I excelled in my studies and received A's on all report cards. Out of sheer boredom in my life, I turned to music to escape my miserable existence. Although my parents could ill afford it they purchased an old piano at a garage sale. It was very difficult to get it into the house since it was a Baby Grand. It sat in the previous owner's basement for years needing tuning badly. I just had enough from my savings to pay for a man to tune it. His name was Mr. Reynolds. Once done, he played to it make sure that it was down to perfection. Mr. Reynolds was a piano teacher part time and offered to give me lessons for five dollars a week for an hour. He taught me the scales which I practiced every day after school for at least two hours. Many times four hours on weekends or until my parents asked me to stop. I was ten years old at that time. I also found a violin for next to nothing and practiced that downstairs in our basement. I became skilled in both. I also acquired a decent singing voice and sang for the school's choral group. The kids allowed me into their group but after rehearsals or performances no one wanted anything to do with me. ** My only friend was the boy next door. Johnny Wilson. Johnny and I grew up together. We'd known each other since we were toddlers. We played all the time. Once when I hurt my hand falling on a rock, he kissed it to make feel better. "Don't worry, Sara. When we grow up, I'll marry you," he promised as he kissed me on the lips. Instantly the pain left me. We were both four at the time. And our friendship continued to flourish. As Johnny grew, he became a great athlete. Tops in Little League and Babe Ruth baseball. In Pee Wee football he excelled in everything and that carried over into the upper leagues before high school. Also Johnny starred in basketball. He practiced dribbling the ball, throwing passes at designated spots painted on the family garage, and shooting it through the hoop with remarkable accuracy. He was at it until Mrs. Wilson told him it was time for bed. When we entered high school he was six foot tall and muscular. The coaches looked upon him as someone who comes into a small town high school every fifty to sixty years. A prized athlete! The girls were crazy about him from middle school on up. Even older beauties vied for his attention. It didn't matter if he was just fourteen, he was taller, handsomer and looked sexier than many of the senior jocks. From my first day I was bombarded by most students, most of them females, with cruel words. The saying of 'sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me' is certainly a lie. Their tauntings hurt me deeply. Even to sobbing tears. When Johnny was around, he scolded the girls for being so mean. The few boys he'd grab and slam them into a locker warning them if he ever heard them abusing me he'd personally make them wish they hadn't. But behind his back, those bitter words continued to pour down upon me. I couldn't take it at times and fell to my knees crying my eyes out. This only made it worse for me as this encouraged them to increase their cruel mockery of me. I was always happy for Fridays to come about so I could have Saturday and Sunday away from these evil people. I took this verbal belittlement for six years now. I was happy for the summer as school let out for almost three whole months. Besides, this summer I was flying out to Portland, Oregon to visit my Aunt Penny. She had a full Steinway piano in her living room. She promised me that I could practice to my heart's content. I was going to take my violin with me. I wanted to become an accomplished musician. I even composed a few tunes but never put any lyrics to them. Aunt Penny had married at the age of nineteen to a man old enough to be her father. A year later, he died suddenly of a heart attack leaving her millions plus the business he founded. She sold that to a very large corporation for millions more. She met a man in his early thirties who swept her off her feet. Two years later he was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. Again leaving her a small fortune and loneliness once more. Aunt Penny vowed never to marry again. She didn't want to face another heartbreak. At her invitation she asked me to stay the summer with her which I agreed to eagerly. I couldn't wait to leave here. My last night I walked through the gate of my back yard to the park in back of our house. I loved to sit by the large spring fed pond to watch the sunset and the fish coming to the top swishing a bit before diving back down into the deep dark waters. To hear the frogs croaking, the fireflies illuminating their tails and the crickets singing in the tall grass. I was wearing my usual attire. A short sleeved cotton blouse, plaid skirt, white anklet socks and my cheap tennis shoes. At fifteen not even a bump or any soreness in my chest. I felt something land on my arm. Absentmindedly I took a hand to brush it away. Then I felt great pain. I looked down to see what was happening to me. This angry bug started stinging me over and over. "Ow, ow, ow....ouch....ow, ow," I cried as the thing continued to attack me. I don't know how many times it jabbed its stinger into me but it hurt more than anything. Finally after venting its anger on me, it flew off across the water. I watched it in a rage only to see a pink thing flick it out of the air. It was a bullfrog. I felt vindicated about that happening. I looked at my wound and it was all red. The swelling my arm started to grow. A little of the pain was still there but it was the heat from those bites that was the worst. I got up to go home. I didn't want my parents to see this and cancel my trip to Aunt Penny's. I managed to get into the house without notice. I raced up to my room, took off my blouse to inspect my arm. It was bright red and swollen almost twice as much as my other. I changed quickly into my long sleeved pajamas. I noticed Mom had already taken my two suitcases downstairs for my flight. I lay in bed reading a book on the Civil War when my parents walked in without knocking. "Is our princess ready for her trip to see her aunt tomorrow?" Daddy asked. "Yes I am," I replied, feeling anything but a princess. "Well, it is going to be a wonderful time for you," Mom sat on the bed opposite of my sore arm. "Penny's such a dear heart." I didn't have to be told that. I met her before and she was always nice to everyone. "Yes," I smiled. "I hope I have a lot of fun there." "My sister will take good care of you," Daddy grinned. "I think I'll have lots of fun there," I repeated, anxious to be in Oregon already. "I hear that her house is only two hundred yards from a bluff then the walls slope down to a small beach then there's the Pacific Ocean," Daddy observed. "I think you should get your rest now, honey," Mom smiled, leaning over to kiss me on my forehead. "Good night," Daddy kissed me on the cheek. "Good night, sleep tight," I smiled back. ** The next morning the swelling went down on my arm but it was replaced by a large blister. I wore my best blouse which I saved for church on Sundays. The sleeves fell to my wrists and loose enough to hide the blister. It was silky and felt nice against my skin. I wore my black skirt, knee length socks and a pair of patent leather shoes. I wanted to impress Aunt Penny. My flight would originate in Cincinnati nonstop to Portland. Estimated time in the air, four hours and thirty minutes. After a big breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, orange juice and tea with sugar; we set out for the airport. Daddy checked my suitcases at the curb and we went inside. Being the 1990's the security only x-rayed my purse. Mom gave me five hundred dollars in traveler's checks that I had countersigned at the bank a few days ago. We hugged and kissed each other when we were given the call to board the plane. Mom had tears in her eyes which caused me to cry a little too. Daddy gave me forty dollars in cash in case of an emergency. One last hug and kiss and I was down the ramp to the plane. Needless to say I was very excited and happy for the first time in years. Once the plane was in the air, I felt my left arm again. I was sore but none the worse for wear. Suddenly I was very tired. I planned to look down at the land flowing beneath me but my eyelids drooped. Stuffing my glasses into my purse, I fell into a deep sound dreamless sleep not knowing that I looked like I was ten and the flight people were ordered to watch over me. The airlines didn't want to take the chance in losing me and have a major lawsuit on their hands. ** A gentle hand awoke me. I opened my eyes to see a smiling face of a flight attendant. I put on my glasses to see that she was very pretty. "We're going to be landing in twenty minutes," she gently told me. Then she did the same to an old man sleeping to my right. We buckled our safety belts as I looked at the suburbs of Portland as the plane began its descent. I was still weary but excited too. After landing, I finally managed to make my way into the terminal to see the most beautiful lady there. Aunt Penny. She was tall, slim with nice breasts and curves, lovely face with blue eyes and long blonde hair flowing down her back. She was dressed in a satiny blouse, short skirt that came to about four inches above her knees, stockings and black high heels. Recognizing each other, we embraced. As she leaned over to hold me, I could smell her clean hair and wonderful perfume. I often dreamed of being beautiful like her, not knowing that inside she was still hurting from her recent loss of her second husband and the loneliness that came with it. "Oh Sara, it's so nice to see you again," she beamed. "Thank you," I wished for her loveliness to be mine. I felt envious. "May I see your driver's license, please," one of the flight attendants asked. She had a small document in her hands and compared the name on her list to what Aunt Penny showed. "Thank you," she smiled then turned back to the plane again. I looked after very puzzled until my aunt explained it was standard procedure that anyone under the age of sixteen be met by an adult who was a member of the family. I smiled and hugged her again before going to the lower concourse to retrieve my luggage. Aunt Penny had several cars including a Rolls Royce but we drove back to her house on the Pacific shore in a two year old white Toyota Camrey LE. It was a two hour trip so we stopped for cheeseburgers, fries and iced tea at a small cafe. She told me all that we were going to do this coming summer. Then she finally noticed my crooked teeth. "Oh dear, Sara. Your teeth aren't straight. Didn't you have a dentist look at them?" "Yes but braces are too expensive and Daddy's work doesn't have a dental plan with his health insurance. We can't afford them," I explained sadly. "Well we'll get you those braces here, darling. I can afford it. Besides, all girls should have straight teeth, don't you think?" "Absolutely," I agreed. "Good honey," she gently took my left arm. When I flinched in pain, a worried look fell on her face. "What's wrong?" "Oh some bug bit me last night by the pond." I tried to act as if it were no big deal. Aunt Penny undid the pearl button on my wrist and rolled the material up to see this big blister. "Oh dear, that looks very painful, sweetie. Before we go to the house, we'll stop by the clinic to let the doctor look at it." "It doesn't hurt.....much," I lied. "We have to have it looked at," Aunt Penny insisted. Two hours later we were in the town's clinic. Aunt Penny was given the royal treatment when we walked in. She donated a quarter of a million dollars to build this facility and gave another twenty-five thousand a year to help maintain a doctor with a competitive salary to keep him there. His name was Gregory Johnson. Young looking and very handsome. He flirted with my aunt before taking me back to the examination room. I felt shy to removed my blouse but at Aunt Penny's urging, I did. Dr. Johnson examined my wound carefully. He even got out a metal head band with a light and magnifying glass. Turning the room dark he took his time concentrating on my arm. "Sara, it looks to be a wasp's or a hornet's sting. It got you several times. What symptoms do you have?" "I've been really tired, that's all." "That's understandable. They can shoot some mild venom into you. That is why you are so tired. Fatigue is normal. Have you had any other things bothering you?" "I had a headache last night and took some aspirin which took the pain away." "I don't want you to puncture that blister. Let it break on its own. I'll give you a soothing salve to put on your arm after the blister is gone." He turned on the lights and smiled at Aunt Penny. "Make sure she doesn't do anything that'll tire her out too much. And once the water breaks, have her rub this salve into her wound until it clears up." The Doctor handed her a tube. "Here's a sample. It's very expensive at the pharmacy." "I'll make sure Sara follows your orders," Aunt Penny gave him a flirtatious smile. After we returned to the car, I noticed a dreamy look on her face. "Aunt Penny's got a boyfriend," I chanted. "Oh shush, little one," she mildly scolded me. "He is good looking, don't you think?" "Very much so," I answered back. "Well being a widow twice I promised there wouldn't be a third time," she sighed turning on the ignition. "Third time is a charm," I smiled at her. "There will be no third time," she smiled back as we headed toward the house about a mile away. ** It wasn't a house. It was a mansion. Five bedrooms with a fully functional bathroom in each. A cozy den, an enormous dining room, a large kitchen with walk-in refrigerators and freezers all stocked up with almost every item imaginable. A huge pantry with cases upon cases of soft drinks both with sugar and diet. A huge living room with the latest in entertainment equipment. Shelves full of VCR movies and documentaries. A 54" Sony television with remotes all over the place. A stereo with hundreds of music cassettes and records. Some were even in the 45rpm mode. A cellar full of wines from all over the world. Also in one corner was a large washer & dryer with a big catchall where laundry could go down chutes into the bin. Her garage housed the Rolls Royce, Jaguar sports model car, a Cadillac and of course the Camry. In a separate place were six all terrain vehicles. Aunt Penny said I could ride one on her eight acre property if I were careful. Strangely, I wasn't interested in that. I wanted access to her fully stocked library that contained romance novels to books on history and everything in-between. Besides, I wanted to start playing that Steinway as soon as possible. I was amazed at my bedroom. All done up in pastels of pink, light blue and earth tones. Plus the walk-in closet was almost as large as my room back home. She had two Olde English Sheepdogs, both spayed that followed us everywhere. They were very hefty animals but friendly and continued in trying to lick my face. Molly and Millie were their names. Both sisters from the same litter. Molly had no black on her face while Millie had what looked to be two black eyes. In the weeks ahead, Molly would become my sleep companion while Millie chose to lay at Aunt Penny's feet at night. There was a slot where they could get out of the house into a fenced in yard to do their business then return to us as we slept. I knew I was going to love it here. ** A week later I had the braces put on my teeth. I was instructed about my dental hygiene with these iron caps. My blister burst on its own one night and I kept putting the salve on three times a day instead of two. I wished for it heal as quickly as possible. Aunt Penny and I went shopping while in Portland. She seemed to buy me everything a girl could want as far as clothes were concerned. My walk- in closet was filling up rapidly. I was never bored there. I could swim in the indoor-outdoor pool, play with Molly and Millie, try on my new clothes to give me a chance to wear them all, and read all the books my aunt had. And of course play the piano. My aunt remarked how much talent I had and should have lessons from an expert, I told her that we could only afford the five dollars per week for the lessons I really didn't need any longer. My teacher said he taught me all he could and I was a very good conscientious student. He had been my teacher for almost five years now and he thought I should find someone better than him. After I told her all of that, her eyes had that far away look. Saying nothing at that moment she just turned and left the room. I practiced another hour then ran upstairs with Molly racing before me so I could work on my violin. One night Aunt Penny asked me if I didn't mind her going out on a dinner date. It seemed that Dr. Johnson called her for a date. "I won't be long. No later than eleven o'clock. Just set the security alarm when I leave and I'll let myself in when I return." "I hope you have a nice time with the good doctor," I smiled. Then Aunt Penny looked at me all funny like. "Sara, it looks like your acne's going away," she rubbed her hand over my cheek. "I wish," I didn't believe her. "No, dear. Go look in the mirror under the light. See if I'm right." I ran to my room noticing that I wasn't limping any longer. I turned on the light and looked intently at my face. It did look that some of it was clearing up. What startled me the most was I thought my eyes were changing colors. From brown to green. I stared at them for several minutes then returned to my face again. A smile lit my countenance. There was a profound change. The large ugly thing under my left eye had all but cleared up. I still had a long way to go, but I was encouraged. What was happening to me? It all looked for the good but I didn't want my hopes built up only to have them crashing down on me when that gross thing reappeared. I returned to the living room where Aunt Penny was waiting for her date to arrive. I sat on the other end of the couch and acknowledged my change. "It seems like there is some clearing up," I said stoically but inside I was rejoicing. "I'll say," replied Aunt Penny. "Perhaps this Oregon air and sea breeze is causing it." "I'll take any improvement I get," I smiled. Then the doorbell rang. "How do I look?" Aunt Penny stood up and asked nervously. "Gorgeous!" I replied. "Thank you, sweetie." She ran over to open the door. Dr. Johnson walked in looking handsome in this dark blue suit and gray tie. "Penny, you look absolutely lovely this evening," he complimented her, looking her up and down. "That little black dress does wonders for your beauty." "Thank you, Gregory," she blushed, reaching for a matching wrap. "Hi Sara, how's the owwie?" he inquired. "Feels much better, thank you." "Did the salve work?" "Yes it did." "Shall we get going?" Aunt Penny asked, coming over to me to kiss my cheek. "Remember to set the alarm." "I will," I said as Molly and Millie came scooting in to greet the guest. Aunt Penny and me shooed them away then they left before the dogs recovered to lick the good doctor all over his face. Even at six foot tall, he was vulnerable to their long pink tongues. I set the alarm. Practiced on the piano for an hour pretending I was giving a concert at Carnegie Hall even writing a little tune that was in my head since this morning. Later I turned out the lights except one and ran upstairs to look at my face again. ** Two weeks later all of my acne was gone. It was a miracle! My eyes were fully green and red hair was sprouting up under my dry ugly brown. My chest was sore with little puffiness on my nipples. I was happy at this sight. Aunt Penny told me the aches in my chest was normal. On the downside I was growing in height. I went from 4'9" to 5'3" almost overnight. Again more pain. Once more Aunt Penny told me it was growing pains. She took me to Dr. Johnson to confirm my spurting progress. I think she wanted to see the good doctor to flirt with him. They were an item since their first date. I think her vow not to marry for a third time had flittered out of her mind. He was more her age and it looked like he was falling for her too. They were on a first name basis now and even I started calling him Greg. "You certainly are a late bloomer, Sara," he confirmed. "Just to be safe, I'd like to take a few x-rays just to be certain. If you are wearing any jewelry remove it so it won't show up on the pictures. There is no need to get undressed." After the x-rays Greg scanned them carefully. "It just looks like you're growing into a fully functional young woman." "Of course she is," Aunt Penny smiled, caressing my cheek with her hand. A cheek without nasty acne. "She's going to be very beautiful and a heartbreaker at that." Greg smiled, "She has all the makings." "I'm sorry for growing out of my clothes," I apologized to my aunt once we were back in the car. Greg and Aunt Penny had setup a date this coming weekend. "It's not your fault, darling," she smiled back at me. "It just means we'll have to shop for more clothes for you." I returned the smile at the thought of getting yet another wardrobe. "Can I ask you for a favor?" "Of course." "Please don't tell Mom and Daddy what is happening to me." "Why not?" she inquired. "I want to surprise them when I go back." She grinned, "All right but I don't think they will recognize the old Sara from the new one." "That's what I wish for." ** By August first, I had grown to my maximum height. 5'8". I gained forty- five pounds to one hundred and thirty. All in the right places. Aunt Penny had taken me to a salon to have my brown hair cut to leave me in a short page boy style look. Also she had me have a makeover which startled me when I looked in the mirror. I was, check that, gorgeous. I also received a manicure and pedicure. My self confidence took a giant leap that day. For the first time in my life I had young men and boys staring at me. I blushed all over. "Get used to it, honey. This is going to happen until you're old and gray," my aunt advised. I couldn't believe it when she paid over ten thousand dollars for my new wardrobe. She donated all of my previous clothes she paid thousands for to the Salvation Army's Goodwill. Most I didn't even wear. I didn't like my new high heels but knew they were a necessity when I went out formally or on a big date. I had only three more weeks to go in my visit to Oregon and I finally got up enough of a nerve to wear a bikini to the beach. I was a 34b and my figure was dazzling. But nothing to compare with Aunt Penny's as she accompanied me the three times we went there. We had guys gawking at us, some other older ones even boldly walked over to chat with us. Aunt Penny, being an expert on male behavior, was coolly able to shut them down if they became too aggressive. If I came alone, I'd be an easy mark for them. I chatted some but now my aim was for Johnny Wilson to see me. He was now 6'4" tall and still growing. He was all state in all three sports and was looked at by college scouts but couldn't be approached until after his junior year was over. I thought of only two things. Did that hornet's sting change me? Did its stings help me from being an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan? Then my other thoughts were on Johnny. Only a few other males in my class didn't tease or call me names. To them, I was nonexistent. I held nothing against these boys because they didn't do or say anything to hurt me. And I remember how words hurt. However, Johnny was in my heart and I intended to have him notice the new Sara. Part Two Returning Home I hated leaving Aunt Penny. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. Except for that hornet's sting which I was convinced that changed me. If that bullfrog had not eaten the insect, I would gladly kissed it if I ever saw it again. Aunt Penny and I were in tears hugging and kissing each other on the cheek when my flight was called. "Here darling," she shoved an envelope into my hand. "Cash this check when you get back home." "But Auntie, you've given me so much," I protested. I did not want to take anymore of her money. "It's for your freshman year in college." "Are you sure? I don't want your money. I just want your love." "You have that too," she responded. "Now go get that boyfriend of your dreams," she challenged me. "I hope he can make me happy like you made me! And look after Greg, he loves you. If you marry him I want to be part of the wedding party." That caused her to break into more tears. Aunt Penny gave me a gentle shove to the boarding area. "I love you," I called to her over my right shoulder. My red hair had grown to the bottom portion of my neck. "I love you too, and kiss my brother for me." "I will, I promised." Then I boarded the flight back home. I was placed in the first class section still in tears. I sat down and assured the worried flight attendant that I was okay. I just didn't want to leave my aunt behind. The flight took even less time than flying to Portland. The pilot stated that we caught a strong tailwind which made our trip in less than three hours. It landed smoothly in Cincinnati. I felt anxious to see my parents. Once on the ground, I checked my face a second time to see if my makeup needed repairing. I touched it up just a little. Aunt Penny taught me that less was more and she was certainly right. I was one of the first off the plane. I saw my Father and Mother looking frantically for their little girl. I talked to them several times a week but didn't tell them anything about my change. I deliberately walked past them a few feet then stood right behind them. They kept looking and looking. Finally I cut them a little slack. "Is this the way you treat your daughter after being gone three months," I joked. They turned in amazement. They didn't see a scrawny little girl with thick glasses, acne all over her face, crooked teeth, awful looking hair, in plain clothes. They were looking at a beautiful redhead, sparkling green eyes without glasses, smooth as a baby's bottom for a complexion, taller than Mom, fully figured attractive young lady. They saw the new me. "Sara?" Mom sputtered. "Guilty as charged," I laughed, leaning forward to kiss my parents on their cheeks. "I'm your Sara. A little change here and there but still your daughter." I was wearing a beige satiny one piece pantsuit with matching sandals. Without heels, I'd grown several inches taller than my mother. "Oh my, what happened?" Mom asked, not believing her eyes. "I'll tell you later, let's get my bags. I have lots so we'll have to rent a cart to take it to our car." "I can't believe it is you," Daddy stammered, just as amazed as Mom. I gave him a long loving kiss on the cheek that caught a little of his earlobe. "That's from Aunt Penny. She told me to give you a nice kiss for her big brother." We talked about my changes while going down the concourse to get my baggage. I didn't tell them too much. I was hungry so decided to explain everything over lunch. I disliked airline food and only ate the fruit cup. ** I told them the whole story. The hornet's sting, the gradual changes, then things turned rapidly in the last three weeks. About Aunt Penny's generosity and her new boyfriend. Molly and Millie. Telling them I wanted one of those sheepdogs for my very own. They hardly commented, hanging onto my every word. I described his sister's house, the beach, my first experience in a bikini, the guys staring at me. Where we sat in the restaurant as we ate, I could feel eyes on me. Undressing me, lusting after me, women envying me. If these ladies knew what I had been through these first fifteen years of my life, now almost sixteen, they wouldn't be so jealous of me. I had to admit to myself I looked much older than fifteen. "So a hornet stung you?" Daddy asked. "At least six times, maybe more," I added. "It hurt like the dickens." "We're going to have a mother-daughter talk," Mom said seriously. "Aunt Penny and me had those talks many times," I told her, giggling. "I think we should get you home," Daddy suggested, still frustrated by not knowing what happened to his little princess. I was his big princess now and I felt like one. After arriving at the old house I grew up in, we dragged all twelve suitcases of clothes up the stairs to my room. There wasn't any room in my closet for me to hang everything up. I tossed all my old garments onto the floor including everything in my chest of drawers. I noticed Mom had dusted everything in my room. I set about hanging up everything I would need for school which started next week. I managed to squeeze in some of my fancier clothes but I had over four suitcases after filling up my three chests of drawers with all my intimate attire from plain panties to sexy satin and lace ones. My bras, teddys, stockings, sensual sleepwear and all the other things. I then organized my suitcases to know what was in them then slid those under the bed which I aptly named "My cellar". I looked at my new watch and saw that is was almost four. I laid out a new bra and panty set, a blue halter top and khaki colored shorts. I jumped in the shower. Shampooed my hair, conditioned it then scrubbed myself thoroughly. I dried my flaming red hair, put on makeup, slipped out of my silky robe and proceeded to dress. Finished, I went downstairs. It was a warm day and heard Mom talking on the phone about me with someone. I poured myself a lemonade and went onto the porch to leaf through the new edition of Cosmopolitan magazine. Making special note of makeup and hairstyle tips. ** I had to wait almost an hour until a car pulled up on the curb and Johnny got out, thanked the driver I never got to see. He opened the back door of the Sedan and pulled out his football equipment. I decided to play it cool. I watched him walk wearily up the stairs until he reached the door. He was about to go in when I called to him. My heart was beating a thousand times a minute. "Hi Johnny," I called cheerfully. He turned and looked around until his eyes fell upon me. I felt goosebumps all up and down my body. "Who are you?" he asked, looking stumped. "Do you mean that you forgotten your promise to marry me when we were four? I'm hurt," I pouted. He stared at me for a moment then spoke, "Sara?" "Bingo, you've won the prize," I stood up and walked down my steps. He walked back down his and was over by me in a flash. "What happened to you?" he was surprised that the closer he came to me, the better I looked to him. "Nothing bad, I hope." "No, no, not at all." He was tongue-tied. "I grew up during the summer." "And how!" He looked me over, stopping for a moment to stare at my breasts. Something Aunt Penny had told me all males did. Except for gays she pointed out. "I can't believe it." "Believe it, it's me." I smiled. "Don't you have a hug for me?" "I'm all sweaty and dirty from practice." "I don't care, I won't wither away." I held my arms out to him. He grabbed hold of me at the waist while my arms circled his muscular neck. I even kissed him lightly on the lips. "Welcome home," he whispered in my ear. "I'm happy to be back." We finally broke our embrace as I felt something hard against my hip. I knew what it was and felt very nice that I had that effect upon him. "So what now?" he asked. "Wanna play house? I'll be the mommy and you be the daddy. Or would you like to play checkers, or some of the other games we did when we were small?" "I think we've both grown out of that stage." "Okay, when is your day off from practice?" "No practice tomorrow, it's Sunday." "If you don't have anything to do, how about taking me to the movies?" "I begged off a date with Martina Summers." "Well, how about just going out for a burger or something for an hour or two. Catch up on old times," I suggested. He looked tired but then he grinned. "I can be ready in a half hour." "Well that will be enough time for me to change into something nice and meet you back here." "Deal!" He turned and ran back to his house. I walked back in with my empty glass, told my parents I was going on a date with Johnny. I walked upstairs to wash the little dirt and sweat from his body, put on a nice yellow silky blouse, a short white skirt and two inch heels. I sprayed some expensive perfume Aunt Penny got me, then walked down the stairs to find Johnny waiting for me. "Have you been waiting long?" I asked. "Just got here." He liked what he saw. As did I. His biceps bulged from his shirt sleeves. We said our goodbyes to my parents and were out the door. Johnny had his father's car. He held the door for me as I got in the way Aunt Penny showed me. Butt first then swing my legs in. I reached over to unlock his door. We buckled in then we were off to Patsy's a local burger place that many teenagers frequented. We walked in and found a booth. His back was to the entrance. We placed our orders of cheeseburgers, fries, and cokes. I told him about my transformation. The hornet stinging me several times, its venom shooting from its stinger into my arm. The pain and swelling, the blister, the growth that happened. I told him its poison changed everything about me except my crooked teeth which my aunt had taken care of. I even believed the hornet had something to do with that because my teeth straightened out faster than anyone before. He believed every word I said. There was no other explanation. The food came and we both dug in. Halfway through our meal I spotted Martina walk in with her friends. Everyone of them hurt me at one time or another during my first two years of high school. She was on the cheerleading squad, and I had to admit she was quite pretty. Long blonde hair, good looking face, nice body, athletic legs. She spotted Johnny and came racing over to him. "What are you doing here with this girl?" she spat angrily. "Hello, Martina," I smiled at her, not giving Johnny a chance to answer her. "Just who in the hell are you?" Her face looked hideous in her indignation of me. Jealousy showed. "You know me, Martina." "How do I know you? I haven't seen you for Adam." "Let's see." My eyes stared toward the ceiling. "What did you used to call me? Ummm....oh yes, 'scarface' because of my acne. 'Coke bottles' because of my glasses. What was the other thing? I remember 'Bucky Beaver' due to my overbite. And there were others but those will suffice for now." Martina's face went from ire to astonishment. "Sara? Sara Brandt?" "You got it," I smiled. "For being a blonde, you aren't so dumb." Meanwhile her friends gathered around looking amazed. "What happened to you?" she asked. "When I was in Oregon visiting my aunt, one night a little fairy came out of nowhere and touched me with her magic wand. Voila, you see the new me. I didn't ask for it. It just happened." Johnny couldn't contain himself and broke out laughing. "Why are you here with her?" Martina became angry again. "Perhaps he prefers my company other than yours," I replied not allowing Johnny to get into this mix. "He's mine!" she insisted. Taking her left hand I quickly looked at it before throwing it back at her, "No ring there, it looks to me he's up for grabs. I think I'll claim him for myself." "How dare you!" Martina's voice became threatening. "Has he ever asked to marry you?" "No! That's a stupid question. We're only sixteen." "Well he promised to marry me. Johnny darling, I accept your proposal," I mocked her but meant it for him. "You bitch," she sneered at me. Before I could get a word in, Johnny turned on Martina with fury in his eyes. Martina looked frightened by it. I felt frightened too. I never seen a look like that coming from him. "Martina, it's all over between us!" "But Johnny......." she pleaded. "I told everyone in the school I wouldn't tolerate anyone making fun of or calling Sara names. You just crossed over that line. We're through, I don't want to see you ever again. Go running to your friends. See how long they stay friends with you after they learn what you called Sara and how much it hurt me." Unable to say anything, Martina burst into tears and ran from Patsy's. Only one girl went with her. The others stayed behind smiling at me and telling me how beautiful I'd become. I didn't know right then if the compliments were sincere or they were trying to score points with Johnny. I thanked them and learned later that they were heartfelt in their words. The food was cold by then so I reached into my purse to pay the bill. "You leave the tip," I told Johnny. We were quiet on the way home. I guess the both of us were trying to read each other's mind. At the curb, he walked around and opened the door for me. I slid out holding his ready hand. On some impulse that suddenly hit me, I threw my arms around his neck to kiss him. He kissed me back. It lasted a very long time. When we both separated, we were breathing hard. "Johnny, I won't hold you on about accepting that proposal. I love you, but I just said that to rattle Martina's cage a bit." He held me tighter and leaned down to kiss me again. This time our tongues were wrestling. I felt the heat from his body and I also believed my heat was getting to him. It lasted a long time until I softly broke our embrace. He held my hand as he walked me to the porch. We kissed once more but it was sort of a goodnight smooch. "Sara, I love you too. I always did. You are very special to me. You were too tiny for me before you changed but I even loved you then. As a friend, of course. But now something feels different in me. Think we can go steady?" I smiled. "I'd die if you didn't ask that." We touched lips lightly. It was more exotic than the longer ones. Even into the night I felt that feeling of our last kiss on my lips as I slept peacefully that night. Life was beginning to turn around for me. Thanks to that mean old hornet. Part Three School Days I entered the familiar hallways of Huntington High School. Noting the football schedule with the game on our field a week from today, Friday night. I walked into my old counselor's office to find Mr. Bennett busily working on some papers without looking up, "Be seated, I'll be with you in a second." I sat down to wait for him gazing about the familiar room. Finally he looked up and smiled at me. I had my hair in a ponytail, halter top and tight jeans with sandals. "You're new here. The registration office is down the hall. That will be Room one-oh-two." "I'm not new, Mr. Bennett. I've been a student here for my first two years," I smiled inwardly to myself. "Oh? I don't recognize you," Bennett frowned. "What's your name?" "Sara Brandt." I watched his face do a double take. His eyes widened and mouth opened. His bald head reflected the light from the neon tubes above him. "Sara?" "Changed, haven't I?" I beamed. "You certainly have. What happened?" Smiling warmly, I gave him the fairy touching me with a wand story I told Martina a few nights ago. I watched him silently chuckle as his pot belly shook. "Oooooooookay," he grinned reaching for my schedule. "Sara, this year you have the usual English, Math, then Science two, and an elective. Anything in particular?" "May I have honors history?" "Of course, I recall your interest in history. You have been excused from Phys Ed. I assume you want to do the same?" "No, I'd like that now." "Phys Ed, it is." He wrote that down. It took him a few moments to write out my schedule. "Here it is. Honors History is first right after Home Room." He handed me my agenda. I folded it and place it into my purse. "I must say, Sara. You have made some remarkable strides over the summer. You are an attractive young lady." "Thank you, Mr. Bennett," I smiled, knowing he wasn't a dirty old man. He was married to the Home Ed teacher and she was a very beautiful middle-aged lady. I returned to my old locker and spun the lock. I cleaned out some debris from the old Sara and pitched it all into a trash can down the hall. I exited the building to return home. Johnny was at practice so I wouldn't be seeing him until tonight. We were scheduled to see a movie but if he was too tired I was content to sit on the porch with him. Since Martina's outburst we were seeing each other every evening. Johnny had dinner with my family and I had the same with his. I felt very uncomfortable getting the third degree from his parents about my change, but I covered it up well by telling them about my summer in Oregon. ** The weekend flew by. Johnny and I saw the movie on Sunday afternoon. Knowing he didn't have much money, we went dutch. He mildly protested but gave in when I showed him I had more than enough cash with me. I had deposited the fifteen thousand Aunt Penny gave me in a CD to accumulate some interest. I had to have Daddy co-sign for me since I wasn't eighteen yet. Also I got my learner's permit for Driver's Ed at school when I turned sixteen in a few weeks. After the movie, Johnny and I walked hand-in-hand to the mall and looked at all the stores. Many of the students at Huntington High heard of my transformation but not caused by the hornet's attack. Lucy Wo, a little Chinese girl, very pretty, ran into us. "Sara, if I didn't know ahead of time I would have never recognized you," she smiled. Lucy was one of the very few who never mocked me. We weren't close friends but acquaintances. We chatted a little but that was the extent of our relationship. "Hi Lucy," I smiled. "Pretty as ever." Lucy blushed. "Thank you, Sara. You're very pretty too." "I'm pretty too," Johnny joked. "Pretty handsome," I giggled. "Well that's what I meant," he laughed. "What period do you have lunch?" Lucy inquired of me. "Fourth." "Me too," she sounded excited. "Wanna sit together?" "Sure, love to," I replied. Johnny had fifth period so he was out of the picture. He could have swung fourth but by the end of football practice he'd be famished for eating so early. "I've got to meet my Mom now. I'll see you Monday at the cafeteria if not before," Lucy smiled. "I'm looking forward to it," I said then we split up. ** That Monday I walked into home room for attendance and announcements. Luke Vander, a real slob who drank heavily and did drugs was seated on one stool in the science lab and had his feet on the other. Which was mine. I grabbed one of the legs and gave it a hard yank causing his feet to fly out and fall off the stool landing his butt on the floor. "One stool per student," I snapped wiping where he had perched his feet with a Kleenex. "Who in the hell are you?" he sneered. "Your worst nightmare if you do this again," I snapped back. Mrs. Jensen started roll call. When my name was announced, I shouted, "Present." I wish I had a camera to catch the expressions of Luke and Mrs. Jensen. They were priceless. Some of the other students did a double take upon seeing me too. Luke had zits all over his face but I couldn't hold that against him because I was far worse than him a few months ago. In fact I felt sorry for him. Two big events happened at school. Martina transferred to a private school just outside of town. Then I attended my first football game. Johnny was the star. We won 42-0 against Summerville. I can't tell you I knew any of the rules of football but I knew what a touchdown was and cheered as Johnny passed or ran for all seven scores. I sat with Lucy and was joined by a few of the girls who used to make fun of me. I had intended to reek some revenge against them but I decided it best just to wipe the slate clean and start all over again. I didn't want to seem like someone who was petty. The first day of classes teachers and fellow students couldn't believe the new Sara Brandt. I was beautiful on the outside and wanted to be the same way on the inside of me. No grudges, I told myself. I became quite popular because of my looks and the fancy wardrobe Aunt Penny bought me. Now to add a sweet personality to that and I'd feel I had accomplished something. Johnny told me he would be gone most of the summer at two football camps and some campus tours from colleges wanting his athletic abilities. He also carried a 3.56 gpa. I was to be her maid-of-honor at her wedding to Greg next June I jumped at the chance. Since Johnny would be gone most of the time thus the coming summer looked pretty lame for me. One night Johnny came over, totally exhausted from practice. He would do his homework in the morning by getting up at 5am. It was the only time he had to get it done. I suggested that we take a walk in the park. He agreed so we went out my backyard walking to my favorite spot holding hands. I took us to the place where I was attacked by that bug. It was a chilly night so both of us wore jeans and sweatshirts. The fading sunlight was just about gone as I told him the blow-by-blow of that night. We ended up kissing a few times. His hand lowered to my breast. I pulled away to tell him that there were two reasons why I didn't want him to do that. I didn't want to get carried away plus I wanted to stay pure for him for our wedding night. I just turned sixteen a few weeks ago and I knew it would be a long time before the event. He agreed and said he just started to get carried away. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, reaffirmed my love for him, and walked back home. I knew he was badly in need of a good night's sleep. ** The months went by quickly. On Thanksgiving week, Huntington High won its first state championship ever. Monmouth High had a great team but with less than a minute left, Johnny scored on a quarterback sneak to win us the game. He gave all the credit to the linemen who opened the hole for him to plunge in. There was a parade on Thanksgiving eve where everyone turned out to cheer their heroes. Lines of cars decorated "State Champs" plus the school bus slowly made their way down Main Street. Businesses closed up for an hour so the owners and employees to join the crowds. It was a cold day as I sat all bundled up on the rear seat of a convertible next to Johnny while his parents sat below us in the back seat. Excitement was in the air everywhere. Johnny was called up to the stand where the mayor called for him to give a speech. "I'm not good at talking in public. But this isn't about just me. It was the entire team. Subs and even the equipment managers. If it wasn't for the guys on the line blocking for me, we wouldn't be here today. Why don't you give them a big cheer. They're the ones who deserve it." Applause came from all over. I was thrilled that Johnny gave all the credit to everyone else except himself. All the people knew that Johnny was the reason that we won, but he shared it with his team. He had one of the freshman subs walk up to the platform and raise the state championship trophy. "These guys worked just as hard as me during every day practices. I know I have a year left but they are your future team once all of us are gone to hopefully bigger and better things. Thanks for coming out." He helped the sub with the heavy trophy as they walked down the stairs of the platform. The mayor got up and gave a short speech. Mostly about the upcoming election in February but kept it to a few words because everyone was cold. Thanksgiving was fun. Johnny and I ate at my house then we went next door to watch some pro football until the turkey was done at the Wilsons. We had the entire weekend together before he had to start basketball practice on Monday. A whole weekend!! Or so I thought. The very next day I fell on a patch of ice breaking my right thigh. I would be in a cast for six to eight weeks. Bummer! I learned not to count my chickens before they hatched. ** I was hobbled with this monstrosity of a cast past the New Year. The new millennium arrived. All the scares of computers crashing all over the world went for nothing. I missed only two days of school and managed to attend all of Huntington's home basketball games. We started poorly. Losing our first three games. Then we turned things around and started winning. By Christmas we were 6-3. There was a holiday tournament about one hundred miles away so I stayed at home listening to our games on our local radio station. We won all three games to bring another trophy home. We were now 9-3 going into league play. Despite all of this, I managed to practice on the piano and my violin at least two hours a day. I decided to make a study of hornets. Daddy checked out as many books on them as the library had. I also went online. I read an interesting article posted where a new breed had been discovered by a Winston Turner a few years ago in a remote Amazon rain forest. Whitman University was only five miles from where I lived. The hornet's venom was very toxic and stings ranged from odd changes in a person or even death It never explained what kind of mutations caused by persons stung but I certainly had a very good idea what happened to me. I wondered if there were any transgender changes. I also thought if it would have anything to help transsexuals in their sex changes? I understood what happened to me was for the better. I read every word of the article before Johnny came over to see me. Now I knew for sure where this thing came from. I downloaded the article onto my hard drive and a 3?" floppy to store away if I ever had a computer crash. I quit the crutches when I returned to school after the Christmas break. I used a cane instead. One of the guys on the football team picked Johnny and me up every morning in his old auto. It beat walking in the snow with a cast. He even drove me home after school while Johnny stayed for basketball practice. Our dates were few and far between but we saw each other frequently when he came over for a light smooching session. I felt very comfortable with my head on his chest and his strong arm about my shoulders or waist. My parents made themselves scarce when he came over. They retired to our small den to watch the other television having no taste in what we liked to see. ** In late February Huntington made it to the state basketball tournament for the first time ever. Unlike the football championship, we lost in the second round to a fine Covington team. They had a good strategy against us. Knowing they couldn't stop Johnny, they pressured the other four to shut them down. Johnny scored 38 points but it wasn't enough and we lost 62-53. The team was subdued but they had broken the ice in getting us as far as we did. There was a pep rally for a job well done. They removed my cast a week before. My leg was thinner than the other one but the doctor told me to walk a lot and it would soon have the muscle mass of my left one. One great thing, no more hanger to scratch the itch under that cast. Now that it was off, it didn't itch any longer. The girls surrounded me with nasty looks on their faces. I had no where to hide or escape. Martina, her friends and a few other guys were teasing me again. Calling me all those hurtful names. I woke up soaking wet in my silky nightgown. The wetness from my body made the material cling to me. Frantically I raced to the bathroom to look in the mirror. It was the girl with red hair, green eyes, and pretty face. In my dream I was back to the old Sara again. I peeled my nightgown off me, did my business on the toilet, then jumped into the shower to cleanup. I shampooed my hair but didn't use the conditioner. I soaped my body and rinsed off. As I was drying off there was a quiet knock on the door. "Sara, are you all right?" Mom asked softly. "I am now." "Can I come in?" "Yes." "What happened?" she inquired, entering and closing the door behind her. I think for the first time since I was a baby, Mom saw her daughter completely nude. "Same nightmare, Mom," I finished drying and put the towel around me. "It's too bad you never told us about the abuse you went through," Mom lamented. "We could have gone to the school and had it stopped." "It's over and done with now." "Yes, but a child should never have to go through what you had to endure." I shrugged, going back to my room with Mom in tow. I put on a pair of panties and threw a flannel nightgown over my head. "I don't know why I never told you. Maybe because I was afraid to." She shook her head sitting on my bed with a tear running down her face. I walked over sitting beside her giving her a big hug. "It all worked out for the best. I love that hornet now." That cheered Mom up and she smiled. She returned my hug. "Will you be all right now?" "I'm sure I will," kissing her cheek. She kissed me back and left the room. I looked at the clock. 2am. I shut the light and tried to get back to sleep. I thought of Johnny and his pleasant smile then before I knew it the alarm was ringing for a brand new day. ** I don't know who was more nervous. Aunt Penny or myself. She looked radiant in an off white dress. I was wearing a luxurious pink dress of satin from shoulder to knee. We both had matching gloves right past the elbows. I was carrying a bouquet of pink carnations while hers were white. Greg's best man was a fellow doctor who flirted with me until I finally told him I was only sixteen. With my hair up and a fabulous makeover, I looked like I was in my twenties. Mom and Dad made it to the wedding too. They'd been to all three of Aunt Penny's nuptials. We all hoped that this wouldn't end up like the first two. Being married and widowed twice wasn't what anyone wished. She deserved to be happy again. After the brief ceremony in the large livingroom of her house, we all went to a catering place for dinner and dancing. I had my first glass of Champaign but didn't like it very much. I just sipped a drop or two every time there was a toast for the new bride and groom. I was asked to dance by almost every male at the reception. From young teens my age to octogenarians I tried to accommodate them all. Being in 3" heels wasn't easy. Finally I put my shoes under the table and danced in my stockinged feet. I had an enjoyable time that night as sometime when my attention was diverted with twirling around the dance floor. I noted that Greg and Aunt Penny sneaked out for their month long honeymoon in Tahiti. Mom, Daddy and me finally arrived home at about 3am. All of us were exhausted but had a fun time. I was to drive my parents to Portland to catch a noon flight out of Portland. I was going to stay back for a month or so to house sit and watch over Molly and Millie. I told Daddy I wanted a female dog just like them. I promised to have her spayed so no little paws would run the house back home. We didn't get much sleep that night and drove to the airport to drop them off. After the usual hugs and kisses, I made the return trip. I stopped at the little restaurant to have one of their cheeseburgers with fries. They were as good as last time. It wasn't until past four in the afternoon when I arrived back at Aunt Penny's being greeted by my four footed friends. I was tired and laid down for a nap with my two furry friends sleeping at my feet. I had set the alarm and was in a deep sleep when the phone rang. It was Mom and Daddy calling to tell me that they made it home okay. I got up, made a glass of warm milk in the microwave, put some cold milk in the saucer for the girls. Soon nature's liquid sleeping pill took affect and I slept through the night. The next day was sunny and warm. I donned my skimpiest bikini and headed to the beach a half mile away. My leg was finally strong as ever. Already the sand was just beginning to get hot as I spread my blanket on the beach about a hundred feet from water. It just amazed me that this was the end of this great continent of ours. I took out a bottled of ice water and settled back for a tan after rubbing lotion all over me. Next thing I knew, a guy was by me. He introduced himself as Hal. A freshman at Oregon State. He was tall and good looking. In fact he was an Adonis. "Do you live around here?" Hal asked. "I'm staying with my aunt on Winslet Drive." "Winslet Drive? That's pretty ritzy there." "She has a few dollars," I smiled. I liked him. "How old are you?" "Sixteen." "Go on," he chided me. "You look like you're in your early twenties." "No, I'm just sixteen. Will be seventeen in September. And a senior in high school." "Jeez, you look great in your bikini." "Thank you," I blushed. "Where are you from?" "The Kentucky side of the Cincinnati area." "They sure grow them beautiful back there." "And I heard the west coast girls are hotties." I blushed again from his compliment. "Yeah, they're some hot chicks around here but many of them are snobs. You seem different." "I can be a snob if I want, but most of the time I'm not," I smiled. "What's that scar on your arm?" Hal pointed to it. "I was attacked by a mean old hornet over a year back. It's faded a lot but there is some left of it." "I wish I were that hornet, but I wouldn't have stung you," he grinned. "What would you have done?" "I'd kiss you instead." For some reason Hal was making me blush more and more. He was succeeding in making me nervous. He sure was a smooth talker. I was very attracted to him and almost lost the thought of Johnny. "I don't think you would want to kiss me back then." "Why not?" he scooted closer to me. "I was sort of an ugly duckling." "I find that hard to believe," he smiled. We chatted for hours. He was a very interesting and intelligent young man. Did I say he was good looking? We never touched except once in a while he brushed my arm lightly with his. After exhausting my cold water I announced to him that I had to be getting back to the house before my aunt started worrying about me. We made a date to meet again tomorrow. My real reason for leaving was to feed Molly and Millie. They were a convince for me to break off. Hal offered to walk me back but I turned him down. I didn't want him ringing the bell in the middle of the evening. That's when I practiced my music. Upon my return my friends greeted me at the door. They raced to their bowls and back several times until I filled their dishes with dry dog food. After showering the lotion off me, I thought of Johnny and felt guilty for becoming friends with Hal. Then I went to the phone to call Dr. Turner at the university where he was doing his research. I looked at the clock and it was about five o'clock back home. I thought he might be gone for the day but he answered his phone. I introduced myself and told him everything that happened to me as a result of one of his hornets. He was very interested. He asked me where I was staying and I told him that I was house sitting for my recently married aunt and that I'd be home in about a month. He didn't want to wait that long and said he would fly out to talk with me the very next day. I gave him directions to my house in Huntington for him to pickup my photo album then the same to Aunt Penny's house. ** Dr. Turner took a redeye to Portland then hired a limo to bring him to me. He arrived at noon our time. I had called my parents to give him the album and he would return it when he returned. I met him at the door, just arriving back from being with Hal and just had time to change. I poured two glasses of lemonade and sat down to chat with him. He asked if our conversation could be taped and I agreed as long as he didn't use my name. "I can't believe the difference between the old you and the new you," Turner looked amazed. Studying me in my sophomore yearbook and now. "The thing kept on stinging me over and over before flying off only to be eaten by that bullfrog." "He stung you over six times?" "More I think. It kept hurting like a hot poker branding my arm. I lost count but I know it was six or even more. That thing was viciousness." "One of my assistants was stung only once and went into cardiac arrest. If we didn't have the anti-venom he most likely had died. He have yet to measure its full potency. There is such a high risk. I am very grateful that you contacted me." "I read that in the article on the internet. My arm swelled up at least twice the size of my other one. I went to sleep because it caused me to get very tired. The next morning the swelling was down but I had this big ugly blister right there," I pointed to my little scar. "I was exhausted for a few days afterwards and slept quite a bit." "When was it that caused change from this picture of you," he pointed to my album. "To what you are now?" "Aunt Penny noticed it first. I had this big acne under my left eye. She said it was clearing up. So I ran to the mirror and sure enough she was right. Then gradually over the next two weeks I regained my twenty vision, my complexion changed from what you see in my old photos to what I am now. My hair turned a flaming red instead of the dull brown and my eyes changed from brown to green. Then I went into puberty, my breasts started growing and I had my first period." "We know that this breed of hornet has powerful venom but nothing like this," Dr. Turn

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Amys First Time

It was early January and Amy had just turned twenty-one. She was a dainty little brunette with big blue eyes. She was beautiful and perfect in every way except one. She was still a virgin. Since she was young, she had always promised herself she would not have sex until marriage but she could no longer control the urge, the desire to be penetrated. One night, she decided this would be the night she would lose her virginity. She texted just two words to her boyfriend Chris “I’m ready”. He...

First Time
4 years ago
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special treatment

   Lucia was in her early thirties, a latin hipped brazilian living in Manchester.  Her neck had been giving her grief since she strated her new job a few months back.  Work insisted she go to see a doctor and then a physiotherapist, she didn’t see the point but they were paying so what the hell.    When she arrived at the clinic after work she became even more pissed off when she rang the bell and there was no answer.  ‘fuck, what a waste of time’ she thought as she turned to leave, ‘hi there,...

3 years ago
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My Student Ch 8

Bobby had a surprised grin as I stood at the door, naked. My purse in hand as I twisted the knob. My nerves were buzzing, my nipples completely erect. Still daylight outside, there were several houses in the area that my front door was visible from. I was feeling daring since flashing the delivery guy. ”Are you coming?” I asked as I pushed the door open.A jolt of fear ran through my body as I heard a lawnmower and a weed eater growling across the street. It would be the yard service that Mr....

4 years ago
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Watching no More Watching IV

Watching No Moreirishmik60 I woke the next morning thinking the previous evening had been but a dream. That is until I put my hand between my legs and still felt dad's sticky juices seeping from the inside of my pussy. OH MY GOD! It DID happen! I'd let my dad fuck me! And, worst of all, I loved it! I'd never been so completely satisfied, so completely fucked in all my life. About this time my mother came into my room. She sat on the side of my bed, rested her hand on my thigh, and we began to...

3 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 36 More School Hijinks

We were surprised to find that less than a third of the desks in the classroom were filled when we filed into the room of our German class. Jessica and Kelsey grabbed seats in one row and immediately started pointing to the seats around them. I started to walk around Jessica to the far side of the room, only to have Matti grab my shoulder and drag me to the seat in front of Kelsey. Jason sat down next to me. He shook his head as the others arranged themselves in the seats around Jessica....

2 years ago
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A Happy Accident Milf Adventures 13

Volume 1, Story 3 Trying to give a woman road head is a fools errand especially if she has nice full thighs. I tried vigorously to eat her pussy, but my tongue wasn't quite long enough to reach. "Honey, honey, hon, hon? stop, just stop" She said looking down at me with a sad look on my face "Awww, I appreciate it, I do but, this is just nonsense, all you are doing is licking my inner thighs and pussy lips". Sandy was right you cant eat a woman's pussy while she's driving, her legs...

2 years ago
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Are you a Faggot

First off, let me be clear that i am not using the term faggot in a pejorative sense. One of the most effective ways of taking the sting out of a word is to re-appropriate it from the haters, and redefine it yourself. This must of course happen in a supportive environment, among those who accept you as you are. That enables you to defiantly and bravely own up to what you are. And to realize that there are appreciative Alphas/Men out there who would love nothing better than to have their own...

3 years ago
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The Daddy Who Hates Christmas

I know what you’re thinking. It’s Christmas time, so that means lots of snow with carols and an unlimited supply of hot chocolate. But in reality, with mother nature never being able to make up her mind. It’s a semi chilly boring night, filled with the usual run of the mill people, scurrying about spending all their money. On the plus side, I have the night off, and I’m able to spend it with my beautiful baby girl as she lounges around in a loose tank that her mouth-watering breast keeps...

2 years ago
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It was the cool of the evening, around 8:00PM, Betsy, Hal, Jim and I had just finished a couple rounds of torrid sex and where sitting around sipping drinks and engaging in conversation. Betsy and I were stripped down to just garters, hose and heels while sitting at the small dinette table in their small cabin. The two guys, totally naked sat in the den drinking their beer while regaining their strength for some more fun! My husband Jim and I had agreed to stay the night and since Betsy and...

2 years ago
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The GatheringChapter 3

Reading Chapters 1 & 2 will give you a better feel for the characters and the events that have led them to this point. Thanks for taking the time to read my story. Constructive comments and/or emails are appreciated and more than welcome. A slight noise interrupted the confrontation causing the five gunmen to turn toward the side. They saw a man with steely eyes staring back at them. Surprise showed on their faces; they hadn't heard Dillon ride up. "You can have the one on your end...

1 year ago
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My Daughter Claire Was Sweet So Very Sweet and Tender

My daughter Claire was sweet, so very sweet and tender! I sliced a precious morsel off my daughter's flank steak in my plate and extended it toward her beautiful twin sister, Daria. She smiled so radiantly at me as she opened her mouth to accept the offering my cock began stiffening immediately. My darling Daria took my fork into her mouth, drew back, and chewed. "Mmm, that meat is so delicately flavored, Daddy. It's delicious!" "Yes, it is, isn't it, my dear? I had it raised and prepared...

4 years ago
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New england summer pt 3

“Good morning,” Kari said as I stirred. “Hope you slept well.” This girl now cuddling on me and turning me on with her hand was more amazing every time I looked at her. She had gorgeous hazel-green eyes that were perfectly offset by her dirty blond hair. Her hair fell around her face and framed her small, perfect features. Her head rested on my shoulder, her breasts pressed against my side, her body struggling to be as close to me as possible. The fact that I’d known this girl less...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Katie Kush Halloween Stepsister Hammering

Petite Katie Kush is excited for her favorite holiday, Halloween. But today, when she goes out trick or treating, she comes home to find her stepbrother waiting with a big piece of candy. She wraps her fingers around his jolly rancher and sucks his cock until he shoots a gooey load of cum everywhere. Later, Katies stepbrother makes a bet with her. If he can scare her, he gets to slide his dick inside her tight teen cooch. She agrees, and he gets to work. He puts on a scary mask and throws some...

3 years ago
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Dance With Me

"Dance for me."The words carried from somewhere in the shadows and I stopped, standing stationary except for turning my head, gazing around the empty studio. "Dance for me."The request came again… then again. I was transfixed, couldn’t move, either to dance or flee…ooOooDancing was the passion of my life but, unfortunately, my parents couldn’t afford to help me and I knew that hard work would be my only path to success. I sacrificed everything for ballet and that meant no other activities or...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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On the Other HandChapter 7 Tracking Her Down

I thought about whether I should try and track Nicole and find out where she was. Was it the wrong thing to do? If she knew, or if she found out, was I sending her a message that I didn't trust her? I wrestled with that for a very short period of time. No ... the element of danger made me sure of what I wanted to do. "Hey, Cory, how are you. It's Will Travers." "Hi, Will. Long time since we've talked. What's up?" "I wonder if you can help me. I'm trying to find out who owns a...

1 year ago
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summer on the farm pt 1

It all started in the summer, when I was 12 years old. My parents wanted to teach me responsibility, so since my grandparents farm. Both my parents are grown up on farms, and learned the responsibility of work. Since I had grown up and sitting, they felt that I had learned the value of work yet. I grandparents farm had very little extra space. I didn't have room of my own, I had to share one with my uncle, who was only seven years older than me. But he seemed like he knew everything. ...

3 years ago
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Inner Demons Part 3

The Highlanders, Deck Seven, Passenger Cabins Yes, yes, yes! More, fuck me more! Harder, oh God harder! Fuck me fuck me fuck meeeeeee! Those were the only clear thoughts that raced through my head amidst the swirl of carnal delight I was experiencing as Angela thrust into me over and over with the strap-on I, thank God, had put into my overnight bag at the last second when we'd first boarded the ship. I'd actually started by donning the device and bringing my darling Angie to...

3 years ago
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Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 5 Creating MommySluts

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Creating Mommy-Sluts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich thrust into his mother's pussy. She was bent over the break room table for the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Ulrich was one of the young men who worked there, all devotees of the new god, Henry Archer. They had formed their own Mother Fuckers Club, Ulrich's mom, the supervisor of the shipping...

1 year ago
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Jack and JillChapter 108

I hung up the phone. "I hate this thing already." "Oh, Jack, don't be an old grump." "Hey. I thought Harpo didn't speak." "Only in the movies, Jack." We went downstairs and into the kitchen. Bozo was perturbed that I made him stay in the apartment. I figured it was bad enough being pussy whipped; I wasn't about to become dog whipped, too. I'd seen Charlie's costume the day of the great spaghetti disaster over at John's. As far as pirates went, it was pretty good. Mary was...

2 years ago
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A Good Time Shell Never RememberChapter 9

Sometime during the night Samantha was wakened from a sound sleep when she felt movement on the bed beside her. As she turned over she saw Buster lying there, right next to her. So close in fact that the warmth of his body was felt between the cover and sheets. "You're such a good boy, Buster. I'm so happy to have you with me." She reached out from under the cover and groped towards her pet. She petted him for a while and then let her hand roam lower and lower, until she felt the...

1 year ago
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Mental Leap Billy

I looked down and saw bright red swim trunks on a pair of scrawny legs. I could see my reflection in the water. A boy of about 12 looked out at me from the water. I fell back, wishing the leap could have waited just another hour or so. Oh well, at least I'm still male, even if a quite young one. "Hey, Billy! Are you coming or what?" I was cumming just a second ago, I thought. I looked out, and saw another young, nubile girl, standing with her hands on her hips. A small bikini clung to her...

2 years ago
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Christmas Is Cancelled

The British prime minister shuffled up to the lectern as the cameras went live. He was once described as being like a dishevelled blond orangutang. Tonight that description seemed apt.A last-minute news conference had been called on the Saturday before Christmas. All across the country, people were looking forward to a brief respite from the lockdowns. They had been promised five days of freedom by the orangutang.They weren't going to get it.The Coronavirus had mutated and now there were...

3 years ago
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How I Became Marquis de Carabas

A new take on an old tale. All characters are over the age of 18. —- I well remember the day I first noticed her watching us bathing in the river near the castle. On hot summer afternoons, our father sometimes let my older brothers and me leave our chores at the mill for an hour or so and run down to the river to cool off and have a bit of fun. He was kind to us, father, as he aged. I think he knew that, when he soon died and left us parentless and poor, life would be hard on all of us. He...

2 years ago
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Long After the GameChapter 3

"Right then ladies. Who gets the macchiato?" asked Deanna, holding up another Starbucks and peering at the name scribbled on it. There was a special ring of hell for those who wrote the names on cups at Starbucks, she decided, since she could neither read this one, nor the other one. The only one she could read spelled Deena, not Deanna. She sighed. It's not like it was rocket science. The other women looked at each other and beamed. Not having to deal with Deanna's coffee was a definite...

3 years ago
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Just West of Happy Part 3

Warning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. This is part 3 of Just West of Happy and finally, THERE IS TG IN THIS CHAPTER! REJOICE! I finally felt like I'd reached the appropriate level of characterization of Ian that...

4 years ago
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The Christmas Eve Worker Part Three

The Christmas Eve Worker Part Three By Silly Sissy Sarah - Sarah's words - Hi, everyone! Thank you for all your support in this story. I read the reviews, and thanks again for the nice comments and constructive criticisms. This is the third part of the story and I hoped that I don't drag it too long. Please enjoy the story! *** The mechanical humming noise of the running engine...

3 years ago
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Mallu elder sister my sexy photoshoot model

Hey everyone, this is my real-life story. I am Arjun from Kerala and 20 years old. My elder sister’s name is Anuja, she is 23 yrs old. She looks like south Indian actress Anushka Shetty, only much fairer. She studies in Delhi. She only comes home once a year. During the lockdown, my elder sister was fully at home. I used to have an attraction to her from a very young age itself. But she was very orthodox and traditional. She only wore traditional dresses. Jeans were the most modern dresses that...

2 years ago
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Chatters Anonymous

I started chatting back in the early nineties. My wife and I had been married almost twenty years at the time. I was forty-six and she was forty-five years old. We had a nice house in a nice neighborhood in Sacramento, California, USA.We both worked and were happy in our jobs. We socialized with friends going out with them from time to time. Life was pretty normal and mundane.My darling wife, Laurie pretty much lost interest in sex over the last five years of our marriage.Then things began to...

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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 15

I woke up to a pair of black eyes staring into mine only centimeters away. "I must be in heaven," I whispered. "Well," Leanne replied with a slight grin on her lips. "Ah will say of all the first words ya could have when returning from the dead those certainly saved yer arse a stern talking to." "I love you," I whispered again. "I wanted to say that before they..." "Enough," she said placing a finger lightly over my lips. "We know and that's enough." Her fingers moved up to...

2 years ago
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Fucked Hard College Girl Priyanka

Hi guys my name is Jordan and today I’ll be sharing my sex story with your readers. First let me tell you something about myself, I am 6 foot tall guy with strong built and I fair in color with good physique and I stay in Pune in a flat alone and coming to the story it is of time when I was doing myB. Tech and I’ll tell story in English and Hindi as it will get more intimidate and sexy and please do tell me how you liked this story and rate it and post comments also you can mail me at This...

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my first time exploring a Tgirl

long time ago as a straight men i was at a big Mall looking for a new pair of pants. There was this lovely young woman named Sherry working there, who was very solicitous, helping me find my size and select a pair of pants that weren't too out of style. I hate to shop, you see, so I usually wear a pair of jeans or shorts. These sort of clothes don't require trying on and are really never out of style. But this time, I wanted to take my time and get a nice pair of pants that fit well.She was a...

3 years ago
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Nice Guy No More

John sat thinking about how quickly summer had flown by and how it was already time to begin his senior year of high school. He wished he had accomplished more during the summer break, but he didn't have any close friends to hang out with, and his family was too poor to go on vacation. As he sat on his bed thinking about how boring his entire eighteen years of life up to that point has been, he couldn't help to wish he had a girlfriend like most of the other guys his age. Although he had a few...

1 year ago
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Where the F am I

Aaaahhhh! Fuck! Where the hell am I?! What the fuck is happenning to me?!?!? Why can't I move? Something is on my head! It is covering my entire head!! Pressing in on my eyes. Hard. I can't hear anything!!!! GOD! I CAN'T MOVE MY HEAD! What ever is on my head is pulling it back to the extreme. It is being pulled back so tightly that I can't close my mouth. Ooh noo... I couldn't close my mouth anyway. Something is jacking my jaws apart. Ohmygod! Where am I?!?? Why can't I move...

1 year ago
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I wake up a while later. I don’t know how long I was out for. I tried to move but all I could do was sway back and forth painfully. My wrists were in cuffs above my head. I tried to scream but was unable to because I was gagged. “Ah nice to see you are finally awake” I look around me. Over in the corner of the room standing by the door stood two, masked figures, the one I had sprayed and kicked in the groin and the other one must be the one who knocked me out. The first one was a tall,...

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The InterviewChapter 3 Going Places Above And Below

This is fiction. Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental. "Billy, this is a disaster." The speaker looked out the limousine window at the World News Network studios, angry that he sat impotent on East 41st Street in New York while his daughter embarrassed him. "She's as useless as her mother was." He sat back into the engulfing backseat. "I never should have let her...

2 years ago
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The Tantric Yoni Massage

Hello again to all the lusty and horny readers of this wonderful platform. I hope you all are safe in these hard times. The incident I am going to share is the one that happened a few months back when I went to give an Let me introduce myself. I work in an MNC in Kolkata aged 26 with around 6 ft tall and of normal shape and size. My dick size is around 5 inches. I am also a part-time masseuse. I have not a professional masseuse with a degree from any University but have learned this skill out...

2 years ago
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The Op Shop

My husband and I had been out for lunch at the Moutere Hills Vineyard. On our way in to Nelson we talked about what we would do for the rest of the day. Shopping for lingerie was high on my list. I rarely have time to shop for myself, teenage c***dren usually want something.We parked and started to walk around the streets looking for a boutique store. The shops were very busy. I spotted a little recycle designer clothing store as my husband spotted a hunting and fishing store. We agreed to meet...

3 years ago
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Probleme der High Society

Martin war ganz gespannt, wie Ralf seine Planungen aufnehmen würde. Ralf war dafür bekannt, daß er bei der Ausführung seiner Aufträge Wert auf äußerste Präzision legte. Er war immer noch verwundert darüber, wie er zu einem derartig wohlhabenden, aber auch skrupellosen Auftraggeber gekommen war. Ralf hatte allen Grund auf ihn sauer zu sein, schließlich war Martin in Ralfs Haus eingebrochen und hatte sich mit Ralfs Frau eine ganze Zeit vergnügt, womit Simone – Ralfs Frau – nicht gerade...

1 year ago
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Tonis TrialChapter 5

"Me," a voice announced. Toni turned her head and a bolt of fear went through her. Horse! He was going to jam that thing of his up her... "Take it easy," Horse placated, watching Toni get worked up. "Ricky's got you running wide open -- it'll be fine. Roll over, so you don't get all freaked out. Smooth, give her a hand, willya?" Ricky dealt with it instead, handling Toni as if she weighed five pounds instead of twenty times that. When she was on her hands and knees, he got down in...

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Pappy Miller

It was a great spring day and I thought I would go for a walk. I put on some cut off shorts, no panties and a bikini top and a half shirt. I liked going without panties because I liked the cool breeze blowing across my cooch. I walked around the block and noticed that Mr Miller was out in his garden so I thought I would stop in and help him, like I always do. He was man in his early eighties and his wife had died some time ago. He said hi to me and I planted my ass right across from and spread...

2 years ago
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After Corona In The DormsChapter 4

I discovered something even stranger and scarier than having a girl in your arms all night. Closing the door and leaving one alone in your room. What secret was she going to discover causing her to walk away, or worse, ridicule me? Each step I took twisted something in my gut, what was she doing unseen in my room? The entire time I collected my food and asked for Tim’s share since he was “taking a shower” I couldn’t get the images out of my head. I hoped I didn’t look like I was actually...

3 years ago
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Vadina pooku

Hi, I’m sharma, storie chadavandi,ratri 11p.m. ayyuntundi, amma,nannalu valla room lo padukunnaru, akka chellellu vere room lo chaduvukuntunnaru ,nenu akka vallatone padukuntanu,annayya,vadinato valla room lo padukunnaru, bath room kani velutunte,annayya room lo nundi,moolugulu vinapaddayi,oka window talapu koddiga terichi vundi,sannaga veluturu padutundi, melliga choosanu, vadina nagnam ga vundi, annayya kuda nagnamgane vunnadu, sandlanu pisukutunnadu,notilopettukoni cheekutunnadu, vadinanu...

4 years ago
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Cuddling SecksChapter 5

Ursula manages to make it across the Kellys’ yard and into her and then through the front door before collapsing onto the sofa, exhausted. But sleep doesn’t come on quickly like she expects. Instead a flood of emotions, feeling, thoughts and memories come rushing in. All her uncertainties about her life sexually start to fit. Feelings she didn’t even know existed reveal themselves. This night’s adventures are so fresh in her mind, it’s like they are still happening. And memories of her...

1 year ago
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My next door neighbor Carl

My next door neighbor had a very hot eighteen-year-old named Carl who just graduated from high school. Carl is very handsome. He’s 6’ tall and thin with dark brown hair. I used to watch him lay out in the sun with his friends, both male and female. One day I was home from work in the middle of the week and I saw that he was in the back yard with a male friend lying in the sun. As I observed Carl’s tan sex body, I noticed that he was putting lotion into his hand and then applied it to his...

1 year ago
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50PlusMilfs Raven Swallowz Hardcore

So, a guy goes for a massage. He’s tense. His shoulders and back are way too stiff, so Raven, his masseuse, offers him a full-body massage. Meanwhile, she’s wearing a very short skirt and a top that shows her impressive cleavage, so it’s no wonder that when he turns over for the rest of his massage, he’s sporting wood. Raven is surprised, but she shouldn’t be. This guy not only came for a massage. He came for a happy ending. And Raven is perfectly willing to...

3 years ago
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A change is a coming

NEW BEST FRIENDS This story really began about a year ago. My wife Meredith and I had grown apart over the years. We hadn't had sex in quite a while. At one time we were "best friends" AND "best lovers" but times change and we certainly did too. She was always on my case saying I was no longer the person she married in more ways than I can recount .She said I no longer excited her or stimulated her. She said I no longer knew her or her interests. I have to admit I had let myself go a...

1 year ago
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Send in the Clone

Ryan grabbed a towel, having just finished a quick shower. With their son off at his parents' house for a few days, he knew what his wife's suggestion to take a shower right after dinner meant. They were both a couple of days overdue for some alone time, and breaking that fast always resulted in mind-blowing sex. He toweled off, gave his hair a cursory blow dry, and pulled on a pair of boxers he didn't expect to be wearing long. Opening the door to see Jane still dressed in the casual...

2 years ago
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A Good Morning part one

“What the fuck was I dreaming about?” Alexa thinks to herself noticing rock hard nipples, piercing through her cotton t-shirt and feeling a familiar urge. “Must have been something really good.” Her right hand slides down under the soft light blue sheets, past her tan smooth stomach to her pink panties. She notices that they are also moist and rubs the damp fabric, caressing her clit and lips softly. Enjoy the sensation she stops suddenly, curious to know if Jordan, her husband, is awake....

3 years ago
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Relative Ne Maa Ki Chudai Ki

Hello guys this is sameer and I love iss stories particularly incest. After reading thousands of stories on this site I thought even I should also write about somethong I saw. So the incident is happened about 9-10 months back. Jab hum puri family papa, mummy, mera bhai n main hamare gaav gaye the mere bua ke beti ki shadi attend karne ke liye. Hum sab aurangabad(mh) me rehte hain and middle class hai but we r quite settled. Main abhi engineering 3rd year mein hu. Tab mein second year me tha....

3 years ago
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GT The PT Chapter 6 well fucked

Introduction: GT the PT Chapter 6 Serves her Right! Tracey [known as PT i.e. the world champion prick teaser] was invited to a hen party for the blushing bride-to-be, a workmate who invited all 6 females on staff. She didnt especially like Tracey, who she regarded as a poser who wore micro-skirts and tight tops and flirted with all the men in the office secretly she knew that this only made her jealous! They all met at Murphys Bar & Grill, had a great SurfnTurf meal and went on to Marios, the...

1 year ago
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Having an affair with my neighbor could not have been more perfect. It suddenly became a thing as we didn't have to go anywhere and everything was so easy. We ended up fucking multiple times a week without my gf being suspicious of us. There were times where we would do quickies and then time where we could absolutely take our time and fuck however long we wanted. We even experimented a little as we would fuck in his backyard even. He had a nice paved back yard and there was plenty of space for...

4 years ago
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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 20

"Hey, dude, you hardly said word one to me since last week," said Frank as he plopped himself down in the seat next to Jason, a cheesy grin on his face. "What's up with that?" Jason couldn't help but let his eyes flick over Frank's body. The aura was darker than it had been the first time he had seen it. It had spread as well, and the patterns in the undulating tendrils that snaked around his arms had changed subtlety. As he stared at them for a moment, he got a sense of satisfaction...

3 years ago
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The frost-coated dull black ships sat lifeless, their phallic noses pointing skywards as if to punctuate an erotic black fantasy. A dozen giant Negro clones, each lying on his back with his dark manhood erect, complete with bulging testicles of engines and fuel, as you might expect. Hairless though. Shaved and primped, ready and waiting in the pre-dawn chill. As the day slowly awoke, and sunlight melted the white frost from the tops of the towers, people started to arrive at the adjoining...

2 years ago
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My first real cock

I was always attracted to men and cocks from an early age I loved pussy and women but also loved cocks and would always look at men when in gym class and showering. I never had a large cock very average maybe 5-6” when hard and remember looking at some of the big cocks I gym shower and wondering what it would feel like sucking or having it deep in my ass. After I got married all of that kind of disappeared and I was into pussy big time because my wife was good in bed at least for the first few...

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