Twin Swap free porn video

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Everyone turned as the glass I had been holding shattered all over the tile floor. Fear gripped me as I felt what my sister Mary was feeling. We were fraternal twins, obviously not identical, but we shared a "gift". We sometimes knew what the other was feeling. Objectively, I can understand why it would seem weird to be able to feel what someone else is feeling, but to us, it was perfectly normal. As a matter of fact, it could be a lot of fun at times. Unfortunately, it could also be a curse. It seemed to be most pronounced when the emotion was strong. It wasn't something we had a lot of control over. As a result, we were a lot closer than most siblings. Right now, what I was getting from her could only be described as terror. A few of our closer friends knew and mostly thought it was 'freaky'. Steve, my best friend grabbed my arm and asked, "What's wrong Mike?" "Mary's in trouble," I said, already heading quickly towards the door. "I've gotta go." "Go. We'll catch a ride home with someone, or just stay here with Laurie until you can come back for us." "Thanks," I yelled over my shoulder as I ran for the door. The last thing I saw was Steve cleaning up my broken glass. - - - My Monte Carlo SS must have left twin black lines half way up the street as I headed toward Mary. It was my pride and joy, but right now I wasn't giving it a second thought. I knew which direction to drive, but not the distance. My heart was pounding, my palms were sweating and my hair was on end. It hadn't ever been this intense before. I'd gotten about 2 miles from the party when I felt another shock from her, then fear and then relief. Something else had happened, but now she didn't feel like she was in so much danger any more. The feeling faded some, but I could still tell what direction she was in. Still, I headed in her direction. A few minutes later, I realized she was moving and no longer as afraid. She was still scared and I realized she was heading home. I slowed down, turned right and headed for home too. When I got there, there was a strange truck in our driveway. It was a Nissan Crew Cab. I knew mom was at bunko night. Mom trusted us to be home alone and home on time and we didn't want to abuse that trust. Saturday nights, though, we could be out pretty much as late as we wanted. At least we could if we'd already finished our homework. I pulled up along side the truck, ran do the door and barged in. There was a guy with fairly curly long blond hair, sitting on the couch with my sister. Mary could tell I was ready to beat the crap out of him (or get the crap beaten out of me), so she got up and stopped me. "Mike, calm down. I'm fine..." "What happened," I asked, looking over to see the guy totally confused, obviously not knowing how I knew anything had happened. "Chris here," Mary said, pointing at the guy on the couch, "um... stopped Jason from doing something I didn't want." "What? Who is this guy and what did he stop that jerk Jason from doing? Did he try to hurt you or something? I warned you what his rep is, didn't I?" Chris stood up. He was bigger than I thought. I was 6'1" and 190 pounds. He had me by at least 2 inches and 35 pounds of muscle. The odds I would have been the one beaten were definitely above 50/50. "Look; Jason's my little brother. I know he can be a jerk sometimes, but I honestly never thought he'd try anything like this." He turned to Mary. "Again, I'm sorry." Mary spoke up, "Chris came in when he was holding me down trying to, umm... undo my jeans. I was poking my stomach up as much as I could to keep him from being able to unbutton it, but I think he was about to punch me when Chris grabbed his arm and threw him across the room. Then he brought me home." Jason, Mary's 'date', was about my size and if Chris could throw him across the room, Chris had to be strong. The odds rose to about 90/10. Of course, Mary would have had no chance against Jason. She was only 5'3" and about 105 pounds. Chris walked by me, headed for the door. "Mary, if I were you, I think I'd avoid Jason. Like I said, he can be a jerk and he kinda always has been like that. I've seen him put the full court press on girls before, but I never saw him try to physically force anyone before." Mary was getting mad now, I could tell. "Yeah, well tell him I never want to see him again. Tell him that if he bothers me again, I'll press charges, you tell him THAT!" Chris seemed to consider that. "If you decide to do that, let me know and I'll testify. Maybe that'll get his attention. Well, gotta run. Sorry again, okay?" Mary walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks." I spoke up too, from where I was still standing next to the couch. "Hey Chris... thanks from me too." "Yeah," Chris said and closed the door behind him. After we heard Chris drive off, Mary went to go to the bathroom to wash off her makeup and get ready for bed. I sat down on the couch thinking about what could have happened. I felt Mary break down and start to cry. I headed upstairs and tapped on the bathroom door. "Um, Mary, are you okay?" I could hear her bawling, the emotions just catching up with her. "Mary, open the door, okay?" I hear Mary unlocking the door and when she opened it, her tears were running down her cheeks and she just wrapped her arms around me and cried onto my shoulder. Between sobs, she said, "Mike, I was so scared and I couldn't stop him and I just knew he was gonna rape me. I just knew it. And I so didn't want it to be him and I only was going out with him cause the guy I really like isn't interested in me and I just wanna be with someone..." Mary started crying again and then she took a step back and started hitting me with both fists. She was... mad... at me!? The feeling I was getting from her was... blame. She was blaming me for what happened. I just stood there stunned for a second, when she stepped back and slammed the door in my face. Okay, now I was confused and decided that she just needed some time alone to sort out her feelings. I went down to the basement where I had my own apartment. Actually, it was an in-law suite and it was all mine. It had a small kitchenette and full bathroom with shower and hot tub. It was one of the perks of being the oldest, even if it was by only 28 minutes. I got ready for bed, made sure all the doors were locked, as well as my SS and then went to bed. I would have thought I would be hyped up and not be able to sleep, but instead I drifted right off. - - - I woke up later when my bed shook. I looked up to see Mary sitting on the edge, looking at me in a way that she had never looked at me before. I was groggy and fuzzyheaded, but one thing was clear. I could read the determination, if not in her mood, definitely by the look on her face. "Mike, you really don't get it, do you," Mary asked, putting her hand on my chest, which was covered with my comforter. "Uh, whaa," I said, rubbing my eyes. It was probably the most intelligent thing that could have possibly come out of my mouth at that point. Mary looked at me and smiled. "I know you think I'm pretty. Remember, I can feel you too. I thought you knew how I felt, but I realized tonight that you didn't. When I was mad at you earlier, you were confused and didn't know why. Well, the reason is... the reason I was with Jason..." She turned away and put her head in her hands. "...was to make you jealous." Mary threw her head back, slapping her hands on her knees. "Oh, God, I can't believe I'm crying telling you this. The person I want to be with... the one person I can't be with... is you. Tonight, I thought Jason was going to take the one thing I most wanted to give you and now I realize that you don't even think of me that way." I was wide-awake now. Mary and I had an unwritten rule. We never talked about when we felt the other masturbate. We always knew when the other was doing it though. It's one of the strongest emotions that transmit between us. I knew she thought I was nice looking. Objectively, I knew too. I certainly had to admit she was gorgeous and I had to admit to myself that quite often, the subject of my fantasies was Mary. I was frequently glad that although we could read emotions, we couldn't actually read each other's thoughts. As I thought that, I apparently I let too much slip, because the look that came over Mary's face was priceless. She realized at that moment, that I felt the same way about her, as she felt about me. She stood up, her determination returning. She lifted off her nightgown, showing that she was nude underneath. I always sleep in the nude. It's more comfortable and since I'm in my own part of the house, it's no big deal. Mary walked around the bed, swaying her hips seductively. She climbed under the comforter, snuggled up against me and kissed me. This was no sister to brother kiss, this was a full-blown, passionate, lover's kiss. I was scared. Not so much that it was Mary, but that I knew we were going to make love and though I tried to be all macho and pretend I knew it all, I had no idea what to do, or how to act. Mary backed off and looked at me, a tear falling from her eyes. "Am I so scary, that you're afraid of me? What's so wrong with me? I wanted to give you my virginity tonight because I'm afraid. Afraid of what might happen... like what almost happened tonight, afraid if I don't do it, it may never happen... and I really, really want it to happen." I sat up and wiped the tear away. "Mary, there's nothing wrong with you, you're beautiful, but I have a confession to make. I... don't know what to do. I've never done it before." The shocked emotion I got from Mary was so quickly replaced by joy, that it was almost impossible to tell them apart. Mary literally flipped on top of me, raining kissed down all over my face. When she finally got to my lips, she slowed down and we began passionately kissing. She felt so good, lying on top of me, skin on skin. She smelled so nice. I could tell that she had just taken a shower and dried and styled her light brown hair, just for this occasion. She was looking at me with her green eyes twinkling with delight. Before long, we were kissing each other's necks and when she sat up and reached down, guiding me to her opening, I felt such a mixture of feelings from her and for her. Love was definitely in there, along with more than a little lust, caring and a little bit of fear. We were going where neither of us had ever been before and it was made even weirder because it wasn't just anyone, but it was each other and it was getting hard to tell where my emotions ended and hers began. Mary looked at me and mouthed the words, 'I Love You' and then began to work me into her. I could tell it was uncomfortable for her. I could also tell she was determined to do it. I'm not that big, but I guess if you're a virgin, even I seem big. In gym, you can't help but compare yourself to others, whether you try to look or not and it was unfortunately obvious that I wasn't any more than average. Mary began to slowly move up and down on me, going a little farther down each time. It was so tight, I was afraid she would tear, but she didn't and soon, she was all the way down. Mary sighed, feeling satisfaction, contentment and lust. She started going all the way up and then all the way down. It was the most incredible feeling I've ever felt. I'd only ever felt actual sensations from her once and that was years ago when she wrecked on her bike and then it was only a flash. Now, as she rode me, the feelings I was getting from her grew stronger and stronger, until they were unlike anything I've ever felt before. We could both actually feel what the other was feeling, not just emotionally, but physically as well. I could feel what it felt like to have me inside her and she could feel what it was like to be inside her. Getting physical sensations from each other was something that happened occasionally. An unexpected sharp pain usually triggered it. This was the first time though that it was an ongoing sensation. I could tell they were having an effect on me, blurring the line between what I was feeling and what she was feeling. After awhile, it was like being one person. It wasn't her and me anymore, but just one "us". We rode the feelings and emotions for I couldn't honestly tell how long. We were both very close to finishing, on the brink, the feelings almost overwhelming. It was so intense I could hardly breathe. Mary was now grinding up and down as fast as she could. That's when it hit. I don't know if I triggered hers, or she triggered mine, but it was the most amazing feeling I've ever felt and I felt like I was floating above my body for just a split second. The next thing I know I'm pounding my body down on his rod with all of my might, the feeling so overwhelming that I couldn't have stopped if I'd wanted to. I felt him repeatedly pulsing and cumming inside me and I pushed down on him hard, forcing him into me deep as he pumped his seed into me. That's when it came to me that I was no longer in my own body anymore, but somehow, I was now in Mary's. Opening my eyes, I confirmed this and judging by the look on my old face, Mary was now coming to the same realization that she was now in my body instead of this one. I'd never heard myself scream before, but the sound that came out of my old body was unlike any sound I'd ever made when I owned it. Of course, the accompanying scream that came out of my mouth was just as amazingly loud, high and shrill. "OH MY GOD," I yelled, scared out of my mind. "Mary is that you in my body? What happened?" "I DON'T KNOW. I was just feeling so good and the next thing I know, I feel you pumping on me and I was cumming inside you. I don't know how it happened! This can't be happening...THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO? "I DON'T KNOW!" I said and then tried to force myself to calm down. "Just let me think for a minute, okay?" I sat there, still straddling him, feeling him slowly wilt inside me. There had to be a reasonable explanation. There just had to. I still couldn't think straight, because I was still shaking from the aftershocks and they were affecting my concentration. I wondered if Mary was feeling the same way and that's when I realized something. I couldn't tell what Mary was feeling. I'd never felt totally alone before and although it was probably normal for everyone else, it felt like a large hole where she usually lived. "Mary, can you read my feelings? I can't feel you." I hadn't had to strain to feel her in a long time, but now I strained hard, but still felt nothing. The talent was simply 'gone'. "No. Oh Mike, what are we going to do? How do we change back? I'm scared Mike, I'm really scared." I climbed off of Mary, off of my own body. I felt like I was going to leak all over the bed and had to hold my legs tightly together to keep everything in. "I've got to clean up and think about this." I got off of the bed and waddled into the bathroom. I sat on the toilet, let everything leak out and then pee'd. It was completely different than it was as a guy. Instead of pushing a stream, holding and aiming, it came out faster which was a good thing, but also felt more like a big leak from inside me. With nothing to hold and aim, it just ran all over my stuff down there. It was a whole lot messier. I sat there for a couple of minutes, organizing my thoughts and trying to calm down a little. Then, I wiped around with toilet paper as best I could and got up and flushed. Walking back out into the bedroom, I sat down on the edge of the bed. Mary was looking at me funny. "What?" I asked, folding my arms over my breasts in an instinctive protective gesture. Why are you looking at me like that?" For some reason, I felt embarrassed by his gaze and couldn't meet his eyes. "I just realized that for the first time since puberty, I'm in a lot bigger body than you are. Also, I just realized for the first time how pretty my body really is." "I've always thought so, but right now we've got other things to think about. One, mom's gonna be home in a couple of hours. What are we gonna tell her? Are we gonna tell her? Two, I have no idea how we switched, or how to switch back. Do you?" We spent the next twenty minutes describing what each other's feelings were at the time we switched. Mary felt the same brief out of body experience I had and depressingly, neither of us had any idea how it happened. Mary sat up and crossed his legs like always, tucking one foot under his butt. It looked much less graceful in my body than it did in her own. "Well, Mike," Mary paused as if deciding whether to continue and then decided. "We could always try doing what we did to switch in the first place." I realized what he meant right away, but the thought of having sex with a guy kinda freaked me out, even though I was now in the appropriate body. "Sis, honestly, I don't know if I could do it with a guy. You know? It just seems too weird." "Have you got another idea? It's worth a try, isn't it?" I looked down to see that Mary was hard. The idea scared me, though I didn't want to admit it. When Mary took the initiative and leaned over and started kissing my breasts, I was amazed how good it immediately felt. Mary slowly eased me back, until I was lying on my back. He leaned over me and started running his tongue over my breasts, tenderly, first one and then the other. He then started kissing me all over, starting with my neck and working his way down. I could feel my body reacting to his kisses and caresses and I was feeling little shocks all through my body. I was amazed at how intense everything was. The first time Mary touched my new private area with his fingers, I practically jumped off the bed, but he moved his hand away, teasingly and kept on just kissing and caressing, for over a half hour, until I was ready to beg him to push it inside me, I felt so empty inside. Just like last time, Mary took the initiative and when he moved between my legs, I instinctively pulled my legs up and apart to make it easier for him to position it at my opening. I was so wet he slid all the way in on the first try. "Ungh, that feels so GOOD," was all I could say as he started sliding rhythmically in and out. It felt much more intense than it did as a guy, as Mary moved in and out, while using his thumb to rub my button in time with his thrusts. Mary slowly picked up speed and force, as he pounded into me. It wasn't long before I had my first full orgasm as a female and it was incredible. It was so much more intense than the male version. I totally lost control of my body and had trouble breathing it was so intense. I felt like my whole body was being shocked, right down to my toes, like my brain was exploding, but in a good way. My body no longer obeyed my commands and just moved on it's own, thrusting back against him with all my strength. Just as I thought I couldn't take anymore, I felt Mary swell and then shoot into me. I immediately had another full-blown orgasm, as intense as the first, but I didn't feel any out of body experience or anything like that. It was incredibly good, but that was all. Mary collapsed on top of me and I don't know what came over me, but I began to cry, tears running down my face. I just felt so helpless and hopeless, like I was never going to get back to my own body again. Mary leaned up on one elbow and caressed my face with his hands. He began kissing me tenderly, not in a sexual way, but in a comforting way. Eventually, I felt cried out and decided to take a shower. "Mary, off. I'm going to take a shower. I feel sweaty and sticky and gross... What are we gonna do?" "I don't know Mike. I guess we have to be each other until we figure out how to get back," Mary said, as he rolled off me. I got up and headed for the shower. As I walked in the door, I reached for the shelf I kept the towels on, intending to grab the top one like always. Another shock came as I missed by a good foot and when I went back to the shelf, I couldn't even reach the bottom of the shelf while standing on my tiptoes. I stopped and looked up at it. Mary started to laugh, "It's a little bit harder to reach things in that tiny little body, isn't it?" I stopped reaching and looked back at him. "Would you mind handing me a towel please?" I could have jumped up and grabbed one, but I felt like if I had, I would have leaked all over the floor. Mary got up and reached up and easily grabbed two towels. "Here, take two. You need one for your hair." Mary looked at the shower and then grabbed another towel. "Want some company? I need to show you how to condition your hair. Let me go to my shower and grab my shower stuff. I don't want you using your cheapie shampoo on my hair." "Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and get in." While Mary ran to get his shampoo and stuff, I went ahead and grabbed the sprayer that was connected to my showerhead. I rinsed off as best I could. It was hard because I felt slimy all they way up inside, but when the sprayer hit my clit, it felt really REALLY good. In order to rinse, I had to put a finger over it so I didn't stimulate myself all over again. Also I was sore and I couldn't really wash up inside without it stinging. Mary came back, noticed me blocking my clit with my finger and giggled. It sounded weird to hear my old voice giggle. "Yeah, I have to do that too when I wash down there. Otherwise I'd run out of hot water before I'd ever get out." Mary hopped in with me and spent the next 30 minutes shampooing and conditioning my hair, using body wash and a soft scrubbing thing he called a "scrungee", he washed my body neck to toe. It felt really nice, especially when he washed my breasts. Everything seemed more sensitive. There were definitely good points to being a girl. We got out of the shower and I saw why the two towels. Even after towel drying it as best I could, my long hair was still dripping everywhere. I wrapped it up in the second towel. I'd seen her wrap a towel around her hair, so I kinda knew how to do it. I dried my body off and Mary handed me a bottle of lotion. "Mike, you need to moisturize your skin, or it'll dry out. Just put a thin layer of this on." Would this ever end? "Taking care of this body is a lot of work. Do you do this all the time?" "Yep. You should get used to it in case we can't change back?" "We'll change back somehow. We changed so there has to be a way to change back." I didn't want to even consider the alternative of being stuck in this tiny, weak, high maintenance body forever. I liked being big and strong. I liked being a guy. I didn't want to be stuck like this. I couldn't be stuck like this forever. Could I? What if part of it was the link we have with each other? Now that we don't, could it be possible that we were stuck like this permanently? After putting on the lotion, I realized I had to pee again. I could hold it for hours as a guy and I'd just gone like an hour ago. I sat down on the toilet and let go again. I couldn't get over the difference in how it felt. It felt like once I let go, there was no control. I looked up and saw Mary towel dry his hair and grab the stuff back out of the shower. He put the stuff on the counter. "Mike, put this back in my shower on the way to my room. You're going to have to sleep there until we change back. I think we should go on the Internet Monday at school and see if we can find some information on this. It has to have happened before if it happened to us." "Good idea." I said and then noticed that Mary was taking charge. Our roles seemed to have switched along with our bodies. Mary came and leaned down next to me. "What's wrong Mike? Why are you crying?" I hadn't even realized that I was, but sure enough, I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. "It's everything. I don't want to be a girl. I don't like being weak; I don't like being small and I don't like feeling helpless. I can't be stuck like this. I can't do it." "Mike, I have, my entire life. There are good things to being a girl, trust me. Everything will be okay. Okay?" I nodded, grabbing a piece of toilet paper to dry my face. "Okay," I said sniffling. I got up and Mary hugged me, rubbing my long hair with his hand. Then he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. He held me tight, as we just stood there, kissing deeply. I needed this closeness and until that moment, I hadn't realized how much. It still felt unreal. I was a girl. I was alone, unable to feel Mary's emotions. The hugging and kissing felt nice and helped me feel connected again. I eventually broke the embrace and grabbed the shampoo, conditioner, body wash and scrungee. My hands were so small now; I had trouble carrying it all. I put it all back in Mary's shower, went into Mary's room and closed the door. Standing in front of Mary's full-length mirror, I looked at myself critically for the first time. The weight on my chest still took getting used to. Turning side to side caused a lot of sensations I was totally unfamiliar with. I put my hands up and started feeling my breasts, tweaking the nipples a little to see how it felt. It felt good, but not like it did when Mary caressed, licked and sucked on them. I heard a noise and turned around to see Mary watching me. "Mike, two more things. First, you forgot my nightgown. Imagine if mom found that in your room. We've got to be very, very careful. Here," Mary put the gown on the bed and tenderly caressed my chin with his hand. Then, he reached down and caressed my breast. "They feel good, don't they?" "They take getting used to, that's for sure. Thanks for the nightgown. Glad you caught it. What was the other thing?" Mary walked over to vanity and opened the center drawer. Pulling something out, she pushed a button and then put it back and walked over to me. "Swallow this. It's my birth control pill." "Your Birth control pill? Since when have you been on Birth control?" "Since almost two years ago. It's really just to control my period so I don't cramp so badly. Trust me, it's so worth it." I swallowed the pill. Up until that moment, I hadn't even considered the possibility of pregnancy from what we'd done tonight. Mary kissed me again. "Good night. I wish we could sleep together. I wanna fall asleep holding you." "Me too. We'd best get to bed though. Mom's gonna be home in about fifteen minutes or so and I plan on being in bed by then." "Me too," Mary said and closed the door quietly. "G'night," I heard him say in the hallway as he walked back to my room. "G'Night," I yelled back. I turned out the light and got into bed. I rolled over on my stomach to sleep like I always did, but my new breasts prevented me from being comfortable. In disgust, I turned over, onto my back. I just laid there for the next twenty minutes, eyes closed, thinking about things, when, I heard the door open. I cracked my eyes open, to see mom peeking in to see if Mary was home. She closed the door and the last thing I remember thinking before falling asleep was that this totally, absolutely, sucked. - - - I woke up the next morning, thinking what a weird dream I'd had. Rolling from my side onto my back, I knew immediately that it hadn't been a dream as I felt my boobs shift on my chest. Suddenly wide-awake, I sat up in bed. "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap," I said, holding my boobs. "It wasn't a dream." I sat up in bed, taking stock of the situation. Eventually, I got up and put on Mary's robe, went to the bathroom and then out to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I bet Mary never ate last night. As I walked towards the kitchen, I could hear someone in there. When I walked in, I saw my mom rinsing a bowl. It was surprising how much Mary looked like a younger version of mom. Sometimes though, people mistook them for sisters. "Hi honey," mom said, then gave me a big hug and kissed me on the forehead. "Hi mom," I said, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. I must have done a good job because she didn't seem to notice any difference. I had to stand on my tiptoes to reach a cereal bowl and again to get my cereal. I got a spoon and put it all on the table and then went and got the milk. I was surprised for a second how heavy the gallon of milk was. It just reminded me again how much I wanted back into my real body. I sat down and poured a big bowl of cocoa puffs and unscrewed the milk. "Honey?" My mom was standing behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. "When did you start eating Mike's cereal? I thought you hated cocoa puffs." Crap! I forgot to get Mary's cereal instead of mine. "Um, I promised Mike I'd make him a bowl of cereal and wake him up this morning. Believe me, I don't want to eat this sugary stuff. Yuk." "That's very sweet of you, honey. What brought on this sudden act of kindness?" I had to start thinking fast. "Well, don't tell him, but I'm hoping he'll drive me to the mall later. I thought a little buttering up now would help." I guess mom bought it, because she laughed. "Honey, I love you. Don't take advantage of your brother too much, okay? You know he can't say no to you the way it is. "By the way, I'm going to be leaving for the outlet stores with your Aunt Susan as soon as she gets here. Boy your aunt sure can shop. I'll probably be gone for about four hours. Can I ask you to do me a favor while I'm gone? Could you do the laundry?" "No problem mom, I promise," I said as I poured the milk. Mom walked back towards her bedroom. I took a bite of the cereal and almost spit it back out. It tasted almost sickly sweet to me. I swallowed and decided I'd give the cereal to Mary and see if it tasted different to him. Besides, I needed to talk to him anyway. I put the milk back in the fridge, carried the cereal downstairs and knocked on my door, then went in. Mary was just rubbing his eyes and when he saw me, I saw this shocked look on his face and then I could see him remember last night. He didn't say anything, but I could tell, he was freaked out a little all over again. I closed the door and sat down and handed him the bowl of cereal. "I don't want that! I hate cocoa puffs," Mary said, waving the cereal away. "Try it. I tried to eat it and it tasted way too sweet to me. I think our bodies determine what we like to a certain extent. Just try it, okay?" "Okay, but I'm not gonna like it." Mary took the bowl and reluctantly took a bite. He chewed it and I wasn't that surprised, when he took the second bite. "It's not nearly as sweet as it normally is. It's good like this." I sat there jealous while Mary ate the cereal that up until last night was my favorite. While he ate, I said, "Listen sis, we need to figure out how to switch back. Moms going to the store with Aunt Susan in a little while, so we've got time to try to figure out a plan." Just then there was a knock on the door. "Come in," we both said in unison. Mom stuck her head in, putting in an earring. "Hey kids, I just wanted to let you know Aunt Susan's just pulled up so I'm going. Mary, don't forget about the laundry. You help too, Mike, okay?" "Okay mom," we both said. Mom closed the door. I sat there watching Mary eat the whole bowl of cereal, wishing myself back into my old body the whole time. While he ate, we heard mom and Aunt Susan drive off. When he finished it, he put the bowl down, threw the covers off and got out of bed. Naked, Mary got up and walked to the bathroom. I peeked in and watched him pee standing up. Until that moment, I didn't realize how much I took that for granted. He came out, saying, "I'll tell you one thing Mike. I like being able to pee standing up. Talk about quick and no mess. How do you like sitting down?" "It sucks. Thanks for asking. Feel like helping me with the laundry like mom said?" "What do you mean? Hey, I'm a guy now. 'Laundry is squaw work'. Isn't that what you always say when I ask you?" "Okay, okay, I'm sorry about that. If we ever get back, I promise to help from now on. Now please... help me, okay?" "All right, all right, I was only kidding. Of course I'll help my little sister." "Stop it with the 'little sister' bit right now. I'm having enough of an identity crisis without you adding to it." "Sorry," Mary said, but the smirk let me know he wasn't all THAT sorry. We split up. Mary went upstairs and got the clothes from the two upstairs bedrooms, while I just carried what used to be my clothes next door to the laundry room. I was already sorting my clothes when Mary came back down with the rest. We separated them into loads and put the first one in. Mary showed me to put fabric softener in this ball thing that automatically opens when the washing machine spins. I thought it was ingenious. We started the first load, Mary explaining to me how to set the machine. Then he came up behind me and kissed my neck. It felt really good and I bent my neck to give him easier access. He slid the robe off of my shoulders and dropped it into the appropriate pile, for washing. We started making out, when all of a sudden he stopped. "Mike, I just thought of something. The first time we did it, we orgasmed at the same time. The second time we didn't. You finished first. I think maybe that could be the difference." Just then the machine started churning, or whatever it does. Mary got a wicked look on his face, picked me up easily and set me down on the machine. "Lean forward with your legs spread. Wanna know why I don't mind doing laundry?" I obediently opened my legs and leaned forward with Mary pushing down on the small of my back, guiding me forward. My clit touched the top of the machine and WOW! The vibrations felt amazing. My eyes opened wide and Mary got a smug look on his face. "See? You like?" The feeling was amazing. I couldn't believe how good it felt. The longer I sat there, the better it felt, until I was about to have an orgasm right there on top of the washing machine. I quickly hopped off before that happened, grabbed Mary and dragged him into my old bedroom. This time I was the aggressor and practically shoved him onto the bed. Since we were both already naked and he was already hard, I just straddled him, grabbed him and put him inside me, impaling myself. I bucked up and down with abandon, totally surrendering myself to the growing feelings, the growing need. Before long I was on autopilot, unable to control myself. I needed him deeper and deeper inside me and I couldn't have stopped if I'd wanted to. He had his hands on my breasts, tweaking my nipples. It felt great. He was getting close, I could tell. The thought passed through my mind that I could wind up pregnant if we kept at this and I let him cum inside me, but at that point I didn't care. I figured if Mary trusted the pill, I would too. Besides, there was no way at this point I could stop. My thighs were burning from the exertion and hopefully, I'd soon be in my own body anyway. When I felt him swell, it triggered my own orgasm as I felt his first spurt splash inside me. It felt incredible. It felt wonderful. It didn't change us back. I lay down on top of him. I didn't cry this time, mainly because I was beginning to accept that maybe I was stuck in here forever. Mary stroked my hair, comforting me and I got the thought again that maybe he wasn't as upset at being a guy, as I was as a girl. I got up, without saying a word and rinsed myself off in my old shower again. Then, depressed and still nude, I walked back into the laundry and put the clothes into the dryer and loaded the next load. Mary walked up behind me, hugged me and said "We'll, figure it out, okay? We will." "Mary," I said, turning around. "I'm beginning to believe I'm never going to be a guy again. I think I'm gonna be stuck like this forever." I felt a tear start down my cheek and turned away. This sucked so badly. I hated it. Mary turned me around. "Wanna go shopping? Maybe it'll take your mind off of things for a little while. The last load can wait. What do you think?" I could tell Mary was trying to help. I know he liked shopping and I figured what the heck. At least he could enjoy himself. "Okay. If I'm gonna be you, you'll have to show me how to put on your makeup and pick out a typical outfit in case we run into someone we know. "Sure, actually I need some clothes anyway and it'll be tons easier if you modeled them for me. I'll be able to see them from all angles." "Glad I can help," I said, trying to sound cheerful. "Yesterday I was a guy, now I'm a walking mannequin." We went back into Mary's room and I sat down at the vanity. Mary came in and laughed. "What? Do you think the makeup goes on before getting dressed?" "Well if it goes on afterwards, couldn't you get stuff on the clothes?" "Not if you're careful, but you'll definitely smudge putting any kind of a blouse over your head. Here, stand up and put this on," Mary said, handing me a bra. I looked at it. Conceptually, I knew how to put it on. It goes over your boobs and clips in the back. The reality of it though was that in order to get it comfortable, I had to bend over and put my boobs in the cups, first and then stand up. The first time I tried to just put it on top and it pinched and was uncomfortable. Mary laughed and showed me how to do it. Hooking it in the back was another challenge. I couldn't see what I was doing. Mary finally gave up and hooked it for me. "You know 'sis' it does get easier and after awhile you can do it by feel in a couple of seconds." Next came the thong. I thought Mary intentionally picked the thong that went the farthest up between my cheeks that she had. I had to admit though, that when I looked in the mirror, I looked good in a bra and panties. They matched. That was why Mary picked that pair. Next came a nice blouse that showed my flat belly when I raised my arms. Then a skirt that showed more than a little leg followed. Finally, Mary handed me a pair of stockings. I put them on and looked in the mirror. Other than the unmade face, it looked just like how she dressed. "Okay, Mike, now we do the makeup." She walked me over to the vanity again and then she opened the drawer and took out a roll of paper towels. Tearing one off, she put it in the top of my blouse and folded it over. "This is how I avoid getting anything on the blouse. Cheap and easy." Mary spent the next twenty-five minutes putting all of this stuff on my face. I didn't realize how much work went into makeup. What with the concealer (I joked that it was primer), blush, powder, lipstick, eyeliner and all, it took forever. Mary seemed to enjoy painting me up, his face grinning the whole time. "This is a weird putting makeup on my own face from this angle," she said. "But it's a lot easier. If I ever get back into my own body, I'm gonna miss it." I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked totally different with makeup than I had before, but honestly I don't think my face looked any prettier made up than it did without makeup. It just looked different. I looked at the clock on Mary's nightstand and realized it took over a half hour just to get ready. I could have been ready in 3 minutes yesterday. 4 minutes if I needed to comb my hair and brush my teeth. Mary ran and got dressed while I put on the pair of high heels he'd set out. By the time I started getting the hang of walking in them, Mary was already ready. "Mike, grab my purse, okay? If I find something I want, I'll need my purse." "Okay," I said, grabbing her purse off of her dresser. We got in my SS and I got another momentary shock... I didn't even come close to the pedals. I had to slide the seat all the way forward just to reach them. "Want me to drive," Mary asked. "After all, it's 'my' car until we change back." I looked at him with no expression on my face. "Has being in my body suddenly given you the ability to drive a stick?" "Good point," Mary said and leaned back in the passenger seat. - - - The drive to the mall was uneventful, but it seemed like everything was different. My view of the road and even my own car was different. It was like things weren't where they should be, like when I went to turn up the radio, I had to lean forward because my arms were shorter. All my muscle memory was wrong. We pulled into a parking spot depressingly far from the door and so we headed for the door. It was weird walking up, seeing our reflection in the door, the body I was so used to seeing standing next to me instead. I reached for the door to open it for Mary like I always did, when he cut me off. I realized he was doing it for me instead... with a grin on his face. "Hold on, a guy always opens the door for a lady," Mary said, that grin never leaving his face. I paused, but then walked in. If he wanted to play the part, what the heck. The first thing I noticed were two guys standing in front of the video game store by the entrance. One motioned to the other, pointing at me and they both stood there staring at me. For the first time I understood why girls complain when guys look at them. They were looking at me like a piece of meat. Worst part was, yesterday, I'd have easily done the same thing, but now I was acutely aware of how small and weak I was. Was this what girls when through every day? How did they stand it? No wonder they usually traveled in groups. 'We,' I reminded myself. Until I found a way back into my own body, I WAS one of them. Mary came in right behind me and the guys saw him and shrugged. Guess they thought he was my boyfriend. I was more than happy to let them. We started wandering around the mall and I stayed close to him. My self- confidence was definitely taking a hit. Mary insisted on stopping at every clothing store we passed, looking at the clothes in the window. We went in half of them, with him browsing at the clothes and in some cases, holding up a dress, or blouse against me, but putting them all back. He was very picky about what looked good. No wonder Mary could spend all day in the mall. When I went window-shopping, I'd come back in 30 minutes... with the window. We got to Victoria's Secret and went in. I'd never been in one before, but I had a good idea of what was available there. Mary apparently knew exactly what he wanted because he went right to a rack, chose two items and then went to another rack and chose two there as well. "Here," Mary said, handing me the items. "Put these on and come out so I can see what they look like, okay?" I dutifully took the items and went into the dressing room area and went into a stall. I undressed and put on the first set which was a white set of bra and panties. "Are you out there?" I asked, uncertain. I couldn't go out dressed like this. There was practically nothing to these things. I could see my areolas through the bra and the outline of my bush, showing exactly where Mary had trimmed it when she had been in the body. I might as well come out nude. "Yeah, I'm here," Mary said. "What's wrong?" "I can't come out like this, it's all see-through." "That's okay, it's private back here and I've seen it before." "Well, okay. But make sure no one else comes back here." "Don't worry, no one else would come back here with a guy here. Besides, what would it matter if another woman saw you? They're all trying on lingerie too." "Well, okay, if you say so." I came out and stood trying to cover up as much as possible. I'd never felt more vulnerable and exposed. "Okay," Mary said. "Move your arms and turn slowly so I can see how it fits. Modeling them isn't doing me any good if you cover up." I moved my arms and slowly turned around. There were mirrors everywhere and I could tell the bra and panties really did look incredible. I finished turning all the way around and then stood there, hands on hips, one leg bent. "Well, what do you think?" "It fits perfectly. Of course, I know my size, so I'd be surprised if it didn't. Go ahead and put on the other one." I went back in and undressed again and then put on the other set. This one was black, but a very similar cut. I could tell the bra was different though because if anything, it made me look like I had more upstairs than the other one did. When I had the bra and panties on, I came out, much less self conscious than the first time. Amazing what you can get used to when you have to. Besides, no one else had come in. "Well, how about this one," I asked, smiling a little. I turned half way around and then wiggled my butt at him. Mary just stared. "I look smokin' if I say so myself. I can see it so much better this way. If we figure out how to change back and forth, we'll have to shop for my clothes like this all the time." "If we can find a way to change back, I'm never switching again." "Come on Mike, aren't you the least bit enjoying yourself?" "Well, maybe a little." I looked at Mary, who was smiling to himself and then I noticed the bulge in his jeans. I was definitely having an effect on him. Thinking about that did something to me and I was suddenly starting to feel aroused at the thought. I went back into the stall and got undressed and put my own clothes back on. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I just wanted to get dressed again." I couldn't admit to him that I was finding the thought of him being aroused, arousing. I quickly got dressed and came back out, handing the stuff to Mary. Mary was standing there. "Mike, I know something bothered you just then, I could tell by the look on your face, what is it? Were you getting turned on posing for me in this body?" "No, of course not. I'm not gay." "Mike, ummm... you're not a guy any more. I'll admit that I'm finding girls hot now, where before I wouldn't have. Well, not much anyway. I think there's a physical component to it. I admit it. Why won't you?" "Because I'm not... and I don't want to be a girl, okay?" "Okay. Sorry." Mary handed the items back to me and we went to the counter. The clerk looked at us. "Find everything okay miss?" Mary looked at me to answer. "Oh, ummm, yes, thanks." The clerk scanned the tags and I pulled the cash out of Mary's purse and paid. I was shocked how much lingerie costs. I could have bought a drawer full of boxers for what she paid. I paid. I suddenly realized I might be the one to wear them. A fleeting thought crossed my mind that it might be what Mary was planning. We left the store, with me putting Mary's wallet back in the small purse. "Mary!" I heard someone call and I had the presence of mind to look up. Three of Mary's friends were on the other side of the walkway and they started coming over to us. I had a momentary panic. I'd always been super attracted to Stacy and she seemed kinda flirty with me, but she'd always shut me down. Mary's other two friends, Diane and Karen were extremely pretty as well. Diane has been Mary's best friend since kindergarten. Together, they were called the Fab Four at school, but not because they weren't snotty, stuck up, or elitist. They were just honestly the four prettiest girls in our grade. They all came over and I saw Mary start to reach out to hug, but they walked right by him and hugged me. After a momentary pause, I hugged back, hoping that I wasn't giving myself away by my awkwardness. Apparently I didn't because they stood back, all of us holding hands. Stacy spoke. "You have GOT to tell us about last night." I had a momentary panic before Karen spoke up, "Yeah, how was the big date?" I realized they were talking about Mary's date with Jason. "Jason is a total loser," I said. "He tried to..." I trailed off, not sure how or if to tell them what had happened to Mary. Mary spoke up. "He tried to rape her, okay? That asshole Jason tried to rape her." "NO WAY," They all spoke up in unison. I nodded, surprised to feel a tear fall. They all came in for another hug, asking about details. I gave them the play by play, from Jason trying to force Mary, to Chris saving the day. I told it in first person, like it had happened to me. "That jerk!" Diane said when I was done. "What are you gonna do now?" "Yeah," Karen spoke up. "You should totally have him arrested." I looked at Mary, who shook her head slightly. "No," I said. "I just wanna forget about it. Chris already took care of it and if Jason tries anything at school," I grabbed Mary's arm protectively. "Mike here will handle it." "Why can't we have a brother like him," Karen said, looking at me. "You two are so close. Mine is just a jerk. Mike here," Karen grabbed his other arm, "is willing to wait patiently while you try on lingerie." They assumed that Mary had waited outside while I tried them on in private. I wasn't about to tell them he was the one having me model for him. I laughed lightheartedly. Time to change the subject. I had a sudden idea how to change it. "You should have seen Mike blush while I browsed the shelves. I think he'd rather have been anywhere else in the mall." Mary looked at me, realizing where I was going. "Yeah and you take forever too. Do you have to look at every item on every rack?" The three girls laughed, as they pulled me to the side, away from Mike. Stacy leaned in to whisper to me. "Are you still against me asking Mike out? Come on. What's the big deal? I don't know why you think it's such a bad idea. He's such a cutie." My head spun momentarily. Stacy was interested in me and Mary had been blocking her? Why would he have done that? I certainly wasn't going to risk alienating Mary now, though, so I just shook my head slightly and turned away. Stacy, just shrugged and straightened up. "Wanna come with us? We're gonna shop 'til we drop." "Can't. I need to rush back and finish my chores before my mom gets home, or I'm gonna be in trouble." "Well, if you finish early, call me and we'll pick ya up. K?" "Okay, have fun. If I don't see ya later, I'll see ya at school tomorrow." "Okay, ta-ta." The three waved as they headed off. Mike walked up. "Come on, I still need a new pair of heels. What was that with Stacy?" I shrugged and followed her towards the shoe store. Why did Mary not let Stacy ask me out? It didn't make any sense, unless she was afraid if it went bad, it would make it uncomfortable when we were together. We got to the shoe store and as Mary browsed the shoes, I had to ask. "Mary, how come you don't want Stacy to ask me out? She asked and it didn't sound like the first time. What have you got against it?" Mary looked at me, like she was gonna cry. "Mike. I've been crushing on you for a while and if I'd seen one of my best friends and you together, it would have broken my heart. It just would have hurt too much. What did you tell her?" "I told her no. I think for the same reason you did. I should have realized. I'm sorry, okay. Sometimes I'm kind of an idiot." Mary sniffed and smiled, obviously cheering up. "Only sometimes?" I just crinkled my nose at him and turned and started looking at shoes too. By the time we finally left the shoe store, I'd tried on at least two dozen pair before Mary had found the ones he wanted. I could barely walk in them the heels were so high. Mary had me pay for them and we headed for the exit. As we walked, I grabbed his arm and leaned into him, just being comfy. I had to admit, I'd had a lot of fun. - - - We drove home, each thinking our own thoughts, but when we pulled into the driveway, we saw Aunt Susan's car parked. They weren't supposed to be back so soon? Wondering what was up, we walked in. "Hi kids," Aunt Susan said, sitting on the sofa. "Hi," I said, sitting down next to her. "How come you're home so quick? Nothing worth buying?" "No, your mom got a phone call from work and she's got to go in, so we cut it short. I just figured I'd wait to see you too before I left." "Well, we're glad you did," Mary piped up. Aunt Susan stood up and we walked her to the door. "Carol," Aunt Susan yelled up the stairs. "I'm leaving. The kids are home." We heard mom yell bye down the stairs. Aunt Susan gave us both a big hug and left. Closing the door, Mary said "We'd better get back to the laundry we promised to do." I nodded and we both headed downstairs to the laundry room. We folded the clothes and moved the clothes from the washer to the dryer and were putting the next load in the washer when mom came downstairs. "Hey kids, did aunt Susan tell you I've gotta go put out a fire at work?" Mary spoke up, "Yeah, mom, she said something about you getting called in." Mom shook her head. "Seems one of our VIP customers is having problems with their system and I need to go into work, make sure we fix the problem and give the customer the ol' warm fuzzies call." I should mention mom's company runs websites for on-line catalog sales for small companies who are too small to run their own on-line ordering systems. Mom is the manager and when problems happen, it's her job to make the customer happy. "Go get 'em mom," I said, giving her a hug. Mom hugged me back. "You betcha! Oh, by the way, how was shopping?" Mom leaned close to my ear. "Guess the cereal worked, huh?" "Why, whatever do you mean," I said, feigning innocence and mom laughed. Well, technically Mary had liked it and we did go shopping, so... Mary spoke up again. "How late will you be?" Mom looked at her watch. "I probably won't be back home before eight. Both of you make sure your homework is done by then and we'll go rent a movie, okay?" "Okay," we both said in unison. Mom headed up the stairs and we went back to loading the washer. When it was running, we headed upstairs; Mary goosed me repeatedly as we headed up the stairs. I made a mental note to make him go upstairs first from now until we switched back... and then make sure to return the favor. Mary looked out the window, as I headed for the kitchen to see what there was to eat. Mary came up behind me and grabbed my boobs. "Mom's gone, wanna have some more fun?" I closed the door of the refrigerator and turned to face him. "What'd you have in mind?" "Why don't we go down to your room and see if we come up with an idea. What's the worse that could happen, we change back?" "Well since you put it that way," I said, following him downstairs. I was so looking forward to another female orgasm. If I stayed a female, I could totally get addicted to them. When we got to the room, Mary immediately turned around and began undressing me, lifting the blouse over my head. I lifted my arms obediently and Mary tossed it aside and unzipped my skirt, letting it fall to the floor. We just stood there, holding each other, our tongues dancing with each other. It seemed like we just stood there, kissing, our hands roaming each other's body for a long time. He eventually picked me up easily and set me on the bed. Undressing quickly, he joined me on the bed and began kissing me again, starting with my neck and working his way down. I loved the way his lips felt on my neck and chest and nipples and when he slowly kissed his way down the center of my belly towards my new pussy, I tingled all over and got the shivers. He stopped and looked up at me. "Mike, can I try something," Mary said, a dangerously mischievous look in his eye. I decided to abandon myself to whatever he wanted to try. "Sure, do whatever you want, just don't stop." "Go ahead and undress. I'll be right back," I stood up and finished undressed quickly while Mary disappeared out the door. I could hear him rushing up the stairs. I finished undressing and laid back down, absently rubbing my boobs, until I heard him coming back down. He had a bundle that I couldn't tell what it was, but he set it out of sight beside the bed and then went into my closet. I was super curious now. He came back out holding my necktie and I got an idea what he was going to do. I was right. He told me to lie in the center of the bed. I did as instructed and felt him tying me to the bed. I'd sometimes had this fantasy, but it was always me doing the tying up, not having the tying up done to me. Mary quickly had both hands tied to the headboard and my legs tied to the legs at the foot of the bed. I was laid out spread eagle. I tried to pull free and found that Mary was good enough at tying knots that I couldn't free myself. In my own body, I might have had the strength to pull free, but in this body, I had no chance. I looked up to see that she had tied me with some nylon stockings and they were springy to a point, but beyond that they were incredibly strong. Mary reached down beside the bed and then showed me a vibrator. I'd seen them before on porn videos on the Internet, but had never seen on in person. I briefly wondered where Mary had gotten it. Mary took the necktie and blindfolded me with it. If anything it heightened my other senses, including the sense of touch. I heard the bag and then I felt something light and soft brush my breasts. I wasn't sure what it was, but it felt like a feather. He tickled me with it for a few minutes, before stopping. Then, Mary turned on the vibrator and then I felt him touch my clit with it. It felt wonderful. It vibrated the whole area, but the feeling felt concentrated right on my clit. I could tell I was getting wet, that familiar empty feeling growing stronger. Mary began kissing my breasts and stomach again, while moving the vibrator gently over my pubic area, stimulating my clit and labia, to the point where I was moaning uncontrollably, pulling futility at the restraints. The teasing felt like it went on forever and I was getting close to climaxing, when Mary pulled the vibrator away. I wanted to beg him to put it back, but before I could do that, I felt him move between my legs and begin to push himself inside me. It felt wonderful, filling me perfectly, yet wanting him to move in and out. He began thrusting and I began moaning again, when I heard the buzz and he touched it to my clit matching the thrusting. I practically leaped off the bed. It was so shocking; I now knew why he had tied me up. It was almost more than I could bear. I tried to thrust back at him, but my movement was so limited all I could do was try to rotate my hips to get him in me deeper. It only seemed like seconds before I climaxed, seeing sparks before my eyes and my whole body tensed to the point that I couldn't even breathe. I could feel blood rushing to my head and I tried to move away, because it was too intense. I couldn't move away either. He was holding me in place with one hand on my abdomen, thrusting into me and holding the vibrator to my clit with the other. I began to climax over and over again, never even coming down. I thought I was going to suffocate because I was only able to gasp air in between climaxes, when I felt a huge one building up and it came just as I felt him swell and cum inside me, thrusting madly, grunting out his orgasm, his sperm splashing inside me. The aftershocks seemed to last for hours. I wanted to curl up in a ball and smother them, but I was still tied to the bed, with Mary collapsed on top of me, breathing hard. Nothing changed though. Mary got off me, rolling over. "I'm sorry Mike; I was hoping we'd change back that time. I tried to make it as intense as possible." I looked in Mary's eyes. I could see she was sorry for me, but I could also see something else in her eyes, or at least I felt like I could. She was glad she was still in my body. I tried hard to pull one of the arms free just so I could untie myself. I hated being helpless now. I still couldn't budge it and started thrashing on the bed, trying to free myself. Mary was wide eyed, not understanding why I was so upset. "Mike, relax, I'll untie you, what's wrong? Mike; MIKE!" "Untie me," I said, suddenly bawling. I didn't like being emotional and I didn't mean to upset Mary, but I just had to get up. I needed some private time to get my emotions back in check. "I am, I am, just relax," Mary said, trying to untie my hands. Mary got me untied, but I just curled up in a ball, still weeping, all strength gone. I could feel Mary's cum slowly leaking out of me some, but I didn't care. All I wanted was to be alone. "Mary, just leave me alone, okay?" I looked up at Mary and I saw her tearing up too. He didn't understand what I was going through, but he just got up and softly closed the door to the bedroom behind him. I laid like that for a while, before I calmed back down enough to rinse myself off and get dressed again. Well, at least into my bra and panties. When I came out, Mary had gotten redressed from the clean clothes we'd already done, I went up to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry Mary. I didn't mean to freak out like that." "It's okay Mike, I can't imagine what it's like for you. Maybe tying you up wasn't such a great idea, huh?" "I can't complain about the results. I don't know what happened, but suddenly I couldn't stop myself from freaking out." Mary got a twinkle in his eye. "Maybe next time I'll let you tie me up instead." I laughed. I didn't feel much like laughing, but it made Mary feel better that I did. "That's a deal." Mary perked up when I laughed. "Hey Mike, I have an idea. Let's heat up a pizza for dinner and we can finish the laundry while it cooks. Then we can sit on the couch, cuddle and eat pizza. Whaddya say?" "A guy who wants to cuddle? Sounds good to me. I'll go put the pizza in and be right down." Mary went into the bedroom to get the dirty clothes we'd just taken off while I headed upstairs to cook the pizza. I could heat up pizza with the best of 'em. - - - With the pizza in the oven and the clothes and my now dirty sheets in the wash, we sat down and began picking something to watch. After going around and around the choices three times, we decided that there was nothing on and just put on the stereo instead. We wound up sitting on the couch, with me lying down with my head in Mary's lap. He was stroking my head with one hand and gently stroking my belly with the other, while enjoying a comfortable silence, when I heard him chuckle. "What's so funny Mary?" "Oh, I was just thinking how funny the last two days have been." I looked at him and he continued quickly. "No, I don't mean funny 'ha ha', I mean funny 'strange'. Now here we are, I'm a guy and you being a girl, with your head in my lap." I realized that I was behaving very feminine and letting Mary take the dominant role. For some reason it wasn't bothering me nearly as bad as it should. I guessed I was beginning to accept the situation. That doesn't mean I liked it, just that I was accepting it. I stayed where I was. I was enjoying the cuddling too much and was just dozing off a little when we heard the oven beep. We got up and were heading to the kitchen when we heard the washer buzz downstairs. Mary motioned for me to get the pizza and he headed downstairs. I got the pizza out of the oven, cut it into four pieces and put 2 on each of our plates. I was just putting it on the coffee table when Mary came back upstairs. We ate the pizza. I wound up giving Mary half of my 2nd piece because I was full already. We got back in the same comfortable position we were in before, cuddling, just enjoying being close. Suddenly, we heard mom pull into the driveway. "She's home early," I said as I jumped up and rushed upstairs to put on some clothes before mom came in and saw me cuddled up to Mary in just a bra and panties. "Hi Guys," I heard mom say, "Did you still wanna get a movie? Where's Mary?" "Yeah," Mary said, reaching for the remote and turning off the stereo. "There's absolutely nothing on TV. Mary's upstairs doing something or other." I was hurrying, putting on a white cami top and jean shorts. I'd seen Mary wear them together a lot, so I figured they went together. I brushed my hair quickly and then headed downstairs. When I got there, they were both waiting for me. "We're going to the video store, wanna go, or trust us?" I knew Mary and my mother's taste in movies. "I'll go," I said as I slipped into my sandals and grabbed my purse. The drive to the video store was only 5 minutes and

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Important details about the Remote Physical: -Body Swap – The user exchanges bodies with the target. Nothing else changes. Everyone treats the user and the target as if they were themselves. There might be minor differences such as if a guy and girl switch, but nothing will appear unusual. -Body Part Swap – This is like Body Swap, but only targets a specific part. -Wardrobe Swap - The user exchanges all clothes with the target. This includes clothing not warned. For all tense and purposes, the...

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The Office Swap

The Office Swap Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on an idea suggested by Jennifer] Simon Harris opened up the doors to his office one early October morning. He checked the office's answering machine for messages. Finding that none had been left overnight, Simon walked into his office to look over the application he had received for his company's new position one last time. Simon's business was small in size. He only employed three workers. One was a low wage office girl who...

4 years ago
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First Full Swap

Hi, my name is Kelly, and I want to tell you about our first full swap experience.   We had been dabbling in the swinging lifestyle for about a year, with only girl-girl or soft swap experiences.   It seemed like we just hadn’t met a couple with whom we were prepared to take that big step.   Just few weeks earlier, we joined a new swinger dating website and met many local couples.   We were amazed at how many hot couples we met, and we were anxious to turn those meetings into full swap...

Group Sex
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Sis Swap

Who’s down for a Sis Swap? I’ll admit that things have been a little bit weird between sissy and me since the incident at Christmas dinner when I allegedly got caught digging dirty panties out of the laundry hamper. But you never know, maybe we can all have a mutually beneficial exchange: everybody gets laid, and I’m no longer banned from family gatherings. So perhaps I’ll send her a link to this review after I post it, and we’ll see where it goes from there. (I still love you, kiddo!)Then...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
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Homely But Horny Swap

Hi ISS readers, my name is Sathya and today I am going to narrate a true story about my first swap which happened two days ago. This is my first swap and my first ISS story. I am a continuous reader of ISS since 2008, I have read many stories but most of them are false but I still love to read it as it fantasies me in this story. I am going to tell you about how I encountered that’s the really interesting part for any story it and how I enjoyed it before going to my story, I want to share an...

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We Wife Swap

We Wife Swap I took my car into the local garage to get my snow ties put on. I had been in there a couple of times before but I had never met Liz. When I was alone in the office with her I said, “You are cute. How come I’ve never seen you before?” Liz said, “So you think I’m cute, do you want to see more of me. We wife swap.” I was shocked but recovered quickly and said, “I don’t think that your husband would trade you for my wife.” Liz asked, “Why not?” I told her that my...

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Realizing She Wanted to Swap

Chapter 1: Doing Something About her Fantasy Keily had been married 3 or 4 years when she found herself beginning to wonder what it would be like to fuck someone other than her husband. She'd never thought about doing something like that several years earlier but when she started venturing onto the Internet websites that featured adult erotic stories, she suddenly found herself wondering what it would be like for her, Keily, to have a hot lusty swap session between her, her husband and...

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Spy Swap

Spy Swap by Carol Collins Part 1 The beautiful scantily clad redhead teenager stood poised on the diving board as she waved at her sixty two year old Greek Banker companion. Her designer made green bikini consisted of two tiny triangles of thin silk covering the prominent pink nipples on her gravity defying cone shaped C cup breasts. Another pair of wispy silk triangles concealed the tiny red patch of pubic hair, vagina and cleft between the prominent cheeks of her very...

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Rajesh and Vinod plan wife swap

’m Rajesh. Today left home at 3PM to prepare to go to Vinod’s home to drop Swathi there and pick up Harini and come back to my home. Swathi appears to be in excited mood and she got ready with her favorite Kate winslet costume.As usual 20% of the boobs are popping out of on top of her dress, she carefully and softly applied rose powder with soft brushes to make it appear glamorous and did proper hair dressing and every inch of her face is appearing happy and excitement.I’ve also dressed well...

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Husband Swap

The day had arrived, Matt stood on Melissa’s doorstep, cameras positioned all around him while Robert stood on Stephanie’s doorstep in a similar situation. The cameras rolled, doorbells were rung and the recipient women greeted their husband’s to be.It was a new game show where couples offer to swap husbands for a whole week. It was another one of those psychology shows like Big Brother, First Dates or even Naked Attraction. They had done one called House Swap where couples swap houses for a...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 2 Popping the Twins Cherries

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Popping the Twins' Cherries By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My rump stung from Lee's slap. I shivered, unable to believe this had just happened. My body buzzed from the orgasm the naughty, American girl had given me while my twin sister, Kimiko, whimpered and shivered before me, my face pressed into her silky bush, her tangy, incestuous juices smeared across my lips and cheeks. I had just eaten...

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Twin Love affair Chap 1

As I approached my Truck, I notice my Twin sister Sally standing by my truck with her loaded book back slung over her shoulder. See her standing there with the bright summer sun glistening off her dark brown hair, cause some uneasy feeling to start creeping into my mind, I mean damn you would if your twin sister look the way she did, Sally was about 5 feet 8inch tall with 130 pound, and sally had the lightest shade of baby blue eyes I have ever seen, with a body to die for those Perky 39D...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 3 Twin Sisters Incestuous Secret

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Twin Sisters' Incestuous Secret By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint's cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint's basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 1 The Slut Coaches the Twin Sisters

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: The Slut Coaches the Twin Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “I think we should put our beds here, onee-chan,” my twin sister Kimiko said, her round face pointing at the right side of the room. She pursed her delicate lips, the same delicate lips that I had. Looking at my sister was like looking into the mirror. She had the same sleek, silky-black hair and pale-olive skin. We both possessed the...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 6 Twins Wanton Mother

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Twins' Wanton Mother By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I wiggled my finger in my twin sister's asshole as I stared through the slats of the closet door. Kimiko trembled beside me, feeling the tension as we waited to see what our mother would do. Would she suck Clint's cock soaked in my pussy juices? She wouldn't know it was my cream on him. That Clint had just fucked my cunt. His jizz ran out of me,...

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Incestuous Swap

Hello, this is huma. Hope you love this swap story. I think I am sick in the head. I am married to a gorgeous woman, Rashmi, a kinky in bed whore who is never satisfied with cock. Rashmi is wheatish complexioned with a well stacked body having figure of 36-24-36. You could suck on her boobs for hours and she would keel moaning and screaming and making your cock hard till your balls ached for release. Deep in my head, I want to see her fucked by another man. I have often imagined I was...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 4 Twin Sisters Anal Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Twin Sisters' Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn't in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a...

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Twin sisters come home from bad dates angry and horny to discover each other

“Total deviant freak!” Michelle flung her car keys across the living room so hard they left a dent in the drywall. Only then did she realize there was someone else in the room: her identical twin sister Anna. “Sorry,” Michelle mumbled as she dropped her purse on the carpet. “Something the matter?” Anna asked. “You bet it is.” Michelle kicked off her pumps and sank into the warm cushions of the overstuffed couch. “That Richard you set me up...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...

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Unintentional Body Swap

Unintentional Body Swap By J.J. My father sat there, dying before my eyes, and there was nothing I could do about it. His pale, hairless, and skeletal body barely called to mind the robust man he had once been, before the cancer (and it's treatments) had ravaged him. At that time I was trying very hard not to show any signs of sadness or stress, because he was still alert enough to sense things like that. My only concern was to make him as happy and comfortable as the...

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First Swap

Hi my name is Anshul and my wife’s name is Sonia ,Im 34 years old , 5’9″ ,70 kgs , moderately hairy with a cut 6″ cock, my wife is 29 years old ,5’4″, 55 kgs, smallish breasts but a big nicely shaped ass , her nipples are pinkish brown in colour….we stay in India and both of us work for a living. After nearly 8 years of marriage things were getting dull and we needed to spice up our sex life , we discussed the issue with an open mind and realized that we both were keen on swapping with another...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 2 Popping the Twinsrsquo Cherries

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My rump stung from Lee’s slap. I shivered, unable to believe this had just happened. My body buzzed from the orgasm the naughty, American teenager had given me while my twin sister, Kimiko, whimpered and shivered before me, my face pressed into her silky bush, her tangy, incestuous juices smeared across my lips and cheeks. I had just eaten my twin sister’s pussy and ... enjoyed it. She’d ordered me to eat her pussy, and ... I’d done it. I’d...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 5 Twins Wicked Evening

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Twins' Wicked Evening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “This is going to be an amazing dinner,” my twin sister said as we walked up the street with our mom to Clint's house. “Minako thinks so, too,” I answered, the pair of us speaking our native Japanese. Kimiko gave me a naughty grin, a smile spreading across her delicate lips, the corners of her mouth spreading wide. She gripped my hand,...

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First Full Swap

Hi, my name is Kelly, and I want to tell you about our first full swap experience.   We had been dabbling in the swinging lifestyle for about a year, with only girl-girl or soft swap experiences.   It seemed like we just hadn’t met a couple with whom we were prepared to take that big step.   Just few weeks earlier, we joined a new swinger dating website and met many local couples.   We were amazed at how many hot couples we met, and we were anxious to turn those meetings into full swap...

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Twin Love affair Chap 2 deflowering my twin sister

The moment I heard those words rolled off her lips. I didn’t waste a single second. Our lips were locked in a deep passionate incestuous French kiss, I was lost in this incestuous bliss, I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. For years I had fantasized about this moment, but I had to make sure she was sure. I would hate myself if later on down the road, she would come to regret sleeping with me, especially if she end up pregnant by me. So, I gently broke our kiss and lifted up...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 3 Twin Sistersrsquo Incestuous Secret

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint’s cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint’s basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all so overwhelming. My entire world was turned upside down by the revelation that my twin sister, older than me by...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 6 Twinsrsquo Wanton Mother

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I wiggled my finger in my twin sister’s asshole as I stared through the slats of the closet door. Kimiko trembled beside me, feeling the tension as we waited to see what our mother would do. Would she suck Clint’s cock soaked in my pussy juices? She wouldn’t know it was my cream on him. That Clint had just fucked my cunt. His jizz ran out of me, leaking down my thighs as I hid naked. This was the moment that my twin sister’s desires finally were...

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Twin sister Caught Me

(i did not write this)I guess I didn't hear the door open. I was too busy. Too busy jerking off to a porn movie on pay per view. The next thing I did hear was my twin sister, Lacy gasping."My god, Larry. What in the world are you doing?"Her timing was lousy. Or maybe it wasn't. Depends on how you look at the situation. I had reached the point of no return. My cock had begun spouting a gigantic load of cum. I couldn't have stopped if I'd wanted to. The first load hit me square between the...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt1

Introduction: Reposted by poipular demad and numerous e-mails Twin Japanese Nieces Pt1 Hello readers and fans. I know it has been quite a while since my last post and I am sorry, but in my own defense I have been around the world a few times and Ive been very busy. I will report that I did get to see my brother-in-law Hirito while on a return trip to Japan. He is still a little pissed at me, but our seeing each other was at least cordial. He is now a father of 11 year old twin girls. His girls...

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Twin girls double trouble

I worked at a drive in theater for several summers. One summer I had three girl friends at the same time and was having sex with them up to six times a day. This story is not about the three girls or the amount of sex I had with them and what happened when they found out about each other, that is another story. This story is about what happened one night at the drive in theater.In the entrance booth I was working with another guy about my age and we were just talking as it was slow, when this...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 4 Twin Sistersrsquo Anal Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn’t in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a mewling sound, wanting to go back to sleep. I wiggled my hips. There was something in my butt. Thick. A...

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I Tricked My Girlfriend Into Swap

Hi all, I Am a huge fan of iss. Im 21 M from goa. Im going to share my experience of swap with one of my old Friends girlfriend. I was dating this beautiful girl called lisa ( name changed). She was pursuing engineering with me. She had a few affairs before and since we were not serious I did not mind about her past.Telling about her she is as hot as Bollywoods young female stars. Her father passed away when she was a kid and this gave me regular chance to fool her mom and sleep at her place....

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My horny wife loves to swap

I am a 32 yrs of age and married with beautiful wife aged 28 having sexy figure 36c-28-38. She had lovely saggy boob & having hair in armpit and pussy. I had one very close friend named Sandeep. He also has a very sexy and beautiful wife having figure 36-22-38 named Preeti. I always look her body whenever we met. She had a very sexy gaand & boob. I wanted to fuck her. Many a times I use to touch her hips whenever I got a chance. My dream became fulfilled when my friend approached me that he...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt6

Introduction: Hot Dog Twin Japanese Nieces Pt6 Kayko and I made love for the next hour while the girls swam laps in the pool. It was more like leg exercise because they were hanging on to kick boards and just kicking with their legs. In any case it didnt matter because I was inside my wife again and loving every minute of it. We switched positions many times on our king size bed, rolling around and enjoying every sensation we experienced. Her on top riding like a cow girl, me on top either...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

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Sleepover Swap

Here's the story, with a little bonus as the end that I've included as a bribe to get more of you to comment on this story. *** Sleepover Swap By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 "I'm tired of being treated like a child -- no, like your damned _pet_," Carla Parker exploded. "I have to be there for you all the time, looking pretty, building up your ego -- as if it wasn't big enough -- doing every damned thing you say like I don't have a brain in my head." Jeff Crawford leaned back against...

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Masked Hero MindSwap

Masked Hero Mind-Swap by Throne "I'm really glad you accepted me as your sidekick, Shadow Cape," the young woman said. "Just keep in mind that this is only a probationary trial," the tall costumed figure told her. "And please just call me Shadow." "Don't worry," she said. "I won't let you down... Shadow." He wasn't so sure about that. The female who called herself Yellow Bird was only eighteen, with no experience in the hero business. While he boasted enhanced strength and...

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Twin Girlfriends

When I was 25 I was working for a catering company that mostly catered for movie productions and the like. We had big trucks and huge industrial-sized outdoor grills that we would set up at movie and TV lots and at on-location sets. We served great food but it was mostly basic fare. We ran a glorified chuck wagon, as opposed to upscale gourmet-type caterers. We catered the production of this one movie--it was a stupid bikini flick, one of those low-brow summer B movies. After production...

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Twin Pain Sluts 2

STORY OF THE TWIN PAIN SLUTS Chapter II The beauty Parlor This story is about a twin boy and girl that are hired to be "play toys" for a Sadistic mistress named Mistress Ann. Don't let the title stop you from reading it since it is about a wild and adventurous "family" that are into exhibitionism, sexual adventures, wild parties, and a touch of B&D! That Saturday morning, Sindy woke Ann up, and told her that...

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The Device A Surfeit of Swaps

Author's Forword: Hello everybody! On IronLacedCarbon's suggestion, I'm finally getting in on the CYOA game. I'll be running this 3-a-week until the end of month based on suggestions from my amazing discord, at which point I hope to have a complete story with lots of fun branching off points! If you want to make suggestions, come check it out. If you want to write your own branches, I'd love to see that as well! Thank you for reading! The Device - A Surfeit of Swaps A Swappy CYOA - By...

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Twin Switch

Twin Switch I tried to contact the author "SalonFetish" but was unable to do so. I am adding some chapters of my own and have done nothing to change the original three chapters. Should the author object to my additions then I will have them deleted. The standard disclaimers about confusing this story with real life apply and no use of this material is authorized for anything other than personal private use. I can be contacted at [email protected] for any comments or to...

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Twin AngelsChapter 5

We were running low on medical supplies and medicine, so daddy brought “Wings” into Manila Bay and sailed toward the Manila Yacht Club’s marina. We docked, and Sammie and I put a red flag on the door to our room to remind us that we were in port, and we needed to wear clothes if we went up to the pilothouse or out on deck. Dad and mom got dressed to go into town. They took a taxi to Bambang Street, which has nothing but medical supply stores on both sides of the street for about four or five...

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Twin Daughters For DogsChapter 3

The very next afternoon found the twins back in the anteroom of the kennel building. They had selected a beautiful beagle to fuck. At this very moment, the aroused beagle, Leroy, was sitting on his haunches next to the teenaged girls. Saliva was dripping from his lolling tongue as he watched Dee and Kim writhing against each other on an old mattress they had discovered in a shed next to the kennel. The beagle's hardening prick quivered and dripped with pre- cum, protruding several inches...

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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 5 8

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Chapters 5 - 8 Chapter 5 The following morning, Janice was almost relieved to see her two twins back to being themselves again. And she spent a lot of time that morning just looking at them that way. Kelly once again looked absolutely lovely in another of her new outfits - high heels and all. She had once again repainted Kelly's nails for her the night before while Mark looked on and filled his sister in on everything the rest...

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Twin Daughters For DogsChapter 2

The Dixon's dog kennels had a good-sized room in the front which was partitioned off from the actual kennels in the back where the dogs stayed. In this front area, there were a counter, a couple of wooden benches, the cash register, several plaques, photos and awards. At that moment, the floor in this room was strewn with the teenagers' discarded clothes. Kim was on one of the benches, which was wide enough to support her as she lay there on her back. Sitting directly on Kim's flushed...

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Shift Swap

* * * * * Copyright Oggbashan October 2006 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * * * * * Malcolm wanted me to go away for a long weekend. I was reluctant because I didn’t think our relationship was developed enough. How much did he want me? How far would he go to prove...

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My First Cum Swap

This is the true story of the first time I did a cum swap.So a couple months after my first bi threesome I was ready for more! I had hooked up with a few girls and had some great one on one sessions with them but I was way too nervous to bring up a threesome with any of them; I never let anyone know I was bi. The urge, however, to suck another dick was getting to be too much.Once again I turned to the internet to help solve my problem. This time, I joined a pretty well known swinging website...

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Wife Swap

-Well, now that the game is down to the last question, and I'm in the lead, I can't help thinking about how I got here, on "Wife Swap." Now that the Fox Network revamped it into a game show, their ratings have gone through the roof. The contestants (usually 2 middle aged women, that had always disliked each other.)would be asked a series of questions, starting at 5 points, then 10, the final question is worth 25 points. Then the 2 players are put in transformation booths. The winning...

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PrincesSlave Swap

Princess – Slave Swap SynopsisThe bitchy princess unmercifully whips the king’s favourite slave girl. As punishment, the king disowns her and orders her to change places with the slave.?Princess - Slave Swapby obohobo?WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story...

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Anne Thereses Sisterly Swap

Anne and Therese Marchais, twins from Montreal, Quebec, love to swap with each other, tricking their boyfriends into sleeping with the "wrong" sister. They really love to share their boyfriends in general, but they have found that some men are too gutless to swing or cheat, so they have found this sexy loophole. Their latest choices are: Orion Tsatskis, a Manhattan businessman, and Harry Llewellyn, a lawyer from Wales. Their plan succeeded last night, as Anne led Orion, Therese's guy, into her...

Group Sex
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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 14 17

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Chapters 14 - 17 Chapter 14 "I knew it had to be soon," Janice replied early that morning when Mark went into her bedroom to explain that "his" period had just started. Mark had gone in early to tell her, only because his mother had specifically asked him to do it. "Have you told Kelly yet?" "Not yet. Want me to break the bad news?" "No," Janice said with a sigh as she forced herself out of bed. "I better do it...

4 years ago
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Twin Brides

Based on a true story... Foreword: Twin brides. This is an innocent title of an amazing story. What does it mean? It can mean a lot of things. It can mean that there are two sisters who decide to get married on the same day. The question is: who are they marrying? Two happy grooms? Or -- gasp! -- each other? It seems that weddings can elicit the strangest reactions: the groom faints, the bride laughs as if she were mad, the guests sweat like there is no tomorrow, the bride slips...

2 years ago
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Twin Girls 2

Twin Girls 2 By Laurie Ann B The sun streaming through my bedroom window awakened me. As I turned to throw the cover off I was reminded of yesterdays events as the silky pink nightie wrapped me in its folds. I can't say that it didn't feel nice cause it really did give me goose bumps. It was going to be a warm spring day and as I looked out my window I couldn't spy a cloud in the sky. A breeze blew through the open window and caused the loosely fit gown to wrap me in a silky caress. I...

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Twin Switch

Chapter 1 The owner of the small salon, Kim, was sitting behind the desk paging through a magazine when the front door opened. A child appearing about 12 or 13 stumbled in, almost knocking into the coat rack just inside the shop. Kim, when she saw the youngster, took a moment to try to decide if it was a boy or girl. The features were boyish-girlish pretty, the hair, fairly thick just to the shoulders. She had just decided it was a girl, then changed her mind that it was a pretty...

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Fucking my sister Swapna

I am Sandeep from Goa, my family consists of 4 members, Daddy, Mummy, me & my sexy sister Swapna. My dad works in the army & my mom works as a Nurse. This is a true incident that happened when I was 15 years old & my sister was 18 years old. I was in 10th standard & she was repeating her 12th standard Junior College. Swapna was tall and had a slim fine figure with light brown glowing skin, pretty face and sweet polite nature. We are from a simple middle-class family.Swapna used...

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Twin Twinks at the Hotel

Twin Twinks at the HotelTwin brothers Liam and Sean had spent a few days down the country on an adventure holiday with their parents. Lots of fun and frolics had been had by all but now it was the morning of going home day.Like all twins, the boys were inseparable and did everything together. They had shared a double bed up until a couple of years ago. Back home they still shared a room but now each had his own single bed to do in whatever he pleased. But for the holiday they were back sleeping...

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